#Kid x Reader X Killer
nethhiri · 2 days
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Chapter 59: Eye Eye, Cap'n
Warnings: "medical" "procedures", Heat gets something stuck in his ass
Milling about the infirmary, you made a list of things you needed to restock on. If it were an emergency, you could probably make them, however you preferred to keep your devil fruit reserved for your prisoners at the moment. You were starting to understand Wire's preference in clothing. You had no choice but to commandeer his fit since your pants were ruined. There was no question you could have fixed those too, but once you tried on Wire's fishnets, out of curiosity, you didn't want to. Instead, you decided to add his tiny shorts, which were much less tiny on you, yet stretchy enough not to fall down. His mesh bralette-like top had to be adjusted a bit to fit your body. Once everything was on, you couldn't deny that you felt very sexy. 
There was a touch of a strut to your step as you paraded around your domain. When your eyes touched the place where Kid had upset you, your step faltered. Failing to push it from your mind, your heartbeat sped, thinking about it had been causing you quite a lot of anxiety. You were still angry, but no longer seething. It was reasonable to assume Kid would be safe in your presence, however not guaranteed. You knew you would have to face it soon. All you needed from him was a sincere apology and reassurance that you were something more than easy sex. You wanted to believe it was just something stupid he had said, and it most likely was, but you needed him to say it for you to fully forgive him and put it behind you. You wished it was easier being romantically entwined with him. With Killer it seemed so easy. Why couldn't it be like that with Kid? Or was it normal with Kid, and Killer was the abnormality? Relationships, if you wanted to call whatever you had with them that, were an enigma to you. 
You leaned against the counter and took a short break. You had gotten into your feelings again and needed to clear your head. Tears pricked your eyes at the thought of not being able to forgive Kid. Fuck him for making you soft. You wanted badly to go back to the way things were, but you were not going to compromise your self-worth. When you first stepped on the ship, you were fearless and confident. Lately, you had been feeling like part of that was lost when you were in captivity. You were struggling to regain it. This anxiety of being wanted and accepted was undermining your composure. Maybe that was it. Maybe caring about it was the thing that was undermining your usual confidence. Before, you couldn't have given less of a shit about the Kid Pirates, and now you gave a lot of shits. 
A timid knock at the door interrupted your thoughts, fortunately. 
Heat shuffled in awkwardly. 
"Hey, Heat. What's wrong?" You immediately clocked his discomfort. 
He seemed to look around to make sure no one else was there. 
"It's okay. No one is here." You went to the door to lock it and double checked that the one to Kid's workshop was still locked. "You can tell me." As Heat approached, there was a low humming noise. "What is that noise?" 
Heat faced the floor, fidgeting with his hands. 
The noise emanated from Heat, specifically his abdomen. Your eyebrows furrowed, as it sounded familiar. When you realized what it was, your eyes went wide and darted to his face. "Heat!? Are you serious?"
"It was an accident. Please don't tell Wire." 
"I won't say a word to anyone." You sighed. You didn't have plans to be elbow deep in someone today, but here we were. "There's a few things we can try, but let's start with the easiest."
You had him lean over one of the gurneys and drop his pants while you put gloves on, the long ones. A few other things, like lubricant and a mild analgesic cream, were also grabbed. Hopefully, that was all you needed. If it was further up, you may need to use your fruit. You stood to the side of him.
"Cold hands," you warned as you parted his cheeks enough to put some of the cream on his asshole. Then you lubed up your hand. "I'm gonna need you to relax as much as possible, hun. I'm going to see if I can reach it manually. I may need you to bear down at some points, okay?"
Heat nodded, clearly embarrassed. This is not how he imagined you inside him. 
"Tell me if it hurts. Ready?" After another nod, you gently pressed a finger inside him, using the vibrations to guide you. Luckily, the vibrator he used wasn't very far up and he was lubed enough from whatever he had been doing that your finger easily reached the base. Your clean hand rested on Heat's lower back, gently patting him for comfort. "You're doing great. I think I can feel it." 
Gently, you retracted your hand enough to add a second finger. You paused as he tensed, waiting for him to relax again before going forward. Holding them in a scissor shape, you grasped the base of the sex toy with your fingers. "Push. Not hard, please." When Heat neared down, the base was pushed more firmly into your grasp and you tugged just enough to make it move. "Keep doing that." 
With a soft whimper from Heat and a sloppy, wet noise, the dildo was free. Heat let out a relieved sigh. 
"It's a boy!" You said, presenting the lube-covered thing to him, still vibrating. "Good thing it was a skinny one." You turned it off and tossed the thing in the sink. Heat stayed still while you cleaned him up with a warm washcloth. "All done." 
Heat pulled up his pants. "Thanks, Doc." His face was red with embarrassment. Half from the incident that had happened and half because he was a little turned on by it. Did he just discover a new kink? Did he like playing doctor? Or maybe he liked seeing you in Wire's clothes. 
"What did we learn?"
"Tapered bases are important for a reason." 
"If it happens again, I may have to give you a lesson on how to play safely." You winked at him. "Now take your fake dick and scram."
"Sorry, ma'am. Won't happen again." Heat darted from the infirmary, shoving his vibrator in his pocket so no one could see it.
You went back to what you were doing, grateful to have your thoughts filled with wondering how Heat managed to get that stuck up his ass, instead of thinking about real feelings. Mini snorted in a judgy way from her napping spot against the back wall. 
"Everyone does it once! Don't bully Heat. That's my job." 
She snorted again and let her head rest on the floor.
Your list was fairly long. You had used up a lot of the supplies on yourself, or they had been used on you when you were incapacitated. You weren't even sure when the Victoria would docking at an island. If you were on speaking terms with him, you could ask Kid. You could have asked Wire the previous night but you were otherwise occupied. Killer hadn't been around for a minute and certainly, you were not going to ask Heat while you were knuckles deep in him, not that you had thought about it then. 
You tapped your foot, staring at a bare corner in the small room. Something could fit there. Now that you knew you could restore things, as long as they weren't rotten to the point of no return, maybe you could start saving spare parts. Kid could build you a fridge no doubt. Killer may even have an old one to spare. You could harvest the more important parts from prisoners and replace them when one of your own crew was injured. You didn't even need a refrigerator technically. You could put everything in formalin like your eye had been in, though it would take a lot more effort to get it in working order. The fridge would be better. A deep freezer could work as well. You would have to test that to see if freezing affected the parts too much.
A metallic, rolling sound caught your attention. You rolled your eyes watching silver nuts and bolts stream across the floor. Not this again. Still, you felt your face get hot. It was the little things like this that made Kid so charming when he waned to be. Per routine, you knelt on the floor, watching them form words and shapes. 
You rearranged them: WHY?
More like he missed your pussy. There wasn't enough material to spell that though. AND?
LO- He started to spell something and then the metal bits quickly scattered and rearranged. WANT 2 SEE U.
WHY? You arranged the pieces in reply. 
This time you heard muffled yelling from the other side of the door. "OH FER FUCK SAKE, WOMAN!" It was followed by banging on aforementioned door.
"WHY SHOULD I OPEN IT?" You yelled back.
"RAGHHHH." Kid's loud, exasperated yell was followed by stomping footsteps fading away and then getting closer, but in a different place. Kid flung open the actual door to the infirmary.
Startled by the stomping, the dozing boar in the back of the room suddenly became alert and ready to defend her master. Did she "accidentally" mistake Kid for an enemy? Did she have a grudge against Kid in the first place? Had she always wanted to headbutt Kid full force? Either way, Kid was barely one step in before a flash of brownish-red flew by you. You heard a grunt and a whoosh as the force of Mini's head knocked the air from Kid's chest. You took off running after him, realizing a little too late that Kid was flying over the edge of the ship, and you were following him down. Instinct made you chase him. You were completely focused on seeing if he was okay, and not at all focused on where he was headed. You should have been laughing your ass off at the railing watching that dumbass sink until Killer undoubtedly jumped to save him, but no. You cared too much and now you were destined to sink with him.
You saw the water below explode and froth as Kid's broad body hit it. The water swallowing you whole before you could register what was happening. At least you had taken a full breath before you were enveloped by the icy, cold sea. Kid had nothing. When your hand touched something soft, you grabbed onto it and pulled closer, immediately recognizing it. At the same time, something curled around you in an iron grip. The poor visibility in the water made it impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you, and the salt stung your eyes. Still, your mouth found Kid's and you pushed half the air you had into him. Here you were again, always giving him something of yours, trying to prove yourself. His stupid ass better appreciate you giving him a few more minutes to realize that. 
Any second now Killer would be yanking you both out. Any second now. Except you were both still sinking.
He was coming to get you both right? What if no one saw you go in? You clung more tightly to Kid's feathered cape and you felt Kid's other arm wrap around you in a protective embrace.
It felt like forever because of the adrenaline. In reality, it was only a few seconds. Your muscles started to burn from the lack of oxygen. Kid grabbed your arm, positioning it in front of you and turning it so the bottom side of your forearm was up. You stared at him, confused. With his other hand he made your head look back down at your arm and gestured for you to watch. With a finger, he wrote across your skin. You could barely see what he was writing, but you could feel it. 
A mix of emotions flooded you. The first was relief, followed by longing. An apology was all you wanted. The second was anger. Why did it take a life or death situation to spur him on? Then you were guilty. That probably wasn't true. You had been ignoring him and pushing him away. Maybe he intended to say it earlier and you had been too hard-headed to accept that. Lastly, you were scared. What if he was only saying it because you were near death? Did he know something you didn't? He pulled you back into an embrace, suddenly pushing you away from him after a few long seconds. What was he doing?! You stretched, reaching out for him, and were yanked upward. You tried kicking at whoever was pulling you away, losing some of the air you had left in a flurry of bubbles, but were too weak. You covered your mouth and nose to keep the rest of the air from escaping.
As soon as your head broke the surface of the water, you were coughing and gasping for air. You hadn't even blinked the water from your eyes before you were scanning for anything red in the waves. 
"Where's Kid?!" 
"Worry about yourself, not your boytoy." Dive's sharp teeth glistened in the sun's rays reflecting off the water as she grinned. She patted your back as a fit of coughing overtook you. "Killer's got him. Don't fret." 
With surprising strength, Dive swam with you in tow. Seconds later, there was a disturbance in the water as one blond, albeit under a helmet, and one red head popped up. You held your breath with worry until you heard Kid cough as well. Dive and Killer got you both on deck with the help of the rest of the crew. You and Kid lay flat on your backs trying to catch your breaths. Your hand searched to your side until it found purchase in Kid's. Even though you heard him cough, you were relieved that his hand was warm. At least this time you didn't loss consciousness. You had woken up in this position more times than you cared to remember.
You sat up and Killer helped you to your feet, then thanked Dive before Wire and Heat shooed off the rest of the spectating crew. Heat was still walking funny, but he seemed fine. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Kid glaring in the direction of a very smug-looking pig. You got in the way of his line of sight. You were mad at her, mad wasn't the right word, but would scold her privately. If you did it now, you weren't sure what Kid would do, assuming he was already pissed at the animal. Kid rose from the deck, shaking water from his hair, and walked towards you, meaning to get to Minerva. You backed up, putting yourself between he and Mini. You could forgive the things he did to you, but you would not forgive anything he did to her. Your back touched her as she stood to her full height, fur puffed out, taking a fighting stance against Kid. He similarly made himself look bigger, but you didn't sense malice from him, strangely. 
You put a hand out to keep him back. "It was an accident! All your stomping spooked her!"
"YER LUCKY I DON'T BARBECUE YA AND FEED THE CREW TONIGHT FOR THAT STUNT!" He leaned in as if he were gonna growl something to the boar, instead speaking in a hushed normal voice. "That was yer one free shot at me cuz I deserved it." He narrowed his eyes. "I know ya been wantin to do that fer a while, piggy." 
Gazing into his amber eyes before they flicked away, you knew that was part of his apology to you, choosing to let the boar's actions go because you loved her and he loved you. He turned to go back to his workshop, with you tailing him.
"Hey! You can't stay in wet clothes! You'll get sick!" 
Suddenly your feet weren't touching the ground as Killer plucked you from the deck and followed Kid. "That goes for you, too, little darlin." He grabbed the back of Kid's coat and pulled him below deck with you towards his room.
Killer stripped you both of your wet clothes, though taking a minute to appreciate how good Wire's outfit looked on you. And the two of you were now seated nude at the end of Killer's bed, hands shoved between your legs and heads down with guilt, while he paced back and forth, arms folded over his ample chest. He was deciding which one of you to scold first, not allowing you to put clothes on yet.  
"You." He stood at your feet and you reluctantly met his gaze through the holes of his mask. "Are you stupid? Why would you jump in after this big idiot?"
"HEY!" Kid protested.
You covered yourself up to the best of your ability, feeling vulnerable under Killer's gaze. "I didn't mean to. I just..." 
"Just what? Hm?" Underlying Killer's stern voice, was a thin layer of exasperation. "I have to worry about him enough. I don't need you adding to it."
"I wasn't thinking! I saw that he got hurt and I went after him!"
"And you didn't see the ocean? The giant blue thing on all sides of us." Killer huffed and carried on. "You come get ME. Understand? What if no one saw you go in? Huh? Then both of you would be lost."
"I..." You snapped. "I only saw Kid okay?! I was scared he was hurt! As much as he irritates the fuck out of me and makes me mad, I still care about him and I can't stop." You saw him grinning stupidly beside you and punched him. "Fuck off. I hate you." You folded your arms tighter and turned away from him so he couldn't see your pink-dusted cheeks, slapping his hand away when he tried to pinch one. 
Kid's boisterous laugh filled the room. "HA-HA! YER IN LOVE WITH ME, DUMBASS!" 
Killer snapped at him with his fingers. "Hey, numbnuts, look at me." Kid's laugh faded as it was his turn to be scolded. "Stop riling up the pig, first of all. Second of all, stop saying stupid shit. That's what always gets you into trouble. Think for one extra second before you open that big ass mouth of yours." 
"FINE." Kid huffed. 
"Did you apologize yet?"
You half turned to see what his expression was, seeing him looking at you with a question, and nodded, indicating you accepted his underwater apology. 
"He did." 
"Great." Killer clapped his hands. "Now kiss and make up." Killer turned both of your heads to face each other. "Don't be shy."
You curled your lip and gave Kid a quick peck on the cheek. 
"No! Not good enough!" Killer folded his arms. "What's wrong?" 
You hesitated. If you were going to get it off your chest, now was the time. You huffed and faced Kid. "I want to know that..." you forced yourself to keep his gaze. "...I'm more than sex." 
"Hah?!" Kid had an incredulous expression on his face. "What're ya? Stupid? Course ya are!"
"But you said...as long as I have a pussy-"
Kid put a hand over his face. "Fuck me! That's not what I meant. I was tryin to make ya laugh is all."
"It wasn't funny! I had real fears that...maybe that's all I would be if I couldn't fight."
"Once a Kid Pirate, always a Kid Pirate. We won't abandon ya, even if ya get hurt. Do ya think we would raid a marine base to save ya if ya didn't mean more to us?" Kid continued. "If all I wanted was easy sex, I could grab any random whore from an island."
You hummed in agreement. He had a point. 
"And I did. But we made her our whore." Kid laughed again and you frowned. 
"I really don't like you." You rolled your eyes. 
"Come on now, doll." Kid wrapped his arms around you and smushed his face into your neck. "What would I do without my Rotten? Right, Kil?"
You tried to squirm out of Kid's overly affectionate hug. You could tell he was laying it on thick to annoy you, smug that he knew you could never really stay mad at him.
Killer sat on the opposite side of you and took one of your hands in his. "Kid isn't good with words. That just how he's always been. Sometimes he says the wrong thing or he doesn't realize what he says can be harsh, but trust me when I say he cares about you. If you're on this ship and a part of the crew, he cares about you." 
"Even if ya ever decide ya don't want ta fuck us, yer still a Kid Pirate. I'll still take care of ya." Kid pressed a kiss to your neck. "But I will be sad if ya decide ya don't wanna be my bunny anymore." 
"Good?" Killer got up and folded his arms again. "Now kiss." He made a motion of pushing your heads together. 
You relented, facing Kid and planting your lips on his. He ran his hands lovingly over your cheeks and into your hair. You pulled back and rested your forehead on his. "I'm sorry for being stubborn. And thank you for not being an asshole to Mini."
"I've never been an asshole in my life. Tell her, Killer."
You rolled your eyes again and sighed, feeling a lot better than you had.
"Next time, because there will be a next time, we're going to talk about it together instead of you two being nightmares for the entire ship. Deal? Heat is gonna fucking quit if you keep dragging him in." 
You and Kid nodded, regretfully. 
"Or else you'll get seastone manacled together until you can be nice to each other."
You and Kid glanced at each other, neither exactly opposing that idea.
Killer shook his head and put his hand to his helmet. "Get dry clothes on and get back to work."
You got up and squeezed Killer's midsection. "Sorry for making you worry."
"Aye, sorry." 
You were squished as Kid came from behind you to also hug Killer. Your head was being crushed from all sides by four huge manboobs. A much more preferable way to die than drowning. Shockingly, Kid didn't even get a boner. Wondering what was taking so long, you looked up to see Kid planting red lipstick marks all over Killer's helmet. You had no right to be annoyed, happy to see your boys being affectionate with each other. You could stay here a few minutes longer.
Kid dragged you to his workshop. He was dying to show you something, and that was why he had been pestering you earlier. He wouldn't tell you what it was. Killer was following you quietly. Even he didn't know what it was, though he had a pretty good guess. Kid made you sit while he rummaged around through his things. You weren't sure why he always had to be rummaging. Why wasn't anything organized? This was his space. It wasn't like anyone but him was making a mess.
While you waited, there was a crumpled piece of clothing on the corner of Kid's bench. It was peppered with smeared eyeliner and Kid's red lipstick. A sweat rag? You picked it up, fabric unfolding and revealing black kanji. This is-! You unfolded it in your lap. It was tattered and stained but it was your coat. Your fingers traced over the marks that were clearly left by Kid. 
"Was gonna give it back. Meant ta clean it first." Kid was scratching the back of his head, a reddish hue developing on his cheeks. 
"You saved it?" You had assumed it was lost when you were taken. 
"And this." Kid held your gunblade out in his hands. "Hope ya don't mind, I tweaked it again."
He did more than that. It was shiner that it had ever been, and it was adorned with intricate snake designs that hadn't been there previously. He had taken your criticism from the last time and applied it. Against his professional judgement, he kept it weighted how you liked. You looked from it to your coat. Your stomach clenched with guilt. If you had known he had don't all of this, you wouldn't have questioned his feelings for you. You brought your coat to your face, to cover the emotions that ran through it. Tears threatened to make themselves known. 
"Don't ya start being a crybaby on me. Ya won't be able to see the other thing I made ya." Kid pulled your hands away from your face. 
You looked into the palm he had held out. It was a small marble-like object. You didn't understand. With the wires attached to it, it sort of resembled... "This is-!" You stood up abruptly and took it from Kid's palm. Inspecting it further, there was no doubt that it was a replica of your eye. "Kid!" 
"Wanna try it?" Kid offered, cheeks radiating with blush. "Just... Don't be upset. It may not work initially. I haven't gotten to test it or-"
"Shut up! Of course it will work! You made it!" You looked at it and gave it back to him. "How do we do it?"
Kid pointed to an open book on his desk, one of the medical reference books that had been in the infirmary. You noticed it was gone, but thought Pomp, UK, and Reck had taken it again to look at the naked anatomical pictures. He explained where the wires should connect and that he could get them there, you would just have to use your fruit to make that possible. You did it with on eye. This wasn't that different. This one had been gone much longer though, and your brain had grown accustomed to not having it, so the neural pathways may be altered. You studied the diagrams for a few minutes and talked it over with Kid. Then, you sat back down and tilted your head back to rest on the bench top. 
"Killer, do you mind holding my head still? I don't know what this will be like."
Killer put both hands on either side of your head and you held the eyelids open for Kid to place the mechanical eye into. It sat in the socket well enough, but now the connections had to be made. You and Kid had to work in tandem to put everything in place. With the flesh eye, you could sort of control the things around it. This was metal, therefore Kid needed to direct it. You probably could have, but he had far better control over it. A jolt went through your body as one of the wires strayed from the correct path.
"Fuck!" Kid flinched, trying to stay concentrated. 
"It's okay. Keep going." You held onto his arm to support him. 
Killer watched, mesmerized by the dancing purple electricity melding with the soft yellow-tinged glow, each devil fruit power working as one. He held your head still, periodically feeling twitches and seeing your face wince. 
Kid pulled his hand away as a spark jumped to his metal finger. "Can ya see?"
The eye made a few jerky, mechanical movements, not quite in synch with your body. "No." You tried to hid the disappointment in your voice. 
"Hold on." Kid made some minor adjustments, looking back at the textbook for confirmation. "Try again."
This time the movement was much smoother, though still no vision. "Still no." You sighed. Maybe the problem was on your end. "Let me try." 
The best way to figure out the issue was to compare it to the working side. You couldn't see into your own brain but you could feel what was there, in a weird way. Everything was connected properly, the issue was that the path of the wires had missed a stop. Both eyes were being used by the same half of the brain. Kid didn't realize that the optic nerve was meant to cross to the other side. The right eye went to the left side and the left eye went to the right, give or take a few nerve fibers. Very carefully, you brought the necessary connections through the chiasm, nerves intertwining with the mechanical fibers. The small metal pistons that acted as muscles worked fine, they needed time to attune to your control so they would move more fluidly, but you could deal with that. 
You cracked the smallest opening in your eyelids, afraid that it wouldn't work, and saw a sliver of light through both. BOTH! They opened the rest of the way and you sat bolt upright, taking in everything around you, everything that seemed so much brighter and vibrant. Your eyes darted around the room. How will the ocean look? The ocean! I have to see the ocean! You were caught by strong hands before you could run out the door. 
"Whoa! Can you see? Everything ok?" Killer looked down at you, holding your shoulders tight. 
You pulled him down by the helmet, too fast, almost knocking yourself out, but you had to see. You had to see his blue eyes. How much of the blue had you been missing? You brought your new eye up to one of his eye holes, trying to get a glimpse. Even in the shade of his helmet, you could see glimmering blue. You released him and he did the same. You looked around the room frenetically for Kid, running to him and yanking him by the shirt until his face was at your level. You held his face between your hands looking at every freckle in new detail. And his eyes! They weren't only amber, but orange and golden, too. There was nuance that you had missed before.
"Holy shit." You breathed. You clapped Kid's head between your hands, slapping his cheeks. "I can see, you baby back bastard! You son of a bitch!" You shook his head in your grip and hugged it. "You fucking did it!" Remembering that you wanted to see the ocean, you practically threw him away from you and zipped out the workshop door. 
Killer allowed himself to chuckle. "Baby back bastard? That's new."
Kid's chest was puffed out and he had his signature grin plastered on his face, framed by two small, red handprints from where you slapped him. He was virtually levitating with how much pride was radiating from him. "Of course I fuckin did it. I'm me!" 
They followed you out, seeing you bent over the railing with your eyes as close to the water as possible without falling in again. Killer grabbed your waistband, sighing. He didn't want to spoil your good time by reprimanding you. 
"It's so fucking blue! Have you seen this shit?!" Suddenly, numbers popped into your vision, scaring you so badly that you jumped back. "What the fuck!?" You swatted at the air where they appeared to be. 
"Ya didn't give me time to explain all the features," Kid said, preventing you from falling backwards.
He laughed. "Ya didn't think I was gonna give ya some dumbass plain eyeball, did ya?" Kid handed you your gunblade. "Here. Point this at somethin random." 
You did as he said, pointing it at the deck some distance away from you. The numbers popped back into your vision, changing depending on where your gun was pointed. When you lingered, crosshairs also flickered into view. "No fucking way."
"That's not all. Look here." Kid pointed to the pulse point in his wrist. 
You holstered your weapon and the display vanished from your sight. Staring at his wrist, a new set of numbers came into view, numbers you recognized as heart rate. You flung yourself at Kid, throwing both arms around him. You released one to reach for Killer, who gladly accepted your hand. At the moment, you had no words. Kid gave you something that you hadn't had in years. You took it back, the thing about always being the one to give. Kid gave, too. It was simply a different kind of giving. You pulled your face out of his cleavage, this time not trying to hold back tears. 
"Thank you, Kid! Thank you. Thank you! It's so beautiful. Everything is so beautiful!" 
"Wait until you look in a mirror," Killer added. He didn't mean for it to be cheesy. He only noticed how you were so excited to see everything, you forgot about yourself.
"Now that's an idea!" You ran into the infirmary bathroom where the nearest mirror happened to be. 
Killer gazed at you adoringly as you saw your own face. Finally, you could learn to appreciate what they had noticed a long time ago. 
It had been some time since you had seen yourself this clearly. Part of you thought you would be disgusted by the scarring on your face, but that wasn't so. It reminded you of how much it took to get to this point. You traced the semi-circle of a scar that went through your old right eye, then the outline of where the acid had melted your skin. It held all of your anguish, but your triumphs as well. Where some might see a disfigurement, there was only strength. You stared at one eye and then the next. They were exactly alike. How Kid managed to get it to match that well, you didn't know. Maybe you did. He always seemed to be watching you, though maybe it wasn't watching so much as it was looking. Kid's eyes followed you all the time. Had he had memorized the details? But why would he? 
You ran back to Kid, stopping briefly to plant a kiss on Killer, who was kind enough to bend down for you. You did a running jump at Kid, which he, thankfully, was prepared for, lest you both fall int the ocean again. Kid caught you as flew at him. "Ha-ha! You stupid fuck! You love me back!" 
Tag list: @bbnbhm @nocturnalrorobin @wgwingguns
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
honestly love all ur work💛🙈
But why can't we have both?
Acid, Salt, Fat and Heat
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 5,600+
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Synopsis: Your captain has engaged with a petulant challenge that included refusing to make port until both Kid and Law did first. Feeling pent up at sea, you set your sights on the blonde first mate to aid you in finding relief. The catch? He won't unless his captain does too.
Warnings: Eustass Kid x afab!reader x Massacre Soldier Killer, MDNI, 18+, smut, NSFW, throuple, with little plot, double penetration (same hole), facial (reader receiving), eating from the back (reader receiving), cock sucking, poor puns, poor jokes, vibrator play, swearing, pet names (little one, little thing, kitten, Straw-Hat, buttercup, sunshine), messy eating, masked sex, fingering, finger sucking, inappropriate use of devil fruit, size difference (average afab 163cms, Kid & Killer 200cms), praise, cervix touching, Killer has a shrill laugh, overstimulation, aftercare, creampie, squirting.
Notes: the smuttiest smut I have written on main. Shout out to the OC discord chat and @thenotsofantasticlifestory for their input! Love you guys 🖤
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“You sure you can handle it, kitten?” Eustass Kid purred at you, reaching his right arm up to flick at your chin. His purple-hued fingernails colliding with your skin caused shivers to shoot down your spine and ignite your senses with anticipation.
Looking up at him through your eyelashes, you nodded your head slowly with your lips parted. He hummed down at you, his close-lipped smile splitting up his cheeks and his eyes narrowing to assess you further. Leaning down to a lower stoop, he hovered his painted lips above yours. The heat of his breath tingled against your skin, your body moving against its will to draw ever closer to the man in front of you.
As you drew yourself closer, the two arms of the man behind you clapped over your upper arms and tugged you flush into his chest. A soft gasp fled your lips, head tilting back and glancing up at the base of the blue and teal mask above your vision. Gulping back a soft mouthful of saliva, you began to double back on your prior over eagerness to engage with not one, but two, very eager playmates.
It had been a while since the Victoria Punk had docked at port, the entire crew feeling exceptionally pent up and in need to release their energy. Engaging in trysts amongst the crew was not unheard of, but it was uncommon. Ruining camaraderie and rapport was the main reason for the lack of entanglements, and Eustass Kid did not want to lose any more of his crew to their own broken heartedness.
Similarly to you, the crew of the Thousand Sunny were not helpful with catering to your needs. Luffy refused to make port due to the fact that both Kid and Law had yet to dock the Tang and the Punk. He was not going to lose to them, no matter how much you were in desperate need of relief.
When the three ships had brushed their hulls together, ropes thrown over the sides and knots tugged firmly to pull them flush against one another, you were bursting at the seams to at least talk to someone who was not a member of your crew. Shachi and Penguin were always a delight, and you couldn't get enough of their chaos.
However, when the blonde first mate of the Kid Pirates stepped over the barricade of the Thousand Sunny with a large pot of pasta, you were just about ready to spread your legs and have him take you on the dining table. Sanji was an excellent cook, but there was something about the blonde’s pasta that made you weak in the knees.
You had never engaged intimately with any member of the other two crews before, but the neediness pooling and soaking your underwear at the first bite of penne encouraged you to be a little bolder in your intentions. Killer was your first target to attempt to woo your way into his pants, but in doing so, it only attracted the magnetic presence of Eustass “Captain” Kid in the process.
“Fucking hell, Massacre Soldier!” you moaned, chewing back on the aldente texture of the cylindrical tubes, “Whoever said sex was the best thing invented hasn't tried this fucking pasta!”
That earned you a shrill giggle from the larger man, alongside a barked laugh from his captain a little further away. You beamed at the redhead, scrunching your nose playfully at him before the blonde recalled your attention.
“If you think my pasta is good,” the larger blonde huffed down at you, leaning closer to your ear, “You should see what else I can do with just a few ingredients.” You giggled at his comment, genuinely enjoying his comradery beside you.
“Oh yeah?” you arch your brows up at him, gently leaning in closer and brushing your thigh against the outside of his, “Tell me, big guy, what ingredients can you see yourself toying with here?” Killer twitched his head to the side, not expecting this kind of sultriness from a Straw-Hat.
Turning on the wooden pew beside you, he cupped the back of your thigh with his larger hand and gave your flesh a gentle squeeze. He gave you a little pause to test how far he was allowed to pursue you, which you would've appreciated in any other encounter. You were simply too pent up to care, arching your back and sucking your lips into your mouth to still the spread of your smile.
“See, I'm easy,” he hums down at you, “Every good recipe has four main ingredients: acid, salt, fat, and heat.” You nod along to his explanation, your brows knitting together as his fingers brush up and down your thigh before clasping around your hip. Holding your bone firmly, he tugs you towards him and engulfs your form with his larger chest.
“You think you can take my fat cock, little one?” he hushed down at you, causing your fluster to rise higher in your face. He hummed at your reaction, bringing his other hand up to capture your chin, “See, now there's the heat. You're practically radiating with it. I bet your pussy would be just as warm.” His thumb caressed the ball on your hip.
“A-And the acid and salt?” You managed to stutter, prompting Killer to raise his hand on your chin to cup your cheek.
“I think we both know about the salt,” he cooed at you, “What I wouldn't give to pump you full of my load. I could fill you up, or use it like a glaze over your perfect skin.” Your eyes widened and your body moved closer to his against its will.
Your underwear was sticking to your pussy with how wet his words made you. Pressing your thighs together for some relief, you could barely tear your eyes away from his mask for a single moment.
“The acid is where it gets a little tricky,” he traces his hand over your cheek and down your jaw once more. He gently pushed your face away from his and drew your attention towards the redheaded captain of the Victoria Punk.
“My Cap’n gets bitter and sour if he's left out of the mix.”
The amber eyes of Eustass Kid looked dangerously over your form from across the deck. Every part of him was solid and tense, the pure lust and jealousy radiating on him like a beacon illuminating complete darkness.
“You reckon you've got a way we can both fit, little one?” he whispered into your ear, the cool puff of air tickling your ear. You shudder, closing your eyes and giving into your desires with a soft moan.
“With the right chef doing the prep work,” you whimper, “I can think of several ways I can fit the both of you, big guy.”
“That's a good little thing,” he complimented you, the smile tangibly felt in his tone, “I'll make sure you're prepped for both of us. Once we're all done with our actual food, go and give him a kiss for me, would you?”
Not tearing your eyes away from Eustass Kid, you nod dumbly and slowly. Kid is taken aback by your action: cocking his head to the side, narrowing his eyes, and furrowing his brows. Darting his attention between you and Killer, he finally has the thought bloom in his mind and shoot straight to his cock.
He was going to fuck his little Straw Hat with his first mate.
And that is where you found yourself, wedged between two broad chests and grabby hands in the captain's quarters aboard the Victoria Punk. The red tint of Eustass Kid's lips finally collided with your mouth as he pressed himself against you. Desperation and neediness arose in you all, Kid's arm snaking around your shoulder prompted Killer to bring his hands down to the front of your pants.
As Kid’s tongue entered your mouth, Killer dipped his fingers beneath your waistline and immediately slipped his fingers between your glossy folds. You whimper into the mouth of Kid, prompting him to chuckle and consume your moans with more fervor. Growling into your lips, he tugged you closer to him while tilting his pointed chin up to get a better angle.
While tugged closer to Kid, Killer's fingers ground themselves against your clit in small circles. The pads of his large fingertips rocked against your hooded pearl and caused your slit to gush out a fresh wave of arousal. You parted your lips to mewl into Kid's mouth, which caused his teeth to seek out and bully your lower lips with soft nips.
“Fuck, our little one is so wet, Cap’n,” Killer gasped behind you, “I think I can make them cum just like this-...” He increased his speed, flickering your sensitive nerves with each different motion. Kid pulled his lips away from yours, a string of saliva attaching to both his and your lips with the soft tint of red paint lingering within.
“You gonna cum, kitten? You want the big guy to make you cum on his hand?” Kid goaded you, prompting you to pout at him. He removed his hand from your shoulder and pinched your chin in his thumb and index finger.
“Look at me while he makes you cum,” he ordered you, looking down his nose at you as your body continued to be worked at by Killer behind you. As much as you wanted to hold back from submitting to his request, one more swipe at your clit had your pussy contracting and fluttering with the overwhelming bliss of your orgasm.
“F-Fuck,” you stuttered, holding your eyes against Kid's as Killer continued to usher you through ecstasy. Slouching your back against Killer, you keened into his neck as he held you firmly against his chest. His forearm rocked against your chest, prompting you to buck your hips into his hands.
“There you go, little one,” Killer cooed down at you, slowing down his rocking to a steady pause. Running his fingers through your oversensitive folds causes you to shudder and mewl at the sensation. Withdrawing his hand up in front of you, he scissors the glistening slick on his fingertips.
“Fuck, look at that,” Kid gasped, his former abrasive attitude melting away as soon as he saw your essence, “Give us a taste, would you?” Killer offered Kid his hands, Kid making eye contact with you as he parted his lips and swirls his tongue over Killer’s fingers.
Humming, he immediately closes his eyes and cleans Killer’s fingers with his lips and tongue. Killer huffs out a sigh, bucking his hips and grinding his clothed cock against your ass, his neediness growing the longer he holds off from sinking himself into you. Kid pulled his lips off Killer’s fingers with a soundly ‘pop’ before looking up into your face once more.
“You need to get prepped before you take the both of us, kitten. All fours for me, would you?” Kid ushered you over to his large bed, the duvet astray and pillows askew, “Pants off, sunshine. Lemme see it all.” Killer whimpered at your absence, his cock aching and twitching beneath his pants.
The three of you were all as needy as one another, your pussy already dripping with desire thanks to Killer's earlier words, and coaxing an orgasm from you by just rubbing your clit alone. Your pants and shirt were cast aside hurriedly, your chest now exposed and nipples peaked within the cool air. Hooking your fingers into the hips of your underwear, you began pulling them over your ass slowly. The groin of the material stuck to you, the dark patch of arousal from your core painted the center and dampened the fabric.
“Fuck, you're so wet,” Kid stuttered out, his voice breathy and body immediately sauntering over to you with desperation in his footing, “Where do you want, Kil? You want our little Straw-Hat’s pussy, mouth, or ass?” You could barely register any words, arching your back and planting your head onto Kid’s mattress as they discussed what to do with you.
“Wherever you don't want, Cap’n,” he whispered huskily, his eyes hungrily consuming your body with his pointed gaze, “Fuck, that ass does look good, though.” Kid laughed at his oldest friend, clapping his right hand over his right shoulder while pressing a curt kiss against his right.
“Go put their head in your lap, hm?” Kid directed his first mate, “Hear that, kitten? You're gonna suck Killer's cock and treat him right.” You begin to raise your head off the bed, halting when you felt a metal casing cage around your stomach and hold you flush against the mattress. The ringing of belts and dropping of heavy materials on the floor indicated your two bed guests had shed themselves of their clothes.
Kid's metal hand elevated you effortlessly, your face growing more flustered as you felt him pant against your pussy from behind. Killer crawled into the bed, your hands hastily drawing his large thighs closer to you. Nestling your head between his thighs, your eyes drank in the pretty cock bobbing in front of you. Without any further word or direction, your smaller hands wrapped around his large cock and your lips found his inner thigh.
Chasing a trail of kisses over his inner legs, you ground your palm against his cock before pumping his shaft. Killer panted, his cock involuntarily twitching and bobbing with every subtle change you made. Drawing yourself up onto your forearms, you lulled your tongue outside your lips and licked a heavy stripe along the underside of his cock. Following the bulbous vein up his shaft, you flickered your tongue over his blunt tip and collected the first few drops of precum onto your palate.
As soon as you parted your lips to take his knob into your mouth, you cried out as you felt your folds part by Eustass Kid’s large, red tongue. Your eagerness to take Killer’s cock into your mouth multiplied tenfold, using him as a tool to ground yourself to the earth while the motion of Kid's tongue had you ascending. Flicking and bobbing his head, Kid mouthed at you, rolling your sensitive clit over his tongue and sucking briefly on whatever took his fancy.
You had never engaged with anyone so eager to please you with their mouth, feeling yourself truly unable to hold back the rocking of your hips into his face as you began to take Killer's cock into your mouth. Filling your lips with Killer's fat tip, you whimpered and keened around it as Kid rocked your body against his face with his cool metal arm.
“Fuck, little one,” Killer gasped for you, his hand falling down to cradle your scalp and coax you to bob against him, “You feel so good. How you doing back there, Cap'n?” All Kid could find in his coherence was a groan at the back of his throat, too drunk on your essence to give either of you an answer.
Taking what you could of Killer's cock in your mouth, you pumped the remainder of the base with one hand, while the other caressed his balls.
“Hhah-... F-fuck-... I-I-...” Killer threw his head back, bucking his hips up to fill more of your mouth with his fat cock, “...-I don't know how long I'll last like this. Fuck, little one. Who taught you how to suck cock like that?” You attempted to giggle at him, only halting as you felt Eustass Kid pull away from your pussy to spit on it. You whimpered, feeling his lips dive back in and flicker over your clit.
You had half a mind to talk to Killer and tease him, but Kid’s skilled lips and tongue had your mind foggy and clouded by each fell swipe. The coil in your abdomen began to stir and tighten to a tense pinnacle, just as Killer felt his balls twitch and draw up into his stomach. Kid’s tongue pressed against your entrance, lapping messily and greedily into your slit while humming and moaning at the taste of your arousal.
“Nghhm-... F-Fuck! Stop- I'm gonna c-cum!” Killer attempted to warn you, already past the point of halting his eruption while desperately trying not to cum in your mouth. Tugging at your scalp to halt you, you managed to shake your head and bob it faster over his shaft. “No, no, no, no, no-...” He stuttered, finally getting a foothold on your head and hastily tugging you away from his cock.
Just as your lips left his knob, you couldn't help but desperately pump his shaft as Kid has you unravel on his tongue. The coil in your stomach snapped and your walls spasmed around his tongue with the first waves of your orgasm. Massacre Soldier Killer held the back of your head in a firm cradle, his cock twitching as you pumped him. Your thumb flicked over his tip, which switched the final channel of lust in Killer's stomach and had him cry out for you.
His cum shot out and immediately splashed over your forehead, cheek, and chin in thick ropes. The milky-colored seed littered your skin in hot splashes, immediately causing you to cum harder against Kid’s face and tongue.
“Shit!” Killer cursed at the sight laid out before him. His captain's face buried deep within your thighs, lapping greedily and messily at your walls while he coated your face in his thick cum. Each splash from Killer seemed to propel you to cry out and cum harder against Kid's face, truly basking in the fact he couldn't contain himself or force himself back from that edge.
Both riding your highs down, Kid gave your clit a quick kiss before bringing himself up to the sight above him. Killer's chest rose and fell in a thick pant, his cock still proudly standing as it dribbled with the soft aftershocks of his release. Your face was riding the blissful waves of a soft afterglow directly after contorting in ecstasy. Lips parted, eyes closed, and face completely covered in several waves of Killer’s heavy load.
“Fuck, big guy,” Kid chuckled at his first mate, “There’s so much.” Kid gives your ass a gentle slap as he crawls up to hover over your back. “So messy, kitten,” he commented on your face, “Hand us a tissue would you, Kil?”
“I-... I got it…” Killer panted, reaching to the bedside table to the right of him. Tearing four leaves in hasty consecutive motions, he drew the material to your face and began dabbing at the cum while Kid rubbed his hand along your back and traced every dip and crevace along your spine.
Several fragments of the tissue paper stuck to your face, prompting you to giggle up at the big guy as he cleaned you.
“Sorry about that, little one. I tried to warn you it was gonna happen,” he spoke in a low and warm tone, “What would you have preferred, me cumming in that beautiful mouth of yours?”
“I would prefer it if you came in my pussy, honestly,” you admit with a shrug, causing Kid to let out a sound between a growl and a whimper. Kid gave you a final dab of the cheeks before giving your nose a gentle, affectionate tap.
“You'll still get some in your pussy if you want it,” Killer cooed at you, turning you to face Kid as he knelt back. His red lip paint spilt over his lipline, the juices of your release glistening against his chin and nose. Smirking up at him, you barely had the opportunity to raise your hand before he pounced on you.
Pushing your back flush against Killer’s chest, Kid rose your hips and sat you on Killer’s Adonis belt above his deflating cock. Eustass Kid’s angry cock twitched it's shaft as he caged both you and Killer beneath his looming form.
“Feeling adequately prepped for me, kitten?” Kid purred down at you, playfully nudging your chin with his forehead to push your head back to lull into Killer’s shoulder, “Or should I fuck you with my metal hand to stretch you a bit?”
“I can take your cock, Captain,” you scoff, attempting to look down at his steely shaft, only for him to push you back down into Killer’s shoulder once more.
“You say that now,” Kid cackled at you, rubbing his tip against your folds before placing the tip at your entrance, “...but once I sink in a little-.” He rocked his hips forward a little,
“-Ah, fuck!” you cry out at the stretch, prompting him to immediately pull his cock head away from your entrance. Killer wrapped his hands around your waist, soothing circles into your skin with his thumbs. Kid and Killer both share a glance with one another, communicating wordlessly before Kid placed his tip at your entrance one more time.
As he slowly pressed his mushroomed knob into your needy cunt, Killer reached his hands down to pry your folds apart with the heels of each palm, seeking out your clit and gently caressing it with his thumbs. Immediately your body relaxes and your hips rock against each roll of his digits in your clit. Kid sunk himself down further, eyes not leaving your face as he watches intently for any discomfort.
“There you go, little one,” Killer praised you, enjoying the feeling of your ass rocking against his Adonis belt, “Taking the Cap'n so well. Good job, just a little more.” Kid fought back the urge to slam his hips forward and immediately sheathe himself in your gummy walls. Using each fiber of his being to not give in to the temptation, he inched himself slowly into your needy core.
“You're doing well too, Cap'n,” Killer hummed up at the redhead, “Being gentle with our little Straw Hat, while I know you want to give in.” Kid whimpered, pressing his goggle-adorned forehead against your chest to hide his fluster. Gently rocking forward, your back bowed as you finally felt him press up to the hilt.
Giving a testy buck of his hips, Killer ensured both you and Kid felt secure enough while still gently rubbing circles against your clit. Kid felt your walls flutter and adjust to his size.
“Nggh-... Fuck…” Kid whispered against your flushed skin, pressing a soft kiss against the bone in the center of your chest. “...why haven't we done this sooner again?” He chuckled into your chest, rolling his head up and resting his chin at the center.
“Because we haven't been desperate enough to try?” you offered him with an arched brow. He huffed aggitatedly, rolling his hips against yours and testing the stretch. Killer braced you against him, holding you completely against his broad chest and taught stomach muscles.
“Fuck,” you keen for Kid, feeling the way each rake of his cock inside you molded you to the shape of him, “That, and I didn't think you were interested in fucking a Straw Hat.”
Kid stopped his movements, sheathing himself to the hilt within your pussy and turning your chin with his flesh hand. Your eyes met his through fluttered lids, examining his expression with curiousity. He drew his face towards yours, all prior cockiness melting away and a stern seriousness left in its stead.
“We don't want to fuck a Straw Hat,” he uttered, his lips almost brushing with yours, “We want to fuck our Straw Hat.” You only had a moment to react to the admission before Kid started properly rocking his hips into you. No more timidity, no more subtlty, all of Eustass Kid��s hulking form finally giving in to his feral urges now that you had fully adjusted to his size.
“Our little Straw Hat,” he growled into your skin, pressing his lips to your neck and mouthing at the skin, “Our spicy little kitten,” he chuckled into you, cementing and punctuating his exclaim with a crude slap of his hips meeting your pelvis. Killer let out a squeak of laughter at that comment, to which you would've laughed along with him if Eustass Kid wasn't slapping his balls against your unexplored ass hole with each heavy, deep thrust.
Killer hummed down at you, removing his hand from between you both in favour of hooking his legs beneath your thighs and raising them to your chest. Kid rose his right leg, trapping Killer’s leg beneath him and changing the angle of each stroke. You mewled out, gasping for air as Killer exposed more of your pussy for Kid to drive into. Killer never took his eyes off you, insuring you were enjoying the feeling of how deep Kid burried himself into you with each buck and rock.
As you adjusted to the depth of his deep rocking, Kid hooked his other leg over Killer's, crouching in a deep lunge. His motions were now so deep, you felt your air being pushed from your throat, and his bulge deep in your abdomen. Kid's lips parted, huffing and panting with his eyes scrunched tightly shut. The crude, squelching ‘plap,’ of his balls slapping against your overstimulated pussy was enough for Killer’s cock to twitch back to life, his own empathetic waves of pleasure coiling in the pit of his stomach.
Your lips parted, brows raising to a peak at the center of your face as you felt Kid finally hit your g-spot with each crude hook of his blunt tip. Your collective moans grew louder, all carelessly flinging them from your chests as you raised your hand up to cup at Kid’s neck.
“Fuck, I-I’m gonna cum! F-F-Fuck- I'm cumming,” Kid cried out, his cock twitching and motions drawing into a manic pace. You barely had any chance to catch up to him, feeling far too overwhelmed by the depth of his cock to properly contract around him. Hot waves of his thick release blew out of his small slit and splashed back against your cervix. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he changed with each languid thrust, falling into his knees and continuing to rock into you. You moaned with him, feeling his release coat your walls with each motion.
Killer couldn't stop what happened next, his body reacted of his own accord. As Kid pulled out, Killer’s fully erect cock danced at your entrance. Kid looked down at Killer's cock brushing against his knob and smirked at him.
“You reckon you can handle both now?” Kid asked with a chuckle in his tone. You were simply too out of it and desperate for your third release that you nodded without any afterthought. Kid reached down and pressed his cock against Killer's, Killer moaning at the immediate attention.
Squeezing his still drooling cock with his first mate's, Kid placed both tips at your slit. Using his prior release as lubrication, Kid rocked both Killer's and his own shiny tips into your slit. You have a soft whine at the stretch, but immediately nodded while bracing Kid's body against yourself. Kid moaned into one shoulder, while Killer hissed in the other. Both cocks slowly stretched your walls, the soft sting of your body accommodating them aided with your’s and Kid's prior release.
Only making it halfway into your pussy, Killer began to set a lazy pace inside you, brushing his frenulum against Kid’s and gasping at the feeling. You felt the most full you had ever been, sandwiched between two walls of flesh on a foreign ship, and taking two cocks deep into your pussy.
Kid pulled his head away from your shoulder to check in with you, sensing any discomfort from you by darting his eyes all over your face. He tilted his head at you, a small thought crossing his mind and causing him to chuckle.
“Mind if I try something, kitten?” he whispered in your ear, giving your skin a soft kiss after you shake your head in response.
“We're already trying a lot of new things for me,” you attempted to laugh along with your confession, huffing out while Killer rocks his cock deep inside you. Kid grins broadly, raising his hand and activating his devil fruit ability. Soaring through the air were six, small, egg-shaped objects no bigger than your thumb.
“This is gonna be new for all of us,” Kid nodded nonchalantly, his cock already twitching with interest while half-sheathed within you. You felt each rock of Killer’s hips press Kid’s knob against your g-spot, causing your walls to flutter and constrict both of them deep within you. Just as you felt yourself build up to your third climax, two of the objects attached themselves to your clit and vibrated them with a hard intensity. Two more were placed on each of the two men's balls as they buried their cocks in syncopated rhythm.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” you screamed, your pussy immediately releasing a gush of fluid directly splashing against Kid’s pelvis and Killer’s thighs. Kid gasped in surprise, groaning against the feeling of your walls fluttering against his and Killer’s cocks.
“We've got ourselves a squirter!” Kid laughed, immediately rocking with more intension, craving more immediately. “Hear that, big guy? A squirter!”
Killer was completely lost, his mind foggy and need for release causing him to whimper and whine out soft squeaks. Kid barked a soft string of laughter, riding your pussy through the waves of absolute overstimulation, increasing the intensity of the vibrating bulbs on your clit and his and Killer's balls.
“One more, one more, one more,” Kid desperately chanted, feeling his own release propel forward at the knowledge he can make you cum hard enough to splash him with it. Killer gripped your thighs harder, bucking up into your pussy with a desperation he had not felt prior. You were experiencing an outer body encounter, your body flooded with pleasure. Still riding through the waves of your prior release, you felt another creep up onto you.
“You gonna cum? You gonna cum, kitten?” Kid asked, his balls slapping against Killer's as they both thrust up into you, “You gonna squirt on our cocks again? C'mon little one. You've got more for me. Just one more. I'll cum with you, baby. You want that?” You nodded dumbly, feeling your body becoming as pliant as a marionette dancing on Kid and Killer's strings.
Kid increased the intensity of the vibrations one last time, prompting Killer to roar into your shoulder immediately. Hot spurts of his release splashed up and swirled against Kid’s former waves. The chain reaction of Killer’s release caused both you and Kid to cum alongside him. As Kid shot up into you, you released another gush of fluid over Killer’s thighs with enough power to splash against Kid’s stomach and trickle down his balls.
“Just like that, just like that,” Kid praised you, manicly rocking into you with each spurt of his cum dancing with the three fluids.
“Fu-ck!” you keened, crying tears of pleasure down your cheeks at the impact of your fourth release. Kid and Killer's movements stilled, opting to pull out of you and roll you onto your side. Killer tucked himself behind you, resting his covered forehead against your shoulder blade while Kid immediately sprung up and removed the vibrating bulbs from your bodies with a flick of his wrist.
Although he was wonky on his feet, he stumbled to the bathroom and dazedly turned the taps on for his large bathtub to fill with waters and bathing oils. Bracing himself against the side of the tub with his metal hand, he snuck a look over his shoulder at the two of you panting and catching your breaths at the intensity of your climax. Chuckling to himself, he set to work on taking care of his first mate and his little Straw Hat.
Filling a large decanter full of water, he managed to only locate two mugs, and three shot glasses in his bedroom that seemed to match. Opting for the matching set, he cleaned them in the sink and set them aside to dry. As soon as the tub filled with enough water, he turned off the tap and dipped his fingers in it to test the temperature. Nodding and feeling rather proud of himself, Kid returned to his bed and noticed the two of you had finally caught your breath and were almost asleep.
“Nope, none of that,” Kid warned you, rousing you from your almost slumber with a pout on your lips, “Gotta clean you up, buttercup. We stretched you pretty good just now, don't want you to regret it more than you already probably will.” You scoff at him, slowly drawing yourself away from the man behind you by wriggling on the mattress.
“I don't think I'm gonna regret being sandwiched between two legendary pirates, Captain,” you hummed at him, your legs feeling as stable as a plate of jelly in an earthquake. As you stumbled forward, Kid chuckled at you and caught you in his arms.
“You might not,” he shrugged, hoisting you into his arms and carrying you to his bathroom, “But your pussy might feel a little raw after a while. Lemme take care of you for a bit, alright?” Killer hummed from behind you both, rolling onto his stomach and rocking back onto his knees.
“M’coming too, Cap'n,” Killer nodded, springing to his feet and walking beside the two of you, “You reckon we can all fit in there?” All of you look down at the triangular spa and tilt your heads to the side. You giggle, looking to the mask-wearing first mate and shoot him a winning smile.
“I can think of several ways to make us all fit in there, big guy,” you hum affectionately at him with half-hooded lashes. He shakes his head, giving your chin a soft pinch, and beginning to ready the three of you by finding towels and wash clothes to dote on the both of you.
Filling up the three short glasses with cool water, Killer passed them two both you and Kid sitting beside him in the scented water. All relaxing in comfortable silence while enjoying one another's bare skin, you all finally felt the tension wash away and recline into one another. Finally finding a small semblance of peace between ports, you had never felt more content than you were with your two allied crewmen.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady
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heartpiratedrabbles · 7 months
Your First Time
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Prompt: You confide to Killer that you're a virgin and want to be prepared for Kid.
Kid X Fem Reader X Killer
You had been on the Victoria Punk for a couple weeks now, had gotten the routine of how everyone works and how everything moves. It felt comforting being some place with a consistent schedule, even if it was filled with eccentric people, you now called your friends. Although you couldn’t ignore something forever, your Captain, the one who had convinced you to come aboard by practically dragging you on, kept trying to get you alone.
         It’s not that you didn’t enjoy it, and Kid was certainly public about his intentions, slapping your ass as you walk by, pulling you on his lap if he so desires, and the make-out sessions were great. But you started to overthink on one particular night when he had a grip on your hips while he was grinding his hard on into you while biting at your neck. It wasn’t the fact that you were in front of everyone, no one seemed to care over the public display. You had felt embarrassed when a moan escaped your lips, putting a hand to your mouth while your face turned red, but Kid had grabbed your wrist grunting that he wanted to hear you.
         The real problem wasn’t the location, your head wasn’t reeling at what was happening around you. Despite being open to try things, and never denying Kid, you had always wiggled your way out of his grasp before it got any farther. Kid would clearly be annoyed, but wouldn’t push you, and it started gnawing at your mind.
         So you decided to go to Killer, the right hand man of Kid, and another conquest Kid had made clear was his. You woke up extra early, knowing no one else would be up to bother the conversation you were about to pull the first mate in too. Closing the door behind you as you hear the clinking of pots.
         Killer glances over his shoulder, “Y/N, you’re up early.” His low deep voice making your heart flutter a little bit. You sit as close to him as possible without being in his work space, watching him move about the kitchen before setting a cup of coffee and a muffin in front of you, “Any reason for this visit?” He leans against the counter, crossing his arm while peering down at you through his mask.
         You let out a noise as you try to find the words in your mind, deciding to take a sip of coffee to ignore the question for juts a couple more seconds. The hot liquid practically burning your tongue as the two of you sit in silence. Killer doesn’t pressure you, nor does he move to continue what he was doing, He waits patiently while seeing you dance the cup between your hands before you hang your head down letting a sigh out, “It’s about Kid.”
         Killer perks up at your quiet admission. Before he could ask anything, you continue, “Or rather it’s about me.” Your face turning red as he watches you stare at the steam. You brush a strand of hair behind your ear, still refusing to look at him, “I’m uh. I’m not experienced.” Your voice going to whisper at your admission.
         After a heavy silence hits you, you start to babble about how you’ve never had the chance, and that it’s embarrassing to be with someone like Kid and what if you don’t live up to what he expects. The quick rant continues until a hand slaps the table next to you, startling you to be quiet as you realize Killer looming over you. Your face red as you remember to breathe again.
         “So… You’re worried you’ll disappoint Kid?” His chest barely brushing against you as he leans lower, “And you want me to help?” The clarifying question send another round of emotions swirling around your mind.
         “Well, uh. It’s just. Kid is so quick, and rough. And it’s not that I don’t like it. It’s just. Um.” You stop for a second to gather your thoughts, “You seem more gentle.” The whisper of the last sentence leaving your mouth before you could change your mind, “Maybe could give me pointers about him.” Your thumb rubbing the rim of the cup in your hand while you stare at Killers hand resting next to yours.
         You aren’t sure what Killer is thinking as he walks away, starting to actually cook breakfast again. You start to pick at the muffin in front of you, accepting the silent refusal. The noise of others waking up and walking on deck alerting you to the time. You go to stand up, placing both hands on the table, but a hand on your shoulder stops you.
         “Meet me in the captain’s room after lunch.” The husky whisper sending a shiver down your spine, you whip your head around and before you could say anything others start to enter the room. Killer places a plate of breakfast in front of you, also setting a place for the others coming in, leaving you with your head reeling.
         You made you way through your ship, you knew Kid was in his workshop right now but it still felt weird to be going to his room. The dim corridor echoing your foot steps before stopping in front of the large door that had subtle dents and scratches in the wood. Should you knock? Should you just walk in? Before you could decide Killer opened the door, ushering you into the large room before shutting it.
         You take in your surroundings, a huge bed laid against the back wall, posts on each corner that made it seem much to fancy for who you knew Kid to be. A large desk in the corner filled with scrap metal and bookshelves full of knick-knacks and books that looked well-loved, bars in front of them, presumably to keep them in place during storms.  A rather large mirror encompassing most of a wall, just across from the side of the bed. There were two wardrobes, one shut with nothing in front of it while the other had doors ajar, clothes piled around. The room seemingly a mix between well-worn and messy, and lived in but clean.
         “Done staring there, Y/N?” Killer’s voice spooked you, when you realized he was sitting at the end of the bed, leaning back on his hands while staring at you through his mask. You mouth becoming dry as you stare at his bare chest, a happy trail of blonde hair dipping below his pants.
         You glance further down at his crotch before snapping your eyes back up towards his masked face, shifting your weight from one leg to the other. No doubt your entire face was red at this point, the tips of you ears even feeling hot as you feel rooted in your spot. “W-what if Kid comes by? This is his room won’t he-“
         “We share this room sweetness, now get over here.” Killer’s stern voice had you moving your legs underneath you. Approaching the sitting man as your nervous hands grab his shoulders, placing your knees on either side of his legs before resting on his knees. His rough hands taking a gentle hold of your waist as he shifts you closer to him. Gentle circles from his thumbs helping you relax slightly. “How do you want to do this?”
         His question shocks you a bit, your grip of his shoulders tighten a bit as you remain silent, not really knowing how to answer. “I know you’re a virgin, but I didn’t think you’d be innocent too” His silent taunting voice shook you as his hands moved to the top of your thighs, pulling at the skin slightly. His head goes closer to yours before whispering, “Do you want to be in control or do you want me to do everything?” One of his hands angling closer to your crotch, a thumb narrowly missing your core.
         You nuzzle you head into the crook of his neck, your arms wrapping around his neck, “S-show me how to do everything.” Your meek voice making him tense slightly underneath you. He seems to hesitate slightly, so you swallow your pride, “How do I make someone feel good Killer?” You whisper it in his ear, sitting up slightly to push him against the bed. Sitting on top of him as you slowly take your shirt off, grinding down enough to feel the tent in his pants.
         Killer watches you trying to be confident in your actions, the slightly clumsy movements of an attempt of seduction turning him on more than if you were actually experienced. Maybe he should have told Kid of your intentions so he could watch. Watch your timid shy self try to be what you think Kid wants, doing everything to please him and learn how to make him crazy. If Kid finds out, he’ll surely have opinions on the matter. But, in Killer’s defense, he hadn’t expected you to be so eager, he thought you wanted to be prepared, to know how it feels, before experiencing it with Kid, who was often harsh in his actions. The idea of Kid finding out of your inexperience amused him, thinking of how he would have handled the situation instead.
         Killer is brought back to his senses when he feels you tug at his pants, already on your knees while staring intently at your newest project. With a little bit of a struggle, you release Killer’s cock, it bouncing into the air before you hesitantly take hold.
         One of your hands on his bare thigh while the other gives a slight squeeze to the base. You stare at the veiny appearance as it twitches, it’s much bigger than you had expected. “If you want Kid to go insane,” The low grunt reminding you of Killer, “You should look up at him while you drool over his cock.”
         You think about his words, taking an experimental lick from the base to the tip, hearing a slight curse from above you. You move your hand up, brushing the plump tip with your thumb while letting saliva pool in your mouth.
         You open your lips, letting your tongue lull out, hovering just above Killers tip as drool slowly rides down onto his cock, you glance up to meet Killer’s eyes in an attempt to ask if what you were doing was correct. His masked face not giving you much but the curse under his breath as his hand slips onto your head is enough encouragement as you turn your attention back to the matter at hand. Slowly pursing your lips around him, the slick of your drool being spread as you bob your head down a bit.
         Killers tells you to relax your jaw, before pressing you down a bit more. You flatten your tongue against his shaft, taking in the salty flavor of sweat and precum, trying to be careful to not scrape your teeth against him. You go down a bit deeper, gagging as he hits the back of your throat, tears brimming your eyes, “remember to breathe when you come up.” Killer coaching you through it all as you continue to try and take him deeper. You feel yourself getting hot, wanting to be touched yourself but also not wanting to miss any instructions as your fingers dig into his thighs, your other hand twisting and bobbing in unison with your head.
         Killer grabs your hair, tugging you off his dick as you release him with a ‘pop’, you tongue laying out of your mouth slightly as you catch your breath. He brushes some tears away from your cheeks as he tells you how good you did. He picks you up and places you on the bed, waiting for you to be ready before he removes your shorts.
         “Kid is thicker than I am, so you have to be prepared for that,” He murmurs while you let him spread your legs. Your head propped up by some pillows, one hand leaning against the head board while the other was being bitten to not let noises out so you could listen better. Your eyes half lidded, a little disappointed that you hadn’t made Killer cum before he pulled you off.
         The touches of another person’s hands on your skin, so close to your core was driving you insane. The fire building up as Killer spreads your folds apart, the cool air hitting you more before the tip of his finger teases your entrance.
         Killer knew he was fucked at this point, if Kid finds out how sweet and adorable your mewls are while learning how to please him. He mentally prepared himself for Kid’s anger later before pressing in. Watching as you happily accepted the single finger, the soft warmness welcoming the intrusion with a slight buck of your hips. He glances up to see you staring down at him, the lustful look covering you face as you bit a knuckle. Killer shifted, keeping a finger in you as he reached up to grab your wrist, “You know Kid likes listening.”
         A whine escaping your lips as you feel another finger inside you. Killer moves your hand towards your breast, and you take that as an order to knead it, playing with your nipple, pinching and squeezing in pace with Killer spreading and pumping his fingers inside you. He watches you and you can’t help but to glance away, your head turning towards the mirror. You let out another moan, seeing yourself unraveled with Killer arched above you preparing you for more. You see Killers head glance up at you before turning towards the mirror, he stops his movements entirely.
         “There’s a reason this is here,” He pulls his digits out of you entirely, a slight ache as you feel yourself pulse around nothing. He sits at the edge of the bed, facing the mirror while gesturing you to come over. You crawl over to him before he picks you up, your legs hooking over his as he leans your back against his chest and widen his own legs, making you open further in full view of yourself.
         The way you glistened slightly, the slight rub of Killers hard dick just underneath you, the glimpse of his cock in the mirror so close to your pussy making your mind go wild. The emotionless mask tilted down as both hands approach your entrance, a single finger from each hand entering you at two different angles, “Watch yourself Y/N.” The demand had your head snapping towards the mirror, watching as he slowly pumping his fingers inside you.
         The dull ache being replaced with want before he pulls your pussy open, adding another finger while you feel the sting of being stretched open. At some point your impatience gets ahead of you when you grind your hips down, feeling Killer’s hard on below you, “You aren’t prepared yet.” The hushed warning tone as he added yet another finger, the harsh pump stretching you out as you let out a moan with a single movement hitting a bundle of nerves. He warns you to behave if you don’t want to be hurt by accident as your body burns up wanting more.
         In frustration you lean up, twisting your head to bite Killers neck. Your arms going to wrap themselves around the man behind you to keep him close to your attack. The gasp that leaves Killers mask makes you light headed but you don’t let up, lapping your tongue at where your teeth was starting to break his skin. “Yea, I can tell why Kid likes you.”
         Killer was having a hard time controlling himself, he didn’t want to hurt you. And knowing how big he and Kid were, wanted to take time to properly prepare you. But your gasps and moans were thinning his patience. The grind on him making him go nearly insane, and the bite in his neck only reminding him of how Kid marks him ever so often. He thought about what he should do next, he could take you right now, finally get done the main mission of you coming to him this morning. But you were doing this to learn about Kid, to be prepared for when the domineering Captain finally got a hold of you in private.
         His thoughts were interrupted with a creek of the door, glancing up in the mirror he could see the red feathered coat. You hadn’t seemed to notice the extra person, too entranced on leaving a mark on Killers neck. Killer smirks under his mask, spreading your legs more and twisting so Kid could have a better view as to what was happening, a moan vibrating against Killers skin at the movement.
         “Y/N. Remind me, why are we doing this?” Killer’s hushed tone made you confused as you detached yourself from him, leaning your forehead against his neck as he continued to brush against your bundle of nerves.
         “W-wanna be. Good, for Kid,” Your moans and breathing making you take time to finish the sentence before glancing at the mirror with half lidded eyes.
         “Mmhmm, and why is that?” Killer’s eyes bounced from what he was doing with you to the tall man who had closed the door, locking it. No doubt, his eyes never leaving the scene before him. Killer couldn’t help but want to see Kid’s reaction.
         Kid watched from his position as Killer and you were having fun. You hadn’t even slept with Kid yet and here he’s finding you playing Killer. His anger was replaced by curiosity when he saw Killer adjust with you in his lap. The words spilling out of your mouth as your naked body was flushed and wide open like an invitation, Killer clearly stretching you wide with soft pants coming from you. Kid already more than pleased with your answer.
         He’d certainly have to show Killer who was in charge later, but for now he couldn’t stop watching as your head turned to face the mirror, although you seemed to out of it to realize he was there, Kid starting to palm himself through his pants while watching you stare at yourself in the mirror. The confusion clear in your face from Killers second question before your face turned a darker shade of red, “Cause it’s my first time.” The low whisper sending Kid crazy, you were still to focused on watching yourself react to see anything else in the room.
         Kid walks over to the bed, gripping your hair and twisting your head towards him, the moan that escapes your lips sending him to another planet before you realize who you’re looking at. “Our little mouse’s first time?” The devious smile playing on his lips as he watches your wide eyes stare up at him. Kid glances towards Killer, who had stopped fingering in in favor of wrapping his hands under your thighs, lifting them up and holding them in place for Kid to view.
         “K-Kid-“ You stutter out, more embarrassed at being so exposed, you wiggle to try and get free only for Killer’s grip to become tighter, Kid moving his hand to your chin, squishing your mouth open.
         “And what have the two of you done so far?” His tone dipping down as his other hand meets your warmth, you involuntarily buck your hips towards his touch with a low moan, “Seems like your needy cunt is more than ready.”
         You feel Killer’s dick twitch beneath you while Kid shoves a finger into you, taking your lips in his, shoving his tongue down your throat. You move your arms around Kid’s neck, pulling him closer as he presses you further into Killer’s embrace. When you start feeling light head he leans back, looking between the two of you before pulling a chair closer, undressing as he sits down in front of you. Killer adjusts his legs a bit, as though expecting what Kid is about to say, “Show me what else you were going to do. Make her cry.”
         You let out a small squeal at the demand you’ve just heard as Killer reaches one of his hands down to direct his dick to your entrance. Letting your leg go slack before holding it up again. The hard stare of Kid, who had started to stroke himself, was only added to the pleasure as you felt Killer’s tip nestled in your entrance.
         You roll your hips downwards, gasping at the sudden intrusion you had be longing for. Killer grunts, finally letting himself sink into you. You groan at the sting of being stretched, eyes squeezing shut the deeper he goes into you. The mixture of pleasure and pain flooding your brain the more you're filled. Kid leans forward, placing a hand on Killers knee as he watches you squirm and moan.
         Killer leans down closer to you and you take the opportunity to nuzzle your face into him, twisting uncomfortable as he starts to fuck up into you at a steady pace. Your hand reaches down, feeling the tight sensation of being fucken into, your fingers dipping down around Killers cock to feel how you’ve stretched around him.
         The tight sting becomes pleasure soon enough as you yell his name, finally gathering the courage to open your eyes again. You stare down to see Kid massaging Killers thighs, the fast motions making it hard for you to focus. All of a sudden you feel a gentle kiss on the inside of your thigh, a tongue moving over Killers fingers settling closer to the action. You look back down to see Kid peppering your thigh in small kisses before he bites down hard. A scream erupting from your throat, the sensitive skin being overwhelmed with pleasure more than pain.
         Killer lets out grunts behind you, his head resting on your shoulder as he continues to fuck you senseless as Kid finds another patch of skin to bite. Soon enough your body littered with bruising bites, some leaking blood as you hold onto Kid, moaning both the men’s names without reason other than you wanted more.
         “Let her down,” The whisper erupting from Kid causes Killer to gently place your thighs down, blood slowly running through your legs again as Killers dick kisses your cervix with the new found gravity pulling you down. You cry out, gripping Kids shoulder, falling forward slightly. Kid’s head goes behind you, his shoulder right in front of you for you to sink your teeth into as you hear Killer let out a throaty moan. A glance in the mirror shows you the Kid has latched himself onto the blonde man, the opposite side from where you had bitten him.
         Kids dick brushes against your stomach, the rigorous movements still making your mind numb as you reach down. You hesitate when you realize just how thick Kid is. Both your hands meeting to fully wrap around him as you start to squeeze and pump. The hearty groan you hear from Kid causing a shiver down your spine as he thrusts into your touch.
         You feel a bundle in your stomach starting to unravel as time continues. Biting harder into Kid’s shoulder as it comes undone, tasting the sweaty copper the enters your mouth as Kid hisses. Killer gripping your hips before lifting you off him with just enough time to cum on your stomach. You can feel Killer breathing heavy behind you as Kid continues to thrusts into your hands, “Cumming without me now?” His words feign hurt as he pushes Killer to lay on the bed, you laying on top of him before Kid climbs, pumping his cock inches away from your face.
         Killer wraps his arms around you in a comforting manner as you decide to open your mouth, letting your tongue hang out in preparation for what was to cum. Kid smiles down at you before placing his tip to your lip, letting the precum smear against you before aiming inside you. The hot white liquid hitting the back of your throat quickly before you swallow the sour taste down.
         “Damn, you were gonna let me miss this?” Kids husky voice turning slightly sweet as his hand caresses your cheek before glancing up at Killer who squeezes you tighter to his body, “And here I was thinking you two wouldn’t get along.”
         Your mind was still foggy, not fully processing what was happening. The sudden stop of movements lets the air tickle your skin, turning you slightly cold. You turn to snuggle into the man below you, an arm grabbing onto Kid in an attempt to pull him down. “ ‘m tired” You mumble, the throbbing ache starting to become more prominent as your eyelids got heavier.
         Kid watches as you fall asleep in Killers arms, “Why didn’t ya take your mask off?” The question came as he leaned down to remove Killers helmet himself. A sweaty, flushed red embarrassed face was revealed making Kid chuckle, “Like our lil Mouse that much?” The silent agreement coming as Killer gets on the bed properly, laying against the pillows, being careful to not wake you up.
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Kid x Reader x Killer angst to eventual comfort
Based off of my Brain Rot TM here
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Writing is my therapy and I experienced a sub-drop last night from audio stuff and didn't really have a Dom, so I had an anxiety/panic attack. ANYWAYS. Be careful out there, and communicate clearly.
TW's: Starts with consensual threesome smut, non-con elements, degradation, rough sex, anxiety attack, suggested sub-drop, GN reader
Notes: I spelled his name 'Kidd' even though I later learned it's 'Kid' so whoops lmao.
WC: ~5.6k
You were nearly suffocating, but gods you loved it. One thick cock was fucking your cute, dripping hole, and the other cock was being rammed down your throat as you jerked forward from the crude thrusts behind you. One hand was holding you up by your handcuffed wrists, and another held a fistful of your hair to keep your head still. Your eyes rolled back as you gagged again around the cock in your throat, drool dripping obscenely down your chin and onto the mattress you were knelt on.
"What a fucking slut, huh Killer? Gonna stretch this lil hole 'till it's gaping" Kidd growled as he gave a particularly harsh thrust behind you. Killer grunted in agreement.
"Look at 'em. Gagging and crying on your cock because it deserves to cry, to barely be able to breathe as we take our fuckin pleasure. Nothing but holes to me."
Kidd continued to talk, degrading you. His voice was deep and hoarse, belying his pleasure. Your shoulders were aching from being held up for so long, but not enough to use the signal to end things. Kidd's thrusts became harder as he yanked you back against his cock, and you felt something in your shoulder pop. Pain bloomed in your shoulder, and though you knew nothing had torn and nothing was broken, it would be soon.
You tried to snap your fingers a few times, but they were too squished in Kidd's grip. You were beginning to panic, and you tried to speak but could only get out a gurgled moan.
"Stay still, bitch- or do I have to teach you a lesson? Need this hole filled until it's overflowing. Nothing but a fucking pocket pussy to us. Pathetic little thing. Please us or we'll dump you" he growled.
You needed to do something. Anything to get out. You tried turning your head, and only succeeded in scraping your teeth against Killer's dick, and he yanked back with a hiss. His cock was removed fully, and you raspily called out the safe word.
Killer paused.
"What did you say?" he sounded concerned.
Kidd only shoved your face into the mattress. Something in your neck and shoulder clicked painfully, and you cried out a little.
"Pocket pussy's don't get to speak" he growled. Killer pushed Kidd from your back roughly.
"Speak" the blond ordered to you.
"Red" you whispered, tears now flowing from your eyes for a different reason.
"Okay okay, we're done. Kidd. We're done." Killer spoke firmly to his partner, who was still slowly thrusting in your sore hole. Kidd scoffed, and brought down a hand harshly on your ass, and you jerked forward, off his dick.
Kidd gathered a wad of spit in his mouth before spitting it on your ass as you laid there, shaking and crying.
Killer brought his fist up and slammed it across the redhead's face, knocking him off the bed.
"Get out and go cool off" he ordered. Kidd rammed a fist through the wooden floor, and you flinched, breath becoming erratic. You couldn't move. Your head was fuzzy, and all you knew is that you did something bad. He hurt you, and you were bad. The mattress rocked as Killer pushed off the bed and there was a rustle of cloth.
"Get out!" Killer opened the door, and you heard heavy foot falls before the door was slammed shut and locked. At the slam of the door, you flinched and wrapped your hands around your head, curling into the fetal position. Your fists gripped your hair, pulling at it and scratching at the scalp. Your body tensed with each footstep approaching you.
"Hey, baby" Killer spoke softly in his deep voice. You tensed, readying your body as if to ward off any berating words. You were hyperventilating, tear flowing onto the mattress.
"Can I hold your hand?"
You shook your head, not believing you were worthy of any affection. But you couldn't speak.
A soft, fluffy blanket draped over your naked body, shaking like a leaf in the wind as your chest worked rapidly.
"Kick it off if you get too hot. I'm going to lay down next to you and I'm going to breathe. You're going to do your best to follow, okay? Can you speak?"
You managed to shake your head at his question. You couldn't speak. Your voice wouldn't come out, and you couldn't even get yourself to move enough to open your mouth.
"Okay. Put your hand on your chest so you can follow my breathing."
You whimpered, curling into yourself. Why can't I move? Why am I being so bad. I can't- I can't-.
"Can you move your arm?"
You shook your head, starting to sob harder.
"Hey, hey. Okay. You're here. You're okay. Can I move your hand for you? It'll just rest on my chest and then I'll keep it there."
You nodded, grateful that he was willing to help someone- no, something- like you. Rough, calloused hands gently pried one of your hands away from your hair, and held it. His hand was warm. He moved your hand to his chest, right over his heart. Your shaking hand and body resisted his kindness, but he slowly moved your arm.
"There. Okay? Now I'm going to breathe deeply in.... and out. Can you feel that?" Your arm moved up with the inflation of his lungs, and sank back down with the exhalation. You nodded, hiccupping breaths catching in your throat.
"Okay, now follow me. Ready?" He began breathing in deeply, and you tried to choke down the bucking of your lungs to follow his instructions. I can't be bad. I'll be hurt.
"Good. You're doing so good for me. Keep going."
His hand kept your on his chest, over his heart until you could breathe deeply with him.
"Good job, you did so well. Can I hold you now?"
You nodded, needing to feel protected. He moved quickly to wrap his arms around you, your hand still on his chest as he brought his forehead to yours. At some point, he had removed his helmet.
"Oh sweetie, you did so well saying the safeword. I'm glad you told us."
You began crying and sobbing at his words.
"...i'm sor-r..." you tried to speak, but it burned your throat to do it while crying. Killer pulled your body closer, one hand on the back of your head as he tucked your head under his chin.
"Don't apologize, little one. You did so good. You did everything right. Are you hurt?"
You curled into him, letting yourself cry. Your shoulder still ached, and your neck hurt to move too much. You nodded slightly, your sobs shaking your shoulders as you made a fist against his chest.
"When you feel ready, I need you to show me where, okay?" Killer eased his grip on your body, but stroked your hair as you cried into him. You don't know how much time had passed when your tears finally began to cease.
"...i'm sorry..." you managed to whispered. Killer hummed soothingly in his large chest.
"You're okay sweetie. You did so well. You did everything right" he soothed you. You pulled back from him, and tried to look up at him but flinched as your neck flared in pain. You sucked in air between your teeth as your eyes slammed shut in pain.
"Does your neck hurt?"
You whispered an affirmative.
"Anywhere else?"
"...shoulder" you murmured, eyes squeezed shut. Your body was starting to shake again as you admitted your injuries. Killer's calloused hand trailed lightly over your neck and shoulder.
"Thank you for telling me, hon. Is it muscle pain?" he asked softly. You managed a slight nod.
"Okay. Your muscles have cooled off now so lets run a bath to help with the ache, okay? C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up."
You held onto him as he started to rise, and he paused, looking down at you curiously.
"You okay?"
Tears brimmed your eyes again as you spoke.
"You didn't finish. Neither did.. he."
Killer chuckled a little, and cradled your jaw in his hand.
"You're so sweet to worry about that. I'm perfectly fine. So is Kidd."
He looked down at you confidently, and it eased your fears.
"If you need to use me later..." you murmured unthinkingly.
"Hey. No. No. That's not how this works. We love and care about you, and no matter what we say in bed, that will never change. Your boundaries always come first, no matter what. You're hurt from this time, and Kidd went way too far. He's at fault here, and he knows it. You're way more than a thing to us. We love you, as a person. As a being. You're everything to me. To us."
The tears that were brimming fell down your cheeks, and you held your arms out to him.
"I'm sorry" you murmured. He picked you up easily, one arm stabilizing your neck gently and the other scooping you up under your butt. You made a sound at the movement, your hole sensitive and bruised.
"Don't be sorry, baby. I'm sorry. I should've noticed you couldn't signal if you needed to stop" he murmured back. You whined at his apology.
You let him carry you to the connecting bathroom. He sat you down on the toilet as he went to fill the tub.
"Cmon. I know you gotta go. I know you're shy about it so I'm going to turn around and watch the bath while I cover my ears, okay?"
You quickly relieved yourself and patted your poor hole dry from the wetness from earlier. You stood yourself on shaky legs and flushed. Killer turned at your movement, and wrapped you in his arms before you toppled over.
"Let's get in the bath, okay?" you hummed an affirmative, your neck really starting to ache. He stepped into the hot water, easing you down with him. You hissed at the temperature on your abused hole, but quickly moaned in relief. You were more sore than you thought.
"Good, doing so good for me" Killer soothed as you shifted in his lap. He grabbed a nearby wash cloth and dipped it in the water, wringing it out over your neck and injured shoulder. You hummed as the heat soothed the pain a little. You yawned, exhausted from your panic.
"Lemme take care of you. Don't gotta worry 'bout a single thing with me 'round, okay?" a light kiss tickled your temple and you hummed an affirmative, drifting off into a doze as Killer ran the washcloth over your body, cleaning you of your tears and sweat.
You groaned in displeasure as he picked you up from the cooling water and he chuckled a little.
"I know but you'll be warm soon enough"
You huffed at him and in response, he wrapped you in a fluffy towel, drying you off as you sat on the edge of the tub.
"Killer..." you muttered his name, trying to thank him, but another thought struck you instead.
"Does he not like me anymore?" tears welled in your eyes again, and you looked down at your boyfriend as he knelt in front of you. He pulled you into a hug, cradling your head gently into his neck.
"That's not it. I don't know why he acted so awful. I know how much he cares about you. He loves you. I love you. Okay?"
You sniffled.
"I love you too" you mumbled. Killer kissed your cheek, and pulled back with his hand cradling your jaw. You leaned in to kiss him on the lips chastely. You pulled back, wincing as the movement made your shoulder and neck hurt.
"Let's get you dressed and into bed. I'll get you some pain medication too."
He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom, setting your pliant body on the bed. You sat on the edge, staring at the wall and starting to zone out.
Why did he do that? He... He didn't stop. He spat on me and called me pathetic. Killer had to punch him to get him off the bed. Is he okay? What if he had a crash too?
Soft fabric slid against your bare thighs, distracting you from your thoughts. Killer looked up at you with his piercing blue eyes, curious. You noticed he had put sweats on finally.
"Whatcha thinkin' about?"
You sighed.
"What if he also had a... crash?" you asked. Killer sighed, and put the shirt over your head. He guided your arms through the sleeves as he spoke.
"If he did, he would need to be alone. It's how he is" he answered thoughtfully. You hummed, noticing Killer put one of his own old shirts on you.
"Is it weak to need help when I have a-"
Killer cut you off firmly before you finished. He cupped your cheeks in his large hands, holding your teary gaze.
"You're not weak. You're so strong for telling us to stop when you were in pain and when it was really hard for you to. It's not pathetic, like Kid called you. You are amazing, truly" he kissed your forehead gently, and a single tear slid down your cheek. His thumb wiped it away quickly. You sniffed, bringing the hand of your uninjured side to cover the back of his hand.
"Thank you" you whispered. He smiled softly.
"You're welcome. There's some pain meds and a glass of water on the bedside table, and I know Kid keeps some muscle cream in here somewhere. Let's get your neck and shoulder taken care of, okay?"
You shuffled yourself back painfully towards the head of the bed. You never realized just how much you used your neck and shoulder muscles. Killer met you with the water and pills, and you took them quickly. He took the empty glass and put it on the bedside table before opening a tube of cream he procured while you were choking down the pills. He swept stray hair out of the way and gently massaged the cream into your sore muscles. The cream had a strong menthol smell and had a strange burning yet cooling sensation on the skin.
"Good. That should start to feel better tomorrow" he said, recapping the tube. He wiped his hands off on your discarded towel and helped ease you into the blankets. He went around the room, turning off the lights before crawling into bed next to you, spooning you from behind. He littered kisses on your head and the back of your neck, making you giggle a little.
"Hmmmm there ya are. Go to sleep now. Ya need it" he said gently. You sighed.
"I know... you need to go see if he's okay to stop worrying. But can you wait until I'm asleep?"
His arms tightened around you.
"Of course."
With the promise, you drifted off to sleep quickly, exhausted.
You woke to the sound of rustling clothes as someone got dressed. You sighed heavily, turning over and immediately regretting your movement. Pain bloomed through your neck and shoulder, making you wince and groan.
"Mornin', sweetie. How ya feelin'?" Killer's gravelly morning voice soothed your annoyance at being in pain so soon after waking up. You hummed in response. You heard his footsteps walk to your side of the bed, and your eyes opened. The sun was shining from behind him, illuminating his hair like an aura around his body. He looked like he was glowing. You smiled at him dreamily.
"You're so pretty" you murmur. Killer let out a scoff but was obviously pleased at your compliment. He leaned over you, one arm holding some of his weight by your side. His lips pressed to your cheek in a dramatic, drawn out kiss that you've only seen him do a few times behind closed doors. Usually it was used to turn Kidd into a blushing, yelling mess. You giggled at the feeling.
"Ya still hurtin?" he asked, looking down at you. He looked concerned, and even hesitant to ask. The memories of last night came flooding back, and your smile died.
"Yeah" you answered eventually. He stood and rummaged around your bedside table.
"Here, lemme put the cream on before you take the pain meds" he said softly. You eased your head to the side so the injury was exposed to Killer's expert fingers. His warm digits were soon smearing and massaging the muscle cream gently into your skin.
"How's... he?" you asked quietly. You weren't sure you wanted to even talk about him before you've had even a coffee, but you still needed to know if he was alright. Killer sighed.
"Hmm. 'bout how'd ya expect. He just about wrecked his workshop last night in a fit but he's about as okay as you'd think this morning."
You closed your eyes at the news, saddened that he was so angry at you.
"'m sorry" you mumbled. Killer's fingers pulled back from your neck, and he gently turned your face towards him.
"He's not mad at you, he's angry at himself. He can't stand the fact that he hurt you, that he let it get to that point. And you know Kidd, if he's angry at himself, it takes him a lot longer to get through it, let alone over it. I'm keeping an eye on him though, so don't you worry."
You frowned at his words.
"Then who's taking care of you?"
Killer smiled and let out a chuckle. His hand stroked your hair back from your face and he planted a kiss on your forehead.
"It helps me to take care of you two, okay? Last night was... a little scary. But we're going to be okay."
You sighed, wishing you could nuzzle into his broad chest, but you knew he had to make sure the ship was running properly despite the captain being... preoccupied.
"Okay" you murmured quietly. He gently stroked your hair and smiled at you.
"C'mon. Let's get ya up and some food in ya" he said, reaching down to scoop you up. You eagerly wrapped your arms around his neck and let him pull you out of your cozy blankets. He helped you get dressed in some loose fitting clothing, and a shirt with a wide neck so your injury would be accessible. Before you left the room, you hesitated.
"Is he going to be in the kitchen?" you asked meekly.
"Nah. I brought him some food earlier in his workshop. He'll be there most the day probably" Killer answered. There was a whisper of regret in his voice, and you grabbed his hand and squeezed once, reminding him that he wasn't alone..
"Let's go then" you said, opening the door. Killer squeezed your hand back, and followed you to the kitchen.
You ate and drank your coffee, favoring the one shoulder and unable to turn your head very much. Your crewmates gave you some curious glances, but it wasn't uncommon for someone to be injured on the ship. You were pirates, after all. It was odd though that it was you. Kidd and Killer were the strongest fighters on the ship, and couldn't help but watch over you on the battle field. You finished your breakfast, visited the loosely termed "infirmary" to grab some pain pills, and then headed to your favorite space on the ship- the mouth of the... sea king? dinosaur? You weren't entirely sure which it was, and you never were invested enough to ask. The weather was sunny, calm, and breezy.
You sighed as you settled into a chair that was placed there earlier. Someone walked up behind you, and cleared his throat. You froze, scared it was Kidd.
"Killer told me to bring you a book and some snacks, so here" Heat spoke. At the sound of his voice, you relaxed, and waved your hand on the non-injured side.
"Come on this side so I can see you" you said softly. Wire walked around, and placed a small, light table next to you, and put down a tray of various drinks, snacks, and a few books. He crouched down to the side of you, and you smiled at him.
"Thank you, Heat" you said. He smiled a little back at you.
"Do you need any company? Some of these snacks look pretty good" he said, eying the tray that Killer had put together for you. You giggled, thankful for the offer.
"Sure, just don't let Killer know that I let you eat some food he made for me," you teased. He made a face at your comment, and grabbed a slice of fruit. At first, his appearance made you uncomfortable, but his personality quickly overcame that. He wasn't much of a conversationalist, but you still found him endearing.
"So where are ya hurt?" he asked around a mouthful of fruit. You picked up a glass of what appeared to be juice and sipped.
"Neck and shoulder muscles" you answered after swallowing and smacking your lips appreciatively.
Heat grunted.
"Ugh. Done that before. It seems that like you never realize how much you use certain muscles until it hurts to use it, right?"
You snorted.
"Pretty much."
The two of you chatted a little longer before he was called off to do his tasks. Hip took his place instead, bringing you an ice pack.
"Here, Killer told me to bring you this" she said. You took the ice pack and placed it on your injury. You sighed with a sudden realization.
"Killer set up a roster to keep me company all day, didn't he?" you asked. She nodded with a smile.
"Can't stop caring about someone ya love" she quipped. You rolled your eyes with a smile.
"Very true" you murmured.
The day passed similarly, various crew members bringing you things that Killer had sent along with them. Honestly, you even had to stare some down so you could go to the bathroom alone.
Your thoughts strayed constantly to Kidd, and how he must be feeling. You felt so conflicted. You loved him, yet you knew he went too far, but were you mad? Scared? Was your trust in him damaged?
Footsteps walked up behind you, heavier than the rest. You tensed.
"It's just me" Killer said. You relaxed, and he knelt in front of you.
"How ya feelin?" he asked. You could feel him staring at your neck and shoulder, even when his mask covered his bright blue eyes.
"It's starting to feel better now" you said quietly. Killer nodded once.
"Dinner's ready, if you want to eat" he offered. You nodded slightly and stood. He grabbed the table with the tray and books in one hand, balancing the table like a waiter would a tray. He put a hand on your lower back, and walked with you to the kitchen. It was a little later than you normally ate, having been fed snacks most the day by Killer's 'messengers'.
There was a plate set aside for you at the counter so you could watch Killer clean, just as you liked. A second steaming plate was still in the kitchen, presumably set aside for Kidd.
"Are you going to run that up to him?" you asked, looking pointedly at the plate. Killer grunted an affirmative, and started to clean the kitchen.
"Go give it to him now while it's still hot. The kitchen will still be here when you get back," you said firmly. Killer looked at you, presumably in surprise at your tone. You couldn't always tell when he had his face covered all the time. He put down the cloth he was using to wipe the counters, and grabbed the plate, walking around the counter to approach you. He cocked his head, curious. You looked down at your own plate with a sigh.
"He needs the energy to work up the courage to apologize to me, we all know how he is" you mutter. Killer laughed at your statement, and ruffled your hair gently before walking off to deliver the plate of food.
A few minutes later, you heard approaching footsteps behind you. This wasn't uncommon, as crew members dropped their empty plates off at the counter for whoever was on dish duty to wash. These were heavy, but you assumed someone had already had a few drinks after a long day of being at sea. They stopped suddenly a few feet away from you, and you gently turned your head to see what had happened.
You had fully expected to see one of your crewmates swaying with drunkenness, but instead, bright red and pale skin made your heart drop.
"You're here" Kidd said gruffly. Adrenaline shot through you, and you jumped out of your chair, wincing as your injury was tweaked. Your breath seemed to stop, and you froze after your initial reaction. You couldn't decide to run towards him or away.
"K-Killer went to find you" you answered, mentally kicking yourself for stuttering. His words from last night came back to you.
Nothing but holes to me.
Please us or we'll dump you.
It deserves to cry, to barely be able to breathe.
Your breath came faster, and you desperately looked for an exit. You nearly jumped out of your skin when the door to the kitchen opened, Killer's voice entering before his body.
"I couldn't find the bast- oh. Oh." He put the plate on the counter in the kitchen and walked with even steps until he was in front of you, bending over to look directly into your eyes.
"Hey look at me. Are you ready for this?"
Your eyes flicked over his shoulder, to Kidd. He looked exhausted, angry, but not like he was going to do anything. Killer's voice soothed you slightly.
"M-maybe?" You frowned at how delicate your voice sounded. Kidd seemed to flinch at your answer. Killer put one hand on your cheek as the other removed his helmet.
"Look at me."
Your eyes found his ocean blue ones, and it calmed you a little. You noticed you were shaking. You breathed out forcefully.
"I can hear him out, if you stay here" you said honestly. You noticed Kid's flinch again, and your heart squeezed with guilt. Killer nodded, and stood to his full height to look at Kidd.
"Are you okay? Are you ready?" Killer asked. Kidd heaved a sigh, scrubbing a hand over his face.
Killer nodded once, and gestured for the two of you to sit at a table. The rest of the crew had cleared out quickly once Kidd entered the room and the tension rose.
The three of you sat at the table, Killer making you sit at the head of the table with Kidd on your uninjured side and Killer taking the seat across from Kidd.
You were tense, sitting on the edge of your seat, but Kidd seemed... defeated. He was exhausted, and slumped into his chair. He put his head in his hands, fingers running through red hair before he looked at you. You held back a flinch.
"I hurt you" he started bluntly. You glanced at Killer, who was looking resolutely at Kidd. Your hand came up to touch your neck and shoulder, looking at the table. You didn't say anything.
"I'm so fucking sorry. God, there's no words for how sorry I am. I'd do anything or give you anything for you to look at me the same. Hell, I'd cut my other arm off if that's what you wanted. I just can't..." He stopped speaking with a choked sound, and looked at you desperately.
"You need to earn that same trust back, Kidd" you said quietly. He was silent, waiting for you to continue. You looked up from the table to meet his gaze.
"And right now, I don't know how we're going to do that. I don't have any ideas, but you can't buy it with present. I still love you, but you need to prove over and over to me that you love me, and that you'll never hurt me again" you said. Anger started to bubble up in your chest.
"I don't think you can say anything like you did, at least for a long, long time. Calling me 'it', that I didn't deserve to breathe, and that you two were going to dump me if I didn't please you... Kidd. I can't hear shit like that from you. Calling me pathetic and spitting on me when I said the safe word?" Tears welled up in your eyes as you spoke, recalling his words and actions. Your fists clenched on your lap.
Kidd deflated even further with each word you spoke, and at the sight of tears in your eyes.
"I know. I know there isn't a way to change that, and if there was, I'd give up almost anything to change it. You and Killer mean everything to me. I'm hardly worthy of your love even when I haven't pulled some shit like this, but now... I'll prove it. I swear. I... I love you so much."
He pulled something out of his pocket, and you looked at his hands. He let out a wet chuckle.
"I know you said that I can't buy your trust, but I made this. It took me all night and I finished it up today. I hope you'll still accept it."
You looked in shock at the metal in his hand. It was a highly intricate, functioning, anatomically correct heart. There were tiny whirrs and clicks that acted like the sound of a heartbeat, the two sides contracting.
"It even works like a real heart. You can put liquid in there and it'll shoot out here," he said, pointing with his fingers. He paused.
"That sounds fucking stupid now that I say it out loud" he admitted. Killer had leaned forward to get a better look at the contraption. His eyes glittered at the sight of it, taking in the mechanics and how it worked. It was truly incredible. You reached a shocked hand out towards it before pulling back.
"Kidd..." you whispered.
"I'm finishing up Killer's too, and I was going to give it to the two of you at the same time but... I think you deserve this at the very least" he admitted. Breath caught in your throat, tears starting to build in appreciation. Kidd was horrible with words and emotions, but he knew metal. He knew exactly how hard he needed to work to regain your trust.
"It's 'pose ta represent me... giving my... uh... heart... to you. And Killer... as a promise," he tripped over his words, a deep blush flushing his pale face until he was nearly as red as his hair. You looked at him, letting the tears fall.
"Oi oi, do you not like it? I can change it! Just tell me! Why are you crying?" he frantically waved his metal arm in the air uselessly, trying not to reach out to touch you. You reached out to his flesh hand, covering the heart with your hand as you grasped his hand.
"It's beautiful, Kidd. I love you," you whispered. He blushed even harder, and looked down at the table.
"I love the both of you. I'm really fuckin' sorry about last night" he said quietly. You looked at Killer, who nodded in encouragement. The both of you stood, and made your way to the redhead.
You turned your back to him, moving your hair out of the way so he could clasp it.
"Put it on, then" you ordered. Kidd made a surprised sound and you heard Killer's hand clap on his shoulder. Kidd rose hesitantly, and draped it gently around your neck before using his powers to clasp the necklace. It hurt your neck too much to look down at it lying against your chest, so you brought it up to eye level, studying how the gears turned, hidden by crafted and intricate tubes and wires.
"It's incredible" you murmured. You turned around, letting yourself fall into Kidd's chest as you hugged him. You could feel him looking at Killer for permission, who rolled his eyes and hugged him too, careful of your neck and shoulder. You felt Kidd's arms wrap slowly around the both of you. The moment was sweet, but was interrupted by a loud growl from Kidd's stomach. You snorted and broke out into peals of laughter, pulling away from Kidd and Killer. You collapsed back into your chair, holding your stomach as Kidd growled at you to stop laughing as he blushed profusely again. Killer laughed as well as he went to retrieve and warm up both Kidd's and your plates.
Kidd sat back down in his chair with a huff, more energized after the hug. You smiled at him, before speaking seriously.
"Kidd... I can't forgive you yet, but I will eventually."
He ran a hand through his hair, looking at you sadly.
"Yeah. I'm a bastard, but I'm trying not to be to you. Just... let me know when you do?" he asked quietly. You nodded with a small smile, and his shoulder's collapsed as if a weight had been lifted off. He gave you a toothy grin.
"Just you fuckin wait. Imma be the the best boyfriend that'll build your trust up in no time" he boasted. You snorted before giggling.
"I can't wait" you said, honest through your laughter.
Notes: Before asking, no I don't think there will ever be a second part to this, but you can certainly write your own (just tag me)! :) I have to finish other fics lmao.
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thepepsislvt · 7 months
Hello! May I request for more HCs of Kid and Killer being in a polycule with gn!reader? I love how you write them!!! It's fun reading your work, you got me liking the idea of being in a polycule with Kid and Killer lol. Thank you and have a nice day/night!
I did it finally! im sorry it took so long i was sick for the past week and a half
but here it is!
Warnings: Cursing, Kid
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okay so heres how the bed sharing works
Kid sleeps all sprawled out on his back (snoring so loud)
he takes like 76% of the bed
Killer takes like 18% of the bed cause he sleeps on his side
that other 6% is yours and you gotta figure out how to sleep comfortably on top of Kid
its rlly hard since hes either fighting god in his sleep or snoring so damn loud in your ear
Killer doesnt snore he just breathes really loudly
Kid literally hates when you leave the bed for literally anything
queue to you having to literally body slam Kid back into the bed just to get him to shut up and stop yelling at you
anyway so to avoid that happening again you have to walk to his snoring pattern
imagine trying to go to the bathroom and his snoring stops for like half a second
mini heart attack
When Kid gets sick
oh my fucking god
this man is insufferable
will complain about EVERYTHING
“i cant BREATHE”
“my neck hurts”
this man will not shut up unless hes alseep
he doesnt do anything in the period hes sick
he gets better in 2-3 days easily but god those 2-3 days are the worst
When Killer is sick Kid acts like hes gonna die
Killer will still do his duties but with lots of breaks to rest
Kid constantly tells him to rest more and the rest of the crew will do his duties
Killer once listened and when he came back the Victoria Punk was in shambles
he’s not doing that again he just takes more breaks
he blows his nose so much and Kid always goes “eewww”
mf acts like he don’t cough up mucus all the time when he’s sick
Killer is usually better in 3-5 days
When you get sick Killer constantly checks up on you and makes sure you don’t push yourself
Kid will just down right avoid you
“you ain’t getting me sick with your damn virus”
Kid makes you sleep in a different room
it’s okay Killer sleeps with you anyway
if you’re sick longer than 3 days he eventually sucks it up cause he hates sleeping alone
when you play board games with them Kid makes up rules as he goes along just to win
but Killer kicks ass in Uno and even if Kid cheats Killer will win
I have so much stupid shit to say about Kid hes so funny
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bluegalaxygirl · 7 months
The Real Reason (KidKiller X Reader) P3
Plot: Ever since you started dating Kid and Killer, the captain has refused to visit any brothels. That wouldn't normally be a problem but the crew isn't aloud to go without their captains and first mates supervision causing the crew to resent you eventhough your not stopping the captain from going. Its time for you to force the reason out of him.
Warning: Sexual themes but no smut (NSFW) stuff, bad language, Violence, Death, Drinking, seduction, description of girls and Making out.
Reader is Female (sorry), Kid X Killer X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P2
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The sun's starting to set and most of the crew are drunk or passed out on sofa's around the Brothel but the place was unwilling to kick any of them out since their bringing in lots of money, those who are asleep have a buddy with them at all times since you out right told everyone you won't be holding their hand anymore and if they get in trouble then tough shit. It worked out well though, you can finally relax and have some fun with your two friends and get drunk until Kid and Killer show up. Wire's the most sober out of the three of you but he's still a little tipsy laughing at you and Heat playfully argue over something stupid. At this point you've forgotten what you were arguing about but the two of you were already locked in a pushing battle, sitting on your knees facing each, the two of you have locked hand trying to push each other over while growling and laughing at each other. Heat lifts his arms up pulling your hands with him almost making you fall forward almost hitting the sofa cushion but you manage to steady yourself and push yourself to be up right again. "What's wrong Tiny? Need a step ladder to take me on?" Heat laughs only to almost fall forward himself when you force his hands back down to shoulder level while leaning forwards a bit but despite being slightly drunk the stitched man manages to regain his balance and pushing back against you. "Sorry but you'll need a brain to win this match scarecrow" You tease getting him let out a chuckle, the two of you continue to bicker while trying to push the other over as Wire some times laughs at the comments you two make until the doors open and two sets of heavy feet steps walk over.
The three of you look over to see Kid and Killer walking over to your small group both wearing different clothes than this morning, since Heat is distracted you easily push him back earning a slight yelp from the scarred man before jumping off the sofa and running over to the two. Kid lets out a chuckle opening his coat letting you crash into the two of them where your hands wrap around their waist. The smell of their Cologne's fills your nose making you hum in delight, you can tell their both wearing the ones you got them, Kids being Cherry Punk and Killers being Amoris Punk, the two smells working perfectly together but you do notice a hint of iron there too. It's not unusual for Kid to smell of iron but it is for Killer which means they've differently spilled blood, it must be why they've changed clothes. You push thoses thoughts aside though looking up at the two of them with a pout a little mad that it took them to long to get here. "You took your sweet ass time" You comment with a huff as Killer wraps an arm around your waist and Kid pulls some of his red feather coat around you. "Sorry, we... lost track of time" Killer's shoulders shake as he tries to contain his laughter seeing your pouting face, the two know your drunk at this point since it's the only time you pout while your mad, but they won't complain since it's nice to see you relax. "I'll get you guys some drinks, Heat come help" Wire stands placing his empty mug down and grabbing Heats shirt pulling his friend up from the sofa and over to the bar giving the three you a wink on the way.
Killer gives him a nod in thanks before pulling away from the two of you and holding out a jacket for you, raising an eyebrow you take it but keep your eyes on the masked man trying to hold your pout. "Hopefully this will make up for us being late and keep the drunk ass holes away from you" The masked man runs his hand from your waist to your back before nodding to the jacket in your hands, looking over the jacket you notice the back has two big patches stitched onto it, the top one is the Kid pirates skull and cross bones while the bottom one is Killers symbol. Your eyes light up as a smile forms on your face looking over the hand made patches "This is so cool, thank you" You smile up the two while putting the jacket on, Killer's neck goes a little red as Kid laughs patting his back, the captain goes to say something only for you to jump up at the two and wrap your arms around their necks. The two quickly catch you and hold you up by your waist stopping you from pulling them down or having to strain your legs as you barely stand on your tip toes to hug them "Thank you so much, i love it. You two are the best" Kissing their shoulders and necks you keep the two close even though Killer is starting to heat up like a furnace under your praises. "See I told you she'd like it, You were worried about nothing" Kid grins over to Killer who shoves his mask covered face into your neck as if the mask isn't already covering his blushing cheeks, pulling away from the two they let you back on your feet where you place a hand on Killers mask where his cheek would be making him look at you "You made this? For me?" Your heart fills with warmth, its normal for Kid to make things for the two of you but Killer shows his love in other ways.
He's more of an act of service kind of man but you couldn't be happier, you've never had a hand made gift off Killer before so just like the stuff Kid gives you, you'll cherish it for life or wear it until its warn out beyond repair. Rubbing the back of his head the masked man turns his head away from you and nods, shying away from you but you bring him back to you by stepping closer letting your chest press-up against his as your hand guides his face back to you. Lean up you place your hand on his chest before placing your lips on his mask where his lips would be, his hand goes around your waist again as you linger a little before pulling away slightly to see though the holes and into his blue eyes. "Thank you, Kill, i love it" You smile seeing his neck go even redder but his eyes soften, Kid pats the masked man on the back before putting an arm around his shoulder with a laugh "Don't get all flustered now" He teases leaning into Killer's neck and placing a firm kiss earning a growl off the masked man who grips the captain's coat secretly pulling him closer instead of pushing him away. "And thanks for this, it's been working like a charm" You giggle running your fingers over the hickey on your neck earning a big grin from Kid who pulls your hand away from your neck to look it over "Good, i guess i don't have to worry anymore" He whispers mainly to himself but it makes you soften your eyes while bring you hand off Killers chest to place it on his cheek.
Kid grabs your waist pulling you over and into his chest before crashing his lips onto yours causing you to let out a small squeak at his sudden action. Killer lets out a huff of a laugh while shaking his head, but he's glad Kid is now relaxed enough to be in a place like this again. Leaning into the kiss you wrap an arm around his neck while the other runs over his chest, lightly digging your nails into his skin earning a gruff hum of satisfaction. Kid shoves his tongue into your mouth as his grip tightens on you earning a slight moan from you as you gladly let him do what he wants until he pulls away for air. "Maybe i should leave another just in case" The captain smirks down at you but Killer pats his back before taking his arm "Come on, lets sit, i need a drink" The masked man shakes his head at the two of you while dragging you both to the sofa. Flopping down onto the sofa Kid patting the space next to him while pulling you onto his lap letting you lean your back against his metal arm as Killer sits down next to his captain adjusting his long hair as to not sit on it the wrong way. Kid put his arm around the masked mans shoulders pulling him in closer to nip at his neck, your glad he's no longer stressed about coming here but you do wonder what happened back on the ship to make him act this way. He's normally like this behind closed doors but out in public it takes him either a few drinks or a really good battle to get him this affectionate, you won't complain or bring it up though since your enjoying it way too much.
With a relaxed sigh you lay your head on Kids shoulder as Killer grabs your legs and pulls them onto his lap letting his hand run up and down them some times grabbing your thigh or calf when Kid finds the right spot to nip at. The captain only stops when Heat and Wire come back with several mugs handing them out to the three of you, your surprised that even drunk Heat managed to remember the straw for Killer's drink. "Any trouble while we were gone?" Kid asks as he removes his arm from around the masked man to grab his beer mug and take a big swing, Heat and Wire both shake their heads as the two sit back down on the other sofa "Not really, We all made it quite clear that if they get into trouble its on them. Or as Y/n put it, Don't come crying to mama" Wire states with a chuckle, shaking your head you lean against Kid's chest keeping the beer mug on your lap for now "I didn't think they'd take me seriously but it seems they have" You state still surprised no one has started a fight yet, Killer squeezes your leg giving you a small nod glad that you've been able to relax and that the crew respect you well enough to listen. "So urm.... Do i dare ask what shape the Victoria's in?" Heat asks sinking into the sofa hoping it will swallow him hole but Kid lets out a chuckle and shakes his head "The ships fine, in fact i think it looks brand new" You raise an eyebrow at this while turning to look Kid over, his smirk is more sinister than normal, Killer sighs and lightly elbows the captain in the side before turning to you "What did you tell them?" You should have knows he would figure out quickly that you spilled the beans but at least he wasn't mad, just a little frustrated, Kid on the other hand tensed up a bit while his metal arm squeezed your side.
With a smile you pat Kid's chest to reassure him, you know he's worried you would have told Wire and Heat about what he said but you know better and you wouldn't do that to him. "I told them what the crew have seen saying and doing, thats all" The two relax at your words and Kid releases your waist a little before moving his face into you neck giving it a kiss, Heat groans kicking his feet up and placing them on the table while Wire grips his mug tighter "Those assholes" The two say in unison taking a swing of their beer "How many crew member's have we lost?" Wire asks with a small smirk as Kid pulls his head out from your neck to let out a laugh, his friends know him to well but surprisingly he didn't kill all of them "Only a few that refused to apologist and.... Kept saying stuff" The captain seemed happy at first but then his smile dropped thinking about how some of the new members of the crew thought it was ok to still call you names and accuse their captain of being soft. Killer puts his arm around Kid squeezing his shoulder a little "The newbies are gone but the others will be staying, although they'll be on clean up duties for a while, thats all we'll say about this" The masked man is clam like always but the three of you know that he's still a little angry by his tense shoulders and the way his hand is stiffly grabbing your knee, Heat lets out a laugh breaking the tension "That's perfect, I won't have to do the drains tomorrow" The stitched man smiles making light of the situation as Wire chuckles and nod in agreement.
Laying your head on Kids shoulder the group relaxes and talks about anything and everything while drinking and having a laugh, none of the working girls interrupted the group or tried to flit with Kid which made the captain very happy as he holds you on his lap some times attacking your neck with kisses or bite making you laugh and try to push him away. "Hay sorry to interrupt but i kinda need your opinion on something, N/N." Hip's voice makes you jump slightly and place a hand on your chest before turning around to look at the blonde girl leaning on the arm of the sofa behind you but her eyes are fixed on the surrounding room. Kid lets out a chuckle prompting Killer to jab his side with his elbow knowing what the blonde girls need your help with, Everyone on the crew knows that if they can't decide on something then they should come to you especially in a place like this. "The black haired girl or the pixie cut girl?" Hip whispers pointing the two out while slightly hiding behind you so they won't see, the groups head's turn to look over at the two working girls. The black hired girl has a few tattoos and a tight black dress showing off her figure along with flat black shoes, her hair's straight and quite shiny, the light bounces off it perfectly as she walks over to a table and places down some beer mugs. The Pixie cut girl has glitter shorts that show off the bottom of her bum cheeks and a tight crop top that really shows off her chest along with a gold necklace that hangs down and under the shirt, her high heals make her long legs look even longer as she leans against the bar talking to a drunk man.
Wire whistles while looking the two over making Kid lean his head back in laughter "Hard chose, you know how to pick em" The captain slaps Hip on the back making her almost fall into you but she manages to catch herself and rub her now sore back "Thanks captain?" She tilts her head to the side not sure if she should be thanking him for that. Killer sighs looking away from the two girls while placing a hand on your leg seeing your eyes scan and analyze the two. "Giving or receiving?" you suddenly ask not taking your eyes off the two girls until Heat speaks up with a laugh "Does that really matter?" The stitched man asks as Hip ponders for a moment, looking over at Heat you simply nod already knowing who's best for what. "Urm... Both" Hip finally answers looking over at the two working girls, with a smile you tilt your head back to look at Hip whose cheeks are slightly pink as she waits for your answer. "Black hair" You state making the blonde girl smile and wrap her arms around your neck giving you a hug "Thanks Y/n your the best" She happily says before pushing off you and running off to talk to the black haired girl, Kid lets out another laugh before bending his head down to your neck humming into it, his hand on your waist going tighter. "I don't normally question your judgment on this but are you sure? The Pixie cut girl seems way more relaxed around the girls so doesn't that mean she's more experienced with them?" Heat asks leaning on the arm of the sofa to get closer to you not wanting anyone outside of the group to hear, letting out a laugh you grab Kid's shirt keeping him close to you as he starts to kiss your neck.
Turning to Heat you try your best to explain your thought posses hoping it won't be too complicated or his drunk mind. "Yes i'm sure, Pixie cut is new, she hasn't found her style yet, and she's over confident to make up for her lack of experience, She's nervous around the men , yes but only sticks her chest out around them, as for the girls she's friendly not flirty which means she see's the girls more of observers than money in her pocket" You explain while enjoying Kids smirk against your neck and Killers hand running up and down your leg some times squeezing your thigh. Heat raises a brow before looking over at both girls again only to find the black haired girl and Hip were now gone, The Pixie cut girl however was with another group of men sitting on one of their laps with a sweet smile, despite her giggling he did notice slight tension in her shoulders and legs. "As for the black haired girl, she takes very good care of herself, clean tattoo's, silky hair, she's modest but some of her tattoos indicate she is or was a rebel. There's a small lump where her belly button is indicating she has a piercing there but her ears aren't pierced which means she likes to keep some things a surprise, so she most likely has a tongue Piercing or... other piercings" You state with a wink on your last bit giving him an idea of what you mean, his eyes widen at your analysis making you laugh and lean into Kid as he bites the hickey he left this morning trying to push him off you "Such a smart ass" Kid chuckles into your neck gripping onto you tight so you won't get away.
The others go back to talking as you smack Kid's chest getting him to pull away from your neck, you go to make comment but his lips connect with yours as his tongue pushes into your mouth. You let out a hum while moving your tongue with his but decide to act up a bit since he stopped you from talking, removing your tongue from his mouth you lightly bite his causing his to growl into you, opening your eyes they meet with his slightly pisses off ones glaring back at you. With a small laugh you let go of his tongue before moving over to his ear "What's wrong? Cat got you tongue" you whisper as his metal hand grips your waist as his other one slides up to your neck taking a hold of it "Behave" He orders bringing you back to face him, so he can shove his lips back onto yours, it's a much more forceful kiss but you can't complain, after a few heavy kisses he pulls away to glare at you again only for you to run your hand up his arm and over his hand thats still on your neck. "Yes captain" You whisper causing Kid to smirk while letting out a gruff hum while releasing your neck "Get me a drink" He orders liking the power he holds over you, leaning into his ear you place a kiss just under it "Yes captain" You whisper once again earning that same gruff hum as you stand up and head over to the bar ordering the next round of drinks, You only order for Kid, Killer and Heat since You and Wire don't want a massive hangover tomorrow morning.
Kid keeps an eye on you as you wait at the bar for the drink but is happy to see the drunks leave you alone as soon as they see the patches on your jacket, Killer puts an arm around Kid trying to bring his attention back to the group instead of worrying about you. Its seems to work since Wire gets the captain hooked into a conversation as you come back the with drinks handing them out to the others. Before you can sit down Killer pats his lap then holding his hand out to you wanting your attention for a bit which your more than happy to provide, taking his hand the masked man pulls you onto his lap as Kid pulls your legs onto his lap using them to lean on as he continues his conversation with the other two. "Hay baby" Killer whispers as his arm wraps around your waist keeping you pressed up against his chest, "Hay hun" You whisper back while wrapping your arm around his neck to lightly comb though his long blonde hair with your fingers, laying your head on his shoulder you relax into the man. "Thanks again for the jacket, i love it" You whisper after a short silence, his grip on you tightens bringing you even closer if thats even possible but it doesn't hurt, in fact it feels great to have him hold you so tight "I was working on it for a while, was gonna give it to you on your birthday but-" Killer stops talking instead letting out a soft sigh of content as you start to place kisses on his neck along with lite bites "No need to explain. Your too good to me, Kill, I love you" You whisper into his neck as the masked man leans into you wanting more of your affection "I love you to baby" He whispers back while squeezing your side, telling you not to stop the love your giving him.
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partyanimal167 · 2 years
*After getting asked out*
Y/N: Oh okay cool, so we'd be like a polycule or something, right?
Kid: What the fuck are you talking about?
Y/N: Well because you and Killer are already going out, so like my boyfriend's boyfriend who's also my boyfriend.
Kid: People think we're going out!? *Turns to Killer*
Killer *shrugs*: Kid, we share a bed. Are you surprised?
Kidd *bisexual confusion*
This has been in my head for awhile
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skittleghosts · 1 year
The Hanged Man
•Chapter one•
Summary: You find yourself trapped in a tangled mess. How did you go from confessing to your crush, Killer, to ending up being in a relationship with him and his best friend, your worse enemy, Eustass kid.
CW: sexual content
WC: 1020
Killer x reader x kid
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Feeling unbearably hot and sticky all over my body I tried to wiggle away from the heat source and onto the other side of the bed where it is much cooler, however I soon realize that isn't an easy task as I struggle from moving, feeling like I'm in some sort of bear trap.
Opening my drowsy eyes. I figured out the culprit behind my uncomfortable sleep.
It was non-other than kid himself choking me in his death grip during his sleep. I told him countless of times to leave space for me to breathe in but it’s like I’m talking to the wall. Twisting in his arms. I managed to face him. Even in his sleep he looks like he's about to murder somebody unlike killer who looks peaceful during his sleep. Speaking of killer you noticed how his side of the bed is empty meaning he already left to his morning classes.
Hearing a soft groan, it shifted my thoughts back to kid. I try waking him up by pushing at his bare shoulders. "Kid wake up.” I say with an annoyed hiss, I'm almost tempted to bite him to get a clear response from him. He groans once again, loudly this time and instead of taking the hint to move away from me. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to him and to make matters worse started to slowly grind his damn morning boner against my legs.
This time I frustratingly groan as I try to push his huge ass away from me. I'm so not in the mood for morning sex.
Having kid as a partner is like having a horny bunny humping your back shameless. I'm not going to lie and say the sex is bad because holy shit can he work you up during sex but I'm never going to admit it to him though, he will never shut up about it.
He moves his hand away from my waist trailing it down my hips to the front placing it flat against my stomach as innocent touch but I know kid, nothing with him is an innocent touch when it comes to me. Rolling My eyes to the depth of my brain I say. "I know your ass is awake.” I poke a finger against his firm chest. He smirks with his eyes still shut, suddenly with swift movement like I weight nothing, he moves me on top of him. I gasp, finding myself leaning on him.
Both of his arms move to grab my thighs firmly moving me down to meet his boner. "Kid.” I say irritatedly.
He opens his eyes with a mischief glint in his eyes. “Oh?” His smirk widens. His brow slowly rising as he takes me in. “What a pleasant surprise this is.” I tsk. Getting up from leaning on his chest. Just to spit on him I press down on his very visible boner. He lets out a deep throat moan. “Don't test me boy.” I glare at him as he chuckles moving once again his repulsive hands up my ass, squeezing it while biting down his lips. “I love when you get like this.”
I sigh, there's no escaping his relentless attempts.
“Come on, one round wouldn't hurt.’’ He says teasingly. I scoff, “Now we know that is a lie.” If I give in now we won't be done till later at night which I can't afford. Especially when killer is not here to join, I would love to be on top of him instead of kid.
Speaking of the devil. I hear the door lock opening and in comes, “I got breakfast!” A large smile broke onto my face as quickly got off kid not missing the way his smirk fell from his face. Making my way to the living room with a quick strides that's right outside of our shared bedroom, next to it is a small kitchen. “Mm, it smells amazing what did you get us.” I say sweetly, moving around the counter to give him a peck on the Cheek.
“I got us some blueberries muffins.” Kid’s favorite who would’ve guessed.
“Don't you have a class right now?” kid asks as he walks in. Killers attention shift from plating the muffins to kid, an instant smile grace his face. "Well, I did but it got cancelled. So I went and got something to eat." kid grabs a fresh muffin from the basket and shoves a big bite into his mouth while glaring at him as I innocently avoid him making some fresh hot coffee for killer. Noticing the deadly glare. Killer asks, “Is something the matter with you two?”
“Yes.” “No.”
I roll my eyes at his childish behavior. Grabbing the yellow mug from the cabinet, I pour in the steaming dark coffee, placing it in front of killer. “Kid is just being a whiny baby.” killer takes hold of the mug and moves to kid. I huffed at his action. “She's not giving me love.” He pouts, looking at killer like he's some cute little shit. Fucking bastard.
“Cry about it.”
Living with kid and killer can be both a pain in the ass and a blessing I assume you can guess which one is which. We decided on this last minute to somehow strengthen this relationship which I call bullshit but I'm not stupid to pass up the chance of living and sleeping in the same room as killer.
Killer is organized and is very strict about keeping the place clean and tidy which is not a problem then there's kid who's rude, loud, messy and just doesn't know how to clean after himself and to make matters worse! Killer doesn't even get mad at him, so I have to keep him in check.
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nethhiri · 8 months
🛑 The fanfics below have dark themes. Full warnings on AO3. 18+.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 (Coming Soon)
Read on AO3
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Lore and Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (Coming Soon)
Read on AO3
Zoro One Shot
OC Art!
All Art!
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
"Acid, salt, fat, and heat" has me fighting for my life! I was just minding my business at my local laundromat & then bam! I see you've dropped a new story for me to read! Kid & Killer have me weak in the knees! I'm just trying to fold my laundry but it's hard with all these impure thoughts!
Oh nooooooo. Not a laundromat where anyone could just walk in! It would be such a shame if:
Masterlist Here
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Warnings: Eustass Kid x afab!reader x Massacre Soldier Killer, MDNI, NSFW, 18+, smut, public sex, cream pie, praise.
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In the middle of folding a large shirt you stole borrowed from Killer, Eustass Kid presses your shoulders down with his large metal hand to lie flat on your stomach over the cool benchtop. Face lying flush against that large blue shirt, your pants are pushed down to your knees by Kid's right flesh-hand.
"Kid-... Anyone could walk in-!" you attempt to relay, halting as his flesh hand cards between your glistening folds and gently rolls your clit in between his fingers. Letting out a soft whimper, you couldn't help but buck into his palm while he toys with your pussy.
"Relax, kitten," he whispers, removing his hand from your pussy and igniting the electric magnetism of his devil fruit abilities, "Lemme fuck you. I promise it'll feel good, 'kay?" His belt buckle flickered off and shot across the room, his pants pooling at his ankles. His cock slaps against his abdomen, already built up from the way your hands expertly creased and piled the assortment of clothes in front of you.
Drawing his hand to his shaft, he runs the blunt tip over your needy slit, coating his tip in your arousal. He released a clench-jawed moan, sinking the angry red tip into your cunt with one soft rock of his hips. Allowing time first for you to adjust to the stretch, he slowly begins bucking into you in a regulated rhythm.
Just as you felt the call of your body erupting alongside Kid, the door to the laundromat swung wide. The looming form of Massacre Soldier Killer entered the space with heavy foot falls of his military boots. Your body tensed up, your walls constricting around Kid's fat cock and causing him to let out a hiss-like groan.
"Starting without me, are you, Cap'n?" Killer asked, the arch in his brow tangibly felt in the deep baritone of his husky voice. Sauntering over to you both, he draws himself over to the opposite side of the benchtop and takes your chin in his hand. While trapped beneath Kid's metal arm, you try to move your head up, your throat pressing against the plush material of Killer's clean shirt.
"Go on then, little one," Killer coos at you, caressing your chin with his thumb, "Cum on my Captain's cock. I wanna watch you unravel and drool on that shirt you think I didn't notice you stole." Letting out a soft little squeak, you felt Eustass Kid pick up the pace and hit his blunt tip against your g-spot with expert precision.
"That's our good little Straw Hat," Kid praised you with a proud smirk plastered over his painted lips, "Do as your told and cum on my cock."
Your body rocked and ass rippled against every hard buck from the man behind you, your face now being cradled in Killer's large hands. Biting your lip to halt your more needy whines from falling from your lips, your walls began to flutter around Kid's girth and clench against his velvety cock.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck-!" Kid sobbed, dropping his head into your shoulders and slapping his balls against your puffy clit, "Fuck, I'm cumming!" The feral and unhinged clap of Kid's pelvis meeting your ass contrasted the soft tenderness of Killer's hands caressing your face. The gentle soothing on your skin mixed with Kid's cock massaging your pussy with each hard thrust had you seeing stars.
"A-Ahh f-fu-uck-!" you cry out, lighting flashing in your mind's eye and igniting the flames of ecstasy in your belly. Contracting around Kid's cock, you milked him of his release and had the pearlescent backsplash meet with your cervix. Pulling out his drooling cock, his cum trickled down your leg while attached to his twitching tip.
"That's our Straw Hat," Killer praised you, giving your nose a gentle tap, "Now be a good little thing, and put my shirt on and wear it out. I want to know who you belong to while my captain's cum leaks out of that pretty pussy."
I'm glad you enjoyed Acid, Salt, Fat and Heat! I love those two together and separately.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady
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heartpiratedrabbles · 9 months
Kids Anger Part 2
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Part 1 ~ Part 3 Part 4
Kid X Fem Reader X Killer
It had been a couple of days since you disappeared and life on the Victoria Punk hasn’t felt peace since. Kid angrily stomped through the ship, breaking every door behind him and plenty of holes throughout the walls he passes. It was a stupid fucken fight. Kid was angry, he was pissed, He’d teach you a lesson about running away after he found you. He’d make sure you’d never be able to leave him again.
        Killer on the other hand had been the one actually handling the crew and ship, trailing behind his awestruck lover. He was anxious after not seeing you, and unlike Kid had noticed you were injured from the beginning. But he had thought, even with your hot headedness, that you’d treat yourself before doing anything stupid. The only evidence of you ‘dressing’ the wound was a bloodied shirt you had left behind, no medical supplies were taken.
        Heat approached Killer, avoiding the irrational captain, “We should make landfall in a couple hours.” Killer knew what this meant, the Vivre card he had handed heat to help track you down must’ve pointed towards to island. And if you were further, well they’d need to stock up on supplies before continuing, not to mention fix some damage to the haul that they barely fixed after the battle with the marines.
        “When we get there, we’ll go our separate ways, you get everything ready to depart as soon as possible,” Killer said gesturing down the hallway to where Kid had stormed off too. It should hopefully only be a matter of time now.
        “The island has a military base on it” Heat says while handing the blonde the vivre card back, Killer stops a bit. He looks at the card and notices it’s gotten smaller, the edges seemingly burnt and his stomach drops.
        “Get us there as fast as possible Heat” Killer makes quick steps to get to Kid, his trail of destruction leading the first mate to his workshop. He practically kicks the door open, ignoring the red head’s anger boiling over. Before Kid can get any real words out Killer lands a punch on him, “Get your fucken head out of your ass.” Holding up the vivre card Kid stares at it a bit more.
        “She’s the one that ran away” Holding onto his hateful pride still in the end, “If she dies that’ because she can’t protect herself.” Kid lets out a huff only to be met with another punch.
        “You’re the one that told her to leave Kid.” Killer kicked his captain. He was beyond pissed, “We’re breaching land soon.”
        You woke up in a dark cell, a chain around your ankle. After you had passed out on the row boats a backup battalion of Marines found you and captured you. They had blamed the entire incident on you and have tortured you for any information pertaining to your previous captain for a lighter sentence.
        You lay there, too tired to even sit up. The only thing you’ve had to eat since you left the ship was a moldy piece of bread and some water. The whip marks on your back ached and the wound in your shoulder has long since turned into an infection.
        The guards had mentioned your execution coming up and how you were stupid for not ratting out Kid to survive. You let your mind wander, thinking about how Kid would take up the entire bed by stretching out, or how what little room was left, was then taken up by how big Killer was. You missed snuggling in between them, in the crevices left between their bodies. It certainly would be more comfortable than this floor.
        You wonder if they are even worried about you. You’re sure Killer had a couple of words for Kid but it didn’t seem like he went after you either. You hear a jingle of Keys come closer and a loud kick against the bars jerk your eyes open.
        “Y/N, if you just give us some information we won’t execute you. In fact we’d be willing to ship you off to the West Blue and let ya live your life” The commander of the base stared down at you through the bars snickering at your predicament. “You’re gonna need some treatment if you want to survive… If you don’t want to tell me anything now you could, always offer something else.”
You watch as he unlocks the door and walks in, crouching down next to you, picking up your chin with one of his hands. He starts leaning in but before he can get any closer you spit in his face, “I’d rather die miserably than stoop to your level.” The man punches you before standing up.
“Face it y/n, the Kid Pirates sacrificed you. You’re nothing to them,” He stares down at you, placing a foot on your infected shoulder, putting slight pressure on it, smirking as he sees the pain in your eyes.
You gasp, gritting your teeth, “Just kill me already. I won’t tell you anything.” The man glares down at you. He kicks you in the stomach before leaving again. You hear the walls around you become silent as he leaves. Seeing black spots in your eyes you allow yourself to pass out.
        Kid and Killer were making a mess of the marine base, only stopping to take a breath after getting lost inside the building. When they got to the island, they had heard about an upcoming execution for one of the Kid Pirates and knew they were close to finding you.
        “Where do they keep coming from?” Kid yells while punching another marine straight into the ground, “Can’t the fuckers lay off for a second.”
        “We’re in this mess because of you” Killer grunt, slashing one out of the way. He grabs your vivre from his pocket, growing increasingly concerned at the smaller its getting. Kid grumbles before running in the direction the card shifted.
        You awaken to a loud thud of the door and groan; you didn’t have the energy to deal with him anymore. You didn't have energy anymore, you just want to sleep. You’re back towards the cell doors and with as much strength as you can muster, “I’m- Not. Talking,” You have to breathe a bit between each word, every movement more painful than the last, “Just kill me already.” You don’t hear anything behind you. You didn’t like this silence of being watched and slowly glance over your shoulder. To your surprise, you see Kid stunned silent, “That’s a first,” You mutter before letting yourself relax for the first time in days, your body falling limp.
        Kid finally managed his way to the cell block and surprisingly there were no guards around, must’ve taken care of them already, The onslaught of bodies behind him was a testament to how determined he was. He glanced back at Killer who was still taking care of a few guards and decided to run ahead.
        He broke open the door, slamming it open. There in front of Kid is what he can only assume to be a dead body, the deep gashes along the back only adding context to how the ground was so severely stained red. Kid takes a couple of steps forward when he hears you talk, his breath hitches and he can’t seem to move anymore. What did they do to you? He watches as you slowly turn your head to face him and he can only watch as you put on a smile to him and weakly say, “That’s a first,” before going limp, lying flat on your back.
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Whoops my pencil slipped and I drew a doodle
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Kid made Killer try on his old pre timeskip clothes
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thepepsislvt · 8 months
I’m finally home from a trip.. what if hear me out.. nsfw alphabet for my favorite bgs either Kid, Killer, or of course Barto
-Tulipp 🌷🌷🌷
(acc still doesn’t work)
also evryone istg im alive ive just been violently sick WAAAAHHH
anw here you go braincell sharer Kid and Killer nsfw alphabet
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A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Kid tries his damn hardest to at least clean you up but usually hes conked out within 3 minutes
Killer on the other hand is a trooper. He will run you a bath, get you water, a snack, anything you could ever think of he does. Hes so sweet about everything
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think we all agree that Kid is an ass man. he loves to grope it, bite it and smack it
Kid likes his arms and hands with how strong they arms. He loves how he can easily bend you over anything and fuck you from behind
Killer likes your collar bones with how easy he can bite them and leave a mark
On him Killer also likes his arms with how easy he can carry you around if needed
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Kid cums A LOT okay? its thick and fills you up so much. He loves to cum on your face the most
Killer’s is also thick but he doesnt shoot as much as Kid. He especially loves to cum all over your stomach
D: Dirty Secret
Kid really doesnt have any secrets, if he wants something hes going to announce it
Killer really wants you to top him. He sees how snappy and mean you get with Kid when you are bickering and he wants you to do that to him. he just doesnt know how to ask
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Kid slept around a lot when he was younger while trying to deny he was gay for Killer but he eventually got over his ego and just went for it. When you joined the relationship you often called Kid a slut for being so skilled
Killer didn’t have any experience outside of you and Kid but he sure knows how to make you feel good
F: Favorite Position
ANYTHING WITH YOUR ASS POINTED TOWARDS KID! Kid really likes your ass and never hesitates to let you know how much he loves it
Killer loves to hold you close so he usually has you in his lap with your back against his chest
G: Goofy (Are they more serious at the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
They both agree that Sex is serious and shouldn’t be taken as a joke
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Kid either doesnt know what grooming is or he really doesnt care. hes untrimmed and yes the carpet does indeed match the drapes
Killer really doesnt care either but he does trim a little bit. he will do more if you really want him to
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Kid tries but just know degrading is his love language. He does kiss you a lot but its usually rough and sloppy
Killer is way more romantic than Kid in everyway. He constantly tells you how good youre doing and checking up on you. he whispers a lot of praise and ‘i love you’s at least 90% of the time
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Kid is a big man with a big sex drive. so much so he has to rub one out a lot if youre “to busy” or “not feeling it” (even though he has literally drug you away from your work several times before
Killer isnt much into having to Jack off unless hes really desperate but most of the time he just holds out
K: Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Kid loves spanking you. hes an ass man, you got a nice ass its just common sense according to him.
Killer loves hair pulling. Theres just something about the extra pain that is slowly soothed when you rub his scalp that just adds the cherry on top for him.
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Kid will do it anywhere he doesnt care he doesnt have any shame but you do so you convince him to do it in at least a semi public location which isnt much better but youll take it.
Killer likes it anywhere in private since he is more of a private person himself
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Kid is turned on by literally anything you do. all that anger quickly gets turned to horny when you or Killer walk into the picture
Killer gets turned on most when you kiss his neck it ear
N: No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
they both wouldnt do anything that would seriously hurt you other than that theyre pretty open to trying whatever
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Kid Prefers to receive hes a little whore who only thinks abt himself
Killer doesnt mind giving or receiving as long as youre happy
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Kid is Fast and ROUGH and its not hard to believe at all
Killer also likes to be fast and rough but still takes it easy on you
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Kid will take it if thats all he can get but prefers to take his time fucking you brain dead
Killer isnt fond of them but if you need it then he’ll do it for you
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Kid is all about risks because he runs on that type of adrenaline
Killer also isnt too opposed but likes to play it safer
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Kid can last up to 5 maximum before telling you to fuck off and then falling asleep
Killer can go as many as you want, he’ll stir up as much energy as needed to make you happy
T: Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
i wouldnt think so but if yall do have any toys its made from Kid himself
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Kid is a GOD at teasing, he loves to be in control and to tease you until are crying for him
Killer also loves to tease even more so than Kid, you would never expect
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Kid is loud, he doesnt shut up, he groans and growls, mf laughs when he degrades you shut shut up man
Killer not loud he just lets out a few grunts and small moans
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
Killer is the only one who has ever topped Kid
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Kid is rlly thick and girthy. like oh my god you gonna need a few minutes to stretch out around him
Killer isnt as thick but he is long omg
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Kid is up ready to go at any given moment all that pent up anger gotta go somewhere
Killer isnt as hyper sexual as Kid but he still enjoys it at least 3-4 times a week
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Immediately after for Kid, like bro will nut and then you hear his loud ass snoring
Killer doesnt fall asleep as fast as Kid mainly cause he needs to calm down first and catch his breath. he also loves to clean everyone up so yall not sleeping all dirty
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bluegalaxygirl · 7 months
The Real Reason (KidKiller X Reader) P2
Plot: Ever since you started dating Kid and Killer, the captain has refused to visit any brothels. That wouldn't normally be a problem but the crew isn't aloud to go without their captains and first mates supervision causing the crew to resent you eventhough your not stopping the captain from going. Its time for you to force the reason out of him.
Warning: Sexual themes but no smut (NSFW) stuff, bad language, Drinking, Making out and Violence.
Reader is Female (sorry), Kid X Killer X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P3
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You can't back out of the deal, Kid kept up his end so now it was your turn to spill the beans, you thought about delaying it since Killer had something in mind to resolve the drunk assholes flirting with you kinda problem but the blondes eyes were determined to know what you were hiding. Kid hums into your neck before removing his teeth and licking at the area he bit down on before pulling away to look over his work, a smirk spreads across his lips as he runs his thumb over the purple and red patch left behind. "You can't back out of our deal, babe" The captain's eyes narrow slightly despite his smirk as his eyes travel to meet yours making the tension in the air grow, moving your hands off their faces to their shoulders you take a breath knowing their not going to like what your about to say. "It's not the crews fault so please don't punish them" Kid raise his brow at you now fully confused as to what your hiding while Killer tilts his head slightly while rubbing your back getting you to continue "When ever you say no to going to these brothels, the crew acts out... at me" You state seeing Kids face go to confused to pure anger in seconds, you grip onto his shoulder as the captain tenses sacred he's going to march out and kill someone, Killer's eyes widen at your words a thousand questions running threw his head, but he couldn't voice any of them.
Acting quickly you continue to speak trying to bring the two back to you instead of their own angry or shocked minds. "Kid.. I'm not saying it's your fault but, its kinda easy to think i'm the problem when you only started saying no when i joined the relationship" You sigh hoping he understands but his angry eyes don't change but his slightly open mouth clenches shut indicating what you said made him even angrier. Before the captain can yell Killer pulls you fully into him, one arm wrapped tightly around your waist as you head is pressed against his chest, you can hear his heart pounding while his muscles tense, he's angry at the crew but also at himself for not seeing it, how long has this being going on? Why didn't you tell them sooner?. "Do they hurt you?" He whispers the grip on your waist getting tighter at the thought of the crew hurting you but he relaxes when you shake your head. "No, not physically... it only lasts a few days, i think its just their way of getting that pent-up energy out" You hate yourself for trying to defend the crew after everything they've said and done but you want them to like you and talk to you like they used too, you don't regret being in a relationship with the captain and first mate but some times you wonder would they treat you this way if you weren't in a relationship with them? You doubt the crew would have the balls to treat Killer like this if Kid said no all the time and you weren't in the picture. You just want things to go back to normal, your brought out of your spiraling thoughts by Kid whose metal hand clenches making you tense up since its still on your as.
Kid doesn't seem to notice though, his full attention on the bedroom door, burning holes into it with his rage filled eyes. "Those assholes" Kid growls his body tense as he takes a step closer to the door only for your hand to grab onto his jacket and yank him closer causing the the captain's head snaps to you, his angry glare now only on you make you slightly uneasy "What do they do?" Killer asks his voice calmer than before but his body is still tense "they make my job a little harder and either ignore me or-" You stop yourself not sure how to put the rest of it into words, Killer pulls you away slightly to look down at you noticing the slight sadness in your eyes, he knows your protective over the crew but you don't take shit from them, you tell them off if they overstep or do something stupid, the crew respects you for that so why are you so hell-bent on letting this happen to you? "What do they do?" Kid asks through gritted teeth stepping closer, almost looming over you his eyes burning with rage, he wants to know, and he wants to know now, you gulp while tensing up but not from the way he's looking at you but from all the things the crew has said in order to hurt you. "T-they, bring up stuff... t-that stuff, call me old nicknames and- and" You stutter while trying to stay calm but your breath and words are shaky at best, your hand grips onto Killers shirt trying to ground yourself in some way as to not slip into memories that make you feel sick and light-headed.
Your past is a sensitive topic for you and one you didn't talk about for a long time, it was only when you were drunk and handing out with Kid and Killer before you were dating that you told them about your old life. They didn't judge you but made a mental note not to use certain words to describe or nickname you. Soon you also confided in some of the crew and other you corrected pretty quickly when using those nicknames or words around you but now thanks to crew getting angry with you they let things slip regarding your past letting the others know and use it as amo. "The fuck?" The two yell making you jump slightly mainly since Killer wasn't one to yell, surprisingly the blonde is the first to move letting you go, so he can rush over to the bed side table and snatch his mask putting it on, his actions make your eyes widen knowing now the two are out for blood. "W-wait, it's not their fault, their just acting out" You try and defend your crew mates from the now furious Captain and first mate but Kid growls and grabs your arm pulling you into his chest "Not their fault! They know how you feel about that shit. Don't you dare try and defend them" The captain yells in your face his anger getting the better of him, you know he's right and you do want them to pay for what they've said and done but at the same time you just want things to go back to normal, you want the crew to like you again even if it means getting pushed around a little.
Killer walks back over taking your chin in his fingers and forcing you to look at him. "It doesn't matter what their excuse is or how their feeling, that shits out of order. Even if you weren't our girl I'd still be pissed" You couldn't see his expression but you can imagine it by how angry is tone is, you can even hear he's gritting his teeth too, which is rare for him. "I-i just... I can't stop you two from what ever your about to do but... some of the crew don't do any of that stuff or see it so please don't punish all of them" You sigh pleading with your eyes at the two, Killer turns to face Kid whose eyes are still burning into yours, the captain seems to be processing something before he speaks. "Names. Now" The red head loosening his grip on your arm but keeping you close to his chest, you know this is an order from your captain not a demand from your boyfriend so with a nod you start giving names of the people who aren't involved. When hearing Heat and Wire's names the two seem to relax a little glad that their oldest and best friend's haven't been doing anything to you. Heat and Wire are also your close friends but that didn't mean they couldn't pick on you, its always light-hearted but there have been times were you or them have taken it too far. Kid and Killer were glad this wasn't one of those times, after finishing off the list the captain nods, running his hand under your jaw line while his thumb rubs your throat "We'll take care of this" He sates before taking your hand and pulling you to the door.
Deciding not to resist you follow but look back to see Killer putting on his gauntlets before placing his hand on your lower back. "What about the other thing?" You ask remembering that the blonde had something in mind before, but he shakes his head while stepping a little closer to you. "I'll bring it to you later" The masked man states quickly looking down at you before looking back up watching where he's going. Knowing there's no stopping the two you sigh and let the two guide you down the hall, "What are you going to do?" You ask hoping to get an idea of what's about to happen since the two can be quite unpredictable with their punishments, it can range from forcing the crew to their knees and apologizes to straight up death. "You don't need to know" Kid snaps at you his anger flaring up the closer and closer the three of you get to the deck, the red head kicks open the door leading out onto the deck immediately getting the crew's attention, Since the ship is docked and the captain agreed to let everyone go to the brothel the deck was covered in the crew members. Those who were smiling before now have a look of horror on their faces, anyone who was in the middle of something immediately dropped what they were doing to look over at the three of you. There was a moment of tense silence since everyone could see how angry their captain was, it wasn't his normal level of anger it was more like rage and the normally calm and relaxed Killer has an overwhelming aura that oozed anger, his shoulders were tense and fist clenched.
The silence is broken when Kid pulls you with him starting to walk into the middle of the deck where everyone can hear him, his heavy stomps made some flinches while others stood frozen waiting for something bad to happen. Killer follows along but takes his hand off your lower back both his hangs clenching the gauntlets, his leather gloves making a sound that sends shivers down your spine as his grip become unbelievably tight. Stopping in the middle of the deck the captain scans the area looking over his crew before calling out the names you gave, his sudden loud voice makes you jump a little long with those whose names where called. You can see the look of fear in their eyes as their body shakes a little, you know there not in trouble but at them moment you can't must up even a look to tell them it's ok. "All of you off the ship now... the rest of you stay" Kid yells making those whose names were called relax some taking a breath while others gripped their chest knowing their not the ones in trouble. The captain pants after his loud and long yelling as members of the crew leave quickly dropping their stuff to get off the ship but Wire and Heat walk over to the three of you both with confused faces. "What's wrong Boss?" Heat asks hoping he can do something to help but instead Kid growls pulling you past him and into Wire who quickly catches you before you can fall over. You shoot Wire a thankful look before pushing away from him to stand on your own. "Take the crew and head to that brothel down the road, we'll meet you there" The captain states releasing your arm.
Looking back at the captain in confusion you go to say something only for Killer to place a hand on your shoulder nodding in agreement before gesturing to the ramp leading off the ship. Without a word Wire and Heat nod heading to the ramp as you follow next to them glancing back a few times at your two boys. They didn't yell or lash out at the crew until you three made it off the ramp and onto land. Kid's loud yelling and screaming made some of the other crew sigh in relief yet again glad that their not the ones being yelled at and that they won't have to see what's happening. "Everyone we're to the Brothel" Heat calls out earning happy smiles from everyone before all heading off down the dock and into town, the sun's still high in the sky but in a place like this bars and brothels are open all day, the shows only happen at night which is a good thing otherwise the whole crew would be sitting in some coffee ship waiting for the blood bath to end back on the ship. "So, do we want to know?" Heat suddenly turns to you as the sound of yelling and screaming starts to fade away the further you all get from the Victoria. You think for a second before deciding against it since the rest of the crew is still in ear shot and you differently didn't want everyone to know without Kids permission first. "Probably not" You sate earning a simple nod from Wire while Heat sighs while scratching his head, despite everything your glad Kid didn't stop everyone from going off and having a good time, you just hope the two join you later, you want nothing more than to sit with the two and enjoy some drinks.
Sitting next to Wire on a large sofa you look around the bar area seeing your crew singing, dancing and flirting with some of the girls, most of them were already wasted since it's been a few hours since you've all left the ship. You did worry about the rest of the crew and wondered what Kid and Killer have planned or them, you also wonder if those crew member's will still be alive when you get back. Heat walks over and places two beer mugs on the small table in the middle before flipping down with his own on the small arm chair across from the two of you "Come on, at least give me a hint" The stitched man smirks hoping to pry something out of you, unknown to most Heat can be quite the gossip, some people might call him nosy but you know he likes to talk about other peoples stuff and get different perspectives, so he's more of a gossip in that sense. Picking up your Beer you pat the seat next to you giving the stitched man the signal that your ready to talk, with a wide black smile Heat jumps up and rushes over to your side leaning in close to hear what all the fuss was about before. Wire chuckles at this deciding to listen in while keeping an eye on the crew, "Don't tell anyone since Captain may not like it. I finally got him to spill the beans but at the cost of my own secret" Knowing what your on about Heat's jaw drops scooting closer even though he's already practically in your face "So he let it slip and now he's mad? But why is Killer mad?" Wire asks before sipping on his beer.
Shaking your head you lean back taking in a deep breath "No thats not why he's mad, I.. I kept something from the two of them about the crew, If i tell you two please don't get mad as well" The two raise an eyebrow at you before nodding now fully invested in what your about to say. Taking in another breath you tell the two what you told Kid and Killer. What the crew that were left behind, said and did to you after The captain refused to let them go to a brothel and that you've been covering up since you understand their frustrations. "The fuck?" The two yell through gritted teeth as you try and shush them before sending an apologetic smile over to those who looked your way. "Keep it down, i don't want the others to kno-" Your interrupted by a slap around the back of your head from Heat who glares at you, rubbing your head you glare back about to yell at him when the stitched man gets closer to your face "You are not this stupid... You can't let them walk all over you, for fucks sake Y/N you need to stop mothering them so much." Heat whispers with an angry tone making you lean back only to be stopped by Wire's hand being placed on your head "Heat's right, your too soft with them, i understand your protection over the crew in a place like this but on the ship they should respect you as a senior member." The tall man has a point and it makes you think about your actions, you should have told them off like you used too or knocked some sense into them a long time ago.
Heat sighs before moving to lean against the sofa getting away from your face as he drinks his beer "I know your past is a touchy subject but when it comes to outsiders knowing you kick their ass, i don't see why you shouldn't do the same to the crew if they bring it up." Heat shrugs calming down from his anger making you relax a little and sit back up, Wire hums in agreement taking his hand off your head while scanning the room. "Fuck... I've really lost it" You whisper to yourself earning a hearty laugh from Heat who bends over and slaps his knee while trying to not spill his beer "Girlie, you lost it ages ago, this was a real fuck up" You glare at the stitched man as he laughs, you wanted to hit him, knock him into the ground and yell at him but instead you roll your eyes while sipping on your beer "Your lucky your right, otherwise i would have kicked you ass by now" You state with a growl earning a chuckle from Wire who puts an arm around you "There she is, back to normal" You smirk up at the tall man before light nudging him in the side with your elbow getting his arm to move away from you. It seems you really needed a reality check and all it took was two tipsy assholes to do so but your glad for it, you did hope being nicer to the crew would get them to stop and like you again but of course that wouldn't work. You're a part of the Kid pirates for god’s sake, being kind doesn't earn you respect, strength, power, will and confidence is how you get it, its how you got respect and made friends on the crew in the first place, backing down only made you weak but that won't happen again no matter how much you love the crew.
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kaivenom · 3 months
One Piece men reaction to you stealing their signature clothes
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid, Killer
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He is running thru the deck, absolutely nervous and irritated, ¿where is his hat?, he is almost having a panic attack.
Suddently he saw you fishing on the border of the deck with his hat on.
He instantly deflates like a balloon, you two are dating and he ussually lets you use his hat but it's the first you steal it without permission.
He approaches you from behind and wraps his rubber arms around yourself, enough silent to scare you but enough strong to not let you fall.
"Hi captain, how are you doing?"
"I tought my hat disappeared, i was scared, you know it's important to me." his voice sounded a little sad, you must have given him a lot of trouble.
"Sorry gorgeous, i wanted to fish but the sun it's too hot and you were sleeping so i took it, i shouldn't have done that."
"You can take my hat, but please, tell me next time."
"Of course i will, not doing this again, i don't want you to have another rough wake up." you give him a little kiss on the nose, you know he loves it.
"And if you want to fish tell me first, i want to fish with you..." a little of his ussual child behaviour is back.
"But you were sleeping," he hid his face on your neck.
"Then wake me up."
"You don't like that."
"I like it when you do it, and i can always sleep here." he placed his head on your lap and fell asleep again.
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It was a crazy idea, but you wanted to try it.
You stealed his haramaki while he was sleeping and you had a goal in mind with that.
You were in front of the mirror, trying to clip the haramaki tight enough to make a top for you.
You almost got it, it was starting to look good.
Then the door opened and Zoro appeared with an irritated look.
Then he saw you and his mouth dropped almost to the floor.
"What were you..." he didn't finish the question, instead he was doing hand signals.
"I thought it would look good." you are now blusing, a lot.
"You.... you can't...." it sounded like Zoro couldn't talk properly, that's when you saw he was blushing too, "You look very good on it," he covered his face with his hand.
"Thanks, i am glad you are not mad."
"I am mad but you look pretty, i hope you didn't break it."
"No, i am just clipping it, no sewing." he got behind you and put his hands on your waist.
"I can help, but later i will get a reward for contributing in this model's look." you laughed.
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He has a set of jewelry which consists on a necklace, a ring and a bracelet.
There are some ocasions that he lets you have one of the three, but you wanted to try it all.
Today he was doing dinner and you hugged him from behind.
You felt him tense but he was still cutting the vegetables, but now at a slower pace.
You were already wearing the ring so you showed it to his face and then got to his neck and unclipped the golden chain.
His breathing was starting to hitch, he isn't sure if he would be able to turn around and ask you what you were thinking.
You put the necklace on you neck and then you move your hand to his wrist.
Now he is completely unable to continue doing his chores.
You uncliped the third item and put it on yourself.
He finally turned around and saw you admiring how his yewelry looks on yourself.
"What are you doing." he was trembling.
"I wanted to see how good they look on me." you showed the ring and bracelet on his face again.
"And you need it to do it like that? mon amour." and then Sanji got a nose bleed and needed to sit down.
Trafalgar Law
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He was so inmerse on his book that he didn't sense you enter the room and take his hat from the table.
He told you he couldn't sleep with you that night but you needed to feel him close so you stealed the hat, carefully.
At the end he finished his readings sooner so he got to your bedroom, he was so tired that he didn't noticed he wasn't wearing his hat.
The surprise came when he got to your side and saw his hat on you.
He blushed a lot, almost tripped, you looked so cute in his eyes.
He is not the one to think someone is cute but you always manage to make him flustered.
He wanted to wake you up and kiss you but after some thinking, he realize he is too tired to do it, so he waited to next morning.
When you woke up you were really surprised, Law tends to sleep on his side of the bed keeping distance from you, but this night he was trapping you with his arms.
You were unable to leave his embrace, but you aren't complaining about it.
Eustass Kidd
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You were really cold, the winter island was giving you a hard time.
So you took his coat to get out of the ship to do some shopping.
When you came back his yellings were audible from miles away, apparently he tought someone was making jokes on him.
When he saw you getting on the deck with his red coat, he almost choked.
He really liked seeing you with his coat (his nose almost bleed) but he needed to keep his reputation.
He yells at you trying to discipline you on public (not to much).
When you both got into your room he tried to make it up.
"Don't think i will forgive you." you said while laying on bed.
"I have a reputation, but i didn't meant to be so rude."
"i am not hearing an apology."
"Sorry." He is red as a tomato.
"Good boy." you patted his head carefully while his arms embrace you.
"It suited you very well." you laugh when he hid is face on your chest.
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Another heart attack, he never goes outside without his helmet, so when he wakes up and couldn't find it, he starts to anxious.
Early enough he discovers that you are on the bathroom cleaning it, repainting it and fixing it.
When he opened the door it was like you both became deers looking at car lights.
You were sure he was going to be mad at you but seeing someone being so preoccupied with his favourite.
"You could have said something:"
"I wanted it to be a surprise, plus this thing is nasty as fuck." his big muscular arms went to your waist.
"Thanks." he rubbed his head to yours and lowered himself for you to put the helmet on him.
"No." you pated his blonde hair, "this thing is still wet, so you have to wait."
"Kid is going to kill me if im late."
"Don't worry, we can manage to dry it fast."
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partyanimal167 · 2 years
Pretty Sounds- Kid x Reader x Killer
I've been wanting to write these two for awhile, so I'm throwing this out there to get a groove started. Thanks for stopping by~
CW: NSFW, voyeurism, masturbation, fem reader, dirty talk, slight misuse of haki
It really wasn't like him to just stand and listen. But he couldn't stop himself. He just had to hear more.
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Let Killer tell it, he was honestly just trying to tell you that he took your laundry out the dryer. He knew that people didn't like their personal things touched and just wanted to give you a warning. He was walking down the hall towards your room when he barely heard the sounds.
He was a step away from your door, ready to knock, when the door push against the frame with a thud. "Fuck, Kid~" your whine was muffled.
Killer froze. That was definitely your voice, but he never heard it like that. It was always steady, confident. Cheerful and friendly. Silly and strong. But this sound wasn't.
It was needy and desperate.
The vice captain didn't think much about Kid's whereabouts. It was after dinner, so he usually isolated himself to look at maps or tinker with a few projects. But Killer was wondering now.
His hand twitched and wanted to open the door, but then another voice started. "Don't be so loud, princess. You want everyone knowing you're being a slut for your captain?"
Killer knew that voice too well. Years spent together, he was acquainted with Kid's arrogant tone, yet noted the gruffness to it.
His brain was screaming, telling him to leave and forget about whatever was going on behind that door. But there was something curiously poking at him too.
It couldn't hurt to stay another minute, just to be sure of his assumptions.
Kid grinned at you meanly as he continued to pound you into the door. He teased you about your volume but wasn't doing much better himself. He groaned at the way your pussy clenched around him. It was so nice hearing all those sounds you made as you got fucked dumb and held on tightly to his arms.
He was so in the moment he almost missed that distinct metal sound close by. He would have ignored it, yet just to be sure, he flexed that rare ability of his before grinning wildly to himself. He didn't mind an audience.
You gasped as you were lifted further up the door then suffocated by Kid's presence looming over you. He started speaking in your ear.
"Your pussy feels so good for daddy, doll. I got it all nice and wet. You like getting dicked down, huh?" Kid teased. His voice ran through your whole body and you moaned loudly in response. He groaned as you scratched up his back.
The smack to your thigh rung loudly. You gasped. "Daddy!"
Killer knew he was in trouble. He should have left before he got this deep in all of this. He was leaning against the door with an arm pillowing his head and a hand palming his front. He bit his lip to quiet himself which was proving to be a struggle as he got an earful of Kid's dirty talk and your delicious moans. The door beat against him slightly, and he scolded himself for not leaving.
He couldn't help it. After spending months daydreaming about you and years with his partner, it was a blessing and curse hearing what sexy ass scene was playing out. He made a mental note to punish Kid later. He'd let him have his fun tonight though.
Suddenly, Killer felt a shiver down his spine. Something was up.
The door stopped shaking, but Kid's voice was clear as day. "We got a little admirer, princess. How about we show 'im how good you can handle the two of us. I know you can do it."
Killer jolted then turned to get the fuck out, but the door swung open and he was pulled into your room. He stared dumbly as you laid out on your back naked breathing heavily--recovering from an orgasm.
He turned his attention, hearing Kid's laugh. He groaned. "You know rule number 2, big boy."
Killer's blush crawled up to his ears, yet he didn't hesitate to reach for his helmet and toss it off. His hair spread all over and he bit his lip trying to keep his eyes off you.
"Killer," you called after propping yourself up on your elbows. He only grunted in response.
Kid grabbed his chin and laughed in his face. "Don't be rude to princess. She wants to show you something."
The blonde turned his head before gulping hard. You grinned as you spread your legs and showed off how much of a mess Kid left behind. He whimpered.
"See princess, I told you he makes the prettiest noise. Let's get him to make some more."
Aaah, I'm happy I got this out. It was quick idea tbh but I love reading about these two. (I'd pay money to be their princess)
Thanks for reading!
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