#Krimson City
ultimateanna · 4 months
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The Evil Within - Krimson City 
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8-rae-rae-8 · 5 months
Do we know where Krimson City would be??
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jak2gooberglub · 1 year
More jak art for the 5 people that liked my pervious art!
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ruvviks · 4 months
so massively unwell about nathan x ru/vik
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agonybow · 9 months
for my #ressie mutuals, i forgot but i do have raccoon city verses (pls bear with me tho my ressie knowledge is fuzzy and stops at about resident evil 0 plus whatever ive consumed via osmosis on tumblr) with seb being sent out during the initial outbreak to help the rcpd.
as he is the same age as leon tho that verse is him as a baby rookie cop being flung right into the deep end bcuz we can't make things easy for anybody here.
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antielevator · 5 months
@general-kalani ( starter call ) // for joseph or cain, considering the body double thing.
Father's out by the lake.
...out of context, that's one of the stupidest sentences Sebastian could come up with. But he's confused at the sight of him, unsure what a man of such stature is doing all the way out here, especially at this unholy hour.
His cigarette lights up as he takes one last drag of it. Sebastian only turns away to put the damn thing out on the ashtray before him.
Though renting this cabin for vacation had simply been a pretense for his stay, he has to admit the lake is a tranquil sight when nobody else is around. Sebastian's taken to sitting out on the deck just to watch the water and the sky and wind down from his work in the day, and drinking and smoking like he can't wait to die. Krimson City may be home to him, but it isn't very often he gets to live in nature like this, and there's something to be said about the wind, the silence, the scents; there's something to be said, too, about drinking whiskey outdoors for once instead of alone at a shitty little bar.
Joseph Seed's presence doesn't necessarily put a knife in his non-existent plans. It does, however, make Sebastian a little self-conscious. Unbidden, the desire not to look like a fool in front of him because that's Father rises inside him, and Sebastian has to shake his head and scowl because where the fuck did that come from?
In place of any bizarre emotional states, Sebastian rationalises that a tourist wouldn't catch the attention of a whole religion's damn leader. So long as he's quiet and behaved-- and he has been, against all odds-- there's no reason for anyone to give him the time of day.
So Sebastian goes back to drinking, the lingering smoke of his cigarette still wisping in the air as he tries to focus on the music drifting from the radio at his side. For all that he tries to ignore the man, though, Sebastian's gaze keeps drifting towards him, almost as if deep down he's wishing Joseph would look back.
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ap41cu5 · 3 months
Hello! I wanted to make a request for a fanfic, a Joseph Oda with a female reader, that is Sebastian's younger sister. The main issue is that Joseph falls for her, but he feels incredibly guilty because she's a few years younger than him and also his best friend's younger sister! Thank you for reading this, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Written on Paper (Joseph Oda x Fem! Journalist! Reader)
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Joseph Oda x F! Reader Rating: Fluff Genre: Mutual Pining, Fluff Word Count: 5260 quick a/n: thanks so much for your request! i loveeee this prompt! this fic ended up being much, much longer than i thought it would end up but i still hope you really enjoy regardless! also, the first multiple paragraphs are meant to be italicized, as it is one long flashback. and due to how this fic ends, there is potential for a second chapter if there is any demand for it!
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“(First Name!) It’s great to see you again! It’s been awhile since you’ve come into the office!” Connelly cheerfully remarked.
Oscar Connelly was one of the only officers that you had been able to warm up to the last time you had been into the office. His easygoing, friendly personality complimented your innately quiet and reticent nature. Your observant disposition is what made your job as a journalist easy. While socializing was a primary component of your job, the people of Krimson City were almost always very friendly. 
“It’s great to see you again as well, Oscar! I’ll be sure to talk more soon, but I have a couple of interviews I have to conduct today, I’m afraid. So I can’t talk much as of right now,” you apologized, giving him a slight smile as you walked past.
You were Sebastian’s younger sister. He was always very energetic and confident, a stark contrast to your introverted nature. While he went into the law enforcement business as a blunt-end detective, you resided in the background. Investigating the cases further, orchestrating interviews, conducting extensive research, and publishing articles within the newspapers regarding the transgressive cases. 
Conducting interviews had become second nature to you. After having done so many, you always knew the right questions to ask and knew how to read whenever someone was telling the truth. 
Sebastian and his team had just come off a very strange case, involving a number of people who had seemingly disappeared without a trace left behind. This case left you racking your brain for hours the night before. Due to the cryptic nature of this case, you were eager to interview your brother as well as the other detectives in his team.
Walking through the precinct to get to your brother’s office, you took note of the focused nature of each one of the detectives there. All of them but one: her attitude was laid back yet reclusive. You took note of the namecard on her desk: Juli Kidman. 
Knocking on Sebastian’s office door, you could see him quickly finish up something he was writing before he swiftly made his way to the door.
“(First Name)! Good to see you. What are you doing here?” Sebastian asked, giving you a quick hug.
“The interviews, remember? I’m here to investigate the disappearances,” you replied, holding up the case files.
“Oh, of course! Here, I’ll introduce you to my team,” Sebastian quickly mentioned as he grabbed your hand, gently guiding you back into the precinct.
You always hated being put on the spot, especially regarding interviews. You much preferred one-on-one rather than asking questions to a large group. You didn't even have a chance to decline before he guided you in front of their desks, each with a computer placed on top and a mountain of paperwork beside them. 
“This is my younger sister, (First Name). She’s a journalist and she’s here to investigate the recent disappearances,” Sebastian gave you a pat on the back, scooting you closer to them.
Luckily, his team only seemed to consist of two people. Your eyes scanned Kidman’s face. Something about her demeanor just got under your skin. She just acted… differently from all of the other detectives. The way she looked at you was like she was studying you– analyzing your behavior like you were some kind of science experiment. It was odd, to say the least.
Your eyes drifted over to the other detective Sebastian introduced you to. Your eyes widened slightly. How had you not noticed him before? He seemed just a bit younger than Sebastian. He had jet black, gelled back hair with a pair of black rimmed glasses. He was definitely attractive, but you had to keep your feelings to yourself. You couldn’t let some brief infatuation interfere with the investigation.
Your eyes lingered over him for just a second too long, borderline staring at him. Quickly realizing that your lingering gaze could most definitely be perceived as weird, you frantically moved all of your case files to one arm as you held out your free hand for the bespectacled man to shake.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, detective,” you quickly said.
Standing up, he immediately shook your hand back.
“The pleasure is all mine. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the disappearances. Anything to get to the bottom of this quicker,” he replied.
Immediately, his determination and drive for justice caught your attention. He was an honorable man, the kind of man that Krimson City needed more of.
“I appreciate your resolve, detective. Would you mind if we stepped outside for a moment?” You asked, clicking your pen.
“I’ll lend you both my office. Go ahead and pull up a couple chairs, and feel free to use any of the materials on my desk,” Sebastian asserted, holding open the door for the both of you.
“Thanks Sea Bass,” you teased, lightly elbowing him.
Sea Bass was a nickname you used to call him back when you and him were both little. When you were first born, Sebastian was just turning 8. At your extremely young age, it was difficult for you to pronounce Sebastian’s name correctly. So you settled for saying something that sounded similar to “sea bass.” Despite the 8 year age gap between the two of you, you always remained close.
“What are we, toddlers again?” Sebastian laughed, elbowing you back.
Joseph couldn’t help but chuckle, “Sea Bass?”
He found the nickname charming somehow. “Oh, shut up,” Sebastian bantered, shutting the door behind Joseph.
As you entered Sebastian’s office alongside Joseph, you led him to the small L shaped sofa to the right of the door, sitting down and placing your files next to you.
“Please, have a seat,” you invited him.
Joseph sat a couple cushions away from you, giving you both a comfortable distance apart.
You quickly shuffled through your files and pulled out a blank sheet of lined paper, clicking your pen against the surface of your clipboard.
“Let’s start off with the basics, shall we? What’s your name, age, and occupation?” You asked, looking up at him with a slight smile.
“Joseph Oda, I am 30 years old, and I work as a KCPD Detective,” he concisely responded.
You quickly jotted that down onto your paper, habitually biting the clicky part of the pen, and brainstorming the next question to ask.
This was an obscure case. With how little information has been gathered, it became much more difficult to find the right questions to ask.
You sighed, pushing your hair behind your shoulder.
“Sorry, just a moment, detective. I usually don’t take this long to brainstorm questions. But with the cryptic nature of this case..” you stated, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Take your time,” Joseph gulped.
Something about you made him want to get to know you better. Behind those focused eyes and slightly furrowed eyebrows, he was curious about the person who resided behind those puzzled features. The way that you bit your pen, the way that you tucked your hair behind your ear, there was a certain charm that came from it. The nickname that you called Sebastian– it racked his brain– left him wondering about the type of woman that you were. You were truly captivating, in a way that no one else had ever appeared to him.
“Could you give me a general description of each of the disappearances thus far? Perhaps that would be a good place to start,” you suggested, your head tilting to the side.
“Well, there doesn’t seem to be any set of characteristics that each of the missing people have in common. The only commonality between all of them is that they disappeared without a single trace left behind. While that doesn’t necessarily imply that there is a captor, it implies that there may be some kind of intelligence behind it,” he carefully explained, pulling out a small notebook.
“According to what I have written in my notes, one of the very first people to have gone missing was named Chris Taylor. A construction foreman, and he had disappeared while he was overseeing the repairs of a fallen church floor. The repairs had nearly been done by the time he disappeared, so it's highly unlikely that he fell,” Joseph added.
You enjoyed his calculated, meticulous way of thinking and speaking. It made it easy to take notes, and in general, it was just easy to listen to. 
He also went on to explain a disappearance regarding an individual known as Patrick Higgins, a lawyer for the Victoriano family, and that he was last seen with a man presumed to be a client. Despite there being little to no clues regarding each of the missing people, his attentiveness to detail and his countless notes caused the interview to be almost an hour long. But you by no means were complaining. He was very nice to talk to, and you both seemed to think on the same wavelength. There were even a few jokes exchanged here and there. You had never felt this at ease with someone during an interview before. It was.. nice. 
After taking about one and a half pages worth of notes, you checked your watch for the time.
It was 4:30 PM already? You had started the interview at around 3:20 PM, and over an hour passed already? You got off work at 5:00 PM, so you were running extremely short on time.
You swore under your breath, a bit frustrated that you had to cut the interview short. 
“I’m sorry, I really have to get going. I work from home, so I’m required to clock out in about 30 minutes. I’ll have to come in again tomorrow to interview both Sebastian and the other detective,” you quickly gathered your things, ready to take your leave.
“Wait!” Joseph quickly exclaimed.
You turned back around to face him.
“Uh– you forgot your pen,” he mentioned, quickly grabbing your pen from the couch cushion and handing it to you.
“Oh! Thank you, I wouldn’t have been able to take any more notes without this,” you took the pen from him, appreciating the kind gesture.
You turned to leave again, but part of you desperately hoped that in the few seconds it would take for you to leave, you'd come up with a reason for the both of you to stay in contact.
“Oh– and– one last thing!” Joseph quickly asserted as he fumbled through his pockets for his notebook again.
He quickly jotted something down before ripping out the page and handing it to you. Taking the note from him to examine its contents, you were a bit surprised to see that a phone number had been written on it.
“That’s my phone number! So we can stay in touch,” he said, not realizing the boldness and implications of that gesture. 
You could feel your face begin to heat up. Was he…?
“In case you have any more questions regarding the disappearances!” He quickly added.
You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t at least a bit disappointed that he wasn’t trying to make the kind of advance you thought at first. But you quickly brushed those thoughts away– your task wasn’t to look for a relationship. It was to get to the bottom of a dire case.
“Right, thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you again for your time, Detective Oda,” you replied, a tad dejected, but glad that you had a chance to at least become friends with the intelligent man. 
Opening Sebastian’s office door, you held the door open behind you for Joseph. 
“Have a good rest of your evening, uh..” he paused for a moment, unsure of what to call you.“(First Name), (First Name) Castellanos,” you replied, “you have a good rest of your evening as well, Detective.”
“Joseph, you can just call me Joseph,” he quickly chimed.
You were a bit surprised at his willingness to change the atmosphere from strictly professional to friendly, but again, you weren’t complaining.
“Alright, well, I’ll see you around.. Joseph,” you replied with a smile, turning to exit the precinct. 
“Yeah..! I’ll– I’ll contact you later today!” He exclaimed.
You were almost at the exit, so you only turned and smiled with a wave before opening the door and taking your leave.
Joseph had watched you the entire time as you walked out, the heels of your Doc Martens clicking against the hardwood floor. He admired the way you gracefully carried yourself around.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think more than just an interview went down that office just now,” Connelly commented.
Joseph’s gaze snapped over to him, completely caught off guard.
“Wh–, ugh,” Joseph sighed, “the purpose of that meeting was to discuss the recent disappearances. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“Whatever you say, detective. But be careful, Sebastian’s awfully protective of her,” Connelly warned, taking a sip of the soda can in his hand. 
Joseph sighed, rubbing his temple. 
That’s right. He can’t believe he had forgotten about that.
“So I’ve heard. He’s talked about her quite a few times. I just didn’t expect her to be so.. so…”
“She’s a charmer, ain’t she? Smart, funny, not to mention quite the sight for sore eyes,” Connelly commented, earning a glare from Joseph.
“N-not not for me, though. She’s too good for me, and I’d rather not get my head chewed off by Sebastian. But you, though, you actually have a chance. Sebastian respects you a whole lot, both as a friend and as a coworker. If I were you, I’d go for it,” Connelly advised, giving Joseph a slight nudge.
“I’m sure he won’t mind the slight age gap, either, knowing the kinda guy you are,” Connelly added, taking another sip of his drink.
Joseph froze. 
“Age.. gap?” 
He remembered Sebastian saying that you were his younger sister, but he didn’t think you were that much younger than him! You spoke so maturely, conveyed yourself so well, carried yourself around with a kind of ambience that he only saw from people within his age range! 
“Just how old is she.. exactly?” Joseph asked, his stomach dropping.
“Well, if I have it right, Sebastian’s turning 35 this year. So that would make (First Name)... 27,” Connelly estimated, “why? How old are you, detective?”
Joseph didn’t respond, only entering a mental frenzy. He was thirty, he couldn’t be interested in a woman who was still in her twenties– let alone his best friend’s younger sister! And now that he's thinking about it, you did look quite a bit younger than Sebstian when he saw the two of you side by side.
Connelly seemed to quickly take note of the distressed look on Joseph’s face.
“Hey, don’t sweat it! It’s only a few year age difference between you two,” Connelly reassured, giving Joseph another nudge.
Not even noticing the door swing back open, Sebastian re-entered the room.
“Hey guys, did (First Name) leave already?” Sebastian inquired, his eyes scanning the room.
“Yeah, you just missed her. She left maybe a minute or two ago,” Connelly answered, tossing his empty soda can into the recycling.
“Damn, I needed to give her something, but I guess it could wait another few more minutes. I could always just drop it off at her apartment,” Sebastian thought aloud, yawning.
“You alright, Joseph? Lookin’ a little pale there,” Sebastian commented, laying a hand on Joseph’s shoulder.
Joseph jumped at the unexpected contact, he hadn’t even noticed Sebastian’s presence just now.
“Uh– yeah, yeah I’m fine. It’s.. uh, It’s about time for me to get off, so– so I’ll be heading out now. I’ll– I’ll see you tomorrow, Seb,” Joseph quickly excused himself, grabbing his bag and leaving. 
The moment Joseph returned to his car, he needed a moment to think. Grabbing the sides of his steering wheel, he practically slammed his head against it as he grumbled.
But, he shouldn’t worry himself too much, right? It’s just a simple crush, he’d get over it eventually! Especially since he doesn’t see her very often since she works from home! He’ll get over it in plenty of time.. right?
It’s been three years. He, in fact, did not get over it.
Part of him wished he never gave you his number. Ever since that day, you both grew extremely close. What went from a couple of texts strictly about work, turned into several phone calls at least once or twice a day, to meeting up over the weekends. You would always tell each other everything, down to every last detail. Whenever you needed anything at all, he was there. You’d talk about your problems, and he would talk about his. You made a good team, an excellent team even. But he just couldn’t help but feel like he was overstepping at times. His unyielding respect for Sebastian made it extremely difficult for him not to feel guilty about any of this. 
“Hey, Seb?” Joseph approached Sebastian’s desk.
“What’s on your mind, Joseph?” Sebastian inquired, looking up at the man.
After working for so many years together, Sebastian knew Joseph like the back of his hand. He could immediately tell something had been bothering the detective from the moment he walked in.
Joseph’s heart rate was through the roof. He was in love with his best friend’s sister. How was he going to explain that to him? He had even been rehearsing what he was going to say the night before, but it all seemed to slip his mind at that moment.
“I.. uh…” Joseph stammered, before quickly turning to close Sebastian’s office door.
The last thing Joseph needed was for everyone else in the precinct to know about his borderline unethical feelings.
“You closed the door, seems serious. Lay it on me, Joseph,” Sebastian remarked, leaning back in his chair.
“Uh..” Joseph sighed, sitting down in the chair in front of his desk, his hands tightly gripping his knees.
“So..” Joseph began, “I’ve become really close to (First Name) over the past.. few years.” Sebastian hummed in response, a bit confused about where this conversation was going.
“I know,” Sebastian responded, in a matter-of-factly tone, “she talks about you all the time.”
Joseph’s eyes lit up.
“She does?” He asked, eager to know more.
“Yeah…? Where are you going with this, Joseph?” Sebastian asked, immediately cutting to the chase.
Joseph bit the inside of his cheek.
“I..” Joseph sharply inhaled, “I think I'm in love with her, Sebastian.”
Sebastian’s eyebrows raised a bit. He was surprised at how forward that confession was.
“Yeah, I figured as much. With how much time you two have been spending together, I’m not really surprised,” Sebastian replied as he took a sip of his water, “why are you telling me all of this, Joseph?” Joseph’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, had he been worried this entire time for no reason? “Well, I.. suppose I felt that my feelings were unethical. Seeing as you're my best friend, not to mention the age gap,” Joseph admitted. Sebastian nearly spat out his water.
“You’re joking, right?” Sebastian asked in between laughs. “...what?” Joseph replied, completely dumbfounded.
This was the opposite reaction that Joseph was expecting, by far.
“Joseph, you are a whole three years older than her! That’s hardly even an age gap!” 
“I.. I suppose I may have overreacted a bit about the whole.. age gap thing,” Joseph sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “A bit!? Joseph..” Sebastian laughed, shaking his head.
“How long have you felt this way for?” Sebastian asked, his laughter finally dying down.
“Honestly.. I kind of had feelings for her the moment we met for the interview.” “You kept all of those bottled up feelings to yourself for, what, three years straight? All because of a little age gap?” Sebastian couldn’t help but laugh again. “Not just that! I respect you a lot, Sebastian. I just.. couldn’t help but feel I was overstepping. I knew how protective over her you were, I didn’t know what to do,” Joseph admitted, a weight feeling lifted off his shoulders.
“Go for it,” Sebastian shrugged, a slight smile painting his features.
“..‘go for it?’” Joseph repeated, unsure if he heard him right.
“Go for it!” Sebastian reiterated, spinning in his rolly chair.
Sebastian gave him a look that consisted of a mix of annoyance and genuine surprise.
“Joseph, I’ve known you for years. The only reason I would ever be protective of (First Name) around you is if you were a bad guy. But I know you! I've known you for years. I've worked alongside you long enough to know that you’re a good guy, a great guy even! I see how you look at her, and I see how she looks at you. You make an amazing pair, and would make an even better couple. A perfect couple, even, with the dynamic that you two have,” Sebastian enthusiastically remarked.
Joseph felt his face heat up slightly. It wasn’t something he hadn’t ever thought of before, but the fact that even Sebastian thought you would both make a good couple, made something in his chest feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“It’s about time she got a boyfriend, anyways. She’s a pretty girl, even I’m surprised it took her this long to find someone. But I’m glad you were the one she found, Joseph. You’re probably one of the only men on this Earth that I would ever deem good enough for her. Ever since she met you, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her happier,” Sebastian added, resting his elbow on his armrest.
“You really think so?” Joseph replied, still in disbelief.
“I do. Give yourself more credit, Joseph,” Sebastian briefly checked his watch, “in about an hour and a half, she’s gonna be coming into the office to get the go-ahead to publish the latest newspaper headline. Do with that information what you will,” Sebastian winked.
Joseph quickly checked the time as he practically jumped out of his seat.
“Oh yeah, that’s right! She told me about it on the phone last night, I'll be right back, Seb!” Joseph quickly rushed out of the office.
Joseph nearly tripped on his own two feet as he quickly made his way towards his car.
“Wow, this may be your best work so far, (First Name)!” Your supervisor exclaimed. She was always a very expressive woman, which would explain why she was in charge of the journalism department. While many of your coworkers said she almost never had favorites, she seemed to immediately take a liking to you. 
You smiled, bashfully. You were proud of your work, but you didn’t know it deserved this much appraisal.
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” you replied, internally squealing. 
“Really, I mean it! It’s– it’s captivating, it’s dramatic, yet straight to the point. The quotes, it’s all so beautifully drawn together. You really turned journalism into an artform, (First Name),” she remarked, flipping through the pages you typed out one last time.
“I’m going to get this published for you right away! I might even promote you to one of our lead journalists if you keep this up!” She exclaimed as she quickly got up to leave her office.
Needless to say, you left her office with a smile on your face and a little more pep in your step than usual. Your first instinct, of course, was to go and find Joseph. He was always your go-to about anything. You loved the way his head would tilt slightly whenever he’d listen to you ramble, always with a slight smile on his face and a chuckle every now and then.
At first, you couldn’t hold eye contact with him for longer than a few seconds without growing shy. But as time went on and you felt more at ease around him, it wasn’t hard for you to get lost in those caramel eyes of his. 
The moment you entered the precinct, you were a bit confused as to why Joseph wasn’t there. This wasn’t the first time you had to go into the KCPD office to check with your supervisor, so this was the only time you had ever seen Joseph absent. 
Knocking on Sebastian’s door, you desperately hoped he wasn’t busy so you could find out where your best friend had wandered off to.
“Hey, what’s up, (First Name)?” Sebastian greeted you, “how’d it go with your supervisor?” 
Your face lit up, happy to share the good news.
“She said yes to the article, of course! And, she said I might be getting a promotion!” You bounced on the pads of your feet, a big smile spreading across your face.
“Congratulations, (First Name)! That’s great, I’m glad to hear that!” Sebastian chimed, immediately getting up to give you a pat on the back.
Giving him a quick hug, you looked back at the precinct through the window of Sebastian’s office.
“Where’s Joseph?” You asked, your eyes hovering over Joseph’s empty desk.
“Oh, he went out for a bit. He should be back in a few minutes. You wanna wait here in my office?” Sebastian offered.
“Oh, I’ll just call him real quick–” you began to pull out your phone before Sebastian harshly grabbed it from you. “Hey–!” You tried to reach for your phone, but Sebastian just narrowly pulled it further out of your grasp.
“Uh– don’t call him! Something came up, I don’t think– I don’t think he wants to talk about it right now,” Sebastian hurriedly made up an excuse, his voice cracking.
“Huh–? Is he okay?” You immediately grew worried, still trying to take your phone back from Sebastian.
“Oh yeah he’s fine! It’s fine, just wait for him to come back,” Sebastian responded, his voice faltering.
Sebastian was acting strangely suspicious. He was always very honest, so it was odd to see him telling a very obvious lie. Why would he try to cover up Joseph’s whereabouts? 
“Oh, spit it out, Sebastian! Where is he?” You frustratedly asked.
“Oh, for God’s sake, would you just wait for a few minutes!? I told you he’d be back soon!” Sebastian groaned, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
You huffed, not wanting to argue with him. “Fine, fine. Can I at least have my phone back?” You slumped down on his office couch.
“No,” Sebastian quickly answered, shoving your phone into one of his pockets. 
“Whatever,” you muttered under your breath, trying to make yourself comfortable while you waited.
The only sound that filled the room was either Sebastian’s keyboard clicking away at his computer, or the sound of his pen scribbling away at whatever document he was working on. 
You almost fell asleep until you heard the loud noise of a notification coming from someone’s phone. Looking up from where you were resting your head, Sebastian was staring intently at his cellphone. He had a terrible poker face, and you could immediately tell he was up to something. But, you had a feeling he wouldn’t admit to it anyways, telling from how he was acting earlier. So, you chose not to bring it up, only resting your head back down onto your fist.
Where’s Joseph? I miss him. You thought to yourself, letting out a heavy sigh.
“I’ll be right back, just.. stay here, alright?” Sebastian requested.
“Fine, fine. But can I at least have my phone back while you’re gone?” You grumbled, praying that he would say yes given how bored out of your mind you were.
“Nope!” He replied as he exited, letting the door shut behind him.
You huffed. Sebastian said Joseph was going to come back in just a few minutes, but he wasn’t! You were growing impatient. You were almost certain nothing bad happened to him, purely based on how Sebastian was acting. But why would he try to cover up where he’s been?
You were about to get up and leave, seeing as you had probably been sitting there for almost an hour, until you heard the door finally open again.
“Can I please have my phone back, Sebas–” you paused.
Your eyes went wide, and your mouth was slightly agape. You couldn’t believe your eyes at first. You desperately hoped this wasn’t a misunderstanding, and that this really was what you thought it was going to be.
There, Joseph stood, a bouquet of flowers in hand, his cheeks red, and his shoulders tense.
“..Joseph?” You meekly uttered.
He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing. You could see him take a deep breath in, trying to get himself to untense. You gradually stood up, carefully approaching him.
“I… I…” He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts.
“(First Name), ever since the day that we met, I.. I noticed that you were far different from anyone else that I have ever known. You’re.. amazing. You’re smart, funny, charming, pretty. You’re– you’re so, very pretty,” he chuckled, looking away as his cheeks reddened even more.
Your heart rate immediately skyrocketed. You were best friends, but you never thought that he would have ever loved you back. He never dropped any hints beyond just being very close friends, and this friendship would have been too good to lose had he not felt the same towards you. 
“When you told me about how your supervisor might give you a promotion, I knew that you would be able to get it. You’re hardworking, ambitious, and passionate. And I think that that’s– I think that you are beautiful. The most beautiful woman that I have ever, ever met.” Joseph confessed, his voice slightly trembling. 
“What I’m trying to say, (First Name), is that.. throughout the few years that we have been friends for, I.. I developed feelings for you almost immediately. And– and I wanted to know if you wanted to go get dinner together? Just you and me?” Joseph finally asked, completely avoiding your gaze.
He kept trying to keep himself from squeezing the base of the bouquet he bought for you, wanting to keep it in pristine condition. But at this moment, he had never felt more nervous.
“Joseph..” you took a few steps closer to him, “I love you too.”
He nearly dropped the flowers.
His gaze snapped up to meet yours, his lips slightly parted in surprise. You were never this bold, but after that long, beautiful confession, you had to tell him those few words that you had been meaning to for years.
“I– I love you, (First Name),” Joseph replied, passing the flowers to his right hand.
You carefully placed a hand on the side of his face, your thumb caressing his cheek as you slowly leaned forward. His eyes kept darting between your eyes and your lips, but never for a moment did he move away from you.
You finally pressed your lips against his, as a feeling of warmth shot through you. You could feel both of his arms snugly wrap around your waist. After a few moments passed, the two of you breaking away for air, you stared up into his eyes. You were pressed so tightly against him that you could feel how fast his heart was beating.
“So.. is this a yes to dinner?” Joseph asked, a smile gracing his handsome features.
“No,” you sarcastically responded, earning a scoff from the taller man.
“I would love to go to dinner with you, Joseph.”
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danronad · 1 year
SEB-AAA, JSF-001 and Sebastian’s photo in Joseph’s notebook.
I’ve already talked about this on Twitter, but it’s like 2:30 am now and I suddenly felt like writing a short essay on the unexpected detail we got in Hi-Fi Rush, so I decided to make this post and argue that Sebastian(SEB-AAA) and Joseph(JSF-001) are dating.
First, let’s look at the character model of Joseph Oda(with his notebook) in The Evil Within.
In The Evil Within, Joseph Oda has the photo of Sebastian Castellanos in his notebook. Okay, this is just a pure fact. We can check this in the model viewer.
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The problem is why he keeps his partner’s photo in his notebook.
Now, I’d like to examine two major hypotheses for that.
1. He needed that photo for searching for Sebastian.
Well, this hypothesis is compelling enough.
In the 1st playthrough of The Evil Within, we can find the missing person poster of Joseph, saying “Several eyewitnesses claim to have seen him searching Krimson City for someone”.
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Then, in the 2nd playthrough, we can get the missing person poster of Sebastian with the same photo Joseph had in his notebook.
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These posters imply that, before the incidents in The Evil Within, Sebastian went missing and Joseph was searching for him. Joseph was probably using that photo just for searching for him.
While some people support the idea above, other people (like me) support the another hypothesis:
2. Joseph always keeps Sebastian’s photo because he loves him.
This is such a beautiful idea.
Joseph/Sebastian is a beautiful ship. Every Sebastian and Joseph scene in The Evil Within makes us feel like we’re watching some romance movie. They definitely care about each other so much. And maybe they’re dating.
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So, these two hypotheses were both compelling enough in The Evil Within universe. Many people have had discussions for this issue, and no one really could give an clear answer.
However, in 2023, a game named Hi-Fi Rush suddenly appeared and brought up the another perspective for this problem.
First, Hi-Fi Rush gave us Sebastian and Joseph in another form: SEB-AAA and JSF-001.
Hi there handsome robots.
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Yes, somehow they became robots in Hi-Fi Rush universe.
They’re not detectives in this universe, but they’re still working as partners. They appear on the almost every level in the game, always together.
And Joseph(JSF-001) still has the photo of his partner in his little notebook.
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In Hi-Fi Rush, they’re both okay and always together and JSF-001 still has the photo of SEB-AAA.
Joseph doesn’t need to search for Sebastian now, and he still keeps the photo of him.
So, it seems Hi-Fi Rush finally gave us some kind of answer for the photo problem.
Joseph and Sebastian are boyfriends.
And that’s why Joseph keeps his photo in the notebook.
Thank you for reading.
Sebastian and Joseph are beautiful.
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ilovetheriddler · 4 months
hello! sorry for submitting another request right after my first one but i really enjoyed the first one you wrote for me! would it be alright if you wrote another joseph oda x fem reader where the reader is a rookie cop and sebastian and joseph are assigned to train her? then when she arrives for training after shaking sebastian's hand, she looks up and is sort of stunned by how pretty she thinks joseph is? and they both just sort of stare at each other for a moment, taking in each other's appearance? sort of like a love at first sight type of deal and while theyre training her he treats her more softly than he would a regular trainee? id like to imagine that this is almost like a part 1 to oblivious affections lol thank you again! i love love love your writing and i cant wait to see more from you :^)
Thank you for the request! I'm so glad that you liked the previous one, also don't worry! I don't mind that you requested another one, I love writing for Joseph! He just doesn't get enough love, in my opinion! I hope you enjoy this! 💚
A Simple Glance
(The Evil Within.) Joseph Oda x F!Reader.
(This is kind of a prequel to Oblivious Affections more or less.)
Word Count: 816.
Contents: first meeting, Love at first sight, They're both oblivious to each others feelings once again!
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You had just graduated from the academy and were being sent over to work at the Krimson City Police Department. Apparently, your first few months here are supposed to be supervised and guided by Detective Castellanos and his partner on the force, Detective Oda. You walked through the precinct a bit nervous. You had to reassure yourself that it would be fine, You had already gotten through the academy. So it should be fine.
"Miss! I'm guessing you're the rookie they sent over?"
You turned around quickly, slightly startled by the sudden voice. It was an older man, probably in his late 30s, most likely. He extended his hand towards you. You immediately shook it, maybe a bit too aggressively as a result of your slight nerves.
"Y-yes! That's me... I'm who they sent... it's nice to meet you... um...?"
"Detective Castellanos, Sebastian Castellanos. And over there is.... wait. Damn it... where did he run off to now..? Joseph!"
Another man quickly rushed through the door, Several case files pilled up in his arms.
"Sorry, Seb! The Captain asked me to look some stuff over and well... now we've got about a dozen or so case files to go through now...:
You felt your heart nearly stop as you stared at him. Fully taking in his appearance. He was about average height, had short and neatly kept jet black hair, and his eyes were a rich brown. He also had a pair of thick black rimmed glasses. He was extremely handsome in your eyes. He puts the files down and extends his hand towards you.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Detective Oda, Joseph Oda..."
You shake his hand as you continue to stare at him. His eyes seemed to widen slightly as he finally looked directly at you. Taking in how you looked. The way that your hair framed your face, the gorgeous shine of your eyes, and that genuine and kind smile. He seemed to freeze somewhat, just staring at you as well, You both continued to shake each others hands, clearly not sure when to stop.
Sebastian took in the overall sight with an amused and slightly frustrated sigh. He'd never seen two people be so clearly heads over heels with each other with just a simple glance. He immediately knew that Joseph was going to be absolutely oblivious to your clear attraction to him. He sometimes genuinely questioned how someone who was as smart and organized as Joseph could be so oblivious when it came to this sort of thing.
A few weeks had gone by before you even knew it. It's been an interesting and somewhat draining experience being trained by Sebastian and Joseph. One thing that was currently unbeknownst to you, since you hadn't really realized it yet was that Joseph was actually being a lot more gentle and soft when handling your training and whenever he reprimanded you for any mistakes, compared to how he acted towards other new rookies he's been in charge of in the past.
He watched silently as you sorted and organized some old case files. He honestly couldn't believe that he'd fall for someone so fast. However, he knew that having a strong friendship was the base of any good relationship, so he'd have to start there before he dreamed of even thinking of confessing to you. He had to be one hundred percent sure that you felt the same before he'd risk it, and if he could only ever have you as a friend, then he'd be fine with it, so long as you were by his side. He was slightly startled out of his train of thoughts as his glasses were suddenly removed.
"H-huh? What are you doing with my glasses?"
"Oh, um.. I hope you don't mind, Detective Oda. They looked really smudged and... well, I thought I could clean them off for you?"
He's slightly taken aback by your kind gesture. He watched you as you cleaned them off, well, as good as he could without his glasses, that is. He felt his face heat up slightly as you put his glasses back on him. They were a lot cleaner now. He cleared his throat some.
"Um... Thank you, and please... You don't have to call me Detective Oda, you can just call me Joseph... I insist."
"Hehe... it was no problem! I'm always glad to help you out whenever you need, Joseph!"
He nearly felt his heart stop at the sight of your sweet and kind smile. God, he had fallen hard for you, and he could only hope that it wasn't obvious. He sat down next to you and helped you finish organizing the old case files. The two of you talked and laughed over the next few hours, as you both worked on this. This was truly the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and maybe someday hopefully more.
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detectivesebcas · 11 months
White Noise (Preview)
As a homicide detective for KCPD Sebastian has seen more than a few suspicious deaths, but there’s something especially nefarious about his latest string of cases.  As one crime scene leads to another, Sebastian and his partner Joseph are forced to question everything they know about Krimson City, the police department, and even themselves.  Something is very wrong in the city they’ve sworn to protect, and the key to the whole case just might be one mysterious artist.
[Police drama/psychological thriller about our favorite pair of detectives and their unlikely artist companion.  This story will deal heavily with themes of suicide, trauma, and mental illness and will include eventual romance between Sebastian and Stefano.]
Preview below.   I expect to post the first chapter on AO3 on November 18th.
“Don’t come any closer!”
The man’s words are almost lost in the howling wind and the darkness.  The sky is black above them, and the water is black below them, and the lights of Krimson City might as well be miles away.
Sebastian throws his hands up, palms facing forward.  “I won’t!” he shouts back.  “Just don’t move.”
He wants to glance over his shoulder, but his eyes are locked on the man in front of him.   He’s young, maybe in his mid-twenties, with wild dark hair and heavy scarring on one side of his face.  Even as Sebastian watches, he turns his gaze back down to the water under the bridge.
“Hey!” Sebastian calls out, loud enough to get the man’s attention again, but hopefully not loud enough to startle him into giving up his tenuous grasp on life.
The man’s head whips around, and his one visible eye meets Sebastian’s.  In that moment he looks afraid.
“What’s your name?” Sebastian asks.
He’s pretty sure he’s supposed to establish some kind of rapport, as absurd as that seems in this situation, but he’s also painfully aware that he’s not qualified for this.  When the call came out, he was the only detective anywhere nearby.  He’s got two patrol units blocking traffic on either end of the bridge and a trained negotiator on the way, but the look in this man’s eye says there’s not going to be time for that.
The man shakes his head.  “Just let me go,” he calls back.  “Let me slip beneath the waves.”
“That’s not how it works,” Sebastian calls back.  “We’re a hundred feet in the air.   It’s like hitting concrete!”
Maybe it’s the wrong thing to say, but it’s the first thing that comes out of his mouth, and it’s true.  A look of surprise flashes across the man’s face, but he doesn’t say anything.
“Look,” Sebastian says, taking a deep breath and trying to collect his thoughts to find the right words for this situation.  “I’m Sebastian, and I want to help you-”
“It’s your job to help me,” the man snaps.
“It’s my job to investigate murders,” Sebastian says reflexively, “but I also really don’t want you to jump off this bridge.”
There’s something on the man’s face then- almost a thoughtful look- and Sebastian wonders if he’s making some headway.
“Can I come a little closer?” Sebastian asks.  “You know, so we don’t have to yell?”
The man seems to consider for a moment, then slowly nods.  He keeps his gaze locked on Sebastian, as Sebastian steadily moves forward, hands still held in the air.
“Stop,” he says suddenly when Sebastian is about six feet away from  him, and Sebastian stops, letting his breath out in one long, slow exhale.  His heart is pounding so hard that the sound of the blood rushing in his ears almost drowns out the wind.
“Are you from Krimson City?” Sebastian asks, stalling for time as he gauges the distance between them.  He’s still not close enough to make a move.  If the man lets go, he’ll fall faster than Sebastian can grab hold of him and pull him back over the railing.
“No,” the man replies, “from Florence.”
Now that they’re a little closer and he can hear him better, Sebastian can detect the man’s accent.  He’s still looking at Sebastian, eye wild and hair swept up in the wind.  Florence seems like such an exotic, interesting place compared to Krimson City that Sebastian has to ask, “How’d you end up here?”
There’s a tiny hint of a smile on the man’s face.  “That’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time,” Sebastian says.  He can feel a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth until the man’s next words make his blood run cold.
“I don’t.”
He turns his head to look down at the water again, and Sebastian can see his chest rising and falling rapidly.
“Wait!” he calls out, every muscle in his body coiled and ready to spring forward.
The man slowly turns back toward him, and this time his eye is cold and his face is expressionless.
“You will remember in time,” he says.  “I can show you.”
Sebastian opens his mouth to ask what the hell that means, but his eyes snap down to the man’s hands, which are spasming on the railing of the bridge, clenched tight one moment and almost slack the next.
He’s out of time.
He lunges forward, hurling himself against the railing so hard he’s in danger of flying over himself, but he wraps his arms around the man’s chest, hauling him back over the railing and onto the bridge where they collapse in a heap on the ground, panting and shaking.
He holds the man firmly against his chest.
“What?” Sebastian says, his brain struggling to process what the man is saying.
“My name is Stefano.”
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autumn0689 · 6 months
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Stefano Valentini seems like the kind of guy to blast Classical Music extremely loudly if someone annoys him, drowning the person out.
Stefano Valentini seems like the kind of guy who has like dozens of the same outfit so that he can wear it all the time
Stefano Valentini seems like the kind of guy who read a dictionary so that he can insult people with the words he had learned
Stefano Valentini seems like the kind of guy who says he loves expensive food but has never tried any because he never had the money to try any (because like he wasn’t that famous of an artist and was known for being controversial. I do imagine he had some money but not a lot to go eating at expensive restaurants)
Stefano Valentini seems like the kind of guy who isn’t a fan of loud animals so he got a fish as a pet and was actually a pretty good owner to the fish and has a photo of it
Stefano Valentini seems like the kind of guy who loves to insult people in Italian because most people in Krimson City doesn’t know Italian so he insults someone using a seductive tone
Stefano Valentini seems like the kind of guy who can monologue for hours with no stopping
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flickys-courage-club · 6 months
Introducing Barry!
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Species: Cat
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Family: Nathan(Father), Teresa(Mother), Marie(Grandmother), Brandon(Grandfather), Nathaniel(Ancestor), Miranda(Ancestor), Barrett(Ancestor) Lauren(Grandmother), Oliver(Uncle), Matt(Grandfather)
Likes: Roses, fantasy movies, action movies, his parents Nathan and Teresa, rabbits, cats, spending time with Courage, Bunitty(platonic love interest), becoming a detective, mystery shows
Dislikes: Courage in danger, Muriel in danger, danger, his friends in danger, spiders(except Tyrone and his spider crew), Toxin(worst enemy), spicy food, getting scared, violence, his family in danger, Eustace Bagge(enemies)
Friends: Courage, Muriel, Felix, Clive, Justin, Maxwell, Olive, Geo, Charlie, Bunny, Kitty, Bunitty(platonic love interest), Gabriel, Russell, Platinum, Milo(Uncle to him), Grayson, Shady(Childhood best friend/brotherly figure), Computer, Team Frostbite(Damien the Wolf, Malcolm the Mountain Hare, Snowflake the Arctic Fox, Chief Azrael etc), Absolute Six(Jasper, Cyan, Marina, Hurley, Jackson and Carmen), Aden, Eight Tribes of Honour(Lucifer, Claude, Nigel, Krimson, Iram, Blizzard, Twigs and Possum Mob), Fred, Lord Blade VI, Cannibals of Vintage City, Bon, Cyril, Hunchback of Nowhere, Bigfoot, Duck Brothers, Dr Vindaloo, Courage's parents, Animals of Fear Gang
Neutral: Shirley, General, Lieutenant, Banana Suit Dealer
Enemies: Eustace, Fred(formerly), Katz, Le Quack, Cajun Fox, Weremole, Black Puddle Queen, Clutching Foot, Mad Dog, King Ramses, Sirius, Toxin, Alan, Jacob, Raven, Cruel Veterinarian, Vore, Thursday, Tuesday, Saber, Slice, Dice, Amaris, Sin Clowns(Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy and Sloth), Fear King, Fear Slaves, Di Lung, Mecha Courage, Ma Bagge, Gem, Evangeline the Musical Mistress, Bone Antler
He has a fear of spiders because of the abuse he got from Toxin who is in fact a spider himself.
Barry knows how to hold a gun, however it's a toy gun that shoots corks instead of bullets. He learnt his technique of handling his toy gun by his ancestor Barrett.
He is neutral to Shirley the Medium. He shows respect to her but worries about the curses she puts onto others.
After rescuing Bunitty from Mad Dog, the two became really friends, until they both start to have platonic feelings for each other.
His interactions with the General and the Lieutenant left him in dismay, due to the them fighting with each other or their "antics" as Barry refers it all to.
Barry has become a victim hunted down by Thursday and Tuesday AKA Feline Hunters, since he is a cat.
In the crossover; Straight Outta Nowhere! Scooby Doo Meets Courage The Cowardly Dog. Barry becomes allies with the Mystery Inc. His favourite members of it are Shaggy and Scooby Doo.
Barry loves watching mystery shows, which got him dreaming of becoming an great detective.
Barry's relationship with Computer didn't go well at first, because Computer became (of course) a bit of a jerk to him, until Computer was aware that Barry has anxiety. By that, he now helps Barry how to cope with anxiety.
Barry is allies with Team Frostbite, Absolute Six and Eight Tribes of Honour, he sees Team Frostbite and Tribes of Honour as family figures.
He loves his grandparents Marie and Brandon. Marie loves him dearly and Brandon has a soft spot for him, he tends to nickname him "Scamp" if he forgets his grandson's name.
Whenever Courage isn't around with him, he takes the role as Courage himself. He does remember two of his catchphrases and says them whenever he is in a dangerous situation. The catchphrases being "The things i do for love!" and "I know something bad is gonna happen or if my name is [random name]! And I'm glad it's not."
Barry has the ability to sense any danger that is coming
Barry is the one who set Lucifer free by his order and he fully knows that he has gained freedom.
Barry had an ultimate regret by setting Fear King free. This is because the King was abusing him psychological and uses his anxiety for his goals, but only to make it more worse, but then Barry finally stands up to him, telling him that releasing him was the worse idea he had done and he now sends him back to his book for all eternity and throw it out.
Despite having a fear of spiders, Barry became allies with Tyrone and his spider crew. It was said by Barry that he doesn't fear spiders that show kindness to him
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losersimonriley · 5 months
I have a question for you
Where do you think Krimson City be?
(It is somewhere based in the US from what the wiki says but I'm not sure where)
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Oh this is interesting! I’ve never thought about it but it definitely reminds me of the east coast. Maryland maybe? That could be cool. Id say somewhere along the upper or southern coasts geographically-wise but alas the accents. Although Florida is definitely a believable setting for the absolute insanity of tew. Florida man sent into a horrorscape in someone else’s brain, emerges victorious and slightly frazzled.
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ruvviks · 4 months
hiiii for nathan ofc: 🎻🍎🖤🧐🔺💯 >:)
nathan asks!
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
answered here! but to expand some more on it: nathan would also love to be able to play the piano, since he also regularly listens to classical music and it always sounds very cool to him. ruben knows how to play the piano so he ends up teaching him :] don't worry about the shift from ruvik to ruben. stuff happens in my continued post game events storyline. he's friend now
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
answered here! but to expand some more on it: there's many small towns between krimson city and sacramento which are the small towns you see in tew1. nathan would've passed through them on occasion but has never really stayed there for longer than the few minutes he would've been driving through them, and has generally always felt uneasy there. the towns don't look exactly as in tew1 in my canon because tew1 doesn't really feel like the united states in my honest opinion in terms of appearance but they would have similar vibes, just. modernized a bit to the point they don't burn down some barn with fucking. torches. as if we're in medieval times
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
nathan has killed his parents :] they have hated him since he was born, then accused him of killing his younger sister rosie which got him sent to a jdc which was secretly mobius testing grounds in disguise and he was treated horribly there, and then when he was allowed to return home they continued to abuse and neglect him until he snapped at age 16 and grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed them both <3
after that, nathan has killed many many more people while working for mobius. he did a lot of field work (still as a teenager!!) because he was small and slippery and could easily get in and out of locations unseen, which made him perfect for eliminating important assets so mobius could instead get one of their own people in that position
🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional?
nathan is very very logical. he kind of has to be, given the situations he finds himself in and given he works for the most powerful organization in the world and they could kill him at any given opportunity if he as much as sneezes wrong. he's a very objective man and always prioritizes the task at hand over anything else, he doesn't let himself get distracted by things he deems irrelevant to his work and because of that he is as effective and efficient as he is, but can also be described as cold and uncaring by others
later on, when he gets a lot more friends, he becomes a lot more emotional in how he acts and makes decisions. he is very loyal to the people he cares about and would both kill and die for them, and it doesn't really matter to him what happens to himself or what happens to the initial plan, he just wants to keep his loved ones safe
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
answered here! but to expand some more on it: nathan also really likes sniper rifles. he prefers a stealthy approach over anything else to begin with which is why he likes knives and handguns (a lot less loud than, say, a shotgun, would be), and a sniper rifle gives him a nice distance from his enemies which makes the combat a lot less stressful. especially while in union during the events of tew2 he can be found covering sebastian's back a lot from the rooftops with his rifle
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
nathan is left-handed when it comes to combat (firing guns, handling melee weapons, throwing punches or grenades) but right-handed when it comes to writing and doing other things, picking up objects etc etc! he taught himself this in case he injures his left hand in combat, then he can still do everything else normally with his good right hand
the white streaks in nathan's hair are natural, and he's had them all his life :] he also has a few vitiligo spots on his body, the most prominent one near his left eye and eyebrow which is why part of his eyebrow and eyelashes on that side also lack pigment
nathan has no personal beef with ruvik from the start. he's not around for the events of the first game so he doesn't experience the beacon incident and thus doesn't get almost killed by the guy like sebastian and kidman, and generally he doesn't really care that ruvik took control of the STEM environment after mobius took his brain out of his body to use as the core of the device because. well. <- that summary alone would have made him been like "that's somewhat understandable given the circumstances" and he didn't really see the point of continuing development of THAT device when mobius was already working on an iteration of it anyway. so basically when in my own tew3 (post game events in classic bones style. sorry. extended blorboverse 2.0) he comes face to face with ruvik, he doesn't see him as a threat as much as sebastian does and instead is mostly just curious what has brought him back to the device in abandoned beacon mental hospital
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agonybow · 3 months
" i was told you were my help. "
it wasn't often sebastian was shipped out to other towns, but he felt he had been grating on the nerves of the chief. without joseph around to cushion the blows of his sharp-edged words and his blunt honesty, sebastian constantly walked a trail of thin ice around his peers. it didn't help when they made him out to be crazy. when they acted like he was crazy.
idly, he fidgeted with his carton of cigarettes, debating pulling one. it was rude to immediately start smoking during a first meeting, but, he didn't really care.
world-weary eyes look over his fellow detective, surveying her. she seemed young, baby-faced, fresh. he was told otherwise, and that she was subsequently his levant connection for the krimson homicide that had blessedly connected the two cities. lucky them.
" ... detective sebastian castellanos, " he eventually conceded, passing the cigarette carton to his other hand to hold out his right for a shake. " it's... detective sabine, right? "
civil. he could be civil.
@dayjobs // starter call
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lexisketchart · 2 months
Hey! Love your art and your jak and daxter ocs! May I have an info dump about them please?
I would love to! For the most part right now I have mostly Catherine written so I'm gonna just put everything about her so far here
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I'm still working on a lot of this so its still pretty rough Catherine Vega was born in the slums of Haven City. From a young age, she displayed a strong sense of justice, a trait that often got her into trouble. At the age of 17, she was involved in an altercation with a group of KG, leading to an entire team being injured by her. Recognizing her potential, Errol gave her a choice: Join the Krimson Guard or die. Reluctantly, she chose to join.
            Despite her initial resentment, Catherine’s exceptional combat skills, strategic mind and unwavering dedication set her apart from other recruits. Rising through the ranks due to her natural talent and relentless drive, she eventually became an elite captain known for her fearless leadership and loyalty to her comrades. During this time, she developed a complicated relationship with Errol. Their relationship was a volatile mix of competition and comfort, often finding solace in each other when not clashing over missions or strategies.
            Catherines uncompromising sense of justice often clashed with Errols’ pragmatic approach to maintaining order, leading to heated debates and moments of friction. Amidst the turmoil of their duties and the ever-present threat of the underground, Catherine and Errol found moments of Solace in each other’s company, seeing it as a break from the relentless demands of their respective positions.
            During a high-stakes mission against the underground, Catherine made a critical decision to protect civilians that led to unforeseen disaster. A powerful explosive device meant to weed out the underground, detonated prematurely due to a miscalculation, causing significant collateral damage and casualties. Though her actions saved many lives, the incident led to an internal investigation, and she was placed on leave pending the outcome. At this time Errol and Catherine had split up as they drifted apart.
            While on leave, Catherine decided to leave Haven city and travel out to Kras, drawn by the combat racing circuit. She ended up getting into a trial race in an attempt to prove herself as a combat racer and quickly discovered her natural talent for racing. Her background as a KG captain gave her an edge in the high-speed, high-stakes environment. She was soon recruited by Razer to join Mizo’s team. Catherine’s rise in the combat racing world was meteoric. Her strategic thinking, quick reflexes and fearless nature made her a formidable competitor. She soon gained the respect and admiration of fellow racers and fans alike, becoming a champion racer during that year’s Kras city grand championship.
            Catherine found herself spending more time with Razer and they had discovered a mutual understanding of the sacrifices required to succeed in their profession. Razer’s calmer demeanor balanced Catherines intensity. They found solace in each other’s company, with both providing a sense of stability and comfort to the other.
            As news of the metal head threat in Haven City grew dire, Catherine felt an undeniable pull to return to her roots and fulfill her duty as a KG captain. Despite the internal conflicts and unresolved issues, she returned to Haven City, preparing to face off against the metal heads. Her return was met with curiosity and suspicion from her fellow guards.
 She would oversee security operations, including the fortification of Krimson Guard strongholds and the implementation of security measures to counteract the escalating threats from both the underground and the metal heads. She played a key role in monitoring enemy movements and gathering information to preempt potential threats against the KG.
            When Baron Praxis was struck down and Haven City fell into chaos, Catherine knew she had to leave to survive. She fled to Spargus, following her mothers’ footsteps and becoming a wastelander. Her resilience and combat skills earned her a place amongst the Wastelanders. She would eventually be tasked with helping Jak learn the ropes of the Wasteland. Despite previously being on opposing sides, she recognized Jak’s potential and guided him the same way she would her team in the KG.              When the threat of the dark makers loomed over the world, Catherine chose to help defend Spargus from the impending attack. Once news of the defeat of Errol and the Dark Makers, Catherine decided to make her way back to Kras, reclaiming her position as a driver for Mizos team.
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