#Kingston Brown
bitemarx · 6 months
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vox phantasma & vox populi
for @june-buddy as part of the @d20exchange! you mentioned pete n kingston + d20 settings. i really like these two’s connection and wanted to include the aesthetics of the realms they represent!
hope u enjoy n have a good year!!
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unhauntng · 6 months
the first iteration of the dream team is so funny.
imagine youre a regular new yorker and you’re being attacked by santas or bugs or devils at an art show and things are weird but you also can’t quite tell what’s actually happening (got to love umbral arcana) ? but you’re scared out of your mind until a drunk lady punches the scary monster in the face and the guy who’s clearly a drug dealer starts blasting fire out of his hands?? maybe he’s got a lighter and some hairspray, though he’s also holding a gun? and then a very nice and serious older guy is keeping everything calm and encouraging his friends and you think everything is going to be okay, especially because this nice sweet firefighter is making sure everyone’s safe. and you think he looks like mr march from the calendar!
then a massive rat man summons some crocodiles or a pack of rats or a cockroach that is unusually juicy and then broadway legend misty moore literally insults a monster to death whilst indiscriminately flirting with her friends.
and when it’s all over they’re acting like this is business as usual. and maybe you’re confused for like three minutes until you remember this is new york — who else would save you but a broadway star, a rat, a firefighter, a drug dealer, an alcoholic and kingston brown from uptown who helped you jumpstart your car three months ago
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My unsleeping city illustrations! Available early on my Patreon!
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counterspelled · 2 months
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perfect balance in new york city
(id: peter conlan and kingston brown from d20's the unsleeping city sit next to each other. pete, a young white transgender man with blond hair, a full mustache, and an easy smile, exposing a candy-cane coloured tooth, sits in a colourful version of new york, the building behind him stretching out into a galaxy of nothingness, surrounded by hundreds of dream creatures, such as pizza rat, a winged caterpillar, a fire breathing snake, the unicorn, a train with a face, the bodega cat, the moon, the juicy cockroach, and the spicy pigeon. his teapot and a steaming cup of tea sits in front of him. kingston, an older lightskin black man with white locs and a full beard sits next to him in the waking new york, dull-coloured and realistic in comparison to pete's new york. a fire hydrant is in the foreground. they seem to be in casual conversation with each other. there is no boundary between the two new yorks, blending into each other. end id.)
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greyallison · 8 months
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Day 27 - Kingston Brown, Vox Populi from The Unsleeping City
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family-on-6 · 15 days
"parasocial relationships" this "you don't know who they are in real life" that, Lou Wilson has played a genuinely charismatic character who makes everyone around him feel safe and welcome enough times at this point that I think that's just how he is irl and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Case in Point
Whitney "Goat House" Jammer
Kingston Brown, the literal voice of the populace of magical NYC
Fabian "Maximum Legend" Seacaster, who throws lo-fi study nights at his house for the freshmen
King Amethar who wants nothing more than to chill with his daughters and wife and make his people happy
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aurora-nebbins · 1 year
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the gang’s all here!!
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brainonthebox · 7 months
Starting Dimension 20 off with The Unsleeping City means going through a slow realization that Kingston Brown is an outlier, in that Lou Wilson is a full-on harbinger of chaos.
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emerson-diary · 8 months
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Sorry I was dead for over a month, but I made this while watching The Unsleeping City
Do not use/repost
Click for better resolution
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lou wilson has two characters:
bad decisionsTM, no wisdom, "the ball is rolling up" the ball is not rolling up, overconfident in skills they do not have, theatre kid/rich kid/both
"too old for this shit", wise and tired, the Dad Of The PartyTM, only thing keeping the rest of the party from a TPK, shames the villain for being a bad person
and he plays them both so well
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dieantik · 9 months
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🌙 what, if anything, stays? 🐉
[for @d20megazine]
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unhauntng · 2 years
there’s something so heartbreaking about the way that d20, especially fantasy high and the seven, talks about fatherhood. some of the lesser mentioned ones are just as heartbreaking as the characters who have it as their whole thing. like fig and fabian hit but
ostentatia and her dad and how he would give anything for her no matter how much it hurts him and her and how he refuses to let anyone do anything for him bc he’s the dad and the one who should be taking care of her.
katja and her dad and how he thought he was doing what was best for her by working all the time, thinking that was better than him being around when really all she wanted was to spend time with him.
riz and his dad and how he idolises him and works through that moment of doubting his father and gets that time with him and it’s so sweet despite how much it hurts them both because seeing him can only be temporary.
liam and his dad and being an afterthought to a father who has so much more to consider than a kid who wasn’t anything like what he thought he would be.
jet and ruby with amethar being a king who has even more to consider but never stopped loving and caring for them for a second and always wanted them to have the carefree and happy childhood he had as someone who never should have gotten the throne.
saccharina and amethar being a father who has so much regret piled on his shoulders but can’t do anything to heal the pain he brought to his daughter except by trying to show how much he loves her and is proud of her.
adaine and a father who didn’t care and jawbone, a father who does, who recognises the rage and pain and anxiety in adaine and never for a second shames her for any of it.
kristen and a father who loves what he wants her to be and can’t accept what she is.
kugrash trying to redeem himself for gabriella but more for his sons and the joy he feels when wally forgives him and the sorrow he feels when he reads davids letters and confronts even further the pain he caused.
kingston and the absolute dream of having langston after years of denying himself in the name of the rest of new york only to understand that happiness for him doesn’t mean no happiness for everyone else.
fathers and all the pain they can bring and all the care they can have and all that they experience too.
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So something I'm loving about the unsleeping city so far is the commitment to being kind? Like I don't know if it's intentional but from the very first episode onwards we meet people like Kingston, whose whole aim is that he protects the city. He's there for his people, his neighbourhood, his community, he's giving himself to help them. He's a nurse- a healer- he knows everyone and everyone knows him. Kugrash, who lurks in subway tunnels and sewers, watching over subway workers and giving warmth and shelter and food to those who don't have it. Who makes little plastic shoes for a drunkard in an alleyway. And Ricky, whose only desire is to keep people safe, to use his skills to fight danger on their behalf, to interpose himself in harm's way. Even though it's not as evident in the others, it's still there. Sofia addresses a bachelorette party after her husband leaves her not to mock them or discourage them- but to wish the bride-to-be happiness and joy. Pete (though again, not as obvious, especially at first) takes his ex, who was actively trying to hurt him at the time, in his arms and carries her to safety. And Misty, though often vain and dismissive, has nothing but kind words and compliments for her friends and compatriots. Sorry for the rant, it's just something I think is really cool, especially given the setting of new York being portrayed as somewhere where people are cold-hearted and self-centred.
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bebagerie · 1 year
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Nobody Talk Me. i have finished Unsleeping City I and felt so many feelings
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kendrawells · 5 months
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Long-overdue post with some of my favorite designs I did for seasons 1 and 2 of The Unsleeping City(including some NPCs that I don't think made the final edit). Working with Dimension 20 is an honor and a delight and both of these seasons were some of the most fun I've ever had on an illustration gig.
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glassrooibos · 1 year
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Unsleeping City more like I DIDN’T sleep. Because I stayed up. Listening to it for so long.
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