#LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
r41nb0wzzz · 1 month
i haven’t watched ninjago since 2019 and remember VERY little but i rewatch the movie 2x a year minimum
should i watch the show
(Also I just watched the movie for probably the first time this year and I forgot how much I love Jay)
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ninjagozanefan14 · 2 months
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Lou and my OC, Ivy dancing in their youth <3
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Fictional media bracket, Round 1B.5
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Propaganda under the cut:
The Boy in the Iceberg: "Written by acclaimed playwright Pu-on Tim based on interviews with nomads, pirates, prisoners of war, and one surprisingly knowledgeable cabbage merchant, it tells the tale of the Avatar and his journey from the South Pole to the city of Ba Sing Se."
"Literally the best recap episode ever, with an in-universe play of the events that have happened in the story, but from a perspective that’s just pieces together from rumors. Pokes a lot of fun at the show itself but also really confronts some of the characters with an outside view of themselves. It’s also a great representation of Fire Nation propaganda, making the main cast out to be very silly and childish while the Fire Nation characters are very cool and serious. It even has an act that is showing Ozai and Azula beating Aang and Zuko respectively, playing into their fears of the future and displaying how Ozai and Azula are the heroes from the fire nation perspective."
Starfarer: "Blanking on propaganda so I’m just gonna ramble about it and some facts about it:
It’s kinda like a combination of Star Wars and Star Trek except a superhero comic series (with a cinematic universe)
A main character (Jay Walker) ((yes that’s his actual name)) is the son of the actor who plays the main hero (the actor’s name is Cliff Gordon) (the hero’s name is Fritz Donnagan). Jay was not raised by Cliff but grew up with his adopted parents on a junkyard and did not know he was adopted when he got super into Starfarer
The catchphrase changes; originally it was “Fair? Fair isn’t a word where I come from!” and then they retconned it to “Fear? Fear isn’t a word where I come from!”
And yeah I’m blanking on everything else so yeah jazz hands"
"One of the main characters' (who just happened to be a big fan of the franchise) dad was the lead actor in it!"
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woffles-4-waffles · 1 month
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moments before disaster
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theplatypusblue · 4 months
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snake in your garden
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jacenbren · 5 months
Some actual canonical things that have happened in the children’s cartoon Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
Emo theater kid manages to crawl out of hell thanks to pure spite and tries to murder his adoptive cousin
A main character becomes a tyrannical ruler of another realm for over a century while under the influence of mind control and commits acts of genocide (this is never brought up again)
The elderly mentor figure of the main cast gets de-aged into a baby and his students are left struggling to figure out how to change his diapers while fending off an attacking biker gang
An entire season’s worth of story gets wiped from existence after a main character is accidentally killed in an attempt to destroy an evil genie
A teenaged girl kills two different eldritch gods on two separate occasions
The devil from the Bible reincarnates as an evil computer virus and is later killed in a nuclear explosion set off by an autistic robot
The main characters enter a talent show to recover an ancient artifact which results in one of them coming out to his dad
A world-famous noodle restaurant chain is revealed to be a front for a cult whose leader puts on an elaborate tournament in an attempt to gain the power necessary to transform himself and his followers into snake people
A chicken with lightning powers terrorizes the main characters in their home for several days
A character dresses in drag in an attempt to uncover the identity of a vigilante that has been stealing the main cast’s thunder (he is wildly unsuccessful)
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derlingly · 4 months
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kindaasrikal · 4 months
Morro and Garmadon are both in the Departed realm, why haven’t we used this information as stupidly as we could.
Part 2
Morro: so…Your son-
Garmadon: one more word, and I will break my vow of peace.
Morro: he kinda stunk.
Garmadon: *swings*
Garmadon: Isn’t it funny, how at one point in time, you thought you were destined to be the guy to defeat me?
Morro: *laying face down on the ground after losing another sparring match, is tempted to blast Garmadon*
Garmadon: hilarious, isn’t it? Ninjago would’ve been very protected.
Garmadon: *is trying to teach Morro about accepting change* change is nothing to be afraid of. Sure, it can be shocking, like the first time i grew four arms, but-
Morro: what.
Garmadon: it doesn’t-…yes?
Morro: say that part again.
Garmadon: change is nothing to be afraid of?
Morro: No, the other thing.
Garmadon:…it can be shocking?-
Morro: No. The other other thing.
Garmadon: Oh, you mean when i said Wu was you’re-
Morro: NO- the OTHER OTHER OTHER, thing!
Garmadon: when i had four arms?
Morro: YES! What do you MEAN you had four arms???
Garmadon: exactly what it implies, i had four arms.
Morro: does that mean you technically classify as an insect
Garmadon: What.
Morro: did you know-
Garmadon: Morro, I am thousands of years old. Whatever you try to tell me, I probably already know of.
Morro: oh.
Morro: damn, i guess i didn’t need to tell you Lloyd died and visited your dad.
Garmadon: WHAT-
Morro: oh yeah, you must already know that the water ninja became water too, right?
Garmadon: What do you even MEAN BY THAT-
Morro: and that Wu apparently just died too, huh?
Garmadon: HE DID WHAT
Morro: he did death, apparently.
Garmadon: for today’s session, I was hoping to discuss some past traumas with you.
Morro: no. I don’t have trauma.
Garmadon: Morro, everyone has trauma.
Morro: well, I don’t.
Garmadon: Child, just because you call your past experiences ‘character development’ does not mean they weren’t traumas.
Morro: hey, old man.
Morro: heyyy, you four armed loser.
Morro: Garmadon! Stop ignoring me dammit!
Morro: ugh- you- SENSEI!
Morro: oh for the love of- I am NOT calling you… That.
Garmadon: *turns away*
Morro: dammit-it’s important!
Garmadon: *begins to walk away*
Morro: oh, you- you petty old man- UNCLE.
Garmadon: *turns around with a smile* yes?
Morro: I hope you get resurrected and die again.
A good half of these are rlly bad but i found it fun so let me off this once 😭
Anyways, they have a love hate relationship with the hate coming from Morro, the care coming from Garmadon, who tbh just wants to uncle Wu’s kid the same way Wu did his own (after managing his own annoyance at Morro after what happened)
Garmadon likes bullying Morro, Morro likes mocking Garmadon. Thats their relationship.
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iriyaices · 3 months
Kai and his godson
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The way God asked Kai if he wanted to be their godfather :3
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After fsm dies Kai starts to wonder if they did it on purpose---
but no, God actually dropped his child
OK I know I said I wouldn't draw
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senseioftheseidiots · 5 months
when your teacher accidentally drops that tidbit of lore
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hawkflame999 · 5 months
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If the symbols mean the Source Dragons, and one is calling Lloyd, "One of mine" does that mean we finally may have info on the specific Dragon and Oni that had FSM?
I mean, we as a fandom don't look at that very much.........
BUT WHAT IF?!?!?!? Lloyd, Garmadon and Wu are descended from a Source Dragon?!?!?!?! Or is it "one of mine," because Energy means Life?
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ninjagozanefan14 · 1 year
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General/Prince Cole (From later in my storylines) riding his horse
~Art is mine I don’t own Ninjago Do not steal/edit/use/copy/repost -NinjagoZaneFan14/NZF14~
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potatounicoorn · 6 months
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The fact we grew up along side him makes me emotional every single time.
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fetching-sketching · 23 days
find it so funny that we never get to see the fsm's face because in any other show it would make sense. but this is ninjago. he's lego it's two dots and three lines there's not much of a mystery going on. i could type his face out on my phone hang on. ,':| <- there it is the fsm's face
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woffles-4-waffles · 11 months
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"Put those weapons down!"
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clink0maniac · 11 months
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FINE i'll do the damn zane and frohicky content!!
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