#Kris Xie
jonna-thure-agnes · 5 months
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謝駿青 (Xie Junqing)
0 notes
tarotwithlove · 4 months
PICK A CARD ⋆ if you were a deity...
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in this reading, we will answer the following:
what are your powers/abilities?
what would you be known and worshipped for?
what would your followers and worshippers be like?
reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · BOOK A 2024 YEAR AHEAD READING WITH ME (GENERAL OR NSFW) · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
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cards · eight of cups, seven of swords, knight of pentacles, the chariot (reversed), the fool, ten of pentacles, page of wands. 
channelled songs · safer in the forest/love song for poor michigan by la dispute. runway by mariah carey. sky by spillage village. identity by taemin. 
my dear group one ♡ if you were a deity, you would be one with the power of resurrection. you would be able to raise people, animals, and all other forms of natural life from the dead. for some, this power of resurrection is much like that of the christian god who, most noticeably, resurrected jesus christ. for others, this power of resurrection comes more in the form of persephone's, who, with her appearance, 'resurrects' the world by bringing forth spring. 
as a deity, you would be known for being somewhat of a frugal and humble god. i'm thinking of xie lian from heaven official’s blessing by mxtx, who often closely involves himself in the matters of humans even when he should not. even at the risk of his godhood. you would be known as a god who goes out of your way for your worshippers, with your worshippers knowing that any attention they give to you you will give back to them tenfold. a deity who would rather live in ruins, amongst nature, than in a mansion - and, thus, you would be a deity of the common people. 
your followers would worship you with flowers and offerings of honey. using these things to primarily ask you to help them with as they embark on new avenues. much like lord ganesha must be worshipped before one starts something new, this is how and why your followers would worship you. coming to you to ask you to ‘resurrect’ and bring life into their new businesses, new jobs, new career opportunities, and new academic pursuits more than anything else. 
once again, your followers would mostly consist of common people. these are humble people who want to better their lives, and the lives of the people around them. as you are seen as a selfless deity, you may have a reputation of being a deity who helps selfless people above anyone else. and so you will attract worshippers who are family and community oriented; worshippers who want to use the wealth and success you bless them with primarily for the betterment of others -- for example, worshippers who ask you to bless them with new job opportunities so that they may better look after their aging parents, or worshippers who ask you to bless their charity organisation so that they may truly uplift the community.
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cards · queen of pentacles, judgement, nine of wands, the high priestess, king of wands, the hanged man, eight of wands. 
channelled songs · amino acid by nct 127. free by florence + the machine. babygirl by maeta. all i wanna do by moonbin & sanha. 
my dear group two ♡ as soon as i pulled your first two cards, the goddess lakshmi came to mind, who, upon consideration, is much like the queen of pentacles herself. you would be a deity with the power to bring success, abundance, and prosperity into your follower’s lives. as a deity, you would be abundance personified, and everything you touch turns to gold -- metaphorically, of course. your power is so great that you could turn a single grain into a field of wheat, ready to harvest; a single dollar into a fortune; a house into a home; a cold-hearted businessman into a humble monk devoted to spirit. 
you may be known as one half of a pair of deities, much like lord krishna and radha or zeus and hera. that you are partnered with another powerful deity makes you even more loved and revered by your worshippers; makes you even more powerful in their eyes. you will be known as a deity of love. as a deity who does anything for the sake of love and in the name of love. as a deity who is moved by the love of others. 
story may pass, from worshipper to worshipper, of times when you went above and beyond for lovers. of times when you were so moved by a lover's desperate pleas that you granted them a great boon. 
thus, many of your worshippers may be young lovers who come to you to ask you to bless them in love, to bless their marriages, and to keep their lovers safe. your worshippers may have an idealised image of you, as this supreme love deity -- the love deity above all love deities -- and while this may not be why you primarily made yourself known to humanity you will be moved by their love -- too moved to ever truly ignore or deny them. they may be a bit naive, and you may often try to open their eyes to the realities of life without jading their hearts to the beauty of love. 
once your worshippers start to worship you, they cling to you. even people who may have hopped from deity to deity, going to whoever may provide a certain blessing at a certain time in their life, will stick to you, loyally, until they die. 
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cards · the world, the moon (reversed), eight of wands, the world, king of pentacles, the hierophant, two of swords. 
channelled songs · tulsa jesus freak by lana del rey. ain’t equal by megan thee stallion. dedication by epik high. say it by flume & tove lo. 
my dear group three ♡ if you were a deity, you would have the power of flight, as well as the power to communicate with and command flying animals -- birds, primarily, but also flying animals significant to the culture of which you belong. you will also have the power to appear to people in their dreams, and it is through dreams -- and visions -- that people will receive your messages. 
you may not have many devout worshippers, but that is how you like it. you are a nomadic deity, who finds greater pleasure in travelling from place to place and helping whosoever may need your help, rather than confining yourself to a singular place of worship and to only helping those who ask for you specifically. 
you seem like a mysterious deity. one who works in secret. you will often go to temples and places of worship that are not devoted to you, listen to prayers that are not meant for you, and grant blessings to people whose prayers have gone unheard by the deity they were meant for. the old man who spent the last ten years asking vishnu to please be reunited with the son he was separated from? you will grant him this boon before he passes. the young woman who spent the last three months asking artemis to please bless her with a job? you will grant her this boon. the girl who spent the last year praying to god to please bring her mother a good partner? you will grant her this boon.
you will do all this selflessly. never taking credit. happy enough just to have done a good deed and brought a blessing to someone who you see as most deserving of it. you will go from place to place, playing your flute -- or instrument of choice -- doing what you can in any way you can. 
though while you may never take credit, there may always be signs that it was you who answered this prayer instead of another deity. a particular scenario is coming to mind, at this point where i asked what your worshippers would be like: a young man joyfully tells a priest of how his prayer has finally been answered by god. this priest listens to him, with a gentle, knowing smile. when he finishes, answering the priest's leading questions here and there, this priest says, "why, that was not [god] but rather [group three]." 
people will have specific dreams before they are about to be granted a blessing by you. wake up with a strange, particular feeling. they will see birds or a particular bird that is associated with you. signs of you will be all around them but, as you are not a particularly well-known god, they will disregard it as coincidence or find a way to attribute it to their deity of choice. 
because of how little-known you keep yourself, many of your followers may be older spiritual people who have devoted themselves to the pursuit of god. priests, monks, religious teachers, intellectuals and avid readers, not the average layperson. there may not be any temples devoted to you, but your worshippers will keep shrines to you neat and clean. doing anything to keep memory and worship of you alive, in any small way possible. 
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cards · the fool, ten of pentacles, eight of cups (reversed), ace of cups (reversed), queen of swords, death, three of swords (reversed).
channelled songs · sounds from hell by dj rozwell. nanana by got7. odd sense by vixx. area codes by kaliii. 
my dear group four ♡ as a deity, you will have the power to grant eternal youth and immortality to others. in some instances, this power may take the form of you ensuring that your worshippers gain immortality and live on through their works and legacy. the fool is a card of new beginnings, limitless potential, and youthfulness, and this manifests as you being a deity of the dead. or a deity of the underworld. ushering souls from one world to the next. preparing souls to transition from one life to the next life, or from life to the afterlife. 
of all the groups, your messages have been the hardest to channel. and this is likely because of the nature of the deity you would be. this god of death. a god enshrouded in mystery. a god who would be revered and feared in equal parts, with many things you are known for being misconception and misunderstanding. or from an unwillingness to research or understand you for fear that this would welcome you -- and, thus, welcome death -- into one's life. 
much like hades, you would be worshipped as part of funeral rites and rituals. you may have a small devout cult of worshippers, but generally, most people worship you only when they are faced with death. they worship you on their deathbed, asking you to make their death a peaceful one and guide them to a peaceful afterlife. they worship you, desperately, at the bedside of their loved ones. they worship you in the days after a death. 
as a god of death, the afterlife, and the underworld, perceptions of you would be conflicted. you would be seen as a fair but cruel deity, as, of course, you are only doing what you must to keep the natural order of the world in line. you are only doing what you must do. but death is cruel. and in the throes of grief, people may often curse at you, asking, "how could you do this? how could you let this happen?" even when they understand that this is what must happen. 
most hold disdain for you. others a fearful respect for you; a distant awe.
your worshippers, on the other hand, will be people who, in accepting the inevitability of their death, truly love life. they may dress in dark colours and be cult-like in their worship of you, keeping the true worship practices of you private and passed directly from worshipper to worshipper or family member to family member. your worshippers may have a reputation for being dark, evil, or demonic -- when, much like you, they are simply misunderstood. 
i envision your followers gathering in a forest to dance, laugh, and engage in worship of you. depending on the sect, they may make sacrifices to you, in the form of slaughtering animals, offering up their own blood and life force, and promising their lives to you. 
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major bracket contestants
a whopping 64! see all the teams, the contestants, and the fandoms below. i likely won't be including who's in the teams in the polls due to character limits, but the fandoms will be there. if you want to suggest better team names, my askbox is open!
team greek mythology (greek mythology) consists of odysseus, io, and orpheus
team percy jackson (riordanverse) consists of percy jackson, nico di angelo, luke castellan, apollo/lester papadopoulos, and also the rest of the cast!
gabriel (ultrakill)
orel puppington (moral orel)
teams tma and apotheosis banded together to form: team be not afraid (the magnus archives and just roll with it: apotheosis) consists of jonathan sims, martin blackwood, peter sqloint, thanatos, rumi, and exandroth
quasimodo (the hunchback of notre dame)
volo (pokemon)
anders (dragon age)
team mechanisms (the mechanisms) consists of galahad and drumbot brian
team awakening (fire emblem: awakening) consists of robin and lucina
akito sohma (fruits basket)
jack kennedy (dayshift at freddy's)
kristen applebees (dimension 20: fantasy high)
team cookie run (cookie run: kingdom) consists of white lily cookie and pastry cookie
chosen one (animator-vs-animation 2-5)
the entire cast of midnight mass (midnight mass)
team charlie pc (jrwi: riptide and jrwi: fated) consists of gillion tidestrider and br'aad vengolor
matthias helvar (six of crows)
team genshin (genshin impact) consists of la signora, scaramouche, and kaeya
stanford pines, catra, and adora, banded together to form: team lets go lesbians (gravity falls and she-ra: princesses of power) consists of stanford pines, catra, and adora
zagreus (hades game)
team tgcf (heaven official's blessing/ti guan ci fu) consists of xie lian, qi rong, and he xuan. yikes
team real life (real life) consists of me, you, submitter, and submitter's dad
scp-096 (scp foundation)
team three houses (fire emblem: three houses) consists of all the characters especially byleth!
team free will (supernatural) consists of sam winchester, dean winchester, and castiel
seven brothers (obey me! one master to rule them all)
salem (RWBY)
beverly toegold (not another d&d podcast (NADDPOD))
raven (new teen titans)
team warrior cats (warriors) consists of hollyleaf, lionblaze, jayfeather, ivypool, dovewing, goosefeather, leafpool, shadowsight, and also the rest of the cats!
team steven universe (steven universe) consists of steven universe, pearl, and the corrupted gems
sister carpenter (the silt verses)
team botw (breath of the wild) consists of link and zelda
lloyd garmadon (ninjago)
all of the boiling isles especially hunter (the owl house)
jack harkness (doctor who/torchwood)
team we know the devil (we know the devil) consists of neptune, venus, and jupiter
the hollow knight (hollow knight)
hyness (kirby: star allies)
edward and alphonse elric (fullmetal alchemist)
casey jones jr (rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles)
the outsider (dishonored)
five pebbles (rain world)
town of hatchetfield (hatchetfield) consists of literally everyone!
the holy quintet (puella magi madoka magica) consists of homura akemi, madoka kamane, sayaka miki, kyouko sakura, and tomoe mami
yuna (final fantasy x)
arthur lester (malevolent)
aziraphale and crowley (good omens)
marble hornets cast (marble hornets) specifically jay, tim, alex, and brian
team critical (critical role) consists of kashaw “kash” vesh and vax’ildan
norman minecraft (ghost and pals)
team trigun and team traumageddon banded together to form: four gays in a trenchcoat (trigun and bungou stray dogs) consists of vash the stampede, nicholas wolfwood, chuuya nakahara, and atsushi nakajima but then they joined hands with yoo joonghyuk and kim dokja to form: six gays in a trenchcoat (trigun and bungou stray dogs and omniscient reader's viewpoint) consists of vash the stampede, nicholas wolfwood, chuuya nakahara, atsushi nakajima, yoo joonghyuk, and kim dokja
kfc dreemurrs (undertale and deltarune) consists of kris, frisk, and chara dreemurr
team princess (princess tutu) consists of ahiru and fakir
vector (yugioh)
nicolo di genova (the old guard)
team bible (the bible) consists of jesus christ himself and the devil aka satan aka lucifer!
niko (oneshot)
team mistborn (mistborn) consists of vin and sazed
MYSTERY CONTESTANT (mystery fandom) consists of many mystery people
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zoguy1 · 11 days
So. Every June, I try to challenge myself by posting something for Pride Month. For the past couple years, it's been ships with cute little pride flags. This year, the priority focus will be on the Trolls Summer Gift exchange. But at the very least I'd like to show ya'll the ones I've made in the past.
2022 bundle:
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Bi Hiccup x Gay Jack. Fun fact: This was the first gay couple I've ever laid my eyes on as a young child. I saw this ship and thought "I want that kind of relationship."
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Bi Tony x Gay Rudolph Watching the 2017 movie, these two reminded me of Luca and Alberto so much.
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Aro Merida You get it? Cuz she's an archer. It's funny. Laugh.
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Bi Nan Fang x Ace Fu Yao The headcannon was based off of a fanfic I read a while ago.
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Demi Ace Xie Lian x Gay Hua Cheng. I sevearly enjoyed the series. I occasionally eat fics of these two as comfort foods.
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Pan Xu Xuan x Trans Xiao Bai White snake was basically 2 hours of "What you are doesn't matter, it's who you are that matters", THEE Pansexual anthem, and then the second movie Turned Blanca into a guy? This is cannon.
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Ace Liu Qingge x Bi Shen Yuan Imma be honest. I didn't like SVSSS very much. Yandere's are not my cup of tea. And I was really hoping Shizun would have gotten with Liu-shidi instead.
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Gay Luca x Gay Alberto I'm so glad Luberto was actually confirmed to be somewhat cannon. Though Nowadays I see Luca as bi, cuz if we're counting the concept art as apart of the lore, then Luca had a crush on both Alberto and Giulia.
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Gay Jade x Gay Katie. Kate is the first character I actually felt scene as a queer person.
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Genderfluid Shi Qingxuan I freaking love them so much. Easily my favorite character.
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Aro Nezha This kid knows chaos and only chaos.
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Pan Adam x Gray Ace Freddy I saw this crossover on DA and thought they made so much sense together. Adam the literal personification of nature, and Freddy the unification of humanity and animals.
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Non-Binary Merz x Lesbian Alice These two are OCs of mine.
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Aro Lesbian Isabela and Aro Lesbian Elsa. I ship this in a sort of queer platonic way. Like a "we don't really want to date people, but everyone thinks we're dating, and we just don't care enough to correct them." kind of way.
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Genderfluid Camilo I want the ability to shapeshift so badly.
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Pan Ao Bing x Bi Xiao Jiu Ya'll get brownie points if you know which Ao Bing this is and double points if you know who Xiao Jiu is. Lol. It was a random crossover ship I made because the company liked to crossover their medias for advertisements, and we see the adults interacting and having fun, and Nezha joins them. But we don't see the two teenagers interact at all.
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Bi Verta x Bi Li Yunxiang Another crossover ship I made up cuz I didn't see a lot of Nezha Reborn and White Snake crossovers. Which surprised me, especially after Green Snake.
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Gay Jiang Ziya x Gay Shen Gongbao These two lived in the same house together for 10 years and adopted a daughter together. I am convinced these two are a married couple.
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Bi Mirabel There was a little bisexual rainbow on her dress. That's proof enough for me. Lol.
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Lesbian Amaya x Lesbian Janai I loved seeing their dynamic in the show.
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Non-Binary Kazi I love them. I'm glad they got more attention in the show.
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Lesbian Susie x Trans Noelle "Why does Noelle have antlers. Is she trans? The Null the Null the Null the Null..."
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Non-Binary Kris I love them. They literally never said a word, and I love them.
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AroAce Krel Based on a comic I made.
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Aro Blaze Another OC.
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Aro Douxie Idk why, but I get that vibe from him.
2023 Pack:
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Furry Omni Toby x Furry Demigirl Darci The moment Darci said she didn't want people to like her just because she was a girl, I felt that in my soul.
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Bi Steve x Pan Aja I am not convinced Steve is straight.
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Pan Simon x Gay Ao Bing This ship was inspired by a youtube video that had a list of crossover ships, this being on of them. And I freaking love it.
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AroAce Sun Wukong and AroAce Tang Sanzang In Monkey King Reborn, out of everyone in the friend group, you can just tell that these two cared about each other the most. And I think that's just sweet.
Fuck. I can only have 30 images per post. I'll reblog with the rest of the 2023 pack.
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Season 1 Participants, aka characters you can't submit for Season 2
Abed Nadir from Community
Takao Hiyama from Mirai Nikki
Rue Koroha alias Princess Kraehe from Princess Tutu
Vasilis Deerlington from Blackout Hospital
Kanatsun from Entropic Float
Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece
Gord from Dead End: Paranormal Park
Yuni alias Cure Cosmo from Star Twinkle Precure
Erin Parker from Ordem Paranormal
Alina Starkov from Shadow & Bone
Shikamaru Nara from Naruto
Luciano Carvalho from Ordem Paranormal
Mrs Coulter from His Dark Materials (TV show)
The Snatcher from A Hat in Time
Soren from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Blon Fel-fotch Pasameer Day Slitheen from Doctor Who
Kaladin Stormblessed from The Stormlight Archive
Gabriel from ULTRAKILL
Alicent Hightower from House of the Dragon
Agatha Volkomenn from Ordem Paranormal
Fanny from Battle for Dream Island
Jonathan Harker from Dracula
Mathangi "Maya" Mantra alias Mathangi Ten Meti from Kill Six Billion Demons
Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
RGB from The Property of Hate
Test tube from Inanimate Insanity
Peril from Wings of Fire
Magolor from Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Kamisato Ayaka from Genshin Impact
Nathan Ford from Leverage
Mercymorn from The Locked Tomb
Caeden from The Licanius Trilogy
Phone Guy from five Nights at Freddy's
Red Velvet Cookie from Cookie Run
Ukiyo Ace from Kamen Rider Geats
Alanna of Trebond from Song of the Lioness
Gordon Freeman from Half-Life
Ortus Nigenad from The Locked Tomb
Vic Sage alias The Question from DC Comics
Edelgard from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Soap from Inanimate Insanity
Lancelot from the Arthurian Cycle
Kirby from Kirby
Bernkastel from Umineko: When They Cry
Gaius from Fire Emblem: Awakening
Ashton Greymoore from Critical Role Campaign Three: Bells Hells
Tobari Durandal Kumohire from Nabari no Ou
Yoite from Nabari no Ou
Yuuki Terumi alias Takehaya Susano'o from Blazblue
Vanitas from Vanitas no Carte
Marina Ida from Splatoon 2
Marcia Overstrand from The Septimus Heap
Noé Archiviste from Vanitas no Carte
Will Graham from Hannibal
Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives
Anders from Dragon Age 2
Kris Dreemurr from Deltarune
Nagito Komaeda from Super Danganrompa 2: Goodbye Despair
Denji from Chainsaw Man
Raistlin Majere from The Dragonlance Chronicles
Jayfeather from Warrior Cats
Asa Mitaka from Chainsaw Man
Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Bain from Payday: the Heist and Payday 2
Kaworu Nagisa from Neon Genesis Evangelion
Zim from Invader Zim
Zeke von Genbu from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Vash the Stampede from Trigun
Jesse Faden from Control
Peridot from Steven Universe
Kevin from Welcome to Nightvale
Gingi from Dialtown: Phone Dating Sim
Randy Jade from Dialtown: Phone Dating Sim
Nick Valentine from Fallout 4
Makoto Misumi from Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
Max from Camp Camp
Pearl from Splatoon 2
Volo from Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Gabriel-Bede from Eidolon POP
Wanderer from Genshin Impact
Adrien Agreste from Myraculous Ladybug
RoboKing from Katamari Forever
Marie from Splatoon
N from Pokémon Black & White
Link from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Milligan from the Mysterious Benedict Society
Oscar from The Umbrella Academy (TV show)
Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney
Carlos the Scientist from Welcome to Nightvale
Taako from The Adventure Zone: Balance
Lavernius Tucker from Red vs. Blue
Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney
HiMERU from Ensemble Stars!
Agatha Heterodyne from Girl Genius
Max Headroom from Max Headroom: 20 Minutes Into the Future and The Original Max Talking Headroom Show
Ron Delite from Ace Attorney
Xie Lian from Heaven's Official Blessing
Yumyulack from Solar Opposites
Grelle Sutcliff from Black Butler
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz from Phineas & Ferb
Sunless alias Sunny from Shadow Slave
Qifrey from Witch Hat Atelier
Miss Piggy from The Muppets
Aether from Genshin Impact
Luciferen from Your Wings and Mine
Phosphophylite from Houseki no Kuni
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III from How to Train Your Dragon (book series)
Kyle Rayner alias Green Lantern from DC Comics
Meng Zhi from Lang Ya Bang
Maze Myers from the Ebon Ward
Alys Hunter from Itopia
Enid Sinclair from Wednesday
Dina Saruyama from Dumbing of Age
Silvana Greone from Noir
Noise from Roleslaying with Roman
Rincewind from Discworld
Grantaire from Les Misérables (book)
Gideon Nav from the Locked Tomb
Harrowhark Nonagesimus from the Locked Tomb
Seishin Muroi from Shiki
Himeno from Chainsaw Man
Stacy from Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Red from Angry Birds
Benjamin Sisko from Star trek: Deep Space Nine
Donatello from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Kian from Ordem Paranormal
BoJack Horseman from BoJack Horseman
Diane Nguyen from BoJack Horseman
Arven from Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Joshua Kiryu from The World Ends with You
Oswald Cobblepot alias The Penguin from gotham (TV series)
Artemy Burakh from Patologic
James Wilson from House MD
Mari from Drawn to Life
T.O.B.O.R. from MySims
Irene Adler from the Sherlock Holmes canon
Luo Binghe from Scum Villain Self Saving System
Wayne Terrisborn from Mistborn Era 2
Kell Maresh from Shades of Magic
Sam Lloyd alias Sergei Lubovitch from The Diviners
Linhardt von Hevring from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings (Peter Jackson movies)
Happosai from Ranma 1/2
Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4
Jiang Cheng from Mo Dao Zu Shi
Juno Steel from The Penumbra Podcast
Mr. Pages from Fallen London
Sissel from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Briana "Bree" Matthews from The Legendborn Cycle
Marsh from Mistborn
Bellatine Yaga from Thistlefoot
Jaeger from Finder
Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation
Beverly Toegold V from Not Another DnD Podcast
Darkstalker from Wings of Fire
Death the Kid from Soul Eater
Guido Mista from JoJo's Bizzarre Adventure: Golden Wing
Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Faith Lehane from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Szeth-son-son-Vallano from The Stormlight Archive
Balat Davar from The Stormlight Archive
Sanjeet from Raybearer
Jamshid e-Pramukh from the Daevabad Trilogy
Aerin from The Hero and the Crown
Asakura Hao from Shaman King
Ulaam from Tress of the Emerald Sea
Swaine from Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Elsa from Lackadaisy
Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House
Sloane Parker from Eidolon POP
Madoc from The Folk of the Air
Suren alias Wren from The Folk of the Air
Alina Gray from Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story
Shin-Ah from Yona of the Dawn
Shinra Kishitani from Durarara!!
Czesław Meyer from Baccano!
Griffin from The Invisible Man (book)
Galacta Knight from Kirby
Pop from Happy tree Friends
Kyu sugardust from HuniePop
Locke Lamora from Gentlemen Bastards
Nathaniel Thorn from Sorcery of Thorns
Dorothy from Rune Factory 2
Hajime Tanaka from Odd Taxi
The Administrator from Team Fortress 2
Ruby from Disco Elysium
Zero from Katana ZERO
Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley from Homestuck^2: Beyond Canon
Genly Ai from The Left Hand of Darkness
Moana from Moana
Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones
Kaveh from Genshin Impact
The Fool alias Beloved alias Amber from The Realm of the Enderlings
Fitz farseer from The Realm of the Enderlings
Orimar Vale from Campaign: Starjacks
Gable from Campaign: Starjacks
Laios Touden from Dungeon Meshi
Togata from Fire Punch
Niji from Rainbow and Black
Bree Van Der Kamp from Desperate Housewives
Lynette Scavo from Desperate Housewives
Atsushi Ren alias Nero from The Boy Who Fell
Raiden alias Jack from Metal Gear Solid
Ryuunosuke Naruhodo from The great Ace Attorney
Herlock Sholmes from The Great Ace Attorney
Lin Davar from The Stormlight Archive
Tunuva Melim from A Day of Fallen Night
Clariel from The Old Kingdom series
Thomas Thorne from Ghosts BBC
Walter De Courcey from Chess: The Musical
John Dough from John Dough and the Cherub
Chick the Cherub from John Dough and the Cherub
Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Davos Seaworth from A Song of Ice and Fire
Sunny from OMORI
Owen from VALORANT
John Ward from Faith: The Unholy Trinity
Hrathen from Elantris
The High Ki of Twi from The Enchanted Island of Yew
Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza
Button-Bright from the Oz series
Hancock from Fallout 4
Michael from The Good Place
Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
The Toy Soldier from The Mechanisms
Alexei "Hawk" Press from White Noise
Lime from Witch's Heart
Cecil Palmer from Welcome of Nightvale
Michael Shelley from The Magnus Archives
Jonny d'Ville from The Mechanisms
Alan Grant from Jurassic Park (1993 movie)
Sardonyx from Steven Universe
Nanashi from 1bitHeart
Quint from Jaws
Annoying Orange from The Annoying Orange
Theobald "Teo" Leonhart from The Lie-Eating Dragon
Star Seeker from Star Seekre in: The Secret of the Sorcerous Standoff
Ice King from Adventure Time
Carmen Sandiego from Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego
Asher Kendrell from Transistor
Jugglus Juggler from Ultraman Orb
Gai Kurenai from Ultraman Orb
Marvin from Falsettos
Arthur Gingerbread from DeathSitter
Rumplestiltskin from Once Upon a Time
The Narrator from The Stanley Parable
Princess Ozma from the Oz series
Niko from OneShot
Doc from Stray
Scout from Team Fortress 2
Kabbu from Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Nanami Kiryuu from Revolutionary Girl Utena
Doppo Kunikuda from Bunguo Stray Dogs
Mr. Freeze from DC Comics
Sherlock Holmes from the Sherlock Holmes canon
Professor James Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes canon
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jeriafterdark · 2 years
813 - The Reprise - Part 9 - One Year onward and how 813 never stopped, + muting of CAPA clowns
Masterpost here
Long time no post! I'm much more active on my twitter, I mostly retweet updates on 813/JunZhe / my art and fan creations if you're wondering where I am.
So it's been one year since August 13, 2021, the day that ZZH was cancelled / bullied off the face of Chinese Entertainment.
Table of Contents:
813 never ended - a one year summary adding context as well as relating it to Zhang Sanjian / ZSJ, a weapon in CAPA's arsenal against Zhang Zhehan.
CAPA clowns muted on August 12, 2022.
Below is my thread from twitter, but with links and sources.
1. 813 never ended, and ZSJ proves that.
You may have thought that 813 ended with ZZH’s cancellation, but it never stopped. The big picture: the IG/ZSJ scandal is part of a corrupt industry-coordinated effort to effectively erase ZZH’s presence from entertainment, for good.
Since the airing of SHL/WOH and ZZH’s subsequent rise into fame, he had to endure many harsh rumors generated by malicious people planted in fandom or on the periphery. If you’ve followed QV/Blue/Flora’s posts recently, more and more people are being identified, who came out of the woodwork to contribute to these false rumors. I.e, the GF rumor on the boat that ZZH was on. There are many groups of individuals with connections to each other and to CAPA, i.e. the teashop / the Chens, Weibo Antis, Xie Yihua and co., and the Shenzhen Gang.
Flora's character sheet keeps track of all the characters here and she also keeps an updated map of how everyone is related (as of 21/08/08), from CAPA execs to the tea shop to the ehzz ZSJ brand.
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Leading to July of 2021, the rumors became more and more vicious, attacking ZZH’s credibility as a graduate of Shanghai Theatre Academy, attacking his character, etc.
And it culminated in the industry-wide ban on August 13= “813”. Within 2 days, he and his 10 years of work were erased from Chinese entertainment.
Even during these tumultuous times, when long-time HaiZhe/ZZH solo fans told everyone to quiet down and let it blow over lest fandom makes it worse for him, some planted fans/antis in the fandom tried to stir the pot even more. (revealed recently by QV and co).
On November 23, CAPA released a ban list of 88 names including Kris Wu (a known star who broke the law) and Zhang Zhehan. It was later revealed that the meeting that decided these names was over in an hour and barely had any oversight or transparency.
Bc CAPA wasn’t transparent in how they came up with this industry-ban list, Director Li Xuezheng (Uncle Li/LXZ) stood up and started a movement of accountability. One hashtag on Weibo that I followed was “justice for the people,” which reached BILLIONS of interactions, and never once did it make it onto hot search. Weibo itself was in a fight behind the scenes between different parties, constantly muting and unmuting, deleting and restoring Uncle Li’s daily updates and videos, as well as his audio interview with ZZH himself.
(Update Aug 8, 2022) QV came out with information: The reason that Uncle Li couldn't get ZZH's case onto the hot search was because of the Chinese Cyberspace Admin (CAC). This gov org prevented them from reaching hot search in order to prevent CAPA from unleashing its 800 yxh accounts to smear Uncle Li and company. They were investigating water armies at the time.
They really wanted to get on Hot Search, they were planning to smear LXZ as someone who was trying to whitewash history. They had articles planned, water armies readied as well as "fans" and "righteous passerbys" prepared to stoke sentiments.
There are many parties still fighting behind the scenes that we are not privy to(#QuestionCAPA). It may seem like ZZH is quiet but it’s a strategic silence until his case is ready to be made public. Otherwise, it’s still ongoing and private.
Uncle Li had major success in turning the tide of public opinion, and ZZH finally submitted an official police report to the Beijing PD on Dec 24, 2021. His recorded interview with LXZ and other party members and lawyers was released on Dec 31, 2021.
ZZH maintained his innocence. There was no evidence of him committing wrongdoing, and he submitted himself to court. March 18, a leaked audio of ZH expressed how he has the will to fight for his name, his family, and his innocence despite the barrage of corrupt industry bans.
Now cue ZSJ👻 Because ZZH’s fandom was largely intact, the agents of CAPA behind 813 wanted to thoroughly destroy his chance of ever coming back + destroy his reputation via stealing his Instagram, which fueled the ZSJ scandals.
Jan 13- Uncle Li was muted
Jan 16- The ZSJ account emerged. (Check Ennis's ZSJ timeline)
This is not a coincidence, the perpetrators knew LXZ will be muted and prepared their Second Act, the ZSJ scandal to destroy ZZH. And so we have the constant infighting between ZSJ fans, ZZH fans, and CP fans. Have you noticed how toxic ZSJ fans are now? And on twitter, they keep trying to stir up trouble with us, hijacking our hashtags, etc.
It created a RIFT within ZZH’s main fandom. Looking at it with this big picture, can you see that this is all one WHOLE campaign against ZZH? Because they failed to destroy him completely on 813, they planned their Second Act with ZSJ to finish the job.
This is where things stand, the ZSJ accounts shill merch using commonly available apps/tech to impersonate ZZH. They have him talking sh-t about his former co-stars (never by name), burning his bridges. A professional would never do this if they wanted a chance at jobs again.
Through all of this, the characters never once mention "Gong Jun" or "Zhang Zhehan" and never claim to be them. Just to "hint" at them. Why? So their impersonation scandal can't be easily traced back to them, they have the defense of vague words, ambiguous names.
Gong Jun is suffering a constant barrage of anti attacks also related to CAPA and associates (as revealed day by day by Blue/Flora/QV). I'm sure he has been preparing for this eventuality since 813 last year, so I believe in his and his team to keep him safe.
813 never ended. It is CRUCIAL context to ZSJ and ZZH’s silence. Let’s wait. Believe that the real ZZH is who he always was: a strong, loving man who focuses on the kindness surrounding him rather than burning those who wronged him.
2. Many CAPA / Xie Yihua etc Minions were muted yesterday (Aug 11-12, 2022)
Many CAPA clowns' accounts were muted yesterday, right before 813. It is unknown if it was the government doing this, or if it's just another part of CAPA's scheme, only time will tell.
The EHZZ Brand account was wiped out (still there though) on Weibo.
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CAPA minions like Tony Peng, Sanke, intern lawyer, have all been muted.
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I have cautious optimism that this is a sign of better things to come, but only time will tell!
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
GJ and ZZH Updates — June 12-18
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. A glossary of names and terms often used can be found [here]. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
06-12 → Gong Jun posted a commercial he did with Mengniu to his personal Weibo. Caption: “Looking forward to the summer sun, but also to the cool summer. Not only to cool off the heat, but also to send you more good moods.” This was reposted by Mengniu with a caption that includes, “The season of natural healing has begun!”
→ Master Wu, a big account who previously spoke out in defense of Zhang Zhehan, made a post insinuating that Gong Jun threatened him and saying that he was going to make Gong Jun “disappear from c-ent forever.” He deleted his post after someone reposted it @ing Gong Jun. 
When people later encouraged him to post a photo of himself holding his ID to prove the validity of his case, as had been done by others recently in response to a violent misogynisitc attack in Tangshan, he replied saying he “isn’t that shameless.”
→ Hu Xia, who performed one of the songs for Word of Honor and is another contestent on the currently airing We Are The Champions, followed Gong Jun on Weibo.
→ Information was posted about a situation that’s been happening in Kris Wu’s fandom, where someone claiming to be helping him and his case has been exploiting fans by selling merchandise “in his name.” Sound familiar? Even the merchandise itself looks shockingly similar to what Xie Yihua’s brand has been putting out.
06-13 → 10 months since 813.
→ The season of Go Fighting! Gong Jun filmed at the start of the month was announced to start airing on 06-26, every Sunday at 9pm.
→ Mengniu posted another commercial featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun’s studio Weibo posted a video for 361° spoken by him (11:38, 1129 and 511 kadian), saying that the new logo—the one which means being surrounded by love—is now more memorable and meaningful. “Passion never graduates, we never say goodbye.” [subbed video]
→ An anonymous post was made on Zhihu from the same location as Master Wu, complaining that CPFs were using the Tangshan incident for their own benefit and as an excuse to act hatefully towards men. The post was deleted after someone commented, “Wu, is this you?” [source]
→ The tea was spilled on Master Wu, showing that he used the traffic from supporting Zhang Zhehan for personal financial gain, has lied about his schooling and his work history, has been accused of plagarism, lied about being a Party member, has lost multiple contract disputes, and had his mother help him commit fraud against his ex-wife, to name just a few things.
→ Believers in the Instagram account tried to hijack a Weibo hashtag about cyberbullying by posting clips from the 05-04 video, specifically the parts accusing Gong Jun and CPFs. [screenshot]
→ A livestream was held by Mengniu in which the giveaway winners were all Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan fans; the host showed the IDs and read them out. No recording has surfaced yet, but people watching have said this included him saying Zhang Zhehan’s name.
06-14 → Master Wu announced he’s going offline for a week.
→ Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Hsu Chi Fu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. 
→ Gong Jun posted a video to his personal Weibo for Every Minute, Every Second, Every Day, a new song sung by AI Gong Jun and another AI persona, Du Xiaoxiao. (12:04, 511 kadian) Baidu APP later reposted this, and Honor also posted the video.
→ Three photos and two videos were posted of “Zhang Zhehan” at a driving range in Shanghai wearing the brand’s merch. Caption: “Recommend the song ‘Crazy and Stubborn You’ to everyone by Liu Xin[.] Seeing the message under the music, she felt a little sad and felt more resonance. Good music should be heard by more people.” (mtl) Fan Observations (also found in my Instagram masterpost):   -  The logo on the hat in the second photo is so obviously photoshopped you barely need to zoom in to see it. Also someone found the original unphotoshopped picture.  -  Many people commented that the figure in the videos is shorter. He also is using a shorter club than what is Zhang Zhehan’s known habit. Comparison photos below, leftmost is from this post; [here] is a direct side by side comparison and a visual overlay of the swing; [here] is a discussion about the change in club length. 
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 -  The figure in the video is wearing shorts, whereas Zhang Zhehan always wore pants when playing and practicing golf as is regulation in the sport. This can be seen by looking through the past photos and videos on the same account.  -  Those familiar with the sport commented that his swing is horrible, as opposed to Zhang Zhehan’s which was complimented as professional level by an Olympic gold medalist. They have also commented that his stance is different.  -  [Here] is a visual breakdown of the figure’s ass vs. Zhang Zhehan’s lol. Below it is a further anatomical breakdown and explanation of how these breakdowns were done.  -  [Here] is a thread talking about how this sort of post likely looks to passersby. (Hint: not good)  -  Believers in the account spread images from the videos cropping them to make the differences in stature less apparent. This is now not only being willfully ignorant but also blatantly manipulating evidence to further their own agenda. (Interesting, isn’t that what they accused me of last week?)  -  The last four digits of the post’s url are “FaKE”, the universe has spoken 😂
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° reposted paparazzi photos from SimonWink of Gong Jun wearing a shirt from their new line (and a blue mask.)
→ Gong Jun posted a douyin of footage from the same day as the photos he posted on 06-07. Caption: “Take everyone on a cloud tour~” The background music is Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold. Fan Observations: The song lyrics are... worrying, even moreso because he subbed them. 
→ Baidu APP made a post promoting a chat feature with AI Gong Jun, which people had a lot of fun with [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]. When asked what songs he likes, he sings Tian Wen. [Here] are instructions for how to use it yourself, obviously it’s limited to Chinese. Baidu APP also made another post promoting an event with AI Gong Jun and AI Du Xiaoxiao that would take place the following day.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ LockNLock posted a catalogue of products featuring Gong Jun.
06-15 → Baidu APP posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Mengniu posted another commercial featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) [subbed video]
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Hsu Chi Fu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted three photos, the first two of jewelry from Xie Yihua’s brand and the third of Zhang Zhehan “wearing” the earrings. Caption: “Z Z H”
→ Tencent and iQiyi restored the videos of the 2021 Weibo Movie Night Awards and red carpet, including Zhang Zhehan’s parts. [Here] is the iQiyi link (red carpet at 1:27:00, interview at 3:06:00, performance at 3:57:00, award at 4:11:30.) Many fans left comments in Tencent’s barrage with the date, encouraging him, saying we miss him, and saying we’re always here.
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→ LockNLock posted a video ad spoken by Gong Jun. They also later posted a photo ad.
→ An article about Zhang Zhehan’s cancellation written by teddyfoxfluff was published by The China Story.
06-16 → Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ A clip of Gong Jun’s upcoming drama Rising with the Wind was posted in celebration of the studio’s anniversary. [subbed video] The studio also later posted a video with messages from various staff, including Gong Jun. [cut of his parts]
→ LockNLock posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Mengniu posted a bts compilation video from their recent ads with Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ 361° posted a video celebrating the anniversary of their endorsement with Gong Jun. Caption: “In the past year, from the moment we met each other to the journey of walking together, thank you ♥ for the new chapter of your story. The future has opened up. Let us continue to walk in the name of love and move forward side by side!”
→ Hsu Chi Fu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Tencent videos were made inaccessible again.
→ Rakuten released their top TV rankings for the first half of the year, with Word of Honor in first place.
→ Kwongwah, a Malaysian news site, published a short article about the golf videos and taking the Instagram as legitimate, making mention of the accusations against Gong Jun from the 05-04 video. The same article was later also published by Oriental Daily, a Hong Kong news site.
→ Sophie accidentally exposed her use of a VPN while claiming she was in quarantine. A whole clown show followed, with her arguing that her feet weren’t the ones in the 06-14 Instagram photo and practically crossexamining herself, confirming that she was most likely at a certain driving range in Shanghai on 06-12. It later also came out that she and “Sanjian” had supposedly gone into a changing room together—she leaked an audio recording claiming that it had been leaked by our side.
06-17 → We Are The Champions posted a preview of their second episode.
→ Mengniu posted another commercial featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) [subbed video] Fan Observation: The shirt he’s wearing is the same one (in another colour) as the one Zhang Zhehan wore to photograph the Surround single cover.
→ Safeguard posted a short bts compilation from their recent ads with Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a video ad spoken by Gong Jun.
→ The closest thing we’re gotten so far to footage of applegate was released with a fansite photobook.
→ Charlotte Tilbury posted a bts compilation from their recent ads with Gong Jun.
06-18 → Dragon TV posted a promo image for the upcoming Go Fighting! season.
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→ Tencent’s Weibo Movie Night Awards videos were made accessible again but with Zhang Zhehan’s parts once again removed. iQiyi’s is still up with his parts at the time of this post.
→ Addition 06-19: Gong Jun posted a commercial for Mengniu to his Douyin. (11:38, 1129 and 511 kadian)
→ KFC posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Honor posted a video celebrating the end of their offline event for the anniversary of their endorsement with Gong Jun. 
→ Episode 1 of We Are The Champions can now be watched for free, episode 2 is available with VIP access.
→ The pilot episode of Go Fighting! was released as a promotion for the show proper, introducing the cast members and having them play a simple game; no English subs are available at the time of this post. [Here] is a summary of the game. Weibo Variety Show posted a clip of Gong Jun from the game, and Go Fighting!’s Weibo posted a clip of the other cast members talking about him.
→ A previously-unseen Word of Honor bts clip was leaked where a staff member can clearly be heard saying “Drink the chicken soup first, the soup your laogong made!” The original post was deleted less than an hour later. Thanks Weibo, you fucks.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news thread → A new Twitter account, 4theloveofZZH, was started which will be organizing monthly charity drives in Zhang Zhehan’s name. This month’s charity is The Cybersmile Foundation, with donations open until the 30th!
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This post was last edited 2022-06-19.
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girlboydotjpg · 1 year
lee tinhatted about the green in jades gear being for kris and XIE WERE RIGHT
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tklpilled · 2 years
characters i will write for!!
italics: my favs <3
bungou stray dogs: atsushi, dazai, kenji, junichirou, yosano, ranpo, lucy, poe, akutagawa, chuuya, tachihara, gin, higuchi, fyodor, mushitarou, nikolai, sigma, jouno, tecchou
hunter x hunter: gon, killua, kurapika, leorio, alluka
fullmetal alchemist: ed, al, winry, ling, lan fan, roy, riza
cowboy bebop: spike, jet, faye, ed
saiki k: saiki, kaidou, teruhashi, kuboyasu, hairo
spy x family: loid, yor
ouran host club: haruhi, tamaki, hikaru, kaoru, kyoya, honey, mori
fruits basket: tohru, kyo, yuki, momiji, ayame, hatori, shigure, haru, machi, kakeru, hanajima, uotani
my hero academia: izuku, todoroki, uraraka, mina, asui, iida, kaminari, kirishima, jirou, momo, shinsou, bakugou, mei, monoma, aizawa, mic, hawks, dabi, toga, shigaraki
sk8: reki, langa, joe, cherry
the case study of vanitas: noe, vanitas, domi, jeanne, louis
banana fish: ash, eiji
moriarty the patriot: william, sherlock
trigun: vash, wolfwood, meryl, milly
mob psycho 100: mob, reigen, serizawa, teru, ritsu, shou, tome
death note: l, light, misa
jujutsu kaisen: yuji, megumi, nobara, gojo, geto, nanami, yuuta, maki, mai, toge
chainsaw man: denji, aki, power, angel, kobeni, asa, yoshida
buddy daddies: kazuki, rei
bloom into you: yuu, touko, sayaka
heaven official’s blessing: xie lian, hua cheng, feng xin, mu qing, qi rong, shi qingxuan, he xuan, quan yizhen, yin yu
south park: stan, kyle, tweek, craig, kenny, butters
the umbrella academy: luther, diego, allison, klaus, five, ben (including sparrow!ben), viktor, lila
it: richie, eddie, ben, bev, bill, mike, stan
spiderverse: miles, gwen, pavitr, hobie
six of crows: kaz, inej, jesper, wylan, nina, matthias
the raven cycle: blue, gansey, noah, ronan, adam, henry
percy jackson: percy, annabeth, nico, piper, jason, leo, hazel, frank, will
pokemon: n, cheren, bianca, hugh, ingo
breath of the wild: link, zelda, sidon, revali, tulin, riju, mipha
rune factory 4: lest/frey, arthur, dylas, doug, vishnal, leon, kiel, clorica, forte, xiao pai, amber, dolce, margaret
stardew valley: sebastian, maru, penny, sam, abigail, emily, haley, elliot, shane, alex, leah, harvey
deltarune: kris, susie, ralsei, noelle, lancer
genshin impact: aether/lumine, kaeya, albedo, kaveh, alhaitham, amber, lisa, venti, xiao, zhongli, childe, thoma, ayato, ayaka, diluc, hu tao, kazuha, heizou, itto, scaramouche, cyno, tighnari
ace attorney: phoenix, edgeworth, franziska, gumshoe, maya, apollo, klavier, athena, simon, nahyuta, trucy
the magnus archives: jon, martin, tim, sasha, georgie, melanie, michael, helen
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I posted 4,194 times in 2022
That's 4,194 more posts than 2021!
653 posts created (16%)
3,541 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
hi brother
I tagged 2,208 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
yeah that sounds about right
#reblog - 1,451 posts
#raccoon rambles - 484 posts
#homie shenanigans - 126 posts
#asks :3 - 113 posts
#dreamswap - 64 posts
#raccoon doodles - 61 posts
#hollow knight - 57 posts
#friend art! - 49 posts
#ibvs - 37 posts
#yeah - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#took a bit getting used to as i usually only use watercolor paintbrush and airbrush but i decided to try some more and i rlly liked it!
My Top Posts in 2022:
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drew some boys!!!! this was super fun, yes, i KNOW i SHOULD be working on assignments for art but i don't rlly wanna so, here i am, drawin some lil guys!
Dreamswap- @onebizarrekai
59 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
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65 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
I would like to know the fun bear fact 👉👈
ok so
if you get attacked by a polar bear, chances are that's been stalking you for hours or even days
at that point all you can do is accept fate
66 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
my favorite part of Animorphs was when Jake said "It's Morphin Time" and morphed all over the yeerks
77 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Hold me Tight (and don't let go)
dreamswap - @/OneBizzareKai
79 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
WOAH! that's an oldie!
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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vernorsgingerale · 5 months
Books I read in 2023
Daisy Miller by Henry James
Whose Body? by Dorothy L. Sayers
Mont Saint Michel and Chartres by Henry Adams
Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L. Sayers
Pirate Enlightenment, or the Real Libertalia by David Graeber
The Autumn of the Middle Ages by Johan Huizinga, translated by Rodney J. Payton and Ulrich Mammitzsch
The Case of the Missing Men written by Kris Bertin and illustrated by Alexander Forbes
The Cursed Hermit written by Kris Bertin and illustrated by Alexander Forbes
Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld
Fair Play by Tove Jansson, translated by Thomas Teal
The Snow Collectors by Tina May Hall
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Open Throat by Henry Hoke
Lunch Poems by Frank O’Hara
Killingly by Katharine Beutner
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro
Dream Drawings: Configurations of a Timeless Kind by N. Scott Momaday
The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder by David Grann
Blizzard by Henri Cole
WHEREAS by Layli Long Soldier
Shiner by Maggie Nelson
All Heathens by Marianne Chan
Eye Level by Jenny Xie
The Suitcase Clone by Robin Sloan
Lemon by Kwon Yeo-sun, translated by Janet Hong
Unnatural Death by Dorothy L. Sayers
The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares, translated by Ruth L. C. Simms
The Haunting of Alma Fielding: A True Ghost Story by Kate Summerscale
The Lover by Marguerite Duras, translated by Barbara Bray
This Way to the Sugar by Hieu Minh Nguyen
Crush by Richard Siken
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske
Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan
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yibo-wang · 2 years
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If you don’t know how to live anymore, then live for me. I have no answer to the question you asked. However, if you don’t know the meaning to your life, then make me that meaning and use me as a reason to live.
Happy Birthday @lan-xichens !!
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jersonordavid · 6 years
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365 Films Part 7: 147/365
Crazy Rich Asians
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ravenresistance · 6 years
the only issue I have with crazy rich asians is that it isn't out in the uk until november. like? what? why do we have to wait so long dude?
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maymay-lovekpop · 7 years
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Happy Birthday Kris aka Wu Yifan !😘🎉I wish you good luck and enjoy your Life! 🎂Your day is the november 06, 1990! 🎂And I wish you just the best for your career!!! 🍀
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
05-27 (CST) QuelleVous Twitter Space about Xie Yihua Notes
This was an impromptu space talking about the reasons for the current environment around Xie Yihua. It was split into two parts due to a technical issue. [Recording 1] [Recording 2]
Contextual Overview of the Current Situation
After Xie Yihua’s statement about not printing Zhang Sanjian’s essays for personal use (05-26), some fans have turned on her, started questioning her, demanding proof, calling her out, etc. She has basically been thrown under the bus by the real puppetmaster behind all this.
It seems a fair amount of her followers HAVE been keeping up with what QuelleVous’s been saying but didn’t believe it until recently when QuelleVous started showing patterns in Xie Yihua’s behaviour (ie. screwing over artists she’s worked with previously)
Also in the background, a bunch of children’s textbooks have recently been flagged for improper (sexually suggestive, politically sensitive) content which got on hotsearch. The textbooks have been in publication since 2014 and teachers have commented on them before, but it’s never reached this level of attention before.
CAPA has a subsidiary with shares in the textbook industry that earns a lot of profits through such.
The timing of the Legal Daily article may be correlated to this as a distraction, likewise with Xie Yihua’s statement about plagarism. 
Xie Yihua’s Background
Xie Yihua’s family were in the first wave to immigrate back to China from Taiwan. Her father had a lot of connections as a director at that time. 
Originally a dance student without the skills to go pro, Xie Yihua started out professionally in the marketing business then moved her way into music at a record company.
She married into a Manchurian family that had also moved to Taiwan early on, who fancied themselves as ex-royalty. 
Her brother-in-law, Doze Niu, was a famous child actor who became a  director of Chinese films. He opened his own company, Red Bean, in 2002, registered in Hong Kong. In 2013, he opened an additional talent management company, Red Bean Culture Co., with the mission statement to “manage talent around the greater Chinese area” (ie. Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China). Red Bean Culture Co. de-registered from the Hong Kong database this past April.
Doze Niu has been in jail for sexual assault since 2017 and also is involved in some Taiwanese independence activity. He’s also very involved in the Beijing circle.
Xie Yihua worked as a management director at Culture Co., which is what she seems to have tried to scrub from the Internet. Official documents still exist, however.
Part of what Xie Yihua edited out of her Baidu on 813: Her connection to her brother-in-law, her connection to Culture Co. and its ties to the Beijing circle and foreign capital, her connection to Kris Wu, and her connection to Zhang Zhehan (later added back in.)
Xie Yihua joined as a marketing exec. to Xinshi(sp?), the record company Zhang Zhehan was signed to, by sucking up to their founder for a full year before officially joining them.
Xie Yihua’s career goal was to become the big talent manager that ruled over the greater China area, but she’s really incompetent, doesn’t have good leadership skills, doesn’t take responsibility for her actions and promises, talks herself up as having more connections than she really does, and doesn’t have much drive. This can be seen in past patterns of her behaviour as well as the current situation.
Xie Yihua’s never really cared about the people she’s managed, only herself.
Many fans were aware of her history but put it aside because they thought she was helping Zhang Zhehan.
The venue for Zhang Zhehan’s 2020 mini-concert was a club that wasn’t built with the accoustics for concerts. The video is Xie Yihua’s work; the recordings were poorly done, which is why the audio for it is not very clear. Zhang Zhehan did most of the work himself.
The Textbooks
Financial documents from Dadi, the publishing company that CAPA’s subsidiary has shares in, don’t match up:
Dadi entered into a trust loan agreement in 2019 for 500 million RMB to publish books. The term was for two years with interest of 10.215%. “All drawings ... shall only be used for the interest of sales of their books.” In both 2020 and 2021, the amount consistent with this loan rate was paid (about 50mil in interest alone).
They got a government contract to supply libraries for schools that are too small or don’t have the regular funds.
In November 2019, they entered into a joint venture with a children’s publishing house with a registered capital set at 50 million RMB. Dadi was supposed to contribute cash while the publishing house contributed intellectual property rights. Dadi was approved to establish a base for primary and secondary school books in Shanghai by the China Education Industry Association. There’s no record of this base online aside from in press by Dadi themselves.
As on March 31, 2020, they recorded sales of nearly 1 billion RMB. They issued more than 6700 types of books with approximately 120 million volumes, with a gross profit of 185 million RMB. This equates to about 240,000 schools assuming they had no prior library stock. For comparitive context, Shanghai has a total of 1540 primary and secondary schools, about 80% of schools (by Dadi’s own report) already have libraries.
As of this date, the group officially had only 46 employees.
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