#Kimi to Aoi Haru no Hajimari
mangadore · 2 months
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engshoujosei · 1 year
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The Springtime of My Life Began With You
5 volumes (digital only as of 5/13/2023)
Licensed by Kodansha
Suehiro is a quiet girl, who prefers the excitment of her books to the real-life anxieties of friends. She'd been perfectly happy in her own little world until ultra-popular guy Takasago asked her out as part of a punishment game right in front of the class, bringing Suehiro front and center. Mortified, she tries everything to get away...but he persists, and insists he's serious! How will she deal with such an interruption to her previously quiet life?
Status in Country of Origin
5 Volumes (Complete)
High School Student/s
Introverted Protagonist
Popular Male Lead
Punishment Game
Shy Female Lead
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papervine · 2 years
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hatsumishinogu · 3 years
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Kimi to Aoi Haru no Hajimari Vol.5
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beneaththetangles · 3 years
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Reader’s Corner: Springtime of My Life, Fly Me to the Moon, and the Star Collector Audio Manga
The Springtime of My Life Began with You, Vol. 1
It is honestly times like these where I wish I could collect digital manga in paperback. The Springtime of My Life Began with You is a new digital title from Kodansha, and while I’m excited we have this new story to read in English legally, I’m bummed that I can’t go to the store and pick it up because I want to be able to flip pages to my favorite scenes and dialogue. But enough moping! This delightful volume gives me a lot of When We Shout for Love vibes (which I LOVED!), and I caught myself leaning a little closer to my computer screen to keep reading. I love these kinds of stories where the shy main girl steps out of her shell into becoming a young woman she’s always dreamed of being. Suehiro is such a relatable character and I absolutely love her love for books and desire to celebrate that love with other friends. While I feel Takasago may appear to be the typical popular guy falling for the shy girl, I was actually surprised how this plot point turns into something deeper. He’s not just this super popular dude who just “happens” to fall in love. The bookish aspect, the characters, and the hopeful journey of growing self-confidence makes this a manga one I would recommend and read again! ~ Laura A. Grace
The Springtime of My Life Began with You, Volume 1 is published by Kodansha.*
Culinary Chronicles of the Court Flower, Vol. 1
If you’re looking for something like The Apothecary Diaries but with more cooking and less sex, or something like I Will Cook With My Fluffy Friends but with an imperial China flair, then the light novel Culinary Chronicles of the Court Flower might be for you. The setting of an imperial China-inspired inner palace is there, as are all the consorts, eunuchs, and an emperor and his servants. However, the focus here is more on Rimi, a consort from not-Japan as she has to deal with an emperor who thinks her country’s offerings of unique cooking “ingredients” are trash and thus worth beheading the poor girl over. This leads to Rimi literally having to cook for her life, with the help of a handsome cuisinologist, a beautiful eunuch with a strained relationship with the emperor, and a cute “mouse” who may be more than just mere ratatouille. Rimi herself is a solid protagonist who does struggle emotionally with the difficulties of being in an unfamiliar environment, but is also plucky enough to deal with everything that comes her way, even including the emperor’s personal problems, and she is very passionate about cooking. Add in some hints of romance and of course some cooking details, and you have an interesting series with a fair amount going on, and one that I definitely want to read more of. ~ stardf29
Culinary Chronicles of the Court Flower is published by J-Novel Club.
Star Collector (Audio Manga)
Voice actor Todd Haberkorn’s (Natsu, Fairy Tail) considerable talents are highlighted in this audio version of BL OEL manga Star Collector, in which he voices the two primary characters. With a run time of a little more than two hours, Haberkorn, who also produced the recording, is joined by the always-welcome Caitlin Glass in various roles as he narrates the story of delinquent, chain-smoking Fynn and his budding relationship with classmate and stargazer, Niko. The voiceover work, along with whimsical music and well-timed sound effects, brings life to a story that is inconsistent, at times providing picturesque descriptions that, when combined with the excellent performances, evoke a sense of theater in the listener’s mind, but which at its worst comes across as an amateur’s attempts at clumsy, erotic fan fiction, with characters that feed a romantic’s imagination at the cost of coherent characterization. Still, there are far worse ways than to spend two hours on the road than to listen to Haberkorn’s dulcet tones—just make sure you’re not pumping the audio manga through your speakers while with someone else. Just trust me on that. ~ Twwk
Star Collector is published by TOKYOPOP.
Fly Me to the Moon, Vol. 5
What can I say? Fly Me to the Moon continues to be hilarious and sweet. If you read it, you will laugh, and you will get warm fuzzy feelings. This manga’s pop culture reference game remains strong, with nods to The Six Million Dollar Man, the Sega Dreamcast, the infamous “off course” typo in Final Fantasy VII, and more. “If this were a romantic comedy, disaster would be sure to strike!” Spoiler: Despite being a romcom, the only disasters are the ones Nasa imagines. Then there’s Tsukasa’s sage observation: “With a smartphone, the warlord Nobunaga really could have gone places” (which bears at least passing resemblance to more than one anime out there). Other highlights of this volume include Aya going full mother-in-law before bonding with Tsukasa over video games, Nasa’s junior high teacher getting the wrong idea about Tsukasa, and Tsukasa and Kaname trolling Chitose. It’s a small moment, but also I appreciated the realistic detail of getting confirmation that Tsukasa really was injured back when she saved Nasa from Truck-kun at their first meeting. I heartily recommend this manga. ~ JeskaiAngel
Fly Me to the Moon is published by Viz.*
In Another World With My Smartphone, Vol. 22 (light novel)
So all of the major threats to the world are dealt with, and Touya’s married to his girls… what else is even left to do in this story? Well, for most of the volume, it’s just more of the usual filler hi-jinks: some matchmaking events (including a side-character mini-harem that’s not in the orientation you might expect), silliness regarding the BL-writing princess, and the like. They’re the kind of small adventures and happenings that filled the space between major events in previous volumes. Likewise, towards the end of volume 22, the next major event of this story is revealed, as Smartphone pulls a Fire Emblem: Awakening and introduces children from the future! Obviously, with no huge danger to deal with, they’re just here to play around and meet the parents, but it still adds the the sort of fun little twist that should please anyone who’s enjoyed this series enough to still be reading it over twenty volumes in. ~ stardf29
The light novel of In Another World With My Smartphone is published by J-Novel Club.
Golden Japanesque: A Splendid Yokohama Romance, Vol. 2
Sometimes we need people to come alongside us and show us who we could be and stir our hearts to change despite the adversity we may face from others (or even in Maria’s case, family too). I found this to be very much true for Maria in the delightful second volume of Golden Japanesque: A Splendid Yokohama Romance. Maria is such a sweet character, but due to the constant negativity she has had voiced to her, she’s so fearful of doing the wrong thing, offending someone, or upsetting her mother. Yet that fear doesn’t completely define who Maria is, and I loved seeing her slowly grow a little bolder in this volume! She has a hidden “brass” to her as others have claimed and a little more boldness then even she realizes, though thankfully Rintarou is helping to bring that out (Speaking of, glad he is still his teasing self!). I hope Maria continues to bloom and grow as a person and not just in romance. Seeing her bravery near the latter part of the end made me want to get up off my couch and cheer for her! I could imagine I’ll being doing a lot more of that based on the teaser we were shown for the upcoming volume! ~ Laura A. Grace
Golden Japanesque: A Splendid Yokohama Romance, vol. 2, is published by Yen Press.*
Trapped in a Dating Sim: the World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs, Vols. 1-2
You’ve probably seen the reincarnated-into-an-otome-game story premise before (especially the kind that takes place at a school for nobles and royalty), but Trapped in a Dating Sim manages to put some fun twists on that concept. The protagonists of these stories are usually girls, but this book’s MC, Leon, is a guy. And he isn’t reincarnated as a major character from the game, but as a nobody who doesn’t actually have any connection to the game plot. The setting is downright dystopian, with slavery, classism, and rampant sexism against men. The world is also illogical in other ways, due being based on the wonky mechanics and shallow world-building of the game. Leon eventually meets the game’s protagonist (Olivia), antagonist (Angelica), and five love interests (Greg, Chris, Brad, Julius, and Jilk), but something has gone awry. The love interests are barely even aware Olivia exists, instead fawning over some other girl named Marie. Did I mention the snarky AI sidekick, or the fact that since the original otome game included airship battles and giant robots, the isekai world has them too? I enjoyed volume one enough that I dove right into volume two, and while I find Leon obnoxious at times, overall I like Trapped in a Dating Sim enough that I’ll continue reading. ~ JeskaiAngel
Trapped in a Dating Sim: the World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs is published by Seven Seas Entertainment.
With the Sheikh in His Harem, Vol. 1
When I first saw the cover and title of With the Sheikh in His Harem, I was admittedly nervous that it would be about a young woman joining other wives/concubines for one (handsome) man. Thankfully my fears were unfounded. It’s probably the first manga I’ve read with an exotic location and I’m totally here for it! Another one reason I found this to be such a compelling story is because of the character Sanagi, who is such a diligent worker. I absolutely love how that even if her situation changes, Sanagi still seeks to be true to herself and work hard. Prince Lui is another fun character; I enjoyed how he is discovering the beauty and joy in life with Sanagi. I like how passionate he is and how he not only wants the best for her, but that he will also do whatever it takes to keep her around (and safe). One of the best parts, though, is how the mangaka includes mini-travel guides. I LOVEDDDD that! It was a very fun feature to this manga and definitely “bumped up” my enjoyment of this story. Overall, I really enjoyed With the Sheikh in His Harem and thought it to be a fun escape and highly enjoyable, recommended to anyone who enjoys reading shoujo manga but is looking for something that combines a good romance and Arabian-like setting! ~ Laura A. Grace
With the Sheikh in His Harem is published by Kodansha.*
Reader’s Corner is our way of embracing the wonderful world of manga, light novels, and visual novels, creative works intimately related to anime but with a magic all their own. Each week, our writers provide their thoughts on the works their reading—both those recently released as we keep you informed of newly published works and older titles that you might find as magical (or in some cases, reprehensible) as we do.
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animefagos · 3 years
El manga Kimi to Aoi Haru no Hajimari finalizará en julio
Nueva entrada publicada en https://www.animefagos.com/2021/06/26/el-manga-kimi-to-aoi-haru-no-hajimari-finalizara-en-julio/
El manga Kimi to Aoi Haru no Hajimari finalizará en julio
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El número de agosto de la revista Dessert, de Akita Shoten, ha anunciado que el manga Kimi to Aoi Haru no Hajimari, de Nikki Asada, finalizará en el siguiente número, a la venta el 26 de julio. Suehiro es una chica tranquila, que prefiere la emoción de sus libros a las ansiedades de la vida real. Era feliz en…
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teigeki-graph · 4 years
Sakura Taisen Song Box
Released: April 15, 2009 (digital only)
Available at iTunes
This is like a mashup of 2003′s “Complete Song Box” and 2006′s “Zenkyokushuu,” only with a lot less content: it’s got 120 songs, while the aforementioned collections had 139 and 122, respectively. For the price, though, it’s still a good deal for people who just want a lot of Sakura Taisen songs, not necessarily all of them.
Songs with a “—” instead of a number are songs that were part of the physical collections but that are not included in the digital version
Full track listing under the cut
[Complete Song Box]
Disk 1
1. Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan
2. Sakura
3. Etude
4. Nayamashi Mambo
5. Only Man
6. Tokyo-teki Kyuujitsu
7. Shakunetsu Boogie
8. Yoru no Samba
9. Ai wa Daya
10. Ai Yue ni
11. Hanasaku Otome
12. Kono Yo wa Tanoshi ~Natsu Kouen~
13. Kono Yo wa Tanoshi ~Aki Kouen~
14. Tsubasa
15. Kono Yo wa Tanoshi ~Fuyu Kouen~
16. Cinderella
17. Kono Yo wa Tanoshi ~Haru Kouen~
Disk 2
1. Omatsuri Dansu
2. Watashi no Aozora
3. Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan Kai
4. Yume no Tsudzuki
5. Metro de Ikou
6. Ikiteru Yorokobi
7. Haru ga Kuru
8. Minamikaze Go Go
9. Itoshi no Jean Paul
10. Zettai Unmei no Tango
11. Koi no Hassha All Right
12. Shonen Red Shudaika
13. Miyako no Hana zo
14. Moshimo...
15. Icarus no Hoshi
—Kiseki no Kane
Disk 3
1. Akatsuki no Senshi
2. Kanpan Furafura
3. Dream / Yume no 1 Pound
—Kiseki no Kane ~So special a day~
—Happy Day Happy X’mas
4. Chanbara Boogie
5. Dandy
6. Kibou
7. Kore ga Revue!
8. Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan (Kai II)
9. Yuuyake no Mukou ni
10. Watashi no Natsu
11. Chichin no Pui
12. Kamona Asakusa
13. Hirameki no Uta
14. Subarashiki Butai
15. Shinjirareru Koto
Disk 4
1. Ai wa Towa ni
2. Masquerade
—Ucha! Yorokobi no Uta
—Benitokage no Uta (Kanna no Musou)
3. Tabi no Sora e
—Rikken Braun
4. Harukaze no Koi Uta
—Yumemite Iyou
5. Hanagoyomi
—Ima Totsugu Hi ni
—Futari ni Kanpai!
—Furui Piano
—Gekitei Ondo
6. Gekijou e Ikou!
7. It’s Showtime!
8. Scandal wa Dame yo
9. Star Kagayaku Hoshi
10. Yukai na Yoru
—Watashi no Okini’iri
—Iza Tachiagare
—Kokoro wa Sabaku no Youni
11. Arabia no Bara
12. Atarashii Ashita e
—Kinema Koushinkyoku
—Jidai no Ressha
—Akai Katyusha
—Center Spot
—Shitamachi Rhapsody
—Hibari no Uta ~Tsubakihime no Yuu yori~
—Stone Monkey
—Tsubasa (TV version)
—Hanafubuki Shiranami Benten
—Yumemiru Kikai
—Kokoro wa Sabaku no Youni (Baragumi version)
-Hanagumi wo Tsubuse!
—Anata no Okini’iri (Kanna no Musou 2)
—Sakura Zensen
—Yume no Tsudzuki (Todoru Hana Kenran Mix)
—Euro Gekitei
—Euro Koi no Hassha All Right!
13. Mihata no Moto ni
14. Hana no Paris
Disk 5
—Erica Ohayou Dance
1. Inori
2. Eroica/ Eiyuu Densetsu
3. 192455631
4. Issho ni Arukou
5. Kokoro no Kasa wa
6. Sentimental na...
7. Kimi Shinobu Uta
8. Kokoro no Okibasho
9. Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan III
10. Mirai (Voyage)
—Mihata no Moto ni (Les Chattes Noires Mix)
—Hana no Paris (Les Chattes Noires Mix)
11. Hanagumi Revue
—Bus wa Yukuyuku Yume Nosete
—Ramune no Uta
—Shiawase na Yume
—Kangaeru Ashi
—Kuchizusamu Uta
—Umi no Utage Hana no Utage
—Kono Shomotsu wa
—Yoru no Kurage
12. Subete wa Umi e —Gekijouban-Kiseki no Kane
—Gekijouban-Subete wa Umi e
—Monogatari no Hajimari
—Utsukushiki Mono-tachi yo
—Kaijin Debeso (Kanna no Musou 3)
—Akawanikun Irasshai
—Boku no Paris Watashi no Paris
—Kuroneko Rumba
—Montparnasse no Yoru
—Koi wa Makafushigi
13. Kimi yo Hana yo
—Tsukiyo no Mori e
—Ciseaux no Theme
—Aijou Ippai
—Yozora no Hana
—Sumire Chachacha
—Kore ga Revue! (Full Version/Bonus Track)
—Tsubasa (Tanaka Kouhei Version/Bonus Track)
14. Hana no Youni Yume no Youni
—Ohayou Good Morning
—Nakama-tachi yo
Disk 6
1. Kagayaku, Ginza Street
—Kibou no Hoshi yo
—Neko Odori
—Aku no Hana
—Fusehime Kigen
2. Mirai no Kyoudai-tachi e
—Saboten Mambo
—Dokidoki Audition
—Hoshi yo
—Ragtime Show
—Ai no Hi wo Seine ni Tomose
—Natsu ga Kita
—Waga Na wa Javert
—Itoshiki Hito yo
—Koganemochi wa Kanemochi da
—Koi no Deai
—Waga Kokoro ni Naru Kane
—Nanairo no Niji
—Natsu no Nichikado
—Yoshuu Fukushuu Memo Kaki Benkyou
—Sunset Summer
—Trump no Uramote
—Yuuki Rinrin
—Kodomo no Yume wa
—Kaizoku Kagyou
—Umi no Jo’ou
—Yasei no Otakebi
3. Takarajima ~Yuuki no Hata wo~
4. Namida yo, Au revoir
5. Canariya
—Mihata no Moto ni (Ecole de Paris Version)
6. Romance
—Yodel Musou
—Lucky Man
—Usotsuki Oomu
—Waratte Shine
—Daidako no Uta
—Lucky Man
—Akawani Dansu
7. Chattes Noires
8. Misterious
9. Yunhua ~Revue Ouka Ranbu~
—Watashi wa Ima...
—Ginza Koushinkyoku
—Eien no Inochi
—Tenjiku Doko da!?
—Bakabakashiku mo Arigataku mo
—Nageki to Kanashimi
—Mouja no Uta
—Akutoku no Hanabira
10. Shin Saiyuuki ~Inochi ga Meguri Sekai ga Tsunagaru Toki~
11. Samurai Damashii
—Imadoro Boushite Kita yo
—Kanna no Musou ~Radio demo Yaranai Taisou na Koto~
—Ore ni wa Ore no Jingi ga
—Chouju no Momo
—Okane da ze! Everybody
—Ushimaou no Daienkai
—Inochi Hateru Toki
12. Akuma no Youni
13. Koi wa Speed
14. Mihata no Moto ni (Le Nouveau Paris OVA version)
15. Circus
16. Yoru no Kisetsu
Disk 7
1. Modern Boogie
2. Kurayami no Ou
3. Nigatsu no Akai Hana
4. Chijou no Senshi
5. Koko wa Paradise ~Littlelip Theater no Theme~
6. Hana no Revue
—Koi wo Shimashou
—Mi yo Akatsuki ni
—Toki no Nagare ni
—Yume no Naja ni
—Karen na Hana yo, Tsuyoi Hans yo
—Neko no Uta, Inu no Uta
—Yoru no Rondo, Hikari no Sonata
7. Kibou ~Shin Aoi Tori~ yori
8. Boku no Yume
9. Downtown Heart
10. Bounty Hunter Rika
11. Aru Hi Aozora Miagete
12. Kagayaku Seiza
14. Kiss me sweet
Disk 8
1. The City
2. Over the Rainbow Sunshine
—Modern Gang
—Yokubou no Machi
—OH! Manjuu Tengoku
—Aoki Hono’o
—Koi Uta
—Hana wo Kazarou
—Cafe Tiger
—Modern Boys
—Cafe Tiger
3. Revue ~Shin Aoi Tori~
4. Watashi no Aruku Michi
5. Christmas Paris
6. Tenshi no Hitomi
7. Anato to Naraba ~Around the World~
8. Sono Na wa Rodeo
9. Viva! Harlem
10. Ai no Hana
11. Jungle Revue
12. Try
13. Atashi Naichaimasu [bonus track]
14. Hana Bon-Bori [bonus track]
15. Geki! Tei ~Saishuushou (Finale)~
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ryuukia · 6 years
Some sort of Christmas Present thingy (I guess?)
If you’ve checked my blog these days then you might have seen my proposal. Since the Christmas spirit is slowly taking over me, I decided to take on one translation request, winner generated through random number generator. (It ended up more with tsukiuta than tsukipro, but please read the rules for tsukipro)
You can look up this list below read more, choose one item you want me to translate and send me that through ask. The limit date is 20th of December!
Before that, here are a few rules:
You can send only one ask (please don’t try to cheat using anon ask, I left that available for those who want to participate but don’t have tumblr accounts)
You can send the ask either directly or as anon (but respect rule 1 and send only one ask)
You can select one thing from the list or send me a title of your own if it’s not listed below and it’s not translated by someone else (I didn’t really add tsukipro CDs since I don’t really know which were translated, but I have a slightly idea)
I tried not to add things that were translated before, but if I did end up doing that please let me know and I’ll remove it from the list
For now I’m decided on only one winner, but if there are more than let’s say hmmm 35 requests? I’ll choose 3 winners
Feel free to ask me any questions about it
No, I won’t share the CDs or scans
Might add more rules as time passs?
Now here’s the list (sorry I gave up on naming them like halfway)
Tsukiuta 2nd season (duet CDs)
>Tsukiutaya shop smartphone case short story tokuten:
-Datte Mada Mada Avant-Title -Koi Wasuregusa -Inocencia -Hajimari no Haru -Rainy Day -Tsuki to, Hoshi to, Maboroshi to -Childish flower -Kimi ni Hana wo, Kimi ni Hoshi wo -DA KAI -Awai Hana -Sing Together Forever -Celestite
>Tsukiutaya shop bag short story tokuten:
-Datte Mada Mada Avant-Title -Koi Wasuregusa -Inocencia -Hajimari no Haru -Rainy Day -Tsuki to, Hoshi to, Maboroshi to -Childish flower -Kimi ni Hana wo, Kimi ni Hoshi wo -DA KAI -Awai Hana -Sing Together Forever -Celestite
>Tsukiutaya shop pouch short story tokuten: -Datte Mada Mada Avant-Title -Koi Wasuregusa -Inocencia -Hajimari no Haru -Rainy Day -Tsuki to, Hoshi to, Maboroshi to -Childish flower -Kimi ni Hana wo, Kimi ni Hoshi wo -DA KAI -Awai Hana -Sing Together Forever -Celestite
Tsukiuta 3rd Season:
- Kisaragi Koi [Radical Lovecal] Mini Drama (ft. Iku)
- Kannaduki Iku [Lost My God] Mini Drama (ft. Koi)
- Joint Live Intermission: Kakeru & Rui's MC corner
- Joint Live Intermission: Haru & Kai's MC corner
- Joint Live Intermission: Arata & You's MC corner
- Joint Live Intermission: Aoi & Yoru's MC corner
- Joint Live Intermission: Koi & Iku's MC corner
- Tokuten for buying all 12 volumes: Joint live's backstage entrance
Tsukiuta Female Solo 2nd Series:
- Momosaki Hina [Kono Koneko no Ko] Drama Part
- Terase Yuno [My Longing] Drama Part
- Motomiya Matsuri [Tawamure Hayashi ni Koikogare] Drama Part
- Asagiri Akane [Sepia] Drama Part
- Tokuten for buying all 12 volumes: Girls' live backstage ~Let's have lunch!~
Unit Singles:
- Six Gravity Unit Song [Gravity] Short Story paper
- Procellarum Unit Song [ONE CHANCE] Short Story paper
- Interlocked Purchase Short Story paper "After a certain live is over" (ft all 12)
Anikuji (CDs):
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-1 Award: Hajime & Haru
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-2 Award: Arata & Aoi
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-3 Award: Kakeru & Koi
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-4 Award: Hajime & Arata
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-5 Award: Aoi & Kakeru
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-6 Award: Haru & Koi
-Procellarum Anikuji B-1 Award: Shun & Kai
-Procellarum Anikuji B-2 Award: You & Yoru
-Procellarum Anikuji B-3 Award: Rui & Iku
-Procellarum Anikuji B-4 Award: Shun & You
-Procellarum Anikuji B-5 Award: Kai & Rui
-Procellarum Anikuji B-6 Award: Yoru & Iku
Other CDs:
- Tsukiuta Ikebukuro Tsukineko Monogatari
- Uduki Arata's Rabbit Fair: "Tsukiuta in Wonderland" Special Tokuten Drama CD
- Tsukiuta Koi & Arata's tokuten Tsukiraji Bussiness Trip Edition
- Tsukiuta Tsukipro Festa in Stuffing Oshi things (ive no idea how to word this lol)
- Tsukiutaya Shop antenashop kaiten kinen manezu eigyou tour ☆ tennai housou CD
- Tsukiuta nenmatsu jump kuji D-Award " AGF 2014 Tsukiutaya Naration CD"
>Super comic city 25 Charity Book: Kimi ni hana o ageyou (this on features tsukipro characters too)
> Tsukitomo Animate Set Booklet
> Monthly Tsukiuta 2014 Special Edition:
-One year anniversary roundtable discussion: Seniors ver
-One year anniversary roundtable discussion: Middle group ver
-One year anniversary roundtable discussion: Juniors ver
-Cast Interview: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
- Goddesses talk
- Tsukiuta diagram 12-5 Men + Women
- Interview with Jiku-sensei
- January & February interview (about their songs): Men + Women
- Dorms plans ft March representants
- Tsukiuta diagram 1-12 Men
- More interviews with staff members
> [AGF 2014] Monthly Tsukiuta 2014 Special Edition:
-Two years anniversary roundtable discussion: Seniors ver -Two years anniversary roundtable discussion: Middle Group ver -Two years anniversary roundtable discussion: Juniors ver -Cast Interview (Men ver): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 -Cast Interview (Female ver): 1-12 - Christmas talk between the juniors - Christmas talk between Gravi, Procella and Fluna - Festival of seven herbs discussion ft Middle group -Adult day (?) discussion ft seniors - Tsukiuta Poll (men & women) // basically top lists for stuffs like "who do you want to have as you boyfriend/girlfriend etc - To you who meets us for the first time (convo ft juniors) - To you who meets us for the first time (convo ft middle group) - To you who meets us for the first time (convo ft seniors)
>Tsukiuta Summer Holiday (Diary with one entry for each day)
>Tsukipro Dark Stew short story booklet
>Tsukipro Dark Stew 2 short story booklet > [Focus] Solids Fanbook (for this prob interviews) > TSUKIPRO SHOP in HARAJUKU Item Line-up SEXY☆SENSE mini story paper > TSUKIPRO SHOP in HARAJUKU Item Line-up Tokyo Love Junky mini story paper
>Character Songs:
- Vol.1 Animate ss paper ft shiki
-Vol.2 Animate ss paper ft Rikka
-Vol.4  Animate ss paper ft Dai
- Tokuten for buying all 4 volumes (mini drama CD)
- Tokuten for buying all 4 volumes (mini drama CD)
MY☆STAR Vol.3 -Cross Talk (Gravi & Procella) -Question for leader (Hajime & Shun + Kai & Haru) -More questions (Junios/Middle Group) -SolidS interview -Growth interview -SOARA interview
MY☆STAR Vol.8 - Love song for you - Special Interview (Arata, Aoi, You, Yoru) - Let's Sing a love song!! SolidS side - Let's Sing a love song!! QUELL side - Let's Sing a love song!! SOARA side - Let's Sing a love song!! Growth side
Dengeki Girl's Style (October 2015 issue) - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Kisaragi Koi [Radical Lovecal] - Interview with Koi's voice actor, Masuda Toshiki - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Kannaduki Iku [Lost My God] - Interview with Iku's voice actor, Ono Kensho
Dengeki Girl's Style (November 2015 issue) - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Satsuki Aoi [Harukaze to Hibari] - Interview with Aoi's voice actor, KENN - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Nagatsuki Yoru [Yuuyake Days] - Interview with Yoru's voice actor, Kondo Takashi
Dengeki Girl's Style (December 2015 issue) - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Mutsuki Hajime [Aa. Kami wo Nadete, Hoho wo Nadete, Omae wo Aishite yaru] - Interview with Hajime's voice actor, Toriumi Kousuke - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Shimotsuki Shun [Monochrome Sky] - Interview with Shun's voice actor, Kimura Ryohei
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Setsugetsuka (Español)
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Intérprete: STARISH, QUARTET NIGHT Ittoki Otoya (CV. Terashima Takuma), Hijirikawa Masato (CV. Suzumura Kenichi), Shinomiya Natsuki (CV. Taniyama Kishou), Ichinose Tokiya (CV. Miyano Mamoru), Jinguji Ren (CV. Suwabe Junichi), Kurusu Syo (CV. Shimono Hiro), Aijima Cecil (CV. Toriumi Kousuke), Kotobuki Reiji (CV. Morikubo Showtaro), Kurosaki Ranmaru (CV. Suzuki Tatsuhisa), Mikaze Ai (Aoi Shouta), Camus (CV. Maeno Tomoaki)
Single: Setsugetsuka
Fecha de lanzamiento: 21 noviembre 2018
雪月花 Setsugetsuka Nieve, luna y flores
月灯りの道標は Tsukiakari no michishirube wa La guía de la luz de luna
彷徨う身の寂しさすら照らし癒す Samayou mi no sabishisa sura terashi iyasu Cura e ilumina incluso la soledad de este cuerpo deambulante
儚く満ちては…欠けゆく Hakanaku michite wa… Kake yuku Que sea creciente es efímero… Pues va a menguar
美麗の夜に時を教え Mirei no yo ni toki o oshie El tiempo de enseñanza en la hermosa noche
恋からどこへと舞うか? Koi kara doko eto mau ka? Hay amor así que, ¿dónde vas a bailar?
百花の想い Hyakka no omoi El pensamiento de cientos de flores
その愛あるから強く Sono ai aru kara tsuyoku Y ya que hay amor, fuertemente
咲き誇り立てる Saki hokori tateru Florecerá plena y orgullosamente
降り積もった奇跡の瞬間は Furi tsumotta kiseki no toki wa El milagroso momento en que la nieve cayó y se apiló
純白世界から Junpaku sekai kara Desde un mundo de un blanco puro
雪解けの春へと Yukidoke no haru eto A la primavera de nieve derritiéndose
雪月花薫る時に最も君を憶うよ Setsugekka kaoru toki ni motto mo kimi o omou yo Te recuerdo especialmente cuando huelo la nieve, la luna o las flores
千切れはしない∞(むげんだい)の心で Chigire wa shinai mugen dai no kokoro de En el corazón infinito no se harán pedazos
過去も現在も未来も Kako mo genzai mo mirai mo El pasado, el presente y el futuro
Uh…そのどれもが「イノチ」に Uh… Sono dore mo ga “inochi” ni Uh… Todos ellos son la “vida”
愛してる Aishiteru Te amo
愛してる Aishiteru Te amo
溶け合いたい Doke aitai Quiero que un instante y la eternidad
刹那も永遠も Setsuna mo eien mo Se fundan
抱き締めて Dakishimete Y abrazarte
どんな時も月は消えない Donna toki mo tsuki wa kienai La luna no desaparecerá en cualquier momento
雲がかかり雨の涙落ちてきても Kumo ga kakari ame no namida ochite kite mo E incluso si está nublado y caen las lágrimas de la lluvia
嗚呼いつの日にか...晴れ間に Aa itsu no hi ni ka… Hare ma ni Ah, algún día… Estará despejado
星と浮かび君を守る Hoshi to ukabi kimi o mamoru Y las estrellas flotantes te protegerán
始まりがあれば終わる Hajimari ga areba owaru Si hay un inicio, también hay un final
花の一生 Hana no issho La vida entera de las flores
潔 姿が胸に Isagiyoki sugata ga mune ni El valor, con una forma pura
勇気を咲かせる Yuuki o sakaseru Florece en mi pecho
冷たさを知っている…だから Tsumetasa o shitteiru… Dakara Conozco la frialdad… Y por ello
温もりに気付ける Nukumori no kizukeru Me preocupo por la calidez
手と手の優しさも Te to te no yasashisa mo Así como por la gentileza al tomarnos de las manos
雪月花薫る時に最も君を憶うよ Setsugekka kaoru toki ni motto mo kimi o omou yo Te recuerdo especialmente cuando huelo la nieve, la luna o las flores
この世にある愛の言葉全部で Kono yo ni aru ai no kotoba zenbu de Con todas las palabras de amor que hay en este mundo
重ねてきたキスの数の Kasanete kita kisu no kazu no El número de besos que se han venido acumulando
Uh…ときめきを超えてゆこう Uh… Tokimeki o koete yukou Uh… Y va más allá de los latidos
離さない Hanasanai No te dejaré ir
離さない Hanasanai No te dejaré ir
ずっとずっと Zutto zutto Siempre, siempre
哀しみ喜びも Kanashimi yorokobi mo Compartiremos
分けあって Wake atte La tristeza y la alegría
不安,切なさに今も負けそうになる Fuan, setsunasa ni ima mo make sou ni naru La ansiedad y la tristeza de que incluso ahora parece que voy a perder
この胸張り裂けてしまいそうに Kono mune hari saketeshimai sou ni Pareciera que mi pecho va a estallar
そんな時には思い出すんだ Sonna toki ni wa omoi dasunda Y en ese tipo de momentos recordé
そう…夢じゃないこと Sou… Yume janai koto Sí… Que no había sido un sueño
雪月花薫る時に最も君を憶うよ Setsugekka kaoru toki ni kitto mo kimi o omou yo Te recuerdo especialmente cuando huelo la nieve, la luna o las flores
信じ繋ぐ∞(むげんだい)の心で Shinji tsunagu mugen dai no kokoro de Creo en el corazón infinito que nos conecta,
このユートピアをくれて Kono yuutopia o kurete Que nos da esta utopía
Uh...「生きている」を授けた Uh… “Ikiteiru” o sazuketa Uh… Y nos otorga un “estás vivo”
愛 してる Aishiteru Te amo
愛してる Aishiteru Te amo
君の為に Kimi no tame ni A ti
届けたい伝えたい Todoketai tsutaetai Quiero entregarte y transmitirte
この歌を Kono uta o Esta canción
*Setsugetsuka, que literalmente significa "nieve, luna y flores" es un concepto que viene de un poema Chino escrito por Bai Juyi en donde hace referencia a la belleza de cada una de las estaciones: nieve=invierno luna=otoño y flores=primavera. *El proyecto de Setugetsuka tiene una especie de eslogan que pueden ver en su página oficial y es "Te recuerdo especialmente cuando la nieve, la luna y las flores son hermosas". En los coros viene la misma línea que hace referencia a sus aromas así que decidí dejarla así, pero también se puede interpretar como pongo arriba :D
Apoya comprando el original
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maik-ii · 6 years
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    I’ve been..lazing around and haven’t opened my tumblr in a while...and i’m so sorry for that haha..ha. Anyway, despite my absence, I’ve been reading lots of yaoi mangas, so here are a lot of them that I enjoyed and I hope you enjoy the, as well. Also, I won’t be entertaining questions such as “where do you read this” “what site?” because well...all you have to do is copy and paste the name on google and there ya go. (you could read in myreadingmanga or mangago) I don’t really have the time in linking all of them I hope you understand. 
   Also I might take some from these and post some manga caps finally..just until next week. :( And this list doesn’t really have any category in genres, just manga, doujinshi and if it’s ongoing or completed. 
   Anyway enjoy and happy reading! 
 Yaoi Mangas 
Iki o tomete, ugokanai de by Yoshimi Arai
Afurete Shimau by Afurete Shimau
Akai Ito no Shikkou Yuuyo by Yoshio Akira
Itsuka no Koi to Natsunohate by Shinozaki Mai 
Yarisugi Party Night! by Akatsuki Amama
Secret XXX by Hinohara Meguru
Suzume Favorite by Kuju Siam
Kawaii Obaka-kun by Jimi Fumikawa
Oh! My Young Master! by Tsukinose Maro
Tokyo Boy Meets Country by Takayoshi Yuri 
Jackass! – Sawatte Ii tte Dare ga Itta yo? by Scarlet Beriko 
Noda-ke no Oshie ni Yori by Shimako Wan
Pause by Sosso 
Hana to Ikkun by Abe Akane
Shinyuu tte Soko Made Shinakucha Ikenai No? by Seika
Aioi Musubi by Syaku
Rift by Conro
Kisu mo Dekinakatt by Isaka Juugorou
Dear, My God by Asada Nemui
Junai Caricature by Sado Romeo
Koi da Ai da wa Sateoite by Amamiya
I Hate by Natsume Kazuki
Summer Night Boys by Yoshi
Hajimari Wa Naka Kara by Michinoku Atami
Wazato Janakute mo Gomennasai by Suyama Torico
Oboreru Triangle by Shiramatsu 
Joou to Shitatey by Scarlet Beriko
Uruwashiki Shuen by Fujitobi
Yume Yume Okirukoto Nakare by Narita Haruno 
Yukidoke no Koi by Itz
Koi wa Nanairo Shichihenge by Yamano Deko
Baka ni Koi toka Shoujiki Muri ja ne? by Takahira Rito
Kakurenbo Honey by Tobidase Kevin 
Kuzu Seito to Stalker-Sensei by Kasui 
Kanawanu Koi no Musubikata by Yoshio Akira 
Veggie Channel by Tsugaru 
Usachan Ookami by Katoh Muu 
Ookami wo Karu Housoku by J. L. Langley/ Mamahara Ellie
SM Gokko by Mitsui Tsubaki
Real not Equal Game Root H by Uehara Ar
Kimi to no Dogfight by Yuugi
Scratch Blue by Mitsuya Bond
Kimi no Oto ga Nari Yamanai by Cielo
Yoidore Koi o Sezu by Hashimoto Aoi
Anata wa Iyarashii Hito by Kashima Kotaru 
Therapy Game by Hinohara Meguru 
Wakaki Taketora-kun no Nayami by Panda
Koibito Kakin by Tokishiba 
Doutei ni Ai Nante Sakebenai! by Yamada Papiko
Asterisk by Torino Shino
DoS Obake ga Nekasetekurenai by Tokishiba 
Koiyume Lover by Conro
Namae mo Shiranai Machiawase by Mizuhara Zakuro
Sofure Buka by Kakine 
Principle by Sachimo
Kamisama no Uroko by Hinohara Meguru
Itsuka Koi ni Naru Made by KurahashiTomo
Honjitsu kara no Rinjinai by Sagano
Kajou Mousou Shounen by Pii
Ai ni Dekinai Koi wa Iya by Hanakawa Chito
Muka Tsuku Douryou to Sefure ni Narimashita by U
Boku no Omawarisan by Niyama
Yagi to Ookami no Hatsujou Jijou by Tokishiba
Sei Shun Kinema by Sachimo 
Goriyou wa Keikakutekini by Niyama
Tenshi no Sasayaki wa Akuma wo Otosu by Soutome Emu
Itsuka Kimi ni Korosareru by Sakurabi Hashigo
Color Recipe by Harada
Haru Ga Kita by Mochinokome
Sensei, Anata ni Chikadukitai by Yoshi
Like a Sugar by NagoNayuta 
BL of the Dead by Various Artists
Kirei na Onii-san ni Horeraremashita by Yumeuta Yotsuba 
Momichupa Oppabu Osu Time by Ikuyasu
Shitasaki ni Yoake no Aji by Aki Ueda 
Ore no Shiranai Murakami-kun by Himuka Tohru
Shinkonsan! by Chishanomi
Shirouto Yankee Kikiippatsu!! by Happy Yaku
Batsu Game by Conro
Kamengoshi ni, Kiss by Mineshima Nawako
Akakute Amai by Megu Iroha
Kuchi no Naka no Shita by Nya-nya
On the Bed – Hidoku Shinaide dj by Nekota Yonezou
Kimi de Hitori Asobi – Hidoku Shinaide dj  by Nekota Yonezou
Free! dj – Summer Christmas by Zatta 
Yuri on Ice dj – Stay Close to Me  by Yaki
Yuri on Ice dj – Welcome to the New World by Lionni (Saaya)
One Punch Man dj – I’ll resolve your Rise-Up, Sensei! by ZawarC
Yuri on Ice dj – Forget me not by Underwater
Yuri on Ice dj – One Day by Vivid Star
Yuri on Ice dj – I’m in Love by 3cloudy
Yuri on Ice dj – Nemureru Ore no Ouji-sama by OJmomo(Yoshi)
Free! dj – Morning ➞ Night by Kahru
Kuroko no Basuke dj – Shower Shower Time by IQ3000
Yuri on Ice dj – We Are Young by Rokunou (Bokujou)
Yuri on Ice dj – Happily ever after by Kojirase Cherry (Kitano)
Yowamushi Pedal dj – Slow Sex Life by Mimee
Haikyuu!! dj – Danran Biyori by Zenra/ Takamachi
Tadaima Okaeri dj – Tomodachi ni Narou by Ichikawa Ichi
Haikyuu!! dj – Saraba yo, Sarabaj by Zenra / Takamachi
(Trigger warnings: Some may have extreme fluff and smut and angst, some may have rape, incest?, dead people, dangerous amount of muscles and some uncensored dicks. Just...read it at your own risk)
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ljaesch · 3 years
The Springtime of My Life Began With You Manga to End in July 2021
The Springtime of My Life Began With You Manga to End in July 2021
The August 2021 issue of Kodansha’s Dessert magazine has announced that Nikki Asada’s The Springtime of My Life Began with You (Kimi to Aoi Haru no Hajimari) manga will end in the magazine’s next issue on July 26, 2021. The story of the manga is described as: Suehiro is a quiet girl, who prefers the excitement of her books to the real-life anxieties of friends. She’d been perfectly happy in her…
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mangadore · 4 months
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Manga the Week of 5/12/21
SEAN: Happy Mother’s Day! Let’s look for some manga that you can safely show to Mom.
Airship has two early digital releases, Adachi & Shimamura 5 and Failure Frame 2.
Debuting in print is Drugstore in Another World: The Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist. And we get the 2nd Muscles Are Better Than Magic as well.
ASH: I didn’t pick it up digitally, but am still vaguely intrigued by Drugstore in Another World.
MELINDA: I’m intrigued by the title alone.
SEAN: Dark Horse has a 6th omnibus volume for Gantz.
J-Novel Club has a few digital manga titles that I missed last time that are out this week. Apologies to An Archdemon’s Dilemma 5, Bibliophile Princess 2, and Record of Wortenia War 2. This is the danger of not adding “LLC” to your searches.
ASH: It can make a difference.
SEAN: As for this week, in terms of manga we have Ascendance of a Bookworm 7 and Mapping 2.
In terms of digital light novels, we get The Greatest Magicmaster’s Retirement Plan 9 and In Another World with My Smartphone 22.
Kodansha has a few print volumes next week. We get Don’t Toy with me, Miss Nagatoro 7, Sachi’s Monstrous Appetite 2, and Yuzu the Pet Vet 5.
MICHELLE: I still need to check out Yuzu.
ASH: I’ll have to admit the same.
SEAN: Digitally the debut is The Springtime of My Life Began with You (Kimi to Aoi Haru no Hajimari), a shoujo title from Dessert. The author’s had a lot of titles out over here, some from Kodansha (The Dorm of Love and Secrets, The Prince’s Romance Gambit) and some via Media Do’s many and varied company names (Heart Break Club). A popular guy is forced, as a punishment game, to ask out the quiet, shy girl in front of the whole class. The trouble is… he insists he really likes her!
ANNA: Those popular guys and their shenanigans!
MICHELLE: I know this concept is not the greatest, but I think the cover is pretty and enjoyed The Dorm of Love and Secrets, so I’ll be giving this a shot.
SEAN: We also get Ace of the Diamond 32, My Roomie Is a Dino 5, Nina the Starry Bride 2, Peach Boy Riverside 7, Saint Young Men 12, and Those Snow White Notes 4, voted “series most likely to get behind on” by Manga Bookshelf.
ANNA: I haven’t read the first volume so I’m sure I’m behind.
MICHELLE: Gah, so behind. It’s coming out especially quickly for some reason! I’m also in need of a mini-marathon on Ace of the Diamond.
SEAN: One Peace has the 2nd volume of isekai harem title Farming Life in Another World.
Seven Seas has FOUR debuts next week. We’ll start with My Alcoholic Escape from Reality (Genjitsu Touhi Shitetara Boroboro ni Natta Hanashi), the latest biographical manga from the creator of My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness, which promises to be as riveting as the previous book’s she’s given us. It ran in Matogrosso, put out by small publisher East Press.
ANNA: Oh wow.
ASH: They’re good but hard-hitting manga.
SEAN: Ride Your Wave (Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara) is a one-volume manga adaptation of the movie of the same name, and ran in Shogakukan’s Deluxe Betsucomi.
MICHELLE: Hm. It’s sports-adjacent, seems like.
SEAN: School Zone Girls is a title from Mag Garden’s MagComi about two troublemaking girls who’ve been together forever, but are they more than just friends? This seems to emphasize the comedy over the yuri.
Lastly, we get Thigh High: Reiwa Hanamaru Academy (Reiwa Hanamaru Gakuen), a Kodansha title from good! Afternoon, and is about an all-girls school… populated entirely by gorgeous crossdressing men. This one also seems to emphasize the comedy.
ASH: This could be hilariously good or hilariously bad – I’m not sure that I can resist finding out which.
MELINDA: I really don’t know what to expect from this.
SEAN: Also out: Dungeon Builder 4 and Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! 5.
Square Enix debuts I Think Our Son Is Gay (Uchi no Musuko wa Tabun Gay), a Gangan Pixiv title about a mom who has realized that her son is keeping a secret. This is supposed to be very good.
ANNA: I’m curious.
ASH: Really looking forward to this one.
MELINDA: I’m excited to read this one!
SEAN: They also have By the Grace of the Gods’ 2nd manga volume.
SuBLime wins the title of the week competition with the debut of Dick Fight Island (8nin no Senshi), a long-running title from Libre Shuppan’s Be x Boy Gold. The synopsis… is pretty much not work safe, but can probably be guessed from the title.
ANNA: I don’t think anyone could buy that manga and be confused about what they’re getting.
ASH: I likewise suspect that it is unlikely.
MELINDA: I mean. Well.
SEAN: They also have Vol. 2 of Don’t Be Cruel: plus+.
Speaking of BL, Tokyopop has a one-shot title, The Treasure of the King and the Cat (Ou to Neko no Himitsu), about a king investigating a series of disappearances who gets caught up in magic.
They also have Ossan Idol 3.
No debuts for Viz, but we get Fly Me to the Moon 5, Fullmetal Alchemist: Fullmetal Edition 13, Pokemon Sun & Moon 10, Rin-Ne 39, Splatoon 12, A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow 7, and Yo-Kai Watch 17.
ASH: Some great ongoing series in that list!
SEAN: That’s it. See anything maternal? I Think Our Son Is Gay looks like the best choice. I’d avoid Dick Fight Island. Unless your mom loves BL.
By: Sean Gaffney
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papervine · 2 years
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hatsumishinogu · 3 years
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Kimi to Aoi Haru no Hajimari Vol.4
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tsukipro-en · 7 years
Tsukino Paradise: Live Song List
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■ Unit: Six Gravity & Procellarum ♪ ツキノウタ。 (Tsuki no Uta.) Unlock requirements: Reach rank 45, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 12 Part 5
■ Unit: Six Gravity ♪ GRAVITIC-LOVE Unlock requirements: Clear the main tutorial
■ Unit: Six Gravity ♪ GRAVITY! Unlock requirements: Reach rank 2, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 1 Part 5
■ Unit: Shiwasu Kakeru & Kisaragi Koi ♪ だってまだまだアバンタイトル (Datte Mada Mada Avant-Title) Unlock requirements: Reach rank 7, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 3 Part 4
■ Unit: Uduki Arata & Satsuki Aoi ♪ Rainy Day Unlock requirements: Reach rank 15, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 5 Part 4
■ Unit: Yayoi Haru & Mutsuki Hajime ♪ ハジマリノハル (Hajimari no Haru) Unlock requirements: Reach rank 23, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 7 Part 4
■ Unit: Satsuki Aoi & Uduki Arata ♪ 月と、星と、まぼろしと (Tsuki to, Hoshi to, Maboroshi to) Unlock requirements: Reach rank 32, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 9 Part 5
■ Unit: Mutsuki Hajime & Yayoi Haru ♪ 恋忘れ草 (Koi Wasuregusa) Unlock requirements: Reach rank 37, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 10 Part 5
■ Unit: Procellarum ♪ LOLV -Lots of Love- Unlock requirements: Clear the main tutorial
■ Unit: Procellarum ♪ ONE CHANCE? Unlock requirements: Reach rank 3, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 2 Part 5
■ Unit: Shimotsuki Shun & Fuduki Kai ♪ Celestite Unlock requirements: Reach rank 11, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 4 Part 4
■ Unit: Kannaduki Iku & Minaduki Rui ♪ Sing Together Forever Unlock requirements: Reach rank 19, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 6 Part 4
■ Unit: Fuduki Kai & Shimotsuki Shun ♪ 君に花を、君に星を (Kimi ni Hana wo, Kimi ni Hoshi wo) Unlock requirements: Reach rank 42, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 11 Part 5
■ Unit: Haduki You & Nagatsuki Yoru ♪ DA☆︎KAI Unlock requirements: Reach rank 27, read Tsukiuta. Chapter 8 Part 4
■ Unit: SolidS ♪ S.N.P Unlock requirements: Reach rank 6, read SolidS Chapter 1 Part 4
■ Unit: SolidS ♪ Labyrinth Unlock requirements: Reach rank 14, read SolidS Chapter 2 Part 4
■ Unit: SolidS ♪ Exit of Days Unlock requirements: Reach rank 22, read SolidS Chapter 3 Part 4
■ Unit: SolidS ♪ TIGHT/NIGHT Unlock requirements: Reach rank 30, read SolidS Chapter 4 Part 4
■ Unit: SolidS ♪ CRAZY BABY SHOW Unlock requirements: Clear the main tutorial
■ Unit: SOARA ♪ 花咲く丘で (Hanasaku Oka de) Unlock requirements: Reach rank 6, read ALIVE Chapter 1 Part 4
■ Unit: SOARA ♪ S.O.A.R.A Unlock requirements: Clear the main tutorial
■ Unit: SOARA ♪ マクガフィン (Macguffin) Unlock requirements: Clear the main tutorial
■ Unit: Growth ♪ 自由の鳥 (Jiyuu no Tori) Unlock requirements: Reach rank 14, read ALIVE Chapter 2 Part 4
■ Unit: Growth ♪ ラダ・キアナ (Rudder Qiana) Unlock requirements: Clear the main tutorial
■ Unit: Growth ♪ 空想のレトロ (Kuusou no Retro) Unlock requirements: Clear the main tutorial
■ Unit: TSUKICRO ♪ 未来のPiece (Mirai no Piece) Unlock requirements: Clear the main tutorial
■ Unit: TSUKICRO ♪ グロリアスストーリー (Glorious Story) Unlock requirements: Clear the main tutorial
■ Unit: TSUKICRO ♪ I need you Unlock requirements: Clear the main tutorial
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