haveyoueatenthis · 9 months
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kiseve20 · 4 months
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Hungary food Lángos
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gandhika · 1 year
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan Lángos (Hungarian Fried Bread)
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nubesetanimus · 1 year
Dehogy vagyok normális
28 fokos lakásban még lángost fogok sütni de hát azt kívánom, úgyhogy az lesz
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culinaryplating · 1 year
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polikszena · 2 years
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Totally random and absolutely unsolicited, but I couldn’t resist, so here it is:
Title: Lángos
Fandom: Mission: Impossible
Characters: Ethan Hunt, Benji Dunn
Word Count: 921
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Songs: Sajnálom by Heaven Street Seven
Summary: While being on a mission in Budapest, Ethan and Benji try lángos, the Hungarian fried dough.
Notes: So, yesterday I was at a concert of the frontman Heaven Street Seven and while I was there the picture of Ethan and Benji eating lángos in Budapest popped into my mind, and I just had to write it. Also, personally, I don’t consider lángos a street food, but I have found several articles in English that do, so I wrote it that way. I think it’s more like a typical pool/beach food. In Hungary, if you go to the beach or any of the outdoor swimming pools, you will find at least one place that sells lángos. To be honest, I don’t know if there’s any place that has lángos near the Elizabeth square where this one-shot sets, but they certainly have several chimney cake booths in that area.
A large group of pigeons took flight followed by a dog’s barking. People were sitting in the grass, chatting, tourists were queuing at the giant wheel to see Budapest from above. Agent Ethan Hunt was sitting on a bench, watching this idyl of the small park. Kids’ laughter from a nearby playground mixed with a Hungarian song coming from the portable speakers of a group having a picnic in the grass. The only thing he could catch from the lyrics was one word: Sajnálom. I’m sorry.
Running a hand through his hair, he let out a sigh. They were in the city for a few days now, but they couldn’t move forward with the mission. They got stuck. He needed a good plan. Or a drink. Even if it was only around noon.
“Hey,” he heard a familiar voice, and looking up, he saw Benji Dunn dressed as a tourist, holding two paper plates in his hands. “I’ve brought some lunch,” he announced with a smile, offering one to Ethan.
As he saw the huge flatbread with some white cream and grated cheese on the top, his stomach growled. He was so focused on how to proceed with the mission that he had forgotten to eat. Luckily, Benji was there to remind him.
“What is this?” Ethan asked as he took the plate from him. “It’s hot.”
“Langosh,” the other man replied. “Deep fried dough with sour cream and cheese. It’s a Hungarian street food.”
“Like the spiral thing,” Ethan nodded, as they had already passed several booths on the streets that sold the tube-shaped pastry. There was one on the other side of the square.
“That’s chimney cake,” Benji said, sitting down next to him. “We should try that as well.”
Then he took a bite of the flatbread. At the food truck they were generous with the sour cream, so now he had it on his face and on his nose as well. He wiped it off with his hand, but if was useless as with next bite the white cream was on his face again.
“Let me remind you Benji that we are here for a mission,” Ethan said, trying to tear off a little piece of his lángos after seeing his colleague’s struggle with the sour cream. “And not on a vacation.”
“Yeah, I know, but that doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy some local treats, does it?” Benji asked with his mouth full.
Ethan had to admit that he had a point. He also realised that he wouldn’t be able to tear the lángos with using one hand only, but he didn’t want to put the paper plate on his lap because it got a little oily and it would stain his jeans. He had no other choice but to bite it. The fried dough was crunchy on the outside but soft in the inside and it was still hot, even despite the big amount of cold sour cream spread on the top of it. Not spicy hot but flaming hot – this was where it got the name from, as he learned it from Benji, because the word láng meant flame in Hungarian.
“My guidebook says Hungarians are crazy about sour cream,” Benji continued between two bites. He still had some on his face, but he didn’t mind it anymore. “They add it to all kinds of food.”
“You’ve got a guidebook?” Ethan raised a brow, genuinely surprised.
“I like to know the places we go a little better,” he said with a shrug. “Just to know which buildings we should not blow up, if possible,” he added. “It also says that Budapest is very famous for its baths. We could visit one after the mission,” he suggested.
“I’m not really the kind of guy who goes to thermal baths,” Ethan admitted. He had also heard about the city’s famous thermal baths and spa places, but he couldn’t really see himself soaking in a pool of hot water in a historical building. “But you’re free to go once we’re finished. Ask Brandt, he might want to join.”
“I don’t think so,” Benji said, sounding a little disappointed.
The fell silent for a while; they were just sitting on the bench, eating. The pigeons slowly returned to the square. A crow landed on a bin and looked inside if there was anything edible for him. As he wasn’t hungry anymore, Ethan Hunt began to feel better. The hot and delicious lángos didn’t just fill his stomach, but it warmed his heart as well. Perhaps Benji was right: There’s nothing wrong to enjoy what this city has to offer.
A smile touched his lips as he swallowed the last bite of the fried dough. He leaned backwards on the bench, watching the dumpster diving crow. The bird was lucky: after a short while he flew away with something in his beak. Ethan couldn’t tell what it was, but he felt it was better not knowing it. His gaze then shifted to Benji who was still licking the sour cream off his fingers. It seemed not only the Hungarians were crazy about it.
“There’s some on your face, too,” he said.
“I know,” Benji nodded with a small laugh. “I just haven’t gotten to wipe it off yet.”
“Here,” Ethan offered him a handkerchief so he could get the cream off his face.
“This langosh was pretty good,” he stated, grinning at the other man.
“It was,” Ethan agreed, smiling. “I think we should try that chimney thing, too.”
(Read it on AO3)
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riverpoetofcellardoor · 2 months
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palkerekfy · 9 months
Futás az újévi töltött lángosokért!
Ilyen volt a 2023-as újévi lángosozás. Az következőt se hagyom ki, de arról még nem tudok írni. 2023. január elsején nálam pontban déli 12-kor kezdődött az ebédidő, akkor kértem a töltött lángost. Tavaly kétféléből lehet választani, az egyik káposztával volt töltve, a másikat egyénileg lehetett összeállítani. Én mindent kértem bele. Mi a minden? Sonka, kolbász, sajt, gomba, lilahagyma.…
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versinator · 1 year
Tülekedése lángos
Körből márványzik tempót zenghetsz Zengését gényebb jámborabb féligkész Megszállunk dalainak gödörnél barik Angolhon altatók gépfegyvert villik Bújdosás táncokkal hajnalálma palotáiból Ágtól ösztönöd tengericső olajtól
Félárbocra ékeskedik forrong öltönye Csalogánya rekordokat megelégszik fövenye Megloptad cseppjével börtönből megmozdulna Túlnő hiteit villódzik világítana Csizmákban rettegést látásban álmokról Felvirul aphrodíte pelyhei bozóttól
Csöbröt száradtak ruhájára szakasz Ideged mirigyek kelten házeresz Bevond füleid összekuszálnak semmik Megcibál ür állanék szellőztetik Órahosszat keretet szakadtan pólustól Gáza senyvedőn azokból sastól
Nyugatban liliommal kelvén berkenye Malomkerék dalnokversenyből tokja veszélye Szurkot kéjelgő elnémulsz ballerina Sűrűt jótékonycélú kifulva mantegna Mennyezetét rése ecsetét barlangjából Jószága sárkányokkal kerítéslécek rossztól
Megtörése példának orkusz elmaradsz Leeresztve édességet köddé éposz Lepedőbe gubók keresheted hívatik Vezetted menned omlékony takarózik Hadjárat kihozom körhintán sodrából Jöhetleneket bántalmakért zsarátnokát harctól
Cicázni tehernek sodrából menye Könnyelmü ólomlemezekkel jötteké köténye Olyanról párolog fehércsuhás barcelona Dombjaim oszlopokat rádob zuhogna Elzárva színhely zúghat rablótól Elomolt hangokig anthológiák játékodtól
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mydreamingdays · 2 years
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Ma megcsináltuk a maradék lángos tésztát reggelire ismét házi lángos #langos #lángos #mutimiteszel (helyszín: Békásmegyer, Budapest, Hungary) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAKOBcoepb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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canisalbus · 8 months
Hello, I've been enjoying your art for a long time! My maternal family is Hungarian, and Vasco's coloring makes me think of lángos (which, if you don't know, is a fried flatbread that's a very popular streetfood). Continuing with the funny Vaschete metaphors, Vasco could be lángos and Machete could be the sour cream or shredded cheese
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buttercupchub · 5 months
Does Bogi ever cook for Miguel?
Oh yes, and she cooks a lot. She especially loves to cook Hungarian dishes for him because they are very filling, plus she's from there so I think it's pretty cute that she wants to show more of her culture for him.<3
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Take this (horrible) sketch of Miguel where he eats a lángos
(one of the best Hungarian food ever I tell you 😩 you can barely eat one but I have this headcanon of Miguel that he could at least eat two which is crazy)
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mefjeff · 1 year
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Beachrat 🐭☀️
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culinaryplating · 1 year
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dramatic-dolphin · 6 months
favorite thing to do in austria is talking shit about every "langos" i see
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