boyfridged · 7 months
i don't think i ever explained in detail why i'm so deadset on kon's primary name being kon and not conner, so here it is: kon getting his kryptonian name first despite the fact that he has no kryptonian dna is so salient because of 1. what it means in terms of clark's affirmation of his legacy 2. their familial connection being a chosen one, and 3. a bit sadly, the fact that kon finds closure and connection in culture that is already long gone, reminding the reader of his isolation. before getting this name (superboy #59) kon goes exclusively by superboy and is often referred to as "kid." this is what people call him even when he gets enrolled in school, the name on the register and all. kon came to life as a public figure. as a superhero. he has no civilian identity at this point. his core personality is developed in this dimension, and later in relation to his association with clark's alien legacy. and it might sound sorrowful, but this is also who he is; this is what he ultimately finds comfort in, what makes his family. it's bitter-sweet, it's complicated, it's nuanced and interesting. so any civilian identity that he adopts later should logically be his secondary identity. there's absolutely no reason for him to consider "conner" his actual name and not a monicker he uses for secret identity purposes, unless you want to lean into the horrible retcons that make "kon" to be a slur. i don't think he would mind it, per se– but i do believe that kon as we know him in superboy (94) wouldn't ever consider it to be his "true" self. and this is the hill i will die on.
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pancake-syrup · 2 months
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therobinsandthebats · 3 months
i love gay poe0le
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ask-doctor-kondraki · 2 years
Happy Hanukkah everyone!
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terakonide · 10 months
Going through my favorites tag from today all the way back to 2015's got me missing fandom spaces. Fan art and comics and animatics and shitposts and music remixes and cosplays. That shit rocked.
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pepsiwatermelon · 1 year
Saw a post that made me mad so just a reminder that you're not cooler or superior to someone cause you like "more mature" or "for adult" shows. Who gives a fuck if a grown adult wants to watch Bluey or whatever. You're also not morally superior or more kindhearted for not watching "problematic" or "dark" shows. People are allowed to like media with dark themes as well. These things can fucking coexist.
I'm a horror writer. Some of my favorite works are deeply disturbing, handling nuanced topics and psychological and ethical issues. I like stories that deal with existential terror, what it means to be afraid. I also fuckin watch the damn dog show with the littles in my system. Because it's silly and fun.
I don't give a shit if people only watch Bluey and Steven Universe either. I don't give a shit if people only watch Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. Just shut the fuck up and let people like what they like. If you think they're annoying fucking block em instead of being a toxic shithead who can't enjoy their damn selves unless they're bringing someone else down.
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superboyoffical · 1 year
beloved mutual out of hyper fixation on your hyper fixation, heart attack inducing
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ratmans-notebooks · 2 years
done @slash-and-tear
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archiveoforpheus · 10 months
long time no see, tumblr bitches
though you should expect that from me by now /j
anyway, had a whole reunion in kin terminal (discord server) today, we managed to get 3-4 of the horsemen
also, jack, if you see this; INVITE GLASS /silly /nf
-Kondraki 📷
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gods-and-pawns · 4 years
It was a pleasant spring evening, the two doctors walked side by side in silence. The wind felt cold at times, despite shaking like a leaf one of the researchers resisted the urge to get closer to the other, just looking down at the ground as they walked.
“...Clef?” Kondraki finally spoke up, looking concerned at his date-mate. “Are you okay? You seem very upset at the news.”
“It’s...” The blonde sighed heavily, running one hand through their hair. “...complicated, Ally...”
The butterfly eventually stopped in his track, looking intently at Clef, who stopped too and turned to him in confusion.
“...Is it about Bright?”
Alto froze up, their stomach tying into a tight knot. “Can we keep walking? I don’t want to talk about it where people could hear.”
Kondraki hesitated but still nodded, following his partner along the sidewalk. Eventually, they exited Site-17 altogether, going for a walk in the neighbouring forest, the gravel road crunching beneath their feet.
“...Well?” The director eventually spoke up again.
“Right...” Clef fidgeted with their hands, which were shoved deep in the pockets of their pants. “Bright...well...”
“You two are very close.” The brunette interrupted when his partner was seeming to be struggling with his wording. “But I never suspected you’d be upset about him finding somebody... Do you have feelings for him?”
Alto sighed heavily. “Like I said. It’s complicated. Jack and I...we used to date a long time ago. We broke up when things got serious and I thought I’d be over him but-”
“You still have feelings for him?”
Clef could only nod at the question, too worried to look at their boyfriend.
Hearing the tone of their partner’s voice made Alto stop mentally, they reached out their hand and grabbed Konny’s, pressing themselves close to his side. “Don’t give me that tone, big guy.” They muttered against his shoulder, intertwining their fingers together. “I still have feelings for Bright, but I have feelings for you also.”
Kondraki looked down at them as they walked, turning his gaze back to the gravel road, frowning. “You know I’d want you to be happy.”
“And I am happy with you. So calm your tits, we’re not breaking up. I’ll deal with my feelings for Jack, but I’m not leaving you.”
The brunette sighed heavily. “Yeah, sure... You know, we could try this whole polyamory thing Jack and Jeremy have going on if you want to.”
“We can talk about it some other time.” Clef reached out with their free hand and patted his chest. “You’ve only had your pan-realisation recently, I don’t want to push ya. Plus, I have no problem staying monogamous with you.”
“Yeah, sure...”
“Now, want to go back?”
Kondraki hummed. “Actually, I’d like to keep walking for a while.”
“Sure. Just hold me, this wind is fucking cold.”
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kon-cactus · 3 years
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boyfridged · 1 year
kon's desire to be the next superman is only so valuable because as the reader you know that it will never happen. i would even propose it as his character thesis.
kon already has every trait that makes superman a superman (minus the authority and the trust of the people); but it will always be out of their reach. it was first explained by his immortality and forever-a-teenager status, and then it became even further pushed away from them by being literally misplaced in the multiverse. and on the meta level, it just wouldn't be sensible to even consider a progression in which he ascends into his dream role; because he was written to be someone aspiring, which means someone lesser.
in a way, this limbo status is what prevents them from any other character development. in-universe he was created for something he will never get to be; and it's a set-up that will never let them find a proper place for themselves. the only relief he gets is from affirmation from the rest of the superfam; it's something that he desires, and the only sense of home they can get. but staying in this position means that they will never truly get rid of the crushing guilt complex & people-pleasing tendencies, because there's no other choice but to forever pretend that it's enough. so a good understanding of their place in the narrative means, unfortunately, that these traits will be endlessly fed into.
i don't think it's a bad thing, btw. i think it's brilliant. it's one of the most melancholic and subversive stories that dc has ever invented. most superhero content focuses on humans leveling with the inescapability of their own greatness, their fate, being forced to live a myth or forging oneself into one. kon, on the other hand, was born a myth that is confronted with their own smallness, the painful humanity, being easily forgotten unless marketed and advertised for others' entertainment. there's no great destiny for him, no place to grow. and their story is, in essence, about learning to accept it and settling for less.
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pancake-syrup · 4 months
canyb believe they put yaoi in white house... what happen to amooric.... gah... rat save us 20000000025....
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r u high or sumth
rat if you can hear me please save us rat
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therobinsandthebats · 3 months
Dick, he/him - Jason, he/him - Tim, he/him - Damian, he/him - Steph, she/her - Cass, she/her - Konner, he/it
all talking tags will be (name/shortened name).txt
bodily minor!!
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byf: we're fictives, we wont be exactly like our source/s. we dont know everything about our souce (shits long af), be kind. we dont care if youre endo.
dni: nsfw blogs. untagged x reader blogs. people who ship batfam together - ask if unsure abt what counts to us.
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ask-doctor-kondraki · 2 years
Hi dad sorry for telling you to "go piss girl!" it might happen again
Why will it happen again? I do not enjoy that prospect.
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terakonide · 2 years
Coming back to Tumblr after a few weeks of being off just to block the newest wave of festering pornbots from my follows like the modern-day equivalent of mowing my lawn.
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