#Knight&039;s & Magic
35 Rekomendasi Anime Jepang Reinkarnasi Terbaik yang Wajib Ditonton di Tahun 2023
Berita Anime Jepang – Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, genre Isekai telah menjadi populer di kalangan penggemar. Baik dalam bentuk manga, komik web, novel, atau anime. Isekai secara umum berarti protagonis tertransportasi ke dunia baru dan harus bertahan hidup di sana. Dan sebagian besar waktu, karakter memiliki pengetahuan tentang kehidupan sebelumnya. Simak Juga : Seberapa Kuat Seraphim di One…
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myanime2go · 3 years
The 25 Best Magic Anime Full Of Sorcery, Enchantments, And Spells
What are the best magic anime? Anime about magic can be some of the most fun kinds of anime to watch... #anime #anitwt #magic
Best Magic Anime? Hey, you must be a fan of magic anime series. Anime about magic can be some of the most fun kinds of anime to watch, magic-wielding anime characters come in all shapes and sizes, there are dragons, and don’t get me started on the immersive fantasy world filled with magic, and adventure. What are the best magic anime? Well, I have The 20 Best Magic Anime Full Of Sorcery,…
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desudaily · 7 years
The Importance of Infusing Joy in Your Work
The Importance of Infusing Joy in Your Work
My Hero Academia and Knight’s & Magic share one thing in common, hard as it is to believe: the infusion of joy in at least one aspect of their respective anime. Let me tell you why that’s important in the video below the break! (more…)
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100wordanime · 7 years
Knight's & Magic Episode 11: It's a Bird, It's a Plane, No... It's a Giant Mechanical Dragon?
Knight’s & Magic Episode 11: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, No… It’s a Giant Mechanical Dragon?
Review: This show was definitely written by a bunch of people sitting around saying “You know what would be cool…” “Yeah, giant robots that fight with magic.” “Totally.” “Wait, what if they had like four magic wands?” “Too cool!” “And then what if some of them looked like horses?” “That’s fantastic!” “And we’ll paint some red. Everyone loves red!” “Awesome!” And then the conversation starts to…
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r042 · 7 years
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Too Much Too Young (Knight’s & Magic Episodes 2-4) It is relatively uncommon for a mecha anime to focus too strongly on the process of robot design and testing; test pilots are a common archetype (most iconically, perhaps, Isamu Dyson in Macross Plus), and the process of thrashing a new unit through its paces is usually a good framework for its sudden deployment in combat.
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ljaesch · 7 years
English Cast Announced for the Knight's & Magic Anime
English Cast Announced for the Knight’s & Magic Anime
The English cast has been announced for the Knight’s & Magic anime: Eric Vale is Kurata Alexis Tipton is Ernesti (Child) Ryan Reynolds is Batson Rachael Messer is Selestina/Narrator Tia Ballard is Stefania Chris Wehkamp is Edgar Josh Grelle is Dietrich Morgan Garrett is Helvi Aaron Roberts is Mathius John Swasey is Lauri Anthony Bowling is directing the dub. Source: ANN
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izanaginookami10 · 7 years
Knight's & Magic OP (“Hello! My World!!”) and ED (“You & I”) Themes
Knight’s & Magic OP (“Hello! My World!!”) and ED (“You & I”) Themes
Opening and Ending Theme for Knight’s & Magic, currently airing Anime, of which I’ve proudly done a table in HTML. That aside, I’m lacking gas at home and my plumber friggin’ escaped. I have no faith in mankind even more now.
Knight’s & Magic
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Original Source:Light NovelStudio:8bitOpening Theme:“Hello! My World!!” by fhána Dailymotion link (Anime TV) G-Drive link (Song)Ending Theme:“You & I” by…
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Knight's and Magic: Season 1/ Episode 12 "Knight & Dragon" - Overview/ Recap (with Spoilers)
#KnightsandMagic: Season 1/ Episode 12 "Knight & Dragon" - Overview/ Recap (with Spoilers)
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Ernesti faces his first defeat by means of a draw, but seemingly the finale will be the ultimate battle between Ernesti and Lord Gojass. (more…)
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annoyingcatbanquet · 7 years
Knight’s & Magic - Review
Knight’s & Magic – Review
Knight’s & Magic was the anime I thought would make me happy and ultimately… Well… Let’s just get to the summary. This anime is yet another one with the theme of a main character reborn into a new world (which has been another trend on the rise lately). This one follows the reborn Ernestie who is absoltely in love with robots. A previous mech figure collector in his previous life, he now has the…
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hybridreviews · 7 years
Anime Discovery and Time of the Season present: THE WORST ANIME OF 2017!
Today, my friends....is GARBAGE DAY!!! For the year overall for 2017 Anime.
2017 is about to come to an end and you know w– OK, you already know this is mostly LIST TIME for everyone to look back at the year that happened in whatever medium you’re into and since this is anime…..you already know the drill. But, yeah…..anime in 2017 has been a roller coaster of things and I say that because things like Amazon and Netflix upping the ante of getting more anime has some…
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babycoffeeface · 7 years
Knight's & Magic Bi-Epi 1-2 Summaries: An Otaku's dream comes true
Knight’s & Magic Bi-Epi 1-2 Summaries: An Otaku’s dream comes true
As you can tell from the title, I’m doing a bi-episode summary on the anime Knights and Magic. (more…)
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mageinabarrel · 7 years
Knight’s & Magic wants you to want to pilot a giant robot more than you want to pilot a giant robot.
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I’ve been enjoying Knight’s & Magic a lot this season. As someone who really only got into mecha fairly recently, something about the wide-eyed glee of the show’s protagonist, Ernesti, at being in a world of magic and robots really resonates with me. That enthusiasm? I get it! That’s where I’m at. But over the past few weeks, I’ve also had the opportunity to talk with a couple of good friends about the show, its nature as a wish fulfillment, self-insert fantasy, and some of the less charming elements that arise from that. While I may personally self insert as the characters who want to hug cute moeboys, these conversations have been a good opportunity to step back from my affections for the show and think more critically about it.
The source of some of the criticisms that have been leveled at Knight’s & Magic has primarily been its nature as an isekai and wish-fulfillment story. Throw a male character into another world where he gets the chance to be cool and awesome? Not an unfamiliar set-up in anime as of late, and certainly not one that some people have become tried of seeing. At this point, the isekai genre basically serves as its own notice for wish fulfillment stories. And although isekai certainly doesn’t have a monopoly here, these kinds of shows almost inherently lend themselves to wish fulfillment (something Frog-kun has dug into in his post on the Japanese response to the genre).
With that in mind, it’s understandable that Knight’s & Magic should find itself subject to critique by virtue of its use of the familiar movements of the genres in which it resides. Wish-fulfillment anime haven’t exactly made a good name for themselves, as shows like Sword Art Online and The Irregular at Magic High School (Mahouka) have become immensely popular because of their ability to butter up the viewer by fawning over their self-insert protagonists (often to the detriment of their moral quality). Meanwhile, on the isekai side of things, titles like No Game No Life, GATE, Konosuba, and Re:Zero have enjoyed a more complex fan response (although I certainly have my thoughts on the relative quality of each of them).
But this post is about Knight’s & Magic, which I think has, at least relative to the overall market, shown itself to be a far less troubling and thematically ugly production than many of its wish-fulfillment story compatriots. It’s not perfect by any means, but there are distinct elements within it that I think lend themselves to a kind of wish fulfillment that can be enjoyed without the moral compunction that accompanies similar shows. Specifically, where Knight’s & Magic differs and, I think, proves itself better than its peers, is in how transparently it communicates its nature as wish fulfillment and in how it uses some of its unique elements to undermine some of the typical tropes of its genre.
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As I see it, there are two kinds of transparency in wish-fulfillment. The first, and most common, is the kind that accompanies marketing; that is, the audience knows the story is wish fulfillment because it’s obvious that this is the kind of story this is. The second, and the kind that I think is far more rare (and far more real), is the kind that a story demonstrates within itself. In other words, real transparency in wish-fulfillment is found only in those stories that acknowledge themselves as wish fulfillment.
Of course, I suppose one might argue that the first kind of transparency is just as real as the second. After all, if the audience knows an anime is going to allow them to self-insert for the purposes of wish-fulfillment because it’s been marketed that way, isn’t that the same thing? I don’t really think so. You might know No Game No Life is a designed to be wish fulfillment for a certain kind of purpose, but that’s not the same as the show itself knowing and acting like the thing it is. The salient point here is that a lot of these shows only pay lip service to the fact that they are wish fulfillment – which is, in my opinion, a rather insidious thing.
With shows like Mahouka or Sword Art Online, even though you know they’re wish fulfillment and they don’t really make any effort to hide that fact in their marketing or whatever, they often don’t treat themselves that way. Instead, a key component in the execution of fulfilling wishes is the pretense that wish fulfillment isn’t actually what’s happening. To use Mahouka as an example (and because I have a great deal for distaste for the show and it gives me pleasure to make it my whipping boy), the dead self-seriousness with which it presents itself belies the fundamental fantasy that underwrites it. Mahouka, even if it knows it’s wish fulfillment, pretends it is not.
Why is that bad? Because a wish fulfillment story that presents itself not as wish fulfillment absolves the audience of the need to self-reflect while watching it. It activates the self-insert mechanism without bothering to keep on the limiters of reality. I suppose, thinking about it one way, that’s not inherently a bad thing. After all, one of the great joys of fiction is the ability to be absorbed completely into another world. However, when that world is designed to construct a delusion of validation around you, it risks blurring the lines between fantasy and reality when the inevitable return to the latter occurs.
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When the dissolution of those boundaries is coupled with ugly ideologies, gross attitudes towards women, and other sorts of nasty thematic underpinnings, it ends up reinforcing those ideas within the viewer’s worldview. That, to me, is an unambiguously bad thing. To use Mahouka as an example again, the message it communicates that “you’re awesome, and it’s actually society and others who are crappy because they aren’t capable of assessing your skills and you deserve to be lauded and constantly have beautiful women throwing themselves at you” is a pretty crappy one. The fact that it doesn’t even have the decency to recognize this itself (not that it would be that much better if it did), but instead treats this message as serious and legitimate… that’s bad.
But Knight’s & Magic doesn’t have these problems. It is a wish fulfillment story, yes, but it is also joyfully, cheerfully, and earnestly so. Down to the voice of the narrator grandly explaining Ernesti’s heroic deeds, the show is constantly reminding the audience of the artifice of it all. It is completely honest about what it is – and in a wish fulfillment story, that transparency is invaluable because it serves as a natural (and, in this specific case I would argue, rather gentle) buffer between the fantasy of fiction and the truth of reality. The ultra-quick pacing, the eager silliness of events, the heavy cliche, and the very genuine excitement of Ernesti himself all serve as constant reminders that the show knows exactly what it is and treats itself as such.
The ideology that Knight’s & Magic proclaims isn’t anything so self-insert affirming as “you are special, but unrecognized because society is unfair” or “the only reason you don’t shine is because you haven’t been given the chance” or even just “hey, all girls secretly are in love with you.” As Peter Fobian puts it, the fantasy of the show is one “where an enthusiastic character is given the opportunity to live out their passion.” The message in Knight’s & Magic is a simple one: Hey, you know what would be a lot of fun? If you were a super genius in a magical land with big robots?
And, you know what? It’s right. That would be fun! It’s the same sort of appeal that theorizing with friends about wild scenarios go, the “What if…? Okay, but what if…!?” thing we’ve all done. The world of Knight’s & Magic is a sandbox, and it makes sure you know that. As I see it, that’s an invitation to join in the fun, and since the show has largely steered away from having that fun come at the expense of others, playing along comes easy.
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That’s not to say Knight’s & Magic is perfect. There are still elements mixed in with it that aren’t “fun” to me. I don’t like Helvi’s unnecessarily revealing clothing when the other (male) knights of her same rank get to wear actual uniforms. I was really uncomfortable with the way Ernesti seemed to justify taking Dietrich’s Silhouette Knight on the basis of Dietrich being a coward when he was clearly doing the best he could in an impossible situation. Playing around is all well and good, but things that treat other character badly cease to be fun.
And, alongside this, I can understand complaints about how the playground nature of the story glosses over human casualties to mack on its robots or how Ernesti’s combination of cuteness, cleverness, and purity of motivation earning him instant adoration from everyone trivializes the importance of hard work and forming genuine connections with others. One of the defining characteristics of wish fulfillment fantasies is often the erasure of nuance for the sake of making the self-insert feel good. And this oversimplification can mean the message communicated by a show turns rather sinister by ignoring important things.
But, again, this is where I feel Knight’s & Magic‘s transparency is a boon to it. Unlike Mahouka, which ignores nuance for the sake of pushing its message forward, or No Game No Life, in which a great deal of the “fun” is just really mean-spirited, Knight’s & Magic is a out for a harmless lark without pretense. And because of the innocence of its intentions, I find it difficult to fault the show for not being a serious examination of serious issues. It’s not trying to be a treatise on human relationships, so in some ways it feels unfair to criticize it for not being something it’s not trying to be.
To return to the show’s strengths, though, the final ingredient that makes this whole wish fulfillment thing go down well in Knight’s & Magic is the way it avoids glorifying Ernie as some kind of übermensch. Things like Ernie’s cuteness and the genuine nature of his relationships with other characters run counter to the way self-insert fantasies typically portray their protagonists as Awesome and Deserving Of Serious Respect. To use an example I’m particularly fond of, Ernie’s unwilling reception of Addy’s repeated hugs uses his appearance and reaction to make him the butt of a joke, (something Mahouka would never have done with Tatsuya, by the way). Likewise, goofy situations like in episode 3 where Ernie calls his desire to build a Silhouette Knight, a deadly serious matter for the world he’s in, a “hobby” in front of the king, make light of his one-track mind.
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Although the overall narrative bends towards Ernie’s will, these kinds of moments go a long way towards not only towards making him less of an all-powerful figure for the audience to imagine themselves as, but also towards humanizing him. Ernie’s passion, eagerness, and authentic love for robots, whether or not they’re shared by the audience, paint a very specific and human portrait of a character. Sure, it’s touched up and made adorable with white hair that covers his eyes and hilariously effective within this world, but it’s also hard not to love this earnest caricature of someone who loves something the way Ernie loves robots.
In short, the only business Knight’s & Magic is concerned with is that of granting your wish to have fun, live in a bright, celebratory world, and to make and ride giant robots. And that, in my opinion, is a wish well worth fulfilling.
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Knight's & Magic wants you to want to pilot a giant robot more than you want to pilot a giant robot. Knight's & Magic wants you to want to pilot a giant robot more than you want to pilot a giant robot.
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desudaily · 7 years
Why You Should Be Watching: Knight's & Magic
Why You Should Be Watching: Knight’s & Magic
Hello, and welcome to another installment of the popular Why You Should Be Watching series, fresh off a week break between seasons to bring you more reasons why you should be filling your limited hours on this earth with good, old fashioned anime. This week’s contestant is the up and coming Knight’s & Magic, and with its crazy hodgepodge of fantasy and mechs, you know you’re in for a good time!…
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100wordanime · 7 years
Knight's & Magic Episode 13: Some People Are Just Sore Losers
Knight's & Magic Episode 13 - And now the war is done.
Review: Well, this ended pretty much the way everyone predicted and managed to be pretty pointless right to the end. Ernesti fights the drake and shows off a few new tricks (though I’m not certain splattering it with oil and setting it on fire counts as a new trick). We then get the engineer from the otherside (name has totally escaped me at this point) and Ernesti having an argument which may…
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r042 · 7 years
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“It’s a UNIX System, I Know This.” (Robot’s & Isekai) There are no shortage of anime which put a mecha genre spin on the “modern-day character ends up in fantasy/alien world” (isekai) theme.
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ljaesch · 7 years
FUNimation Announces Premiere Dates for Some of Its Simuldub Titles
FUNimation Announces Premiere Dates for Some of Its Simuldub Titles
FUNimation Entertainment has announced the premiere dates for the following simuldubs: Saiyuki Reload Blast – premieres July 24, 2017 and streams Mondays at 4:00 p.m. EDT A Centaur’s Life – premieres July 24, 2017 and streams Mondays at 4:00 p.m. EDT Classroom of the Elite – premieres July 29, 2017 and streams Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. EDT Knight’s & Magic – premieres July 30, 2017 and streams…
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