capn-twitchery · 19 days
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day!
Also sorry if this has been done before but I was looking at the Muppets and trying to think of what Gonzo's chaotic vibes reminded me of and realized... Twitch
thank you sm!!! :D♥︎
wait oh my god. you're so right actually R you're a genius
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100% unironically: neon future twitch fashion moodboard
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bizarrebazaar13 · 10 months
I love talking about "I can fix him" with stories. Tell us about better evolution
a lot of my frustration with evolution stems from the fact that most of it is just the youthful naturalist suffering horrifically for no/very vague reasons. and we as the players have very little control over where the story goes until Irem, where we end up choosing the naturalist’s future for him.
Irem is interesting because it’s so focused on how every choice impacts the final outcome in minute but important ways, whereas the rest of the story feels like the pc is just along for the ride. Irem’s themes of fate vs free will, is the future really preordained, how much say do you really have in your own life, etc, are all very intriguing and I wish there was more of that throughout evolution.
so: Evolution AV (Aelan’s Version). first of all, after the Dilmun club tells you to go to Cline, you have to recruit a crew to come with you, and that crew stays with you for the duration of the story. you all, including the naturalist eventually, become closer over the story. (I created six new ocs just for Alexandria’s evolution crew adfghds.)
you also get more options for how you treat the naturalist and the relationship you want to have with him. are you two partners in research and biological revolution? are you watching him to see if anything interesting happens, detached from him as a person? are you trying to protect him? etc.
*shakes the story by the shoulders* I want more personal connection, dammit!!
that’s not everything I would change, but that’s the beginning, and what I have the clearest ideas for. thanks for asking :)
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lord-emerson · 15 days
Character bingo? Would you like to do Orsinio or Samuel?
[why not both! here's the preoccupied professor:
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and of course Sammy, whom Oz has completely forgiven for sending an assassin after him that one time, a fact that had zero bearing on what his bingo card ended up looking like,,,]
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Snowdrop or poppy for Elias
Snowdrop: some they love, and something they hate They love their gondola at Jericho Locks. it's built in such a way that they can still sit while steering around the waters, and it gives them a unique sense of freedom to be able to chart the waters of the upper river under their own power and volition! The Persephone calls to them, and her river waters run in their veins. They hate Lacre. If it were normal snow they would enjoy it so much, but it's not. it's Saddness Snow. And it taints their wheelchair and they smell like amonia and rotting fish and they can't get it on their hands and it never leaves whatever gloves it gets on!! and it always always blocks the ramp to their house and turns into the yuckiest slush, and they've had Quite Enough sadness for one lifetime!! But no, now it's covering their wheels and they'll have to scrub those before they can go anywhere in their own house! They despise Lacre-Snow. Poppy: How are they around strangers? Elias is polite and friendly around strangers! This is, of course, a giant mask for the self-doubting, fear, anxiety, and general uncertainty they have around new folk! What do they think of them using a wheelchair? Will they like them? Will they respect their gender? Were they a parent's friend from back on the surface? What if they hate Elias?? What if they just want to use them? If they are using them, how much of themself is Elias willing to give just to feel liked for a moment?
They love being around people, it's genuinly so nice, but it's also stressful to navigate the social dances that are so commonly expected of them! they far prefer it when the strangers are fellow bohemians, it's much less stressful! ask game here
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thunder-threnodies · 4 months
14 present
14, Present: What matters most to them right now?
The plans they'd set to ensure their loved ones will be safe and sound for as long as possible. Their plans and arrangements to Zail East one day in the 7th City lifespan.
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violant-apologia · 5 months
Hey happy birthday! ✨
thanks!!!!!!! it's been very nice so far, the weather is lovely today. (this is terrible when you're trying to write about living in a cave but i'm sure i'll survive)
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writ-in-violant · 1 year
Palette game: 3 Niagara for Vivian?
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Thank you! I don't know why Vivian's shirt's open for this one. that's the pose that spoke to me.
Palettes for more palette requests found on this post: https://writ-in-violant.tumblr.com/post/730162558920720384/dantethecircusrat-ooh-whats-this-pallets-i
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Happy birthday! 🎈
Thank you!! 🎉
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🍝and 🌅 for your OCs for the most recent ask game you reblogged!
ask game here
🍝: are they a good cook?
Betty: as good a cook one can be when money isn't easy to come by.
Mathilde: absolutely not. she is still a beginner, and able to make only the basic meals.
🌅: artistic school?
Betty: nocturnal. Betty's initial writing/artistic ambitions were radical and violent. nowadays they tend to stray into nostalgic and bittersweet territory.
Mathilde: celestials. she is still new around London and it reflects in her writing.
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brownbuttercookies · 5 months
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i’ve posted this wip before and i just wanna put it out there again because i fucking love it so much and the colors are so so so fabulous and ugh. gay agenda indeed. i love holding a riot of neon bright rainbow in my hand.
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capn-twitchery · 11 months
I'm sorry for the bees reveal 🐝😔(house-of-mirrors)
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how could you do this to me.....i can't believe they've been bees the entire time and nobody told me
i was so ready to romance virginia next time i play MOTR.......i can't believe she's bees.....
don't get me wrong tho. i'm still Gonna
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bizarrebazaar13 · 5 months
If you're still doing songs, I got 🎺and may I request a song for Orsinio please?
Wasting Love by Iron Maiden
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it’s very much metal (it is Iron Maiden after all) but it’s slower paced than some of their songs. and I really like the night imagery in this one for him.
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lord-emerson · 4 months
♟️and🎖️for the ask game! (From @house-of-mirrors )
[♟️ — What colour are they on the chessboard? Has it always been that way?
Oswald's chess skills remain... lacking, compared to most of the other advanced skills:
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His current colour is Red but besties I'll be real with you, I have no idea what the Liberation of the Night actually means. I assume I'll find out eventually... right?
🎖️ — Proudest non-Ambition accomplishment?
If you asked him he'd probably say something financial, like buying his first Zubmersible or getting that Suite at the Royal Bethlehem but honestly? The proudest moment of his life was reuniting his friend/ex-lover/it's complicated Monty with his exiled sister in the Tomb-Colonies. He did it for selfish reasons, sure, but that was the first time he got to see his action change somebody's entire life — for the better, even.]
Send me questions!
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🥝for any of your OCs for ask game?
gonna answer for elias!
how does their outside appearance differ from how they are inside?
elias has an interesting relationship to fashion and identity, due to using a wheelchair and past abelism, they feel as though they always need to perform who they are above and beyond. they need to take things to 300% to be read as 80%. their staining to others comes across as clumsy, but to those who know how they truly are, it reflects their intellect and experimentations, and their mastery of pigments. they might even been seen as ditzy or vain or just a handsome face, but if it gets people to like them and treat them as human, they'll do whatever it takes. their clothes are a shield, and armor. they project and ideal they would like to live up to, a way for people to see them and listen to them, and acknowledge who they want to be seen as. they certainly don't read about all of the clever secrets they know and have unless again, you yourself already know that, but they're not dishonest to who they are either!
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violant-apologia · 9 months
Are you answering from your ask game? How about 🪞and/or🏺? (Thanks for making it btw, great questions!)
i am!! (and you're welcome! i quite enjoyed it)
🏺 — What is their soul like? Does it have any Flaws? This man's soul is the most curdled thing you'll see in your life. It's almost soul-cheese! As much as he'll preach about the value of the Great Chain, he still sees himself as almost an equal to the Masters, despite his lowly origins. Despite this flaw, it's still a very valuable soul indeed: there's barely a person in London who doesn't know his face.
His soul was also stained, once. But that got dealt with in a journey of repentance and self-rediscovery.
🪞 — Do they enjoy being in Parabola? Why or why not? (part deux!) my first answer to this was here! i'll elaborate, but in a bit of a different direction
He is actually (currently, as we speak (happens shortly after gameplay finishes)) planning an expedition into Parabola in search of Mr Mirrors – he has its Most Heartfelt Reflection (from Incarnade Fur Robes) so the task becomes locating the prison on the Parabolan side. The expedition, eventually, is a success! (kind of)
i'll go into the details some other time, but it does maintain my favourite part of mr mirrors' character (being massively sorry for itself all of the time) which was always a must
ask game here!
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enquire · 2 months
Thrift Twinkle
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I haven't drawn ponies in a long time, but started getting nostalgic after revisiting some of the later FiM seasons. I've had a few DRA pony ideas and sketches around, and after finishing this one for Teruya, I do kinda wanna continue with the rest...
Anyway, this is Thrift Twinkle, an earth pony with a penchant for trends and a talent for making and selling. He has a passion for experimenting with new styles, even if they don't all end up gaining popularity. Thrift can often be spotted wearing colorful coat and mane dyes, flashy hats, or even rainbow horseshoes.
Not all of his friends are completely onboard with his wild ideas, but most of them are still happy to spend time sketching, creating, and sewing with him. He's an excellent gift giver and is incredibly loyal to the ones he cares about most, like his friends and his father, Phoenix Hotcakes, who pretty much taught him everything he knows.
I kinda doubt too many folks are interested in seeing more DRA ponies, but this one was pretty fun so I might post more of them.
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