#Key characteristics of maps and sections
commonplacid · 4 months
Some very helpful information on how to use a Commonplace Book.
Instead of a glossary (in some cases), I made text boxes with key terms throughout the book, and then made an index in the back with the words and page numbers.
For information that doesn’t fit into a current section and does not warrant a new section (I call this “purgatory information”), I write it on a post-it and place it on the inside back cover. When its time has come, I simply move the the post-it to its new section.
To highlight key materials, I use highlighting and color-coding.
To enhance my understanding of complicated material, I occasionally create visual maps, tables, infographics, etc. For example, when reading about types of ghosts, I created a table that outlined their characteristics into columns.
When a desired passage from a source is too long, I am not afraid to print or make copies of the material. I tape or glue it into my commonplace book, and then write notes in the margins or highlight.
Materials I include in my “commonplace book pouch”: colored pencils, a nice pen (I like Sharpie black pens), tape, scissors, stickers, and highlighters.
I have used different notebooks for different commonplace books. My notebooks are usually lined, because I prefer writing. Though, I have used sketchbooks when my commonplace books incorporate more visuals than text.
I always recommend using a sturdy notebook so your commonplace book will last (and may appear in an archive someday).
I have been inspired by textbooks, so I often incorporate text boxes, sidebars, headings/subheadings, bulleted lists, etc.
I have, inspired by Virginia Woolf, kept a list of books I have read and a list of books to read in some of my commonplace books (as a sort of appendix).
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
Feng Shui: Balancing Your Space for Harmony and Positive Energy Shaina Tranquilino January 5, 2024
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In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, finding balance and tranquility in our lives has become more important than ever. Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice dating back thousands of years, offers a unique approach to creating harmony and positive energy within our living spaces. Whether you're looking to improve your home or office environment, incorporating Feng Shui principles can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. At its core, Feng Shui is about the flow and arrangement of energy, known as "Qi," in our surroundings. By understanding how Qi moves through different spaces and how it interacts with elements such as light, colour, furniture placement, and natural materials, we can create an environment that supports and nurtures us.
One key aspect of Feng Shui is decluttering. Clutter not only overwhelms our physical space but also affects our mental state. According to Feng Shui principles, clutter blocks the flow of Qi and hinders opportunities from entering our lives. By removing unnecessary items from our surroundings and organizing our belongings thoughtfully, we can open up space for new possibilities.
Another fundamental principle of Feng Shui is balancing the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element represents specific qualities and characteristics that contribute to a harmonious environment. For example:
1. Wood symbolizes growth, vitality, and creativity. Incorporate wooden furniture or plants to introduce this element into your space.
2. Fire embodies passion, excitement, and transformation. Use candles or bright colours sparingly to bring in this element while avoiding overwhelming effects.
3. Earth signifies stability, nourishment, and grounding. Decorate with earthy tones such as beige or brown and include natural materials like stones or ceramics.
4. Metal represents clarity, precision, and efficiency. Introduce metallic accents or décor pieces made of metals like copper or silver to enhance this element.
5. Water embodies calmness, reflection, and abundance. Add a small fountain or mirror to create the illusion of water in your space.
Additionally, paying attention to the Bagua map can help guide you in optimizing different areas of your home or office. The Bagua is an energy map divided into nine sections, each corresponding to a specific area of life such as health, wealth, relationships, and career. By aligning these areas with their respective elements and enhancing them accordingly, one can attract positive energy and improve various aspects of life.
It's worth noting that Feng Shui is not about blindly following rules; it's about creating a space that resonates with you personally. While general principles are essential to consider, ultimately, trust your intuition and what feels right for you.
Incorporating Feng Shui principles into your living or working environment can bring numerous benefits. It can enhance overall well-being, boost productivity and creativity, foster harmonious relationships, increase abundance and prosperity, and promote better physical and mental health.
If you're new to Feng Shui or unsure where to start, consulting with a Feng Shui expert can provide valuable insights tailored to your specific needs. They can help assess your space and make recommendations based on its unique characteristics.
Remember that Feng Shui is a continuous process – regularly reassessing your space as circumstances change ensures that the energy remains balanced. By investing time and effort into creating a harmonious environment through Feng Shui practices, you'll find yourself surrounded by positive energy that supports your goals and aspirations.
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shamandrummer · 9 months
Archaeoacoustics and 'Songs of the Caves'
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Archaeoacoustics is a sub-field of archaeology and acoustics which studies the relationship between people and sound throughout history. It is an interdisciplinary field with methodological contributions from acoustics, archaeology, and computer simulation, and is broadly related to topics within cultural anthropology such as experimental archaeology and ethnomusicology. Since many cultures have sonic components, applying acoustical methods to the study of archaeological sites and artifacts may reveal new information on the civilizations examined.
The importance of sound in ritual practice is well attested by historical and anthropological evidence. Voices and instruments (pipes, drums) will also have played a key role for prehistoric societies, and a number of studies have sought to demonstrate that by measuring the acoustical properties of archaeological spaces and open-air locations. One of the principal difficulties, however, is to establish a robust methodology. Every space or location will have an acoustic signature, but that does not imply that vocal or musical performance was an essential part of ritual practice; nor that those places were specially designed or selected for their acoustical properties.
Palaeolithic painted caves have occupied a special place in this debate since studies in the 1980s suggested that the placement of paintings and murals within the caves might have been guided by the acoustics; that they might be directly correlated with resonance. In 2013, Durham University (Durham, England) archaeologist Chris Scarre joined a team of acousticians, archaeologists and musicians led by Professor Rupert Till (Huddersfield University) in a systematic on-site analysis of acoustic properties and prehistoric motifs in five Upper Palaeolithic painted caves in northern Spain: La Garma, El Castillo, La Pasiega, Las Chimeneas and Tito Bustillo. The Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project was supported by Spanish colleagues Manuel Rojo-Guerra and Roberto Ontañon, with permission from the Gobierno de Cantabria and Gobierno Del Principado de Asturias.
Their methodology in recording the acoustics of these caves was to use a swept-sine (also called a chirp) source signal in conjunction with a set of microphones, adjusting the position of the set-up to provide an overview of the acoustics of specific sections of the caves. In each location that was measured, the position of imagery on the cave walls was also recorded. The fieldwork generated a large body of data that was used to generate acoustic maps of the five caves that could be compared with the distribution of the imagery (paintings or engravings, representational images of animals, or abstract symbols). A Principal Components Analysis (a mathematical method used to reduce a large data set into a smaller one while maintaining most of its variation information) provided an averaged set of acoustical characteristics. This showed that the variance of the acoustic data can be explained by two main components, associated with (a) temporal decay of energy (rate at which it fades to silence) in the cave space and (b) the existence or absence of resonance. Other factors, such as the distance of motifs from the original cave entrances (some of them now blocked) were also recorded.
Statistical analysis concluded that motifs in general, and lines and dots in particular, are statistically more likely to be found in places where reverberation is moderate and where the low frequency acoustic response has evidence of resonant behavior. The results suggest that the location of Palaeolithic motifs might indeed be associated with acoustic features, and that an appreciation of sound could have influenced behavior among Palaeolithic societies using these caves. The study also demonstrated the application of a systematic methodology of recording and analysis to the archaeoacoustics of prehistoric spaces.
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cerastes · 2 years
Hey Dreamer, I believe you once said that rather than occupy the same niche, Specter Alter and OG Specter have different roles. Could you elaborate a little on that?
Guard Specter has a huge HP value, innate regen, high attack, ability to attack 3 enemies at once, and her signature skill, Bone Fracture, which allows her to survive absolutely everything in the game, with two exceptions (FrostNova 2 and Emperor's Blade Pursuer instakills), for 15 seconds while dealing immense damage to the enemy and stalling them. Thanks to these characteristics, Guard Specter excels at three things: Independent lane holding, drop-in assassination (aka helidropping), and boss/key unit stalling. Specter is what in other games you could consider a Brawler, having high bulk and damage both. Her only weakness is her high DP cost (which only goes up each time you want to helidrop her). Due to this versatility, you can use Specter in several ways, all of them important, hence why she's a common face to see in high end content.
The Unchained is a different unit altogether, though she does share some characteristics with Specter. Their statlines are very similar, actually, with Unchained having higher HP, no innate regen, slightly higher attack, slightly lower defense, and 2 block instead of 3 block, as per her Dollkeeper archetype. Now, the thing with Dollkeepers is that they are pretty much the essence of “We Didn’t Want To Make Yet Another Guard Subtype Just Yet So We Made It A Specialist Instead, But These Are Your 2-Block Non-Swordmaster Guards, With A Gimmick”, and so Dollkeeper is something you treat as a Guard that at the same time is a Kinder Surprise egg that only opens when the Operator dies, and their skills help them die! In addition to being numerically strong skills, Dollkeeper skills also tend to in one way or another make it easier for the user to Die so they can activate their Kinder Surprise: Kazemaru, for example, has her S2, which gives her a decent attack steroid but also spawns a clone of herself with a high damage explosion that also benefits from the buff, meaning she more than doubles her damage output with burst to boot. It also costs half her HP, and when she dies, she explodes into the clone again, and then comes back after 20 seconds. Dollkeepers love dying!
Now, how does Unchained factor into this lego castle: She doesn’t have the sheer stalling power that her 3-block, naturally regenerating, aoe cleaving version has, instead, she focuses more on having very high killing power, with skills to fit different situations: S1 trades her HP% with the unit in range with the lowest HP%, so an application of this could be to keep a dwindling Surtr S3 alive for a few more seconds, or saving an essential unit from a section of a map they otherwise simply could not without sacrificing more deployment slots for healers or mitigators, all while giving her an attack buff. S2 is a revamp of her Guard S2, Bone Fracture, in that it gives her a huge Attack and ASPD buff, and makes her unkillable for 20 seconds (5 more!), but instead of stunning her afterwards, it kills her outright, which means it’s Kinder Surprise time, and she starts her diss track that deals Arts damage and slows enemies around her until she revives herself. S3 slows down her attack a bit, makes her do AoE attacks again, gives her a truly massive attack buff and a truly insane Max HP boost (her HP reaches 9k!), and if she attacks an enemy with higher HP% than her, she hits an additional time for reduced damage per attack, while against enemies with lower HP%, she takes 3% Max HP damage. This means maximizing the damage from this is a bit difficult, but if done correctly, the sheer damage she deals is truly insane.
So, in comparison? Unchained is more of a team player, because she can plug many needs in a team just by herself and how versatile her skills are. Guard Specter is versatile herself, as we mentioned before, but Unchained can cover needs in a more widespread manner, between her Slow, immortality, immense damage, ability to swap HP% with a unit, and bulk. She is not as helidroppable as Guard Specter, and this is why a lot of people thought she was bad initially, but then people started experimenting with her in virtually any other situation and she pays dividends real hard. Guard Specter remains the best at what she does, and that likely will not change for a while, but when it comes to raw damage and utility, in addition to also being able to immortal stall, Unchained can do all that, and then some. It’s particularly useful to have Dollkeepers in stages that are hard on DP, since that’s a unit that you don’t have to worry as much about having to keep alive, leaving you to dedicate resources in other parts of the map.
Dollkeepers might be Weird Guards, but they are still Specialists: They excel in what they do, but if the map doesn’t call for their particular talent, then there’s no shame in bringing the right units instead. Both iterations of Specter cover different needs, so deploy one or the other... At least until the Siracusano event drops in 6 months, and then you can just deploy both at the same time, wwwwww.
*I’m not getting into Modules because advanced Modules come later and they are kind of a Big Game Changer for Unchained in particular, but know that they make her Very Very Very Strong.
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glittercake · 2 years
could you go into your writing process a bit? i’ve been a fan of your fics for years now, and i still find myself in awe of how you’re able to create these cohesive worlds and voices and dynamics and just how tight your writing is. like i never feel like anything should be cut and even if all the loose ends aren’t tied up, i feel like it ends right where it should. like i’m so curious to see how your brain turns out so much magic!!
Oh my gosh, this is so nice of you to say 😭 Thank you first of all!  Secondly, I'll try to map out my process for big wips below the cut! Hope it makes sense 🤭 But this ask literally put a smile on my face all day, so thanks again. 
So to start off, I usually have a good idea of exactly how the story should end. That helps big time with everything else. If I don't know kind of what happens in the middle and exactly how it should end, I really struggle. 
Then I have a separate doc where I write down all my notes or thoughts about the stories, and also do the outlines. The story ideas come either extremely randomly, like me falling down a rabbit hole of presidential assassinations on YouTube (y'all know what this resulted in) or they're a result of my friend and i spiraling about something in the DMs (lighthouse, boxing fic, soulmate fics, most of the horny ones too 😂)
I also like to gather some pics just to get an idea of what the characters look like in whatever universe I'm writing about, as well as the scenery and buildings/layout. So for example, i used these inspo pics for The First Gentleman:
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So every time I open the doc to write I'd have these, the outline, and the notes open. Other visuals like the banner or graphics I make also help put me in the right mindset for the story.
So, before I start writing, I draft an outline. I try to keep it brief tbh, the longer and more involved the outline the more intimidating the story feels which means less chance of me actually writing it 😅 (there are about 3 outlines that will probably never see the light of day!) but brief doesn't always work so what i do, especially for long wips, is make a short bullet list for what needs to happen in each chapter.
This way i can accommodate plot bunnies, shift stuff around and kill the darlings before i get too attached, i usually also have a few key scenes in my head and i then fit them in here. Outlines also include stuff like a quick character write up like age, quirks, bad habits, cute habits or sayings they have (in Ain't No Grave they had this cute back and forth "keep up now" or in Ruins Bucky called everyone meatballs.)
This is roughly what a chapter outline looks like for me:
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lmaooo. as you can see it's very informal. basically a scribble.
Usually when I'm super inspired, i can get going straight away, otherwise I let it turn over in my head a little bit until i come up with a good starting point. What also helps me cement the character voices and specific characteristics is re-watching whatever source media it relates to. So for me it's always Cap 2 & 3 and TFATWS, Endgame where Sam gets the shield, and Sam’s scene in AoU and Antman.
I prefer to write in order from start to finish. I find I lose interest too quickly if I don't. Having a point to work toward is easier for me. BUT at the bottom of the notes/outline doc I also have a section for scenes that I absolutely can't get out of my head and need to write down right the fuck now. For example Monica’s induction in TFG was written waaay before anything else, so was the sambucky reunion in that fic. But, because I placed it at the bottom of a separate doc, the fic was still technically written in order 😌 makes perfect sense, I know lol.
Then whenever I finish a bullet point in the outline, I color it off the list. This process helps me keep track of what has been done and what still needs to happen. Seeing how much I've completed also really helps to keep me motivated, plus the colors are fun! Helps with sticking to what i had planned too, i find if i don't follow outlines, the scenes and characterization kind of jump all over the place. Mostly i only have some time on weekends to write so knowing exactly what i need to write and how i need to write it beforehand is key to me. Having the outline done before I start means I have a week to play those scenes out in my head or play with the dialogue until it sounds right. 
If I get stuck, I read either a book or my favorite fics, do some art, or just leave it be until inspo strikes again.
And I think that’s about it. Don’t know if this is what you were looking for but there you have it 😂 
I’m always happy to get asks about my fics and writing, so don’t be shy!
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Real Estate Brochure Design in Delhi
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In the competitive world of real estate, effective marketing materials play a crucial role in attracting potential buyers and investors. Among these, brochures hold a special place, offering a tangible, well-organized presentation of properties, developments, and projects. If you’re looking to make a lasting impression in Delhi's bustling real estate market, partnering with a specialized brochure design company can make all the difference.
Why Brochures Still Matter in Real Estate
Even in an increasingly digital age, real estate brochures remain one of the most powerful tools for property marketing. A well-designed brochure provides a prospective buyer with a concise yet comprehensive look at the project, offering them detailed insights that might not be as effectively communicated through other media. Brochures have a physical presence, which allows them to create a tactile connection with clients, while also being portable and easy to share.
For real estate developers and agents in Delhi, a carefully crafted brochure can be the key to standing out in a crowded market. Delhi’s real estate sector is known for its diversity, ranging from luxury apartments and villas to affordable housing and commercial projects. No matter the niche, a brochure gives you the opportunity to showcase your properties with professional design, high-quality images, and compelling content.
The Key Elements of a Successful Real Estate Brochure
When it comes to real estate brochure design, the details matter. A specialized brochure design company in Delhi understands the essential elements that make a brochure not only visually appealing but also functional and informative:
Engaging Cover Design: First impressions count, and a striking cover can grab the attention of potential buyers. It should feature high-resolution images and a tagline that reflects the property’s unique selling points.
Well-Structured Content: A brochure should be easy to navigate, with clearly defined sections for property details, amenities, location benefits, and pricing. A logical flow of information helps guide the reader from curiosity to interest.
High-Quality Imagery: Professional photography or 3D renderings can make or break a real estate brochure. Stunning visuals that highlight the best features of the property will make your brochure more compelling.
Brand Consistency: Your brochure should align with your overall brand identity. Consistent use of colors, fonts, and logos ensures that your marketing materials reinforce brand recognition.
Location Highlights: In a city like Delhi, location is often a deciding factor for buyers. Make sure your brochure includes a map or visuals that showcase proximity to key landmarks, schools, hospitals, and transport links.
Call-to-Action: Every effective brochure ends with a clear call-to-action. Whether it’s scheduling a site visit, contacting an agent, or visiting a website, your brochure should make it easy for potential buyers to take the next step.
Why Choose a Real Estate Brochure Design Company in Delhi?
A real estate brochure design company in Delhi brings a deep understanding of the city’s real estate market and buyer preferences. They can tailor the design to suit the regional tastes and trends, ensuring your marketing materials resonate with your target audience. Here are a few reasons to work with a professional brochure design company:
Industry Expertise: Real estate brochure design requires a unique approach. Companies specializing in this field understand the nuances of property marketing and how to showcase both residential and commercial spaces effectively.
Customized Solutions: Every property is different, and a one-size-fits-all brochure won’t do justice to your project. A professional brochure design company offers customized solutions that reflect the unique characteristics of your real estate venture.
Local Insight: With an in-depth knowledge of Delhi’s neighborhoods and real estate market, a local company can highlight the right selling points for your property, whether it’s luxury living in South Delhi or affordable housing in Gurgaon.
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devoqdesign · 6 days
Streamlining User Journeys: Mapping and Implementing Effective UI/UX Flows in Elementor
In today's digital landscape, creating a seamless and intuitive user experience is crucial for the success of any website. As a popular WordPress page builder, Elementor provides powerful tools to design and implement effective user interfaces. This blog post will guide you through the process of mapping and implementing UI/UX flows in Elementor, helping you streamline user journeys and boost engagement on your website.
Understanding User Journeys
Before diving into the implementation, it's essential to understand what user journeys are and why they matter. A user journey is the path a visitor takes through your website to accomplish a specific goal, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or finding information. By mapping out these journeys, you can identify pain points, optimize the flow, and create a more satisfying experience for your users.
Key Components of User Journeys:
User Personas: Define your target audience and their characteristics.
Goals: Identify what users want to achieve on your website.
Touchpoints: List the interactions users have with your site.
Pain Points: Recognize potential obstacles in the user's path.
Emotions: Consider how users feel at each stage of their journey.
Mapping User Journeys for Your Elementor Website
Now that we understand the basics, let's explore how to map user journeys specifically for an Elementor-built website:
Define Your User Personas
Create detailed profiles of your typical website visitors. Consider factors such as:
Goals and motivations
Pain points and challenges
Technical proficiency
Identify Key User Goals
List the primary objectives users have when visiting your site. These might include:
Purchasing a product
Booking a service
Finding specific information
Contacting support
Outline the Current User Flow
Use Elementor's structure to map out the existing path users take to achieve their goals. This might involve:
Home page layout and navigation
Category and product pages
Forms and checkout processes
Content organization and accessibility
Analyze and Optimize
Identify areas where users might struggle or abandon their journey. Look for opportunities to streamline the process using Elementor's features.
Implementing Effective UI/UX Flows in Elementor
With your user journeys mapped out, it's time to implement improvements using Elementor's powerful toolkit.
1. Intuitive Navigation Design
Elementor offers various widgets to create user-friendly navigation:
Nav Menu: Design a clear, hierarchical menu structure.
Mega Menu: For sites with extensive content, create organized dropdown menus.
Breadcrumbs: Help users understand their location within your site's structure.
Pro Tip: Use Elementor's conditions to display different menus based on user roles or pages, further personalizing the journey.
2. Engaging Home Page Layout
Your home page is often the starting point of the user journey. Utilize Elementor's sections and columns to create a layout that guides users towards their goals:
Use a hero section with a clear value proposition and call-to-action (CTA).
Implement a grid or carousel to showcase featured products or services.
Add testimonials or trust indicators to build credibility.
3. Streamlined Product/Service Pages
For e-commerce or service-based websites, optimize your product pages:
Use Elementor's Gallery widget to display high-quality images.
Implement the Tabs widget to organize product information clearly.
Add an "Add to Cart" button using the Button widget, ensuring it's prominently displayed.
4. Efficient Forms and Checkouts
Forms are crucial touchpoints in many user journeys. Elementor Pro offers advanced form widgets to create smooth experiences:
Use multi-step forms for complex processes, breaking them into manageable chunks.
Implement conditional logic to show or hide fields based on user input.
Integrate with popular payment gateways for seamless checkouts.
5. Personalized Content Delivery
Leverage Elementor's dynamic content capabilities to personalize the user experience:
Display relevant content based on user behavior or preferences.
Use the Posts widget to show related articles or products.
Implement a search function with live results for quick information access.
6. Mobile Responsiveness
With an increasing number of users accessing websites on mobile devices, ensuring a smooth mobile experience is crucial:
Use Elementor's responsive mode to adjust layouts for different screen sizes.
Implement a mobile-friendly menu using the Mobile Menu widget.
Optimize button sizes and spacing for touch interactions.
7. Performance Optimization
A fast-loading website is essential for a positive user experience. Elementor provides tools to optimize performance:
Use the built-in asset optimization features to minimize CSS and JavaScript.
Implement lazy loading for images to improve initial page load times.
Utilize Elementor's cache system to serve static content more efficiently.
Testing and Iterating Your UI/UX Flows
Implementing UI/UX improvements is an ongoing process. Here's how to continually refine your Elementor-built user journeys:
User Testing: Conduct usability tests with real users to gather feedback on your new flows.
Analytics Integration: Use Elementor's integration capabilities to connect with analytics tools like Google Analytics. Monitor key metrics such as:
Bounce rates
Time on page
Conversion rates
Exit pages
Heat Mapping: Implement heat mapping tools to visualize how users interact with your pages.
A/B Testing: Utilize Elementor's dynamic content to create variations of key pages and test different layouts or CTAs.
Gather Feedback: Implement surveys or feedback forms to collect direct user input on their experience.
Streamlining user journeys in Elementor is a powerful way to enhance the overall user experience of your website. By carefully mapping out user flows and leveraging Elementor's robust feature set, you can create intuitive, engaging, and effective UI/UX designs that guide visitors seamlessly towards their goals.
Remember, the key to success lies in understanding your users, continually testing your implementations, and iterating based on data and feedback. With Elementor's flexibility and the strategies outlined in this guide, you're well-equipped to create user journeys that not only meet but exceed your visitors' expectations.
By focusing on streamlined navigation, personalized content delivery, efficient forms and checkouts, and mobile responsiveness, you'll be able to create a website that not only looks great but also performs exceptionally well in guiding users through their journey. Keep refining your approach, and you'll see improved engagement, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, a more successful online presence.
Visit my Upwork project catalog :  Elementor Developer
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sebastianvarghese · 1 month
Major Study : Digital Art
Week 11: Texturing the Terrain – Bringing the Environment to Life
In Week 11 of our project, we delved deeply into the intricate art of texturing the environment, focusing intently on the creation of a natural and highly immersive setting to enhance the realism and visual appeal of our scene. Our primary goal during this period was dedicated to refining the details within our environment, particularly in ensuring that the textures of the terrain, roads, and various outdoor elements harmonized seamlessly with the truck, trailer, and garage to establish a cohesive and authentic visual experience for the audience.
The process of texturing the terrain is an integral step in the arena of environmental design, serving as the solid foundation upon which the entire scene is built. For this particular endeavour, my initial approach involved carefully mapping out the terrain using a foundational texture that laid the groundwork for subsequent detailed layers. With a keen eye on achieving a natural and rugged appearance for the ground, I selected textures that would emulate a realistic outdoor environment, infused with the textures required to invoke a sense of authenticity.
A crucial aspect of our endeavour was ensuring that the textures applied to the terrain flawlessly melded with the surrounding elements to create a unified and seamless visual narrative. To accomplish this task, I employed a strategic mix of diffuse maps, normal maps, and specular maps. The diffuse map was instrumental in providing the base colour and initial patterns, while the normal map added intricacy and dimension to the surface, elevating it to a more three-dimensional state. Additionally, the use of the specular map was essential in controlling the reflectiveness and shininess of the terrain, particularly vital for sections susceptible to wet conditions or possessing a separate texture.
As we transitioned to the task of texturing the roads, the primary challenge was to imbue them with an appearance that is weathered, well-travelled, and seamlessly integrated into the overall landscape. This involved applying a textured asphalt or gravel overlay, contingent upon the specific road type, and leveraging displacement maps to simulate realistic cracks and wear on the surfaces. By incorporating nuances like tire tracks and patches, we were able to infuse an additional layer of authenticity into the roads, rendering them as though they had been dutifully used over time.
Extending beyond the terrain and roads, texturing the outdoor elements such as rocks, vegetation, and dirt paths emerged as a pivotal endeavour in constructing a convincing environment. Rocks were meticulously textured to highlight their rugged and uneven surfaces, employing a mixture of colours that reflected natural weathering characteristics. Similarly, vegetation like grass and bushes were textured with an emphasis on subtle colour variations and intricate details, ensuring they appeared lively yet grounded in realism.
In our pursuit of a comprehensive visual narrative, the key focus was directed towards achieving a cohesive texture palette where the elements present on the terrain, roads, and within the outdoor surroundings seamlessly blended with the truck, trailer, and garage. This synergy necessitated meticulous adjustments to the colour balance and lighting within the scene, ensuring that the textures intricately complemented the vehicle models while maintaining a harmonious coexistence with their respective materials.
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agnisystechnology · 3 months
Getting Started with IP-XACT for IP Design
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IP-XACT stands for Intellectual Property exchange-Advanced Configuration and Integration of IP components. It is an IEEE standard (IEEE 1685) that provides a standardized format for describing and packaging electronic design intellectual property (IP). Think of it as a universal language for communicating the characteristics, configurations, and connections of various IP components within a design.
IP-XACT streamlines the process of IP packaging and integration by providing a common framework for describing IP components. It enhances interoperability between different design tools, allowing for seamless exchange of design data across the entire design flow. With IP-XACT, designers can easily create, package, and reuse IP components, leading to improved productivity and reduced time-to-market.
Key Concepts of IP-XACT
A fundamental building block of IP-XACT, representing a functional unit or module within a design. At the core of IP-XACT is the concept of component-based design. IP-XACT allows designers to encapsulate IP components as reusable modules, each described using a standardized XML schema. These components can range from simple building blocks like registers and counters to complex processor cores and communication interfaces. By adopting a component-based design approach, designers can improve design reuse, modularity, and scalability, leading to more efficient and maintainable designs.
The IP-XACT schema for a component begins with the definition of the IP component itself. This includes attributes such as the component's vendor, library, name, version, and description. The VLNV uniquely identifies a component. It may consist of one or more bus interfaces used for connections during integration. It may also contain registers organized inside one or more memory maps. Additionally, it may include parameters that define configurable aspects of the component, such as clock frequencies, data widths, and operational modes.
Bus Interface
IP-XACT facilitates communication between IP components through bus interfaces and memory maps. Designers can specify the interface characteristics, including ports, signals, protocols, and timing constraints, using IP-XACT. This standardized approach to interface definition promotes interoperability and compatibility across different IP components and design environments.
For an IP design with multiple bus interfaces, the schema defines each interface's characteristics, including ports, signals, protocols, and timing constraints. Each bus interface may be described in detail, specifying its name, direction (input/output), protocol, address range, and associated signals.
Memory Maps: 
The memory map section of the schema specifies the memory address space of the IP component facilitating memory-mapped communication between components within a design. It defines memory regions, address ranges, and associated attributes such as access permissions (read/write) and data widths. The memory map may include registers, memory blocks, and other memory-mapped peripherals within the IP component.
Configuration Parameters: 
One of the key strengths of IP-XACT is its support for configurable parameters. Designers can define a set of parameters for each IP component, specifying characteristics such as clock frequencies, data widths, operational modes, and interface protocols. These parameters can be customized during instantiation, allowing designers to tailor the behavior of IP components to meet specific design requirements without modifying the underlying IP description. This configurability enhances design flexibility and promotes reuse of IP components across different design contexts.
Example IP-XACT Schema (ver 2022):
This example is taken from Accellera examples for illustration purposes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
               <ipxact:abstractionRef library="AMBA2"
            <ipxact:memoryMapRef memoryMapRef="AHBtarget"/>
            <ipxact:range>1 * (2 ** 10)</ipxact:range>
Now that you know how to create a Component - the basic building block of IP-XACT. Next, we move onto a design that is a collection and connection of these IP components.
We will discuss that in the next article in this series. So stay tuned.
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gyaata · 3 months
Location-Based Businesses: The Importance of Local SEO
One of the most important things that any business owner wants is to make sure that the locals know about their company. To make that possible, location-based SEO, also known as local SEO, is very crucial. Simply put, it’s the process of optimizing your business’s online presence so more people know about you and you can therefore get the attention of customers from local searches.
These searches typically include terms like “near me” or specific city names. For example, if you run a bakery in Mumbai, local SEO helps you appear in search results when someone types “best bakery in Mumbai” or “bakery near me.”
Local SEO is all about making sure your company is visible to people searching for services or products you offer in your specific area. Professionals use various strategies and techniques to ensure their business shows up effectively in local search results, on Google Maps, and in other location-specific online platforms.
By focusing on the best local SEO strategies, you’re essentially putting your company on the map – quite literally – making it easier for potential customers to find you when they need you.
Why Local SEO Matters
Here are a few statistics that will make sure you implement a local SEO strategy for your business –
High Conversion Rates- About 80% of local searches convert, meaning they lead to actions like a phone call, visit, or purchase. This is because people searching locally are often ready to decide or need immediate assistance. By using local SEO services, you make sure your business is front and center when these high-intent searches occur. This increases your chances of converting these searchers into customers.
Consumer Behavior
According to a study done in 2022, a total of 98% of consumers used the Internet to find information about local businesses. The statistics basically highlight how people rely heavily on online searches to guide their choices. If your business isn’t optimized for local search, you’re missing out on a massive audience that’s actively looking for your services.
Direct Contact
60% of users contact businesses directly from local search results, without even visiting the website. Features like Google My Business allow users to call, get directions, or even message a business directly from the search results page. This convenience means that having a well-optimized local search presence can directly drive more leads.
Customer Engagement
Replying to local reviews can increase your submission rates by 12% Engaging with customers by responding to reviews shows that you value their feedback and are committed to improving their experience. Positive interactions in the review section can also build trust and attract new customers who see that your business is responsive and customer-focused.
Building Trust and Credibility
When your business appears in local search results, it can significantly boost your credibility within the community. People tend to trust businesses that show up in the top results because it indicates reliability and relevance. So, when your users see that you constantly appear in local searches, you establish your business as a trustworthy and go-to option for them.
Key Characteristics of Location-Based SEO
Google My Business (GMB)
As already mentioned above, Google My Business is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. A complete and optimized GMB profile is super important for local SEO.
Here are a few strategies to make the best use of your GMB platform –
High-Quality Photos: Upload images that show your products, services, and the ambiance of your business. This makes your profile more appealing to potential customers.
Operating Hours: Keep your business hours up-to-date, including holiday hours, to avoid any customer inconvenience.
Detailed Business Descriptions: Clarity and concision should be your priority. Write a clear and detailed description of your business, including your services, history, and unique selling points.
Customer Reviews: As much as possible, you have to encourage your satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. To do your part in the same, make sure to always respond to reviews as soon as possible.
Local Citations
Local citations are online mentions of your business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP). These can appear in local business directories, websites, and social media platforms.
Here’s how you can optimize your local citations.
Reputable Directories: To maximize the attention to your brand, it’s important that you list your business in reputable local directories such as Yelp, Yellow Pages, and TripAdvisor.
Consistency: This is very important but in order to establish brand recognition, it’s a must that your NAP information is consistent across all listings. Inconsistent information can confuse top search engines as well as your customers and negatively impact the local SEO of your company.
Industry-Specific Listings: As a brownie point, you can get listed in industry-specific directories and local business associations to give a further push to your credibility.
Local Keywords
Using local keywords in your content is another very important task you don’t want to miss out on. These are search terms that include local phrases like your target city or neighborhood. For example, instead of just “plumber,” you might use “plumber in Ahmedabad” or “emergency plumber near Hyde Park.”
Here are some expert keyword strategies that can help you improve your local SEO ranking-
Keyword Research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find local keywords relevant to your business and location. Look for terms that your potential customers are likely to use.
Content Integration: Add these keywords naturally into your website content, blog posts, and social media updates. Avoid too much keyword stuffing, as it can very well even harm the local SEO of your company.
Location Pages: You can create location-specific pages on your website if you serve multiple areas. This helps in targeting customers in different locations with relevant content.
On-Page SEO
On-page SEO is basically the practice of optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. For local SEO, this includes:
Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Include local keywords to make it clear to search engines and users where your business is located.
Header Tags (H1, H2, H3): Use these tags to structure your content and highlight important local keywords.
Content: Create high-quality, locally relevant content that provides value to your audience.
Local Backlinks
Backlinks from local websites, blogs, and online publications can significantly boost your local SEO strategy. These links signal to search engines that your business is a trusted authority in your area.
Here are a few steps that will help you earn local backlinks:
Collaborate Locally: You can partner with local businesses, bloggers, and influencers to earn backlinks. This could involve guest blogging, co-hosting events, or local sponsorships.
Local Events: Participate in or sponsor local events and get featured in local news articles or blogs. These mentions often come with valuable backlinks.
Local Media: You can also reach out to local newspapers, magazines, and online publications to get featured in articles or press releases. Positive media coverage can provide high-quality backlinks and increase your visibility.
Get Professional Assistance for Local SEO
Optimizing your brand based on local SEO services can be super overwhelming due to the extensive amount of work involved in each step of the way. Plus, most of these tasks require a lot of time and dedication, which is not possible for one person alone to carry through.
As a best practice, it’s always a great idea to seek the help of a professional marketing agency such as Gyaata Solutions for your brand’s local SEO. Their team of experts can help you shift the entire dynamic of your business ranking and SEO.
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infinitywebinfopvtltd · 4 months
Characteristics of a Good Travel Portal
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A successful travel portal combines several essential characteristics to provide an exceptional user experience and meet the needs of its target audience. Here are the key characteristics that define a good travel portal:
1. User-Friendly Interface
Intuitive Navigation: Easy-to-use menus, clear labels, and logical flow.
Responsive Design: Optimized for various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Fast Loading Times: Quick page load speeds to enhance user experience and reduce bounce rates.
2. Comprehensive Search and Filtering Options
Advanced Search: Users can search by multiple criteria such as destination, dates, price range, and amenities.
Filtering Options: Options to refine search results based on user preferences (e.g., star ratings, distance from landmarks, etc.).
3. Real-Time Availability and Pricing
Live Inventory: Integration with GDS, CRS, and direct APIs to show real-time availability.
Dynamic Pricing: Reflects current pricing and promotional offers accurately.
4. Secure and Diverse Payment Options
Multiple Payment Methods: Support for credit/debit cards, PayPal, digital wallets, and other payment gateways.
Security: Secure payment processing with SSL encryption and PCI-DSS compliance.
5. Personalization and Recommendations
User Profiles: Save user preferences, travel history, and frequent traveler details.
Personalized Suggestions: Recommendations based on past searches and bookings.
6. Comprehensive Information and Reviews
Detailed Descriptions: Complete information about services, including photos, amenities, policies, and maps.
User Reviews and Ratings: Integration of reviews from users or third-party platforms like TripAdvisor.
7. Efficient Booking Management
Booking Confirmation: Instant confirmations via email and SMS.
Modification and Cancellation: Easy processes for altering or canceling bookings.
Itinerary Management: Tools for users to manage their travel plans.
8. Customer Support
Multi-Channel Support: Availability of support via chat, email, and phone.
24/7 Assistance: Round-the-clock customer service for handling queries and issues.
Self-Service Options: FAQs, help sections, and automated chat-bots for common questions.
9. Integration with Third-Party Services
APIs and Web Services: Seamless integration with external services for flights, hotels, car rentals, tours, and activities.
Social Media Integration: Options for users to share their bookings and experiences on social media platforms.
10. Scalability and Performance
Cloud-Based Solutions: Ensure the portal can handle high traffic volumes and scale resources as needed.
Performance Optimization: Regular monitoring and optimization of the portal for peak performance.
11. Marketing and Promotional Tools
Discounts and Offers: Easy setup for special deals, promo codes, and loyalty programs.
Email Marketing: Automated email campaigns for marketing and customer engagement.
Analytics and Reporting: Tools to analyze user behavior, sales performance, and market trends.
12. Legal and Compliance
GDPR Compliance: Ensures user data privacy and compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
Clear Terms and Conditions: Transparent policies regarding bookings, cancellations, refunds, and data usage.
A good travel portal blends advanced technology with user-centric design and robust features to deliver a seamless and enjoyable booking experience. By focusing on these characteristics, travel companies can create a portal that not only meets the needs of their customers but also stands out in a competitive market. Whether catering to individual travelers, travel agents, or corporate clients, these key features ensure that the portal is efficient, reliable, and capable of providing exceptional service.
For more Contact us:-
Mobile :- +91 9711090237r
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webscarlet · 6 months
Stay Ahead with Sites by Sara: Mastering Google My Business Management for Local Success
In the present day digital age, a sturdy online presence is essential for nearby companies to be successful. Google My Business (GMB) is a powerful device which could help organizations attain this goal. By mastering GMB control, businesses can live beforehand of the opposition and ensure that they may be visible to local customers searching for products or services like theirs.
Setting Up Your GMB Profile
Setting up a GMB profile is step one in harnessing the energy of this platform. Start through developing an account or claiming an existing listing. Verify the business data, along with call, address, smartphone wide variety (NAP), and internet site URL. Next, optimize the profile by providing distinctive descriptions of services or products, commercial enterprise hours, and different relevant info. Adding images and videos can similarly enhance the list and provide clients with a better concept of what to anticipate when they go to the commercial enterprise.
Understanding GMB Features
GMB offers quite a few functions to assist corporations engage with customers and manage their on-line presence correctly. One key function is Posts, which allows businesses to percentage updates, promotions, and occasions with their target audience. Another critical characteristic is messaging, which permits direct communique with clients who locate the business on Google Search and Maps. Managing critiques is likewise crucial for retaining a superb on-line recognition. Responding to reviews, each advantageous and bad, suggests that the commercial enterprise values customer remarks and is committed to providing a superb revel in.
Optimizing for Local search engine marketing
Optimizing a GMB profile is crucial for improving local seo (SEO) efforts. Ensuring NAP consistency throughout all on line systems is vital, as inconsistent information can confuse clients and hurt search rankings. Using relevant key phrases within the GMB profile, posts, and website content material also can improve visibility in search consequences. Encouraging patron critiques is every other important factor of local search engine optimization, as fine critiques can enhance credibility and appeal to more customers.
Utilizing Insights and Analytics
GMB offers treasured insights into how customers are locating and interacting with a commercial enterprise on-line. By monitoring metrics such as perspectives, clicks, and calls, groups can gain a better expertise of their audience and adjust their techniques hence. These insights can help discover tendencies and opportunities for growth, permitting businesses to make informed decisions approximately the way to first-rate promote their business online.
Engaging with Customers
Engaging with clients is fundamental to building a devoted consumer base and keeping effective on line recognition. Responding to opinions, both superb and negative, indicates that the business values purchaser comments and is committed to imparting a wonderful revel in. Using the Q&A section on the GMB list to cope with client queries and presenting useful statistics can also improve client engagement. Promoting unique offers, income, and activities via the Posts function can help entice more customers to the enterprise.
Stand Out with Google My Business
GMB offers several capabilities that could assist corporations stand out from the competition. Ensuring that the business is listed efficiently on Google Maps can improve visibility in local search results. Using the GMB profile to showcase precise promotion points, consisting of unique products, incredible customer service, or convenient areas, can attract more customers and force enterprise growth.
Future Trends and Strategies
Staying beforehand of the curve is crucial inside the ever-evolving virtual panorama. Voice search optimization is becoming increasingly vital, so optimizing a GMB profile for voice seek queries can assist reach greater clients. Incorporating visual content right into a GMB profile also can make it extra attractive and appealing to ability customers.
Mastering Google My Business control is critical for neighborhood organizations seeking to live in advance in a state-of-the-art aggressive market. By setting up and optimizing a GMB profile, engaging with clients, and leveraging the platform's capabilities, companies can enhance visibility, attract extra customers, and pressure enterprise growth. Contact Sites By Sara at 385-355-5351 for professional Google My Business management offerings and take a business to the next degree.
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marketinsight1234 · 6 months
South Korean Vegetable Oil Market 2030 Business Insights with Key Trend Analysis
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Vegetable Oil is Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.
One kind of edible oil that comes from different plant sources is called vegetable oil. It is extracted using mechanical or chemical methods from the seeds, fruits, or nuts of a plant. Soybeans, sunflower seeds, canola, palm fruit, and olives are examples of common plant sources. Because of their neutral flavor and high smoke point, which make them ideal for frying, sautéing, and baking, vegetable oils are frequently used in cooking and food preparation.
Triglycerides make up the majority of vegetable oils' makeup, which is one of its distinguishing characteristics. These fats are composed of fatty acids and glycerol. Vegetable oils can contain a variety of fatty acids, including saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats, depending on the source. The proportion of these fats can have implications for the oil's health effects.
Due to its plant origin, vegetable oil is considered a healthier alternative to animal fats like butter or lard, as it generally contains less saturated fat. However, using vegetable oils in moderation is important, as they are still calorie-dense. Additionally, some vegetable oils are produced through processes that may raise concerns about their environmental impact. Thus, choosing sustainably sourced vegetable oils can also be an essential consideration for environmentally conscious consumers.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: -
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Leading players involved in the South Korean Vegetable Oil Market include:
Jangguri Cooperative (South Korea), Haeonfood (South Korea), Agricultural corporation Naepo Co.Ltd. (South Korea), Chung Yang Foods (South Korea), TAKII KOREA CO.LTD. (South Korea) CHEONNYEONMEEIN (South Korea), NOKCHAWON CO.LTD (South Korea), GW Corporation (South Korea), Avofnc Inc. (South Korea), SERIM CO.LTD. (South Korea), Hwa Sung Ind. Co. Ltd (South Korea) and Other Major Players.
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. 
If You Have Any Query South Korean Vegetable Oil Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of South Korean Vegetable Oil Market:      
By Type
Palm Oil
Soybean Oil
Rapeseed Oil
Sunflower Oil
Olive Oil
By Nature
By Packaging Type
By Application
Food Industry
Cosmetics & Personal
Animal Feed
By Distribution Channels
Convenience Stores
Online Retail
Wholesale Distributors
Specialty Stores
Highlights from the report:
Market Study: It includes key market segments, key manufacturers covered, product range offered in the years considered, Global South Korean Vegetable Oil Market, and research objectives. It also covers segmentation study provided in the report based on product type and application.
Market Executive Summary: This section highlights key studies, market growth rates, competitive landscape, market drivers, trends, and issues in addition to macro indicators.
Market Production by Region: The report provides data related to imports and exports, revenue, production and key players of all the studied regional markets are covered in this section.
South Korean Vegetable Oil Market Profiles of Top Key Competitors: Analysis of each profiled Roll Hardness Tester market player is detailed in this section. This segment also provides SWOT analysis of individual players, products, production, value, capacity, and other important factors.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
Acquire This Reports: -
About Us:
We are technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold the expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macro-economic analysis gives a bird's eye view of a market to our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
Contact Us:
Office No 101, Saudamini Commercial Complex,
Right Bhusari Colony,
Kothrud, Pune,
Maharashtra, India - 411038 (+1) 773 382 1049 +91 - 81800 - 96367
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marketdevelopment · 7 months
South Korean Vegetable Oil Market 2030 Business Insights with Key Trend Analysis
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Vegetable Oil is Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.
One kind of edible oil that comes from different plant sources is called vegetable oil. It is extracted using mechanical or chemical methods from the seeds, fruits, or nuts of a plant. Soybeans, sunflower seeds, canola, palm fruit, and olives are examples of common plant sources. Because of their neutral flavor and high smoke point, which make them ideal for frying, sautéing, and baking, vegetable oils are frequently used in cooking and food preparation.
Triglycerides make up the majority of vegetable oils' makeup, which is one of its distinguishing characteristics. These fats are composed of fatty acids and glycerol. Vegetable oils can contain a variety of fatty acids, including saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats, depending on the source. The proportion of these fats can have implications for the oil's health effects.
Due to its plant origin, vegetable oil is considered a healthier alternative to animal fats like butter or lard, as it generally contains less saturated fat. However, using vegetable oils in moderation is important, as they are still calorie-dense. Additionally, some vegetable oils are produced through processes that may raise concerns about their environmental impact. Thus, choosing sustainably sourced vegetable oils can also be an essential consideration for environmentally conscious consumers.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: -
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Leading players involved in the South Korean Vegetable Oil Market include:
Jangguri Cooperative (South Korea), Haeonfood (South Korea), Agricultural corporation Naepo Co.Ltd. (South Korea), Chung Yang Foods (South Korea), TAKII KOREA CO.LTD. (South Korea) CHEONNYEONMEEIN (South Korea), NOKCHAWON CO.LTD (South Korea), GW Corporation (South Korea), Avofnc Inc. (South Korea), SERIM CO.LTD. (South Korea), Hwa Sung Ind. Co. Ltd (South Korea) and Other Major Players.
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. 
If You Have Any Query South Korean Vegetable Oil Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of South Korean Vegetable Oil Market:      
By Type
Palm Oil
Soybean Oil
Rapeseed Oil
Sunflower Oil
Olive Oil
By Nature
By Packaging Type
By Application
Food Industry
Cosmetics & Personal
Animal Feed
By Distribution Channels
Convenience Stores
Online Retail
Wholesale Distributors
Specialty Stores
Highlights from the report:
Market Study: It includes key market segments, key manufacturers covered, product range offered in the years considered, Global South Korean Vegetable Oil Market, and research objectives. It also covers segmentation study provided in the report based on product type and application.
Market Executive Summary: This section highlights key studies, market growth rates, competitive landscape, market drivers, trends, and issues in addition to macro indicators.
Market Production by Region: The report provides data related to imports and exports, revenue, production and key players of all the studied regional markets are covered in this section.
South Korean Vegetable Oil Market Profiles of Top Key Competitors: Analysis of each profiled Roll Hardness Tester market player is detailed in this section. This segment also provides SWOT analysis of individual players, products, production, value, capacity, and other important factors.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
Acquire This Reports: -
About Us:
We are technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold the expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macro-economic analysis gives a bird's eye view of a market to our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
Contact Us:
Office No 101, Saudamini Commercial Complex,
Right Bhusari Colony,
Kothrud, Pune,
Maharashtra, India - 411038 (+1) 773 382 1049 +91 - 81800 - 96367
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ask-silver-the-hedgie · 7 months
Choosing The Right Microblading Eyebrow Shape
Microblading eyebrow shapes offer a transformative solution for achieving perfectly defined and symmetrical brows. This cosmetic technique involves the meticulous application of semi-permanent pigment to the skin, creating natural-looking hair strokes that mimic the appearance of real eyebrows. From arched to feathered to straight, microblading offers a range of eyebrow shapes to suit different facial structures and personal preferences. Whether enhancing sparse brows, correcting asymmetry, or simply seeking a more defined look, microblading allows individuals to achieve their desired eyebrow shape with precision and lasting results. By customizing the shape, thickness, and arch of the brows, microblading artists can tailor the treatment to complement each client's unique features, resulting in flawless and confidence-boosting results.
Understanding Microblading Eyebrows Shapes
This section serves as an introduction to microblading and its role in shaping eyebrows. It explains the process of microblading, emphasizing its ability to create natural-looking hair strokes and enhance eyebrow shape and definition. Additionally, it highlights the importance of selecting the right eyebrow shape to complement individual facial features and preferences.
Popular Microblading Eyebrows Shapes
Delving into the most sought-after microblading eyebrows shapes achieved through microblading, this subtitle explores popular options such as arched brows, feathered brows, straight brows, and more. It discusses the characteristics of each shape, including their suitability for different face shapes and the desired aesthetic outcomes they offer.
Customizing Microblading Eyebrows Shapes
This section explores the customization aspect of microblading, emphasizing the importance of tailoring eyebrow shapes to each client's unique features and preferences. It discusses factors such as face shape, brow bone structure, and natural eyebrow growth patterns, which influence the selection and customization of microblading eyebrow shapes.
Achieving Symmetry with Microblading
Symmetry is a key element of aesthetically pleasing eyebrows. This subtitle discusses how microblading can help achieve symmetry by carefully mapping out eyebrow shapes and ensuring uniformity in the placement of hair strokes. It explores techniques used by microblading artists to create balanced and harmonious eyebrow shapes.
How Microblading Enhances Facial Harmony?
Microblading goes beyond simply shaping eyebrows; it can also enhance overall facial features. This section explores how microblading eyebrow shapes can be used to complement and accentuate other facial features, such as the eyes, nose, and cheekbones. It discusses how the right eyebrow shape can create a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.
Understanding The Microblading Consultation Process
Before undergoing microblading, a thorough consultation is essential to determine the most suitable eyebrow shape for each client. This subtitle discusses the consultation process, highlighting the importance of discussing clients' preferences, analyzing their facial features, and setting realistic expectations. It emphasizes the collaborative nature of the consultation, where clients and microblading artists work together to achieve the desired eyebrow shape.
Maintaining Microbladed Eyebrows
Once microblading is complete, proper maintenance is essential to preserve the integrity of the eyebrow shape. This section offers tips and advice on how to care for microbladed eyebrows, including post-procedure care instructions, touch-up appointments, and long-term maintenance strategies to ensure lasting results. It emphasizes the importance of following aftercare guidelines to prolong the lifespan of microbladed eyebrows and maintain their shape and appearance over time.
In conclusion, microblading eyebrows shapes offer a personalized and transformative solution for achieving flawless brows. Through careful consultation, collaboration, and customization, clients can achieve eyebrow shapes that enhance their natural features and align with their preferences. The process not only involves selecting the right shape but also ensuring symmetry, balance, and harmony with facial features. With the expertise of microblading artists and the collaborative effort between clients and professionals, the journey to perfect eyebrows becomes an empowering and fulfilling experience. Whether it's achieving arched, feathered, or straight brows, microblading provides individuals with the opportunity to define their look and boost their confidence, resulting in lasting satisfaction and beauty enhancement.
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jcmarchi · 9 months
3D atomic details of next-generation alloys revealed for first time - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/3d-atomic-details-of-next-generation-alloys-revealed-for-first-time-technology-org/
3D atomic details of next-generation alloys revealed for first time - Technology Org
Alloys, which are materials such as steel that are made by combining two or more metallic elements, are among the underpinnings of contemporary life. They are essential for buildings, transportation, appliances and tools — including, very likely, the device you are using to read this story. In applying alloys, engineers have faced an age-old trade-off common in most materials: Alloys that are hard tend to be brittle and break under strain, while those that are flexible under strain tend to dent easily.
Atomic map of a high-entropy alloy nanoparticle shows different categories of elements in red, blue and green, and twinning boundaries in yellow. Image credit: Miao Lab/UCLA
Possibilities for sidestepping that trade-off arose about 20 years ago, when researchers first developed medium- and high-entropy alloys, stable materials that combine hardness and flexibility in a way in which conventional alloys do not. (The “entropy” in the name indicates how disorderly the mixture of the elements in the alloys is.)
Now, a UCLA-led research team has provided an unprecedented view of the structure and characteristics of medium- and high-entropy alloys. Using an advanced imaging technique, the team mapped, for the first time ever, the three-dimensional atomic coordinates of such alloys. In another scientific first for any material, the researchers correlated the mixture of elements with structural defects.
“Medium- and high-entropy alloys had been previously imaged at the atomic scale in 2D projections, but this study represents the first time that their 3D atomic order has been directly observed,” said corresponding author Jianwei “John” Miao, a professor of physics in the UCLA College and member of the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA. “We found a new knob that can be turned to boost alloys’ toughness and flexibility.”
Medium-entropy alloys combine three or four metals in roughly equal amounts; high-entropy alloys combine five or more in the same way. In contrast, conventional alloys are mostly one metal with others intermixed in lower proportions. (Stainless steel, for example, can be three-quarters or more of iron.)
To understand the scientists’ findings, think of a blacksmith forging a sword. That work is guided by the counterintuitive fact that small structural defects actually make metals and alloys tougher. As the blacksmith repeatedly heats a soft, flexible metal bar until it glows and then quenches it in water, structural defects accrue that help turn the bar into an unyielding sword.
Miao and his colleagues focused on a type of structural defect called a twin boundary, which is understood to be a key factor in medium- and high-entropy alloys’ unique combination of toughness and flexibility. Twinning happens when strain causes one section of a crystal matrix to bend diagonally while the atoms around it remain in their original configuration, forming mirror images on either side of the boundary.
The researchers used an array of metals to make nanoparticles, so small they can be measured in billionths of a meter. Six medium-entropy alloy nanoparticles combined nickel, palladium and platinum. Four nanoparticles of a high-entropy alloy combined cobalt, nickel, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, iridium and platinum.
The process to create these alloys resembles an extreme — and extremely fast — version of the blacksmith’s task. The scientists liquified the metal at over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit for five-hundredths of a second, then cooled it down in less than one-tenth that time. The idea is to fix the solid alloy in the same varied mixture of elements as a liquid. Along the way, the shock of the process induced twin boundaries in six of the 10 nanoparticles; four of those each had a pair of twins.
Identifying the defects required an imaging technique the researchers developed, called atomic electron tomography. The technique uses electrons because atomic-level details are much smaller than wavelengths of visible light. The resulting data can be mapped in 3D because multiple images are captured as a sample is rotated. Tuning atomic electron tomography to map the complex mixtures of metals was a painstaking endeavor.
“Our goal is to find the truth in nature, and our measurements have to be as accurate as possible,” said Miao, who is also deputy director of the STROBE National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center. “We worked slowly, pushing the limit to make each step of the process as perfect as possible, then moved on to the next step.”
The scientists mapped each atom in the medium-entropy alloy nanoparticles. Some of the metals in the high-entropy alloy were too similar in size for electron microscopy to differentiate among them. So the map of those nanoparticles grouped the atoms into three categories.
The researchers observed that the more that atoms of different elements (or different categories of elements) are mixed, the more likely the alloy’s structure will change in a way that contributes to matching toughness with flexibility. The findings could inform the design of medium- and high-entropy alloys with added durability and even unlock potential properties currently unseen in steel and other conventional alloys by engineering the mixture of certain elements.
“The problem with studying defective materials is that you have to look at each individual defect separately to really know how it affects the surrounding atoms,” said co-author Peter Ercius, a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Molecular Foundry. “Atomic electron tomography is the only technique with the resolution to do that. It’s just amazing that we can see jumbled atomic arrangements at this scale inside such small objects.”
Miao and his colleagues are now developing a new imaging method that combines atomic electron microscopy with a technique for identifying a sample’s makeup based on the photons it emits, in order to distinguish between metals with atoms of similar size. They are also developing ways to examine bulk medium- and high-entropy alloys and to understand fundamental relationships between their structures and properties.
The study was published Dec. 20 in the journal Nature.
The co-first authors of the study are Saman Moniri, a former UCLA postdoctoral scholar; Yao Yang, who earned a doctorate from UCLA in 2021; and Jun Ding of Xi’an Jiaotong University in China. Other co-authors are UCLA postdoctoral scholars Yuxuan Liao; former UCLA postdoctoral scholars Yakun Yuan, Jihan Zhou, Long Yang and Fan Zhu; and Yonggang Yao and Liangbing Hu of University of Maryland, College Park.
The study was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. The experiment was performed at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry, also sponsored by the DOE.
Source: UCLA
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