random-imagines-blog · 4 months
Personality Ransack {Kit Walker x Reader OneShot} 
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 3130 Summary: The 'Serial Killer' newcomer is forced into close quarters with you. Is something going to come of this? Warnings: Depression, talk of self harm, evil doctors, Sister Jude, talk of serial killers, talk of murder.
The rumor mill was spinning at full force inside of the asylum. Bloody Face was coming. The serial killer that made the news that you caught snippets of occasionally from the attendants talking about it. One of them had even let you see a newspaper once, and you could remember the headline clearly. ‘BLOODYFACE ON A RAMPAGE.’ Killed women, skinning them. It was a horrifying thing and yet - you lived in one of the most horrifying places of all. Something like that was hardly enough to even phase you.
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You caught a glimpse of him once, after he had arrived. He was a pale boy, handsome, with short blonde curls. He didn’t look like the monster that everyone thought that he was. You regarded him with interest, looking him up and down in the hospital gown that he wore, since he wasn’t trusted to have his own clothes yet. How demeaning. It was as if this place was built with the intention of creating monsters. That certainly seemed to be Dr Arden’s goal.  
Of course, Shelley was all over him before he could even get his bearings, that slut. You never liked her much, she’d do anything to get what she desires, do anyone to fulfill her desires too. You watched their interaction, your eyes rolling as she stroked the boy’s bare back, but chuckled to yourself when he pushed her away. Good boy. The whole thing got turned around, however, when Spivey decided to open his fat mouth. That was never a good thing and it ended up in the new boy being put in isolation. 
You forgot about him for the next couple of days. Time passed; it always does. And you have got someone new to observe in the meantime. Lana Winters. Like everyone else in here, she protested that she wasn’t crazy. That she didn’t belong here. You hoped that she would keep that spirit. She would need it. You knew better than anybody that no one escaped from here alive - either by release or by running away.  
It was time for bed, and you solemnly made your way to your room, shuffling like all of the others, blending in with them. This place had the amazing ability to just suck the soul out of anyone who stepped foot in it. That explained Sister Jude. But it also explained the rest of the patients here. Given sedatives instead of real medicine. The way that they never melted under your tongue ... it was enough to make you feel sick. To act sleepy to fool them and then spit them out. You slept better without them, relaxed better without the feeling of being paralyzed. 
You were not sleepy now, but for a moment, you thought that you might have been dreaming. For in your room, there was now another bed, with the new boy on it, the leather straps pulled tight around his wrists and ankles. Sister Jude stood by the bed, her hands crossed in front of her, that sour lemon expression permanently on her face. “Ahh, Miss y/l/n,” she said, as if you were old friends. “I’m glad that I caught you.” 
As if you had no other choice on where to go. You said nothing and looked at her, and then looked at the man that was on the bed. His eyes were wide, alert, staring right back at you with visible nervousness.  
“Mr. Walker here needs to be kept an eye on. As one of our longest-time patients, I think you are just the person to get him assimilated into life here, at Briarcliff. Teach him the rules, so he doesn’t get himself into any more trouble.” 
“Let me guess, the only open space among the men was with Spivy, and you couldn’t have them fighting again, could you? And no - you couldn’t put him in with Shelley for obvious reasons. Lana is too fresh; they might try to scheme. So, you stick him in here with me, because I’m tame?” 
Sister Jude’s expression seemed to become even more sour. You could see the wrinkles growing along her pursed lips. Her eyes narrowed at you, and you knew that she was going to give you a tongue-lashing, so you opened your mouth once more. 
“I believe it is time for bed, and wasn’t it you, Sister, who preached about the benefits of rest? I’d like to be left alone to pray for me, and for his poor soul before I retire,” You spoke, your eyes still on the old nun’s.  
“I’ll leave you to it,” Sister Jude said, folding her arms in front of her. “Do not even think about touching his restraints. They are for everyone’s protection - including his own.” 
“I wouldn’t dream of it sister. I’m sure you’ve done what you feel is best,” you said, fighting the urge to roll your eyes once more. She didn’t believe you but at this moment, there was no other choice but to leave the two of you alone. She nodded, graciously, and then walked out of the room. It was closed and locked behind her, and you breathed out slowly, and walked up to the alleged serial killer. You looked down at him, your head tilted. “Hello.” 
“- uhm - hello,” he said, his accent sounding more southern than you had originally expected.  
“You kill all them girls?” You asked. “I have to ask, since we’re going to be sharing a room and all. I need to know if I can sleep around you.” 
He looked at you, bewildered, unable to calm all the way down. “I didn’t kill anybody. I swear.”  
“Alright,” You nodded. “I’m y/n, by the way. What can I call you? Bloody Face - just sounds stupid.” 
“My name ... is Kit." He told you. His voice was soft, too. Almost sweet sounding.  
“Hi Kit,” you said, letting the name roll on your tongue. You decided that you liked the way it sounded. “That doesn’t look comfortable, are the restraints on tight?” 
“A bit,” He admitted, trying to wiggle his fingers but having trouble doing so. You moved closer to his side, looking at the wrist restraints. They were clearly cutting off circulation, making you tut.  
“I can’t take them off because they’ll probably come check you in the morning but -” You unbuckled it, and then redid it so that it was a little bit looser. He was still confined, he couldn’t get his hand out, but he wasn’t struggling either. You went around and did it to all of his restraints. “There, that should be a little bit better.” 
“Thank you,” he said, his eyes focusing on you, dark brown and pretty, even in the low light. “Can I ask - what ya in here for?” 
Your face fell at the question. You were expecting it, of course he would have been curious. “Depression,” You explained. “I ... I attempted to kill myself and rather than take care of me, my family through me in here. That and my social anxiety, I never liked being around a bunch of people, I’m ... shy. And I guess that makes me different enough to be considered insane. But you don’t need to hear my sob story, I know you got one of your own, Kit.” 
He actually looked concerned for you. The one known as Bloody Face, was pitying you. It, like his voice, seemed almost like a sweet gesture. 
After adjusting his ankle cuffs as well, you went to your own bed, the uncomfortable cot with the thin and itchy blanket and the pillow that might as well not even exist. “I guess you’re lucky. I might be the least dangerous person here. If you want to kill me, skin me, well, I probably wouldn’t even put up a fight if I’m being honest with you. I might even thank you for it.” 
“I won’t,” Kit said, less tense with the restraints loosened, only by one hole but regardless. This was the first show of kindness that he had in days. That he could even remember having, since his abduction by aliens. “I didn’t kill nobody. And I’m not going to start with you.” 
“Alright, if you change your mind,” You hummed in the dark. “I don’t know why but - I believe you, Kit. You don’t seem like the other monsters I’ve met in here.” 
“Thank you,” he said, genuinely. “I’m not - I’m not like them. I don’t belong here. I’d never, ever hurt my wife, or those other people.” 
“I don’t know if you’ve heard this yet but - I’m sorry for your loss, Kit. Really.”  
“I - haven’t,” he said, slowly. “Thanks ... y/n.” 
“You’re welcome,” you said. “Now - try to get some sleep. It’s the closest thing to an escape that you can do here.” 
He sighed in response. You understood. The feeling of this need to escape from this hospital where even the highest floors felt like a dungeon was enough to build a fire in anyone. The horrible robe that served as ‘attire’ until you were given clothes that felt more like barbed wire than actual fabric. Trying to be okay when everyone and everything is telling you that you’re not. You wished him sweet dreams, though it was unlikely that he would have them. There was nothing sweet about Briarcliff. 
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“How do I stay sane?” You asked, thinking about Kit’s question. You were just glad that the sisters and the doctors weren’t around in the common room to hear that. You were laying on the couch, your legs over Kit’s lap. After spending a couple of days bunked together, you had grown close. He had told you everything about his experience - the aliens, the memory of coming too. And he talked a lot about his late wife. It was enough to make you cry with him at night, if only because you wished that someone had loved you the way that he had loved his wife. Maybe you would have been happier. Maybe you wouldn’t have ever stepped foot in this place at all. “I just killed the memories of everything that is outside of these walls. If everything alive and vibrant out there ceased to be, then this place isn’t too bad.” 
Kit frowned at this, relaxing back against the rock-hard couch cushions of the disgusting couch. It’s probably as old as Sister Jude herself. Jokes were constantly being made that this was the couch that she was conceived on. Stains older than that were on it too. “That’s - horrible,” he said. “There are bad things out there, sure, but it’s plenty bad in here too. These nuns - I don’t believe that Sister Jude has ever had a good thought in her life.” 
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“That’s why she married Christ. No man would ever marry someone like her,” You commented, licking your lips as the craving for a cigarette came on strong. Sister Jude was making you quit as a punishment for the last time that you had self-harmed. It might be the nicest thing she’s ever done but it sure didn’t feel like it. As you brought your nails up to bite on them - oral fixation increasing - you looked over to Kit and saw that his dark eyes were watching your lips carefully. Like a seed of something had just been implanted in his mind, before he realized he was caught, and his intense gaze moved up to your eyes again. He chuckled a little, though you weren’t sure if he had heard the joke.  
“Yeah, probably,” he said, absent-mindedly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know what I saw out there was bad - but I gotta believe there’s still good out there. That one day, they’re going to find the real Bloody face. Even if I were to escape from here now, everyone gon’ hate me. And they need to get caught. I don’ care if they’re aliens or the devil himself. They need to get caught and pay for what they did to Alma.”  
“I hope they do,” You nodded. “I hope that your big optimism doesn’t get deflated in here. Everything else does.” 
You stopped biting at your nails and instead, you dug your teeth into your lip, biting off the smallest bit of loose skin there. It was a disgusting habit. You knew it. Everyone around here knew it. But dirty habits were the least of anyone’s problems around here.  
“You’re not like anyone else here,” Kit said, as if this had just occurred to him. You chuckled at that, crossing your ankles. 
“Yeah - too bad no one with any power around here gives a fuck about what you think. To them, I’m the sad waste of space.”  
“No one says that” Kit said, his frown turning into more of a grimace now. His eyes kept flicking down towards your lips as your teeth made small imprints on the thin skin. “‘cept you. Maybe that’s why you’re in here.” 
“What, cause I tell the truth?” You asked, raising an eyebrow, thinking about it for a second, and then continued on before he had a chance to reply. “That would make sense. That’s why you don’t see many politicians in places like this, don’t ya?”  
“No, I mean - ya don’t but, that’s not why I think you’re here,” he said, his voice soft as he looked at you. There was a look on his face that you saw here a lot. Yearning. But usually that look was directed at the doors, or at the windows. To the city outside of Briarcliff. To freedom. “I think you’re here cause you aren’t seeing the truth. You’re not seeing how ... special you really are.” 
Your breath felt like it got stuck for a minute inside of your throat. Special. Now, you had been called special a lot, but it was always in a demeaning way. In the ‘you’re not like other people’ kinda way. In the ‘You’re special and you have to go to this special place for a time, but as it turns out, you’re staying there forever because we can’t be bothered to take care of you’ kind of way. “And how am I special?” You asked, skeptically.  
Kit remained quiet for a second, and then his hand went through his curls. They managed to keep their shape, their luster, despite the awful shampoo that they let the patients use. It was an all in one, if that told you anything.  
“Because you -” he said, and he looked a bit guilty as the words came out of his mouth. “You brought sunshine in the darkest place imaginable.” 
Once more, it felt like your breath just decided to stop in place, cause a pileup, cleanup in aisle esophagus. “No,” you said, shaking your head. “I ain’t ever done something like that. You just haven’t gotten used to me yet, I think. You haven’t seen all the gloom that I’m capable of.” 
“Even now,” he said, his eyes looking deeply into your own, making you gulp. He was leaning a little closer, his eyes so strong and exceptional, it was intimidating. You weren’t afraid of him, but you were growing a little nervous about the power that his words could have on you. That they could perhaps make you feel something ... real. It felt like he was ransacking through your personality, and trying to steal the bad thoughts that made you ... you. “Ain’t no question about it. You’re makin it brighter in here.”  
It almost looked like he was going to kiss you. Your hearts were beating in sync - you could feel his pulse through the small connections that your skin had. Through your legs. His hand coming down to rest gently on your arm. But before you could even blink your eyes closed, Sister Jude stepped into the room, the clicking of her heels bringing time back up to speed. Kit leaned back against the sofa, guilt in his eyes, not that he would let you look at them properly after what had almost transpired. 
You were all ordered to get to your therapy session, or to the bakery in some cases. Bakery was preferred, even though it was a lot more work. It was less emotionally exhaustive than meeting with the doctors. Fortunately for you this was where you were headed, but Kit had to go to see Dr Arden. 
“Hey,” you said to Kit, putting your hand on his shoulder. He still looked like he was avoiding your eye, but that was alright, as long as he stopped to listen to you. “Good luck down there. Arden is...” 
“Evil,” Kit said, hollowly.  
“Yeah. Actually. That’s a good way of puttin’ it. But rememba - he can only hurt your body, Kit. He can’t hurt your mind unless you let him get in it. Don’t let him in there,” You warned, and your grip on his shoulder turned into a light caress, sending visible shivers up and down his spine. His eyes finally reached yours, and you could see that he was feeling a lot in that moment. Guilt, and yearning, and fear most of all. That fear wasn’t a weak thing, it was perfectly reasonable considering where he was going.  
“I won’t,” He nodded.  
You nodded back and you let go of him. You were meant to be his friend, nothing more. No one ever finds more than that in a place like this, in a hellhole. Besides, he was still mourning his wife, his entire life, you had to remind yourself.  
“See ya tonight,” he said, though it was phrased more like a question than a statement. 
“I’ll be searching for ya if I don’t,” You promised. “People go missin’ around here sometimes, I don’t want that to happen to you.” 
“Well, I won’t go willingly,” he said, giving you a soft and sheepish smile. “Just know that.” 
“I’ll remember,” You nodded. “I’ll see you tonight ... roommate.” 
“See ya tonight,” He repeated, more resolute this time, putting our almost-kiss behind you, just like you ought to do. You finally let him go entirely and moved towards the kitchen before Sister Jude would take her bony chicken-like hand and drag you there herself to start making the bread loaves. But you looked over your shoulder one more time, only to see Kit doing the same as he stood at the top of the staircase that went down to Arden’s office. He nodded at you. You nodded back. A pact to look out for one another was forged, and no matter what the relationship between you two might turn into, it was going to stay that way. 
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city-flag-tournament · 2 months
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✯ Round 1 ✯ Match 19 ✯
The current flag of Bustos, Bulacan, Philippines
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The current flag of Kitwe, Copperbelt Province, Zambia
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Tournament Policies: ✯ Choose the flag that's more meaningful to you! ✯ Be respectful of place names and cultural symbols in your commentary! ✯ If you want to submit propaganda, you may do so at the submission form linked in the pinned post. It will only be included if it is submitted before the next post with that flag is drafted and will be included in all subsequent posts the flag is featured in.
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pioripan · 1 year
About to do some Narinder/Forneus stuff because where the hell are they
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eichiluvr · 5 months
eichi holding me in his lap so he can spoil me ‼️ petting me, calling me his dearest little kitten hehe
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ssozo · 1 year
hii 1 with millions knives :3
first kiss + millions knives / word count: 336
with a sickening crunch, knives’s fist goes crashing into malachi’s jaw. the impact knocks malachi to the floor, leaving him stunned, and in this moment of weakness knives takes the opportunity to place a foot on malachi’s chest, keeping him pinned like a bug. a singular blade ghosts along malachi’s throat, daring him to struggle back.
the two of them simply stare at each other, chests heaving as they struggle to regain breath. knives scoffs, and steps off of malachi’s chest- though he keeps the knife at his throat. 
“i could have killed you.”
malachi spits at knives. “and yet you didn’t. what, scared you’d be lonely without me?”
knives simply snorts and offers malachi a hand up, knife pulled away. “you’re one to talk about loneliness. my offer still stands, you know. join me, and we’ll create a paradise for all plants. you’d never be lonely again.”
malachi stares at the hand with the same level of disgust one would regard a pile of feces and opts to get up on his own. “i wasn’t lonely before you came along.”
“i find that hard to believe. isn’t it lonely at the top? when everyone sees you as a resource, not a friend? what would have happened to you if you could no longer contribute anything?”
the question strikes deep at malachi’s heart. he turns his head away from knives, refusing to answer. knives takes this as an invitation to step closer. 
“aren’t you tired of fighting me? when push comes to shove, wouldn’t you rather be among people like you?” knives’s hand reaches for malachi’s face, and the shorter man flinches but otherwise does not move. knives cups his cheek, turning malachi’s head to face towards him again. there is a furious blush on his cheeks, contrasted against the tan of his skin and the smattering of freckles over his nose.
dark emerald green eyes meet icy blue ones and when knives leans in to kiss him, malachi does not fight back.
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silenthill2ps2 · 1 year
i have an important question too. Hi. How r u today
I'M OKAY 👍👍👍 today has been pretty busy and i'm a little upset about personal stuff but i will survive... how are you ^_^
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ohhh glados probably is a little protective of you... the kind where only SHE can be mean and rude to you but a good chunk of the time she's a little sweeter to you
OH YEHA YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.... the second anyone else is mean to me she's chewing them out HNGN
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otogariado · 1 year
can we be pvp deku and todoroki
do u want to be deku or todoroki
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1moths · 2 years
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A pretty lazy day.
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opstechsanjana · 3 months
Mist Cooling & Fogging System Company in Zambia
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funashis · 1 year
Lenovo Ideapad Laptop for Sale in Kitwe
One superb Lenovo Ideapad laptop for sale in Kitwe - a tech gem that will elevate your computing experience with every affordability!
One superb Lenovo Ideapad laptop for sale in Kitwe – a tech gem that will elevate your computing experience with every affordability! The Lenovo IdeaPad 3 with a sleek 14″ screen and lightning-fast 128GB SSD, promising seamless performance and lightning-fast data access. Powered by a cutting-edge 10th Gen core i3 processor and 4GB RAM, this laptop ensures smooth multitasking and efficient…
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conandaily2022 · 2 years
Miss Supranational Namibia 2023 results: Julita Kitwe crowns successor in Windhoek
beauty pageant: Miss Supranational Namibia edition: 3rd date: March 18, 2023 venue: Safari Court Hotel, Windhoek, Namibia international membership: Miss Supranational national director: Willem Fourie candidates: 23 FINALISTS PLACEMENTNAMETop 15Angelica VarelaAina Tuyakula BaulethFatuna Julia Nanghali MnubiHilia ShineneJamie-lee TitusMichelle MukuveMilcah MokanjaRachel…
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forefrontapartments · 2 years
Get The Beautiful & Fully Furnished Apartments in Kitwe
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Find a Short Term Rental in Kitwe For your Next stay
The fully furnished apartments in Kitwe are a great option for people who are looking for a short-term solution. It is an excellent alternative to hotels, which are usually expensive and not very comfortable.
These furnished short term rentals offer the same level of comfort but at a much lower price. Plus, people get more space than in a hotel room and they can cook their own meals if they want to eat instead of going out to eat every day.
Benefits of Short Term Furnished Rentals
Short term furnished apartments for rent is a great alternative to hotels. Apartments and houses for rent can be expensive, but short-term furnished rentals allow people to stay in a fully-furnished apartment or house for a much lower price.
There Are Many Benefits Of Staying In A Hotel-Like Environment Which Is Given As: -
1) People will have a hotel-like experience.
2) They will enjoy the privacy and comfort of their own home.
3) It is cheaper than a hotel room for the same quality and amenities.
4) People can stay as long as they want without having to worry about moving out after a few days or weeks.
5) People can still experience the local culture while living like a local resident.
The first step to finding furnished short term rentals in Kitwe is to identify the needs. If people are looking for a place for a week, then they can cut down on the number of options by selecting places that are available for long days.
The second step is to find the location that suits the needs. People can search by city, address, or even by preferred neighbourhood.
The third step is to filter the results based on what people need from their short term rental and what they want from it. The filters will allow people to further refine their search and find the perfect place for them.
Perfect Apartment With Minimum Efforts
Forefront apartments are the best-furnished apartment rental company in Kitwe. They offer short term furnished apartments for rent, short-term rentals and long-term rentals.
They offer a wide range of fully-furnished apartments for rent in different locations across Kitwe and Zambia.
Their fully furnished apartments come with all amenities and features that people would need for a comfortable stay. They can also choose to rent a furnished apartment for just one night if they need one.
They offer different options to suit people’s lifestyle needs. People can choose from one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom apartments. These are all fully furnished with modern furniture and appliances like air conditioners, TV, refrigerator, microwave ovens etc.
Choose The Reputed Forefront Apartments
Forefront apartments are the best choice for an affordable range of fully furnished apartments in Kitwe, Zambia.
With years of experience in the industry, they offer a wide range of high-quality apartments to suit all needs and budgets.
They have the best customer service and their apartments are well-maintained. The apartments are fully furnished, spacious and comfortable too.
If people are looking for furnished short term rentals in Kitwe, they can filter out their apartments based on different factors like size, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, etc.
Conclusion: Stay at the Best Short Term Furnished Apartments for Rent in Zambia
For those who are looking for furnished apartments in Kitwe, Zambia, here are the best short-term rental options that people can find at forefront apartments which are given as: -
This hotel is situated in a prime location and offers a variety of services and amenities to suit every traveller’s needs. It features modern rooms with air conditioning and free Wi-Fi, as well as an on-site restaurant.
This guest house is located near the city centre, making it easy to explore the area on foot. It offers various accommodations, including single rooms with shared bathrooms and private suites with en-suite bathrooms. Guests can enjoy free parking on-site and free Wi-Fi throughout the property.
This property provides guests with modern accommodation in a central location close to bars, restaurants, shops and entertainment venues. It has spacious apartments that come fully equipped with kitchen facilities and private balconies overlooking the city skyline or the river.
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james-spooky · 2 months
my wips: badly summarised
fos: experimental medical trial has a bit too much gaslighting
atm: florida man attends 20 funerals in a week
(1) tpm: if tma, nbc’s hannibal, and saw had a baby
(2) wwns: hitchhiking teen learns stranger danger
(3) tlogs: europe vacay after committing accidental manslaughter
htbag: man starts therapy for ghosts
kitw: t4t lesbian cowboys in wyoming break the law
longevitypod: man crash lands on an island and leaves worlds longest voicemail
tchappod: two cowboys gossip into a microphone
cio: subscription service as an evil entity
etft: three kids face the horrors™
li: shakespeare = identity crisis
lo: university application gets out of hand
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moyokeansimblr · 11 months
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Got this comment from @sex-plants and thought it might be useful to answer this way.
So as far as I know default replacement pet fur and eyes come as a package deal...someone correct me if I'm wrong but that's the way I've seen it be. Currently I'm using the pyxiidis aloha eyes by miniculesim, and she says the fur is from magical-girl-sandbox and kahlenas.
Additionally, I have
custom fur colors from KitW - dog/cat custom markings from KitW - here custom markings from DeeDee - 1/2/3/4
And of course the following mods from KitW
puppy/kitten eye fix puppy/kitten pattern enablers MaxisAccFurDogFix (same link as the custom dog fur colors)
I believe that covers everything I have that'd impact how pets look in my game. Also keep in mind though that I use reshade so the color everything appears in my game is slightly different than the actual colors.
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otogariado · 1 year
ill harass you with old women yuri
i thought this ask was gonna have a picture attached to it. wheres the old women yuri
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