#LBD never explained gender to them LMAO
askblueandviolet · 9 months
macaque, why do you keep using they/them for mayor? I heard from many people that when someone dislikes a person they ignore their chosen pronouns, (although of course that would not work with mayor because they use any pronoun)
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argisthebulwark · 3 years
ok but can u imagine the ldb is from solstheim and she’s going to riften for the first time with her friend teldryn sero. teldryn, out of habit and affection, calls her "love", entirely platonic.
lbd is talking to brynjolf in the tavern, he’s flirting, she’s flirting, teldryn chimes in and says sth, adresses her as "love" and bryn is just… suddenly all insecure andd uughfjjjakskskak
i love this so much. i'm always a sucker for affectionate nicknames.
brynjolf/gender neutral ldb. no smut, just too long to post without a cut lmao
"So this is Riften." Teldryn commented when the pair wandered over one of Riften's many bridges. The Dragonborn was staring up at the old buildings, entranced with the ropes swaying easily between their peaks. "Glover Mallory told me a good deal about this place. It looks exactly as I pictured."
"Did Glover warn you about the smell?" The Dragonborn raised the cloth mask over their nose when they passed the fishery. Teldryn's short laugh drew the attention of a few locals nearby. They watched the pair of Dunmer cautiously. The Dragonborn wondered if they had a problem with Mer or adventurers of all kinds.
"C'mon, love. Sun's getting low, let's find a drink." Teldryn knocked his elbow into theirs before turning to the marketplace. He chose the man peddling some Falmer Blood Elixir, the Dragonborn trailing behind.
They paused, staring at the man Teldryn was talking to. Strands of red hair fell into his sharp eyes, the smirk on his face so perfect they wondered if he practiced in a mirror. He looked at them over Teldryn's shoulder and they were immensely glad for the mask covering the furious blush in their cheeks. He was beautiful.
"The Bee and Barb's going to be your best bet for a drink." He paused, looking over the pair. The Dragonborn was glad they'd stayed a few steps behind Teldryn, unsure if they could even form a coherent sentence with the man looking at them. "Just behind you. It's the best tavern for travelers like you."
The Dragonborn nodded, glad they had Teldryn to do the talking as he seemed unaffected by the man. They wanted some reason to stay and talk to him more, to just listen to him speak, but Teldryn led the Dragonborn into the Bee and Barb with a firm hand on their arm.
"Did I miss something?" He taunted when the Dragonborn practically fell into a seat at the bar. They didn't know how to explain. It was like seeing that man had erased every thought from their mind other than him. Could it be sorcery? They'd never felt attracted to anyone that strongly.
"No." They answered, clearing their throat and tugging away the mask. Inside the tavern smelled of sweet drinks and stew, the patrons all chatting at their own tables.
"Really?" He teased, removing the helmet when one of the Argonian innkeepers brought drinks. "Seems to me like someone caught your attention."
They ignored the comment, sipping at their drink. It tasted faintly of home; Talen-Jei had commented that the Cliff Racer included Flin and Sujamma in a pointed comment. They still weren't entirely comfortable being so far from home but it was a relief to have Teldryn with them.
They'd once found him handsome but it was nowhere near what the man in the market had made them feel. After months of travelling together through Solstheim and recently Skyrim Teldryn had become a close friend, a trusted companion, but nothing more. Their relationship was built on teasing and stories of past journeys, there was no romance.
It was comfortable sitting with Teldryn. He told a story the Dragonborn had heard before but they didn't mind. They could hardly pay attention, their mind straying to the man out in the market.
"Can I buy your next drink?"
His smooth voice made their brain stutter. The man claimed the seat next to the Dragonborn and gave them another one of those sly smirks. They nodded, scrambling to find something to say.
"What'll it be, Brynjolf?" Talen-Jei addressed him like a frequent customer. Brynjolf. The Dragonborn liked his name, it was fitting.
Somehow the Dragonborn found themself deep in conversation with Brynjolf. They talked about everything - Solstheim, travelling to Skyrim, the differences in food and drink. He asked every question and seemed to always enjoy their answer.
It was thrilling. Brynjolf leaned against the bar, drink forgotten when he listened to the Dragonborn chatter. They knew they were talking too much but couldn't seem to stop themself. It was just so easy to talk to him, to spill whatever he wanted to hear when he looked at them.
"I'll find us a room for the night, love." Teldryn interjected with a knowing grin. The Dragonborn could only pray there was a room with two beds somewhere in the inn. They weren't a fan of flipping coins to see who slept on the floor. Teldryn always seemed to win.
Brynjolf's smirk faltered a bit, his eyes straying to where Teldryn retreated to find Talen-Jei or Keerava. The Dragonborn's heart sank, wondering if they had misinterpreted his interest.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to interfere." He cleared his throat, suddenly unable to make eye contact. The Dragonborn reached for their drink and thought over the conversations, wondering what they'd said to offend him. "I thought you two were just travelling partners. I didn't know there was something more."
"What?" The Dragonborn blurted. Their face heated when Brynjolf finally looked at them again. They tried to form a reasonable response, to explain that there was nothing romantic with Teldryn, but Brynjolf's presence left them tongue tied. "No, he's not, there's not anything." They stuttered, glad to see the corner of his mouth lifting. "There's nothing there."
"Nothing?" Brynjolf leaned closer, voice pitched low and the Dragonborn nodded furiously. His fingers barely brushed over their jaw and they yearned for him lean in just a bit more. It would be so easy to kiss him. "Lucky for me, then."
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