#KOTFE timeskip
keldae · 1 year
Writer’s Month 2023: Day Five
word: sun | setting/AU: poolside
Dantooine's sun shone warmly in the clear blue sky, radiating down over the little natural pool, tucked away in a hidden ravine close to the hidden Jedi refuge. It was peaceful enough that Korin could almost forget about the Zakuulans roaming the hyperspace lanes, making life hell for the rest of the galaxy.
He sat on the edge of the small pond, watching his companion lazily float on her back in the water. It was nice, he thought, to have this moment of quiet relaxation for both of them. Master Kiwiiks had pretty much ordered him to stay for a few days and rest, when he'd come in last night to deliver supplies to the Jedi – apparently he didn't wear the stress of supporting a growing insurgency as well as he thought. Normally, there would have been – he counted inwardly – three Jedi total that he would have ever willingly taken orders from.
But his Jedi mother had died ages ago. His Jedi sister had been killed early on in the Zakuulan invasion, a year and a half ago. And Master Satele was nowhere to be found. Outside of those three, he was normally inclined to argue with any Jedi who tried to direct him around. 
It really wasn't fair how Kira Carsen could just look at him with those big blue eyes, and he could feel his willpower eroding away. Damned Jedi tricks.
"Credit for your thoughts?" he asked Kira, sliding back into the cool water.
Kira hummed, still floating on her back, her auburn hair creating a halo around her head. "Just thinking about how we'll eventually need to head back before people start to talk."
Korin frowned at the reminder that his time in this blissful oasis, with his cute companion, was limited. "What, they have you on a schedule or somethin'?" He slowly swam over to Kira, taking the time to oogle her slim form in the water. There were multiple reasons why he wasn't eager for them to get dressed and go back to the other Jedi yet, and the opportunity to check Kira out was a big one.
"Nah. But if someone notices we've been gone a while…"
"You're, uh, giving me meditation lessons?"
Kira craned her neck up to look at Korin. "While skinny-dipping in a secluded pond?"
"We're connecting with nature!" Korin insisted, and was rewarded with a laugh from Kira. "Ain't that supposed to be somethin' big with Jedi? This has gotta be a good meditation area – 's quiet, peaceful, nice sunny weather, good company…"
Kira laughed and straightened up to tread water. "And the fact that you got me naked is helping, right? Not distracting you at all?"
"I'm plenty focused, thank you." Korin dragged his eyes back up from Kira’s chest to meet her amused gaze. "Besides, you got me naked too, so…"
“If you could run around the galaxy in the buff without getting arrested for public indecency, you’d do it,” Kira retorted, her eyes alight with laughter. 
“Oh, like you’re complaining…”
“I didn’t say I was.” Kira reached up to lazily drape her arms over Korin’s shoulders, conveniently bringing herself closer to him. “So, what’s your master plan, Captain?”
“Retire rich enough to own my own planet, somewhere Zakuul ain’t found yet,” Korin promptly answered. 
“And in the short term?”
“Make sure that if you get in trouble with the Jedi, that it’s worth it?” The smuggler winked at the pretty Jedi, settling his hands on her waist under the water. “If you’re down for such a plan, that is…”
“You are such a bad influence,” Kira laughed. But from how she leaned in to kiss Korin, he figured she didn’t mind at all. And he definitely was okay with his current situation – it wasn’t every day he got to go skinny-dipping with a pretty Jedi girl, who was more interested in having a good time than in preaching Jedi morality at him.
He could almost forget that this was his late sister’s Padawan as he happily kissed her back. Between the warm sunshine radiating down on his head and shoulders, and Kira in his arms (as a friend, with extremely good benefits, if anyone asked), and the peace and quiet of this little pond, he could easily forget about his stress with the occupation, and his lingering grief for his sister, and even the anxiety about if a stray Jedi were to come upon the pair right then. All he wanted to focus on was Kira.
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anchanted-one · 7 months
Record of Heroes Past Book 5. Book of Ciphers: Limbo
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Summary: A time of great uncertainty is approaching. Darth Marr and Vajra Devarath—the Hero of Tython—have disappeared, following a decisive ambush by the mysterious Zakuul, a third Galactic superpower. While Kairegane Rooks—the Empire's Wrath—scrambles to save everyone from the new threat, Lana Beniko abandons everything in her race to save her husband. But her search may not be as smooth as she'd hoped...
This book is set in the five-year timeskip between Chapters 1 and 3 of KOTFE
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arkhavens · 1 year
had a loose idea for smthn that would fix like all of my issues w where swtors storyline is/has been going.
what if, instead of immediately getting queued for the prelude to kotfe, there was a quest placed right before it where you essentially chose if you want that toon to actually go through the kotfe/kotet expansions, OR to play through the 5 years that the alliance commander is in carbonite?
bc for 1- i really want details on that period, and 2-it seems like Such a fucking lazy cop out to just mention that "oh yeah lol all the class characters just disappear for some reason right when the alliance commander does and their respective govts are fine w that" and act like that Makes Any SENSE.
it would give bioware a chance to actually diversify the story again, it would give players that dont want to lose their companions a way to still continue the story, we could get actual development into why the hell malgus is even alive, it would make the republic and empire being even remotely functional make sense(bc while i could understand the smuggler+bounty hunter dropping off the map, you cannot fucking tell me that the republic losing the Barsen'thor, the Hero of Tython,+Havoc Squad's leader, AND the empire losing the Empire's Wrath, multiple major members of the dark council,+Cipher 9, ALONGSIDE anyone Else that was lost in the fighting, would just be fine.)
and like it wouldnt even need to be a complete chronicle of the 5 years!! we've had major timeskips in game b4, so it could definitely speed past some shit. but just seeing how the empire and republic even managed to hold it together at ALL would be fascinating.
i honestly feel like setting up a sort of branch out -> joining point -> branch out again -> rejoin etc pattern to content could work really well if done properly. it would weave the overarching story together but allow for a lot of diversity in playthroughs, which is what ive seen practically Everyone complaining about.
idk. just, more class content. the little class missions on rishi engaged me more than the entirety of kotfe+kotet, and im saying that as someone who actually kind of enjoyed those expansions the first go around
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imperial-topaz2003 · 10 months
Some OT3 ramblings
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Artek and Theron's relationship was a 'first time' for both of them. Theron, it was his first time with another man, which ties into my "Theron is bi, leaning towards women" sexuality headcanon. Haven't decided if he's had casual sex with men before or not, but in my headcanon, Artek was the first man that Theron got serious with. For Artek, it was his first time being genuinely in love with someone (he'd been with Ranna and Kira before, but that was more him thinking with the other head lol).
Artek actually did have a brief fling with Kira in Chapter 1 of the Knight storyline. They were pretty playful and flirtatious with each other, but Artek did promise to Orgus he wouldn't be romantically involved with anyone anymore, after he revealed his relationship with Ranna. It really ate him up inside, especially after Orgus died. That caused him to break off their relationship and keep it platonic. It wasn't until KOTXX where they realized just how much they missed each other and eventually got back together.
Haven't fleshed it out yet, but Kira and Theron did start working together a bit during KOTFE's timeskip. Both of them were able to bond over shared experiences and how much they missed Artek. While they might've thought about getting together, nothing came of it until Artek came back into the picture.
Artek is the tallest of the three (tho with Theron, it's only by like an inch or two), and the most muscular (he's more just ripped or 'average' rather than full on beefy). He's capable of carrying both Kira and Theron, sometimes both at the same time, and they absolutely love it. There's also quite a bit of muscle play involved when they get frisky.
Each of them has a favorite PDA type. Artek really loves giving Kira and Theron hugs from behind or massaging their shoulders. Theron just really loves hand holding both his partners at the same time. Kira most commonly gives her boyfriends kisses on the cheek.
Their sleeping situation is...a bit of a pain. It does not matter what position Artek falls asleep in. Eventually, he's gonna end up completely sprawled out over someone and waking him up is borderline impossible. Theron is a big blanket hog himself, so you better hope it's not too cold. And Kira stays up way too late. You're lucky if she hits the sack by 3 AM.
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vermanaward · 6 months
swtor has a lot (and i mean a lot) of issues with its writing but one thing that i always thought was very sensible was that (outside of the kotfe timeskip) time passes ingame on a 1:1 basis - ie. 1 irl year = 1 year of time passing in story. it allowed the game's storylines to maintain a sense of time passing without getting into weird date shit or just this. nebulous vague handwaving
and like. xiv is the very polar opposite of that, with yoshi p's insistence that it's a nebulous time bubble they don't want to pin down and that it all probabl happened in a year or so, not least because. with every addition to the story, the wol's No Good Very Bad Year just gets more and more jam packed. they've gone from a nothing nobody to killing gods to framed for regicide to pardoned to killing a head of state for real this time to taking upwards of two multi month ship journeys and finally to the arse end of the fucking universe and back in a single twelve calendar month period and it's like ??? when are they resting. when are they doing all these fetch quests the narrative likes to rag on us for doing. when do they shit.
and some of that i'm sure is that they don't want to deal with the twins having to grow up and change even though they get redesigns every expac anyway so they can sell new mogstation outfits so it's like ??? as much as i. very much Do Not want to have to see people making excuses to be gross about the kids people kinda. do that anyway so it's. yeah. let them actually grow up!!
like. for all that i could snark about how they are allergic to yshtola actually having character growth or change because she's the Main Waifu, she does go through the most physical changes of the scions (excepting maybe the catboy, but he's a special case).
it would just hit so much more if you went back to sid after shb to see that shit, rielle had her growth spurt in your absence. return to the crystarium and see taynor having grown up into a mage to rival nyelbert.
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notapaladin · 1 year
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Does literally every swtor player post lineups of their legacy? Yes. Is this going to stop me from jumping on the bandwagon? Hell no.
Jedi Knight (Disaster Lesbian Space Nun) Nandaraza (Nanda Kylraza, telekinetics sage) should probably have been a Consular, but she just doesn't have the patience. Or the drive. No, instead she uses her telekinesis and mind-control powers to hurl rocks at people, and probably would have been a padawan forever if she hadn't passed her trials in spectacular fashion by hauling an entire Sith Lord in to face the Temple's justice. The good news: This got her knighted. The bad news: This also got the Sith Lord assigned as her padawan. Somehow, they both survived to defeat the Emperor, and then they got frozen in carbonite and had to do it again. Twice. After surviving all that, she's dating Kira. She likes Huttball, gambling, helping people, and amateur archaeology.
Sith Warrior (Autistic Lady Knight In Shining Armor/Only Sane Bitch In The Empire) Yaellia (Yaellia Quinn, carnage marauder) is the scion of House Ivros, a proud and ancient Sith line...which was founded by a slave, a bastard daughter of the House's patriarch only tenuously recognized by her father. Understandably, this has given Yaellia herself an extremely dim view of slavery and a rock-solid sense of honor, mercy, and noblesse oblige that comes as a complete shock to...well, most people. Including (especially) Malavai Quinn, even now that they're married with children. After being frozen in carbonite for five years and discovering the Empire was still just as awful, she joined the Republic on Iokath and has been a saboteur ever since. She loves spending time with her family, but she also gardens, cooks, podraces, and explores the secrets of ancient Force ruins with her bestie Talos.
Jedi Consular (Functionally A Priest, But Not A Very Good One) Evrard Briardionne (madness sorcerer) is what happens when a Chiss is exiled from her homeworld for using the Force, gets to Dromund Kaas, marries a nice local boy, has a son she teaches Chiss meditation techniques...and then dies along with her husband, leaving young Evrard a fresh Korriban Academy graduate who joined the Inquisitors to pay the bills while hiding he was about as Dark as an overcast day. He proceeded to half-ass his job as much as humanly (Chissly?) possible before deserting for the Jedi, where he now puts his mental manipulation and impressive connection to the Light to use as a healer. He is much, much more devoted to this than he ever was to the Sith. Shame about all that Force Lightning, though. And the fact that his boyfriend's a Darth (Nanda's padawan; the Jedi thing uh...did not take). When he's not working, he likes drinking, gardening, and curling up with a good datapad. He is supposed to have white hair, but alas.
Sith Inquisitor (Manic Pixie Dream Girl With A Knife And Trauma) Ritanelle Sunveil (lightning sorcerer) is not a Sith and might electrocute you for calling her one, but is nonetheless Sith-trained; born a slave on an Imperial colony, she worked in Korriban's mines for some years before her Force sensitivity expressed itself. Now her chains are broken, and she's determined to make it her former masters' problem. Her boyfriend being an Imperial agent is the only thing keeping her on that faction. During the KOTFE timeskip, she makes a name for herself freeing slaves and slaughtering Hutts; joining the Alliance was a fun break from that which also helps further her absolute hodgepodge of Force training. In her free time, she's a big holovid junkie, amateur historian, and highly experimental chef.
Smuggler (Alien Han Solo But Angry) Jaiyu Kylraza (sharpshooter gunslinger) is a simple man. He loves credits, freedom, and not being beholden to anyone. He hates the Empire and all that it stands for. Accordingly, much of his fuel is burned shuttling refugees and supplying resistance groups. He's a distant relative of Nanda, which--following her first defeat of the Emperor and her resulting fame--has become something he also hates. Fame is bad for his less...legal businesses, mostly various forms of spice. He spends a lot of his off time drinking, carousing, and gambling. His lekku are definitely at least three times as long as the sad ingame stubs.
Bounty Hunter (Good, Bad, I'm In It For The Money) Rhiavi Spens (marksmanship sniper) was born on an absolute no-name one-speeder planet somewhere on the edge of Wild Space, and became a bounty hunter pretty much entirely for credits. And, alright, to get away from her seven older, more overbearing sisters. She'll work for almost anyone if the price is right, but there are lines she refuses to cross--a position which has oddly endeared her to an SIS agent who ought to be her next target. Currently, Yaellia Quinn's signing her paycheck. Her hobbies include droid repair, Corellian crystal tree bonsai, and sharpshooting.
Trooper (Mirialan Captain America) Corthak "Corrie" Bacard (gunnery commando) is a good man. This makes him a less-than-perfect soldier, particularly given how badly he wants to toss General Garza off a high-rise. Still, he serves the Republic with the utmost loyalty and leads Havoc Squad with a firm and caring hand. (He hasn't even thrown Tanno Vik out of the airlock yet.) He's happily married to Elara Dorne, and has four children with her. He likes barbecue and cheesy romance novels.
Imperial Agent (Sleazebag With A Heart Of Gold-Ish) Erasmus Westmoore (lethality operative) grew up on Balmorra. Then the Republic abandoned it, and he--holding a considerable grudge--signed up for ImpInt. It didn't take too long for him to realize what sort of people he'd agreed to work for, but he didn't care too much as long as they didn't find out about his under-the-table deals. It wasn't until learning that they were using chemical conditioning on their own people--including his partner--that he was motivated to quit. When he's not working (an act he does as little as possible) he parties and watches daytime soap opera holovids.
Smuggler Ras Westmoore is literally just my IA; he retired after the events of the class story, and now runs guns, drugs, spice and stims across the galaxy. He'll hook up with basically any species that looks like they're down for a fun time.
Sith Warrior (Socially Awkward Murder Puppy) Akhavesh (Akhavesh Qoyuwsar, rage juggernaut) is the Empire's Wrath. Having initially been granted the position seemingly out of nowhere following the defection of his predecessor, his swift, firm enforcing of his Emperor's will kept getting derailed by meeting Vette, Yaellia's "sister" and, Akhavesh believes firmly, the one bright spot in the galaxy. Nobody's surprised when they're married by the time KOTFE hits, except maybe Akhavesh who still can't figure out how he stopped stammering long enough to ask. Being flash-frozen for five years has given him more confidence, but it hasn't lessened his disdain for the Republic. Fortunately, he'd rather be playing with his pet tuk'ata than slaughtering entire city blocks. He's too chill for that.
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greyias · 5 years
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Last one from the bunch! 
liberosis - the desire to care less about things 
Set during the KotFE timeskip — before Theron and Lana meet back up and hatch their carbonite jail break plan. This is one of the incidents lightly alluded to in “Unsent Correspondence”. I should probably include a slight warning for some violence.
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They’d never taken a picture together. 
It was one of those things that he’d never really thought important. He had never been big on momentos, and generally made a rule of not having his picture taken or spread around. One of the first things Marcus had taught Theron was to always control your image. The best spies were only seen or left a trace when they wanted to be found. Have nothing and leave nothing that someone could use against you later.
And besides, the celebrated Battlemaster of the Jedi Order was almost a permanent fixture in the Republic at this point. She was always saving the day, showing up in holo-newsreels, status reports, and creeping into his every day life without him even realizing it. So it hadn’t been like he’d never see her again.
Or so he’d thought.
So after Zakuul had… after they’d… after she was…
He’d pulled a picture from her dossier — the one closest to the image he still held in his head. Most of them were standard personnel shots, a serene Jedi. None of them had her laugh or smile, couldn’t even make out her freckles in most. But he’d found one that was passable, and saved it to a little holoprojector that he kept in the inner pocket of his jacket. Right where he could keep it close and safe. Like he hadn’t been able to do for her.
On bad nights he’d take it from it’s careful resting place and set it next to his pillow, flicking it on so he’d fall asleep to the twinkling blue light and her image. Sometimes it kept the dreams away. Sometimes it made them worse. But when he’d wake up, it was almost like she had been watching over him while he slept. And it would take a few, blissful peaceful moments before reality would set back in. Then he would flick it back off, get dressed, and put it back in its safe place.
After he left the SIS, and the further he drifted from the Core Worlds, the less he’d bring it out. Unless he had a safe place to sleep for the night, and usually he didn’t — one lone rogue agent against the might of the entire Zakuulan empire couldn’t let his guard slip.
But Theron Shan was human — almost painfully so at times. And one night he’d picked the wrong alleyway in the Old World to turn into, and had turned back to face a group of thugs. They called themselves the Heralds of Zildrog, but Theron had seen their type before in every dirty corner of the galaxy. Just another doomsday cult that liked to prey on the weak and helpless. Unfortunately for them, Theron was neither.
He’d let them think that though, pretending to be some poor lost schmuck who hadn’t realized how far off the beaten path he’d wandered.
When he was with the SIS, he’d rely on everything in a fight — his blasters, gadgets, implants, bracers, and his fists. These days he preferred to rely on his brawling skills. He pretended that it was because the supply of darts on his bracers were expensive to replace — one-shot tricks that they were. A man surviving on his life savings had to pick and choose where he spent his money. But the real truth of it was that he just liked the solid feel of his fists connecting with something — the jolt it sent up his arm and the way it set his blood on fire and for a moment drowned out all other emotions.
Theron let the Heralds stalk further into the alley until the first one got close enough, and he launched into action, driving the butt of his palm into the center of the first man’s face. Blood sprayed across the alley as the cultist clutched his broken nose — but Theron was still moving. Sweeping the next one off their feet and driving his boot into the downed man’s exposed stomach as he launched the first thug into the oncoming charge of the third one barreling into the crowded alley. He followed the momentum of the move, vaulting up and rolling over the back of his would-be attacker towards the open mouth of the alleyway — and into the path of his final attacker.
His final charge came to a halt as he felt his body jerked upwards, as if suspended by an unseen force that was slowly closing around his windpipe. The man was one of the Herald’s Force users, face hidden by an almost serpentine mask. Theron sucked in air through his restricted airway, struggling and failing to break the man’s invisible hold around his neck. 
The Herald approached, malice echoing in every footstep as he continued to hold the spy tight in his grip. Darkness started to encroach in Theron’s vision, the words of the cultist and his cohorts an indistinct mumble, as if he were caught underwater. Drowning. The others had recovered, and distantly Theron felt someone rooting around in his pockets. Perhaps trying to see if he had anything of value on him — but all they found was the unassuming little holoprojector. 
A soft blue filled the dim alley with light, and for a moment Theron’s desaturated image of the world beyond was filled with the color of her flickering face. There was just the tiniest hints of a smile quirking at her lips, but the image wavered as the broken-nosed thug tossed it around in the air. Theron managed to croak out a hoarse “no”, tried to surge forward through the invisible Force holding him in place to snatch her picture back, but just dangled in the air ineffectively.
At the pained noise, Broken Nose looked back at the hapless spy, a sneer spreading across his bloodied visage as he held the picture out. Theron wanted to grab at it, but was still frozen in place, so could only watch helplessly as it tumbled to the ground, the blue light dancing wildly with the motion. Miraculously it landed upright, her still image facing him — until a heavy boot came down on top of it. The light flickered one last time before winking out as the device splintered into a dozen pieces.
The darkness and gray tinting Theron’s vision were overtaken by a red haze descending over him.
“Toxicity seven,” he managed to snarl past the pressure on his throat, dropping his wrist long enough to aim straight at the exposed throat of the Force user slowly choking the life out of him. The electrodart shot out with a quiet snik and sunk into its unsuspecting mark. 
The pressure on his throat eased, gravity taking over as the ground rushed up to meet him and air whooshed back into his lungs. Broken Nose’s mouth had flopped open in astonishment, but one of his friends was quicker on the uptake and bolted forward. Theron ignored the stars dancing at the edges of his vision and instead adjusted the stoop of his shoulders and shifted slightly, using the angry cultist’s momentum to slam the other man into the wall. The rest of the attackers regained their wits and rushed in, only to be met with a whirlwind of fury and rage.
The sound of violence echoing out of the alley nearly drowned out the Heralds’ cries — not that anyone in the Old World noticed anything out of the ordinary.
It didn’t take long — maybe two minutes at most — before the screams renting the night faded to just Broken Nose’s painful moans. His bloodied and beaten comrades lay around him in various states of consciousness. But he could only watch, eyes widening as the demon incarnate in red leatheris slowly stalked towards him, a thin drizzle of blood trickling down from his temple. Broken Nose tried to get his battered and bruised body to move, hands scrambling against the duracrete. But he didn’t move fast enough, and wasn’t able to escape before a boot came crashing down and shattered all of the tiny bones in his hand.
By the time Theron was done, there was no one left conscious watching as he crouched down against the filthy duracrete, cradling the shattered remains of the holoprojector. He painstakingly gathered every single shard up, and when he got back to the relative safety of his dingy motel room — tried to piece them back together. But no matter what he did, he couldn’t get the projector to flicker back to life. Nor could he stitch together what remained of the fragmented data of the image file that he’d pilfered. 
And just like that, another piece of her was gone.
His head sank down into the scattered fragments of tech, trying to fight back the waves of despair that threatened to pull him down like an undertow. Maybe if Theron had been better at being a spy, had been able to take all of Marcus’s early lessons to heart, he’d have gotten better at keeping all of the spheres of his life separate. Maybe would have been able to stop himself before he’d gone and done something stupid like letting himself get attached.
And then maybe now he wouldn’t have to feel anything.
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joiedecombat · 5 years
3 and 42 pls :D
And now, KotFE timeskip angst! :D
#42: savior
“Tell me something,” he said, somewhere around thirty standard hours awake and counting.
Lana had switched from tea to caf several hours ago. It hadn’t put her in the best of moods. “You’ll need to be more specific,” she said.
Theron briefly considered making a rude gesture, but he was too tired and too busy tracking three different datasets at once to follow through on the impulse. “If it wasn’t all part of your grand plan,” he said, watching the readout flow past, “would you still be doing this?”
Her attention stayed fixed on the blueprint she was poring over. “I have no idea what you’re asking.”
Tension spiked behind his eyes, blurring the lines of text. He slapped the datapad down beside his own half-finished mug of cold caf. “Maia.” The name grated in his throat. “I’m talking about Maia.”
Now Lana looked at him, expression cool with warning. “And?”
“I’m asking you if you’d be putting all this into getting back if you weren’t counting on her to lead the charge against Zakuul.”
“I won’t dignify that with a response,” she said, crisp and Imperial.
“Damn it, Lana!” He’d lunged out of his seat before he knew he was moving. “I’m not fucking around here!”
Unable to rein in the frustration that boiled up inside him, Theron stalked away from the worktable, gesturing sharply in the air as he paced the cramped confines of their safehouse. “Can you even imagine what it’s going to be like when we do get her sprung out of wherever they’ve stashed her? ‘Hey, good to see you again. You missed four years–’”
“Likely five, at this rate.”
He shot Lana the most venomous glare he had in him. “‘Almost everybody thinks you’re dead and the galaxy’s gone to shit, so I know you’re probably not feeling too hot right now but we really need you to save us all from the guys who already killed you once.’”
Some rational part of him knew that he was lashing out, that it wasn’t really Lana he was angry at. Theron was past caring. He needed something to punch at, and if the actual Sith Lord was the only target in range, so be it.
“Have you even thought about what you’re going to do if she says no?” he demanded.
Lana said nothing. She held his gaze calmly, gold eyes unflinching, and in the end Theron was the one who broke. He threw himself back into his chair with a growled curse, because they both understood the truth even if neither one of them spoke it out loud: Maia was never going to say no, and he was relying on that just as much as Lana was.
Hating himself for not being able to find a better way, he retrieved his datapad and got back to work.
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rhipheus · 2 years
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woo more meme redraws because ✨Procrastination✨
alternate version of the last one under the cut, because her design isn't finalised yet and i can't decide which hair i like better
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lavampira · 4 years
not that I needed more characters in game but I really wanted to try out advanced prototype powertech ever since those two weird weeks when vin was a tactics vanguard so I rolled jase as one for funsies
jase also has an akk dog companion now with the shadow custom named prudii (shadow in mando’a) even though he mostly calls him ad’ika (little one), and since legends lore ™ claims that akk dogs can be a little force sensitive, wylan forms a force bond with jase’s large reptilian puppy despite the initial reluctance to allow him onto the ship
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keldae · 2 years
Fictober 2022: Day 1
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic (KOTFE era) Prompt: “I chose you”. Warnings: none.
It wasn’t the way of the Sith to ask questions, especially not concerned questions – and especially not to their subordinates. But Darth Imperius had never been a typical Sith. It was one of the things that Lana Beniko admired about him, and one of the many reasons she had attached herself to him, rather than another, more traditional Sith. She watched as the younger human secured his office in his Kaas City residence, then looked over at her, dark eyes piercing. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
Lana nodded. “I’m beyond certain, my lord.”
Imperius – Sorand – snorted and shook his head. “If we’re both about to do something incredibly reckless that will get us killed by Acina and her followers, I think we’re past the point of ‘my lord’, don’t you?”
“Sorry. Old habits are hard to break.” Lana offered a small smile. “Shara’s ready for us?”
“Waiting at the spaceport. My father will finish any remaining business left here before he follows us. Corey will come back and steal the Raven for me when the pursuit dies down a bit.” Sorand straightened up from his desk and ran a hand through his hair, dark strands escaping his ponytail and falling loose around his face. “I’m not about to order you to come with me, Lana – I know what the Empire means to you.”
And I know the Empire has never truly been home for you, Lana thought, but didn’t say that out loud. “I know,” she answered. “But my choices are to follow Acina and bow to Zakuul, or follow you and effect some true change in the galaxy. And I chose you.”
“Thank you, Lana. For everything.” Sorand came around the desk to set a hand on Lana’s shoulder and squeeze. “Your aid, to me personally over the last few years, and to my family, has been invaluable.”
“Of course.” Lana let herself smirk for a moment. “And there’s nobody else I’d rather commit treason with, or plot to rescue a notorious Jedi Master with, than you and your family.”
“And if anyone can defeat Arcann and his forces, it’s Xaja,” Sorand agreed. “But even she’ll need help.” He nodded once, then released Lana and lifted his helmet. Darth Imperius had entered this apartment hours ago – the man who left would be Rand Verhayc, an ordinary Mandalorian, and not somebody who would attract the attention of Sith Intelligence. By the time Empress Acina realized that Imperius had abandoned the Empire, it would be too late to do anything about it, if all went according to plan. “Let’s go. Our window of opportunity will close soon.”
“As always, I’m a step behind you,” Lana promised him as she followed him out of the apartment.
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anchanted-one · 2 months
Eternal War Rewrite
So I'm here at long last.
My first attempt at a fanfic was Eternal War. I had to leave it halfway through because of horrible mental health and burnout, and when I returned, I figured I might as well rewrite everything.
I started from the beginning, creating new characters with better lore and journeys. I wrote the whole Knight's story, a few snippets of the others, and an in-depth Shadow of Revan. I wrote Ziost, and the five year timeskip from KOTFE Chapter 1 to 3.
But I'm here again, and it's at Eternal War book 1.
So I have a dilemma. Do I leave EW as it is, as a separate, abandoned fic, or do I rewrite all its chapters with Vajra instead of Arro? There are some changes I've made in the story, including making Vajra a lot more indignant about the war Arcann waged. Not fallen Jed levels of fury, but definitely different.
Change the original, or post a new fic?
Some opinions would be nice.
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oakstar519 · 4 years
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this must be why i can never find things
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roguescarlett · 4 years
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Scarlett’s SWTOR Legacy Canon Divergence: Darth Marr escaped Star Fortress prison during KotFE timeskip.
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consulaaris · 4 years
now i’m in a cass/rina mood because i sure am soft for their hookup -> idiots -> best friends -> lovers dynamic 🥺
i just have many feelings about how they’re two people who have every right to be embittered after everything they’ve gone through, but they still try so so hard to be good, kind people. and being able to find that love and support in each other!! and lean on each other when things get rough (e.g. during the kotfe timeskip)!! they’re both incredibly sunshine-y but the level of trust and understanding that cassian and rina have for each other in their darker moments never fails to make me emotional
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ohlawsons · 4 years
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absolutely overwhelmed by a sudden need for the bh!rei au i worked out ages ago
in rei’s canon, her mother iza is an exiled rattataki warlord who later turns to bounty hunting and is eventually captured and taken to belsavis. she escapes... around the kotfe timeskip, maybe a bit before that. iza sells rei into slavery after her father dies, when rei’s about four or five, so rei doesn’t exactly know her mother well
consider. bh!rei is raised by iza, grows up learning to kill and fight and scratch out a living in the worst parts of the galaxy. for a few years they’re a terrifying mother-daughter crime duo, but iza likes the small, dirty jobs while rei wants something big and flashy
they have a big fight, and rei storms off at 19 to make her own way, but shit’s expensive and she ends up on hutta working shit jobs which is where braden finds her
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