#Kira Carsen/Male Smuggler
keldae · 1 year
Writer’s Month 2023: Day Five
word: sun | setting/AU: poolside
Dantooine's sun shone warmly in the clear blue sky, radiating down over the little natural pool, tucked away in a hidden ravine close to the hidden Jedi refuge. It was peaceful enough that Korin could almost forget about the Zakuulans roaming the hyperspace lanes, making life hell for the rest of the galaxy.
He sat on the edge of the small pond, watching his companion lazily float on her back in the water. It was nice, he thought, to have this moment of quiet relaxation for both of them. Master Kiwiiks had pretty much ordered him to stay for a few days and rest, when he'd come in last night to deliver supplies to the Jedi – apparently he didn't wear the stress of supporting a growing insurgency as well as he thought. Normally, there would have been – he counted inwardly – three Jedi total that he would have ever willingly taken orders from.
But his Jedi mother had died ages ago. His Jedi sister had been killed early on in the Zakuulan invasion, a year and a half ago. And Master Satele was nowhere to be found. Outside of those three, he was normally inclined to argue with any Jedi who tried to direct him around. 
It really wasn't fair how Kira Carsen could just look at him with those big blue eyes, and he could feel his willpower eroding away. Damned Jedi tricks.
"Credit for your thoughts?" he asked Kira, sliding back into the cool water.
Kira hummed, still floating on her back, her auburn hair creating a halo around her head. "Just thinking about how we'll eventually need to head back before people start to talk."
Korin frowned at the reminder that his time in this blissful oasis, with his cute companion, was limited. "What, they have you on a schedule or somethin'?" He slowly swam over to Kira, taking the time to oogle her slim form in the water. There were multiple reasons why he wasn't eager for them to get dressed and go back to the other Jedi yet, and the opportunity to check Kira out was a big one.
"Nah. But if someone notices we've been gone a while…"
"You're, uh, giving me meditation lessons?"
Kira craned her neck up to look at Korin. "While skinny-dipping in a secluded pond?"
"We're connecting with nature!" Korin insisted, and was rewarded with a laugh from Kira. "Ain't that supposed to be somethin' big with Jedi? This has gotta be a good meditation area – 's quiet, peaceful, nice sunny weather, good company…"
Kira laughed and straightened up to tread water. "And the fact that you got me naked is helping, right? Not distracting you at all?"
"I'm plenty focused, thank you." Korin dragged his eyes back up from Kira’s chest to meet her amused gaze. "Besides, you got me naked too, so…"
“If you could run around the galaxy in the buff without getting arrested for public indecency, you’d do it,” Kira retorted, her eyes alight with laughter. 
“Oh, like you’re complaining…”
“I didn’t say I was.” Kira reached up to lazily drape her arms over Korin’s shoulders, conveniently bringing herself closer to him. “So, what’s your master plan, Captain?”
“Retire rich enough to own my own planet, somewhere Zakuul ain’t found yet,” Korin promptly answered. 
“And in the short term?”
“Make sure that if you get in trouble with the Jedi, that it’s worth it?” The smuggler winked at the pretty Jedi, settling his hands on her waist under the water. “If you’re down for such a plan, that is…”
“You are such a bad influence,” Kira laughed. But from how she leaned in to kiss Korin, he figured she didn’t mind at all. And he definitely was okay with his current situation – it wasn’t every day he got to go skinny-dipping with a pretty Jedi girl, who was more interested in having a good time than in preaching Jedi morality at him.
He could almost forget that this was his late sister’s Padawan as he happily kissed her back. Between the warm sunshine radiating down on his head and shoulders, and Kira in his arms (as a friend, with extremely good benefits, if anyone asked), and the peace and quiet of this little pond, he could easily forget about his stress with the occupation, and his lingering grief for his sister, and even the anxiety about if a stray Jedi were to come upon the pair right then. All he wanted to focus on was Kira.
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katethegreyjedi · 1 year
Kate's SWTOR OC List
[Key- name: class, gender/pronouns, species, level | love interest (server). Blue- light side, Red- dark side, White/Black- neutral]
The Sardath Legacy 
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(left to right, top to bottom)
Dojia Sardath-Shan: Jedi Consular, female (she/they), cathar, level 80* | Theron Shan (SS)
Kel'onor Renth'ath: Sith Warrior, male (he/him), twi'lek, level 55 | Vette (SF)
Kel’rea Renth’ath: Smuggler, female (she/her), twi'lek, level 1 | (in future) Corso Riggs (SF)
Kam’ina Lieno: Bounty Hunter, female, cathar (she/her), level 12 | (in future) Torian Cadera (DM)
Evri’elle Evantros: Trooper, non-binary (they/them), human, level 1 | (in future) Aric Jordan (SF)
Pan'norfoss Fre't'an: Imperial Agent, male (he/they), chiss, level 1 | (in future) Watcher Two (DM)
A'sajj Vin'triss: Sith Inquisitor, female (she/her), rattataki, level 10 | (in future) Koth Vortena (SS)
Lishella Yulan: Jedi Knight, female (she/her), togruta, level 6 | (in future) unsure (SS)
The Tano Legacy 
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(left to right, top to bottom)
Sivana Tano-Shan: Trooper, female (she/her), cyborg, level 75* | Theron Shan (SS)
Feista Gredan-Cadera: Bounty Hunter, female (she/her), cyborg, level 54 | Torian Cadera (SS)
Tallati T'ona: Jedi Knight, non-binary (they/she), miraluka, level 51 | (in future) Kira Carsen (SS)
Camaya Trenar-Revel: Sith Inquisitor, female ((she/her), zabrak, level 50 | Andronikos Revel (SS)
Finya Naïlo-Beniko: Smuggler, female (she/her), twi'lek, level 66 | Lana Beniko (SS)
Zojia Trenar-Quinn: Sith Warrior, female (she/her), sith pureblood, level 51 | Malavai Quinn (SS)
Kulanthi Laxana: Jedi Consular, female (she/they), mirialan, level 1 |(in future)  Zenith (SS)
Zen’miana Elis'har-Hyllus: Imperial Agent, female (she/her), chiss, level 69 | Vector Hyllus (deleted)
The Onri Legacy 
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(left to right, top to bottom)
Elshi'dar'ee Onri-Shan: Imperial Agent, female (she/her), chiss, level 73* | Theron Shan (SS)
Fee’ranula Laxana: Jedi Knight, female (she/her), mirialan, level 56* | Theron Shan  (SS)**
Findrali Naïlo: Smuggler, male (he/him), cyborg level 50 | Risha Drayen (SS)
Ko'era Hir-Quinn: Sith Warrior, female (she/her), human, level 37 | (in future) Malavai Quinn (SS)
Astrinella: Sith Inquisitor, female (she/her), twi’lek, level 41 | Andronikos Revel (SS)
Rirjana Janae-Iresso: Jedi Consular, female (she/they), nautolan, level 51 | Felix Iresso (SS)
Zodeta Talen-Jorgan: Trooper, female (she/her), cathar, level 57 | Aric Jorgan (SS)
Fen'treoxess Onri: Bounty Hunter, female (she/her), chiss, level 30 | (in future) Torian Cadera (SS)
**(While Fee and Elshi are in the same legacy, Fee’s romance with Theron occurs outside of the legacy’s story, she has her own timeline, in a sense)
The Vendethl Legacy 
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(left to right, top to bottom)
Andesten Vendethl: Trooper, male (he/him), human, level 60* | Elara Dorne (SF)
Ily'a Sarden: Smuggler, female (she/her), cathar level 53 | Darmas Pollaren (SF)
Fen’xandr’no Onri: Bounty Hunter, male (he/him), chiss, level 1 | (in future) Mako (SF)
Ak'rilon Trenar: Sith Warrior, male (he/him), sith pureblood, level 1 | (in future) Jaesa (SF)
Aika'e Trenar: Sith Warrior, female (she/her), sith pureblood, level 1 | (in future) unsure (SF)
Nezrenn: Sith Inquisitor, male (he/him), zabrak, level 3 | (in future) Ashara Zavros (SF)
Ha'ruowiss Elis'har: Imperial Agent, male (he/him), chiss, level 1 | (in future) Raina Temple (SF)
Senrionell Laxana: Jedi Knight, male (he/him), mirialan, level 1 | (in future) Kira Carsen (SF)
Therevor T'ona: Jedi Consular, male (he/they), miraluka, level 1 | (in future) Nadia Grell (SF)
The War’aven Legacy 
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(left to right, top to bottom)
Archmallent War'aven: Sith Warrior, male (he/him), human, level 68* | Lana Beniko (DM)
Hagley Gredan: Imperial Agent, male (he/him), cyborg, level 26 | (in future) Kaliyo Djannis (DM)
Rysen'ii Gredan: Bounty Hunter, male (he/him), human, level 26 | (in future) Mako (DM)
Seb'reella Unar're: Jedi Consular, female (she/they), chiss, level 8 | (in future) Arcann (DM)
Ben'jamin Sisko: Trooper, male (he/him), human, level 1 | (in future) unsure (DM)
Larrick Alincar: Smuggler, male (he/him), human, level 24 | everyone none (DM)
Jethrunda: Sith Inquisitor, non-binary (they/she), zabrak, level 1 | (in future) unsure (DM)
Qiduli Yulann: Jedi Knight, female (she/her), zabrak, level 1 | (in future) Doc (DM)
Since I don't stay subscribed to swtor for too long, I can only have so many characters in each server. That, along with the fact that I made most of these legacies based on how they work story wise rather than server wise, is why there are characters from multiple servers in the legacies (really only for the Sardath Legacy lmao)
These legacy names don't all apply to the actual legacies in each server. In Satele Shan it's the Tano Legacy, Star Forge is the Vendethl Legacy, and Darth Malgus is the Sisko Legacy.
Also, some characters have the same last name, this usually means they are siblings (like Fee and Senrionell, Feista and Rysen'ii, Tallati and Therevor, etc), but it can also mean they are related as child and parent (in the case of Findrali being Finya's son), or cousins (such as Elshi with Fen and Xandr). It could also mean that they are simply relatives in a large family (Hagley with Feista and Rysen'ii). This also means that they might not know each other very well, or at all.
I don't have everything planned out for my characters here since a fair amount of them I just make and then don't play lol. But! I do want to expand on this idea more because I find it interesting to have my ocs interact like this (ie have one character be the alliance commander and the others fit in elsewhere)
I am more than willing to answer any questions anyone has about these little guys and expect more stuff on this in the future!!
End note.
Old OC List
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legofanguy1999 · 5 months
SWTOR characters
As May 4th is on Saturday, here is a list of my Star Wars The Old Republic characters.
Azzawa, male Zabrak Jedi Knight Guardian. Home world: Coruscant. His love interest is Kira Carsen.
Daperssel, female Miraluka Jedi Consular Sage. Home world: Jedha. Her love interest is Lana Beniko.
Kael Yoshi, female cyborg Trooper Vanguard. Home world: Alderaan.
Lulan Beadiz, female Twi'lek smuggler Scoundrel. Home world: A Outer Rim planet.
Git Uhay, male human Sith warrior Assassin. Home world: Korriban. His love interest is Vette.
Bicah Beadiz, female Twi'lek Sith Inquisitor. Home world: A Outer Rim planet.
Kish Sashi, male Togruta bounty hunter Powertech. Home world: A Outer Rim planet.
Riekeeta, female human Imperial agent Sniper. Home world: Korriban
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My quick and very incomplete SWTOR Character list:
*note: Everyone is located on Star Forge and available for RP either in game, via discord, or via tumblr!
Leika'le Kela'an (Leika'le in game)
Self-exiled gray Jedi / Perpetually conflicted / Tainted with darkness / Trying to do the right thing
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Telos IV
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: @oolathurman's Azukni (Lana Beniko and major Anri in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Former padawan of Saufa, bff of Rhin, enemy of Va'rika
Jarrok Kosokhan
Darth Honos / Former Emperor's Wrath / Commander of the Alliance / My *true* Outlander
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Class: Sith Warrior
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Agamar
Orientation: Straight
Ships: @oolathurman 's Xyraan (Vette and Major Anri in game)
Spotify playlist / Ship playlist ft. Xyraan / Ship playlist ft. Vette and Hildr
Notes: Ally of Va'rika, Sek'nos, Kaja, Hildr, Kaeve, Skaeln, and Siree
Sek'nos Atithim (Seknos in game)
Overseer of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge / Darth Imperius / Bad father / A huge nerd / The devil is a gentleman
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Sith Pureblood
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Dromand Kaas
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Theron Shan in game)
Spotify playlist (ft. ship songs)
Notes: Father of Aurine, Ally of Leike'le (sort of), Va'rika, Jarrok, Kaja, Kaeve
Saufa Veki (Saufa in game)
Barsen'thor / Tormented by everything he's seen / Failed Jedi Master the first time around / Better but still whoops Jedi Master the second time around
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Class: Jedi Consular
Species: Miraluka
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Alpheridies
Orientation: Gay
Ships: n/a (Theron Shan in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Former master of Leika'le, Current master of Dhalu, Brother of Kaeve
Rhin Elisai (R'hin in game)
Battlemaster of the Jedi Order / Righteous good guy / Always clueless / Tragic victim of unrequited love
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Corellia
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a (Kira Carsen in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Bff of Leika'le
Va'rika Al'dira (Vaa'rika in game)
Darth Nox / Dark Council Member / A true sadist / Hears the voices of her dead siblings / Why have morals when you can have power
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Ryloth
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Andronikos Revel and Khem Val in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Arch Enemy of Leika'le
Brask'ael'nuruodo (Skaeln/Ael) (Skaeln in game)
Cipher 12 / A bad bean / Addicted to spice
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Chiss
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: @oolathurman's Athenyia (casual with Kaliyo in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally and coworker of Kaeve and Siree, ally of Mokon, rival of Khi, enemy of Rhin, Saufa, and Leika'le
Liora Saris (Liurah in game)
Republic Trooper / Devoted mother / Cracks in her armor
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Class: Republic Trooper
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Aric Jorgan in game)
Spotify playlist
Kaeve Veki (Kaeve in game)
Cipher 22 / Walls up / Always escaping Korriban by the skin of her teeth / The use of Force suppressors is unhealthy / No name means no baggage right
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Miraluka with cyborg fittings
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Vector in game)
Spotify playlist
Absolute idiot wow what the heck
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Human/Cyborg
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Akaavi in game)
Spotify playlist
Aurine Atithim (Au'rine in game)
Empress' Wrath to Acina / Darth Portentis / Daddy and mommy issues with a smokin' side of abandonment issues / Honor-bound
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Class: Sith Warrior
Species: Sith/Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Malavai Quinn and Arcann)
Spotify playlist
Mokon Zokanv (Mokon in game)
Champion of the Great Hunt / Asshole as an occupation
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Rattataki
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a (Mako in game)
Spotify playlist
Kaja Kallig
Desc here.
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Chiss
Gender: Genderfluid
Planet of Birth: Yanibar
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Lana Beniko in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Zeison Sha warrior, ex-Sith, guardian of the spacelanes
Hildr Fahn
'Darth Occlus' / Darth Agonia / Overseer of the Sphere of Mysteries / Mentee of Darth Marr / Child of a literal wound in the Force / Machine-hearted / A healthy fear of chains
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Class: Sith Inquisitor Species: Sephi/Wound-in-the-Force Gender: Female Planet of Birth: Orientation: Pansexual Ships: Jarrok and Vette (formerly), Aurine Atithim (casual), Theron Shan (casual) (Arcann in game and in my black heart) Spotify playlist Notes:
Khi Vreetoas
Mandalorian / Ex-slave / It's entirely possible to be a bounty hunter with a heart of gold
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Nautolan
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Torian Cadera in game)
Spotify playlist
Knight of the Old Republic / Dark-hearted / Beliefs are polarizing
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Class: Jedi Consular Species: Togruta Gender: Female Planet of Birth: Orientation: Uncertain Ships: n/a (Tau Idair and Sahar in game) Spotify playlist Notes:
Siree Fahn
Watcher 6 / Mother on a mission / Local hater of the Sith / Undercover to find her daughter / Now knows not to have relations with wounds in the Force masquerading as pretty men
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Sephi
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Thustra
Orientation: Uncertain
Ships: n/a (Nico Okarr in game)
Spotify playlist
Qirzah Kela'an (Quirzah in game)
Not a smuggler / Has a kid out there somewhere
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Kiffex
Orientation: Uncertain
Ships: n/a (Nico Okarr and Risha in game)
Spotify playlist
Lord Desolatis / Practitioner of Sith Alchemy
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Miraluka
Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Desc. here.
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Human
Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Sibahl Singh
Desc. here.
Species: Wound-in-the-Force/Human ig
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Akhira Rudak
Desc. here
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Cathar
Gender: Trans/Female
Planet of Birth:
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Star Wars Games Japanese Dub
I just watched a clip of a Japanese VTuber playing that moment in Fallen Order. You know, that moment where Darth Spoiler shows up to make Cal question his entire life.
(This is the link in case anyone’s interested: https://youtu.be/PdBqXDXZLHI )
And I started thinking, who might be good voices for SWTOR characters. If anyone has any fancasts, please let me know. (This is not a comprehensive list)
Player Characters:
1.      Male Knight Male: Toshiyuki Morikawa (Minato in Naruto, Isshin Kurosaki in Bleach, Kagaya Ubayashiki in Demon Slayer. Also, he’s the OFFICIAL dub-over artist for EWAN MCGREGGOR, so…)
2.      Female Knight: Marina Inoue (Momo Yaoyorozu in MHA, Armin in AoT, Yoko Littner in Guren Lagan)
3.      Female Warrior: Romi Park (Edward Elric in FMA and FMA:B, Toshiro Hitsugayain Bleach, Temari in Naruto, and Teresa in CLaymore)
4.      Male Warrior: Noriaki Sugiyama (Sasuke Uchiha in Naruto)
5.      Male Inquisitor: Toshihiko Seki (Muzan in Demon Slayer)
6.      Female Inquisitor: Yumi Hara (Albedo from Overlord)
7.      Male Consular: Ryotaro Okaiayu (Byakuya Kuchiki in Bleach, Kokushibo in Demon Slayer)
8.      Female Consular: Nana Mizuki (Hinata Hyuuga, Naruto)
9.      Female Smuggler: Rie Kugimiya (Alphonse Elric in FMA and FMA:B, Happy in Fairy Tail, Kagura from Gintama)
10.  Male Smuggler: Yuki Kaji (Sonic in Onepunch Man, Shoto Todoroki in MHA)
11.  Female Agent: Shizuka Ito (Irina Jelavic in Assassination Classroom, Byleth in Fire Emblem Three Houses)
12.  Male Agent: Kazuhiko Inoue (Kakashi in Naruto, Gildarts in Fariy Tail, and Yoriichi in Demon Slayer)
13.  Male Trooper: Katsuyuki Konishi (Laxus in Fairy Tail, Tengen Uzui from Demon Slayer)
14.  Female Trooper: Miyuki Sawashiro (Daki from Demon Slayer, Minfilia from FF14)
15.  Male Hunter: Hiroki Yasumoto (Sado Yasutora from Bleach, Elfman Strauss in Fairy Tail)
16.  Female Hunter: Atsuko Tanaka (Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell, Konan in Naruto, Merlwybb Bloefhiswyn in FF14)
1.      Satele Shan: Miyuki Sawashiro (Daki from Demon Slayer, Minfilia from FF14) (Why Miyuki again? If you know, you know!)
2.      Darth Malgus: Kenjiro Tsuda (Atomic Samurai in One Punch Man, Hans in Konosuba, Kishibe in Chainsaw Man)
3.      Lana Beniko: this was a tough one. I can’t decide between Yui Ishikawa (Violet Evergarden, Mikasa Ackerman in AoT) and Ai Kayano (Y’Shtola in FF14, and Darkness). I’m leaning towards the former, but I see way too many similarities between Y’Shtola and Lana to fully discard this one.
4.      Theron Shan: Yuichi Nakamura (Gray from Fairy Tail, Mumen Rider from Onepunch Man, Satoru Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen)
5.      Valkorion: Naoya Uchida (Madara Uchiha from Naruto)
6.      Darth Marr: Hochu Otsuka (Jiraiya from Naruto)
7.      Arcann and Thexan: Kenyu Horiuchi (Tobirama Senju and Tendo Pain from Naruto)
8.      Vaylin: Aoi Yuuki (Tanya in Saga of Tanya the Evil, Diane in Seven Deadly Sins, Kumoko in So I’m a Spider, and Krul Tepes in Seraph of the End)
9.      Senya: Masako Katsuki (Tsunade in Naruto)
10.  Kira Carsen: Rie Takahashi (Megumin)
11.  Scourge: Akio Otsuka (All for One in MHA, Shunsui Kyoraku in Bleach, Gaius Baelsar in FF14)
12.  Vette: Kana Hanazawa (Kanroji Mitsuri in Demon Slayer, Mayuri Shiina in Steins;Gate aka “tuturu” girl)
13.  Jaesa Willsaan: Saori Hayami (Yor Forger from Spy x Family, Shinobu Kochou from Demon Slayer)
14.  Malavai Quinn: Jun Fukuyama (Korosensei in Assassination Classroom, Ban in Seven Deadly Sins, Joker in Persona 5, and Kazuma in Noragami)
15.  Pierce: Daisuke Ono (Sebastian in Black Butler)
16.  Torian Cadera: Masakazu Morita (Ichigo Kurosaki in Bleach, Whis in Dragonball Super) (Chosen for a very specific reason)
17.  Gault: Koji Yusa (Gin Ichimaru in Bleach)
18.  Aric Jorgan: Hideo Ishikawa (Itachi Uchiha in Naruto, Jushiro Ukitake in Bleach)
19.  Kaliyo Djannis: Fairouz Ai (Power in Chainsaw Man)
20.  Risha Drayen: Yoko Hikasa (Utahime in Jujutsu Kaisen, Angelina Shields in Irregular at Magic High)
21.  Akaavi Spar: Satsuki Yukino (Yoruichi Shihoin in Bleach)
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tiredassmage · 2 years
7 & 8 for the swtor asks? :)
Saving this for after work was the correct choice (and also I overslept, oops >.>) bc bOY WERE WE BUSY. So thank you, this kept me a bit more sane, lol.
ask list here!
7. Which player voice actor is your favorite and your least favorite?
To probably no one who has seen an ounce of my content ever, I'd listen (and... have... by playing) to the Male Agent for hours. I think I'm up to 3 male agent ocs and the urge to make more? Constant. Inescapable. More than likely inevitable, tbh. I'm a glutton for the punishment of Imperial Agent story, apparently. Just leave me where I lie, there is no saving to be done.
Female Smuggler gets an honorable mention as well because I adore her. I adore the humor of smuggler. I adore the sass, the take no shit.
Anyway, my least favorite is... probably either of the Jedi Knights, I think. Side by side, they don't feel as distinguishable from one another as some of the other classes. The job is done; I've played both at least through the class story and I wouldn't mind doing it again just looking at voice acting, but I feel like other classes have a bit more pop and variety. Or maybe I've just played my Knights too predictably akdfnlksdnflsdf.
8. Name your top favorite companions.
Oh man. Oh boy. How do I pick??? Y'know what, maybe I'll choose violence. Maybe I'll pick my favorite from every class. I've played them all. I could do that. (It's just as daunting to consider as it may be to read.)
Preface: I think my faves are largely story-based in my reasoning - I like their story, I like how they're engaged in the story, etc. Very rarely do I swap companions because of a felt need in gameplay given everyone's capability to do anything, but I have done so for story reasons.
Okay, I decided I'm insane enough to try to pick one from each, so since that's quite a list, find that beneath the cut:
We'll start with Agent, my beloved, and Vector. The Friend The Agent Needs. No more need be said. I want to hug them. I hope he's having a good day. One day, I'll do his romance, too. Dot stop playing male agents challenge. (I'm such a creature of habit.)
Bounty Hunter's a tough call because I found myself fond of practically the whole damn crew. Real found family vibe. Idk if I love one of them so much over the other as much as I just appreciate the crew's dynamic overall so, so much. The level of interaction and mingling with the crew just felt so much higher or hit so much harder than a lot of the others that I'd rank BH as a class story relatively high on my list solely for companion interactions.
For Sith Warrior, again, to little surprise if you've heard me open my mouth, Malavai Quinn. Ironically and slightly unironically my "he did nothing wrong" bastard. I'm, unfortunately, so incredibly attracted to this smart idiot of a man. The repression of feelings to explosion of passion and dedication in his romance is chef's kiss kind of shit. They're lying if they're trying to convince me that this man isn't a disaster bisexual. He's just. So insanely pretty. I'll forgive him even if I ever make a character that won't.
I think Talos is probably my favorite Inquisitor companion. Whoever said we were robbed because we don't have an Inquisitor x Talos romance in-game? You're so right. Dude has a cool name. Love this history nerd. He's so incredible. I am so pleased he was still being bright and bubbly on Elom. Miss him.
Trooper is hands down Elara. Constantly tip-tapping like a very excited, happy dog when I see I can talk to best girl. I love her story. Her romance is incredibly sweet. She's the single thing that got me through a 2nd Trooper playthrough.
Smuggler's another no competition in favor of Bowdarr. I want to give this Wookie so. many. hugs.
Kira Carsen for Jedi Knight. Again, no competition. The friendship is so, so sweet.
And Jedi Consular is a tough one to round out on. I have a lot of love for basically the whole crew, but I think I'll have to go with Qyzen for being bestie original MVP. I'm so glad we get to build a friendship with him because I don't think we get to see Trandoshans in quite this same light anywhere else in the game.
And also Theron Shan. I can't do this list without him. Sir, I'd die for you. Sometimes you're an idiot and I love you. Insert, after all, why shouldn't I romance Theron again meme here.
Honorable mention to Major Anri. I'm love her. If I have to fuck with her directly in saboteuring of the Empire, I'm going to feel SO many emotions. Keep me in your thoughts kan;fladnkfl;dsf.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Fenris Prime’s SWTOR OC Masterpost (OVERHAUL PENDING)
The Zarmahan Legacy Core Eight
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Brenddal Leathon, Sith Warrior
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 37 (at the end of KOTET)
Homeworld: Ziost
Alignment: Neutral-Light Side
Sexuality: Bisexual (male-leaning)
Role: Emperor’s Empire’s Wrath, The Outlander, Commander of the Eternal Alliance
Romance: Theron Shan
Nickname: Bren
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Yulizzia Orlais, Jedi Knight
Gender: Female
Species: Zabrak
Age: 37 (at the end of KOTET)
Homeworld: Balmorra
Alignment: Light Side (mostly)
Sexuality: Demisexual, Panromantic
Role: Hero of Tython, Jedi Battlemaster, The Outlander #2, Deputy Commander of the Eternal Alliance
Romance: Kira Carsen
Nickname: Yul, Yuli
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Raga'vash'luzau, Imperial Agent
Gender: Male
Species: Chiss
Age: 39 (at the end of KOTET)
Homeworld: Csilla
Alignment: Neutral (leaning dark)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role: Former Csilla Secret Police, Former Cipher Nine, Former Imperial Commander, Spymaster of the Eternal Alliance, House Miurani Advisor
Romance: Theron Shan (formerly Yana-Ton)
Nickname: A'vash'l
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Aellisu Zarmahan, Smuggler
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 35 (at the end of KOTET)
Homeworld: Ziost
Alignment: Neutral-Light Side
Sexuality: Straight Normie Heterosexual 
Role: Former Imperial Pilot, Republic Privateer, Voidhound, Underworld Kingpin, Advisor to Hylo Visz
Romance: Akaavi Spar (formerly Risha)
Nickname: Ael
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Baduenda Orlais, Republic Trooper
Gender: Female
Species: Zabrak
Age: 40 (at the end of KOTET)
Homeworld: Balmorra
Alignment: Neutral-Dark
Sexuality: Asexual, Aromantic
Role: Former Balmorran Resistance Fighter, Former Havoc Squad Commander, Chief Military Advisor for the Eternal Alliance
Romance: None
Nickname: Badu
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Hadisha Lok, Bounty Hunter
Gender: Female
Species: Cathar
Homeworld: Corellia
Alignment: Neutral-Light
Sexuality: Pansexual, Polyamorous 
Role: Champion of the Great Hunt, Leader of Clan Lok, Enforcer of the Eternal Alliance
Romance: Mako and Torian
Nickname: Hadi
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hobblywobbly · 3 years
SWTOR OC Masterlist
finally decided to go ahead and make a masterlist of all my ocs that I've made lore for and worked into the game's canon (some more prominent and favored than others)
will update as time goes on!
Inbox is always open to questions!
The Outlanders
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Name: Concilliabule Xander Gender: Male (he/him) Species: Human Class/Alignment: Sith Inquisitor | Sorcerer | LS Color Crystal: Black-Orange Age: 36* (at the end of Onslaught)(*spent 5 years in carbonite) Sexuality: Gay Romance: Arcann | Dating Notes: younger twin brother of jaro'marc, ex-slave turned acolyte, was the one in carbonite for five years in Arcann's treasury vault thing, first oc, the commander of the eternal alliance, named himself
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Name: "Captain" Flynnweh Shan Gender: Male (he/him) Species: Miraluka Class/Alignment: Smuggler Gunslinger | Dirty Fighting | LS Color Crystal: White-Yellow-Orange (both guns) Age: 45* (at the end of Onslaught)(*spent 5 years in carbonite) Sexuality: Bisexual Romance: Theron Shan | Married Notes: the Dad™ of the alliance, co-commander of the eternal alliance, force-sensitive, stole his name from a legendary pirate, widower
The Jedi
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Name: Jaro'marc Xander Gender: Male (he/him) Species: Human Class/Alignment: Jedi Sentinel | Concentration | DS Color Crystal: Cloud Blue (main) Desert Green (off hand) Age: 36 (at the end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Pansexual Romance: Kira Carsen | Married Notes: older twin brother of concilliabule, lost eye and leg from imperial torture, was officially exiled from the jedi order, very much anti-imperial, has a daughter with kira (Faiós Carsen-Xander)
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Name: Eliote Gender: Female (she/her) Species: Human Class/Alignment: Jedi Shadow | Infiltration | LS Color Crystal: Farmhand Blue Age: 34 (at the end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Lesbian/Ace Romance: Lana Beniko | Married Notes: a force empath, spent a few years before KOTEF training under the voss
The Hunter
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Name: Mlircu Cadera Gender: Female (she/they) Species: Chiss Class/Alignment: Bounty Hunter Mercenary | Arsenel | DS Color Crystal: Blood Red Age: 33 (at the end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Demisexual Romance: Torian Cadera | Married Notes: orphaned and raised outside the ascendency, became mandalorian through the hunt, doesn't speak much, has a son with torian (its blizz although torian vehemently denies it), vendetta against flynn
The Soldier
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Name: Derlena Gender: Trans-Female (she/her) Species: Human Class/Alignment: Trooper Vanguard | Tactics | LS Color Crystal: Radiant Green Age: 40 (at the end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Bisexual Romance: Aric Jorgan | Married Notes: defected from the republic with the rest of havoc
The Warrior
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The FeAgentsh'el Gender: Female (she/her) Species: Half Pureblood, Half Twi'lek Class/Alignment: Sith Juggernaut | Vengeance | DS Color Crystal: Fire Red Age: 52 (at the end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Heterosexual Romance: Malavai Quinn | Married Notes: vendetta against concilliabule, dark council member as of Onslaught
The Freelance Agent
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Name: Eskowel Gender: Male (he/they) Species: Chiss Class/Alignment: Imperial Operative | Concealment | LS Color Crystal: Derelict-Purple Age: 40 (end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Demisexual Romance: Vector Hyllus | Dating Notes: born into an imperial noble family but expressed interest in Intelligence, family died abord Darth Jadus's ship, allergic to physical affection and has been known to bite and/or scream, 30% good morals 70% sarcasm and a sprinkle of dark humor
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
All Characters Post
Jedi Knights
Tyrenic Alistaire Shabre
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Subclass: Jedi Guardian
Species: Mirialan
Age at start of class story: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Love Interest: Theron Shan, Savri Gedyc
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Shelerik Raynan Coro
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Subclass: Jedi Sentinel
Species: Mirialan/Sith Pureblood
Age at start of class story: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Love Interest: Kira Carsen
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Secondary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Zohla Iyoriun
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Subclass: Jedi Sentinel
Species: Sith Pureblood
Age at start of class story: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Love Interest: Jyshya Jhur
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary/Iyoriun Universe
Server: Satele Shan
Jedi Consulars
Leshlaa Phizaas
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Subclass: Jedi Shadow
Species: Togruta
Age at start of class story: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Felix Iresso
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Annilai Laenir Jhasis
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Subclass: Jedi Shadow
Species: Cathar
Age at start of class story: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Love Interest: Lana Beniko
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Secondary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Izalia Iyoriun
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Subclass: Jedi Sage
Species: Sith Pureblood
Age at start of class story: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Felix Iresso
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary/Iyoriun Universe
Server: Satele Shan
Troopers Nyaisa Rhona Shabre
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Subclass: Commando
Species: Mirialan
Age at start of class story: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Love Interest: Aric Jorgan
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Ikhirr Noric Jhasis
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Subclass: Vanguard
Species: Cathar
Age at start of class story: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Love Interest: Elara Dorne
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Secondary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Smugglers Leikael Sorcha Shabre
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Subclass: Gunslinger
Species: Mirialan
Age at start of class story: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Corso Riggs
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
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Subclass: Gunslinger
Species: Mirialan
Age at start of class story: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Koth Vortena
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary
Server: Star Forge
Tama Riczu
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Subclass: Gunslinger
Species: Mirialan
Age at start of class story: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Corso Riggs
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary
Server: Satele Shan
Sith Warriors
Shaialis Zraersia Ienla Coro
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Subclass: Sith Marauder
Species: Mirialan/Sith Pureblood
Age at start of class story: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Malavai Quinn, Pierce
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Nastao Rasu
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Subclass: Sith Juggernaut
Species: Togruta
Age at start of class story: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Love Interest: Vette
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Secondary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Sith Inquisitors
Elazari Kallig (Taregs)
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Subclass: Sith Sorcerer
Species: Mirialan
Age at start of class story: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Andronikos Revel, 
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Bounty Hunters Natamai Narah Lok (Shabre) 
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Subclass: Powertech
Species: Mirialan
Age at start of class story: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Torian Cadera
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Savri Gedyc (Tesa)
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Subclass: Mercenary
Species: Togruta
Age at start of class story: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Mako, Tyrenic Shabre, Theron Shan
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Secondary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Tisna Cizm
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Subclass: Mercenary
Species: Mirialan
Age at start of class story: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Torian Cadera
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary
Server: Satele Shan
Imperial Agent
Ciski’zut’sairma “Izutsa”
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Subclass: Sniper
Species: Chiss
Age at start of class story: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Love Interest: Vector Hyllus
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Agent Fifteen (Niaken Amia)
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Subclass: Sniper
Species: Mirialan
Age at start of class story: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Kaliyo Djannis, Koth Vortena
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Secondary/Shabre Legacy
Server: Star Forge
Zirq’ozak’luskomo “Qozak”
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Subclass: Sniper
Species: Chiss
Age at start of class story: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Love Interest: Kaliyo Djannis
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary
Server: Satele Shan
Kyrha Althina
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Subclass: Powertech
Species: Togruta
Age at start of class story: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Torian Cadera - potential other
Legacy/Universe Primary or Secondary: Primary
Server: Star Forge
Miscellaneous Characters
Leita Naberrie
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(art for Leita by marlynata)
Universe: Star Wars
Time Period: Rebel Era (2bby)
Story: Vader Redeemed AU
Species: Human
Age: 17 
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Love Interest: Rioviche Tarkin
Kyiari Lesana
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(art for Kyiari by haospart/elaphaemourra
Universe: Star Wars
Time Period: Clone Wars
Story: Multi
Species: Twi’lek
Age: 19/20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Drift 
Blog for this oc is Jedikyiari
Family background characters part one
Family background characters part two
Friends, Acquaintances, Mentors, Children, Apprentices, Ex’s, background characters part three
Background characters romances/relationships:
Cradu Jinot/Korgran
Nezva Shabre/Riqr Arist
Raynan Coro/Ienla Coro
Laenir Jhasis/Noric Jhasis
Uikislita/Nuri Shazeo
Acoma Taa/Daala Bir
Elleste Chadani/Gelea Irandiurius
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azems-familiar · 3 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic (Video Game), Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython & Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython, Male Sith Warrior & Female Sith Warrior, Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython/Lord Scourge, Future Theron Shan/Male Sith Warrior, Kira Carsen & Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython, Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython & Lord Scourge, Orgus Din & Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython, Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython & Satele Shan, Male Sith Warrior & Jaesa Willsaam, Male Sith Warrior & Vette, Malavai Quinn & Male Sith Warrior, Kira Carsen/Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython, Female Sith Warrior/Original Character(s) Characters: Female Jedi Knight | Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, Lord Scourge (Star Wars), Orgus Din, Satele Shan, Male Sith Warrior, Female Sith Warrior, Jaesa Willsaam, Vette (Star Wars), Malavai Quinn, Theron Shan, Tenebrae | Vitiate | The Sith Emperor, Darth Marr, Darth Baras Additional Tags: War, Codependency, Queerplatonic Relationships, Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trans Male Character, Politics, Injury, Fall to the dark side, (not permanent), yes this is a swtor novelization, yes we combined our canons for this, yes we're insane, there'll be two others for troopers/agents and consulars/inquisitors so be ready, The Author Regrets Everything, actually we don't but you sure will, Oh also, Force Bond (Star Wars), Canon-Typical Violence, Child Soldiers, Slavery, Nonbinary Character, LGBTQ Character, so many of them, Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery, Novelization Series: Part 1 of start a war Summary:
Lia Vhoss and J'lima Akarr have been inseparable since they were children. As two of the strongest Jedi the Order has seen in decades, all eyes turn to them when the Empire once again makes a move against the Republic and an ancient enemy threatens to destroy everything they hold dear. But in the race to protect their home, they might find themselves consumed- or worse, torn apart forever.
Born a slave to a Sith family, Vyl Kivan has never felt comfortable with the reality of life in the Empire, no matter how little his opinion matters even to his fellow slaves. When he's sent to Korriban to learn the ways of the Sith and apprenticed to one of the most dangerous Darths in the Empire, he'll have to decide if he values his morality over his newfound freedom- or his life.
Rheja has been Sith since she was eight, taken to train with students just as bloodthirsty as she had to learn to be. Years of Korriban have prepared her to be apprentice to one of the most cunning and dangerous Sith in the Empire—until that position is taken and she is apprenticed to Darth Marr instead, thrown into a new world of intrigue and backstabbing nothing could've prepared her for.
@ipreferfiction and i have done a thing! we have so many regrets. this is the first book (yes, book) in a swtor novelization that combines both our canons and is going to cover 6 of the 8 class stories (not doing bounty hunter or smuggler) and all the expansions (probably; we have plans for them, at least). the first four chapters of each of the class story focused fics are short prologues to establish the characters, and then we’re getting into the main stories (as well as some original stories that we’re very excited to tell). it’s going to be fun!
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katethegreyjedi · 4 years
oc masterlist
Key: blue means LS, red means DS, no color means neutral, bold means neutral but LS leaning, italics means neutral but DS leaning, “*” means main
The Tano Legacy- (Satele Shan Server)
First Wave
Dojia Sardath-Shan: Jedi Consular, female, cathar, level 80* | Theron Shan
Sivana Tano-Shan: Trooper, female, cyborg, level 75* | Theron Shan
Finya Naïlo-Beniko: Smuggler, female, twi'lek, level 66* | Lana Beniko
Tallati T'ona: Jedi Knight, female, miraluka, level 51
Zojia Trenar-Quinn: Sith Warrior, female, sith pureblood, level 51 | Malavai Quinn
Feista Gredan-Cadera: Bounty Hunter, female, cyborg, level 54 | Torian Cadera
Camaya Trenar-Revel: Sith Inquisitor, female, zabrak, level 50 | Andronikos Revel
Zen’miana Elis'har-Hyllus: Imperial Agent, female, chiss, level 69 | Vector Hyllus (deleted)
Second Wave
Elshi'dar'ee Onri: Imperial Agent, female, chiss, level 73* | Theron Shan
Fee’ranula Laxana: Jedi Knight, female, mirialan, level 50* | (in future) Theron Shan
Astrinella: Sith Inquisitor, female, twi’lek, level 41* | Andronikos Revel
Rirjana Janae-Iresso: Jedi Consular, female, nautolan, level 51 | Felix Iresso
Findrali Naïlo: Smuggler, male, cyborg level 50 | Risha Drayen
Ko'era Hir-Quinn: Sith Warrior, female, human, level 37 | (in future) Malavai Quinn
Fen'treoxess Onri: Bounty Hunter, female, chiss, level 30 | (in future) Torian Cadera
Zodeta Talen-Jorgan: Trooper, female, cathar, level 57 | Aric Jorgan
Third Wave (?)
A'sajj Vin'triss: Sith Inquisitor, female, rattataki, level 10 | (in future) Koth Vortena
Lishella Yulan: Jedi Knight, female, togruta, level 6 | (in future) no one/a friend's oc
Kulanthi Laxana: Jedi Consular, female, mirialan, level 1 | other oc I've yet to make
The Vendethl Legacy- (Star Forge Server)
Andesten Vendethl: Trooper, male, human, level 60* | Elara Dorne
Kel'onor Renth'ath: Sith Warrior, male, twi'lek, level 55* | Vette
Ily'a Sarden: Smuggler, female, cathar level 53* | Darmas Pollaren
Senrionell Laxana: Jedi Knight, male, mirialan, level 1 | (in future) Kira Carsen
Ak'rilon Trenar: Sith Warrior, male, sith pureblood, level 1 | (in future) Jaesa or Lana
Aika'e Trenar: Sith Warrior, female, sith pureblood, level 1 | (in future) another oc
Therevor T'ona: Jedi Consular, male, miraluka, level 1 | (in future) Nadia Grell ?
Ha'ruowiss Elis'har: Imperial Agent, male, chiss, level 1 | (in future) Reina Temple
Ilisyr Sarden: Smuggler, male, cathar, level 1 | no one/everyone
Xandrnostru Laxana: Bounty Hunter, male, mirialan, level 1 | (in future) Mako
Nezrenn: Sith Inquisitor, male, zabrak, level 3 | (in future) Ashara Zavros
The Sisko Legacy- (Darth Malgus Server)
Hagley Gredan: Imperial Agent, male, cyborg, level 26 | (in future) Kaliyo Djannis*
Archmallent War'aven: Sith Warrior, male, human, level 34 | (out of game) Kulanthi Laxana, (in game) Lana Beniko*
Seb'reella Unar're: Jedi Consular, female, chiss, level 8 | (in future) Arcann
Rysen'ii Gredan: Bounty Hunter, male, human, level 26 | (in future) Mako
Ben'jamin Sisko: Trooper, male, human, level 1 | (in future) no one? not sure yet
Qiduli Yulann: Jedi Knight, female, zabrak, level 1 | (in future) Doc
Pan'norfoss Fre't'an: Imperial Agent, male, Chiss, level 1 | (in future) Watcher Two
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cirex101 · 4 years
SWTOR Species/Class/Gender/Romance Headcanons
When it comes to SWTOR, I prefer my Toons’ species stay in their faction lane so to speak.  Nothing wrong with having a Chiss Jedi or Miraluka Sith, but that’s just not my thing, I just prefer my choices and headcanons to have some basis in the lore.
So without further ado, my Class/Species/Gender preferences for SWTOR
Jedi Knight: AH the Knight, my favorite class in both tone, and gameplay.  It’s also has the most traditional “Star Wars” story; young hero thrust into adventure, goes off to defeat the evil overlord.  Overall, it was designed to evoke Luke, Anakin, and all Jedi of action that followed them.  It was for this reason that my main Jedi Knight is a human male; can’t beat the classics in that regard.  Plus, it allowed us (before Onslaught) to romance Kira Carsen, who I consider to be a better romance option than Doc, and she has a larger role in the Knight storyline.
Jedi Consular: The wise mystic to the Knight’s brave warrior, the Consular is meant to evoke mentor Jedi from throughout the franchise, your Ben Kenobis, Qui-Gon Jins, Yodas, etc.  For this class, I like the Miraluka, who are a naturally Force Sensitive race of near-humans without eyes, but who see through the Force instead.  The blind sage archetype is an old one in fiction, and it seems fitting for the Consular.  As for gender, I have no strong preference, but I lean towards male for the beard.  Also Nadia’s romance is very sweet, and she has a large role in the overall story.  Felix meanwhile is just really boring.
Smuggler: Hoo boy, here’s where we start getting conflicted, since overall, everything about the Smuggler is great.  I’m torn between making a male human who romances the tough as nails and incredibly witty Risha for maximum Han Solo, or making a female Twi’lek who falls for Corso’s endearing country boy charms.  The struggle is real.  I don’t suppose I can headcanon two co-captains who are foster siblings can I?
Trooper: Cathar female, because Jennifer Hale is basically playing Commander Shepard again.  I chose Cathar to get some variety for my Republic Toons; after all, there’s supposed to be countless species  represented in the Senate, might as well play as one that isn’t human/near-human.  Plus, the romance with resident grumpy cat Jorgan is incredibly sweet, and beats out Elara by just this much.
Sith Warrior: The Sith Warrior is described to be the scion of an old Sith family.  Now, when I hear “old Sith family” my mind immediately goes to Sith Pureblood; humans are too common, zabraks are only an option because of Darth Maul, and everything else is just cheating.  Now a Pureblood, one of the descendants of the 12 Dark Jedi Exiles, brings a certain level of arrogance, and undeniable power (Force-sensitive bloodlines are a major them in Star Wars).  Now, for maximum Darth Vader, I go with male, body-type 3, so I can literally look down on 95% of all NPCs.  As for romance options, Vette blows Jaesa out of the water.  Vette’s with the Warrior for longer, and after Jaesa’s recruited, she just stopes being important, plus there’s her whole widely different personalties based on if she’s Light or Dark.
Sith Inquisitor: the Inquisitor is a bit of an odd duck, in that as a slave, every species is a contender save, ironically, for the Pureblood.  Now that being said, I’d limit myself to near-human species, as the Inquisitor is a descendant of Lord Kallig, whose species is unknown, but was probably Pureblood, whose descendants probably married into a near-human bloodline, and lost the pureblood traits.  Now then, as for the Inquisitor, I feel like Ratattaki is a good pick, due to many of that species being enslaved by the Empire previously, plus they just look intimidating as hell.  As for gender, I’m going with female over male, partly because Andronikos is more interesting than Ashara (Girl, you’re traveling with a Sith Lord and fighting against the Republic; you’re definitely not a Jedi anymore), and partly to have an even ratio of male/female for both factions.  
Bounty Hunter: Another tough one for gender, as both male and female romance options have strong arcs.  Ultimately, it’s first come, first serve, so I’m going with a male Hunter that romances Mako.  As for species, this is a tough one.  As both a member of the criminal underworld and later the Mandalorians, any species is justified save for perhaps a Pureblood.  For me, I’m torn between the classic human or a fierce zabrak.  I suppose that in this case the Hunter will have the be the Empire’s token human, which is rather ironic.
Imperial Agent: This class is a bit of an oddball in that there’s no iconic Star Wars character that fits the mold of a secret agent.  I’d describe it as a cross between the various Imperial officers from the movies and James Bond.  In any case, there’s only one choice in species for a class this suave, smooth, cool, and deadly; the Chiss, and that’s entirely because of Grand Admiral Thrawn.  Now, for the Agent I choose female, because Vector’s romance blows both Kaliyo and Raina’s out of the water, rather easily.  
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
The Halcyon Legacy
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Recently I’ve seen @tishinada , @spindlewit and others release impressive reports on their Legacies through KOTFE/KOTET. These looked like a lot of fun. I was planning on doing something with this myself, and one project sort of dove-tailed with the other. None on my OCs here are blood relations, but most have encountered each other. So without further ado, here is the HALCYON LEGACY.
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Name: Corellan Halcyon Gender: Male Species: Human Status / Position: Alive / Formerly Jedi Master and Battlemaster of the Jedi Order; now Commander of the Eternal Alliance (with several courtesy titles he doesn’t care about, but others seem to) Relationship: Kira Carsen
About Him: Corellan was born on Legol, a minor corporate gas mining colony that was destroyed during the First Galactic War. An infant Corellan – named so by the Republic soldier (Rusk) who saved him - was evacuated off-planet and, discovered to be Force-sensitive, was turned over to the Jedi Order. (This is all recounted in my work “Beginnings”.) Corellan was raised and trained at a remote Jedi Enclave on Uphrades, where his most distinguished Master was Sagotto, a retired Jedi Battlemaster. At the age of 16 and now a full Padawan, Corellan began serving under a series of Masters in relatively short apprenticeships, most of whom were traveling around the Outer Rim. Through all of this, Corellan had very little contact with the “main” Jedi Order as a whole, which meant that when he was finally sent to Tython for his Jedi Trials, his view on the Order and his place within it was somewhat skewed. (At that point, Corellan thought that most Jedi were like him, and that he was nothing exceptional.)
Nevertheless, Corellan quickly developed a strong bond with Orgus Din during his brief time as his Padawan, and when he rescued Teeseven from the Flesh Raiders he made a friend for life. Corellan likewise grew close to Kira Carsen when she was assigned his Padawan, and shortly after her promotion to Knighthood, the two began a relationship. (This is recounted in the first chapter of my “Kira Carsen and the Hero of Tython” fic.) During the class story, Corellan committed only two “Dark-side” choices. The first was when he told Kira he would protect her from the Emperor; the second was when he slew the Emperor in cold blood on Dromund Kaas. Corellan is the coalition’s champion during the Shadow of Revan story, finally allowing the legendary warrior to find peace. His life takes a definite turn early in Knights of the Fallen Empire; separated from his crew and with the Order shattered, he realizes he must go beyond the Jedi’s teachings in order to win this conflict. His confrontation with Satele – a woman whom he’d looked at as almost a mother-like figure – on Odessen was intense and was one of the few times he’s almost lost it. He recovered, however, and he, Satele and Marr parted on good terms.      
Corellan goes through a number of armor changes during the game, wearing the Resolute Guardian armor set for most of the Jedi Knight campaign before switching to the Ruthless Scion – dyed blue and white – during KOTFE/KOTET. In the aftermath of these events, with Senya and Arcann’s blessing, Corellan started wearing Thexan’s raiment.
In my head-canon, Teeseven, Rusk, and Doc all saw their stories develop similar to the way they did in canon. Scourge did leave, however, did not take Kira with him to find Vitiate’s original body. Kira herself was part of an anti-Zakuulan resistance organization. When that group was destroyed and scattered, she became desperate to form a new one, but, in her own words ‘got into trouble’. (More to come on this, and what became of Scourge.)
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Name: Gahraath Vaiken / [Cipher Nine] Gender: Male Species: Human Status / Position: Alive / Former top operative for Imperial Intelligence / Now top ‘cleaner’ for the Alliance   Relationships: Raina Temple About Him: Gahraath Vaiken, the man known to the galaxy as [Cipher Nine], went through the gamut of emotions in the final days of Imperial Intelligence, and a lesser operative would have cracked. Fortunately, he unexpectedly found comfort in the arms of Raina Temple, who saw him through those dark times. When it was over, [Cipher Nine] discovered that he was loyal to an Empire that never existed. When Sith Intelligence was formed under Lana Beniko, he accepted assignments as an independent operative, but never trusted her. During the early days of the Eternal Empire invasion, [Cipher Nine] was separated from his crew, marooned on a colony believed to be destroyed. By the time he found a way to escape, years had passed and his crew had long since scattered. [Cipher Nine] joined the Alliance not long after its formation, using a fake name and identity. On Odessen, he had a private conversation with Corellan Halcyon. No one seems to know what was said between the two, but afterwards, he disclosed his true status as a former operative of Imperial Intelligence. Lana Beniko was enraged at his deception, but the Commander insisted he be allowed to remain. Since then, he’s become the Alliance’s top sniper and removal specialist. (Though these days, he takes most of his targets in with tranquilizers.)
[Cipher Nine]’s crew mostly followed the canon story. SCORPIO, Kaliyo and Lokin would all eventually join the Alliance. Vector Hyllus withdrew to the Killiks, but eventually would broker an arrangement with the Alliance, largely with [Cipher Nine]’s help. [Cipher Nine] is unaware that Raina Temple returned to the Chiss Ascendency and has been looking for her for some time.    
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Name: Bas’rish Gender: Female Species: Twi’lek Status / Position: Alive / Formerly known as “the Voidhound” / later “Logistics” deputy with the Alliance Relationships: A long series of short-term relationships over time, most recently with Koth Vortena About Her: Having grown up in poverty on Ryloth, Bas’rish sees her ship and her lifestyle as a smuggler captain as the ultimate expression of her freedom and has never allowed herself to be tied down by anything. Bas’rish first met Corellan and Kira on Nar Shaddaa, where she had gotten herself into trouble with the Hutts. This encounter led her to declare Corellan her ‘little brother’, although Corellan was only two years younger and about six inches taller than the Twi’lek smuggler. Two years after the Eternal Empire invaded, Bas’rish was captured by the Exarch of Belsavis during a mission. She was cruly treated by the Exarch for the next three years, during the course of which her crew believed she had been killed. [I retell this in my short story ‘Three Years’.]
Corellan and Teeseven rescued Bas’rish during their raid on the Star Fortress, and Bas’rish would go on to put down the Exarch herself. Afterwards, she joined the Alliance, where she was reunited with Bowdarr, and later Guss and Akaavi.    
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Name: Xadya Gender: Female Species: Human Status / Position: Alive / Most recent Grand Champion of the Great Hunt / Alliance operative Relationships: While “gameplay Xadya” romanced Torian Cadera, “headcanon Xadya” eventually wound up with Mako. About Her: Xadya’s early background and childhood are a closely guarded secret. Its possible she’s told Mako how she got the scars on her face and necks, but if so, she’s the only one. Xadya briefly encountered Corellan on Makeb; before the two champions could come to blows, Kira and Mako – who had known each other back on Nar Shaddaa – managed to broker a cease-fire. Xadya told Corellan what had happened with Jun Seros, and the two eventually parted ways with a mutual professional respect. Xadya and her crew fought alongside Mandalore the Vindicated during the Zakuulan invasion, fleeing only after the old Mandalore – who was something of a father figure to Xadya – was killed. Xadya took a few survivors and went underground, stepping back from the galaxy and effectively letting her crew go their own ways, with the exception of Mako. It was only at this point that Mako, a few years older and wiser, expressed her feelings to Xadya, which she reciprocated. The two put together a small group of Mandolorians on the Outer Rim, a group which included Akaavi Spar. Years later, Torian – who had been trusted with the means to contact Xadya and Mako – reached out, eventually persuading the two to join the Eternal Alliance.
Xadya’s crew – with the exception of Mako – developed much as they did in the game. When she joined the Alliance, Corellan disclosed to her – out of respect -that he and Rusk had sent Skadge to prison. (She was not devastated.)
Xadya has come to respect Shae Vizla and accept her as the new Mandalore, but it was slow going.
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Name: Illaynah Antilles Gender: Female Species: Human Status / Position: Alive / Former Major in the Republic Military / Former Commander Officer of Havoc Squad / leader of the Tralus resistance movement / eventual Alliance Special Forces Commander Relationships: A series of short-term liaisons, including with Ava Jaxo, Jonas Balkar and very briefly with Theron Shan. About Her: Illaynah Antilles is a native of Tralus, near Corellia. She had a complicated relationship with her father, a former Republic soldier who was forced to retire due to a crippling injury. He fell into an alcohol-driven depression and never wanted Illaynah to follow in his footsteps. He said some truly hurtful things to her when she enlisted, and Illaynah never resolved things with him before his death. Her years commanding Havoc Squad were complicated for Illaynah. She began her service as a true patriot of the Republic, but her experiences with General Garza during her service soon enlightened her to the darker realities that resulted from decades of conflict. Illaynah actually had high hopes for Chancellor Saresh, and that continued up until her failures when the Eternal Empire invaded. When the Republic effectively surrendered to Zakuul so they could continue their war against the Sith, she resigned in disgust. When she discovered her homeworld of Tralus now had a Zakuulan Star Fortress orbiting it. Illaynah ran a resistance cell for the next few years, and was eventually contacted by the Alliance for assistance. After helping Corellan take out the Star Fortress, she would eventually join the Alliance as their Special Forces commander.
Illaynah’s old squad-mates in Havoc Squad saw their careers take similar roads as in the canon. Jorgan took over while Elara was transferred to Jace Malcolm’s staff. Forex became a Republic mouthpiece, while Yuun went off on his own to Zakuul to study their technology. Tanno Vik eventually settled on Asylum to do Tanno’s thing. The first three all would eventually find themselves joining the Alliance, with Elara serving as a representative of the Republic military. While they all have other responsibilities, Havoc Squad occasionally reforms for special missions.  
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Name: Zu’fanda Gender: Female Species: Twi’lek Status / Position: Deceased / Darth Nox / Member of the Dark Council / Order of Revan Relationship: Andronikos Revel About Her: Zu’fanda spent her early years as a slave in the Sith Empire. Despite countless abuses, she nevertheless persevered, and when it was discovered that she was was Force sensitive, she thrived as a Sith. Although solidly a Dark Sider, Zu’fanda understood that the Force was greater than what she’d been taught on Korriban. This led to many interesting conversations with Ashara Zavros. The two never completely saw eye to eye, but it did lead Zu’fanda to take a hard look at the Emperor. Realizing what Vitiate was, she made a critical decision to stop this existential threat.
She threw in with the Order of Revan.
Zu’fanda led the assault on Tython, with the secret objective of securing the Rakatan artifact the Revanites needed. Just before the Republic counterattack began, Zu’fanda gave the order for dozens of captured Padawans to be executed. Ashara protested the decision, leading to a verbal altercation between master and apprentice right when Zu’fanda’s full focus needed to be on the coming Republic attack.
That attack came in the form of Corellan, Kira and Lord Scourge appearing in the council chamber to confront Zu’fanda, Ashara and Khem Val. It should have been an even fight, but the conflict between Zu’fanda and Ashara threw off the timing of the Imperials. Ashara missed a ‘switch’ as Corellan squared off against Nox, giving Kira the opening she needed to strike down the Dark Council member. At Nox’s death, Ashara went catatonic while Khem charged Kira in an uncontrolled fury... leaving the Dashade open for Scourge to cut him down.    
In the aftermath of Zu’fanda’s death, Ashara was taken prisoner by the Jedi order, but later escaped during the Zakuulan invasion of Tython. Andronikos swore revenge against the Jedi who had killed the love of his life. Xalek, regretting his master’s death but judging it to be the will of the Force, departed the service of the Sith Empire. [Later showing up on Ilum.] Talos, loyal to Nox but not particularly close to her, rejoined the Imperial Reclamation Service. [Talos and Xalek would eventually encounter Corellan, joining the Eternal Alliance.] Andronikos is still unaccounted for. Ashara, however, may be making an appearance soon…
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Name: Ulannium Kaarz Gender: Male Species: Mirialan Status / Position: Bar’senthor of the Jedi Order; later special emissary to the Eternal Alliance Relationship: Nadia Grell [Though their relationship develops very differently from the class story, which is terribly rushed.] About Him: Ulannium was raised on Uphrades at the same enclave that produced Corellan. Despite the fact that he was four years older than the future Battlemaster, the two younglings became friends, both somewhat in awe at the other’s abilities. As a Padawan and later a Jedi Knight and Master, Ulannium proved to be an incredibly potent Seer and one of the best diplomats in the order. Ulannium provided comfort to Nadia after the death of her father, and it was only years later, after Nadia became a Jedi Knight in her own right, that the two began acting on their feelings for each other, and only then as equals.
After the Eternal Empire invaded and Tython fell, Ulannium helped Gnost-Dural evacuate, establishing the colony on Ossus. His crew each went their own way, with Zenith returning to Balmorra, Qyzen starting to mentor other Trandoshans, Tharan Cedrax roped into the Republic’s latest secret weapons projects, and Felix Iresso rejoining the Republic military, only to be captured opposing the Eternal Empire. [These are all consistent with the base story.] Ulannium and Nadia continued their relationship on Ossus discreetly, with only Gnost-Dural knowing their secret. After years of isolation from the galaxy, Corellan and the Eternal Alliance would discover Ossus, helping them fight off a rogue Imperial attack. [This is divergence from the canon story, where the attack on Ossus was ordered by Empress Acina.] Afterwards, Ulannium and Nadia effectively joined the Alliance, serving as representatives of the now-rebuilding Jedi order.
Having grown up together, Ulannium and Corellan remain close friends, albeit they’ve only worked together on a handful of occasions.  
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Name: Lord Kael Gender: Male Species: Pureblood Status / Position: Deceased / Emperor’s Wrath Relationship: After a series of ‘encounters’ during the class story, Kael eventually committed himself to Jaesa Willsaam. However, upon realizing that he had been abandoned by Vitiate, Kael went insane and abandoned Jaesa and his crew. By the time she found out what happened to him, he had been killed on Yavin.
About Him: Kael was a truly monstrous Sith who never passed on the opportunity to order a good massacre or to torment a fallen enemy. Perhaps his sole redeeming virtue was that he was (usually) nice to Vette, though frankly, he almost thought of her as a pet. When he pursued Jaesa, he did so with particular gusto, relishing in the slaughter of her parents and her former Master. Like most Sith, Kael was raised to regard the Emperor as a god. When he became the Emperor’s Wrath and slew Baras, he saw it as his ‘great destiny’ and committed himself fully to Vitiate. When it was revealed that the Emperor had been using the Empire (including Kael) for his own ends the entire time and sought to destroy the galaxy, it broke something in his mind. He abandoned his crew on a murderous bender; Jaesa may not have been a stabilizing influence on his life, but Vette and the others had been. In his rage, Kael was approached by a powerful and charismatic man who promised him the chance for revenge against Vitiate.
Unfortunately for Kael, that man was Revan.
Kael threw in with the Revanites, becoming Revan’s personal enforcer. During the Battle of Yavin, Revan sent him out with the last of his reserves in a last-ditch counteroffensive. At the crucial moment, Kael and his warriors were confronted by Corellan and Kira. For nearly an hour they battled. The Hero of Tython and the Emperor’s Wrath were evenly matched, but Corellan was playing a mental game. Kael’s offensive lost all momentum, letting the coalition forces rally. Realizing that even if he won the battle that he had already lost the war, Kael lost the last of his sanity, attacking the Jedi with complete abandon. With Kira’s help, Corellan slew him.
As for the rest of Kael’s old crew, their fates mostly played out as they did in the canon story. Vette eventually teamed with Gault, Quinn became an advisor to Empress Acina, Pierce became the Empire’s new ‘model’ soldier, and Broonmark went on a killing spree against everyone who he blamed for the Talz being the cuddly teddy-bear insects they are. As for Jaesa, she swore vengeance against Corellan and Kira. Her plans broke down when the Eternal Empire attacked and Corellan disappeared while Kira went underground. But its possible we may hear from her again… _________________________________________ I hope people enjoyed this. I will tag some people for fun, but no pressure! @inyri​ @greyias​ @legacystarwarred​ @pauletta-00​
And anyone else who wants to try it! 
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commander-krios · 5 years
Oooh for the pairings PLEASE do SWOTOR! And link the ones you've already done plz!
I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to answer this for every class so I did anyway, just in case! Thank you so much for the ask.
Jedi Knight:
Otp: Jedi Knight/Doc
favourite canon pairing: Jedi Knight/Doc (I’m biased) and Jedi Knight/Theron Shan
worst pairing ever: I can’t say I’ve seen a pairing that I was against, but anything with Jedi/Padawan bothers me because of power differences.
guilty pleasure pairing: Jedi Knight/Lord Praven, I can’t help it. I’m a sucker for redemption arcs.
a pairing you want to see more: Jedi Knight/Praven or Jedi Knight/Doc. I honestly don’t know many Doc romancers and it makes me sad.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” : I’ve seen a lot of people into JK/Scourge and I’m just… nope. I can’t. I love Scourge and maybe if he had someone else, but not the Jedi Knight.
favorite non-romantic pair: Jedi Knight/T7-01, Jedi Knight/Kira Carsen & Jedi Knight/Lord Scourge. I’m not into the romance with Kira or Scourge but the friendships are so great and my JK is so devoted to her friends.
Jedi Consular:
Otp: Jedi Consular/Jedi Knight… I don’t have an actual romance for my Consular in game.
favourite canon pairing: Jedi Consular/Felix Iresso, Jedi Consular/Lana Beniko
worst pairing ever: Jedi Consular/Qyzen Fess. It doesn’t make sense for either of them to have a romance so no.
guilty pleasure pairing: Jedi Consular/Tharan Cedrix… I can’t tell you why. I just had so much teasing him in game.
a pairing you want to see more: Jedi Consular/Felix Iresso… I think I’ve seen like two pieces of art with them? And it makes me sad.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” : I can’t say that I have an aversion to any popular ships.
favorite non-romantic pair: Jedi Consular/Nadia Grell and Jedi Consular/Qyzen Fess.
Otp: Smuggler/Corso Riggs, Smuggler/Risha
favourite canon pairing: Smuggler/Corso Riggs 
worst pairing ever: Smuggler/Skavak & Smuggler/Darmas… blech.
guilty pleasure pairing: Smuggler/Beryl Thorne and Smuggler/Numen Brock. I’m a huge fan of a lot of side characters and I’m sad the romances don’t go the entire game.
a pairing you want to see more: Smuggler/Akaavi Spar. I love Akaavi.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: I can’t think of a romance that I’ve seen that I dislike. I’m sure it’s out there though lol
favorite non-romantic pair: Smuggler/Risha and Smuggler/Bowdaar. My Smuggler was best friends with them and honestly, it was worth it.
Republic Trooper:
Otp: Trooper/Theron Shan
favourite canon pairing: Trooper/Aric Jorgan, Trooper/Elara Dorne and Trooper/Theron Shan
worst pairing ever: Idk I guess the Trooper and any of their bosses? I can’t think of one.
guilty pleasure pairing: Trooper/Jonas Balkar (I’m a huge fan of the SWTOR spies… I can’t help it.)
a pairing you want to see more: Trooper/Ava Jaxo.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” : I haven’t seen a pairing that makes me feel gross so that’s a win lol
favorite non-romantic pair: Trooper/Aric Jorgan and Trooper/Elara Dorne. Whether romanced or not, their friendships always make me happy. And Trooper/Jaxo… they were so close and it still kills me what happens to her.
Sith Warrior:
Answered here
Sith Inquisitor:
Answered here
Imperial Agent:
Otp: Agent/Vector Hyllus
favourite canon pairing: Agent/Vector, Agent/Raina Temple, Agent/Lana Beniko and Agent/Theron Shan
worst pairing ever: Agent/Darth Zhorrid
guilty pleasure pairing: Agent/Watcher Two and Agent/Sanju Pyne
a pairing you want to see more: Agent/Raina or Agent/Vector… I feel like I’ve never seen anything with these romances.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” : Agent/Kaliyo… I honestly see Kaliyo more as that wild friend that gets you into trouble all the time, not a romance.
favorite non-romantic pair: Agent/Kaliyo and Agent/Watcher Two
Bounty Hunter:
Otp: Hunter/Torian Cadera and Hunter/Lana Beniko
favourite canon pairing: Hunter/Torian Cadera
worst pairing ever: Hunter/Tarro Blood
guilty pleasure pairing: Hunter/Gault Rennow
a pairing you want to see more: Hunter/Gault or Hunter/Lana… those pairings seem so interesting and could result in some fun stuff.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” : Hunter/Mako… I can’t do it. She feels more like a little sister to me, even with a male Hunter. 
favorite non-romantic pair: Hunter/Gault, Hunter/Mako and Hunter/Blizz… so freaking great. Mako is always a little sister to my Hunters and Gault always end up being the friend that gets them into trouble, but it’s a good kind of trouble. 
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jarael · 6 years
swtor for the fandom ask meme!
Favourite Female: LS Jaesa Willsaam, Vette, Kira CarsenFavourite Male: Torian Cadera, Felix Iresso, Theron Shan3 Other Favourite Characters: Vaylin, T7-O1, Mako3 OTPs: F!Consular/Felix, F!BH/Torian, Smuggler/XS FreighterFunniest character: Gault Rennow, Tharan CedraxPrettiest character: Ashara Zavros, Senya Tirall’s original lookMost Annoying Character: Skadge or ForexMost badass character: Satele Shan or SenyaCharacter I’d like as my BFF: Kira Carsen or VetteFemale Character I’d Marry: all of the original female compsMale Character I’d Marry: Torian or FelixCharacter I hate/dislike/least like: Valkorion(aka Charles Boyd’s masturbatory power fantasy)
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tishinada · 7 years
#2 , 9 and 10 for player asks
Thank you! These are a lot of fun...
2. What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favorite 
Hmm, this is a tough one, and sometimes changes day to day. Overall, I’d say the Sith Inquisitor, because I love the mechanics of the assassin, I love the story, the NPCs, the companions, even the dialogue and VA. But for pure story, I think the JC is my favorite, and SW, smuggler, and IA are very high up there for story or companions or dialogue.
9. How about your least favorite companions? 
No big surprises here - Doc is my least favorite LI, period. At the very bottom of my list even behind him are Skaadge and Tanno Vik (Doc has at least some redeeming qualities) with Corso and Gault a little above Doc.
10. Favorite love interest? 
No big surprise here, Lana Beniko :D
But Felix Iresso, Andronikos Revel, Malavai Quinn, Vector Hyllus, Mako, and Kira Carsen are in a very tight group not far behind her. There are only two LIs, male or female, that I want nothing to do with, though there are about half a dozen I’m only luke-warm on.
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