#Klaine Advent 2022
forabeatofadrum · 1 year
Ljubim te series masterpost
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Masterpost for my Klaine Advent 2022 and Klaine December Fanworks 2023 stories
Ljubim te
Summary: Blaine moves to Ljubljana to help his dad expand the family business. He takes the opportunity for career reasons, sure, but also because he needs some distance from his girlfriend Quinn Fabray. Kurt moves to Ljubljana for a semester abroad, temporarily leaving behind everything he’s known in order to broaden his horizon. They meet at random at a pizza place.
Rating: T
Words: ~30K
AO3 | S&C | Tumblr tag
Je tik pred vami
Summary: Quinn Fabray has a lot more free time. Her boyfriend Blaine has moved to the other side of the world, but Quinn will be fine. Unfortunately, Denise Jackson-Smith, the daughter of a senator, just pisses her off. When Quinn keeps running into Denise, she can’t help but despise her. After all, that’s all that there is to it. Quinn despises Denise, right?
Rating: T
Words: ~10K
AO3 | Tumblr
Ljubili se
Summary: Kurt and Blaine fell in love in Ljubljana, but all things must come to an end. Kurt’s semester abroad and Blaine’s job are finished and they must go back home, with each of them living on the other side of the country. It’s difficult to be long-distance, especially since Blaine doesn’t know how to come out to his family and Kurt’s friends have all moved on to bigger things while he was away. But all is not lost. Kurt’s trying to figure out if he can do an internship in Los Angeles and Blaine’s aiming for a job in New York. The problem is that they’re unaware of the other’s plan.
Rating: T
Words: WIP
AO3 | S&C | Tumblr tag
Boni dishes
Open Kitchen dishes
VIGÒ ice cream
The Slovenian Glossary
Plucking Daisy Petals, a fic set in this universe, written by @thnxforknowingme
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cerriddwenluna · 1 year
The Diary of Kurt E. Hummel (24/24)
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Please do not read this without my express permission. (Yes, that includes you, Finn.)
Have you always wanted to find out what Kurt writes in his diary? Now is your chance! But, ssssht! Don't tell Kurt we stole it... ;)
Looks like we made it, look how far we've come, my baby!
Well, that's it. The final chapter of my very first Advent fic =D
Thank big you to the organisers of the @klaineadvent and to everyone who stuck with me from when I started writing and posting all optimistically back in December, and are still here now in July lol. It's been a ride, with lots of big and exciting, and not so exciting but still big, things happening in my day to day life. I'm so happy to finally be done with this I could burst! ;)
I've found myself full of all kinds of happy, fluffy Klaine feels lately, and I suppose that shows in this final chapter, so I hope you'll enjoy it!
You can read chapter 24 now, on AO3 and S&C!
Read from the beginning
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klaineadvent · 2 years
Klaine Advent is Nearly Here!!
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Hi Everyone!
Me again, your friendly neighborhood advent host!
First thing: We’re going to stick with the Klaine Advent moniker for this year, in no small part because COVID has taken down my household one by one over the past few weeks, and the amount of work necessary to rebrand the Advent as something else was just out of reach in my limited time. The poll did offer up some good, more inclusive alternatives, so I’ll be revisiting a renaming of the challenge in the new year. 
On to the good stuff….
The Dates. December 1 - December 24 
The Words. Every day around 6am, US Eastern Standard Time, a fresh new word will pop out of the Klaine Advent queue. This year the words are not alphabetical, and were chosen by a random word generator, and the wonderful @caramelcoffeeaddict did all of the artwork again this year!
How to participate. Anyone can contribute, no need to sign up! There will be a single word prompt post each day for 24 days (December 1-24) and you can write a drabble (or a sentence or a novel, if you like), create an art piece, make fresh gifs based on the prompt - whatever inspires you! This year the tag will be: “klaine advent 2022” and “klaine advent: [WORD]” (so make sure all of your contributions are tagged so we can find them!). 
Contribute however works best for you. You can do something every day, every 4th day, once a week, altogether at the end, whatever works for you and your schedule. Use all the prompts or pick and choose what speaks to you. Set your own challenges. The only requirements for the Klaine Advent are that it be Klaine centered, and that it references or uses one of the word prompt in some way.
Volunteers will be reblogging fics to the @todaydreambelieversfic blog, so you can always go scroll the blog to find the latest entries.  Of course everyone (especially the authors!) would be delighted if people reblogged to their own blog - the more people who reblog something the wider the potential viewing audience. We want to encourage everyone to reblog as many fics as they like all throughout the month!!
Partnership. This year again we’ll be partnering with @todaydreambelieversfic.  Authors and other creators for Klaine Advent who would like an additional place to promote their works are welcome to join as members. Just send a private message to @todaydreambelieversfic with your email address and they’ll add you to the blog membership.
Archive of Our Own. We have created a collection on AO3 for those people who don’t post to tumblr, and where those folks who do post to tumblr can share their advent works if you like! You can find this collection here!
Want to Volunteer? @1908jmd will be covering a lot of the reblogging work, but can always use people to help with the daily reblogs!  If you can spare one or two days please signup here!! 
“But what if I don’t write or make art and don’t have time to volunteer?”  You are the most important person in the Advent!! Read the fics, look at the art, let the authors and artists know how much you appreciate their work by reblogging and commenting and liking and all those things creators like. Nothing helps a writer or artist losing steam get motivated more than a nice comment from someone. 
Look for a follow up post on December 1 to kick things off, and add anything I may have forgotten here.
Happy Writing Everyone!
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1908jmd · 2 years
Klaine advent 2022 day 1 - team
(My drabble)
There were some things Kurt Anderson-Hummel loved more than anything in this world. Blaine was one of them, and his Dad. Another was the Advent countdown to Christmas Day, when Kurt loved buying gifts for both of them. An extra bow tie or chocolate treat for Blaine, a plaid shirt or a calendar of his favorite football team for Burt.
Yes, it’s true he missed his mom every Christmas. But he knew he was fortunate in having the love of two truly great men, and being able to return that love.
Christmas time was a special time for Kurt.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Scenes from December (7/24)
Klaine Advent 2022: Grind
A) I posted earlier - so check out the previous entry in case you missed it. B) I had this scene in mind before the word came up.
December, 2012
The loft was quiet, still almost.  The light was dim - only the bright, electric light shining from the gold star Rachel had bought for decoration and the deep, solid shades of the Christmas lights blinking on the tree.  A soft jazz music played in the background, accompanying the soft sounds of their fucking.  But even though he wanted to relax, wanted to just enjoy the grind of Blaine’s hips pushing deeper into him, wanted to allow this moment to be only what it was, Kurt’s mind wasn’t fully on sex.  
He wasn’t sure if his dad opting for the hotel down the street was a good thing or not.  Being left alone with Blaine felt like a dangerous thing.  Sex felt more like an inevitability than a choice.  Even with his brain fuzzy with anxiety, even with his heart still bruised and broken, his body always wanted just Blaine.  
So why didn’t Blaine’s body want only his?
He was glad he was on all fours, facing away so that Blaine couldn’t see the heaviness on his face.   Glad that he had already come - Blaine’s mouth and his own desires having carried him through it.  Glad he was able to hold enough back so that he wouldn’t break down and cry.  
They had barely spoken to each other since his dad left.  Kurt didn’t know what to say, and Blaine knew him well enough to know that words wouldn’t accomplish anything.  Not yet anyway.  
So they let their bodies speak instead.  And Kurt found that sex was easy.  Easier than it seemed it should have been.  Sex - a thing that had been so hard, so difficult so long, was now something he could take for granted.  Did it feel cheapened now? Is that how Blaine was able to do what he did?  He wasn’t sure that he’d ever fully understand.  
He could tell that Blaine was close. He could tell by the way Blaine picked up speed, and pushed in deeper, and became more erratic in his rhythm.  He could tell by the sound of Blaine’s groans and the way Blaine’s hands clutched his hips harder.  He could tell the way you’re supposed to be able to tell the deep intricacies of your long time lover. At least his body still made Blaine shudder with pleasure.  There was something oddly reassuring about that.  
After, Kurt collapsed onto the bed.  Blaine was quick with kisses along his shoulder, his neck, his cheek.  Blaine turned them, wanting to kiss in the afterglow, but Kurt couldn’t manage it - not for long anyway.  Blaine looked at him, with almost grateful eyes, but Kurt had to look away.  Still, he held Blaine tightly, still curled a leg around Blaine’s hips, still let Blaine’s head rest against his chest.  
This was his person.  This was his Blaine.  
So, why…? 
A thought that wasn’t going to be untangled tonight.  
Blaine was soon asleep, peaceful and almost innocent against him.  The chill of the air began to nip at his cooling skin.  He kissed the top of Blaine’s head, then wrapped a blanket over them, snuggling in closer, hoping that his brain would finally shut off and sleep would overcome him as he watched the snow silently fall against the window. 
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gleekto · 2 years
Full Fic: Chemistry Sucks
Summary: Nerd!Kurt/ Popular!Blaine high school AU - Kurt joins Glee club in his junior year to please his dad, though he’d rather just hide out in the library until he can graduate and get out of Lima.
Turns out he’s not the only gay kid in town. Too bad the other out gay kid is cocky and popular senior, Blaine Anderson. Sure of himself, gets all the solos, things served to him on a platter. Kurt finds him shallow and infuriating.
Blaine finds Kurt square and irritating.
Yet at a party one night, they promise to sleep together if they don’t have other opportunities by the end of the year. A dare. Naturally competitive spirits.
Words: 11,108
Now on AO3
Last and long awaited part 17 is on there (at the end of the last chapter obviously and yes, it includes all the rest of the advent words). Go read with easy commenting!
Thanks for reading all!
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notarelationship · 2 years
Klaine Advent 2022!
Title:  Snow Place For a Mystery, pt 1 Word Count: ~317 Warnings: None Day 1: Team
Summary: The gang helps out Santana and Brittany, hijinx ensue.
“So do we?”  
“Hm?” Blaine always sat on the back bench with Sam, not entirely because Sam was his best friend. Sitting in the very back seat of the van gave Blaine an excuse to stare at Kurt, who always sat in the middle. “Do we what?” 
Kurt twisted around as well as he could with his seat belt on, his stare moving back and forth between Blaine and Sam. “I think Sam’s hungry.”
“Do we have any snacks left?” Not waiting for Blaine’s response, Sam leaned over him, squishing Blaine into the seatback and grabbing their backpack full of snacks from the floor of the van. “Kurt’s right, I'm starving.” Sam dug around in the back and made an excited noise, pulling a small handful of crackers out and holding them up. “Cheez-Itz! My favorite!” 
“You two make a weird team.” Kurt shook his head, turning back around to face forward; Finn was driving, Rachel curled up in the passenger seat. “So Rachel, can you explain to me how Santana and Brittany wound up owning a ski lodge?”
Rachel’s eyes lit up as she twisted around to fill them in on the detail. “Yes, it was very unexpected. Brittany’s Uncle Leopold died last year, and apparently he owned a ski lodge, and he left it to Brittany.” 
“Did we know Brittany had an Uncle Leopold?” Blaine asked.
Sam nodded, still munching on his crackers. “Yeah, I met him once. Cool dude.” 
“That doesn’t explain what Santana and Brittany are doing with it. Are they actually trying to run a ski lodge?” Kurt shook his head. “It seems very responsible for them.”
“We can ask them about it when we get there.” Rachel shrugged. “Oh!” She pulled a brochure out of her bag, handing it to Kurt. “They sent me this.” 
Kurt took the brochure, chuckling sharply. “Beaver Creek Lodge? Seems a little on the nose.”
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wowbright · 2 years
Fic: Prodding
Klaine Advent 2022: recast
Words: ~ 3000 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Kurt gets surprising news from Mercedes.
I’m back with more vignettes from my Mormon!Klaine universe for Klaine Advent 2022! This vignette takes after Philosophies of Men.
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost.
“No!” Kurt shrieked from the kitchen at such an ear-splitting volume, Blaine almost cut himself with the razor. “This is not happening!”
Blaine went into emergency management mode. His heart pounded, but he made himself take deep, steady breaths. If Kurt had hurt himself, it wouldn't help to have both of them panicking.
“What happened? Are you okay?” Blaine asked as he rushed into the kitchen. Kurt sat at the table, staring at the letter from Mercedes. Ah, not a physical wound then, but an emotional one. That might be even worse.
Kurt looked up at Blaine, his cheeks flushing a ruddy pink. “Sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud.”
Blaine sat next to him. “It's OK. Is it something you want to talk about?”
“You still have shaving cream …” Kurt pointed vaguely to Blaine’s neck.
“That's OK. I was almost done. If it's uneven, I can touch it up later.” Blaine grabbed the face towel that was draped over his shoulder and dabbed at his skin. “Presentable?”
“I'm not the right person to ask, Blaine. I always think you're presentable.”
Blaine felt the edges of his ears go hot. This felt like flirting. Was this flirting? No, of course not. Kurt was in the middle of having strong emotions. That's why Blaine was here. “Um, so I'm guessing Mercedes said something that upset you?”
Kurt set the letter down and buried his face in his hands. “It shouldn't. I don't know why it does.”
Blaine tried to think of situations in which that phrase could apply. He wondered if Mercedes was having a once-in-a-lifetime event—a wedding, a Broadway premiere—that Kurt couldn't be there for because he was here in Germany. Kurt would deny himself the right to feel sad about it, because missionaries were supposed to be happy to make sacrifices. “So, good for Mercedes, but bad for you?”
“No.” Kurt muttered through his fingers. “Good for me, and bad for Mercedes.”
Blaine drew a blank. "How so?"
“It’s … I swear, if I had any other mission companion than you, I wouldn't be able to share my disappointment with this. And maybe you won't get it, but ... I'll give it a shot.” Kurt had uncovered his face by now, but was looking away from Blaine, his gaze set on the kitchen window. His voice was full of foreboding. “She's meeting with the missionaries.”
Blaine didn't understand the sentence at first, it was so far removed from any of the terrible-type news he might have expected. He had to play it over in his head a couple of times before he processed it. “Wait. That's good, isn't it?”
“She's black, Blaine.”
“Right.” Blaine still wasn’t following.
“You're the one who woke me up to the church's problems with racism. How can I, in good conscience, support her investigating a church that sees her as less?”
Oh. Blaine knew the things he had told Kurt about Brigham Young had shaken him, but he hadn't realized how much. For Blaine, the racism of the second prophet of the restoration was disturbing, but it was part of a larger picture. Because Blaine didn't have blind faith in the leadership, even their worst actions couldn't harm his faith in the goodness of the church or its ability to bring people closer to the truth.
Blaine suddenly understood that, for someone like Kurt, who had spent his whole life thinking Brigham Young was as perfect as Joseph Smith or Jesus Christ, learning he wasn’t would make him question all his beliefs.
It was like those looms Kurt had shown him at the Deutsches Museum. There were ones that made fabric by weaving many different strands together, and others that did so by knitting a single strand into a sweater or an enormous piece of cloth. Blaine’s faith was like woven fabric—if you pulled out a single thread, the worst that could happen was a small gap in the fabric. And this wasn’t always a bad thing—sometimes clothmakers did this intentionally, to create texture and beauty in an otherwise monotonous design.
But Kurt’s faith was like a knitted fabric—if you pulled too hard on a thread, the entire thing would eventually unravel. There was no upside.
Blaine have never meant to damage Kurt’s faith like that. He'd meant to enrich it.
“I'm sorry, Kurt. I didn't realize how much that affected you. But Brigham Young's been dead for more than a hundred and thirty years. He said and taught horrible things and, yes, a lot of our members believed them far after they should have known better. But that doesn't mean the church is inherently racist—just that it’s made mistakes. Our leaders have flaws. That’s why we have the guidance of the Holy Ghost—to confirm or disaffirm the things they’ve told us.”
Kurt looked skeptical. He broke a cookie into quarters, but didn't put any of the pieces into his mouth. “It’s not just Brigham Young. Black members were kept out of the temple until 1978. The temple, Blaine. The place we need to go to be with our families forever.”
“And that's awful. But I think of those leaders before 1978 the same way I think of Brigham Young. They were wrong. And the thing I hold onto is that they eventually came to understand they were wrong, and they repented. Do you know about Bruce R. McConkie? As an apostle, he taught that black people were spiritually inferior to everyone else on earth. But when the revelation came ending the priesthood ban, he said, ‘Forget everything that I have said, or what President Brigham Young … or whomsoever has said in days past that is contrary to the present revelation. … We have … a new flood of intelligence and light on this particular subject, and it erases all the darkness and all the views and all the thoughts of the past. They don’t matter anymore.’”
“But they do matter, Blaine. Because those policies hurt real people. And racism is still a problem in the church. All these pasty missionaries from the Mormon Corridor who want to pretend they can't see color, the fact that we can't sing gospel music in sacrament meeting because it’s too ‘ethnic’—”
“Yes. And that’s bad. Of course it’s bad. But it’s a problem everywhere, Kurt, inside the church and out of it.” Blaine spoke from experience. He'd been made to feel inferior for not being one-hundred percent white by some church members, but he'd also been made fun of for it at school and in playgrounds, too.
Kurt scoffed. “Not in Mercedes’ church! Everyone there is black. At least, almost everyone. The first time I went there with Mercedes, after I got over feeling out of place, I started noticing how comfortable she felt there. Just—safe, you know? In a way I hadn’t seen anywhere else. She wouldn't get that at one of our wards. She'd be surrounded by white people, just like she is everywhere else.”
Blaine was struck with a sense of longing. He wondered what it would be like, to be in a place like that. He often passed as white, but that still didn't mean he felt one-hundred percent safe in groups of white people. There was always the risk, even among the seemingly nicest folks, that someone would start making ethnic jokes or ranting about immigrants. And while he didn't have to worry about that as much when he visited the Philippines, there were so many cultural nuances he didn't understand, besides the fact that his Tagalog was terrible and his English was so obviously American-accented. It left him feeling like he did much of the time in his early days in Germany, on constant alert.
If a sense of belonging was so hard to come by, it couldn't be the only thing you considered in choosing a church. “Look. If she feels a pull toward the gospel, then she feels a pull toward the gospel. I've been a minority in every ward I’ve ever attended. But the church still works for me. What did she say in her letter about it, anyway?”
Kurt looked down at the letter and huffed. “Not much. Just ‘In Chicago for an entire month! Met a pair of female missionaries on the L train and have talked a couple times. They gave me a Book of Mormon—sorry, Kurt I didn't bring the one you gave me in high school on tour with me.’ Then she put in a smiley face. ‘It’s interesting. I like the story about the tree of life. We should talk about it when you get back! We’ll be in Columbus…’ et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.”
“OK. Well, that doesn't sound like she's on the verge of converting. Maybe she's just bored. I understand those national theater tours can be grueling.”
Kurt scowled at his scuffed CTR ring, twisting it back and forth over his finger. “I don't even know if that's what I'm upset about. Maybe I'm just angry at myself. You know how much time I spent trying to convert her in high school? Because I thought this church was the best option for everyone. And because she was the only girl I could remotely see myself marrying, and if that was the case, she had to convert. I wasn't going to go through the sacrifice of marrying a woman unless it was a temple marriage. Which, honestly … how many lectures did we get in priesthood quorums about not objectifying the sisters? But isn't looking at a woman as a ticket into heaven objectifying, too? I never considered her feelings about it. If it was good for me, it was good for her. But now, thinking about her reading the Book of Mormon and reading some of the stuff in there—It makes me feel queasy, Blaine.”
Blaine thought he knew what “stuff” Kurt was alluding to. “You mean about the Lamanites been cursed with the skin of blackness? If she's talking to the missionaries, they'll explain it to her the same way we explain it to investigators. That it’s a metaphor, like when we say someone is having ‘dark thoughts.’”
“Do you really believe that, though? Because if Brigham Young was a racist, then maybe Joseph Smith was, too. Maybe he put some of his own opinions into the Book of Mormon.”
“No. First of all, Joseph Smith wasn't a racist. He ordained black men. Second of all, God’s not a racist, so the Book of Mormon can’t be racist, either. It’s the one that tells us God ‘denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male female.’ Even the Bible doesn’t say that.”
Kurt studied Blaine dubiously, then picked up one of the long-abandoned pieces of cookie he'd left on his plate and popped it into his mouth. He chewed it completely before speaking. “I just can't stop thinking about when Elder St. James told me about the doubts Elder Thompson was having. It wasn’t just vague, generic doubts. Elder St. James went through this whole list of specific passages in the Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price that Elder Thompson said were racist. And I've been reading over them since and … Blaine. If I take my believer goggles off, if I really look at the passages and take what they say at face value, without trying to find a reason they can't be as bad as they sound—they really do sound racist. I mean, the ‘skin of blackness’ passage sounds even more literal in German. In English, it says ‘because of their iniquity … the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them,’ which—I mean, now when I read it? Interpreting that as  dark thoughts seems like a real stretch. I've heard the theory that ‘come upon’ means the same as ‘drape upon, and so ‘skin’ actually refers to ‘clothing’, and it all means that they were no longer allowed to wear the white temple clothes and were forced to dress in black once instead. But in German, it says ‘their skin became black.’ There's none of that idea of being clothed in something. And the German translation is approved by the brethren. So the whole idea of ‘skin of blackness’ being about clothes goes out the window.”
Blaine felt a little queasy. He grabbed one of the German Books of Mormon from the bookshelf and flipped open to 2 Nephi 5. “No, Kurt, that's wrong. It says ‘their skin became blackish.’”
Kurt sat back in his chair, his arms crossed. His mouth was closed, but Blaine could see his tongue moving under his cheeks and lips, probing his teeth. “And how is that any better?”
“Well, schwärzlich could also mean darkish instead of blackish, so maybe it just means their skin got dirty or … OK, it doesn't sound better. But it could still be a metaphor. Joseph Smith was translating from Reformed Hebrew. All languages have idioms that don't translate well. Maybe this is one of them.”
"Sure, maybe. Except that it keeps getting repeated over and over in the book of Mormon. Not just Nephi, but Jacob in Alma talk about good people’s skin being white and bad people’s skin being dark, and if skin means clothes in Reformed Hebrew, then why didn't Joseph Smith translate it that way? Or if it means countenance or spirit, then why doesn't Joseph Smith translate it like that?”
Kurt stood up from the table and began pacing, fidgeting with his CTR ring the whole time. Blaine hoped the jeweler would be done with his new ring soon. It would be much easier to fidget with. “When you or I translate the word ‘in’ from English into German," Kurt continued, "we pick a different word depending on the context. Sometimes it’s in, and sometimes it's im, an, auf, hinein, or unter. Der Hahn can be a rooster or a faucet, but if you're talking about a sink, you should translate it is faucet, not rooster. If Joseph Smith had the gift of translation, then he should have been able to translate things correctly. So either what was written on the golden plates was racist, or Joseph Smith translated it badly and in a way he knew would be interpreted as racist, because he was an American living in the 1830s. Which means he wasn't using his gift of translation to its full extent. Because I'm not gifted, Blaine, but I know that if a German says, ‘My grandparents live where the fox and hare say goodnight to one another,’ I can't translate it that way into English or nobody will understand what I'm saying. I have to say that their grandparents live in the middle of nowhere.”
It was a lot to take in. Blaine was all for Kurt questioning things. He'd been trying to get Kurt to do that for most of their time together, prodding Kurt to recast the beliefs that constrained him into ones that would lead to his liberation. But now, instead of Blaine being the one doing the prodding, it was Kurt. Blaine wasn't so comfortable being poked.
Maybe he could chide Kurt for spending his personal scripture study time scrutinizing passages that gave him doubts, instead of focusing on things that would help them with investigators. But that would be hypocritical, since Blaine had been spending his personal study time fawning over Song of Solomon and anything in scripture vaguely resembling a gay love story—not particularly useful for helping with investigators, either.
“Fine,” Blaine said defensively. “Maybe those passages really are racist. But that would still be a matter of men inserting their beliefs in place of God's teaching. Joseph Smith said that the Book of Mormon was the most correct book of any book on earth, not that it was perfect. And yes, Brigham Young was a racist and tons of our leaders have been racists. It was racism that kept the church from letting black members into the temple until 1978. And there are still people in the church like my granddad who lean on those false teachings, and people in the church who are well-meaning but insensitive, and maybe the leaders could do more to denounce teachings of the past.”
Blaine took a deep breath, gathering up the courage to prod back. “But I still don't understand why you think all these things make the church an unacceptable place for Mercedes. Because you’ve found a home here, despite all the terrible things the leaders have said about gay people, despite the cruel expectations they put on you. And I'm not saying you shouldn't be concerned about racism. What I don't understand is why the church’s racism is so bad that Mercedes shouldn't even be taking lessons with the missionaries, but the homophobia is so hunky-dory you can give your whole life to the church, no questions asked.”
Kurt stopped pacing. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. “That's different. Being gay is …” Kurt drifted off.
“A sin?” Blaine asked, even though it raised his bile just to speak the words. He didn't know if he was gay, but he knew what it was like to love another man. And it was the opposite of sin.
“No. Being gay isn't a sin.”
“But thinking gay thoughts is?”
Kurt shook his head. “I don't know. I don't think so.”
“Doing gay things?”
Kurt sank back into his chair and contemplated the surface of the table. “Maybe? I'm not sure. If you asked me a few weeks ago, I would've said ‘definitely.’ But if the church can be wrong about other things ... I don't know.”
“So,” Blaine said gently, “is it different at all?”
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darriness · 2 years
Klaine Advent 2022 - Day 6 - Type
Author: darriness Word Count: 282 Summary: Mimosas at night
AO3 Link
Mimosas on a random Tuesday night in December seemed like a good idea until…
Okay it never turned into a bad idea.
Kurt and Blaine are currently lying on their bed facing opposite directions. Blaine’s got his feet propped on the headboard, his head on Kurt’s left shoulder while Kurt stretches his legs out to the end of their bed with his head on Blaine’s left shoulder. They stare at the lights from the city playing across their ceiling, enjoying the floaty feeling, and asking each other random questions.
“Unfair question.” Blaine says in response to Kurt’s latest question.
Kurt hums, “Sometimes you gotta ask and answer the tough questions in life.”
Blaine licks his lips and squints at the ceiling. He’s giving real consideration to the question.
“Fine. Elf.” He says simply.
Kurt hums again but this time it’s in interest, “Really? I would have pegged you for a Santa man.”
Blaine chuckles, “Santa’s not really my type.”
Kurt finds himself humming again. He quite enjoys the feeling of the vibration, “I could totally get behind Santa.”
This time, Blaine’s laugh is more of a giggle and he turns slightly in order to bury his face under Kurt’s jaw. The older man laughs at the ceiling.
After a few moments, Blaine’s giggles subside and he turns back to look at the ceiling, “I much prefer elvin features.”
Kurt shifts his head on Blaine’s shoulder slightly away which causes Blaine to do the same. They end up looking at each other and Kurt’s smirk causes Blaine to lean forward for a slightly awkward and yet perfect kiss.
Mimosa flavoured kisses with your favourite person on a December 6th evening for the win.
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
Ljubim te (24/24) - complete
Notes: And here we are, almost 7 months late! The Klaine Advent 2022 is complete! Time for cheese 🧀!
AO3 | S&C  
“I love you.”
Blaine’s looking at Kurt with a shocked look on his face. Kurt, on the other hand, isn’t surprised.
“I know,” he says back and Blaine relaxes, “I love you too.”
It’s been known for weeks. They even loved each other before they started dating, but it’s the first time they’ve said it out loud. Kurt knows it is a big deal for Blaine to say it, though.
“I love you, I love you,” Blaine repeats with a smile and Kurt can’t help but giggle. It’s adorable how Blaine just revels in the fact that he can say that he wholeheartedly loves Kurt.
“And I love you too!”
“Now go,” Blaine basically pushes Kurt away, which is fine. Kurt needs to get ready for the first performance. Blaine, Tadeja, Sunil and some people Kurt’s met during classes and during Metelkova parties are in the audience. Blaine is also making a lot of photos to send to Kurt’s family and friends back home.
Kurt knows that he doesn’t have the biggest part in Ulica, but he’s worked hard on it and he’s proud.
Later, after the show, it’s a whirlwind of people. Everyone comes to congratulate Kurt. It is exhilarating. He knows his time at the University of Ljubljana isn’t over yet, but this feels like such a final moment. Kurt celebrates with his castmates, crew members and teachers. He answers Tadeja’s questions about the show and Sunil gives him a congratulatory hug as well. Even his dad is here in some way, since he’s calling through FaceTime. Blaine holds the phone with a huge smile.
Kurt also feels amazing every time he watches Blaine and his dad interact. They like each other a lot, which is great. Since Blaine is still semi-closeted, Kurt hasn’t told anyone else back home that he’s dating again, but he’s happy that they told Kurt’s dad.
After a lot of post-show talk and celebration, Kurt and Blaine can finally leave. Kurt reaches for Blaine’s hand and Blaine lets him.
Together, they walk to Blaine’s apartment.
“I love you.”
Kurt kisses Blaine as a response. It’s Pride in Ljubljana and it feels so great to be able to kiss Blaine like this. The queer community has emerged from the shadows and it’s taken over the city.
People cheer and hoot when they see it. It’s freeing. It’s validating. Fuck, Kurt loves Pride and Blaine’s also growing to love it. It’s more low-key compared to Pride in New York, but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that they’re here.
“I love you too,” Kurt says against Blaine’s lips, because he cannot resist the temptation to say it back, even though he doesn’t have to. Blaine knows Kurt loves him.
Blaine slings his arm around Kurt’s shoulder and they go back to watching the parade. There are so many people here and one of the many beautiful things of Pride is that it showcases the diversity of the community. Kurt and Blaine wave their small rainbow flags to the passing parade. Pride is a party and a protest, and it’s cool that it can be both.
“Thank you, by the way,” Blaine says in Kurt’s ear.
“For what?”
“For showing me this.”
“Oh Blaine, they are hard to miss,” Kurt laughs.
Blaine nods.
“True, but I am not certain I would be standing here if I hadn’t met you. I would probably cower in my apartment.”
It’s weird to think what would’ve happened if Kurt and Blaine hadn’t met, since this life that they have right now is the life they want.
“Well then, you’re welcome,” Kurt says and he squeezes Blaine’s hand on Kurt’s shoulder. Together, they enjoy the rest of the festivities.
“I love you.”
Kurt leans against Blaine. They’re watching the sunset from the Ljubljana castle. Tadeja had recommended it, and she was so right.
“I love you too,” Kurt says back.
He holds Blaine’s hands and together they wait for the sun to go down. The sky is especially beautiful today. It’s cloudy, but the clouds reflect the sunlight so the sky has a red and orange glint to it. Kurt and Blaine are high up, since the castle is situated on a hill, appropriately called Castle Hill.
There’s a lot to see at the Ljubljana Castle, so Kurt and Blaine will definitely come back for more, but right now, sitting on a blanket in the grass, against the castle walls, watching the sun go down is enough.
“I love you!”
It’s become an easy thing to say. Blaine just told Kurt that he loves him because Kurt chose the right flavour of ice cream for him.
“I love you too,” Kurt says as he hands the glass with the ice cream to Blaine.
Blaine was waiting for him outside, together with Tadeja. Kurt and Sunil got the ice cream. The location of VIGÒ is perfect, since they have a view on Prešeren Square.
“Here’s to the end of the academic year,” Sunil raises his glass.
“How do you say cheers in Slovene?” Blaine asks Tadeja.
“Na zdravje, which translates to ‘To your health’,” Tadeja answers.
“Na zdravje!” everyone says and Tadeja smiles through the mispronunciations.
“To be fair, we’re eating, so we should be saying-”
“Dober tek!” Kurt cuts in. He knows that one. You can learn it at DA BU DA.
“Correct, but cheers sounds so much more celebratory,” Sunil adds, “And that’s what we’re doing. Kurt and I are celebrating another successful academic year, and Blaine and Tadeja can celebrate a great first year of business.”
It’s true. Blaine’s shook enough hands to make great connections throughout Europe. Kurt knows that Blaine is still a bit bummed that he didn’t get to do more, but it’s a start. Once Blaine leaves, Tadeja will take over and Blaine’s incredibly happy with it, especially since Dejan was also aiming for the job.
Kurt and Sunil have also submitted their final grades to their home institutions. The academic year isn’t officially done yet, since in Ljubljana, the academic calendar goes from October 1st to September 30th, but most internationals try to finish earlier in order to get everything in order..
Therefore, Sunil is right and they can all celebrate.
“To Ljubljana,” Blaine adds to the little celebration, and everyone cheers to that.
“I love you.”
“Well, Blaine, Paris is the city of love,” Kurt says with a laugh.
Kurt still cannot believe that it is so easy to travel to other countries. Blaine convinced Kurt to use the interrail, which means you can visit many big cities in Europe by train. It’s a big and extensive trip, but it is so worth it.
They’re in Paris now. Kurt’s always wanted to see it and he’s happy to have Blaine by his side. As Kurt said, it is the city of love.
“Ljubim te z vsem srcem.”
Kurt was about to take a bite of his pizza slice, but now he gives Blaine a curious but confused look. He knows Blaine just spoke Slovene to him, but the two of them never properly learnt the language. They’ve picked up some words here and there, but Kurt’s not certain that he’s ever even spoken a full sentence in Slovene.
Blaine gives Kurt a knowing look. He likes that he gets to puzzle Kurt.
“Do I get a hint?” Kurt asks.
“I say it all the time in English, kind of,” Blaine says.
“Kind of?”
“I added something,” Blaine says, “Or actually, Tadeja added something. I asked for her help.”
“You did?”
Blaine nods happily.
“I’ve been practising this sentence for a while!”
“And why tell me now?” Kurt asks, fishing for another hint.
“Because this is where we first met,” Blaine says. They’re indeed at Ljubljanski dvor. It’s been a while since they had pizza. Even without Boni, Ljubljana has a lot to offer, so they’ve been going to a lot of other places.
“So, it’s a sentimental saying?” Kurt asks, “Am I warm?”
“Warmer, I think, but also not. I mean, I don’t think it is inherently sentimental. Sentimental means that it’s something from the past.”
“Okay, it’s a current thing?”
Blaine nods. He looks like he’s about to burst into laughter from happiness and that’s when Kurt realises. He feels silly for not realising sooner, but really, he doesn’t know Slovene.
“I love you too,” Kurt says with a smile. This man is ridiculous. “What did you add?”
“It means I love you with all my heart!”
“My heart and my brain and my everything!” Blaine says, “I didn’t ask Tadeja for translations for those things.”
“I love you with all my heart, brain and everything too.”
Kurt puts his hand on the small table. Blaine gets the hint and he puts his over Kurt’s. Kurt loves that Blaine is such a cheesy romantic. Blaine’s said before that he didn’t realise it either, but to be fair, he’d never been in love before.
It’s a good thing that Blaine came to Ljubljana.
Studying here is already the best choice of Kurt’s life.
Speaking of the city.
“Did you know that some believe that Ljubljana is named Ljubljana after the Slavic word ljub, which means to love?” Kurt says.
Blaine looks pleasantly surprised.
Kurt nods happily. He found out when he first moved to Ljubljana. Someone at the university mentioned it during a tour of the city. Kurt didn’t really think much of it back then, but he’s always remembered it, because he thought it was cute. He still thinks so.
Kurt really didn’t expect to find love, but he did.
“Fitting, isn’t it?” Kurt says, “How do you say I love you in Slovene again?”
“Ljubim te,” Blaine answers.
“Well, I ljubim te you too!” Kurt says back.
Blaine laughs.
“You know, I don’t think that’s how you say it, but the sentiment is the same.”
It is. This city has given all of them so much and Kurt knows it will always have a little place in his heart. Only a little bit, though, because most of it is reserved for Blaine.
End notes: Hooray! We made it! 🇸🇮
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you guys will have a chance to visit Ljubljana one day. I also want to go back, but alas. In the meantime, let me redirect you to the Slovenian Glossary, which discusses all the places that were mentioned in this fic. Here’s also a masterpost for this fic.
Thank you all for following along, or if you’re reading this after I’ve finished, then hi, hello! Thank you for reading. See you for the next Advent!
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cerriddwenluna · 1 year
The Diary of Kurt E. Hummel (19/24)
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Please do not read this without my express permission. (Yes, that includes you, Finn.)
Have you always wanted to find out what Kurt writes in his diary? Now is your chance! But, ssssht! Don't tell Kurt we stole it... ;)
For this one, I implied the prompt more than I outright mentioned it. Want to find out what possible way I interpreted the word Roomy? 😏
You can read chapter 19 now, on AO3 and S&C!
Read from the beginning
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klaineadvent · 2 years
Hello Klaine Advent Followers!
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Survey Time!
If folks would not mind, could you please fill out the survey at the link below!!
Klaine Advent 2022 Survey
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1908jmd · 2 years
Klaine advent 2022 - day 16 Maintain
“Let me get this straight, you think I should convert our extra bedroom into a gym?  Would we have room for the equipment? 
Blaine scoffed at his bestie Sam’s idea, in their weekly call, before Christmas.
“Your family could buy the equipment as presents, and Kurt could join you. Blaine, if you want to go round dressed as a half-naked Santa, and have your bulging biceps, perfectly shaped ass and thighs to maintain, you’ve got to put in a bit of extra work at the gym. It makes sense to have one at home.
A smirking Blaine could only agree.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Scenes from December (5/24)
Klaine Advent Day Five : Oval
December, 2010
The night was supposed to be perfect.  
Kurt had planned everything meticulously.  He had convinced his dad that he shouldn’t pass up seeing the car show and managed to get Carole to go with him.  He picked out two perfect holiday movies for a double feature - It’s A Wonderful Life and Love Actually.  And he staged the living room accordingly; low lights - letting the Christmas tree set the ambiance.  A perfectly cleaned couch.  Not a bit of dust or clutter anywhere to be found.  He had even made a lovely charcuterie board, with an assorted number of cheeses, salamis, and grapes.  He thought about candles - but maybe candles were too much.  He didn’t want to screw this up.  He couldn’t screw this up.  
And of course - the thing that made it all perfect - Blaine Anderson; beautifully handsome as always in his house, sitting on his couch.  He figured they could start on opposite ends of the couch, Kurt could scooch his way over little by little.  And who knew where the night would end up.  He had gotten chills just thinking about it.  Kurt giggled a little as he put in the movie - Blaine’s eyes were on him the entire time he moved around the living room.  It made him feel warm and seen and excited in both a wonderful and terrifying way.  
It was supposed to be perfect.  
And then it happened.  Just as he was getting comfortable at the other end of the couch, Finn came lumbering in, a bowl of popcorn in his hands, and sat down squarely between him and Blaine.  He gave a quick nod to Blaine, then began shoveling popcorn into his mouth.  God - how did Kurt ever have a crush on him.  
“What are you doing?” Kurt asked sharply, his voice higher and more piercing than usual.  
Finn paused, his mouth frozen in a big, oval ‘o’ as it was half full of popcorn.  He looked from Kurt to Blaine then to Kurt again.  “You said it was movie night.”
“You said you were hanging out with Puck tonight.” 
“I was, I am…” Finn looked confused, then a little horrified.  He leaned close and asked in a low whisper, “Are you supposed to be on a date?” 
Kurt flushed deeply.  Blaine smiled, leaning forward from the other side of the couch.  “Not a date - just two friends, hanging out, watching movies.”  
Fucking Finn.  “What do you mean you are hanging out with Puck?” Kurt asked, an eyebrow raised.  
There was a knock on the door.  Really Finn? Really fucking really?  With an annoyed grunt, Kurt shoots up to answer the door.  It’s not Puck who’s there, but Rachel Berry - shooting in with a pointed look on her face.  
“Finn, we need to talk,” she all but screamed, pointing a finger at him as she flew across the room.  
“Rachel, you can’t be here,” Finn said, standing.  “We broke up.  I don’t think there’s anything to talk about.”  
“Oh, there’s plenty to talk about…” 
There was another knock on the door, and this time it was Puck, holding two DVDs.  “Yo, I’m here - and I brought movies.” 
Kurt scowled at him.  “We already have movies.” 
“Yeah, lame movies,” Puck shouted into his face.  “I brought the real Christmas classics - Die Hard and Gremlins.”  He pushed his way past Kurt, who was now fuming.  
Before Kurt could get a word out, there was a third knock on the door.  When Kurt opened it, he was stunned to see that pretty much the entire glee club was on his doorstep.  How did this night spin so out of control? Why did the universe hate him so much? 
“We’re here!” Mercedes exclaimed, giving him a sloppy kiss on the cheek as she marched in.  
“How….?” was all he managed to get out.  
Mercedes explained.  Rachel had invited Mercedes - because in some kind twisted logic - having more people witness your relationship drama was appealing to her.  Mercedes invited Tina, who invited Mike (because they were dating), who invited Artie (because they were becoming good friends even though Artie wasn’t thrilled about Mike breaking he and Tina up for good), who invited Brittany (because they were dating), who invited Santana (because if you’re dating Brittany - you might as well be dating Santana, too), who invited Quinn (out of pity?), who invited Sam (because they were dating - and at that point - why make him feel left out?).  And each of them all rolled in - unwanted guests like the Dwarves barging in on an obstinate Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit.  
Kurt wanted to explode, but no one seemed to notice or care how he felt.  Everyone was already talking and laughing (or arguing) and Puck had already managed to replace Love Actually with Gremlins.  Mike and Artie throwing cheese from the charcuterie board at each other was the last straw.  With frustrated screech, he slammed the front door shut, grabbed the charcuterie board off the coffee table, and without being able to even look at Blaine, stomped upstairs and to his room.  
The night was ruined.  
He sat at his desk, his head leaning on his hand, and watched the light snow fall outside the window.  
There was a knock on his bedroom door, and Blaine stood in the doorway, a bottle of sparkling grape juice and two glasses in his hands.  “Mind if I come in.” 
Kurt’s eyes grew wide as he nodded.  Blaine sat on the edge of Kurt’s bed - opening up the bottle.  “Hope you don’t mind that I got these out of the kitchen.  I assumed it was for us.” 
Kurt was at a loss for words.  The anger and sheer frustration he felt at the situation downstairs began to dissipate.  “Um, yeah.”  
“You okay?” Blaine asked, pouring the juice.  He handed Kurt a glass.  Kurt was still stunned.  Blaine had followed him.  Blaine still wanted to make sure that Kurt was alright.  This wonderful, ridiculous, beautiful boy was sitting on his bed, willingly, and interested in how he was doing.  Maybe the universe didn’t hate him after all.  
“My friends mean well, I know they mean well,” Kurt said. He could feel the tension leaving his body - the anxiety of it all was coming down.  “But - do we have to do everything together? Always?” 
Blaine tilted his head, amused.  “I thought you said you missed them.” 
“I did,” Kurt said, carefully.  “I do.  But I had hoped--” He wanted to say that he hoped the night could be just for them.  But he held back that thought.  If he and Blaine weren’t there yet - they weren’t there yet.  If he’d just calm down a little, maybe they would be.  “I do miss them - but do I need to be involved in everything? I know way too much about Finn and Rachel’s love life.  I know way too much about everyone’s love life.  I mean Mike and Tina. Artie and Brittany.  And I don’t even want to understand whatever the hell Brittany and Santana have got going.  And then Quinn - is she my friend? Is she an acquaintance? What even is going on?  And while, a year ago, I couldn’t even imagine having an actual friend group to complain about, now it feels like…” 
“Too much?” Blaine offered.  
“Yeah.”  Kurt let out a sigh, taking a sip of his drink.  
“I mean, I get it,” Blaine said.  “The Warblers - they’re family, you know? But I don’t need to hear David’s running commentary on how hot the new French teacher is, or be involved in David and Thad’s long standing feud over jacket piping or see every one of Trent’s weird rashes.” 
“Yes, oh my god, he showed me one the other day that somehow looked like Italy? How does that even happen?”
“It’s Trent - he probably willed it to be that way.”  
They both doubled over laughing.  
“You know, we don’t have to go back down there,” Blaine said.  He began to undo his blazar, opening it up and taking it off.  Something shifted in the atmosphere, and Kurt felt just a bit warmer than before as he watched.  Blaine didn’t seem to mind, smiling knowingly as he shrugged it all the way off.  He loosened his tie, eventually taking it all the way off.  What was happening?? “We could just stay here and talk if it’d make you feel better.”  
“Yeah,” Kurt said, breathlessly.  “We could just talk.”  
Blaine’s hazel eyes shone brightly in the low light of his room.  He curled up eagerly on Kurt’s bed, being mindful enough to keep his shoes off the comforter.  There was a boy - on his bed - stretching out and making himself comfortable.  Not just a boy.  Blaine. Oh god, oh god, oh god.  He wanted Blaine so badly it almost hurt.  But again, he restrained. 
“What would you like to talk about?” Blaine asked. 
Kurt thought it over for a long moment.  “Okay, can we start with how Gremlins is so not a Christmas movie?” 
Maybe his night was perfect after all.  Maybe for once the universe was on his side.  Somewhere, downstairs, there was a loud crash, followed by some unintelligible screaming.  Oh god was his dad going to be pissed when he got home.  So maybe an imperfectly perfect night. 
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gleekto · 2 years
Klaine Advent 2022: Chemistry Sucks (1/?)
Summary: Nerd!Kurt/ Popular!Blaine high school AU - Kurt joins Glee club in his junior year to please his dad, though he'd rather just hide out in the library until he can graduate and get out of Lima.
Turns out he's not the only gay kid in town. Too bad the other out gay kid is cocky and popular senior, Blaine Anderson. Sure of himself, gets all the solos, things served to him on a platter. Kurt finds him shallow and infuriating.
Blaine finds Kurt square and irritating.
Yet at a party one night, they promise to sleep together if they don't have other opportunities by the end of the year. A dare. Naturally competitive spirits.
Chemistry Sucks (Day 1: Team)
He promised his dad. He will attend one Glee club meeting because he promised his dad he would at least try it. One hour of his time to convince his father that really, he is better off in the library for the next two years until he can graduate and go to New York where his research leads him to believe there are other people with more than two brain cells, and absolutely no oversized flannel button down shirts. And maybe one or two gay people. But he can’t let himself think about that right now. Straight A’s will get him a scholarship. Extra-curriculars be damned.
"We have a new member today guys!" Mr Schuester welcomes him with unnecessary pomp and enthusiasm. "I'd like to introduce you all to Kurt Hummel, a junior who is a lover of musicals, languages and even chemistry, if I have that right, Kurt?"
This is worse than he thought.
"More like a lover for Blaine's team," A rough looking guy with a Mohawk high fives a guy in a wheelchair but they're both looking at a well-dressed guy in the front row, wearing an admittedly cute bowtie, and flanked by Cheerios. The subtle homophobia barely registers because the guy - Blaine apparently - commands the room.
"My team," Blaine emphasizes, "Has all types," He pauses and rolls his eyes dramatically, "Just like yours. And we don't all like each other, you know?" Blaine stares at him for a split second, all attitude. And the room reacts with the predictable "ooooh."
Huh. Blaine is gay. He is not the only one. And he's out. And did Blaine just insult him?
"Thank you, Mr. Schuester," Kurt takes back the floor. "I do love musicals and languages. Chemistry kind of sucks but it's easy," Kurt pauses and turns to stare back at Mr. Ego. "And no, we certainly don't." Kurt earns a second round of oooohs as he takes his seat in the back row.
Blaine smirks at him, amused.
This is a terrible idea.
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bitbybitwrites · 2 years
Klaine Advent fan fic - Sugar and Spice
OK. . . are we crazy?
Maybe a little. I convinced @madas-ahatters-world to work on the @klaineadvent prompts with me.
So we've started a little series and will be adding stories to it bit by bit (ha!) when we can. It is a bit crazy at our houses with the holidays and all.
Thanks as always to iris7124 for her amazing artwork!
I got the first prompt - so here ya go! Enjoy!
Day 1 - Team
Story info below the picture!
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Summary: A holiday cookie decorating contest at the Lima Mall brings sweet treats to the patrons, a competition amongst 4 schools and a chance meeting between two boys.
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Glee
Relationship: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Santana Lopez, Noah Puckerman, Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Jeff (Glee), Nick the Warbler (Glee), Wes (Glee), The Warblers (Glee)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting
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