#Kyo Katsura
missmyloko · 14 days
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May 27th, 2024: Double congratulations are in order (slightly late!). Sayumi (紗友美) of Tsurui (つる居) in Gion Kobu and Ichikoto (市琴) of Katsumi (勝見) in Pontocho are celebrating their erikae! They're the first of four erikae scheduled for two weeks, making this a very busy time for the karyukai. Sayumi will be the last imōto that her onesan Sayaka will see celebrate her erikae as Sayaka is retiring in the coming weeks. Ichikoto, on the other hand, is the second imōto for Ichiraku to have her erikae. Sayumi's outfit features blue waves and cranes while Ichikoto's showcases wonderful treasure ships on waves ^^ おめでとうさんどす紗友美さんと市琴さん ^o^! Images are courtesy of Kyo Katsura Imanishi [1] [2].
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maigeiko · 23 days
hi! i’ve heard that in tokyo, the geisha district kagurazaka is open to taking foreigners (i believe). if that is true, how would that necessarily happen? and how would it work? like certain hair types. for example, lets use me! i am a african american person who is light skin with curly hair. how would they make my hair into the way maiko have theirs? use a wig? get a lace front? etc etc.
Hey! I can't confirm that, only know that the Kagurazaka Geisha Union is open for new Geisha/Hangyoku recruits. You asked about the hair: The wigs ("Katsura") worn by Hangyoku or Geisha look like this (example of one specific hairstyle, but the structure is the same with all wigs): https://azuma-online.shop/?pid=178657614 Hangyoku's hair is usually not much longer than shoulder/scapula length, and for Geisha, even shorter works for Yohatsu, but a bob might be too short (Yohatsu uses hair padding, but as far as I know, no extensions - Azusa mentions here her hair is shorter than ever and she might have gone too far with cutting it). All nine "foreign Geisha" I know of (starting from 2009) have/had straight hair. I'm not a hairdresser and don't have any experience with curly hair, but I don't see why Nihongami wouldn't work if you don't have straight hair, as long as it's long enough. Let me link you some examples, so you can see for yourself how Nihongami works, and if it would be possible for you: 1. Some modern Nihongami with simple tools and no extensions on a wig head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNOH4wmVz1o 2. Tsubushi shimada on an actual person with extensions and hair padding, I think this is pretty close to the way Maiko/Hangyoku get their hair done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpBIX4YQBTo 3. Wareshinobu and Ofuku Kyo Maiko style: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVoZSOS-wrQ Hope this helps!
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silwer999 · 2 years
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aurora-godshawk · 3 years
Destined to Love Ikemen Notes!
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Prologue Here
Toshizo Hijikata
Main Route Chapter 1-5
Main Route Chapter 6-10
My Affection End
His Affection End
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ayla-otome · 5 years
Destined to Love, by Cybird.
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I just started to play this game and I'm already liking a lot! 💗
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Changing Tides - Chapter 1
Fandom: Hakuouki
Setting: While set in the Hakuouki Universe this story follows my OC Katsura Keiko who is operating as an agent for the Choshu. I make a lot of references to historical events, that aren’t directly adressed in Hakuouki, so if there are any questions, I’ll be more tha happy to answer them. Another important character is Takasugi Shinsaku, who I know appears in Hakuouki: Urakata, but since I didn’t play this game the Takasugi in my story is very much my own creation.
I want to thank the wonderful and amazing @himiko-omikami, @aetherium-weaver, @annedey and @gingersilvy for always listening to my ideas, their input and finally the beat reading! Thank you girls <3
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November 3rd 1859, Edo.
Her father knelt down on the straw mat in perfect composure, dignified and calm, wearing the white shini-shōzoku she had brought to his prison cell earlier this day at his request. To receive the kimono had been his greatest concern in his last hours, along with giving his daughter the paper bearing his death poem, which she now held in her clenched fist as she stood in the small crowd assembled before the scaffold. Behind her father’s seated figure the executioner approached, unsheathing a katana from the scabbard on his left, and Keiko knew whatever would happen next, she would not look away. It was the last thing, the only thing she could do for her father. Then there was a flash of light as the blade swung through the air, the gurgling sound of something wet being cut and a thunk as her father’s headless body hit the floor. She felt her body shaking and her lips quiver, but she didn’t blink for a moment. Somewhere through the thick wall of numbness surrounding her, she heard one man say “He didn’t even flinch. A truly noble  death,” as if this was something to be glad about. A snort slithered its way in her heavy breathing. A noble  death, yes. What a fitting conclusion to a life led in honour. It had been her father’s highest value and virtue. The honour of the family, the honour of a man, the honour of a samurai. She knew many preached it but only few could live up to it and her father had been one of these few. But where had it led him? Whenever she had visited him during his arrest, she had pleaded with him to cut the ties to Yoshida Shoin, pledge fealty to the shogunate, deny any knowledge of the assassination plot against Ii Naosuke. It fell on deaf ears. He couldn’t do this, her father explained, because denying all he believed in wouldn’t be honourable. She asked if living with his daughter wouldn’t be worth it. He had only given her a sad smile in return. Why were men always so eager to die for honour? Didn’t he see he was all she had left in this world? Angrily she crumbled her father’s death poem in her fist. She hadn’t read it, never would. It was only a reminder that her father had chosen honour and death over life, over her. She remembered how distraught he was, when he learned that he would not be allowed to commit seppuku but was sentenced to death by execution. For Keiko it had made no difference then, he would be gone either way. Now the blood dripping from the scaffold filled her heart like acid. Yes, her father had been an honourable man, but he had died a traitor’s death. His honour was forever taken away by the Tokugawa Shogunate, just as they had taken him away from her forever. She remained behind, utterly alone. Tears filled her eyes and the ground was pulled away from underneath her feet and she knew she would crack any moment, just as two hands grabbed her by the shoulders. Steady and strong, they pulled her back on the earth and helped her to stand straight the way her father would have wanted her to. Slowly, Keiko turned her head around. Brown eyes with golden flecks, as warming as a flame, were staring back at her.  
“Don’t worry Katsura-san.” Takasugi Shinsaku smiled. Even then, she couldn’t help but notice the dimples in his cheeks. “I will take care of you from now on.”
Chapter 1
September 1864, Kyoto.
Her eyes flew open just for her to cover them immediately with her hand to shield them from the morning sun. Unnerved Keiko let out a groan as reality hit her with the light. It was just a dream. Of course it was. Her father had died five years ago on the execution grounds of Edo, Keiji and her mother even long before that and she was no longer a little girl, running around on the beach. Slowly Keiko moved her hand aside. Where was she? The room was nothing special, with just a table and a bowl, presumably a washing pan, as an interior, not counting the futon she lay on. Through the shoji door she could see the silhouettes of people hurrying in the early daylight. Ah yes, the Teradaya. She had spent most of her nights in the past years in so many inns which looked all the same, it was hard to keep track. But now, as the last traces of the dream faded, she remembered. She was in Kyoto, more precisely in Fushimi. With another groan, Keiko turned around and buried her head in the soft futon. She didn’t want to get up, not yet, wanted to indulge in the memories of the past, in the moments of happiness just a little bit longer. Besides, sleeping was such a worthwhile and wonderful pastime. However, the rising sun was not very cooperative and finally Keiko had to admit that the inevitable couldn’t be put off any longer. Sighing, she rolled out of the futon and stretched herself before washing the sleep from her face and body with lukewarm water. Her clothes were scattered all over the room, so she got dressed piece by piece, after carelessly throwing the white yukata she wore for the night on the disheveled futon. First the socks, then the light blue kimono shirt with the apricot prints on it and eventually her favourite pair of hakama, indigo blue, the same colour as her eyes. Finally, she found her yellow ribbon and tied up her tousled mahogany curls into a boyish ponytail. Once Keiko decided she looked presentable, she folded the futon more messily than neatly and chucked it into one corner of the room, before grabbing her bag. Like every morning she quickly peeked inside it, just to make sure that the shiny black gun was still there.
The entrance hall of the inn was buzzing with people coming and going as usual. The delicious smell of hot tea and dumplings filled the air. Just as Keiko wondered how many cups of sencha she would need, before she could think about what to do today, Isuke, the innkeeper, approached her.
“Sir… I mean, Miss… ahem, Hori-san?”
It took all of her self-discipline not to burst into laughter. Unlike his wife Otose, the poor man had been confused about her gender since she had arrived at the inn some months ago. Apparently it was still hard for him to combine her manly dress with her petite stature and feminine features. Finally, he seemed to regain his composure.
“This has been deposited for you by a gentleman early this morning.” In his stretched out hand he held a small piece of paper.
“Oh? His name wasn’t Saitani by accident?” Keiko asked smiling. Before the landlord got the chance to answer, she opened the paper and started reading. At the words a wide grin she couldn't suppress even if she had wanted to appeared on her face. Hastily, Keiko crumpled the message, before tugging it into the bag on her side.
“Thank you very much.” Still beaming, she strolled out if the door, humming to herself.
The streets of Kyoto were full with people going about their business, despite the weather. Kyoto summers were known to be brutal but Keiko didn't mind the humid heat that much. It reminded her of Hagi, though at least there a refreshing breeze would blow from the ocean now and then. Nonchalantly she made her way through the crowds, a slight spring in her steps and reveling in the pulsating life around her. People exchanged idle chatter or called out for bypassers to halt at their shops and have a look at their goods. She was not too familiar with Kyoto, however she trusted her natural sense of direction enough to find the way to the teahouse somehow, so she didn't mind the distraction around her. More than once playing children seemed to appear out of nowhere before her feet, causing her to almost trip over them, but Keiko simply laughed it off. Today was a good day. She liked the city, at least more than many of the other places she had been to, although Kyoto wasn't exactly a safe place for her to be, even more so after what had happened at Hamaguri Gate just the other day. Keiko wondered if the Kinmon Incident had something to do with the message in her bag. As she pondered about this (and the question if she should get some dango) she noticed a small, grey stray cat at one of the shops. Smiling, Keiko approached it and knelt down, one hand stretched out to lure the cat to her, so she might pat it. However, a sudden shift in the crowd caused the cat to perk up and hush around the next corner. The people grew more or less silent and ushered to the side of the streets. Keiko turned around, looking for the source of the commotion. Soon the light blue and white haori came into view.
“Damn bakufu dogs,” she muttered.
Casually, Keiko trotted to the side and leaned against a house wall, waiting for the group of armed men in uniform to pass. Even after, or maybe because of, their latest successes the Shinsengumi were still feared and hated by the citizens. Kyoto never liked the shogunate, this was something Keiko and the city had in common. If looks could kill, she definitely would try with those bastards. When they had finally disappeared from her view, Keiko continued on her way to the teahouse. This time, with more hurried steps and in the opposite direction from the Shinsengumi patrol.
Eventually she reached her destination, with some delay however. Inside she stopped one of the waitresses, who seemed about her own age, and asked for Mitani Wasuke. Smiling, the young woman tucked some strands that had loosened out of her messy dark brown bun behind her ear and directed her to a private room in the back. Keiko could hear her heart beating as loud as drums as she opened the shoji but the moment she laid eyes on the man inside, it skipped for a beat. She rushed in, throwing her arms around him.
“Takasugi-kun”, she whispered breathlessly and buried her face in his chest. He was so much taller than her.
Takasugi quietly chuckled as he returned her embrace with a steady and firm grip, the way he had held her so many times before, and leaned down so she could feel his tingling breath in her hair.
“Keiko-chan.” She could hear from the tone of his voice that he was smiling.  
“Get a room, you two! Or at least let us others leave.”
Baffled, Keiko opened her eyes again. She had been so focused on Takasugi that she hadn’t even noticed the other men, but she knew that wicked smirk greeting her.
“My Lord Shiranui.” Grinning she let go of Takasugi and mockingly bowed her head to him. She should have known he would be here too. The demon rarely left Takasugi’s side.
“Hello Princess. Look at your face, it’s so red you could set the whole city on fire with it,” he teased.
“Oh, that would be a shame!” Keiko replied still grinning, despite her embarrassment.
“I wish you would shine like this everytime we meet, Keiko-chan!”
Surprised Keiko bolted around to the speaker. Sakamoto’s wide smile was as charming as always, maybe even more so in direct contrast to his companion Nakaoka, who wore his usual grumpy expression.
“Huh? What are you doing here?” Keiko asked.
Although Sakamoto’s and Takasugi’s views differed concerning Japan’s relations to the foreign forces, the two man had put aside their differences on the matter for a time in favor of their common goal to remove the Tokugawa Shogunate from power and make Japan stronger, Keiko knew that. She even had some dealings with him and Nakaoka in the past few months. However she had thought that the Kinmon Incident had put an end to their cooperation.
Sakamoto pouted playfully. “Oh c’mon, aren’t you at least a bit happy to see me?”
She waved her hand dismissively. “It’s nothing personal, Sakamoto. I just thought we were enemies now? I mean the Satsuma fought against the Choshu at Hamaguri Gate, or am I wrong? Political alliances change so often these days, it’s hard for me to keep track.” Keiko shrugged.
“Ah, but you forget we are not working directly for the Satsuma but building an alliance between them and the Choshu. And that’s still what we hope to achieve, although you,” Sakamoto turned towards Takasugi, “ stupidly decided to kidnap the emperor.”
Keiko nodded. “Yeah, that was not the best move. Why did the Choshu do that, Takasugi-kun?” The first time the local Choshu imperialists had told her about their plan, Keiko had chocked of laughter until she realized they were serious. She had written to Takasugi immediately.
“It wasn’t my idea! Believe me, I would have stopped them, if I could, but I was busy with those westerners!” Takasugi raked his long, slender fingers through his short brown hair.
“At least it was entertaining. I met one of those Shinsengumi bastards, he was a fun distraction,” Shiranui remarked with his typical smirk and Keiko snorted. She knew Shiranui’s definition of fun all too well.
Just as Keiko wanted to inquire, what exactly happened at the Imperial Residence, Nakaoka grunted. “Stop that silly banter, and let’s go to business!” And with that he sat down.
Keiko perked one of her eyebrows up and exchanged a knowing look with Sakamoto. It was so strange that a man as relaxed as him could be friends with Nakaoka, who constantly looked as if he had to look after a bunch of naughty children. She sat down cross legged, opposite from Sakamoto and next to Takasugi, while Shiranui placed himself to his left. Takasugi handed her a cup of delicious smelling hot tea. Gyuokuro, her favourite one. He always remembered these little things, she thought, smiling into her cup. Looking around Keiko realized someone seemed to be missing.
“Is Katsura not joining us?” she spoke up, before one of the men could say anything, which earned her another glare from Nakaoka.
“Aw, are you worried for your little cousin, sweetheart?” Shiranui grinned at her.
“He’s not my cousin!” Keiko protested.
“Oh? Don’t you both belong to the Katsura family?” the demon inquired, as if he wouldn’t know.
“Yeah but Kogoro is adopted and even though, he would be like my cousin three times removed? Maybe even four times, who knows?” She fidgeted with her fingers through the air as if she wanted to draw a family tree. “I’m just asking, because I haven’t heard anything of him since before Ikedaya.” Keiko clarified.
“If you are worried something happened to him during the Ikedaya raid, I can soothe you. He wasn’t even there that night.” Sakamoto remarked.
“Huh?” That surprised her. Katsura Kogoro was one of the most influential and vocal Choshu politicians in his desire to return the power from the shogun to the emperor. Keiko herself couldn't care less about the man, but for him to be missing out on an imperialist meeting was strange.
“That geisha, who got infatuated with him, tipped him off. Heard he spent the days after Ikedaya under a bridge posing as a beggar. Maybe I should get myself a geisha lover as well, they seem to come in handy,” Sakamoto explained with amusement in his eyes.
Keiko scoffed at the thought of the high and mighty Katsura Kogoro living under a bridge, dressed in rags. The clever bastard.
Nakaoka sighed in annoyance  and crossed his arms before his chest. “As if you had need for that, Sakamoto. Only on our way here we had to stop four times so you could flirt with random girls!”
“You counted?” Keiko snickered.
“It’s not my fault that Kyoto has so many pretty ladies,” Sakamoto replied with a wide grin.
Takasugi had remained silent during their exchange but now he raised his voice, “Katsura left Kyoto and we can't stay here either. After what happened at Hamaguri Gate, the bakufu will no longer be lenient with Choshu and we don’t have the strength to fight back. Not after Shimonoseki. Furthermore, some of our own want to reconcile with the shogun in order to safe the domain.”
Keiko had figured this would be the outcome of the meeting. Takasugi had been wrestling with more conservative forces inside the Choshu Domain for some time now and after the Kinmon Rebellion it was only reasonable for them to leave the city for a while. As much as she had come to like Kyoto, it was nothing compared to being by Takasugi’s side again. She would live in a shack in the woods if it meant to be with him.
“Alright! Where will we go?” Keiko exclaimed enthusiastically.
Takasugi hesitated only for a blink before answering, but Keiko noticed anyway. A knot started to build in her stomach. Something was wrong.
“Shiranui and I will gather the Kiheitai in Kokura. Yamagata Aritomo, Ito Hirobumi and Inoue Kaoru will also come. Once we have regained the upper hand within Choshu, Katsura wants to negotiate a new alliance with the Satsuma.”
“Understood.” Sakamoto, suddenly serious, and Nakaoka nodded in unison.
“When will we leave for Kokura?” her voice was a pitch higher than usual. She tried to catch Takasugi’s gaze but he pointedly avoided to meet her eyes. Yes, something was very wrong. “Takasugi-kun?” she asked sharply.
Shiranui rolled his eyes. “Man, just tell her, Takasugi.”
“Tell me what?” Keiko grabbed Takasugi’s arm, which finally caused him to look at her. She didn’t like what she saw in his face.
Finally he sighed. “Keiko-chan...you won’t come with us.”
For a moment she thought she had misheard his words but there was no way she could misinterpret the pained look in those warm, brown eyes she loved so much.
“Oh.” It was all she could say to that. Letting go of his arm, she turned away from him, so he wouldn’t see her disappointment. She had been away from Takasugi for almost half a year now, the longest time they had ever been apart since he had taken her in after her father’s death. When Takasugi had asked her to go to Kyoto, to be his eyes and ears in the capital, Keiko had hoped, no expected,  it would only be a temporary separation, but apparently she had been wrong. Maybe he was tired of having her around. The thought left a bitter taste in her mouth.
As if he had read her mind, Takasugi explained, “You know I would rather take you with me, Keiko-chan, but the situation is...complicated.”
These words were enough for her to meet his eyes again.
“In the last few months both the Choshu and the Satsuma have been approached by a doctor from Edo called Kodo Yukimura. He said he has some sort of...medicine that could help us overthrow the Tokugawa Shogunate,” he continued, carefully weighing every word.
Keiko frowned. This raised more question than it answered, at least for her. “And what does this have to do with me?”
“I don’t trust him. What he promised seems to good to be true.” Again, Takasugi raked his fingers through his hair, as he always did when something was upsetting him. “Keiko-chan, I need you to go to Edo and find out what you can about him.”
Edo. Keiko’s heart beat faster at this word. Light reflecting off a blade, blood dripping on the floor, an honourable death. She inhaled sharply.
“No! I can’t go to Edo! Not alone! Don’t make me do this, Takasugi-kun!” she pleaded desperately.
Takasugi’s smile was bitter. “I know I’m asking a lot of you.” he conceded. “I would investigate myself, but I can’t show my face around Edo or my head would likely end up on a spike.”
The picture found its way into her imagination without much difficulty, mixing up with her memories of that day in November many years ago. She shook her head to get rid of it.
“And we gotta deal with these Choshu dastards, who want to crawl back to the shogunate,” Shiranui added. He undoubtedly looked forward to this.
“If there was another option, I would have chosen it instead, believe me. But this investigation is very important and I can only assign it to someone I trust completely. Please, Keiko-chan.” Takasugi reached for her hand but she pulled it away.
She didn’t want to go to Edo, the place where her father had been taken away from her. But Takasugi needed her help and she couldn’t let him down, not after everything he had done for her. No matter how painful it would be to be separated from him again.
“Fine! I will do it.” Keiko finally grumbled, crossing her arms before her chest. But she made sure to look as grumpy as possible, so they all knew she didn’t like her new assignment one bit.
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
Was talking with a friend about Pokemon character names, and walking them thru the logic of my attempts to puzzle out some of pokemon Legends Arceus' more obscure ancestor characters by shared themes(since most parent-child characters before now have had shared name references) and my friend seemed surprised that all the core pokemon characters have been named after plants/flowers since day one. I kinda forgot that not everyone immediately commits weird factoids they heard a decade ago to memory, so I figured that's a fun bit of trivia I could probably ramble on about for a few posts.
Even though I kinda broadly knew the references, I realized I definitely don't know what all these plants looked like off the top of my head, so I figured it'd be cool to get them all kinda side by side. Plus it gave me the excuse to crop images, which is just how I compulsively waste time.
(Now, granted, a lot of these are also puns on other things besides the plants, usually tying into the pokemon type specialties, but I'm really just focusing on the plant parts for this, so don't at me because I didn't get into the rest of the names' meanings/references. I know.)
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Brock's name in japanese is Takeshi evoking take[竹]: "bamboo," common, basic, resilient; a good feature for the starter gym.
Misty is Kasumi from kasumi-so[霞草]: lit."mist+grass" refers to what we call in English, Baby's Breath. Obviously the name was a very easy jump to make in localization.
Lt.Surge is Matis(Machisu[マチス]) from Clematis, which is both the Genus name as well as the common name in English. (Ironically, most species of clematis seem to be native to Japan and China.)
Erika is just the direct katakana of Erica, a Genus of Heath/Heather.
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Koga is named after the ninja clan in English, but his Japanese name is Kyo from kyo[杏]: "apricot," which is alternatively read as anzu[杏], his daughter's name.
Sabrina's name is Natsume from Natsume[棗], referring to the "Chinese Date" or "Chinese Jujube"
Blaine's name is Katsura from Katsura[桂], the Japanese name of what is sometimes called the "Sweet Osmanthus."
Giovanni is Sakaki, from sakaki[榊] a tree sacred to the Shinto faith, the kanji itself is even a compound of [木]:"tree" and [神]: "god."
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Lorelei's name is Kanna, from the Genus Canna, covering the various species of "Canna Lily," although they are not true lilies. Oddly they are a tropical plant, which seems a poor choice for an ice trainer.
Bruno is Siba(Shiba[シバ]) from shiba[芝], the Japanese name for what we call "Zoysia grass."
Agatha's name is Kikuko from kiku[菊]: "chrysanthemum." (Also, Bertha's name is Kikuno, which is why we knew they were related, even before OMatsu(Charm) was introduced as their mutual ancestor, wielding both Rhydon and Gengar... but I'll get to her later...)
Lance's name is Wataru seemingly referencing wata[綿]: "cotton plant."
I'll get a pic of Blue in a post with all the champs together. Everything was so nice and divisible by 4 otherwise.
[Kanto] [Johto] [Hoenn] [Sinnoh] [Unova] [Kalos] [Alola] [Galar] [Hisui] [Champs] [Paldea] [Paldea2] [Paldea3] [Teams] [Misc.]
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anime-addictt · 2 years
IVs, Enneagram & Characters
The list will be updated :)
sp 1: Nanami Kento, Megumi Fushiguro, Riza Hawkeye
sx 1: Shaiapouf, Hijikata Toushirou
so 1: Light Yagami, Erwin Smith, Katsura Kotaro
sp 2: Historia Reiss
sx 2: Gasai Yuno, Misa Amane
so 2: Kagura Sohma, Yumehara Chiyo, Makima
sp 3: Miyuki Shirogane, Oikawa Tooru, Damian Desmond
sx 3:  Fiona Frost,  Teruhashi Kokomi
so 3: Roy Mustang, Saiko Metori
sp 4: Yuki Sohma
sx 4:  Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Eto Yoshimura
so 4: Gaara, Kaido Shun
sp 5: Kishibe
sx 5: Gibiril
so 5: Akise Aru, Chrollo 
sp 6: Killua Zoldyck, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman
sx 6: Eren Jeager, Kyo Sohma, Levi Ackerman
so 6: Jean Kirschtein, Floch Forster, Loid Forger
sp 7: Gojo Satoru, Ryuk, Reigen Arataka
sx 7: Okabe Rintarou, Hanji Zoe, Dazai Osamu, Anya Forger
so 7: Kagura(Gintama), Nendo 
sp 8: Toji Fushigurou, Zoro,  Ryomen Sukuna,
sx 8: Ymir,  Kugisaki Nobara
so 8: Meruem, Gon, Luffy
sp 9: Gintoki, Kaneki Ken, Nagisa Shouta, Denji
sx 9: Hinata Hyuuga, Yor Forger
so 9: Honda Tohru, Itadori Yuuji
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missmyloko · 1 year
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June 29th, 2023: The happy day has finally come! Koaki (小晶) of Kaden (花傳) in Miyagawa Cho is celebrating her erikae! She spent just over 5 years as a maiko to reach this point and was one of the most popular maiko in her district before turning her collar. Knowing Koaki, she’ll be a popular geiko too! Her outfit features waves, summer flowers, and water wheels and her golden obi features waves! おめでとうさんどす小晶さん ^o^! Image is courtesy of Kyo Katsura Imanishi.
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maigeiko · 1 year
Karyukai Book collection, 2022 edition
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It’s been a while since the last book feature on this blog. The collection has grown, maybe you are also interested in Gei-/Maiko related books and find this helpful.
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Category 1: Japanese only or Japanese with only little English …Hiroshi Mizobuchi - Showa no Gion: b&w photos depicting life in Gion Kobu in the 1970’s and 80’s. Captions are entirely in Japanese, but easy to translate, since they are mostly dates and names. At the end of the book, there are few pictures from the 1930’s and 40’s. …Sumi Asahara - Tokyo Rokkagai: Interviews with Tokyo Geisha, history and map of the main six Tokyo Kagai, old and new photos. Books on the subject of Tokyo Geisha are fairly rare, so this is a good source of information. …Hiroshi Mizobuchi - Hannari Kyo Maiko no Shiki: photos of the seasonal events and celebrations in the Kyoto Hanamachi, with Map and full Ochaya list. …Keiko Tanaka - Nihongami taizen: despite featuring Maiko Fukuno on it’s cover, only a little part of it deals with Maiko Nihongami. It has a bit of Tayu/Sumo/new Nihongami as well, the largest part however is focusing on the various historical hairstyles displayed at the Kushi Matsuri. …Kobunshi Katsura - Showa Meigiren: featuring portraits of 228 senior Geisha in the late Showa period. Some of them worked in Hanamachi that no longer exist, 31 of them are still active in 2022. …Tetsuo Ishihara - Maiko no kamigata: showing Maiko hairstyles, how to tie them, Kanzashi calendar, Pocchiri showcase, and a Maiko getting dressed …Tetsuo Ishihara - Kyo Shimabara Tayu: similar to Maiko no Kamigata, but focusing on Tayu hairstyles. Contains a little overview about the then-current Tayû and some of their activities around the year.  …Hiroshi Mizobuchi - Gion, the world of stylish parties: Photos by HM (mostly Gei/Maiko, but also some Hanamachi architecture and food), Maiko illustrations, old (Taisho/early Showa) photos of Gion Kobu Gei-/Maiko and interviews with selected Gei/Maiko and Karyukai workers. …Noboru Hamaoka - Gion to Maiko: mostly b/w photos, some colour photos featuring people who live in the Karyûkai: including Gei-/Maiko, dance teachers and hairdressers, Gion’s cityscape, Kanzashi and Okiya interior. More text than photos. …Hiroshi Mizobuchi - Kyo Miyagawacho: Photo book, bit of history, events through the year. “History of Miyagawacho” by the then head of the Ochaya Union fully translated to English, otherwise the main content is in Japanese. Miyagawacho map and Ochaya list on the last pages. …Hiroshi Mizobuchi - Kyo Pontocho: similar to Kyo Miyagawacho, but smaller format and less text …Hiroshi Mizobuchi - Gion Mai Goyomi: HM photos on abysmal tiny pages. Can’t recommend. Heard there are two editions of this, that differ, so maybe the other one is bigger?
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Category 2: English or Japanese with full English translation in the same book. …Liza Dalby - Geisha: LD lived in Kyoto and worked with Pontocho Geiko in the 1970′s. In this book, you can read about her experiences …Kikuya - I, a Geisha: written by an Akasaka Geisha, has infos about her profession, some infos about the history of selected Tokyo Hanamachi.  …various - Geisha: beyond the painted smile: lots of text but only little content. Few nice photos. Only worth buying if it’s really cheap. …John Paul Foster - Geisha and Maiko of Kyoto: portraits of and interviews with several Gei/Maiko, studded with anecdotes of JPF’s experiences as photographer in Kyoto. …Percival Perkins - Geisha of Pontocho: Experiences with Pontocho Geiko and Maiko in the 1950’s and short biographies of selected GeiMaiko. …Kyoko Aihara - Geisha: good and basic book from the late 1990′s focusing on Hanamachi life in Kyoto. You can spot some familiar faces of Geiko who were Maiko then, or Geiko who just retired recently. …Mineko Iwasaki - Geisha of Gion: autobiography of one of the most famous Kyoto Geiko, including anecdotes from her elders (for example, concering life in the Hanamachi during WWII) …John Paul Foster - now a Geisha: while “Geisha and Maiko of Kyoto” offers a rather broad spectre of topics, this is focused on the change from Maiko to Geiko: Sakko and Erikae. JPF portrays three Maiko, then Geiko during this time of transition. …Kazuhiko Matsumura - Subtle Beauty: originally a photo essay published in a newspaper. It’s about Maiko and Geiko from the five Kyoto Hanamachi in all stages of their carreers. …Hiroshi Mizobuchi - the Kagai in Kyoto: probably the only HM book mostly translated to English. Apart from being an updated version of books like “Kyoto Gion, Kyoto Pontocho, Kyoto Miyagawacho”, an entire chapter is dedicated to Satsukis way from Shikomi to Geiko.  …Taka Kobayashi - Utsuyaka: full-page photos of Kosen (Gion Kobu) with only little text. The book itself is a pretty large format, so you can have a good look at her outfits. …Kelly Foreman - the Gei of Geisha: densely packed with information on around 250 pages, concerning arts, economy and the social aspects of being a Geisha.  …Sayo Masuda - Autobiography of a Geisha: SM endured a lot of abuse from childhood on, was sold to an Okiya in Kamisuwa Onsen at the age of 12 and worked as a Geisha until she was “bought” by a patron around 1939. 
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Category 3: originally published in Japanese, available in lots of different languages, but not English. …Kiharu Nakamura - Memoiren einer Geisha: KH worked as Geisha in Shinbashi for around 2 years in the early 1930′s. Only around 20% of the whole book deal with her time before retirement, so the title is a bit misleading. Nevertheless, it’s a nice source of information on pre-war Shinbashi.
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rose-wine-selfships · 4 years
My F/O List (Updated)
If my f/os are selected with a 🌹✨, that means that they are a main romantic f/o. If it's with a 🌷✨ they are main queer platonic f/os. If it is platonic they are selected with 🌟 as general main platonic f/os. If I have a 💓 next to them, I care about them deeply like as if they are family. If they have a 🍫, that means they are a comfort character of mine. I have an intense bond with them, and relate to them on a very deep and personal level. If my f/os have a 💍 next to their name, that means I’m married to them, and I have a long term and highly loving relationship with them.
Note: If I have a 🤝 icon next to my romantic or queerplatonic F/Os, I’m very comfortable sharing them and I don’t mind if you want to take my F/Os and do lovey dovey stuff with them! 🌹🍷✨
If I put a 💎 next to my F/Os, that means I’m highly uncomfortable sharing them. They are really personal characters for me and I will feel highly anxious if I see others self shipping content with them. If you’re unsure, please DM me and we can work something out. Whether it’s a filtering system or something else I want to make sure me and my mutuals are on the same page. 👍
🌹Romantic 🌹
Atsushi Nakajima 💍🌹✨🍫💎(Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: Colors of my Heart ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜)
Wally Darling 💍 🌹 ✨🍫 💎 (Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: Apple of my Eye 🍎 👁️)
Lady Oscar Francois de Jarjayes 💍 🌹✨🍫💎 (Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: Bisous Au Vin Rose 🌹💄💋)
AA2153-Red Blood Cell-Cells at Work:Code Black! 🌹✨🍫 (Ship name: Working hard for your kisses 💋✨)
Bruno Madrigal-Encanto 🌹✨
Joe Goldberg-You (Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: I’m in love with a criminal 🔪 🩸)
Peter B. Parker-Spider-Man Into The SpiderVerse (Ship name: Rainbow Spider 🌈 🕷)
Chief Blue Meanie from Yellow Submarine🌹✨🍫 (Main Romantic F/O)(Ship name: And I love her 💙✨)
Yuuma Daichi 🍷✨🍫💎 (F/O OC for my fan made series “Ronin: Wielder of the cursed blade) (Main Romantic F/O)
🤝 Minerva Mink 💛🌹✨(Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: The Taming of the Mink💘)
🤝 Rider (Medusa)(Fate Stay Night) (Ship name: Fate on love’s wings 🕊💕) 🌹✨
🤝 Saber (Arthur)(Fate Stay Night) 🌹✨
🤝 Spongebob Squarepants 🌹✨🍫(Main Romantic F/O) (Ship Name: Sprissy/Weird Together: Now and Forever💝)
🤝 Edgar Allen Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs)
🤝 Shōsaku Katsura 🌹✨(Ship Name: Melting My Black Ink Heart 🖤)
🤝 Kōyō Ozaki 🌹✨
🤝 Oda Sakunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
🤝 Shizuo Heiwajima 🌹✨
🤝 Lucifer (Obey Me!) 🌹✨
Mammon (Obey Me!) (Main F/O) 🌹✨ 🍫💎 (Ship Names: My Treasure 🏆/The Diamond in the Rough 💎)
🤝 Lust (Main Romantic F/O) (Fullmetal Alchemist) 🌹✨
🤝 Mitsuru Kirijo (P4) 🌹✨
🤝 Leviathan (Obey Me!) (Ship Names: The snake and the mermaid 🐍💗🧜‍♀️/ Siren Song 🧜‍♀️🎶)
🤝 Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) (Main F/O) 🌹✨
🤝 Jonathan Joestar (Part 1) 🌹✨
Bruno Bucciarati (Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: Somos Novios)🌹✨🍫💎 (Part 5)
🤝 Lisa Lisa (Part 2)
🤝 Karamatsu Matsuno 🌹✨🍫
🤝 Ichimatsu Matsuno 🍫
🤝 Choromatsu Matsuno 🍫
🤝 Frodo Baggins 💍🌹✨🍫💎(Ship Name: You’re my greatest adventure 🗺💕)
🤝 Faramir
🤝 T’Challa (Black Panther)
🤝 N’Jadaka (Erik Killmonger)
🤝 MegaMind (DreamWorks)
🤝 Saeyoung Choi (Seven)
🤝 Yoosung Kim
🤝 Beast (Black Butler)
🤝 Grell Sutcliff
🤝 William T. Spears
🤝 Newt Scamander
🤝 Arsène Lupin III & Fujiko Mine (Polyamorous) 💕🌹✨
🌷Queer Platonic🌷
🤝 Lucy Maud Montgomery 🌷✨
Higuchi Ichiyo
⭐️ 💫 Platonic🌟 💫
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Chuuya Nakahara
Osamu Dazai 🌟 💓
Yukichi Fukuzawa 🌟💓
Squidward Tentacles 🌟
Sandy Cheeks 🌟
Patrick Star
Kunikida Doppo 🌟 💓
Junichiro Tanizaki 🌟
Akiko Yosano 🌟
Naomi Tanizaki 🌟
Josuke Higashikata 🌟 🍫
Samwise Gamgee 🌟
Aragorn 🌟 🍫 💓
Nakia 🌟
Shuri 🌟
Okoye 🌟
Jaehee Kang
Jumin Han
Hyun Ryu (Zen)
Ciel Phantomhive
Elizabeth Midford
Sebastian Michaelis
Goemon Ishikawa XIII 🌟
Daisuke Jigen 🌟
Koichi Zenigata 🌟
🌸✨ Familial 🌸✨
Sakura Matou (my daughter) 🍫 💓
Laura Kinney (my daughter) 💓
Izumi Kyouka (my daughter)💓
Just so you know, I do have villain F/Os as part of my romantic list. I do not condone or deny any of their actions they have done in canon universes. All I know is that they are interesting people with interesting perspectives, and hence why I am so attracted to them. If me having any of these villain F/Os makes you uncomfortable in anyway, please feel free to not interact with me or block me for your own mental health’s sake. I will not mind at all. 👍
UPDATE: I’m very comfortable with sharing most of my F/Os on these lists, except for three of them. The main three are Atsushi Nakajima, Oscar Jarjayes, and Wally Darling. These three characters are very close and personal comfort characters of mine, and I do feel uncomfortable sharing them with other self shippers. If you’re a good friend/mutual of mine I don’t mind if we share them. However, if you’re a newcomer and you share these F/Os too, I recommend you DM me first and we can set up a filtering/tagging system so there are no hard feelings on both sides. Thank you. 🙏💕
The list will be continually updated from here as I go along, but for now these are all the F/Os I can list from the top of my head! For all those who are uncomfortable sharing anyone on my list; I don’t mind if you blacklist or block me. Your mental health is just as important as mine, and I don’t want people to feel horrible because of me. I personally don’t feel the need to be uncomfortable sharing most of my F/Os with others because I’m not really the jealous type. I love my F/Os unconditionally, and without any restraint. And I believe love is possible through any and all universes. But for those who are comfortable enough sharing, please, I ENCOURAGE you to gush to me because I LOVE the company! Thank you all for being so supportive of me! 🙏💖✨
Your local wine loving self shipper!
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aurora-godshawk · 3 years
Ikemen Notes! Ikemen Pets!
Hello fellow Princesses, Time-Travelers, Waitress and Rabbit Chasers! 
       I received an ask for a list of all the suitors and their pets. Honestly I think I could greatly benefit form making notes on the suitors from all the games. It would make writing so much easier if I had some notes on each of the suitors routes. 
Alright if I’m being honest here I don’t know all the suitors pets. Whether it be the animal type or name I don’t know them all. If you want to comment the answers I’ll add you to the contributors list.
Last Updated 11/15/2021
@deafeningdeersalad (Ikerev)
@shenevertricks1831 (Ikevamp)
@theblueberryreign​ (Ikesen)
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Midnight Cinderella - 10
Alyn Crawford -  Arthur (Dog)
Louis Howard - Lucia (Blue Bird)
Giles Christophe - Michelangelo (Cat,)
Leo Crawford - Sebastian (Parrot)
Byron Wagner - Spinner (White Owl)
Sid (Llyod Gradier) - Jessie (Dog, Dalmatian)
Robert Branche - Amber (Hedgehog)
Nico Meier - Chiral (Squirrel)
Albert Burckhardt - Benjamin (Brown Rabbit)
Rayvis Harneit -  Rook (Wolf)
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Destined to Love - 13
Toshizo Hijikata - Montoro (Tortoise)
Katsura Kogoro -
Saito Hajime - 
Ryoma Sakamoto - 
Kyo Shinomiya - Taro & Jiro (Baby Chicks)
Keiki (Yoshinobu Tokugawa) - 
Soji Okita - Mochi (Light Brown Rabbit)
Kirisato (Haru Akira) - Rin (White Cat)
Shinsaku Takasugi - Mii (Gray Cat)
Susumu Yamazaki - 
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Love, Lies and a Heist - 8
Alec Bradley - 
Ewan Bradley - (Pony)
Luca Sinclair - (Yellow Carnie)
Logan Bradley - Elise (Ferret)
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Ikemen Sengoku - 17
Nobunaga Oda - Haguro (Hawk)
Masamune Date -  Shogetsu (Tiger)
Yukimura Sanada - Muramasa (Wolf)
Ieyasu Yokugawa - Wasabi (Deer)
Hideyoshi Toyotomi - Uri (Monkey)
Shingen Takeda - Koro (Bear)
Kenshin Uesugi - Matsu, Ume, & Take are names given (Bunny/ Army)
Mitsunari Ishida - Kitty (Tabby, Cat)
Sasuke Sarutobi - Kunai (Squirrel)
Mitsuhide Akechi - Chimaki (Fox)
Kennyo - (Cat)
Motonari Mouri - (Kangaroo)
Ranmaru Mori - …
Yoshimoto Imagawa - (Peacock)
Keiji Maeda - 
Kanetsugu Naoe - 
Kicho - 
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Ikemen Revolution - 17
Lancelot Kingsley - Shine (Lion)
Jonah Clemence - Pineapple (Hamster)
Edgar Bright - The Creek Family [ Mr. & Mrs. Creek and Creek Jr] (Ducks)
Zero - Rico (Dog)
Kyle Ash - Goo (Pig)
Ray Blackwell - Belle (Cat)
Sirius Oswald -  Chutney (Raccoon)
Luka Clemence - Stone (Hamster)
Fenrir Godspeed - Shu Shu (Dog)
Seth Hyde - Mimo (Fox)
Harr Silver - Sue (Owl)
Loki Genetta -Cheery (Cat)
Blanc Lapin - 
Oliver Knight -Muu Muu (Squirrel)
Mousse Atlas -
Dean Tweedle - 
Daily Tweedle - 
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Ikemen Vampire - 15
Napoleon Bonaparte - Jupiter (Bald Egael)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Schelm (White Owl)
Leonardo da Vinci - Lumiere (Black Cat)
Arthur Conan Doyle - Vic (Cocker Spaniel Dog)
Vincent van Gogh - Brush (Raccoon)
Theodorus van Gogh - King (Golden Retriever Dog)
Osamu Dazai - Bunta (Bird)
Isaac Newton - Harry (Hedgehog)
Jean d’Arc - Cherie (White Tiger)
Willam Shakespeare - Puck (Rabbit)
Comte de Saint Germain - Thyme (Ferret)
Sebastian - Lottie (Sheep)
Charles-Henri Sanson - 
Johann Georg Faust - 
Vlad - 
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Ikemen Prince - 10
Leon Dampteur - 
Chevalier Michel - 
Yves Kloss - 
Nokto Klein - 
Licht Klein - 
Clavis Lelouch - 
Jin Grandet - 
Luke Randolph - 
Sariel Nori - 
Rio Ortiz - 
89 notes · View notes
Okita & family
Hijikata & family
Kondo & family
Satsuma, Choshuu, Tosa
Most dates are based on Western calendar. Dates in brackets [ ] are based on lunar calendar
November 9 [October 9]:
Kondo Isami is born
Hijikata’s father Yoshiatsu (Hayato) dies
May 31 [May 5]:
Hijikata Toshizo is born
Hijikata’s sister Shuu dies
Hijikata’s mother Etsu dies
1842 (or 1844)
July 8? [June 1]:
Okita Souji is born
Okita’s father Katsujiro dies
Hijikata's brief apprenticeship at the kimono shop Ito-Gofukuten (now Matsuzakaya)
Hijikata plants arrow bamboo
Tama River flooding
Okita Mitsu marries Okita Rintaro
December 8:
Kondo Isami is adopted by Kondo Shusuke
1850 (or 1852)
Okita Souji joins the Shieikan dojo
Hijikata briefly works at another branch of the kimono shop Matsuzakaya
Hijikata becomes a medicine peddler
April 5:
Mitsu’s first child Yoshijiro is born
July 14:
Arrival of the Black Ships
March 31:
Convention of Kanagawa (treaty between US and Japan)
1854 (or 1856)
Okita defeats the sword instructor of Lord Shirakawa
1854 - 1857
Harada Sanosuke's seppuku attempt
Nagakura Shinpachi befriends Shimada Kai
Hijikata formally joins the Shieikan dojo
March 24 [March 3]:
Saku-Radamon Incident (Ii Naosuke is assassinated)
April 19:
Kondo marries Matsui Otsune
Yamanami joins the Shieikan dojo
August 27 [October 1]:
Kondo succeeds as the fourth generation master of the of the Shieikan dojo
[November 6]:
Hijikata became seriously ill and almost died
Kondo's daughter Tama is born
Okita becomes sick with measles
October 19:
The Shogunate and Kiyokawa Hachiro form the Roshigumi
Saito Hajime kills a hatamoto and flees to Kyoto
[February 8] - April 10 [February 23]:
Roshigumi travels to Kyoto
April 19:
The Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi arrives in Kyoto
Mitsu and Rintaro move to Edo
May 11:
Okita's first kill
August 28 [July 15]:
Shinsengumi members get into a fight with sumo wrestlers in Osaka
September 30 [August 18]:
The Choshuu clan is forced out of the court by Aizu and Satsuma
[August 18]:
The Shinsengumi receives its name
October 19:
Niimi is forced to commit seppuku by Hijikata and Yamanami
October 28 or 30 [September 16 or 18]:
Serizawa assassination
January 20 [December 12] (New Year's):
Yamanami gets injured by a burglar at a shop and breaks his sword
Okita, Kondo, Harada, Nagakura, Inoue assassinate Uchiyama Hikojirou in Osaka
[Late May]:
The Shinsengumi learns that Choshuu samurai and ronin have been coming and going from the Ikedaya inn
[June 1]:
The Shinsengumi arrests two suspicious men who admit to planning to burn down Kyoto under torture
July 8 [June 5] (Eve of the Gion Festival):
Ikedaya Incident
July 8 [June 5]:
Okita faints from heatstroke and is taken to Hamasaki Medical Center
[June 10]:
Akebonotei incident
August 20:
Kinmon Incident
November 14 [October 15]:
Itou Kashitaro joins the Shinsengumi
March 19 [February 22]:
Yamanami deserts the Shinsengumi
March 20 [February 23]:
Yamanami commits seppuku
[March 10]:
The Shinsengumi moves to new headquarters at Nishihonganji
July [May]:
Matsumoto Ryojun conducts a health checkup on the Shinsengumi and possibly discovers Okita's tuberculosis
August 29:
The Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi dies and Yoshinobu succeeds him
October 20 [September 12]:
Sanjo notice board case
November 2 [September 26]:
Itou and Shinohara argue with Kondo and Hijikata, and threatens to leave the Shinsengumi
December 11 [November 5]:
Kyo (possibly Okita's daughter) is born
January 30:
Okita cuts down Sasaki Hyogo
April [March]:
Okita coughs up blood
April 24 [March 20]:
Itou leaves the Shinsengumi to guard the imperial tomb
Okita kills Asano Karou near Katsura River who tried to join Itou
May 29 [April 26]:
Okita's lover Ishii(or Ishida) Tsune dies
July 10 [June 10]:
Kondo gets promoted to hatamoto
[June 15]:
Shinsengumi moves headquarters to Fudodo Village
[June 22]:
Takeda Kanryuusai is assassinated by Saito
Okita becomes seriously ill
Early-November [Early-October]:
Hijikata and Inoue visit Hino
14-year-old Ichimura Tetsunosuke joins the Shinsengumi as Hijikata's page
Inoue's 10-year-old nephew Taisuke joins the Shinsengumi as Kondo's page
November 9:
Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu resigns
December 6 [November 10]:
Saito leaves Itou and reports Itou's plans to Kondo
December 10:
Assasination of Sakamoto Ryoma
December 18 [November 18]:
Itou is assassinated
Todo Heisuke is killed while retreaving Itou's body
January 4:
Restoration of imperial rule is officially proclaimed
January 6:
Shogun Yoshinobu heads out to Nijo Castle
The Shinsengumi leaves Kyoto and go to Osaka and sets up headquarters in Fushimi
January 11 [December 18]:
Kondo gets shot in the shoulder at Fushimi road on the way back from Nijo Castle
January 19:
Fire in Edo
January 27-30 [January 3]:
Battle of Toba-Fushimi
January 28:
Inoue dies in battle
January 30 Evening:
Shogun Yoshinobu escapes from Osaka Castle to Edo along Aizu daimyos on the ship Kaiyomaru
February 4 [January 12]:
The Shinsengumi sails back to Edo on the ship Fujisanmaru
Hijikata meets frenchman Jules Brunet on the ship
[January 13]:
Yamazaki dies of battle wounds
[January 14]:
The Shinsengumi arrives in Edo
[End of January]:
The Shinsengumi sets up new headquarters in Edo
Okita stays at Matsumoto Ryojin's clinic
March 24 [March 1]:
Kondo is appointed to the Wakatoshiyori (Junior Council) by Katsu Kaishu
March 24 [March 1]:
The Shinsengumi departs Edo for Kofu Castle, staying at Hino for a night
[March 2]:
Okita falls ill and is left behind at Hino
March 28:
The Shinsengumi receives news that Kofu Castle was taken and stays at the nearby town of Katsunuma
March 29:
Battle of Koshu-Katsunuma. The Shinsengumi retreats to Edo
April 11:
Kondo and Hijikata gather troops to depart Edo again
April 25:
The Shinsengumi sets up headquarters at Nagareyama
April 26:
Kondo is captured by Satsuma troops
April 27:
Hijikata meets with Katsu Kaishu
April 28:
A letter from Katsu Kaishu arrives to request a pardon on Kondo
April 30:
Kondo is declared guilty for the assassination of Sakamoto Ryoma in a trial
[April 11]:
Evacuation of Edo Castle
May [April 14]:
Battle of Utsunomiya Castle, Hijikata injures his leg and rests in Aizu for 3 months
May 17 [April 25]:
Kondo is executed by beheading
June [April 25]:
Saito fights in the Battle of Shirakawa
May 20:
Kondo's nephew Miyagawa Yugoro buries Kondo's headless body, Kondo's head is piked in Kyoto
July 19 [May 30]:
Okita dies from tuberculosis at Sentagaya, Edo
October [August 21]:
Battle of Bonari Pass
October [August 21]:
Hijikata retreats from Aizu and part ways with Saito
[October 12]:
Hijikata and Tetsunosuke leaves for Ezo on the ship Oemaru from Orinohama, Sendai
December 9 [October 26]:
Hijikata and Tetsunosuke arrives at Hakodate, Ezo
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After much radio silence, it seems the Shuzenji collab is changing the content of the bonus letters and story map starting from June 1st. They’ll include the student council and a letter from Wakura to Unazuki.
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Here are the matchups for the letters that can be found through the app Koi no Hashi Meguri in June: Togetsu-kyo Bridge = Karurusu + Kirishima, Kokei Bridge = Dougo + Wakura, Katsura Bridge = Dougo + Manza, Takishita Bridge = Karurusu + Shuzenji and Kaede Bridge = Kirishima + Shuzenji.
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Just a reminder that the Happy is there? collab (aka the Shuzenji collab) will be over in a month.
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dtladventures-blog · 7 years
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🌸 Happy Valentine’s Day ❤from Katsura🐶Kyo🐣Yamazaki🐻 and Takasugi🐱.I’m sorry I didn’t draw Kirisato I didn’t have time cause I got sick twice each week. 😢😢😢 Bummer but I manage to do this much. I hope you guys enjoyed the Valentine cards and I wanna say one last thank you to @oh-my-otome for the lines. I hope you guys enjoyed and remember… Ummmm… Keep it classy?😐😐😐 I don’t know how to end stuff. 🌸
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superduperandyeah · 6 years
Today, during a livestream from Tokyo, Japan, we finally got more information about the recently-teased new studio TOO KYO Games.
The studio will be formed by a “famous developer” indeed. The twist is that it’s more than one.
Danganronpa creator Kazutaka Kodaka will take the role of Director and Scenario Writer, Zero Escape creator Kotaro Uchikoshi will also take on the same role. Director Takumi Nakazawa (Memories Off 2nd), Character Designer Rui Komatsuzaki (Danganronpa), Illustrator and Character Design Shimadoriru (Danganronpa), Composer Masafumi Takada (also Danganronpa), and Scenario Writer Yoichiro Koizumi (writer of Ultimate Despair Hagakure) will also be part of the team.
The studio aims to create its own IPs across games, anime, and various forms of entertainment, and to work with different publishers. The creators involved also want to work on indie-style titles.
The first game will be co-written by both Uchikoshi-san and Kodaka-san, and you can find the first illustration at the bottom of the post. I’m sure you’ll find it familiar enough. The theme is “Extreme X Despair.” Zero surprises there.
The second project is an anime focusing on villains, and you can also find the first concept art in the gallery at the bottom of the post (the second image). The animation will be handled by Studio Pierrot.
The third is a “death game” involving children, and you can see the concept illustration in third place in the gallery. It’ll be written by Uchikoshi-san and directed by Nakazawa-san. The artwork is actually by Take-san.
The fourth project is a “dark fantasy mystery” game published by Spike Chunsoft. You can see the first concept art as the fourth image in the gallery. It’s interesting to see that the publisher is supporting the studio despite the fact that so many of its star-developers left to form it. This is actually pretty typical of Japanese culture. The project was presented directly by Spike Chunsoft CEO Mitsukoshi Sakurai.
Interestingly, we learn that the developers might return to the Danganronpa series in the future if the chance presents itself, but for now, they want to work on their own games.
No titles, platforms, or release dates were announced today.
The studio was initially teased on Sunday with a video featuring Dragon Quest XI producer Yosuke Saito, followed yesterday by Goichi “Suda51” Suda, and Yoko Taro. More teases then came earlier today from Sony’s Keiichiro Toyama, Atlus’ Katsura Hashino, and CyberConnect2’s Hiroshi Matsuyama.32
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