#Kingsbridge Homes
kingsbridgehomes1 · 8 months
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Kingsbridge Homes: Your Premier Home Builders in Victoria
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kingsbridgehomes · 1 year
Kingsbridge Homes | Best Home Builders Melbourne
Kingsbridge Homes stands as the epitome of excellence among home builders in Melbourne. With a commitment to quality craftsmanship and innovative designs, we create bespoke homes that surpass expectations. Trust our experienced team to bring your vision to life, delivering unparalleled beauty, functionality, and luxury. Discover the best in home building with Kingsbridge Homes and turn your dreams into reality.
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Stay tuned for our new Teen Take-Home Kits, coming soon: Origami Flowers!
These kits will be available at the service desk for teens ages 12-18 after we've given away the last of our Gratitude Journals.
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birbwell · 9 months
For the ship ask Tom and Philip with 5, 7, 8, 12, 19, 20, 21 (sorry I chose a lot, feel free to pick favourites xx)
5. Who does what chores?
picturing the setting of canon PotE, like. I cannot picture them in a shared living space, and both the places where they live are probably very neat, all chores done, despite the work (but you know Tom's family is carrying a lot of the cleaning. the construction is practically his house chore since he lives here LMAO) in a modern AU shared home though. they're both incredibly diligent so they'd probably do a lot of the same things! working dads who still somehow manage to get a relatively clean space Despite children. they r working miracles in there
7. Who is the more romantic one?
Tom is more physically affectionate, sort of same as he was with Agnes and Ellen, but Philip has asked him to tone it down bc well! not used to it + a lot more chaste. he has to ease into it yknow ! though Philip is surprisingly very sappy w words.. kind of cringe of him :]
12. Who gets up the earliest? Who has the worst sleep schedule? Who is the sleepiest?
no contest Philip is getting up earlier for matins & lauds. nothing earlier than after midnight babey. i think Philip would be the sleepiest. busiest guy in Kingsbridge
19. How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
i keep thinking about the fact that Tom insisted to build Aliena a nice stone house because it was befitting of a noble. his One thing being his love language sort of... thinking about if Tom finds out that they're converting the prior house to a scriptorium and he suggests having another structure built, or something else converted, despite his good sense. There Is Not Enough Materials For That. and he then suggests building a humble house around the close. which. i'm not sure if Philip would agree to that (though i do like the idea), but it's clear that there's affection in that. also! He Is Cathedral Infodumping and Philip. considering hes such a cagey guy, i think little gestures like touches to the arm and feeling comfortable enough to complain about the workload is everything. he indulges Tom with more fanciful questions about masonry and cathedral architecture, tries to look after/look out for his children... Philip doesnt even know that Jonathan is Tom's son. it's not a direct expression of love for him but i still wanted to bring up, just- Philip's affection towards Jonathan, picking him up as he stumbles and replying to his nonsense Latin... fall in love with him beam
20. What clothes/accessories do they steal from each other?
a tunic or two of Tom's would go missing, purely by accident. look at them both and tell me if anything Philip could wear would fit Tom
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and Philip owns literally nothing else!! have mercy on the man sniff
21. Which of their friends/family pokes fun at them for them getting flustered/affectionate?
I THINK ONLY A SELECT FEW PEOPLE WOULD KNOW BECAUSE. well. i think Ellen knows and makes jabs at Tom's taste and affections ("you could fall in love with anyone and it had to be a monk!"). initially Serious then more teasing. though dont get me wrong shes still Squints at Philip and would probably become more vigilant of his actions because of this in a modern AU you Know Tom's kids are giving him shit about it. you Know Martha says some variant of "why does my Catholic school teacher call you babygirl". you know Philip would tell Milius and he would never hear the end of it.
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thingsreadinthedark · 11 months
Checking In
Hey - it’s been a minute. Life has been busy as hell.
At the inspiration of a friend… I bought myself a new kindle, and I’m seeing that it’s the wave rn.
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It’s interesting interfacing with new tech because I’m such a staunch iPhone/mobile/app-reader that I’ve conditioned myself to read in a certain way, with a certain layout, at a certain brightness and at a certain speed on my device. All of that, with this kindle, and more has been upended.
I’m having fun with the kindle and feel like I may reduce the amount of books in my home which frees up counter and shelf space.
Anyway, how’s things?
I’m currently realizing that I’m not going to make my GR book self-challenge this year and honestly, I’m good with that. Life is life-ing and time ain’t what it used to be - even I always try to grasp my free time with both hands. ALSO, we still have like 5 months of the year so I’m hopeful things will always improve, but I’m also alright if it stays right where it is!
Currently reading:
Big Machine by Victor LaValle on the Kindle — it’s dope. I started reading this book A LONG TIME AGO but then in typical cnx fashion, I forgot about it. I started it over and am remembering why I enjoyed it the first time around. I love LaValle’s writing style. No, I haven’t read The Changeling.. but Lone Women was great.
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett - still! I’m picking away at it and nope I won’t let it go. I love the story so far. It’s calming to read even tho there’s so much DRAMA in Kingsbridge Priory.
The Same River Twice by Alice Walker — this is a niche work. I love niche works because it allows super fans to dig deep. It’s the equivalent of a rare find when crate digging and I’m so glad that my mind told me: Chantel, buy this book when I was in a BMV in Downtown Toronto. Best $7 bucks I ever spent so far and learning about the process of creation, the emotional turmoil and the fight to right oneself after being dragged for absolutely no reason. I’m feeling all the feelings with mother Alice Walker and I’m feeling like Salamishah Tillet right now.
Anyway, you know I’m always reading a whole lot more.. checking out some magazines and newspapers and AVSI’s. Blog visitors might see some random posts that are literally just interesting tidbits, as usual, from the daily reading. I just felt like I haven’t touched base in a minute. So I wanted to wake this shit up! 👋🏽🙋🏾‍♀️😊
- Chantel
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mutenized · 2 years
Caterwaul - 1
Romania was your home; one you knew so well as you traveled with your family. Yet when your beloved father lost his high paying job, the company he once found as his competitor offered him a new position; he couldn't help but say yes. It was too late when he realized it was a ploy. In the middle of the night, you were taken away from comfort. You were treated like a princess for the first week, of course - you were only six, but the moment you began to disobey and cry for your family, the experiments began. Chemically engineered serums were given to you just to see what the outcomes would be. They didn’t care if you died. They wanted power. What they didn’t know was that over the ten years you were in their custody, you got stronger with each injection of their newest and modified concoction. Just as they took you, you disappeared in the middle of the night with the help of a rogue employee. It’s now 2016, you’ve graduated from Midtown High and have a partner in anti-crime.
New York City has a name for you.
Characters: TASM! Peter Parker, mentions of Gwen Stacy, Flash, and Aunt May
Ship: TASM! Peter Parker x Gender-neutral! reader
Warning(s): angsty! There are mentions of anxiety/panic attacks, grief, weapons, loss of life, light self-loathing, kidnapping, trauma, torture, etc. NOTHING EXTREMELY DETAILED
A/N: Caterwaul is a synonym for scream, which, will come handy later on in the series. I was watching Tick, Tick, Boom and inspo. struck like a ton of bricks. I genuinely should be cleaning right now but....
Word Count: 1.9k
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Sitting in the middle of New York City’s biggest park was usually a tourist’s dream; the beautiful scenery paired with people watching and not to mention, the history surrounding every square inch. Yet to you, it was the best place to stalk your prey. That being the people of the underground crime groups, those who found their purpose serving criminal overlords, or the ones that had enough money to fund their radical ideals to make the city you call home their very own palace or playing grounds. Though your face was tucked down into a book that you had randomly plucked off the shelf of your worn-down bookcase, your ears picked up every sharp detail of those passing by. Enhanced hearing that you gained after being held captive by one of these underground crime circuits as a child in Romania helped you filter through innocent tourists and citizens trying to make ends meet from the men with deep pockets and their equally corrupt followers who, you find, cannot keep their mouths shut.
Picking up on the sudden clammer of rubber soles of steel toed boots, your spine straightened, and ears perked up as you tuned into the group of three people walking past. Their hushed tones paired with racing heartbeats gave away their excitement, or was it anxiety? That was something you could decipher later but for now, you picked up a pen and began to scribble notes into the empty margins of the chapter your eyes were focused on with a dead stare.
‘Kingsbridge Heights, big meeting, construction site, ‘big boss unveiling new weapons’
Well Shit.
With a huff, you catch other details you found pertinent to finding out the actual location and who “big boss” is. Once the three were out of sight, your hands worked quickly in pulling out your phone. This was the moment you were thankful for the irreversible trauma you experienced from the ages of 6 to 16. Not only did you have enhanced hearing but also enhanced strength and agility, making jumping from rooftop ledge to rooftop ledge as easy as snapping your fingers. Fingertips grazed the keys of your cellphone before pressing send, your book long forgotten in the messenger bag strapped to your side.
With a buzz, you gazed to the screen and a smirk played on your lips while you reached for your skateboard. Pushing off the concrete of Central Park, you made sure to swerve carefully between those walking in front of you. All you wanted to do was get back to the apartment you shared with your best friend, you had met when you transferred to the same high school as him when you found yourself creating a new beginning for yourself and fill him in on what you overheard in detail. The feeling of uneven pavement vibrated your legs as you moved from the smooth pavement to the roads made for those who were well off enough to keep their cars in the city and the annoyingly yellow cabs that littered ever block, swerving through traffic with protest from angry cabbies who blared their horns at any inconvenience that would prevent them from making money.
Shrill rings filled your ears which broke you from the serene thoughts that fluttered around your head like that one God awful PowerPoint transition that Flash would use for every. Single. Project.
Couldn’t he wait until your home in 20 minutes? What did you expect? This is the same kid who spoiled The Force Awakens an hour before he was going out to see it just because he couldn’t wait for the redemption of his favorite movie series.
“Yes Parker?” your voice was soft and melodic against the bustling streets you continued to weave through, though some playful annoyance laced your tone. “What did you find oh so important that you couldn’t wait for my beautiful, ethereal presence?”
An airy scoff filled your ears before rambling and deep breaths. Peter knew to slow down the moment he heard a long pause on your end. It was a habit you both picked up after years of being in each other’s company. “Ok so,” a sigh, “I was already in the area and from what I’ve seen there’s..um..there’s about two dozen construction sites.” Your shoulders shrugged as you turned swiftly down the alley that protected you from anyone who may be listening to you. You could never be too careful in a city that had many characters that had varying intentions.
Peter continued on, the soles of your shoes catching the cobblestone and your free hand grabbing your skateboard before you continued your trek on foot. “5 of them are owned by different father and son companies that are located in the Bronx, 4 are family-owned businesses based in Jersey. The rest? Big name companies that are responsible for putting up those fancy new business buildings and multi-million-dollar apartments around Midtown. However, three companies are- hold on.”
Thwhips and thuds as well as the skidding of gravel on clothed feet signaled to you that Peter was home, you were close behind. A laugh left your lips as you looked up to the sky only to see a panicked red blur flinging off clothes and pulling on a different piece of clothing.
“Pete, I can see you. Go next to the water tower next time.” Pushing through the front doors of your apartment building, you quickly made your way up the stairwell before shoving your key into the slot of the handle. Pushing the door in, you caught your platonic other half hopping around the living room to fix his appearance. “Pete,” another laugh escaped you as you threw your bag to the sofa before patting his back and plopping on the beaten down leather couch beside your bag.
Peter Parker’s secret identity wasn’t so secret to you, especially after the death of his girlfriend and your other best friend, Gwen Stacy. You could sense his heartbreak from miles away and the way he folded into your arms that night confirmed everything to you. His guilt. His loss. The full empty feeling one would feel when losing the love of their life.
“I’m responsible for her death though. You don’t understand.” His voice waivered as tears flowed from his eyes and down his cheeks like his own personal waterfalls. Your thumb stopped the flow from dribbling down his chin and making even more of a mess through you didn’t mind. This was the same kid who introduced you to his family as ‘his super cool bloody friend’ because on your first day at Midtown High you decided to get into a fist fight with Flash after he said some unpleasant words about Peter and Gwen’s relationship.
“Pete, help me to understand, then. I want to be there for you.” You always regretted the words that left you next, he even knew that. “I know you. I know you hold things so close to you and worry that you’re going to stress me or Aunt May out but you’re not. You aren’t at fault for this just like you aren’t responsible for Mr. Stacy’s death and even more so for Uncle Ben’s. These are things you couldn’t stop.”
Chocolate brown hues darted up and searched your face, hurt and pain reignited in him and every bone in his body told him to run and hide and fight. Peter’s tense muscles and closed fists agreed with the screaming that filled his head. His inner voice, usually the one of irrational and impulsive decisions, seemed completely rational when it was strangling every thought of comfort that he used to usually soothe himself during his commonly occurring panic attacks. Yet, he stayed. His eyes screwed shut, his hands now opening and closing into balled fists as a way to help himself keep grounded.
“I’m Spider-Man.” He expected more than you gave. No gasp, no fright, no concerned look of ‘how the fuck did that happen?!’ Just understanding in that moment. Your arms tightened around him and brought his head into your shoulder. You allowed him to feel his feelings with no judgement, his tears for his lost love now turned to years of pent-up grief and guilt mixed oh so deliciously with relief. Relief that he didn’t have to hide anymore. Not from you, the person he JUST rented an apartment with.
“Okay so as you were saying on the phone,” pulling out the book that held all the notes you could fit into the margins, he plopped next to you and pulled his laptop to his legs and beckoned you to lean into his side. His fingers glided over the keyboard before his tech ran quickly and sectioned off the areas of Kingsbridge Heights that was being gentrified. “These few here are all coming from Fisk Enterprises. They helped build the OsCorp building and lost a good chunk of change when, well, you know, happened.” Swallowing hard, Peter pointed to a block near the Bronx School of Sciences while quickly pulling up local news articles and public social media posts from those who presumably lived in the area or went to the school the construction is taking place near.
“See, the public is against this. If their blueprint gets accepted by the city, then all they have to do is offer these landlords enough money that they see their new luxury lives and forget about their tenants who get nothing. Then Fisk Enterprises will move in, take down all those buildings just to create a new habitation for the wealthy.” Peter pulled over posts from a few different landlords who had already heard from lawyers that a heavy NDA may be put onto them if they sell their properties.
“But would people being against a future property warrant a crime spree with new weapons? Peter, I think they’ve created something new. This isn’t just a person with money upset that those who live in the borough are against their big plans. This is a person who has money, resources, and power who will do anything to get what he wants. We must investigate.” It clicked. Everything clicked. Whoever was behind the name Fisk Enterprises was going to do more than displace everyone in Kingsbridge. They were readying for war. They want to flatten the Bronx.
That night you and Peter perched on the ledge overlooking the project that initially raised red flags. With a mask similar to Peter’s over your face and a suit that had a matching grey-ish silver and black color scheme, you both noted the unusual foot traffic. “60 on the inside. 5 flanking each side, the other 45 are spread out.” You focused carefully to the different voices and patterns of speech that filled the ground floor of the base building’s skeleton. “Whoever just got there, they have the power. Everyone went silent. Heartbeats are through the roof.”
Peter only acknowledged your words with a nod and a knowing tilt of his head. Swinging around the backside of the location, you watched to make sure he wasn’t sighted before leaping to different rooftops and swinging yourself. Though you weren’t genetically modified by a spider like you friend, you did have similar abilities to the man as well as your secret weapon, so it made sense when, after you shared your secret with Peter, the next day you woke up to him holding a handmade suit with similar web shooters to his embedded in the wrists in front of your groggy face.
“Spider-team, caterwaul?”
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headphonebone · 8 months
Sea Turtle facts:
Sea turtles are some of the oldest creatures on Earth, with a history dating back more than 100 million years. (Myfwc.com)
Sea turtles are found in warm and temperate oceans worldwide(Seaworld)
Sea turtles' natural lifespan is estimated to be 50-100 years. (Nation Oceanic)
There are only 7 different types of sea turtles (seeturtles.com)
Female sea turtles return to the same beaches where they hatched to lay their eggs, a behavior known as natal homing. (baysoundings.com)
Consumerist and technological facts:
Robitussin: Contains two active ingredients dextrose thorp ham and guaifenesin(Healthline.com)
Pop-up ads: Ethan Zuckerman, the man who invented pop-up ads, has apologized to the world(Forbes)
VR: The first VR headset was patented in the 1960’s and was named the ‘Telesphere Mask’ by inventor Morton Heilig. (Institute of Imagination).
MRI: MRIs are popular because they offer images with more detail than other diagnostic imaging tests. (Kingsbridge private hospital)
AI Robot: by 2045, AI is expected to completely surpass human intelligence. (Valuer.ai)
Attendance Prompt:
"he boiled up a solution of purple-red cochineal and left it under his windowsill to cool. Somehow a phial of acqua regia, a strong acid mixture, broke and spilled across the tin window frame, splashing into the cooling cochineal and instantly turning the liquid bright scarlet."
I thought this was really interesting as someone can accidentally stumble across the color scarlet. It really makes you question if he was able to achieve that specific shade of scarlet again. Could this be achieved without it falling into the cooling cochineal?
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How successful does someone need to be before they have a horse?
According to the linked wikipedia page, only one person owned a horse at the time of the Revolution in the early 1800s, John Jay:
From his father's side, John Jay's family was distinguished as a wealthy patrician with strong Tory and Revolutionary ties. His grandfather, John Jay Sr., had been a loyal Tory patriot and Governor of New York, and had been a delegate to the Continental Congress who helped draft the Declaration of Independence. His wife, Maria, was a sister of John Locke, one of the signers of the Declaration. John Jay Sr. gave the children classical schooling and tutors, including a tutor for his grandson's older brother, John Jr., who also became a lawyer and a staunch Tory. Jay Sr.'s second son, John "Monk" Jay, also became a lawyer and a political ally, and was named to serve in the Continental Congress along with John Jay Sr. and John Jay, Jr. His daughter, the second wife of General George Washington, served as a presidential elector for John Adams.
John Jay Jr. was born at home in 1745 at Manhattan's elegant family manor, Elizabeth Hall, where his father, John Jay Sr., lived and raised his children. The home's entrance hall was converted into a drawing room with a parlor to the right, and a dining room to the left. Two flights of stone steps ascended to the second floor, then a circular staircase led to the first floor. The grand, high ceilings and wide windows of the hall were a large influence on the architectural style of the home. The children were tutored by a French tutor, Henri Clémens. Clémens trained the family's servants in the etiquette and the French language, and taught John Jay, Jr. to play music on the violin.
John Jay Jr. first rode a horse with his father in 1765, riding out to Staten Island on behalf of his father's legal practice. John Sr. had a lifelong love of horses, and his son's horsemanship was so refined that it inspired envy in George Washington. At twenty-two, Jay became a riding instructor and groom for Washington's household. His brother, Richard, a physician, taught John "Monk" Jay to ride. Monk would later marry the daughter of a wealthy Philadelphia merchant, Sarah Van Rensselaer. Jay's mother, the former Maria Livingston, inherited many of her late father's properties, as her husband had already inherited most of his father's estate by that time.
Jay took riding lessons with Washington in 1773, and by 1778 Washington was telling Thomas Jefferson that Jay "is the most accomplished horseman in America." In 1784, Jay married Martha Livingston, the youngest daughter of the New York Livingston family. They soon became the parents of two sons and a daughter, all of whom went by their middle name, Edward, to distinguish them from a younger brother also named Edward. John Jay was the oldest of eight children.
Martha Jay spent her childhood, teen years and early adult years living in her parents' home at 6 Wall Street. She took riding lessons from a young man whose mother, Eliza Jay, taught her daughter to ride in 1776. Martha Jay's first horse, a large black stallion named Sully, was named after Martha Washington.
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From "The Ride: A New Horsemanship."
In 1778, Jay began showing off his horsemanship to fellow students at Columbia College. In 1782, he was appointed to the board of trustees for Columbia's new Academy of Arts and Sciences, in New York's Harlem neighborhood, which was founded in 1766 by a group of wealthy Presbyterian ministers. Jay was among the trustees who oversaw the academy's development and became an active member. In 1784 he purchased an old country seat, Bethania, in Kingsbridge on Staten Island, where he and Martha frequently spent time with their children and grandchildren. In 1789 he became a charter member and president of the New York Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, and he donated a large portion of his library to the society's library fund. In 1790 he was named to the board of visitors of New York State Prison, his home state, and in 1791 he joined other prominent New York citizens in an anti-slavery petition to Thomas Jefferson, in response to the Quakers of Pennsylvania's "Albion's Seed" petition.
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Benefits of Energy-Efficient Garage Doors for Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn Homes
In today’s eco-conscious world, homeowners in Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their environmental footprint and enhance their home’s energy efficiency. One often overlooked aspect of a home's energy use is the garage door. At Master Garage Door And Gate, we specialize in providing energy-efficient garage door solutions that not only save energy but also contribute to a more sustainable environment.
Why Choose Energy-Efficient Garage Doors?
Energy-efficient garage doors offer several benefits that go beyond just saving energy. They can improve your home’s insulation, leading to:
Reduced Energy Costs: These doors help maintain temperature control in your garage and adjacent rooms, which means less energy is required for heating or cooling, leading to lower utility bills.
Enhanced Comfort: With better insulation, your garage and nearby areas stay warmer in winter and cooler in summer, enhancing overall comfort.
Decreased Carbon Footprint: By using less energy for heating and cooling, you’re directly contributing to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, which is crucial for urban areas like Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn.
Features of Energy-Efficient Garage Doors:
Insulation: High-quality materials and advanced construction techniques provide superior insulation compared to standard doors.
Weather Sealing: Proper sealing minimizes drafts and leakage, which are major culprits in energy loss.
Materials: Lightweight, durable materials improve energy conservation while ensuring longevity and easier maintenance.
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Master Garage Door And Gate’s Commitment to Sustainability:
We are committed to helping our customers achieve their green living goals by providing products that enhance energy efficiency and sustainability. Our selection of energy-efficient garage doors includes the latest designs from top manufacturers known for their commitment to reducing environmental impact.
Installation and Maintenance:
Proper installation and regular maintenance are key to maximizing the efficiency and lifespan of your garage door. Our expert team ensures that every installation is performed meticulously, and we offer comprehensive maintenance services to keep your door functioning optimally.
Why Us?
Local Expertise: Our knowledge of the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn areas ensures that we understand your specific needs and preferences.
Quality Service: We pride ourselves on providing high-quality, reliable service that you can trust.
Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to provide services that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
Choosing an energy-efficient garage door is a smart investment for the eco-conscious homeowner. Not only will it help reduce your energy bills and environmental impact, but it will also increase the comfort and value of your home. Contact Master Garage Door And Gate today to learn more about our energy-efficient garage doors and how we can help you make a greener choice for your home.
Find Master Garage Door Services:
Master Garage Door
Address: 137-39 70th Rd, Queens, NY 11367, United States
Contact Number: +18003133922
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kingsbridgehomes1 · 7 months
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Elevate Your Living Experience with Kingsbridge - Premier Home Builders in Melbourne
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kingsbridgehomes · 1 year
Mambourin Display Homes | Kingsbridge Homes
Our Mambourin display homes can provide insight into what you want your new home to look like. Specializing in knockdowns and rebuilds, it is encouraged that you visit our display homes to get a feel for the rest of your home design. Kingsbridge Homes was established in 1997 and has served many clients. Our team consists of many qualified professionals with over 23 years of experience. Please visit our display homes in Mambourin if you are ready to build or are looking for inspiration.
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Work-in-progress: Gratitude Journal Teen Take-Home Kits, for teens ages 12-18
Stay tuned for the finished products, which will be COMING SOON to our service desk!!!!!
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stsvip · 12 days
Bronx Road Trips, Stress-Free: Streamlining Your Travels with Specialized Vehicles
Exploring the bustling streets and vibrant neighborhoods of the Bronx can be an exhilarating experience, but it often comes with its fair share of logistical challenges. From navigating crowded roads to finding the right mode of transportation, the journey can sometimes feel more daunting than the destination. However, with the right specialized vehicles, you can transform your Bronx road trips into seamless, stress-free adventures.
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In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of specialized vehicles that can elevate your Bronx travels, making the journey as enjoyable as the destination. Whether you're planning a family getaway, a sightseeing excursion, or a business trip, these specialized modes of transportation can streamline your experience and allow you to focus on the moments that matter most.
The Benefits of Specialized Vehicles for Bronx Road Trips
Navigating the Bronx can be a unique and rewarding experience, but it often requires a tailored approach to transportation. Traditional rental cars or public transportation may not always meet the specific needs of your Bronx adventure. That's where specialized vehicles come into play.
Comfort and Convenience
One of the primary advantages of using specialized vehicles for your Bronx road trips is the level of comfort and convenience they offer. From spacious passenger vans to luxury SUVs, these vehicles are designed to provide ample legroom, comfortable seating, and amenities that cater to your specific needs. This can be especially beneficial for larger groups, families, or those with mobility considerations.
Versatility and Adaptability
The Bronx is a diverse and dynamic borough, with a wide range of attractions and neighborhoods to explore. Specialized vehicles, such as off-road capable SUVs or minivans with ample cargo space, can adapt to the varying terrain and transportation requirements you may face. Whether you're navigating narrow city streets, traversing hilly landscapes, or transporting bulky items, specialized vehicles can provide the versatility you need to make the most of your Bronx adventures.
Enhanced Safety and Reliability
Safety should be a top priority when traveling, and specialized vehicles often come equipped with advanced safety features and technologies. From state-of-the-art driver assistance systems to robust construction, these vehicles can offer an added layer of protection for you and your loved ones. Additionally, many specialized vehicle providers prioritize maintenance and reliability, ensuring a smooth and worry-free journey.
Personalized Experiences
One of the most compelling aspects of using specialized vehicles for your Bronx road trips is the opportunity to tailor your experience. Many providers offer customizable options, allowing you to select features, amenities, and even personalized routing to align with your unique preferences and itinerary. This level of personalization can transform your Bronx travels into a truly memorable and tailored experience.
Navigating the Bronx with Specialized Vehicles
With the benefits of specialized vehicles in mind, let's explore some of the specific ways they can enhance your Bronx road trips.
Exploring the Bronx's Diverse Neighborhoods
The Bronx is a borough that boasts a rich tapestry of neighborhoods, each with its own distinct character and attractions. Navigating these diverse areas can be made easier with specialized vehicles. For instance, a high-clearance SUV can navigate the hilly terrain of the Riverdale neighborhood, while a minivan with ample cargo space can accommodate your family's exploration of the vibrant markets and food destinations in the Kingsbridge area.
Attending Events and Attractions
The Bronx is home to a thriving cultural scene, hosting a variety of events, festivals, and attractions throughout the year. Specialized vehicles can play a crucial role in making these excursions seamless and enjoyable. Whether you're attending a concert at the iconic Yankee Stadium, exploring the renowned Bronx Zoo, or immersing yourself in the artistic offerings of the Bronx Museum of the Arts, the right specialized vehicle can provide the comfort, space, and accessibility to make the most of your experience.
Business and Corporate Trips
For those traveling to the Bronx for business or corporate events, specialized vehicles can offer a professional and efficient transportation solution. From luxury sedans or SUVs for executive transportation to spacious passenger vans for team outings, these tailored options can contribute to a successful and productive trip, helping you navigate the Bronx's bustling business districts with ease.
Family and Group Outings
Bronx road trips with family or larger groups can be particularly challenging, but specialized vehicles can make all the difference. Minivans, passenger vans, or even converted school buses can provide the seating capacity, storage space, and amenities to accommodate your entire group comfortably. This can be especially beneficial for activities such as birthday celebrations, school field trips, or family reunions, allowing you to focus on creating lasting memories rather than logistical headaches.
Choosing the Right Specialized Vehicle for Your Bronx Road Trips
With the wide range of specialized vehicles available, it's essential to carefully consider your specific needs and preferences to select the best option for your Bronx road trips. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:
Passenger Capacity
Determine the number of people in your group and choose a vehicle with the appropriate seating capacity. This ensures everyone travels comfortably and safely.
Cargo Space
Consider the amount of luggage, equipment, or supplies you'll need to transport. Opt for a vehicle with ample storage space, whether it's a roomy SUV or a cargo van.
If you or any members of your group have mobility challenges, look for specialized vehicles with features like wheelchair accessibility or easy entry and exit.
Fuel Efficiency
Evaluate the fuel efficiency of the specialized vehicles you're considering, as this can impact your overall travel costs and environmental footprint.
Amenities and Comfort
Look for specialized vehicles that offer the amenities and comfort features that will enhance your Bronx road trip experience, such as climate control, entertainment systems, or premium seating.
By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select the specialized vehicle that best suits your Bronx travel needs, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey.
Bronx road trips can be transformed into stress-free and memorable experiences by leveraging the benefits of specialized vehicles. From the comfort and convenience they provide to the versatility and personalization options, these tailored transportation solutions can elevate your Bronx adventures to new heights.
Whether you're exploring the diverse neighborhoods, attending events and attractions, or traveling for business, specialized vehicles offer a seamless and adaptable way to navigate the Bronx's dynamic landscape. By considering your specific needs and preferences, you can choose the right specialized vehicle to make your Bronx road trips a true delight.
So, the next time you plan a Bronx getaway, remember the power of specialized vehicles to streamline your travels and allow you to focus on the moments that matter most. Embark on your Bronx Road trips transportation in Bronx with confidence, knowing that the journey can be as enjoyable as the destination.
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vision360tours · 3 months
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Home for Sale - 50 Kingsbridge Garden Circle Unit 713, Mississauga, ON L5R 1Y2 Virtual Tour: https://tours.vision360tours.ca/50-kingsbridge-garden-circle-unit-713-mississauga/
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aclslibrarian · 8 months
The Armor of Light
UnCovered review by Collette Jones, ACLS Egg Harbor City Branch
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Ken Follett is a master of historical fiction, and his latest Kingsbridge novel, THE ARMOR OF LIGHT, is no exception [bit.ly/46qnG6E]. Set in England and France during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the book tells the story of a diverse cast of characters as they navigate the tumultuous times of the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution. The book begins in 1791, with the French Revolution in full swing. Follett introduces us to three main characters: Eliza Williams, a young woman from Kingsbridge, England, who is traveling to France to join her husband; René Bouchard, a French soldier who is fighting for the Revolution; and Carla Lavidère, an aristocratic French woman who is fleeing the violence of the Revolution.
Eliza's journey to France takes her through the heart of the Revolution, and she witnesses firsthand the brutality and chaos of the time. When she finally arrives in Paris, she finds that her husband has been killed. She is then taken in by René, who helps her to find a new life in France. Carla, meanwhile, is forced to flee her home when it is attacked by revolutionaries. She takes refuge with a family of peasants, but she is eventually captured and imprisoned. While in prison, she meets René, and they fall in love.
The three main characters are all drawn into the conflict between the revolutionaries and the old order. Eliza and René become involved in a plot to overthrow the French government, while Carla is forced to choose between her loyalty to her family and her love for René. In addition to the main characters, Follett also populates his novel with a number of other memorable characters, including: William Hamleigh, a wealthy English factory owner who is determined to crush the labor movement; Rob Jakes, a skilled craftsman who is leading the fight for workers' rights; Patience Lovell, a Quaker woman who is working to improve the lives of the poor; Edward Williams, Eliza's brother, who is a gifted engineer.
First significant fact, it is the fifth and final book in his Kingsbridge series, which chronicles the history of a fictional town in England over the course of several centuries. The series has been praised for its historical accuracy and its ability to bring the past to life. THE ARMOR OF LIGHT is set during the Industrial Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, two of the most transformative periods in human history. 
The novel is also significant for its exploration of themes such as class conflict, religious tolerance, and the importance of education. Follett shows how the Industrial Revolution led to a widening gap between the rich and the poor, and how new technologies such as the spinning jenny displaced workers and led to social unrest. He also explores the tensions between different religious groups, and the importance of religious tolerance in a pluralistic society. Finally, THE ARMOR OF LIGHT is a celebration of the human spirit. It shows how ordinary people can achieve great things, even in the face of adversity. Follett's characters are complex and well-developed, and their stories are both inspiring and heartbreaking.
Follett's descriptions of the new factories and machines, the social unrest and political upheaval, and the battles and sieges are all incredibly detailed and realistic. It explores the impact of technological change on society. Follett shows how the spinning jenny and other new technologies led to the displacement of workers and the rise of a new social class, the factory owners.
 You may remember Ken Follett's blockbusting Kingsbridge series that began with THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH, and bestselling title. The Kingsbridge Novels are Ken Follett’s classic historical masterpieces. Set in the city of Kingsbridge, Follett brings his rich expertise to this immersive and epic saga – full of ambition, love, power and family conflict. The story begins in THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH, which centers on the struggles of Prior Phillip and his mason-turned-architect Tom as they attempt to build the greatest gothic cathedral in the medieval world. 
The sequel, WORLD WITHOUT END, is set two centuries later and follows the lives of four children who witness two men being killed the day after Halloween. From that moment, their lives are bound together by love and revenge, as they confront the Black Death and the beginning of the Hundred Years War. 
The saga continues in the third novel, A COLUMN OF FIRE. Beginning in 1558, it charts the star-crossed romance between Will Willard and Margery Fitzgerald over half a century. Meanwhile, Europe turns against England when Elizabeth Tudor becomes queen and finds herself beset by plots to dethrone her. The Pillars of the Earth, starring Rufus Sewell and Eddie Redmayne, and World without End, starring Cynthia Nixon, have been adapted for television.
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