bellzsad · 1 year
my favorite marichat scenes <3
"well, that birthday boy date of yours is bad news. but don't worry, you'll be safe with me."
"that puts my mind at ease."
"but i am going to need a little help. care to assist a superhero?"
"what about ladybug? aren't you a duo?"
"she's busy with something tonight, so.. you get to be my ladybug."
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"dear buttercup: ever since i met you, i've had three suns in my heart. they shine so brightly that whenever i see you they make me melt until the slightest thought is reduced to droplets. those suns are only three little words, but they are burning my lips. please, soothe me, buttercup, and tell me you love me as much as i love you."
"wait a minute. do i sound that corny when i'm saying it?"
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"you have an umbrella option in your stick?"
"well yeah. cats don't like water."
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".. and, i also don't feel like being alone tonight. would you mind if i hung out here for a while?"
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"they don't even have mouths, how are they supposed to kiss?"
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i'm sure there's more but i have no idea what else to put.. these are just my all-time favorites!!
-> adrienette
-> ladynoir
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aalissy · 1 year
Whoop day 15 is finished now!! Mayhaps a tiny bit of Ladynoir snuck into this chapter but it’s still mainly Marichat heheh. Lemme know what you think!
Marinette giggled lightly, holding on to Chat’s arm as they wandered around Place des Vosges. After they had played nearly a million rounds of Ultimate Mecha Strike III, they had both started to feel rather bored and decided to head outside.
Marinette was cuddled tightly against Chat’s side, snuggling even closer as the cold wind caused her to shiver. The arm she wasn’t huddled against was gesturing wildly as he told a funny story. 
With a small sigh and an even smaller grin, she stared up at him. How had it taken her so long to realize that she was in love with him?
In the next second, though, their quiet moment together was instantly interrupted by the sound of a crash nearby. Blinking, her head swiveled around as she spotted an akuma land next to the carousel. 
Her grip tightened on Chat for a brief second before Marinette remembered that she wasn’t transformed. She gnawed on her lower lip, wondering how she’d be able to sneak away when she was lifted up into a pair of arms. Squeaking in shock, she wrapped her arms around Chat’s neck as he launched the two of them away. 
In a matter of minutes, he dropped her off on her balcony giving her a reluctant smile. “Sorry, purrincess, but it seems that your knight in shining leather is needed elsewhere.”
“But of course.” Marinette laughed softly. “Thank you for getting me home safely first.”
She really was thankful. It meant that she didn’t have to find a place to hide and transform while she was next to her partner.
Chat’s eyes gleamed at her humorously. “No purroblem! Happy to help.” 
A slight trace of regret hit her as she watched him turn to go. Before he could leave and get started on the akuma fight, she grabbed his tail. He turned around, his head tilting to look at her curiously. “I-I just wanted to say be safe, Chaton. Please, be careful.”
Instantly, Chat’s confused expression vanished morphing into one much softer as he stroked a hand over her cheek. “Always,” he murmured.
Marinette’s heart felt heavy as he jumped off of her balcony, heading the short distance back to where they had first spotted the akuma. It was funny. She knew that she’d be joining him in a few moments as Ladybug yet her heart was still quietly panging for just a few more stolen seconds together. But... when duty calls.
Heaving a sigh, she called on her transformation, “Tikki, spots on!”
In a flash of pink light, she was Ladybug and, with a whizz of her yo-yo, she took off in the direction of the park. It was time to meet up with her kitty.
She arrived just in time to witness the chaos unleashed by the akuma. The once peaceful park was now a whirlwind of destruction, as the akumatized villain, wielding a staff that crackled with dark energy, sent bolts of power in every direction.
Chat was already engaged in a fierce battle with the akuma, gracefully dodging and countering each attack with careful swings of his baton. Landing in front of him, she spun her own yo-yo, stopping the crackling dark beam in its tracks.
“How’s it going, Chaton?” She turned her head, looking at him with a soft grin.
“Hey, bugaboo.” He beamed back at her even as his chest heaved. The akuma must be tough if Chat was out of breath like this. “I was just waiting for you to drop by.”
A growl sounded from in front of them and they both staggered back as another blast of energy came from the akuma.
“I’m purretty sure the akuma’s in his staff.” Chat nodded his head over at the villain. 
“I think you’re right,” Ladybug mumbled, watching the akuma carefully before calling on her lucky charm. As she watched the object fall from her yo-yo, a shout startled her. She looked down, blinking in surprise as she noticed a black beam of energy was hurtling towards her. 
There was no time to dodge and she stiffened, preparing for a blast that never came. Instead, she was knocked out of the way, fumbling for her lucky charm as Chat pushed her to the side. 
Standing back up quickly, she twirled her yo-yo as she glared at the akuma. He was smirking at her. Her eyes narrowed at him before a whimper came from below her. 
"No," Ladybug whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of horror and despair. Chat was on the ground in front of her, curled on his side as his eyes clenched tightly shut. He looked to be in a severe amount of pain.
Kneeling beside him, she placed a gentle hand on his side. His eyes flickered open at the touch, staring up at her hazily. 
“M’lady, I-I don’t think I can walk,” he whispered weakly.
She heard the akuma laugh and suddenly she was in a whirlwind of fury. She rushed at him while he was distracted, not even using her lucky charm as she swung her yo-yo at him. She didn’t give him time to use his staff, whipping her weapon at him as fast as possible. 
He was getting tired, she realized with a small smirk. His dodges turned more sluggish with her fervor. With one last powerful swing, Ladybug hit him with her full force. The akuma slammed into the ground with a groan, dropping the cane from his grip. 
Quick as a flash, she picked it up, breaking it on her knee. Purifying the akuma, Ladybug then rushed to where she left her lucky charm, throwing it into the air as she watched her magical ladybugs fix the damage.
For the first time ever, she abandoned the civilian, instead running over to where Chat was. Her heart was lodged in her throat as she knelt beside him once more. “Mon minou, are you alright?”
He had sat up, flexing his fingers before beaming at her with a nod of his head. “Yep, all better now. Those little ladybugs of yours fixed everything, like usual.”
She wanted to laugh. She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream at him for putting himself in harm's way. Before Ladybug could do any of those, though, her earrings gave a quiet beep. Gasping, she brushed a finger against the cold metal. She had to go before she transformed back into Marinette.
Pushing down some of her anger, she held out her fist. “Pound it,” she and Chat said, grinning at the other.
Flinging her yo-yo around a rooftop, she tugged herself back to her balcony. She made it just in time, transforming back into Marinette as soon as she was back home. Tikki grinned at her tiredly before she handed her kwami a macaroon. 
She watched Tikki practically devour the small treat before leaning against her balcony with a sigh. Scrubbing a hand down her face, she groaned. She had gone through so many emotions today. All of them were because of her partner.
A hand brushed against her shoulder, startling her from her thoughts. Whirling around, her eyes widened. Was there another akuma attack? Was she wrong and the same akuma was still active?
Instantly, Marinette felt herself sag in relief as she saw Chat’s smiling face. Good. Monarch was finished. At least for a little while. 
As soon as the relief came it disappeared as she glared at him, thumping his chest lightly. “I saw that akuma attack! What were you thinking?! I thought you promised to be careful!”
“You saw that, huh?” He winced with a sheepish grin. He scratched the back of his neck.
Marinette simply nodded, crossing her arms across her chest as her eyes narrowed.
“But I’m fine now.” Chat twirled for her. “Look, see! Full use of my limbs!”
Unable to stop herself, she giggled at him. Catching sight of his happy, goofy grin, she felt some of her displeasure return. 
“That’s not the point!” She scoffed. “The point is that you got hurt. You shouldn’t sacrifice yourself like that.”
“I have to keep Ladybug safe.” He glanced away, his face turning pensive.
 Marinette frowned. She supposed that she could understand that. After all, she wanted to keep him safe just as much as he probably wanted to keep her safe. With a long exhale, she slowly said, “But I don’t think that Ladybug would want you to get hurt to keep her safe. Would you want her to do the same thing to protect you?”
Chat’s expression softened as he looked back at Marinette. His eyes filled with understanding as he gazed at her. "You're right, Marinette. I don’t know what I’d do if it had been Ladybug who got hurt like that."
She watched him for a few more moments before wrapping her arms around him in a giant hug. “That’s how I feel about you too, kitty,” she whispered. “I don’t want to see you get hurt either.”
He nestled his head into hers, wrapping his own arms around her waist. Together, they stood cuddled against each other. Slowly, Marinette let go of her fears and sadness. Clutching Chat to her tighter, she lost herself in the hug, letting herself enjoy the moment.
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Free Cake
Contrary to popular belief, Ladybug and Chat Noir weren’t in love. That didn’t stop them from having fun with it.
Random oneshot, I know, but my brain is so freaking dry and this scenario hasn’t left me alone for a few days now. S1 LadyNoir has my heart in a vice grip, and I miss it desperately. For those who still have requests to fill, please be patient - I’m working as hard as I can.
It was a quiet night in Paris, a nice change for once.
One of the finest restaurants in the city saw another packed night, its patrons chatting pleasantly over delicious food, the skyline draped in evening noir the perfect backdrop.
Unbeknownst to most, two young adults crammed themselves into one of the booths, a bottle of expensive wine and decadent food split between them as they talked and laughed quietly amongst themselves. Their usual bright costumes were more subdued tonight, thanks to their kwamis’ power, and both donned crisp evening wear for the occasion.
A cat hero, with a comfy-looking turtleneck and black slacks, and a lady in a sleek crimson pantsuit with heels, both in matching domino masks - hardly an odd sight nowadays, since the exploits of Ladybug and Chat Noir led to the masks being a favored accessory by the youth of the city.
A sudden sharp gasp of delight cut through the murmur of the room, and one by one the tables fell silent as Chat Noir all but squealed in excitement. “Yes, of course I will! Oh, milady, you shouldn’t have!”
Just as quickly as silence fell upon the dining room did an even louder murmur ripple through it, excited patrons whispering and pointing, some pointing their cameras at the pair.
Ladybug knelt before her partner with a velvety black box, a shining ring with a sizeable diamond sitting proudly on its crown.
“He said yes!” Ladybug exclaimed, and the dining room erupted into applause and cheering for the heroes.
One of the waiters hurried over, obviously starstruck as he stumbled over his words to the duo. “Oh, oh my, congratulations to you both. May I get you anything off the dessert menu? On the house for the heroes of Paris, of course!”
Chat Noir and Ladybug exchanged a look of amusement, almost as if recalling a particularly humorous inside joke.
“The cherry cheesecake,” Ladybug stated, voice belying her mirth.
“I still can’t believe they buy it,” Chat Noir wheezed as they stumbled to their usual meeting spot, laughter bouncing off the roofs.
“I still can’t believe you kept that fake ring!” Ladybug jabbed with another bark of laughter, shaking the box. “That was, what, our last year of collége?”
“The Disneyland Paris trip,” he nodded, clutching his stomach. “Stop, stop, I have to stop laughing or I’m gonna throw up!”
The heroes sat side-by-side against a chimney as their laughter petered out to a chuckle.
Ladybug wiped her eyes, careful of her eyeliner, and Chat heaved a long, satisfied sigh.
The breeze was cool despite the summer heat, the moon shining brightly above despite the clouds floating lazily by.
It took all of a few seconds before one of them started giggling again.
“Ladybug,” Chat wanted to sound accusatory, but he couldn’t help it when he started laughing as he watched his partner double over with the force of it.
“The- the tabloids!” She cried, raucous cackling bubbling up despite her best efforts. “Alya is going to kill me when she finds out!”
“What, that Ladybug and Chat Noir got engaged for the twenty-third time?” He crowed, his shoes clacking against the rooftop as he began stomping his feet, vision going blurry from his laughing.
Somewhere else in the neighborhood, a light flicked on in one of the windows and someone shouted something - and it was enough to surprise them into silence for a moment before their giggling resumed, more muted this time.
“More like Ladybug and Chat Noir are a couple of menaces who disrupt the poor citizens of Paris of their sleep,” she snorted, resting her head against Chat’s.
“We’re the worst,” he agreed, another huff of a laugh escaping him as they finally began to calm down, staring up at the sky.
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san-fics · 3 years
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On the beach
MLB fan fiction
Adrianette, LadyNoir
🚫 warning: this fan fiction will contain explicit descriptions. Please avoid reading if you are underaged or not interested 🚫
Part 4
“Because you see, Adrien, I love you.”
Adrien couldn’t say if he was more shocked or happy. The less possible words he’d expected were out of her mouth and Adrien wasn’t sure he was able to survive this happiness.
He pushed Marinette away a little to see her face better. Her eye were shining with warm timid happiness. Was it real? Could it be?
From the day he fell in love with Ladybug, Adrien never thought he wanted to see love for him in somebody else’s eyes. He always thought his partner was the only person he would expect to accept his feelings with such excitement.
But Marinette... She was so wonderful, beautiful, passionate... but most important, she was so dear to his heart, so necessary for his existence. Before this day, when he thought he’d list her, he never understood how much he needed her!
She was always there for him. For secret birthday parties and just silence support when things were especially bad with his father. For convincing his father to let Adrien go on a school trip, or giving him most special lucky charm, that he was always caring with him around. Or for just bringing him some croissants on a sad rainy day to cheer him up.
Her constant gentle presence in his life, like invisible but tangible support, made his days brighter. But also made him wanting to be there for her. For catching her when she was falling, or helping her to express herself when she was stammering. To take her luggage or just hold her hand when she was protecting the trees.
But he wanted more then that.
He realized now, that he wanted to see her face in the morning. As lame as it sounded even in his head, but it would already make his day. Just her presence...
But he couldn’t agree for only having her presence now. Not after he felt het responding his kisses like that. Not after he saw her eyes burning with deep hot desire... desire for him! Not after he felt how much her body wanted his... Not after she said she loved him...
Adrien leaned to Marinette again and kissed her. This time his kiss was long and deep, as much as the feelings to her he had just realized.
Marinette answered his kiss with her usual gentle acceptance. But soon they both were breathless again with shaky hot desire, overvaluing their almost necked bodies.
Adrien pulled back to avoid touching her.
“What’s wrong?” Marinette asked, catching his gaze.
“I...” Adrien was trying not to look at her body. “We need something...”
He found a blanket and cowered all her body with it quickly, so only her head was out of it.
Good, now she was safe. He can work with it now.
“It’s summer, Adrien,” Marinette protested. “I’m hot!”
“I know you are, trust me...” Adrien blushed. “That’s why it’s safe to hide you from me. Otherwise I’m not in control over my actions.”
“What makes you think I want you to be?” Sly seductive smile appears on her face and Adrien couldn’t believe himself...
Even all her body was covered with a blanket now, he all burned like crazy only from her one smile.
“Don’t... uh... play with a fire, Marinette.” Adrien He took breath in and out deeply. “l need to calm down a little before I can kiss you again. I’ll get your cloths.”
“I’ll let you leave if you promise to kiss me the moment you’re back.” She smiled playfully and he knew right here and now, he’d give everything for this smile!
“You don’t have to worry about that.” Adrien blowed her a kiss and went out. He was a gentleman, after all. And Marinette must be treated as careful and nice as the girl she was.
Adrien made a few steps away from the room, but stoped for a moment to think. He turned and made few steps back to ask if Marinette wanted some water too. But when he was about to open the door, he herd a familiar ringing voice.
“Are you all right, Marinette?” Tikki asked.
“I’m fine, Tikki, I’m just so happy.” Marinette replied.
“You deserve to be happy, Marinette.”
Next day patrol was promising to be the most difficult patrol in his life.
Chat Noir was running across the rooftops to the meeting point, thinking about the previous day.
Could it all have just seemed to him?
Yesterday Adrien was so shocked hearing Marinette supposed conversation with Tikki, that he just couldn’t speak for few minutes.
The sky came crushing to his head and it wasn’t fluffy with clouds, but more like a heavy handfuls of hail.
When he returned to the room with clothes and water for Marinette, there was only her in the room, but of course Tikki would hide from him!
But that meant... because Tikki knew his identity... and Plugg... Plagg knew Ladybug’s identity too... All this time... And they were silent... Adrien didn’t know what to feel about it.
Several times he was close to unraveling Ladybugs identity and Plugg took his thoughts away from Marinette. This only confirmed his confidence now.
Soon Alya and Nino came back and they all left for the city.
Adrien volunteered to accompany Marinette home, and noticed that Alya smiled slyly at him, saying goodbye, and winked at Marinette.
What did it mean? Maybe Alya noticed earlier that Adrien liked Marinette, even before he realized it? Or maybe... Could it be possible that he, Adrien, was the one Marinette liked more than a friend before?
She said she loved him. Loved. It couldn’t happen to her in one day, right? Either Marinette, just like him, only realized that she had been in love with Adrien for a long time. Or she realized it for a long time and didn’t say anything.
But why?
And if Marinette was Ladybug, could it be that...
“The boy.” Chat Noir said, when Ladybug landed on a roof next to him.
“The boy?” Ladybug asked, looking confused.
“The boy you liked this whole time...”
Ladybug lowered her eyes.
“Chat, I...” She started.
“It’s Adrien Agreste, isn’t it?”
Ladybug looked up at Chat Noir sharply, her eyes expressing surprise, shock, and then horror.
Finally, she seemed to be able to control herself. She blinked several times and spoke.
“I can’t tell you, who he is. We mustn’t know each other identities.” She said.
“What if... What if I already knew?” Chat asked, hiding his eyes like a boy who stole a candy.
Ladybug stared at him for a moment. Then her face distorted with anger.
[part 1] [part 3] ... [part 5]
[more MLB fanfic/video]
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
Maybe the Marichat/Ladrien dynamics as we know them will vanish once the reveal happens, but if we get a "private" reveal where only they know their identities, I'll be looking forward to seeing shenanigans like an Akuma fight where lots of civilians are around and let's say Marinette is stranded there with no nook to transform in; suddenly, a dark figure appears, ready to save the day, and Marinette starts being very ott to get his attention - "oh, Chat Noir! Our knight in shining armour! Please come and save poor little me!" and once she's in his arms and he's evacuating her, she continues "You are so strong! Do you work out? And your skin looks so soft, can I touch it?..."
And this happens for the Ladrien side as well because Adrien continues to be a prime target, and people who are nearby when Ladybug swoops in to "get him to safety" see him clinging to her neck while she carries him bridal style, and hear him gush about how amazing she is, how lucky Paris is to have her and oh! How he might be a celebrity but really he's so weak and what would he ever do without her and really she ought to tell him how he can ever repay her, does she take cheek kisses?...
And it's all kind of grotesquely enhanced so it's a believable save, but obviously they mean what they say, and it actually flusters the superhero because they're in public and they can't really reply what they really think/flirt back because it will give everything away (plus, if pre-relationship, there's still that hesitation because is it real? Is it just teasing? The tension-), so they're just sort of stuck there with a huge blush, and it happens so often that suddenly people start to question if Adrienette and Ladynoir are sinking because these two kind of random citizens are out there getting saved every time with a flourish of fluster and flirting and are their other halves ok with that? Did they break up? (OR if pre-relationship, people straight up believe that they're actually dating and where are the articles? Is it real? And not even them know what's going on, because as soon as they're on the same side of the mask again, there's still the same banter and soft looks as always, and it's just so confusing...)
And yeah, just post-reveal Marichat and Ladrien shenanigans, you know.
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giuliafc · 3 years
Feeling Clowned
Ao3|| FFN
RATING: M for very mild sexual references
TW: PPD (Postpartum Depression)
It was a year since the defeat of Papillon. A year since Chat Noir had vanished. Left pregnant, alone and heart-broken, when Marinette solves the puzzle and discovers Chat's identity, she feels clowned. (Snippet July and LadyNoir July Day 6: Silence/Clown. Story wordcount 999 words)
Written by: JuliaFC
Beta: KhanOfAllOrcs, Agrestebug
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Written for the "Snippet July" challenge of the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server @miraculousfanworks AND for LadyNoir July @ladynoirjuly Day 6 — Silence/Clown. Let me know what you think!
It was Nino's fault. He returned from a trip from London, and handed her a copy of Vogue. Marinette looked at the magazine. A pair of forest-green eyes looked back.
Today marked a year since they defeated Papillon—a memory that would live forever in her nightmares.
——- Flashback ——-
After handing over M. Agreste and Mlle. Sancoeur to the authorities, her heart had broken for Adrien. It broke even more when they saw why Gabriel was fighting. Chat… had gone berserk. His fighting skills had gone through the roof the very moment he'd seen the coffin.
But in the end, he hadn't wanted to 'pound it' with her. The desperation that seeped through him was only comparable to her own elation, which died when their gazes met.
"What's wrong, Chaton?" she asked, but Chat Noir stayed silent. Instead, he hugged her so tightly that she couldn't breathe. She didn't know why, but that night more than any other time, he needed her. And she gave in to him. She felt the burning desire in him and, finally, she matched it with her own. She guided him to a dark corner, and they detransformed. One kiss led to another, clothes were thrown off, limbs became tangled, climaxes were reached in a synchrony of moans until they both collapsed in an ecstasy that didn't cure the pain, but maybe, just briefly, helped them forget it.
They dressed again, re-transformed, and with more kisses and promises of love, separated. That night had been the single happiest night of her life. But it didn’t last. A couple of days later, Marinette was listening to Chat Noir's message of goodbye. On her Bugphone's Voicemail. "Something's come up in my civilian life and I won't be able to transform for a while," he said. "But I'll keep an eye on the news and if you need me, I'll be right back. I love you, ma Buginette."
——- End of Flashback ——-
He hadn't been there for her. True, the news had been eerily quiet since Papillon's defeat, so Chat Noir didn't really break his promise, but… where was he the day two lines appeared on the stick? When all her dreams shattered, when she felt ashamed of her growing belly, when her mother started asking questions because of her morning sickness? When she moved out and begged Alya and Nino to take her with them? When she gradually isolated herself from human interaction? She left COUNTLESS messages to tell him how she was doing. What she was feeling. That the baby had kicked. That it was a boy, and healthy. That she'd seen him on the screen. That she was going into labour.
To make things worse, Adrien had also gone. The morning after Gabriel's arrest, his aunt put him on the first flight to London, without even a goodbye. So, in one day, she lost both boys she loved.
And now she knew why. As she skimmed through the interview in Vogue, it became clear as day.
"Adrien Agreste reveals about the Lady who stole his heart."
"Sorry, ladies, this heart is already under Agreste."
"I may never see M'lady again, but I'll never stop loving her."
Marinette looked at the word 'M'lady' on the paper in horror. Adrien was Chat Noir. Now it all made sense. His desperation. His disappearance. His silence.
She exploded in a low-throated laughter, her eyes shining with a light full of madness.
"What's so funny, Marinette?" asked Tikki.
"What's so funny, you ask?" she uttered between croaky laughs. Baby thought it was an amazing moment to start crying, and she stood up, picked it up and started feeding it, her frame still shaking from the laughter she couldn't contain. "’What's so funny’?" Marinette repeated in a baby-ish voice, her finger gently poking Louis's nose. "Maman's been clowned, baby."
The confusion in Tikki's eyes enraged her further.
"You all clowned me," hissed Marinette. "Master Fu in primis. But even you. And Plagg. You KNEW it was him since the day we faced Dark Owl. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" She shouted, and Louis grabbed more strongly at her breast, as if looking for comfort.
"Tell you what?"
Marinette laughed again. "That Chat Noir was Adrien fucking Agreste!" Tikki gasped and Marinette's laugh hollowed. "Why didn't you tell me when he disappeared, Tikki? I blame you and Plagg the most. And Adrien right after."
"Adrien didn't know," said Tikki quickly. "He still doesn't."
"Oh, he doesn't know?" she muttered mockingly. "He raves in a fashion magazine about how much he 'loves M'lady' and doesn't think to transform to check his messages. Not even once, in a year! I could have died, and he wouldn't know!" She groaned at Tikki's frown.
"Yes, I blame him. Fuck his life, fuck Gabriel being Papillon, fuck his busy schedule. One. Full. Year! He hasn't transformed ONCE!" She looked at 3-month-old Louis nursing on her, and for an instant, her gaze warmed up, to then harden again. "He has a great life over there, everything that he wants. And instead, I'm stuck with THIS! And it's all his fault. Why didn't he reveal himself to me? Why did he leave me alone?" Tikki tried to pat her head, but Marinette pushed her away. She sat in her nursing chair, sobbing. She sang a lullaby, using the words 'maman's been clowned' instead of the rhymes. Then, when Louis fell asleep, she put him in his carrycot and sat at her desk.
The gleam of madness in Marinette’s eyes scared Tikki. "Please don't do anything rash. I told you already: you're sick. You need to see a psy—" But Marinette interrupted her:
"I'll make him pay for what he's done." She wrote something on a piece of paper and didn't give Tikki time to argue. "Tikki, Kaalki, unify!" she shouted.
Just wait, Agreste. I'm coming for you. And you won't like it. Not one little bit.
"Voyage!" She grabbed the carrycot and jumped through the portal.
Author's Note
*ehrm* Hi!
Uh, er, about this story… This comes from a MUCH MUCH LONGER bunny that has been screaming into my hidden bunny trapping basement for about 3 or 4 months. This is a sort of prequel to it, because the story would start with the following scene.
It's a REALLY delicate subject, because some of you who had babies may have recognised it: Marinette in this story suffers from PPD (Postpartum Depression). She went through a lot since Adrien was literally abducted by Amelie. She loves her Chaton, but now she feels betrayed and 'clowned', especially by his silence, and feels trapped.
The story planned after this is quite long and painful (although there would be lighter moments as well), but I don't know how something like this would be received by the fandom, so if you want me to write the sequel, leave me a comment and let me know. I won't take the subject lightly; I had two kids and a miscarriage in between and I was at the brink of falling into depression myself, having been left alone with them, and with a husband who would make things worse. I know how important and serious this subject is.
I hope you liked the story anyway and will leave me a comment, even if you don't want a sequel to it. You know that comments are my bread and butter!
Until (hopefully) tomorrow, bug out!
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A03 ain't working so...
Book 1 : Loved U For A Long Time
A LadyNoir story
Teen and up lol
            Chapter 1: Simple plan
He stared at the box while shaking it steadily which made him sneeze even more. 
“Milady I still don’t understand the purpose of me holding the feathers. You know I'm allergic to ThAh-Achoo” His sneeze nearly tilted it more where a couple feathers fell gently on the ground. Oh chat, she giggled abundantly to herself knowing he was unaware of how foolish he looked in the akumatized getup. Though he was her fool and she was content with that.
 “ It’s simple really,” She began for the fifth time, "Your outfit in feathers is almost Identical to the head guard so you can swap in his place in enough time to save the prisoners.” She pointed to the small flock of bird people all affected by the akuma, A famous ornithologist who was recently defunded due to a bird seed poisoning incident. 
“Once that’s done” she continued “ I can go to the nest and considering she’ll send out more guards Come from behind say lucky charm hopefully use it to destroy her visor, the akuma, and Hawkmoth’s chances of controlling paris. You got that Chat?”  
“You are so beautiful, strong, and smart it makes my heart ache.”
“Um...pardon?” LB stared at him blushing in confusion.
“Marry me please.” Chat Noir handing her a paper mache flower which seems to be handmade by him.
“Chat were you even listening we are in the middle of fighting an akuma”
“ I know. I listen, I watch, I feel even when you don't know I do.” 
“Alright then listen,”She breathed trying not to break his heart “I cannot answer you chat cause we have a situation, I like someone else, and we can't get married because we just turned 18!”
He took a minute considering his next words carefully.
“You wanna know something bugaboo.”
“What?” She asked questionaly playing along.
“I love you too much, you're my safe haven, a precious piece of my life and that's why I keep coming back to you.”
Ugh why was he so persistent. Wait was her heart … pounding? Yes. Was she really thinking about kissing him again right now? Maybe. Would the akuma give them time for that?
Ha, No.
“Okay Chat your starting to sound really clingy” She laughed half-heartedly. 
“It is better chance of me not cheating.” he winked in a less heavy tone.
True...She thought as she took the flower and gazed at it in awe at all the effort and details shining off its petals.
“Now, I'm only accepting this because it would look nice on my windowsill” She teased haughtily. 
She kissed him on the cheek. 
“Are you ready to take on this akuma Chaton?”
“Are you ready to answer my question?”
She rolled her eyes and leaped to the opposite roof.
Maybe some typos I wrote this in 7th grade and rediscovered it today rip 💀
more to come... - liz
Chapter 2
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cakejots · 3 years
this is us trying, Chapter 10 - The Epilogue
In this AU, they don’t know each other outside of the suit. And in this AU, Ladybug and Chat Noir love each other. But in this AU, Chat doesn’t want their identities revealed.
Written for @ladynoirjuly 2021
notes: the last chapter consists of the last 2 prompts
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10
Read on AO3
30. Rose
Chat was down on one knee, a palm placed right on top of his heart, and presenting something red to her.
A rose. It was something she hasn’t seen much ever since the final battle, minus the time of the reveal because that was special, but it really has been a while since he last held out a red rose to her.
And he was down on one knee in a very public area. Parisians were watching.
“Chaton, what are you doing!” She spoke through gritted teeth, which just made her seem like she’s smiling with her white teeth.
“A display of affection!” A shit-eating grin sat on his handsome face.
Ladybug made a noise. “I can see that! And it’s very sweet of you, but right here?!” she yelled in a whisper.
“I think Parisians need an update that we’re officially together meow.” His smile grew wider.
And she finally caught on. It has been at least 6 months since she proposed her stupid idea of patrolling around when they were actually dating. But ever since they’ve gotten together, they patrolled, really patrolled, around Paris.
So an update they’ll give. Ladybug walked over to Chat and took the rose from his hand to give it a long sniff. Chat stood from the ground and waited until she’s done before wrapping his arms around her waist, drawing her closer. Ladybug giggled and snaked her arms around his neck, pressing her lips onto his. They heard the crowd around them cheering before they could get lost in the kiss.
They pulled back slightly, still looking at each other adoringly before they directed their attention to the crowd. Sure enough, phones can be seen in their hands. With pink cheeks, they posed for a few photos and said their thank-yous in response to their blessings. Ladybug and Chat Noir then made their way, hand in hand, to a nearby rooftop.
“You think that’ll bring an interview our way, my lady?”
“It’s Alya, Chaton. Once she catches wind of this, of course she will,” she ran her hand up their once-connected hold to his chin to scratch. “Her LadyNoir ship has finally sailed after all.”
“Our superhero ship name, huh?” He fluttered his eyes close, really enjoying it when she does that.
Ladybug stopped her ministrations gradually. “Mon Chaton, what’s the real reason for giving me a rose?”
Chat opened his eyes and smiled sheepishly. “I realised I haven’t given you anything ever since we became official, as our civilian selves.”
“A romantic at heart, huh?” She flicked his bell. “Thank you.”
He twinkled and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Anything for you, my lady.”
They made their way home after patrolling around for a while longer, and Ladybug de-transformed the moment the balls of her feet touched the floor. She gave Chat a quick kiss on the cheek before finding a suitable vase for the rose. A soft look reserved only for her sat on Adrien’s face as his eyes lingered on Marinette before she disappeared around the corner.
Marinette exited the kitchen with a cup of tea in her hands when she suddenly came to a halt. Adrien was down on one knee again, but this time, instead of a single rose, he held out a bouquet to her.
“Yes, my love?” His eyes were shining.
She blushed at the endearment. “Why am I receiving something from you again?”
“Can’t I shower my lady with gifts?” His pupils were dilated.
“You can, you absolutely can.” She placed her cup down on a nearby table and went to help him up before taking the bouquet from him. “And I’m not complaining.”
Marinette hugged the bouquet and brought it to her face before lifting her head, a smile on her face. “Thank you again, Adrien.”
Adrien leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I’m glad you like it, Marinette. Red suits you really well.”
“It’s really lovely.” Her cheeks bloomed and she sniffed it once again. “So… what's the reason?”
He brought a hand to his chest.  “My lady, can’t I give you anything without you assuming I’ve an ulterior motive?”
She tilted her head.
“I can't hide anything from you huh?”
She gave him a sly smirk.
He released a short breath of laughter. “I would like to take you out on a date, as Adrien and Marinette.”
Her smirk turned into one of surprise. “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.”
It was his turn to be smug.
“Is this for an event or?”
“Just the two of us having dinner together.”
Marinette looked at the clock. “It’s not today, is it?”
“My lady, I would never.” He placed his hand on the small of her back to pull her in. “I know how important it is for you to have enough time to prepare.”
“Adrien! The flowers!” Her lips curved downwards as their bodies squashed the bouquet a little.
He chuckled, picking the bouquet from her arms and settling it down on the table where her cup sat before his arms rounded her waist, peering at her earnestly. “Is that a no?”
Marinette pulled him down for a kiss before smiling. “It’s a yes. Of course it’s a yes, you silly kitty.”
A day had passed since Adrien told her about the dinner date, and Marinette was currently in her home choosing the perfect outfit to wear for it. It’s her dream to date openly with her kitty, masks off. And now that she’s finally going out on a date with Adrien, she had to look her best for this special occasion.
The problem was, she had no idea which outfit was suitable for the date.
“Chaton, what will you be wearing for the date?”
Adrien was currently sitting on her bed admiring her vast creations of apparel as she dug through her wardrobe.
“Why, just a normal suit you’ll wear for dinner,” he smiled, knowing exactly what her dilemma was.
“Not very helpful, Chaton.” Her voice was muffled as she had the top half of her body shoved into the wardrobe to dig deeper. “Have you seen anything suitable from those on the bed?”
“I think any one of them is perfect, my lady,” the smugness on his face grew larger by the second.
“Chaton!” She whipped around and stomped her foot. “I really need some advice here.”
She’s so endearing even when she’s angry, can he get any luckier? “And I’m giving you legitimate advice, anything here is stunning.”
Marinette made a strangled noise. “Okay, fine then. Where are we eating?”
“It’s a secret, Buguinette,” he winked.
“Adrieeen!” She whined. “Okay, okay, calm down Marinette. Just think logically. Your boyfriend loves spoiling you, so it’s reasonable to think he’ll bring you to a nice and classy restaurant…”
She glimpsed at him, and he just smiled.
Marinette groaned. “As dreamy as you are with that smile, it’s not really helping me with my predicament here.”
“Marinette, it’s like I said earlier, any—”
“—one of them is fine,” she finished his sentence. “Yeah yeah, I’m painfully aware.”
She activated her kitty eyes. “May I know the colour of your suit at least? Please, Chaton?”
Adrien was offended. How dare she use his own weapon against him. And it worked so well. It’s no wonder Marinette can never say no.
“Pleaseee!” She made herself look even cuter than before.
Man, it sucked to be the receiving end of it.
“Oh alright,” he gave up, “I’m wearing black.”
He was tackled onto her bed in an instance. “Yay! Thank you, Chaton! Now I can narrow down the number of outfits to choose from!” She flashed him a genuine smile.
Maybe he should’ve just let loose some facts earlier. Her happiness is his dopamine.
They walked through a hotel to get to the restaurant Adrien had in mind. Marinette still had no idea which one it was, but she was definitely right on him wanting to spoil her.
The walk was a long one, but she couldn’t find herself complaining. With no one else around but themselves, it indeed felt like they were in their own mini-world. Their hands were clasped together tightly, with Adrien rubbing his thumb soothingly on the back of her hand. Marinette had never admitted it but she really loved it and found it comforting when Adrien ran circles on her skin. She almost wanted to just push him into a corner and make out for a while given how private the moment felt.
But Adrien’s hand was starting to get clammy for some unknown reason, and she was about to call out to him when they suddenly stopped in front of a square mirror.
They looked so adorable together Marinette honestly wanted to snap a few pictures and keep them as cherished memories. It was their first after all. But before she did that, she directed her attention towards him to wait on him, except he was already looking at her.
“I would like to share a picture of us on my account?”
His forehead had beads of sweat. And his hands were still damp.
“I don’t see why not?” She dug her purse for something. “My face’s already on your account, no?”
“You are, and the public has been very accepting of our relationship as of late.”
She brought tissues to his face. “Then why are you sweating so much?”
Adrien let her dab the sweat off his face. “I was worried you’ll see it as me trying to give you exposure through my account.”
“Well, seeing that you said any outfit of mine was stunning enough, isn’t it?” She smiled.
He winced when she acknowledged it. Yet, she kept smiling.
“It’s your account,” she booped his nose with her finger. “You decide what goes on it.”
Relief flashed across his face.
“Besides, there’s only so much I can do to get my designs out there.”
“Yes, I don’t mind it. And I really really want to keep memories of this night.” She turned both of them towards the mirror. “Just look at us! We look so cute together!”
Adrien laughed as he stepped behind her to wrap his arms around her waist. “As my lady wishes.”
Marinette took out her phone, getting ready to take a few photos. Her hand enclosed his as Adrien bent a little to kiss her temple, and she captured the image of them in the mirror.
She swiped through to find the one which had them both looking the best. “How’s this for your account?”
“You look gorgeous,” he breathed as he placed another kiss on her cheek.
“And you look charming,” she giggled. “Now let’s take cute and silly pictures together!”
Marinette escaped from his arms to stand beside him and posed.
He chuckled. “Buguinette? Our dinner?”
“Yes, I’m hungry too. So hurry up!”
31. Pound it
“Buguinette,” Chat called out.
“Chaton,” Ladybug replied.
He smiled at her attempt to be kittenish.
“The interview with your friend Alya is this Friday,” he detailed.
And she confirmed. “Indeed it is.”
“And I was thinking…” he drawled.
“And you were thinking…” she rephrased.
“Can you formally introduce Alya to me?”
Ladybug blinked in surprise before her smile returned.
“You want to get to know my friends,” she stated.
He nodded. “Indeed I do.”
“I can do that. But…” she hummed.
“Why don’t we go on a double date with Alya and Nino?”
Chat tilted his head. “Nino?”
“Alya’s boyfriend and my childhood friend!” She puffed her chest proudly. “I’ve a feeling you’ll be best buds!”
Ladybug suddenly had her back flat on the rooftop, a certain cat had tackled her into lying down and he was rubbing his cheek against hers.
“Thank you, my lady! Thank you!”
She patted his head. “Of course, mon Chaton.”
Chat let her go and hovered above her.
Ladybug brought her hand to his cheek. “Your eyes are sparkling.”
“Of course they are!” He grabbed her wrist and smiled. “I’ll have two new friends at the end of the double date! Two!”
“You so sure,” she chuckled.
He kissed her palm. “They must be as awesome as you are, so yes.”
“Well then, we better finish up with patrol soon!” Ladybug pushed herself up. “So that I can call Alya as soon as we arrive home!”
They had collectively decided on a game night at the Agreste mansion. And since Adrien didn’t have the dancing video game Alya and Nino love playing, Alya will be bringing that game over so that they can all play together.
Adrien and Marinette were in charge of providing dinner for them all, and Alya had suggested ordering some delivery. Adrien, aiming to be a good host, wanted to cook but Marinette assured him that calling for delivery would suffice.
Now that preparations for the game night were done, all they had to do was wait for their friends’ arrival. Still, they were taking a while to get here, since it’s a workday after all. Marinette suggested playing some video games to pass time, and they were back in his room again.
Maybe they got bored of playing the same video games. Maybe they got tired of waiting for their friends and were beginning to get restless at their tardiness. Whatever it was, Adrien and Marinette were currently making out on his bed. Their hands grabbed any body part they could get hold of, and their lips wet from all the kissing and biting.
It had started out like any other kiss they had had, until Adrien got cheekier and started nibbling on her lower lip. The mewls she let loose spurred him on and he bit down and pulled. Marinette moaned and released her hold on his neck. Her brows furrowed as he caressed her cheek and tasted his lips, a smirk sitting on his face; warmth burst forth within his chest at what he was able to do to her. She pushed him onto his back to straddle him, her fingers sprawled and glided across his chest, shoulders and neck, before reaching up to play with his hair. Marinette leaned towards his face, leaving butterfly kisses on his forehead, nose, lips, chin, jaw, and finally stopping at his ear. She started licking and grazing her teeth on his ear, giving it a nibble before moving down to his pulse to suck.
Adrien was quick to grab her face and brought her lips back to his before she could leave a mark.
“We’ll have guests over soon, Marinette,” he breathed over her lips.
“You didn’t seem to have that in mind when you bit my lips, Adrien,” she growled and gripped his hair hard. Adrien groaned and Marinette’s tongue traced over his lips before sliding into his mouth. It felt around, eager to roam and discover each and every corner it could reach. Adrien breathlessly drank her onslaught, enjoying her strawberry flavoured lips and the thrill that was coursing through his being. He hummed as his hands clutched onto her hips as tightly as they could, and she licked his lips once more before biting down on his lower lips to pull and suck.
Adrien moaned in approval and Marinette smirked at his reaction. When he finally realised what he had just done, he opened his eyes to see his lover’s face full of smugness. But it didn’t last long as she was flipped onto her back.
“Two can play this game, Marinette,” he grunted and devoured her lips. His hand interlaced with hers, bringing them above her head while the other caressed her cheek. Marinette felt herself trembling and whimpering as he continued to kiss her vehemently and his hands caressed her body as it went down her neck, down the side of her chest, down her waist before travelling under her shirt to brush her ribs tenderly. Adrien’s mouth ghosted over her burning cheek to the side of her face and nipped her ear. She gasped and Adrien pressed his body into hers harder. Marinette felt hot all over, she wrapped her legs around his hips and twisted her core to sit on top of him once again. She wasted no time and went straight for his neck. The desire to one-up each other continued for who knows how long until Marinette’s phone rang.
They sprang apart for Marinette to answer her phone.
“Marinette? Are you not home? We’ve been ringing the bell for over a minute now,” came Alya’s voice.
Marinette was horrified, they got so carried away that they didn’t even realise the doorbell had been ringing that long.
She swallowed hard. “O-Oh! We must’ve f-fallen asleep or something! We’re coming to get you now!”
Hastily, she hung up and pulled Adrien out of the room, almost falling in the process. “It’s Alya! T-They're here!”
Adrien’s eyes grew to the size of saucers and they ran to the front door.
“Uhh,” Nino started, “are we interrupting somethi—”
“No,” Marinette answered before Nino could finish his sentence.
Alya snickered and snapped a photo.
Their hair was a mess, they had their cheeks ablaze, and lips red and swollen. Fierce red marks can be seen on their skins as well.
“Look!” Alya shoved her phone into Marinette’s face.
“I know how I look, don’t show me that,” she covered the screen with her hands and turned around. “Come on in.”
Alya looked at Adrien and smirked. “Don’t worry, Sunshine. I’ll send it to you later.”
Adrien crimsoned.
Marinette showed her friends where the game night would take place before heading to another toilet to tidy up. Adrien used the toilet in his room.
Both of them returned to the room, only to have Alya and Nino challenge them to a showdown.
Marinette knew Alya and Nino have been totally in sync ever since they got together. She wasn’t as surprised about their score as Adrien was; he was really impressed.
When it was their turn, Adrien stood and offered his hand to her. Marinette chuckled and took his hand, moving to the play area hand in hand.
Alya and Nino were shocked that they got a near-perfect score. After their ‘workout’, the four of them sat on the sofa and enjoyed their dinner.
“My little sis has finally found the one,” Nino wiped fake tears away. “Adrien, you’re a mec!”
Adrien beamed at the nickname Nino had given him, and Alya was really glad that Nino liked Adrien enough to call him ‘Mec’.
“Nino look!” Alya showed him the picture Adrien had of them on his account. “Aren’t they adorable?”
“Oh! Marinette, you finally gave him that scarf huh?” Marinette nodded. “See, there's nothing to worry about, Adrien looked like he really loved it, don’t you mec?”
Adrien’s smile faltered a bit, but he nodded nonetheless.
“Nino!” Alya whacked his forearm. “He’s not supposed to know that!” she whispered harshly.
“You’re worried that I wouldn’t like it?” Adrien looked at Marinette. Alya just smacked her forehead and Nino slapped his hand on his mouth.
“Uhh, yeah…” she admitted. “Honestly this was a huge gamble for me because I really didn’t know if scarves are even your kinda stuff.”
She held his hand. “But I’m glad you like it! Your reactions when you first saw it will forever be carved in my memory. And when I saw that you wore it on our first public date, I almost cried,” she laughed a bit.
Adrien placed his hand on the back of her head to bring her towards him, and he pressed his lips to her forehead. “I love it, Marinette, please don’t doubt yourself.” Then he whispered. “I hardly receive things from anyone, so really, I’m delighted I could even get anything from you.”
Marinette gawked at him and tackled. “You’ll be receiving tons from me from now on.”
Alya crossed her arms. “Mhm,” and nodded, “sickeningly sweet.”
“Man, you’re not wrong. I could really get diabetes from this,” Nino acknowledged.
Adrien sat up and Marinette let go of him, both had rosy cheeks, but they were still looking at each other.
“And has anyone scouted you yet, Marinette?” Nino waved to get her attention. “You said something about giving Adrien tons of gifts?”
“Shit. I totally forgot about updating you guys,” she scratched the back of her head. “There was a number and I’ve been discussing with Adrien to see which one is the most suitable before I reply to them.”
Adrien was gleaming and Alya and Nino were frowning but they just looked constipated because they were also delighted by the news she just dropped. And they spent the rest of the night congratulating Marinette and enjoying themselves: playing, eating, and talking.
And Adrien got two new friends.
The livestream of the Ladyblog had already started when Ladybug and Chat Noir suddenly dropped down onto the seats reserved for them.
“So you guys were making out and lost track of time?” Alya shot them knowing looks.
Ladybug and Chat Noir regarded each other and saw that their lips were redder than usual. Their cheeks were flaming and their hair was messier as well. They scarlet even more than Alya thought possible.
So much for looking prim and proper.
“Anyway, has my LadyNoir ship finally sailed?”
“If this,” Ladybug signalled to the both of them, “isn’t enough proof then I don’t know what else to tell you, Alya.”
Alya addressed the livestream once again. “Well, there you have it, folks! They’re official now!”
Ladybug beamed. “Wait, that’s it?”
“Wouldn’t you like that?” The sly smirk from before came back onto Alya’s face.
Her cheeks blazed and Chat took Ladybug’s hand to hold and caress, throwing her soft and loving gazes. “My lady.”
Ladybug smiled, remembering that they were in this together. “Alright, any questions you and the viewers of Ladyblog have, we’ll answer them.”
“Well, it was really beautiful to see your relationship grow from your first day till now,” Alya praised. “So, any plans to get married?”
Ladybug chuckled while Chat smiled broadly and answered. “That’s the plan, isn’t it?”
“You hear that, viewers?” Alya squealed. “We’re going to have a miraculous wedding!”
She turned her attention back to them. “Any dates in mind?”
“That’s for us to decide and for you to find out in due time,” Ladybug returned.
Alya’s eyes glowed. “So we’re invited?”
Chat spoke this time. “We’ll see, Alya. We’ll see.”
“You guys are being vague here, is it a yes or a no?” She furrowed her brows.
“Thank you for your service all this while, Alya,” Ladybug added and gave her the best smile she could offer before clapping her hands. “Next question!”
They landed on the top of the Louvre Museum and made themselves comfortable, the interview playing on her bug phone.
“The comment section seems very ecstatic for us,” she grinned.
“I mean, didn’t you see, my lady? We’re ‘so cute together’, we’re ‘couple goals’,” Chat scrolled through the comments and twinkled. “I think they really are.”
“Bien joué ?” Ladybug smiled and brought her fist towards him.
He connected his fist with hers. “Bien joué !”
Chat saw her smirk, but it still didn’t prepare him for Ladybug’s unprompted endearment. He froze for a second before cupping her cheek and deepening the kiss.
The next day, a picture of their kiss on top of the Louvre Museum was submitted by an anonymous user to the Ladyblog, and it was the first thing one would see when they accessed the site. Ladybug and Chat Noir were extremely pleased that it was a very flattering image of them both, and they made absolutely sure to download the image for themselves, a reminder of how far they’ve come together.
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asongeverlasting · 4 years
Happy Holidays @adrienettes-hamster!! I was your backup gifter for @mlsecretsanta this year! I hope you enjoy this platonic Ladynoir bonding :)
Many thanks to @strangerahne for beta-reading! 
Laughing in the Starlight
read on AO3
Marinete had known this was a bad idea the first time he suggested it, but that meant nothing. Even with all the luck in the world, she could never hold out against his kitty eyes and impassioned pleas for very long. One would think she'd have some sort of immunity, after babysitting Manon for so long, but no dice. It was almost as if his kitty eyes were magically augmented or something. No ordinary human should be able to expand their pupils that wide. It was just ridiculous. (Utterly ridiculous, her internal monologue supplied unhelpfully.)
And really, it was just a game of Truth or Dare. As Chat Noir helpfully pointed out the third time he tried persuading her to play, if she was really worried about secret identity things, nothing was stopping her from just choosing dare every time. Eventually, after two weeks straight of him bugging her during patrol, she gave in. Sort of. 
Her acquiescence was accompanied by a number of ground rules designed to safeguard their identities and avoid injuries (practically a necessity when pitting two teenage superheroes against each other in a game designed to embarrass). She also added three vetoes apiece, just in case. Going into the game, Ladybug felt confident that she was prepared for anything, because her rules accounted for every possible awkward situation — and they would have, were her opponent anyone but Chat. Right now, sitting on an isolated rooftop three rounds into the game, she knew she'd made a mistake. Nothing could have prepared her for what he was throwing her way.
“Okay, so, imagine you were suddenly turned into a peach pit that was inside of a ripe peach and on a tree, and then the peach fell off the tree, sprouted, and you grew out of it back to the body you were before turning into the peach pit. Then imagine all this happened in the span of twenty minutes. What would be the first thing you did after all this happened?"
Her brain refused to compute. “Sorry, what?”
Chat just smiled earnestly at her, eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Did- did someone turn me into the peach pit?” she stammered, totally taken aback.
“Take it however you want, I just want an answer to my question.” Chat seemed shockingly normal for someone who had just spouted the most ridiculously out-there question she'd ever heard. Did these sorts of thoughts just exist in his brain?
How did one even begin to handle such a situation? But then again, stranger akumas had happened. “I guess I’d… first try to figure out how I’d been turned into a peach in the first place—“
“Peach pit, you mean,” he prompted, leaning forward.
“Yeah, that.” She rolled her eyes. “I’d probably also grab another peach off the tree to use as a weapon if I needed it. Oh wait, are the other peaches also people?”
His grin grew even wider before he responded. “That’s for me to know and you to never find out”
She shot him a frosty glare and responded, deadpan, “Horrible.”
“So….. what would you do?” he asked, genuinely curious now.
“Hmm. Probably... pull a peach off the tree so I have something to throw, look for the culprit - which was probably an akuma, honestly - and if I find no one, then get to high ground and keep looking. Oh, and before I leave, toss the peach at you like so.” She picked up a small pebble from the rooftop beside her and threw it at Chat, who yelped and turned away.
“Hey, what was that for?" Chat pouted.
Ladybug winked. "That's for me to know and you to never find out."
"Ah-hah-hah I see what you did there," he said, shooting finger guns at her. "Very clever. Now, I believe it's your turn again, Milady. I hope you come up with something interesting." He quirked a brow in challenge.
"Alright Kitty-Cat, truth..." She paused dramatically. "Or dare?"
"Dare, if you please."
"Hmm…" she mused, glancing around for inspiration. An idea came when her eyes landed on a house with two chimneys, about eight feet apart from one another. "Oh! Okay, I got it. Stick your baton between those two chimneys over there, grab it, then swing and flip yourself onto it, landing on your feet. Dramatic dismount for bonus points."
The spark of excitement in Chat's eyes had grown with every word she spoke. As soon as she finished laying down the challenge, he leapt up gracefully and bounded over to the designated rooftop, Ladybug following close behind.
Unsurprisingly, he executed the sequence perfectly, swinging around his baton like a gymnast on the uneven bars before landing on it, striking a pose, and backflipping off, all with the grace of a jungle cat. 
She applauded as he put his baton away and sauntered over to where she now sat.
He gave a courtly bow before sitting down opposite her. "Only the best for the lady! My turn now, so choose your poison."
"Umm… I think I'll mix it up a bit with a dare."
"Okay, I dare you to…" Chat began slowly, "pick up the pointiest rock you can find, show it to me for approval, and then hold it in one of your armpits for the next two questions. Oh, and if you drop it at any point, the question count resets."
Ladybug shot him a dirty look before searching around for an appropriate rock. She picked up two, showed them both to Chat for inspection, and then unceremoniously stuck the chosen one under her left arm, taking care not to press too tight. "My turn now. Pick."
"Sheesh, someone's prickly! Something jabbing at you?" Chat snickered at the growl she let loose when his pun registered. "Truth! I pick truth."
She thought for a minute before speaking. "You claim that you're just a human with weird cat traits instead of the cat I'm convinced you are. Now, if I were right and you were an actual cat, what weirdly human trait would you have?"
Chat furrowed his brow in contemplation. "There's so many options to choose from! If I had to pick one… I'd probably make human sounds, either so my meows would sound like a real person making them, or so I'd scare the real humans in the house by saying 'hewwo' or something"
"An agent of chaos! Now, that sounds just like you. And I know better than anyone how much you hate not making human sounds," she chuckled.
He tried to mock pout, but couldn't hide his smile. "Okay, okay, my turn again. Truth or dare?"
"Ugh, I don't want to move with this thing under my arm. Truth."
With a soft laugh, Chat responded, "Well, now I know how to get you to answer my questions! Okay, okay, don't hurt me!" he exclaimed, raising a placating hand when he saw her glare turn threatening. "My question for you is… what name would you want to have, if your name wasn't what it is? And don't say this is against the rules, you could even give me your real name and I'd have no idea, so there's no way I can use this to ferret out your secret identity."
"Uhh…" She tilted her head to one side as she considered her options. "I'm not sure… maybe Celeste, or Isabelle? Or… Oh! I've always been partial to the name Bridgette, so I'd probably pick that."
"Bridgette, huh? I bet you'd have gotten along with one of my good friends. She's incredibly sweet and caring, like you. And her name sort of rhymes with your fake one! And she—" he cut his speech short, noticing that he was heading off on a tangent. "Anyway, spoilers aside, she's pretty great."
"Seems like Kitty might have a crush, hmmm? I hope this girl is worth your affections," teased Ladybug. "Must be something special if she's caught the eye of the great Chat Noir."
"Oh no, no crush! I only have eyes for you! I mean really, for yonder Tour Eiffel is the east, and you are my sun. This girl is… just a very good friend." The look on her face made it seem like she was intent on pursuing this line of teasing, so he hurriedly went on. "Also, I pick dare, and your rock dare is finished. You can drop the pebble now."
"Very smooth, Kitty," she said sarcastically, releasing the stone, "but moving onto the next turn might not save you. I can still dare you to answer a truthful question, don't you forget."
Chat's eyes widened briefly in shock before his expression morphed into his patented kitty pout — peeking out from beneath his lashes, pupils blown wide and shining, lower lip stuck out and quivering, head tilted to the side just so. "You wouldn't do that to me, would you? That would be so mean!"
She narrowed her eyes and met his pleading gaze with a stony stare of her own for a few moments, but then broke away with an exasperated sigh. "Fine, I'll play nice. But one of these days I'm gonna figure out how to defeat your pout, and then you'll be in for some serious trouble," she warned, waggling a finger at him. "Okay, your dare is to… sing about a minute of a song, but replace every fifth word with the word croissant. And I have to approve your choice before you start singing! Also, if you start laughing, you have to start again. Think you can handle it?"
"I'm all over it! Just give me a minute to think up the perfect tune to serenade you with!" he proclaimed confidently.
"No problem, just as long as there's no cat-erwauling," she said with a smirk.
He froze. "Wait, was that a pun?" 
She looked at him, a sly smile playing at the corners of her lips, but did not reply.
"Not gonna admit it, huh? That's fine. I think I have just the song for you. Go ahead and stop me if you don't approve." He stood and bowed like a maestro walking onstage for a piano recital. "Now, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, milady."
With that, he began humming and plucking at an imaginary… cello? Bass? Some sort of large string instrument. He opened his mouth, and sang (in a surprisingly smooth tenor), "I've got a gal croissant always late, any time croissant got a date. But I croissant her, I've gotta ask her, croissant you is or is croissant ain't my babyy?" His voice wavered with suppressed laughter by the third croissant, but he pressed on, counting out words on his fingers as he mimed plucking the strings. Ladybug had no such luck holding back her giggles and had to bite down on her own hand to smother some of the noise. "Maybe baby's croissant somebody new... or is my croissant still my baby truuuue?"
Chat finished the chorus with a flourish on his imaginary instrument before promptly dissolving into peals of laughter and plopping down in a heap next to his partner. They both just sat there chuckling for a while, trying very hard not to look at each other — for every time they calmed down slightly and their eyes met, they burst into laughter and had to start the process all over again. Eventually, they managed to regain control of themselves and quiet down. Tired now, they laid down on their backs, heads beside one another, feet stretched in opposite directions, and looked up at the few stars visible in Paris's night sky. For several minutes, neither of them made a sound.
"Wow," Ladybug breathed, breaking the silence, "what a view. I could just lay here all night."
Chat hummed in agreement. After a few moments, he shifted and turned his head slightly so he could see her profile. "Hey Ladybug," he said softly. She turned to look at him. "Truth or dare?"
She smiled. "Truth," she answered, just as softly.
"If you were playing Max's akuma game, but with Disney/Pixar characters, and the computer chose Hawkmoth, which character would you pit against him?" When she didn't speak for a few moments, he continued, "Take your time, it's a very important decision."
Ladybug pondered her options for a minute or two, weighing the pros and cons of various animated characters. All of a sudden, inspiration struck, and she let out a quiet giggle at her stroke of genius. "Oh, I have the perfect idea: the Pixar lamp." And she turned to him expectantly, amusement and pride evident in her expression.
Forehead wrinkled in confusion, he said, "I don't get it. Explain?"
She propped herself up on an elbow so she could see him better. "Okay, um… look at it this way. He calls himself Hawkmoth, which is a species of moth, right?" 
He nodded. 
She went on, "And moths are attracted to light and heat, to the point that they sometimes act drunk around things like lightbulbs and small flames." 
Another nod. 
"Plus, take into account the fact that you and I have some traits from our namesakes — you purr and I snack on flowers." 
A rueful chuckle accompanied the next nod. 
"So, it makes sense that Hawkmoth might be attracted to lamps. But then, the coup de graçe: do you remember what the Pixar lamp does?"
"It… hops?" Comprehension dawned. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "I get it." He started to laugh again, softly at first, then louder.
Ladybug laughed along with him, trying to speak through her mirth. "So... hahaha... I'm just imagining *snort* Hawkmoth... heeheehee... trying to chase the lamp around, while this… sentient lamp... *giggle*… just keeps trying to bonk him and jump on his head!" She pressed a hand to her stomach, laughing until it was difficult to breathe. "We wouldn't even be needed anymore!"
At this, Chat laughed so hard that his voice was no longer audible, and he just lay there, shaking and gasping for air. Finally, he caught his breath enough to gesture wildly and choke out, "Milady, you're a genius! Hawkmoth would totally just be running around like… *snicker*… 'LAMPY! Let me love you!' and the lamp would be like *BONK* and then… bahaha… they'd be together forever! *snort* Honestly, this is more of a ship than a fight!" His arms dropped back to his stomach as he fell into another fit of laughter.
The two of them laughed and laughed until their stomachs ached and tears streamed from their eyes, and the sounds of their voices echoed across the Parisian skyline. When they'd nearly laughed themselves hoarse, a sense of peace stole over them, and their minds and voices grew quiet and calm once more. They continued to lay there for several minutes, soaking in the comfortable silence, feeling — for once — completely in tune with the world around them.
"Hey, Chat?" Ladybug murmured.
"I'm glad you're my partner. There's no one I'd rather be here with than you."
He smiled and gently touched his head to hers. "You and me, Milady. Forever."
Hawkmoth and the rest of the world could wait. 
Right here, right now? 
This moment was theirs alone.
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katiechat · 4 years
Beneath a Canvas of Stars
This is a fic that was first intended to be for Ladynoir July, but then I kind of gave up on it and just kept it in my WIP folder. A few months later I decided to return to it because I really liked the concept and wanted to finish it!
Dedicated to @mininoire and @inkjackets to @helgabatwrittings for a very late birthday present! <3
Tagging also @fallsofnoir @ange-lica-3 @swiftieanimecat and @sassykittynoir @smileytrinity in case you want to read it. Please let me know if you want to be put on or taken off the tag list. <3
Written for @ladynoirjuly2020 Day 2: Stargazing.
Summary: Ladybug and Chat Noir learn a bit more about each other under the stars.
Adrien arrived at their spot with a notebook in hand. Thousands of questions filled its insides, crammed through so many pages. Ever since Ladybug gave him her promise, these questions were all he could think about.
Ladybugs filled his stomach with a strange combination of hope and dread. He walked closer, his hand gripping his notebook tightly.
His partner already sat with her back to him, gazing up at the darkening sky. The sight of her was as familiar as the mask he currently wore, and yet he still froze in place. The last rays of sun made her shine in a strange ethereal glow. It was as if, just like him, the sun didn't want to let her go.
But night was rapidly taking over, coloring the sky with an inky black. Stars would soon emerge, and then the time would come.
He swallowed.
“Kitty,” Ladybug faced him. Her eyes seemed brighter than the early stars amidst the darkness, more powerful than any surrounding lamps. “You’ve been standing there for a long time.”
Adrien shook himself. “Yeah, I was just... thinking,” he explained.
He let his legs lead him to her, and absentmindedly sat beside her: close enough for a friend, but far enough to keep it that way. 
“I was worried something happened to you,” Ladybug admitted. “I'm glad you're okay.”
He lay his notebook behind himself. “All thanks to you, Milady.”
He winked, and she laughed.
“You're giving me too much credit, mon Chaton.”
The tension left her shoulders. Before Adrien could say a word, she scooted closer. Her warmth taunted him, as if he stood just a step away from heaven. She lay her head on his shoulder as they looked at the night sky, her strong hands gripping his arm like a treasure she’d never want to let go.
She smelled sweet: like the croissants Marinette often brought to class, beautiful pastries with a wonderful flavor. He let her scent envelop him, taking him to a place far from all of life’s troubles.
But then the cold night air emerged, making him shiver. It bit his skin mercilessly, like a reminder that the warmth of the girl beside him was never truly his. And yet, he still felt the pace of his heart slow, as if this really was good enough.
He gazed at her. Who was he kidding? She was more than enough. It didn't matter whether she was a friend or something more.
Yet a part of him still hurt. Because this moment was so close to what he wanted, yet still so far away.
“Kitty? Is something wrong?”
Before he could answer, Ladybug cupped his cheek. A warm thumb ran over his skin, sending sparks everywhere it touched, and Adrien’s pulse quickened once more.
Somehow, she still held that power over him.
Her gaze roved over his face, taking in every little secret he held. Her sky-blue eyes shone brilliantly in the weak fluorescent lights, lighting up a part deep within him. It was as if the darkness brought out even more of her potent courage, and he was powerless to resist.
He didn’t know how he found his voice. “I-I'm fine, Milady.”
She didn't immediately let go. Only after a few more minutes did she back away before, once again, resting her head on his shoulder. She grabbed onto his arm, this time even tighter, before letting herself relax. Adrien breathed a sigh of relief as the tension left her body, giving way to more of her warmth.
The sky gradually grew darker, shrouding them in a world of their own. Ladybug’s grin widened the more time passed, making the night seem so much brighter. Adrien basked in her happiness. Sweet, innocent contentment filled his insides, as if all he needed in life was her smile; as if she was his whole world.
When she spoke again, it was with a grin so powerful, it lit up the whole city. “One question for each star,” she repeated, just like the promise she had made to him earlier that day.
Adrien frowned. The sky seemed more like a blank canvas waiting for its painter than a dark fabric riddled with stars. His heart sank as he realized the meaning of Ladybug's words, and his shoulders slumped in defeat.
“There are no stars,” he choked. At least, not in this sky.
But his words didn't deter her. Ladybug shook her head before pointing once more to the night’s black canvas.
“Maybe we can't see them, but they're there. Waiting for us to find them. Just imagine.”
Adrien found his hand reaching for the stars. A strange and wild hope filled his heart, bringing a smile to his lips. Maybe he couldn't see them, but they were there, just waiting to be found.
Ladybug chuckled. It made the hidden stars seem so much closer, as if he could simply find them, reach for them, and they would make his way to him.
He dared a glance at her. A slow smile crept across his lips, saying more than he ever could with words.
Somehow, she was the only one who could make him feel so invincible.
She giggled, as if his enthusiasm reached her too. “Yes, kitty. You can ask your questions. Tonight, I'll share with you any little thing you’d want to know.”
He leaned toward her, mischief now playing across his lips. “And what about me? Can I also tell you about meow-self?”
His lady bopped his nose. “As long as you don't disclose too much, I’d love to hear.”
Adrien backed away, so once again cold air separated them. The sting in his heart disappeared as she cuddled closer, her warmth the best medicine to his pain. 
“So, what are your questions?” she whispered.
He glanced at the notebook behind him. There were so many questions he wanted to ask, but all of them paled in comparison to what he really wanted to know. And so he let his heart lead him, because that was all he knew.
He imagined civilian-Ladybug; the unknown girl behind the mask, who lit up every room she entered. There was so much he didn't know about this stranger, and all he wanted was to find out more. 
So he decided to start with the basics.
“What are your hobbies?”
Ladybug hummed as she pieced her response together. He could almost see the wheels of her mind turn, trying to figure out a way to answer him without revealing too much about who she really was. 
“I love anything I can do with friends, like eating ice cream at Andre’s or going to a party. But other than that… well, currently I enjoy something that includes lots of drawing and hands-on crafts.”
“What do you mean?”
She winked. “That's a secret, kitty.”
Adrien nodded. He loved this glimpse into his lady’s life, but he understood how much was required of her to share these little details. What she gave him wasn't much, but it was enough to teach him a little more about the girl of his dreams.
He couldn't ask for more.
Ladybug’s gentle voice woke him from his reverie. “What about you?”
Adrien laughed. “Well… I play piano.”
“That sounds beautiful, Chaton. Maybe one day you'll play for me?”
His breath caught. “You’d really want to?”
“I'm sure I’d love it.”
For a moment, he envisioned himself sitting beside Ladybug in front of the piano. He pictured her slender fingers, light and gentle, touching the keys; unlocking the most beautiful sounds from within. He imagined the melody she would play, reaching him in places only music could.
“I'm not that surprised, though,” Ladybug mused, “you do know cats love tune-as.” 
She playfully flicked his bell, eliciting a light chuckle from his lips. 
“Who would have thought?” he teased. “The great Ladybug making jokes.”
He froze when she touched his hair, her hands playing with it as if its golden strands really were pure gold.
“I'm not so boring, kitty.”
His heart softened. “I know you're not. Nothing about you could ever bore me.”
Her voice weakened. “How are you so sure?”
The words just left his lips. “Because it teaches me more about you, milady.”
“You're such a tease,” Ladybug laughed. He was surprised when her lighthearted smile turned serious, and powerful emotion suddenly filled her voice. “But thank you.”
They settled into a short silence, before Adrien spoke again. “Tell me more, please.”
“Well, let me see,” Ladybug pondered, “my favorite subject is art.”
“Because you like to draw?”
“Well… yes and no. I guess I love how simple it is. All you need to do is think of an idea, find the necessary materials, and you can create it. It just… makes me feel like anything is possible, you know?”
He couldn’t help but glance at her. “Yeah, I do. I feel the same way when I look at…” he hesitated, taking in her expectant gaze, “my compositions.”
Adrien sighed as he remembered the compositions he kept hidden at home. Those were his treasures, secrets only Plagg knew about. There wasn't much, but every piece had its own place in his heart.
“You're a real musician, it seems,” Ladybug teased.
He shrugged. “You could say that. But I'm more into linguistics.”
She bumped her shoulder with his. “You? Who would have guessed.”
“I am that surprising.”
Ladybug rolled her eyes, but a small smile still lit her features. “What other questions do you have?”
Adrien frowned. There were so many possibilities, and yet they didn't seem satisfying any more. How helpful would knowing her favorite color be if he could never see her out of her mask?
He hesitated. A question rose in the depths of his mind. It was risky, but he needed to know. 
“Can you tell me anything else about your life? Your friends? Your family?”
He regretted it the moment he said it. Adrien searched for the right words to utter as an apology, but Ladybug’s voice broke through his thoughts. 
“It's okay, kitty,” she reached for his hand. “I’ll answer your question.”
A content sigh escaped her lips as she cuddled even closer. “My friends are everything to me. They support me through so much, and every day I find myself grateful I have them. I wouldn’t have been the same without them.”
She shifted slightly.  “As for my family, I love them. They're a bit strange, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. My parents are romantics at heart, and all they want is for me to be happy. My grandparents love me just as much, even if in their own way.”
Adrien wiggled his brows. “Really? Your parents are romantics? Have they ever mentioned me?”
She groaned. “Honestly, they really love you.”
“You don't?” He asked in mock hurt.
She rolled her eyes. “You know I do, kitty, but not like that.”
“Meow-ch, milady!”
They laughed. Happiness flooded his insides like powerful light filling a dark room. He basked in its warmth, wondering how this girl managed to take all his breath away.
“Milady, I have one more question,” he said once their laughter died down.
Adrien could barely speak. His throat was all clogged up with the weight on his heart, yet he still forced the words out.
Because some part of him had to ask. Even if it hurt.
“The boy you're in love with… could you tell me more about him?”
Ladybug blinked. Her mouth slightly opened in surprise, before an uneven voice left her lips.
“W-why do you-?”
A ghost of a smile rose to his lips. “I need to know what he has that I don't.”
Time ticked by as he waited for her answer. She pulled away from him, the topic like an invisible barrier between the two. Cruel thoughts pricked his mind, but Adrien didn't pay them any attention. What he was about to hear would be a thousand times worse.
 “This boy… he’s…” She gathered her words carefully, as if she knew how hard it was for Chat.   “He’s the kindest person I know. He wouldn't hurt a fly, much less a person. If it was up to him, he would protect every human in the world from cruelty.”
Her eyes sparked with pure, unknown happiness, making Adrien's heart constrict inside his chest. If only he could bring such a smile to her face.
“He always puts the people important to him first, no matter what. He’d do anything for his family and friends, and never complains about all the harsh things he goes through. I’ve never met anyone like him. He's so pure, sometimes I wonder how someone like him could really exist.”
Adrien knew he asked to hear these words. He knew the price to pay for that clarity, but it didn't stop his heart from breaking all over again. 
He wished he could be that boy.
Maybe he should have stopped there. Maybe he should have just let it go, let the night wrap him in its darkness as if he was a shadow that didn't want to feel. Maybe asking his next question was a mistake.
But he needed this so much it hurt.
“What do you think of me?” He blurted.
Ladybug turned to him. Her face softened as she silently took him in, before a small smile rose to her face.
“Oh, kitty,” she whispered, casually pulling herself closer to him. “You're one of the most important people of my life. We’re partners, and yet so much more than that. You're my best friend and a confidante I can always come to. You're the only rock I can hold onto, whether it has to do with our superhero powers or just everyday life. You mean so much to me, and I really want you to know that.”
She reached for his spare hand, and intertwined her fingers with his. Silently, she raised their hands and placed them right above where her heart lay, its beat slow and steady.
Adrien lost himself in its sound. It was so familiar, and yet he couldn't tire of it. It was like listening to his mother singing him a lullaby on an old recording, or watching her movie for the thousandth time. Something about these moments spoke to his very soul, unlocking an unknown feeling deep inside him.
He met Ladybug's eyes, and suddenly his heart filled with a rush of warmth. She was the light of his day, the beauty of his night. She was everything he needed and everything he wanted to be.
He loved her.
Reluctantly, Chat pulled away. He brought his hand closer to his side, slightly farther from the place it lay before.
It didn't escape her attention. “Chaton?”
He couldn't look at her. Not now, when he felt so much longing fill his chest.
But there was one more question he needed to ask, even if he knew it was a bad idea. 
He needed to know if he had a chance; if maybe some part of her felt the same.
She reached for him just enough for her fingers to touch his. “What is it?”
Adrien's eyes drifted from her hand to her face. She looked at him with such softness in her eyes, Adrien knew that now was the time.
“About this boy…”
She tilted her head. “Yes?”
If you had to choose between saving me and him, who would you pick?
It seemed so simple. The question lay at the tip of his tongue; the words in waiting, begging to be released. Ladybug looked at him with so much affection, he knew that now was the perfect time.
But looking at her… really looking at her, made him stop.
He couldn’t do this to her. Not to the most important girl of his life.
So he forced a smile. “Is there a chance he’s secretly me?”
He didn't know how convincing his smile was, or what her reaction would be. But in his heart he knew that he made the right decision, and that was the most important thing.
And if there was a shred of doubt before, if there was any lingering pain, his lady’s raucous laughter took it all away. 
“You’re hopeless,” She replied, playfully elbowing him in the side.
He winked. “Hopelessly in love.”
Ladybug rolled her eyes, but he could still detect a hint of a smile on her face. “One day, kitty, we'll both find someone. Things will work out.”
And as a silent promise, she covered his hand with hers, letting the gentle night encase them in its calm.
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ladyofthenoodle · 4 years
Fanfiction Year In Review - 2020
more like fanfiction life in review but hey if my first year as a writer isn’t worth reviewing than what is?
1 List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
it's hard to get to know you (but i'm down) my first fanfic ever!
Me, My Best Friend, and Her Cat (for fanfiction exchange)
full exposure
our hands would not be taught to hold another's (ladynoir july)
coin operated boy (dark fic october event)
he is rugged and long lasting (adrichat november)
five times Caline Bustier tried to find love (and one time she did)
2 Number of words written:
58,408 words published on Ao3 - not bad considering I only started in June!
3 Your most popular fic:
our hands would not be taught to hold another's, by far, although Me, My Best Friend, and Her Cat also gets quite a bit of traction when people are looking for Alya sugar fics!
4 Your personal fav:
our hands would not be taught to hold another's is my baby and a labor of love. before writing this, I didn’t think I had what it takes to be a writer - sure, I’d published my first fic, a little one shot, but that was a flash in the pan - nothing like a long, heavy, multichaptered work. I honestly didn’t think I could do it so I’m incredibly proud of it and so grateful for everyone who helped me and encouraged me throughout it, including Cass (@sing-in-me-oh-muse) who betaed and commented on every chapter.
5 Your fav scene:
ahhhh, how to choose? probably Adrien getting the ring back in “hands” - certainly there are other moments I am very proud of as a writer but man, I was SO READY to write that once I finally got to that chapter and I was also super pleased with how the scene turned out.
6 A fic or scene that challenged you:
coin operated boy was so hard for me - I can do angst okay but this was much darker than I’d gone before and way out of my comfort zone! I would like to go back to the story some day and resolve it because I cannot stand leaving the babies sad, but... I am just not ready to touch it again.
7 A line of writing you’re proud of:
oh gosh this is also hard to pick ummmm idk here’s my favorite lines from my unpublished fics because who knows when they will get a chance to shine
I was very proud of the alliteration here
Marinette flopped forward now, her arms coming to rest onto the desk a little too hard, making her cell phone lose its precarious perch and topple onto the tabletop. 
and my favorite moment of Tikki dialogue I’ve ever written
“Why don’t you make him a scarf, like your other friends?” Tikki chirped. “Or one of those themed money cards!”
“Themed money — Tikki, are you suggesting I give Adrien a gift card?”
8 A comment that touched you:
ahhhh this is so hard to choose??? i treasure every comment and i got so many lovely ones this year. Rikka gave me my very first comment ever and even though it was short it is very important to me because she is very important to me. and so many talented people gave me such wonderful comments on “hands” when I was discouraged and every one of those touched me so much. @aquawsm wrote so many lovely comments and created stunning art of my black cat Alya and @raisinraven found my fic on tumblr and joined Ao3 just to comment which is amazing!
9 Something that inspired your writing:
the Miraculous Ladybug fandom and the people in it. I’ve read fanfiction for so, so long and while I always had story ideas in my head, I never thought I’d be able to write them. shout out in particular to @kasienda for looking at the prompts I’d written and seen a writer in them when I couldn’t see it myself, to @sing-in-me-oh-muse and Rikka for encouraging me to just go for it with that first story and for every story since, and to everyone in the Miraculous Fanworks discord for all the writing resources and support and encouragement over the last 6 months
10 Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
oh I like this question, it gave me my answer already - definitely posting my first fic. and people actually LIKING it, oh my gosh, what??? wild
11. Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
mmmm nope, I should probably try to set some! I have a long list of things to write and half-finished and barely-started projects and I would like to get at least some of it done! hopefully I can finish another multi-chaptered work but other than that I just hope I can keep writing and improving
tagging @silveryeet @noirequin @fictionalinfinity @sae-what @miabrown007 and whoever else I forgot sorry tagging makes me nervous
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crystalangelluna · 4 years
A New Chance Chapter 3
Ao3  Part 1  Part 2
I tried writing Damian as best as I could since I really don't know even know Damian besides the basics. My knowledge on DCU is limited. I wrote this really late so if you spot (hehe:) any errors please let me know. Enjoy
Earlier that day…
                                                           With Damian…
This by far had to be Damian’s worst day ever. Kent came over and basically dragged him to the arcade, where he was surrounded by ugh.. People . Of course he also found the games useless, like why even bother playing them unless you want to be brainless zombies (i don’t actually believe this so i am trying my best to write Damian as best as possible).
Then when he returned back to the Manor, his imbecile brothers kept pestering him and couldn’t even leave him alone for just one minute. But the worst thing happened during patrol, No he didn't die again, instead he found himself at this particular moment…
Damian separated from the rest of the bat clan and headed towards crime alley in case a crime arose again in that area. He could practically feel that someone was following him for the past 10 minutes. He abruptly stopped and as quick as he could aimed his favorite katana towards his stalker. This of course caught his talker off guard.  He was about to stab them when suddenly…
A black orb appeared in her hand and she touched the tip of the weapon.
Out of nowhere the katana instantly disintegrated and fell to the floor.  
He had 3 words repeating in his mind…
He finally noticed a girl dressed in a catsuit who could easily pass as Selina’s ward. She has a long braid that seems to be moving on it’s own like a TAIL?!?!  Cat ears that also seem to be too real to be fake, long black hair as midnight, her eyes seem to cat like they are gre- wait that is not right her eyes seem to have changed into bluebell eyes for 1 second.
His stalker now turned enemy seemed to have recovered from everything that happened. She quickly made a run for it but before running away she actually apologized, the nerve that she had.
He quickly began running after what he assumed was a meta-human. He needed answers and he was going to get them!!
“COME BACK HERE” She managed to escape him for a few minutes and then she appeared to be running away behind him. He cornered her in an alleyway he was about to begin yelling at her but all of a sudden she disappeared in thin air.
He began letting out curse words for letting her get away
“Batman, a metahuman, has been spotted near by a crime ally.”
It was dead silent on the other side of the comm. Realization hit him in the face..
The reason was simple:
He didn't want to hear his annoying brothers since they kept bothering him earlier.
Great just great.
He checked the time
Guess what else happened…
Patrol ended an HOUR AGO!!!
He didn’t know why he had such bad luck…
Back at the apartment where Mari was staying…
Plagg could barely keep his laughter from escaping…
The rest of the Kwami’s looked unamused…
Mari on the other hand was confused…
“Tikki why is Plagg ac-” she was cut off by Tikki groaning
“He cursed someone with bad luck again”
She got her answer , Or so she thinks...
(Time Skip)
Mari woke up late again due to staying up too late.
The answer is simple: she felt bad for destroying Robin’s Damian’s Katana so she made him a new and one of a kind katana. With the help of the kwami’s she finished the apology gift around 5 in the morning.  
It is indestructible and can cut through things easily, it also has some of Tikki’s good luck/ it comes along with a bracelet that lets him teleport wherever in the world the katana may be( courtesy of Kaalki). It had the yin-and yang symbol. And other cool features etc...etc…
The katana
She went to explore Gotham, to find out the places where it really needed to be healed. She came across a beautiful hidden garden and figured it would be the best place where she can transfer her magic to heal since ladybugs tend to like the outdoors.
She put her hands on the grass and focused her energy towards the gloomy parts of Gotham. Knowing that if she uses too much energy she could be hurt she let go of the connection of her magic on Gotham. The sun shined brightly above her and the skies cleared. Every gothamite felt that Gotham felt a little less Gothamy (did I make a new word) they didn’t know why but they were happy.
Across town a certain red haired female rogue felt her plants show extreme measures of happiness, and new life was created.
She was on her way back to the apartment when a building was set on fire. Knowing she doesn’t want to wait for the Batfam Wayne’s, she takes action. She ducks into any alley and transforms into Ladybug. Her outfit is completely different.
The Outfit. (pretend she has the yoyo, the ladybug mask on and without the bow and arrows.)
Instead of her normal spandex suit she has a warrior's type outfit with a ladybug hood & cape.
She uses the lucky charm and gets an oxygen mask. She puts it on and goes inside to take everyone to safety. The batfam arrived when ladybug finally got the last of the citizens outside. The building collapsed and every one backed away but one. LB immediately threw the oxygen mask into the air and called out
“Miraculous Ladybug”
While everyone distracted she was leaving the scene, suddenly someone grabbed her wrist and detained her from escaping…
Low and behold it is Robin Damian…
Recognition spread across his face…
He knows, he knows, he knows, he knows, he knows, he knows.
How did he find out, I have to leave…
She ran away again and left a certain robin processing stuff.
Damian recognised those eyes, they belong to his stalker who ended up destroying his weapon.  Instead of chasing after her again he decided it was best to tell his family about what happened so that the next time they run into each other that she won’t run away again.
Mari decided that it was best if she met the batfam officially and apologized. After all she ran away from Robin Damian 2 times already. She can tell he is pretty mad about it so it would for the best to come clean.
Night came faster than she would like to admit, but she had a mission to complete.
She transformed into Ladynoir,  grabbed the katana and headed off to Wayne Tower.
Instead of going after them, she is letting them come to her.
(By now you already know who is going to find her first right…)
Robin landed behind her knowing she could be a dangerous threat.
“Tt I honestly expected you to run away like the last few times STALKER .”
Aww great, first impressions are always the WORST. Am i right?
Instead of making a snarky comment she turned around and looked directly at Robin Damian and smiled
“Not This Time.” Not this time.
“My name is Ladynoir and I came here to formally apologize to you about the other night. It was just that you caught me off guard and my instincts kicked in and I destroyed your Katana. And to meet the rest of your team.”
She pulled out something from behind her and gave it to him (guess what it is)
“I knew an apology wasn’t enough and I felt really bad about it so I got this for you.”
Not knowing if it was a trap he reluctantly grabbed it. It was a brand new KATANA!!!”
Inspecting it closely he could tell it was a really unique one attached to it was a bracelet.
“Tt it’s adequate.” Deep down he knew it was a lie.
He’s having some strange emotions that he has never experienced before he can’t quite place a finger on it.
Just as he was about to ask questions, footsteps were heard from behind them...
@thequeenofpotatoeunicornss  @kceedraws @lilyreadbooks12
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macaronsforchat · 4 years
Ladynoir July Day 11 - Comfort
read on ao3!
Ladybug could tell what face he would be wearing by the shape of his shoulders against the orange of the sky. She tried to land behind him as softly as possible, but his ears were already turned towards her even though they’d pushed themselves low against his hair.
“Hey, kitty,” she spoke softly, watching him stand up from where he was crouched at the edge of the roof. It was a beautiful view, but she doubted that he’d been thinking about anything else but //that.
Chat turned to face her, and she saw that her guess was right. His eyebrows were pressed down into hard lines, his lips were in a straight but deep frown, and he looked like he’d been crying. It felt like pieces of her heart were being ripped from her chest every time she saw him that way, but she knew that if he could feel any other emotion, he would.
The day they’d found out Hawkmoth’s identity was undoubtedly the worst day of Adrien’s life, and what made it worse was that they didn’t know how to stop him yet. They needed a plan, and a plan that would work needed time and focus.
But Marinette knew that planning wasn’t what Adrien needed at the moment. He needed time, but he also needed a friend.
Ladybug walked towards her partner, hugging him gently and not being surprised when he didn’t hug her back. She wished more than anything that she could take even a fraction of his hurt from him, but since she couldn’t, she chose to be there for him.
She’d invited him out that night to make sure that he was doing alright and because she knew that he was almost never at his house at night. She hoped to take his mind off everything even if it was only for a mere moment.
“Any trouble today?” she asked as she pulled away, seeing that his dull eyes were boring into her.
“No,” he almost whispered, his lips barely moving. She gave him a small smile, pressing a hand to his cheek tentatively.
“Thank you for coming,” she spoke, taking her hand away. Sometimes he hated being touched by anyone, but other times all he wanted was to be held. She could tell that in that moment it was the former, and she didn’t want to push his boundaries.
“Is there anything you wanna do?” she asked, stepping away and giving him his space. He looked up at her and furrowed his brow more, signalling that her question wasn’t a very thought one.
“Sorry, uh,” she said, glancing away to think. She’d been so worried about him that she’d forgotten to plan something.
“You choose, please,” he spoke quietly, and she eyed him, glad that she was able to hear his voice. He didn’t say too much anymore, but when he did, it was music to her ears even if it was angry, bitter words that came out.
“Okay,” she smiled, pursing her lips as she ran through a list of things that they could do. She thought of a joke about robbing a bank, but she knew it wouldn’t have any affect on him.
“Have you eaten today?” she wondered, seeing the shift in his eyes as he looked away and knowing that he hadn’t.
“Can we get something to eat?” she asked, tilting her head a little and giving him a sweet smile so as to try and reduce the chances of him refusing. He gave her a weak shrug, and she nodded, readying her yo-yo. Luckily, they weren’t too far from the bakery.
Before she moved to jump, she glanced back at him.
“Are you okay to follow?” She’d noticed him getting skinnier than he already was, and she didn’t want him to hurt himself. He let out an exasperated sigh, his eyes narrowing.
“You don’t have to baby me Marinette,” he said hoarsely. She blinked at him, knowing better than to be offended or put off. She wouldn’t have half the amount of emotional control as him if she were in his situation.
It surprised her when he sighed again, dropping his head a little.
“Sorry,” he breathed out, and she smiled, shaking her head when he lifted his eyes back to her.
“No worries, chaton,” she replied, moving for him to follow. She heard him trail behind her as she made her way to the bakery, seeing that it was nearly closing time. The sun had already set, the streetlamps flickering on as she dropped towards the ground.
Landing just in front of the door, she pulled it open and smiled to herself when Chat followed her in without hesitation. She remembered him telling her that he always felt at home there, and she hoped that he would feel that again.
“Ladybug?” Sabine asked in disbelief, holding her heart. Marinette smiled behind her mask, seeing her dad walk up to the register and place a hand on his wife’s shoulder.
“Hello,” Ladybug smiled, giving them a polite wave. “Sorry to come in just before closing time.” Sabine waved her off as Tom wiped his hands on his apron, beginning to walk towards Chat with a cookie in his hand.
“How are you doing, son?” he asked, clapping a hand on Chat’s shoulder and shaking him a little. His eyes went wide, but Ladybug tried not to watch him too closely.
“Fine, s-sir,” he answered, sounding a little more normal as her dad offered him the cookie and explained how it was fresh out of the oven. She smiled, walking over to Sabine.
“Can I get a few more of those cookies, some passionfruit macarons, and some chocolate croissants?” she asked, seeing Sabine flash a smile before slipping a plastic glove onto her hand.
“Sure, sweetheart,” she said warmly, and Ladybug giggled quietly to herself, loving to see her mom act so sweet.
As she waited for her pastries, she glanced back at her dad and Chat, seeing that Tom was handing her partner a small brown bag with the bakery’s logo on it. He said something under his breath to Chat, and she watched him glance at her briefly and then back at her dad. It was almost a shock to see a blush rise into his cheeks. She hadn’t seen that sight in what felt like years.
But when she watched his lips curl up into a small smile, she thought that maybe she was the smartest person in the world for thinking to bring Chat there. She felt her heart racing and wondered if there was anything she loved more than seeing him smile.
Sabine got her attention again, refusing to let her pay and sending her back over to Chat. Following closely behind, her mother leaned over and patted Chat’s cheek.
“Stop by anytime, honey. We’re always baking something, and we’re always happy to share,” she told him, and Ladybug watched some of the despair leave his eyes.
“Thank you,” he replied before the two of them left the bakery. Waving back to her parents, they jumped up onto the nearest roof with their treats, and Ladybug recognized it as the spot where Chat Noir had set up the candlelit dinner for her. Looking at her partner, she could tell that he knew the spot as well, but he didn’t meet her eyes.
“Thanks for coming in with me,” she said to break the silence, sitting herself down next to where he stood and watching him lower himself into the spot next to her. She busied herself with taking a chocolate chip cookie from her bag, moving to take a bite of it when she realized that Chat was holding the bag he’d been given towards her.
“What’s this?” she asked, taking it from him and looking up for an explanation. He watched her for a moment and then looked away, a familiar but rare glow appearing in his eyes.
“Mr. Dupain said that, uh,” he started, pausing to clear his throat and try again. “He said that you order one of those every time you stop by and that if I gave it to you, you’d fall in love with me,” he told her. She took a second to breathe in the color of his voice. She hadn’t heard him say that much in weeks, and to hear such sweet words with such a warm tone was almost enough to bring her to tears.
All she could do was laugh a little, opening the bag and seeing a single strawberry danish waiting for her. It was her second favorite pastry from her parent’s bakery, but she never ordered her true favorite for secret identity’s sake.
“Thank you,” she breathed out happily, looking up to another gift as he smiled down at her.
“Maybe it’s a good thing that he doesn’t know I already love you,” she chuckled, taking the treat out of the bag carefully. “Because these are really good.” She watched another blush move onto his cheeks, and she couldn’t help the smile that had been glued to hers.
“You know that, right?” she asked after she watched him look away from her. Their eyes met once more, and he looked slightly confused. “That I love you,” she clarified, tilting her head. He blinked at her quietly, taking in a deep breath before nodding and letting another smile shine through.
“I love you too,” he replied gently, making her heart throb against her ribs. She basked in his smile for as long as she could before looking away and breaking the danish in half. She offered it to him, and he took it, biting into it immediately.
They ate in comfortable silence, and when everything had been eaten, she realized that she probably could have gotten him some healthier food. She stared up at the moon and made a note in her head to take him some soup in the morning, but her thoughts were interrupted.
“Thank you,” he spoke unexpectedly, drawing her eyes to him. He was already looking at her, and she smiled. “For making me feel better.” She smiled more, nodding.
“That’s what I’m here for,” she told him, leaning close to him and pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. She hoped that she hadn’t made him uncomfortable, but when he pulled away, she saw him smiling again and thought that maybe she really was extra lucky.
“Yeah,” he sighed, his smile coloring his voice in a bright tone. “And it works every time.” Her heart jumped at that, and she couldn’t help but let out a relieved laugh.
Everything would be okay.
poor little sad boy ahhhhh
thank you all for reading! i had a lot of fun writing this one! 
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miabrown007 · 4 years
Being the Guardian - Ch 3
Chat Noir didn’t see his Lady since she gave up her Miraculous two years ago to concentrate on her Guardian duties. After the defeat of Hawkmoth, he has a surprise visitor. 
Ladynoir July - Day 31: Home
Read on AO3 with the previous chapters
What the Guardian did
Two years was an incredibly long time. By this time Adrien should have been able to let go of his feelings towards Ladybug but he couldn't do it. Even if he'd never see her again, there was always going to be a part of him that wouldn't stop loving her, no matter what. During his time alone he learned that much. It was just as useless fighting it as defying gravitation. He tried it many times but whenever he made a little progress, her magical magnetic field lured him back twice as powerful as before. It may had to do something with being Ladybug and Chat Noir, destruction and creation, yin and yang, two halves of a whole; but ultimately it was more than that. It wasn't the Miraculous' power that forced him to keep coming back for more. 
So two years was an incredibly long time. Still, Chat couldn't forget the little song he composed and sing every now and then. More now than then. Even when after defeating their enemy a week ago, transforming and sitting on a rooftop had lost all its meaning. He enjoyed holding onto the familiarity of putting on his disguise and murmuring the stupid song. The familiarity of the night air brushing against his skin. The familiarity of the vacant spot next to him. It wasn’t a joyful feeling but it helped him hold it together. It helped him to crawl out of bed, to battle the masses of reporters chasing after him, to carry his burden all alone without falling into pieces publicly. 
“Little kitty on the roof, all alone without his Lady,” he sang to himself, to the city, to fill the void inside him. 
“Hey, you!” The small voice startled him, making him choke on his words. It sounded so familiar. 
He turned slowly in the direction of the voice, in fear of seeing an empty roof, proof to his senses playing a trick on him. It wouldn’t have been the first time. But there she was, standing only a few meters from him, lifting her hand in a shy wave. Ladybug. The one and only. 
Chat jumped to his feet in surprise, staring at the phenomenon with wide eyes. He mustered his partner, trying to take in and fixing every inch of her perfect, long-seen picture in his mind. The red suit and mask that didn’t appear oddly against her form, her brilliant bluebell eyes, her shining hair that she no longer wore in pigtails. She has changed but appeared just as impeccable as he remembered her to be. To her sight, the unpleasant feelings habitant in his stomach vanished at once.
“You came back?” he gulped, voice not louder than a whisper. 
“I came home,” she breathed, eyes shining brighter than the stars. 
What even was home? Chat didn’t know anymore. He clearly didn’t have one. 
He only felt his world spin around its axis as the conversant aching after her presence in his heart eased. But he was holding onto that feeling for so long, it’s absence felt like the rug being pulled out from under his feet. It was chaos where nothing made sense anymore. 
“Why?” he forced, unshed tears burning his eyes. 
“I missed you so much, Chaton!” she replied, lifting her arm in a tentative touch. 
Chat stood still, fighting his urge to lean into her embrace. “Why now?”
“I thought we agreed, it will only last until Hawkmoth is defeated.” Her lips curled up in a sorrowful smile.
“We didn’t agree on anything. I needed you! I needed you like never before, and you weren’t there! You were never there!” he cried. 
“I’m afraid if I said I was sorry it would seem meaningless, however genuine I was about it,” she told him seriously, letting her arm fall back to her side. “But I really am. I’m so sorry, Chat. My heart broke every day that I couldn’t spend with you as Ladybug. However, I was never far away. Please, can I show you?” she pleaded with her eyes. 
Chat didn’t want to give in so quickly, didn’t want to understate how much she hurt him, how abandoned he felt for these past years. He wanted to stand his ground firmly but how could he say no to her? He never could, so out of a binding, ancient habit, he nodded. 
“Tikki, spots off!” she said and her suit vanished in a swirl of light pink light. 
In Ladybug’s place, there was standing none other than Marinette. 
Adrien’s reliable classmate Marinette. 
One of Adrien’s best friends Marinette. 
Marinette, who spent night after night goofing around with Chat Noir. 
Marinette, who has always listened carefully to Chat Noir’s every tiny problem.
Trustworthy part-time hero Multimouse Marinette, who he was always so uncommonly in sync with. 
Sweet, caring Multimouse Marinette, who held Chat’s trembling body after their victory, perfectly unaware of the situation’s real implications. 
The one and only Marinette, who stopped by Adrien’s house every day since that doomed night. 
“You were there,” was all he managed to say before hugging her tightly, sobbing into her shoulder. 
“All along, mon minou. All along. I’m so sorry you couldn’t know,” she said, running her fingers up and down on his back soothingly. 
If Adrien was dreaming he never wanted to wake up. After missing Ladybug for so long, this was just too perfect.
They were standing like this, desperately holding onto each other for a while. Finally, Marinette was the one to break the silence. “I’d like to be your partner again. That is, if you’ll have me.”
Chat frowned his eyebrows behind his mask and let go of her to look her in the eyes doubtfully. “For how long?”
“For eternity,” she ensured him with a smile, squeezing his hands tightly. 
The dormant ladybugs in Chat’s stomach came to life once again, fluttering with the long-experienced intensity. 
A small nod was all he could manage but it was perfectly enough. They have always understood each other even without half-words. He knew that she really meant all of it, that she genuinely wanted to make it right, to restore their balance and partnership. 
Marinette knew that making up didn’t mean sweeping things under the rug. She understood that Chat was still hurt, still insecure and angry but he was also willing to take a step forward; to reconnect with her and rebuild the trust between the two of them her actions so severely damaged. She accepted that healing would be a long-drawn and burdensome process, but she would be there to support him every step of the way; until they’d walk out of the trial of fire together, with their bond hardened. It couldn’t have been any other way. 
Because two years was an incredibly long time. It was long enough for her to realize the mistake she was making by distancing herself from everyone she trusted and sticking to solving everything on her own. Reappearing as Multimouse gave her back the sense of belonging to her team, even if they didn’t know the real role she was playing. Eventually, teamwork was the ultimate stepping stone to finally find and defeat their enemy. Hawkmoth, who turned out to be none other than Adrien’s father. And while Marinette supported her friend with everything she had in herself, cared for him deeply and a part of her heart would have always belonged to him, no matter what, two years was a long enough time for her to realize, just how blind she was before. Because she didn’t wake screaming from a nightmare where she lost Adrien, she was woken by the crushing weight of sorrow after losing her partner. Her days didn’t change significantly for the better or worse by seeing her classmate because the overwhelming absence of Chat Noir muffled every other sensation. By losing him she finally learned, what she couldn’t see otherwise, how the connection between the two of them was something extraordinary, something magical to treasure. That ordinary love, whatsoever genuine and soul-felt, couldn’t compare. That it didn’t matter if he has moved on or after her actions would never trust her with his heart ever again, she loved him infinitely, for eternity. 
However, now of all times wasn’t the right one to vocalize her feelings. It could wait until some trust was restored to their relationship. It had to. Now was the time for her to be overflowingly happy because her request has been heard and accepted. And she was, oh how delighted she was. They could be partners again! There was nothing more she could have wished for at the moment. 
“Thank you!” she whispered to him with a small smile on her face as she pulled him back into the hug. Marinette felt like she would drift away in relief if she didn’t hold onto him firmly. 
“Marinette..” Chat called her name tentatively, as if searching for words. “You should… I need to… Claws in.” Green light of magic swept over him, removing his leather suit and leaving soft, familiar redolent fabric in its place. 
Marinette stiffened to the touch of his bare skin and unconsciously pulled away to take a better look at him. “You didn’t have to do this, Chat,” she wanted to say but the words got stuck in the lump in her throat. She put her hands to her mouth, defying her hitching breath before tears started to well in her eyes. 
Because who else could have it been, if not Adrien Agreste himself. 
And Marinette was absolutely not ready to learn, how close they have actually been all along. How Chat’s panic reaction after defeating Hawkmoth, finally aware of the situation’s real implications, made just too much sense. 
Because he had to combat and take down his own father. 
Unquestionably alone. 
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The Ending We Deserve Pt.2
So many things happened at once.
Marinette ran toward Hawkmoth.
Hawkmoth drew his weapon.
Chat took the opening Marinette provided him, and launched himself at Hawkmoth.
Hawkmoth easily sidestepped Marinette’s attack and slashed his sword, but not at Marinette. 
No, he completely ignored Marinette and anticipated the attack from behind, dealing Chat Noir a deep cut that went from his left shoulder to his stomach. 
“NO!” Marinette screamed, running back toward her fallen partner. She dropped to her knees, assessing the damage. The cut was deep, way too deep for him to survive unless he got immediate medical attention or the miraculous ladybugs cured him. And one of those options wouldn’t work because Tikki was too weak, and the other wouldn’t work because she was too weak to carry him, AND Hawkmoth would strike her down before she made it two steps. 
But none of that stopped her from pressing her hands to the wound, trying to slow the bleeding. 
Chat was sputtering and gasping for air. “No, no, no.” His eyes were fluttering, open and shut, like he was struggling to stay awake. “Chat, you have to stay with me! Please don’t leave.”
Chat weakly moved his hand and placed it over Marinette’s. “Take him out, Mari.” he whispered as he took in a deep shuddering breath, “Do whatever needs to be done.”
“No, Chat.” Tears were running down her face in rivers. “I’m not doing this without you.”
“You have to, Milady.” He looked into her eyes. “I believe in you.” He pressed a chaste kiss to the back of her hand. Chat placed his hand on her cheek and met her eyes. “Do whatever needs to be done,” he repeated, before taking another deep breath. “I’m sorry, Marinette.” Another breath. 
He took a long, sorrowful look at his ring, hoping that his lady caught on to what he was thinking. “Plagg, claws out.”
“NO!” Marinette screamed. She knew without the magic of the miraculous that his wounds would be fatal. Plagg was the only thing that was keeping him alive, and he gave him up. She squeezed his hand, drawing his attention back to her. “Why? Why would you do that?”
He gave her a small smile. “You’re Ladybug. Figure it out.” He closed his eyes and whispered one last time. “I believe in you.”
“Chat?” She shook his shoulders. 
No response. 
“Adrien!” She shook him again, “C’mon! You have to help me! I can’t do this without you I can’t. I can’t.” She sobbed on his still chest. 
She turned towards Hawkmoth, tears running down her face. “You monster!” She sneered, “How could you do this to your own son? He loved you! No matter what crap you put him through, he loved you! Even when you forbid him from going out with friends or when you would schedule photoshoots everyday, he would still try to be his best. And he did it for you! God knows he could’ve slacked off and quit, but he tried his best to make sure you were proud of him. And this-” she gestured at Adrien, “is how you repay him. He was nothing but an amazing son for you and you ki-” she choked on the word. “You killed him.”
She looked at Adrien’s limp body, at their intertwined hands. She thought of the time they wouldn’t have with each other. The days that are lost. She could imagine it now, the life she would have with him.
Adrien would ask her to be his girlfriend and those would be the happiest years of her life. They would both go to the same college in Paris, she would pursue her career in fashion and he would work to get a teaching degree, all while still fighting crime as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Right after graduation, he would drop on one knee and propose. While planning their wedding, Mari accepted an internship for the Elite Model Management Co. designing clothes, while Adrien applied to teach 3rd grade at the local elementary school. The happy couple would decide to get married in August. It would be the most perfect day, when she walked down the aisle, Adrien burst into tears. He was blubbering so much he could barely say his vows. The newlyweds decided they could go on a honeymoon because they knew their team could handle them being gone for a few days. They went to New York and saw the skyscrapers, Broadway shows, and baseball games. (Apparently, the Americans really loved baseball.) Soon after their honeymoon, they would adopt a hamster. They would live just a few blocks from her parents, so when they eventually had kids (3 adorable children: Emma, Louis, and Hugo.) her parents could come visit them whenever and vise versa. They would be a family. They would be happy. 
And now, that won’t happen. 
Hawkmoth had destroyed every possibility for that to happen.
Marinette looked back down at the boy who she loved, at her hand which was still grasping his, even though he no longer squeezed back. His ring had a glare shining off of it. She closed her eyes unable to look at it from the light and the memories that surrounded it. 
Her eyes flung open. 
His ring would still work. Plagg was still somewhere around here. A plan started formulating in her head. She looked back down at her kitty. I hope you knew what you were doing, she thought. 
She slid the ring off of Adrien’s hand and onto her own slim finger as she stood. “I am going to make you pay for what you did to him,” She growled. “I will tear down your empire, brick by brick. I will destroy everything you have ever stood for.” Hawkmoth backed up slowly, showing the slightest sign of fear in his eyes. 
“Plagg,” Marinette whispered, “Claws out!”
The transformation overtook her as she charged toward Hawkmoth. She stumbled at first, but the magic of the miraculous helped contain the pain in her leg. Lord knows she would need all the extra strength available to defeat this villian.
It was a strenuous fight. Whenever Ladynoir would land a punch, Hawkmoth would land two. For every strike she would dodge, he would pull a sneakier move. While she would land a good hit every once and awhile, she knew she would not win this fight hand-to-hand. Even with the suit dulling her injuries, Marinette’s energy was fading fast. 
Soon, she found herself backed up against the Eiffel Tower, in a similar position Chat was in not even thirty minutes ago. She was running out of ideas. She was running out of hope. But most importantly, she was running out of time. 
“Well, well, well,” Hawkmoth gave her the cliche slow-villain-clap. “How the tables have turned, huh? Today is the day that I will finally have my victory. I will finally have my life, my family back.”
“Your family?” Ladynoir scoffed, “YOU JUST KILLED ADRIEN! You will never have your family back! The wish only allows ONE wish. You can’t bring both back.”
Hawkmoth laughed. “Ladybug, er, Ladynoir, whatever ridiculous name you want to call yourself, it doesn’t matter.” The villain tapped his cane on the ground, in a chiding manner. “Do you really think I wouldn’t have a contingency plan in place? I knew it was likely that he wouldn’t make it out of this duel alive. Why do you think I haven’t taken your kwami from her hiding spot? Shut your mouth and don’t look so shocked. I spotted her while you were busy mourning over my son.” He clicked his tongue. “Not to worry though. He will be alright soon enough. Once you use the Miraculous Ladybug’s he will be healed. But I want you to be the one who gets the kwami. I just feel like then your surrender would be complete. Then, after you heal my son, you will of course hand your miraculous over to me.” He slammed a hand into the Eiffel Tower, just to the left of Marinette’s head. “I will finally get what I deserve. And after I get them back, I will reveal your identity and take  your miraculous to make sure you can never try to take away what I have rightfully earned. I will ruin your chances at ever making a career in fashion. I will leave horrible reviews at your family bakery. I will make it so you never have a chance with Adrien. I will make your life a living hell, just as mine has been since I lost my Emilie. You will feel my every pain and heartbreak. You will wish you never crossed me, Marinette Dupian-
Marinette smiled, channelling every bit of Chat Noir she could muster. “That was quite the speech. Did you write that beforehand? Practice in the mirror a bit?” When Hawkmoth didn’t respond, she just shrugged. “Well, at least you were right about one thing.” She looked at the man who killed her partner and first love, who manipulated hundreds of citizens, who never truly cared about Adrien, right in the eye. “You will get what you deserve.” 
Hawkmoth didn’t register what she meant until she already whispered the only word that could defeat him now. “Cataclysm!”
As much as she would have liked to, she didn’t go for the kill. Her hand shot straight for the butterfly brooch that was pinned to his chest. It was the only way for her to truly end the horrors he had wrought upon her city for years. When her fingertips brushed the miraculous, it immediately turned black and started to crumble. 
Hawkmoth recoiled in horror. “No, no, NO! What have you done!” He tried grabbing at the ashes of the broken miraculous to no avail. His transformation let go; Gabriel Agreste sat there, hugging his knees, cursing Ladybug and everything she stood for. 
“Plagg, claws in.” Marinette dropped to her knees, exhaustion hitting her like a train.
 Marinette called for the police. They came quickly and arrested Gabriel, or did they? It was a blur for Marinette. She couldn’t remember how much time had passed. All she could think about was the loss of her partner. She couldn’t just believe he was gone. She wouldn’t accept it. An idea hit her like a train. She already had the black cat miraculous, if she could just find Tikki and complete the merge— No. She shut down that thought before it went any further. That would make her just as bad as Hawkmoth, worse even. 
But, Hawkmoth did mention something about the ladybug miraculous healing Adrien. She didn’t know if it would truly work, but it was worth a shot.
She ran to where Adrien’s body was laying placed a quick kiss on his forehead and the ring back on his finger. “I hope this works.” 
And she took off to find her missing kwami.
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whatarubberchicken · 5 years
Day 1 - Concert
Yay! It’s @lovesquarefluffweek! Here’s the first little piece I made: some Ladynoir for your soul!
Day 1 – Concert
“Chat, really, what’s this surprise you have for me?” Ladybug called as she followed him across rooftop after rooftop. “I have a test to study for tonight!”
“I purr-omise it won’t take long,” he called back, giving her a cheeky grin when she shook her head at him. She may pretend to hate his puns, but he saw those soft smiles she gave him when she thought he wasn’t looking! Besides, even if she was as busy as she claimed, right now, his lady was indulging him, so he needed to take advantage of it.
With a deep breath, he made his last big leap and dove into his own darkened window in the Agreste Manor.
“CHAT!” he heard her hiss when she realized where he’d gone. He switched on the lights and turned to see her perched on the windowsill, motioning frantically for him to come out of there. “Chat Noir, what are you doing?!”
“Relax, Bugaboo,” he said easily. “Mr. Agreste is in Milan this week, and I asked Adrien if I could borrow his room for a little bit while he was out… visiting a friend.” He gave her a confident grin.
“Adrien’s visiting a friend? –Oh, never mind, that doesn’t mean we should sneak into his—” Ladybug’s voice trailed off when he pushed the button to raise the piano in the center of the room, dimming the lights to half at the same time. She looked around uncertainly, surely noticing the romantic atmosphere that he’d been going for. “Chat….”
“My dearest Ladybug,” he said, giving her a bow as he slipped into a formal accent. “It has come to my attention that the most lovely lady in all of Paris has had several songs dedicated to her, written for her, and performed in her honor, often by famous, talented musicians visiting our lovely city. But none—none, I say—of these songs have been performed by yours truly, the very first cat whose heart you stole. With your permission,” he said, taking her hand and bending over it, “I would like to amend that egregious error.” He paused just above it, not daring to kiss it just yet, and watched her for permission.
Was she blushing? He hoped she was blushing and it wasn’t just a trick of the light!
“Chat…,” she whined, clearly torn.
“Just one song, my lady?” he pleaded. “Then I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the night!”
She sighed, the unsure look on her face slowly twisting into a reluctant smile. “You really play the piano?”
“Of course,” he said, releasing her hand so he could stride over to the bench and sit down. “I think you’ll find I play quite well.” He waggled his fingers at her. “I even wrote the song myself.”
“And you’re sure we won’t be waking anyone up?”
“As sure as the sun rises,” he promised. (It was 11, which meant that his bodyguard was still awake in the other room, watching anime with his headphones on, expecting Adrien to be in his room like a good little boy. Which, as it happens, he was.)
“Fine. Just one song,” she finally said, crossing the room to stand behind him.
He felt a thrill go through him. Finally! Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale had had their own odes to Ladybug; he had to make sure his was as good as theirs. Or better!
With a deep breath, he started playing the tune he’d worked on for months. Luka had helped him ‘find the melody in his soul,’ Nino had offered to mix it with a sick beat, and even Nathalie had allowed him to use his precious practice time to work on it (none of them knew who it was for, though). He couldn’t afford to mess this up!
He occasionally slipped on the keys, but in his defense, he wasn’t used to having claws when playing. He’d included little nods to Jagged, Clara, and even that ridiculous phrase Princess Fragrance had made him sing, all woven into the melody. He closed his eyes to let the music flow through him, losing himself in it until he crescendoed into the finale, cheerful and triumphant, and was happy when those final notes rang true.
He took a deep breath, pleased with himself. That had been good.
Wait. Ladybug was silent. She wasn’t clapping.
Why wasn’t she clapping?!
Did she hate it?! Had she left?!
He quickly looked around and spotted Ladybug standing right where she’d been when he started the piece; a dumbfounded expression on her face.
“Uhh, my lady?” he called tentatively.
She blinked several times, then looked at him like she was coming out of a trance.
“Chat… you—you wrote that?” she asked, her voice nearly a whisper. “For me?”
“Um, yeah?”
What should I do? What should I do?! he wondered frantically. This was not the response he’d been expecting! He’d thought at most she’d applaud him, then quickly pull him out of the room before they could be arrested for trespassing. Best case scenario would be to get a quick peck on the cheek for his troubles!
But this! Ladybug looked like her mind had been blown—and he couldn’t tell from her expression whether it was a good thing or a bad thing!!
“Did you… like it?” he finally asked, unable to bear the suspense anymore.
“Did I…,” Ladybug’s expression cleared and, to his delight, she beamed at him and came over to sit with him on the bench. “Chat, that was beautiful! I had no idea you could play, much less that well!” He blushed at the praise. “And you wrote it yourself?! That’s amazing!!”
“Well,” he said, ducking his head modestly, “only the best for my lady.”
“Thank you so much, kitty,” she gushed, giving him a hug and a quick peck on the cheek.
Ok, this… this was better than Best Case Scenario. He was gonna be high on serotonin for days.
“Wow, how long did it take for you to write that?” she asked, her fingers skimming the keys of the piano.
I have lost count of the number of hours I spent focused on your beauty and kindness, nights spent wishing I had just a smidge of your charisma and courage, your raw power and utter selflessness. Months of watching that fire that lives inside you and shines through every little thing you do….
“Ehh, a while,” he said, shrugging.
“Well, thank you,” she said again. “I—I just—I don’t…. Thank you.”
Chat smiled. His lady looked a little overwhelmed.
“You’re welcome, Bug.”
She glanced up at him and he felt his heart skip a beat. She really was blushing!
“We should get going,” she whispered.
“Aww,” he couldn’t help but tease her, because even though he was thrilled she’d enjoyed it and loved the sight of her blushing on the seat next to him, there was a part of him that was terrified of losing their easy comradery, “you mean you don’t have a song prepared to woo me with in return?” He gave her a playful pout.
“Ha ha, kitty,” she said, lightly nudging his shoulder. Then her soft smile got a mischievous gleam. “Actually,” she said, setting her hands on the keys again, “I do have one song for you.”
“Really?!” Chat said, lighting up. Was she really going to play for him?!
She was!! Ladybug was playing his piano!
It was a simple tune, light and cute and fun and—it sounded vaguely familiar. Chat frowned as he struggled to place it. He’d heard it somewhere before, he was sure of it!
A lightbulb went off in his head and he scowled and turned to glare at Ladybug, even though inside he was laughing his head off at her teasing joke. She giggled at him and kept playing.
“Really?” he deadpanned. “Neko Funjatta?”
“I stepped on a cat,” Ladybug sang as she gave him a shit-eating grin.
“I’ll give you something to step on!” he growled, chasing after her when she gave a little squeak and leapt away from the piano, diving for the window. He let her escape just enough to follow her into the night, both of them laughing and tickling each other when she finally let him catch her.
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