#Kira Kingston
crownleys · 5 months
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Happy Lesbian Visibility Week! 🧡🧡🤍🩷❤️🌈
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delucadarling · 3 months
baby's first feed 💕
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not that she remembers it c:
(Kira belongs to @crownleys)
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delucadarlingwriting · 4 months
Ask for a Kiss!
Here's part 2 of the response to that kiss ask meme I reblogged a few days ago! I know it's taken some time to get these out lately, but works been INSANE, so now that it's slowed down I'm hoping to get the next few done much more quickly.
I can't say it's been hard writing this though. Kira/Nat really gets me <3
Part 1
Poor Nat. Kira feels a little bad for forgetting just how sensitive the vampires can be to temperature. For her part, hiking in the summer heat has Kira eager to cool down. She braces herself as she wades in under the water laps around her thighs, then leans forward and slips beneath the surface. 
Slender, cool fingers run along her bare skin as she swims down into the depths. It reminds her of all the times she’s done this before, back before she graduated from the police academy. As a teenager, this felt like such a treat. Boston is cold most of the year. There’s a very narrow window of time in the summer that swimming outside is even possible without turning purple from the cold. 
Kira stretches, twists, then kicks her way back up and takes a breath. The shore is distant now, and it is also empty.
Blinking, Kira looks around, but sees nothing but rocks and trees. A moment later something brushes her ankle, startling a squeak out of her as she looks down. The surface of the water is moving too much to get a clear look, but she recognizes the touch of Nat’s hand wrapping around her ankle, skimming up the back of her calf and continuing on until she breaks the surface with just her eyes out to try and hide that she’s amused herself. 
“Come up here,” Kira demands. Nat does, and at least she has the decency to look slightly abashed.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” she demures. Kira shakes her head and splashes at her.
“You snuck up on me, how else was I supposed to react?” Kira laughs. Though her blood pressure may have spiked for a moment, she can’t help the fondness that floods her as she gazes into Nat’s eyes. For once, they’re actually perfectly at eye level. She likes getting this angle on Nat. 
Nat takes Kira’s hand and presses a kiss to her wrist, murmuring, “I only meant to touch you. You’re so gorgeous that I can hardly help myself sometimes. You’ll forgive me for it, won’t you?”
With those big, brown eyes framed by the thickest, darkest eyelashes Kira’s ever seen? Yeah, she’d forgive Nat for anything. She sees an opportunity to negotiate though, and she takes it. 
“Only if you swim with me,” Kira says. Nat chuckles and gestures between them.
“What are we doing now?”
“I mean again,” Kira explains. She tucks her chin. “I sort of tricked you into it this time. Maybe next time we can just plan for it.”
“We’d certainly be able to pack appropriate clothing in that case,” Nat says, grinning. “Though I imagine not knowing to do so has worked to your favor.”
“Very much so,” Kira says, indulging herself in a little bit of ogling. It will never not blow her mind that she’s managed to get the most wonderful, beautiful woman in the entirety of the world to fall in love with her. 
“And I wouldn’t mind coming back here at all,” Nat continues. She looks around them, a smile pushing up the corners of her eyes. Tilting her body and spreading her arms, Nat floats on her back and stares up at the tree framed sky. Kira frog kicks over closer to her head to watch the reflection of the clouds in her eyes. 
“Even if we have to hike to do it?” Kira asks. Nat glances at her. 
“Even then.” Nat chuckles. “I can only imagine I’ll have to get used to it, spending eternity in love with you.”
Kira’s heart skips a beat, and Nat’s expression falls, worry creasing her brow. She sits up, a sudden awkwardness settling around her shoulders.
“Only if you want that, of course,” Nat says hurriedly. “And it’s nothing we have to even talk about now.”
Kira can’t find the words to express what she thinks of that. In fact, she goes so limp with love that she nearly tips below the surface of the water. Nat catches one of her elbows immediately and buoys her up.
“Careful,” Nat says, eyes dipping down to Kira’s mouth. They move closer and closer until Kira’s chest brushes Nat’s. She leans forward, lips parted. Nat doesn’t waste a moment, surging in to kiss Kira. 
Kira’s arms wrap around Nat’s shoulders as she’s done a hundred times now, maybe more, while Nat cradles Kira’s skull with one elegant hand. She presses into the kiss like she needs it, like she needs Kira. The feeling of being desired like this is still so overwhelming and addictive that Kira chases Nat’s kiss, unwilling to let it stop. Kira loses herself to the sensation of Nat’s mouth, tongue, her hands and the form of her body against Kira’s that she doesn’t even know when it started to rain. All she knows is when they part, eyes and mouths shining, they’re in the middle of a torrential downpour. 
Looking up, Kira grins. “Isn’t that something?”
A soft kiss against her neck has her sucking in a breath. Nat smiles against her skin.
“I think it might be a good reason for us to abandon our swim, before our clothes are washed away,” Nat says, gesturing back to the shore where their clothes are already drenched.
“That’ll be a treat to put on,” Kira says, shaking her head. As Nat starts to pull back, Kira catches her hand. With a curious expression, Nat pauses and looks back to her. Kira’s heart stutters at the sight of her, the weight of her gaze, and it takes her a moment to regain her senses. “Forever with you…I’d like that.”
Nat’s eyes widen. “Truly?”
“More than anything,” Kira replies, squeezing her hand. 
Ducking her chin, Nat’s expression breaks into a giddy smile. It’s not the rain that has her eyes so wet when Kira tilts her face back up so she can kiss her again. And again. And once more, until lightning splits the sky and they’re forced to head for the shore. 
Giggling and leaning on one another, they struggle into their soaked, clinging clothes. Their teeth chatter, but it doesn’t stop them from delaying their dressing with kisses and holding one another so close Kira could almost imagine them melding together. 
Forever just like this is all Kira could ever want.
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flaine1996 · 1 year
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Wayhaven has decided to once more to filter through my brain so here have my detective <3 I even have more drawings of her throughout book 3 in no particular order. 
Credit to template here: https://www.tumblr.com/denerims-archive/617857834624991232/wayhaven-detective-template-i-caved-and-made-my?source=share
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Getting attacked by Sin (left), Training (middle), Blood drive (right)
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Want to add this because her tattoos are hot and because this is what A sees when she gets soaked with water during the *bathroom incident*.
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Lastly the dress she wore during the auction <3.
Thank you for viewing! I love my girl so much and decided to share her with you <3
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queen-scribbles · 7 months
OC Kiss: Darkness(AJ & Kira, Wayhaven Chronicles)
(borrowing Kira from @haledamage for this one :3) -----
The movie ended, the room plunging into darkness when Kira clicked off the rolling credits.
She gently nudged the head resting on her shoulder and grinned. "You awake, Red?"
"Mmh," Abigail hummed.
Kira chuckled and leaned over to kiss the top of the red curls. "Hard day, huh?"
"J'st long," Abigail said, rousing herself enough to shift from leaning on Kira's arm to the back of the couch. She rubbed her eyes with thumb and forefinger.
Must've been, if you're this knackered, Kira thought, then said teasingly, "You know you're welcome to keep usin' me as a pillow, I don't mind."
Abigail gave a sheepish laugh, her face probably the same color as her hair. "Or I could turn in," she said, making no move to get up. "Or..." she groped for the throw on the back of the couch, dragging it over her as she curled up with her head on the couch arm. "This'll do."
Kira bit back a smile. "Just this once." She fished her phone out of her pocket and used the light to find her shoes as she pushed to her feet. "Sleep on that too much, it'll hurt your neck, no matter how comfy." She shook her head at the sight of the throw, still folded, draped over just Abigail's arms, and tugged it to cover more of her. "'Course, it's not like you'd mind havin' an excuse for Nate to give you a massage," she muttered through her smile.
"Heard that," Abigail mumbled, not even opening an eye.
"Not denying it, though, are ya?" Kira countered. She kissed Abigail's temple. "Sweet dreams, AJ."
"You, too, Kir."
Abigail came through the door fumbling her keys and drew to an abrupt halt when greeted by darkness inside the flat--despite the still-beaming sun outside. She knew what it meant when Kira pulled the heavy curtains this completely. She set her keys down gingerly, offering "Sorry, Kir," in a loud whisper as she started unlacing her boots.
"S'alright," came muffled from the direction of the couch, so that's where she shuffled once free of her Doc Martens. Kira was laying completely flat, one leg hanging off the edge and one arm flung over her eyes.
"Need a new ice pack?" Abigail offered softly.
Kira shifted her arm, blinking to at least sort of focus on her in the dim. "Should prob'ly switch to heat. And it's startin' to fade, you don't have to go full bloody kid gloves, Red."
Abigail nodded, taking the thawed ice pack back to the kitchen as she warmed up one of Kira's heat pads.
"Maybe I should see if Adam'll come kiss it the rest of the way better, yeah?" she said, faux-innocent, as she leaned over the back of the couch with the heat pad in hand.
One of Kira's eyes popped open indignantly. "Is this revenge for my Nate comment the other night?"
"Mmm... Maybe."
Kira's eye closed and she sighed. "Even if that would work, good fuckin' luck gettin' him to cooperate."
"I'll hafta give it a go, then," Abigail leaned further over, teetering on tiptoes, to brush a kiss to the center of her friend's forehead before gently setting the heat pad in place.
"Don't see why friend kisses can't be magic, too," Kira mumbled. "Though that counts and all that." She tugged the heat pad to adjust it slightly. "Thanks, Red."
"Welcome." Abigail smiled and patted Kira's hand before shuffling quietly from the room.
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haledamage · 1 year
A cure I know that soothes the soul
started as a prompt fill for @queen-scribbles for the prompt “a kiss on the corner of the mouth, hoping for more but expecting nothing”, but it went completely off of the rails and onto the dining table so I decided to post it separately even though it technically fits the prompt. the new prompt fill is proving to be just as lengthy but not quite as smutty. also tagging @agentnatesewell since you asked me to 💖
Kira/Nate, almost 3400 words, sometime vaguely near the end or just after book 3, at the very least after they’ve both confessed how they feel. nsfw, due to explicit sexual situations and also due to improper use of antique furniture
Kira awoke with a gasp, fear and adrenaline continuing to race through her even as the remnants of her dream fell away and she started to recognise her surroundings.
She was in her bedroom at the Warehouse. 
It was still well before sunrise, no light creeping in around the edges of her thick, dark curtains.
The details of the dream were already fading by the time she sat up in bed, but the fear lingered, raking sharp claws down her spine. With it came the prickly feeling of being watched, no matter how many times she glanced at the room’s shadowed corners to assure herself no one was there.
The unease still didn’t fade as she untangled the blankets from around her legs. Or when she found her phone, knocked from the nightstand to the floor at some point in the night (it cheerfully announced the time to be 3:35AM). Or after slipping into the en suite to splash some water on her face at the sink. 
Out of ideas, Kira crept out into the hall, moving as quietly as possible in the direction of the kitchen and, hopefully, a cup of tea to help calm her nerves.
She slowed her approach when she saw the light already on, hesitating in the hall. 
Maybe the library would be a better choice. She was still too on edge to be good company right now, and she didn’t want to unload her baggage onto whichever unsuspecting vampire had beaten her here.
As if summoned by her decision to sneak away, Nate’s face appeared in the kitchen doorway.
“Kira?” He gave her a surprised but welcoming smile. “Is everything all right?”
Some of her anxiety faded at the sound of his voice, enough for her to manage a small smile in return. “I’m fine,” she said reflexively. She took a deep breath and tried again, the truth this time. “I had a bad dream, that’s all. Just trying to clear my head.”
His brow furrowed with a worried frown, and he took a step toward her before stopping, uncertainty overtaking his concern as he pulled back. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She shook her head, but closed some of the distance between them, a silent offer to meet him halfway. “I don’t actually remember it. I just remember… something watching me. Or chasing me?” She shook her head again, crossing her arms to stifle a shudder. “I can’t seem to shake it off.”
Nate moved closer, though he still stopped a little outside arm’s reach and held out a hand. Making it clear that he was leaving the decision up to her; proving that he’d been listening. 
“Come here, ya rouhi,” he whispered, a request, almost a plea.
Kira didn’t need to be asked twice. She crossed what space still remained immediately, bypassing the extended hand to instead wrap her arms around him. With a chuckle tinged with relief, Nate returned the hug, and she melted into the warmth of his embrace.
“What can I do?” he asked, kissing the top of her head, her temple, her cheek. “What do you need?”
“Just you, love.”
They stood there like that for a long time, the hallway quiet and dark except for the light peeking through the kitchen doorway. Slowly, Kira’s heart rate returned to normal, the prickly uneasy feeling fading enough that she could ignore it.
Eventually, Nate pulled away, just enough to see her face. He brushed her hair out of her eyes before settling his hand against her cheek. “Feel better?”
“Much better.” She let her eyes drift closed as she leaned into his touch. “Thank you.”
“Trust me, it’s my pleasure.” He leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her lips. “You should get some more sleep.”
It wasn’t a question, but it felt like one. He was leaving the choice in her hands whether she went back to bed or stayed there with him.
It was the easiest choice she’d had to make in months. “Can I stay here for a while? I don’t want to be alone right now.”
There was a brief, weighty pause. And then Nate’s body language changed, his touch shifting from comforting to purposeful, his hand sliding from her cheek down to her neck. His thumb slowly caressed the edge of her jaw, gentle, unhurried, maddening.
His voice changed too, dropping lower into something sultry and sinful. “Perhaps we just need to get your mind off of it.”
“Oh?” Kira tried to feign innocence, but the flush spreading over her face gave her away. “And how do you intend to do that?”
His lips brushed her cheek, just at the corner of her mouth, pulling back as she turned her head to try and kiss him properly. “I could make you some tea.”
“Tea. Of course. That sounds…” she licked her lips, fighting not to smile as his eyes darkened in response, “soothing.”
He repeated the motion on her other cheek, lips barely brushing her skin. “Or we could find you a book to read.” 
She threaded her fingers into his hair and leaned up on tip-toe to close some of the height difference. “Sure. Reading can certainly be a… stimulating distraction.”
His arm tightened around her waist, helping her balance while also pressing their bodies flush together. “Or…”
Kira didn’t know if Nate intended to finish that sentence, but she didn’t wait to find out. “Nate,” she whispered against his lips. “Give me something else to think about.”
The words were barely out of her mouth before he was kissing her, slow and intense and already with an edge of urgency. Like he was starving for it, for her, like with each press and drag of his lips he was trying to make up for every minute he’d spent not kissing her--including the three hundred years before they’d met.
She opened for him eagerly, meeting his hunger with her own, swallowing his groan as the kiss deepened. They stumbled in the vague direction of the kitchen, both of them unwilling to untangle enough to watch where they’re going. They missed the doorway, but Nate’s back hit the wall next to it and that was good enough.
Kira dragged her mouth away from his to trail kisses down his neck instead. Her fingers were clumsy on the buttons of his shirt, too much need and not enough grace. “Maybe we should take this somewhere more private. In case the others wake up.”
In an unexpected display of impatience, he took over the task of unbuttoning his shirt, getting it undone and open in a flash of superhuman dexterity. He breathed out a gratified moan when her hands grazed his bare skin. 
Task completed, one of his hands tangled in her hair, guiding her lips back to his, though he continued to try to speak between kisses. “They are all out on patrol. They won’t be back for hours.”
“Okay--” Kira started to reply, but her words were lost in a yelp as she was suddenly lifted from the ground. Her legs wrapped automatically around his waist without waiting for any input from her brain--which was good, because it appeared to have short-circuited entirely.
Nate looked up at her with a pleased grin that would’ve looked cocky on anyone else. “But perhaps it would be best to have a door between us and them. Just in case.”
She just nodded, not trusting her voice, clinging to his shoulders a little harder than necessary.
His grin sharpened to a sultry smirk. “Is something wrong, Kira?”
“Nope,” she answered, too quickly, blush darkening her face from the reminder that he could read her reaction so easily. “I knew you were strong, I just hadn’t considered what… other applications that could have.”
That wasn’t true, and they both knew it.
“And now?”
“Now, I’m considering. Intently.” Her hands found their way inside his open shirt again, exploring every inch of skin they could reach.
They didn’t do much better watching where they were going this time either, too wrapped up in each other, but somehow managed not to trip over anything. Nate carried her effortlessly, holding her with only one arm as he closed the kitchen door behind them with the other. It was still far from “private,” but Kira was having trouble caring about much beyond the lips on her skin and the arms around her and the hard length she could feel pressed between her thighs.
Eventually, they made it to Nate’s intended destination, and Kira let out a breathless laugh as he set her down carefully on the dining table. “You’ve been thinking about this since that comment I made at Tina’s, haven’t you?”
“Oh, my sweet Kira…” the way he said her name made her shiver; so did the look in his eyes, “I’ve been thinking about this since I bought the table.”
Her eyes slammed shut as that knowledge hit its target, along with all the implications that came with it. “Fuck.”
For once, Nate didn’t wince at her swearing. He just chuckled, low and smooth and clearly very pleased with himself.
Since his arms were now unoccupied, his hands instead found their way under her shirt, skimming purposefully up her sides and over her ribs, rucking the fabric up as he went. “Perhaps I should tell you the thoughts I’ve had about the sofas in the library as well.”
Tempting as it was, she shook that thought off--though she had no doubt she would remember this next time she had research to do. “I’d like that. Later.” She pressed her palm to the front of his jeans, dragging her hand over the hard swell of his cock. “Right now, I’d rather you just fuck me.”
Nate’s head fell back, eyes fluttering closed, jaw clenching around the low rumble of a growl that Kira could feel more than hear. He stayed that way, seemingly lost in sensation for the moment, barely moving beyond the restless stuttering of his hips as she mapped the shape of him through the thick denim.
“You are so bloody beautiful like this,” she murmured, releasing him just long enough to undo his belt and pull down his zipper so she could free him from his jeans. “I would almost think I’m still dreaming, but my dreams are never this lovely.”
He shushed her, pressing his thumb to her lips, the rest of his hand curling almost possessively around the curve of her jaw. “No more talk about dreams. We’re here to--” a sharp gasp escaped him as she took him in hand, “--to get your mind off of that.”
A smirk grew across her lips, widening as Nate traced the curve of it. “Oh, is that the only reason we’re doing this? How generous of you.”
“I would do anything for you,” he vowed without hesitation, followed by a groan as her tongue darted out to lick the tip of his thumb. He watched the motion with rapt attention. “But I won’t pretend my intentions were entirely altruistic.”
She turned her head to kiss his palm, then the inside of his wrist. “Good. You could stand to be a little selfish.”
There was something wild in his eyes when they met hers again. Untethered. But also fragile, like he could shatter if she touched him the right way.
Kira decided to risk it anyway. Without breaking eye contact, she leaned down and licked a broad stripe along the underside of his cock.
He swore under his breath, the language not one she recognized but the sentiment behind it clear enough. It was such a lovely reaction that she did it again, slower, savoring the taste of him as well as the sounds he made.
The angle made it difficult to do much more than tease him, but Nate clearly didn’t mind, praise falling from his lips in a mix of languages as if it was a struggle to hold on to any of them for long. She could identify some of them, and heard her name interspersed throughout, muttered like a prayer between endearments, ya rouhi, cariad, zhizn moya, mon cœur, beloved.
It wasn’t long before he’s tugging at her with shaking hands, the words “Kira” and “wait” exhaled on a shuddering sigh. She stopped immediately, leaning back to give him room to catch his breath--but instead of doing so he just followed her, claiming her lips in a bruising kiss, pressing her down until she was laying on the table again.
“You are exquisite.” He kissed the corner of her mouth, followed by another at the edge of her jaw. “You make me feel…” He trailed off, as if none of the words he had were sufficient. She knew the feeling.
His lips found the sensitive spot behind her ear, a shaky sigh escaping him as she arched her neck to give him better access, baring her throat to him.
“One of these days,” he said in a voice like rolling thunder - deep, exhilarating, a promise of things to come, “I’m going to get you somewhere I can take my time with you.”
Before she could respond, he was moving down, nipping at her collarbone and the crook of her neck. His hands were as restless as his lips, grabbing and caressing and kneading but never staying in one place for long, as if he was trying to touch her everywhere at once.
“Somewhere I can spend hours exploring you.” His fangs just barely scraped against her skin, a slight sting before he soothed it with a sweep of his tongue. It sent electricity sparking through her, setting her alight. “I want to learn every way you like to be touched. Every sound you make.” 
Long, elegant fingers traced up the inside of her thigh and past the hem of her sleep shorts - Kira had never been so grateful to the summer heat for convincing her not to wear long pants - pushing them aside along with her underwear to delve into her slick folds.
She whined, high and helpless and shaped vaguely like his name, and Nate echoed it with a broken groan. His lips found their way back to hers, kissing her with the same torturously slow rhythm of his fingers, licking into her mouth as he pressed into her.
“I wish I had the patience for it tonight,” he breathed between kisses, “but you are irresistible.” He pulled his hand away, swallowing her whimper of protest. “I will do my best to make it up to you next time.”
It was a struggle for Kira to find her voice. Desire simmered under her skin like a living thing, burning away all semblance of thought or language until all she had left was “Nate, please.”
Those were the only words she needed. As soon as they were out of her mouth, Nate was lining himself up and pushing into her, slow and relentless, until their hips were flush against each other.
She groaned at the delicious stretch as he filled her, a shiver coursing through her. The motion made his hips jerk forward, hands clutching hard at her thighs, which in turn made her clench around him. An echo chamber of sensation, bouncing endlessly between them.
“Kira,” Nate pleaded, completely undone and devastatingly beautiful, “I can’t--” He growled between clenched teeth, all his eloquence lost under desire.
Kira knew what he was trying to say. She pulled him down to kiss him, all open mouths and tangling tongues. “Don’t hold back,” and then, again, “Nate, please.”
There was nothing tender or gentle about the way they moved together, both of them too far gone, desperate and driven. 
Nate only barely stayed within the bounds of human ability, thrusts just a touch faster than a mortal man could manage, grip a little too strong, leaving bruises on her hips and thighs that he’d feel guilty about in the morning. Kira didn’t mind them; she just wished her own marks didn’t fade so quickly, that she could leave some visible proof that she wasn’t still dreaming.
The pleasure built quickly, coiling in her belly, growing tighter and tighter with every movement, every thrust and kiss and broken sound. She could already see the end in sight, and she tried to hold herself back, to slow down just a little and savor it, but then he shifted, changing angles and sliding into her just so--
She careened over the edge with barely any warning, and he followed close behind her. They held each other together as they shattered and shook apart.
It could have been minutes or hours later when Kira became aware of her surroundings again. The kitchen was quiet except for their slowing breathing, the sky still dark through the window over the sink. Nate loomed warm and heavy above her, his forehead resting on her chest over the still-racing beat of her heart.
She combed her fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his face enough to plant a weak kiss on his temple. That took the last energy she had, and her head fell back on the table with a dull thunk. “You know, I have to say, Victorian carpenters really knew their shit.” She gave the table a fond pat. “Very sturdy construction.”
Nate’s shoulders shook with silent laughter. “I’m sure they’d be happy to know their work is still appreciated.” He lifted his head enough to meet her eyes, expression blissful and adoring. “Though perhaps not quite in the manner it was intended.”
“We’re getting pretty good at using furniture in ways it wasn’t intended.”
He hummed in agreement and appreciation. “More than ‘pretty good,’ I think.” With a groan, he pushed himself off of her and sluggishly got to his feet, offering a hand to help her clamber somewhat-gracefully off the table. “But perhaps we should give it a break and take this elsewhere.”
It wasn’t a question, but it felt like one, and Kira let herself consider it while they put their clothes back to rights and checked to make sure they hadn’t left the kitchen a mess. It wasn’t that she didn’t know the answer; it was that she wasn’t sure she was brave enough to ask it yet.
As if he could sense her hesitation, Nate stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned gratefully into his embrace, sighing contentedly when he kissed her cheek. “I should probably get some more sleep.”
“I agree,” he said neutrally, not giving her any insight into his own thoughts.
She closed her eyes and forced the words out in a whisper he probably wouldn’t have heard if he were human, admitting for the second time that night, “I don’t want to be alone.”
It was harder to say than it had been the first time. ‘Alone’ was what she’d always done best; she wasn’t quite sure who she was without it. Part of her thought it would be safer to just face the nightmares again.
He spun her around so he could kiss her, in equal parts comfort and relief. And then kissed her again, just because he could. “Would you…” he swallowed hard, and it made her feel better to know he was nervous too, “would it be all right if I stayed with you awhile? At least until you fall asleep.”
Kira liked that he made it sound like his idea, asking if he could rather than if she wanted him to. It took some of the pressure off, made her feel a little less vulnerable when she confessed, “I’d like that.” She could feel his smile when he kissed her again. “My room or yours?”
“Mine.” There was a hint of a purr in Nate’s voice, despite what they’d just finished doing. “I’ve wanted to get you in my bed for some time now.”
She laughed, feeling a knot of tension that had been lingering finally begin to unravel. “Then take me to bed, love.”
No sooner than the words were out, he lifted her off the ground once again, chuckling as she yelped in surprise. He carried her down the hall at close-to-human speed.
The bedroom door closed behind them just before the rest of the team returned home.
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amlovelies · 2 years
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day 11
Kira Kingston
for day 11 I'm attempting to do a profile and a ponytail with my detective kira
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chaos-vulpix · 1 year
Rockshot Rave: Cole
This has been... a few months in the making...
Inspired by my initial Atershock playlist, I've put together my largest playlist so far, all to create the most Clubbing Vibe that only Cole could facilitate
Enjoy :)
7/11 - Beyoncé
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got) - Fergie ft. Q-Tip & GoonRock | The Great Gatsby
Addicted to a Memory - Zedd ft. Bahari
After LIKE - IVE
Aftershock - Cash Cash ft. Jacquie Lee
Alive - Krewella
All Around The World - Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris
All Night (Louis The Child Remix) - Chance The Rapper ft. Knox Fortune
Angels - Vicetone ft. Kat Nestel
Applause - Lady Gaga
Bad Memories - MEDUZA & James Carter ft. Elley Duhé & FAST BOY
Bang Bang - Rita Ora & Imanbek
Bass Down Low - DEV ft. The Cataracs
Blah Blah Blah - Kesha ft. 3OH!3
Break The Ice - Britney Spears
Build The Cities (Empire of Sound) - Karma Fields & Tristam ft. Kerli
Burn It Down - AtellaGali & Rvssian ft. Fuego, Konshens & Satori
Butterfly Effect VIP - Koven
Call Your Girlfriend - Robyn
Catching On - Elephante ft. Nevve
Clarity (Virtual Riot Remix) - Zedd ft. Foxes
Closer (Xan Griffin Remix) - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey
Club Can't Handle Me - Flo Rida ft. David Guetta
Come & Get It - Selena Gomez
DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love - Usher ft. Pitbull
Erase - The Chainsmokers ft. Priyanka Chopra
Evacuate the Dancefloor - Cascada
Every Single Day - Benassi Bros. ft. Dhany
Everything Black - Unlike Pluto ft. Micah Martin
Excuse Me - AOA
Feel This Moment - Pitbull ft. Christina Aguilera
Finest Hour (Madison Mars Remix) - Cash Cash ft. Abir
Fire Burning - Sean Kingston
Gecko (Overdrive) - Oliver Heldens & Becky Hill
Get Low - Zedd & Liam Payne
Ghosts 'n' Stuff - deadmau5 ft. Rob Swire
Give Me Everything - Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer
Goodness Gracious (The Chainsmokers Remix) - Ellie Goulding
Guaya - Eva Simons
Hella Good - No Doubt
Hello Good Morning - Diddy-Dirty Money ft. T.I.
Hit My Heart - Benassi Bros. ft. Dhany
Hymn For The Weekend (Alan Walker Remix) - Coldplay ft. Beyoncé
I Don't Like You (Kygo Remix) - Eva Simons
In My Head - PNAU ft. Kira Divine
Into The Night - Nero
Into You - Ariana Grande
Karma (Alpharock & Devan Remix) - Robinson
Kick It - NCT 127
Kickstarts - Example
L'Amour Toujours (Tiësto Edit) - Dzerko & Torres ft. Delaney Jane
Lavender Haze (Snakehips Remix) - Taylor Swift
Let's Go (Vicetone Remix) - Calvin Harris ft. Ne-Yo
Like a G6 - Far East Movement ft. The Cataracs & DEV
Look Into My Eyes (Syn Cole Remix) - Brando
Lose Control - MEDUZA, Becky Hill & Goodboys
Lose My Breath - Destiny's Child
Mad At You - Navvy
Make You Say - Zedd, Maren Morris & BEAUZ
Medicine (The Chainsmokers Remix) - Daughter
Miami 82 (Vocal Mix) - Syn Cole ft. Madame Buttons
Middle (Mija Remix) - DJ Snake ft. Bipolar Sunshine
Never More (DJ Yummy Remix) - Shoji Meguro ft. Shihoko Hirata | Persona 4
OTW (Hälder Flip) - Khalid
Other Side - Illenium, Said The Sky & Vera Blue
Overdose - Ciara
Papercut - Zedd ft. Troye Sivan
Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock
Pon de Replay - Rihanna
Rabiosa - Shakira ft. El Cata
Radioactive - Rita Ora
Red Lights - Tiësto ft. Michel Zitron
Release Me - Agnes
River - PNAU & Ladyhawke
Roll 'n Rock - Bali Bandits
Round & Round - Selena Gomez & the Scene
Sandstorm - Darude
Say Aah - Trey Songz ft. Fabolous
See Tình (Cucak Remix) - Hoàng Thùy Linh
She Wolf (Falling to Pieces) - David Guetta ft. Sia
SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK (Loud Luxury Remix) - Joji
So Close - NOTD & Felix Jaehn ft. Georgia Ku & Captain Cuts
SOS - Rihanna
Stranger Love - PNAU ft. Budjerah
Stronger - TheFatRat, Slaydit & Anjulie
Takeaway - The Chainsmokers & Illenium ft. Lennon Stella
Talking Body (Gryffin Remix) - Tove Lo
Technologic - Daft Punk
The Girl Is Mine (Club Mix) - 99 Souls ft. Destiny's Child & Brandy
This Is Love - will.i.am ft. Eva Simons
Tonight I’m Getting Over You - Carly Rae Jepsen
Where Have You Been - Rihanna
Wild Ones - Flo Rida ft. Sia
Wings (Nu:Logic Remix) - Birdy
Words - Feint ft. Laura Brehm
Yeah! - Usher ft. Lil Jon & Ludacris
You (à la) - SACHI
Your Affection (fu_mou Remix) - Shoji Meguro ft. Shihoko Hirata | Persona 4
Your Spell - Bad Computer
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galpalaven · 1 year
tagged by @jozstankovich thank you!!
➺ favorite oc - Ruth Bihari and Saoirse Cathair rn, I think ➺ newest oc - Kirika + Kazuya Nanami ➺ oldest oc (not age-wise, but how long you've had them) - Kira, my beloved ➺ meanest oc - Ruth, Carter Kingston, Callahan O'Connell, C'Firah Rhazah ➺ softest oc - Miriam Hawke, Dan-Mi Yi, Phaedra Balaskas, Nell Delgado, Kirika Nanami ➺ most aloof/standoffish oc - Ruth Bihari, Noah Lowell, Ash Fisher ➺ dumbest (affectionate) oc- Junji "Jun" Takahata ➺ smartest oc - Ravan Pendragon, Ash Fisher, Ruth Bihari ➺ horniest oc - Penny Fisher, Saoirse Cathair ➺ oc you’d bang - Kazuya.... ➺ oc you'd be best friends with irl - Penny probably lol
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crownleys · 5 months
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Every time, you feel like coming home
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delucadarling · 9 months
I would love to hear about Something in the Water 💙💙
This is a really fun AU @crownleys and I have played with! In this one, Kira's detective AND has the special blood, while Barbie also has special blood. The backstory on this one is Barbie got kidnapped by Murphy several months prior to Book 1. He did the experiment on her, and it was successful. Having one blood bag wasn't enough for him though, so he forces her to help him track down others with the mutation and perform the experiment on them as well. None as successful. This leads to the events of Book 1.
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delucadarlingwriting · 4 months
16 - A kiss in the rain For Kira & Nat pleeeeease
Ask for a Kiss!
I'm chopping this one in half, because it ran away from me a bit and I wanted to post at least part of it tonight. I really only meant to make these responses between 250-500 words. Nat and Kira just make me 💞
Part 2
“Is it much farther, ya rouhi?” 
The forests surrounding Wayhaven are protected areas. There are many, many designated trails that wind through and around, all leading past gorgeous scenes of nature. What Kira knows after a lifetime of living in the not-so-sleepy small town though is that those trails don’t show every beautiful thing the forest has to offer. 
“Almost there!” Kira promises, trotting ahead in her hiking boots to hold a branch up and back. While there’s no ‘trail’ here, Kira knows the way well, and has been doing her ample best to make the hike more bearable for Nat. She’s been putting on a brave face ever since accepting Kira’s invitation to have a date in one of Kira’s favorite spots in Wayhaven. That brave face is starting to falter now an hour into their trek. It seems despite having a vampire’s stamina, Nat just isn’t cut out for this kind of activity.
Nat musters a grateful smile as she passes Kira, who lets the branch go as soon as her girlfriend is clear. She bounds after her, feeling perfectly energized, especially when Nat offers up her hand. Twining their fingers together, Kira says, “It will be very worth it, I promise.”
“I trust you,” Nat says, giving her hand a squeeze. “Any time spent with you alone is well worth whatever effort goes into it.”
Kira giggles. “Don’t sound so tortured!”
“I don’t!” Nat protests with a pout. Her big, beautiful brown eyes practically glimmer despite the low lighting under the thick, leafy canopy above them. “I am having a very good time.”
“Of course, I’m sorry,” Kira says, pressing her lips together to hold back a smile.
“Kiss me to prove it,” Nat demands. And so she does, tiptoeing up and bracing her free hand against Nat’s collarbone. Her reward is a soft, plush mouth on her and hand ever so gently cradling her skull. 
The hours she could spend with this woman, doing nothing more than this…And the days she could spend doing quite a lot more.
Before she can get too worked up, Kira drops her feet flat to look up at Nat, just a little dizzy. Nat smiles, bursting with sunshine. She walks her long, elegant fingers up Kira’s arm, moving her other arm to cup Kira’s hip and pull her in close. 
“Mm, if only we were somewhere with a bed,” Nat teases. “The things I would do to you…”
Kira flushes up and shivers. “A lack of beds has never stopped you before.”
Nat opens her mouth to protest, stops a moment, then thinks better of whatever she was going to say and sighs instead. 
“Well, then I have plans for when we do have a bed.”
Kira reaches up to pinch Nat’s chin gently between her fingers. “And I look forward to that. For now, we really are almost there. Just a little farther?”
“Very well, a little farther,” Nat agrees.
It only takes a minute before Nat perks up. “Oh, I think I hear where we’re going.”
“I bet you do!” Kira replies, practically bouncing her way along. Now Nat also quickens her pace, intrigue wiping away any weariness from before. 
Eventually a low roar reaches Kira’s ears, growing louder and louder as they go until finally the trees thin out and reveal their destination. The ground juts up sharply ahead of them, lined with rocks and moss and scraggly tree roots, framing a gorgeous (if small) waterfall. The water rushes down, crashing into the pool below it and sending out a fine mist that obfuscates the area near it. The pool is small, just a short offshoot of the creek that carries on past them. While that water gallops along, the pool is mostly calm.
“It’s beautiful,” Nat says, though it’s clear she’s wondering why this waterfall. Many of the easier, more accessible trails in Wayhaven have sights like it, some even bigger and more impressive.
“It’s private,” Kira says, peering up to get a read on Nat’s reaction. “I used to swim here a lot. No one’s ever bothered me.”
Nat smiles and brings her hands up to the buttons of her shirt. “I see.”
They strip down with mostly polite hands, and Kira goes ahead to the pebbled shore to begin wading in. The icy water makes her shiver and gasp.
“It’s a bit cold,” Kira warns Nat over her shoulder. Nat, tall and beautiful and very naked, follows Kira without trepidation.
“I’m sure it’s fine—Oh dear,” Nat yelps the minute she’s ankle deep. She jumps right back onto the shore, arms flying around herself, eyes wide. “Kira, that is inhumane.”
“You don’t have to get in if you don’t want to,” Kira says, toying with the end of her braid. “I really did just want to bring you here to swim, but we can also get dressed and just enjoy a little time together.”
Nat sniffs delicately. “No, I will be fine. Just give me a moment, you go ahead.”
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kaileeandag · 4 months
What Songs Were #1 When My OCs Were Born?
-Svetlana Dubova: If I Knew You Were Comin' (Id've Baked a Cake) by Eileen Barton -Michiko Mitarai: You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' by The Righteous Brothers -Minh Tranh: Stop! In the Name of Love by The Supremes -Siri Chanthara: I'm Telling You Now by Freddie and the Dreamers -Sothea Sok: Help Me,Rhonda by The Beach Boys -Erika Bourassa: West End Girls by Pet Shop Boys -Brooke Meyer (and by extension her twin brother Austin): Another Day in Paradise by Phil Collins -Sophie Dwyer: Black or White by Michael Jackson -Yi-Kyung Park: I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred -Amirah Azizi, Rose Birch and Tyler-Rose Whittier: To Be With You by Mr. Big -Victoria Markos and Julia Nguyen: Save The Best For Last by Vanessa Williams -Saya Kageyama (and by extension her twin brother Hinata): This Used To Be My Playground by Madonna (USA), Kiss of Tears by Southern All Stars (Japan) -Mariana Fazekas, Alana Ashman, Jenna Eskola, and Emma Nakahara: End of the Road by Boyz II Men (fun fact: this song was #1 the day I was born) -Blaire Oliveira: The Sign by Ace of Base -Kira Lewis: Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's -Clarissa Anderson: Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston -Kelsea Culver: Tik Tok by Kesha -Luna Kennedy: Hey,Soul Sister by Train -Kaylee Barrett: OMG by Usher and will.i.am (Kaylee's birthday is May 30 2010, which was five or so days before I graduated from High School)
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
OC Kiss ~ Food
(AJ + Kira; Wayhaven Chronicles) 
Borrowing @haledamage’s Kira to continue the Roommates AU for her and AJ bc I love it. 🥰
It was harder than Kira anticipated to get her keys out whilst juggling takeaway bags. But she knew if she’d kept them in hand on the walk from her car, she’d’ve dropped them, because that was her luck. And that would’ve been more of a headache than wrestling them out of her jacket pocket without spilling food.
Her persistence paid off as she reached the door and she curled a finger around the keyring to tug it free--
--only for the station key to snag just before they were safely clear of her pocket. The keys flipped out of her hand, bounced off that door, and hit the ground. Kira grumbled a string of curses as she tried to figure out how to pick them up.
“Kir? What’re you doin’?”
She turned to offer a sheepish, frustrated smile toward her friend and flatmate.  “Trying to surprise you, but the universe wasn’t havin’ it, apparently.”
AJ’s brows quirked as she retrieved Kira’s keys and used them to unlock the door rather than pull out her own. “Any particular rea- Is that from Laycotts?!”
“Yep.” Kira grinned, good mood restored at the way AJ perked up on the question. She held out one bag as they entered the flat and AJ nudged the door closed. “Chen’s working on his Mediterranean chops this week. One fresh, still-warm kleftiko just for you, and spanakopita for me.”
AJ”s eyes lit up. “Kira, you’re the best.” She emphasized the sentiment with a kiss on Kira’s cheek as she took the bag with her food. “Any particular reason?”
“Little bird mighta told me you had a rotten day at work,” Kira said. The two of them shucked coats and keys and headed for the kitchen table. “Figured you wouldn’t feel up to cooking, and who the bloody hell wants to eat leftovers after a bad day?”
“Thank you. Dunno if we even have leftover right now,” AJ said with a sheepish laugh. “We mighta eaten ‘em all, yeah?” She unpacked her food and headed to get silverware while Kira grabbed drinks.
The deeply contented groan she let out on her first bite made this well worth the money and effort. “Think this might be the best Chen’s done with this yet.”
Kira nodded and grunted an agreement around her mouthful of spanakopita.  “Definitely outdone himself.”
They lapsed into comfortable silence as they ate, and Kira watched the tension of a bad day slough off AJ’s posture. The miracle of good food, she thought glibly, glad she’d been able to do this for her friend.
“So, what do I owe for mine?” AJ asked, once they’d eaten and were moving on to cleanup.
Kira shook her head, balling up the containers inside each other for disposal.  “Not a damn thing, Red. My treat.”
AJ beamed with gratitude, giving her a one-armed hug so’s not to stab her with a dirty fork. “You really are the best.”
“Right, b’cause you never do anything nice for me,” Kira deadpanned. “Never make me tea, or help through a fucking migraine, or do the dishes singlehanded. Totally don’t deserve somethin’ I hope made the end of your rotten day better.”
“I reckon it did exactly that,” AJ said. She set her handful of silverware in the sink and grinned. “You’re a grand friend, Kira Kingston.”
“Back atcha, Abigail Jenings,” Kira muttered, face hot but grinning in triumph as she shoved the trash in the waste bin.
Mission fuckin’ accomplished.
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haledamage · 1 year
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
@agentnatesewell open tagged and I decided to jump on it! especially since the subject matter is very much to your interest 😉
“Nate,” she whispered against his lips. “Give me something else to think about.”
I am writing... smut 😆 I didn't set out to write smut, it started as a prompt fill for @queen-scribbles but Kira and Nate can't keep their hands off each other so here we are
though over the course of writing it, I've figured out some important and interesting things about their relationship (that I may rant about on a separate post), so it ended up being educational smut :3
since I stole this from an open tag, I'm open tagging as well. YOU, reading this, if you are writing something and want to share, please do! and tag me if you do 💖
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amlovelies · 2 years
Where OC is most likely to shave their head? who would be the least likely to?
Well I have a few ocs who already have shaved heads so that's pretty easy to answer. Both Jytte and Lark already have shaved heads and vesper has shaved their head in the past (and I'm considering a shave for retri but I might wait for revelations)
least likely would probably be sozan or kira. both have very beautiful hair that's a point of pride
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