#Japanese singers
psychicreadsgirl · 11 months
Hi, can you do a reading on Fuji Kaze ideal type?
Mature, supportive, understanding, gives him a lot of space and freedom, doesn't control him or lecture him, on the quieter side, a good listener, a strong communicator, smart with people, positive, kind, polite, has good etiquette, wise, patient, funny, knows when to be serious and knows when to relax, loyal, good at cooking, has some artistic talent or has refined/good taste, elegant/sophisticated, doesn't embarrass him in public or tease him in front of others, lets him make the final decisions
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ikemenbidanshi · 2 years
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Gorgeous eyes! 😍
(Yuichiro Umehara, Masaki Okada, Jun Matsumoto, Keisuke Watanabe)
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gncrezan · 1 year
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thoroughly enjoying @infamous-if so here's sketchdump of my post-read doodles before i run through it once again!!!!!!!!!
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alastor-simp · 6 months
Female Demon Who Sings Like "Ado" - Hazbin Hotel Gang Part 1/2
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❥Note: This headcannon is going to be the hazbin hotel gang reacting to a demon who sings like my favorite singer Ado. This is similar to what I did for Twisted Wonderland. Similar to that, the characters are going to have a favorite song by the "Ado" reader as well.
Might have more than one favorite song choice for certain characters (Charlie and Alastor) since I know how much they adore music. This will be in in two parts. Enjoy everyone:)
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🌈Charlie was a MASSIVE fan of music. She wasn't picky about any genre or form, she does adored music. She is the type of person who would go to musicals 24/7 and just admire it all. She could also sing as well, which increased her love for music tremendously
🌈She had found you one day, wondering the streets of Pentagram City, appearing lost and confused. Being the sweetie she was, she dragged you back to the hotel, saying you could stay there for as long as you want. The two of you became quick friends after that encounter.
🌈Her discovery of your amazing talent was entirely accidental. She was wondering around the hotel gardens, when she heard someone belting out a high note. She ran towards where the sound was coming from to discover you. You were gracefully moving your body, twirling around, as you continued to sing. You were so lost in your singing that you didn't notice Charlie.
🌈Once you were finished, a loud squealing was heard next to you, causing you to turn your head in shock. Charlie was bouncing up and down in excitement, eyes shining in amazement. She ran up to you and started asking you a thousand questions a second, ranging from "OH MY SATAN!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD SING?!" to "WHAT LANGUAGE WAS THAT! TELL ME!" After waiting for Charlie to calm down, you went and explained your past life to her.
🌈You told her you were a very famous singer in Japan. You started singing at a young age, doing some song covers on the internet and eventually got discovered by a very famous music company, and started singing your own songs as well as performing in live concerts. Charlie listened to everything you were saying, eyes filled with excitement. She never heard of a "Utaite" before, but she was adamant in learning more about it.
🌈You told her that you wanted to continue singing even in Hell, but you knew that it was going to be an easy thing to accomplish down here. Welp, never underestimate Charlie. She would go out of her way to find a popular music corporation in Hell to hire you, and if not, she would hire you personally to sing at the Hazbin Hotel. She even contacted her dad to help with everything, setting up a recording room in the hotel, and also setting up a stage/venue in the hotel for you to perform as well.
🌈You tried to tell Charlie she didn't have to do all of this, but she said it was perfectly fine. She wanted you to continue your passion for singing. She gave out flyers to everyone in hell and also made another advertisement, letting everyone know to come to Hazbin Hotel to see you perform. Everything was set in place, but there was one problem, your identity. You preferred your face and identity to be kept secret in Hell, it was what you did when you were alive so you preferred to keep it that way. Charlie was quick to remedy that. She could try to see if her dad or Alastor could you their powers to change your form or wear a mask to conceal your face.
🌈Your first performance at the hotel was a huge success. All the sinners who attended were left stunned by your amazing vocals. The hotel became increasingly popular after that, more sinners would come to the hotel to attend your performances, and some of the demons who came actually wondered about the whole redemption process, and maybe would want to give it a try.
🌈Charlie became a bit of a music producer for you. She would help with setting up for you performances and she would also listen to a new song you were creating, offering tips and support. Her favorite songs that she enjoys from you is "New Genesis" and "Fireworks"
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🎀Vaggie enjoyed music, but not as much as her girlfriend, Charlie. She was Salvadoran, so her preferred genre consisted more of Latino/Hispanic songs, but she did love it when Charlie would sing.
🎀She first met you when Charlie brought you to the hotel. The grip on her spear was strong, but the more she interacted with you, the less she gripped onto her spear. She soon realized you weren't much of a threat, and considered you an avid member of the hotel.
🎀She had no idea you were musically talented until she heard you one day on the hotel roof. She was heading up there to deal with her migraine after dealing with Angel and Alastor's shenanigans. Getting ready to push the door, she stopped when she heard singing from the other side.
🎀Curious, she opened the roof door slowly. Peaking through, she spotted you, at the edge of the hotel roof, your back facing her. Your voice was memorizing, and she was really drawn to your lyrics despite not understanding fully what they meant. Once you finished, you heard clapping. Turning around, you realized Vaggie was behind you, sporting a small grin.
🎀She walked closer to you, with her hands on her hips while you looked away flustered. “Quite a powerful voice you got.” She smiled back at you, and took noticed of your shy expression. Vaggie questioned what was wrong and you heaved a sigh, explaining your past.
🎀You told her about your life in Japan, and how at the age of 17, you got founded by a popular music company, and began singing and performing music on the internet and live shows. You did mention that you almost never revealed your identity whenever you sang, which is why you were embarrassed when Vaggie found you. Vaggie was amazed when you told her your life story, and felt slightly bad.
🎀She gave you a shoulder hug, and went on to describe that your voice was astounding, and she thinks she can help you and maybe speak to Charlie about your talent, maybe become beneficial for the hotel as well.
🎀After Vaggie spoke to Charlie and Alastor, since he was interested in the idea, the three of them helped to create another radio station tower in the hotel, where you could broadcast your singing, and maintain your identity as well. The hotel got its own frequency, which would help broadcast to all the radios in hell as well. After your performances, you would also throw in a small ad about the Hazbin Hotel and recommended sinners to attend.
🎀The hotel did gain a bit more popularity after that, with a few sinners coming to the hotel for redemption, which made Charlie and Vaggie extremely happy. Vaggie had gotten much closer with you after that, making sure you were well rested and giving your voice a break and bringing you meals when you were broadcasting to make sure you were eating. Her favorite song of yours is "Value"
Angel Dust🕸
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🕸Angel Dust was an avid music listener. He enjoyed a lot of pop and jazz songs. He was a stripper/porn star, so he would pole dance to a lot of the sexual/seductive songs for customers.
🕸He was lounging on the hotel couch, when he heard Charlie announce that there was a new guest at the hotel. He looked up, and saw you walking along with Charlie, appearing very shy. "Heh, cute." he thought. It was a bit awkward in the beginning, considering how timid you were, but he eventually warmed up to you, becoming your best friend.
🕸The both of you hanged out a lot, either you crashing in Angel's room or him coming to yours, to either chat or laze about. He was making his way to your room at high speed. He was irritated with work and he needed to rant to you about it since you would always listen to him. Entering inside your room, he noticed you were not there. Sounds of running water could heard, which made Angel realize that you were taking a shower in the bathroom.
🕸Shrugging his shoulders, he decided he would wait for you to finish, plopping onto your bed. As he was laying there, he heard the sounds of someone singing. Angel arched his head on the bed, trying to hear it better, realizing that you were the one that was singing. Your voice was flowing into him, giving him goosebumps all throughout his body. The effects of your singing was almost putting him into a trance, like he was getting high on drugs again.
🕸The sound of the water turned off, bringing Angel back to reality. Walking out the bathroom with a towel on your head and loungewear, you glanced up, only to jump in shock at seeing Angel laying on your bed, smirking at you. "Nice set of pipes you got there toots!" Angel said, as he continued to smirk at you, based on how red your face was.
🕸Covering your face, you slowly sank to the floor, which caused Angel to give you a concerned look. "Woah woah! Toots, what's wrong? I wasn't making fun of ya. You sounded really good." Angel got up from the bed, and bent down to pick you up, walking back to the bed and placing you on it as he took a seat on it again.
🕸Angel continued to observe you, worried that he had hurt your feelings. Finally, you removed your hands from your face, staring back at Angel. You told him that you were just shocked and very embarrassed that he saw you singing, since you were more use to singing privately. Angel raised an eyebrow, wondering what you meant. Heaving a sigh, you told Angel about your past life when you were still alive.
🕸You told him you were Japanese and when you got a bit older, you started singing song covers and posted them on the Internet, but you concealed your identity. After a while of doing that, a music company founded you and immediately got you. You continued singing and making new songs as time went by, coming a very well known singer in your country until your death. After telling Angel all of that, you told him that you still wanted to continue singing, but it was just a bit more difficult, being in hell and all.
🕸Angel was smiling down at you kindly, two of his arms still placed on your shoulders. He was happy you told him all of this, and glad that he didn't upset you. He was actually kinda stunned too, at that fact that he was friends with a very famous singer and had no idea about it until now. He wanted to press more on why you hid your identity, but he shot that thought down as he came to the conclusion that if it made you more comfortable that way, then it’s fine.
🕸️”Well why don’t you start singing again. With a voice like that, you would have sinners crawling all over you, begging for you to sing to them?” He said, as he waited for your response. You told him that it wasn't gonna be easy, especially since you didn't know where to start and you didn't have powers to conceal your identity. Angel threw his head back in laughter, before looking back at you "Haha! Toots, I know several clubs in the area that you could perform at. Trust me. They always looking for someone. And the whole identity thing, you can always wear a disguise or put on makeup. I do drag so I'll be able to help ya out with the look."
🕸After that, Angel basically dragged you to all the clubs that he and Cherri have gone too that he knew were top class, and not sleazy like other places. He avoided the ones that he knew his boss, Valentino, frequented. Last thing he wanted was for him to spot you and drag you into a soul contract, like he did to him. You were finally able to find one that looked amazing inside and out, had good pay, and also had a boss who wasn't a total a✪✪hat.
🕸Your first performance at the club blew the audience away. The more and more you performed, the more sinners would pile up in the club. There was even lines outside, waiting to see you perform. Angel was able to conceal your identity, by putting on makeup on you, and also giving you a wig and other accessories to make you appear much different then how you normally looked.You became well known in that area in hell, even the internet was buzzing about you and how amazing you were.
🕸Angel became your sort of stylist and bodyguard. He would help with your outfits and makeup, and he would stick around during all of your shows, as he wanted to make sure no one attempted anything, and he also wanted to enjoy your singing. His favorite song of yours is "Chocolat Cadabra"
Tag List:
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi , @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @pawstrey , @futureittomainn , @christinaatyourservice92 , @littledolly2345 , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it , @angelinevalentine89 , @yunimimii , @staryosh1 , @mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow , @madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel , @ainsliemac , @sweet06tart , @nobuharashinyao , @aria-tempest , @fluffismystaplefood , @darischerry , @nightmarenaya , @mooniee123 , @yakultt-art , @ktssstuff , @blakedbeanss , @sweet06tart , @ihyperfixatedagain , @alastorssimp , @sadnessiscoldtea , @artemisandhunters , @crystalreads , @thereeallink , @justchillaine , @felice-jaganshi , @batmanmonstarr , @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved , @imacollasaltitan , @ask-theradio-demon , @lousypotatoes
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on shots of Reiko (Kyoko/Neko) of ナース THE NURSE, an all-girl Japanese hardcore punk band from Tokyo, Japan, active from 1983-1984. In 1983, they released what is probably the first Japanese all-female hardcore record/flexi disc on the cult label Incest Records. 📸: Gin Satoh, various.
Sources: www.picuki.com/media/3445365139495310418 (Picuki 3x) & Facebook.
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diioonysus · 8 months
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fans + art
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somiyiia · 6 months
^ after performance ^
Dir En Grey behind the scenes (2012)
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forever70s · 11 months
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Yasui Kazumi (1971)
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yourdailyqueer · 2 months
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Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
DOB: 3 October 1987
Ethnicity: Mauritian, Filipino, Japanese
Nationality: Australian
Occupation: Singer, songwriter
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totes-magotes · 5 months
₊˚⊹♡˚𐙚。˚IT GIRL❀⋆.ೃ࿔*₊˚⊹
Haruka Fukuhara
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caramujitos · 18 days
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dendronii003 · 16 days
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This is a drawing i made long ago with Yuuichi and Miku singing Vocaloid track ''Mysterious Happiness'' featured in Re:Kinder OST.
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ikemenbidanshi · 2 years
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Gakuto sama ❤
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sonimage1965 · 1 year
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Jun Togawa
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alastor-simp · 10 months
Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis Reacting to a reader who sings like Japanese singer “Ado”
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Deciding to try doing another fandom, so I’m gonna do black butler. Only doing Sebby and Ciel since I’m more in tune on how to write them compared to the other characters. Gonna continue the Ado series with them too. I know that this was the Victorian Era so they didn't have stuff like Youtube, so I'm gonna try to change it a bit, and not include that. Enjoy everyone :)
Ciel Phantomhive♟️
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♟️Ciel had many duties to attend to as he was the head of Phantomhive manor along with being the Queen’s Watchdog. Apart from filling out paperwork for his company, he had many hobbies that Sebastian help teach him like hunting or playing the violin.
♟️He had met you by Lizzy, as she had found you during one of her strolls in London. You were a frail little thing, but you had a certain amount of skills, so Ciel decided to hire you as a maid for the manor. Hopefully your skills you be much better then the other three. You were a fast learner, and quickly adapted to life at the manor. Both him and Sebastian were impressed with how well you handle your tasks.
♟️Ciel was on his way back to his office when he heard the sound of someone singing. Curious, he headed to wear the sound was coming from and made his way over to one of the rooms which had the door slightly open. Ciel peeked in and saw you in the middle of the room, leaning against the window. You had just finished up dusting the area and decided to take a small break, and while in your break, you started singing as it was something you loved to do.
♟️Once you finished, you heard the sound of clapping and turned to see Lord Phantomhive, leaning against the door with a small smile on his face. “Ahh, Young Master, I was just um-”, you were flustered and tried to explain yourself, but Ciel just put his hand up, which made you stop talking
♟️ “I am not upset with you, y/n. I’m very surprised actually. You never told me you could sing.” Ciel said as he walked closer towards you, standing next to the window. You went on to explain to him that you always loved singing, but you had a slight problem with revealing yourself to everyone as you preferred keeping your identity hidden.
♟️Ciel listened to you and he smiled softly, walking closer to you and grabbed your hand, holding it tightly. He said that you were very talented and should pursue what you loved doing instead of working as a maid. You would still live in the manor, but he would do everything he can to support you in anyway. He knew that hiding your identity would be a challenge, but he assume that maybe a mask would be beneficial to hide your identity.
♟️After that, Ciel would host events at the manor where he would have you perform in front of all of the guests. Everyone was blown away by you that all of the nobles were gossiping about who you were. Pretty soon, you were getting requests to perform at theaters and balls. Everyone was referring to you as the mysterious singer since no one could see your face when you performed, but no one really question it.
♟️Ciel was happy for you that you were achieving your dreams and he was glad to assist in any way with events. He also would like to know what was the new song you were working on, as he was feeling giddy, but he tried to tried to hide it to avoid teasing from Sebastian.
♟️His favorite song that you sang was a cover you did called " Crime & Punishment". He wasn't familiar with that genre of music, but he did enjoy it, and loved how high you went with certain notes in the song.
Sebastian Michaelis😈
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😈Sebastian had many duties to fulfill for his young master. There was many tasks he had to play, playing his role as a butler for the manor while also serving as the demon contractor/protector for the young masters soul. Tasks like this for a human would be difficult, but for Sebastian it was nothing.
😈Since Sebastian as been around for a long time, he possessed many talents and skills, ranging from speaking Latin, horseback riding, and playing certain instruments. He was tasked with teaching the young master these things as he was the Lord of Phantomhive manor, though his skills for the violin needed a lot of work.
😈Sebastian had met you during one of his strolls in London. He was on his way back from receiving supplies, when he passed an alley and saw you being held against the wall by three men, with knives. Ahh humans, always so greedy that they would resort to stealing from a young maiden. It all happen so quick, one second you were being threatened by these guys for money then all of a sudden, all three of the men ended being knocked out, and a tall handsome man wearing a suit was in front of you. You thanked him for helping you, and went out of your way to say you were looking for a place to work, to which led you to being introduce to Ciel Phantomhive and becoming a maid for the manor.
😈Sebastian noticed that you were nothing like the other three workers, as you didn't possess any secret skills, but he did appreciate how quick you were to learn and perform your tasks at the manor. There was something about you that drew you to him, he wasn't sure what it was, but he figured there was more too you then just being a regular human.
😈Upon leaving the young masters study after serving him his afternoon tea, Sebastian started to make his way back to the kitchen to prepare the evening meal, and to make sure Bard wasn't using the flamethrower again. He stopped once he heard the sounds of someone singing nearby. Curious, he ventured closer to where the singing was coming from, and noticed that one of the doors was opened slightly. Peeking his head through the door, Sebastian saw you in the middle of the room, dusting one of the shelves, while singing a random melody.
😈"Oya, this human is very interesting", Sebastian thought as he entered the room slowly as not to disturb your singing. Upon turning around after you finished dusting, you dropped the feather duster in shock and covered your mouth as you realized Sebastian was in the room and heard you singing: "S-sebastian! U-um I was um-." Stumbling over your words, you were unable to explain anything to him, and quickly ducked your head down in embarrassment. Chuckling, Sebastian walked closer towards you, lifting your head by placing his fingers on your chin: "Your singing is quite beautiful, Y/N. How come you never told me or the young master you could sing?"
😈Looking away from his gorgeous eyes, you explained to him that you always loved singing, but you preferred to sing in private, or sing where no one could tell it was you. You apologized again if you had distracted him from his duties, but Sebastian just shook his head and smiled saying there was no need to apologize for something like this, but he still wondered why you decided to work as a maid and not a singer.
😈After that, Sebastian explained what had happened with the young master about your hidden talents and insisted in a plan that could benefit both his company and your dream. Ciel was surprised that Sebastian had taken an interest in you, but he didn't think to hard on it and listened to what plan Sebastian had in mind.
😈The both of them discussed the plan with you to be a private singer for the Funtom company. Whenever they would travel to an event for one of the other lords, they would have you there to sing and entertain the guests with your beautiful singing, in disguise of course as you were insistent that you wanted your appearance hidden from everyone. Word spread quickly over the streets of London about the mysterious singer of the Funtom company, including reaching the Queen herself as she was amazed by this singer and sent a letter to Lord Phantomhive herself, requesting the mysterious singer to attend the next ball/event she would plan.
😈Sebastian was quite pleased with how well things were going. Not only was the young masters company becoming extremely popular now, but also you were able to do what you loved which was sing. Of course, Sebastian had to make sure your needs were met and made sure you were not overworking yourself too much as what kind of butler would he be if he didn't provide the best care for you.
😈His favorite song of yours is "Domestic De Violence" . He finds the melody to be very beautiful and finds the lyrics to be very manipulating, but in a good way for him.
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53v3nfrn5 · 2 months
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Yasuko Agawa: ‘Gravy’ (1984) photo: Tatsuhiko Tanaka
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