#Kyle is my sis’s Victor
meegan420 · 2 years
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💥Kyle and Stan fireworks gif💥South Park/South Paws
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howl-fantasies · 3 years
Can you write me a short Bruce Wayne friendship fan fic in French? I wanna practice my reading more and I wanna try reading something that isn’t a children’s book. S’il vous plaît! Je vous en suis reconnaissant 🥰
A/N - I'm so excited by your request! I love to write in French too so I hope you'll enjoy it! 🥰 Sorry for the delay, work was hectic 😭
Warning : violence, insults, french. 
Attention : texte en français, violence.
Summary : Bruce invited Selina, Maggie and Y/N for tea. But what he wants to talk about is everything but mundane. The young heir has something in mind which doesn‘t please Y/N that much.  
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Si Jim Gordon venait à entrer au sein du manoir Wayne ce jour de mars, il illustrerait à la perfection l’expression “les bras m’en tombent”. Non pas parce qu’il aurait été secoué par la vision de Selina Kyle avachie dans le canapé en cuir hors de prix du jeune Wayne, à côté de celui-ci, non. Mais par les personnes assises en face de lui : Magnolia Blossom and Y/N. 
Plus encore, il aurait été sidéré par le calme absolu de son majordome, Alfred Pennyworth, sagement debout au milieu de leur drôle de petit comité, servant le thé comme il le ferait face à des gens respectables, occupés à paisiblement discuter et non à comploter un prochain mauvais coup. 
“Mesdames, merci d’avoir accepté de vous joindre à nous pour le thé”, remercia d’ailleurs l’homme en tendant une tasse à Maggie qu’elle accepta avec un sourire et un hochement de tête. “Je maintiens que c’était une mauvaise idée”, grommela Selina en croisant les bras et en posant une de ses bottes sur la table basse en acajou, récoltant un froncement de sourcil d’Alfred et un sourire indulgent de Bruce. 
“Vraiment, tu pourrais être un peu plus aimable avec la personne qui a sauvé ta vie et celle de Bruce au Gala du maire, chaton”, sermonna la voix éternellement plate de Y/N, qui pris également une tasse, la renifla suspicieusement, puis extirpa d’une de ses poches une fiole de liquide ambré qu’elle versa dedans sous l’oeil critique de Pennyworth. 
“J’espère qu’il s’agit d’un quelconque médicament et non d’alcool, Miss Y/N”, fit-il remarquer avec un air sombre, se voyant répondre une mine faussement choquée ainsi qu’une main outrée portée au coeur de la jeune femme. 
“Il s’agit d’un sirop, pour mes pauvres nerfs, vous devriez essayer Mister Carson. Je suis persuadée que cela ferait des miracles sur vôtre air sinistre. Peut-être même que cela vous ôterait l’énorme balais que vous avez dans le-...” Un coup de genou dans le sien l’empêcha de terminer sa phrase et elle se contenta de sourire de toutes ses dents. 
Même Selina ne pu s’empêcher de glousser en voyant la bouche ouverte de Bruce. Elle se rappela cependant la remarque de son aînée et se rembrunit. “Je ne parlais pas de l’invitation de Maggie. Est-ce qu’on doit s’attendre à voir débarquer l’autre psychopathe aussi, vu que vous êtes toujours collés ensemble ?” Demanda-t-elle en la fusillant du regard. 
“Je vous ai aussi sauvé la vie par extension, avec Victor, étant donné que nous avons tué le reste des hommes de Jérôme, ingrate”, fit remarquer l’assassin en sirotant son thé et en souriant narquoisement.
“L’autre psychopathe ?” Demanda Bruce en fronçant les sourcils. Maggie posa une main rassurante sur son genou par dessus la table. “Ne vous inquiétez pas jeune Bruce, Victor n’est pas en ville aujourd’hui.” Lui dit-elle. 
“Je ne sais pas ce qui me perturbe le plus, que tu connaisses son agenda ou qu’il t’aies suffit d’entendre psychopathe pour l’associer à mon partenaire.” Fit remarquer Y/N en soupirant. “Mais peu importe, peut-on cesser les ronds de jambes et en venir directement à la question la plus importante : que faisons-nous ici, Monsieur Wayne ?” 
Le jeune homme soupira à son tour et se frotta le front, en effet. Son invitation aux trois jeunes femmes n’avait pas été envoyée par simple courtoisie. “Très bien, je vais parler sans détour. Que savez-vous de la Cour des Hiboux ?” Questionna-t-il d’une voix grave. Selina ne broncha pas, visiblement déjà au courant de ses intentions. Maggie cligna des yeux clairement confuse, “Pardon ?” 
Mais les yeux de l’héritier Wayne, comme ceux de sa jeune comparse étaient braqués sur l’autre femme de la pièce, occupée à boire son thé sans même prendre la peine de feindre de l’intérêt pour sa question. Il posa ses avant bras sur ses cuisses et croisa les mains devant son visage, attendant la manifestation de la moindre émotion sur le visage terriblement neutre en face de lui.
Finalement, l’assassin reposa sa tasse dans un tintement et daigna ouvrir ses yeux perçants pour les braquer dans ceux de Bruce. “Meilleure question, Monsieur Wayne. Pourquoi vous intéressez-vous à la Cour ? Avez-vous une soudaine envie de mourir ? Si tel est le cas il vous suffisait de demander.” 
Sa remarqua lui valu une arme braquée directement sur sa tempe par le majordome. “Alfred !” Appela Wayne paniqué en levant une main pour lui faire baisser son arme. 
Y/N ne le regarda même pas, se contentant de croiser les jambes délicatement et de se pencher pour reprendre sa tasse. “Une information pour une information, Monsieur Wayne. Simple transaction, étant donné que votre invitation n’était pas innocente.” 
Elle regarda enfin le majordome droit dans les yeux. “Trois, deux, un... bang.” Sans réaction de sa part, elle pencha la tête de côté. “Non ? Alors rangez ça, je vous prie, avant de réveiller votre sciatique.” 
Au lieu de s’exécuter, il raffermit sa prise sur l’arme et alla même jusqu’à ôter la sécurité. “Mon maître vous a posé une question, Miss Y/N, et je ne baisserai pas mon arme avant d’être sûr que vous ne travaillez pas pour ces fous furieux, vous en seriez capable aux vues de votre CV”, siffla-t-il en contractant sa mâchoire de colère. 
“Alfred ! Baissez immédiatement votre ar-...!” Il n’eu pas le temps de finir, le reste de la tasse de l’assassin fut balancé sur le visage du majordome, l’alcool lui brulant les yeux et le faisant grogner de douleur. Son bras tenant l’arme fut attrapé au poignet et soulevé au plafond, puis tordu pour le désarmer. Enfin, un coup de pied derrière ses genoux le força à tomber au sol. 
Le tout s’était produit en quelques secondes. Choquant leur petite assemblée. “Y/N!” Cria Maggie en se levant et en attrapant l’arme avant la jeune femme qui haussa un sourcil agacé. “Sérieusement petite ?” La fleuriste recula pour être hors de sa portée. “Lâchez-le Y/N!” Ordonna Bruce en même temps que Selina se levait pour sauter sur elle. 
“Je ne suis pas adepte du meurtre d’enfants, chaton. Assieds-toi. Tout de suite.”, Ordonna son aînée d’une voix dangereusement calme qui cependant suffit à convaincre Kyle qui s’exécuta sous l’oeil tendu de Bruce. 
“Je ne vais rien faire à ton majordome, il m’est sympathique. Je ne travaille pas non plus pour la Cour. Je fais simplement un échange de bons procédés.” Expliqua-t-elle en relâchant doucement Alfred et en lui tendant une main qu’il saisit à contrecoeur pour l’aider à se relever. 
“On est un peu rouillé, Monsieur l’ex-soldat de la reine ?” Se moqua en français l’assassin. “Immobilisé et par une française, double affront.” Continua-t-elle encore mais en l’époussetant amicalement. “Là, là. Comme neuf.” Ajouta-t-elle. 
“Qu’avez-vous à gagner à connaître mes motivations ?” Demanda Bruce en se détendant légèrement. Elle haussa une épaule. “Assouvir ma curiosité ?” Répondit-elle avec légèreté. “Les informations sont aussi précieuses que de l’argent Bruce”, pointa Maggie avec bienveillance, récoltant un roulement d’yeux de Y/N. Et un hochement de tête du jeune homme qui semblait enfin comprendre. 
“Ils sont responsables de la mort de mes parents. Ils semblent aussi partout dans Gotham. Comme une ombre, mêlés à tous les trafics mais sans jamais directement s’y impliquer.” Souffla-t-il en fronçant les sourcils avant de regarder à nouveau l’assassin qui se rassit. 
“La Cour des Hiboux et ses membres sont Gotham, Monsieur Wayne. Ils sont à l’heure actuelle les maîtres absolus de la ville. Cela ne m’étonnerait que peu qu’ils soient déjà au courant de votre tentative de vous renseigner sur eux.” Indiqua-t-elle en se relevant brutalement pour regarder aux quatre coins de la pièce. “Vous avez fouillé le salon avant de nous faire venir ?” 
Alfred hocha la tête, “aucune caméra ou micro ici Miss Y/N. J’ai revérifié.” Elle se tourna vers lui et l’imita avant de revenir vers le fauteuil et de tirer de son manteau un petit appareil qu’elle lui tendit. “C’est un brouilleur.” Expliqua-t-elle. “On est jamais trop prudents”, ajouta-t-elle malicieusement sous l’oeil navré de Maggie et de Selina. 
“Tu ne serais pas un peu paranoïaque ? Ferme aussi les rideaux quand tu y es”, Se moqua la plus jeune, récoltant un regard désapprobateur de la fleuriste. “Et augmenter leurs soupçons ? Ne t’y trompes pas Selina, ils savent que nous sommes ici. La pire des choses seraient qu’ils se rendent compte que nous savons qu’ils savent.”, Expliqua Y/N. 
“Puisque vous venez gracieusement de nous coller une cible dans le dos, pourrais-je savoir ce que vous avez découvert d’autre sur eux, ou ce que vous prévoyez de faire ?” Soupira-t-elle. Bruce baissa légèrement la tête, se sentant probablement coupable. 
“Nous avons découvert l’existence d’une arme qui pourrait potentiellement les détruire. L’ennui est qu’elle se trouve dans un bâtiment lourdement gardé. Nous comptions la leur dérober.” Expliqua-t-il. 
“Oh. Rien que ça ?” Ricana l’assassin en s’étirant. 
“Que venons-nous faire là dedans Bruce, vous vous doutiez que je ne connaissais pas La Cour étant donné que je ne viens pas de Gotham...”, pointa Maggie tout à coup sérieuse. Le jeune homme grimaça mais confirma ses soupçons d’un hochement de tête. Selina le devança cependant pour répondre. 
“Le bâtiment est situé non loin de votre magasin de fleurs, nous voulions vous demander de laisser Alfred y rester le temps que Bruce et moi entrions à l’intérieur et que je puisse passer au-dessus de leur système de sécurité.” Eclaira-t-elle. 
“Loin de moi l’idée de tuer dans l’oeuf un aussi beau plan, les enfants, mais il y a un monde entre voler à la tire dans la rue ou se battre avec les petits mafieux locaux et braquer la plus grosse organisation de la ville.”, Fit remarquer Y/N en se regardant pensivement les ongles, se voyant répondre un claquement de langue irrité de Kyle. “Si tu penses pouvoir mieux faire, alors fais-le !” Cria-t-elle en la pointant du doigt. 
“Range ça avant que je le coupe.” Rétorqua fermement l’autre femme qui soupira. “Quant à attaquer la Cour, je ne suis pas assez stupide pour me braquer une arme sur le front toute seule. Je n’ai aucun intérêt à me retrouver dans leur viseur, ni l’énergie de me battre contre eux pour que le bien triomphe”, rétorqua-t-elle. 
“Je n’ai pas non plus la force logistique pour foncer tête baissée contre une organisation aussi tentaculaire, et vous non plus d’ailleurs. Avez-vous au moins réfléchit à l’après ? Où irez vous lorsque vous aurez une arme susceptible de les détruire, parce que dans le vrai monde, lorsque quelqu’un possède cela, on le dégomme. On n’attend pas qu’il joue son coup en premier.” Les sermonna Y/N. 
“Cela me tue de le dire, mais elle a raison”, reconnu Alfred. “Il nous faut prévoir tout ceci maître Bruce. Vous ne pouvez pas foncer tête baissée, pas cette fois.” 
Le jeune homme se prit la tête entre ses mains et soupira sous l’oeil critique de Maggie. “Rien de ce que nous dirons ne vous fera changer d’avis, je me trompe ?” Souffla-t-elle en se baissant à sa hauteur. C’était plus fort qu’elle, cet enfant l’attendrissait profondément. Son enfance si sombre lui rappelait à quelque part la sienne. “Non, rien.” Confirma le jeune Wayne. 
La fleuriste ferma douloureusement les yeux mais hocha la tête. “Vous pouvez utiliser le magasin, je peux aussi vous laisser les clés de mon appartement, je n’y loge pas actuellement”, proposa-t-elle. Bruce releva son visage et l’étudia une seconde avant de lui sourire légèrement. “Merci, votre aide est bienvenue.” Accepta-t-il. 
Il regarda ensuite Y/N qui le scrutait également depuis son siège avec son regard si calculateur. “Miss Y/N, j’ai compris que vous ne nous accompagnerez pas.” Dit-il. Elle confirma d’un hochement de tête. “Navrée jeune Wayne, mais même si je le voulais, cela irait contre mes intérêt. Et Selina a du vous expliquer la règle numéro un de la survie ici, à Gotham.” 
L’hériter hocha également la tête, “toujours penser d’abord à soi.” “Exactement. Je ne rentrerai pas frontalement en conflit avec eux. Cependant, je peux vous fournir de quoi communiquer à distance avec Monsieur Pennyworth et un ordinateur sécurisé avec un code pour pirater leur base informatique.” Proposa-t-elle. 
“Qu’est-ce que tu y gagnerais ?” Demanda prudemment Selina en la fusillant du regard et récoltant un sourire carnassier. “La survie de mon animal de compagnie. Vu qu’elle n’a aucun instinct de survie en vous offrant l’asile dans son magasin, ce qui permettra à la Cour de remonter jusqu’à elle en une seconde, je peux vous donner de quoi les ralentir puis les voir venir. Par extension ils remonteront de toutes façons jusqu’à moi via cette adorable idiote et voudront me punir, alors autant les titiller un peu”, détailla-t-elle en la pointant du doigt et en récoltant un “hé !” Outré à la mention d’”idiote”. 
“Il ne sauront jamais que l’ordinateur est à moi, juste que je connais leur existence, je devrais pouvoir arriver à manoeuvrer au milieu de leurs remontrances armées. Idem pour toi Maggie, tu devras jouer l’adorable idiote altruiste. Ils se focaliseront de toutes manières sur Wayne et compagnie et nous donneront le temps de nous mettre au vert.” Poursuivit-elle. 
Elle se rembrunit légèrement et soupira. “Vous venez de nous fourrer dans un beau pétrin, Monsieur Wayne. Entendons-nous bien, si nous sortons de ce bourbier en vie, vous nous devrez une fière chandelle. Et n’en doutez pas, je trouverai comment l’utiliser. En avez vous conscience ?” 
Elle ignora le regard noir d’Alfred, écrasant de tout son charisme le jeune homme qui réfléchit une longue minute avant d’hocher la tête et de tendre la main entre eux. “J’en ai conscience. Marché conclu ?” Elle cligna des yeux une fois avant de lui serrer la main. “Marché conclu”. 
“Êtes-vous sûr de vous maître Bruce, faire un tel marché avec Miss Maggie, passe encore. Elle semble plutôt intègre, pour une personne gravitant autour d’une des assassins les plus prolifiques de la ville. Mais avec Miss Y/N... cela n’augure rien de bon, il s’agirait presque de pactiser avec le diable”, pointa Alfred à côté du jeune homme posté à la fenêtre et occupé à regarder la voiture de Maggie et Y/N rouler hors de sa propriété. 
“Je ne sais pas, Alfred.” Avoua le jeune homme. “Miss Y/N n’était pas obligée d’accepter. Mais elle l’a quand même fait, sans doute par intérêt personnel, mais elle n’était pas obligée de nous conseiller sur la nécessité de nous cacher après avoir volé ce que cache la Cour... Et elle m’a également prévenu du poids de la promesse que je me suis engagé à tenir”, poursuivit-il. “Je reste persuadé qu’il y a du bon en elle, quelque part. Comme lorsqu’elle m’a aidé à récupérer les données de Wayne Enterprises.” 
Le Majordome resta longuement silencieux après cette remarque. “Peut-être en effet. J’espère juste que vous n’aurez pas à regretter votre promesse. Vous avez vraiment le don de vous entourer de drôles de dames...”
“Cela ne te ressemble pas d’accepter un marché où tu as plus à perdre qu’à gagner”, fit remarquer d’une voix neutre Maggie depuis le siège passager de la voiture conduite par Y/N. “Le jeune Bruce aurait-il réussi à jouer sur ta corde sensible ?” Ajouta-t-elle malicieusement. 
Le reniflement amusé qui retentit à côté d’elle lui fit perdre son sourire. “Laisse moi deviner, tu avais une idée derrière la tête. Tu en as toujours une.” Soupira la fleuriste en croisant les bras de contrariété. “J’ai simplement fait d’une pierre deux coups.” Répondit amusée l’assassin. 
“Ce qui signifie ?” Demanda la plus jeune excédée. “Je nous libère de la surveillance de Mario Falcone 24h sur 24 avec Victor et je fais un investissement à long terme sur le futur homme le plus puissant de la ville. Je ne sais pas comment le jeune Wayne évoluera à l’âge adulte, mais je sais d’avance qu’il regrettera avoir jamais accepté de me devoir une faveur”, expliqua Y/N avec un rictus un peu cruel qui fit soupirer derechef Maggie. 
“J’aurais dû m’en douter.”, Bouda-t-elle avant de sursauter lorsqu’un téléphone fut jeté sur ses genoux. “Appelle Vic, je te laisse lui expliquer comment tu nous a fourré dans un terrible guêpier et comment je nous en ai héroïquement tiré. Accroche toi, parce qu’on est suivi.” Dit-elle avant d’écraser l’accélérateur et de braquer violemment le volant à gauche. 
“Où est-ce que tu nous emmènes ?!” Paniqua la jeune femme en regardant dans le rétroviseur la berline noire qui les suivait effectivement depuis cinq bonnes minutes. “Prendre un train”, répondit calmement la conductrice mais avec un sourire beaucoup trop large pour être honnête. “Tu as vu la rediffusion de Fast and Furious?” Ajouta-t-elle. “OH NON ! NON ! NON ! NON ! Fais moi descendre Y/N !”
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A/N - I hope you liked it! 🥰
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xbpdumbassx · 5 years
My F/Os (updated 6/4/19)
A page to share with you my fictional loves!
A page to share with you my fictional loves!
Romantic (the ones in bold are my mains!)
Toshinori Yagi (BNHA)
Saitama (One Punch Man)
Count Lucio (The Arcana)
Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Solas/Fen'Harel (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Poison Ivy (DC)
Alfred Pennyworth (DC)
Bruce Wayne (DC)
Clark Kent (DC)
Victor Zsasz (Gotham)
Peter Parker (Marvel)
Wade Wilson (Marvel)
Steve Rogers (Marvel)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Jean Grey (Marvel)
James “Logan” Howlett (Marvel)
Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Locus (RVB)
Carolina (RVB)
Strade (BTD)
Vincent Metzger (BTD2)
Diavolo/Doppio (JJBA)
Risotto Nero (JJBA)
Markus/RK200 (Detroit: Become Human)
Connor/RK800 (Detroit: Become Human)
Trevor Belmont (Castlevania)
(I always seem to go for the ones who can fucking kill me… 😅🤷‍♀️)
Edward Elric (FMA) (Bro)
Alfonse Elric (FMA) (Bro)
Noriaki Kakyoin (JJBA) (BFF)
Giorno Giovanna (JJBA) (My SON)
Jolyne Kujo (JJBA) (Sis)
Hunk (VLD) (BFF)
Lance (VLD) (BFF)
Pidge (VLD) (BFF)
Ren Hana (BTD) (BFF)
Caboose (RVB) (Bro)
Donut (RVB) (BFF)
Connecticut (RVB) (Bro)
Alya Cesaire (Miraculous Ladybug) (BFF)
Miles Morales (Marvel) (Bro)
Tony Stark (Marvel) (You’re my dad! Boogie woogie woogie!)
Selena Kyle (DC) (Sis)
Metal Bat (One Punch Man) (Bro)
Zenko (One Punch Man) (Sis)
0 notes
stevefoxe · 8 years
Everything I Read in 2016
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For the third year in a row, I logged every novel, short story collection, poetry compilation, graphic novel, and collected edition of monthly comics I read, excluding individual monthly comics (on which I continued to fall catastrophically behind) and anything I read (and reread, and reread again) for my day job. My only big change? A lot of these books were read on my iPad Mini. And a good number were for my gay book club (you can guess which ones). 
If you don’t yet keep track of your reading, you should start in 2017. It’s your best bet for hitting a reading goal, and for folks like me who read a ton, it’s a nice way to recall books that otherwise departed your memory.
For the tl;dr crowd, here are my Top 13 for the year, in the order in which I read them:
On Writing, Stephen King
Binti, Nnedi Okorafor
The Girls, Emma Cline
I Am a Hero Vol. 1 & Vol. 2, Kengo Hanazawa
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Saenz
The Hero: Book Two, David Rubín
Night Sky With Exit Wounds, Ocean Vuong
Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders (I read an ARC)
A Choir of Ill Children, Tom Piccirilli
Habitat, Simon Roy
Prez Vol. 1, Mark Russell, Ben Caldwell, Domo Stanton
Bones of the Coast, edited by Shannon Campbell, Jeff Ellis, Kathleen Jacques
(New X-Men Omnibus was a re-read, or it would be up here.)
The rest is below the jump!
I don’t really feel like dumping on anything this year. I definitely got burnt out on comic anthologies, and I hated A Little Life, but the good outweighs the bad. Below is the full list, divided by month, followed by a few statistics and an evaluation of my 2016 reading goals as established last January. 
[A note on comics: I feel guilty that I’ve left off colorists and inkers, as they contribute so much to a book, but I defaulted to cover credits while logging my reading and don’t have most of these books on-hand to fix it now.]
The Amazing World of Gumball: Fairy Tale Trouble, Megan Brennan, Katy Farina, Jeremy Lawson
Adventure Time: Masked Mayhem, Kate Leth, Bridget Underwood, Drew Green, Vaughn Pinpin, Meredith McClaren
Sir Edward Grey: Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland, Kim Newman, Maura McHugh, Tyler Crook
On Writing, Stephen King
Binti, Nnedi Okorafor
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016, edited by John Joseph Adams & Joe Hill
The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps, Kai Ashante Wilson
Planet Hulk, Sam Humphries & Marc Laming
Future Imperfect, Peter David & Greg Land
Hail Hydra, Rick Remender & Roland Boschi
House of M, Dennis Hopeless & Marco Failla
Marvel Zombies, Si Spurrier & Kev Walker
Old Man Logan, Brian Michael Bendis & Andrea Sorrentino
The Girls, Emma Cline
The Gilded Razor, Sam Lansky
Civil War, Charles Soule & Leinil Francis Yu
New X-Men Omnibus, Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Phil Jimenez, Ethan Van Sciver, Igor Kordey, Marc Silvestri, Keron Grant, Chris Bachalo, John Paul Leon, Bill Sienkiewicz, Leinil Francis Yu
The Eye of the Cat, Elejandro Jodorowsky & Moebius
All the Birds in the Sky, Charlie Jane Anders
Beyond Anthology, edited by Sfé Monster & Taneka Scott
A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara
Balloon Pop Outlaw Black, Patricia Lockwood
 I Am a Hero Vol. 1, Kengo Hanazawa
The Nameless City Vol. 1, Faith Erin Hicks
Ody-C Vol. 1, Matt Fraction & Christian Ward
Lovecraft Country, Matt Ruff
Husk, Rachel Autumn Deering
New World: An Anthology of Sci-Fi & Fantasy, edited by C. Spike Trotman
Chainmail Bikini: An Anthology of Women Gamers, edited by Hazel Newlevant
Broken Frontier, edited by Frederik Hautain & Tyler Chin-Tanner
Love in All Forms: The Big Book of Growing Up Queer, edited by Serafina Dwyer
Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 1, Grant Morrison & Yanick Paquette
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Saenz
The Hero: Book Two, David Rubín
The Girl With All the Gifts, M. R. Carey
Regular Show: Noir Means Noir, Buddy, Rachel Connor, Robert Luckett, Wook Jin Clark
Night Air, Ben Sears
Revenger: Children of the Damned, Charles Forsman
Magic for Beginners, Kelly Link
Dark Engine Vol. 1, Ryan Burton & John Bivens
Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird, Brandon Seifert, Karl Moline, Filipe Andrade
The Girl in the Flammable Skirt, Aimee Bender
Every Heart a Doorway, Seanan McGuire
Mr. Splitfoot, Samantha Hunt
Fire Shut Up in My Bones, Charles M. Blow
Revival Vol. 1, Tim Seeley & Mike Norton
The Fireman, Joe Hill
Colder: Toss the Bones, Paul Tobin & Juan Ferreyra
The Fly: Outbreak, Brandon Seifert & Menton3
Faker, Mike Carey & Jock
What If? Infinity, Joshua Williamson, Mike Henderson, Riley Rossmo, Mike Norton, Jason Copeland, Goran Sudžuka
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool, Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli, Jacopo Camagni
Outcast Vol. 3, Robert Kirkman & Paul Azaceta
Lady Killer Vol. 1, Joelle Jones & Jamie S. Rich
The Fiction, Curt Pires & David Rubín
The Amazing World of Gumball Vol. 2, Frank Gibson, Tyson Hesse, Paulina Ganucheau
Arcadia, Alex Paknadel & Eric Scott Pfeiffer
Black Market, Frank J. Barbiere & Victor Santos
Dream Thief Vol. 2, Jai Nitz, Greg Smallwood, Todd Galusha
Contest of Champions Vol.1, Al Ewing & Paco Medina
The Infinity Gauntlet, Dustin Weaver & Gerry Duggan
The Amulet, Michael McDowell
The Dark Half, Stephen King
The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Steve Moncuse & Art Adams
Steven Universe: Too Cool for School, Ian Jones-Quartey, Jeremy Sorese, Asia Kendrick-Horton, Rachel Dukes, Josceline Fenton
Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare, overseen by Loren Bouchard
Bob’s Burgers: Well Done, overseen by Loren Bouchard
Zombie, Joyce Carol Oates
Kare-Kare Komiks, Andrew Drilon
Night Sky With Exit Wounds, Ocean Vuong
The Witcher: House of Glass, Paul Tobin & Joe Querio
X-Men: No More Humans, Mike Carey & Salvador Larroca
Cold Moon Over Babylon, Michael McDowell
Black Hand Comics, Wes Craig
Disappearance at Devil’s Rock, Paul Tremblay
B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth: The Devil’s Wings, John Arcudi, Mike Mignola, Lawrence Campbell, Joe Querio, Tyler Crook
B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth: Flesh & Stone, John Arcudi, Mike Mignola, James Harren
Abe Sapien: Sacred Places, Mike Mignola, Scott Allie, Sebastian Fiumara, Max Fiumara
Abe Sapien: A Darkness So Great, Mike Mignola, Scott Allie, Sebastian Fuimara, Max Fiumara
Hellboy & the B.P.R.D. 1952, Mike Mignola, John Arcudi, Alex Maleev
Lobster Johnson: Get the Lobster!, Mike Mignola, John Arcudi, Tonči Zonjić
Green River Killer: A True Detective Story, Jeff Jensen & Jonathan Case
The Witcher: Fox Children, Paul Tobin & Joe Querio
Children of the Night, John Blackburn
Frankenstein Underground, Mike Mignola & Ben Stenbeck
My Best Friend’s Exorcism, Grady Hendrix
The Well, Jack Cady
Angel Catbird Vol. 1, Margaret Atwood & Johnnie Christmas
Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders
Fellside, M. R. Carey
The Twilight Children, Gilbert Hernandez & Darwyn Cooke
Veil, Greg Rucka & Toni Fejzula
Negative Space, Ryan K. Lindsey & Owen Geini
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 1, Alex De Campi, Chris Peterson, Simon Fraser
Bitch Planet Vol. 1, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Valentine De Landro, Robert Wilson IV
Ody-C Vol. 2, Matt Fraction & Christian Ward
Tampa, Alissa Nutting
Clive Barker’s A-Z of Horror, compiled by Stephen Jones
The Missing, Sarah Langan
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 2, Alex De Campi, Federica Manfredi, Gary Erskine
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 3, Alex De Campi, R.M. Guera, Chris Peterson
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 4, Alex De Campi, Mulele Jarvis, John Lucas
Audition, Ryu Murakami
Mr. Arashi’s Amazing Freak Show, Suehiro Maruo
In the Miso Soup, Ryu Murakami
Ghosts, Raina Telgemeier
Anya’s Ghost, Vera Brosgol
One Week in the Library, W. Maxwell Prince & John Amor
A Choir of Ill Children, Tom Piccirilli
The Bloody Chamber, Angela Carter
I Am a Hero Vol. 2, Kengo Hanazawa
The Beauty Vol. 1, Jeremy Haun & Jason A. Hurley
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo Vol. 1, Drew Weing
Gerald’s Game, Stephen King
Call Me By Your Name, André Aciman
Invisible Republic Vol. 1, Gabriel Hardman & Corinne Bechko
Roche Limit Vol. 1, Michael Moreci & Vic Malhorta
What Belongs to You, Garth Greenwell
Roche Limit Vol. 2, Michael Moreci & Kyle Charles
Roche Limit Vol. 3, Michael Moreci & Kyle Charles
One-Punch Man Vol. 9, ONE & Yusuke Murata
One-Punch Man Vol. 10, ONE & Yusuke Murata
Habitat, Simon Roy
Beowulf, Santiago García & David Rubín
The Oath, edited by Audrey Redpath
Star Wars: Tales From the Far, Far Away, Michael Moreci, Tim Daniel, Ryan Cady, Phillip Sevy, etc.
Prelude to Bruise, Saeed Jones
Grief is the Thing With Feathers, Max Porter
Tomie Deluxe Edition, Junji Ito
Krampus!, Brian Jones & Dean Kotz
Fantasy Sports Vol. 2, Sam Bosma
The Beauty Vol. 2, Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley, Mike Huddleston, Brett Weldele, Stephen Green
Prez Vol. 1, Mark Russell, Ben Caldwell, Domo Stanton
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe, Ryan Q. North & Erica Henderson
Love is Love, edited by Marc Andreyko
Joe Golem Vol. 1, Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, Patric Reynolds
Baltimore: Cult of the Red King, Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, Peter Bergting
Abe Sapien: The Burning Fire, Mike Mignola, Scott Allie, Max Fiumara, Sebastian Fiumara, Tyler Crook
Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret House of the Night of Dread Desire, Neil Gaiman & Shane Oakley
Bones of the Coast, edited by Shannon Campbell, Jeff Ellis, Kathleen Jacques
140 Books (up from 128 in 2015 and 87 in 2014)
39 Novels or short story collections (down from 43 in 2015 and 44 in 2014)
98 Graphic novels/collected editions of comics (up from 84 in 2015 and a measly 42 in 2014)
3 Books of poetry (triple the 2015 and 2014 counts!)
About 35 Books written or edited by female authors (up from 20 in 2015 and 16 in 2014; note that I’m only counting writers and editors, not artists, and I’m counting books, not unique authors)
Roughly 19 books by (known-to-be) non-white authors (down from 30 last year but up from 9 in 2014...but both this year and last were inflated by multiple entries from manga creators)
...and at least 16 books written or edited by queer and trans authors. 
So...any suggestions for 2017?
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Okay. So I forget. A lot. Going to make this list to make it easier to remember. This list is based off active threads. If I missed you please let me know. If there’s a question mark, I either haven’t made a tag or forgot it and can’t find a reference, for which I apologize. If something is wrong or missing, please HELP ME!
Adrian - Casper [?]
Alaska - My Ashy Remains - Hades [Darker Days]
Alaska - My Focus - Neal [Stained Shutter]
Alaska - My Mythical Sis - Elizabeth [Inking Myths]
Alaska - My Spark - Jaxon [Tinder and Ink]
Alaska - My Sunshine - Sandy [Alandy]
Alaska - My Sweet Tooth - Thomas [Almost Dapper]
Alaska - Found Not Lost - Dominick [Inside The Lines]
Alaska - My Bruise - Quinton [Rough Decisions]
Alaska - My Best Bet - Booth [Brewing Bets]
Alaska - My Pride and Joy - Mads
Alaska - My Littelest Lost Boy - Fletcher
Alaska - My Memory Chip - Fletcher [?]
Alaska - My Lost Boy - Peter [NeverWonderLand]
Alaska - Peter - Age Difference
Alaska - Philip [?]
Alice’s Pooh Bear - Zack [Mellowed Mushrooms]
Alice’s High Note - Luke [Scales and Arpeggios]
Alice’s Solo - Mads [I’m Ready Maestro]
Alice’s Little Lion - Fletcher [Sissy Stuff]
Alice - Clutch [?]
Antheia’s Ambrosia - Georges [Nectar of the Gods]
Antheia’s Burn - Jaxon [Burning Sunlight]
Antheia’s Film Script - Tyler [Golden Hour]
Antheia’s Inferno - Hades [Scorched Sunflowers]
Antheia’s Dragon - Carter [Smoking Dragons]
August - Tiffany [?] 
Caroline’s Best Broke Friend - Max [2BG]
Celia’s Starlight - Justin [?]
Charlie’s Heartbeat - Max [I’m With the Band]
Charlie - Melinda [?]
Darcy’s Blue Blur - Pietro [Quick Tasers]
Jade - Tiffany [Animated Ammunition]
Jade - Maggie [?]
Jimena - Della [?]
Lane’s Ace - Remy [Cajun Jinx]
Lane’s Deceased Dad - Hades [?]
Lane - Julia [?]
Lark - Della [?]
Luke - Mads [?]
Malese - Fletcher [?]
Maxine - Fiona [High Heels]
Maxine - Casper [Fashionably Famous]
Nox’s Easel - Odette [Seductive Creatives]
Nox - Lacey [?]
Nox - E [?]
Nat’s Ashes - Hades [Natural Death] 
Nat’s Flame - Jaxon [Thunder Flames] 
Nat’s Tsumani - Arthur [Nature’s Tide]
Paige - River [?]
Piper’s Calm Waters - Arthur [Science and Sea]
Rey’s Dark Side - Kylo [You Need A Teacher]
Rouge’s Thorn - Nathaniel [Electric Roses]
Rouge - Hades [?]
Sabrina’s ? - Ray [Constructively Covert]
Sabirna - Oswin [?]
Silk - Peter [?]
Tasha - Jamie [?]
Theo - Hades [?]
Thom - Monica [?]
Tink - Second [Tinker Time]
Tristan - Lauren [?]
Alaska - My Anchor - Kyle [Finding Refuge]
Alaska - My Inbetween - Carter [More or Less]
Alaska - My Sisterly Source - Kenley [?]
Jade - Scarlett [?]
Freya - Jade [?]
Nox’s Gem - Jade [Picked Hearts]
Nox - Carter [?]
Nox - Ezekiel [?]
Piper’s Bordeaux - Todd [Cold Crime] 
Rylee - Ezekiel [Cops and Robbers]
Thom’s Queen - Kenley [Checkmate] 
Alaska - My Cupie - Jin [Wishing Waves]
Antheia’s Moonlight - Kiran [Spring Shimmers]
Antheia - Sam [Shimmering Waves]
Rouge’s Sunlight - Ashwin [Adoring Ashes]
Rouge - Sam [Rose Water]
Rouge - Kiran [Diverging Natures]
Theo’s Haven - Sam [Silk Tsunamis]
Alaska - Oscar [Intoxicating Interviews]
Alaska - Winter [Signing Crimes]
Alaska - Jeremy [Written Repairs]
Alaska - Malcolm [Orphaned Black]
Aaron - Gemma [Exploring Love]
Adena - Kat [?]
Adrian - Gigi [Geek Squad]
Adrian - Carter [Brain Waves]
Adrian - Penelope [Cuffed Caffeine]
Adrian - Ivy [Word Games]
Adrian - Maria [Nerdgasm]
Aimee - Nathan [Scripted Soulmates]
Aimee - Leo [Staged Scars]
Alice - Malcom [Sweet Chaos]
Angelus - Gemma [Recovering Wings]
Antheia - Penny [Electrifying Arrests]
Antheia - Billy [Planting Sunshine]
Avery - Penelope [Crime of Fashion]
Avery - Sage [Designer Divas]
Blaire - Derek [Explosive Stories]
Dye - Wade [Historic Scales]
Dye - Leo [Soothing Scales]
Freya - Emme [Sucking Spells]
Gen - Arthur [Love and War]
Gen - Charlie [?]
Georgie - Caleb [Lyrical Lies] 
Harper - Florence [?]
Jade - Penny [Protect and Serve]
Jade - Francesca [Warrior Wounds]
Jimena - Malcom [Book Bangers]
Jordon - Caleb [Musical Mayhem]
Joss - Felix [Shy Soundwaves]
Kael - Penny [DetecKing]
Lane - Oscar [Stolen Shots]
Landon - Carter [Surfing Stunts]
Landon - Penelope [?]
Landon - Peyton [?]
Landon - Moira [?]
Lark - Moira [?]
Lucien - Ivan [Spellbound Soulmates]
Malese - Caleb [Mind Manipulations]
Maxine - Rae [Sewn Stockings]
Maxine - Sage [Competitive Couture]
Mia - Emme [?]
Nature - Emori [Clash of the Goddesses]
Piper - Malcolm [Medical Journals]
Raisa - Charlie [Rock and Rolling]
Rouge - Veronica [Natures Nymphs]
Rouge - Jeremy [?]
Sascha - Victor [?]
Seth - Naya [Animalistic Animations]
Seth - Rae [?]
Tristan - Erik [?]
Tristan - Vadik [?]
Zephyr - Sage [?]
Adrian - Kat [Beauty and the Brain]
Alaska - Ainsley [?]
Alaska - Mason [?]
Blaire - Ainsley [?]
Blaire - Ainsley - Ollie [?]
Harper - Amelia [?]
Iris - Eli [?]
Jade - Sofia [?]
Jade - Cody [?]
Joss - Olivia [?]
Nikolas - Amelia [?]
Nox - Ainsley [Terrible Two]
Paige - Jayden [?]
Piper - Cody [Fated Forces]
Piper - Jordan [Sutured Souls]
Whiskey - Cody [History Unknown]
Alaska - [Electric Ink]
Carter’s Captain - Captain America [American Revolution]
Monica - Chandler [London Time]
Monica’s Emergency - Rachel [?]
Rey’s Troublemaker - BB8
Rey’s ? - [Stop Taking My Hand]
Rizzoli’s Smartypants - Isles [Lesbihonest]
Sif’s Bolt - Thor [Piercing Lightning]
Sif’s Shield - Captain America [War Shield] 
Thom’s Comfort Zone - Summer [Bedside Manner]
Watson’s Case - Sherlock [Elementary Dear]
Whiskey’s Start - ? [Tabula Rosa]
Whiskey’s Beast - Garth [Animalistic Memory]
0 notes
dubredofanfics · 7 years
Malacañang Garden
Part 5 of 5
Leni confided to her best friend, Grace after what happened. "Okay lang yan, people come and go." Grace comforted her as she was lying down at her thighs crying.
"Nung sinasabi niya kase sakin yon ramdam ko na gusto niya pa kaya lang sabi ko ayoko na kahit gusto ko pa talaga. Ngayon, wala na siya." She cried. "Bakit hindi mo siya kausapin ulit? Tingin ko naman mahal ka parin niya, hindi naman ganon kabilis mawala yun." She advised her. Leni sat down and wiped her tears. "Natatakot din kase ako." She confessed.
"Natatakot saan? Sa love? Sa una lang yan pero kapag nagtake ka ng risk, makikita mo. Sobrang sarap sa pakiramdam ng in love." She enlightened her.
"Ngayon lang kase ako nakaramdam ng ganito. Papano kung akala ko lang pala na gusto ko rin siya tapos sa kalagitnaan biglang magbago yung isip ko tapos masasaktan ko siya? Ayoko ng ganon." She shared. Grace held her hand and stroked it with her thumb.
"Yung fact na takot kang masaktan siya, hindi pa ba sapat na rason yon kung bakit dapat kang magtake ng risk?" She asked Leni.
"Tingin mo ba hindi siya worthy for the risk?" She asked her again. Leni paused and thought about it, he was important to her, he was worth all the risk.
"Pag-isipan mo. Ikaw lang naman makakasagot ng mga tanong na yan." Grace smiled at her and went back to her dorm room leaving Leni behind to think further.
Three months passed by, it was already November. Rodrigo and Leni intentionally avoided each other along the school campus. Rodrigo didn't wanna bother her and Leni feared he would confront her.
One Friday evening, their worship leader made an activity for a special bonding between the members and the newly joined ones. He grouped everyone by pairs, they were set to find the hidden message within the oasis. They were given portable tents, bags of water and snacks, flashlights, GPS and tracking chips. Leni felt sad, Rodrigo wasn't around, she was used to having him as a partner.
"Martin and Hans, Yasi and Judy, Gab tsaka si Kyle..." The leader paired everyone. "Kulang pala tayo ng isa. Leni assistant nalang muna kita ngayon." The leader told him. "Sige po." She replied.
"Hi!" Rodrigo shouted as he was ran towards them. Leni was shook to see his unexpected presence, she thought he would be going to Europe for his OJT.
"Sorry late! Nagsimula na ba?" He asked. "Hindi pa, oh kayo na ni Leni magpartner, kulang tayo ng isa eh." The leader informed her. Leni and Rodrigo looked at each other trying not to make things awkward between them.
"Okay everyone may start now!" Their leader ordered them and walked to their tent.
"Simulan na natin?" Rodrigo asked. "Ah? Oo. Sige." She agreed.
They searched for some clues at the oasis and it took all of them few hours to search for the message. Leni and Rodrigo has always been determined to win such activities ever since they joined the group and it helped them to temporarily forget the awkwardness between them.
Crystal clear as a diamond. Drenches your cheeks in misery.
Leni read the last clue but it hit the two of them emotionally. "Crystal clear... Di ba related yan sa tubig?" Rodrigo tried to cut the feels. "Oo! Sa batis!" She exclaimed and took his hand as they ran towards the spring.
"Paktay na—." Rodrigo uttered upon seeing the thick and sticky layers of mud. He looked at her and she was wearing a short shorts, it would be a bad idea to let her walk through the mud with that.
"Huy! Ano pang tinatayo mo diyan! Halika na!!" She exclaimed.
"Nakashorts ka! Pano ka tatawid?!" He groused. "Okay lang yan! Halika na baka maunahan tayo!" She eagerly replied. Suddenly they heard another pair talking from a distance.
"Rodrigo!! Let's go!!!" Leni panicked.
Rodrigo grunted and immediately carried her on his arms. "Huy— Rody—!" She said in surprise of what he did. "Humawak ka lang, wag ka magulo." He directed as he walked through the swamp; she had no choice. As soon as they reached the dry land, he carefully brought her down.
"Tumakbo ka na sa batis!" He told cheered as he tried to run after his breath. "Hindi kita pwedeng iwan." She told him.
He was stunned to hear it from her. She smiled softly at him and extended her arms towards him. He held her hand for some support, they rushed towards the spring and looked for the last message around it.
"Ayun yung box!" Rodrigo pointed out. They hastily opened the box and took the envelope inside to read it.
When I've given my best and feel like giving in, you looke at me and give me that come here beautiful smile.
When I feel like I've fallen to the ground,
you take my hand...
Rodrigo started to read.
You pull me close and you hold me tight.
I see it in your eyes and begin to understand, that there is a whole new light.
Leni continued reading.
Everything will be alright. You don't have any clue, just how much I count on you." She continued.
It's the trust that you give to me,
that helps me believe we can make it through anything.
When it all comes down and I feel we'll never last...
He continued.
I just lean into you and believe we'll make it through.
She ended. Silence swarmed the two. The message was inadvertently accurate for their situation.
"So... Nanalo yata tayo?" Rodrigo cuts the silence. "Oo nga." She agreed with a weak voice. "Together." He pointed out. "Together." She repeated him. They smiled at each other and wrapped their arms around one another.
"I love you." Rodrigo unconsciously uttered.
They slowly withdrew from the hug. "I'm ... Sorry—" He apologized afraid to make things awkward again. "Okay lang." She replied with a shy chuckle. "Sorry, saan ba nangaling yon. Wag kang ma-awkward ha—"
"Oo, pagod narin ako gawing awkward lahat ng tungkol satin." She confessed. "Sorry, Leni. Kasalanan ko kung bakit naging weird lahat. Sana di nalang ako umamin." He blamed himself silencing them.
"Hindi! Ano ka ba. Ako yung may kasalanan. Hindi dapat ako nagpanic. Nagpanic kase ako, masyado akong kinain ng takot ko kaya hindi ko man lang binigyan ng chance." She shared startling him. "Chance?" He asked carefully. "Oo. Gusto ko rin kase eh kaya lang nawalan ako ng loob sabihin kaya mas pinili kong hindi nalang magsalita kaya ayun, I lost you." She confessed and followed it with a fainted smile.
Rodrigo's eyes grew, he couldn't believe what she was saying. "So... Mahal mo rin ako?" He asked courageously hoping he won't get shut off for the second time. It took sometime for her to respond. Smile grew in her lips as she looked at him.
Their leader announced through their speakers. They both laughed for the interruption of their moment. Rodrigo stood up and grabbed her hand. "Balik na tayo." He told her. "Sige." She held his hand and they rushed back to the leaders' tent.
The other pairs went back to the tent and gathered around a circle.
"Can we have Leni and Rodrigo at the middle. Our victors." Their leader requested. "So, what can you say about your partners?" He asked. "Leni?" He asked her.
"Uh. Rodrigo is the best partner I could ever have. Ang bilis kumilos, mabilis mag-analyze ng puzzles. Sinisigurado din niya na safe ako sa twing may tatakbuhin kami." She shared.
"Rodrigo?" Their leader asked. "Ah. Uhm... Competitive man 'tong partner ko. Hindi pwedeng babagal bagal, masisipa ka nito." He shared making all of them laugh. "Pero kahit violent yan, siya yung motivation ko para manalo. Yan yung motivation ko para tumuloy..."
"She pushes me to win... be better and fight for the gold." He gazed at her as he spoke, everyone of them listened closely.
"Nung tumawid kami doon sa may putik, halos maubusan ako ng hininga kakatakbo, ang bigat sa paa, ang sakit sa hita pero tinignan ko siya, nawala lahat ng yon. Sabi ko kailangan namin manalo, kailangan ko 'tong ipanalo kase yun yung gusto niya. Kung ano yung gusto niya, yung narin yung gusto ko." He shared and looked at her as she smiled back at him.
"Bakit gusto mo rin yung gusto niya?" The leader asked.
"Siguro kase... mahalaga siya saakin." He confessed in front of them. The other members squealed.
"And Leni? Do you have anything more to say?" The leader asked. She smiled at him. "Tingin ko pareho lang kami ng nararamdaman." She replied making the other members squeal again.
"Okay! Okay! Everyone! Pumasok na tayo sa tent at magpahinga. Marami pang duties bukas!" Their leader ordered them. As the place cleared up and everyone was on their designated tents, their leader told them something.
"I'm gonna go, I believe the two of you should talk." He told them and left them alone. They smiled at him.
"So... sabi mo pareho lang tayo ng nararamdaman... Ibig sabihin ba non..." He asked hanging.
"Ano ba sa tingin mong ibig sabihin non?" She asked back. "Mahal mo rin ako?" He asked courageously. "Rin? Ibig sabihin ba niyan mahal mo parin ako?" She answered again with a question. "Syempre naman." He replied, the sound of relief and gratefulness manifested over his tone. "Ako rin." She replied. "Talaga?" He asked happily. "Oo. Kala ko ayaw mo na at napag-iwanan na ako." She confessed.
"Hindi noh, mahal kita. I meant it." He replied and hugged her.
"Pero balita ko magu-Europe ka na for good." She pointed out worrying about the struggles they might encounter with a long distance relationship.
"Ah, oo. Priorities." He replied.
"Ah... ngayon yung flight mo?" She asked. "Hindi." He answered. "Ha? Kala ko ba priorities.?" She felt puzzled.
"Tinignan ko yung priorities ko, nandun ka sa pinaka-una." He clarified.
"Pangalawa sa listahan ko yung marinig ko sayo na mahal mo rin ako." He told her. They gazed on each others eyes as smile grew across her lips. She was so touched. "Pwede ko bang marinig yon?" He requested.
"I love you." She professed.
"I love you rin." Rodrigo replied as he cupped her face.
"I love you more." She competed and pressed here forehead against his.
"I love you most." He replied and softly placed a kiss on her lips. She reciprocated the kiss as tears streamed down her face in happiness.
Everything between them came unexpected, Rodrigo just wanted to play but then he didn't see falling in love with her coming and so did Leni. But they thought that both of them are worth taking the risk despite that they're both amateur in love.
— END —
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franciscomaldo · 8 years
Christian Bale en “Batman Begins” (2005).
Sin lugar a dudas el personaje de Batman es el que más veces ha sido llevado al cine, lo que conforme a las diferentes épocas en que se ha realizado, deja por resultado elementos y conceptos cinematográficos que muestran una interesante evolución de este justiciero enmascarado creado por DC Comic. Al margen de la ética moral de Capitán América, el optimismo de Superman, la juventud de Spider-Man y la ambición de Iron-Man, Batman es sin lugar a dudas el superhéroe más popular de todos los tiempos.
A continuación enumeramos el recuento de las diferentes películas hechas de Batman hasta la fecha, las que incluyen producciones innovadoras, populares y hasta ridículas. Cada una de estas películas cuentan con sólidos argumentos que le dan méritos propios. Este recuento no incluye las producciones animadas hechas para cine, TV y video.
Batman (1943)
Douglas Croft, Stanley Price y Lewis Wilson en “Batman” (1943).
Lambert Hillyer dirigió esta primera adaptación a la pantalla grande, la que llega después del cómic creado en 1939 por los artistas de DC Comics Bob Kane y Bill Finger. Ese mismo año la editorial National Publications lo lanzó en la edición No, 27 de Detective Comics y en 1940 salió en su propia revista cómic.
La película fue protagonizada por Lewis Wilson como Batman / Bruce Wayne y Douglas Croft como Robin / Dick Grayson.
En 1949 Columbia Pictures hizo la primera adaptación para TV de este personaje bajo el título de Batman y Robin, fallida serie de 15 episodios donde Robert Lowery hace el papel de Bruce Wayne/Batman y Johnny Duncan el de Dick Grayson/Robin.
Batman: The Movie (1966)
Burt Ward y Adam West en “Batman: The Movie” (1966).
En 1966 20th Century Fox Television hizo la primera película de cine de este personaje, con la que culminó tres temporadas de una serie televisiva transmitida entre el 1966 y 1968 (temporada 1 de 34 episodios / temporada 2 de 60 episodios / temporada 3 de 26 eps.). Adam West (Batman) y Burt Ward (Robin) protagonizaron esta propuesta que logró ser exitosa gracias al empuje de la serie de TV.
El resto del elenco lo integran: Alan Napier (Alfred), Neil Hamilton (Comisionado Gordon), Stafford Repp (el Jefe O’Hara), Yvonne Craig (Batgirl), Cesar Romero(The Joker), Burgess Meredith (The Penguin), Julie Newmar (Catwoman) y Frank Gorshin (The Riddler), entre otros. En la producción estaba presente la narrativa de William Dozier.  
Tal como en la serie de TV, William Dozier fue productor ejecutivo, mientras Bob Kane y Lorenzo Semple Jr. fueron los escritores. Se produjo con US$ 1.3 millones y recaudó US$ 8.1 millones en EE.UU.
Hay que destacar que previo a este film, en los años 40, cuando aún no habían televisores, estadounidenses asistían los fines de semana a las salas de cine para ver series de películas que abarcaban los géneros de oeste, policíacas, dramas, suspense, terror y ciencia ficción. Dos de esos seriales de corte policial fueron dedicados a un desconocido justiciero enmascarado llamado Batman (fuente inf. Wikipedia).
Batman (1989)
Michael Keaton y Jack Nicholson en “Batman” (1989).
En 1989 Tim Burton tomó el timón de esta película que llegó dos décadas después de Batman: The Movie, película que con el correr de los años mostraba al justiciero y sus enemigos como representaciones ridículamente disfrazadas. Burton se empleó a fondo para reinventar al superhéroe, creando un ambiente totalmente oscuro, de la mano de un humor negro que hacía perfecta sinergia con la acción bien elaborada característica de esa época.
El factor comercial fue fundamental en el éxito de este film, ya que se contrató al popular Prince para la banda sonora (muy exitosa aunque no guardaba relación con la partitura teatral de Danny Elfman). En ese mismo orden, también estaba un reparto de reputadas estrellas como un Jack Nicholson que con su rol del Joker le robó la estelaridad al bien logrado Batman que hizo Michael Keaton. También estaba la entonces popular Kim Basinger, quien llegó precedida de sensuales y exitosos personajes caracterizados en Nine 1/2 Weeks (1986), No Mercy(1986), Blind Date (1987) y My Stepmother Is an Alien(1988).
Esta gran producción de Warner Bros. se hizo con un presupuesto de $ 35 millones y recaudó mundialmente $ 411.3 millones ($ 251.1 millones en USA). Tim Burton logró darle un sitial importante a Batman, además de abrir las puertas para la producción de una prole de películas que desencadenó la fiebre de superhéroes de que hoy día gozamos.
Según el propio Burton, no logró los resultados esperados con esta película, ya que se mantuvo entre lo teatral y real, lo que sumado a una huelga de escritores hizo que se re-escribiera varias veces la historia en pleno proceso de producción. No obstante el diseño de arte, estética y ambientación lograda hicieron de esta propuesta un producto perecedero y de gran atractivo.
Batman Returns (1992)
Michelle Pfeiffer y Danny DeVito en “Batman Returns” (1992).
En 1992 Tim Burton regresa con las aventuras del justiciero enmascarado nocturno, con Michael Keaton repitiendo el papel de Batman. En esta oportunidad perfeccionando sus técnicas estéticas y cinematográficas (ya aplicadas en Edward Scissorhands), muestra una producción más acabada y mejor tratada en los detalles. Igualmente sigue apostando a un elenco popular, que realmente llenó su cometido. Michelle Pfeiffer luce imponente en su rol de Catwoman / Selina Kyle, Danny DeVito brinda una caracterización de altura como The Penguin / Oswald Cobblepot y Christopher Walken se ve bien como el villano hombre de negocios Max Shreck.
Daniel Waters fue el escritor de esta nueva historia y el resultado fue muy bien aceptado. Una película que seduce por momentos, sin nunca perder su enfoque misterioso y activas situaciones de acción (sin dejar de lado que es un film gráficamente oscuro y violento).
Warner hizo una inversión de $ 80 millones para hacer este pretencioso film, recaudando globalmente $ 266.8 Millones ($ 162.8 en USA). Aunque fue un buen desempeño, los resultados económicos no fueron los esperados por el estudio y esto llevaría a sus productores hacer grandes cambios en las propuestas por venir. No obstante, la crítica especializada la ha catalogado como una de las mejores películas de superhéroes de todos los tiempos.
Batman Forever (1995)
Jim Carrey y Tommy Lee Jones en “Batman Forever” (1995).
Esta nueva película busca llamar la atención de un público más menudo y diverso, quitando un poco del ambiente oscuro o tenebroso que Tim Burton había implementado en las cintas anteriores. Es por eso que ahora el director es Joel Schumacher, un veterano realizador que tenía en su haber exitosas propuestas de culto dirigidas a un público adolescente y jóvenes adultos.
Aunque se sigue explotando el concepto de tener a estrellas sonoras dentro del reparto, el personaje principal ahora es responsabilidad de Val Kilmer, quien no logró superar la aceptación lograda por Michael Keaton. El resto del elenco incluye a Tommy Lee Jones como Two-Face / Harvey Dent, Jim Carrey como Riddler / Dr. Edward Nygma, Nicole Kidman como la Dra. Chase Meridian y Chris O’Donnell como Robin / Dick Grayson.
La película representa un retroceso debido a que su contenido era más característico de lo visto en la serie de TV, que lo ameritado por el tiempo actual. Lo teatral volvió a un primer plano, mientras lo real se redujo a su máxima expresión. A eso se suma la incongruencia argumental presentada por el escritor Lee Batchler, quien no logró profundizar como correspondía en ninguna de las sub-tramas.
Jim Carrey representó la principal bujía de esta película, quien en ese entonces estaba en pleno apogeo como estrella de Hollywood y cuyas dramatizadas gesticulaciones, si bien eran exageradas en el mayor de los casos, resultaban simpaticamente bien logradas (se reportó que en el set había tensiones por parte de Lee Jones, quien no soportaba estar junto a Carrey).
La producción de esta película fue de $100 millones (uno de los primeros en cruzar la barrera de los 100 millones) y su recaudación global fue de $336.5 millones ($ 184 en USA).
Era evidente que estos resultados no era lo buscado por los estudios, ya que Joel Schumacher quiso llenar la película de colorido, pero abordó aspectos serior y psicológicos de Bruce Wayne que terminaron por ser confusos y mal logrados dentro del contexto general de la propuesta. Al margen de este film, la franquicia siguió a flote gracias a que Batman Returns abrió un buen mercado que hizo posible la venta de juguetes y demás derivados de marketing de Batman y sus personajes.
Batman & Robin (1997)
Alicia Silverstone, George Clooney y Chris O’Donnell en “Batman & Robin” (1997).
Joel Schumacher repite como director en esta película de 1997 que, al igual que la anterior, pretendía evocar la colorida diversidad que presentaba la serie de TV. No obstante, el resultado final fue desastroso a nivel cinematográfico y marketing. Chris O’Donnell repite su papel como Robin, pero en esta oportunidad siendo el fiel compañero de un Batman interpretado por George Clooney, quien nunca logró convencer con el papel (de hecho, Clooney bromea diciendo que esta ha sido el peor papel de su filmografía, sin mencionar que esta versión extravagante del enmascarado era muy gay).
Arnold Schwarzenegger hizo el papel de Mr. Freeze / Dr. Victor Fries, Uma Thurman el de Poison Ivy / Dra. Pamela Isley, Alicia Silverstone es Batgirl y Michael Gough hizo su último papel como Alfred antes de su fallecimiento a causa de cáncer.
El guión de Akiva Goldsman es muy disperso y fallido, plagado de situaciones poco justificables e ilógicas. En ningún momento las subtramas logran llamar realmente la atención, ya que resultan muy superficiales y en al mayoría de los casos forzadas. Prácticamente casi todo hacía lucir a Batman, Robin y Batgirl como auténticos bufones (incluidos sus muy ajustados, coloridos y sobre-diseñados trajes de cuero).
Los más destacados fueron Schwarzenegger, que fue el mejor pagado con la exagerada suma de $ 25 millones – además de un importante porcentaje por las ventas de artículos de marketing – y Thurman. Sin ser muy pretenciosos, ambos fueron los que más convencieron con sus roles, robandole totalmente la estelaridad de Clooney. El personaje de O’Donnell no tiene la menor importancia en esta película, mientras que la incorporación de Silverstone luce forzada y poco comprometida con la producción.
Batman & Robin se produjo con $ 125 millones y recaudó mundialmente $ 238.2 millones ($ 107.3 millones en EE.UU.). Los resultados no fueron nada favorables para Warner Bros., lo que sumado a la fuerte crítica de expertos y fans hicieron que el estudio cancelara su próxima película de Batman: Batman Triumphant. El estudio igualmente se replanteó su enfoque en las futuras películas de superhéroes. Para muchos el mejor aporte que tuvo este film es que hizo posible que Warner pusiera un alto en este tipo de películas.
Batman Begins (2005)
Liam Neeson y Christian Bale en “Batman Begins” (2005).
Durante los años posteriores a la fallida película de Schumacher, el enmascarado justiciero se mantuvo activo a través de producciones animadas hechas para video y TV, así como videojuegos, donde su popularidad siempre mantuvo un alto perfil. Es así como en el 2005 llega Batman Begins, de la mano de Christopher Nolan como director y guionista, junto a David S. Goyer.
Nolan implementó cambios muy radicales en la historia de Batman, echando a un lado lo teatral y rescatando parte del ambiente sombrío logrado en un principio por Tim Burton. Igualmente le dio una carga de drama serio, con coordinaciones de peleas bien logradas y destellos de humor que no desnaturaliza la buena atmósfera lograda.
Este film da inicio no sólo a un nuevo y potencialmente atractivo Batman, sino que marca el inicio de una de las trilogías más emblemáticas de la historia del cine. Christian Bale logra captar de inmediato la esencia de un Bruce Wayne redentor, con un alter ego justiciero que rescata la esencia creada años atrás por Bob Kane (incluida una Ciudad Gótica oscura que justifica la creación de tan diversos villanos que 9 años después los vería agrupados en su propia serie de TV: Gotham).
Además de lograr el inicio de una pretenciosa saga, Nolan logra canalizar de buena manera el miedo latente en la psiquis de los norteamericanos y el mundo tras los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre, utilizando para ello a un hombre que supo discernir entre el bien y el mal despiadado, escudándose en un símbolo de esperanza, protección y justicia.
Su gran reparto incluye a Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman, Ken Watanabe, Katie Holmes, Michael Caine y a Morgan Freeman, entre otras figuras.
El film se produjo con $ 150 millones y tuvo una recaudación global de $ 374.2 millones ($ 202.8 millones en USA). Warner lució complacido con los resultados obtenidos – incluida la buena crítica – y decidió dar libertad creativa a Nolan para las películas por venir.
The Dark Knight (2008)
Heath Ledger y Christian Bale en “The Dark Knight” (2008).
Christopher Nolan regresa como director y escritor, junto a su hermano Jonathan Nolan y David S. Goyer, además de fungir ahora como productor. Christian Bale repite como Bruce Wayne / Batman, así como Michael Caine, Gary Oldman y Morgan Freeman. Se suman a ellos Heath Ledger, Maggie Gyllenhaal y Aaron Eckhart.
Esta película es considerada por la crítica especializada como la mejor película de Batman, todo gracias a una minuciosa realización por parte de Nolan, los guionistas y la fotografía de Wally Pfister (que 2 años después ganó el Oscar por el Inception de Christopher Nolan).
Si bien la interpretación de Bale fue más que buena en esta película, así como las de Eckart y Gyllenhaal, el verdadero activo de toda la producción lo representa el trabajo de Heath Ledger en el papel del Joker, cuya interpretación es considerada como una de las mejores de todos los tiempos (visiblemente poseído por el papel de un aterrador psicópata alimentado por el caos). Era visible que su repentina muerte interrumpió lo que era su paso a un nuevo y superior nivel de la actuación después de este film.
The Dark Knight se produjo con $ 180 millones y recaudó mundialmente más de $ 1,000 millones ($ 534.8 millones en EE.UU.). Es obvio que Warner sigue complacido con el trabajo y dominio que Nolan tiene sobre su marca Batman, el cual ya ha marcado su territorio en un nuevo período del universo de films de superhéroes.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Christian Bale y Tom Hardy en “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012).
Christopher Nolan y el mismo equipo de producción del film anterior regresan para completar esta trilogía del hombre murciélago. Bale, Oldman, Freeman y Caine siguen con sus roles, mientras las nuevas inclusiones incluye a: Anne Hathaway, Marion Cotillard, Tom Hardy y Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Durante poco más de una hora el film mantiene un buen nivel interés, pero luego el resto del tiempo se torna un tanto lento y pierde fuerza argumental. No obstante los duelos dramáticos por parte de su elenco estelar logra mantener a flote esta producción que costó $ 250 millones.
Otros de los puntos a favor es que su director de fotografía Wally Pfister y Nolan sacan provecho al máximo las cámaras IMAX, las que llevan hasta el límite. También las interpretaciones de Hathaway como Selina da un giro especial a lo que es Catwoman en la historia de Batman, al igual que Gordon-Levitt como el valiente policía que colabora con Gordon y Wayne, y que al final de la película se revela lo que será su heroico futuro en Ciudad Gótica.
Tom Hardy mantiene un papel dominante durante todo el metraje de la película, aunque la producción tarda mucho en revelar su móvil principal. Los mismo con Marion Cotillard, que si bien no brindó un trabajo a la altura de su capacidad (tal vez por el embarazo que presentaba), pudo tener un mejor desempeño si el guión hubiese revelado la real naturaleza de su personaje mucho antes en la trama.
The Dark Knight Rises recaudó en todo el mundo casi $1,100 millones. Los resultados fueron tan favorables, que Warner quiso seguir la saga, pero Nolan y Bale se rehusaron a seguir limitando sus talentos a Batman.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Ben Affleck en “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” (2016).
Después de una muy publicitada etapa de producción Zack Snyder dirige este film que abre las puertas al muy esperado universo de DC (secuela de Man of Steel). Ben Affleck y su papel de Bruce Wayne / Batman logra imponerse sobre Henry Cavill y su Clark Kent / Superman, con una caracterización que logró llenar las expectativas esperadas y asegurando su puesto en las series de películas que están en pre y producción.
Ciertamente esta no es una película en solitario de Batman, pero su trabajo en este film es tan determinante y domina tanto que la mayor parte de la responsabilidad del film descansa sobre sus hombros.
La película fue criticada por su falta absoluta de momentos de humor, algo en lo que Snyder no es habitual. Tomando en cuenta que el film reúne a los dos superhéroes más emblemáticos de la historia cómic, se esperaba que fuera más entretenida y no tan filosófica argumentalmente. No obstante, en lo que a Batman se refiere, su participación en este film es muy superior a los que dirigió Joel Schumacher.
La participación más reveladora y punto favorable fue Gal Gadot como Prince Diana / Wonder Woman, cuya participación abre las puertas a la serie de pretenciosas películas que se avecinan en el universo DC – incluída su propia película en solitario (Wonder Woman).
Su reparto también incluye a Jeremy Irons, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane y a Amy Adams, entre otros.
Este film se produjo con $ 250 millones y recaudó en todo el mundo $ 873.2. Aunque las críticas fueron divididas por parte de la crítica y fans, el film cumplió su cometido comercial y resultó ser buena antesala de Suicide Squad (donde Batman hace un cameo en un par de escenas), Wonder Woman, Justice League, Aquaman, The Flash, Justice League Part Two, Green Lantern Corps y el inicio de una nueva trilogía con The Batman (a ser dirigida por Matt Reeves).
Otras producciones de Batman son:
Escena de “The LEGO Batman Movie” (2017).
The LEGO Batman Movie (2017) / Animada
Batman: The Killing Joke (2016) / Animada
Batman: Bad Blood (2016) / Animada
Batman V Arrow (2016) / Animada
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (2016) / Animada
Batman vs. Robin (2015) / Animada
Batman Beyond: The Series (2015) /  Serie de TV de 9 episodios
Batman: Assault on Arkham (2014) / Animada
Son of Batman (2014) / Animada
Lego Batman: The Movie – DC Super Heroes Unite (2013) / Animada
Beware the Batman (2013) / TV Serie Animada
Batman: Year One (2011) / Animada
Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010) / Animada
Batman: Gotham Knight (2008)/ Animada
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2008) / TV Serie Animada
The Batman vs. Dracula (2005) / Animada
The Batman (2004) / TV Serie Animada
Batman Beyond (1999) / TV Serie Animada
The New Batman Adventures (1997) / TV Serie Animada
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993) / Animada
Batman: The Animated Series (1992) / TV Serie Animada
Imagen de “Batman: The Killing Joke” (2016).
Michael Keaton en “Batman” (1989).
Evolución películas de Batman Sin lugar a dudas el personaje de Batman es el que más veces ha sido llevado al cine, lo que conforme a las diferentes épocas en que se ha realizado, deja por resultado elementos y conceptos cinematográficos que muestran una interesante evolución de este justiciero enmascarado creado por DC Comic.
0 notes
eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 9 July 2018
Quick Bits:
Aliens: Dust to Dust #2 continues the plight of a group of settlers on LV-871 as they try to flee an attack by xenomorphs. There’s more gorgeous artwork from Gabriel Hardman and Rain Beredo, very impressive storytelling through the action.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Amazing Spider-Man #1 isn’t a bad start to the post-Dan Slott era, with Nick Spencer, Ryan Ottley, Cliff Rathburn, and Laura Martin setting up a new/old status quo for Peter. At times it does seem like the story veers towards unnecessarily being cruel to set him up, pushing him down further and further, but we’ll see where it goes. The art from Ottley, Rathburn, and Martin is wonderful. The narration in the epilogue (with art from Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazaba, and Edgar Delgado) from the villain in the main story, though, is damn good. The sequence itself is an amazing hook and gives me hope for wonderful things to come.
| Published by Marvel
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Betrothed #5 is a brutal end to this series. Sean Lewis and Steve Uy give Tamara and Kieron a bloody coming of age, with a somewhat unexpected conclusion to their confrontation with their rivals. There are some interesting hints at more to come that has me hoping that we’ll see more of this story in the future.
| Published by AfterShock
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Black Science #37 serves as kind of the connecting tissue for this arc, ostensibly bringing “our” Grant and Sara to the central hub with their alternate universe daughter, trying to solve the problem of the destruction of the Eververse. This is an important turning point in the story, as Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, and Moreno Dinisio push us headlong towards this series’ conclusion. Again, the art from Scalera and Dinisio is just stunning.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Bloodshot Salvation #11 continues to bring this story back around full circle to the beginning, merging the timelines. It’s interesting to see this wholly play out, adding some wrinkles, and giving us some really nice art from Doug Braithwaite and Jordie Bellaire. I’m anxious to see how this ends.
| Published by Valiant
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Champions #22 is kind of a second “fresh start” as this issue deals with the fallout from the various events around the Marvel universe and the kids’ solo books. Jim Zub is balancing all of the different moving pieces out of his control very well, making change and transition almost an essential theme to the title, which in itself makes a fair amount of sense with the kids growing up. Although I miss Sean Izaakse, I really love how Kevin Libranda (with colours from Marcio Menyz) presents Snowguard here. The wolf is adorable.
| Published by Marvel
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Coda #3 has a really interesting rumination on the nature of good and evil from Si Spurrier as the underlying narration this issue. Raising the oft pondered question of what it means to do the wrong thing for the right reasons and what it means to be “good”.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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The Crow: Memento Mori #4 brings the series to a close. The continuing story from Roberto Recchioni, Werther Dell’Edera, and Giovanna Niro winds up much, much darker than just the religious intolerance presented in the first three issues.
| Published by IDW
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Daredevil #605 brings to an end the “Mayor Murdock” story-arc that has featured some wonderful art from Mike Henderson and Matt Milla. Henderson is an incredible artist and his style has so perfectly meshed with Daredevil, the street level heroes, and the terror of the Beast and the Hand brought to New York City.
| Published by Marvel
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The Dead Hand #4 throws a big monkey wrench into the works of the hidden Russian city in the form of a rebellious teenager. It’s interesting how Kyle Higgins and Stephen Mooney turn this thriller on a dime into incorporating elements of family drama.
| Published by Image
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Die!Die!Die! #1 was a surprise, being announced and then released the same week. It was a pleasant surprise, though, because this first issue is pretty awesome. Robert Kirkman, Scott Gimple, Chris Burnham, and Nathan Fairbairn deliver an over-the-top action comic that reminds me a lot of the more humorous output of Garth Ennis.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Domino #4 is another winner, diving deep into Domino’s connection to her current arch-nemesis, with all of the humour and action that this series has shown us so far. Gail Simone, David Baldeón, and Jesus Aburtov have easily made this series a must read.
| Published by Marvel
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Elsewhere #8 brings the series to a conclusion, tying up the one major loose plot thread in the process. This has been a fun adventure series from Jay Faerber, Sumeyye Kesgin, and Ron Riley and this issue captures the indomitable spirit exhibited by Amelia Earhart and DB Cooper throughout this story.
| Published by Image
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Exiles #5 is gloriously insane as the first arc comes to a close. Saladin Ahmed, Javier Rodríguez, and Álvaro López have been outdoing themselves with each subsequent issue. The art alone is worth your attention, with some very inventive layouts and storytelling techniques, but the characters, dialogue, and plot are equally enthralling.
| Published by Marvel
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Farmhand #1 is a new series from Chew’s Rob Guillory. It’s odd, blending family drama with weird science and body horror. It’s incredibly different and the idea of the body farms is very compelling. Also great, and at times horrifying, art from Guillory, with colours from Taylor Wells.
| Published by Image
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Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #3 has some really nice art from RB Silva, Adriano di Benedetto, and Guru-eFX. Silva’s designs for alternate Iron Man armours this issue are particularly impressive.
| Published by Marvel
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Isola #4 reveals how the Queen became a cat, maybe, because it’s told in a somewhat hallucinatory fever dream of Rook, possibly remembering what happened or possibly just having a bad dream. I love how Brenden Fletcher, Karl Kerschl, and Msassyk are telling this story, as a somewhat ephemeral fable.
| Published by Image
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The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Tempest #1 begins the end for the League, with Alan Moore, Kevin O’Neill, Ben Dimagmaliw, and Todd Klein displaying all of the inventiveness and depth of storytelling that series has delivered without fail since its inception. The interplay between formats of newspaper comics, epistolary adventure novels, comic books, and more make this as much a delight of form as it is of story.
| Published by Top Shelf & Knockabout
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Nancy Drew #2 kind of subverts the mystery with personal drama, only to set up another mystery. It’s an interesting approach, but it’s leading to some very interesting characters. The art from Jenn St.-Onge and Triona Farrell is wonderful.
| Published by Dynamite
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New Mutants: Dead Souls #5 is another great issue, with the team trying to find something in Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum. The page layouts from Adam Gorham this issue particularly stand out.
| Published by Marvel
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Oblivion Song #5 makes a revelation that we’ve kind of been expecting for a few issues now, but is still interesting to see how it plays out. There are a few major events that definitely change how this series will operate, bringing truth to what Robert Kirkman wrote in the first issue of how this series wouldn’t remain static around a singular status quo. It’s really nice to see that kind of organic change in a story. It also helps that the art from Lorenzo De Felici and Annalisa Leoni is gorgeous.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Old Man Logan #43 is a thing of beauty, featuring Juan Ferreyra’s first Marvel work. His style is perfect for Logan and meshes well with the darker aspects of Ed Brisson’s writing.
| Published by Marvel
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Optimus Prime #20 clues us in a bit on what’s been going on with Bumblebee as he and Optimus catch-up...somewhere. John Barber is playing with a lot, trying to keep all of the plates spinning as he weaves together years of Transformers stories here and it’s impressive.
| Published by IDW
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Outpost Zero #1 focuses on a group of teens coming of age in a station on what looks like a frozen wasteland of a planet, possibly the last of humanity, since they don’t know if any other generational seed ships made it to any of their destinations either. While this is decidedly sci-fi, Sean McKeever leans in to his writing strengths, delivering some nuanced and developed interpersonal drama that is as compelling as the broader survival plot. I also love the aesthetic and style that Alexandre Tefenkgi and Jean-Francois Beaulieu bring to the art. It reminds me a bit of Takeshi Miyazawa’s work on Mech Cadet Yu and it works really well to blend teen drama and sci-fi.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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The Punisher #227 reinforces my belief that Matthew Rosenberg should be writing a Black Widow & friends or SHIELD title. His characterizations and voices for Bucky and Natasha are so spot on, while providing some much needed humorous asides.
| Published by Marvel
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Quicksilver: No Surrender #3 is a stunning meditation on Pietro’s relationship and history with his sister. Gorgeous art on the flashbacks from Paul Renaud. I also have to mention again on the main present sequences that Rico Renzi’s use of colour adds so much to the storytelling.
| Published by Marvel
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Relay #1 is probably a bit stranger than the Free Comic Book Day zero issue, as Zac Thompson expands the story to the multiple worlds affected and changed by the Relay. It’s an odd mix of philosophy, theology, and police procedural and I’m still not quite sure what to make of it. It has some gorgeous art, though, from Andy Clark, José Villarrubia, and Dan Brown.
| Published by AfterShock
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RuinWorld #1 is a fun all-ages fantasy by Derek Laufman, featuring some anthropomorphic animals getting into misadventures. It’s funny how just about every character is different degrees of inept and everything seems to be going wrong. I really like Laufman’s art style.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / kaboom!
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She Could Fly #1 is incredibly strange. Starting with the normal, Martín Morazzo and Miroslav Mrva’s art is fabulous. I absolutely love Morazzo’s style, a mix of Frank Quitely and Marcos Martin, and he always makes the books he works on look visually interesting. And it really fits weird and strange stories, like this one. Christopher Cantwell, Morazzo, and Mrva are presenting the mental illness of our main protagonist, Luna, in a matter of fact way, without any visual clues (beyond Clem Robins’ change in font style for an intrusive, abusive inner voice at times) that this isn’t happening. That’s not a problem at all, in itself, but it also seems that this is taking place in an almost magical realist world, where absurd impossible things are possible. Like the fact that she could fly. That unreality of the world itself is what makes this strange, as though we as readers ourselves can’t trust the narrative. Because it might just be something made up in somebody’s head. I like this.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #18 is an interesting single issue story pitting Tarkin against Vader. It’s a bit odd, but Charles Soule, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Daniele Orlandini, and David Curiel turn in a very compelling story of the hunt.
| Published by Marvel
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Transformers: Lost Light #20 features the confrontation that we’ve been waiting for for a very long time, Rodimus and Getaway. After all that we’ve seen in this series, it underlines just how insane and depraved Getaway truly is.
| Published by IDW
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Transformers: Unicron #1 is a very dark comic. Like with the Free Comic Book Day issue, the Cybertronians have almost completely lost, people are giving in to despair, Unicron has eaten most of the colonies, including planets like ROM’s homeworld that they didn’t even know were colonies, and the outlook for the universe is looking very grim. Still, there’s five more issues, and I want to see how John Barber, Alex Milne, and Sebastian Cheng end this.
| Published by IDW
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X-23 #1 is a great beginning for Mariko Tamaki with Laura and Gabby. While it’s more immediately tied to the rest of the X-Men than much of All-New Wolverine, it captures the fun and humour of that title, while also presenting a new and deeply disturbing element that you really need to see. It’s nice to see Juann Cabal and Nolan Woodard continue with the characters. Cabal’s art was great on the “Orphans of X” arc and it looks like he’s pulled out all of the stops here. Some phenomenal panel transitions and visual gags.
| Published by Marvel
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Xena: Warrior Princess #6 kicks off a new arc with Erica Schultz taking over as writer. It’s good, with Vicente Cifuentes providing a nice visual consistency, while the story takes on another dimension. Like the first arc, this is still rooted in Xena coming to terms with her past as she learns to work with Gabrielle, but we get an added external narrative here with the element of the oracles.
| Published by Dynamite
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X-Men Blue #31 feels like the beginning of Cullen Bunn’s X-Men endgame that really started with his work on Magneto years ago, that everything has been building to this. It’s interesting to see the series from this perspective, with Magneto almost as an outside unstoppable force, and it adds a huge gravity to the story. Great art from Jorge Molina and Matt Milla.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Accell #12, Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #21, Archie #32, Astonisher #9, Deadpool: Assassin #3, Dejah Thoris #6, DuckTales #10, GI Joe: A Real American Hero #253, Mech Cadet Yu #10, Monstress #18, Ms. Marvel #32, Port of Earth #7, Red Sonja #18, Resident Alien: An Alien in New York #4, Rick Veitch’s The One #6, Run Wild, Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #10, Star Wars: Thrawn #6, TMNT: Urban Legends #3, Tomb Raider: Inferno #2, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #34, Wasted Space #3, World of Tanks: Citadel #3
Recommended Collections: All-New Wolverine - Volume 6: Old Woman Laura, Despicable Deadpool - Volume 3: The Marvel Universe Kills Deadpool, Go Go Power Rangers - Volume 1, Made Men - Volume 1: Getting the Gang Back Together, Old Man Logan - Volume 7: Scarlet Samurai, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra - Volume 3: Remastered, TMNT Universe - Volume 4: Home
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d. emerson eddy sometimes likes to make himself believe that planet Earth turns slowly. But he’d definitely rather be asleep.
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