#Kim gyu-Vin
ashlol141 · 11 months
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Zerobaseone debuts TOMORROW! They have done so well and they are amazing I wish them the best and hope we can get music and funny videos from them for many years
Zerobaseone has worked hard and is amazing❤
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Honeydew Boba For Your Boyfriend?
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wc: 1.9k pronouns: none used; n/a warnings: fluffy fluffyyy summary: gunwook desperately tries to save his hyung from himself when one glance at cafeowner!reader has gyuvin acting... delulu. ~masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ my introductory gyubinnie fic. the funniest little nugget of a boy, i adore him. just wanted to write a short fic to test the gyuvin waters (lmao what) so i hope you enjoy. will be working on some requests this weekend finally, sorry i just needed a little break for a bit! as always, much love to you all and i appreciate you reading and enjoying my writing soooo much :) <3
"So that's a no on the 'Hyung Lover' tramp stamp?"
Gyuvin glares at his younger friend as they walk down the bustling city street. "People who think you're the smart one have clearly never spent more than five minutes with you."
"Five minutes is actually pretty generous," Gunwook replies after careful consideration. "So I probably shouldn't have told Yujinnie to get a matching 'Noona Lover' one then...?"
"Are you bored? Is the 17-hour-a-day schedule not enough for you?" Gyuvin asks rhetorically, pulling his phone out and checking his notifications.
"That's probably what it is," Gunwook replies sadly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I have a whole extra hour to myself every day and I can never figure out what to do with it."
Gyuvin shakes his head in disbelief, huffing out a laugh. "How about you do my laundry?"
Gunwook's eyes widen innocently. "Do you want me to? I can! I promise you can depend on me, hyung, I--."
"Where's this cafe again?" Gyuvin interjects, looking around at the storefronts lining the street. "We've gotta be back in the studio in twenty minutes."
"It's right there," Gunwook replies, pointing up ahead. The two boys walk the remainder of the way to Gunwook's new favorite cafe, the younger boy grabbing the door handle and holding it open for his hyung as they step inside the shop.
"Hi! How are you?" You call from behind your counter, wiping down some of your drink machines with a damp cloth before turning to greet your next customer. It's a quieter Wednesday afternoon than usual and you smile when you recognize the boy approaching the counter. "Hey, I know you."
"Did you see I made the line-up?" The boy named Gunwook asks with a proud smile. "Aren't you excited to tell everyone that an idol comes to your shop for coffee?"
You laugh at his endearing naivety, pointing to the back wall of your cafe where a line of framed celebrity pictures hang. "Not my first time around the block, kid," you joke, watching as his proud smile now turns sheepish. "But I will give it to you that out of all the idols that come in here, you're certainly the most adorable."
A gummy grin spreads across his face as you suddenly notice he's not alone. Behind Gunwook is an equally tall boy, his frame a bit slimmer and hair a bit lighter than your returning customer.
"Oh, hi," you greet hesitantly, as the boy makes eye contact with you; only for him to quickly duck back behind his friend.
"What are you--," Gunwook questions annoyedly, stepping to the side and pushing the other boy out from behind him. "What's wrong with you?"
The thinner boy is staring at you with wide eyes, chewing his bottom lip nervously. The blush on his cheeks tips you off right away as to what he's thinking.
This was hardly the first time you'd received this sort of look from a customer. You thought your product was good enough, but you had overheard gossip more than once that your cafe was the most "beautifully owned" in the city-- and they weren't talking about the decor. Perhaps that's why your celebrity clientele was more abundant than the average cafe.
"This is my hyung who made the line-up with me," Gunwook introduces, patting his friend on the back. "He's--... he's not usually this shy though."
He's cute, you catch yourself thinking, and the genuine look in his eyes admittedly makes you want to mess with him a bit. You needed some excitement after such a slow Wednesday afternoon... What was the harm in playing along?
Clearly unable to function, the other boy merely stands in front of you unmoving as Gunwook confusedly analyzes him. After a few moments, it seems that the younger boy catches on to his friend's thinking, too.
Gunwook looks back at you anxiously-- smiling as if he's not sure if he should pull his friend aside to scold him or not. "I--... Uh, I'll just have--."
"An iced Americano," you finish for him with a laugh, grabbing a plastic cup and writing his name on it in sharpie.
"Do I come here too often?" He jokes. "Should I start being more equitable with my coffee shop patronage?"
"Go ahead," you retort with a smirk. "Let's see if you can get away with 'accidentally' paying a thousand won less anywhere else."
Gunwook's jaw drops. "So you did notice... Why didn't you say anything!?"
You shrug. "I know you trainees don't have any money and I'm not really hurting for business, so it's no skin off my back. But now that you're an idol, I'm sure you'll be able to make it up to me somehow!"
Gunwook laughs abashedly. "Absolutely... I can pay you back with all of my idol money..." He grimaces. "Give me two years?"
"I'll hold you to it," you agree, attention returning to the older boy standing next to him; whose intense gaze on you hasn't let up for at least a minute now. "Are you--... are you gonna order something too, or...?"
Gunwook hits his friend's shoulder in a manner that is clearly supposed to be nonchalant, but the boy is predictably caught off guard and, thus, nearly falls to the ground. Catching himself, he swallows nervously as he meets your eyes again. "I--... Um... Yes."
"Ooookay," you reply with a nod. "What'll it be?"
"I'll have a bobo.”
"BOBA!" Gunwook yells quickly, hitting the boy's shoulder again. "He wants boba... Boba for the babo."
"Uh..." You stumble, fighting the urge to grin at the adorable duo of idiots in front of you. "Sure thing. What flavor?"
"DEW!" Gunwook yells again, laughing nervously as he grabs his friend by the shoulder and shakes him a little too hard. "Honeydew. I apologize for his pronunciation, he... grew up abroad!"
"Oh, really?" You ask excitedly-- perfect English suddenly flowing out of your mouth. "So did I! Where did you live?"
Both Gunwook and his friend are now staring wide-eyed and panic-stricken back at you. You're enjoying this quite a bit and you're not about to let them off the hook. They turn to each other wordlessly, blinking at each other for a moment before turning back to you.
"Ca-na-da," Gunwook's friend answers finally.
"Oh," you reply, eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion. "Where in Canada?"
"Uh," the boy stumbles. "The... cold part?"
You blink back at the two tall boys, watching as they squirm slightly under your judging gaze. After you've had your fun, you grin up at them. "Yeah, sounds like Canada to me!"
The boys glance at each other before bursting into nervous laughter. Gunwook throws his arm around his friend's shoulder-- seemingly in relief.
"That'll be 14,000 won," you say; Gunwook starts to fish for cash out of his wallet (the easiest method to stiff you one bill) but he laughs sheepishly when you glare at him. Instead, he hands you his credit card to run through the register.
You hand the card back to the younger boy; grabbing a plastic cup for the boba and looking up at the boy who had ordered it. "What's the name?"
"Your boyfriend," the boy blurts immediately, Gunwook lifting his hand to his forehead to cover his eyes in embarrassment.
"I can't even help you out of that one," the younger boy mumbles, dragging his hand down his face tensely. "His name's Gyuvin and I clearly made a mistake by letting him out of his cage today."
"I'm so sorry," the boy named Gyuvin gushes, suddenly coming to his senses. "I'm sorry, I really didn't--."
"I'll get these drinks out for you both in a few minutes," you cut him off with a straight face as you turn around to your machines, not ready to let him relax just yet. You write Gyuvin's name down on his cup as the two boys walk over to a table to wait for their order.
As you prepare the iced Americano, your eyebrows raise as you hear what sounds like a smack-- followed by an "owwww" from the older boy.
"You're an idiot," you hear Gunwook whisper.
"I know, I know," Gyuvin responds quite glumly, causing you to giggle and subsequently have to cover it up with a cough.
Pouring the milk tea over the boba, you strain to overhear more of the boys' conversation.
"Seriously, hyung," Gunwook continues scolding. "How are you ever supposed to be an idol if you can't even control yourself around the local barista?"
You can hear the pout in Gyuvin's voice as he replies, "Don't pretend like the local barista isn't THE most gorgeous human to ever walk the planet."
"Really? Huh," Gunwook considers genuinely. "I don't see it."
You hear a chair slide back abruptly as Gyuvin yells, "ARE YOU BLIND!?"
You glance over at the boys, who immediately shoot you awkward, overenthusiastic grins as you turn back around.
Gunwook sighs. "Well if you really think that, you've royally messed this up for yourself."
"I dunno... Some people are into weird," Gyuvin responds optimistically and the silence that ensues paints a vivid picture of the undoubtedly hellish death glare that Gunwook is giving him.
Snapping a lid on both drinks, you pull two straws from the container next to the cash register and place one on top of each of the drinks. Before you call the two boys over to grab their order, you smile to yourself as you pick up your sharpie one more time and remove the cap-- carrying out the final phase of your little game...
"Okay, all set!" You call, watching as the boys' heads snap to look at you, awkwardly gathering their things as they rush quickly back up to the counter.
"Thank you SO much," Gunwook says, picking up his iced coffee. "And sorry again."
"I'm so sorry," Gyuvin echoes, nodding at you apologetically. He picks up his boba, eyebrows furrowing suddenly as he examines it. "What is this?"
"Honeydew boba," you answer, running the back of your hand across your forehead. "Just like you ordered."
Gyuvin continues to frown in confusion. "But I hate boba--."
"That's right! You hate it for making you love it so much!" Gunwook swoops in once again as he places a hand on his friend's shoulder, turning him around and forcing him towards the door. "Thanks again!"
"Thank you!" Gyuvin calls as Gunwook opens the door for him and ushers him out of the shop, a small "I think" reaching your ears as the door closes behind them.
"I can't believe you," Gunwook groans as the two boys walk down the street back to the studio. "Now I can never go back there again. It was so convenient!"
"Why can't we go back there again?" Gyuvin pouts, sipping his boba and frowning at the taste. "It didn't go THAT badly!"
"You tried to order boba in the flavor of the cafe owner!" Gunwook cries.
"Huh, is that what this is?" Gyuvin says, looking at his drink. "Maybe it's not so bad after all..."
"I'm requesting our lunch breaks are shortened," Gunwook announces, sipping his coffee. "I can't spend this much unstructured time with you."
Gyuvin raises his cup to eye-level, swirling it around as he watches the tapioca pearls dance. His eyebrows furrow as he suddenly notices something scribbled on the cup. "Oh my god."
"What!?" Gunwook says, following Gyuvin's line of sight. "What is it? Let me see!"
Gunwook takes the cup from his hyung, squinting to read the small sharpied writing towards the bottom of the plastic cup. "No way," he breathes as he takes in the sight of the phone number, a small message written under it:
in case you ever want to grab a drink that you actually like :)
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kdram-chjh · 4 months
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ZEROBASEONE (제로베이스원) 'CRUSH (가시)' MV
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZoZbtI67Yk
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koreanboybands · 8 months
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ZEROBASEONE The 2nd Mini Album [𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧] Concept Photo Loyalty ver. SUNGHANBIN
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ZEROBASEONE The 2nd Mini Album [𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧] Concept Photo Loyalty ver. KIMJIWOONG
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ZEROBASEONE The 2nd Mini Album [𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧] Concept Photo Loyalty ver. #ZHANGHAO
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ZEROBASEONE The 2nd Mini Album [𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧] Concept Photo Loyalty ver. SEOKMATTHEW
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ZEROBASEONE The 2nd Mini Album [𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧] Concept Photo Loyalty ver. KIMTAERAE
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ZEROBASEONE The 2nd Mini Album [𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧] Concept Photo Loyalty ver. RICKY
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ZEROBASEONE The 2nd Mini Album [𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧] Concept Photo Loyalty ver. KIMGYUVIN
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ZEROBASEONE The 2nd Mini Album [𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧] Concept Photo Loyalty ver. PARKGUNWOOK
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ZEROBASEONE The 2nd Mini Album [𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧] Concept Photo Loyalty ver. HANYUJIN
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kpop-locks · 1 year
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ kim gyu vin ; boys planet ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @moodscreens
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
first mission fancam (love me right team) his audition (solo dance for tbz's reveal)
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forevertry79 · 1 year
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AVATARS 400x640px || ZeroBaseOne ( Photos de profil officielles)
voir la galerie 
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kpopmultifan · 11 months
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seokwoosmole · 11 months
Zerobaseone’s debut album’s not bad. Definitely played it safe. But imma say it here. Our Season should have been the title track😭✋🏼
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kpop77i · 1 year
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zerobaseonelover · 2 months
whats zb1’s preference in a partner like moans/groans/whines/screams/whimpers/cries during sex
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Kim Ji-Woong - whines and whimpers.
Like honestly he finds it so cute when his partner whines and whimpers during sex. I turns him on so much. Like him pounding into his partner repeatedly and hearing that is just blissful for him.
Sung Han Bin - moans
Honestly plain and simple hearing his partner moan during sex is somewhat of an ego boost for him. He knows he is making his partner feel good every time he fucks them. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Ricky - any
He won't really care which one because sex is different every time so his partner will have different noises each time. No matter what he loves the sounds his partner makes every time he pounds into them.
Zhang Hao - moans and cries
He literally fucks his partner into bliss every time to where they moan and cry and its addicting to hear it every time to him. So it's not surprising that it's his favorite sound.
Kim Gyu-vin - whimpers
He finds it so cute when his partner whimpers. It literally motivates him to keep going and fuck his partner harder. He literally wants to fuck his partner every day because of how addicting they sound.
Seok Mathew - moans and whimpers
Absolutely in love with the sound of his partner and most definitely would try to fuck his partner every day. He loves listening to them whimper and moan. Especially when he manhandles his partner when he is fucking them.
Kim Tae-rae - any
Just like Ricky he wouldn't care which one because he loves hearing any sound out of his partners mouth. It's hot to him. He loves different positions with his partner to see what sound they will make.
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rickittys · 6 months
Why do I feel like Christmas with ZB1 would be chaotic 😭😭 (I’m only doing a few since I’m still new to ZB1 and these are the members that I feel like I know the most sorry y’all)
-he’s a kid at heart okay
-will wake you up early
-whines when you’re not opening your gifts fast enough
-will be dramatic when opening gifts
-the sweetest little thing :<
-will cherish every gift
-he will make breakfast bc he’s the sweetest
Seok Matthew / Mattchu
-again a kid at heart
-will make you wear matching Christmas sweaters
-will make you get up early
-he will definitely be all smiley and happy when opening gifts
-give you cheek kisses Everytime he opens a gift
Kim Gyu Vin
-a big baby
-he literally will stare at you until you wake up
-Pouts when you don’t open presents right away.
-He will put on Christmas music while opening gifts.
-Will wonder why you’re so slow at opening
-kinda judgmental at the wrapping
I’m sorry if these aren’t accurate enough this is how I would see it. Also hello ^^
WOAH hi mako😭😭 ur so right actually why am i melting into my seat
def can imagine ricky just wanting to snuggle for the day, only waking up to decorate gingerbread houses and finish the cookies. while he caters his gifts to you perfectly, he’s still a little nervous as you unwrap them, chuckling as you launch yourself into his arms. he’d scoff, his anxiety vanishing while you kiss his face repeatedly. “knew you’d like it, baby.”
my hao hao🥹 he’s so excited from the start of the day, ready to go go go and make the most of it! he’d press a kiss against your cheek and pass the hot coco he made, popping a marshmallow into your mouth. before you can even start chewing, he’s wiggling and whining, “loveeee cmon, eat quickly so we can go sledding! i wanna build a snow man with you, too.”
matthew’s expressed how much he likes winter and the holidays season so he’d be all smiles from dawn to dusk. matching clothes is given, from head to toe and with initials! he’d make sure to call yaebin with you too, her cooing at how cute you two are together-yk before the pda becomes too much. can imagine that he’d hang mistletoe absolutely everywhere in your place as an excuse to kiss you. you’d feel his arms wrap from behind, a coy whisper of, “huh, funny finding you here! didn’t we just-” before you press your lips together.
gyuvin is prancing everywhere in your apartment, seemingly everywhere at one. licking the cookie batter, looking over the presents for the fifth time, rubbing your hands and sides making sure you’re warm. he’s made sure the whole day is dedicated to the holiday, wearing and using your gifts as soon as he opens them (adores the console you’ve gotten him btw). he’d pat the spot next to him on the couch, smiling, “holiday movie binge watching time! babe, i got candy canes for us both, bring em over!”
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tzyuki · 11 months
[ 김규빈 ] ONE & ONLY ꒰ K.GV x F!READER
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IN WHICH ✶ — Rumors about Y/n pursuing a Zerobaseone member backstage at music bank start floating around the media after she and ZB1 member, Kim Gyuvin are seen talking behind in one of the episodes of ‘Eunchaes Star Diary’. Some netizens believe it and some don’t, some hated her for touching his shoulder and some didn’t care. Y/n went live to debunk the rumors, saying she wasn’t interested in a relationship at the time. The thing was, the rumors were true. She secretly was pursing Kim Gyuvin, or at least she wanted to. Ever since she first saw him backstage at M Countdown when ‘Love Killa’ team got to perform she was starstruck. She saw him at the vending machine and wished him luck in ‘Boys Planet’. She actually never had watched an episode of the survival show at all, she said it would be too painful for her, but that was the night she started to watch and most importantly, vote for Kim Gyuvin.
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NUGUBASEONE | profile two.
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• ZEROBASEONE (제로베이스원), also known as simply ZB1, is a 9-member project group formed by MNET‘s survival show BOYS PLANET. The group consists of Sung Han Bin, Kim Ji Woong, Zhang Hao, Seok Matthew, Kim Tae Rae, Ricky, Kim Gyu Vin, Park Gun Wook, and Han Yu Jin. They are managed by WAKEONE Entertainment and their contract will last for two years and a half. They made their debut on July 10, 2023 with the mini album, ‘YOUTH IN THE SHADE‘.
sung hanbin ; live laugh LOVES zhang hao. literslly his eternal half it’s crazy. best leader foreal! feeds into the haobin jokes bc he actually does adore hao with his whole heart!
kim jiwoong ; acted in bl’s known for being a man kisser!!!! he is silly goofy in the best way possible. loves seok mattchuu for life.
zhang hao ; zhang hao center! the first foreign p01! he loves jebewon so much but gets sick of their silly shit sometimes.
seok matthew ; canadian oppa foreal! lowk a haobin hater 🤢🤢 constantly third wheels esp since he and hanbin are supes close.
kim taerae ; misses kum junhyeon so much 💔 that’s literally his bae for life 💔 sick of gyuvins deez nuts jokes it’s insane.
ricky shen ; ricky sexy boss baby !! in reality he’s very sweet and lovely and that’s why his nickname is lovelicky!! it’s a lifestyle and only pretty cute ppl live the lovelicky lifestyle.
kim gyuvin ; eumpapa defender 4 life. that’s literally his child , like he would do anything for eumpapa. lowk clueless and obvious to the fact that y/n is trying to pursue him …
park gunwook ; so intimidating but a big baby , literal noot noot!
han yujin ; the next pupu tbh … but bunny pupu. maknae and babied by everyone😞he’s finally in high school and sick of shit already!
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taglist (open) 𓏸 ͘ ࣭⸰ @yeosljin @whoschr @str0l0gy @sieuneo @enhaz1 @weoris @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @jiawji @trsrina @esc6pism @tmrx2gther @jiaant11 @latriii
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cherryio · 14 days
𝐙𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫
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ZEROBASEONE (제로베이스원), also known as simply ZB1, is a 10-member group. The group consists of : Sung Han Bin, Kim Ji Woong, Zhang Hao, Seok Matthew, Kim Tae Rae, Ricky, Kim Gyu Vin, Park Gun Wook, Ong Yunhee and Han Yu Jin. They are managed by WAKEONE Entertainment, they made their debut on July 10, 2023
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members (oldest to youngest) :
Kim Jiwoong (12.14.98)
Zhang Hao (07.25.00)
Sung Hanbin (06.13.01)
Seok Matthew (05.28.02)
Kim Taerae (07.14.02)
Shen Quanrui (05.20.04)
Kim Gyuvin (08.30.04)
Park Gunwook (01.10.05)
Ong Yunhee (11.06.06)
Han Yujin (03.20.07)
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koreanboybands · 7 months
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ZERO BASE ONE "2nd mini album Melting Point" Come Back event
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