#Kristi Noem puppy killer
rejectingrepublicans · 5 months
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geezerwench · 4 months
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) is now banned from all tribal lands in the state after the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe voted to bar her from their reservation Wednesday, citing her repeated claims that tribal leaders work with drug cartels.
Noem sparked the controversy in March when she said tribal leaders benefit from the presence of cartels operating on their land.
“We’ve got some tribal leaders that I believe are personally benefiting from the cartels being there, and that’s why they attack me every day,” the governor said at a forum in March. “But I’m going to fight for the people who actually live in those situations, who call me and text me every day and say, ‘Please, dear governor, please come help us in Pine Ridge. We are scared.’”
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worldofwardcraft · 5 months
And...poof!...just like that.
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May 6, 2024
It's not often you get to see a politician's entire career completely collapse as the result of a single ill-considered act. But once in a while it does happen.
Take, for example, the case of Gary Hart, senator from Colorado and Democratic front-runner in the 1988 presidential race. Responding to rumors of extramarital affairs, Hart recklessly challenged the media to follow him around, promising they would be very bored. As NBC anchor John Chancellor remarked, "We did. We weren’t."
It soon emerged that a woman named Donna Rice had accompanied Hart on an overnight trip from Miami to Bimini aboard an 83-foot luxury yacht named (we kid you not) Monkey Business. A picture subsequently appeared in hundreds of newspapers showing Rice sitting on Hart’s lap. Five days later Hart withdrew as a presidential candidate.
Or, consider the disastrous photo op of Massachusetts governor and 1988 presidential nominee Michael Dukakis wearing a dopey grin and a huge helmet aboard a 68-ton M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank. His opponent quickly turned it into an ad ridiculing him. And after winning only 10 states plus the District of Columbia in the general election, Dukakis was never heard from again.
Then there was Howard Dean, former governor of Vermont and 2004 presidential aspirant. Following his loss in Iowa's primary, Dean tried to buck up his supporters by shrieking an energetic "Yeah!" Within four days, that maniacal scream was broadcast 633 times on the national news. Following his third-place finish in Wisconsin a month later, Dean suspended his campaign.
These were all Democrats, but Republicans aren't immune to similar implosions. Which brings us to South Dakota governor and Trump VP hopeful Kristi Noem (currently hitting the reputation rehabilitation circuit — so far, it seems, unsuccessfully). In her forthcoming memoir, Noem brags that she shot her dog Cricket, a 14-month-old wirehair pointer, because it was "untrainable" as a hunting dog. The reaction was about what you'd expect. Even hard-core MAGAs were repelled by someone who would execute a dog. Added New York Magazine,
Oh, you thought this bloody tale of animal cruelty was done? Nope! Noem then decided she had to murder the family's “nasty and mean” goat, too.
Why would she admit to such a thing? To show her cruelty and tough-mindedness, of course. And because Trump's MAGA cult fervently admires those qualities. But while the indiscriminate killing of immigrants, shoplifters and Black Lives Matter protesters is just hunky-dory with MAGAdonians, they apparently draw the line at shooting a puppy. Which means Noem's veep chances and political ambitions have literally gone up in gunsmoke.
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republikkkanorcs · 5 months
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Republican Kristi Noem shot him in the head for not being a good hunting dog.
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WTF is wrong with these RepubliKKKlan assholes!
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denisemariaworld · 4 months
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odinsblog · 5 months
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Republican “family values”
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aunti-christ-ine · 5 months
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rejectingrepublicans · 5 months
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geezerwench · 5 months
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Piss on Kristi Noem.
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republikkkanorcs · 5 months
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odinsblog · 5 months
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Reaching for an example of her unflinching preparedness to do anything “difficult, messy and ugly” if it needs to be done, Kristi Noem landed on a chilling example: the time she killed her pet dog, Cricket, in an execution-style gravel pit slaying.
The South Dakota governor, whose unbreakable devotion to Donald Trump has propelled her to somewhere near the top of his list of his potential 2024 running mates, reportedly included her disturbing tale of canicide in a book set to be published next month. “I guess if I were a better politician I wouldn’t tell the story here,” Noem writes, according to The Guardian, which obtained a copy.
According to the newspaper, Noem recounts the story of how she not only killed Cricket—a female “wirehair pointer, about 14 months old”—but then also proceeded to botch the killing of an unnamed goat that she owned to which she had taken a disliking.
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“I hated that dog,” Noem reportedly writes, adding that Cricket was simply “untrainable” and “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with.” It was then that she realized “I had to put her down,” she adds.
Noem explains that she grabbed her gun and took Cricket to a gravel pit. “It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “But it had to be done.” Afterward, she writes, she decided she also needed to kill a male goat she owned that was “nasty and mean” because it was uncastrated, complaining that the buck “loved to chase” Noem’s children around and would wreck their clothes by knocking them down.
She reportedly writes of the goat that she “dragged him to a gravel pit” like Cricket, but the killing did not go as smoothly. The goat jumped when she pulled the trigger, Noem says, meaning the goat survived the shot. She adds that she went to her truck to get another shell and then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down.”
Noem says that a construction crew had seen her killing both the dog and the goat. She also writes that when her daughter, Kennedy, came home from school, she “looked around confused” and asked: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”
(continue reading)
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mystic-nacho-kingdom · 5 months
Kills family puppy
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem appears to have confirmed that she killed a family puppy that infuriated her by being “untrainable,” and she claims it only proves how “politically incorrect” she is. She is on the list to become Trump's VP running mate.
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