#Kel answers memes
keldae · 3 days
Last Line WIP Game
Tagged by @abysskeeper -- thank you! ^.^ What comes around, goes around, hmm? ;)
I've got a few different WIPs in process at the moment, all BG3...
“He wasn’t even a proper ‘lover’, just some person I had to charm to get into one of the most secure buildings in Baldur’s Gate!” Devi wrinkled her nose. “And the third worst sex I’ve ever had in my life, for the record.”
2. Family Reunions (chapter 6)
This was it, Devi knew. This was the final fight for Baldur’s Gate, to destroy the Absolute or die trying.
3. Vandalism
With a groan, Gale pinched the bridge of his nose. “I can't believe that I have to admit to knowing any of you,” he muttered. “Come, let's go, before someone gets suspicious.”
4. Intolerances
“I will polymorph you into a spider,” Gale threatened as Devi opened her mouth for some sort of a cheeky comment. She scowled, but subsided; Gale nodded in satisfaction as he pulled her towards the door. “Let us go see what other horrors this gauntlet has for us.”
5. Untitled Smuttiness
This time, she had plenty of time to admire him without being worried for his life – and admire him she would. Even with the orb markings on his chest, he was beautiful.
Tagging... hmm. @storyknitter @starknstarwars @elveny @auroraesmeraldarose @commander-krios and whoever else would like to play!
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cherriijade · 2 years
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none of these kids are smart okay-
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beskarandblasters · 6 months
kill yourself
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this is a BIG yikes dog
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wellhalesbells · 14 days
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @piratefalls! Yay, wasting time - I've been doing so much of that today and thank you for giving me another way to! (Seriously, I would've just been watching more Youtube compilations without you.) That's probably why these answers are so long. Procrastination? Wellllll don't mind if I do!
How many works do you have on ao3? 154
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Teen Wolf and Harry Potter. HP was my original homeslice and I kind of sharpened my teeth on fic-writing in general there, found what I liked and didn't like, how to engage with fandom, what I found attractive and what turned me off (for characters and plot beats), honed my craft and made my mistakes there and then with the advent of AO3 and the finding of Teen Wolf, I feel like I blossomed and built a home and am hopefully making fewer oopsiedoosles. Though I have also written a fic or so for: Hannibal, The Meg, Mr. Robot, X-Men, Star Trek, and Breaking Bad.
Top five fics by kudos:
There's Monsters at Home, Sterek, Teen Wolf. (15,285)
Time to Eternity, Drarry, Harry Potter. (8,416)
Option C) Some Bad Guys are Werewolves, but Not All Werewolves are Bad Guys, Sterek, Teen Wolf. (7,759)
Of Bananas, Babies and Buzzkills, Sterek, Teen Wolf. (5,134)
Instructions for Dancing, Sterek, Teen Wolf. (5,099)
Do you respond to comments?
Not anymore. Occasionally one that asks a direct question I'll answer, if that answer isn't already somewhere on or in the fic.
Though the last one I answered was someone who didn't read my tags or notes, telling me I didn't warn for something that was in the tags and notes, and I was so polite, like, "How can I make this clearer?" instead of saying, "#!@%^&$@$@#^$%&$^&^&$%^@#$%" like I fucking wanted to and they then said: "Oh yeah, I didn't read any of that, guess you don't need to change anything." Which was exactly what I expected would happen and I took the time to answer because I want more than anything to teach that person a lesson, even though I am absolutely certain they learned nothing from the interaction. But I tried, I did my part, and I wasn't even an asshole about it. (Please, please, please, the amount of times I've been told in the snarkiest damn fashion to tag for something that is already fucking tagged...... like, how do I have to say: read the tags before snidely chastising me for what isn't in them?? And it's not like.... I used different language or anything, they will ask me to tag for the EXACT DAMN TAG already on the fic. My collection of these comments is genuinely getting out of hand.)
And there is one I kind of want to answer that I got in the last month or so because it's one of the nicest and most vulnerable things I've ever been told but there aren't enough letters, or strong enough ones, or big enough ones to hold all the gratitude and care that wants to pour into them so I just... haven't.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hrm, I think these are just the most obvious of those and if I actually had to sit with this and go through my catalogue of fic, I would come up with a way more off-center answer because the angst is much subtler but harder hitting but that sounds like it would take brain power and, wow, is it that late already *coughs*
Either I Smoke My Friends Down to the Filter or But the Mess Prevails. I think maybe the latter because it's kind of triumphant in ISMFDttF, Stiles stands up for himself, but in BtMP they both want to be together but it's just another way for Derek to punish himself if they are.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Similar caveat to the one above as I'm not really focusing on ending (because more brain power) as much as just happy overall. Either [Hilary Duff Lyric Redacted] or Instructions for Dancing - they are both just fluff bombs almost entirely from start to finish.
Do you get hate on fics?
Mostly no. There's one fic that I have comments turned off on (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS FUNCTION, AO3, 10000000% THIS FIC WOULD NOT STILL EXIST IF NOT FOR YOU) because people would yell things at me I already explicitly stated I agreed with? Like I wrote a fic for a fest (back when I wrote in a lot fests, lol), it was a dark prompt and I can't remember if the prompter wanted a happy ending or if it was a stipulation of the fest that it couldn't end badly but it's a dark prompt so while I could get the two characters to the point of co-parenting, I did not get them back together. And the comments I mainly got were: how dare you get them the fuck back together? To which I was like: um, I didn't, also if I was forced to keep going with this fic, this character would end up with this one instead. And then I got a deluge of comments that were like: how dare you get them back together!? And for a while, I explained that you read into it, which is understandable as - to satisfy whomever's requirement - it is an impression I wanted you to walk away with, but as you'll notice at no point are they back together or romantically involved again, they're in the same room and have reached a ceasefire, that's it. And that's as friendly as I see that relationship getting, and no one read any of that and kept yelling at me for the same reason and mentally I was like: fuck all of you, either the fic goes or I do so I turned off the comments so I wouldn't delete it. I find since commenting is off (or "hidden" rather, I can still see it and have the option to approve or nuke it), people have to really engage with a) what I've already replied before and b) whether or not it's worth it to leave a review that will literally only be seen by me. Suddenly everyone has reading comprehension and no one is just yelling to yell because the only one you're engaging with is *jazz hands* me, and I am obviously not the audience for that.
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
I have a Hunger Games/TW one that is one of two unfinished fics on AO3 because every time I even think about it, it intimidates me. And since I don't read crossovers, I have no idea how you're supposed to do them or how much of the other IP you can take on without it seeming like you've just rewritten with different characters or how much you should change when everyone knows what you're working from anyway - it's all a mystery to me and I am flummoxed by it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
People post my old HP shit that no longer exists on the internet to Wattpad quite a bit and I am not savvy enough to figure out how to get it down. The few times I've contacted people who posted it under my name to take it down, instead just remove my name and fully pretend it's theirs. On some, I've found the people on LJ who have saved the fic in question and are giving it out and quietly asked them to stop because they were ending up as stolen fic on Wattpad.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, many!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Em and I have started one but never finished - it's me, I'm Mr. Ambrose: "I start, I don't finish things."
All time favorite ship?
I think it's Stiles and Derek, man??? I don't know, I have a lot of niche ones too that I feel like if there were more content/interest, they would be it but there isn't sooooo....
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
That THG/TW fic - it scares me so much. Like, who was that confident girl who didn't understand things at all and was like: yeah, that's fine? Don't know her. PvW - I have a lot written in the future and for the next chapter, plus an outline, it's just a matter of getting my attention to stay on it and I have the next chapter of WDHGsGA written and an outline for the next two, I just don't want to post it until it's totally finished so I don't have to worry about losing the atmosphere/tone again and, again, I just have to get my focus back to it but the chances of me letting that writing go totally down the drain? Unlikely.
What are your writing strengths?
Um, I think I have a good understanding of how humans work. I think writing is definitely made a lot easier when you have a handle on the psychology and a gut sense for people. It's not hard to craft fake scenarios when you have a pretty decent understanding of how people would react in them.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar-wise, commas throw me completely. I have no idea where they're supposed to go and I do my best, okay?! I really only got Florida public school education on this and it was: wherever you feel like you should have one, do that.
More generally, I also feel like I don't have the same needs to satisfy as a large percentage of readers - I need a relationship at the core of a fic to feel significant and weighty to want to write a story about it, but that doesn't mean it needs to survive to the end of said fic or that characters need to hit certain relationship milestones for it to feel worthwhile to me. I think this sometimes leads me to endings that some people feel are unsatisfying because I got what I needed but maybe some readers didn't?
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Totally neutral. Doesn't bother or thrill me to any extent.
First fandom you wrote in?
Harry Potter.
Favorite fic you've written?
Favorite? That's hard. I'm, as mentioned, super shitty at finishing things so the fact that TMaH is completed - even without going into any of its content (all of which is made to order, absolutely my favorite stuff) - makes it a top contender.
I also still really love A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio, the last Harry Potter fic I wrote, which was Draco/Ron. I love that to kick my brain into gear, I would start mentally painting the scenes, from oranges and reds to beiges and cool winter blues - I don't know I've ever used color so much in anything. It hasn't worked since and I think it's because - having been away from those characters and that fandom for so long - I had such a crystal clear image of them and because Draco, especially, was so different from how he's usually pictured in fic/fanart (curly-haired, absolutely swank as fuck Muggle style) that the lines were so defined it was easy to paint within them.
And I think my favorite writing piece right now is He Speaks in Petals. It's such a short fic and I reread it in the last year or so and it's so much more lyrical than I remember. I knew that was what I was going for and I did not think I managed it but it's got some really soft, kind whimsy to it that I like a lot and find very calming and reaffirming.
No pressure tagging @kikiroo, @rosieposiepuddingnpie, @literaryoblivion, @yodas-yo-yo, @clotpolesonly, @callunavulgari, @andavs, @i-sveikata, @alocalband !
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kinghaargrove · 1 year
[ PSA I am the worst at answering anything in a timely manner, I am absolutely answering very old memes right now, I apologize for taking forever- ]
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theladyragnell · 10 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
I don't mind at all! This is an absolutely HUGE question, though, so I am going to adapt it into a meme that goes around sometimes and just do ten favorite characters from ten different media properties I love, because otherwise I am going to sit here all day frozen with indecision wondering if I'm forgetting someone, or if each character is REALLY worthy of being top ten out of all the media I've consumed in my life.
This got long, so it's under a cut!
Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells): One of my favorite book series! And I love Murderbot so deeply for so many reasons. It's funny! It's being adopted into everyone's found family and doing so kicking and screaming! It cares deeply about people once it allows itself too! Runner-up in this property is ART, who I love dearly, but really, it couldn't be anyone else but Murderbot itself.
Keladry of Mindelan (The Tortall series by Tamora Pierce): Kel is so stubborn and kind and very subtly funny in a lot of ways, and she's my favorite of the Pierce heroines. She jousts! She adopts everyone and every beast that crosses her path! She gets up to shenanigans with her friends! Just a joy of a character.
Johnny Jaqobis (Killjoys (TV)): I love everyone in this wildly underrated show, but Johnny especially. I've got a weakness for the quippy best-friend-of-the-badass/support character type (see also: Foggy Nelson from Daredevil), and Johnny is such a perfect one. He's funny, he's badass, he pretends to be married to two separate people in the course of the show. What's not to love?
Maia Drazhar (The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison): This book is so good, and Maia is such a good central character of it. He's so kind, so determined to be good in a position that makes it hard to be good or kind, to build connections when he's been denied them his whole life and change things nobody thinks it's possible to change. I love him!
Xena (Xena Warrior Princess): With my love for quippy best friends, you might think Gabrielle would be my favorite, but no, Xena is a competent badass searching for (and, as she goes along, finding) redemption, which is another favorite character type. She's also a badass warrior who's not at all afraid or self-conscious of being emotional and expressing affection, which is a rare and wonderful thing.
Leia Organa (Star Wars): The original trilogy trio are all close to my heart, but Leia just edges the other two out. I've just always loved her banter, how she refuses to be cowed by any situation, and her super cool hairstyles. Very much a I-want-to-be-like-her-when-I-grow-up character since childhood.
Harriet Morton (A Company of Swans by Eva Ibbotson): One of my formative romantic books. Harriet's not too different from Maia, actually, only Maia before becoming emperor and thus not having much power to effect change! She's kind and brave about loving and quietly stubborn, and she's very much in the same type as
Fanny Price (Mansfield Park by Jane Austen): Mansfield Park is nobody's favorite Austen, and Fanny is nobody's favorite Austen heroine, and yet! (I do technically love Persuasion, and probably Anne, more, but I'm not nearly as defensive of either of them, so Fanny's the one I thought of first for this list). She's very much that same character type as Harriet, and I seem to love characters who are clinging to goodness when they don't have much else to cling to.
Alec Hardison (Leverage (TV)): He's so smart and so full of fun quips! And also hot, look, I can be allowed to be a little shallow here. Anyway, I love all the characters in this show, but Hardison absolutely wins out.
Danielle de Barbarac (Ever After): This movie is full of great characters, but I adore Danielle. Determined, good-hearted, willing to carry a prince out of a forest, reader of dense tomes, what's not to love?
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irrealisms · 9 months
i am not fully done with the ask meme, more asks WILL be answered tomorrow, but just wanted to say that it will probably be tomorrow. there are so many asks in the world (this is delighted, tbc-- i have been smiling all night and repeatedly enthusing to kel. there are so many people in the world who remember i exist! and i remember they exist, and we like each other!!! it is wonderful to get the chance to talk to people i see and enjoy on my dash & it is wonderful to reconnect with people i have talked to a few times a while ago but am bad at maintaining regular conversation with & it is wonderful to think about how cool my close friends are and how lucky i am to know them & so on)
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hag-o-hags · 1 month
it's 5 am and @godblessyoublackemperor taggèd me let's do this thing
Last song: siiiiiiigh okay I was explaining the dumb songs I sing to my Creachurs and the Gallup Speedbump Shepherd gets called Mr Sam Man..... so technically that
Favorite color: this week it's pink
Currently watching: finished Lower Decks and I am BEREFT.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: don't make me choooooose
Relationship status: I have a peche. he's nice.
Current obsession: aaaaaa tortall. NOBODY TALK TO ME ABOUT KEL. (ples talk to me about kel. and numair. aaaaaaa.)
Last thing I googled: clown cross stitch patterns (no good will come of this I'm sorry to say) (I keep threatening my brother with cross stitch samplers of weird shit he says) (do I cross stitch? no. do I consider this an issue? absolutely not.)
I tiggity tag you, scrumpity pumpity, yes YOU ta-rum ta-rum, and if ye wish to escape my maze ye must answer me the meme survey!
sorry have I mentioned it's 5 am I really shouldn't be awake
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shameboree · 2 years
hey kels how did you figure out what you'd do for work?
do you mean profession or specialty? ill answer BOTH bc the answer is the same
GOT CANCER. WENT SEPTIC. ALMOST DIED. the single most influential event of my LIFE this is why i am so patient and like positive or whatever bc literally nothing is worse than almost dying. that shit SUCKED. anyway i knew i wanted to do SOMETHING in oncology but it took me years to even begin processing that shit and i worked FOR YEARS after in a meangirls viper pit i refer to exclusively as babyhell (daycare (derogatory)) so it took me a hot minute to really figure myself out.
DISCLAIMER that i am the kinda person who makes life choices QUICK AS SHIT bc i know myself really well and i have a pretty good sense of what i want. idk if u can tell but im a v fast pace kind of person so when i decided to become a nurse it was in like a 5min stretch of Thinking and then i was just like Yeah this is It. my RAPID FIRE thought process in those 5 min was basically is this a field where my personal attributes and experiences can make a positive impact on other ppl?? the answer was YES. i also thought CAN I MAKE MONEY?? the answer here was ALSO yes. TWO BIRDS, A SINGLE STONE.
in baby hell i WAS making positive impacts on kiddos and their families (several families left when i left bc of how much they trusted me blah blah) but like it was NOT rewarding to me. too much stress too little payoff bc i love kids but they arent my PASSION u feel?? ALSO pay was TRASH GARBO. ANYWAY when i thought abt working w cancer patients or people who i could relate to in terms of life/traumatic medical experiences it was something i immediately vibed w bc i knew that common ground could facilitate meaningful therapeutic interactions in an otherwise massively stressful environment.
for me, personally, its a matter of giving back. my oncology nurses fucking ROCKED and made me feel like a person during a time where even well meaning ppl reduced me to a pitiable diagnosis they could use to fuel their tragedy porn. i wanna PAY THAT SHIT FORWARD, so even working medsurg, the most NOTORIOUSLY MISERABLE AND SOUL SUCKING type of nursing there is (memes abt medsurg nurses wishing for death or being dead inside or crying every shift are TOO REAL) i still dont regret becoming a nurse and still find meaning and satisfaction in it even during shifts that make me feel batshit miserable and soul sucked.
choosing a Job or a Career doesnt need to hinge on WORTHINESS or POSITIVE IMPACT or whatever, ig its like what you find fulfilling!! and also not necessarily what youre GOOD at (eg a lot of GOOD AT DRAWS ppl go into art/ani industry and fucking LOATHE it every day. this is why i did not go to art skool). theres that pressure that u gotta figure urself out young as fuck blah blah etc but life can be long!!! you can go turtle pace. there were several 50-60+yos in my nurse school cohort!!
i am trying not to get soapbox pep talky here. anyway i only am an insane fast track nutbag bc i almost died, so basically thats how i make all my life choices.
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nimblermortal · 1 year
For 2022 ao3 wrapped: C. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? J. What work was the quickest to write? P. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Heeheeeeeee someone has asked me for an ask meme!
C. What work are you most proud of?
There are a lot of ways I could answer this - what makes me most happy, what was most difficult, what challenged my own thought processes - but ultimately I have to answer Kel of Tirrsmont because it was difficult. It took me more than a year. It's more than 50k words. It's building on things I initially discussed years and years ago. I still think there's serious editing work that needs done on it - I have the printed pages in my car right now and have toted them around unproductively on multiple trips - but by god I put an ending on it.
(Some of the editing is because I set out to do things that I didn't have the skill to do, which is on the one hand frustrating and on the other, you know, that was an ambitious project that I tackled so go me.)
J. What work was the quickest to write?
Excursion Around the Bay. No question. Baby George's Big Crush might have technically taken less time, but Excursion was one sitting in the car with my grandparents. It's such a bubbly happy fic! It wanted to come out. I can still feel the quality of the sunshine and the car door and the hum of the highway as I wrote it.
P. What's your most common "Additional Tags" tag?
Huh. I don't know how to get this statistic. Let's fiddle with the filters... okay, for anyone else with that concern, try My Works, More Options, Date Updated from January 1 2022 to January 1 2023, apply filter, expand the Additional Tags filter and see what's listed at the top.
I would not have guessed I had any repeats; I have 4. I would certainly not have guessed the answer to this question.
It's "Politics" .
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keldae · 2 months
Writing Patterns Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @greyias ! Tagging @andveryginger @storyknitter @elveny @cinlat @vihola @commander-krios
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
(First pattern noticed: they're ALL BG3 and with one exception, f!Tav/Gale. ;) Just GUESS what the latest hyperfixation has been...)
1. Family Reunions (Chapter 3): "The gods had both blessed and cursed Devi with the instinct to know when something was wrong."
2. Cold Hands: "The shadow-cursed lands were cold."
3. Snow Day: "Baldur's Gate was a warm city, situated on the southern Sword Coast – for most of the year, it was pleasant, if humid and frequently drizzly."
4. A Day Out: "Waterdeep was, in a word, magnificent."
5. Philosophical: "Uneducated though Devi might have been, she wasn’t stupid and she knew it."
6. Tease: "Some days, Devi swore she had halfling or dwarf in her ancestry instead of only human and Elf heritage."
7. When Good Intentions Go Sideways: "This was officially worse than the djinni incident, in Gale’s humble opinion."
8. Poor Calculations: "Some days, the gods smiled on Devi and her activities."
9. Stargazing: "Devi had always loved the stars."
10. Involuntary: "Gale had been in a poor mood ever since Devi had opened the portal to hell, what felt like an eternity ago."
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ladysuperior · 1 year
Ooooo can I send my url for the meme
// (CAN YOU??? ofc you can, don't be silly)
Send me your URL and I'll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: There are quite a few canons and also original characters I love interacting with! A whole variety of em! I haven't written with em all obviously yet but all in good time.
How they play them: From what I've seen since following, all portrays of canons are amazing, and the original characters are so much fun to read their replies despite not being in those threads.
The Mun: I haven't talked with Morgan much (idk why i decided to write to you in third person perspective but anyway-), but from what small conversations I have had with her, she has been very supportive and sweet. It's def not easy being in the ghost rp community, but ty Morgan for the always kind words. Pyre and Kels wouldn't still be here on this site if it weren't for your support. And if you ever wanna talk ooc, my IMs and Discord is always open.
Do I:
RP with them: Indeed!
Want to RP with them: Is...why is that even a question? YES! I DO! All the time!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: A great mun with some fantastic characters. Yeah I focus on the Ghost ones more but in the future I'm def doin some crossovers. Hope you have a good day, Morgan!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
i hate it so much when fat women try to insert themselves into fanfiction. most writers want to write healthy characters because healthy=beautiful. i (and many others) don’t find unhealthy (=fat) people attractive and that should not be a problem. luckily some of my favorite writers don’t pander to fatties!
inclusivity is cancer to our society.
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wellhalesbells · 4 months
wip tag game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Tagged by @piratefalls and @rosieposiepuddingnpie - thank you, ladybugs!! Here's hoping I can get some of these damn things out of my face. Note: I'm only counting things I've worked on in the past year otherwise I would have hundreds of little bits here and, uh, twenty-five is a... reasonable-ish enough number *coughs*
Teen Wolf WiPs
1. Stuck in this In Between, part 2. ~14k 2. How to Breathe 101. Sterek. 12k+ 3. Troll the Respawn, Jeremy. Sterek. ~11k 4. Big Damn Neutrals. Sterek. 10k+ 5. Codependence. Sciles. ~7k 6. Stennis, part 2. Stiles/Ennis. ~4k 7. Fireman Derek. Sterek. 3.5k+ 8. Post-movie. Sterek. 3.3k+ 9. Outsider PoV. Sterek. 2.9k+ 10. I Love You, Man. Sterek. 1.6k+ 11. Post-Nogitsune. Sciles. 1.5k+ 12. Let's Do the Time Warp Again. Sterek. ~1.3k 13. Heartbeat. Sterek. <1k 14. Hanahaki (TW). Steter. <1k 15. FMF: Weary (current fullmoonficlet prompt!). Sterek. <1k 16. Boyd, Over Time. Stiles/Boyd. <1k 17. Recalibration Needed. Sterek. <1k
Other Fandoms/Fics I Don't Actually Have Any Intention of Finishing but Will Haunt My Brain If I Don't Write It Down
1. Unrequited. Clark/Lex. Smallvile. ~18k 2. Obliviated. Drarry. Harry Potter. 8k+ 3. The Old Guard. Joe/Nicky. The Old Guard. 2k+ 4. Hanahaki (HP). Drarry. Harry Potter. ~2k 5. The White Wolf. Geralt/Jaskier. The Witcher. 1.5k+ 6. Resurrected. Wyatt/Doc. Wynonna Earp. ~1.5k 7. Geralt has amnesia. Geralt/Jaskier. The Witcher. 1k+ 8. Pwip (how I pronounce PWP in my head lol). Leif/Harald. Vikings: Valhalla. <1k
I feel like I'm the last person to do this but I'll just in case tag: @alocalband, @kikiroo, @wolfspurr, @savileho and @andavs! Plus anyone else who's feeling it :P
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beastcouture · 3 years
stupid thing.mp4 (ft. kel dor oc debut)
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kelfuffle · 3 years
tag dump
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