yearningforunity · 4 months
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Smiley Congolese girl. Monieka, Congo 1947
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iweb-rdc001 · 1 year
Kwango : Les autorités sanitaires appellent à la prudence après la découverte d'un cas de monkeypox à Panzi
Un cas suspect de monkeypox a été annoncé dans un récent communiqué par le médecin chef de zone de Panzi, dans le territoire de Kasongo-Lunda, dans la province de Kwango. Après cette découverte, les mesures préventives ont immédiatement été mises en place. Tous les membres de la famille de la victime et de son entourage privé ont été mise en quarantaine. Selon Appolinaire Yumba, médecin chef de…
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yunicstales · 4 months
This Wicked King Has No Mercy For His Subjects | Yunic's Tales #african ...
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✝oday's honey🌱
April 13, 2024
*George Grenfell*
_Knights of the Kingdom Series_
🛐📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈 🛐
George Grenfell was born at Sancreed, near Penzance, Cornwall.
In 1875 he went as a Baptist missionary to Cameroon, West Africa, with Alfred Saker (1814–80), and thereafter did some exceedingly important work in exploring little-known rivers of the Congo Basin. In 1877 he removed to Victoria and explored the Wouri River and in the following year he ascended Mongo ma Loba Mountain.
In 1881, cooperating with the Rev. T. J. Comber and others, he established a chain of missions at Musuko, Vivi, Isangila, Manyanga, and other points, and in 1884, in a small steam vessel, he explored the Congo to the equator.
He established headquarters at Arthington, near Leopoldville, in 1884, and launched on Stanley Pool a river steam vessel, the Peace, in which he explored the Kiva, the Kwango, and the Kasai rivers, and discovered the Ruki.
He was awarded in 1887 the Patron's Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society for his explorations in the Cameroons and Congo.
From 1893 to 1900 Grenfell remained chiefly at Bolobo on the Congo, where a strong mission station was established.
After a visit to England in 1900, he started a systematic exploration of the Aruwimi River and by November 1902 had reached Mawambi, about eighty miles from the western extreme of the Uganda protectorate.
Between 1903 and 1906 Grenfell was busy with a new station at Yalemba, establishing mission stations and exploring the Congo.
His work opened up that part of Africa to the Gospel and many lives were transformed because of his sacrifice. By exploring the Congo, he opened it up for development and fought against the evil Belgian administration. Grenfell died after a bad attack of blackwater fever at Basoko on 1 July 1906.
Bless a life by sharing
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uneasylisteningradio · 9 months
Fighting December 16, 2023
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Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night The Rezillos - Somebody's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In Tonight
DJ speaks over Prince Jammy - Fist of Fury
Chumbawamba - Slap! The Piranhas - Getting Beaten Up
DJ speaks over Pentangle - Haitian Fight Song
Wire - Single K.O. Dennis Alcapone - Cassius Clay Deportation - Let's Fight the Pigs Bad Livers - Fist Magnet The Ruts - Staring At the Rude Boys The Novas - The Crusher Dee Dee King - The Crusher
DJ speaks over Leonard Bernstein - The Rumble
The Bevis Frond - Johnny Kwango Agnostic Front - Fight The Whyte Boots - Nightmare Memphis Minnie - Joe Louis Strut Red Alert - City Invasion
DJ speaks over The Pogues - Wild Cats of Kilkenny
The Clean - Big Soft Punch Crass - Rival Tribal Revel Rebel, Pt. 2 Officer! - Boxers vs. Wrestlers Little Walter - Boom Boom Out Goes the Lights Sockeye - I Wanna Punch Raw Power - Start A Fight The Outcasts - Gangland Warfare The Partisans - Mindless Violence Circle of Shit - Punks Are Out Tonight
DJ speaks over Frowning Clouds - Stick Fight
Althea & Donna - No More Fighting The Proclaimers - Cap In Hand G.L.O.S.S. - Fight Cold War Embryos - Always Fighting Johnny Wakelin - In Zaire Ronnie & the Delinquents - Bad Neighborhood
DJ speaks over Al Hirt - Night Rumble
Ewan Maccoll, Charles Parker and Peggy Seeger - Come on Johnny, and Put 'Em Up Johnny Defiant Pose - Fight Tørsò - Sick of Fighting The Teardrop Explodes - The Great Dominions
DJ speaks over Link Wray - Rumble
7 Seconds - We’re Gonna Fight
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geantactu · 3 months
Kinshasa- Présidence : "le Chef de l'État veut voir des Gouverneurs qui sont sur le terrain et non Bureaucrates" ( Jacques Kyabula)
Ce lundi à la Cité de l’Union africaine,le Président Félix Tshisekedi a échangé avec une délégation des gouverneurs et vice-gouverneurs des provinces nouvellement élus, venus lui présenter des civilités et recevoir des orientations concernant la gestion de leurs entités. Il s’agit des gouverneurs et vice-gouverneurs dûment notifiés des provinces de Kinshasa, du Kwango, du Haut-Katanga, du…
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reasoningdaily · 4 months
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The Bakongo people (aka. the Kongo) dwell along the Atlantic coast of Africa from Pointe-Noire, Congo (Brazzaville) to Luanda, Angola. In the east, their territory is limited by the Kwango River and in the northeast by Malebo (Stanley) Pool, in the Congo River. The Bakongo thus live in Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), and Angola.
The Kongo peoples migrated into their current location during the 13th century from the northeast under the leadership of Wene. In 1482 the Portuguese arrived on the coast, and the Bakongo began diplomatic relations which included sending Bakongo nobles to visit the royal assemblage in Portugal in 1485. Bakongo leaders were targeted for conversion by Christian missionaries, and often divisions between followers of Christianity and followers of the traditional religions resulted. In 1526 the Portuguese were expelled, but the Bakongo peoples were then invaded by the Jagas in 1568, and the Bakongo were forced to look to the Portuguese for help. The Kongo kingdom never regained its former power. In the ensuing years the Bakongo alternatively fought for and against the Portuguese, eventually being colonized in 1885. The Bakongo political party Abako played an important part in national independence in 1960.
In its heyday, the Kingdom exacted taxes, forced labor, and collected fines from its citizens in order to prosper. At times, enslaved peoples, ivory, and copper were traded to the Europeans on the coast. The important harbors were Sonyo and Pinda. When the Kongo Kingdom was at its political apex in the 15th and 16th centuries, the King, who had to be a male descendant of Wene, reigned supreme. He was elected by a group of governors, usually the heads of important families and occasionally including Portuguese officials. The activities of the court were supported by an extensive system of civil servants, and the court itself usually consisted of numerous male relatives of the King. The villages were often governed by lesser relatives of the King who were responsible to him. All members of government were invested with their power under the auspices of a ritual specialist.
The Bakongo religion centers on ancestor and spirit cults, which also play a part in social and political organization. A strong tradition of prophetism and messianism among the Bakongo has given rise in the 20th century to nativistic, political-religious movements, mostly xenophobic. The most prolific art form from this area is the nkisi objects, which come in all shapes, mediums, and sizes. The stratification of Bakongo society resulted in much of the art being geared toward those of high status, and the nkisi figures were one of the only forms available to everyone.
They numbered about 10,220,000 at the end of the 20th century. Their language is part of the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo languages. The Bakongo cultivate cassava, bananas, corn (maize), sweet potatoes, peanuts (groundnuts), beans, and taro. Cash crops are coffee, cacao, urena, bananas, and palm oil. Fishing and hunting are still practiced by some groups, but many Bakongo live, work and trade in towns. Descent is reckoned through the female line, and tribes are grouped in lineages. The main characteristic of their social organization is fragmentation: nearly every village is independent of its neighbours, and almost nothing remains of the ancient Kongo kingdom.
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panafrocore · 7 months
The Kingdom of Kongo: History, Traditions, and Expansion
The Kingdom of Kongo holds a significant place in the history of Central Africa, its influence stretching across present-day northern Angola, western Democratic Republic of the Congo, Southern Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo. At its zenith, the kingdom encompassed a vast territory, spanning from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Kwango River in the east, and from the Congo River in the…
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alummarhausa · 1 year
Tarihin Kabilar Tiv (Tibi) A Najeriya
Kabilar Tiv (Tibi) suna ɗaya daga cikin mafi kyawun ƙabilu na Isra’ila da suka yi ƙaura zuwa nahiyar Afirka. Asalinsu Daga Kabilar Bantu ne na ƙasar Zulu, a Afirka ta Kudu, sun yi ƙaura zuwa Jamhuriyar Dimokaradiyyar Kwango a Afirka ta Tsakiya, da kuma Najeriya a yammacin Afirka. Daga yankin Kwararafa na Kongo-Zaire, sun yi ƙaura zuwa tsaunuka bakwai a yammacin Kamaru tsakanin shekara ta alif…
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mapera · 1 year
Kwango : 17 personnes tuées par les miliciens Mobondo à Ipongi
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top10buzz · 1 year
Un Colonel des FARDC Décapité lors d’une Attaque Sanglante à Kwango
La paix habituelle du village de Batshongo, situé sur la Route nationale n°1, a été brutalement perturbée par une attaque dévastatrice dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi. L’assaut, perpétré par un groupe d’assaillants connu sous le nom de Mobondo, a laissé derrière lui un paysage de désolation avec 11 personnes mortes, dont un colonel des FARDC et plusieurs policiers. Parmi les victimes, le…
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infosurbaines · 2 years
Conflit communautaire à Kwamouth : présence des assaillants signalée au village Bitadilwasa (Kwango), déjà trois provinces du grand Bandundu et la périphérie de Kinshasa touchées par les violences
Conflit communautaire à Kwamouth : présence des assaillants signalée au village Bitadilwasa (Kwango), déjà trois provinces du grand Bandundu et la périphérie de Kinshasa touchées par les violences
Le conflit communautaire déclenché en juin dernier entre Yaka et Teke dans le territoire de Kwamouth (Mai-Ndombe) ne cesse de s’étendre dans la région du Grand Bandundu. Après avoir atteint le territoire de Bagata (Kwilu), la présence d’assaillants armés est signalée au village Bitadilwasa à 67 kilomètres de la RN1 (Kwango), d’après la société civile locale. Ce village est à proximité de Fatundu…
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iweb-rdc001 · 1 year
Kwango : Les autorités sanitaires appellent à la prudence après la découverte d'un cas de monkeypox à Panzi
Un cas suspect de monkeypox a été annoncé dans un récent communiqué par le médecin chef de zone de Panzi, dans le territoire de Kasongo-Lunda, dans la province de Kwango. Après cette découverte, les mesures préventives ont immédiatement été mises en place. Tous les membres de la famille de la victime et de son entourage privé ont été mise en quarantaine. Selon Appolinaire Yumba, médecin chef de…
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lukanionso · 2 years
CENI : Plus de 1.450 agents formés sur l'opération de Révision du fichier électoral
CENI : Plus de 1.450 agents formés sur l’opération de Révision du fichier électoral
La formation du niveau 2 des formateurs des formateurs de la Commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI) pour l’opération de Révision du fichier électoral (RFE), a été clôturée, le samedi 26 novembre dernier, à Kinshasa, en République démocratique du Congo.  Au total, 1.452 participants des provinces de la première aire opérationnelle (Kinshasa, Kongo Central, Kwilu, Kwango, Maï-Ndombe,…
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youngmar4 · 2 years
Kwangmin appears to own the new grumpy cat😆 I hope his cat will be lovely with him soon
hahaha Kwango seems the kind of person to be fooling around his cat and maybe he's not always in the mood 😅
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12sur12infos · 3 years
Primature : Le caucus de députés de Kwango chez SAMA LUKONDE
Primature : Le caucus de députés de Kwango chez SAMA LUKONDE
Le Premier Ministre, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, a reçu en audience, le 02 septembre 2021 dans son cabinet de travail à la Primature, le caucus des députés nationaux de la province du Kwango qui sont venus lui faire part des difficultés de leur terroir.Avec à sa tête l’honorable Jean-Pierre Pasizapamba Mbuku, cette délégation des élus du Kwango a présenté au Chef du Gouvernement tous les grands…
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