hajihiko · 2 years
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hairscare · 2 years
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some jabberwock kids :-)
chiaki and yoshi are komahina kids, yori is tsumioda, raijin is nekokuzusouda, and levi and lilith are sondham
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saturninemartial · 1 year
hey, enjoyer of kuzunidai. Did you know that in the Talent Development game, one interaction between them ends with Fuyuhiko saying something like "If you're gonna use me, you better show me what you've got"? Referring to some sport of course. (He also says he trusts Nekomaru)
OOOOOOOUGH hiko that's so fucking GAY. it means so much to me when he says he trusts someone...but who better to trust than nidai, right?
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komaeda-writings · 3 years
Fuyuhiko x Nekomaru HCs
Requested by: 🍥 anon!
TWs: Swearing bc Fuyu,,
fuyuhiko and nekomaru,,, what crimes would they commit,, 👀  /j BHSABH THIS IS SO CUTE! i love them both <3
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(there’s no gifs of nekumaro and fuyuhiko together sobs)
I can see Nekomaru just forced Fuyuhiko to train with him for their dates
In which Fuyuhiko hesitantly accepts
Nevertheless, they both had fun together
We all know that Fuyuhiko’s a bit on the tsundere side 
So when Nekomaru brought fried dough cookies after their training, he was like “What the fuck? W-why are you giving these?”
“Gahahahahaha! I know you like these, Fuyuhiko!”
“How the fuck did you know?” Fuyuhiko mumbled, afraid of being heard by others
“Why, Hajime told me of course! Gahahaha!”
Fuyuhiko was ready to kill Hajime /j of course
Nekomaru stopped him tho, saying it doesn’t make him any less manly and he should eat more so it can give energy to his body
“Meals that fill your heart with joy do wonders for an athlete's vitality!” 
-Nekomaru, taken from one of his quotes in the wiki
“Tch” Fuyuhiko scoffed as he continued eating his bag of fried dough cookies
They went to watch a yakuza movie afterwards! 
Nekomaru not understanding a thing without Fuyuhiko explaining once in a while though
And a lil bit of Fuyuhiko’s ranting of how unrealistic yakuza were portrayed
When they’re cuddling, I always see Fuyuhiko as the small spoon BAHSBA
Although, despite Nekomaru’s hard body and crushing hugs, he’s surprisingly comfortable to cuddle with
Nekomaru sometimes rub small circles on Fuyuhiko’s back as they cuddle <3
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wuffy-chuffs · 4 years
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Okay last SDR2 ships
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zenonaa · 5 years
Rocketpunch Market boasted a variety of items for purchase, including but not limited to food, drinks, wetsuits and survival kits. Fuyuhiko walked past them, his hands stuffed in his trouser pockets as he skimmed through shelves in search of what he wanted. No, he didn’t want cola. And fuck no, he didn’t want milk. Admittedly, he paused when he sighted some packets of Karinto, but he turned his head away.
He couldn’t get sidetracked, not when he still needed to find the particular thing he wanted.
After a few seconds of standing still, he swiped a packet off the shelf anyway and continued down to the end of the aisle.
So far, it didn’t seem like the market stocked the thing he was looking for. Fuyuhiko came to a stop, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. If they didn’t have what he needed, then whatever. He could improvise.
In another aisle were do it yourself items. Drills. Screwdrivers. Knowing Monobear, they were on sale in case someone wanted to build a deathtrap or gouge someone’s eyes out or something. He grimaced. As a gangster, such acts of violence were things he was used to, or at least becoming used to, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. Especially because any deaths would be because of that damn teddy bear.
His eyes flickered and he quickly found what he wanted. Not what he wanted originally, but his plan B. Duct tape. The roll he had before now had gone missing. He unhooked it and was about to go pay for it legally when someone called out.
“Oi, Kuzuryuu!” rumbled a voice. Fuyuhiko’s breathing hitched and he spun around. Nekomaru marched over to him, each footstep like thunder.
“Geez!” went Fuyuhiko, wincing. Not only did Nekomaru sound like thunder, but his face reminded Fuyuhiko of a storm cloud. “Have you got a foghorn for a voice box or what?”
“Me? No. Do you think I’m some sort of machine? I’m not a robot,” said Nekomaru. He put his hands onto his hips and peered down, towering over Fuyuhiko who shifted uncomfortably.
“What’s with that look?” asked Fuyuhiko.
Nekomaru was stony-faced. If looks could kill, this was it.
“What have you got there?” said Nekomaru, pointing at the duct tape in Fuyuhiko’s possession.
Fuyuhiko lifted it slightly and glanced at it. “This? It’s just some duct tape.”
“Kuzuryuu,” Nekomaru’s tone forced Fuyuhiko to meet his gaze and rendered him unable to look away, “I have noticed you’ve been quite breathless lately and sometimes you’ve been whistling when you do breathe.”
As hard as it was, Fuyuhiko ripped his eyes away from Nekomaru.
“So what? I’ve been running,” he mumbled.
“Now is not the time to let your stubbornness build a wall between us. Binding with tape is extremely dangerous,” said Nekomaru sharply, and Fuyuhiko stiffened. “Duct tape does not move with your body and it restricts your breathing. You will damage yourself by causing fluid to build up in your lungs, or even break your ribs or scar yourself!”
Fuyuhiko’s face burned. It was a surprise that he hadn’t melted into the epoxy flooring. He hunched his shoulders, glaring at the DIY items next to him. However, he hesitated when Nekomaru spoke next.
“I appreciate that it is difficult,” said Nekomaru, softer, and when Fuyuhiko peeked at him, Nekomaru’s head had tilted to one side. “As a world class coach, I have trained cisgender men and trans men, and I make it my priority to be as well-informed as I can. That is how I know about the harm you can do to yourself with unsafe binding. Did you not have a binder with you when you arrived here?”
More specifically, Fuyuhiko only ever owned one binder, bought by Peko, but he hadn’t brought it with him when he woke up on the island.
Nekomaru folded his arms over his chest. “Though I’m doubtful Monobear would be too helpful, perhaps the rabbit could help...? No, I’m sure she will. She has been stripped of much of her magic, but she makes up for it with willpower and a love for her students. You could ask her, or if you wish, I can instead.”
For a few moments, Fuyuhiko was at a loss for words. He licked his lips subtly then cleared his throat.
“S-Sure,” said Fuyuhiko. “You can ask her. But don’t do it when I’m there!”
“Of course. And I’ll make sure I get some kind of result for you.”
No one spoke, or moved initially. Fuyuhiko wavered but he returned the duct tape to its hook. Nekomaru smiled and placed a hand onto Fuyuhiko’s shoulder.
“Resilience is a virtue of manliness, and you, Kuzuryuu, are a perfect example. I will summon her later,” promised Nekomaru in a warm tone, “but before I do, tell me... when and where do you want me to give it to you?”
A pause.
“I think... the old lodge will be fine,” said Fuyuhiko, and he flexed his fingers. “And... if you want... you can bring drinks too.”
He amended himself quickly.
“But no alcohol! Or milk,” added Fuyuhiko, furrowing his brow. “I’ll bring snacks, and we can... hang out or something. But after that, I don’t owe you anything.”
Nekomaru cracked his knuckles, grinning slightly. “As you wish. What time shall we meet?”
“Tonight,” said Fuyuhiko. He felt his face warm and rubbed the back of his neck. “Around seven. And...” A smile tugged at his lips. “... thanks.”
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valenatto · 2 years
a double date between kuzunidai and hinadam seems very chaotic but like in a good way
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hajihiko · 1 year
nekomaru holding fuyu?
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He doesnt like it
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hajihiko · 1 year
Not sure about this but I think Kuzumaru might be Nekomaru and Fuyuhiko?
I see
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I'll do it but only funny silly style. Shirt swap!
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saturninemartial · 2 years
the bso25 au is just propaganda to get everyone to ship all of MY ships
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saturninemartial · 2 years
do you love soudam? do you crave a non-despair AU where everyone is grown? do you love reading fics with a lot of introspection and self-reflection? and people finding out that they're more alike than they thought as they get to know each other better? friends supporting each other through healing from trauma? adults getting to live out their best lives?
then boy do I have the fic for you.
bad side of 25.
the bso25 AU centers around class 77 as they each turn 30 and reunite. as this is primarily a soudam fic, the chapters alternate between kazuichi's and gundam's perspectives, as they each get through their own lives, while also becoming better friends (and falling in love) with the other. their own personal backstories are unraveled and unpacked. in the background, their former classmates and friends also have their own stories going on. background ships include (established) komahina, (established) soniaki, pekobuki, kuzunidai, (established) mikane, and mahiyoko.
there are fun friend times but also a lot of heavy emotional shit. grief, mourning, childhood trauma, self-realization and self-actualization, personal growth. I've made myself emotional while writing it lmao. much of the inspiration is drawn from turning 30 next year and thinking too much about life.
rated E for Eventually Spicy. ongoing, somewhat slow to update. first chapter is 4k words, most recent chapter (6) is 20k words. I post regular updates (and occasional spoilers) here on my blog.
please read and enjoy, this fic is a true labor of love. 💜
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saturninemartial · 1 year
I would like to know what is your favorite danganronpa ship, or maybe your top 5, and also how long does it take to write a long chapter if you have inspiration??? like, of any fic
Favorite ship is soudam! The rest of the top 5, in no particular order, is probably like: soniaki, komahina, kuzunidai, and sagimita. Honorable mentions go to saiouma, kiimota, amaguuji, ishimondo, and sakuraoi.
It's tough to pinpoint a real time frame. It depends HEAVILY on my real life and how busy I am at work; a lot of the time I may be feeling heavily inspired but I keep getting off work late and have no time or energy left when I get home. Or when I get the time, I write while I'm at work. The first few chapters of bso25 took about a week or two in between. Chapter 6 took about 3 months; I was really inspired on that one but irl was really really rough at the time. And chapter 7 took so long partially bc of my irl being tough.
Bso25 is also my first multi-chap in years bc I have a bad habit of starting them and not following through. The mp100 multi-chap that I'm working on now (chapter 1 nearly complete) I've been working on for 3 weeks.
I always end up writing more than I intended. Sometimes I hit a "boring" part of the plot and lose inspiration for a bit.
Worth noting I've been planning the next 2 chapters of bso25 since I started the fic in April 🫠
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saturninemartial · 9 months
Heyy do you still like kuzunidai?
I'm not as into sdr2/danganronpa at the moment; but yes, I still like them! I'm not a multishipper so that's my only ship for either character 🫶
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saturninemartial · 1 year
I have so many drafts of smaller bso25-AU fics
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The first one is kaiibo or kiimota. I love this ship but they're SO unknown so idk the use in writing much for them. Maybe I'll write saiouma and shoehorn in kaiibo to introduce them as a ship.
"Kmhn new parents" is sort of like a spiritual successor to SIY. It's about them being foster dads and thinking the other is SO sexy as a dad. Basically kmhn smut but Hajime POV. Maybe I'll finish this one day since kmhn is so popular.
Kuzunidai first time. Another smut, featuring our favorite kumicho losing his virginity. Another seriously unknown pair. Maybe I'll finish it someday bc I love them so much. Hoping the main fic gets folks into this ship.
"Hot springs hotter love" is soudam's first anniversary as a couple 🤭 yet another smut. I'll definitely finish it eventually. It's set after the fic so it'll be separate.
"Kaz ships kmhn" is a flashback! You may remember that back in high school, Kaz was actually the one who confessed to Nagito in Hajime's place bc Hajime was being so stubborn. This is that story! This is finished, maybe I'll post it directly to Tumblr and link to it on AO3?
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valenatto · 2 years
currently suffering from kuzunidai brainrot anyway how's your day going
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valenatto · 2 years
sometimes i get sad
but then i remember kuzunidai exists and it's like y'know maybe life isn't so bad after all
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