#Kouyou gets three songs because of reasons
shirosanshi · 8 months
hiya! 18 and 29 for the ask game please
i really wanna know what you’ll choose 🌻
Aaaah, thank you for these two :3 Well my answers are going to be from Gazette band fanfics, bc that's what I deal in... I hope you don't mind!
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic? I think it has to be this one, from Songs For The Drawer (although depending on what device you are using to read it's a bit more than one line :D): Yuu recognized the song from the scribbles on the back of the paper. It was a painful one from around the time he wanted to quit the band. It was a cry for help, a confession, a self-depriving monologue, but at the end, just like all the other maybe six dozen papers lying on the floor, it was a love letter in the form of a song, one he wrote to Kouyou long-long years ago.  29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. Okay, here's Aoi as a dominant shibari rope master preparing for a night at the BDSM Club he attends... (GazettE fans, pls scream at me if you want this one to be published because I have some work to do on it, but I'd fucking LOVE a reason to make myself complete it.)
The Hunter
The second Saturday of the month. It was always the second Saturday of the month, and it was always the same like someone had written a script for the event. Maybe they did. Starting at nine in the evening, closing at three in the morning, six rooms and a colour coded identification system. You have to wear something nice, maybe something you would not go out to the street in. And you have to arrive with a clear mind and clean body, devoid of any influence. Take your equipment with you if you want, but there will be plenty to use there too. No cameras allowed. If you haven't uploaded a lab result of being STI free in that month to the website yet, you can’t attend…
Yuu knew all the rules by heart, and listing them in his head before leaving his condo was a way for him to get in the right headspace. There were two scenes planned tonight and an instruction session in the Daybreak room. He had to be on top of this. He took one gaze at his reflection in the full body mirror next to the door, noting how the black leather pants were hugging his thighs, the way the soft material of his dark shirt was outlining his upper body, stretching a bit on his chest. He flicked the top two buttons open. No fancy costumes this time, he wanted to be comfortable and be able to utilize his body’s movements to the fullest. With a sigh, he grabbed his bag and his keys and went down to the garage to begin the hour-long drive to the outskirts of the city, where he was to find Flame, the club he was heading to. 
Soft jazz filled the interior of the car on his ride, it always helped heighten his senses and sharpen his focus, but this time his head was a bit fuzzy.
“Get your shit together, Aoi” he muttered as he exited the car seventy minutes later, and headed for the entrance of the club. He presented his membership card to the bouncer and asked for a yellow wristband, as usual. Yellow meant not taken, but not looking for anything in particular either. Yellow meant come and talk to me, but yellow also meant I don’t want anything from you. Yellow was a colour not many wore in this place.
He arrived precisely on time and headed for the prep room in the back. Some heads turned after him in the hallway, some averted their eyes shyly. He had no problem with either. Sitting down in one of the secluded corners of the prep room, he took out his equipment and meticulously checked every inch of it. No chafing of the ropes, no ends left unsealed, everything clean and ready as it should be. Each and every inch of rope sliding through his fingers was like a soothing balm to his nerves, and when he reached the end of his task he relaxed and had all the confidence he needed.
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Vocaloid songs that remind me of bsd characters:
Common World Domination (Atsushi) HIBANA (Atsushi) Deep-Sea Girl (Kyouka) The secret garden (Kyouka) Rolling Girl (Akutagawa) (duh... ) Tokyo Teddy Bear (Akutagawa) Abstract Nonsense (Dazai) God-ish (Dazai) Meltdown (Dazai) Black★Rock Shooter (Chuuya) Dramaturgy (Chuuya) WORLD'S END UMBRELLA (Kouyou) Heaven's Song (also cover with Meiko) (Kouyou) Nostalogic (Kouyou) -ERROR (Sigma) Matoryoshka (Gogol) Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky) (okay this one's a joke)
Re-education (Ryuunosuke & Gin) How To World Domination (Ryuunosuke & Gin) Cendrillon (sskk) Bocca della Verità (sskk) Black Board (sskk) Magnet (sskk) Patchwork Staccato (sskk) Lover's Suicide Oblivion (odazai) (duh...... )
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k-itsmaywriting · 7 years
Sparks Fly - Chapter 9 [Final] (Reituki)
Title: Sparks Fly Chapters: 9/9 Genre: Slice of life, romance, friendship, drama, highschool!AU Pairings: Reituki Summary: To Akira, Takayuki was that song he never expected to fall in love with because it was different from the others he liked. But one at first seemingly insignificant encounter and suddenly he couldn’t get enough. Word count: 2282 A/N: oh gosh, it’s been six whole months since the last chapter was released. I’m really sorry. I don’t have many reasons why this took so long other than life, pretty much, and writing other things. But the most important thing I want to say is that I promise I did not half-ass this just for the sake of finishing it, and this chapter was always going to be the last one. Again, I’m sorry it took so long, but I also want to say thank you so much for joining me on this adventure that was the Sparks Fly series.
Prologue | Chapter 8
Preview: The streets were sweltering under the thick heat of rainy days gone by. Droplets of sweat slipped down the curve of their backs as they ran across the streets and in and out of freezing malls in the concrete jungle that was Tokyo. The day was clear, and with every turn they took the world spun around them so fast they could feel the sky on their faces. Every car, every neon sign caught their eyes. The city was alive.
“Akira, hurry up! We’re gonna miss the bullet train!”
Kouyou and Akira bolted down the stairs into the wide platform. A voice rung from the speakers above their heads over the sound of the train doors closing.
“Can’t a train just be one minute late once a century?!” Akira jumped onto the platform with Kouyou behind him and they both fell to the floor. The train began to move and they sighed with relief.
Kouyou stood up first, leaning back onto the wall as he stood up. “Come on,” he said as he reached his hand towards Akira. “You won’t fall off this time.”
“This time?” Akira snorted. “You weren’t even there when I did fall off the bullet train.” He took his hand and let Kouyou pull him to his feet.
They wandered into the carriage, down the aisle between heads in seats until they reached the back corner. For the first few minutes they sat in silence with hypothetical questions and answers buried into their chests, yet it was calm and understanding.
“Hey, I think we both know I never got to ask this, but...” Kouyou swallowed. “What is it exactly you love about Matsumoto?”
Akira leaned back into his seat. “Sometimes,” he said, “You can’t really tell why you love someone - you just do. But if I think about it, I felt like...I really shared a connection with Taka. It hasn’t gone very far yet, but we just ‘clicked’, and I felt like we could be together. But if I really had to give a more solid answer...I guess...
“He makes me happy.”
Morning sunlight poured through the window and shone a glow onto the skin on their faces. It hurt a little to look out to the buildings rushing past them, but Kouyou let it burn in the corner of his eye as he listened to Akira and watched a little smile on his lips.
“But, I still can’t know for sure until I see him again.”
Kouyou stared. “That’s some insightful stuff you’ve said just now.”
He snapped towards him, shocked. “What, am I not smart enough to say good things?!”
From that point onwards the train ride to Tokyo fell into easy conversation.
The streets of Tokyo bustled with cars, bikes and people that weaved in all different directions like seas of fish. But air was heavy and humid on the skins of their necks, and Akira pulled the hem of Kouyou’s shirt as he marched into the heart of Shinjuku.
“Akira, I’m not a child, you know,” Kouyou sighed. “So, where do you think Matsumoto would be? We can’t just search aimlessly or we’ll never find him. Unless of course we’re actually in a shoujo manga and we’ll see him on the other side of a crossing.”
“Wait! Shut up! I think I see him!”
At the front of the crowd on the other side of the long street, a shorter boy carried a black sports bag on his shoulder. He stared at his shoes and stuffed his hands into his pockets.
The world around Akira immediately began to fade. The sky, the towering buildings and the people all around him seemed to disappear as his eyes fixated on the boy across the street.
“Akira, what are you spacing out for? Let’s go.”
Akira grabbed Kouyou’s wrist. “Taka!”
“Across the street!”
“What are you...” Kouyou looked over and began to scan the other side of the crossing. His eyes widened, “Holy shit! Viva la shoujo manga plot convenience!”
Akira bolted into the crossing before he even realised Kouyou had said anything. But it didn’t matter. All that mattered were the soles of his shoes that pounded across the road and Taka on the other side. He drew in a breath, and released everything into one scream of his name.
The familiar sound slammed against his heart, and he swore for a moment that time had turned back, that they were still at the train station in the next town over, on the line between day and night.
Taka immediately raised his head - wide, broken eyes peeked behind the dark fringe of his hair - and couldn’t even gape his mouth open before Akira tightly wrapped his arms around him.
Kouyou caught up to them in the middle of the crossing, just as the other pedestrians began to weave around them. But before any thought could enter his mind, a numbing in his chest told him to step back, and just watch.
He could just hear Akira’s voice murmuring into Taka’s shoulder, and an instant later the smaller boy stood on his toes and pulled him closer, a hand softly sifting through Akira’s hair. The shock in Taka’s eyes slowly melted away until there was nothing but content and calm left in him. He whispered something in Akira’s ear and smiled.
Kouyou felt his chest swell. He knew in that moment that everything was going to be okay.
An ugly car horn suddenly blasted the moment away. The three boys jumped away from each other, slowly turning to the line of drivers glaring at them. They pulled  half-apologetic faces as they ran through the rest of the crossing. Laughter filled their hearts as they tripped over the pavement to the entrance of a mall.
Taka pushes himself off the wall of the building. “Hugging smack dab in the middle of a giant crossing?! We’re not characters from a movie!”
“Yeah, because the fact we found you a minute after arriving in a city we’ve never been to is enough proof that we’re actually in a shoujo manga,” Kouyou snorted. “Also, it’s not like you tried to get off the road or anything.”
Taka’s jaw dropped. “You’ve never been here?” He turned to Akira next to him, “Not even once?”
“I guess there’s a first for everything,” he shrugged.
Suddenly he brightened and stood just a little taller than before. “Can I show you guys around? It’ll be a waste if you came all the way here and didn’t even get to hang out.”
Akira looked at Kouyou. “We’ll go home before dinner?”
He nodded. “Yeah, before dinner.”
Taka beamed as he spun around on his heel. “Well, I hope you’re ready, because you’re about to get the worst tour ever! No trains, no buses, we go everywhere by foot!”
“Oh, crap.” Akira turned to Kouyou. “I told you not to wear Dad sandals today!”
“Screw you! I’ll have you know these shoes are very comfortable!”
The streets were sweltering under the thick heat of rainy days gone by. Droplets of sweat slipped down the curve of their backs as they ran across the streets and in and out of freezing malls in the concrete jungle that was Tokyo. The day was clear, and with every turn they took the world spun around them so fast they could feel the sky on their faces. Every car, every neon sign caught their eyes. The city was alive.
By the time late-afternoon rolled around, Taka had taken them to Harajuku. For the first time they were quiet, sitting at a small circular table in front of an ice-cream shop with their ankles tangled together underneath.
Akira thought it was a little strange, the three of them had never been so physically close before, but the warmth felt familiar, like something they always had. He always had Kouyou and his long legs he could never get used to, and then the sparks of fire in his chest that pulled him closer to Taka. He looked up towards Kouyou sitting across from him, “Hey, Ko...”
His voice barely came out a choke before he saw Kouyou’s head was turned to the side as he stared out elsewhere. His dark eyes were glimmering like stars in the night sky, full of curiosity and admiration.
Akira turned in the same direction, and that was when he spotted it. There was a group of boys, only a little older than they were, standing together in torn black shirts and chains hanging from jeans with guitar bags hanging from their shoulders. They’re so cool, he thought, and his heart swelled. He could only imagine that he began to look just like Kouyou - like a wishful child finding what they wanted to do for the first time.
He looked glanced at him through the corner of his eye, and saw him staring down at his hands. He blinked, and looked back at Kouyou across from him. He opened his mouth, but before his voice could come, he froze.
“Hey, I’m sorry if this is weird, but...”
Akira and Kouyou were snapped out of their thoughts, and they both turned to Taka. Crap, was it really that obvious? They couldn’t help but be a little embarrassed. “Sorry, were we being weird?”
Taka furrowed his eyebrows, “Uh, that’s not what I was...But, anyway?” he coughed into the back of his hand nervously, pressing his knuckles gently against his cheek. “I was just saying that I’m...happy you guys came to see me. Thank you, and again, I’m...sorry.”
The two boys looked at each other, then back to Taka. Kouyou blinked. “What do you...”
“...I pulled you into my band, then about a week or two later I left the city without the decency to let you know, and I almost destroyed your friendship on the way. You didn’t deserve that, yet you even came all the way here just to check on me after everything I’ve done to you...I’m sorry.”
Akira looked at Kouyou again, who had averted his gaze away from both of them. “I don’t...” He gulped, and slowly turned back to Taka. “You don’t have to worry about us, we’re all good now. Besides, you should be focusing on yourself.” He couldn’t help but remember the voice mails, the sound of his voice breaking over the phone, under all his pressures. “So...”
“Hey, Akira.”
A large hand appeared in front of him, and Kouyou dropped a bunch of coins into his hand. “Remember that ice cream you owe me?”
Akira closed his hand. He nodded. “Yeah, I’ll go get it now. Chocolate chip?”
Kouyou smiled at him weakly as Akira stood up from the table. The bell on the front door jingled behind Akira after he went inside.
“Have you found a job yet?”
Taka looked up, surprise painted across his face. “Um, yes, surprisingly. At Denny’s.”
“A place to live?”
“...A friend’s.”
Kouyou silenced, still not looking at him.
“I’m not mad at you, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
“...Not even for taking him?”
A soulless, almost bitter laugh escaped Kouyou’s throat. “You didn’t take him. Akira’s just an idiot. It’s not your fault he was so head-over-heels he forgot about me.”
Taka sat back in his chair. “But I still...”
“He knows better now, and so do I. I was...being an asshole about it, about the third-wheeling.” Kouyou pulled his hands off the table and watched them fall into his lap. “I...we could’ve been good friends, and maybe you would’ve stayed home, then.” He sighed, “The point is that I don’t...I don’t hate you, at all. And if that’s not convincing enough, well, I was really worried about you. So was Akira, and Gondo.”
Taka nodded slowly.
“And...” Kouyou continued, “If it gets tough, call us. We’ll come running to you. And we’ll help you out if you decide to come back.”
The smaller boy chuckles. “I don’t think I can see that happening - going back home...”
Silence falls between them. It was less tense than before, their feelings now hung in the air.
“One last thing, Matsumoto...”
Taka watched as Kouyou finally raised his head to stare him in the eyes.
“What do you love about Akira?”
Warm orange light spilled through the small window of the bullet train, blanketing the boys’ tired legs as they sat next to each other on the way home. They leaned close together, their shoulders and heads knocking gently together with each turn of the train.
“Tokyo is pretty amazing, huh?” Akira sighed. “We ran around literally all day, and never even got through all of the Shibuya ward.”
“Yeah, it’s massive. I bet there are heaps of cool people too, playing good music too.”
He snorted. “You mean those guys you were staring at?”
“Don’t say that like you weren’t staring too.”
Akira stared out the window, watching as the tall buildings slowly disappeared from his sight. “Hey, Kouyou...”
“Do you think we could go back again after we graduate? Not to sight-see, but to...”
Kouyou knew. “Yeah. Yeah, I would. Forever.”
“...Cool, me too.”
“So...did you get to know what you wanted?”
Akira made a small, affirming noise.
“....I know that I still don’t know enough to make a conclusion.” Akira closed his eyes as he leaned his head on Kouyou’s shoulder. “It’s...I realised after all this that it’s not supposed to be easy - the whole loving someone thing. It’s not only about liking to talk to him, or wanting to be his. There’s more I don’t understand, but they’re things I have to know before I can really say for sure.”
Kouyou nodded sagely. “I see.”
“And what did you talk to Taka about while I finally got you that ice cream?”
“Hmm...I asked him what you loves about you.”
Surprisingly, he didn’t even stir. “What did he say?”
“He said you make sparks in him fly.”
Akira snorted. “That’s so cheesy.”
“Maybe, but maybe that also means you don’t need all those answers to complicated questions.”
“...I just love him, you know?”
“Yes. Yes, I do know.”
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