#Kitchen Porter Agency
Top Tips for Choose a Chef Agency
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When it comes to organizing an event or managing a busy kitchen, finding reliable temporary staff can be a real challenge. You want to serve your guests with the best and at the same time, spend time with them. Although you are a good cook yourself, you do not want to spend the entire evening in the kitchen to manage the food and ensure that the food is served at the right time. You can have a team doing this for you, and a top chef agency comes to the rescue. 
In the following section, we have outlined a few tips that will help you choose the right chef agency to cater to your requirements. 
1. Look for a specialist agency - Choose an agency that specializes in chef and kitchen staffing. They will have a better understanding of your needs and will be able to provide you with the right staff to meet those needs. 
2. Check their reputation - Do your research and check the agency's reputation. Look for reviews and testimonials from past clients. This will give you an idea of their reliability and quality of service.
3. Experience matters - Look for an agency that has been in the business for several years. They will have a better understanding of the industry and will be able to provide you with the right candidates for your temporary kitchen porter jobs.
4. Check their screening process - A good agency will have a thorough screening process for their staff. This includes background checks, reference checks, and skills assessments. Make sure you ask about their screening process before hiring their staff.
By following these tips, you can find a reliable agency that can provide you with high-quality staff to enhance your guests' experience.
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The Best Things to Consider When Choose a Best Chef Recruitment Agency to Hire a kitchen Porter Permanent Chef
A skilled chef prepares food in a restaurant by chopping vegetables, igniting mixed vegetables, and garnishing the finished dishes. The chef works with the server and arranges the support requested by the customer. So if you are looking for the Best Chef Recruitment Agency in the UK, we are a trusted chef recruitment agency and we serve managers around the world with our chef recruitment service. 
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Our chef recruitment is protected and secure and we aim to satisfy both employers and candidates. Our system for finding the ideal candidate is characterized by an efficient and pragmatic approach, and the related cooperation with clients ensures a successful recruitment. So visit our website and make an appointment with us.
What Does Our Chef Recruiting Agency Do?
A professional chef employed by an Operational Chef Consultant must have excellent communication skills to communicate information effectively. He needs to really control the time and also make it do teenage time management skills. He should be a dynamic learner and use his learning ability for problem solving and important management. Also, the experienced judge must have graduated from the expected school or have recognition from a cooking school. 
Our Best Chef Recruitment Agency will work with your personal recruitment consultant to determine the job profile, client requirements and requirements for competent candidates. 
With the described requirements in mind, let's start by looking at possible candidates.
Coordinate interviews, obtain references and conduct professional background checks. 
Showing potential candidates to the client with independently collected reliable profiles with application reports
To ensure some input from the clients on the advertised candidates, we have created a chef recruitment agency contact person.
What are the benefits to hire us?
Deep market knowledge 
Our chef recruitment agency has been notable in the field of recruitment and consultancy since its inception. In addition, our candidates benefit daily from our extensive general contacts in the salon serving food and travel industries. Ex- If you are looking for a Temporary Kitchen Porter Jobs in UK, we also provide temporary kitchen porter jobs with ease. 
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A large pool of qualified candidates 
 Thanks to our long-term relationship with our candidates, our chef recruitment agencies can offer a variety of qualified and strong candidates that we have known for a long time.  
International locations 
In the central markets of our offices around the world, we offer in-depth marketing training as well as profitable and specialized support.  
Experienced consulting experts 
 Many of our highly competent experts have extensive experience in the hotel, lifestyle or tourism industry. Each of them is experts in their field and has additional skills in the financial aspects of the company. 
Stock search 
Our chef recruitment agency simply pays for recruitment, while our permanent private chef hire competitors have shown what else we can guarantee to replace a candidate once for free, if the client or candidate ends the contract on the deadline. 
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Trust, reliability and confidentiality 
Reliability and confidentiality and a strong complement of selection metrics and strict characterization and adherence to data validation rules demonstrate our mastery and know-how approach to working with candidates and clients.
Why Only Operational Chef Consultant for hire a Kitchen Porter?
Kitchen porter is a basic job in the restaurant industry that gives many a start in the food industry. The main job of a kitchen janitor is to help the restaurant where he works to be as clean and organized as possible. 
So if you're looking for the best place to Hire a kitchen Porter, you've come to the right place. At Operational Chef Consultants, we have the professional expertise to offer Kitchen Porter at an affordable price. We ask the tenants of our rental kitchen to clean the pots, pans and other dishes that the cooks use to prepare food. 
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It is also their job to ensure that the kitchen utensils are hygienic and placed in the right places. Many kitchen tools also play a role in the cooking process. Depending on the restaurant, this may include washing, peeling and cutting the ingredients. Some restaurants ask the food porter to help the chefs prepare basic salads and desserts.
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webraciszekbastion · 8 months
Vivia Twilight x Baker!Reader
Good morning/good evening everyone.
Thank you for casting your votes. I've been on Tumblr for a while, but I've been writing for a short time and for the first time in English. I hope it will be okay. Enjoy readingy.
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Paring: Vivia Twilight x GN!Baker!Reader
You are the owner of the "Reading Bakery." In your establishment, in addition to delicious baked goods, you have plenty of books to read while eat. Many people bring in their old books and exchange them for another from shelves, so you often have lots of new titles.
You've often seen Vivia reading under a table in a corner.
He always seemed depressed to you. Therefore, when, you noticed that he was reading a book by your favorite writer, you decided to riddle him. You brought a cheesecake and offered to talk.
Vivia doesn't like to be disturbed while reading, but an interesting conversation about books and thoughts after reading them are always interesting to him.
Since your first conversation Vivia, he has more often stayed until closing time so that he could talk to you one-on-one.
Vivia speaks several languages, so she translates recipes you might like.
When customers bring to the bakery, books that might be of interest to Vivia, you store them in the back room for him.
It was a matter of time when you start meeting.
When you try new recipes, Vivia is your personal tester. He will happily eat anything you bake. Even though he was convinced that he doesn't like sweet things, your pastries are new sensations for Vivia that add color to his life.
One of his favorites is dark chocolate tarts with caramel. You think the tarts reflect Vivia perfectly. A bittersweet character, evident in Vivia every day, which seems discouraging, but underneath that layer is an interesting personality that sweetens your every day.
Vivia's caresses, can also be described as such. Vivia is inexperienced, so his hugs can be too strong, her kisses a bit rough, and the kind gesture of giving a massage doesn't always have the intended effect. It may seem bitter, but the sweet tingling and pleasant warmth that comes with Vivia's presence makes you want more of it.
Since the two of you have been together, Vivia has stopped talking about the characters in the books he reads. Not his fault. No matter how he looks at it, you are much better. even perfect in Vivia's eyes. Why should she admire fictional characters when she has the real ideal by her side.
Vivia likes it when someone brings fresh bread to the agency. That smell reminds him of you and of the fact that at the end of the day, he will see you again.
He loves to read to you. Usually when, you lie in his embrace. Vivia usually reads books to you in foreign languages while talking to you about aspects of the book.
Vivia loves to share her passion for reading with you, but wants to be as close to you as possible. Therefore, whenever she has time to do so, she learns to bake with you.
Contrary to appearances, it even works out for him. He may not be a "Star Baker," but things like bread, simple pizza, chocolate chip cookies or cupcakes, he can manage to make, without burning down the whole kitchen.
He is pleased with his progress. Yakou and the others have more than once stood in stupor, seeing Vivia in an apron, baking something in the agency's small kitchen.
Once, to show off to you, his new skills, he brought you a small gift for your meeting. It was a bouquet, but instead of flowers, it was churros he had made. It was by far, the nicest and most delicious gift you received.
When you need help with shopping, Vivia is your personal porter. You make him happy and feel important, so if he can help you, he'll do it to give back the attentions you give him.
If you fall asleep while cleaning up after work, rest assured that Vivia will carry you to the floor and put you to bed. He doesn't mind sleeping on the floor, but your comfort and health are important to him.
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Top Solutions Recruitment Agency Limited is an Independent, fully-fledged recruitment company in UK. We are among the leading healthcare recruitment agencies for private and public healthcare sectors. We have been successful in providing highest quality healthcare agency staffing from Day 1.
We Specialise in Health Care Services in London and surrounding areas, Hampshire, Sussex, Dorset, Essex and Berkshire. Our General Recruitment include Warehouse Operatives, Sales Assistants, Chefs and Kitchen, Porters, Retail Assistants, Painters, Gardeners, Laborer’s, Hospitality Staff, Cleaning services, Bookkeeping services, Security etc.
PHONE NUMBER- 023 8202 6079 | 07365 287 386
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tempchefs · 7 months
Chef Hiring Agency In Ireland
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As a leading chef hiring agency in Ireland, we specialize in providing high-quality chefs to businesses across the country. With years of experience in the industry, our team of expert recruiters has a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges of the food service industry. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and requirements, from their menu and style of cuisine to their budget and timeline.
When you work with Temp Chefs, you’ll have access to a wide network of talented chefs, including both temporary and permanent staff. We’ll work closely with you to identify the most qualified candidates for your business and present them to you for consideration.
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Our team of recruiters has a deep understanding of the culinary industry in Ireland, giving us a unique perspective and understanding of what it takes to be a successful chef. We can help you navigate the local market, understand industry trends, and identify the most qualified and experienced chefs for your business.
At Temp Chefs, we also offer a comprehensive chef recruitment service to ensure a smooth and successful hiring process. We handle all aspects of the hiring process, from advertising the job and screening candidates to negotiating salaries and finalizing contracts. We’ll also provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure that your new chef is set up for success and can seamlessly integrate into your team.
Whether you need a chef for a one-time event or a long-term position, we can help you find the right candidate quickly and efficiently. We understand that every business is unique, and we’ll work closely with you to find a chef that fits your specific needs and requirements.
In addition to our chef hiring services, we also offer a range of other culinary staffing solutions, including kitchen porters, waiting staff, and event staff. We’re committed to providing high-quality staffing solutions to businesses across Ireland, and we’re dedicated to helping our clients achieve their culinary goals.
In conclusion, if you’re looking to hire a chef for your restaurant, hotel, or catering business in Ireland, working with a chef hiring agency like Temp Chefs can save you time, money, and headaches. With our extensive network of talented chefs and expert recruiters, we can help you find the perfect candidate for your business quickly and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more about our chef hiring services and how we can help you achieve your culinary goals.
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helmort · 8 months
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🎃 𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘀 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗯𝗮𝗹 𝗦𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶 🎃
Listen up, mate. I've got a proper London tale for ya, one of them stories that only gets passed 'round in the underbelly of this city. It's the kind of story that's kept hush-hush among chefs, owners, waitstaff, and us kitchen porters, 'cause it's a secret that ain't meant for the common ear.
Now, this story ain't some ancient legend; it's fresh, and it's exclusive, ya see. You'd never catch wind of it unless you're part of the restaurant world. We keep these stories locked up tight, and you'll soon get why. Remember ZenSavor Sushi Lounge? That swanky joint in Mayfair where the high rollers and stock exchange blokes used to rub shoulders? You had to have a fat wallet to set foot in there; a single piece of fish cost more than a Rolex. Ah, Mayfair, where the rich are always rich and the poor are stuck being poor, no two ways 'bout it. Ever wonder why it shut down?
Well, here's the tale, mate. One fine day, the bobbies got a tip-off, and what they found was a right proper spectacle. There was this Food Standards Agency inspector, a fella who's usually made of stern stuff, but on this day, he was bawling like a newborn. He'd been doing a routine inspection, and everything seemed squeaky clean as usual. But by some twist of fate, he stumbled on a hidden door in the ceiling that led to an old pub. And, of course, his curiosity got the better of him. What he found was enough to make any tough nut's jaw hit the floor. There, hanging upside down like massive tunas, were 30 women, frozen solid, like tuna. And to top it off, there were ten Chinese blokes working on 'em. When the police had a word with these chaps, the whole ugly truth spilled out. Turns out, the rich and mighty from all over the globe were payin' these fellas to prep human flesh for their bizarre, esoteric antics right here in London.
They'd lure poor girls from Westminster, promising 'em waitressing jobs for a pretty penny. But, by the heavens, those gals were ending up as ingredients for the feasts of the wealthy. These toffs believed that munchin' on human flesh would give 'em some sort of immortality. You can bet that fancy restaurant got shut down faster than you can say "Guv'nor."
As for why it never hit the papers or the telly? Well, the clientele, you see, they were the cream of the crop—UN officials, ambassadors, Hollywood stars, crooners, and some even reckon that John Lennon, the bloke some say never really kicked the bucket, was seen tuckin' into his 'Ningen no josei no niku sushi,' which translates to "human female meat sushi." Proper twisted, innit?
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aviserv · 1 year
6 Benefits Of Using A Recruiting Agency London
For businesses, recruiting new employees can be an expensive and time-consuming process that necessitates significant resources while rarely providing any guarantees. Human resources departments face a difficult task in ensuring a steady flow of talent into the business while also hiring individuals who are suited to the job and the culture of the organization. This becomes even more difficult in a thriving job market, where employers compete for the most skilled and experienced employees. In many cases, employers require specialized assistance with their hiring strategies. Using a recruiting agency London to identify and attract talent, as well as negotiate terms, can alleviate a great deal of stress. This approach can assist organizations in locating the people they require to move forward, bringing them in for interviews, and securing their services within budget.
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So, what exactly is the advantage of using a recruitment agency to assist in the hiring of professionals? Here are a few practical advantages:-
Ability to spot talent:- A recruitment agency's benefit is that they work with both employers looking for talent and professionals looking for new opportunities. As a result, they are uniquely placed to be "in the know" and act as a go-between for the two parties. Recruitment consultants' knowledge of how to avoid hiring a bad candidate can be extremely valuable; they know who is looking for work, how capable they are, and what salary expectations people have. Once an employer has created a vacancy and established role criteria, recruitment agencies can begin searching for qualified candidates for the position. The 'ideal candidate' is frequently someone who is not actively looking for a new job but would be interested in one if the right opportunity arose. A recruitment consultant has extensive networks and knows exactly where to look for these individuals. Another advantage of using a recruitment agency is their extensive knowledge of individual segments of the job market and the talent available in specific areas. They also learn about the requirements and goals of their employers. This means they can find talented individuals who can do the job.
Aviserv Integrated Service Solution, the best recruitment company in London has a solid reputation for providing dependable end-to-end recruitment services. We identify and recruit the best candidates for employers looking for a high-quality workforce.
Post job openings:- When employers post job openings, they may not receive enough qualified applicants. They are looking for an experienced candidate with specialized skills, but the CVs they receive are simply inadequate. This is frequently due to poor marketing; the high-caliber people they require simply do not see the advertisement. The benefit of hiring agencies is that they not only advertise vacancies - both online and in person - but also actively seek out professionals who fit the job description. Recruitment consultants may make direct contact with talented individuals they know, having previously assisted them in finding a new job, and invite them to apply for the role. Cleaning pots and pans, keeping floors clean, sanitizing food preparation areas, and occasionally assisting with food prep work are all responsibilities of kitchen porter jobs West London. We'd like to meet you if you think you'll enjoy the buzz of a busy kitchen.
Salary negotiations:- The last thing you want as an employer is to reach the end of the recruitment process, having identified your preferred candidate and made a job offer, only to discover that you are diametrically opposed on salary and benefits. Before entering salary negotiations, recruiters can assist you in benchmarking remuneration against other companies in your industry and can provide valuable resources. Recruitment agencies are also actively involved in the hiring process, placing skilled candidates and negotiating salaries. They can negotiate on behalf of both parties and reach an agreement on a remuneration package that is mutually acceptable. If both parties are aware of each other's hopes and expectations from the start, there is a better chance of closing the deal.
Candidates for interviews:- The benefit of using a recruiting agency in London when interviewing candidates is that they can conduct interviews on an employer's behalf, saving time and money. To begin the process of narrowing down the applicants, a recruitment consultant conducts a candidate screening - possibly over the phone. They can learn more about the people on the shortlist and eliminate any unsuitable candidates from the process. The recruitment agency can also conduct background checks on candidates invited to interviews, removing the burden from the employer's HR department. A recruitment agency can advise on what interview questions to ask during the final round of interviews.
Provide the following interim professionals:- Using a recruitment agency allows businesses to increase or decrease employee levels as needed. They can find professionals for full-time, permanent jobs as well as individuals for temporary jobs. An employer may also be concerned about a lack of capacity for a recently launched project or initiative. Receiving and processing incoming stock and materials, picking and filling orders from stock, packing and shipping orders, or managing, organizing, and retrieving stock are all examples of warehouse jobs in West London.
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Provide industry knowledge:- Another advantage of working with a recruitment agency is that they provide staffing solutions for businesses in industries such as finance and accounting, financial services, interim management, technology, and office administration 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As a result, they have significant expertise and job market insight on an international, national, and local level, which employers can use to develop their recruitment strategy. Recruitment consultants understand the needs of employers, the expectations of candidates, and the effects of supply and demand on the overall job market. As a result, they are well-positioned to assist employers in making sound business decisions. Employers do not have to go it alone when it comes to hiring. A recruiting agency London, such as Aviserv Integrated Service Solution, can assist businesses and organizations in obtaining the skills and experience they require in a timely and cost-effective manner. Employers can use the time and money saved to help drive the business forward.
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reveal-the-news · 2 years
Why Influencer Marketing Takes a Village
Why Influencer Marketing Takes a Village
In 2013, Vicki Seger was preparing to enter a new phase in her life: motherhood. For nearly a decade, he has worked both agency-side for Crispin Porter & Bogusky and Weeden + Kennedy, and client-side for fitness brand Equinox and a direct-to-consumer (DTC) start-up called Aloha. . Starting humbly from her kitchen table in Brooklyn, she took a leap of faith that would give her the flexibility to…
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fanyajob · 2 years
General Assistant / Kitchen Porter-Temp Work-Exeter
General Assistant / Kitchen Porter-Temp Work-Exeter
Job title: General Assistant / Kitchen Porter-Temp Work-Exeter Company: Berkeley Scott Salary: () Location: Exeter de Parties who want to work in Wherstead in Ipswich for a care home. Shift patterns are 0700 till 1500. This is an agency Chef…Berkeley Scott is currently seeking exceptional chefs of all levels for work in London on a temporary basis… Apply for the job now!
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Here’s Why you must have a Private Chef at Home
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There is nothing more pleasing and satisfying than your dinner cravings tended to professionally by a personal chef. While most of us are always worried about grocery shopping list, what to cook for lunch and dinners, there are some of us who take advantage of the chef recruitment agencies to hire personal kitchen porters. 
These days, men and women both, work in the professional world and so they both come home tired. Hiring a private chef makes it easy to eat healthy home cooked food. Here are some benefits of hiring a private chef 
· Chefs save your time: A chef can take care of all the meal planning. He can do all the meal planning and cook for you so that you can pay attention to other important tasks of the day. It is particularly useful to people with busy lives and households. 
· Healthy and customized meals: Instead of ordering meals from outside, you get almost the same taste by getting food cooked by a professional at home with home ingredients. A chef can also offer different meals for different people at home including children and old people in the family. 
· Keeping kitchen organized: With a kitchen porter, you do not have to worry about organizing the kitchen. He will keep everything stacked and all the places neat and clean. If you are looking forward to hire kitchen porters, you can reach out to us. We offer chef recruitment services.
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operationalchefsblog · 2 months
Explore a Best Chef Agency to Hire Bartender, Kitchen Porter and Restaurant Staff
Employee turnover in the pub and restaurant business can seriously harm an establishment's ability to succeed. After all, losing a worker means having to take time out of an already hectic day to locate, choose, and onboard a replacement. The Hire bartender position is one of the hardest to fill. Your barman will represent your establishment in various ways.
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rumade · 2 years
Do you live the UK and work/worked a crap job?
Please share your experience with me!
I am writing an article about how crap jobs in the UK go beyond just low pay. Here are some examples of what kind of thing I mean:
My uncle worked for Wilko. All shifts were only 3 hours long. No set shifts, shifts changed weekly, and could change with only a day's notice. You might be working a shift that finished at 21:00 and scheduled to work from 7 the next day. He often worked 6 days a week, and would sometimes work an early shift, have a 6 hour gap, and then work the next shift.
When I worked as a teaching assistant (2014 London), the role was advertised to graduates with an hourly wage of £11. The school day was only 9-15:00; if you wanted a full time wage you had to do after school clubs. When my grandad died I was allowed one paid day off (my mum phoned me at 9am in tears so I had to go home and look after her), when I requested another day off for the funeral I was treated like dirt and it was unpaid. All my coworkers were either long term council housed or lived with partners/family, as no one could survive on the wage.
Straight after uni (2013) I got a clinic receptionist position in Zone 1 where shifts were 12:30-20:00, which meant you couldn't do anything before or after work like classes, clubs, study groups, even seeing friends was hard. I worked 4 days a week and survived on £950 a month, living in a room with a moth infestation and bathing with a bucket because the shower was broken.
If you work a full day shift at Primark they give you long unpaid breaks to stretch out the staff so they can keep the store open longer. I used to work something like 10:30-21:00 with an hour and a half unpaid break. Your whole day gets taken away from you so they don't have to hire as many staff.
Working as event staff, had to be at the agency for 6am to go to the racecourse, but only got paid from when we were checked in there. Managers told us we'd all be given silver service waiting roles earning lots of tips, when in fact many of us were dumped in roles like kitchen porter. More than once, staff lunches ran out.
My current role at a bingo hall was advertised and interviewed as a customer service role, hosting customers. After 2 weeks of that my managers had me trained as a diner chef and I have been doing that ever since on £9.15 an hour. This includes a lot of hard-core cleaning like doing the fryers, scraping grills with toxic cleaners etc. Shifts run from 11-15:00 and then 17:30-21:30, sometimes with an additional stretch until midnight looking at the slots area. I feel totally misled and pissed off about this role.
If you have a similar experience- shifts fucked around with, misleading pay/hours, misrepresented job roles, and so on- please DM me or reblog with it. The article is just really writing practice because I want to get back into writing, but I will publish the finished thing here and on Medium.
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'A soft place to settle': Clintonville family fosters unaccompanied minors from Honduras
At first, Andi Mocharski was intimidated by the idea of fostering older children, especially those who weren't fluent in English.
The Clintonville mother of four adopted children had only ever fostered younger kids who grew up speaking English, and the ones she was about to welcome into her home were a 10-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy from Honduras. 
Refugees in Columbus: Biden policy flips dash hopes of local advocates
But it was more than that: They were unaccompanied minors who crossed the U.S-Mexico border alone. Their mom was still living in a camp there, and their father had been murdered.
Although Mocharski was nervous before the children moved in with her family in November, everything worked out fine.
Mocharski family fosters two children from Honduras
"Immediately they just kind of settled in," Mocharski said of the two children her family began to sponsor — the technical term for families who take in unaccompanied minors— right before Thanksgiving.
The kids oohed and aahed over the holiday turkey, reveled in hiking at Hocking Hills and found joy in the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and the Franklin Park Conservatory. 
They jumped on the family's trampoline, went to the local skatepark and dressed up with Mocharski's children — Jack, 7; 12-year-old twins Noah and Adam; and Caroline, 16 — asking Mocharski to draw lightning bolts on their foreheads and saying spells, magic wand in hand, just like Harry Potter.
"They're just really normal kids," Mocharski said. "They love to do normal things."
'Back to being a refugee': Family displaced from Columbus apartments feels trauma again
The children, who are not being identified out of concern for their safety, crossed the US-Mexico border several months before the Mocharski family met them. They were sent across without their mother, who remained behind in a camp as part of the Trump administration's "Remain in Mexico" protocol for those seeking asylum in the United States.
Their father had been murdered by gang members in Honduras, causing the family to flee north in hopes of finding safety in America, Mocharski said.
'Not safe places', 'A lot of kidnappings going on': Unaccompanied children cross border
Kelly Porter, a Columbus native who began volunteering at the border in 2019 when the "Remain in Mexico" policy began, was the one who made the connection between the children and Columbus.
"I knew the mother from the camp and, like many parents, with despair they send their kids ahead to family or friends," said Porter, who is the founder ofLove Without Lines, an organization that assists migrants at the border. "Mexico, especially border towns, are not safe places and at this time there were a lot of kidnappings going on. So their mother sent them up to be with friends in Houston."
Refugee 'crisis': Ohio GOP Sen. Rob Portman leads bipartisan delegation to US-Mexico border
Since October 2020, more than 47,000 unaccompanied children have crossed the border, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Under President Joe Biden, children are being allowed into the country, but many adults are not due to a COVID-19-related policy begun under Donald Trump in March 2020 and continued by Biden.
Although the children's story of crossing the border alone is a common one lately, these children's path once they entered the United States is not.
Once unaccompanied minors enter the country, they are taken into custody by Customs and Border Protection and then transferred to the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), according to the federal agency. From there, a sponsor is located to take care of the children until — and if — they can be reunited with their parents.
Most children crossing the border are coming to live with someone they know in the United States, said Mocharski. They are placed by the ORR first with a parent or legal guardian, or, if that's not possible, with a close relative.
The last resort is a distant relative or an unrelated adult, such as Mocharski, according to the ORR. Some children stay in ORR custody for long periods of time.
"Their somebodies didn't work out for them," Mocharski said of the children from Honduras.
Reunited: Somali father back with family in Columbus after years of separation due to 'Muslim ban'
Their mother begged Porter to help in any way she could.
"She came to me crying one day ... so I called my friend Amy," Porter said.
Coming to Columbus
Amy Bradley, of Clintonville, and her husband, Chris, organized a way for the kids to come to Columbus and stay with the couple and their own two children. 
"The kids were going to end up basically in foster care, perhaps separated," said Bradley, who has a background in social work and was able to get clearance from children's services in Texas to send the kids to live with her. "It was an emergency situation, and we knew we didn't want them going into foster care with the possibility of being separated."
Help in court:New program trains non-lawyers to assist asylum seekers who have no legal counsel
They lived for three months with the Bradleys before moving in with the Mocharskis after Bradley's mother-in-law got COVID-19 and needed more care from the family. 
The Mocharskis' lives have been changed by welcoming two Honduran children into their home for about six months, Mocharski said.
"This has been something we're going to remember forever," said Mocharski, adding that the children will finish out the school year before going to Texas to be reunited with their mother, who crossed the border recently and now is in the process of seeking asylum.
Waiting game:Immigration court backlog has nearly doubled under Trump
Mocharski said she first learned about the kids in early November when she got a call from someone at the church the family attended, First Unitarian Universalist on the North Side. Jan Phillips, facilitator for the church's racial and immigration justice group, told Mocharski that there were two children who needed a new place to stay — would the Mocharskis take them in?
At first, Mocharski said she tried to find anyone else to take the children. She already had four of her own, and the family lived in a Clintonville home with one bathroom.
"I wanted to make sure wherever they landed they were going to get the best care," Mocharski said.
Then, she talked to her husband, Jim, and she said they knew deep down that their family was probably the best place for the children.
Read more:Language a barrier in getting coronavirus information to all
"We kind of knew how to get settled and knew the steps to give kids a soft place to settle," she said, adding that all four her own children were fostered and then adopted. "Once you've done it, you kind of know."
Sharing the trauma
As they became more comfortable in their new home, the kids also began to share some of their trauma and grief with the family, she said. The boy often wanted to talk at night, using Google Translate to communicate his feelings to Mocharski, though his English has improved since he arrived.
Losing their father and then being separated from their mother has been hard on the children.
"We kind of had to take it day by day, hour by hour," Mocharski said. "I felt like I needed to protect them."
COVID-19:Coronavirus has been especially dangerous to immigrants. Here's why
The whole experience has become a way for the Mocharskis to show their own children their values, she said.
"There's always room for somebody," she said. "There's enough love to go around."
When the family took the kids in, they didn't know about their history or the trauma they had faced in their home country or during their journey to the United States, she said. Right away, Mocharski found the children a therapist, her family started learning Spanish and Caroline gave up her room for a small alcove off the kitchen, so the siblings could have their own space to share.
Caroline said she has enjoyed having the other kids in her home, and it has taught her to have gratitude for what she has.
Painful distance:How Trump immigration policies have kept refugee families separated across continents
"They came here and they were like, 'Meat! You have meat!'" Caroline said. "They were just very excited."
She remembers going grocery shopping with them and the wonder they experienced at all of the options in the store.
First Unitarian Universalist members donated gift cards and meals, and Mocharski started a GoFundMe page to help purchase things the children needed, including clothing and healthcare, since they do not have insurance.
The ongoing fundraiser, called "A Healthy Home For Unaccompanied Minors,"has a goal of $30,000, and Mocharski wants to send the kids to Texas with whatever else is raised. 
Safe haven:One-of-a-kind school gives refugees resettled in Columbus a sense of belonging
Two weeks ago, the children got to see their mother, who came to Columbus and spent a week in an Air BnB with them. They are finishing the school year in Columbus at Fugees Academy, a private school for refugee children on the Northeast Side, before they go to live with her and be a family once again.
In the meantime, Mocharski has been happy to welcome them into her family.
"I feel like we were in the right place at the right time for these kiddos," Mocharski said. 
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tempchefs · 8 months
Chef Hiring agency in Ireland
At Temp Chefs, we understand the importance of having a skilled and reliable chef in the kitchen. Whether you’re running a restaurant, hotel, or catering business, having the right chef can make all the difference in the success of your business. That’s why we offer comprehensive chef hiring services to help you find the perfect candidate for your needs.
As a leading chef hiring agency in Ireland, we specialize in providing high-quality chefs to businesses across the country. With years of experience in the industry, our team of expert recruiters has a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges of the food service industry. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and requirements, from their menu and style of cuisine to their budget and timeline.
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When you work with Temp Chefs, you’ll have access to a wide network of talented chefs, including both temporary and permanent staff. We’ll work closely with you to identify the most qualified candidates for your business and present them to you for consideration.
One of the primary benefits of working with a chef hiring agency like Temp Chefs is that we do the heavy lifting for you. Instead of spending hours sifting through resumes and conducting interviews, you can rely on the expertise of our recruiters to find the best candidate for your business.
Our team of recruiters has a deep understanding of the culinary industry in Ireland, giving us a unique perspective and understanding of what it takes to be a successful chef. We can help you navigate the local market, understand industry trends, and identify the most qualified and experienced chefs for your business.
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At Temp Chefs, we also offer a comprehensive chef recruitment service to ensure a smooth and successful hiring process. We handle all aspects of the hiring process, from advertising the job and screening candidates to negotiating salaries and finalizing contracts. We’ll also provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure that your new chef is set up for success and can seamlessly integrate into your team.
Whether you need a chef for a one-time event or a long-term position, we can help you find the right candidate quickly and efficiently. We understand that every business is unique, and we’ll work closely with you to find a chef that fits your specific needs and requirements.
In addition to our chef hiring services, we also offer a range of other culinary staffing solutions, including kitchen porters, waiting staff, and event staff. We’re committed to providing high-quality staffing solutions to businesses across Ireland, and we’re dedicated to helping our clients achieve their culinary goals.
In conclusion, if you’re looking to hire a chef for your restaurant, hotel, or catering business in Ireland, working with a chef hiring agency like Temp Chefs can save you time, money, and headaches. With our extensive network of talented chefs and expert recruiters, we can help you find the perfect candidate for your business quickly and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more about our chef hiring services and how we can help you achieve your culinary goals.
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phantonwriter21 · 5 years
Whats Ny Name
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Word count: 4730, tha’s a big gurl!
Lena Luthor x Reader
Reader lost her memories at a carcrashing. Now she’s triyng to get her memories back. But she can’t understand why, of all of her friends that she can’t remember well, the dark haired lady always seems to avoid Reader with all the strenght a Luthor can have. Reader also can’t understand why that distance between the two annoys her the most.
English is not my mothern language, so pleeeease remember that if you find any grammatical error. Love u.
Hi, my name is…
My name is…
What is my name?
I hear voices saying things I can not understand, well, I can’t concentrate either. What I can vaguely understand is that there are… like… five women around here. But… Where is here? My eyes are still closed and I feel that I’m laying on a bed, with that annoying bip sound next to my ear and those five women with that distant conversation.
I feel dizzy, like underwater and trying to do something, but my head hurts even more. And why?
Okay, I had enough, I’m waking up NOW!
I open my eyes and the first thing I see is the brightness of the day. Seriously, is so bright here that my eyes hurt like fire. I try to move, but the women start to notice my conscious presence, and they get closer to my bed.
There is an asian woman dressed as doctor, so, she is probably a doctor, and i might be at an hospital.
There is also a blond young woman with glasses and a pink sweater, a ginger woman with a leather jacket, a nurse that is also blonde, and a pale and gorgeous woman with a red coat and black hair. Not that the others are not good looking, but even not thinking well I can admit, she is beautiful.
- What… Where am I? I… What… – I tried to ask something, feeling my mouth dry.
- You are at the hospital now. I’m Dr. Baywu and this is your nurse, Ms. Muriel. Try not to force yourself too much, relax, we are glad that you are awake, you’ve got everyone very worried.
I looked around and I saw the pink sweater girl, the leather jacket one and the gorgeous one staring at me with tears streaming down their faces and- wait, is the gorgeous one holding my hand?  
- I… Water… – Quickly Mrs. Muriel handded me a cup of water that I immediately drank.  
- What… I… What happened? – At that moment I felt a pain in my left leg, it was broken? H O W?? – What happened with my leg?
- You suffered a trauma in the accident, you’ve got a broken tibia, and you also hit your head. We made exams, but now that you are awake, your case can take new diagnosis.
- But we are so glad that your are finally awake, we were so worried, and Lena almost put the hospital down to pieces! – The pink sweater said with such an enthusiasm tone.
- Yeah, now when you get out we’re going to celebrate. Tequila and wine, I’ll pay!
- Her leg…
- Tequila, grape juice and wine! – The ginger one corrected herself after get interrupted by the blonde one, that was fun to see, but…
- Okay, good… But I have a question.
- And what is it, love? – The gorgeous woman with gorgeous dark hair and gorgeous green eyes, now red by the tears, asked, holding my hand still.
- Who are you all?
When I made the question I can say that I saw the exact moment that their faces changed from happiness to confusion and mourn, and the hope inside their eyes got faded. They looked at the doctor in a last glance of hope to understand what was happening, as if the doctor could make vanish whatever was wrong with me. And the nurse, Mrs. Muriel, was watching everything like it was all a dramatic scene of her favorite TV show.
Then, Dr. Baywu got closer, looking at me with a professional behave, calm and concerned.
- What is the last thing you remember? – I tried, really. The last thing I remember…
- I don’t know, I… I can’t… I… I’m sorry! – I panicked. How couldn’t I remember?
- It’s ok. Take your time, you’re still confused by the accident.
- No, how cannot I remember my own name? Tell me! – I was too worried now to actually care about the tone of my voice. The blonde woman and the ginger woman were perplexed and concerned. The dark haired was no longer next to me. Everything was in chaos inside my head.
- Right – She took a deep breath. – During the accident, you had a broken tibia and a trauma in your head. You just woke up from 8 days of coma and now my worries are real, you have a traumatic amnesia.
Then I passed out.
Sooo… You might be thinking what had happened next.
In resume, my real name is (y/e/n), I have a broken leg and a traumatic amnesia. The doctor said that this was temporary, she just didn’t know exactly for how long I would have to wait until I remember my own history. And to help me get back my memories, would be great if I started getting back to my routine. So I’m sleeping in the pink sweater blonde girl’s couch-bed, her name is Kara Danvers, by the way.
Kara Danvers is a reporter at the most important media company in National City, CatCo, she said. There works another friend of mine, Nia. And she said that I work there too. She mentioned that we were like sisters, which I have no doubt.
The ginger with the cool leather jacket is her sister, Alex Danvers, she works with Winn and Brainy, that are also my friends, at an security agency, she is the director of the DEO cause she couldn’t get any cooler.
And there was Lena, the dark haired pale woman with green eyes out of this universe. She is the CEO of L-Corp AKA the biggest technology company, a Luthor with a kind heart, and a mystery for me.
At the first time I saw her after the accident –a car crashing- she were so close to me. That I can remember. Her hand on mine. For goddess sake, she called me “love”! But now she were distant, avoiding me.
Kara said we were very close, that she have a soft and warm heart, and just this! Nothing more about me and Lena. Everybody acts weird when I ask, or when I am, like, in the same room as her.
Did I made something to hurt her? Why she doesn’t like me anymore?
Three weeks had passed since I woke up. Slowly, I started to remember a few things about my routine, like my taste for coffee, what was happening inside my favorite TV shows, what I actually do to live, that I have a good taste and hand at the kitchen and what each one likes to eat most –Kara eats, like, everything-. Many little things, so important memories. But I’m still perplexed about Lena.
I have some flashes of we hanging out together, having fun, just the two of us. Here, inside Kara’s apartment, there’s a lot of framed pictures of us all, smiles on faces, captured happy moments, the expression on Winn’s face after losing miserably to the Danvers sisters at game nights, and me, always close to -guess who, exactly- Lena.
We had some game nights at Kara’s, but not a single glance of Lena’s presence. Then I decided to solve this mystery myself.
I found out Lena’s office’s number in Kara’s phone –don’t you judge me, I’m amnesia and I have desperate-, I called and a woman whose I believe is Lena’s secretary, answered. Even she knew me and my current situation.
I asked for a particular meeting and of course she said Mrs. Business had no place in her agenda. Something tells me this was not the truth.
Lets see what else I can find here in Mrs. Sunshine’s phone. Ohh! A numbah, Lena’s numbah. Interesting…
I KNOW!! “What an invasion of privacy of my part” but… I forgot my phone’s password too. And no one else knows it’s password either. So…
Yeah. Shit.
You know what??
Ima goin’ to L-Corp!
Y’know, for good old memories…
I found L-Corp with good old friend google research, there I asked to the porter on which floor was Lena’s office. Clearly, it was at the top of the building and I’m a dumbass…
- Mrs. (y/l/n), what a surprise seeing you here! – A woman, probably the secretary, greeted me, but I could see the nervousness she tried to hide when she saw me.
- Hi, I came to talk to Le- Mrs. Luthor.
- I’m sorry but like I said this morning on your call, Mrs. Luthor is very busy with her meetings, do you want to live a message?
- But it will be only fifteen minutes of her time.
- I’m sorry, but this will not be possible.
- It’s okay, I can give some minutes to her.
That voice, oh that voice. Standing right behind me was the owner of that voice that I don’t know if makes me afraid or makes me feel something else. There was Lena, so powerful with that blue dress, the high heels, the red lipstick… OK FOCUS! I think she said something?
- Mrs. (y/l/n)?
- Um.. Yes?
- You said you want a conversation?
- Um Yes! Er… Just want to make some questions, see if I remember something else.
- Oh, right. Come with me.
Now we were just the two of us inside her office room. It was a good place actually, with a white couch, a desk with a modern design and a balcony with a view to the whole city, it just feels familiar… and rich.
- Enjoying the view? – Lena asked with a look on her face, studying me, out of the business mode.
- Yeah. It’s beautiful. The sunset makes it looks even better.
- This is one of the reasons I bought this building. – That moment I hope I’ll never forget, we were glancing at each other in the eyes, and her green orbs are just perfect with the light of the sunset. We got closer…
And closer…
- I… – She moved away, taking me off of my trance. – I am really busy, so if you don’t mind to ask me your questions, go right to the point, please.
- Right – Cold. – So how did we met?
- Kara didn’t told you? It was at one of the game nights, you are like her and Alex’s little sister and she is my best friend, you were always shy with people you did not knew, but at that night, we started to know each other. – Lena said with a nostalgic tone, I guess it was a good memory for her.
- We were playing Uno and I was winning all the time, until we started to bet money. At the end, we both were playing still while the others were just watching. You were crazy enough, or that was just the alcohol, to bet a car. You said “Okay Ms. Money, I won’t be losing at my own game without one last fight!”
We started to laugh together. I can’t believe my own audacity or her patience to play along with the dunk me.
- Then, when each of us had only one card left, you made me get other four cards with your last one, and you won the game. At the other day, I gave you keys of an actual car. You were shocked and said you were talking about a miniature, we laughed the whole day, talking about cars and other things.
We couldn’t help but laugh, and her laugh was the best sound I’ve ever heard. Suddenly the air around us was way less heavy than before, but unfortunately, I remembered why I was there. I stopped laughing.
- So, are we good friends?
- Yes, you can say that.
- Then, why are you avoiding me? – Her smile faded, like before at the hospital, and I almost regretted the question.
Before she say anything, the TV of her office interrupted us with news about an investigation against a group of terrorists, CADMUS (I think), and their leader, Lilian Luthor.
YES, I remember the woman!
Lena’s stepmother!
- Shit.
- Excuse me, but I am honestly busy for the day – Lena turned off the TV, moving away from me, and I swear, I could see some tears trying to stream down her face. It was too heartbroken to watch.
- Oh, no. Of course. Well… I’m glad for your time, it was a good talk. I hope I see your grace soon.
- Yes, me too, thank you for the conversation.
- Bye, Mrs. Luthor. – I said before leaving her door.                          
The other night was not the way I planned, and I just spent the whole night thinking about it. The way Lena was so comfortable talking about us, how we have fun together. If we were so dearly friends, why she couldn’t be there? Why she hides herself behind that business excuse? Urgh! Now I understand what Anna felt when she tried to talk to Elsa.
If I sing “Do you want to build a snowman” at Lena’s penthouse door, would she answer me?  
Did I just remembered where is Lena’s penthouse???
Is 9:00am at a Sunday morning, Kara is doing I-don’t-know-what out there and I will ask for no one’s help since everybody seems to know more then they want to tell me. Therefore, I’ll just get a taxi and make another visit to Mrs. Luthor, I know that she is a workaholic woman, but it’s Sunday. And I’m unstoppable.
Here I am at her door…
Just knock, (Y/n), knock.
Why can’t I knock?
Did I forgot how to knock?
- Here I go. – I said more to myself with a deep breath, and then I knocked once, twice… Nothing. She’s probably not here. Though knocking once more won’t cost me the other leg.
And her door was open, it was just open, not locked or just closed, and no one opened it for me. She must have forgotten to lock it.
- Get in or stay out? What should I do? Yap, close the damn door and go away… but what if she’s inside? I can tell her that the door was just open, that’s the truth. No, Lena will think I’m a freak. But she knows me and all I know about myself right now is that freak that talks alone. And I’m amnesia and I have desperate. That’s it, I’m in. And dead.
One step, nothing. Two steps. Still nothing. Not even a noise. She’s not home. With a fast look around, her penthouse is not made of gold as I imagined, but harmonic and comfortable, with some framed pictures of Lena and all our friends, and I am somehow in all those frames. Like a ghost of a friendship, perhaps?
- Yeah, enough adventures for today (y/n), that will be all! – I said to myself, regretting that stupid mission I took.
When I was turning around to the door, I saw something on a desk that claimed for my attention.
- One invitation of a huge party. Gala for Charity “Kingdom Nights” – Why I’m not surprised…- So she’s going to a gala. And here’s two tickets – Of course she has someone to go with…
- FUCK!!! – IT IS TONIGHT?????!!!!
- “Ghrrr” – Wait, what was this sound? I turned around to see nothing more than a gray, beautiful, huge and angry Siberian husky looking at me. Oh shit.
- Keep calm little boy… Err… Girl? - Wait, I know that dog.
- Amethyst? – The husky started to shake the tail and jump around with euphoria.
- Ohh come here my puppy, missed you!!! – This was my dog, Ames, I can’t believe I forgot my baby. Oh no she’s running to me. Oh no she’s about to jump!
- Ouch, it hurts… - Ames made me fall to the floor and now she’s licking all my face. – Okay, I missed you too. – I missed my baby, our baby? What Amethyst is doing living in Lena’s penthouse?
- Ames. Are you ok? – I heard a voice, shit is Lena’s voice and I feel I have to hide, like, NOW!
I crawled until I could hide on the living room sofa faster than a bullet. Supergirl would be jealous… Just kidding. I waited there, praying silently to not get found here.
- Anyways, like I was saying, I can’t go with her to the event… I know it is today, but… - I think she is on a call. – Ok. I’ll go anyway… Thank you. Bye. – Her tone was sad, in the business mode, but with disappointment…
I hear a noise of a door being closed. I see if she’s still here. She isn’t. That’s my time, so I get up and run the best I can away that penthouse, not before taking one of the tickets and saying bye to my Ames. She’ll be okay. Now I need to run for dear life, even if it is with those crutches.
I need some formal clothes, because if Regina George could go to the prom looking like a robot princess, Ima going to that ball.
- Kara, you are here, great, cause I need your help. – I said right when I got into Kara’s apartment.
- What? Wait, where have you been? – Kara looked at me with an expression of confusion.
- Hey (y/n), where were you? – Alex said from the kitchen.
- You are here, good. I’ve been busy with some… research? Anyways, I need your help. I have to go to this beneficent gala tonight, and since I don’t remember my credit card’s password and is not easy to walk around with a broken leg, I need you, the two sisters I found, to help me.
They gave each other a glance, more like a silent language of hesitation. But I’m not a girl to give up like that.
- Look. I know everybody is hiding something from me, I can feel that, and it, somehow, relates to my relationship with Lena.
- But (y/n) this is more complicated than-
- I know it is, but I need answers! – I interrupted Alex, not carrying for my loud voice anymore.
– I’m just tired of this, every day I found something new about myself and what I used to be. I see pictures of my past without a single notion of how far it was, for me it never happened. Every person I used to know fits right around me, but Lena is the only one that I can’t understand. I know you guys will not tell me the truth, this is probably her secret and she’s your friend too. Then I will ask her by myself, for once and for all.
- (Y/n) is right. – Kara said to Alex and then to me. – This has gone too far. If I could tell you everything I wouldn’t hesitate, but Lena made we promise her, and what she have to tell to you, only she can say.
- Yeah, if we can’t tell you, we will help you. You can count on us.
- Thank you girls. Now we need to hurry. The event will be tonight and I cannot run with only one leg!    
- You’re feeling okay? – Alex asked me at the hotel’s entrance. Only I have the ticket to the ball, Kara and Alex just gave me a ride.
- Will you punch me if I say I’m not?
- Don’t be nervous and remember, Lena is probably nervous too, you two need to talk in peace. – Kara said to calm me down.
- But she will be surrounded by other rich people. Even if I ask her for a dance, how am I supposed to dance like this? – I pointed to my left leg.
- You are creative, will find a way. Now you go! Love you, bye! – Alex said, right before Kara and her leave the place. I was now on my own.
The event was huge like the hotel hosting it. It was the most luxurious place in the whole city, built 100 years ago. There was many people dressed as if they belonged to another era and suddenly it felt like another dimension, with Queens and Kings, magic and mystical creatures. That’s it, I was in a Disney movie.
Everyone was dancing or talking while a common song was playing along. But just like a magical Disney movie -or maybe a Barbie one- a love song started while, for at least for a single second, every move of every dancer, every conversation and even my breath had stopped when I saw her.
She was at the other side of the room, more gorgeous than ever with her beautiful hair down and a dark blue dress like the night full of stars. And she was the moon. Only her majestic presence was enough to make the darkness bright. For a moment, I forgot about everything else. I gave my best to walk through all the people between her and me.
- Lena! – Immediately, when she heard me only a few meters away, she stopped to talk with an old couple and stared at me, surprised, confused… I wish I could read her mind. When I was almost next to her, someone dancing bumped into me, which made me lose balance and fall. I closed my eyes of fear, waiting the floor upon me, but it never came.
Instead, I felt two arms holding me tight. I could not believe my eyes when I opened to see my hero.
- Do you always do this, fall around? – Lena asked looking into my eyes.
- Only when you are there to save me. – I got up without leaving her arms. – Would you dance with me? – She took my hand, I found some balance and we started slowly with the song’s rhythm.  
- How did you came here?
- Well, you know, one crutch after another…
- And you never lose this sense of humor – She giggled, and I’m sure I would make a billion bad jokes only to see her simile again and again. – But I’m serious, only being invited to enter this party.
- Well Madame, you have your methods and I have mine. – She raised one eyebrow. – Okay. Maybe I tried to make a visit to your penthouse, and maybe I borrowed one of your tickets. I bet your partner wouldn’t mind at all.
- Partner? – She got confuse
- Yes, you had two tickets…
- No, the… - She took a deep breath. - The ticket was yours anyway.
- Wait, what? – Then I got confused.
- We need to talk, just the two of us. Come with me.
- Okay. - She took me to a balcony upstairs, where were no one else but us.
- Now, can we talk? – I asked, but she stand in silence, avoiding my gaze. – Why you said the ticket was mine?
- There is something I have to tell you that is not easy to say.
- Good, because that’s exactly the reason I went to your office, or your home, and why I came here at first place. I cannot understand this anymore. We were friends, and we are not, there is pictures of you and me everywhere at your penthouse, when I ask any of our friends about us, they seem to pretend nothing happened, my dog lives with you an now you tell me that the ticket I found was mine all the time? Explain to me  then, why? What are you hiding from me?
- The ticket is yours because. – The green eyed woman breathed deeply. – You were supposed to come with me to this ball, we got the invitations six weeks ago, but everything changed when you suffered the accident. I was avoiding this conversation, but I can’t hide this anymore. (Y/n), I am your wife.
- What? – I stated to give a humorless laugh. I couldn’t believe what I just heard, while tears started to shad down my face and Lena’s. – When did you planned to tell me?
- (Y/n), I can explain.
- Then try! Because I lost all my memories and the person I needed most lied to me all the damn time! Tell me Lena, why my wife was lying to me?!
- Because I almost lost you! – She cried – And that was my fault.
I stand in silence, giving her the chance to finally say everything.
- Do you have any memory about the night of your accident?
- No, but I keep with some nightmares of the car crashing.
- It wasn’t a simple car crashing. It was my mo- stepmother. She sent one of her minions after you. (Y/n), she tried to kill you!
So this was what happened to me…
- It was supposed to be a simple night, but you would be dead if Kara- Supergirl hadn’t arrived sooner.
- Wait, Kara is Supergirl?!
- Yes.
- Huh, she fooled me…
- Yes, me too. – We both giggled at the fact, until her smile faded once more.
- When I took her call from the hospital, I lost the floor upon me. I stayed by your side all the time, regretting all the danger I had put you in. When you woke up without your memories, it was the last drop of water. Then I decided to keep you away from me to keep you safe. I should never have believed that I could be with you and be a Luthor at the same time!
She cried even more and I couldn’t help but hold her in a embrace immediately. I couldn’t even imagine the pain inside Lena’s heart, seeing me, her wife, and pretend we were nothing. All this pressure and the fear… I would lost my mind if she were the one in that hospital bed.
- I wanted to tell you everything all the time! I almost lost you! – Lena said with a hoarse voice while she held me as if I could escape at any moment.
- Lena, you will never lose me! – I claimed while I held her tight. – I felt in love with you because of all the times you laughed at my bad jokes, you’ve always cared about me and helped me at everything. I am in love with you because, somehow, you are just like me, and you’ve been a mystery I’ll never give up. I married you because I love you and I want to be with you forever. I knew that since that game night when you had let me win at Uno.
- (Y/n)! Did you just remembered?! – Lena looked at me with surprise on her face. Wait. H2OH MY GHOSH!
- Oh my god! I just did! I remember you!!! – I couldn’t hold this emotion to me anymore, so I put my arms around her neck and kissed those beautiful red lips. Oh how I’ve missed those lips, her kiss, her touch, everything about her. We only pulled apart when the air turned necessary. I found the world once again, and it was in Lena’s eyes.
- So… You invaded our penthouse. – We giggled once again.
- Well, in my defense, I hadn’t many options, and our dog is not the best watchdog.
- Oh, don’t be that bad to Amy, she tries her best. She can’t help but love you.
- I love her too. Can I ask you something?
- Of course, love, anything.
I took my phone out of my pocket and Lena glanced it with confusion.
- Do you know my password?
- Oh, yes! It is 0707, the day of our marriage.
- Am I that cheesy?
- Yes, you are. – She gave that bright smile I love.
- It worked! – I started play one of the songs I had in my phone. – Would you dance with me?
- I would love.
And that’s how we finished the night, with kisses and the best I could make of dancing.
After a few weeks, my leg got better and I got my memories back. I have friends, I have a dog, I have a wife!
I remember now!
And my name is (y/e/n).
That’s it,
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alaspoorwallace · 5 years
[...] [DFW, Infinite Jest, 2a]
The insect on the shelf was back. It didn't seem to do anything. It just came out of the hole in the girder onto the edge of the steel shelf and sat there. After a while it would disappear back into the hole in the girder, and he was pretty sure it didn't do anything in there either. He felt similar to the insect inside the girder his shelf was connected to, but was not sure just how he was similar. Once he'd decided to own marijuana one more last time, he was committed to several courses of action. He had to modem in to the agency and say that there was an emergency and that he was posting an e-note on a colleague's TP asking her to cover his calls for the rest of the week because he'd be out of contact for several days due to this emergency. He had to put an audio message on his answering device saying that starting that afternoon he was going to be unreachable for several days. He had to clean his bedroom, because once he had dope he would not leave his bedroom except to go to the refrigerator and the bathroom, and even then the trips would be very quick. He had to throw out all his beer and liquor, because if he drank alcohol and smoked dope at the same time he would get dizzy and ill, and if he had alcohol in the house he could not be relied on not to drink it once he started smoking dope. He'd had to do some shopping. He'd had to lay in supplies. Now just one of the insect's antennae was protruding from the hole in the girder. It protruded, but it did not move. He had had to buy soda, Oreos, bread, sandwich meat, mayonnaise, tomatoes, M&M's, Almost Home cookies, ice cream, a Pepperidge Farm frozen chocolate cake, and four cans of canned chocolate frosting to be eaten with a large spoon. He'd had to log an order to rent film cartridges from the Inter-Lace entertainment outlet. He'd had to buy antacids for the discomfort that eating all he would eat would cause him late at night. He'd had to buy a new bong, because each time he finished what simply had to be his last bulk-quantity of marijuana he decided that that was it, he was through, he didn't even like it anymore, this was it, no more hiding, no more imposing on his colleagues and putting different messages on his answering device and moving his car away from his condominium and closing his windows and curtains and blinds and living in quick vectors between his bedroom's InterLace teleputer's films and his refrigerator and his toilet, and he would take the bong he'd used and throw it away wrapped in several plastic shopping bags. His refrigerator made its own ice in little cloudy crescent blocks and he loved it, when he had dope in his home he always drank a great deal of cold soda and ice water. His tongue almost swelled at just the thought. He looked at the phone and the clock. He looked at the windows but not at the foliage and blacktop driveway beyond the windows. He had already vacuumed his Venetian blinds and curtains, everything was ready to be shut down. Once the woman who said she'd come had come, he would shut the whole system down. It occurred to him that he would disappear into a hole in a girder inside him that supported something else inside him. He was unsure what the thing inside him was and was unprepared to commit himself to the course of action that would be required to explore the question. It was now almost three hours past the time when the woman had said she would come. A counselor, Randi, with an i, with a mustache like a Mountie, had told him in the outpatient treatment program he'd gone through two years ago that he seemed insufficiently committed to the course of action that would be required to remove substances from his lifestyle. He'd had to buy a new bong at Bogart's in Porter Square, Cambridge because whenever he finished the last of the substances on hand he always threw out all his bongs and pipes, screens and tubes and rolling papers and roach clips, lighters and Visine and Pepto-Bismol and cookies and frosting, to eliminate all future temptation. He always felt a sense of optimism and firm resolve after he'd discarded the materials. He'd bought the new bong and laid in fresh supplies this morning, getting back home with everything well before the woman had said she would come. He thought of the new bong and new little packet of round brass screens in the Bogart's bag on his kitchen table in the sunlit kitchen and could not remember what color this new bong was. The last one had been orange, the one before that a dusky rose color that had turned muddy at the bottom from resin in just four days. He could not remember the color of this new last and final bong. He considered getting up to check the color of the bong he'd be using but decided that obsessive checking and convulsive movements could compromise the atmosphere of casual calm he needed to maintain while he waited, protruding but not moving, for the woman he'd met at a design session for his agency's small campaign for her small theater company's new Wedekind festival, while he waited for this woman, with whom he'd had intercourse twice, to honor her casual promise. He tried to decide whether the woman was pretty. Another thing he laid in when he'd committed himself to one last marijuana vacation was petroleum jelly. When he smoked marijuana he tended to masturbate a great deal, whether or not there were opportunities for intercourse, opting when he smoked for masturbation over intercourse, and the petroleum jelly kept him from returning to normal function all tender and sore. He was also hesitant to get up and check the color of his bong because he would have to pass right by the telephone console to get to the kitchen, and he didn't want to be tempted to call the woman who'd said she would come again because he felt creepy about bothering her about something he'd represented as so casual, and was afraid that several audio hang-ups on her answering device would look even creepier, and also he felt anxious about maybe tying up the line at just the moment when she called, as she certainly would. He decided to get Call Waiting added to his audio phone service for a nominal extra charge, then remembered that since this was positively the last time he would or even could indulge what Randi, with an i, had called an addiction every bit as rapacious as pure alcoholism, there would be no real need for Call Waiting, since a situation like the present one could never arise again. This line of thinking almost caused him to become angry.
[DFW, Infinite Jest, 2b]
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(photograph by Richard Burbridge)
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