#migrant children
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Everything the Republicans are behind involves squeezing money out of their voters, the government, and the public at large and then transferring it to billionaires.
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atlxolotl · 2 years
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La traversée (2021)
dir. Florence Miailhe
A small village looted in darkness, a family forced to flee. The two oldest children, Kyona and Adriel are quickly separated from their parents facing the road of exile alone. They embark on a journey which takes them from childhood to adolescence in search of shelter, peace and the hope of finding refuge and their family.
The writing of the film began in 2006 at the Royal Abbey of Notre-Dame de Fontevraud , where Florence Miailhe was invited in residence by Xavier Kawa-Topor.
Florence Miailhe is inspired by her family history and the sketchbooks of her mother, the painter Mireille Miailhe , but also by the drama of today's migrants, notably documented by her husband, the photographer Patrick Zachmann.
The writing of the film began in 2006 at the Royal Abbey of Notre-Dame de Fontevraud , where Florence Miailhe was invited in residence by Xavier Kawa-Topor. It took producer Dora Benousilio ten years to gather the necessary funding, while developing the project.
The film is made in animated painting, a technique which Florence Miailhe has made a specialty of.
«A poignant odyssey of migrant children, as if straight out of a painting by Chagall» -- Télérama
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andnowanowl · 5 months
Me: "How are the kids down there doing- Oh, Jesus fucking Christ."
'“This is a tremendous victory for children at open air detention sites, but it remains a tragedy that a court had to direct the government to do what basic human decency and the law clearly require,” Neha Desai, senior director of immigration at the National Center for Youth Law, said in a statement.'
Is it? Is it really, to have these glorified cops in charge of children? Cops, who are known predators to kids?
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Some migrant children were sent to Bethany Christian Services, an adoption agency with deep ties to the DeVos family.
The Trump administration argued in court in 2019 that reuniting migrant children separated from their parents at the border would require too much effort and “would present grave child welfare concerns”, as the children would be traumatized by leaving their current sponsors’ homes.
Though concerns for the psychological well-being of the children are specious at best, considering the original trauma was inflicted by the administration, the situation had a second nefarious element: many of these children were sent to a Christian adoption agency with ties to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
Via Progressive Secular Humanist:
As for the fate of the thousands of children the Trump administration does not want to reunite with their parents, Progressive Secular Humanist previously reported that many of the migrant children ruthlessly separated from their family by the Trump administration are being shipped to Bethany Christian Services, a Christian adoption agency with ties to the family of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
Rewire News reported in 2018 that the agency was handling migrant children who suffered separation from their families under President Trump’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy.
Migrant children in Michigan who have been separated from their parents by the Trump administration are attending “a special school” run by Bethany Christian Services, an anti-choice organization with a record of coercive adoption practices that has yet to receive instructions about how to reunify these children with their detained parents.
Progressive Secular Humanist noted that DeVos’ ties to the organization were confirmed by Snopes, which found several members of the DeVos family have provided financial support to Bethany Christian Services.
The links between the extended DeVos family and Bethany are undeniable. Tax filings archived by ProPublica show that between 2001 and 2015, the Dick and Betsy DeVos Foundation (the philanthropic organization run by DeVos and her husband) gave $343,000 in grants to Bethany Christian Services.
Between 2012 and 2015, Bethany received $750,000 in grants from the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, which is run by the Education Secretary’s father-in-law, the billionaire founder of Amway Richard DeVos, and his wife Helen.
Furthermore, Brian DeVos — a cousin of Betsy DeVos’s husband Dick — was the Senior Vice President for Child and Family Services at Bethany as recently as 2015, and Maria DeVos — who is married to Dick DeVos’s brother Doug — has served on the board of Bethany.
Kathryn Joyce noted in a 2018 piece for The Intercept that news of migrant children heading to Bethany Christian Services caused alarm that the children could end up as "social orphans."
To adoption reform advocates, who monitor unethical and abusive practices in child welfare, it looked like any number of adoption crises in the past, like the airlifts out of Haiti in the wake of its cataclysmic 2010 earthquake. Then, masses of unaccompanied children were suddenly labeled orphans and became the focus of a deafening campaign in the U.S. to rescue them through inter-country adoption, even as Haitian adults were being warned not to try to come themselves.
Fears of a new adoption rush in today’s border crisis weren’t groundless. There was reason to be concerned. The former head of U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement under President Barack Obama warned that some of the children who’d recently been separated would remain separated “permanently” and potentially be adopted. Reports surfaced of mothers who were told that their children would be adopted as an incentive to “behave.” On Tuesday night, the Daily Beast reported that the threat of adoption has become weaponized, as a Guatemalan mother detained by Customs and Border Protection earlier this month was allegedly presented with the ultimatum that if she didn’t abandon her asylum appeal, she would be jailed for a year and her daughter put up for adoption.
Bethany’s director of refugee and foster care programs, Dona Abbott, said in 2018 that it was too early “to say whether these children will be available for adoption at all.”
But Progressive Secular Humanist noted that Joyce and others worry that Bethany, which allegedly uses coercive and misleading practices with birth parents in its domestic adoption program, would view the migrant children as a new supply source.
In fact, there is already in place a huge and thriving business in the trafficking of children via Christian adoption agencies like the DeVos connected Bethany. In her 2013 book, The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption, Kathryn Joyce documents this alarming trend of conservative Christians adopting children removed from their natural parents via nefarious means to feed the business of Christian adoption and serve the agenda of Christian theocracy.
Bottom line: The Trump administration says it can’t reunite missing migrant children with their families; instead, many of the children are being funneled through Christian adoption trafficking mills like the DeVos connected Bethany Christian Services.
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imkeepinit · 2 years
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head-post · 10 months
Riots erupt across Dublin after immigrant is accused of mass stabbing
Three young children were injured in a knife attack in Dublin on Thursday that sparked riots in the city centre.
Public transport was suspended following clashes between riot police and anti-immigration protesters arriving at the scene of the attack along the main thoroughfare of O’Connell Street. Patients have been advised not to travel to the nearby maternity hospital unless absolutely necessary.
A double-decker bus was burnt to the ground in front of the statue of Daniel O’Connell at the start of the street and windows were smashed at the nearby Holiday Inn and McDonalds restaurant. A Footlocker shop was looted. A police car was also burnt out. Police Commissioner Drew Harris told reporters after deploying 400 officers to restore public order:
They are disgraceful scenes. We have a complete lunatic, hooligan faction driven by far right ideology engaged in serious violence.
Learn more HERE
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tearsofrefugees · 9 days
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wolfspaw · 1 month
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masterhallmark · 2 months
I generally try to avoid putting real world issues on my dash but...
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naamayehuda · 7 months
  It was the opposite of everything. No more the steady breath of fire in the hearth. No more the solid oaken walls that Grandpa hewed and Grandma charred. No more the steady view that only seasons marked. She was aloft atop the bedding, swaying on the ruts, the creaks of wooden wheels squeaking out of step with the team’s heavy clip-clop. Another place awaits, Ma says, though where or what Faith…
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filosofablogger · 1 year
Good People Doing Good Things -- Estefanía Rebellón And Yes We Can!
Today’s ‘good people’ is Estefanía Rebellón and the organization she founded, Yes We Can World Foundation.  Ms. Rebellón and Yes We Can have been nominated this week as a CNN Hero which is what brought her to my attention, but she has been doing her good work for about five years now. Estefanía Rebellón knows the trauma that stems from being forced to flee your home for safety. She understands…
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pixoplanet · 2 years
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It's December 18th. 🗽 In the year 2000, the United Nations proclaimed this day as International Migrants Day to mark the anniversary of the 1990 adoption of its International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and to shine a spotlight on the plights, rights, and contributions of the millions of migrants all over the world. 281 million of us, or 3.6% of the global population are currently international migrants. 
The term "migrant" is often confused with the term "refugee." There is a difference. Those of us who leave our home countries voluntarily are migrants, while those of us who are forced to leave because it's too dangerous to stay are refugees. 
Migration is a global problem driven by many factors. These start with aspirations for safety, dignity, and peace. Some move to be with family or for economic reasons; others for education. Many people migrate because their homes have become dangerous or difficult to live in. They might be fleeing from unrest, famine, drought, or economic collapse. The decision to leave home is always heart-wrenching and often the beginning of a dangerous, sometimes fatal journey. And if they do reach their destination, migrants, unlike refugees, are at the mercy of the new country’s immigration laws and can be turned away or deported back to their homeland. 
"On this International Migrants Day, UNESCO calls on the international community to promote the fundamental human rights of migrants to safety, dignity and peace." – Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). ☮️ Peace… Jamiese of Pixoplanet
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bfpnola · 2 years
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hey! as y’all know, Better Future Program is an entirely youth-run nonprofit and we provide over 3,000 FREE social justice, mental health, and academic resources. but because the majority of our volunteers are full-time students in middle school, high school, and college, we need YOUR help!
the screenshotted sections above have WAYYYY less resources than some of the others. do you think you could help us out? if you have leftist, anti-capitalist resources that align with these topics, please submit them here!
to reiterate, we are looking for leftist, anti-capitalist resources pertaining to: Jewish rights, Muslim rights, immigration, climate change, reproductive rights, classism, children’s rights, educational equity, and fat liberation
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intomore · 6 months
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Consuelo Kanaga, She is a Tree of Life to Them, 1950,
Gelatin silver print,
Image: 13⅜ by 9⅝ in. (33.8 by 24.4 cm.)
Courtesy: Sotheby's
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cantquitu · 3 months
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head-post · 10 months
Central European interior ministers agreed to intensify fight against illegal migration at EU borders
Interior ministers from six EU nations state that their countries have agreed to step up efforts to protect the Union from illegal immigration and target groups of human smugglers at the borders, according to ABC News.
Ministers from the V4 group of Central European countries, including the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, were joined by counterparts from Austria and Germany at the summit in the southern Hungarian town of Szeged, 5 miles (8 kilometres) from the Serbian border.
Some EU governments are concerned that increased pressure from the so-called Balkan migration route from Serbia to Hungary requires a tougher response from regional countries.
Read more HERE
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