#Kevin Cho vtm
artthemasquerade · 1 year
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New Orleans Coterie in Amon Style
So this requires some explanation, so since there are kind of some similarities between Devilmen and how Kindred work, they both have a beast/demon to overcome and to stay human they have to keep their human heart of sorts or they'll lose themselves to the beast/demon, also they have to merge and gain power they have to devour another demon/Kindred and overcome their will. Honestly Akira's journey in the original Devilman manga is a perfect example of someone slowly losing themselves to their inner beast despite their good intentions, and him giving up on saving humanity is also him giving up on his humanity, in vampire the masquerade terms he's no longer on the path of humanity. So in my headcanon au for Devilman/Vampire the Masquerade crossover, Kindred are Devilmen who can make more through the embrace, have to feed on blood and hide from the sun, Devilmen and Demons in Devilman have this eyeliner like markings under their eyes to intricate their demonic nature and that's why I've given it to mine and my friend's vampire the masquerade new orleans by night characters here, and changed around the shape and colour of it to intricate what clan they belong to.
Also I thought it would be fun to draw them in the Amon OVA style and it really was :D
First up is Andy the Ravnos and his famulus Elliot, he's the baby of the group, having only been embraced under a year ago, he belongs to @qwibwib, the storyteller of the New Orleans by Night chronicle :D.
second is Moreen the Volgirre and the eldest and fleshcrafter of the group she belongs to @morbidoptimisim.
third is Iris the Salubri, she's the healer and sniper of the group and also a mother to a five year old child who we are currently working on rescuing this season, she belongs to @cthylla-rlyeh.
forth is Rose the Tremere, she's the blood and water magic user of the group and she belongs to me. :3
fifth is Dolly the Daughter of Cacophony, Moreen's wife and former longtime ghoul now a Kindred herself in order to save what was left of her family after Moreen got kidnapped by the main villains of the chronicle last season (Moreen is back safe and sound now) and she belongs to Morbid.
and finally sixth is Kevin, Rose's longtime ghoul (21 years of service!) and a big brother figure to her, he also belongs to me.
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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artthemasquerade · 2 years
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You are what you eat
While I didn't make this as part of the vamptober prompt (day 7 prompt you are what you eat) but since both Rose and Kevin are big anime and manga fans I thought it was fitting XD Rose and her coterie had a bad time:tm: last session, Rose almost got her head chopped off by the scourge, one of our coterie mates, @morbidoptimisim ‘s Dolly is on hunger 5!!!(but she's been nailing her dice rolls so that was good) and Rose had to feed on her ghoul Kevin when she also got to hunger 5 after healing herself and she feels very guilty about it. Rose is a bagger since she was embraced at 14, she doesn't like feeding on adults since she looks like a teenage girl and since the kiss is pleasurable she's scared that she'll make them into a predator by possibly getting them addicted to being fed on by her. However, the Camarilla might have her and Kevin's camper and that had all her blood bags, so she might have to get used to feeding on humans, since its a war out in the streets of New Orleans...
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artthemasquerade · 2 years
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Rose Bradley the Tremere and her ghoul Kevin redux
So I've been meaning to make a new portrait for Rose and Kevin for a while now since these two have gone through so many changes since joining the New Orleans coterie, thanks to @morbidoptimisim​'s player character Katherine Holloway, Rose has been aged up from looking like a 14 year old to a 16 yr old, has been making new friends with her coterie mates and will very soon get herself two girlfriends, as well starting to find her place in New Orleans. Kevin has come clean to Rose and the coterie about his past with some hunter ghouls and has been trying to let himself have more of a life outside of Rose to relax more, maybe have some fun flings and make friends himself. Either way both of them are embarking on a dangerous heist with the coterie to rob the Camarilla Chantry to help two old friends of Rose's to retrieve a couple of valuable artifacts. Ah I love a good heist ans vtm heists are always the most fun for me! Also I'm really happy how this turned out, I can really see how much I have improved from the portrait I made almost a year ago! 
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Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr or a note on deviantart
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