#Khap Panchayat
metamatar · 5 months
Where a Hindu marriage is not performed in accordance with the applicable rites or ceremonies such as saptapadi [the rite where a couple walks around a fire seven times] when included, the marriage will not be construed as a Hindu marriage,” the judgement said. [...]
The court criticised the practice of couples acquiring a marriage certificate without conducting ceremonies.
“As we have already noted, any such registration of a marriage before the registrar of marriages and a certificate being issued thereafter would not confirm that the parties have ‘solemnised’ a Hindu marriage,” it said
modern hinduism and its state enforcement is merely another mechanism for brahmanization. also wild precedent set for dissolving the marriages of most likely intercaste marriages. the courts already let parents intefere in marriages they dislike through "love jihad" and in the heartland with khap panchayats. in a country where young couples need what are effectively domestic violence shelters to save themselves from the wrath of their communities surely this is a great move.
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pi-ying-xi · 3 months
The number of women who would know first hand the bitterness of being maneuvered to retract an accusation of sexual harassment while being fully aware of the consequences for their lives afterwards.
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And the Royal family is basically a khap panchayat with a little more gold and jewels.
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Being forced to marry one's abuser 😱😱
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When Jiang Li sticks the knife into them one by one, I will set off fireworks in celebration.
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incoldbloodsblog · 9 days
The Dark Side of Honor Killings: Cases that Shocked India
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Honor killings remain one of the most disturbing forms of violence in India, highlighting the clash between age-old traditions and modern legal and moral standards. Rooted in rigid concepts of family honor, caste, and patriarchy, these heinous acts often target young couples who defy social norms, such as inter-caste or inter-religious relationships. What makes honor killings even more tragic is the involvement of the victims' own families, driven by the belief that they are restoring honor through violence.In most cases, the victim is a woman, although in several cases the man/boy is also targeted. The victims in some cases are also those belonging to the queer (LGBTQ+) community.
Several cases of honour killings from India’s urban and rural pockets go unreported. The National Crimes Record Bureau’s report for 2020 revealed that 25 cases of “honour killing” were reported in the preceding year. In the previous years, the reports stated that only one incident each took place in 2018 and 2017. But Evidence, an NGO, revealed in November 2019 that as many as 195 known cases of honour killings were reported from Tamil Nadu alone in the past five years.
India has witnessed several brutal cases that shook the nation’s conscience, raising awareness of the deep-seated cultural norms that perpetuate this violence.
5 Recent Brutal Murders: A Closer Look
1. Nitish Katara Murder Case (2002)
Another chilling case is that of Nitish Katara, a young businessman who was brutally murdered by Vikas Yadav, the son of a prominent politician, because he was in love with Vikas’ sister, Bharti Yadav. The Yadav family, a powerful political dynasty, opposed the relationship as they felt Nitish did not belong to their caste or social class. Nitish was abducted, beaten, and burnt to death in a gruesome crime that shocked the country.The long legal battle for justice was a testimony to how honor killings are often connected to the powerful political class, where perpetrators use their influence to evade justice. The Katara family fought relentlessly, and in 2016, Vikas Yadav was sentenced to life imprisonment, marking a major victory against entrenched social inequalities and caste hierarchies.
2.Manoj-Babli Case (2007)
The infamous Manoj-Babli case from Haryana became a turning point in India's fight against honor killings. Manoj and Babli, who belonged to the same "gotra" (clan), defied societal norms by eloping and marrying. Their marriage enraged Babli’s family and village elders, who deemed their union incestuous, even though it was legal by Indian law. The Khap Panchayat, a local caste council, ordered their murder, and the couple was abducted, tortured, and killed by Babli's relatives.This case was significant as it led to the conviction of several members of the Panchayat, as well as Babli’s family, making it the first time an Indian court had handed down such a severe punishment for an honor killing. The case exposed the authority of Khaps in rural India, which often override state laws, and underscored the urgent need for legal reform to protect young couples.
3. Ilavarasan-Divya Case (2013)
The tragic love story of Ilavarasan and Divya from Tamil Nadu exposed how caste continues to dictate relationships and, in extreme cases, lead to honor-based violence. Ilavarasan, a Dalit man, married Divya, a woman from a higher Vanniyar caste, defying the rigid caste system in rural Tamil Nadu. Divya's family and her community could not tolerate their marriage, and her father was accused of driving her to leave Ilavarasan after intense pressure.Soon after, Ilavarasan was found dead near railway tracks, in what many believe to be a planned murder disguised as a suicide. The case caused widespread protests across Tamil Nadu, exposing the caste-based discrimination that still plagues rural India. Ilavarasan’s death was a grim reminder of how deep-rooted prejudices continue to determine the fate of young couples in love, often ending in tragedy.
4. Afsana Case (2020)
Afsana’s case was yet another painful example of how interfaith relationships can become lethal in India. Afsana, a young Muslim woman from Uttar Pradesh, fell in love with a Hindu man, which led to escalating tensions within her conservative family. Afsana’s family disapproved of the relationship, fearing that it would bring shame to their community.In a brutal turn of events, Afsana was strangled to death by her own father and brothers to preserve the family's so-called honor.Afsana’s murder was one among several interfaith love stories in India that faced a similar fate, amplifying the communal tensions surrounding interreligious marriages. Her death not only reflected the patriarchal control over women’s bodies and choices but also pointed to the growing religious intolerance in the country.
5. The Keelvenmani Murders (2021)
In another heart-wrenching case from Tamil Nadu, a Dalit boy, Nirmal Kumar, and his lover, Subhashree, from the dominant Vanniyar caste, were brutally murdered by Subhashree’s family for eloping. The couple, aged just 21 and 20, had sought refuge from Subhashree's relatives who opposed their relationship due to the caste divide. Despite fleeing for safety, they were tracked down and killed in cold blood.This modern-day horror reignited debates about casteism in India, as Subhashree's family faced no remorse for taking the lives of their own kin and her partner. The media coverage and outrage that followed demonstrated how honor killings transcend mere family dynamics and are deeply rooted in India's hierarchical social structure.
Laws to Deal with ‘HONOUR KILLING’
In India, honor killings are not governed by a specific law but are prosecuted under general criminal laws, particularly those dealing with murder, homicide, and violence. However, there have been legal measures, court rulings, and proposed bills to address the unique nature of such crimes. Below is an overview of the legal framework and key court interventions in dealing with honor killings:
1. Indian Penal Code (IPC)
Honor killings are generally prosecuted under the following sections of the IPC, which deal with murder and other violent crimes:
Section 302 (Murder): Punishes the crime of murder with life imprisonment or the death penalty.
Section 307 (Attempt to Murder): Applies to cases where the victim survives the attack.
Section 120B (Criminal Conspiracy): Used when multiple people are involved in planning and executing the killing, such as family members or community leaders.
Section 34 (Acts Done by Several Persons in Furtherance of Common Intention): Often used when several people collectively carry out the crime.
Section 364 (Kidnapping or Abduction in Order to Murder): Applied when the victim is kidnapped before being murdered.
Section 376 (Rape): In some cases, sexual assault is also part of the violence related to honor crimes.
2. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
While not specifically designed for honor killings, this act provides civil remedies for women facing violence or abuse, including threats of harm related to "family honor." In cases where women are threatened with honor-based violence by their families, they can seek protection under this law.
3. The Indian Constitution
Article 21 (Right to Life): The Supreme Court of India has held that honor killings violate the fundamental right to life and personal liberty enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution.
Article 14 (Right to Equality): Honor killings, often motivated by caste or gender-based discrimination, are seen as violations of this article, which guarantees equality before the law.
Article 15 (Prohibition of Discrimination on Grounds of Religion, Race, Caste, etc.): In cases where caste or religious differences motivate honor killings, Article 15 is cited.
4. Key Court Judgments
The Supreme Court of India has played a crucial role in addressing honor killings through its judgments, recognizing them as a serious violation of fundamental rights.
Shakti Vahini vs. Union of India (2018): In this landmark judgment, the Supreme Court strongly condemned honor killings and directed state governments to take preventive, remedial, and punitive measures. The court issued guidelines aimed at curbing the influence of Khap Panchayats (traditional caste councils) that often sanction such killings.
Arumugam Servai vs. State of Tamil Nadu (2011): The Supreme Court declared that any person or organization supporting or encouraging honor killings would be subjected to harsh penalties, including the death penalty in certain cases.
5. Proposed Legislation: Prevention of Crimes in the Name of 'Honor' and Tradition Bill, 2010
This proposed bill, introduced in the Rajya Sabha in 2010, sought to address honor killings specifically. Although the bill has not yet become law, it aimed to:
Criminalize the intimidation or harassment of couples who marry against societal or familial norms.
Penalize acts of violence, harassment, or coercion by family members or caste councils (Khap Panchayats).
Impose stricter penalties, including imprisonment and fines, for those found guilty of such crimes.
Criminalize the act of forcing a person into marriage to restore "family honor."
The bill has not been passed, and honor killings continue to be prosecuted under existing criminal laws.
6. Law Commission of India (2012) Recommendations
The Law Commission of India, in its 242nd Report, recommended a specific legal framework to deal with honor crimes. The report called for:
The introduction of a new Section 300A in the IPC to criminalize honor-based crimes.
Recognizing crimes committed in the name of honor as a distinct offense, with special provisions for harsher punishment.
Creating a legal mechanism to tackle the involvement of village or caste panchayats in sanctioning honor killings.
7. Preventive Measures
Police Protection: Courts can direct the police to provide protection to couples who fear for their lives due to the threat of honor killings.
District Magistrate’s Role: The Supreme Court has directed district magistrates to take preventive measures, such as keeping a watch on areas where such crimes are prevalent, and ensuring that couples who marry out of choice are protected.
8. Death Penalty for Honor Killings
While Indian law does not provide a specific provision for the death penalty in honor killing cases, courts have imposed the death sentence in some cases under the "rarest of the rare" doctrine. This doctrine allows for the death penalty in cases where the crime is deemed exceptionally brutal or heinous, as in many honor killing cases.
Honor Killings: The Larger Picture
The common thread in these cases is the deep-seated social structure in India that prioritizes family honor, caste purity, and community approval over individual freedoms and personal choices. Honor killings often occur in rural areas but are not limited to them. The influence of caste-based councils, or Khaps, is still strong in many parts of the country, where they wield unofficial but significant authority, often leading to such heinous crimes.
The Legal Struggle
Despite the growing awareness around honor killings, India does not have a specific law addressing this form of violence. Such killings are prosecuted under general murder laws, but activists argue that these laws fail to address the cultural and social factors that fuel such crimes. Several attempts have been made to pass a comprehensive law targeting honor-based violence, but progress has been slow.
Honor killings reflect the darkest aspects of India’s social fabric, where archaic traditions collide with modern values of personal freedom and choice. The cases of Manoj-Babli, Nitish Katara, Ilavarasan-Divya, and others serve as tragic reminders of the lives lost to this outdated concept of family and social honor. As India continues to evolve, the need for legal reforms, societal education, and support systems for young couples becomes ever more critical to prevent such atrocities in the future. Although India does not have a dedicated law for honor killings, the existing legal framework provides several avenues to prosecute and punish offenders. The judiciary has been proactive in addressing the issue through landmark judgments, while civil society continues to push for specific legislation that acknowledges the unique social and cultural dimensions of honor crimes. Until a comprehensive legal framework is enacted, honor killings will continue to be prosecuted under general criminal laws, and the battle against these brutal practices will rely heavily on enforcement, awareness, and education.
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maipareshaan · 1 month
Comedy. Btw chowmein is indo-chinese noodles and khap panchayat is like a village assembly
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creative-pens · 1 year
Wrestlers meet Amit Shah; To stay united, wrestlers to hold own mahapanchayat soon, Bajrang Punia
The wrestlers put forward their demands before Amit Shah who assured them that the probe will be impartial, a source told TNIE.
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NEW DELHI: India’s top wrestlers, who are protesting against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, the sidelined chief of the Wrestling Federation of India, met Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday night.
It is learnt that Olympic medallists Bajrang Punia and Sakshi Malik along with two-time World Championships medallist Vinesh Phogat had a meeting with Home Minister Shah at his residence in New Delhi. The meeting lasted for more than an hour, sources told TNIE.
“The meeting started at around 11 PM. It continued till midnight. The wrestlers put forward their demands before Shah who assured them that the probe will be impartial,” a source in the know things told TNIE. Notably, the wrestlers met Shah in the past as well.
A day before their march towards the new Parliament on May 28, Sakshi, along with her husband Satyawart Kadian and a few Khap leaders, had met Amit Shah. However, the meeting could not fetch desired results as wrestlers tried to breach the security cordon put in place at Jantar Mantar the next day. The Delhi police later detained all the protesting wrestlers and even registered FIRs against them. The protest site was also cleared barring the grapplers to return to the place to continue the protest. “Wrestlers once again demanded immediate arrest of Brij Bhushan but the Home Minister told them that arrest could only be made by police after completion of the investigation,” added the source.
Wrestlers’ mahapanchayat
Meanwhile, a mahapanchayat was held in Mundlana, Sonepat (Haryana) on Sunday to express solidarity with protesting wrestlers. Bajrang attended the meeting. Former Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satyapal Malik, Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) chief Jayant Chaudhary, Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad, Bharat Rashtra Kisan Samithi’s Gurnam Singh Chaduni and others also attended mahapanchayat.
Speaking on the occasion, Bajrang urged the Khap leaders and farmer organisations not to hold multiple mahapanchayats. “Bajrang said these panchayats are sending wrong messages and developing a perception that the wrestlers have been pushed to the background. He instead announced that the wrestlers will soon hold a mahapanchayat to discuss the future course of action,” said a source who attended the mahapanchayat.
Referring to their earlier plans to immerse their medals in the Ganga river, Punia said: “These have left our wrestler sisters and daughters broken. We will hold one mahapanchayat and will give a call for that. We will decide on the venue. We want to bring everyone together for that panchayat, we don’t want us to be divided.”
He said their battle was not for any particular caste but for honour and respect. “If we remain divided, we cannot win.”
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disneyplus-drama · 1 year
레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화
레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 가능합니다.
디즈니플러스 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 보는곳 <
드라마 레이스 다시 보기 시청 바랍니다.
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Thiruvananthapuram의 고위 의회 지도자이자 MP인 Shashi 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 Tharoor는 일요일 역사적인 "Sengol"을 둘러싼 논쟁에 뛰어들었습니다. 왕권은 "전통의 연속성을 반영"하고 "네루에게 왕권이 넘겨졌다는 논쟁의 여지가 있는 적청어를 단순히 떨어뜨리면" 양측이 화해할 수 있다고 언급하면서 Tharoor는 "#sengol 논쟁에 대한 내 자신의 견해는 양측 모두 좋은 주장을 가지고 있습니다."
의회 MP Shashi Tharoor(PTI) “정부는 홀이 신성한 주권과 법의 지배를 구현함으로써 전통의 연속성을 반영한다고 올바르게 주장합니다. 야당은 헌법이 국민의 이름으로 채택되었으며 주권은 의회에서 대표되는 인도 국민에게 있으며 신성한 권리에 의해 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 물려받은 왕의 특권이 아니라고 정당하게 주장합니다.”라고 그는 말했습니다.
Tharoor는 "권력 이전을 상징하기 위해 Mountbatten이 Nehru에게 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 건네준 홀에 대한 논쟁의 여지가 있는 적청어를 떨어뜨리면 두 입장이 조화를 이룰 수 있습니다. 이 이야기는 증거가 없습니다."라고 덧붙였습니다.
일요일 잔타르 만타르의 시위 현장에서 새 국회의사당을 향해 행진하려던 시위 참가자들을 보안요원들이 멈추고 구금했습니다. 레슬링 선수들은 새 의회 앞에서 여성 마하 판차야트를 개최하기를 원했습니다.
델리 경찰이 항의 행진을 하는 동안 Jantar Mantar 근처에서 레슬링 선수 Sakshi Malik을 구금합니다. (Sanjeev Verma/HT 사진)
바즈랑 푸니아(Bajrang Punia), 비네시 포갓(Vinesh Phogat), 사크시 말릭(Saksh 레이스 드라마 다시 보�� 7화 8화i Malik)이 이끄는 선동적인 레슬러들은 여러 여성 그래플러를 성희롱한 인도 레슬링 연맹 회장 브리즈 부샨 싱(Brij Bhushan Singh)의 체포를 요구했습니다.
수천 명의 경찰이 델리 국경에 배치되었고, Lutyens의 Delhi와 여러 겹의 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 바리케이드가 배치되어 항의하는 레슬링 선수들이 새 의회 건물을 향해 행진했습니다.
토요일 시위를 벌이는 레슬링 선수들은 나렌드라 모디 총리가 취임할 새 국회의사당 앞에서 여성 마하 판차야트를 열기로 결정했다고 말했습니다.
델리의 레슬러 'Maha Panchayat에 대한 최신 업데이트:
델리 경찰은 Khap Panchayat 지도자들과 농부들이 항의하는 레슬링 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 선수들의 행진에 합류할 계획을 세우면서 ITO 도로, Tikri 국경 및 Singhu 국경 지역 근처에 바리케이드를 세웠습니다.
왕실 전문가 로야 니카는 윌리엄 왕자가 왕실 팬들이 아내 케이트 미들턴에게 따뜻하게 대해준 것에 "기뻐한다"고 주장했다. 특히 케이트 공주는 많은 관심을 받는 것으로 나타났지만 왕실 전문가에 따르면 윌리엄 왕자는 전혀 문제가 없다고 합니다.
영국의 윌리엄 왕자, 웨일즈 왕자가 보입니다. (로이터)
“[King] Charles는 Diana가 자신을 가릴 때 항상 매우 화가났습니다. 윌리엄은 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 사람들이 캐서린에게 따뜻하다는 사실에 기뻐합니다.”라고 로야 니카는 덧붙였습니다. ."
더 읽어보기: 케이트 미들턴은 사인을 할 수 없다: 왕실이 따라야 하는 기괴한 규칙 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 그러나 윌리엄 왕자는 왕실 전문가에 따라 항상 한 가지만 즐기는 것은 아닙니다. “내가 아는 유일한 것은 그가 사진에서 잘려나갔을 때입니다. 당신은 매우 자주 그들이 공동 약혼을 할 것이고 다음날 뉴스의 첫 페이지를 보게 될 것입니다. 마치 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 윌리엄이 거기에 없었던 것 같습니다."
힌두스탄 타임즈 Woman and Woman and Home Magazines의 편집자 Hannah Fernando는 이렇게 말했습니다. “Catherine은 그를 능가하고 싶지 않습니다. 그녀는 실제로 훌륭하기 때문에 자신의 것으로오고 있습니다. 그녀는 이 삶을 받아들였고, 그것에 팔을 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 벌렸으며, 그 과정에서 그녀가 해야 할 일을 배웠습니다. 나는 그가 그것에 대해 기뻐하고 있다고 생각하고 그녀가 자신을 가리는 것에 대해 걱정하지 않는다고 생각합니다.”
왕실 전문가 로버트 잡슨은 케이트 미들턴이 각광을 훔칠 국왕의 "축복"을 받을 것이라고 말했습니다.
“왕관을 쓴 것은 찰스의 머리이지만, 각광을 받을 것은 윌리엄, 캐서린, 그리고 그들의 자녀들입니다. 그들은 의무가 있습니다. 그리고 맞습니다. 나렌드라 모디(Narendra Modi) 총리는 일요일 새 국회의사당 개관식을 가졌다. 영국 식민지 시대의 건축물을 영국 수도로 변신시키려는 정부의 대계획의 일환으로 지어진 현대식 복합 단지입니다. 몇몇 종교 지도자들은 역사적인 "Sengol"이 있는 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 새 건물의 준공에 대해 총리를 칭찬했습니다.
모디 총리 새 국회의사당 개관(트위터/ 나렌드라 모디)
다음은 몇 가지 반응입니다. Avinashi Mutt의 Kamatchi Dasar Swami는 "PM Modi는 모든 'sadgunas'를 가지고 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 있습니다."라고 말했습니다.
“오늘 새 국회의사당이 개원했습니다. 나는 불교 의식에 따라 기도를 드렸다. 히말라야 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 불교문화협회 회장인 라마 초펠 조트파(Lama Chosphel Zotpa)는 “모두가 단합해 국가의 성장을 위해 노력하고 정치는 제쳐둬야 한다”고 말했다.
구자라트 타이탄스의 개막전 우승자인 슈브만 길(Shubman Gill)은 2023년 IPL의 거물들을 단독으로 제압했습니다. 이번 시즌 친나스와미(Chinnaswamy)에서 열린 로열 챌린저스 방갈로르(Royal Challengers Bangalore)와의 두 번째 세기에 길(Gill)은 플레이오프 전에 비라트 콜리(Virat Kohli)를 또 한 번 가슴 아프게 했습니다. . Gill은 예선 2에서 금요일 뭄바이를 상대로 129타를 기록하며 6번째 IPL 트로피를 향한 MI의 입찰을 끝냈습니다. Gujarat Titans가 2년 연속 결승전에 진출하면서 Gill과 맞서는 것은 전설적인 MS Dhoni입니다. 그리고 전 인도 패스트 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 볼러는 Dhoni가 Kohli 및 Rohit과 같은 운명에 직면할 것이라고 굳게 믿고 있습니다. 슈브만 길; MS 도니
계절은 고사하고 길가의 계절이 되었습니다. ODI의 2톤을 포함하여 수세기에 걸친 형식으로 시즌을 시작한 후 Gill은 Ahmedabad에서 SRH를 상대로 세 자릿수 기록에 도달하면서 처녀 IPL 100에 대한 입찰을 종료했습니다. 23세의 선수는 마지막 리그 경기에서 RCB를, 플레이오프에서 뭄바이를 상대로 같은 방식으로 에뮬레이트하여 단독으로 GT를 결승까지 이끌었습니다.
Gill의 폼과 결승전이 아흐메다바드에서 열린 가운데 GT 개막전이 이번 시즌 한 경기장에서 가장 많은 500점 이상을 기록한 아툴 와산(Atul Wassan)은 ABP 뉴스와의 대화에서 도니가 다음 희생자라는 데 동의했습니다. .
또한 읽으십시오: 'Dhoni는 Fleming에게 '그는 모든 경기를 뛸 것입니다. 나머지 이야기': CSK 선택에 대한 인도 스타의 놀라운 폭로 “나는 Gill이 타격하는 방식 때문에 Dhoni, Kohli, Rohit의 트리오를 잡아먹을 것이라고 생각합니다. 다음 줄은 Mahi라고 생각합니다. Gujarat Titans 팀도 훌륭해 보였습니다. 뭄바이는 그곳에서 Suryakumar Yadav와 경기에 나섰지만 Gujarat도 좋은 볼링 깊이를 가지고 있습니다. 새로운 팀으로 들어왔음에도 불구하고 그들은 영향력을 발휘했습니다. 우리는 CSK에서 그러한 강력함을 보았습니다. Gill에 대해 말하자면, 그는 기반이 탄탄한 선수입니다. IPL의 돈과 명성을 생각하면 누구나 집중력을 잃을 수 있지만 Gill은 침착 해 보였습니다.”라고 그는 말했습니다.
IPL 2023에서 Gill이 득점한 851점 중 533점은 Narendra Modi Stadium에서 3개의 50점과 2톤을 포함하여 8경기에서 나왔습니다. 사실 이것은 Virat Kohli가 그의 상징적인 2016 시즌 동안 Chinnaswamy에서 597개의 득점을 기록한 후 단일 경기장에서 IPL 시즌(홈 어웨이 형식 포함)에서 타자가 기록한 두 번째로 높은 점수입니다.
구자라트는 일요일 첸나이 슈퍼 킹스와의 대규모 정상 회담 충돌에 영향을 미치기 위해 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 Gill에 강력하게 의지할 것입니다.
일요일에 배우 Akshay Kumar는 Uttarakhand의 Badrinath Dham을 방문했습니다. Akshay는 엄청난 군중에 둘러싸여 있었고 사람들은 그를 발견하자마자 배우와 함께 셀카를 찍기 위해 달려갔습니다. Akshay는 다가오는 영화 촬영을 위해 Uttarakhand에 있습니다. 배우는 사원에 도착하면서 보안 팀과 함께 목격되었습니다. Akshay는 최근 Kedarnath 사원도 방문했습니다. 또한 읽으십시오: Akshay Kumar는 Kedarnath 사원에서 기도를 드리고 신사 밖에서 접힌 손으로 수백 명의 팬들을 맞이합니다. 보다
Akshay Kumar는 일요일 Uttarakhand에 있는 Badrinath 사원을 방문했습니다.
트위터에 공유된 최신 동영상에서 Akshay는 검은색 후드티와 트랙팬츠를 입고 경찰의 호위를 받으며 군중 속을 헤쳐나갔습니다. 클립 중 하나에서 경찰은 사원으로 향하는 배우를 위해 군중을 해산했습니다. 팬들은 배우의 사찰 방문 사진도 공유했다. 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 그는 온라인에 공개된 사진 중 한 장에서 손을 접은 채 팬들에게 인사하기도 했다. Rashtriya Janata Dal(RJD)은 새 의회 건물을 관이 아닌 다른 것과 동일시했어야 했다. Lalu Prasad Yadav가 이끄는 파티의 Twitter 게시물.
AIMIM 수석 Asaduddin Owaisi (파일 사진/PTI)
또한 읽기 | '관의 마지막 못': 새 의회 건물에 대한 RJD의 트윗으로 BJP가 연기를 내뿜습니다. “…오래된 (의회) 건물은 델리 소방서(DFS)로부터 승인을 받지 못했습니다. 옛날 옛적에 고 Mulayam Singh Yadav가 오래된 건물의 당 사무실에서 음식을 먹다가 무언가가 떨어지면서 논란이 일어났습니다. 이제 관과 동일시하는 이유는 무엇입니까? 통신사 레이스 드라마 다시 보기 7화 8화 ANI에 따르면 오와이시가 말했다.
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kumarseo · 1 year
Wrestlers seek to expand support base, protest completes 32 days
A day after their candlelight vigil at India Gate, the protesting wrestlers sought to expand their support base with Rio Olympics bronze medallist Sakshi Malik and her wrestler husband Satyavrat visiting Fatehabad district in Haryana to attend a khap panchayat. “The idea is to garner as much support as possible ahead of Sunday’s Mahapanchayat as possible,” a wrestler at the Jantar Mantar sit-in…
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brazilnews · 1 year
Wrestlers mull taking their protest to Ram Lila ground
Chandrashekhar Azad urged the wrestlers to take a call on making their agitation "bigger" by shifting to the Ram Lila ground after May 21.
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NEW DELHI: The protesting wrestlers, who have been demanding the arrest of former Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, on Tuesday indicated that they may take their agitation to Ram Lila ground to make it a “national movement”.
India’s top wrestlers, including Olympic medallists Bajrang Punia and Sakshi Malik and Asian Games gold winner Vinesh Phogat, have been protesting at Jantar Mantar here for the last 24 days, demanding the arrest of Brij Bhushan for allegedly sexually harassing seven women grapplers, including a minor.
“We will discuss it (taking the protest to the Ram Lila ground) among ourselves and will take a decision about it soon,” said Sakshi, reacting to Bhim Army president Chandrashekhar Azad’s suggestion that the agitation should be made a “national movement” by taking it to Ram Lila maidan, a much bigger venue than the current one at Jantar Mantar.
Azad, who had joined the protesting wrestlers at the Jantar Mantar on Monday evening but was asked to leave the venue at night by the authorities, returned to the site on Tuesday with his followers.
He urged the wrestlers to take a call on making their agitation “bigger” by shifting to the Ram Lila ground after May 21, the deadline the khap panchayats have set for the government to take action against Brij Bhushan.
Sakshi, however, did not clarify whether the wrestlers will shift the site of protest to Ram Lila maidan altogether or continue the agitation at Jantar Mantar also.
On Monday, Vinesh said that the wrestlers felt they were being restricted and pushed into a corner at Jantar Mantar and they would agitate at other places.
She had also alleged that the wrestlers were being stalked at the protest site at Jantar Mantar.
While the ad hoc committee formed by the Indian Olympic Association has taken charge of the national federation from WFI officials, the wrestlers have stuck to their demand for the arrest of Brij Bhushan.
Azad, in his speech, said, “Even if you people (wrestlers and their supporters) sit here (at Jantar Mantar) it will not have an effect on the government.
Since this is your (wrestlers’) agitation, we will support you wholeheartedly and not take a decision on your behalf.
On Tuesday, they again decided to hit the streets of Delhi by taking out a procession from Jantar Mantar to Hanuman temple near Connaught Place.
The wrestlers on Monday decided to make their “agitation global” by approaching Olympic medallists and athletes in other countries and highlighting their plight.
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ias-next-lucknow · 1 year
Khap Panchayat
Why in News?
Haryana’s Phogat khap has come out in support of the Olympian wrestlers, majority of whom are from Haryana, sitting on dharna at Jantar Mantar.
What are Khap Panchayat ?
It is a traditional assembly of elders that sets the rules and adjudicates disputes for a specific area, generally comprising of 1 or more villages .
These Khaps are organized according to caste and geography.
It is an extra-constitutional institution i.e ( not a part of Gram Panchyat Structure) that emerged in the 14th century north India.
Settlement of disputes between community members
Functions as defender of religious faith
Protection of the Khap area from external threats
discuss several issues like:
Alcohol abuse
Non-payment of debt
Property disputes
Non-observance of certain social customs
Girls’ education
Read more : https://iasnext.com/khap-panchayat-current-affairs/
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Wrestler | Wrestlers Protest | Brijbhushan Singh | Protest | Brijbhushan Singh Facebook Live | Wrestler Protest in Jantar Mantar
Wrestlers Protest: Sentimental appeal to Brijabhushan Sharan Singh’s Khap Panchayat, said- My elders don’t make a mistake He said through Facebook Live that after two-three months, when the investigation report comes out, it should not happen that you have to regret it। So I join hands and say one thing that when the investigation is complete, I will come to your own Khap Panchayat. Image…
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hamslivenews · 1 year
The wrestlers on Monday said they would approach the top court of the country if an FIR is not lodged against WFI President Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. The wrestlers also wanted to set up nationwide support by appealing to 'khaps', 'panchayats' and several other organizations to back their cause. Press Trust of India:  "We are here since last night, there is no support from anyone. But there is hope, we are sitting to fight for justice," says Sakshi Malik as wrestlers protest at Delhi's Jantar Mantar over the issue of sexual harassment allegations against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. https://twitter.com/PTI_News/status/1650345921560076288?s=20 Delhi: "I went to take my medicine and wasn't allowed to enter the site. They (police) aren't allowing water and food to be taken to the site," alleges Wrestler Vinesh Phogat amid wrestlers protest against WFI chief Brij Bhushan Singh https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1650168760274399234?s=20 The wrestlers who were protesting against the alleged sexual harassment of women athletes by Singh stated that they will persist in their demand for a thorough investigation into the matter, despite the Sports Ministry's decision to postpone the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) election scheduled for May 7. Furthermore, they stated that they are not involved in the election and will maintain their stance, even as the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) takes charge of the federation's day-to-day operations through an ad-hoc committee. Confession that they made a mistake by ending their protest three months back, the wrestlers, led by Olympians Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia and Sakshi Malik, said they were "manipulated" by certain people. "We are not going to listen to anyone now. We will be the face of the protest but we will now be guided by our 'gurujans' (elderly) and 'coach-khalifas' (mentors). It was a mistake to end the protest the last time around. We will not accept any mediator now, we won't let anyone deceive us," said Vinesh. "All we want is that the police files an FIR and investigates the matter. We are citizens of independent India and there are numerous channels to get justice. Won't we get it (justice) from anywhere?," she questioned. The wrestlers have claimed that they went to Connaught Place Police Station to lodge an FIR against the WFI president but the cops refused to entertain their plea. While Sakshi said they were manipulated, Bajrang also said that they want 'khaps' and other organisations to support their stir. "We wanted to keep it (protest) apolitical the last time around but now, we want the farmers' organisations, the women's organisation, the 'khaps' to support us." When wrestlers had began their protest in January, former wrestler and now BJP affiliate Babita Phogat had mediated between the aggrieved wresters and the government. However it seems that wrestlers are not happy with the way Babita, who was part of the government's oversight panel, conducted herself. "Maybe she loves politics more than the wrestling now," Vinesh said, while taking a jibe at her cousin sister. Sakshi said their legal team was contemplating approaching the apex court. "We will go to the Supreme Court. If we are wrong in levelling the allegations, then a counter FIR should be filed against us," she said. Asked if they would reveal the names of the victims, Vinesh said,"The oversight committee was always biased against us. Only the Supreme Court will get to know the identity of the victims, not Brij Bhushan." Vinesh also said that it benefits only Brij Bhushan that he is an MP from BJP, the party that is currently running the central government. "Definitely it helps. We don't know if the government is under pressure (from party MP)." Bajrang added, "You should ask the government why is it quiet? When we win medals for the country, we are felicitated and now that we are on road with our demands, no one is bothered." On being questioned whether they feel it has become a battle of two states, Haryana from where most wrestlers hail and Uttar Pradesh, the land of WFI supremo, Bajrang shot back, "When we win medals for the country, we are known as Indian sportspersons. And now when we are fighting for justice, people label it as UP vs Haryana. They (Brij Bhushan) have money and muscle power but we have truth on our side." Asked if they presented solid evidence before the probe panel, Vinesh said, they told the panel that Brij Bhushan called a woman wrestler in his room and tried to impose himself on her." The government had formed a six-member panel on January 23 to investigate into the sexual harassment and intimidation allegations against WFI the chief. The panel submitted its report on April 5 but the government has not made pubic its findings, saying it is still under examination.
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rnewspost · 2 years
Will not allow Sandeep Singh to hoist tricolour on Republic Day: Haryana khap
Will not allow Sandeep Singh to hoist tricolour on Republic Day: Haryana khap
A khap panchayat in Haryana has said that it will not allow Sandeep Singh, accused of sexual harassment, to hoist the tricolour on Republic Day anywhere in the state.  New Delhi,UPDATED: Jan 16, 2023 03:54 IST Sandeep Singh was booked on December 31 after a junior woman athletics coach accused him of sexual misconduct (Photo: File) By India Today Web Desk: Days after urging the Haryana…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
खाप पंचायत में लिया गया ऐतिहासिक फैसला, दिल्ली के गांवों ने शादी पर दो सौ साल पुरानी बंदिश तोड़ी
खाप पंचायत में लिया गया ऐतिहासिक फैसला, दिल्ली के गांवों ने शादी पर दो सौ साल पुरानी बंदिश तोड़ी
दिल्ली के तमाम गांवों ने रविवार को ऐतिहासिक कदम उठाते हुए शादी से जुड़ी दो सौ साल पुरानी बंदिशों को तोड़ दिया। अब यहां लड़के-लड़कियों की शादी सिर्फ तीन गांव छोड़कर हो सकेगी। इससे पहले करीब 40 गांवों को… Source link
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trendingwatch · 2 years
'अग्निपथ': हरियाणा में खाप ने रक्षा भर्ती योजना के लिए आवेदन करने वालों को सामाजिक रूप से अलग-थलग करने की धमकी दी
‘अग्निपथ’: हरियाणा में खाप ने रक्षा भर्ती योजना के लिए आवेदन करने वालों को सामाजिक रूप से अलग-थलग करने की धमकी दी
Om Prakash Dhankar, head of the Dhankar khap, announcing decisions against ‘Agnipath’ scheme. चंडीगढ़: खाप पंचायत नेताओं और कुछ किसान संघ के प्रतिनिधियों ने हरियाणा में सशस्त्र बलों के लिए अग्निपथ भर्ती योजना में भाग लेने वाले युवाओं को “सामाजिक रूप से अलग” करने की घोषणा की है। उन्होंने सत्तारूढ़ भाजपा-जजपा गठबंधन के नेताओं के बहिष्कार की भी घोषणा की है कॉर्पोरेट घरानों जिन्होंने इस योजना का…
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kumarseo · 1 year
Wrestlers’ Protests: Farmer Unions, Khaps join in support, give government May 21 deadline to arrest Brij Bhushan Singh
  The wrestlers’ protest entered its 15th day on Sunday with various farmer organisations and khap panchayats joining them at Jantar Mantar and giving a two-week deadline to the government for taking action against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. With most supporters stopped at various borders around Delhi, only a limited delegation was allowed to travel and meet the wrestlers but it still ended up…
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jaatpariwar · 3 years
पालम 360 खाप के प्रधान चुने गए चौ. सुरेंद्र सोलंकी
पालम 360 खाप के प्रधान चुने गए चौ. सुरेंद्र सोलंकी
जाट परिवार। चौधरी रामकरण सोलंकी के निधन के बाद उनके छोटे पुत्र चौधरी सुरेंद्र सोलंकी को पालम 360 खाप का प्रधान सर्वसम्मति से नियुक्त किया गया। Ch Surender Solanki पालम गांव में सकल पंचायत पालम 12 के तत्वावधान में एक पंचायत का आयोजन किया गया। इस पंचायत में सर्व खाप, तपों और कई गांव के प्रधान उपस्थित हुए। जिसमें सर्वसम्मति से चौधरी सुरेंद्र सोलंकी को पालम 360 खाप का प्रधान चुना गया। इस दौरान…
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