jrueships · 1 year
you guys should mlp assign the mnba players 🤧 and send them into my askbox 🥰
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blu-joons · 4 years
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Younghyun is very much a gentleman and his affection will reflect this. He’ll keep you close to him as often as he can, and constantly give you kisses to remind you that he loves you and that he’s right there beside you.
You knew that Younghyun was popular amongst most people, so when he first started talking to you, you thought he was just being polite. He definitely tried to drop a few hints that he liked you, but you were convinced that was how he treated most people, unaware of just how special you were becoming in his eyes.
He ended up confessing to you when he began to feel you get quite distant. He was worried that he’d done something wrong, so when you told him you were confused about the signals, he was sending you, he decided to make them clear. You were kicking yourself as he told you how he felt for thinking that he’d treat everyone so kindly or that he would be so kind to you if there wasn’t some ulterior motive behind it.
Every week, Younghyun would try and work at least one date night into his busy schedule. He loved to take you out to dinner more than anything else, he’d pick you up at your house and make sure that he always dressed smartly. At the restaurant, he’d always pull your chair out for you and be able to pinpoint exactly what you wanted on the menu. Dates with Younghyun often left you speechless, you weren’t quite sure how you ever managed to get so lucky in finding him, but you always made sure to treasure him.
You were the first relationship Younghyun had been in, which often worried him. He wanted to make sure that he was the perfect boyfriend, he was always scared about making mistakes or doing something wrong. His biggest concern was neglecting you, he wanted to be transparent with you that he was a busy guy, and even though you often reminded him that you would be fully supporting of his career, he couldn’t help but feel bad that there were so often times when you’d go a while without seeing or hearing from him.
The two of you didn’t tend to argue often, it was hard to find the time to speak to each other sometimes, let alone argue. It surprised Younghyun how little the two of you argued, he’d often expect for you to shout at him when he finally found the time to see you after weeks apart, but instead you’d sit him down and make sure that he was looking after himself. He never quite knew what to say when you were so kind to him, he’d always prepare himself to defend why he hadn’t made much time for you only to come to you and be cared for. You’d sit and listen to how everything was going with him, making sure he was healthy.
You knew that he was only an only child, so his family wanted the best for him. Knowing they lived abroad too meant that you only got to meet them over video call. That didn’t change the fact though that they could see how happy Younghyun was to be around you, which meant they instantly adored you too.
He was keen to find a place for the two of you, but he was worried in amongst his busy schedule that you’d end up spending so much time alone. Knowing that the boys were at the dorm was a huge relief for him as he knew they’d keep you company, but yet again, you were understanding, and happily lived wherever Younghyun was.
The first ‘I love you’ came from Younghyun after a long day with you. It had been a couple of weeks since he’d seen you properly, but seeing you was exactly what he needed to pick himself back up. He couldn’t help but utter those three words at the end of the evening before he left, making sure you knew how thankful he was.
Younghyun wasn’t someone who often got jealous, he trusted you and was happy to give you a bit of space from time to time. The most he’d get jealous about was your friends whenever they got to spend more time with you. He hated missing out, he hated that you’d end up having to go to gatherings and parties without him. As much as he’d pretend that he was fine about it, he wanted to be there by your side, so when work called instead, he was jealous that you got to meet up with everyone whilst he was left behind.
Having a family was a big deal for Younghyun, he’d told you that from the start. Being an only child, he knew it was up to him to give his parents grandchildren, which was something he desperately wanted to do. He was in no rush, he knew with you that your relationship was a long-term thing and that when the time was right for the two of you then having children would happen, and his family would be complete.
He loves to make you laugh more than anything else in the world, he always prays that your life is full of happiness and smiles. If he’s been away from you for a while, then he’ll always tell a joke on the radio because he knows that you’ll be listening. He loves to tickle you too when he wants to hear your laugh, sometimes the two of you will just be laid in a comfortable silence, when all of a sudden, his hands will attack your sides because he wants to be able to hear your laugh and put a smile back on his own face.
Over time, the distance becomes a natural thing for the two of you. As much as he wants to spend all of his time with you, he knows that he can’t, but he always tries to make it up to you. It doesn’t matter to him how understanding you are, he wants you to know how appreciative he is. Deliveries will often appear at your door from him as a sign of his thankfulness towards you for being there for him. You don’t realise the effect you have on him sometimes, but just knowing he has someone waiting for him at home is a huge comfort for him having spent so long away from his family. As soon as he sees you for the first time, his arms will be around you straight away, enjoying the feeling of your touch back around him.
More than anything else, Younghyun just tends to call you ‘love,’ it’s the simple things that he loves. Whilst you often have nicknames for him, if you want to annoy him, ‘Brian’ will always come out to tease him.
He’s obsessed with your body; he loves how perfectly it moulds against yours when you lie together and loves to explore everything about you with his hands.
Younghyun isn’t afraid of being affectionate with public if it means that it needs to keep you safe. His arms will often protect you from any attention that comes your way, whilst he’s happy sharing things with you and the fans, he’s very clear that there’s a line, and his arms will definitely push people back if they overstep it.
He questions you the most when he wants to know if you’re alright. When he’s away from you, he worries a lot, so he’ll often check in at various points throughout the day to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.
Before he goes on tour, Younghyun will write out lots of little notes to leave around the house for you to read. Whilst he can’t be there in person to say these things, he hopes that when you’re feeling down and read through them it will almost be as good as having him there. You always make sure to save them all, and whenever you’re missing him, you’ll dig them all out and read through each and every one.
Younghyun tends to be the more dominant one between the two of you, he likes to be in control and make you feel as if you’re being well looked after than the other way around. He’ll always put your needs ahead of his own, he makes sure to take his time with you and make sure that you know how much you mean to him. He’s never one to be quick with intimacy, he knows it’s something that should be treasured and special.
He texts you quite a lot to make sure that you know he’s doing alright, but to also make sure you are too. If there’s an artist at the station that he knows you like too, he’ll make sure to send you some photos and maybe even give you a call.
You were incredibly understanding of Younghyun’s career which was what he was most thankful for. In such a successful time, love had always been the things that had abandoned him until he met you, and now it was all complete.
When the time for a holiday came around, you gave him little choice but to take you to Canada. You wanted him to be able to see his family and reunite with all his friends. You were desperate to meet them and listen to all the stories that they had to share about Younghyun, no matter how embarrassed it all made him.
Not once did Younghyun ever whine around you, he was far too appreciative of all the things you already did for him to start expecting more from you.
Younghyun loved to kiss you as often as possible, he definitely used kisses as a resource to let you know how he was feeling. You always made sure to appreciate when you felt his lips rest against your skin. He’d often fall asleep absentmindedly with his lips resting against you, it quickly became a habit for him to tuck into the crook of your neck and lay there whilst pressing kisses against the exposed part of your skin.
You were his best friend, the one to complete the puzzle of his dreams.
At night, you always made sure that Younghyun went to sleep as quickly as possible. You knew how hard he’d work, and despite his protests that he wanted to spend some time awake with you, you’d refuse and instruct him to sleep.
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awsugawara · 4 years
bnha hcs with an artsy s/o [2/?]
part two of this series! i will continue with maybe 2 more sets of bnha characters, so if i don’t touch basis with one you really like, then don’t be afraid to send a request! i can also do pt. 2s or scenarios for these, if y’all want as well :)
note: your quirk will be the same all around, if implied you have one!
Quirk: AMBIENT ILLUSION - with a single touch of your hand or glance, you are able to make your opponent think that they’ve been taken to another “realm,” but in actuality their body movements mimic those in the illusion; it’s a quirk that can be used for good or for bad; your creativity isn’t limited, but the side effects are headaches, nausea, and sometimes insanity for a short period of time until your stamina runs out or unless someone knocks you out
Hero Name: Chiaroscuro or Chiasu [for short]- referring to the major contrast of light and dark in an image; in italian it is said to literally mean light-dark
enjoy :)
i. midoriya
> you both go way back to childhood years, but you moved away
> you two only reunited because you knew mirio and he told you about izuku
> “wait- does he have a broccoli like hair?” 
> nevertheless, izuku was ecstatic to reunite with you and vise versa
> he noticed the subtle changes to your appearance, such as your choice of clothing
> you talked a lot about your newfound love for art and aesthetics, he found it cute
> he told you about all might and his new quirk becuz something seemed off about him
> being quirkless, you make the most of being kind to people all around the world and to those you meet
> that’s one of the qualities that izuku likes a lot about you
> he isn’t really there after moving to the dorms, so you try to make the effort to come see him and that’s how the rest of his friends met you
> he feels bad you’re always spending time alone, while he was training really hard
> as an artist, you do get insecure, so losing deku to his dream was kinda a harsh reality check and you needed to find another outlet
> you worked at a nearby art teacher at the night painting sessions and you loved it
> gaining better critiques and learning about different potential styles made you so much more confident
> when izu saw you after long grueling training for the provisional license exam, he saw you were glowing with confidence and he was convinced he was going to one day marry you
k. bakugo
> he keeps you a hidden secret from the rest of his nosy friends. PERIODT.
> katsu is kinda embarrassed to admit he has a BIG soft spot for your artsy self
> you work at an art store and one day kirishima and kaminari decided to grab some materials for an art project that aizawa assigned
> you happened to be there helping out a flirty kaminari and an enthusiastic kirishima
> he was just kinda there...staring at you and your cute HANDMADE grenade earrings
> “you good bakugo?” -kirishima asked when they left
> “tch whatever.” 
>  he was forced to go BACK THE NEXT DAY because he broke some of the markers when he was getting riled up
> he ACTUALLY made a compliment to your flame earrings that day and you wrote your number on the back of his receipt
> fast-forward, he takes the time to escape the dorms during the weekends to see you
> his mom LOVES you to DEATH
> she knows you’re the one and pesters baku about marrying you NOW
> neway, you’ve made cute little charms for your boom boom boi as good luck
> BONUS: you have matching charms that he keeps in a display case in his dorm room in his desk drawer
s. todoroki
> since he’s fairly quiet, he never really mentions you, except to his sister or izuku
> he collects the scrapbook pages you put together in a safe scrapbook
> for once, his dad is actually proud of his son’s gf and as he proclaims “his-future wife”
> your quirk is something that his dad practically fangirls about
> your family doesn’t really like the idea of quirk marriages just because they value trust and love
> shouto loves that and so he can be seen coming over often on the weekends
> he admires all the art pieces you draw in your sketchbook that you carry around for your quirk
> the more details you can memorize of a scene, the more the victim becomes more entranced
> he admires the fact that you like making art not only for your hero courses, but because you value making others happy with your gift
d. kaminari
> den asks himself how and why he ended up with such a cute and gifted girl
> you like making him small gifts and art pieces because it brightens his day
> but you attend seiai academy, which you extremely dread
> but when it comes down to it, you aren’t one to associate yourself with saiko intelli, just because she’s kind of in over herself with her fancy teas
> you spend a lot of time drawing and such that you never really socialize with the other girls
> you only attend seiai because you had gotten a recommendation from your old art teacher, and suddenly...you feel out of place
> all the girls in seiai seem to be snotty rich girls with nothing else better to do other than gossip and drink leaf juice
> denki tries to make you feel better after talking about his day and then asking about yours, which you respond to as “the same old lonely dorm room day”
> he feels really bad and tries to make you happy
> the day of the sports festival, he invited you to attend a week before since it was a really big deal coming from class 1-A
> you met his friends and eraserhead at the provisional license tournament, which you had finished pretty quickly, considering how you broke away from your peers and kinda just went for some unlucky chump
> eraserhead was impressed oop-
> anyway, when you saw their performance, you got literal chills and was pretty jealous of denki, you made some excuse to go home
> you ended up crying by yourself, but that crying sess ended when you found den at your dorm room, hugging the daylights out of you
> “i have a suggestion for you...how about you ditch these rich girls and come eat the rich with the rest of us at U.A.?”
f. tokoyami
> edgy boi + soft aesthetic s/o = b a l a n c e
> fumi isn’t one to outwardly express himself in the love dept, so how he ended up with you was simply being classmates
> being a transfer from shiketsu high school was probably the most nerve wrecking
> after everyone had gotten their provisional license, your dad came back from overseas and didn’t like that you weren’t at U.A., so...yea
> ANYWAY, fumi is soft edgy boi for you, and really admires your pieces
> he gives you ideas for some dark pieces that could help you spook more people 
> fumi does little thoughtful things to help you through commission surges like bringing you flowers, snacks and dinner
> when you moved into the dorms, the rest of class 1-A had convinced you to let them into your room, which consisted of a lot of ORGANIZED art supplies and...PETS????
> apparently you had gotten permission from aizawa to bring some of your pets to the dorms, such as a cat, a puppy and a couple of birds
> “i couldn’t possibly come up with my pieces without having them”
> **cue cuteness overload**
> class 1-A didn’t pick up on your relationship with him and when they did, they were like......!!!!
> it was all thanks to your polaroid and printed photos of all your friends and some of your dates with fumi
e. kirishima
> you met during one of his patrols with fatgum and tamaki
> fatgum recognized you as you frequently came from seiai to visit, since fatgum was your relative
> kiri was curious about you since you go to seiai, an all girls academy
> fatgum had taken you along with his two interns to patrol and let me say kiri began simping after seeing you in action
> as a prep girl, you spend quite some time in the art room for your quirk
> having been prepared, it wasn’t any big deal to have you take down the bad guy within mere 15 minutes
> you were close with tamaki, but even closer with kiri
> at one point, you both started dating and you met his friends when you came from seiai to drop off some food you made for him
> “you go WHERE???” -denki
> lemme say that a lot of class 1-A was skeptical of you, but kiri convinced them that you meant no harm and was just visiting him
> “it’s okay, kiri! i’m sorry to intrude! i’ll be heading out now!”
> **cue dejected kiri for the rest of the week**
> his classmates felt bad seeing him in such a downer state, and apologized to him
> “nah, it’s okay...i was kinda hoping you guys would like her too and i’m sorry i’ve been down lately...so not manly.”
> but they learnt that kiri’s gf had been getting bullied for dating someone from U.A. and they had to go and make it worse
> “kirishima?” -mina
> “oh hey, what’s up?”
> “how’s s/o?” -denki
> “do you think that s/o would want to come to U.A.?” -midoriya blurted out
> mission: get s/o to attend U.A.
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
bucci gang with a model s/o hc??
- Absolutely (and secretely) infatuated with s/o’s photoshoots to the point where he buys all the magazines, products etc. that include them. He won’t outright admit that he has basically all of their stuff and will be HELLA embarassed if s/o ever came across his secret little collection one day by mistake.
- Most likely that will happen someday and that’s when Bruno’s usual calm and collected persona would shatter a little, the man erratically stumbling over his own words and blushing madly whilst trying to explain himself. Last thing he’d want is to come across as creepy or stalker-ish for buying all of the magazines and pictures that s/o was featured in.
- Of course that s/o would just chuckle and call him adorable, something that would make poor Bruno lose it e v e n more. S/o would be flattered that their own partner thinks of their work so highly and greatly admires it, hence why from that day on they’d make sure to give him all sorts of limited edition stuff, some of which would even be signed! Needless to say, Bruno would feel like the luckiest man in the entire warudo.
- Just like Bruno, he’d be very invested in s/o’s work, every so often the man complimenting s/o on their photogenic nature and their overall lovely features. He’s just a little bit more open with his passion for s/o’s modelling career as opposed to Bruno, even though Gio would still be lowkey embarassed and would get hella blushy on many occasions.
- Giorno has an eye for art, and models are no exception. He thinks of modelling as its own kind of art because in his opinion it’s not easy at all for one to be able to fully convey all sorts of emotions and overall be photogenic in all of their photos at all times. He thinks of this career very highly and has a great appreciation for s/o’s work.
- One quick way to fluster him is for s/o to offer him signed pictures or even gift him a very rare limited edition magazine that features them on the cover! Of course that Giorno would modestly say that they really didn’t need to do that, but s/o knows him all too well and can see the sheer joy in his eyes once they give him such presents. If s/o was ok with it, Gio would even take some pics of them and keep them as memories.
- At first he wouldn’t even be able to believe that s/o is a goddamn model. How did he even end up with someone like this?? Hell, they could have ANYONE in the world and yet they chose to be with him. Every so often such questions would be plaguing Abba’s mind to the point where he’d end up asking s/o about it, to which his partner would just call him silly and explain that their career literally has nothing to do with their personal life and the choices they make of course.
- Abba would be lowkey embarassed of his behavior sometimes, but it’s just that he thinks they’re extremely beautiful and successful and that they could find someone way better than him. But honestly he’d be lying if he’d say that he ain’t fond of skimming through various magazines that include his hella photogenic partner. Just watch the man lose it after s/o secretely signs one of his magazines one day, Abbacchio letting out a comically loud gasp upon making the discovery once he turns to the first page.
- Seeing that their partner has a tendency of putting himself down sometimes, at some point s/o would come up with the wonderful idea of them taking pictures of Abba just to show him how goddamn beautiful he is as well. Of course that Abba would be extremely flushed and would make up excuses as to not do it at first, but s/o would eventually convince him and it would turn out to be quite effective. S/o would keep instructing him on how to pose (and the man would be a damn mess) and what expressions to make and holy shit he actually is very photogenic if he wants to??? S/o would ask him if he ain’t considering a modelling career, to which Abbacchio would just roll his eyes with a flustered smile.
- If you thought Bruno and Giorno were chaotic fanboys then you ain’t seen jack shit because Mista stands out the most. He’d immediately recognize them as “that one super popular and hella hot model” and would jump up and down whilst asking for an autograph with the biggest most excited smile ever. How did these two end up actually dating??? No one knows for sure.
- Mista is extremely open about his passion for s/o’s modelling career and is constantly complimenting and praising their work. You bet your ass that he has literally all the magazines and posters featuring s/o and he ain’t afraid of asking for some extra rare limited edition numbers either. He’s absolutely thrilled whenever s/o has a new photoshoot and is basically cheering them on all the time.
- He’d be the happiest in the world if s/o would sign stuff for him too. On top of that. Mista also has a habit of bragging to people about his partner and how great they are in general, so the fact that they’re a popular model will be thrown into discussion more than once. He would tone it down if s/o wanted him to though, but he just can’t himself sometimes since he���s really proud of them yknow??? Also 11/10 asks if he can paint them like one of his french girls even though he’s fucking Italian.
- We all know he’s a man of culture, so there’s no way he wouldn’t recognize them. Ok maybe he wouldn’t OUTRIGHT recognize them like the chaotic fanboy that Mista is, but the second he’d see them on the street he’d just k n o w that they look familiar...till he glances to the side and sees an ad and realizes that holy shit they really are THE model!
- Fugo is hella shy and will be extremely reluctant to ask them for an autograph or shit like that, not to mention that he doesn’t wanna come off as overwhelming or creepy either. So once again, how did these two end up dating? Not sure at all. If anything, s/o was probably the one who made most of the moves all because Fugo would be too fucking shy especially because holy hell they are so popular and amazing and he doesn’t wanna embarass himself. S/o would find him to be hella cute of course. And don’t even get me started on that time when they cheekily offered him a little picture that had a small message written by them, autograph included. Fugo still keeps that shit in his wallet and calls it his lucky charm.
- Once the two make their relationship official though, Fugo will realize that he was being extremely silly for being so self conscious. After all, even if s/o is a very popular and well respected model it’s not as if they’re a deity (even though they sure look like one) or something. He’d gather more courage as time would pass to the point where he’d be buying countless of their magazines and posters, not to mention that he’s also very supportive and would be admiring them for just...having the balls to pose for a camera on a daily basis.
- Doesn’t even recognize them at first and starts dating them without having a single fucking clue until he sees an ad and the person featured in it gives him a little sense of deja vu. Only when s/o outright tells him about their career does the poor boi connect all the dots and he quite literally jumps up in the air full of excitement. He’d want to slap himself for being so blind all of this time but hey nothing else matters because his s/o is a f u c k i n g m o d e l.
- Considers himself the luckiest man on the planet and, just like Mista, brags to everyone about his dear partner and their succesful career. Sometimes he can get just a little bit too excited to the point where he’s staring off into the sky with dreamy eyes as he goes on and on about s/o’s lovely smile, but overall he’s just a very wholesome and supportive boyfriend. S/o happens to be nervous before a photoshoot? No problem, walking dose of serotonin Narancia is there to encourage and comfort them!
- Gets each and every product/magazine that features them to the point where he sometimes almost goes broke and it’s honestly the funniest shit ever. He just loves his s/o so much and wants to support them so damn bad by buying all the merch and products, even though s/o probably makes like twice the amount of money that he does. They’d find his behavior and enthusiasm to be extremely adorable, although s/o would still be a bit concerned about his spending habits sometimes.
Bonus - Trish:
- Honestly it’s my personal headcanon that Trish has an aspiration for modelling and lowkey wants to become a popular model someday. If not a model then an actress for sure. It goes without saying that she’d instantly recognize them on the street and would be h e l l a excited, the girl rushing towards said model and politely asking for an autograph.
- Basically, being with s/o would be the most thrilling experience of her life. Of course that she wouldn’t date them JUST because they are a model, but that aspect would also play a small part in all of this since she has a great admiration for models and she loves reading all sorts of stuff about the industry. That being said, she’d be absolutely smitten with both s/o as a whole and their modelling persona/image and would occasionally ask them for info about how it feels to be a model, how exhausting it is, how the industry works etc.
- Honestly deep down she’d wish that someday she’s going to be able to model along with s/o, and her partner would actually encourage her and support her dreams too. They would find her to be very cute and her entire admiration and love for their career would matter alot to them. S/o wouldn’t even be surprised once they stumble across the huge pile of modelling magazines (some of which would be featuring them) sitting in Trish’s room, even though the poor girl would be lowkey embarassed.
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haikyupid · 4 years
hello!! your concept is so so cute omg :")) can i request for a dalgona matchup latte please? i'm an intj-a with a 3w4/8w7 enneagram (it fluctuates D:) i love music/art/literature a lot and studied music in high school but at the same time i take STEM subjects! i'm quite a logical/rational person but i love spending my time daydreaming/crafting scenarios in my head hahaha. i might be quiet/scary at first but when i open up i'm super warm and affectionate with all my friends!! (1/2)
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Thank you very, very much for ordering and being patient with Kyupid’s Love Shop. One Dalgona Matchup Latte coming right up! Whew, here comes the side effects: I matcha up with ˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥
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➞ this just screamed sugawara to me; i legit heard his singing after reading your order 🥺👉👈
➞ on the topic of singing, can you imagine how beautiful it sounds when he sings while you play the piano? legit every gathering (doesn’t matter if it’s with friends or family) will never be complete unless the two of you have performed for everyone while they just stare in pure awe ‘cause duh, very talented couple over here
➞ this isn’t how i usually format orders (this would usually be at the last part) but omg, you two would be such cute parents! argh, this is too adorable for me— ik you don’t particularly like kids, but i just had to put this in!
➞ he once brought you at work during lunch since you dropped by to give him a bento box, and omg, now the children think that you two are their second parents; he asked you to play the keyboard while he sang, and lich rally the kids thought you two were angels sent from above and i mean, they aren’t wrong
➞ he jokes about the fact that you’re dating him, an elementary school teacher, even though you’re not very fond of kids; lowkey kinda sad about it since he does daydream about having a lil’ family with you, i mean he is surrounded by children all the time so he can’t help it
➞ n e ways, speaking of your daydreaming habit, koushi seems to be the type to do so as well (so it won’t bother him by any means; sometimes you two would even just cuddle in silence and let each other daydream)... except you’re always in it — what’s happening in those vivid daydreams of his is up to you ;D
➞ loooves the fact that you’re mature, it’s literally what he wants (maybe even needs since the cutie may be affected too much by his students childishness) in a long-term partner
➞ i’m not sure if you’ve seen korean fashion, but you two would legit fit their whole aesthetic; like the soft, neutral and calm, coffee shop and ceramic arts type of vibes— what i’m trying to say is, you two have now become the epitome of this soft aesthetic
➞ he has a lil’ garden, and whenever you visit and stay the night, you wake up to breakfast in bed with one of the flowers from the garden on the side of the tray and i— now i want a suga
➞ loves, and i mean loves, doing domesticated things with you! he cherishes the moments where you two just go grocery shopping together, make dinner together, go on late-night food raids at each other’s kitchens, taking care of the plants, quite mornings where you two just enjoy each other’s presence and be reminded that you two are so lucky to have found and fallen in love with each other
➞ bby, imagine this: you visit his house for a surprise dinner, and you just see him with only his pyjama pants and glasses on; he walks over and gives you the softest hug with a soft peck on your nose, then he tells you that he’s been grading his students’ art assignments all day and that he’ll love it if you could help him a bit with it; now you two are sitting with takeout for dinner in his dimly lit apartment while you two laugh at the kids’ spelling mistakes, having the best times of your lives — he won’t say it, but it was during that simple and domesticated moment, he realized that you were the one he wanted to spend forever with
➞ i’m not sure if this makes sense, but this relationship gives off pastel pinks and yellows—
➞ ngl, i didn’t specify this topic with you... but i headcanon that children don’t particularly like you in beginning while suga automatically becomes their prince charming whom they’re just so drawn to
➞ sooo you may get a lil’ jealous when kiyoko’s newborn was so calm when with him, but turned into a lil’ spawn of satan when he passed the baby to you; but don’t worry, with a lil’ help from your beau, the baby learned to be calm with you — you may or may not have been thinking of having suga’s children right when you two get back to his apartment, after the baby reached out and grabbed your pointer finger which was booping its lil’ nose, and the baby just pulled it so gently close to its chest and fell asleep with it and—
➞ since you tend to strive for success for almost every aspect in life, he does see that it takes a toll on you sometimes; so when he thinks that you need even just the littlest amount of cheering up, he’ll pull out his iconic ‘negativity begone’ but this time it’s with an aggressive hug and the softest kiss on the forehead, to the tip of your nose, then finally, your lips
➞ on valentine’s day, his students presented him with a picture of you two during a school field trip (who took it? i guess we’ll never know), and now it’s his most favourite thing to look — it just gives him energy, y’know; the kids may or may not make fun of him since he sometimes just gets so lost when looking at it, like mans is whipped
“look, sugawara-sensei’s daydreaming again...”
“maybe we could make a life-size photo of miss pretty! that’ll make him more hap—“
“no, that’s a bad idea! sugawara-sensei will end up forgetting about us, and he’ll just keep staring at the photo.”
“yeah! and look, he’s drooling a little bit. imagine if it was a bigger picture! there’d be a puddle of drool everyday! he’s like a doggie.”
➞ he gives you a lot of small gifts; even if they’re just erasers that he found to be almost as cute as you, a dainty necklace that he thought would look amazing only if you wore it, or a cup of coffee from you two’s favourite coffee shop; koushi will end up spoiling you even if you tell him not to; if he could he’d literally catch one of the stars of just for you
➞ all in all, this is the type of relationship that everyone just says is so perfect; you two will just be the type of couple that every blogger wants to be in real life; not only are you two so in love that you don’t have to fake it like they do, but you two are also so pleasing to look at, so perfect couple alert? yes, yes indeed.
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I hope you liked your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s a little visual of your soft aesthetic relationship with Sugawara Koushi: as I’ve said before, karaokes all day ‘eryday, baby; he can be a lil’... how do you put it nicely?... a lil’ shit sometimes, so expect some teasing when it’s your turn to cook (he doesn’t mean any of it, he just loves getting you all riled up, he thinks it’s the most adorable thing on Earth); you two always end up running into stray animals, so that’s how he looks at you when he asks if you two could get a puppy, whether you end up getting a pet or not is up to you; I don’t know why, but I see you vibing real well with Nishi, so that’s you after drinking with Nishi — expect him to record a video of your drunken state and tease you with it the morning after (he watches it every morning for a lil’ boost of happiness, but he won’t tell you that); piggyback rides forever, and you wanna know his reasoning? He says it’s to prepare when you two finally have kids and he has to carry them!
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Thank you very much for ordering at Kyupid’s, babe. I really hope to see you again! Have a very, very negative-free day ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*
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lmao, ik you said you don’t particularly like children but like i just couldn’t get the thought out while making this for you and now your order’s filled with children and i—
i hope you still like it though 🤣 but if you don’t, then do message me, i’ll fix it for you. also, thank you for the concept compliment! i made it as original as i possibly could, so this means a lot, bby 🥺 ur so nice.
but legit, you two would be so cute, like your married life with him is just perfect! don’t forget to invite cupid and i!
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ask-spider-thorn · 4 years
Cynthia and Gwyneth Fluff Alphabet
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about each other?)
For Gwyneth, what she finds attractive about Cynthia is her desire to improve the lives of everyone she knows, her warm smiles never fail to brighten up her days when she sees them, her protectiveness of everyone she considers family and most importantly she loves her pure unfiltered kindness
For Cynthia what she finds attractive in Gwyneth is her constant determination to complete any goal that she has set for herself, her gentleness when consoling Cynthia once her nightmares start truly getting to her, her passion about everything she does and most of all how Gwyneth is always there by Cynthia’s side without fail
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Both Cynthia and Gwyneth absolutely want kids and soon after they get married they start having kids despite their hero career still being a very present presence in their lives. Their daughters is the spark needed for Cynthia’s self worth to become much better and her fire to shut down the Fuego-Jinn Foundation turns into an inferno to not let them hurt her daughters
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Gwyneth loves it when Cynthia holds her tightly with all of her arms and runs her fingers through her hair as they sit by the fire enjoying the peace they have in the moment. Cynthia loves being able to curl up with Gwyneth and know that nothing will be able to hurt her when she is with her
D = Dates (What are dates with them?)
Cynthia and Gwyneth prefer nice peaceful dates which usually means picnics at Sentinel Park when there is not much people around which allows them to focus entirely on each other and just enjoy the time together 
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world...))
Gwyneth is everything to Cynthia; her world, her anchor, her light in the darkness and the same goes for what Cynthia is to Gwyneth, both of them will destroy anything that hurts the other with barely any hint of mercy for who they are fighting
F = Feeling (When did they know they were in love?)
Cynthia realized that she loved Gwyneth when they were both 16 years old and she noticed Gwyneth kept supporting her through everything she did and tried to make Cynthia realize that her family should not and does not define who she is or what she deserves, it was all of these on top of many little things like Gwyneth always being the first to say happy birthday to her every year or always offering to help when something was frustrating Cynthia
Gwyneth knew she was in love with Cynthia shortly into their sophomore year when Cynthia kept sticking up for her when people in their class tried to put her down for her fixation on flowers and science.Cynthia also made sure Gwyneth knew she could count on her always, no matter what.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Oh definitely, Especially Cynthia after she got her powers but before Gwyneth did was incredibly gentle, barely there caresses, always making sure the other is okay with kisses and holding hands and never forgetting to ask if it’s alright not even once.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
They entwine their fingers tightly together, Gwyneth is always on Cynthia’s left side when they hold hands which is a subconscious act to protect the side where Cynthia was impaled by Fracture.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
They first met when they were three years old and their first impression of each other was rather simple as expected, Gwyneth thought Cynthia looked like she would be cool to have as a friend and Cynthia liked how Gwyneth wanted to help care for the flowers at the preschool and thought she was very nice because of it.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Neither of them get jealous, they both know the other loves them truly and unconditionally and would never betray them by actually accepting any romantic advances by other people
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Their kisses are very gentle and incredibly sincere which is very obvious to anyone who gets the privilege of seeing them kiss. Gwyneth is the one who initiated the first kiss when they both aced their final exams of their junior year and out of sheer excitement she grabbed Cynthia’s hands and kissed her suddenly.
L = Love (Who says 'I love you' first?)
Cynthia is the one who says i love you first, She did so when she first asked Gwyneth to be her girlfriend and just info dumped everything she loved about Gwyneth and just would not stop until she was completely out of breath
M = Memory (What's their favourite memory together?)
Cynthia’s favourite memory of them together is when they finally moved in together and they got to decorate the whole house however they wanted which of course resulted in both of them getting paint all over their clothes and going into laughing fits over it.
Gwyneth’s favourite memory of the two is the moment when Cynthia fully trusted her to help her be a hero and told Gwyneth all of the secrets that she was forced to hold back in fear of her getting hurt because of them.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil one another? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Oh absolutely they both spoil the everloving hell out of each other; massages, making each other’s favourite foods all the time, drawing a bath right before the other gets back from work, all that good stuff to spoil your S/O with and they would 100% get anything the other wants without any hesitation at all.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Red and Blue remind Cynthia of Gwyneth because of the red streaks in her hair, her blue eyes and the blue of her hero suit. All of these comfort her when she sees them
Green, purple and gold are the colours which always reminds Gwyneth of Cynthia because of her lime green hair streaks and her gold and purple eyes which very few people in their dimension have ever seen.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Gwyneth calls Cynthia Cynnamon which is obviously a combination of Cinnamon and her name Cynthia which actually came about when Cynthia tried to make Gwyneth’s favourite cake, apple upside down cake and the container of cinnamon wouldn’t shake any cinnamon out so in her infinite wisdom Cynthia raised it above her head and gave it several firm smacks which as expected covered her in cinnamon right as Gwyneth walked into the kitchen Cynthia calls Gwyneth Cariad which is a welsh word meaning love, sweetheart or darling and is the first word Cynthia learned in Welsh when she wanted to impress Gwyneth by learning Welsh
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Interestingly enough they like to collect old recipe books from decades or centuries before they are born to try and decipher the recipes within and see if they can make them properly
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
They like to cuddle up under a blanket by the fire while having some hot chocolate and eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms until the rain stops. Alternatively Gwyneth will read a book aloud as Cynthia holds her gently 
S = Sad (How do they cheer each other up?)
Cynthia cheers up Gwyneth by asking about flower facts until Gwyneth’s mind is off what caused her to be upset in the first place then Cynthia makes hot chocolate for her before talking about random stuff to get Gwyneth to laugh Gwyneth cheers up Cynthia by showing her how the lives of the people she has saved has been improved due to her influence on them and reassuring her about how great she is for the things she does voluntarily.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
They like to talk about what they did at their jobs, Cynthia prefers talking about her fitness instructor job more than her CEO position of Parker Industries, Once the two join The Cluster they also tend to talk about all the members and how despite how different they are from each other they all work together to make sure the dimensional cluster is safe from threats.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Just being with each other helps them relax, they both have things that never fail to make them panic or be filled with stress and only the other knows exactly how to calm them down quickly when they pop up and make them feel safe again when they are more coherent.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Gwyneth loves to show off her garden and all the flowers she helped make and you better believe she is so proud of it all. She is also very proud of Cynthia for everyone she has helped with Parker Industries and hero work 
Cynthia has a photo album of all the achievements she and Gwyneth have done in their lives and she likes showing it off to people who visit their house to make them learn how great Gwyneth is with a side effect of them learning how great Cynthia is. 
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Gwyneth is the one who proposes a month after Cynthia starts therapy with Cheesecake. She proposes at the Flaming Grove, Their friend Nico’s restaurant, when the full moon was at its brightest cause Gwyneth thought it would be nice if she got the moonlight to shine on them when she proposed.
X = Xylophone (What's their song?)
Cynthia and Gwyneth’s song is Protector by City Wolf which while at first you may think is from Gwyneth’s POV it can also be from Cynthia’s POV when Gwyneth also goes through bad times 
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Absolutely, while Cynthia’s self-worth is absolutely low, she definitely wants to marry Gwyneth but she is not certain if she even deserves to do so but she will not say no if Gwyneth proposes to her. Gwyneth on the other hand is damn sure she wants to spend the rest of her life with Cynthia and swears that one day she will make Cynthia realize that her past actions or her family have no impact on what she deserves
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Both Cynthia and Gwyneth are very much cat people so would definitely get at least one cat at the first chance they get, the fluffier the better in their eyes to cuddle with at night or close to the fire in winter.
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kittenshift-17 · 5 years
What are your favorite dramione fanfictions??
Ok, so I’ve been sitting on this Ask for over a month trying to think of favorites because I honestly haven’t read a dramione fanfic that wasn’t written by me or one of my besties in a really long time. But I’ve put together a list of those I have read, and those I liked enough to add to my “Favorites” list on FFN. I’ve included a bunch of my own stories, too, since I honestly do enjoy reading my own work and hope others will too. *shrugs*
Presque Toujours Pur by ShayaLonnie Bellatrix's torture of Hermione uncovers a long-kept secret. The young witch learns her true origins in a story that shows the beginning and end of the Wizarding wars as Hermione learns about her biological father and the blood magic he dabbled in that will control her future.
Howl For Me by Kittenshift17: The Ministry enacts a Marriage Law, magically pairing couples who'd never in a million years agree to even speak, let alone wed. Paired off with Malfoy, Hermione has to suffer the added indignity of the Ministry banning all contraception and forcing fertility treatment and aphrodisiacs on them all. Draco's secret makes it worse.
The Alkahest by Shadukiam The Marriage Law, once enacted, has the power to destroy Hermione's perfectly normal life. Luckily, she and Ron are already planning to obey the horrific law together as a team... Until a Malfoy-shaped wrench gets thrown into the works. Dramione. Cover by littleneko1923 (thank you!).
Lady of the Lake by Colubrina Hermione and Draco team up after the war to overthrow the Order and take over wizarding Britain. "I don't even especially mind belonging to you most of the time," he closes his eyes and just breathes for a bit, savoring not being in pain. Finally he adds, "Just… try to take better care of your toys." Dark Dramione. COMPLETE
Last Year by Canimal There's nowhere to hide when a victorious Voldemort sends his best tracker to find Hermione. Draco won't give up until he finds her again. A story of the unraveling of the lies we tell ourselves. (Dark!Hermione)
Give Unto Me by Kittenshift17: The Ministry is offering rewards for having children. They've got a list of unconventional pairings and their willing to give certain people the thing they want most. When Ron overreacts to the idea of Hermione being paired with Mafloy and does something stupid, Hermione's life is set on a new path. One that involves having a baby with Draco Malfoy.
Eros & Psyche by RZZMG Draco challenges Harry and friends to play EROS & PSYCHE, a scandalous card game with a dark, mysterious history. It's Slyth vs. Gryff, male vs. female, pride vs. desire in the ultimate game of hearts and amour! Pairings: Draco/Hermione, Blaise/Ginny, Ron/Pansy, Seamus/Lavender, Theo/Daphne, Harry/Tracey. AU 7th yr. Secrets, romance, angst, and sex await the turning of the first card...
Summer of the Dragon by Lena Phoria 3 years after the war Hermione takes a break from Ron and accepts a summer job collecting supplies for Ollivander's wands. What she doesn't expect is having to work with Draco Malfoy, who's more haunted by his past than she ever would have believed. Together they will travel the world, fight dragons, conquer demons and maybe find exactly what they're looking for. COMPLETE.
The Silver Dragon by Kittenshift17: "This can never happen again," he warned quietly, waving a hand between the two of them indicatively. Hermione nodded emphatically in agreement, not daring to say a word lest she be terribly rude. Or vomit. Either was an option. Hermione wondered why she had a terrible sinking feeling inside to think that it still might.
The Green Girl by Colubrina Hermione is sorted into Slytherin; how will things play out differently when the brains of the Golden Trio has different friends? AU. Darkish Dramione. COMPLETE.
Stripped Bare by Kittenshift17: *COMPLETE* Dragged to Malfoy Manor, Hermione is tortured for information on Harry's whereabouts. When the Cruciatus curse proves useless, Bellatrix settles on a heinous course of action to loosen her tongue. Forced to come together under threat of death, Draco and Hermione are about to learn there is more to their relationship than hatred.
Ninety-Five Percent by HufflepuffMommy A new Wizarding Marriage Law has come into effect and Hermione takes her chance with the Ministry and lets them decide who would be the best match for her. Who would ever believe that Draco Malfoy would be her best match with a 95% Compatibility? (Hermione/Draco). Rated M for language and mature themes later on. COMPLETE!
Sang et Lumière by Freya Ishtar  *8th Year* Late one night, Hermione hears a sound that chills her bones—a howling from the Forbidden Forest, yet all werewolves fled at the end of the War. When she finds Draco stumbling back into the castle the next morning, she becomes his confidante . . . and something more. 
Tip of My Tongue by Kittenshift17 When Draco's wife is caught cheating and pregnant to another man, Draco must fight for custody of his son, Scorpius. Hermione, determined to ensure her son, Aurelian, grows up knowing his brother without Draco finding out, somehow winds up tangled into the middle of Draco's impending divorce. Can she help it if she also keeps finding herself tangled in his embrace, and liking it?
His and Her Bruises by lezonne "I congratulate your ability to leave a mark on me, Granger. Although I must make a point of it that my bruises on you are far larger than yours on me. When competing, you should always aim to win, yes?" Fractured timeline from fourth year up; will eventually look into their lives after school. Violent references. Sequel "His and Her Scars" is now up!
The Wayward Familiar (complete) by Freya Ishtar Returning for 8th year, Hermione unexpectedly winds up with a 2nd familiar when the one she buys for Ron as a gift—a ferret she jokingly names Draco—refuses to go to him. When she realizes the creature isn't what it seems, she goes further than she ever thought she would to get the real Draco back.
Addicted to You by Kittenshift17: An act of kismet whilst herb gathering sees Hermione interacting with an unknown werewolf. When he bites her while she is in her animagus form, he sets into motion a twisted destiny that binds them together as mates. With Remus and Sirius there to help her through, Hermione's biggest worry is finding out the identity of the werewolf who marked her.
Star-Crossed by HeartOfAspen Three years post-DH (EWE/Dramione). A prophecy handed down the Malfoy line for generations revolves around Draco, throwing a wrench into the life he's trying to rebuild. Even more perplexing, it somehow also seems to involve one Hermione Granger? Angst and murder, fluff and stuff.
Amuse Me by sloanwolves DMHG head boy and girl share a dorm. Draco walks in on Hermione doing something naughty then blackmails her. And Draco has been secretly been pining after the head girl all year! - Rated M for explicit sex scenes, language and lots of casual drug use.
Little Do You Know by Kittenshift17: Post-war, eighth-year marriage law fic. In a world where pureblood pomp collides with muggleborn sass not everything is as it seems. As the pairings unfold in the most peculiar matches, the current and former students of Hogwarts have a learning curve ahead of them. Little do they know that those people they called enemies might turn out to be their perfect match.
A Dangerous Affair by krissh Hermione was terrified. The rage in Draco's eyes was unmistakable; He looked like he was ready to kill someone. When she did not answer, he slammed her arms above her head, pinning her to the wall. "How dare you mock me like that," he snarled in her face. "You filthy mudblood."
Curls and Bruises by s l y t h e r i n d o l l  "When I'm done with you, I won't need your permission. You'll simply be begging for it."
Better Dig Two by Kittenshift17: Hermione never expected she'd fall pregnant with a lovechild fathered by a mystery man to get back at Ron for cheating. Her drunken revenge leads to the birth of her son. 5 years later she is confronted by Draco Malfoy with a photo she thinks is of her son. Things get complicated when he tells her it's not.
The Risk-Reward Ratio by MissiAmphetamine Set during TDH; a maimed, disillusioned Draco surrenders himself to the Order after he earns Voldemort's displeasure. Hermione's pity for him blooms into something more and he stops seeing her as just a mudblood, as they both discover there's far more to each other than they ever thought possible.
A Regular Life by acro acro Draco's mouth popped open. He'd seen hair like that before in his other life, all curling golden-brown madness, rippling and crackling with an intensity that matched the gold fire in its owner's eyes. Her eyes. Her…Mione. Draco stumbled forward on disbelieving feet. "Granger?"
Lost Images by EvilGu  MARRIAGE LAW Hermione must marry Draco Malfoy- the only wizard that (begrudgingly) petitioned for her who is not actively trying to kill her. If only there was some loop-hole... Can the unlikely pair survive marriage, in-laws, ghosts, murderous enemies, and their own traitorous feelings?
Unrequited Snowfall by Kittenshift17: Draco Malfoy has a secret. An Infatuation. An Obsession. '"I have to admit Granger, I was less than pleased with some of the things you drew in this book of yours" he said, pulling his hand away before he could do something crazy like sliding it into her hair and tugging her close so he could snog those pouting lips of hers.' Sequel: UNREQUITED SNOWSTORM.
Unrequited Snowstorm by Kittenshift17: SEQUEL TO UNREQUITED SNOWFALL. The trial of Draco Malfoy was the most controversial of the year. Most felt that he ought to be thrown into Azkaban for his crimes, the other half passionately believed it was wrong to lock up an eighteen year old boy for choices he'd been forced to make under duress. Hermione Granger never expected the trial to take a turn like this. DMHG.
Isolation by Bex-chan He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!" DM/HG. PostHBP.
Draconian Heart by camnz Hermione had known the bitter end was coming, but it still took her by surprise as their cottage was crumbling from the force of the Deatheaters' assault. There really wasn't any hope left, but she would fight none the less. The dark side had won and there was no place left in the world for the remnants of her side, so this is how it ends. Very DARK - contains non consentual.
Wrapped In Red by Kittenshift17: *COMPLETE* During a school wide Secret Santa, Hermione has the bad luck of picking Draco Malfoy, suspected Death Eater. When she tries to sneakily learn his secrets in order to get his gift, and Malfoy winds up trapped under some mistletoe, things get out of hand. Who said snogging a Death Eater wouldn't land her in a strangely addictive mess? A Christmassy Dramione tale.
The Switch by BackInBlack99 When Hermione and Draco wake up in each other's bodies, chaos ensues. Will they set out to make or break the other's reputation? And can they find something more along the way? Pride, pranks, and forbidden temptation...
The Boy in the Hammock by galfoy Hermione tugged at the string holding the hood onto the boy's head, gingerly pulling the fabric back to reveal his face. Lying before her, barely recognizable beyond the swelling and the blood, but still very much himself, was Draco Malfoy.
Seeds of Seduction by AnjaliMalfoy There is only one rule in the game of seduction...Never fall in love. Draco Malfoy is a prized Death Eater. Hermione Granger, a member of the Order of the Pheonix is sent to seduce him for information.
Fallen by cyropi What can you do when hatred is tearing your world apart? Can you survive when love is all you have left? And how can you win when you’re fighting your own reflection? DMHG, HPGW.
Mistletoe Masquerade by Kittenshift17: *COMPLETE* Hermione Granger receives a strange and beautiful gift anonymously, and is swept off her feet at the Ministry's staff Masquerade Christmas Ball. Caught beneath the mistletoe, Hermione finds herself snogging an incredibly intoxicating young man, only to be shocked when she learns with whom she had been locking lips.
Aurelian by BittyBlueEyes Two years after the war, a young stranger pays a visit to the burrow. His arrival alone is baffling, but the news he brings of an upcoming war turns the world upside down. Hermione's quiet, post-war life will never be the same.
Someone Saved My Life Tonight by JadedDragon4 COMPLETE! They didn't choose to be partnered together or for tragedy to strike. But now, lost, hurt, and together, they must choose to save each other . . . or die alone.
Bathwater by xXBeckyFoo It's their 7th year,the Dark Lord's dead and the Death Eaters are all rounded up. Nothing could go wrong, right? There's a sense of peace in the air, but how long can it possibly last when the Ministry's throwing people together for all eternity? Curse the new Marriage Law.
An Aversion to Change by Mel88 Sent back to Hogwarts with the suspicious title of Head Boy, Draco is forced to share a dormitory with none other than Hermione Granger. With a war looming on the horizon and another danger even closer to home, their final year is anything but ordinary.
A Marriage Most Convenient by AnneM.Oliver Hermione lost it all when she divorced. Draco would lose it all by age 30 if he didn't marry. Marriage to each other would be perfect, one would even say it was most convenient. Her daughter even looked like him, although, he wondered why that was.
What A Difference A Night Makes by Kyra4 DHr prefects, top students in their year and Houses. Makes sense that they'd be chosen by the faculty for an honors project that requires them to be locked in the astronomy tower all night. Will they fall for each other or rip each other apart? COMPLETE!
Soooo.... Yeah.... Lemme just fling these 42 recommendations at you. *laughs*
All I ask in return is that if you read the works by these talented authors, please, please, please, make sure to leave them some kind and encourgaing reviews in return.
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nekkid-karli · 5 years
My week
Over our 19+ years of marriage, our desires, tastes, and interests have morphed many times.  There were times that we were out at swingers parties or meeting new couples literally every night of the week.  There were times that we just wanted to make love to each other after quiet family evenings. Lately, we’re having a lot of fun dating other people.  Separately. We tell each other everything, and after some particularly steamy dates, we end up talking dirty about it in bed… but if I’m being completely honest about it, I mostly like it for me.  Not for us as a couple, not to turn S on… but just because it’s a ton of fun and it makes me feel good. When S goes out and comes home with stories and panties his date sent along as a souvenir, I’m genuinely pleased for him.  We agree that we have a very happy marriage, a great sex life, and there is nobody in the world we would rather have as our life partner and primary lover. S just feels like my home, my comfort zone, my perfect other half. …But that doesn’t mean we only rely on one another for our fun.
Anyway, last week was a busy one. Want to hear all the dirty details?  
Monday night I had a date with E, a divorced guy a few years older than me.  We had seen each other a couple of times before, and always had a GREAT time.  (The previous date, he took me to a Halloween party at a club, we took some mind-altering substances, danced for 7 hours straight, and stayed up until mid-morning fucking.  It was the most fun I’d had in ages!) So Monday we went to dinner and spent hours singing at a really fun gay piano bar. Towards the end of the night, we were both mildly drunk and very horny, and I couldn’t help but start things in the cab back to the hotel he had booked for the night.  (Which happens to be the same hotel a different date had taken me the week prior… but there was no reason to mention that to E.) I don’t know if the cab driver knew I wasn’t just resting my head on E’s lap, but I didn’t care too much.  
By the time we got into the room, (that elevator to the top floor took FOREVER!!!,) our clothes were already half off.  Once we managed to tear the other half off our bodies, E pushed me on the bed and dove between my legs, face first. I loved the feel of his beard on my skin and his tongue making circles on my clit.  I held my pussy lips apart so his mouth could have better access. I could feel my wetness soaking his beard, and we were both loving it. I was so turned on and he was so skilled that it probably took me no more than a couple of minutes to cum. Incredible as it felt, I was BEGGING him to stop and come up and fuck me; I NEEDED to feel him inside me.  When I really couldn’t wait any longer, I pushed him off, made him flip on his back, and sat on his cock. I was soaking wet and riding him like my life depended on it. I clearly remember reaching back to play with his balls and feeling my pussy juices dripping down his sack.  
This all went on for probably hours before we finally decided that we need at least a nap before I had to get home for morning kid duties… Another night with E with only an hour of sleep.  He has really set a high bar for our dates. I’m not sure how he’ll be able to keep this going, but I’m enthusiastically looking forward to finding out.
After making the lunches, taking care of school drop off, and a loooong nap, I met up with a new friend to go on a hike.  This was someone who contacted me about a week prior through an online hiking group of which we’re both a part, and we chatted enough that I felt safe.  Nonetheless, I sent S all of this guy’s info and pics, and shared my location… I guess so they can at least recover my cell phone when I go missing. This was really supposed to just be an innocent hike.  He knew I’m happily married, and I strategically left out the part about the marriage being open.  
You obviously know I wouldn’t be writing about this if all that came out of it is nice fall foliage photos.  This guy was cute and I was still in a flirty mood from E, so I was probably more touchy than I needed to be.  I know just the moment that he realized that I may just be down for some fun. He was taking a selfie in front of me, and I jumped into the shot with one arm around his chest and the other nonchalantly resting on his ass.  And then less nonchalantly squeezing. After that, there was a small barrage of questions. “Does your husband know you’re here with me?” “Is he okay with that?” “Do you have an open relationship or something?” “Yes. Yes. …Yes.”  Before long, we were making out and groping each other as the sunset over the lake. It was almost romantic. (Almost.) We did have to get back to the cars before it got dark, so we postponed any further face suckage til the parking lot.  
Once we hit the parking lot, it was ON.  Hardcore making out with hands down each other’s pants. He tried to convince me to come to his place… he even tried to tempt me with homemade stuffed cabbage… but I was just way too tired. Conveniently, this guy drives a van.  No stuffed cabbage there, but I figured it was just as good a place to get stuffed.
Before long, we’re in the long middle seat, him sitting with only one pant leg half on him, me topless bending over him, his hand on the back of my head, and his cock deep in my throat. After a while, I asked if he has a condom. His response? “I haven’t used those in years!"  What??? "Come on. Condoms are out of style.” WHAT?!?!?! “Let me just put it in for a second. Just once.” Not a chance.
So that was the end of that. Sigh. At least I got great fall foliage photos. Moving on.
Wednesday night, I had a date scheduled with O.  We met on Tinder and had our first date the prior week.  He’s a divorced dad from Europe, a few years older than me, intelligent, attractive, and has a killer accent.  O and I weren’t supposed to meet until later in the evening, so I decided to grab a drink with a guy I used to fuck around with a decade back, D, with whom I recently reconnected.
Back in the day, D and I had some fun together, sometimes with extra characters making an appearance. Recently, however, it was just exchanging stories of our escapades via text, a picture exchange or two, and one instance of a pretty platonic happy hour.  I must say, there is something about D that really gets me going. It’s more than just his ridiculous body or killer smile or mischievous eyes. He’s just walking, talking sex. We met for drinks, and my panties were wet before I even had a sip of my cocktail.  (In fact, when I was getting dressed, I thought about going commando, but knowing the effect D has on me, I didn’t want to show up to my date with O with a wet patch on my skirt.) At one point, I went to the bathroom and sent D a picture of how wet he had made me.  Alas, that was the extent of it with D that night. Second platonic-ish happy hour, and off I went to meet O.
After dinner, back in the hotel, things were getting goooood.  I love the way O kisses; love his hands all over my body and in my hair. It was not hard and urgent; it was erotic and sensual. Passionate. There’s so much eye contact - I could feel him watching my face as he pushes all the way inside me, stretching me with every thrust. Maybe it’s because he watches the reactions and expressions of his lovers that he’s so good at eating pussy.  His finger on my g spot; tongue on my clit; every time, he has me breathless and moaning, wanting it never to end.
O and I met in the hotel he got for the night. I was so horny thanks to D that I didn’t let O take me to dinner until he fucked me for a bit. It wasn’t long - he said he didn’t want to cum until later - but it was enough to satisfy me for now. At least I’d be able to concentrate enough to have normal dinner conversation.  
We recorded some videos that night. There’s one where the camera really only captured us shoulders and up as I’m riding him.  Surprisingly, that’s the best video of the night. Just from watching our faces, you can tell every time he’s deep inside me. You can tell when he’s teasing me and not letting me come all the way down on his dick. If you can imagine two bodies writhing together, that’s exactly what it’s like. Not my usual kind of sex, but with him it just really works. Even in the middle of the night when we were done, I could still feel his lips on mine.
I’m the morning, O had to leave early for work and left me sleeping. In this big empty hotel room. All by myself. With still many hours left before check out. What a waste of a room.
So I texted D. “Wyd?” “Coming over.” Perfect.
While I waited, I set up my camera and took lots of photos in my lingerie and heels. Because, you know, maximum room usage. Plus I needed to pass the time SOMEHOW.
I was really excited about getting it on with D.  He showed up looking hotter than ever and acting all dommy.  “Get on your knees.” “Lick my balls.” “You like me fucking your face?  I can’t hear you.”
I’m not usually a squirter, but he had me soaking the bed repeatedly.  He was fucking me from every possible angle and I couldn’t get enough. It was like he had a spell on me - I would have done anything he wanted.  And I did. I did everything he told me to do. “What do you say when I make you cum? That’s right. You thank me.” “Thank you.” “Thank you.” “Thank you.” “Thank you."
Eventually, I HAD to have his cum in my mouth. I NEEDED to taste it. Condom off; cock as deep as it could go. I caught myself moaning with pleasure every time he hit the back of my throat. When D's cum filled my mouth, I took an extra beat to taste it before swallowing. Hot and delicious and just the reward I wanted at the end of my morning. "What do you say?" 
"Thank you."
3 notes · View notes
SoS 22 Replies
First of all, that post I just reblogged before this? That’s what our Discord chat looked like this past long weekend. There was a LOT of talk about SoS 22, which I am so so so so pleased about, and I’ll embed some of the best parts into this replies post as we go. So, without further ado:
@tiny-tany-thaanos​ replied to your photo “An extended cantata on a sacred subject.”
Three emphatic words of terror! An excellent start
@harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
/Oh shit/
I KNOW! I’m so pleased with how the shot came out, I was trying to replicate the other title ca-- oh, you mean oh shit they’re tied to chairs
@toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
exsqueeze me?
Well, we all know it’s not exactly an ex squeezing them now,
@autistichatkid replied to the same: 
....... ah
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Lissa said on Discord in reference to “Lethe: “I’m SO glad you’re awake. We’ve only got a little of tonight...”
Lethe: Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there 
autistichatkid said in reference to the same or thereabouts:
lethe: who wants to play a game
Show of hands, who wants The Jigsaw Killer vs The Dragonborn
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Now, what’s this game you’re talking about?” Lethe: *back to...”
Lethe you /motherfucker/
autistichatkid said in reference to “Lethe: “Two more people die tonight - but who isn’t up to me anymore....”
whoa im WHAT lethe you cant DO THAT lethe u cant make them choose,,,,, lethe stop murder maybe
Like I said, this Sadistic Choice is one I’ve relished putting into partial play since the beginning so I’m glad it had the Desired Audience Effect. and the desired In Universe effect too, of course
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Let me.” Lorelei: “–w-what?” Lethe: “What?” Lyra: *slightly...”
That sure is the face Lyra is making
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lorelei: *comprehension dawning* “…want you to go…” *leans back in her...”
That sure is the face Lorelei is mak--*bricked*
@bountifulberries replied to the same: 
ooooooh shit
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same: 
Mesh the two together and you get “ooooooh SHIIIIIIIIT”, and that sounds like a barbershop quartet rendition
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “I can’t lose Felicity either!!” Felicity: 60.73 Percy: 46.23”
Holy shit Feli!! (Also I'm still ?? if it's her so I can't really react one way or the other rn so I'm just :eyes:)
Feli won!! If she hadn’t had so much murderous baggage attached to that victory, it would be incredible. ...as it is, it’s still incredible, just with extra murderous baggage
Also, this is your second victory, right? After that - one project? 
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lethe: “…” Lorelei: *hand outstretched, waiting for another sound*...”
I'm??? Feeling things here??? (God if it really does end up being Feli my heart's gonna b r e a k)
@melien​ replied to the same:
As usual I'm in awe because of your writing
??!!?! I’m so pleased!!
autistichatkid said in reference to the same:
okay so im leaning toward lethe being percy still but its gonna be Weird if lyra is like "yeah uhhhhh kill feli" and. lethe Is feli. i dont think it's feli but honestly idk i also dont think lyra is coming to a "decision", just killing time, but yknow weird hypotheticals
Me, literally, to Jack, when you said that hours after the fact: 😬
Jack: If this is about Kasper's current reactions I'm just like "Oh honey, you've got a big storm coming" 
autistichatkid said in reference to “Lyra: “…Okay. Okay. I - ” *sighs, part in dread and part from...”
They’re not the only ones getting free tonight........
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: *louder, to be heard over the crying* “Lethe? Something happen...”
*Vibrating with suspense*
@simstrations replied to the same:
Fortunately it’s only a very shallow cliff... with a pretty deep pit at the bottom, so win/win
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Felicity.”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
autistichatkid said in reference to the same:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: *sobbing too hard to even speak* ”
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to the same:
Jeez, I guessed it right
simstrations replied to the same:
I thought so. This is good
Well, it was her or Percy at this point. Not like y’all had a lot of options :P
melien replied to the same:
This is sooooo intense
Interesting thing about Lethe compared to my other murderers, as you may or may not have picked up on: the murders are a lot simpler in scope. No convoluted set-ups with electromagnetic bombs, no risin poisoning or hypnosis - not even a Wounded Gazelle Gambit. They’re all just things that anybody, with a disability of any stripe or without, can do - partly to make things less painful for the victims, partly to make it easier for Feli to believe she was being kind, partly so that it looks like anyone could’ve done it
...wait, did I already explain this? I’m flying home today and it’s kind of been long so forgive me if I’m repeating myself
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: *voice breaking as she stumbles over* “Feli- you’ve been - it’s...”
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “W- why’d you come in here? Yo- I - I was being Lethe. Had...”
Jack is NOT even exaggerating here. Per Discord: “Y’all I’m starting to get tipsy and I’m Big Sad as this is sinking in [...] I had the first MMBC where the murderer won and now my contestant is the murderer who won. This is incredibly fitting tbh. Still gonna have a billion crying emojis on the posts tho”
Let’s put that to the test, in fact. Crying count: 4
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Felicity: “Hey! How-” “Felicity! Thank god, you’re awake. I’ve–”...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Did y’all doubt Elias
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Elias: “You, you’ve got to send someone up! I don’t even know if it’s...”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Elias: “O-ow–!” Felicity: “Who-?!” Cathy Baines: “Don’t push your...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
autistichatkid said in reference to the same: 
oh hi cathy
Lisa, Lisa, you’re tearing me apAAAart!
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Felicity! Hi! So great to finally chat to you in person! I’ve...”
Holy fucking shit
yeah that about sums it up
Jack in Discord: I can only imagine reading this sober bc reading this tipsy is a trip
Clover: im sober but losing my mind so whats the difference
I’m teetotal and I was freaking out all days so here’s my stance on that
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “You see… how do I put this delicately…? Oh! Have you ever...”
Oh my /god/. Oh my /*god*/
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(Also may this just be the essence of Cathy, you are absolutely nailing her character here and I am Living for it)
I’ve already thanked you for thinking so, but thank you again for thinking so!! 
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Anywayyy, I didn’t just call to let you know how things’re...”
Oh Cathy you conniving little despair being you
Well done, Cathybot, have a biscuit
Jack: Also I reread a bit and her saying Riverview isn't a swing state? Classic Cathy right there
Fun fact: took me a while when writing to remember what a swing state was called. I think I initially wanted to call it a ‘stem state’ or some shit like that?
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “…s-so… so - if I do this… if I… you’ll let Elias go?” ...”
Crying count: 7
Jack: Catch me get emotional rn like I’m trying not to cry like poor Feli and fucking Cathy being That Despair Btich
Doesn’t seem to me like you’re trying very hard /TEASING
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “Y… you are, Elias. You are. You’re my brother, you’re -...”
I only wish my brother and I had that kinda relationship
autistichatkid said in reference to “Felicity: “I t- I tried - I tried to pr- protect you as much as I...”
oh god....... oh god
I didn’t even ‘learn’ that Chadrick used his teeth until the actual writing process; I was operating under the assumption he’d used a knife too. Fuck you for giving me the worst ideas at the best times, Brain
oh jesus the first time i read thru that i read "im sorry for LIVING" instead of "im sorry for lying" and i. didnt even question it. jesus fuck
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “–y- h- huh?” *realizes the hand in hers, looks up* “W…...”
Crying count: 8 (single tears count)
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity, stumbling to her feet: “W- we are? You’re… really–?”...”
Lyra is? So good? I love her so much. And Feli (and Lor and her side)
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “A- any luck?” Lyra: *through the door* “Yeah, there’s one...”
eden lee: you're all talking at once! / lorelei, lavandar, percy: *all talk at once again*
See, the difference is that that time they were all saying the same thing, which makes them much easier to be understood, and furthermore,
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Lavandar!!” *grabs her hand* “We gotta go!”  Lavandar:...”
autistichatkid replied to the same:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “B-but what go- good will I-” Lyra, from inside the car: “A...”
Crying count: 9
melien replied to the same:
It's heartbreaking and I want to give them a big hug but I had a feeling it would happen
I’M NOT GOING TO LIE THOUGH MELIEN IT WAS A VERY CLOSE CALL WITHIN THE LAST  CHANCE ROOM FOR A SEC THERE. Eden Lee went first and their two Rant About Dark Rooms in a row bumped them up by six points per, and Lavandar did less interactions in the same amount of time but fortunately she was just ahead enough at the start of the day that a well placed Discuss SLR Cameras was enough to get her ahead, and I would’ve been happy whichever one of the two won but 
but come on having the one Lorelei confided her Melody backstory to win was A GREAT BONUS
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “-so that’s about the size of that.” Lavandar: “G- god… fuck, no...”
1) I’m feeling the suspense of this 2) The driver is a mood
I’ve been getting a lot of Lyfts over the course of this holiday, and in fact I was up here when they had that strike - I feel worse for Lyft and Uber drivers now than I ever have before, and I already felt pretty bad
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “–it over to Safehouse F!  “…no, I don’t care how, break it in...”
give her HELL lyra
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
KICK 👏🏼 HER 👏🏼 ASS 👏🏼
Lyra: *kangaroo kicks down Cathy Baines with her leg, falls flat on her ass* CALLBACK HOLY FUCK
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “I’ll be damned. Melody Buonarroti, back at last…” Lorelei: “C-...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh shit!!
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Enough!! Leave everyone else out of this!! If you’re gonna fuck...”
Cathy what does that mean...
Cathy: you heard what I said little boy
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Are you so atrociously naive that you think it’s possible to...”
hey "cathy" go *be a good girl* and spontaneously combust please :)
Would that I could make her, Clover, would that I could make her
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Teeth Grits
Jack in Discord: Again, you nailed her characterization. It perfectly illustrated how Junko influenced my writing on her and I was living for it It was a tone shift, but like I said, perfectly in-character and I loved
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “*crunch* Lorelei: *gasp* Lavandar: “Oh god-!!”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
autistichatkid replied to the same:
Lyra picked a fight with the wrong arch enemy
@tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Cathy: “…fine.” *Lyra drops to the ground, wheezing, taking in as...”
go eat cottage cheese and saltines in the dark, you triscuit looking bitch
I should note that Vidcund was coming back from Greece for much of this rigmarole. It’s, perhaps, very telling that her first and only “on-site” reply to this was the kind of threat that an angry Zeus would make.
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lyra: “…alive.” Felicity: *burying her head in Elias’s shoulder,...”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
1. 😭😭😭 2. my poses!
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Other people’s crying counts too! Crying count: 15
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Hey, Lor, new plan. Can you guys go on without me for a bit?” ...”
flower, gleam, and gl
Lavandar is Rapunzel under UV Light
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “…Feli?” Felicity: *covers face to hide a fresh wave of tears,...”
I mean Felicity’s concern isn’t? Invalid?
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “You… you didn’t have to do a- any of this. Not for me....”
Fuck 😭
Crying count: 16
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Lyra: “C’mere.”  Felicity: *stiffens at her touch* “Lyra-?” ...”
theres somethign in my eye
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh fuck 💔😭
Hm. Do I count things being in Clover’s eye? ... eh, let’s do it. Crying count: 18
(I keep count, but I can’t talk - while writing this part I was fucking bawling)
Clover: im going to die because of this
Jack: Also Catch Troye Francis in the club obstructing Justice (But again, Cathy)  I know I say that but Dub I’m living for this finale. It’s so good
Honestly if Troye HAD obstructed Justice and they had won the Francis MMBC a whole lot of shit might not have gone down and it’d be a worse universe
autistichatkid reblogged your photoset and tagged:
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autistichatkid reblogged your photoset and tagged:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Lorelei, I’m home!! I’m home, y- you’re home, we’re -...”
autistichatkid reblogged the same and added:
Crying count: 25
melien replied to the same:
This is freaking cute ;_;
melien replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Hey, lovebirds, heh - Eden Lee’s still here.” Lavandar:...”
Thanks for being so understanding about this, melien 
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Oooh, l- look at that one! It’s all sparkly, like your...”
Crying count: 26. BRB building an ark
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Lyra, as sirens rise in the distance: “You… sure did.” – End of...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh shit 👀
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
melien-simspiration (so basically melien) reblogged your photoset and tagged:
#yay birthmarks! #they look great and I love the naming choice
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “Murderers, Expectations, and the Unintended Benefits”
I’ve just finished reading this and?? Holy shit??? I’m so impressed with all that you put into this and the fact you were able to guide me into doing things (releasing Elias, asking about Veronica’s exes), without me being suspicious at all. Granted Elias was asked via a disguised anon, but the exes question (at least back then) I didn’t bat an eye at, and just figured it would be a good point of Veronica’s backstory. I’m just still so shook, and you deserve all the praise for this!
Part of me still feels like I don’t, but I’m trying to shut it up because?? AAA??? All this reception???!!!
Jack: Also if I’m remembering the post right, I do agree with Cathy’s death in Baines being... lackluster, unfitting for one of her caliber. I think it was part to do with my mental state at the time and wanting to leave simblr, so squashing a loose end like that felt right at the time. However, as I re-evaluated my stance and stuck around, that decision still haunts me, and I so desperately wish she was still alive on the surface for me to do stuff with. (Especially given my political interests and my quasi-real world events interlaced with the MMBC-verse, I would’ve had a field day writing for Cathy had she lived and won the congressional seat she was running for)
However, the continued existence of her robots have given me some... ideas, to say the least >:)
I have already evil grinned back at you, but here’s one more for the road: >:)
autistichatkid said of the same: 
finale / analysis thoughts: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA im. i loved that so fucking much oh my god
5 notes · View notes
blu-joons · 4 years
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Youngjae is very shy with his affection, he uses it to create a safe space for him around you. He loves to cuddle you and spend as much time as possible as close to you as he can, it’s his happy place, and it’s where he wants to be.
Everyone could see that Youngjae had quickly taken a liking to you by how shy he became. Even his laugh was a lot quieter than usual as he didn’t want to do anything that would make you think he was strange. All of the members, especially Jackson, were pushing him to speak to you, always assuring him that he had to trust in them, and you.
With the boy’s words in the back of his mind, eventually Youngjae approached you. He instantly relaxed around you as you wondered what was wrong, judging by the shy smile on his face. As he began to confess to you, you couldn’t help but smile. It was a moment you had secretly been waiting for, for quite some time, having also spoken to Jackson in private before to see if Youngjae felt the same way, which now you knew, he did.
He was very spontaneous with your dates, he never planned too much into them because neither of you ever really knew where you’d end up. He loved to go on long walks with you, and Coco, exploring around the city. He was a lot more chill than some of the other members, he wasn’t a massive fan of physical things that required a lot of energy, he much preferred to relax with you at the cinema or the theatre. He also loved to gift you things on your dates, particularly little songs, or melodies he’d come up with thinking about you.
Youngjae had been too shy to ever really approach a girl before, he was the softest human who was so scared of rejection. He’d opened up to you plenty of times about his concerns with this being his first relationship, he never wanted to do anything wrong or upset you. Luckily for him, you were very understanding of the fact this was his first relationship, and you always put in plenty of effort to encourage him that you were happy.
He was far too sensitive to every really fight, if there was one member in the group who hated confrontation, it was Youngjae. You’d be able to tell if he was upset because he’d go silent, the room would have a horrendous tension as Youngjae just sat with his own thoughts. Rather than shout, the two of you would sit and talk. Arguments effected Youngjae a lot more than they did you, whilst you weren’t afraid to shout if you needed to, there was never a chance because Youngjae wouldn’t allow it.
His family was fairly big which was slightly overwhelming for you, but Youngjae was quick to welcome you in. He knew that you loved being around children, so he used his nieces and nephews to his advantage, which also allowed his parents to see how caring and sweet you were, whilst also seeing how happy you made Youngjae too.
Since moving out of the dorm, he’d gotten used to life being him and Coco, but he couldn’t deny that he loved the company you brought into his life. The two of you spent a lot of time together from the start of your relationship, so it only made sense for you to move into his place after a couple of months seeing as you practically lived there anyway.
You were actually the first to say, ‘I love you,’ one evening when Youngjae was feeling particularly sensitive. He’d had the day from hell, and you were struggling to find a way to comfort him. It broke your heart seeing him so upset, and the only way out seemed to be telling him exactly how you felt, as he was told he was loved by a girlfriend for the first time.
Again, Youngjae is the softest boy, and jealousy is a feeling he often recognises. He has many insecurities that you’ve been helping him with, his confidence isn’t as high as other people’s which often feels him leaving a little left out. You can recognise instantly when Youngjae isn’t feeling himself, you won’t hesitate for a second to excuse yourself and return to Youngjae’s side. He’ll always apologise for feeling how he does, but yet again you always assure him that the feeling is only natural, and he hasn’t done anything wrong.
Having spent a few years around his nieces and nephews, Youngjae can’t wait to start a family of his own. As excited as he is, he knows there’s a few years left before he can think about it. The two of you will talk about your future family quite often, imagining what your kids would look like, how they’d behave and all the changes you’d have to make to the apartment in order to accommodate your family.
I challenge you to find someone with a laugh as infectious as Youngjae’s. It is your favourite sound in the world, and by far your favourite thing about him. There’s been plenty of occasions when you’ve heard him laughing before you’ve even put the key in the front door to unlock. He loves to laugh and being around you always brings a smile to his face. When you’ve had a bad day, he’ll stick by your side and laugh until he can no more in the hope it makes you happy again, knowing how much his laughter can brighten your mood.
He’s a wreck when he’s away from you, there’s no other way to describe it. He doesn’t even try to pretend that he’s alright because he knows he’s not. He’ll call you most days, even if it’s just for a few moments so that he can hear your voice and see your face. You’ll often get messages from the other boys too to let you know he’s coping, if at all. The day he comes back from tour feels like Christmas to him, he refuses to leave the apartment for a good few days so he can make up for all the time that he’s been away from you. It’s overwhelming for him being back with you both, a special time that he wants to savour for a while.
You’re hugely in love with his cheeks, so you tend to call him ‘squish,’ because of his adorable dimples. For Youngjae, he’ll often call you, ‘jagi,’ it’s his favourite nickname for you, which makes it your favourite too.
Just like you are with his, Youngjae is obsessed with your laugh. Being around you really is a safe space for him, and nothing makes him feel safer then when he’s with you and able to hear you laughing about anything.
He’s far too shy to ever do anything over the top in public, but he certainly won’t allow there to be a distance between you both. No matter how red his cheeks are, he’ll always keep you close and protected in his side one way or another. Rather than PDA, the two of you much prefer to mess around and tease each other to see who can laugh the most.
Youngjae turns a lot to you to boost his confidence, he’ll ask for your opinion on a lot of things. When you can tell he’s feeling insecure you’ll be right there to answer his questions and comfort him.
A lot of people know that he wears his two rings as they were gifts, but what very few people know is that he also has a bracelet that he refuses to take off, from you. It’s often hidden under his jackets or shirts, which he loves, but he does get caught in interviews from time to time playing with it. No one ever knows where the bracelet came from, aside from the two of you, but he likes having a part of you with him always.
The softest human being in the world, the two of you are equals always, very affectionate, and incredibly cuddly. He doesn’t tend to dominate, and neither do you, you just follow your intuitions and understand each other’s likes and dislikes. He’s shy often, but sex is where it peaks, he never quite knows what to do when you compliment him or tell him he’s doing a good job, he’ll just giggle and look away from your eyes.
He doesn’t text you often as he much prefers to hear your voice, so if he does text you, it’ll usually be a Coco update. Youngjae very much sees you as Coco’s mum, aside from Mark, so he’ll always send you photos of her throughout the day,
His confidence has never been so high since he started dating you. You helped Youngjae learn a lot about himself and teach him how precious he is. Without you, he’d never value himself as he does today.
Going on holiday is a very rare experience for the two of you, Youngjae is quite a homely person, and between your schedules, you never really have the time. If you do have time for a holiday, you’ll tend to let Youngjae organise it as he needs to relax much more than you do, whatever he decides, you’ll know you’ll enjoy it.
He doesn’t tend to whine a lot, if something goes wrong or he makes a mistake he’ll kick himself more than anything rather than involve you.
Youngjae kisses you all the time, especially when you’re in your own space, but equally, you kiss him often too. Whenever he’s feeling down or a little bit insecure, you know kisses are the way to pick up his mood. He’ll try and brush you aside and hide his smile, but as soon as he feels your lips press to his cheek or chin, he won’t be able to hide it any longer. They’re what reassure Youngjae the most, something you very quickly learnt.
You were his biggest fan, you supported him through everything which he was so thankful for.
Despite his light snores and sleep talking at night, you love to cuddle up to Youngjae at night. Most nights, the two of you will wake up in the exact same position the following morning, having slept too comfortably to move.
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straykidsreactions · 7 years
Lee Minho As A Boyfriend
3 / 9   i n   t h e   “ S T R A Y   K I D S   A S   B O Y F R I E N D S ”   s e r i e s
Genre: Fluff
            ❀  ❀  ❀  ❀  ❀  ❀  ❀
➳ Treasures you more than you could ever imagine
➳ Like, it genuinely shocks people how sweet and endearing and just generally domestic he is with you because that’s not usually the way he acts with people
➳ that being said he isn’t a natural romantic, so he’s sometimes a little awkward and forgets you’re not just a buddy he can hang out and be lowkey gross with- but he tries his best and deep down he loves you a whole lot
➳ doesn’t usually put a lot of effort into dates, late nights eating take-out or watching a simple movie are his favorite types of dates- the conversation is more important to him than the activity
➳  Can and will tease and poke fun at the little things you do because you laughing and playfully smacking him in retaliation is the cutest thing in his eyes
➳ loves making you laugh, but when he sees other guys making you laugh he gets a little jealous in the pit of his stomach (even though he won’t admit it)
➳ rolling his eyes and pulling at the edge of his lips as they upturn into a small smile is his way of saying “you just did something really cute but I��m not gonna let it effect me”
➳ handles jealousy and other guys flirting with you pretty straight-on, he’s not necessarily aggressive but he has no problems walking up to the guy and telling him off in a less than polite way if need be
➳ Is a big fan of leaving sweet or funny messages on post-it notes, taking candid photos of you when you’re not looking & then laughing after you find out and scold him, and back hugging you while leaving soft kisses on your shoulders (especially around the dorm when the other members are around, just to remind them that you’re his)
➳ Isn’t a big fan of public displays of affection, it’s not that he isn’t cuddly but when you’re out together in public chances are he’s walking beside you with your fingers intertwined and that’s enough for him
➳  Has no issues leaving parties or events early if you’re tired or not feeling well, in fact he’s usually the one who suggests it because he can tell when you’re not having a good time just by the littlest things you do
➳ won’t ever admit how much he loves it when you sit at the back corner of the dance studio and watch him while he practices (especially during late nights when it’s just the two of you and you end up asleep against his gym bag)
➳ has a mid-life crisis every time you get ready for a date night because you always wear something nice and on one hand he thinks you look amazing but on the other hand he’s not big on letting other people see just how stunning you are
➳ used to hunt you down whenever you stole his hoodies to wear
➳ after he saw you wearing one of the other members hoodies instead of his, though, (which admittedly was just a ploy to make him jealous) he’d started frantically chucking his hoodies and sweaters at you and playfully yell at you to “change immediately”
➳ will not take cute “aesthetic” couple photos with you no matter how much you beg
➳ 200% stole your phone at some point and added a custom ringtone to his number so whenever he calls you, your phone starts loudly playing the chorus from SNSD’s “I Got a Boy”
➳ when it comes to running errands together, chances are he’s either being pouty and childish (in an endearing way) and you have to haul him around like a parent, or he’s the parent carrying you over his shoulder or plopping you down in the shopping cart because he doesn’t wanna deal with your playful whining
➳  is kind of a hot mess in the kitchen but lowkey he exaggerates it so you’ll come in and help him because cooking together makes him soft and blushy
➳ If your relationship went public it was most likely accidental, like he accidentally posted something to twitter that he’d actually meant to text you privately, or was caught cuddling with or talking to you during a livestream
➳ Truthfully he wouldn’t really care if your relationship was public or not, he knew you were strong and that you didn’t let the little things get to you, and more than anything he knew it wouldn’t change the way he felt about you
➳ fights with him are tricky because Minho doesn’t argue- he goes silent
➳ And it’s not the cute silent treatment that he gets over in an hour, it’s full on death glares, warning glances, and deadly silence that can last days- as long as it takes until you make the first move towards reconciliation because he’s stubborn and won’t do it first unless it was absolutely 100% his fault
➳ Despite everything, though, he’d trust you more than anyone else in the world and no argument or person or amount of space between you could ever take you from him because whether he tells you or not- Minho’s playing the long game
➳ “Minnie...I had this awful dream last night that we weren’t together anymore, and I don’t know why I’m telling you but...I guess it just scared me.” // “Yahh, Jagiya- look at me. I’m always gonna be here for you. Always. Ok? There’s no one else out there for me, even if you find someone better who makes you happier...I’m always gonna love you- period.”
            ❀  ❀  ❀  ❀  ❀  ❀  ❀
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A/N: Not a reaction, just a little series I wanted to make for you all. Hope that’s ok! ❤️❤️
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flashlighto · 6 years
The format of Hito Steyerl’s Lovely Andrea (29’43”, 2007), a short film commissioned for Documenta 12, ostensibly falls under the umbrella of the essay documentary genre. In that space, the work indeed documents an interview-based research process from the perspective of a tangible and bodied subjectivity, but it is perhaps better playfully described by one of its interview subjects, the editor of Sanwa Erotica, Matsumoto Yutaka, upon hearing the basic premise: “That’s a nice mystery novel. It’s mysterious, it sounds good.” In the film, Steyerl introduces her search for a published photo series of herself as a Shibari bondage S/M model taken in 1987 while studying as a film student in Tokyo. This central goal drives her research forward, but despite that apparent clarity and objective-based approach, the film both begins and ends with her as interview subject being asked “What is your film about?” The audience is repeatedly prodded to answer this question, arriving at a place that considers the broader paradigms of global power (reference appendix images A, B), through which bondage pornography might merely reveal some libidinal echoes of an underlying ideological infrastructure that bleeds out into global deployments of Imperialist Capitalism.
Steyerl’s archived images are the subject of the search, but the film’s central figure is Asagi Ageha, Steyerl’s translator as the search moves from Germany to Japan and also a bondage performer with her performance partner, Osada Steve. Steyerl and Asagi follow a trail from fetish studio to fetish studio, connecting the dots between a seemingly small community of male ropemasters that were active in S/M publishing in the 80s, they slowly narrow down the possibilities of the photographer and magazine in which it might have appeared. In a twist on the typical role of “translator as invisible intermediary,” their search is repeatedly put on hold as Asagi is directly addressed by members of the studio. A studio assistant at their first destination, Sanwa Erotica, asks, “Aren’t you a model, Ageha?” The ropemaster offers, “If you want a bondage picture of yourself, I will tie you up.” Asagi replies, “It’s maybe a good idea!” as the whole studio laughs. The film breaks into a montage of Asagi taking her shirt off and being bound by the ropemaster.
In the midst of the search, various editors describe the psychological space of S/M as it functions for both performer and studio. From one editor, Japanese S/M is described as being based on submissiveness, on offering the performer an opportunity to experience shame. Another German editor explains that some of his performers would tell you that they like to see rope marks on their skin, while others would say they enjoy the feeling of floating as they are suspended above the ground, “Only when being roped I feel free.” This sentiment seems to be a motif in BDSM, and parallels a line from Pauline Reage’s 1954 Story of O, “The chains and the silence, which should have bound her deep within herself, which should have smothered her, strangled her, on the contrary freed her from herself.“
Within these descriptions, Ropemaster Nureki Chimuo explains the relationship of these studios to the Japanese legislature while voicing over a photoshoot of a woman with her arms tied behind her back in chic business woman garb, “Back then there were lots of restrictions… It was best when [the police] were extremely bothersome.” Nureki explains that they ought to operate as if they always have these same restrictions but never quite clarifies if this is because those conditions forced the studios to be more creative in their operations, or if it was the illicit nature of the media that increased their audience’s desire for the media. Something to note here: through the description of the studio’s relationship with the state, the audience finds the studio manager describing a power dynamic that becomes a direct projection of the internal dynamic that is roleplayed in front of the camera lens. In this echoed restriction, the studios enjoy being dominated by the police. Through that description, a fractal structure of power is constructed, submission echos from the micro to the macro with an implication of recursiveness ad infinitum. Within that structure, as Nureki says, “The more restrictions the better.” (Reference appendix image C).
This theoretical fractal structure is reinforced with a series of playful associative video transitions that imply a much broader presence of explicit and implicit domination in a global setting. Inclusions of Depeche Mode’s 1984 single Master and Servant (one of many ‘70s and ‘80s punk and pop singles that populate Lovely Andrea’s soundtrack) leads to a chorus with corresponding title cards that exclaim, Let’s play master and servant; it’s a lot like life! This simple libidinal request becomes a central theme that is rearticulated throughout the film. In conversation, Asagi asks Ropemaster Osada to clarify a point about S/M, “You mean in a normal society, everything is bondage?” Osada responds by describing the web that he imagines connecting and binding everyone in “society” before the audience returns to transitions between footage from the 1960s animated Spiderman and the 2002 live-action Spiderman with scenes which depict broad webs stretching between buildings and collecting various vehicles and people. With repeated insertions of pop media as soundtrack and transition, there is an implication that pop media of this sort may also be a function of domination in a global setting.
There are multiple threads that emerge at this point in the theoretical structure that Steyerl develops. With the inclusion of imagery from the 2002 Spiderman (reference appendix image E), she briefly sketches out a connection across forms of censorship, jumping between the censorship of bondage imagery in 1987 Japan and the censorship of Spiderman promotional images in 2001 that depicted a web capturing a helicopter between the Twin Towers in Manhattan. Between these images, is it just the visible knotting and harnessing that becomes illicit here? That visible knotting might remind the public of the quotidian power dynamics in which they play a part? With tongue planted firmly in cheek, it becomes unclear if censorship is caused by the visible inclusion of the web in both of these images, or, more likely, a distinctly moralist protection from pornography and a separate statist repression of imagery that reminds a public of a global political landscape.
When Steyerl and Asagi ultimately locate the images of Steyerl in the Fuzoku Shiryokan Sex Archive and are able to arrange a meeting with the photographer, Tanaka Kinichi, a description of the industry in the ‘80s complicates the research up that point. Tanaka notes the number of women that were lied to about the kind of shoot that would be happening and how in some cases, they wound up being paid in freedom rather than in the agreed upon sum of money. In this moment in which roleplay and real power blurs, a collapse occurs in the theoretical space that has been developed when a variety of scenes depicting Abu Ghraib bound victims, Guantanamo Bay prisoners, Terror Advisory Charts, and Spiderman are inserted into a monitor in the scene (reference appendix images A, F, G). At this point, Asagi clarifies to an interview subject that the name in “Lovely Andrea” that Steyerl used in 1987 was borrowed from her friend Andrea Wolf, who would later join the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and, labeled a terrorist, be murdered by the Turkish State. (Reference appendix image D).
In adopting Andrea’s name, the photoset in the 1987 issue of S/M Sniper travels and disseminates in a manner not so different from the way Andrea Wolf’s actual image was reproduced and consecrated by fellow PKK insurgents after her death. Some differences: the 1987 image of “Andrea” shows a bound, stripped woman, wrists tied together, bent over, with large, male hands directing her posture, printed in glossy color on cheap paper, bound between covers, while the image of Andrea in Turkey after her death features a soft, kind face looking away from the camera’s gaze contentedly, and is printed in cheap black and white and is surrounded by a green laurel. The ambiguous relationship between these two image-based “Andreas” raises a question: What exactly is the relationship between the images of the martyr Andrea and the images of the sex object “Andrea?” Thinking through the lives of images, do they coexist primarily through their distinction from the real lives of the two subjects that are imaged? Where the life of the martyr Andrea becomes completely isolated from her experience as an insurgent, and similarly for “Andrea,” the “sex slave”? Alternatively, does 1987 “Andrea” function more purely as an icon for life in a neoliberal global landscape derived from the effects of colonialism? Perhaps the term “roleplay” becomes key for thinking through the power dynamics inherent in that global landscape.
In one of the final scenes, Asagi explains that she no longer performs as a typical bondage model, but rather as a “self-suspension performer” (reference appendix image H). This shift in terminology places Osada Steve in the assistant role as she binds her body and suspends herself through the use of a rope and pulley system. The distinction does not eliminate the role of being bound nor does it eliminate the imagery of bound bodies, but rather locates agency within that role. A montage of her performance plays as title cards alternate --- “WORK IS BONDAGE”/”BONDAGE IS WORK” --- and music plays as found footage of women working in a restaurant cuts in and out.
Strangely, it is in moments of such explicit attribution of meaning that make the inclusion of topics with ambiguous or multiple dimensions of relevance so generative in Lovely Andrea. With the ideological origins of the PKK in Marxism-Leninism, a reading of this associative collage through the filter of labor gestures towards Imperialist-Capitalist extraction of capital as ubiquitous bondage, a metaphor that becomes concretized when applied to the police tactics that strip bare the pop-culture surface of such systems.
But in returning to the repeated question pointed at Steyerl, “What is your film about?”, one final moment illuminates Steyerl’s sensibility of a feminist read. Noticing her image on the monitor, Steyerl exclaims, “I should get some Botox, I think.” Immediately, she is asked, “But you consider yourself a feminist?”, to which she responds, “Yes, definitely.” In this brief exchange, Steyerl foregrounds her own libidinal objectives and autonomy over self. In a familiar feminist read, the existence of cosmetic surgery as iconic symptom of feminine bondage to feminine body idealization is a problem, but her exclamation reads as sympathetic towards bondage and clarifies the ways in which that desire is not mutually exclusive with feminism. An adjacent text of Steyerl’s illuminates this thinking beyond the broad understanding of her and Asagi’s own autonomies, “The feminist movement, until quite recently (and for a number of reasons), worked toward claiming autonomy and full subjecthood. But as the struggle to become a subject became mired in its own contradictions, a different possibility emerged. How about siding with the object for a change? Why not affirm it? Why not be a thing? An object without a subject? A thing among other things?” The implications of such a claim towards an objecthood without subjecthood interfaces with Asagi’s notion of self-suspension neatly, but this also remains fairly theoretical in the way that her interest in Botox is not.
Katherine Behar addresses a similar question in her collection of texts, Object-Oriented Feminism, as she navigates the issue of the body-self-object in service of navigating a sound non-anthropocentric philosophy. In this work, implicating the self as object is sought in order to escape the anthropocentrist approach, which she describes as a liability in a variety of arenas, “[from] the ecological to the epistemological to the ethical.” Identifying the problem of animism in some supposedly non-anthropocentric philosophies as vivophilia, she advocates for necrophilia,
“It is a question of perspective. Vivophilia says that most things in the world are, in some significant way, as alive as I am. Necrophilia says that I am, in some significant way, as dead as are most things in the world.”
Behar identifies this (very specific) notion of necrophilia as the generative central tenet of the feminist body-art that has developed since the 1960s. “Denouncing the fetishization of lively integrity in body objects, body art foregrounds the self not only as a deadly object to be killed off but also as the scene of the crime.” In this dialogue, Behar claims administration of Botox as an ideal method for achieving that objective on a more quotidian timeline, through the use of the same toxin found in botulism, OnabotulinumtoxinA, via direct injection.
Within this space, there is better ground for understanding how the more overt elements of this film (the unethical practices of the Japanese black market porn industry in the ‘80s vs. Asagi’s agency in self-suspension) fit with the more opaque elements (the relationship between Andrea and “Andrea” as images, the role of censorship, the question of global power, how to reckon Botox ethics). The repetition of the line “What is your movie about?” remains useful because it gestures towards the simultaneity of mutual dependence that these threads rely upon for support.
In architecture, a “reciprocal frame” is a class of self-supporting structure made of three or more beams which requires no center support to support roofs, bridges or similar structures (reference appendix image I). This model of the reciprocal frame provides a useful illustration for the way in which Steyerl’s threads seem to support each other: leaning on each other in a sort of pinwheel formation, without need for a central column to support the resulting structure. In that model as illustration, Steyerl and her relationship with Andrea becomes the absent center support; instead, the audience encounters Asagi as surrogate for a younger Steyerl, the images of Steyerl that circulated throughout Japan, the images of the real Andrea that circulated throughout Turkey, the censorship that occurs under any state government, the real tactics of domination that state governments impose on their citizens and on other countries, and the roleplay of sexualized objects. If an audience pulls out the threads of Steyerl’s criticality, bondage functions as a useful distillation of much broader power dynamics. Despite this analysis of “bondage as theatre”/”bondage as business”/”work as bondage”, the brief reference to/absence of Andrea Wolf’s relationship to Steyerl and her images reveals that this work is founded in sentiment and a self-reflexive gaze in spite of such an ostensibly goal-oriented, critically-minded approach.
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lunarimagines · 7 years
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[ Full disclaimer: I got the idea from tenseoyong’s a-z nsfw series. I highly recommend checking theirs out!!! ]
A/N: The gif is mine; I don’t steal gifs. Everything is underneath the cut!
a - aftercare
He’s so shy after sex. Jungkook really wants to take care of you and make you feel pampered and alleviate any of the oncoming soreness he’s just unsure how to do all of that. His go to is cuddling, whether it’s cuddling and talking about nothing for hours or cuddling until the two of you fall asleep- although he always waits for you to fall asleep first- he loves cuddling after sex. Jungkook loves massaging your body or running his hands up and down your body softly, feeling every curve. 
b - body part ( their favorite body part on their s/o and/or on them )
His favorite body part on you is your hands. Despite what they can do to him to make him feel good, he also loves intertwining your hands with his as he pounds you into the bed sheets or when you ride him. Either way he likes the feeling of your hands in his because it makes him feel calmer and more assured. 
In terms of his favorite body part on himself it’s definitely his tongue. Whether his tongue is making you hiss as it smooths over the hickies he’s bit into your neck or making you orgasm multiple times, he really just loves the effect it has on you.
c - cum
He’s terrified of cumming inside of you. He prefers cumming on your stomach, your back, or- and this is usually the case- in a condom. The condom makes it easier to clean up but it’s more more exciting and incredibly hot to Jungkook when he sees you all fucked out with his cum on you. He’s kinda nasty that way...
d - dirty secret
He snapped a nude photo of himself once. Half hard and fully naked, he’d sent the nude photo to none other than another member. He hadn’t meant to of course, but the contact names were so close to each other in his recent messages and he was so nervous that he’d just pressed send before checking and whoops? Of course he got a lecture about sexting and having his phone hacked so needless to say he never did that again...
e - experience ( how experienced they are )
He understands how sex works.... it’s not too difficult. But when it comes to having sex with another person he is entirely inexperienced. Jungkook is shy and kind of uncomfortable when explicit remarks are thrown his way who wouldn’t be and he was a silent, blushing, and confused mess when the other members talked about watching porn. Therefore, it’s safe to say he has no experience with another person. 
f - favorite position
You on top of him, riding him like there’s no tomorrow. This goes back to his favorite body part of yours which are your hands. He adores the feeling of them being clasped with his own tightly and squeezing slightly every time he suddenly bucks his hips up. He also loves looking up at your face as you ride him and enjoys knowing that he’s the one making you feel so good. 
When he’s in control he prefers missionary or even doggy style, but as aforementioned he enjoys holding your hands during sex so missionary is usually his go-to position. 
g - goofy
The first couple of times the two of you had sex he was very serious and you could tell he was nervous. However, as he got to know your body more and learned what you liked and what you didn’t like he became a lot less serious, though he isn’t really goofy during sex... There was one time when the two of you tried to have sex in the shower and things kept being knocked over and there were a couple falls which could be counted as him being “goofy” during sex, but usually it’s rough, passionate, and mostly silent.
h - hair ( how well they manscape )
Jungkook has a pretty smooth stomach so I think he at least trims. He most likely doesn’t full-on shave, although the first few times you two had sex he did. Now, he doesn’t really shave when he manscapes, but he does tend to trim and keep things nice and neat. 
i - intimacy
Loves an intimate sex session, especially after having a rough day. Jungkook really isn’t one to take their anger out during sex- though he can if you ask him to- and he really is much more intimate during sex. He loves to praise and he loves to be praised. Again, he loves holding hands during sex which shows that he really does enjoy intimate sex more than rough, angry sex. He’s really soft until you ask him to be a little more rough or he feels extremely comfortable with both your boundaries and his boundaries. 
j - jack off
He really tries not to jack off often, but he does tend to when he showers. He’s pretty quick about it and loves that the water cleans up after him. Jungkook’s probably somebody who swallows their moans when they jack off and all there is to hear are little puffs of air and small whimpers, so he’s also pretty silent when he jacks off. Clean, silent, and speedy basically. 
k - kink
He has a praise kink for sure. It may take some time to get him to figure out some of his other kinks, though he seems like somebody who likes role playing and bondage, especially if he’s the one being bound to the bed. There’s something about having you in complete control that really gets him going. 
l - location ( their favorite place to have sex )
After the shower incident he’s a big fan of having sex in the bedroom or even the kitchen and only at YOUR place. He would literally die of shock and embarrassment if another member walked in on him having sex at the dorms. He enjoys how you grasp onto his muscles when he lifts you up, but wall sex is rough on your back so he doesn’t like having wall sex. That’s why the kitchen is a pretty good alternative because he can hoist you onto tables and counters which means you have to grab onto his arms.
m - motivation ( turn-ons)
Really small things like running your hand through his hair and tugging on it slightly or placing your hand on his thigh can turn him on. It’s not that he’s horny all of the time, it’s just that those motions remind him of what you do during sex... which gets him thinking about sex with you... which gets him really turned on. Also having you teasing him or making bets- usually sexual bets- with him will turn him on.
n - NO ( turn-off)
Public sex, sex at the dorms, and you calling him “daddy” are big turn-offs. Calling him “daddy” as he’s fucking you makes him stop immediately and pull out. Basically, sex is over for the night. He also doesn’t like the idea of public sex because getting caught scares the shit out of him and it’s not very romantic. It’s pretty much the same idea in terms of having sex at the dorms. Seriously, if another member caught him having sex he would die right then and there. 
o - oral
He likes to use his tongue on you, as aforementioned. He’s not too shabby his first time pleasuring you orally either. In fact, Jungkook can make you orgasm more than once with his tongue, something you found out the first time the two of you had sex. It’s a little weird to him that he likes the taste of you but he gets over it pretty damn fast when he hears your breathy moans from above him and he feels your hands run this hair, tugging at it slightly. Jungkook gets better at oral sex each time the two of you have sex, and he really wants to try face sitting/face fucking...
p - pace
At first he’s a little all over the place. Eventually he gets a pace that’s a little on the faster side and is a little rough because he loves hearing your moans and breathy “that feels so fucking good Jungkook.” He may like intimacy, but that doesn’t mean he’s slow during sex by any means. Of course he does enjoy when the pace is slower as well but he prefers a faster pace. 
q - quickies
Way too shy to ask you for a quickie... If you notice that he’s a little uncomfortable because his jeans are too tight around the crotch area and you suggest a quickie he sure as hell isn’t going to turn it down. Jungkook just isn’t going to go out of his way to ask you for one because a) he’s unsure how one asks for a quickie and b) he doesn’t want to embarrass you or himself by asking you for one. He’ll sit uncomfortably before he ever asks you for a quickie. If he ever does get up the courage to ask you for one he’s going to be blushing so hard and speaking too quickly that you probably won’t even understand what he’s asking you...
r - risk
Jungkook likes the idea of risk but he’s not big on putting the idea into practice. Shower sex was as risky as it got... period. He’s way too inexperienced to try out crazy, new things right away. Once he gets more comfortable with sex he may be more risky but for now... no way. 
s - stamina
As a dancer you know he has a lot of stamina. He can go for as long as you want him to. He may be sweating a lot and breathing heavily but he can go for hours with very small resting periods in between to let you recover.  
t - toy
Silk ties or scarves (they don’t necessarily have to be silk but silk feels nicer on the skin) for bondage. He wouldn’t mind handcuffs except for what if you lost the key? Or if you were handcuffed to the bed and HE lost the key? The thought of calling the fire department and having them help the two of you out of the situation is mortifying to Jungkook so he happily sticks with ties or scarves as bondages. 
u - unfair
In reality he’s a little shit. He loves to tease you and get you all riled up only to say he’s tired and leave you to fend for yourself basically. This goes back to the bet thing mentioned earlier. Usually the bets are along the lines of who can get the other more riled up or who can go the longest without initiating sex, and in both instances he’s a little tease. During foreplay he’s also very unfair but during sex he always makes sure you climax, even if he does deny you of your orgasm for a little bit.
v - volume
Jungkook is a soft grunter and whimperer. He enjoys hearing you whine and beg and groan and whimper but he himself is pretty quiet and controlled in the noise department. He does enjoy praise so usually he’s only a little bit louder when he’s giving praise, but even then he’s whispering into your ear usually and sending shivers down your body because of how hot his raspy sex voice is. 
w - wild card ( authors choice )
Back to the nude he accidentally sent to one of the members... He made them swear to never tell you anything: that he sent it to them, that he was going to send it to you, that he even took the nude in the first place. He never brought it up again but he still thinks about it from time to time and blushes madly, especially if you’re around or if the member he accidentally sent it to is around when he thinks about that time...
x - xray
(I will not be doing x-ray… feel free to look up photos of their crotches on your own time.)
y - yearning
As aforementioned, it’s the little things that turn him on. He is pretty good at controlling his thoughts and his body so if he is yearning it’s usually a little more difficult to tell. With that being said he does have a fairly high sex drive, he just doesn’t act on it often and he can usually take care of it himself. 
z - zzz ( how fast they fall asleep afterwards )
Jungkook has this thing where he must fall asleep after you do. Even if he tries to, he can’t fall asleep before you. He’s not quite sure what it is. Maybe it’s wanting to make sure you’re okay and comfortable. There’s also something calming about you snuggling closer to him and your breathing becoming deeper and even that allows him to fall asleep. Therefore, he always falls asleep after you. 
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sociallyinsmmagency · 3 years
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Instagram is by far one of our favorite platforms. Why? Because it’s easy to use, great for brand promotion, houses one of the most inclusive, fun, and creative communities, and has a bucket list of tools to use- right at our fingertips.
Not to mention that you can do something as simple as a one word Instagram captions and see the results just...pour in.
Unfortunately, sometimes, the creative well can run a little dry. Especially if you’re a one-man-band type and you’re trying to promote your business, a particular product, or even just get your name out there without coworkers or team members to bounce ideas off of.
We’ve been there. So many times. And before our company was large enough that we could work with a dedicated think tank, writer’s block was a very regular occurrence. And usually only dealt with at one of our favorite Birmingham bars.
(Now we get the same effect with our team from anywhere in the world with nothing but notes and a beer on Zoom!)
However, we decided we wanted to spill some of our fave “secret sauce” one word Instagram captions so that you too could experience the level of ecstasy that takes over when you pair just the right one word Instagram caption with the perfect photo.
But enough talk. Let’s jump in.
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Why Post a One Word Instagram Captions?
Full disclosure, we’re 1000% okay with you simply copy/pasting these ideas, but you might be wondering what’s the point of posting a one word Instagram caption in the first place.
For starters, Instagram photos with captions are much more likely to get engagement than those without. But even more importantly, one word Instagram captions are easy to read AND easy to post.
They can be snappy, quirky, funny, inspiring, creative...the list could go on and on.
And they can stir up emotion in the heart of your readers, pushing them to take action. Whether that means smashing a like or share button, or even giving you a follow!
Find the One Word Captions That Speak to YOUR Audience
Not just any word will do. You have to find one-word captions that spark interest in your audience and drive them to look out for more content.
You can determine what works best for your brand and audience by developing a brand voice and tone that encompasses your quirks, motivations, triumphs, and conversations.
How to Develop the Perfect Brand Voice
If you’ve never actually put time or thought into developing a brand voice, there’s no time like the present! Here’s some tricks to make it easier than ordering your next Starbucks.  
#1 Gather Sample Content to Analyze
In order to get the best, most fitting voice and tone for your brand, you need to analyze everything you’ve created up to this point.
A few examples of content you can gather as a sample to analyze would be things like:
Existing social media content
Web pages
Do you examples sound similar to a competitor? Throw them out. You want to become something distinctive and unique that couldn’t have come from anywhere else. You want to become something that resonates and that is easily identified as all yours.
When you’ve gathered up some of the most distinctive, creative and inspirational things you’ve written, maybe the things you feel embody your brand the most- gather them together and dissect them.
What makes each of these pieces unique? What is similar or significant about them?
Make a note of what you like and dislike about each piece and save the results.
#2 Describe Your Brand Like an Old Friend
Think of your brand as an old friend. What are they like? Quirky? Friendly? Informative? Choose three-five words that you would use to describe your brand if it was a person with its own set of interests and goals.
These words will be the stage for future copy and content, so choose wisely.
#3 Take Your Description One Step Further
Once you have your three words, take it just a little further and describe what that might look like in terms of customer and general audience communication and relation.
For instance:
Passionate: this might look like enthusiastic comments, action-oriented conversations and projects, or heartfelt customer communication, even in the face of negative commentary.
Eccentric: quirky content, contrarian commenting, out-of-the-box projects and off the wall puns.
Trustworthy: always on time, genuine, engaging directly and timely with customer praise and complaints.
This will help you get a handle on the best ways to communicate with your audience on tone, with relevancy.
#4 Outline Voice Characteristics
When you have your basis for what you want, make a list of “do’s” and “don’ts” that fall into each category.
See the example below for how to do this brand voice exercise.
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(P.S. this can be an excellent trick even for long-standing businesses to make sure they’re following through on the messages they’re promoting.)
#5 Revisit, Revise, Improve.
Your brand is always going to be shifting and changing. It’s your job to make sure that your tone and voice is always on par with what you’re looking to communicate.
This means that you need to be regularly re-visiting your brand voice and tone to make sure it’s shifting alongside your business. How regularly you make changes or even just analyze to make sure it’s on target is entirely up to you. Just don’t forget to do it- especially when making major changes to your brands appearance and content on social media.
Our Exhaustive List of One Word Instagram Captions for Any and Every Snapshot
Now it’s time for the REAL fun. Are you ready? Here we go!
#1 Aesthetic One Word Instagram Captions
Hello =)
#2 Personality/People One Word Instagram Captions
Sometimes, you need one-word captions that inspire feelings about the people you know and love. We’ve got some amazing one-word caption ideas. Check it out:
#3 Place One Word Instagram Captions ideas
Whether you’re in the mountains for a hike or at the zoo, sometimes you need the perfect word to help describe and carry over all the feels of your snapshot. Here’s some amazing one-word caption ideas for moments just like this!
More Amazing Short Instagram Captions
Everyone loves an amazing aethetic one-word caption, but sometimes you want...a little bit more. So we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite short instagram captions (2-3 words), just for you. Check it out!
The Best Place
Rocky Mountain High
Sun of a Beach
Just run.
Fishin’ for Compliments
Forever and Always
One More Step
This is Home
Live. Love. Lie.
The best endings are really beginnings
Got love?
Look no further
Look within
Find Your Soul
Finding our way home
Make Your Own Way
Never going home again
Just jump
Lights on
Rock on
Lights on
Namaste time
Just chill
Cold beer? Check
Time to fly
Ready to fly?
Oh D E A R
Just one more dive
Felt cute. Might delete never.
She’s hot.
Rebel on
It’s a date
Perfection has arrived
I’ve got EMOJI
How to Turn ANY Word into an Inspiring One Word Instagram Captions
Really, ANY word can be an inspiring caption if you do it right.
It's all about spacing, format, relevancy, and intent.
For instance: I can write the word "Limitless" several different ways and get totally different results. Check it out a few post examples to get an idea of what I mean:
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"✨ L ✨ I ✨ M ✨ I ✨ T ✨ L ✨ E ✨ S ✨ S ✨"
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"Limitless 🌎"
The way you approach the formatting completely changes the aesthetic, allowing you to use basically ANY word to communicate your meaning. Neat, right?
Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions? Hopefully we've covered the majority of them below, but if we don't, don't hesitate to get in touch so we can send you on your way with everything you need to level up your Instagram presence!
Do One Word Captions Get More Engagement?
The answer is not necessarily.
If you have a CTA in your graphic, then yes. However, you can't direct people to comment, like, etc, if you aren't asking them to do so. After all, there's not much space for communication in one word.
How to Put Two Words with One Caption?
This is simple.
Open the Instagram app and click on the square plus button, now in the top right corner.
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Now press on the photo that you want to show up first and hold it down until a "1" pops up.
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Now you can select as many as you want to share...
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...and TADA! You're ready to create a one word Instagram captions with multiple pictures.
The post Is  AWE-INSPIRING ONE WORD INSTAGRAM CAPTIONS FOR LIMITLESS SUCCESS appeared first on the Sociallyin Insider blog.
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dontoverthinkitboy · 6 years
sentimental late night brew
indirect to my agave,
i’ve never seen her in person, but somehow i can imagine she’s passed out next to me in some alternate reality and her hair is at the point where it’s getting a shaggy (adorable!!! fuck me up!) and it’s in her eyes and you’ve forgotten to take off her glasses. weeknight.
quick reminder that i am hopelessly devoted to my girlfriend and i love her so much. in every way. everything about her is wonderful and i’m spilling my heart out because i mean it all. i wish i was better at writing these things. i can write a hundred thousand words about anything else but when i’m approached with trying to formulate something to proclaim my love all words escape me. i figure it’s because she leaves me speechless. i’m not even a cuddler but i’m getting impatient for the day when she can hold me and i can hold her. i love her so much. i was thinking about it today and god, no one understands me better in this world. every aspect of me. there isn’t a side i have to hide and if feels so nice. i don’t get why she puts up with me but i’ll never question.
she’s wonderful. breathtaking. god, the kindest person i know. the sweetest person i know. the person i get wound up about, stricken with anxiety at the prospect of something going wrong. not many things have that effect. but when it comes to ensuring she’s safe, my nerves go off the deep end. this sounds like a hallmark card, god. i’ll try and find something unique. let me work on that.
you are like the pillow beneath me as i sleep. my sleep schedule will never be perfect. i ross and then but you are always there as a silent and gentle reminder and comfort that isn’t overpowering, but just the right amount.
and now it’s 10 pm and i’m wondering where the hell my life would be without her. in a casket buried somewhere, potentially. she’s my saviour. i don’t know how i would be alive without you. in the moments where i was lost and blind you took my hand and although i didn’t believe you, i eventually was proven wrong and thankful of so. i will always be a sheep as long as you are my sheperd. l e t m e w o r s h i p you like the g o d d e s s you are in e v e r y w a y.
honest to god the reason why if i had a gun is my favourite song is because it’s about you to me. honest. you’re my platform. the thing that keeps me grounded in the worst of times.
seeing you so beat lately by life’s schedule is hard. i miss the facetime calls. i’ve been unstable lately to even go through them, but all my anxiety would be worth it just to see that spark in your eye and the annoyed smirk you make whenever i tell a stupid pun. you’re. beautiful. and. valid. even. when. you. aren’t. speaking.
(why are there tears in my eyes?)
this may have been sparked by the fact that prom is tomorrow and i am crushed i didn’t get to take her. that’s okay. eventually we’ll get our prom. inspiral carpets roadie style? distance hurts, but we’ve managed to stay close despite the physical boundary separation. even though i’m going to prom completely alone this year and had to third wheel my way into a friend group to feel alright, i’m doing it so you can see the photos because i know that brings you joy. the dresses and all. maybe for once in my life i’ll be prettier than you. or liam (that’s a toughie!). but you’re harder to beat. ;) i doubt i’ll even get close.
i love you more than i love my hydro flask. i love you more than you love me. i love you more than any other thing. but more importantly, i love your heart more than anything. deep seated i’m not satisfied with this letter at all because it doesn’t convey how i truly feel but how can i say what words haven’t been powerful enough to convey to you? understatements will have to do.
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littlesmartart · 7 years
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re-imagined citadel dlc photo because bioware, you can’t give me a dlc specifically dedicated to proving how much this ridiculous ragtag group of buddies love each other like family, and then give me their drunken houseparty photo... where they’re all standing in strict lines at military attention not touching each other????? like, I get it, making people interact in video games isn’t easy, but that weirdly awkward photo did break my game immersion somewhat. I haven’t been to a drunken houseparty in about five years but I can tell you, they’re gonna cram as many people as possible onto that sofa, and most of them are gonna be distracted well before the photo gets taken. 
TOP ROW: steve and vega are on krogan-wrangling duty. steve is better at it. zaeed wants wrex’s drink umbrella but wrex is watching him closely to make sure he puts it the fuck back. jack’s just...jack. miranda was meant to be looking kind of disgusted like “ugh really?” but I realised as I was colouring it looks like she was about to say something and got, um, distracted by jack’s tongue soooo......... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  its definitely canon that samara L O V E S babies and excited-daddy-to-be jacob would deffs have baby scans to show anyone and everyone. 
BOTTOM ROW: kaidan “biotic beefcake” alenko unfortunately ends up next to garrus “unreasonably bulky armour” vakarian, and is torn between “YES FRIENDS :D” and “dear god shepard your feet s t i n k” (she fell through a fishtank yesterday kaidan give her a break). sam is tipsy enough to find this all hilarious. shepard’s the only sober one there but she’s still bein a little shit and lounging over everyone because drunk garrus is handsy garrus. liara’s trying to point out that javik’s passed out to tali but its a miracle that tali’s even sitting upright after being blasted on the bathroom floor for like an hour, so its not very effective. kasumi’s trying to convince joker that his hat would make a lot on the merch market and he’s saying that if she tries it he’ll sic edi on her (edi won’t do anything but her Disappointed Face is absolutely Devastating). javik passed out like five minutes ago and let me say, if all he gets is a bit of paper taped to his head, he gets off INCREDIBLY lightly.
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