#Konoe Haruka
mmag-translations · 1 year
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Outside x Inside | By Tohonifun Tags: Comedy.
Setsuna, Kanata, Karin and co. deepen their bonds with the people outside of their club! What could possibly go wrong?
Read it on Dynasty Scans Commissioned by Anonymous.
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kurayamineko · 2 years
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Let This Thrill Resonate - Konoe Kanata: My Own Fairy-Tale
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ryqoshay · 2 years
Putting on Hairs - Post Production: Demon Dreams
Primary Pairing: N/A Starring: Haruka, Kanata Rating: G? Words: ~2.2k AU: Theater, Monsters, Cryptids, Demons Parent Fic: Putting on Hairs - Post Production Time Frame: Sometime when both sisters are in college
Author’s Note: Ahh... back to my long form fics again. I’ve loved the two IFH Promptober events in which I’ve participated, and they really help get my creative juices flowing again, but 1-4k words is far more in my comfort zone than 1-4k characters; 13k characters for this one, for the record.
Summary: Haruka is approached by some fellow theater students about her new role.
“Hey, Konoe.”
Haruka startled when a stern voice called for her attention as soon as she rounded the corner.
“Kato-san.” Haruka greeted with a polite smile, despite the unexpected encounter. “Shimizu-san. Ogawa-san.” She acknowledged the other two students. “I thought everyone had already gone home?” She moved toward the women’s changing room so she could retrieve her bag before meeting her sister and heading home.
However, Kato stepped to block the entry.
“We wanted to… congratulate you on your… acquisition of the lead role.”
Acquisition? Does Kato-san mean earning? Haruka wondered, thinking about all the work she had put into her audition. Her goal had actually been simply to be the understudy for the lead as it was one of her favorite plays and she loved the main character. She had fully expected a more experienced student to take the primary role, but the director had been impressed with her audition and granted her a chance to take the lead.
“Thank you.” Haruka replied honestly, though she was beginning to think the others were not actually congratulating her. “I…” Haruka was cut off by a tentacle slamming the wall beside her. “Eh?”
Kato sneered and her eyes shifted to resemble those of a cephalopod. Oh, so she’s a monster too…
But wait, they were still in the hallway. Haruka glanced nervously in both directions.
“Kato-san…” Shimizu seemed to be having similar thoughts.
Kato grumbled something unintelligible, dropped her tentacle down to Haruka’s shoulder and spun her toward the locker room.
“So,” Kato growled once the door closed behind them “what trick did you use to get the lead?”
“Trick?” Haruka shook her head. “I didn’t…”
“What are you?” Kato’s other arm changed into a tentacle, which she wielded menacingly.
“Some sort of psychic?”
“Maybe she’s a fragment of Shterot?” Ogawa suggested as her hands started to morph into claws.
“Or a Mind Flayer.” Shimizu chimed in.
“D&D? Really?” Ogawa raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to guess Mew from Pokémon next?”
Shimizu shrugged. “I don’t know many supernatural psychic types, sorry.”
“Maybe she’s a succubus.” Kato snarled. “That would explain a lot.”
“I’m not…” Haruka tried to interject.
“C’mon, show us your succubus form.” Ogawa chided.
“I’m not a succubus.” Haruka continued to insist.
“Liar!” Kato practically shouted. “How else could you have gotten the lead role?”
“I… I…” Haruka sputtered, unable to think of a reason that would convince her fellow actors.
“We’re not succubi~.” A voice drawled from the doorway.
All four actors in the changing room turned to see a messy brunette with a tired smile saunter toward them.
“Although we are still de~mons.” Kanata’s smile grew.
“D-demons?” Kato repeated. “What the hell?”
“Yes, Hell.” Kanata laughed. “That’s it exactly. Wanna see~?”
Without waiting for a response, Kanata changed with a blast of smoke. However, it wasn’t the usual, violet puff Haruka was accustomed to seeing, but a much darker, almost black shade of purple. And it smelled distinctly of brimstone.
“Onee-chan…?” Haruka couldn’t help questioning the beast before her.
Kanata’s wool was not the normal, light purple, but like the smoke, was dark enough that one could consider it to be black. And it gave off a visible, shadowy aura that seemed to blur the very essence of reality around her. Her horns appeared to consume the light around them, and while the curled ones spiraled out farther than normal, she had also gained an extra set that jutted up like sickles from the top of her head. Her snout was longer, and jagged teeth could be seen within.
And her eyes. By the circles of Hell, her eyes. They burned like smoldering pitch; not particularly bright, but with an undeniable intensity and unfathomable depth. They looked like what so many children feared they would see under their bed or in their closet if they dared to ever look.
Haruka had never seen her older sister like this. Could she also take such a form? Although for that matter, did she even want to?
“The Hell is that?” Ogawa uttered.
“I’m out of here.” Shimizu said and began to turn away.
Darkness pulsed from Kanata’s horns.
Haruka turned to see the other three held in midair, caught before they had collapsed completely. They then began to levitate and shift position before being laid on their backs. Three Kanatas came into view, each one climbing up on one of Haruka’s classmates and sitting on their chests.
The trio of sleep paralysis demons leaned forward to stare into the terrified eyes of their victims. Darkness pulsed again and the three women were put to sleep.
“Onee-chan?” Haruka found her voice, though it was wavering heavily. “What are you doing? We’re still in public!”
“Oh, don’t you worry about that, Haruka-chan.” Was that Kanata’s voice? Haruka could identify a little of her sister’s lackadaisical joy, but it was twisted within a deeper, almost guttural growl. It was an unnerving dissonance of tones, to say the least. “If anyone does get too close, my aura will put them to sleep.”
“I thought we could only affect others at close range?”
“Hee hee… that’s true for the forms we usually take, but those don’t allow us to express our true power. This form does. Anyway, come join the feast, Haruka-chan!”
“Are you… forcing nightmares on them?”
“Hee… Come see for yourse~lf.”
“…” Haruka swallowed.
“It’s fi~ne. I pro~mise.”
“I don’t think I’ve eaten nightmares before…”
“Hehehe…. Don’t worry about that, Haruka-chan. Just come eat!”
With a puff of blue smoke, Haruka changed into her own sheep form, but then hesitated.
“Uhm… whose dream should I enter?”
“Pick whoever you want. I’ve linked them together into a collective dream.”
Haruka blinked. They could do that? She stepped around and sat near Kato’s head, took a moment to prepare herself, and finally entered the dream.
“Ah, there she is.” The director turned her attention to Haruka. “‘Bout time you showed up, Konoe-san.”
Wait, that wasn’t the director. Sure, she looked like her, and spoke like her, but…
“Eh? ‘Onee-chan’?” The director chuckled. “I’m sorry, Konoe-san, but I’m nowhere near as talented as Kanata-san.”
Haruka raised an eyebrow.
The direc… Kanata moved toward her and leaned in close. “Careful now, Haruka-chan. We don’t want our dreamers to figure things ou~t, now do we.” She murmured.
“What are you planning?” Haruka responded in a matching volume.
“A celebration!” Kanata turned her volume back up. “Everyone!” She called for attention. “You all did wonderfully tonight. Our opening performance for this semester was a huge success. Now let’s get this party started!”
Cheers filled the banquet hall. Glasses were raised and many were clinked together.
Haruka scanned the area, quickly identifying everyone from the theater club, though she knew only Kato, Shimizu and Ogawa were actually present, so to speak. There were also many other individuals she did not recognize and assumed her sister had merely conjured them up as possible patrons of the play.
“I… thought you were giving them nightmares?” Haruka continued to keep her tone low.
“Mm… I had considered doing that.” Kanata admitted. “But then I thought something like this might be more fun. Plus, if they see that their efforts are also worth celebrating, maybe they won’t be as jealous of Haruka-chan getting the lead role so early in her college career?”
“I see…”
“After all, it’s not just the lead that makes the play, even if it’s a solo act.” Kanata continued. “But supporting actors and understudies and swings and everyone else deserves proper recognition. And don’t get me started on those whose work behind the scenes goes horribly unrecognized all too often.”
Although Kanata was speaking broadly, Haruka knew she meant her girlfriends by that last part.
“Kato-san!” Kanata called as the two neared the actor. “You were spot on tonight. I knew you were the perfect fit for the role.” She flashed a thumbs up, as the director often did.
“Thank you.” Kato smiled, but when her gaze fell on Haruka, she quickly averted down toward the floor. “Also, I’m sorry, Konoe-san, for doubting your ability to take the lead role.”
“It’s… fine.” Haruka responded, wondering how much of the dream she had missed. Had her sister had them go through the entire play? Rehearsals? Or did she just plant the idea of success in everyone with some speech or the like before her own arrival and the start of the afterparty?
Kanata continued to drift through the party, offering words of praise to the actors and stage crew, even those that were merely part of the dream. Shimizu and Ogawa offered apologies to Haruka like Kato had. And the dreamers and demons enjoyed a wonderful afterparty.
“Yes, it’s me.”
Haruka opened her eyes to see her sister back in her human form, standing with her back to her and her fellow actors.
“Yes. Yes.” Kanata was apparently on the phone with someone. “Yes, a gas leak. Exactly. Yes. Perfect. We’ll get them outside and meet you there. Thank you.” She ended the call and turned with a smile. “Did you get a good meal, Haruka-chan?”
“That’s great. Now change back and help me get these girls outside.” She stooped and began to rouse Ogawa and Shimizu. “You take Kato-chan.”
“What was that about a gas leak?” Haruka asked as she puffed back to her own human form.
“Gas… leak?” Kato stirred and groggily accepted Haruka’s aid to her feet.
“You girls are lucky Haruka-chan found you.” Kanata explained as the sisters led the others out into the hallway. Gone from her voice was the lazy teasing tone from earlier, replaced by a sterner, concerned big sister one. “You had already passed out by the time I got here. Honestly, how did you not smell the sulfur? They add that specifically to warn people of leaks.”
“Is that why we smell like rotten eggs…?”
“Exactly. And that means you should get out.”
“Mm…” Kato leaned heavily on Haruka. “Thank you… Konoe-san.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Well, you as well, but… uhm… I actually meant Haruka-san.”
“Me?” Haruka uttered before thinking better of it.
“You found us, right?”
I guess that’s the story we’re going with. “Yes.”
Kato looked like she was about to thank Haruka again when the doors in front of them burst open. Firemen rushed through, presumably heading toward the dressing room. Haruka wondered what they would do when they found it was a false alarm.
“Ah, some fresh air for you girls.” Katana said as the five women finally exited the theater complex. “But they might have something better for you.”
Paramedics approached with masks and oxygen tanks. They affixed the masks to the three women, who almost immediately passed out. The emergency workers then carried them to stretchers and loaded them into waiting ambulances.
Wait… “Onee-chan, that… wasn’t oxygen in those masks, was it?” Haruka gave voice to her realization. “And they’re not paramedics either. Were those actually firemen that passed us?”
“Ah, I see Okasan didn’t tell you about them.”
“Just a little organization that works with monsters and cryptids and celestials and such.”
“You mean the one Okasan is a part of?”
“No, they’re different.” Kanata shook her head. “Okasan and others like her focus more on helping beings like us integrate into this world, like the Osakas that helped the ghosts of the theater I intend to work at when it opens. These guys… well… how to put it… they help maintain the masquerade.”
“Ah. So, what are they going to do to Kato-san and the others?”
Kanata shrugged. “Probably make sure they actually believe there was a gas leak and that you saved them from it.”
“And what about the dream you gave them?”
Kanata chuckled. “Well, they probably won’t remember much of that, since we ate most of it.”
“But don’t you worry, Haruka-chan.” Kanata placed a hand on her sister’s shoulder. “They should at least remember the positive emotions they had associated with the parts both you and they were assigned. So, like I said earlier, that should alleviate some of their jealousy and make them stop bullying you about getting the lead. Oh, and about that, after we got your message, Emma-chan said she wanted to cook for us tonight to celebrate.”
Haruka smiled. As much as she loved her sister’s cooking, it was a nice change of pace when Emma took over a meal. Especially when she made dishes from her home country of Switzerland. However, “We did just eat though…”
“Those were just dreams though.” Kanata dismissed. “There’s always room for Emma-chan’s cooking. And I think she mentioned braised beef over polenta. Oooo… Kanata-chan hasn’t had beef in fore~ver…”
Haruka couldn’t really deny that. But there was one other thing. “Ne, Onee-chan.”
“Thank you. For what you did back there.”
Kanata smiled. “Of course! You know I’d do anything to help.”
Haruka nodded.
“I’m so proud of you getting the part you wanted. And I don’t want you to feel bad just because those other girls are jealous, or worse declining the role I know you worked hard for. And nobody bullies my Haruka-chan.” Kanata crossed her arms across her chest defiantly.
Haruka laughed lightly at her sister’s antics as the two sisters continued their way home.
Author’s Note Continued: First, a quick reminder that Emma is a set designer in this AU. And while Karin works HR, PR and other admin duties for the Sonoda Kurosawa theater, I’m not honestly sure what she might be doing at this point in the timeline. Perhaps that’s something I’ll have to explore later.
Next, I had actually intended to mention the masquerade maintaining organization in a different chapter. But that one got put on hold after I struggled to figure out a name for the organization for too long and my µ’s muse ended up getting distracted by shiny new other ideas. And while I kinda think they need to have a name for that chapter, given that they’re being directly introduced by someone, I figured I could get away with not naming them here.
But yeah, for those readers who may not have managed to track my scattered chapters of PoH, and don’t mind minor spoilers for what they haven’t read yet, there are two organizations that deal with the monsters of this AU. One includes individuals like the Tsushimas and the Osakas, the recently mentioned Sakurauchis, and now at least Mrs. Konoe; I don’t remember seeing canon mention of Kanata and Haruka’s father. And the other is this new one which I will be exploring a bit more when I get back to their actual introduction arc. As Kanata explains here, one helps integrate beings into the world while the other helps maintain the masquerade of normalcy.
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okamarinosuzoki · 2 years
Mission Accomplished! (Love Live! Nijigasaki)
“So? What do you think of your present?”
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brightersoul2 · 3 days
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WIND BREAKER - episode 11
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mrfishsackles · 22 days
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Genderbend Nijigasaki I made days ago.
Might post Aqours and μ's one later.
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ncardaesthetics · 1 year
Shinonome Trivia
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All info is pulled directly from the Shinonome idols side stories, home screen dialogue, etc. Not really trivia but more of a collection of little fun facts, hopefully it’ll be helpful to anyone who wants to write fanfiction or make art of the Shinonome idols! Sorted alphabetically by last name, things related to relationships between the idols are at the end!
Note: Some card stories are still missing! This post will be updated if/when I find these.
She comes from Trento, Italy.
She prefers to be called Chris.
She appears to be Christian/Catholic, ex. "May the blessing of God reach everyone"
Her hobby is cats cradle.
She mentions having panicked on stage before.
She refers to the sun as "Mr. Sun"
She took up sewing because she wanted to help make outfits.
She writes lyrics for the group sometimes.
Uses "-san" for her friends.
Kasane Hasekura
Her hobby is cosplaying.
She's very proficient at sewing, and often makes her own clothes.
She likes cotton candy.
Kasane made all the costumes herself at first, but learned to let the others help her over time.
She often forgets what she wants to talk about, and has decided to start writing down the conversation topics she thinks of throughout the day.
Kasane insists on taking measurements for the others.
Uses "-chan" for her friends.
Rika Kamiya
She became an idol in order to research how a single stage can move the hearts of so many people.
Refers to others as her "test subjects" sometimes.
She isn't easily scared, as she claims that if you have knowledge, you won't be afraid of many things.
She is very knowledgeable about nature and plant species.
She would like to meet "all the school idols" someday, as she believes all the school idols meeting would result in an amazing chemical reaction.
She doesn't seem very flattered by compliments on her appearance, and instead takes the opportunity to begin researching what exactly "cute" is and how it moves others.
She seems insecure about her performances, saying she knows they're "boring".
She also seems interested in neuroscience, as she's investigating how the brain reacts to performances.
She uses "-kun" for her friends, or at least Kasane.
Mizuki Kikkawa
She enjoys basketball, and wants to participate in the inter-high school tournament.
She decided to become a school idol because she thought it would help her improve in basketball as well, although she realizes this has nothing to do with the sport after joining.
She hates giving up, which is part of why she stuck with being a school idol.
Another game she enjoys is shadow tag.
She gets nervous performing in front of children, or at least when she's acting in a play.
There's another girls' basketball player she's been admiring and watching for years.
She really likes millet dumplings.
People often misread/mispronounce "Kikkawa"
Mizuki doesn't use any honorifics for her friends.
Haruka Konoe
She's her class representative.
At first, she thinks that everyone in the idol club is weird, and states that she has to "fix this".
Haruka is very bad at cooking.
All of Haruka's classmates come to watch her performances.
She uses "-chan" for her friends.
Kanata Konoe
She only became a school idol to help her sister out.
She's a member of the health committee, but she spends most of her time sleeping in the nurse's office.
She's very attached to her pillow, and says nobody else is allowed to use it.
She tries her best because she doesn't want to mess up and make her sister sad.
She brings her pajamas to school.
She's good at cooking, and claims it's the only thing she's good at.
She refers to the infirmary as "the school's paradise."
She refers to her friends with "-chan"
Yuri Mido
She doesn't like frilly/fluttery outfits, and refuses to believe she looks good in them.
It seems like she became an idol because of Coco, and refers to idol club as "weird" at first.
While she had no interest in idols at first, she liked creating her own music and performing with the club.
She seems to like rock music, and thinks it's cool.
She plays guitar, and is apparently really good at it.
She hates being told what to do.
She doesn't think she's cute, and doesn't like being called cute.
She says she doesn't really have likes or dislikes.
Yuri doesn't use any honorifics for her friends.
Coco Miyashita
Her hobby is volunteering.
She became a school idol because she wanted to be of use to more people.
She's a bit embarrassed of her performances at first.
She does a lot of volunteering because she wants to make people happy.
One of the places she volunteers at is a nursing home.
She often goes "hawawa~"
She returns money when she finds it on the ground.
She refers to her friends with "-chan".
Sana Yuki
Her hobby is listed as "none in particular"
She claims that she didn't really want to be a school idol, but she joined because the club wanted her to so badly. She seems to try her best out of spite, at least in the beginning.
She seems to dislike it when others goof off, and claims that she's extremely busy.
She refuses to wear a clown outfit at first, and insist they should be wearing more elegant outfits, but eventually gives in and does her best to wear it properly.
While practicing juggling for the aforementioned outfit, she gets frustrated and throws the balls at the wall, only to have them bounce back and hit her in the face.
She plays tennis as well.
She has a hard time expressing herself, especially when it comes to gratitude, and says that singing helps her say the words she can't usually bring herself to.
She gets embarrassed when she's called cute unexpectedly.
She insists she's amazing at tennis, though when she tries to demonstrate, she accidentally "hits a home run" instead.
She's trying to learn how to sew, but is having a hard time.
She doesn't use any honorifics for her friends.
Christina taught Haruka and Kasane to play cats cradle.
Christina states that Haruka and Kanata treat her well, which makes her want to visit the infirmary more.
Christina volunteered at a community center with Coco.
Kasane has met Koyuki and Himeno, and calls them cute.
Kasane and Mutsuki are the only people that Rika has mentioned, with Kasane being the only one mentioned by name.
Mizuki gets the other girls to play basketball with her during their idol practice breaks.
Mizuki thinks that Yuri is amazing at playing guitar.
Mizuki says that the other girls in her club give her a fuzzy feeling, and she wants to protect them.
According to Mizuki, Coco and Yuri are always together.
Haruka is always cleaning up after Kanata, and says she "has no appeal as a girl". Despite her annoyance with her sometimes, they are very close and have a good relationship.
Haruka and Kanata sometimes wear matching outfits, which makes Haruka extremely happy.
Coco helped Haruka make chocolate for Kanata.
Rika and Kanata get along well, according to Haruka.
Kanata says that Haruka gets angry with her a lot, and wants her to be nicer to her, though this is likely only said because Haruka wakes her up often.
Kanata's pajamas were made by Haruka and Kasane.
Haruka helps Kanata study.
Yuri thinks that Coco is tricking her when she says she looks good in her idol outfits.
Coco and Yuri practice together.
Yuri is somewhat annoyed that Coco prioritized a teacher over her, but knowing that Coco is likely upset about breaking her promise to Yuri, she goes to help her.
Coco was, in fact, very upset about the possibility of not being able to practice with Yuri.
Yuri and Coco go shopping together.
Coco thinks Yuri is both cool and cute, and seems to admire her a lot.
Yuri, Coco, and Kasane make outfits together.
After hearing that Yuri got a love letter in her locker, Coco decides to put one in her locker as well.
Christina and Coco study up on Japan together.
Sana claims she can see right through Rika's insistence that she's simply researching school idols.
Mizuki gets flustered while Kasane is measuring her.
Kanata has prayed with Christina before, but fell asleep.
Yuri buys Coco ice cream for doing a good deed.
Rika met Mutsuki at the beach.
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littlemisspinky · 1 year
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kanata konoe, nijigasaki's sleeping beauty 😴
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blogpoppit · 1 year
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probably a weird question, but if you had to give haruka konoe a color, what would you give her?
not a weird question at all! I have actually thought through image colours for all the N girls before, so you've come to the right place. haruka's is, imho, a deep blue. she's frequently pictured in blue, and it definitely suits her! unlike touou, shinonome doesn't have anything close to official image colours, but I reckon blue is the safest bet.
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stimming-puppet · 1 year
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Nijiyon episode 8 stim for @zinziinziiin
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Kanata: Boob is too funny... Tit is too aggressive... Breast is too formal...
Haruka: It's seven in the morning
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gallade-x-treme · 2 years
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luvthelife · 2 years
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good morning, everyone~! I’m konoe kanata-chan, and I've got all my friends from nijigasaki and the competing schools with me here for a chat!
my ever-helpful sister haruka-chan is with me in the booth right now, she’s such a good girl💜, and very nearby are mifune shioriko-chan, osaka shizuku-chan, and her girlfriend tanaka sachiko-chan from seiran high school!
ah, but everyone else from nijigasaki is somewhere around here too~! as well as the girls from shinonome, seiran, touou, Y.G. international, shion, and chitose bridge~. it’s quite a party around here, isn’t it?
if you tell us who you’re calling in to ask, we can get the right ones on the job to answer your question, so please send stuff in~!
we’ll be in your care~💜
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homunyas · 2 years
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