m0ney · 2 years
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LACR 23ss*°:⋆ₓₒ
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letters-of-fire · 9 months
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sweetgaleria · 2 years
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Helloooooo @jessuru, I'm your secret santa for the @owlhousesecretsanta! I'm so so sorry for being late, my december was a lot busier than i thought it would be and only had time to finish this now😅 But I hope you like it! They're having a sleepover, i imagine since neither of them had a lot of friends in childhood, they'd enjoy doing these things now as a fun bonding moment, and as a way, for hunter specially, to just be kids again
I hope you had a wonderful end of the year, and sorry again for the delay!
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thegreatyin · 2 months
alright at the rate im going i should be done with getting caeru to notability 3 just before estival. which means that from there i'll only need 2 more levels to make him a licentiate.
which means the only thing currently standing between caeru and getting a license to kill,
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is marriage
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boghermit · 2 years
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atamagaitai · 8 months
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common waxbill (Estrilda astrild) by Junior Soeira
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the-clay-quarters · 9 months
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okay february is cool I like her
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musicals-n-cartoons · 9 months
I eagerly entered Penstock's Wicket to purchase a 5-card lodging, only to find the option to buy the suite at the Bethlehem Hotel was missing.
Turns out I already owned it and just... never moved in.
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Snowdrop or poppy for Elias
Snowdrop: some they love, and something they hate They love their gondola at Jericho Locks. it's built in such a way that they can still sit while steering around the waters, and it gives them a unique sense of freedom to be able to chart the waters of the upper river under their own power and volition! The Persephone calls to them, and her river waters run in their veins. They hate Lacre. If it were normal snow they would enjoy it so much, but it's not. it's Saddness Snow. And it taints their wheelchair and they smell like amonia and rotting fish and they can't get it on their hands and it never leaves whatever gloves it gets on!! and it always always blocks the ramp to their house and turns into the yuckiest slush, and they've had Quite Enough sadness for one lifetime!! But no, now it's covering their wheels and they'll have to scrub those before they can go anywhere in their own house! They despise Lacre-Snow. Poppy: How are they around strangers? Elias is polite and friendly around strangers! This is, of course, a giant mask for the self-doubting, fear, anxiety, and general uncertainty they have around new folk! What do they think of them using a wheelchair? Will they like them? Will they respect their gender? Were they a parent's friend from back on the surface? What if they hate Elias?? What if they just want to use them? If they are using them, how much of themself is Elias willing to give just to feel liked for a moment?
They love being around people, it's genuinly so nice, but it's also stressful to navigate the social dances that are so commonly expected of them! they far prefer it when the strangers are fellow bohemians, it's much less stressful! ask game here
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violant-apologia · 2 months
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77 to go...
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birdirectory · 1 year
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common waxbill (Estrilda astrild) by Raphael Kurz
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anxious-witch · 1 year
Tumblr load that part two past PLS
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hellhoundmaggie · 9 months
ooh thanks for the honey Mr. Sacks!!!!!!!
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thegreatyin · 4 months
idk if it’s at all important to the story (i am playing fallen london without consulting the wiki because im stubborn) but which side did the scoundrel take in the strike at the docks
well. with the knowledge that they're a gay-coded comically evil supervillain at heart. and they hate unions. and they actually think mr fires is pretty based. what do you think
(neddy men. it was neddy men. im so sorry)
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cyberr4t · 1 year
ele me conta de longe
de uma vida fractal
errante, de delírio
eu sei do que se trata,
talvez eu saiba para além do que consigo expressar.
sinto no seu corpo, na sua risada
você assopra o que precisa dizer,
te sinto daqui.
já disseram muito sobre os olhos,
eu quero dizer com as mãos, as costas os dedos do pé
com os joelhos que se roçam o cabelo atrás da orelha o sorriso de canto
me cantando em você,
eu não enxergo de tão perto,
mas é uma boa vertigem.
nos agogôs desse maracatu que danço,
eu quero que dure mais um pouco
mais uma música
mais um tom seu.
não tem coisa melhor do que fracassar com você
ser um fracasso de mulher,
de maracatu,
de gay,
de pássaro (por não voar)
de ser a incógnita ambulante
que leva os outros aos poucos a acreditar que estão ficando loucos.
eu te olho nos olhos porque é raro
me vejo do seu lado de lá.
eu conheço o cheiro da árvore que você habita em tempo de florada,
eu sei da textura úmida e entrecortada de seus galhos,
e dos tons azul-esverdeados que as folham transmutam quando começa a esfriar.
eu provei do fruto de sua árvore quando era um sagui,
e da sua seiva quando estive de passagem de percevejo
eu passeei pelas suas raízes enquanto estava em rede com outros fungos, procurando você
e fui parte das formigas que subiam em sua árvore atrás de sobras para os fungos do formigueiro vizinho a sua árvore.
eu te sondo pelo vento
nos sussuros daquilo que você não diz
e nem é preciso dizer.
talvez seja preciso redescobrir a língua dos prazeres
em grego existem mais de cinquenta maneiras de expressar um simples "ai de mim"
se for assim, por uma linguagem nossa, proponho:
- te amar pelos cantinhos;
- sentir saudade do seu silêncio;
- e voltar a implorar: faça o que quiser comigo.
A vida indefinida não é de todo ruim.
quer saber,
começa comigo tudo de novo,
quero ouvir suas aventuras como um amigo distante,
provar do seu sabor errante
e, com sorte,
ser um dos pares de olhos que te mergulham num divino profaníssimo.
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beadickel · 1 year
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Spoiler do vídeo que vem amanhã no YouTube...
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