hollowed-theory-hall · 21 hours
Hello!! So, I saw an argument about Harry's uhm looks? I guess. A lot of people basically headcanon him as someone buff. I digress, I'm part of the uhm more realistic? group. Harry's been starved and abused his entire life. I doubt he'll gain the weight and the height everyone else wants him to have. Years later. maybe. But in 6th year? While on the run? 3 years after the war? Doubt. do you think he would be able to get super tall and buff? Also, do you think its possible he used the same methods the dursleys used to punish himself?
I mean, anyone can headcanon whatever they want, but, I'll try to explain via quotes, what Harry's height and muscle situation is likely to be. I believe the reasons some headcanon him as buff and tall are:
Harry had pinned Mundungus against the wall of the pub by the throat. Holding him fast with one hand, he pulled out his wand.
He lifts Mundungus by his throat with one hand easily, and he practices Quidditch like 3 times a week at least. This implies that Harry has some muscle on him.
And he's mentioned to be James' height when he's 17:
James was exactly the same height as Harry.
Which was supposedly tall, according to both, Harry:
tall and untidy-haired like Harry, the smoky, shadowy form of James Potter
And Voldemort:
the tall black-haired man in his glasses
Now, let's put Harry's height in the context of other character heights. Particularly of interest are characters taller than him, to get an image of how tall is "tall." And some shorter characters to help figure out his exact height.
Sirius, Ron, Voldemort, and Dumbledore are all taller than Harry and exceptionally tall in general. They are each likely to be over 6 feet tall, making Harry likely less than 6' (183 cm). Supporting this is this quote:
Once the painful transformation was complete he was more than six feet tall, and from what he could tell from his well-muscled arms, powerfully built.
This means Harry is less than 6' and isn't super buff. But, I want to get to his specific height, because I have a lot to say about character heights.
Like, Dumbledore is probably the tallest character who isn't a half-giant because he's towering over everyone except Hagrid and Maxime. In book 6, he's literally taller than all the inferi in the cave:
Dumbledore was on his feet again, pale as any of the surrounding Inferi, but taller than any too,
And Abeforth (who's as tall as Dumbledore) is taller than Ron, who's one of the other tallest characters in the books:
Ron looked slightly sick. Aberforth stood up, tall as Albus, and suddenly terrible in his anger and the intensity of his pain.
Making the Dumbledores really tall. My estimate is around a whooping 6'5 (195 cm).
Sirius is mentioned to be taller than Snape, and the tallest Marauder:
said Sirius, standing up. He was rather taller than Snape
To Sirius’s right stood Pettigrew, more than a head shorter
A head, in height, should be around one foot (30.48 cm). As the average height of a man in England in 1998 was around 5'8 (174.4 cm), this would make Sirius around 6'2 (188 cm), therefore taller than average, and Pettigrew around 5'2 (157 cm), shorter than the average, but still both at a reasonable height.
Ron is almost as tall as the twins at 11:
“Shut up,” said Ron again. He was almost as tall as the twins already and his nose was still pink where his mother had rubbed it.
And, just, really tall in general:
He stepped forward. Not as tall as Ron, he had to crane his neck to read the yellowish label affixed to the shelf right beneath the dusty glass ball.
So I estimate Ron at around 6'3 (190 cm).
Voldemort who grew up on war rations is still described very consistently as tall, regardless of childhood malnourishment:
He was his handsome father in miniature, tall for eleven years old, dark-haired, and pale
tall, pale, dark-haired, and handsome — the teenage Voldemort.
Taller than Bellatrix (who's taller than Harry). Voldemort is also considerably taller than Pettigrew, as he has to bend to reach Pettigrew's arm when both are standing:
Voldemort bent down and pulled out Wormtail’s left arm; he forced the sleeve of Wormtail’s robes up past his elbow
I usually place Voldemort at around the same height as Ron, so 6'3 (190 cm).
Fred and George, though, are mentioned to be shorter and stockier, more similar to Molly's build:
Charlie was built like the twins, shorter and stockier than Percy and Ron, who were both long and lanky.
but are mentioned to shrink to become Harry in book 7:
Hermione and Mundungus were shooting upward; Ron, Fred, and George were shrinking
I actually place the twins around 6' (183 cm) so they could be taller than Harry, but shorter than Ron. The twins are likely taller than Charlie.
Bellatrix, as a woman, should also be shorter on average, but considering how tall Sirius is mentioned to be, it appears the Blacks are just considerably taller than the average, even the women:
a tall dark woman with heavy-lidded eyes, who had stood at her trial and proclaimed her continuing allegiance to Lord Voldemort
She was taller than he was, her long black hair rippling down her back, her heavily lidded eyes disdainful as they rested upon him;
So I place her at around 6' (183 cm) as well, as an exceptionally tall lady.
So where does this place Harry?
During the first 4 books, Harry is short and small for his age. When he's 13, he and Hermione are bit shorter than Pettigrew:
He was a very short man, hardly taller than Harry and Hermione.
(Ron, noticeably, is taller than Pettigrew at 13)
So, so Harry at 13 was around 5'1 (155 cm). And so was Hermione.
Then in between books 4 and 5 puberty kicks in and probably causes a slight growth spurt that makes him more attractive to girls around him:
Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown, the last two of whom gave Harry airy, overly friendly greetings that made him quite sure they had stopped talking about him a split second before. He had more important things to worry about, however:
And then he has another, larger growth spurt between books 5 and 6:
“You’re like Ron,” she [Molly] sighed, looking him up and down. “Both of you look as though you’ve had Stretching Jinxes put on you. I swear Ron’s grown four inches since I last bought him school robes.
“And it doesn’t hurt that you’ve grown about a foot over the summer either,” Hermione finished, ignoring Ron. “I’m tall,” said Ron inconsequentially. [Ron is objectively correct]
Post book 6 growth spurt, we know Harry is below 6' (183 cm) but close enough to 6' to be above the average of 5'8 (174.4 cm) and be considered "tall", and grow "about a foot" after said growth spurt.
I personally place his height at 5'11 (180 cm), to make all of the above make sense.
And while he is physically fit, he is likely very thin from years of malnourishment. So, he likely has some muscle on him, but he's very lean with little to no fat during his Hogwarts years (he'd likely gain more weight as an adult living peacefully with regular meals). So, Harry in the books isn't what I'd call buff, but he has some muscle and can definitely through a punch. As he grows older post-canon, I think he could get buff if he set his mind to it.
(I actually have notes about the height of a bunch of other characters. Hermione is shorter than Harry and Ron, but noticeably taller than Ginny (5'2 or 157 cm) and probably around 5'4 (162 cm) by book 7. Draco is said to be slightly taller than Harry "Harry did not dare look directly at Draco, but saw him obliquely; a figure slightly taller than he was" - DH, placing Draco at around 6' (183 cm))
For your other question, no, I don't think Harry self-harms, definitely not in any way related to the Dursleys, but that's a different post because I went off about heights.
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bouncybongfairy · 7 months
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Stress Relief
Bakugou x Fem Reader
Summary: Aizawa offers you extra credit to tutor Bakugou for an upcoming test. Need I say more?
Word Count: 1.5k+
Ref Account: @kaionyx
TW: Rough Smut, Oral Female & Male Receiving, Facial.
Sitting in your room and dissociating never felt so good. It was finally the end of the week and you felt properly chewed up and spit out. Muscles were sore and brain was fried, all you wanted to do was sit in silence. Emptying out your backpack and organizing everything on to your desk. The stress you were under was slowly chipping away at you. Hearing a knock at the door made your eyes roll, the last thing you wanted was to interact with anyone. Wiping the scowl off your face, you go to greet the unwanted guest. The feelings of annoyance quickly turned into insecurity once you saw it was Aizawa and Bakugou. Trying to casually fix your appearance as he began speaking in his monotone voice. 
“Hello, sorry I didn’t mean to come to your dorm directly but this is a time sensitive matter. Bakugou needs a passing grade on this next test, I’m willing to bump your grade up 5% if you agree to help,” he explains, making Bakugou’s frown deepen. 
“Oh of course, we can start right now,” you said, practically beaming. Having your grade pushed up five percent was a God sent gift at this point in the semester. 
“Wonderful, Bakugou, please try to be open to the tutoring,” Aizawa said before walking away. 
You gestured for him to come in, made you feel nervous watching him take in the room. All your posters and collectables are now starting to feel a little dorky. Not really sure what to say, you just sat in silence as he took in your room. You were pretty soft spoken and he was anything but that. It often worried you seeing how dark he was. It was so apparent that his anger issues were coming from a deep wound from the past. When all your friends would gossip, they talked about him with such vascularity and objectification was quite sad. As much as you tried to discourage this, there were times you agreed. The intimidating look he always had written across his face. The way his pent up rage came out during combat training. 
It frustrated you knowing that he could overpower you. Any time you were paired to spar, he always managed to out maneuver you. Pinning you to the ground or wall. As much as it affected the confidence you had in your combat abilities, it made you feel warm and fuzzy. The last time the two of you were sparing, he grabbed your forearm so hard it left a bruise in the shape of his hand. You stared at it in the mirror for a while, confused why you liked it so much. Running your fingertips over the purple and brown blotches. Thinking about the way he looked into your eyes when throwing you to the ground. Walking away with no care or regard for you physically or mentally. It made you melt even though you’d never admit it. The two of you were sitting at your desk, helping him with his English assignment; he was getting frustrated and you were enjoying it a little too much.
“That just doesn’t make any fucking sense. The assignment was to summarize the fucking article. I don’t have to talk about my feelings about it, it’s not even specified!” he said, raising his voice. 
“I could understand you don’t want to give your opinion on it but the teacher isn’t going to accept it until you do. You’re being ridiculous,” you huffed the last part under your breath. 
“Excuse me?” he asked, folding his arms. 
“Nothing, i’m just saying the assignment-” you started but became interrupted. 
“No, go on. Explain why I’m ridiculous, I wanna hear you say it,” he said, furrowing his eyebrows and grinding his teeth. 
“You are ridiculous. Are you so ignorant that you don’t understand how lazy you are? You act like academics is optional and that you can rely solely on your combat. Nobody else will, so I'll be the first to tell you: Thinking physical prowess will get you where you wanna be is stupid and delusional,” you say, starting to pack his papers up. 
“If anyone is stupid and delusional it’s you, we both know the real reason you accepted this little study session,” he scoffs standing up. 
“What do you mean by that?” you ask, knowing exactly what he was implying. 
“Do you think I don’t notice you staring at me? Finding any opportunity to throw yourself at me. I can only imagine what runs through your head while you watch me. I have an idea by the way your cheeks flush and your pupils get wide. The way your body shakes when we spar. It’s stupid and delusional for you to think I'd ever want anything more than your body,” he said, now backing you against the wall.
You weren’t sure what to think, part of you felt like this was him showing his interest in you. Another part of you was worried he was just being cruel. Like he was stringing you along, trying to make you look desperate just to pull away.
“Interesting way to say you want my body, if you wanted me that bad you could just ask,” you patronize. 
“I wouldn’t have too,” he said, grabbing you by the throat and pushing you against the desk. 
You were now halfway sitting on the edge of the desk. Legs dangling off, separated by him grinding against you. Letting go of your hair, holding your face in his hands. The kiss was sloppy and wet, not being able to get enough of each other’s touch. You reached down and ran your hands up his back towards his shoulder. Lightly scratching down as he started kissing your neck. Nipping and sucking hickies on you, his heavy breathing giving your body goosebumps. Your hands begin to wander, fingers dipping into the back of his pants. Tracing all the way around, stopping when you felt his happy trail. He sits back on the office chair and stares you down. This makes you blush, sliding off  and onto your knees. Your body was slightly under the desk, he took your glasses off and set them down.. 
Genuinely being gentle, which made you feel more safe to be vulnerable and vulgar. Taking his tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around him. He moaned softly as he collected your hair in his hand. Using the other to stroke your cheek and face. Eventually you start bobbing your head up and down. Looking up and watching his reaction, he huffs and grunts that pour out of his mouth. His eyebrows furrowed together and sweat started to bead on his forehead. Feeling him get harder and harder as things started getting more sloppy. His hands were getting rougher, both of them now laced in your hair. Helping fuck your head down on his shaft faster. Cursing and moaning, starting to buck his hips. Making you gag around and spit around his cock. He pulls you by the hair off him with a loud pop sound. Grabbing himself to smack and rub his tip against your lips as he tips over the edge. Covering your mouth and chin with his cum. 
Expecting him to be done but being taken off guard when he grabs your jaw. Bringing you to his level and smashes his lips against yours. Moaning into the kiss, being taken completely by surprise from how brazen he was being. He pulls away, a mix of saliva and his cum dripping down both your mouths. Standing up, he grabs your waist and lifts you on the desk. Sitting back down and spreading your legs, using his fingers to massage your clit. Moving down and eventually pushing a finger inside you. Bringing his lips down and starting to eat you out. Flicking his tongue, moaning as he felt you tighten around his fingers. Increasing the speed of both his hands and mouth. Stroking himself off, seeing you in so much pleasure was making his cock feel touch starved. Reaching your hands down and pulling and yanking. His hair was sweaty and you could feel him breathing hard against your core. 
You tried holding back your orgasm as long as possible, wanting to enjoy the pleasure before becoming overly sensitive. He pushes a third finger which makes you fall  over the edge. Feeling the walls of your cunt spasm and tighten makes him cum for a second time. Standing from his chair, rubbing his tip against your clit while continuing to finger you. Making eye contact as his warm cum covers your lower stomach. Resting your foreheads together, trying to catch your breath. He almost dozed off but eventually realized it was getting late. You were passed out, not wanting to wake you up, he carries you to the bed. Grabbing a towel and wiping you down. He didn’t want to go through your clothes, so he slipped his tee-shirt over you. Walking out in his tanktop, Kirishima gave him a side eye as he left your room.
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miam0re · 1 year
Somebody Might Catch Us | Honkai Star Rail
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Warnings: Semi-public risky sex, fingering(blade), blowjob(Welt), teasing(giving and receiving), more stuff i probably missed
Summary: Sex but with the risk of doing it in public. How exciting!
Pairings: Dan Heng, Blade, Welt Yang, Gepard X Fem!Reader (Separate)
Mia's Notes: I'm finally writing for Star Rail as well 😎 okay my favourite is DEFINITELY Welt Yang with his whole DILF vibes like uh hello those wrinkles under his eye?!?!? Please do me already heueuehe. Y'all can drop some more ideas in my inbox if y'all want <3
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“Are…Are you sure about this?” He gulped nervously, eyes flitting down to where your skirt was hiked up over your hips, your bare skin shaded aquamarine under the dim lights of the archives room. Wrapping your arms and legs around him, you tugged him close enough to hover over you as leaned back on the table, whispering a seductive ‘yes’ into his ear. Your body was so inviting when he sank his dick into your warm pussy, all worries about anyone walking into the unlocked room have drained from his thoughts. At first, he’s slow, thinking he can satisfy his lust with just a little feel of your amazing body. But with every passing thrust, his pace increased till he started rutting into you like an animal in heat, muffling your moans and cries with his mouth on yours. His hands grab your thighs and push them up, angling his cock to hit you deeper and deeper each time. “I…I’m going to cum…going to cum inside…” His steamy breath fanned over your neck, teeth sinking into the flesh as he released all his essence into you, thrusting it deeper and deeper. Can’t risk spilling a drop over the table now, can you?
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“Shhhh, keep quiet now, the others are right on the other side of the wall.” He’s got a mean glimmer in his blood red eyes as he mercilessly fingers your cunt, free hand pinning your wrists above you. You’re helpless under his grip as he taunts you with pinches to your clit, testing your restraint. The way your eyes are screwed shut and how you bite your bottom lip, you’re tempting him to play with you further. His fingers squelch into your cunt with rough movements that make you spasm. He peppers reassuring kissing along your jawline, as if that would comfort the way he adds a third finger to his ministrations, pressing against your fleshy g-spot. “My, my. Look at the way you’re dripping all over my fingers. Are you enjoying this that much? The thought that someone might see how naughty you are being for me?” A whimper escaped your lips at his honeyed voice, laced with lust and hunger to see you writhing even further. His speed increases and so does your desire to scream and come undone over his fingers. Perhaps in the next moment or so…we’ll see what happens first.
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“You are quite an impatient one, aren’t you?” He chuckles in a husky voice, caressing your hair as you kneel between his legs. Your hands rest on his inner thighs, eyes glazed over in desire, gawking at his cock. “You do know that the others will return soon. I don’t think they’ll be pleased seeing us doing such…acts in the parlour cabin.” He hisses when your tongue licks the tip of him, before wrapping your lips around the head to get a taste. “Well then we’d better hurry, don’t you think so, Mr.Yang?” You look up at him with a gaze so submissive, he can’t help but smile and grab your chin, parting your lips for his cock to enter your mouth again. He chokes a gasp when you immediately start sucking and bobbing your head to fit his thick cock in your mouth. Your tongue slurps and swallows every drop of his precum, the taste making you crave for the main course as well. “Ah, ah, slow down, Little One. What’s the fun if you’re going to bring me to cum so easily.” He sighs and grabs the hair on your scalp, pulling you and bringing you to a pause. “Go slow, and really savour it.”
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“J-just be still and don’t make too much of a sound, okay?” Gepard stutters while fumbling with his armour, trying to release his throbbing cock from its confines. “I didn’t know you were this horny. Should have told me sooner.” You giggled, pressing your chest against the wall in a random alleyway, pulling your skirt up and shaking your bare ass at him. His eyes widened as he pumped his heavy cock a few times, before grabbing your hips and stuffing you full in a single thrust. You gasped and threw your head back against his shoulder. “I’m sorry, sorry. I haven’t had a moment alone with you in a while. Couldn’t wait.” He’d become so blinded with lust that the moment he saw you walking around while he was on patrol, he dragged you into an alleyway to sink his cock into your cunt. “Feels so good…” He kisses your neck to muffle his moans as he snaps his hips into yours, pushing you further into the wall. He grinds deeper into you, holding your thrashing body in a tight grip. “Stay still…need to cum…so bad.” But how can you stay still when his cock makes you feel so good, sending shivers through you? You’ll have to be quiet for a while, he probably won’t stop after just once.
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 5 months
Thank you dear!! I didn't think you'd post the second part so quickly. if your willing to write a part three can you please insert some spicy in it? 🎀❤️
WILL YOU PRAY FOR ME? ( House of the Dragon x Reader ) FINAL PART.
AUTHOR NOTE! I've never done smut before. But, we'll give it a try. Also, if you like this, you will probably like my fic 'THE CONQUEROR REBORN'. [ Yes that is me shamelessly promoting it AGAIN. Check out the link for it in my previous posts. ] <3 pairing: DARK! Aegon ii Targaryen x Fem! Hightower! Reader prompt: Aegon intends on securing your place as his. What better way than to spoil you for other men, than with bedding you. word count: 1, 298+ words
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Staring at the wall of his bedchambers, you dreaded what was to come, or what could possibly come. It was clear that Aegon was planning something, he said so himself that he wished for you to tend to his wounds. Though, it was not clear if he genuinely wished for you to tend to his wounds or if he wanted you to ‘tend to his wounds’. He seemed lewd like that. Hearing the handmaiden’s leave the bedchambers, you turn around just as the last one leaves, a look of pity on the handmaiden’s face. They knew. They knew what awaited you. 
No. No. Please don’t leave. Stay. Stay.
Gulping as you are now left alone with Aegon, you turn your head away to stare at the wall. A tiny twisted part of you hoping that if you stay still and quiet long enough Aegon would forget you were there. Feeling a hand slowly trailing up your back, you involuntarily tense up at the feeling, calloused fingertips tugging at laces at the back of your dress. 
You didn’t need to turn around, you knew who it was, Aegon. Holding back the tears that threatened to fall, you gather your bearings the best that you could, not wanting him to get the satisfaction of seeing your misery. Feeling the laces of her dress loosen up, you hold up the dress with your hands, trying to stop before your chemise is revealed. 
“I thought of you, whilst I am in Rook’s Rest.” He whispers against the shell of your ear, “Of you waiting for me to come home, to come back to you.” 
“Please don’t.” You whisper, your voice barely above a whisper.
“No, tis’ my right. As your betrothed, as King, to take what I wish from you.” 
“Aegon..” You try, hoping that you could somehow get through to him. 
Keeping your head turned away from him, he pulls out the clip in your hair, letting your hair fall loose from the pinned back hairstyle. A mix of fear and humiliation bubbles inside of you as he slowly undresses you. He was slow, almost as if he was taking his time. It was odd, not like what you had expected. Feeling his hand gently tug your dress free of your hands, you shift your eyes from the wall to his, a lust filled expression on his face. 
“Say it again.” He whispers, a slight need in his voice.
“My name. Please, say it.” He whispers, “You make it sound like I am worthy of being named after my ancestor.” 
Staring deeply into his hypnotic amethyst eyes, you could see an odd glimmer in his eyes, not one of lust or something sinister. More like a plea of some kind of reciprocation of affection. Feeling the tiniest bit of pity for him, you try to turn your head away, but he gently turns your head back to face him. In this light, he could almost be considered handsome, maybe even ethereal. 
Without those big puppy dog eyes of his, his lips pulled into a soft pout of desperation. The thick white bandages on him, just adding to the wounded puppy look to him. Chewing on your bottom lip, you couldn’t find your voice in that moment, even if you could speak up, what would you say to him? Something witty? Something hurtful? Or just give into his demand?
“Please.” He begs, “I will get down to my knees if that is what it takes to hear you say it again.”
Had he gone mad?
Almost as if he didn’t think you believed him, he slowly kneels down in front of you. Letting out a shaky breath as he kneels in front of you, he slowly tilts his head up to meet your gaze, his hands gripping softly onto the skirt of your chemise. He looked like he was praying, and you were his item of worship. 
Any other woman would have enjoyed the sight, the King of the Seven Kingdoms kneeling before them. But, you just felt a mix of confusion and uncertainty. Should you enjoy this, savor just how much power you had over him? Should you not, for selfishness was a sin against the ideals instilled upon you by your parents?
“Please, just say my name once more. I will⎯”
“Aegon..” You whisper, a little fearful that he would escalate to something more drastic.
“You make it sound so desirable, so worthy.” He mumbles, a lovesick look on his face.
“Aegon, please..” You beg, not liking his reaction.
The way he just seemed to spiral for your affection was unnerving, like if you stopped recuperating he would do something drastic. You weren’t entirely sure if it would be towards you or himself, and that was what was the most unnerving part of it. Taking a step back from him, he grabs the hem of your chemise, slowly pushing it up. Going deadly still at the action, you watch like a watch as he pushes up your chemise. 
Keeping eye contact with him, he pushes your chemise up to reveal your linen thigh-high stockings. Flushing a bright pink at the way his eyes darken, you couldn’t seem to push him away, a twisted part of you wanting to see how far he would go. No man had ever touched you before, not like this. You had always been told that the only man who should ever touch you or see you in such a state was your Lord Husband. 
“Let me worship you in the way you deserve to be.” He whispers, just waiting.
Was he…Was he waiting for you to give your approval?
“Aegon..” You whisper, a little unsure. 
“Let me.” He whispers, slowly pulling down the linen thigh-high stocking. 
Chewing on your bottom lip hard, you open your mouth to protest, but the words quickly die on your tongue. Watching him place a soft kiss onto your ankle, you flush at the feeling of his lips on your bare skin. Blushing a deeper scarlet, he slowly kisses his way up your leg, stopping just short of your inner thigh. Slowly trailing kisses down your leg once more, you could feel his hot breath, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. He was so gentle, more so than you had thought, and a twisted part of you was actually enjoying all of this. 
“Will you pray for me?” He asks, “For my soul to be saved as I take your maidenhead?”
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berylcups · 3 months
Hi hi, if you're comfortable with it, how would La Squadra react to reader (who they've been with long enough as to not kill them on the spot) playfully spanking them as they walk by? Pls and ty <3
Hello! This request sounds like a lot of fun 🤩 Your wish is my command 😌
How La Squadra reacts to getting a spank on the butt
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CW: flirtatious behavior, suggestive content
Notes: I hope this doesn’t feel too rushed. 😅 I did this more as an act of flirtation and La Squadra already being somewhat on amicable terms. I hope this fulfills your expectations nonetheless! Enjoy! 💜 Beryl
Ass rating: 7/10 very thicc but super muscular so no jiggle physics
“…Ahem.” He stopped in his steps. He couldn’t face you because his face was so flushed. “Y/N is there any reason why you assaulted my ass like that?”
“No reason.” You shrugged your shoulders and giggled. “Just felt like it.”
“You and Melone are lucky we don’t have an HR.”he dryly joked.
He’s shocked by your boldness. But he can’t say he isn’t intrigued! Give him a little more time to warm up 😌
Ass rating: 7.5/10 nice and soft. Bubbly even, very smackable but it’s on the smaller side.
“Hey now~ If you’re gonna do that, at least take me out to dinner first.” He chucked rubbing his ass. “I know a good sports bar we could go to…” he flirted back.
Uh oh, you caught his attention. Hope cool with a guy who works through his relationships fast! He might propose to you 3 months from now!
Ass rating: 8.5/10 very thicc ass fit for a complete asshole 🙄 very bubbly but hides it behind those ugly ass clothes made from my Nanny’s duvet.
He could see your hand coming a mile away through a reflection in the mirror.
“Nice try Y/N.” He grabs both of your wrists with one hand and pins you to the wall.
“Think you can sneak up on me? I got eyes everywhere.” His free hand strokes your face.
“You want a piece of my ass then you gotta work for it.” He let you go and smacked your ass hard and squeezed a cheek.
“Hah that is fun!” He snickered. “ you better watch your back Y/N! I’m gonna be sneaking up on your ass now!”
Oh no! This big bully is gonna bully your ass now! Literally! But was it just me or did I sense some sexual tension back there? 😳 good luck!
Ass rating: 9/10 this guy has a dumpy. Thicc- xtra THICC. Nice and soft. Perfect for spanking.
“Eeek~!” He lets out a loud high pitched screech.
“Y-Y/N?! W-wha w-what was that for???” He stuttered.
“Sorry I can’t help myself Pesci. You are just too cute!” You giggled.
“I’m cute?!” His entire face became flushed. He never had someone hit on him like that…literally or figuratively!
“Absolutely! I’m sorry for scaring you there.” You apologized. “ if you want…you can spank me back~” you giggled.
“Oh-oh my! I could never lay a hand on you Y/N! “ he stuttered out. “ besides-big bro told me I’m supposed to treat my superiors with respect !”
“Well okay…but remember the offer is always on the table. See you around big boy ~.” You winked
“Was Y/N flirting with me?! Is this real life? My heart won’t stop pounding! I need to man up and flirt back next time!”
Aww you raised his self esteem! He could use his own personal cheerleader! 😘 keep showing him your support and you might win him over!
Ass rating: 5/10 small muscle butt, it’s pretty but not very smackable 😩 like smacking a brick wall
“That’s not the way a mafioso should behave…Y/N.” He has a good grip on your wrist as he takes a deep drag of his cigarette with his free hand.
He exhales the smoke in your face and smirks.
“You look like you could use some more training. I’ll tell Risotto that you need some private mentoring to help with that bad behavior of yours.” He purred.
Uh…good luck ! You’re about to receive some very intense mentoring or some aggressive brat taming 👀
Ass rating: 3/10 poor baby got no butt 🥲 you can hang a photo on his ass. But at least it looks pretty ☺️
“Hnnnng…spank me harder~” he purred while sticking his butt out towards you.
“I’ll be honest… I never expected you to make the first move but I can’t say it’s unwelcome” he confessed. “Now… it’s my turn~! Let me spank you next!” He says with a crazed look in his eyes and his hands making a grabbing motion.
It’s up for you to decide if you want to him to spank you or not. 😅 you better start running then! Remember you can’t outperv the pervert!
Ass rating:10/10 he has the holy trinity of a perfect booty bubbly, thicc, and muscular. 💯 absolute perfection 👌 his nerdy clothes conceal the butt but—thank lort for White Album. That stand doesn’t hide ANYTHING 😳
“Woah woah woah hey! Hey! What the hell was that?!” He rubbed his stinging cheeks. “Did you seriously just smack my ass?!” His face was redder than a tomato.
“Yes, yes I did.” You said proudly.
“Y-You can’t just do that!” He stuttered out of embarrassment.
“But I just did.”
“How would you like it if I did it to you huh?! Gasp-“. He realized the gravity of what he just said. “That’s not what I meant-“
“Ok, come here and do it~.” You giggled. “ Do you want me to bend over or..?” You egged him on.
“Wha—?! That- that would be—no! No! I’m not falling for it!” He stuttered with blood leaking out of his nose and freezing on his cheek. “You just want me to get in trouble!”
He stormed off as a blushing nose bleeding mess.
“Y/N is flirting with me??? Oh god what do I do? I just fucked up by yelling at them. Maybe smack their ass next time???” He nervously thought. “I hope I have the balls to do that!”
Oh boy you really let him have it! His poor brain blue-screened from that moment 😂 you might’ve been a little too intense for this intense man. Maybe be a bit less bold next time. Don’t worry you got this! 💙
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thejujvtsupost · 11 months
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Collar Crimes Part 1 -> Ease A Heavy Soul
This is honestly just self indulgent, the requests I have left are more long form content and I have a section for that in the guidelines of my pinned, just keep that in mind if you haven’t seen yours come up yet. I gotta be able to feel it out before I give it a shot. Anyway think of this as an opener to a new little series <3
Notes: F!reader, yakuza!Geto, fluffy, reader is a sleepy type of gf & soft girl- think Sanrio/hello kitty aesthetic? heartwarming, no dialogue for this part, mention of violence(blood), Geto is so soft for his girl -> gets filthy in later parts.
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The stress of being head of the Yakuza wasn’t foreign to Geto.
What was foreign, was coming back to his penthouse apartment to a girlfriend.
And his penthouse apartment was no longer his, it was your shared home. You were impossible to say no to, and now the place he furnished with top of the line luxuries and various other signs of wealth; was riddled with cutesy soft things.
The leather couch he spent an obscene amount of money on and had custom made for his living area? Covered in the softest pink blankets, fluffy pillows, several large stuffed animals that he thought you might like (you did). The bookshelves that once held “big fancy classics”, now sported knick knacks and some of your own college texts. The remotes had glow in the dark silicone covers on them, there was a new plush area rug… you were everywhere he looked.
His bed had even more of you, from more of your blankets to the scent of your perfume. You had a side of the bed, and a nightstand with its own lamp to match his.
There was even a nightlight plugged in on the far wall, fairy lights were tacked up by the headboard. No, of course you weren’t afraid of the dark, in fact maybe he’s the one afraid. He’s the one that bought a cute nightlight after all.
He bought it after the first time you spent the night at his place and he woke up to you huddled up in his bathroom with the overhead light on. He didn’t bring it up or chastise you, he simply brought you back to bed and cracked the bathroom door so it wasn’t so dark. The next night you slept over there was a bear and stars themed nightlight plugged in. Three more have joined the collection around the apartment since you officially moved in. That shitty apartment of yours had gotten broken into way too many times.
You were everywhere and he wouldn’t deny that you made everything feel okay. When he walked through the door he let through the gentle parts of his heart and gave every single one of them to you.
He loved it.
So yeah, he couldn’t deny you anything. Not when you were so perfect, loving and adorable in every way. And you were doing your very best as a college student, he was so proud of you. You studied so hard to get to where you are now.
(He just spoils you constantly and you’ve never actually asked him for anything.)
Coming home to you is a breath of fresh air.
Tonight was no different. He walked in, took off his shoes and jacket, and found you passed out on the couch- swallowed by your many soft blankets.
Oh his little songbird…
Turning off the tv and extra lights you left on, he was careful when he excavated your body from the pile of softness and picked you up to take you to bed. You didn’t want to let go of him when he tried setting you down though; he missed your hand clutching his shirt in your sleep.
So fucking cute…
Geto pried your fist away slowly and got you settled, then disappeared into the connected bathroom to wash the blood and grime from the day down the drain.
It’s not his blood of course.
You knew what he was, what he did; but he was the sweetest person (to you, you were the exception) you’d ever met. You didn’t ask questions when he came home covered in blood or was stuck ‘working’ all hours into the night. As long as he texted you when he could to give you a heads up it was good enough for you. It was better this way, you didn’t need details and he didn’t want to give them.
To him, that world has no business involving you. It had no business tainting the life you lived with him, safe in the comfort of your home.
Coming out in clean boxers to sleep in, he dropped his dirty clothes in the basket. Thats when you greeted him with a sleepy smile. You were sitting up and waiting for him to come to bed, excited to see him but still so tired.
Your smile was returned easily and he slid into bed, not a second of hesitation passed when he pulled you down close to him and kissed your lips, then head.
You took your rightful place, sleeping on his chest. Having the weight of your body pressed against his and your head over his heart eased his stress away in waves until he was as boneless and relaxed as you.
You were safe, both physically in your home and as a haven for him- the one person who was privy to his very soul.
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Thinking about making a request? Check my bio to see if they’re open! <3
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rachalixie · 2 years
stray kids reactions | when you’re sad
how the boys act when you are experiencing depression/depressive symptoms
warnings: stray kids x gender neutral reader, depression/mental health, mentions of food
genre: hurt/comfort
word count: < 3k
a/n: for my love @ moonacholy. i love you baby :( feel better real soon, okay? also this is a broad spectrum of depression symptoms, nothing too extreme! mostly comfort than anything else.
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you don’t move as you hear the front door open and close; the thought of shifting from your curled up form on the couch sounded more exhausting than it was worth. you normally loved greeting chan at the door, loved kissing him hello and dragging him to bed when he gets home late but you can’t unglue your limbs from one another enough to even sit up, let alone walk all the way to the door. 
your eyes drift to the clock on the wall as you take in the time and realize that you should have already been in bed hours ago. you never wait up for chan when he gets home past midnight, and yet you are wide awake at 3 in the morning, having laid here since noon after he left to go to the studio. your phone lays dead on the table in front of you, untouched for hours, and you just now notice how tired your eyes feel.
“sweetheart?” chan’s voice floats to your ears, loosening your tightened muscles a bit. chan’s here now, he can take care of you, your tired brain supplies. you hum as he approaches, closing your eyes when his hand runs through your hair and whimpering softly when it leaves. the couch dips by your head as he sits next to you, his warmth already reaching your cold heart and thawing the edges a bit. “you’re not in bed yet?”
“can’t,” is all you can say. you don’t have the words or the energy to tell him that you didn’t even realize you should have been asleep, you didn’t realize how many hours had passed as you just laid there staring at nothing.
but he understands.
he pulls you up, catching you when your sore limbs buckle under your sudden upright weight, and he leads you to your bedroom, depositing you on your side of the bed. he leaves and comes back with a bottle of water before you can blink, pushing a straw into your mouth and coaxing you to drink, praising you when you take a few tentative sips. you feel a little silly by how good it feels, him telling you how good you are just for drinking water, but you let it drape over you like a comforting blanket as your mind finally loses the battle against sleep and you drift off in the comfort of his voice.
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“hi honey,” minho’s voice floods your brain from where you’re still curled up in bed. it’s well past noon, past the time where you were supposed to meet him at your favorite coffee shop in town during his lunch break. you feel a pang of guilt that makes you curl up even more, soft despair settling into your bones. you want him to leave. you want him to never leave you alone again. 
his hand finds the nape of your neck, massaging there gently before his fingers run up to your scalp. the action soothes you, and you can’t help but find comfort in him even though you’ve just let him down. you don’t even know why he’s here, taking care of you when he should be out doing something else-
“whatever’s going on in that pretty head of yours, stop it.” he orders, sitting next to you on the bed and tilting your chin up so he can meet your eyes. “i love you, okay? i want to be here with you. i want you, during the good times and the bad.”
it’s like he’s read your mind.
next thing you know he’s easing you into a seated position and massaging the feeling back into your fingertips. you hadn’t even realized they had fallen asleep until he started, and you wince as the pins and needles sting against his touch. he’s pulling you up then, waiting a moment for your eyes to adjust to the shift before tugging you into your bathroom. before you know it, your clothes are off and you’re under a hot steam of water, his hands on you in the most comforting way as he massages shampoo into your hair and rinses the day off of your body. he’s humming idly, his soft voice echoing off the shower tiles and absorbing into your brain. you feel like a sponge, taking all of his love and keeping it inside of you like it’s the one thing that’s keeping you upright. 
as he dries you off with a fluffy towel, you lean in to press a soft kiss to his cheek, causing the tips of his ears to burn pink; it’s silly that such an innocent gesture makes him blush like that, but you think of it as an physical imprint of your love on him, your gratefulness, everything you want to say but can’t. 
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“we’re going outside,” changbin suddenly announces, his voice deep under your ear from where your head is snuggled into his chest. you jump a bit, peering up blearily at him.
“outside?” you ask, voice slow and confused. you had been content laying there with him all day. you preferred that, in fact. you had no desire to move, no energy to make your muscles work, no motivation inside of you to do anything other than lay and hope the day passed soon so you could go to bed.
so why is changbin saying that you’re going outside?
“yes, outside. up, up!” he’s too enthusiastic, his voice is too loud in your mushy head, and you glare up at him with squinted eyes.
“have to?” you say, knowing that you’ll lose this battle against a man who can physically pick you up and make you go outside if he wanted to.
“have to.” he nods, interlacing his fingers in yours and yanking, bicep flexing, wrapping his arms around you tight when you stand up on wobbly legs. he holds you there for a second, letting you breathe him in before he pulls you through your house, out the back door and into the backyard.
the worst part was that the air felt good. the soft breeze on your face felt so refreshing, washing over you like a brand new day. the soft grass felt nice under your feet, your toes curling into the cool blades. his hand was warm in yours, guiding you around the perimeter of the fence, walking and walking until you begin to feel the band around your temples loosen, the furrow of your brow unwind, the tenseness of your muscles deflate, like you’re a puppet whose strings were loosened just enough for you to garner some control.
“better, yeah?” he said, soft and satisfied. you him in response, squeezing his hand as you keep walking.
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you sigh as you enter through the front door, body weighed down and leaden and each step feeling like a mile from the way they made you exhausted. you immediately collapse onto your couch and click the TV onto the kdrama you’ve been using as background noise for the past few weeks. the episode continues from where you left off, and your eyes don’t leave the screen even though you’re not absorbing any of the content. its just swirling colors and words in a box to you right now, your brain is not comprehending anything, but it’s a nice distraction from the swirling thoughts that were there before.
even when hyunjin leaves your room to pad over to you, draping himself beside you on the couch and wrapping an arm around you, your eyes remain on the screen.
and you sit. and sit. the minutes were ticking away, slow as ever, and you just sit.
until hyunjin turns the TV off, and you don’t even complain because it had gotten to the point where your eyes hurt. you relax into him, startled when he moves to stand up instead, leaving you slumped into the cushions instead of him. 
“dance with me,” he says, putting a song on his phone and setting it on the side table. you blink up at him from where he’s standing, hand outstretched waiting for you to take it. he tilts his head a bit when you don’t move, smile encouraging and eyes in crescents, and you sigh and take his hand. you let him pull you up and move your hands around his shoulders as he takes your waist, and he leads you as you both gently sway and step to the beat of the song. 
with each step, you felt lighter and lighter, the lead weights you were feeling before disappearing with each breath you can feel on your neck from where his face is pressed. the music he has playing is swirling around you both in a flurry of notes and chords, the rhythm you’ve set with your steps is soothing, and you feel more content in this moment than you’ve felt in days.
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“baby?” you hear from outside your bedroom door, stirring you out of your fitful nap. you never fell into sleep, you’ve been lying there for hours with your eyes closed and you couldn’t sleep. you’re so tired. 
you hear him knock again and a whimper leaves your throat when you try to answer. the words won’t come out, they’re stuck, trapped down deep. he opens the door anyways, closing it gently behind him before walking slowly over to you and kneeling by you. his hand brushes your hair back, stopping in surprise when he sees that your eyes are open. 
“thought you were asleep?” he says, voice soft and timid in the darkness of your room. you shrug, lips twisting into a frown. is it bad that you were awake? that you were awake and hadn’t left your room, even though you knew he was home for hours? “well, if you’re not, then-”
he cuts himself off as he climbs right into your bed, slithering under your covers and plopping himself right on top of you. his chest covers your back, his legs tangle with yours, and he presses his head into your neck, fluttering small kisses there until he can hear your breath catch on a laugh.
“get off of me, jisung,” you croak out, the first words you’ve muttered all day. the smell of his shampoo is invading your senses, his cologne is seeping into your skin. 
“if my baby gets to stay in bed all day, they i get to stay there too.” he declares, squeezing you tight, better than a weighted blanket, trapping all the bad things inside and replacing them with his good.
“can’t breathe,” you choke out in another laugh, the noises you make sounding foreign to your ears. has it really been so long since you’ve laughed? smiled like this?
he rolls off of you suddenly, pulling you along so you were trapped on top of his chest instead, the blanket rolling along with you and wrapping you both in tight. 
“yeah, sung. i’m better, now.”
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he passes you a whisk, looking pointedly at you when you don’t move to the counter where he’s standing. you roll his eyes at him before finally moving your feet, standing from where you’ve been sitting at the kitchen island on a barstool watching him work. he has dinner ready on top of the stove, and a bowl of brownie ingredients on the counter waiting for you to mix together.
“c’mon, love,” he says, perking up a bit when you finally get the whisk inside of the bowl. “we can’t have dinner without dessert, hmm? and we can’t have dessert without you. the most important ingredient in the recipe.”
“lix,” you whine, voice tired and a little furled around the edges. i’m not important, you want to say. “i’m not an ingredient,” is what you say instead.
“oh, really?” he said, reading right through you. he arches a delicate brow at you before moving behind you while you’re whisking to wrap his arms around your middle. he presses his cheek to your shoulder, nuzzling it there like a cat. his lips find your jawline, where he lays a few wet kisses there. “then why do you taste so sweet? sweeter than chocolate. and you’re tough, like unmelted butter. and don’t forget sharp, like cocoa powder.”
his words dig into your brain, battling against the negative thoughts that have been living there for weeks. your self doubt, your insecurity, your low mood fight against them, trying to tell you that he’s lying, he’s just saying that, he doesn’t really mean it. but the longer he stays there, his skin right up against yours, the more those thoughts get beaten down, slayed by the blades of sugar in his voice.
he dips his finger into the finished batter, sliding it into his mouth and swirling it off with his tongue. 
“mm, i was right. you taste much better than this.”
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your feet drag as you walk to your apartment, exhausted from just the one class you had today for no reason at all. it was fine, but even getting out of bed this morning was almost impossible. you felt absolutely drained by the time you got to your lecture, and you don’t think you absorbed a single piece of information for the entire hour and a half you were there. 
when you finally made it through the front door, you felt as if there was a pile of bricks in your bag weighing you down, and you quickly dropped it to the floor in favor of collapsing onto the couch next to seungmin. he looked cozy, dressed in an overside hoodie and sweatpants, glasses perched high on his nose and a smart looking novel in his hands. you wiggle your head underneath his arms and press your head to his thighs, feeling bad about taking up his reading time but not willing to stand another second being alone. you’ve been so lonely, all day. he made you feel lighter already, just by his presence, the pressure on your shoulders and around your temples beginning to fade already with his touch.
“bad day?” he asks, not drawing his eyes away from his book but moving one hand to card through your hair, fingers light on your scalp. you hum, not wanting to explain to him that this was just one bad day in a series of bad days, that it wasn’t any better or worse than the last yet you felt even more exhausted by the end of it than you had the day prior. you didn’t want to tell him that you felt tethered to him like he was your lifeline, the one think keeping you afloat in a sea of helplessness. 
“read to me?” you say instead, wiggling a bit as you get comfortable in his lap and looking up at him with wide eyes. he looks down finally, expression softening when he takes in your face, and he nods with a soft smile before beginning the chapter again just for you.
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when he finds you spread over the couch, arm hanging limply over the edge and eyes glazed over from looking at the ceiling, you don’t even realize how much time has passed since he left for work. he’s already home? you swear it had only been an hour, or two max. 
“did you eat?” he asked, walking over to you and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, letting his lips linger for a moment, a stamp of compassion. 
“no,” you said, only realizing now that you hadn’t eaten all day. the sun was setting outside, bathing the room in a golden glow, and you couldn’t bring yourself to be hungry, let alone make food and eat it. he clicked his tongue, fox eyes narrowing before leaving your side completely. you sigh at his absence, knowing that he was going to get a snack that you simply wouldn’t want to eat.
“ramen, soup, or grilled cheese?” he asks, materializing in front of you, holding a pack of noodles and a can of soup in one hand and a bag of week-old bread in another. you’re honestly surprised it hasn’t molded yet; probably helps that you haven’t even opened it since you bought it.
“none. i’m not hungry,” you say, crossing your arms and curling up into yourself. you’re sure that you’re pouting, making the picture of an angry toddler with your bunny slippers on your feet and your hoodie swathing your frame. you don’t care. he leaves the room with a sigh again, making you deflate into the couch cushions; you thought he would have fought a little harder, but it’s not his responsibility to make sure you feed yourself, is it?
he startles you out of your pity when he sits next to you, the sofa dipping under his weight and the warmth of his thigh feeling nice next to your head.
“up,” he instructs, nudging at your shoulder until you sit up simply to stop him. he’s holding a half-eaten tub of your favorite ice cream in one hand, two spoons in the other, and he’s wearing a big smile on his face. “i know we’re not supposed to be eating ice cream for dinner, but it’s not like chan hyung is here to say no, is he?” 
you grab a spoon wordlessly when the thought of ice cream doesn’t make your stomach turn. one bite couldn’t hurt, right?
the encouraging smile he gives you when you tentatively take one bite doesn’t hurt, either.
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taglist: @daceyena @isilentprincess @woahfruity @chvnnie @katieraven @agustd-essert @chanssmiles @sweetestcherrywine @foivetimesacharm @sstarryoong @bakugossanity @skzho
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myluvrrhea · 7 months
Hello i was asking if you could do Platonic Judgement day x fem reader?
When reader is a lot younger than the rest of them and they have a family bond like siblings or parental views and she is new talent and with all that comes some fame and when out (wherever you like) Reader gets attention from an old man as she walks to the toilets alone? Its okay if you dont want to xx
Silhouette - Pastel Ghost
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parings - Platonic!The Judgment Day x Wrestler! Reader - Kinda Rhea x Reader in a way
Warnings - Angst , implications of Feeling lightheaded , weird old man , R! getting knocked into a wall , reader passes out, thats all tell me if I missed some!!
please do not read this if you have suffered trauma from any of these things!!
Word Count - 0.5k
You and The Judgment Day had grown closer as you began wrestler. Damian and Rhea , training you and teaching you new moves that hadnt yet been introduced to you. And although you were a couple years younger than the youngest member of, which was Dominik, you all had a family/sibling dynamic.
You had started yiur wresting career at the 2019 royal rumble , being competiter #15. Although not many people knew you at the time , your career had grown throughout the years. And with the help of The Judgment Day, a fandom grew lager and larger until eventually you got your title shot. 
It was you versus becky lynch for the smackdown women’s championship. You had fought hard and long to get the title shot as none of the other wrestlers made it easier for you. Becky didnt go easy on you either. But image the suprise when you had pinned her, making you the new smack down women’s champion.
Your rise also grew more in 2023. At first not many paid attention to you as far as visuals and talent. But soon enough people started noticing the talent you had not only for promos , but in the ring. This made you a fan favorite around the world. Soon your merch was selling out. You started meeting many fans around the world as you Traveled, and people started recognizing you more and more as time went on. You felt like you were on top of earth. This was your dream after all.
Right now , you were getting ready to go out to a restaurant with The Judgment Day. After all , they are your best friends. You heard the doorbell ring , as you put on the last piece of jewelry for your outfit. You quickly headed downstairs , grabbing your phone and keys as you unlocked the door, met with Dominik , standing outside the door waiting for you. You quickly gave him a hug as he opened his mouth to speak. 
“Hey , you ready?” He asked
“Yup let’s go,” you replied with a smile.
You opened the door of the truck as you were met with the faces of the 3 wrestlers. 
“Hi guys!” You smiled at them.
They all responded with a “hi” as they all gave you separate hugs. Which was hard due to being in the car , but you made it work. Finn drove as you,  Dominik and Damian , and Rhea played game pigeon together in the group chat.
When you guys arrived at the restaurant, the wait hadn’t been long , as a couple minutes of waiting, a waiter had seat you guys at a booth nearby. As you all sat down , a waited came by , introducing themselves and taking our drink orders. After a couple minutes of waiting , the waited came back  with drinks on a trey. We decided on what to order as the waiter took our order.
After ordering , I decided to go wash my hands in the bathroom. As I walked to the bathroom , you didn’t notice a man following nearby. And when you did you hadn’t thought much about it. Maybe he had to go to the bathroom too , you thought. But your thoughts were rushed away when he had followed you into the girls bathroom. Which didn’t go unnoticed by Rhea , as she sat at a good enough view of the bathroom , that she could see the man getting into the bathroom. 
Before you could turn around to see the man, he spoke first.
“Hey , im a big fan I was wondering if I could have an autograph, or maybe your number,” he spoke
You turned to look at the man and realized he was old. I mean he looked like he was in his 60s at-least.
“I can give you an autograph — but not my num-,” I was cut off when he slammed me into a wall. I felt the pain hit my back as I tried getting up , with no luck. 
“Just give me your number its not that hard,” he yelled at you. You wished this could end , why was he doing this and how were you going to get out of this? You could stand , and he was towering over you.
You heard the mans scream as a loud thump echoed in the bathroom. You looked up , your hair mostly in your face as you saw the silhouette of someone. You moved your hair out of your face as you relished it was Rhea. 
“Honey , are you alright,” She spoke. You could she was panicking just by the sound of her breathing.
“I-I cant get up..” you spoke. Still shocked by the events that had occurred in just an hour of being here. Rheas mind stopped for a moment. She wanted to kill this guy. But she knew you and your safety was more important.
“I want to leave Rhea … p-please,” You said again. You felt the tears pricking your eyes as your breathing got heavier. The atmosphere of the bathroom making you feel scared thinking about what took place.
Rhea car-fully picked you up , bridal style as she led you over to the boys. Once they got a view of you and Rhea, they had felt like it had been a punch to their heart. They stopped their conversation as they went to stand up , getting a better look at you.
“Lass what happened?” Finna spoke. He was getting more worried by the second and to be completely honest, so was the rest of the group.
Tried answering, but nothing could come out your mother but silent sobs. Rhea explained what happened, but about halfway though, you had already passed out in Rheas arms.
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novaursa · 12 days
Hello, thank you, I had a very bad day but your stories are spectacular. I felt a lot of emotion for Fever Dreams, it is a great masterpiece. but all your works are magnificent, a delicacy for the palate I have a couple of doubts 1. Jacaerys actually has very intense feelings for her, maybe Dareon knows it? 2. Jacaerys repeats to Daeron, you don't belong here, she is no longer yours. ,m,,m,m,m. I think there's something else there, I'm not sure. 3.Dareon save something that Jacaerya may not recognize 4. Is there a possibility that you can create a sequence of chapters based on this story, please? thank you very much you are fantastic
Fevered Desires (Continuation)
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Requests are closed!
- Summary: Daeron stays with you a while longer.
- Paring: niece!reader/Daeron Targaryen
- Note: For more of my works, visit my blog. The list is pinned to the top.
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Previous part: 1
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne
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The door slams shut behind Jacaerys, leaving only the muffled sounds of the storm beyond the stone walls. The echo of his footsteps fades, and silence descends over your chamber once more, thick and suffocating. The fire in the hearth crackles softly, its light casting flickering shadows across the room, but even its warmth pales in comparison to the heat radiating from your fevered body.
Daeron stays by your side, his gaze never leaving you. His hand, still clasping yours, is a tether to reality, grounding you in the midst of the haze that grips your mind. He leans closer, his thumb tracing slow, gentle circles over your knuckles.
“You should not have come,” you whisper, your voice hoarse from the fever, but there is no real reprimand in your words. You had always known he would come, sooner or later. He could never stay away—not when the pull between you was stronger than the iron grip of your family, stronger than duty or law.
“Would you have me stay away while you lay here, burning from the inside out?” Daeron’s voice is low, almost a murmur, as though he’s afraid to shatter the fragile quiet that surrounds you. “I would have come sooner if I’d known.”
You swallow, your throat dry and raw, but his presence, his touch, is a balm against the fever’s heat. “Jacaerys will kill you,” you say, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment as exhaustion drags at you. “If he finds you here again...”
“He won’t,” Daeron interrupts softly, his thumb still caressing your hand. “Not tonight. And if he does, let him try. It won’t stop me.” His words are fierce, but there’s a tenderness in his tone, a protectiveness that wraps around you like a cloak. His gaze flickers over your face, taking in every detail—the way your eyelashes flutter against your cheeks, the way your chest rises and falls with shallow breaths.
You want to protest, to tell him that this is dangerous, reckless, that your lives are already teetering on the edge of a blade. But the words die on your lips as your eyes meet his, and in his gaze, you see the fire that has always burned between you. It is a flame that no amount of distance, no amount of secrecy or shame, could ever extinguish. It is a flame that burns brighter than the fever ravaging your body, brighter than the storm raging outside.
“I dreamed of you,” you admit softly, your voice barely a whisper. “Even in this fever... you were with me.”
Daeron’s expression softens, his thumb brushing against your temple where sweat clings to your skin. “I am always with you,” he murmurs. “Even when I’m not by your side. You know that.”
Your breath hitches, and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest, though whether it is from the fever or from the weight of his words, you cannot tell. You turn your head slightly, leaning into his touch as if it’s the only thing keeping you anchored.
“How long can we keep doing this?” The question escapes you before you can stop it, and the weight of it hangs in the air between you. “How long before...?” You trail off, unable to finish the thought, because the answer is one you have both avoided for so long.
Daeron is silent for a moment, his jaw tightening as he struggles with the same question. Then, with a deep breath, he leans closer, his forehead resting gently against yours. His breath is warm against your skin, and for a moment, the fever’s fire is forgotten.
“As long as it takes,” he says quietly. “Until the world burns, if need be.”
The words send a shiver down your spine, despite the fever, and you find yourself clinging to his hand with what little strength you have left. There is a recklessness in his declaration, a defiance that mirrors your own, and yet there is also something more—a vow, a promise made in the quiet of your fevered chamber, where no one but the two of you could hear it.
The storm outside grows louder, the wind howling against the windows as if the world itself is trying to break into your sanctuary. For a brief moment, the fire in the hearth sputters as a gust of wind snakes its way through the cracks in the stone. But Daeron’s presence remains steady, his hand never leaving yours.
You close your eyes again, letting the sound of his breathing lull you into a state of calm, even as the fever still simmers beneath your skin. “What will happen when he finds out?” you ask, your voice a fragile thread in the quiet.
“He already knows,” Daeron replies, his tone gentle but edged with a truth neither of you can escape. “He’s known for some time, even if he pretends not to. But knowing and doing something about it are two different things. For now, he’ll watch. He’ll wait.”
The thought sends a wave of unease through you, but you cannot deny the truth of it. Jacaerys has always been perceptive, and while he may not have confronted you directly until tonight, there is no doubt he has been aware of the bond between you and Daeron for far longer than he’s let on.
Still, you cannot bring yourself to regret it. Even now, with the fever pulling you under, with the storm raging around you and the threat of discovery looming ever closer, you do not regret the choices you made that led to this moment. The letters, the stolen glances, the nights where you met Daeron in secret—each one was a spark that ignited something far greater than either of you could have anticipated.
“Sleep now,” Daeron says, his voice soft, soothing. His hand cups your cheek, and for the briefest of moments, he presses a kiss to your fevered forehead. “I’ll stay with you until the fever breaks.”
You want to protest, to tell him that he’s risking too much by staying here, but your body is too weak, your mind too clouded by the fever. Instead, you let out a quiet breath, your hand still tangled with his, and you allow yourself to drift back into the darkness.
As you slip into unconsciousness, the last thing you hear is his voice, a soft murmur that lingers like a ghost in the room.
“I’ll always come back for you, Y/N. Always.”
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muffinsin · 29 days
The Cassandra or Daniela part of this one:
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^prompt of the referenced post
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100%!!!👀 This is Cassandra’s part🙌 Thanks for the reminder, hon! :)
Y’all might’ve noticed the banner! I’ve decided to try adding to my posts with it, showing who it will be about (In this case, the 3 sisters). Lemme know what ya think? :) More posts will follow!
Aside from this, you might’ve noticed there’s a new Masterlist, and a new Pinned Post! ;)
You grit your teeth as you notice Cassandra enter the room. It seems, not a single day goes by you’re spared seeing here.
Now, to be quite truthful, you don’t mind seeing her in the slightest. In fact, each time you do, she fuels your fantasies and motivates you, in a way. Motivates you to finish your work in record time to retreat to your room, nice and warm, and most of all; solitary. No other maidens to disturb you.
There, you can replay all moments you’ve seen her, low groans and moans passing your lips as you stroke your cock to alternative ways the day could have gone.
While Cassandra can turn you on like no other, getting you hard and bothered within seconds of being within her proximity, the woman is easily the biggest brat you have ever witnessed.
She’s spoiled and bothersome, playful and bratty in all her ways. She creates more messes than you could ever clean, all while cackling in delight and shooting her bratty smile at you. Her fingers playfully waving you goodbye, her tongue licking across her lips.
She’s fully aware of what a nuisance she is being, and if she was not quite literally one of your employers, her mother technically being the one to have employed you, you would have easily put her back in her place.
Yes, Cassandra turns you on like no other. But she frustrates you like no other, too.
You yearn to grab her by the hair and neck and yank her along, to put her naughty mouth to good use and smear her lips across your cock, to strike the ass she so teasingly shows off when she bends over to inspect whatever mess she’s just made.
You want nothing more than to release these frustrations, to grab her and take her, as rough as you want. You know, the little brat- the little omega- can handle it. It seems, just because you’re the only alpha around and all others lack such a status, she has forgotten herself.
You want nothing more than to remind her of her place. Want nothing than to claim the tempting omega for herself, train and break her into behaving, love and care for her despite the frustration she causes.
You want her to be yours, your very own stress doll, your very own toy, your very own omega.
It only sounds fair to you, given she causes you the most stress of all the residents in the castle.
It seems, today is no different.
You automatically grip the sponge in your hand a little harder, watching her enter the room. Your work is nearly done, with the windows having been cleaned, the vases, statues and shields on the walls polished, the table cleaned of dishes and equipped with napkins, the chairs tucked to it.
Only the floor is left, and only the small bit you’re working on still sports blood.
That is, until she arrived, of course.
Cassandra comes with a body in tow. A deer, maybe? It’s so bloody, you can barely make out what it is. But fury rises on you as she drags it across the clean floor and carpet.
“Pretty, isn’t it?”, she hums, her eyes gleaming. You know, the little brat enjoys making your work even harder than it has to be.
Still, you keep your head down. You figure ignoring her might help. No brat wants to be ignored, and Cassandra certainly shares this want.
You only grit your teeth and grip the sponge tightly, scrubbing harder than necessary when she drags the lump of flesh not only all the way across the room, but also dumps it in the middle of the made table.
“I think Mother’s going to be pretty impressed”, she giggles, poking the dead thing.
Almost done, you’re sure.
You’re sure she’s nearly gone.
Just don’t give in.
Don’t give her attention.
Then, the brat does something she hasn’t done before.
You gasp as her heel connects with your bucket of dirty water, sending it across the floor and carpet.
Something in you snaps. She just ruined hours of your work!
“You stupid little brat!”, you cuss, relishing in her loud gasp when you stand from the ground and grab her wrist.
She’s snarling angrily as you yank her to you, her golden eyes widening when your hand comes up and grabs her jaw so tight you hear her wince.
“How dare you! You serva-Ngnnn!-“
Cassandra gasps when you tug her face forwards again, so her eyes meet yours directly and she is tugged right to your chest. She feels your warm breath on her face, whereas you feel hers.
It seems, only this close does she smell your scent when she inhales. Her eyes widen, even her lazy eye opening up some more at her realisation.
It seems, the unlucky (or lucky, really) brat found herself the only alpha among the staff and decided to mess with her.
“No, how dare you”, you hiss. She growls as you turn her, your movements fast and your hands rough as you spin her and squeeze her jaw. She’s made to look at the mess she’s caused, her eyes wide and heart beating wildly.
Never has anyone dared put her in her place or even snap back at her. Cassandra can’t help the warmth on her cheeks and the annoyingly sticky wetness between her legs.
It seems though, she isn’t the only one.
Behind her, just below your torso, she feels the large bulge in your uniform press right against her lower back. If you didn’t hold her jaw this tight, her tongue would have darted out to wet dry lips again.
“You see what you’ve done? What you always do, you stupid little brat?!”, you cuss. Your cock aches painfully this close up to her. She smells, despite her nature, wonderfully, her perfume rich and blood even more so.
This close up, you too smell the tempting omega.
Cassandra squirms at your words. She’s never been degraded, never been treated this rough. Never did she think it would be this arousing. Never did she think she would finally get a reaction from you.
Letting go of her jaw, you move your hand to her hair and hood and yank.
“AH!”, she yells, her eyes furious. With her head tipped back and her back arched, her ass pressed perfectly against your bulge.
“Ah, so we do have a voice”, you tease, certainly not oblivious to her shocked silence.
“I don’t think so”, you huff, grabbing the woman’s strong, but petite wrists when you see her claw-like nails digging past the glove. You’ve had just about enough of her.
“You’re stupid!”, she eventually snaps back, her hips rolling, her ass rubbing your bulge just perfectly.
You grit your teeth in anger. Briefly, you think about shoving her down and making her take you down her throat. Alas, she has not quite earned this.
Despite both of your words, it becomes increasingly more obvious that you share a common fantasy, a common want.
You tug her harder against you, grinding your hips forth against her moving ones. A sweet gasp is your only answer and you tighten the first holding her hair and hood.
“Do you want this, little omega?”, you coo. She’s snarling angrily at the lack of respect you show her. It’s almost cute, given her position. Tightening your grip on her hair, you thrust forwards at the thought of burying yourself deep inside of her. You’re sure, an uptight little brat like her must feel good, and you’re so painfully tense.
“Give it to me, stupid servant!”, she snaps back. Then, when a yank of her arms and hair reminds her of her place again, her tone drops to a more seductive voice.
“I know you’ve been thinking about it. I have, too. Do you really want to pass up on this fun opportunity?”, she hums. You can’t deny the ache in your balls and the bubbly feeling in your stomach at her words.
Still, you’re not going to allow a bratty, spoiled, little omega to get the better of you.
“As tough as you act, Lady Cassandra”, you sneer, the title spoken with of mockery than respect, “, you’re still just a little omega. And if I don’t claim you now, you will come whimpering to me when your heat makes it unbearable to live without my cum”
Your words hit her hard, a gasp pulled from her as she realises their true meaning. Now that she knows of your status, her inner omega will too. No more heat seasons will go by when she doesn’t think of you, doesn’t yearn for you. She’s found her alpha, as annoyingly dominant and firm as you are.
Still, she can’t deny how good this feels, to be dominated at last, outsmarted and manhandled, scolded and put in her place.
She thinks for a moment, then, at last, tips her head slightly to the side.
You nearly gasp as you watch her slowly bear her neck to you. It seems, your little brat is ready to be yours.
As unbothered as you’d like to act, you can’t. Immediately you lean down to lick across the sensitive piece of skin, her gasps and whimpers only fuelling you.
Your teeth drag against her softly, not yet enough to dig in, not yet enough to taste, not yet enough to claim.
She gasps in surprise when you let go of her hair and push her to the bloodied floor instead.
“Strip, now, little omega. Or I might lose my patience and hold onto what a little brat you are”
You strip out of your blouse easily, the pants of your uniform and your bra still keeping her from seeing what she wants.
Cassandra’s back is turned to you, her hair held carefully in her hands. You scoff, rolling your eyes a little at her.
A brat through and through, yet, you don’t deny her this sweet treatment she’s asking for. You take the strings of her corset and untie them quickly, tugging it from her greedily. With it out of the way, you can finally take the dress from her.
Cassandra moans as she is pulled to you and maneuvered. She feels your hands exploring her body harshly, groping and squeezing while you undress her, betraying your want for her. Never has she been this wet.
Your patience runs thin, yet your need for revenge, to let out your frustrations and put the best in her place wins out. With her dress off you easily yank her bra open and tug her with her.
You pull out one of the chairs at the table and sit, pulling her with you. Despite her underwear, you feel how wet she is, feel as this wetness smears against your thigh.
Your heart beats fast and your cock twitches in your pants, as though eager to reach her. You want nothing more than to bury yourself inside of her, to hump and take her hard and rough against the table, hard thrusts for every bit of frustration she made you feel. A perfect stress doll.
Alas, you calm yourself. You know she is yours, and you intend not to rush yourself. The little omega has no other alpha to take care of her, and even Cassandra hasn’t even spared a thought to other maidens since she laid her eyes on you. You intend to take your time with your brat.
You turn her, your hands holding onto her slim hips. With only a black thong on her, you notice just how thick and soft her ass really is.
Again, you feel yourself throb and ache and tighten your grip on her.
“Bend over”, you hum. A sly smirk forms on her lips.
“Make me”, she whispers, her giggles replaced but a surprised squeak when you push at her back and grip her thighs.
She’s bent perfectly for you, her ass on top of your lap, her hands and fingers digging into the bloodied carpet as if to stop her face from being smudged against it.
Her legs are at your sides, her heels hooked at the back of the chair to keep her in place.
“Hey! What are you doing!”, she snaps when you grip the thong and pull, yet again keeping her in place just as you like it. You tsk at her, then, at last, raise your right hand.
The first slap to her ass goes to her right cheek, loud and hard enough to make her shriek and for the sound to fill the otherwise quiet room.
Another spank follows, and another. Her back is arched perfectly for you, her bottom perfectly in place for you.
She’s fuming below you, her face bright red despite her pale skin, as her ass is slowly adapting the same shade.
Still, despite her bratty complains and pathetic protests about how she does not need a spanking and she will tear you in two, you hear her breathless moans.
Each slap to her ass only makes her moan louder.
Another follows,
and another.
Cassandra moans loudly by the seventh one. Her ass would, if you didn’t hold the thong tightly, buck off your lap. Alas, she’s perfectly in place for you, moaning and whimpering with each spank rightfully delivered to her ass.
You smirk a little at a harder one, right to her sitting spot, that brings forth a louder moan.
Is your little omega a masochist, too? You know of her sadistic side, yet are thrilled to find out about this part of her. You suspect she will enjoy what you have yet in store for her.
“You feel this?”, you hum, your palm coming down to cup her burning cheek. It’s bright red and heating up, even warmer under your throbbing palm.
“This, is because you’ve been such an unbearable brat to me”, you hiss. Cassandra whimpers with every slap that follows, her pale skin turned pink, then to a deep red shade.
She’s whimpering pitifully with each smack to her ass, yet when your fingers move lower and you drag your middle finger through her slit, you find it utterly soaked.
Her slick wetness sticks not only to her pussy but is smeared all the way to her thighs and across your lap, messing the fine uniform you are to wear.
It seems, even when disciplined Cassandra is prone to making a mess. How fitting.
“Have you learned your lesson?”, you ask, your hand reaching down to rub yourself through the pants. You’re painfully hard. You need release. It seems, Casssndra feels the same, her chin messy with drool, her clit aching and pussy yearning for your touch. She’s never felt this way outside of a heat season, never thought she could be made this desperate.
She nods, fast, before speaking when she finds her voice again “Yes, Miss”, she breathes out. Your cock twitches at her words. You wonder what sweet names to address you by you could lure from her.
You let go of her panties and chuckle when they snap back against her red cheeks, then guide her lower half off you. Immediately, she turns to you, her eyes hungry, and desperate.
You aren’t about to deny her or yourself.
Spreading your legs, it’s her turn to play servant and follow a silent command.
Her hands immediately shoot to your zipper, yet a whimper comes from her when you grip her wrists yet again.
“Watch the nails, got it?”, you hum, eying the sharp, claw-like nails painted a deep black. You know if she wanted, she could easily end you with them alone. You know, despite being yours, despite being a massive brat, she is a predator. You just can’t bring yourself to care today, not after the frustration she has made you feel yet again.
Spanking her, it helped, to release your strength and torment her back. Now all you wish to do is to take her hard, over and over and over again until she’s pumped full and the tenseness of your muscles loosens up.
She nods obediently, her eyes set on the bulge presented to her. Immediately when you release her your belt is undone and your pants are tugged off. You help her take off your boxers and moan when, at last, your cock slaps back against your thigh.
She wastes no time at all, shooting forwards and taking you in her mouth. You groan, your hand at the back of her head.
This is how most night fantasies went for you, with the brat shut up by your dick, her ungrateful mouth occupied.
You hold her hair in a tight grip, shivering when her moans around you bring you pleasure. Then, you tug.
She moans and whimpers as she is suddenly made to take the entirety of your cock down her throat, her eyes watering when she is held against you.
Dark golden, teary eyes look up at you, her nose smudged against your lower stomach, her throat bulged, her choker now unbearably tight on her.
If you didn’t know better, you’d think you would cum from this alone.
She squirms and whines, all this shut down when you sling your thigh across her shoulder and keep her in place. With her this close to you, she has no choice but to breathe in your scent, the scent she has been chasing since she has picked it up. Only now she knows it belongs to an alpha rather than a beta, most common among maidens at the castle.
For a moment longer, she manages to breathe through her nose. Then, a laugh of sadistic humor and a vile thought overtakes you.
“Sssshh”, you hum, your free hand snaking down. Her eyes widen when your index finger and thumb shut her nose. Immediately, she begins to gag trying to breathe though her mouth.
You laugh and moan, the hole that is her mouth and throat becoming even tighter. You feel precum drip from you and into her throat, smearing against the back of it where your tip is.
The poor thing is drooling and gagging between your legs. Golden eyes snap open when you release her nose again and she breathes through it. You allow her to pull back, your eyes wide and your cock twitching as it comes out soaked in spit and precum.
“That’s it, that’s how a brat like you ought to look”, you coo. Her light makeup is smeared, her chin and lips slick with drool. She reeks of you, or at the very least, her face does. You moan as she leans forwards and takes you back inside her mouth.
And yet, you aren’t entirely heartless.
You allow the beautiful brunette some release, at least, coming in the form of your leg. With her lips and tongue working around your cock, her legs part and she humps your leg desperately, her wet pussy and uselessly soaked thong smearing against you over and over again.
You know, it won’t get the needy thing off, but it’s enough to give her a taste of what’s waiting for her should she misbehave in the future.
You groan as she licks and sucks, bobs her head and hungrily drinks every sip of precum that drips from you.
You’re still holding onto her hair, yet allow her room to move on her own this time.
In this moment she looks so sweetly obedient, so perfectly trained with her red ass cheeks and wet chin, the puddle of drool underneath it on the floor and the submissive display of her desperate humps against your leg.
You feel pride, having taken and tamed her, claimed your precious omega, the one occupying your thoughts for months, the one frustrating and teasing you, but inspiring you all the same. The one you have been after but denied yourself purely due to her status, yours at last. And yours wholly, soon.
“A-aah, yes, fuck yes”, you groan. She’s taking you deep, her own pussy creating wet squirting noises as it rubs along your leg. You groan at the thought of being inside of her already.
Not wanting to spoil her too much and growing entirely too impatient, you pull her back, her face even more messed than before, her lips parted as she pants. You spot lines of precum on her tongue before she swallows them down.
Obedient, good.
“Up”, you command, humming when she for once simply obeys without opening her mouth again. Cassandra gasps when you grab onto her upper arm again, yet again tugging her along when she takes far too long to follow.
She giggles as you brush the dead lump of bloodied meat off the table, yet her golden eyes widen and she shrieks when you turn her way. Clearly, not all of her bad behavior has been fucked from her, the giggles enough to remind you just how much joy she gets from ruining your work.
Cassandra gasps when she’s bent over the table, her fingers fisting the bloodied napkins. Yet another thing you so carefully laid out, of course.
“Nonono, please!”, she gasps, anticipating the smack to her ass just a mere moment before it comes.
You spread her legs and deliver another just between them, your hardened cock twitching as she cries out and the wet, juicy pussy in front of you turns light pink.
You line yourself up with it, your wet tip pushing the juicy pussy lips aside. She gasps when the head pushes inside.
In a castle full of women, you aren’t surprised she isn’t all that used to taking dick. Still, the little brat has this rough treatment coming.
Cassandra gasps again when you grab her hips, then shrieks when you push yourself fully inside in one go. You feel her stretch around you, feel as you tear her open to get inside.
She’s moaning loudly, her fingernails leaving deep scratches in the wooden table. You couldn’t care less about that now though.
Cassandra groans as her hips are lifted and you begin thrusting, hard and fast like she has been teasing you for hours. She feels your balls slap against her, so full and thick, and feels as though wonderfully torn in two with each of your thrusts.
The table beneath her shakes as she’s sent forth and back with every thrust. She feels warm, wet and tight around you, her pussy milking what her mouth didn’t get from you.
She’s moaning and groaning, a mix of low and loud noises that will surely alert any staff member nearby. She’s taken harder than ever in her life before and she’s loving every second of it.
You feel the tension move from you the harder you thrust into her, her tight pussy taking the brutal pace of your cock perfectly.
You tug her back some more, groaning when the new position allows you to move even deeper inside.
“A-ahaah, yes, yes! Fuck! Mmmmm yes!”, she moans, her back arched for you yet again. Her legs feel shaky already, her whole body buzzing.
You wrap one arm around her stomach, chuckling dryly as you feel the slight bulge form at her lower stomach whenever you push fully inside of her.
Momentarily you watch her other hole, even tighter than her pussy looked, trembling and breathing with each thrust into her soaked hole. It looks almost innocent, and her gasp when you as much as brush your fingertip across it has your hips buck wildly.
Perhaps, another thing you will take from her later.
“Nmmnmn, yes, yes, oh yes!”, she moans, golden eyes fluttering shut as she feels her body wholly submit to you.
Her pussy squelches around you with every push in, her cute legs tremble. You know she’s close, and feel your own orgasm approaching at last.
Feeling her squeeze your cock does it for you, so that you can’t help but push yourself deep inside of her, pumping shot after shot of thick, warm cum inside of her.
Cassandra’s mewling at the foreign feeling, her chest heaving as she cups her own stomach, as though feeling you from the other side.
She relaxes against the table for a moment, then squeals in surprise when she’s pushed forwards again, her head shoved into the bloody tablecloth in the middle of the table.
Clearly, your omega is used the company of betas, sweet beings, yet hardly as enduring as alphas are.
In a split second you’re on top of her, your wet dick slapping against her pink ass cheeks.
You watch as some of her and your cum drools from her, slowly sliding down to her asshole before dripping down to the table below you.
“Ha-aah! Ah!”, she gasps as you flip her and lift her legs up.
It seems, your bratty omega will at last learn what mating is like.
“AH!”, she moans, throwing her head back when you slip yourself back inside of her, the new angle allowing you to push wholly inside.
Your thighs slap against hers with every thrust into her, creating a loud slapping noise you’re sure is not only contained to this room.
She’s moaning and whimpering again, slurring useless phrases you can’t make out.
When you slam down on her, she shrieks, squirming as you take your frustrations out on her full pussy. She’s moaning loudly, flinging her hands around as if trying to hold onto something.
And she does, unfortunately for her, as she grips onto your shoulder, loses her grip and slices her nails right into the skin.
You scream in pain, yet fear is not what you feel. Instead, anger rises in you, so that your thrusts pick up and your balls slap against her ass cheeks roughly.
She snarls as your hand shoots to her neck, strong fingers wrapping around her. She knows you aren’t trying to kill her, which is about the only thing sparing your life. Instead, her hands are restrained with your other hand, her lips parted as she uselessly gasps for breath.
You find, she looks beautiful like this, taking your wet cock and dripping cum down onto the table all the while squirming and gasping for breath you don’t yet grant her.
“Did I not tell you to mind your nails, brat?”, you snarl back at her. She attempts to growl for a moment, a tiny noise made that is cut off entirely when you squeeze harder.
In turn, you feel her pussy tighten around you. Clearly, your masochistic bunny is fond of choking, too. You hum a little, grinding your hips down as you cum again already.
She’s watching you, eyes barely able to stay open as she feels you fill her again.
“Are you gonna be good now? Or must I retrain you like a silly little brat, Cassandra?”, you grunt. When she nods quickly, you ease the pressure at her throat.
Two of your fingers there part, and in the next moment Cassandra already moans loudly when your teeth connect with her skin. For a moment, you taste the foul blood. Then, the sweetness of an omega, the perfection of yours.
She cums as you claim her, her hips bucking underneath you as you bite harder and harder.
“Ha-Ahhh- arder, yes!”, she manages to breathe out, her eyes closing as you lick over the mark left on her. Blood pools at her neck and drips to the side, yet when you take the tablecloth and drag it across her pristine, pale skin there is nothing but a white bite mark left.
She’s shaking below you, her pussy alternating between squeezing you and squeezing out bits of cum to run down her southern parts.
Alas, you are not yet done with your brat.
Cassandra clings to you when you rise from the table, her sharp nails carefully resting along your skin rather than inside of it.
She gasps when she’s slammed against the window, her skin breaking out into goosebumps at the cold surface.
“Fuck you”, she hisses playfully, a little smile accompanying her words. Like this, you find her to be cute, even.
You send her the same sick, playful smile back.
“You’ll live, brat”
You chuckle dryly as you adjust your grip on her, holding onto her hips instead and allowing her legs back to the ground.
Again, you feel as wetness occasionally drips from her as she breathes.
You lick across the mark left on her neck, the undeniable claim you’ve left on her.
Cassandra yelps as you grip her neck again, the yellow choker necklace digging into your palm. “Down, and finish what you’ve started”, you hum.
Again, her cheeks turn a pale pink shade as she lowers herself in front of you, her ass and backside turned to the window.
You exchange your grip for a first full of her hair, somewhat gently guiding her to where you want her.
With her belly full of your cum and her face ruined, her neck marked and every ounce of brattiness fucked from her, you can’t help the urge to keep your omega close to you. To nurture her after the intense workout you’ve put her through, to love and care for her as she is yours.
You have wanted Cassandra for ages, after all, and chuckle a little at the thought of not only having her, but also fulfilling your fantasy of taking your frustrations out on her.
As golden eyes meet yours, you send her a soft smile, chuckling when you get a shy one in return.
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theragethatisdesire · 2 months
HELLO FROGGY >:P you knew id be here im youre lovely little bunny…i wanna submit my own prompt for your huge milestone event!!
“youre fucking eren jaeger? are you kidding me?”
do with that as you wish rage!! ILY
hiiiiiii my flower ummm firstly this prompt made giggle secondly i found it a bit challenging so i decided to go digging through my wips and ..... i discovered the morning-after drabble for ti penso eren!!! which ik you just said eren and it doesn't say your prompt exactly but also like. the energy is there. and it's really funny. SO YOU GET A VERY SPECIAL ARCHIVAL RAGE PIECE THAT'S ALSO QUITE LONG COMPARED TO WHAT I THINK THE REST OF THE DRABBLES WILL BE........ i hope it will suffice <3<3<3 i love you???
"you're fucking eren?" x ti penso! eren<3 this is a little continuation of this
“How are we doing today, folks?” A perky waitress approaches your table, smiling down at all of you. You pity her, really; no one at your table is exactly in the mood to return her level of enthusiasm.
Logically, you know how you’ve ended up sandwiched between Eren and Armin, trying to ignore the daggers Mikasa’s shooting at you across the table, but in the haze of your hangover and the intoxicating presence of Eren beside you, you can’t imagine what you did to deserve this fate. A memory flashes behind your eyes of Eren pinning you to the wall, licking up your neck. Oh yeah, that.
You and Eren had eventually managed to untangle yourselves from the bed when Connie and Armin had joined the raucous banging on the door, and you’d each miraculously found an old tshirt and a pair of Jean’s sweatpants to wear. Your face had burned when you met Mikasa’s withering glare, Jean’s look of horror when he caught sight of his sheets rumpled on the floor. Armin had corralled everyone into brunch of all things, deciding on behalf of the group that the rarity of seeing each other outweighed the painful awkwardness of the situation. Connie had whined and stomped his feet, demanding Ubereats on account of his hangover, but after some convincing, you’d all been dragged along to the restaurant a block from Jean’s apartment. Your foot, still wearing your heels from the night before that do not compliment the pair of Jean’s pajamas you’re wearing, jiggles incessantly under the table.
“Um, hi. We’re good, thanks,” Armin breaks the silence to answer the poor girl, looking down at his menu with pink cheeks.
“We need mimosas,” Connie says affirmatively, even though alcohol is likely the last thing that will aid this situation, “two carafes, and keep ‘em coming.”
“Connie,” Mikasa says sharply, “do you really think that’s a good idea?”
“Hair of the dog,” Eren suggests, nodding at the waitress. “Make it three.”
“Shut up,” Mikasa snaps at him. Eren balks, you don’t dare to look at him even as you snicker. “I told you two–”
“I am an adult, Mika,” for the first time all morning, you snap and finally interrupt her scolding. “Do we really need to do this over brunch?”
“Did you really need to do that in my bed?” Jean makes a disgusted face. Eren rolls his eyes, stretching his arms only to land one around your shoulders; god, you wish he wouldn’t do that, add fuel to the fire.
“Sheets can be washed.”
“I’m burning them,” Jean deadpans, eyes narrowing at Eren’s arm around you. You want to die. You want to shrink into a little hole in the ground and die.
“I got laid too, if anyone cares,” Connie mutters. Armin cocks an eyebrow.
“Before or after you puked in the kitchen sink?”
“Before,” Connie answers, unphased, “in that hall bathroom–”
“Can my apartment please stop being the sex apartment?” Jean groans, letting his head fall into his hands.
“Oh, like you two weren’t fucking each other silly back at our place,” you counter, pointing an accusing finger between Jean and Mikasa. Jean’s face turns bright red, and Eren’s eyes fix on Jean, narrowing into something lethal. Mikasa opens her mouth to snap back, but the waitress has returned, three mimosa carafes and six glasses on her tray. On second thought, maybe you do need a morning pick-me-up. 
All of you, despite your protests, fill your glasses to the brim. Eren pours yours for you, smiling down at you adoringly as if you were on a lovely date, not a one-night-stand-turned-hellish-morning.
“Want more?” He asks, holding the carafe towards your near-full glass. You shake your head, mouth pressed into a flat line, not missing Jean’s gagging across the table.
“Whipped already, Jaeger?” Connie teases.
“After last night? Absolutely,” Eren says with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face, wrapping his arm tighter and snuggling you into his side. Your face burns even hotter, and you smack his chest.
“Shut up, Eren!” You and Mikasa speak at the same time. Mikasa grants you a small smile at your synchronicity; it isn’t much, but it’s a start, and you venture into what’s hopefully a safe realm of conversation that will keep Eren preoccupied.
“So Mika, are you excited for Eren to move to the city?”
Your attempt at peace doesn’t go the way you’d hoped; Mikasa’s brows knit into a frown, and she turns to Eren, who’s blushing madly. “What?”
“When are you moving to the city?” Armin asks, nose scrunched in confusion. You’re just as confused as they are, turning to face Eren.
“But you said this morning–”
“I am in a few weeks,” Eren says, sounding very much like he’s just spitballing, “I just need to talk to Zeke–”
“What about my music?” Connie looks aghast, hands flying out to the side.
“Dude, I can still rep you from the city, and Zeke might not even want to move. He’s all wrapped up with Pieck anyway.”
“When were you planning on telling me you were moving?” Mikasa narrows her eyes, glaring at Eren accusingly. You realize you’ve put your foot in your mouth, exposed what may have been no more than a passing thought in Eren’s head. You haven’t even known him for twenty-four hours, but you can read Eren well enough to tell that he’s impulsive, maybe to a fault.
“Did you need to get laid so bad that you got one whiff of pussy and decided to pack up and move?” Jean looks amused, and you want to slap him. Thankfully, Mikasas does it for you, thumping him between the eyebrows. “Ow!”
“Don’t be crude.”
“Maybe.” Eren, for his part, simply smirks, tightens his grip on you. Your heart flutters despite your embarrassment; even if he had lied to get you back into bed for an attempted round two, it was a flattering thought. “It would be good for the business, though.”
“Come to think of it,” Armin rubs his chin, “it really would. There’s a lot more musicians that need representation in the city than back home.”
“You rep musicians?” You raise your eyebrows, surprised. You had assumed the family business was something boring, and you realize you never thought to ask. Eren shrugs.
“Sort of. We’re still getting it off the ground.”
“He reps me!” Connie waves excitedly at you.
“Impressive,” you give him a little once-over, seeing him in an entirely different light. In the sober eyes of the morning, he’s still beautiful, hair rumpled and messy and eyes half-lidded with exhaustion, but beautiful. You force your gaze away from him only to be met with Mikasa’s eyes, flitting between both of you, a curious look on her face. “What?”
“Nothing,” she hums, sipping her mimosa but not dropping the knowing smile spreading across her face.
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tokiwarcube · 3 months
Hello! I've discovered your blog recently and your writing is really good! Can I request nsfw headcanons for dethklok (if you don't write for all of them it can be either Nathan, Pickles or Murderface) about the reader being a Dom? Nothing to harsh but maybe just leading them or taking initiative after a difficult day.
If you're not comfortable with this it's okay! Thanks for reading anyway, have a great day ♡♡
Hello my love! I realized about halfway through that you had actually wanted headcanons (the cons of writing in an area without WiFi, I suppose.) so this ended up turning into a set of drabbles... but please, feel free to resend this if you want headcanons still, too! <3
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Nathan Explosion
Silence, marred only by the labored breaths of your lover, clouds the room with a lustful air so thick its almost suffocating. His chest heaves from his kneeling spot on the floor, sweat glistening in the dim lighting. You can’t see his expression from your place above him — His hair falls down against his chest in rivulets, obscuring his face with a dark shadow. Although you suppose you could hazard a guess, with how long you’ve been at this.
His dick twitches between his legs at your voice, and he leans forward on his knees just a fraction. A single drop of precum runs down his shaft at the movement — achingly hard after your hours of teasing. And yet, he refuses to ask for what he wants. Instead, his larger hands move up your calves, up and up towards your thighs. It’s slow, cautious. You watch for a moment, savoring the submissive trepidation, before growing tired. The ball of your foot meets his chest, pushing him back firmly, and his hands drop to his lap for what seems like the millionth time tonight. Black tresses sway, revealing the flush adorning his cheeks and his averted eyes. Whether it’s from shame or embarrassment you can’t quite tell, although the reasoning doesn’t really matter to you.
Only the fact that he’s still not following the rules of your arrangement.
His chest heaves beneath your touch, fingers twitching in his lap. A pause. And… nothing. You sigh, dropping your foot and leaning forward. Carding your hand through his hair you wrap your fingers around the strands, pulling firmly to force his eyes to meet yours. And oh, what a sight it is.
His pupils nearly swallow his eyes whole — loving and needy. His bitten lips part, panting worsening under your unwavering gaze. Open. Close. Swallow. He leans forward yet again, although this time, his hands stay at his sides — he’s learning, but not quite fast enough for your taste.
“Words, Nathan.”
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Pickles the Drummer
The party on the other side of the wall falls into a dull thrum, voices muffled less by the drywall and more from the needy groans that bleed from the throat of your lover. Your index and middle frames his cock, wet and twitching with every word you murmur into his ear, and his hips roll feverishly against you. As much as you’ll allow, anyways. His hips are all about all that he can move with how you’ve caged him against the wall, forearm pressed tightly against his chest to keep him pinned. You suspect you might bruise a bit tomorrow with how hard his hand grips you, although with the show he’s putting on for you, you can’t find it in you to complain. His head knocks against the wall, exposing the column of this throat, and you have half the mind to bite down on the tender skin. You file the thought away for later — tempting, but then you’d have to pull your gaze away from him, and how could you miss a sight like this? His tie was loosened long ago, top buttons of his shirt undone and pants pulled down to his mid thigh for just that extra bit of room.
And of course, for the extra risk.
Anyone could walk by and see how malleable he is in your hands, how easy it is for you to take him apart — the evidence would be undeniable. Disheaveled, flushed, panting, and humping your hand like a dog. You smile and lean forward to ghost a kiss across his lips, faint and sweet, but pull away before he can actually reciprocate. The mean move draws a whine from his throat, and you press him just a bit firmer against the wall in warning.
“Stay quiet baby, don’t wanna get caught tonight.”
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Candlelight glimmers off the stark white walls, casting dancing shadows and heavenly light against your limbs, intertwined. It brings with it a sort of warmth — a stark contrast to the sweat-slicked, cool skin of your lover. You run your hand slowly up his spine before winding your hand meanly through his hair, coaxing him into an arch as you thrust forward. The strangled moan he releases is heavenly, and his hand comes up to cover his mouth soon after. The tips of his ears flush just as rapidly — from embarrassment? Pleasure? You’d hazard its a bit of both, as when you pull back to thrust again he drops the silencing digits to instead scramble for purchase against the satin sheets. The fabric scrunches in his white knuckled grip, warping further with each of your own movements.
Strands held tight in your grasp, pulled more taught with each successive thrust, he’s held too stiff to bury his head in the pillows — treating you to all of his pretty little noises. Every gasp, then moan, then whine as you pull him apart bit by bit. His hips rock back against your strap eagerly, finally chasing his high of his own accord, and you grin.
“Go on baby, give me a show.”
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Toki Wartooth
It’s not often that you get him like this, all splayed out and pretty. His cheeks are flushed, eyes hooded as he gazes up at you. He leans up, searching, and you can’t help but give in and kiss him yet again, lips tilting upwards into the connection. It’s sweet, not unlike your typical kisses with Toki — but the tenderness in your movements is novel for the bedroom. The laziness, saccharine and heady, as you work your hand over his cock — taking him apart bit by bit.
Toki has always maintained some level of control in the bedroom — it’s taken a long time to get him to this point at all. Plenty of patience played a role in that, and while you don’t think you’ll ever reach the same level of bruising grips and commanding words that he brings to the table with you, you savor the modicum of submission he’s trusted you with. You run your hand down his side, gently quelling his bucking hips, and his breath shudders against your lips.
“Such a good boy for me, huh, baby?”
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Willliam Murderface
William is deceptively strong — it’s a fact that most, including himself, don’t realize. You take the time to appreciate the muscle along his arms, tensing with every harsh thrust you grace him with. His fingers flex in the curls of his hair, forearms covering his expression, although he can’t seem to control the whines that fall from his mouth. You grin, gripping his hips a bit tighter for leverage, and pressing just a bit further into him. It’s a fine line he walks — cover his face, or his noises? He’s always been sensitive, but this? Oh, you could keep him pinned beneath you all day, panting and whining just like this. You think he could cum untouched if you just angle yourself just a bit—
You take his wrists in your hold, bunching them in your hands before thrusting forward yet again using his own body against him for leverage. It’s then that you see his expression, drooling and flushed under your touch. His eyes widen at the movement, and then the pleasure, mouth parting invitingly. You have half the mind to run your thumb along his waiting tongue, just to see what he’d do, but instead you savor his dazed expression. You smile again, peering down at him from beneath your eyelashes.
“Eyes on me baby. Let me see that pretty face, yeah?”
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bardinthezone · 4 months
Stardew Valley Dash Simulator
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👾 d20--coding . . .
i love programming but sometimes it really just makes you want to bash your head into a wall huh. i'm talking to my computer all day and my computer is just responding with 18 different ways to say "fuck you"
👾 d20--coding . . .
#sounds about right #i'd do the same thing if i was a computer
hahahaha says the girl who eats rocks
🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
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this you?
👾 d20--coding . . .
wh. what. where did you even find that
18 notes
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🤖gogogadgetastra reblogged . . .
✈️doctor-h-starbird . . .
Not much in the skies this week, sadly. But some exciting stuff nonetheless!
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Piper M 600 SLS! Hello up there!
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TVS-2DTS biplane... dropping... boxes? Supply crates? Not sure if that's safe, I hope whoever that is has the proper permits...
#sky watch weekly
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🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
just got woken up by the farmer knocking on my dad's door at like 6:30am. again.
#the shop is closed on wednesdays #you have to know this by now
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👾 d20--coding reblogged . . .
🛹 radshredder17 Follow . . .
yo joja was bad but at least i never saw morris chug an espresso before sprinting halfway across town and passing out in front of the clinic
#and then they're banging on pierre's door at 7am the next day #like bro are you okay #get some help #or at least some sleep dude #farmer sightings
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🎨leahs_crafts . . .
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Just posted the latest sculptures to my online shop!
Plus a 20% off sale on all pins and stickers. Please stop by, and thank you all again for your continued support!
#sculpture #abstract sculpture #drawing #frogs #fantasy #etsy #abstract art #art #artists on tumblr #my art
36 notes
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🐔 chickenbastard Follow . . .
My aunt and i have been just scrapping by for years out here and yet that fuckin farmer shows up and creates a goddamn empire off of... blueberries? starfruit? chickens that we sold them? Good for them i guess but it'd be nice if life didn't suck ass sometimes.
☀️farmer-is-here . . .
skill issue
🐔chickenbastard Follow . . .
16 notes
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🤖gogogadgetastra . . .
Working on a big new project, details to come when it's finished! No spoilers, but let's just say... it's big :)
🤖gogogadgetastra . . .
robot gone
👾 d20--coding . . .
what, like it broke??
🤖gogogadgetastra . . .
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robot gone
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🍂cindersaprancher Follow
I swear I just saw the farmer run past the ranch into the woods from their farm, and then not 5 minutes later they ran past my ranch.. from town? How did they get there??
# I know I didn't miss them passing by at any point #farmer sightings
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🧿mui-wahhhhhh . . .
hi hi hiiiiii~! I'm preparing a spell of "have a lovely day" for you! (∩^o^)⊃━☆
:・゚✧*:・゚✧✯ ~Like~ to charge, ~reblog~ to cast :・゚✧*:・゚✧✯
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☀️farmer-is-here . . .
these mfers don't even know what kind of magic i've got access to. you're wondering how i get around so fast meanwhile i'm out here meeting with a goblin
🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
like. like a whole ass goblin?
☀️farmer-is-here . . .
goblin on deez NUTZ and ASS-WHOLE
45 notes
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👾 d20--coding reblogged wretchedbeastie . . .
🛹 radshredder17 Follow . . .
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Crushing it in Zuzu City, thanks to everyone who came to our latest set!
# stream Dead End Street out now !!!!!!
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🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
someone new moved into pelican town! apparently they're taking up that old crumbling farm?? so exciting, i can't wait to meet them!
🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
date of posting: spring 1, 2016
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🧿mui-wahhhhhh . . .
got a new amethyst today~!! ~^o^~
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🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
mmmmm a healthy snack
🧿mui-wahhhhhh . . .
11 notes
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✈️doctor-h-starbird . . .
Not to get too personal on here, but if I have to recusitate the farmer after a botched mining adventure one more time I'm going to be the one needing medical attention. For acute heart failure. My therapist in Zuzu city does not get paid enough for this.
☀️farmer-is-here . . .
is this because i passed out on our anniversary
☀️farmer-is-here . . .
#im so sorry it wont happen again
56 notes
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🐔 chickenbastard Follow . . .
☀️farmer-is-here . . .
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🐔 chickenbastard Follow . . .
34 notes
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🟢green--slime-1938ry Follow . . .
i'm in a fuckin cave
1 note
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🪷 bardinthezone . . .
and, scene :)
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joenotexotic99 · 1 year
Hello Doll! New fan here! You're so precious! 🥰 we NEED pt 2 of BoB "Sleeping with them for the first time", my request: Speirs, Toye, Eugene, Webster, Buck. AND pls wrote more Lovetropes! I've read it so many times, that I can quote from memory! xoxo
A/n this might be dirtier than pt1. Will do a pt 2 of love tropes ofc. Lmk if you have some people in mind for that
-this is a work of fiction based on the actors portrayal only. Every ounce of respect to the real heros-
Warning: NSFW, plain sinful smut. Lots of language. Minors dni
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Ronald Speirs
- this man will change your whole perspective of sex afterwards. You've both been pinning each other for a while and decide to go on a date. Yet the whole time you both have been practically removing each other's clothes with your eyes. Lingering touches, flirty behavior. Lets just say that you didn't quite make it through all the courses before Speirs asked for the check. You make it back to his place before he immediately kisses you. You start removing clothes while grabbing and feeling any skin you can both get your hands on. He turns you around to unzip your dress, taking it off your figure. He spun you back around to pick you up and set you down on the kitchen counter. You remove his belt and tug at his pants and boxers until the both of you are head to toe naked. He gives you a looks off 'are you sure' you nod yes before he lifts you legs up and fucks you. Praise after praise, surface after surface. It's a wild ride.
"Fuck you feel so good you know that princess?"
Joe toye
-he's sweet and spontaneous. It's a similar experience to George luz where it happens after a few dates. It starts slow, careful almost. But eventually you melt under him. He kisses you harder, Backs you to a wall. You remove each other's shirts. His hands unclips your bra. He makes hickies after hickies up and down your neck. He picks you up and brings you to the bedroom. Kisses down to your skirt to take that off as well. This man would love to praise you. And his voice!? He will mutter the most downright bad into your ears. He could make you come from just that alone. I feel like he's big on moaning you know. Your make him feel so good he's going to let you know that. Will do anything you ask him to do. You want him to touch you. He's instantly rubbing your clit, you want him to suck you Titts, he'll do that too. Fuck you harder and faster. He'll break the mattress. Will make you finish at least twice. Once on his cock. Then he'll clean you up with his tongue. But he is sooo sweet with the after care.
"God I wish you could see yourself right now doll. Getting fucked properly"
Eugene roe
-he's honestly a little nervous. He doesn't want to hurt you. It starts back at your place. Some wine after a good home cooked dinner. The alcohol helps with confidence. It's slow and passionate. He would be completely fine with kissing you for hours on end. But you've had one too many dirty dreams about this man so it's now or never. Eugene will be so great with foreplay. Makes you feel worshiped like no man has ever made you feel before. Always checking to make sure you're ok. When it gets time to really dance if you know what I mean he's super scared that something is going to go wrong. This poor man. You are so worked up from his touch that you have to tell him to just shut up and fuck you. It's like a switch goes off in his head. And the only thing he can suddenly think of is you. He fucks you until the only thing you can think of, only thing you can scream is his name. He robs you of every last breath in your lungs. It's dirty, passionate, sweaty and oh so good. Best God damn orgasm of your life. When you both finish and clean up. He definitely raps you up in his arms.
"Thank you"
"For what?"
"Giving me the best dick of my life"
David Webster
-HERE ME OUT! One bed trope. But it's not at a hotel or anything. You head to his place, have dinner, watch a movie, whatever. Oh no it's dark and raining. How about you stay the night? Oh crap this is a one bed apartment. You get the point. He offers you the bed and he'll sleep on the couch but you say that's silly and to just share the bed. Webster already had a huge crush on you so his ears turn a bright red, but how can he turn down the offer to share a bed with you? You get ready and both go to bed. It's awkward at first until he breaks the silence with one of those deep questions and you start talking for hours. One thing leads to another and he's on top of you. He kisses you until you lose your mind. You run your hands up his bare chest until you reach the stubble on his face. You slowly remove each article of clothing on the both of you. The air is thick and warm. Can you imagine how feral this man will go if you praise him. This man just wants some love ok? He asks you how sure you are about this, not wanting to cross any boundaries. You agree enthusiastically. You tug at his hair. Run your hands down his back. He kisses your neck, holds your waist. He's so gentle with aftercare too. From here on out you stay the night more often.
"Just like that web don't stop, so good, you're so good"
"Fuck sweetheart you're gunna make me come"
Buck Compton
-I know this is sorta cliché but fire sex. It's around the holidays. It's cold, snowing and dark outside. Inside it's warm, cozy and comfortable. You are still in puppy love faze. It's sweet. You are both on the couch blanket on top. Fire crackling. Buck reading you a book. You have thought about it a lot, sex. Yet you've never really got there. Steamy makeout sessions. Been there and done that. But it hasn't made it farther than that. But gooood you want it to. Your hands wander over him. Getting more and more close south each time. You rub his thigh, testing the waters. You can tell he notices by how his adams apple moves. You slowly undo his belt as he continues to read the book. He lets you pull his jeans down and slowly remove him from his boxers. You move your hand tauntingly slow. Not moving any faster in hopes of riling him up. He puts the book down and pulls you up to his lips. He removes your shirt and bra. Flips you over to remove your pants and underwear. He's sweet and confident in each move he makes. He kisses up and down your inner thigh until he finally makes it to the center. He gives you a taste of your own medicine. Slowly keeping you on edge with his tongue until you beg him to fuck you. And he does just that. It's better than you could have ever imagined.
"For fucks sake buck if you don't get up here and dick me down"
224 notes · View notes
maiko-san · 10 months
TADC x Robotic Jester! Reader (Part 3)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Continuation of the previous parts :D, I literally forgot one character that is Kaufmo. Even though he's not in the pilot, the poor guy deserves love! I know this is a short chapter but Kaufmo kinda deserves one tbh. Too many Jax x readers around lol.
ft. Kaufmo
Warning : slight angst
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There's nothing much to do around the circus as of late, Caine had been busy with his work/project and the others are doing their own things or minding their own business.
You're in Gangle's room and watch her draw characters from anime, even though she couldn't remember much about the characters or how they used to look like. Every time she draws, she feels that she is getting the characters so right!
"Look, here (Y/o/n)!" Gangle smiles as she holds up her finished drawing of an animal with a large red hat.
"A raccoon?" you questioned tilting your head to the side. "No, silly! It's a reindeer! A doctor too!" Gangle said. "Hehehe~ I'm just messing with ya, Ribbons!" you said.
"Hey, look what I've drawn!" you said. Holding up a badly drawn of yourself with Gangle with the word 'Weeb Besties' on top with hearts all over. Gangle gasps and takes the paper from you, "I'm going to pin it on my wall!" she said, hugging the drawing. She walks over to her board and pins it on the large board filled with all kinds of arts she had done.
"(Y/o/n), let's play mario—" before Gangle could finish, both of you were teleported to the stage.
Turns out, there were new people on the stage.
A clown?! Gasps! A stage buddy! Yippe :D
Kaufmo, a name that was given to the newcomer by Caine. At first, the poor guy was in a panic mess, well who wouldn't when you enter a whole different dimension in an instant.
"What—wh—where am I?! Why can't I get this thing off?????!!!" Kaufmo shrieks as he begin pulling on his face, Jax snorts "Try pulling harder, maybe you could rip—" you instantly slaps your hand on the rabbits's mouth to shut him up.
LICK— "Waa! Eew! Gross!" you cringe when Jax licks your palm as the purple rabbit gives you a smug grin.
Caine had taken Kaufmo on an instant tour around the place.
The clown didn't take it too well.
The guy was in a nervous wreck and running around the tent to find an escape from the digital realm.
"Exit! Where's the exit!" he shrieked. Jax on the other hand kinda had enough with his screaming and left, leaving you and the others.
"Alright, let's calm down and take a deep breath" Ragatha said as she walked over to Kaufmo to calm him down.
Due to Ragatha's expertise at calming people, Kaufmo finally calms down.
Everyone introduced themselves to the clown and it was your turn, "Hello, there Kaufmo! My name is (Y/o/n) the robotic jester! Hey, wanna hear a joke?" you said with a grin.
Somehow both of you became partners in the circus!
You and Kaufmo would do tricks together and tell jokes to each other, even Kaufmo's jokes weren't the best ( most of his jokes were consists of dad jokes btw ). Being a good partner, you help him improve!
Like Kinger, Kaufmo sees you as a good friend. Like you do with Gangle, you protect him from Jax's pranks and mockeries.
But even when you try to get his mind off the exit, it won't stop him or change his mind. Kaufmo were glad that you wanted to help him but....
He really wants to go home.....
"(Y/o/n)....I'm thankful that you want to help me but...I miss home and...my family. I know they are waiting for me" Kaufmo said. with a deep frown on his face. You stare into his black beady eyes as you rub your arm and look away.
"Don't you miss yours, (Y/o/n)?" your eyes widen slightly at Kaufmo's question, "I wish I could be like you, ya know....Like don't worry about anything at all? All of your feelings are so genuine unlike the others, like you belong in this place....." Kaufmo said, fiddling with his gloves.
"Well, I— uh" you were cut off by a voice.
"Now, what's with all of these frowning I see?" a voice echoes, both of you look up to see the moon looking down at the two of you.
"Oh, w-we were just talking...." you said, rubbing the back of your neck "I-I I think I want to go back to my room, see you tomorrow I guess..." you said as you speed your way back to your room. On your way, you see Jax walking by and he sees you. He folds his arms behind him and extends his leg once you got close.
He trips you as you fall on the ground, but you were too deep in your thoughts to even bother about Jax tripping you.
A question mark appears on Jax's head as he watches you enter your designated room, slamming the door shut. Jax's grin left his lips, he never sees you acting like that before and it kinda bothers him to see you like that.
"Pft....they'll get over it" he snorts as he walks away but he still couldn't shake off the feelings.
Once you're in your room, you lock the door and lean on the wooden door before sliding down and sit on the floor. You cover your face with your hands and cry.....
Now that Kaufmo said it, "I u-understand how it felt...." you mumbled to yourself. Yes, you also miss your family.
Especially your beloved uncle, you couldn't remember what he look like anymore and every time you want to remember, it was all a blur in your mind.....
He was the only family you had left.....
You'd hope that he's doing alright....
You look up at a drawn picture of yourself (avatar form) and a man with a question mark on his face, both of you are holding hands.
There is a word written, "Greatest Uncle in the world".
"I...I miss you" you sobbed, rubbing away your tears.
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Smash or Pass: Part 3/4 (LA!Buggy the Clown x Reader)
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Summary: It's the last stop before the Grand Line and you slink away for a quiet evening. The universe, however, decides to clown on you. Sequel to Kiss, Marry, Kill. Pairing: LA!Buggy the Clown x F!Reader Rating: 🌶 Explicit! 🌶 Warnings: PiV sex, improper use of Devil Fruit powers. Word Count: ~2.9k.
PART 3: In which an understanding is reached, a Devil Fruit is misused, and a promise is kept.
Buggy springs upwards and throws his arms around you, pulling you atop him. He kisses you like a man dying, quick and desperate and full of little whispers. Curses and prayers and your own name all in the same breath, dancing around your tongues.
What choice do you have but to kiss back? You breathe when you can, but he must be hellbent on asphyxiating you, because he allows barely a moment to pass before pulling you back in.
You love it.
You finally put a hand on his chest and force him down as you pull away. He whines like a kicked puppy, eyes just as big.
“Holy shit, are you desperate,” you utter.
Buggy stares at you with those pleading eyes. Wide, shining, rolling rivers. “Join my crew,” he says.
You almost sober up right then and there. He tries to pull you back down and you have to hold yourself back with both hands. “You're still on that?”
"How could I not be?" He says it like it’s a casual good morning greeting.
What's with this guy? “You barely know me! I cut your tongue out, I humiliated you, I said mean shit about your—!”
He yanks you back into kissing him, but a hand goes to your ass this time. Squeezing, groping, stroking. “Knew I wanted you -- the moment -- I saw you -- under the spotlight.”
It’s really hard not to kiss back and you are a weak, weak woman. “You tried -- to kill me -- and my friends -- right before -- and right after.”
He pulls away to kiss your jaw, your cheek, all the way up to your ear. “We were all young and stupid then.”
“That was two weeks ago.”
“Exactly.” He pulls you flush against him before returning to your mouth. What a nice fat tongue he’s got. “Been thinking about you every day since.”
Well, that’s something you have in common. “Thinking about what?”
“Your laugh, your eyes, your lips...” His cock pokes you in the thighs. He moans, long and low, and presses his mouth to your ear. “Your cunt that I just know is dripping.”
Well, it wasn't before, but it is now. Time to give up the ghost. “Been thinking about you too.”
He's the one to pull away this time, eyes wide. “Really?”
You nod. "Remember what you said to me at Arlong Park?"
“I say a lot of things. I like the sound of my own voice.”
You remember. It echoes in your ears in the daytime and haunts your dreams all through the night. It lodges itself between your legs and burrows upwards, pulse by pulse, stroke by stroke, until it erupts from your mouth and finally grants you sweet relief.
It makes you shudder even now. “You said if I joined your crew…” You press your lips to his ear. “You’d screw me to the wall every night and eat my cunt like a wild dog every morning.”
His breath quickens. He swallows. The corner of his mouth twitches up. "One of my more inspired turns of phrase."
“Oh, absolutely." You grin wickedly. “But I understand if you just liked the sound of your own voice. You probably can’t do it.”
Hook baited. Let’s see if he bites.
A low, low growl leaves his throat. The next thing you know, the world is spinning. A pair of strong arms lift you up and off the bed — just arms. No hands. They pin you to the wall.
You shriek in surprise, only for a forearm to clap over your mouth. The other slides up the hem of your shirt and yanks it up and over your head, blinding you.
“Can’t do it, huh?” You hear the jangle of a belt buckle, the buzz of a zipper, and the thud of trousers hitting the floor. “The hell I can’t!”
The shirt finally pops off your head, and you—
Oh. Hello.
Buggy’s naked.
He’s got his back to you as he puts his hair up into a ponytail with disembodied hands. And what a back it is. Broad. Smooth. Muscle ripples with every movement, no matter how slight.
He bends down and dear sweet lord, what an ass. You’ve seen a lot of asses in your day and this one is damn good. You want to dig your nails into it. Slap it. Feel it jiggle. Grip it tight.
Your own hands go to your waistband. You’ve never gotten that zipper down faster.
“You’re gonna eat those words,” he spits. His hands dig around in his trouser pockets.
You don’t hear him. You’re too preoccupied with getting your bra off without seeing the hooks and trying to use telepathy to get him to just turn around already.
He straightens up and surveys the floor, his back still to you. "Oh, where the hell...?"
Fuck’s sake. You slip your panties off and snap the elastic at him. “Buggy!” you bark. 
They hit his back and he turns at the waist to glower at you. You can barely make out the tangle on his pubic mound. “What— oh.” His eyes sweep up and down your body like the spotlights he craves. His mouth drops open. “Oh.”
You’re flattered. You really are. “Will you just get over here and screw me already?!”
Finally, finally, finally he turns around.
You’ve seen longer at full mast. In fact, it might be on the shorter side. But… could you even make a fist around that thing? And the flare of the head… There’s a non-zero chance it might not fit. Oh boy.
Bright red blooms across his cheeks and his throat bobs as he swallows. His wayward limbs reattach themselves — hands to arms, arms to shoulders — but he holds them stiffly. “You’re…”
“I'm hot shit, I know.” His cock bobs and your pussy twitches. You notice the little foil packet in his hands. “Wait, you’re gonna get that over that?”
He stares a moment longer, then gives a little shake. “Unless you wanna go without?”
That sounds amazing, actually. Been awhile since you got done raw. But not even you are crazy enough to risk that.
Unless you are. Are you? No, not today. You shake your head.
He grabs a corner with his teeth and rips it open. You watch as he rolls the rubber down his cock. Or tries to, anyways. He tries the wrong side first and has to turn it around, but he does get it on. Barely. It looks tight.
“Might need to go up a size,” you mutter.
He flushes a brilliant red, but doesn’t say anything as he approaches you. His cock quivers with every step like it can barely support its own weight.
He swallows. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he looked nervous. He touches your breast, dragging his fingertips along the dip, across your areola, and along the curve of the bottom. “God damn.”
Again. You’re flattered. But there’s more important business to deal with. “Buggy,” you say firmly, “either quit talking and fuck me like a man or don’t fuck me at all.”
Something seems to click. His gaze hardens and he closes the distance between you. He presses his hard, lean body against yours, resting his hands on your hips. He peers down at you.
“You sure you want this? With me?” he murmurs.
God fucking dammit. “Are you a virgin or something?” you spit.
He has the gall to look offended while you stand there unfucked. “No!”
You sling your leg up, grab his hand, and place it under your knee. “Then. Fuck. Me.”
Buggy swallows. He lifts your leg higher and grabs his cock. He lines himself up and, with a nod from you, takes the plunge.
You gasp as he pushes into you. Fuck, this is gonna be a helluva squeeze. You’re lucky you’re already wet.
He chokes. It almost sounds like a sob. “Oh, that’s tight…”
You want to protest. You’re not tight, he’s just packing. But you think better of it. “Thrust,” you hiss.
His voice quivers. “I don’t think I can.”
“Just do it.”
He swallows. His cock moves inside you, up and down and up and down. You hiccup with every push and hiss with every pull, but it gets easier as your slick coats your insides.
Buggy has no such relief. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and whimpers with every movement, breathing like a weight crushes his chest.
You feel a bit of sympathy for him until you look down. He’s not thrusting his hips at all. This motherfucker detached his cock from the rest of him.
He sees you looking and gives you a weak, brows-knit, lips-pursed smile. “Perks of being a Chop-Chop man,” he rasps.
A knock on the door makes you both freeze.
“Everything alright in there?” the matron calls. “If he’s dead, I’ll help you move him.”
You roll your eyes and open your mouth, but he presses his finger to your lips. “Shh.”
He detaches himself at the waist, taking his head and his free hand with it. His hips remain against yours, and his cock still stretches you wide.
You watch in shock as he floats his torso over to the door. He opens it just a crack. “Alive and kicking, thanks. How’re you on this fine evening?”
You have no idea how he can make pleasantries with someone while buried up to his balls inside you. You certainly couldn’t. You know what? Fuck him. You squeeze your walls tight.
His breath hitches, but he keeps talking. Slowly but surely, he wins over the matron. You understand how he has as big of a crew as he does. Man’s got a weird charisma that just turns on and off like a lightbulb. You’re kinda jealous.
“She’s sleeping right now. She’s had a rough day. I’ll keep an eye on her. No, of course. Really? I appreciate it. Thank you. Good night, ma’am.”
He closes the door and draws the lock. He turns to you. That charisma is still switched on and it shows. Despite his current lack of legs, he still manages to saunter towards you.
“Trying to make me break character, huh?” His cock slams into you and your tailbone slams the wall and it all makes you gasp. "Cute."
“I don’t like being ignored,” you huff. “Where’d you get the confidence from?”
He gives a smug smile. “All part of the act, baby.“
You liked the other Buggy better than this asshole. You clench tight around his cock.
He chokes and sputters, eyes going wide. He opens his mouth again and you squeeze again and again he chokes on his words. A whimper escapes him this time, but he shakes it off. “Stop that!”
“Then get over here!”
Buggy scowls. It’s a good look on him. He reattaches himself to his waist and slams his palm against the wall right next to your ear. “You're a real bitch, you know that?”
You drape your arms around his broad shoulders. “Damn right."
He grins. He dives for your mouth as his cock reattaches, and he thrusts his hips in a steady rhythm. Nipping, sucking, licking. Any sense at all goes right out the window. All you can think about is how good it feels to be full.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck. His breath is hot on your skin, all raspy huffs and wordless moans. His moans trickle so sweetly into your ear, like grenadine syrup between the ice cubes of a cocktail.
Something wet wiggles in between your bellies and slides down, down to right above where his body joins with yours. It swirls your clit and you damn near scream.
His hand flies to your mouth, pressing a finger to your lips, before pulling you into yet another kiss. You part his lips with your tongue, ready to dance, but…
…nothing. There's nothing there.
You pull away so hard you whack your head on the wall. “What the—?!“
He slams his mouth into yours to shut you up. Still nothing in there. He kisses you again and again until the urge to scream subsides. The urge to swear does not.
You hiss through gritted teeth. “What the fuck?”
He opens his mouth wide. Teeth the color of old ivory glisten in the light, but no tongue. He leans back slightly. A slab of pink flesh waggles against your clit, making you buck. You look back up at him. He winks that little wink of his.
Perks of being a Chop Chop man indeed.
You wrap your arms around his neck. You throw your leg up around his hip and he grabs it. You hook your other leg up and he grabs that one as well. He lays his forehead against yours, gazing right into your soul.
You gaze back. His grip is a little shaky, but you doubt he'll drop you. “Ready?”
Buggy nods curtly. With a snap of his hips, he makes good on his promise.
You’ve never been fucked like this. Screwed to the wall, stretched to bursting, swirled to oblivion, kissed into silence. You wonder if you died in that brawl and went right to hell, punished by being fucked by the object of your lust for the rest of eternity.
If you’re being honest with yourself, you’d be okay with that. No more getting up early. No more worrying about bounty hunters. No more gazing at the ocean and wondering how you went so wrong in your life that you had to jump aboard a kid's pirate ship just to get away from it all.
All that exists are you and the Devil himself, tempting you to sin with a harlequin’s smile, a silver tongue dancing a tango on your clit, and a cock so thick you feel like you’re being split in half. Any of those alone, you could make do with, but all together? You're doomed.
Speaking of which, you’re close. So very close. You say as much to Buggy, who nods.
With one last swirl, he recalls his tongue back to his mouth with a slurping noise you’re not sure turns you on or off. “Knew you were gonna taste good,” he moans.
You decide it's a turn on. “C’mere."
He leans in, only to yip when you latch onto his neck. He moans your name as you suck, bucking harder with every lap of your tongue and every nip of your teeth.
You only pull away to moan his name. “Buggy…”
The thrusting continues. “Say it again.”
Who are you to deny that? “Buggy,” you purr.
He moans your name again. He presses his lips to your ear and repeats it like a chant with every thrust.
You’re not sure if it’s his tone or the way his cock stretches you or if there’s just something in the air, but whatever it is, it tips you right over the edge.
You’re no stranger to cumming. You’ve been around the block. On your own, with a partner, with tools, without, all of it.
Not a damn thing has ever rocked you the way this climax does. It drags you to the top of a cliff, dangles you over the edge, then hurls you down. You hit every bump and briar and boulder along the way, bringing tears to your eyes and making you scream with every pulse.
But you can’t twitch your cunt closed around a cock this thick. You just twitch and throb and moan until he’s driven wild.
Which he is in very short order. He loses his mind, buried deep inside you, stuttering in his rhythm.
"Gonna... Gonna make you a queen," he whimpers. He thrusts up and up, hard, erratic, so close, so very, very close. "Gonna be mine. All mine. Mine mine mine—!"
One final twitch and Buggy comes undone. He whines into your neck as he pops like a cork, nails digging into your hips.
God alive, you wish he wasn’t rubbered up. You want to feel hot, thick seed painting your insides, filling you up so full that it drips down your leg like syrup when he pulls out.
But alas.
You go limp. He goes limp. Like a pair of stringless puppets, you flop onto the bed. It creaks mightily and you worry it might break, but it holds.
You lay there against him, panting. The orgasm sobered you up a bit, and you come to terms with the fact that you might be kind of a slut.
You're ready to scramble away when his arm slips under your neck and the other wraps around your waist. Buggy pulls you in tight and curls up, holding you tight against him, shivering like a man pulled from ice water.
“You okay?” He whimpers like a dog, burying his face in your hair. You try to crane your neck to look at him. “You don’t sound okay.”
A few moments pass. The whimpers stop and he grows still. Cold hits your back as he releases you. You hear the squelch of semen in rubber and the snap of a knot being tied.
“Sorry," he mumbles. "Big one.”
You can’t help yourself. “Been awhile?”
“Shut up.” He flops back onto the bed and wraps back around you. He inhales deeply, then lets out a groan. “Can't feel my legs.”
And now’s your chance. Bail. Run. Get the hell outta Dodge while he’s in a post-coital haze.
But he’s so warm and you're so comfy and he smells so nice. Like sea air and fancy lipstick. Exhaustion swamps you like a rogue wave. You can’t bear to move a muscle.
"That's supposed to be my line," you say.
He replies with a weak giggle and pulls you in closer.
Heavy, lazy silence fills the room, resting atop you like a warm, thick blanket on a winter morning. You never want this moment to end. Nothing else in the world except you, this bed, and the man curled around you. You suppose the least you can do is keep him company through the night.
You try to sit up to grab the edge of the sheet, but his grip tightens. He mumbles something as a hand wriggles out from underneath you. It grabs the sheet and pulls it over the both of you, tucking the edges beneath your body before returning to its rightful place.
Snug as a bug in a rug, you think. A snug bug rug. Well, two bugs. You and him. Snugs as two bugs in a rugs. Or one you and one Buggy. Snuggy Buggy in a ruggy...
Your half-asleep musings are interrupted by a whisper in your ear. “Did you mean what you said?”
“‘Bout what?”
“About joining my crew.”
He’s still on that? Poor guy. You spare him a pitying smile. “‘Fraid so.”
You hear him swallow. He pulls you in tight against him, burying his face in your hair. He murmurs words you don’t quite catch. Sweet little nothings against your scalp.
Your body fits so nicely against his. His belly presses against your back with every breath. He’s so very warm. And comfortable.
You drift off to the best sleep you’ve gotten in weeks.
Part the Last goes up Saturday!
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