military1st · 4 months
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A Swedish Soldier during Exercise Swift Response 24, part of Defender Europe 24, Kvarn, Sweden. 
The U.S. Army photo by Capt. Remington Henderson (2024).
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Windmill Day
Drive out to windmill country, or read up about the history of windmills and how they can provide clean, sustainable energy by harnessing Earth’s natural power.
Most people love them because there’s something absolutely bucolic about their squat structures and the gentle creak of their fins as these wooden structures spin in the natural wind currents. Of course, that describes the old fashioned kind of windmill. The newer, modern versions take on some different characteristics, of course.
Windmills have been around for a very long time, since the time when people first realized it was possible to harness the power of the wind to perform work and provide energy. Ever since new innovations have been made with the ability to utilize the never-ending source of power that windmills capture.
National Windmill Day commemorates the origins of the windmill as well as how it has helped to shape technology and industry from the past and into the future. It’s time to learn about and celebrate National Windmill Day!
History of National Windmill Day
The idea of capturing the power of the wind to perform work isn’t new and, in fact, it goes back far further into history than most people would suspect. Since then, its use has sprung up in multiple cultures throughout the world.
Heron of Alexandria, who lived in the first century AD, was the earliest person known to have harnessed the energy of moving air to perform work, using a very primitive device to power, of all things, a musical instrument: the organ. The people of Persia also developed more traditional windmills, though they had a different orientation than the ones most people typically think of when hearing the word ‘windmill’.
Some historians think that the Persian models were the inspiration for the vertical models that were developed later on in the middle ages. The evidence of one of the oldest windmills that remains today can be found in Weedley, Yorkshire, England and is said to have been built in 1185. As is commonly depicted in media, these machines were used primarily to grind grain, and have been for many centuries since that time.
Recently though, at least in the last 150 years or so, there’s been a growing movement to use windmills in another fashion entirely. The power of the wind can be harnessed to turn giant wind turbines which in turn generate clean, and virtually unlimited, renewable energy.
Windmills have been around for a long long time, and while they may seem like primitive tech, they’ve moved into the world as hope for a clean future. Along with solar, bio-fuel, and fuel cells, windmills are working to save the environment.
National Windmill Day Timeline
644 AD
First reference to windmills 
Beginning as horizontal mills with woven reed blades that radiate from a vertical axis, these first windmills are built in Persia.
11th Century AD
Windmills are used for food production 
In the Middle East, windmills are used to help produce food and the ideas are then taken to Europe by merchants and crusaders.
Windmills are used to drain water 
The Dutch people of the Netherlands realize that the water from their low-lying areas can be drained using windmills.
Windmills are introduced to the New World 
When the Dutch colonize New Amsterdam (now called New York City), they bring their windmill designs with them
First large scale power generating wind turbine 
Charles F. Brush builds a huge 60-foot windmill with a whopping 144 blades in Cleveland, Ohio.
How to Celebrate National Windmill Day
Learn More About Windmills
Well perhaps to first thing to do is start by reading up on the topic of windmills. One of the best things that can be done to celebrate the day is to get more educated on the history of windmills, to begin learning how they’re helping us today, and even to share that information with others. As one of the fastest growing sources of energy in the world, it’s worth learning more about!
Here are some interesting facts about windmills:
The first modern version of the wind turbine was built in Vermont, USA in the 1940s. Its success was not long lived due to war shortages and the next time a windmill would rival it in size would be in 1979.
Hawaii, USA hosts the world’s largest wind turbine, which is the height of a 20 story building and its blades are the length of a football field.
Offshore wind is particularly effective. In Europe, one offshore wind turbine (located in the water) can power more than 1500 homes.
Read Don Quixote
Famous (or perhaps, infamous) for his mistake in thinking that windmills are giant monsters, Don Quixote bravely rides toward them to do battle and, of course, eventually gets knocked off his horse. This is just one of the many beloved and memorable scenes in this classic novel by Spanish author, Miquel de Cervantes, published in 1606.
Visit Holland for National Windmill Day
While not necessarily the first place to house windmills, Holland (now known as The Netherlands) has a long history with them as they were the first place to use them to move water from low lying lands. In fact, the second Saturday and Sunday in May (because one day just isn’t enough!) are celebrated in Holland as “National Mill Day”, which is called Molendag in Dutch. This is a day when 950 windmills and watermills will open their doors to the public for visitors to see their inner workings first hand and learn more about them. Plus, many of them will also host fun events for the local community and tourists alike.
Whether in Amsterdam or throughout the rest of this country filled with canals and waterways, the windmills are stunning. It’s even possible to go on a bike tour of the mills to visit some of the most beautiful, iconic and picturesque mills in the world!
Those who find other countries in Europe to be more accessible can celebrate National Windmill Day in the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland and other countries, where it is often referred to as National Mills Day. 
Watch Some Windmills
For those who happen to live in an area that has a single windmill or a whole windmill farm, it might be fun and interesting to go out and watch them turn, turn, turn… (Are we the only one hearing that song now?) More and more communities are dotting them about the landscape as a sustainable source of power. As you gaze upon and contemplate just how important these are to a bright, pollution-free future for our children, enjoy watching their soothing motion and consider their history too.
National Windmill Day FAQs
How do windmills work?
Wind turbines use their large blades to collect kinetic energy as the wind flows over the blades to create “lift”.
Do windmills make noise?
Windmills do emit a characteristic noise, mainly generated by the movement of the blades, but the noise is generally weak.
Are windmills renewable energy?
Wind is an emissions-free source of energy that has fewer effects on the environment than many other energy sources.
Do windmills create electricity?
Yes! Wind turns the propellers of the windmill around a rotor that, in turn, spins a generator to create electricity.
How much do windmills cost? 
The standard windmill costs around $2-4 million with another $40-50,000 in per year in operation and maintenance.
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calochortus · 8 months
Ulva kvarn, December 24, 2021 by Ulf Bodin Via Flickr: CR511896-900. Merry Christmas!
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Swedish and Finnish soldiers swap patches during a bilateral exercise in Kvarn, Sweden.
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languagestoday · 10 months
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Mor tala om, att för länge sedan så tog det eld i en kvarn i Klässbol. Det var på natten, så folk låg och sov. Då fick mjölnaren höra att någon ropa namnet på sig. Han var kvick upp och fick se att det brann, så så var det två små gubbar med röda pickelhuvor på huvudet, som hade så bråttom med att bära vatten och ösa på varmen.
Elden blev släckt. När han kom intill kvarnen, så såg han inte de små gubbarna men han förstod att de hjälpte till att släcka.
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armysonemeu · 9 months
C1 Ep 30 Vexleth moments:
Not particularly a Vexleth moment but Matt starts explaining about entities and he starts with 'I mean' and Marisha immediately says "whenever Matt starts with 'I mean' " and both Laura and Marisha say "I mean" together at the same time and it reminded me of the "Hi" moment between Imodna for some reason.
Vax says that's it's best that they dont stay where they are currently cos they got attacked while Vex disagreed and said it's best to stay put. After she says that he says sarcastically it's going to work out real well like when the Vex and Keyleth went down to the cavern. Keyleth jumps to her defence and says that if they didnt go down to the cavern and find Clarota then they wouldnt have defeated Kvarn (and shes right). And then Keyleth says Vex is right and agreed with her to stay.
Vax and Keyleth were gonna stay on watch and then Vex says she'll stay with them because she doesnt want them to be alone (I see you jealous Vex I see you). Also this happens a little later but when they split into groups Vex immediately says "Keyleth you and me" before Percy says they are all sticking together expect for Vax and Scanlan (Percy you asshole and Vex looked slightly disappointed ngl).
Another moment when Vex wants Keyleth with them (her) when They have to attack two houses and Keyleth says shes going with Scanlan, Vex immediately jumps in and says "no comes with us Keyleth".
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svenskjavel · 1 year
Tävla i att plocka skräp
Det så kallade SPOGOMI är en tävling där lag samlar ihop skräp och får poäng utefter sort och mängd. Detta sker inom en tidsram i ett förutbestämt område.
Det är första gången som det kommer hållas i Sverige. Vinnarlaget kommer få representera Sverige i världscupen i Japan i november. Utgifter som t.ex. flyg, mat och hotell betalt.
Anmäl dig innan 29 juni på den här länken. Vid högt intresse är det först till kvarn som gäller.
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mothmiso · 1 year
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2021 Misc (2) (3) (4) (5) by CekariYH
Via Flickr:
(1) (2) Short tour to Oxelösund but it started to rain so kind of failure. (3) Svintuna Kvarn Kolmården    
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magnusrosen-blog · 1 month
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Jag fick frågan från Lena Brorsson ang Cat-Aid Lena har även arrangerar dessa Elefant-Aid jag spelat på förut. Att kunna hjälpa till på seriösa hjälp-arrangemang är bara min glädje, inte jobbigt, inte uppoffrande på något sätt.
Självklar granskar jag förfrågningar. Men Lena är bara bäst med sin underbara empati för djuren.
Janne Framnäs Dragspel med Allsång 🪗 Helge Hanssen trummor och Magnus Rosén basshow. Hjärtligt välkomna den 11 aug kl 18.00 på Alafors kvarns café - Norra Annebergsvägen 96-98 mellan Lindome och Kungsbacka.
* Peace starts with friendship * Make the world a better place * Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding * I see evil as undeveloped
Jorden är ingen ond plats , utan vissa människors handlande är av ondo och sprids via icke ifrågasättande människor.
Jag är Ambassadör för RNS - Riksförbundet stationen: Ett Narkotikafritt Samhälle https://www.rns.se Magnus Rosén - Ambassador for Green Cross P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth Green-Cross www.green-cross.se Jag är Ambassadör för RSK riksförbundet stoppa mäns våld mot kvinnor https://www.rskriksforeningen.se/default.asp?HeadPage=464&Language=sv Jag är Ambassadör för en försök till en själslig mognad
www.magnusrosen.com www.baibang.se www.magnusrosenband.com www.culturemeetsindustry.com www.covershow.se
@followers @all @everyone #bahiarock #brazil @följare #baibang #stadsmissionen #norratorg #cataid #Alaforskvarnkafe #lygnaredscamping #mamasrestaurang #marstrand #mamas #kungsbacka #chalmers #Cafémarmelad #chalmerstekniskahögskola #föreläsning #lectures #allfollowers #avelibooks #alibris #basenimitthjärta #ebs #proudandjoy #lillynails #magnusrosen #arko #rns #magnusrosen #ebs #factorbasses #hardrock #rock #rockmusic #glamrock
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agneswieckowska · 2 months
Młyn Överby w Sollentunie
Örby kvarn gminie Sollentuna to jedyny działający wiatrak w województwie sztokholmskim. Kiedyś w Sollentuna było takich wiatraków 6. Dzisiaj jest tylko jeden. Jest to wiatrak typu holenderskiego. Zbudowany został w połowie XIX wieku na miejscu innego wiatraka, który prawdopodobnie w tym miejscu stał od XVIII wieku. Stoły, które są ustawione przy wiatraku, zrobione są ze starych kół młyńskich…
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aresdifesa · 4 months
Esercitazione Swift Response 24 per la Brigata Folgore Si è svolta nei giorni scorsi, tra le aree addestrative di Skillingaryd, Hagshult e Kvarn in Svezia, l’esercitazione multinazionale Swift Response 2024, attività inquadrata nel più ampio contesto dell’esercitazione multi-dominio della NATO Steadfast Defender 24, che vede impegnati circa 90.000 partecipanti in una serie di addestramenti real su larga scala, condotti in varie località all’interno dell’area di responsabilità del Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SAUCER). All’esercitazione Swift Response 24, i cui obiettivi erano testare la prontezza, l’interoperabilità e la capacità di condurre operazioni avioportate, oltre a rafforzare i legami delle unità dei Paesi Alleati appartenenti alla airborne community, ha partecipato la Brigata Paracadutisti “Folgore”, che
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Kvarnkungen, Björnhovda (No. 1)
Kvarnkungen is Scandinavia's largest stump mill, which is the most common type of windmill on Öland. Here, the entire mill house is turned on the "stump" to come straight towards the wind. Most stump mills were smaller than Kvarnkungen and belonged to a single farm. They could stand in a long line in good wind conditions. Kvarnkungen is a toll mill, which means that the farmers could come and grind their grain for a fee, a toll, usually in kind. In his own mill, the farmer ground oats and barley for animal feed. In Kvarnkungen he ground wheat and rye into flour. In the meantime, he could take the ferry over to Kalmar and run errands there. On the way home, he picked up the ground flour. In good winds, Kvarnkungen could grind 400 kg of flour and pit per hour.
Kvarnkungen was built in Kalmar in 1749. It was moved to Björnhovda in the 1880s. The mill has two pairs of stones that you can grind with at the same time, one pair for wheat and rye with sieves for bread, the other pair for oats and barley for animal feed. The first miller was the Scanian Per Persson. He and his servant lived in a room in the cold and draughty mill. When Per got married and had children, a cottage was built next to the mill.
In 1921, Kvarnkungen was bought by John Wahlström. He came from Skärlöv on Öland. In 1930, John built a motor mill to become independent of the wind and ground pit and rye sift here. In the adjacent windmill Drottningen , he ground the wheat.
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cawamedia · 6 months
Gösta Berling Saga - 100 år
jubileet av filmen Gösta Berlings saga 100 år 1924 – 2024 på söndag 10 mars i Filmhuset. Selma Lagerlöfs roman som blev film med Greta Garbo 1924. Filmen blev en världsuccé och öppnade dörrar för Garbo och Mauritz Stiller i Hollywood. Söndagen den 10 mars är det 100 år sedan Gösta Berlings saga hade premiär på Röda Kvarn i Stockholm. Selma Lagerlöfs hyllade roman blev film i Mauritz Stillers…
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hstensgard · 9 months
Ljusglimtsloppet: All viktig information
Den 1 april 2024 kommer vi arrangera vårt första men otroligt coola K9 biatlon lopp! Loppet kommer gå i varierande stundtals tuff terräng. Genom skog och mark, genom en och annan gyttjepöl och förbi flera roliga olika hinder för dig och din hund. Här är samarbetet, teamkänslan och modet i fokus. Men främst av allt. ATT HA KUL! Sträckan på loppet kommer vara 3,5 km i motionsklass och 1 km för juniorer. Du kan springa, jogga, gå eller gågga. Välj vad som passar dig! Loppet är för alla :D Vad ingår En riktigt rolig hinderbana Medalj och goodiebag vid målgång En del av din anmälningsavgift kommer att gå till välgörenhet. 2024 kommer summan vi samlar in gå till miljöarbetet med Östersjön och ett levande hav! VAR ANMÄLER JAG MIG? Du anmäler här https://hstensgard.se/events/ljusglimtsloppet-k9-biatlon/ Ljusglimtsloppet har ett begränsat antal platser. Först till kvarn gäller! Pris  Early bird 400 kr 27/12-19/1 Normal 450 kr 20/1-17/3 Sen 500 kr 17/3-29/3 Se extra snygg ut på loppet Vill du köpa till vår tröja med texten "Run with your heart"? Lägg ett mejl till [email protected] med önskad storlek. Tröjan kan hämtas vid anmälan. Plats för ombyte finns. Var betalar jag? När du skickat in din anmälan får du en bokningsbekräftelse du följt av en faktura (kan ta 5 arbetsdagar). I den står det alla betaluppgifter du nehöver Hur gammal måste hunden vara? Vi rekommenderar 10 månader till 1 år beroende på distans och hur du tänkt genomföra loppet. Gå, springa, jogga, gåga. Vilken utrustning behöver jag? Vi rekommenderar sele med draglina(max 3m) och midjebälte, eller koppel knutet runt midjan. Händerna ska vara fria. Strypkoppel är ej tillåtet. Springer jag själv? Du och din hund har en egen startid och nästa ekipage starta 30 sekunder efter er. Vill du passera ekipaget framför ropa omkörning (ej tillåtet att göra vid hinderstationer). Ekipaget ska då gå åt sidan för att underlätta förbipasserandet. Vill man springa duo med en vän eller familjemedlem mejla [email protected] Praktisk information Parkering finns på gården på vår åker. Samåk gärna. Vår adress är Årrödsvägen 271, Tollarp Ta gärna med ombyte och handduk så du kan bli renare innan du kör hem. Vattenuttag finns. Belöningsboden kommer hålla öppet och lättare mat finns för förtäring. Plocka upp efter din hund både på området och under loppet! Startlistor kommer ut 25/3 Anmälan är bindande. Inga återbetalningar görs, platsen är inte säkrad förrän betalning inkommit. Vill du överlåta din plats tar vi 100 kr i administrationskostnad. Ändringar mejlas till [email protected] och tillåts endast till 7 dagar innan startdatum. Bra att veta! Vi står inte för några eventuella skador på egendom, hund eller person.  Försäkring ingår ej i anmälningsavgiften. Du är själv ansvarig för att ha en giltig försäkring på dig och din hund. Om vi tvingas ställa in innan startdatum har du rätt att få anmälningavgiften du betalt tillbaka. * - Force major Vid händelse av katastrofen som skogsbrand, översvämning, krig, epidemi eller dylikt som tvingar oss att ställa in loppet så har du ingen rätt att få anmälningsavgiften tillbaka. Det är upp till deltagarna att se till att hålla sig uppdaterad om eventuella förändringar. Insamling av information Vi (H.Stens Gård) samlar in information från dig när du registrerar dig på vår webbplats, gör ett köp, deltar i en kurs/event/tävling . Den insamlade informationen inkluderar ditt namn, adress, telefonnummer och din e-postadress. Användning av information Den information vi samlar in från dig kan användas för att: Förbättra vår hemsida  Kontakta dig via e-post Administrera en kurs/event/tävling, ett erbjudande eller en undersökning Fotografering Vi tar bilder vid Ljusglimtsloppet. Dessa kan användas för trycksaker, webben, för marknadsföring och på sociala medier. Vill du inte vara med på bild vänligen mejla [email protected] Tack till våra sponsorer: H.Stens gård Alggutten Hundmat Doggy Arken Zoo Kristianstad  Happydog Följ oss g��rna på Instagram och Facebook! Read the full article
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wikimediauncommons · 10 months
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file: Kvarsebo nedre kvarn 2.JPG
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Lyric Video: Mama Zu (Those Darlins' Jessi Zazu and Linwood Regensburg) Share Anthemic and Sarcastic Kiss-Off
Lyric Video: Mama Zu (Those Darlins' Jessi Zazu and Linwood Regensburg) Share Anthemic and Sarcastic Kiss-Off @grandstandhq
Nashville music scene darlings Those Darlings — Jessi Zazu, Nikki Kvarnes and Kelley Anderson — could trace their origins back to 2006, when they all met at the Southern Girls Rock & Roll Camp. The trio quickly gained an underground following for a raucous take on alt-country that was equally indebted to the likes of The Carter Family as it was the Ramones. 2009’s self-titled debut was released…
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