#LIKE. theres. a reason things like this happen. theres a reason they're On these platforms. i dont know. i dont know
kelprot-old · 2 years
i love social media andhow people billions of lightyears away from us in terms of class and wealth and just.so many things are considered The Same and also easily accessible like Surely that’s not something that could cause problems. surely giving these previously untouchable celebrities the exact same. Everything. as everyone else on social media isnt going to lead to issues.
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silantryoo · 25 days
as much as im annoyed by the potential implications of the mhj/hybe drama i do feel like theres way too much speculation rn ... rlly doesn't sit so well with me that everyone is bashing on mhj alone (im not supporting her either though) and not bang sihyuk too. some hybe stans rlly js worship the guy and idk why . its not like he's innocent too. like those texts from him are so annoying too. abt if she's satisfied that nwjns is so popular and also abt trying to rival aespa / bp alone ...
hybe has sm power and r known for their mediaplay so i rlly do wish people would keep that in mind instead of doing their own speculation to bash on mhj . we don't know fs if she's the reason behind seunghan, youngseo, etc .... it seems so forced that everyone just collectively is making stuff up on their own theories and pissing on her. like im all for it when everything's done with but it's giving misogyny to me ughhh idk how to explain it eitherr without sounding like a mhj stan I PROMISE IM NOT TAKING HER SIDE T_T i just cant help but feel like poeple find it easier to hate and bash on women sometimes. even me scrolling x nowadays feels so annoying. literally feel so bad for illit and nwjns rn.
personally i was a teeny annoyed that illit had a similar image to nwjns w their nostalgia/coquettecore (also though just seems like cute/youthful concept is making a cb in general in kpop) but only because their songs on super real me were the exact type of songs i liked most from nwjns (super shy, hurt etc. the softer less peppy songs compared to hybe boy) so it bothered me that there was an implication that nwjns might be forced to distance itself to a more differing concept to keep some contrast btwn the two ... but ik that's not illit's fault at all (literally love the girls sm im a runext fan ^^) i feel like i can understand the upset that illit was getting a similar concept when every other grp before illit in hybe had more defined concepts seperating each other. but once again that's all hybe's doing ...... seeing the choreographers supporting mhj too makes it seem like not even the nwjns team or even all the staff were on board with the references in the choreo either...
anyways i do hope this controversy doesnt impede on either grps promos :( and i rlly hope everything gets sorted out... im srsly hoping this doesnt turn into a 5050 situtation again but with nwjns i was so upset when that happened . was curious on what your thoughts were or if u were keeping up with everything?
the way im coming back to reply to this first thing after my exams is insane, but this nwjns thing makes me so angry for all the idols under hybe. both parties j cares sm ab money that they're blindsided by the potential of ruining their idols careers, mental health and images. mhj is being stupid and hybe does seem to be doing anything to protect nwjns (as far as we know. i could be wrong).
(yawl, jsyk i obv dont have ALL the information. from what ive seen online and the articles ive read, this is what I THINK. ME. youre free to think smthn else, whether i agree or not.)
i def thing that bang hyung sik (bhs) isn't innocent either. although min heejin (mhj), in my opinion, is more in the wrong j based on the treatment of other idols, bhs seemed to provoke her, and on top of that, the company seems to blindly support ppl and give them a platform so long as they make profit for the company. ive been seeing a lot of ppl saying hes j human but youd think theres a reason why mhj got kicked from sm, yk? and you j took her back in w open arms.
hybe is v good at media play fs. its their forte, and ppl seemed to stray from the from the main problem. mhj is using nwjns as a weapon. hybe probably is doing the same thing w their other groups too, dont get me wrong. ppl seem to forget that this entire issue isnt "drama", its a legal battle ensuing between a huge corporation and its subsidiary. hybe has infinite power compared to ador. its horrible on both ends.
the thing is tho, mhj has consistently been showing the public red flags. the lyrics of 'cookie (ik she didnt write the lyrics but shes the ceo. she got them approved)', the portraits gifted to her of naked underaged girls, her obsession w olivia hussey (who happens to look like minji), her treatment of sm employees, her past work w shinee (sexualization of underaged taemin), etc. not to mention her extremely (at least in my eyes) inappropriate relationship w nwjns. the gifts shes gotten them and how she uses their emotions as a weapon. if bhs did that, everyone would be up in arms.
i dont think (for the most part) this is misogyny. i think ppl alw had a weird feeling about her. at least i did.
idt its good to speculate on ppls departure tho. youre def right ab that. the lsfm hate train (esp the coachella one) most likely has nothing to do w mhj. and i do agree that hybe copied or was at least inspired by nwjns, but idt illit copied them. illit and nwjns have a very 'pinkpantheress' sound, the uk early 00's bedroom pop genre. however, nwjns is more y2k and illit is more dream-like, ykwim? hybe was def inspired by nwjns tho. i think a more fitting one would be tws tbh. their sound is v similar to me (emphasis on to me) than illit.
dont get me wrong, it's incredibly shady and the way that a lot of staff are on her side makes me think that hybe was leeching off of the success of nwjns. it referenced all girl groups under hybe tho, lsfm and fromis, but there was def more nwjns references.
what im worried ab the most are the groups, esp nwjns. lsfm has been going thru their own struggles and rn this isnt the best for them, but theyre not extremely involved in the situation, not like nwjns and illit. illit, from what ive seen, has majority of the success and recognition from overseas. however, their success in korea'll take a huge hit. itll def take a toll on the girls mental, considering they j debuted and this happened.
nwjns is the worst off. theres a chance they might leave w mhj if ador does pull away from hybe, which isnt in the groups best interest. mhj's press conference and overall attitude is gonna affect their upcoming release fs, and their proximity to mhj herself is worrisome.
hybe doesnt seem to be doing shit to protect their artists, they're j protecting their name. theres no statement on or for illit, no statement on malicious comments for any of the groups (that i know of).
tldr: min heejin and hybe are both at fault. dont take sides of either, take the side of the idols.
sorry, im j so passionate ab this. the shit ive been seeing online has been making me mad. after getting back from the lsfm hate train too... as mad as i am at mhj, hybe GAVE her that platform. if the things they claim is true, and if the speculation is true, they alr knew from her past employment that she was shady. its their fault for allowing that.
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isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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virtueisdead · 1 year
tumblr is the only corporate social im willing to use at this point, purely because of how vastly different it is from its contemporaries, structurally and culturally, but they're very clearly doing something that is quickly turning me away. for lack of less sensitive term, staff is practically gentrifying the platform. (forcing shit from other socials that tumblrs lack of were the only reason i still used it)
given i use spacehey daily, im sure youre already aware that im not a big fan of the contemporary concept of the "social media". i wont go on my whole pedantic/esoteric rant about distinguishing the definition of a social media and a social network because thats a whole other essay for another time and its not worth the argument given im already trying to discuss something else at the moment. (ive literally written a research paper about this because i seriously am that obnoxious about the subject)
so; one of the most substantial changes that happened to social websites in general over the past 2 decades was the introduction of algorithmic feeds. for those unaware, tumblr is in fact the very last major social platform that still doesnt operate (primarily) off of algorithmic content, and this is direly important to the continued use it receives from older bloggers. the majority of people who regularly use tumblr today and have for years are still here because it is the last bastion of chronological dashboards. this also plays a huge role in why theres such a dramatically different atmosphere on tumblr compared to other platforms.
reblogs are literally the only way that things can "go viral". posts do not ever spread if people dont actively decide "i want to share this with my friends" and hit the reblog button, as well if their friends dont think the same. whats especially important is that this system is entirely end-viewer-oriented; it does not particularly favor reactionary content like an algorithm does. on a platform like twitter, any kind of engagement at all (replies, likes, qrts, etc) will be taken by the algorithm as an indication that the post is likely to resonate with people in some way, regardless of whether the post in question is receiving positive or negative engagement, and regardless of whether or not it is thoughtful or warrants that- not to mention how this problem is even further exacerbated by the character limits on microblogging social media platforms like twitter.
so people love tumblr for the fact that posts that you wouldnt share with your friends simply will not garner any popularity most of the time. this fosters a far more unique and interesting community and types of viral content, but youll notice that a little while ago, tumblr quietly added the "for you" page. realistically, nobody who actually has used tumblr since before that tab was added would ever even touch it because it is a spit in the face of what makes people love the platform. but they they knew most people dont vocally give a shit like i do.
the first problem arises when you consider that new users from places like tiktok and twitter will naturally assume the tab was always there and likely use it as their primary means of discovery. they wont learn or understand the way that the proper system tumblr uses of follows and reblogs actually works, which is steadily creating an enormous and frankly insurmountable divide between new and old users of the platform. its already fostering the kinds of passive interaction from people who dont understand tumblr's mechanics that is honestly genuinely harmful to the community overall. people misusing the tools that the platform has due to not understanding their function or assuming similarity to things they already know from other platforms. honestly, this in itself would not even be that much of an issue because we could simply ignore the new users who refuse to make the effort to understand how to use the app and fall for the advertising trap that is the for you page...
but the problem is getting way bigger as tumblr is slowly but surely pushing the "for you" page onto other dashboards. youll see posts with a little "based on your likes" banner at the top crop up more and more. theyre quite literally trying to subtly force an algorithm into place where there wasnt one before. (ive been made aware you actually can turn this off from within an entirely seperate settings menu from the regular one that you open on the notifications screen for some reason?? the fact that i didnt even know this after using tumblr for this long is wild, but it doesnt invalidate my argument in that they turned it on automatically without asking or telling users) its not egregious enough to make me leave yet but its definitely been happening more and more frequently to the point that i am seriously doubting if i should consider continuing to use the website/app. this is the biggest structural issue, but its not the only example of what im talking about where tumblr is trying to pretend to be like other contemporary social medias in order to lure in new users without teaching them how things work so that they can use them as advertising guinea pigs.
another example would be the abrupt and frankly pointless introduction of tumblr live, which is entirely unnecessary and has received near unanimous criticism from older users. but a bigger one is something that a lot of people, especially newer users, mobile only users, or those straight other platforms have probably not even noticed- the completely silent removal of subdomain urls. (which is why people here call usernames urls in the first place) this one is way more apparent of an issue as far as my questionable use of the term 'gentrification' goes.
if i asked you the question "what is tumblr?" what would you say? more than likely, you would answer that its a social media- and to be clear, you would certainly not be incorrect in that assessment, but thats not the important part. as far as i can see, thats the first thing that comes to mind when they think of what tumblr "is" in its contemporary state. but if i asked somebody that a decade ago, they would likely give a completely different answer; they would say its a "blogging site". that's because fundamentally, that's what tumblr actually is and is supposed to be. a social blogging host platform. the dashboard and tumblr.com screen was always only half of it as far as the functionality went.
everyone used to have a personal website for their blogs, and people would often hook their tumblr blog up with its own custom domain as well. tumblr was first and foremost simply a blogging platform with social elements. while that subdomain (personal website) functionality does still exist, and you can see it on my blog because i customized my blog's css themes, they actually completely silently added a switch that gets rid of it, and they automatically turned it off for anyone that hadnt fully configured that page already which slowly consolidates everybody towards the exact same uniform tumblr-blog style like what you see on the mobile site. it forces a uniform visual aesthetic and functionality, which is one of the things i hate the most. in the first place, the enormous number of people who hadnt set up their page properly is largely because tumblr has for a few years now actively discouraged, hidden, or obfuscated the 'personal website' aspect of the service for whatever reason they may have using a method ill get into in a moment. it may be because they thought it was too convoluted for newer internet users who dont understand, or it may have been a more calculated effort to abandon older infrastructure and replace it with replicas of more contemporary systems like are used in other social medias, but it doesnt make a difference to me.
blogging is all about self-expression, and restricting that defeats the point so fucking hard. on the mobile app, my page will look something like this.
Tumblr media
though this screenshot is taken on desktop. the url here is "https://www.tumblr.com/virtueisdead". this is an entirely separate and pretty recently added functionality called the profile view, which is entirely different from how the website used to operate, which is demonstrated for clearly by the fact that this is not what my blog is actually supposed to look like. in fact, you cant even see what blogs are supposed to look like on the mobile app at all. if you open your browser and go to my actual blog url, "https://virtueisdead.tumblr.com/", you can see the intended design, which is very similar to my spacehey profile.
Tumblr media
im honestly not unconvinced that they intend to eventually completely distinguish the old blogging system (akin to wordpress and blogger) from the social media aspect of the site entirely, though thats more of a crack theory. the fact remains that they began to silently get rid of people's actual blog pages, slowly forcing uniformity with the mobile app. (this is less important, but another part of that that drives me up the fucking wall is that i cant even use the tumblr website in my main browser anymore. they made it so it only works in certain browsers, and im sure i dont need to explain why that is absolutely insufferable behavior)
tumblr is absolutely trying to mimic other social media platforms like tiktok and twitter in order to attract users from them or give them a more 'familiar experience' and its absolutely a detriment to the experience for people who use tumblr specifically because it isnt like other corporate social platforms. this is a separate gripe, but...
ive said before and will say again, twitter users should not look for an alternative to twitter, they should just stop fucking using it. thats like going from smoking a cigarette brand that uses slave labor to one that doesnt. youre a more ethical person but youre still giving yourself lung cancer.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Response to an ask from Ophelia:
(this is the out of context paracosm one!)
Ophelia!! Hello!! I'm so glad you're feeling a little better. I meant to remind you on the last ask to drink fluids and rest, to take care of yourself in general. But better late than never, I suppose. And of course, you're not annoying me at all so there's no need to apologize
And I don't think it's an annoying idea either! Actually kudos to you for having a list of things, even if it is incoherent. All my information exists solely in my brain...actually wait I think I drew one iteration of one of the main characters in my own paracosm. Oh! It's actually still posted on instagram, wow (this one. the character has changed a lot since then and has a bunch of tattoos/scars, but didn't at the time so they're not in that drawing)
(and no problem with cutting things out! it's completely understandable, and I just want you to be comfortable <33 and also I'm putting it under a cut for space!)
that being said...I am so curious about these out of context quotes oh my. once again i'm kinda just spewing out questions in response you don't actually have to answer them tho!
if he's not a ventriloquist then what could be possibly be!! how did he get mistaken for a ventriloquist. is he lying to people about being a ventriloquist because that's an impressive thing to fake
vampires, you say? my interest has been piqued. I'm totally normal about them (no I'm not). okay but like what iteration of vampires are we talking here. do they crawl around with considerable speed quite like a lizard (dracula)? do they sparkle in the sunlight and angst over their monstrous nature (twilight, but specifically edward)? do they pass for human and go out in the sun but need to mix their diet with human food and blood while being extremely flammable (i've forgotten the specifics but that's what I remember from the simon snow trilogy)? Like I said, I'm very normal about vampires
oo there's employment in this world of yours...is that within or outside The Shell? does The Shell have jobs? What does a person do with their time when inside it? but that poor tired employee..,
are they...a fake person? not a real person sounds like a warning label, like the "not meant for human consumption" kind of thing or "not safe for children" so my brain is interpreting this as a warning
and they're right to be scared! staircases will get you. honestly the ones that get people the most are the smallest. in my house theres a slightly raised section of the floor right in front of the door like a platform that requires a single step up and down, and visitors trip over it all. the. time. which isn't great when the majority of people who visit your house are old
rice cakes! I don't think I've actually had a rice cake before now that I think about it. wait maybe I have. okay looked it up I have not eaten the puffed rice cakes, but i have had the other ones. google is just calling them asian rice cakes
I think she deserves to fight 100% of the time. I don't know her but like that number is close enough to 100 that it seems only reasonably to bump it up. what does she want the other 10 percent? is this a situation where she's loving the other 10 or where it's not a want to fight but a want to murder and it adds up to 100% violence
wait you're so right frozen grapes are so good. like the variety of different consistencies...so fun. also great when your grapes are no longer taut and are instead slightly squishy, which is unsatisfactory. just freeze them and no more squish!
robot-clown-lady. I. who? I am so curious. who is this lady and what is the proportion of each of those three parts. is she more robot than clown? more clown than lady? or is she a lady who happens to be slightly the other two. also for some reason the first mental image I got was of Circus Baby, which is probably not what you intended
ah yes, anxious anger, the very shaky and orange (I think?) emotion. feel that one a lot
froggy raincoat!! I didn't have a raincoat, but I used to have a froggy umbrella!! like the ones with the eyes sticking up. let me find a picture. like this!! my sister had a ladybug
my immediate response to hearing a thing called useless was defense of said thing. i know nothing about them but my compassion for inanimate things holds no bounds i will love and cherish these useless things he's made if no one else will
shout out to left-handed people, the world truly is against you. i wonder how effectively I could teach myself to learn to use my left hand to write. I mean writing is just a skill. I once saw a youtube channel entirely dedicated to this guy learning to write with his left hand, but I don't remember what the channel name was
and they're right to do so! I will also freeze any fruit for consumption. fruit is just so *screams* /pos.
I respect the froggy raincoat. I love the froggy raincoat. I'd do anything for the froggy raincoat. I have absolutely no need for a raincoat as I live in a desert in the mountains, but if I had a raincoat I'd want it to be a froggy one. or a dragon. both are good I'll just wear two
(ignore this paragraph break tumblr is telling me I'm talking too much so I have to break it up)
very valid of the computer-program-equivalent thing that doesn't have preferred pronouns. I'm curious whether that's because all pronouns works or if it doesn't have any. pronounless...beautiful
who what when where why and how can her head turn 360 degrees. what owl sorcery is this and how can I replicate it in my bedroom. makes me think of the bird species whose name I can't remember (rostrae?) from the Magonia duology by Maria Dahvana Headley. I didn't actually understand their biology at all based on the descriptions but I'm going to pretend like I did !!
oh I love characters like that! immediately like oh no. they just have such a strong presence it overwhelms you. I met someone one who based on the single first thing they said to me I went "oh shit" /pos you're intense. turns out it was a fluke and they're actually very goofy like many of the other people in my life (cough, my partner's family, cough), but before I figured that out they had a presence. but congrats to this character for being a good brother!
why don't the drinks provide hydration wait. what's going on here. is that because they're drinking super sugary/fatty things or are there magic drinks in The Shell that don't actually quench your thirst. has this character heard of water. they should try some
AGAS (Assigned gamer at Shell). good for them. I hope they enjoy their gamer days or whatever else is going on (idk what's happening I don't have context). but wait what kind of gamer. a video gamer? what kind of games? a board gamer? how does this character feel about puzzles
okay wait I love the shooting star comparison, a rapidly moving entity of destruction. is there also something in there about being beautiful from afar but deadly close up? because I think that'd also be cool. shooting stars in general are just cool. and since I mentioned magonia earlier now I'm reminded of this detail in the series where some shooting stars are actually just magonians sending messages to each other by tying them to an arrow and shooting them from ship to ship across the skyv(the ships are in the sky)
sometimes your immune system just doesn't work anymore and that's just how it is. I could make a joke here about yours failing you and letting you get sick but I don't know how to word that so I'm moving on.
electricity!! congratulations to this world on having electricity, doing better than the world i was reading about yesterday...in which it both did and didn't because it occupied two different times. main character was an elderly woman who did have access to electricity talking about a part of her life when she was young in which there wasn't. but mostly my thoughts rn are ooo more details about the world: they have electricity !!
This was positively delightful! not annoying in the slightest, I love learning about this world and about the paracosm as a whole.
I'm doing alright, doing schoolwork in the mornings and chilling the rest of the day (reading, writing, tumblr, things like that). And the car thing is mostly just like "really? I still have to deal with this?" because there is so much where it's like...I very clearly was not at fault in this situation. The police statement puts the other driver at 100% fault! My insurance puts the other driver at 100% fault! The statements the other driver gave are different; one mentions a motorcycle distracting her and the other she doesn't mention at all and claims she had a green arrow--which she couldn't have had, because I had the green. Like she's contradicting herself!! It's like my guy. why is this still being dragged out. thank you for the thumbs up tho <333
also yes!! smoothies!! Oh emotionally I am picking fresh fruit from some garden to put in the smoothies. I love fruit it's so good, and I also love you!! /p I hope you have/had a nice day as well
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shegottosayit · 1 year
I've been thinking about this post and even have a partial draft saved but I want to start over . This post is about the man who was killed on the subway in New York City after being put in a choke hold by a passenger. Just to put it out there the station where they took him out is a station that one of my home subway lines also stops at. And I don't know if there's more than one but if not I've seen him perform as a Michael Jackson impersonator. What he did.
I don't think I posted it but I've been the victim of someone suffering from unaddressed mental health needs. Last summer/fall In Downtown Brooklyn (between a Whole Foods and an Apple Store) a man punched me with 3/4 of his fist just above my temple. I saw him walking in my direction right at me and I lunged to the side to move past him. He lunged too but thankfully didn't make full contact. I stopped dead in my tracks and so did the people behind me and in front of me. The man started to walk away but then turned around and started ranting about me kicking him out of a bookstore and calling him "the n word". He then turned and walked away down Flatbush Ave. I wish there was a number I could've called to get him care. Calling the police never crossed my mind beyond not being sure what they'd do with that erratic black man.
I've been on the subway when people with untreated mental health problems get on the car. There are also people high on who knows what (I've only seen them be totally harmless. I just worry about them on the subway platform) and there are people who come storming through the car in a disarming way. Theres mostly a very sad stream of people getting on and saying "excuse me ladies and gentlemen" followed by a speech about their situation before moving to the next car at the next stop or otherwise getting off to go somewhere else.
There has been a change of subway announcements over the last couple years. Something like "If you need assistance there are NYPD officers at this station." They're not called, they're people to flag down. It's a different experience. I genuinely do not care about what specifically happened with that man on that day in the lead up to his killing. I have not watched video. I don't need to. There is no reason for that man to have been put in a chokehold.
I do know other people helped hold him down while the murderer (I'm calling him that) slowly killed him. Multiple people. That man had arms and legs. If he was such a danger those people could've held him down until they reached the next station. People defending what happened by saying the man needed to be restrained and the murderer wasn't trying to kill him disgusts me. But I actually agree with part of that. I don't believe the murderer intended to kill him. But with what he did it was possible. There have been things said about other passengers not doing or saying anything but that's projecting with the best of angels. I'd like to think if I saw something like that happen in front of me I'd say "Hey!" but in that moment I'm not sure I would have done it. I'm 5'2" 107. It's shocking! People (other than the accomplices) not doing anything shouldn't be anywhere in this conversation.
Mental health of homeless people is being approached wrong. (Or at leastthe way it's being spoken about) It's not one size fits all. There are people with undiagnosed/cared for mental health problems. But we need to treat people whose behaviors are a result of being homeless in this city. It's heartbreaking to walk past people in the most significant crisis someone can be in. Yesterday when I was waking down 5th Ave with my mom+husband we passed too many people on the street. It's heartbreaking. The solution/solutions to this problem isn't being addressed.
But back to my original point: There is no reason for that black man to be dead. And I specify that he was a black man because its an integral part of what happened.
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tesshlyons · 1 year
Social Media: Can it ever be ethical?
Right now there is a lot happening in the world regarding social media and what it means for it to be ethical. As I type others are watching the updates roll in to find out if TikTok is getting banned or not. There are many reasons why TikTok has ended up in such a hot seat, but this isn't the first time a social media app has been under fire and it really all stems from the state of social media ethics. Right now it is being decided if TikTok will be banned due to security reasons. Theres also another situation going on regarding social media ethics where a worker was fired for what was on her social media. The situation has people asking the question; is it actually fair for bosses to monitor your social media account? On almost every social media platform its finally been understood by those in charge that modifications to the app are necessary. Safety guidelines for users have been implemented and steps to diminish bullying of any kind have been taken. Still, social media breaches privacy and puts our information at risk. There have been many steps taken to combat this but its still something that is prevalent. This causes a lot of the ethical decisions to be made by the social media managers of the various pages out there on cyber space. I was looking over different social media pages trying to pick up how their code of ethics is. I feel like People Magazines code of ethics is an interesting one to observe. People Magazine is a magazine about celebrities lives and inspiring, though I'd argue fluffy, pieces. Being an entertainment magazine brings with it a lot of need to control the comments, as people feel very passionately about people they don't know. I noticed an instance where People had to shut down the comment section on one of their posts because it was getting rather nasty. They later released a statement saying they don't want to have to censor anyone but that the People community doesn't stand for what was happening in the comments. This was them stepping in with their code of ethics. Making sure that while users are allowed to voice that they think someone wore something better than another person, when it comes down to it you have to be nice and not create a bad environment for the social media users stopping in and out of the profile. People is also an interesting one as the publication aims to air peoples dirty laundry. Being ethical about privacy and space isnt really a thing for them. But still, posting only flattering images of celebrities and not going totally out of their way to make a famous person look bad is part of their social media code of ethics. Another social media account I looked at for how they deal with ethics is a local one for a business called Mend Yoga. The social media account is one of peace and safety. All posts on the profile can be fact checked as true. I think the page works so well because while it does look aesthetic (looking on their Instagram), the page is pretty simple and straight forward. The captions are straight to the point not leaving room for unnecessary wording, helping to make sure the people who engage are only those that have positive intentions. I think looking at this social media has helped me remember that a page doesn't need to be flashy or over the top to get responses and a following. Of course it all depends on the situation/organization. People magazine does not want to keep it natural and calm on their feed, they want to get as many people talking as possible, but with Mend they just want to spread information throughout their community and pick up more individuals to join along the way. I think you have to have empathy to handle social media properly. In managing an account being on the lookout for unkind users interacting and lies being spread. You don't want anyone coming to your page and feeling unsafe or like they're going to be mistreated over the internet. Those are the big concepts with media management. You want more people to want to stay and stick around, so put yourself in their shoes.
What would make you feel safe as an outsider being on an organizations page?
I will remember that everything I'm posting I'm posting as the organization I'm working for. I'm being the face of the company therefore post with respect.
I'll monitor comment sections to make sure there isn't any fighting or unnecessary drama going on in them that would make people feel unable to engage in the account.
I will be straight forward and post only the truth about the organization. There won't be room for confusion.
I will change passwords every few months to ensure no hacking can be done. This will avoid having negative things said through the account.
I will be mindful of the type of imagery used and language used so everyone feels welcomed and represented.
I'll make sure anything I chose to repost/re-share is truthful and fact checked. Also making sure I have permission.
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thesacredtwink · 3 years
I'm gonna share part of a train of thought w you filled w HCs
At the beginning of Skyward Groose is a jerk, but some of his reasons are actually understandable things to not like abt someone.
Groose is big on pride, not just his, but for the academy as well. (Also, it seems implied that Stritch and Cawlin are just Groose's lackies, but I'm convinced they're actually really good friends. Even Fi says Groose has a big heart, also they always jump off platforms at the exact same time, I bet they practiced doing that lol.) That's why he's so pissed at Link, cuz he never pays attention and is lazy according to not just Groose, but other ppl who know Link as well.
On that note, I don't think Link is just lazy. He just zones out a lot and has trouble focussing.
I personally think he has sleeping problems too. For me, it means impossible to get consistent amounts of sleep, usually when that happens I like to do something until I can sleep, for Link that could be his carving.
Also, a normal amount of sleep doesn't feel like enough, only sleeping 12-15 hrs, but then u feel tired from sleeping too much n don't have a lot of energy, which could be why Link is known for sleeping in so late. It's also hard to focus, esp in a class if ur tired. Sometimes u doze off sitting down (Link doesn't do that when he's standing up, unlike BotW Link).
Back to the zoning out thing, if someone talks longer than 2 mins he accidentally zones out and misses a good chunk of what is said. He misses almost half of the things Fi says. Imagine him zoning out while Ghirahim is doing a monologue djsjskwjsk
"And then- wait, are you even listening??"
"Wha, sorry I zoned out"
"I come all this way to kill you, and you don't even want to listen!"
"Well, can you repeat it?"
"What about the boss fight though?"
"Wait I'm so-"
Yeah! Like, when you look at things from Groose's perspective, his jealousy is understandable. Locking someone's Loftwing away is STILL a dick move on his part. But he does have a huge heart, and in the end he does the right thing.
As for Link, I 100% agree that his lazyness is due to him having sleep problems. Even BEFORE he started having prophetic dreams about a world destroying monster for months on end. I mean, he has bags under his eyes and they are such a prominent part of his character design.
Link staying up doing his carvings until his insomnia passes is a brilliant hc, anon!!!! I can totally see him pouring as much focus as he has into making sure he doesn't hurt himself or take too much out of the wood until he can finally sleep.
Ghiriahim WOULD be the one who would feel put off about not being payed attention to, that's for sure.
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shoezuki · 3 years
Unpopular perspective about the whole privatizing situation (feel free to disagree): I don't think that that’s a smart choice. Twt’s cancel culture tends to be v. self contained to its site. Unless someone did sth straight up illegal,nothing’ll happen. Now that Techno responded via YT,ppl outside of twt will become aware of the situation bc they're curious abt the en masse privatizing,leading to more gossip. Perhaps he could've deleted twts from before '18. Twt drama requires twt response. 1/2
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Oh absolutely! Thats an angle i keep forgettin to get into like. Theres not many Good ways to deal w this beyond. Jus not dealing with it imo
Him deleting videos like this Could be interpreted as him hiding his past mistakes so he cant be held accountable rather than. What i think we're mostly agreeing on. which is that hes anxious about anything from his past being taken out of context or inflated into something Worse
I been thinkin n theres not really any 'right' way like. Twitter can interpret any actions against him. Deleting tweets? Hes hiding something. He deletes only the tweets in particular? He knows hes wrong but is a coward to admit it. He doesnt respond? Well he isnt sorry then. He says sorry? Itd be so easy to say his apology wasnt 'good enough'.
I think like. Best is either a quick 'sorry you dug up my posts to get angry at me' apology but maybe not like that sbsisgsj. Or just the Wilbur Soot method: delete twitter and go eat pistachios
The thing with twitter that like. Is never mentioned much. Is that yes. Theyre vocal and loud as hell. Yes. They 'cancel' people a lot. But honest to god. Its still an isolated community online.
They dont Really have the power or Reason to do major damage to techno with what they got. Hes not gonna lose any subs or like viewers. Literally everywhere Outside of twitter ive yet to see ppl looking at the situation and say 'yea thats totally justified and not blown out of proportions'.
Twitter isnt good. Its mentally draining and its like. Practically Structured in a way that is harmful yet 'addictive'. But the only way for the to Really have power over a cc is if the cc 'lets' them in a way. They may be loud and given a big platform but in the end. Twitter isnt the end all say all yknow
Tl;dr techno come to tumblr HSLDDGDKDVDJDV
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syubub · 4 years
Yoongi soulmate pt.2?
Y'all we back! OG soulmate reading is here (X)
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as fact blah blah. This is my interpretation.
Okay. You might be like, "But why though? Pt.2?" And to that I say I really want to connect to his soulmates energy! In the OG read I wasn't able to connect to anything other than Yoon. I'm curious as to why and I have questions about it so here we go...
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First thing to note. His energy platform. Same as always. We connect though it was a little strange. His soulmates energy was not present yet again. That was the while fucking point of this. I was told again that Yoongi will speak for his soulmate. Not gonna lie, I got a bit impatient and tried poking around and tbh Yoongi let me snoop around his energy to try to find some way to connect to his soulmates energy. I found nothing. I got real frustrated and then I had to remind myself that I'm not guaranteed access to anyone's energy. Its frustrating to me because yoongi is easy to connect to but his soulmate is so out of reach and I don't understand why.
Now onto the cards since yoongis energy was present I asked him all of these questions. At first I asked, "why can't I connect to your soulmates energy" and I got the magician, 10 of cups, the sun and temperance. Its happening on purpose. I'm not allowed to know because there's likely some block within me that is preventing me from connecting and he is possibly trying to point that out to me. Their connection/bond itself is very healthy and doing very very well so there really isn't anything worrying happing here. Its kinda a me problem as to why I can't connect? This connection has essentially been locked to me either by my guides (again because there's probably some inner work that I have to do to be in a place where its accessible to me) or by Yoongi/ his soulmate. (this kinda comes up later)
I asked for clarity again, "what is it thats blocking me from reading this connection?" This is personal now because its pointed out something that I need to work on but I can't figure out what the fuck it is?? How do I work on something if I can't tell what the problem is. Ugh. Anyway. I got 6 of coins rev., temperance And 5 of cups. Theres something, that according to my guides or even yoon, I've been overlooking. Blah blah blah personal issues. Essentially they said, "Hey dumbass, you know whats wrong and how to fix it but you keep repressing it" blah.
Back to the actual reading that was supposed to happen. I was like, "well fuck this reading is kinda pointless to do if I can't do what I came here to do" but then I was like, I'll just ask yoon some questions about his soulmate.
I asked Yoongi what similarities he has with his soulmate. And got 10 of swords and 2 of wands. For some reason I got the feeling that they have had a lot of similar major life events. Specifically involving a car crash (we all know about yoon getting hit by a car) but they have similarities in the hard times of their lives. They also have a very similar way planning? VERY similar or the same MBTI. I got a very strong sense that May 13th 2021 will be an important day for both of them? I don't know for what or why or if it even has anything to do with the two of them specifically, just that it will be important to both of them (possibly marking a shift but idk)
I asked why he spoke for his soulmate. I got 10 of swords, page of coins, strength, the hermit rev. The first thing I wrote was that Yoon is like the lorax lol? He speaks for his soulmate to me because I can't connect to his soulmate (because of my own blockages) but also because his soulmate is going through a spiritual "rebirth" almost?? My best guess is that his soulmate is kinda growing spiritually maybe? I have no fucking clue. I really don't understand what he means and I tried to ask my pendulum but it either would not move at all or spin only in a circle regardless of what was asked. Y'all help.
I asked if there's anything to know and shuffled my oracle decks and got transformation, love life and what the hell are you waiting for? Get shit done (if you are waiting for a sign-well, here it fucking is) my best guess is that he and his soulmate might be getting closer to meeting (I'm very inclined to say yoongi is gonna meet this soulmate in this lifetime. Maybe soon) and they're both maybe going through preparations for that? Yo idk.
TLDR: I couldn't connect with Yoongis soulmate the first time because apparently there's stuff I'm not allowed to know yet because I have my own spiritual shit to work out? Was not expecting this and I don't know what else to say? Idk what to do about this? The energy feels nice and stuff though so that's cool I guess.
Any other readers or even astrologers out there I would be curious to hear what happens if you try to read for Yoons soulmates energy specifically? Because I'm not allowed to (I'm a little sad about it. Fight me) and I want to know what their energy is like.
I know this wasnt how this was really supposed to go but if you've read it all the way through let me know your thoughts about what you think his soulmate is like?
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grimreich666 · 3 years
So once again we are to this point when it comes to the Christina + Ruby server drama. Now I realize I made a YouTube video that explained my disgust of certain Fanfic Writers writing community of Lovecraft Country that write for the Ruby and Christina fandom that's ran by Kswhateverspace and Hernameisjaye. Now know it looks like I bullied somebody but that's far from the case, as every action has a reaction. Now because the situation I wasn't going to go too much into it until, someone told me about the twisted mess both Kwhateverspace and the other admins were saying. And it had come to alot of my members attention that they done stuff with members in the past and it has clearly made people unhappy to a point where they aren't talking in thier own server. When it comes to the Ruby plus Christina server owned by Kwhateverspace, I joined with decent intentions and it thought it was a community that shared a love for Christina and Ruby, but it turned out to be a Sixth-Grade Mean Girls Special on Crack. I never wanted it to get to a racial points between servers, but it is looking like these white women with a Misguided Black Woman as thier Server Owner, obviously do not know what true racism is and how to handle their power as Admins and accept others opinions. And the saddest part is that not just me but other members have been kicked out for absolutely no reason and I don't know if anybody seen Kswhateverspace Blog. But everything on there is just about a lie, she claims that all of us violated the rules but nobody was given any warning before being kicked out. Now mind you I do know that the rules exist but the rules should have been implemented for more extremer conditions, but none of us members took it to that level. The issue that I have with the other server is their ability not to gauge a situation at any kind of frequency of balance as they just kick off people who they don't like. A friend of mine who's in my Discord now got kicked for absolutely saying a joke it was nothing that was malicious or ill intent to these people, and while I get that respecting their mental health as Fan Fic writers is a thing to do, me and others always supported before we started reading racist ass Ruby and Chirstina fics. This friend of mine was enthusiastic about reading their stories and very supportive and we all kept a good positive energy that could be see in my current Discord. The issue that the Admins on the Christina + Ruby Server is that they made someone's enthusiasm for a story seem like it was an issue with harassment and that was not cool eespically when she meant it in a LOL kind of way. There was no reason for her to get kicked off just like there was no reason for my other friends to get kicked off and there was no reason for ME to get kicked off. I understand people were all into safe spaces and making safe spaces but as Admins they should've addressed thier complaints to people in warnings, but the kicked people for simply commenting. Thus making thier own server and its members uncomfortable to be themselves and thats when becomes a dangerous place and if I hadn't of known that I would've never ended my own server to expose my friends to their toxicity. The issue between the Admins is that pride themselves on being Admins, but the lack leadership skills and comprehension skills necessary for it. For me as an Admin if there was an issue with a person's comments I would talk to them in Dm's and warn them. So for them to say that they're not big on public warnings that is fine, but when you do not privately warn somebody for a simple comment and for them to get kicked the next day something isn't right. Also how can a behavior improve if there is no communication between an Admin and their members? Me as an Admin I dont function that way, I always take the time if someone comes to me with a complaint to address the person on DMs. And if you read Kwhateverspaces blog on the issue and the screenshots nothing she says parallels to the intent in which these comments where said.
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The issue that I have with this group is there ability to flex around their power an act like we had did something so wrong when we were simply just expressing our opinions. And we were well within our respectable means to address our opinions in the saddest part is that these admins are white within a predominantly black server and they do not get our way of culture.
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Now as for the next member who was kicked it was totally uncalled for as she questioned why I was gone due to the fact that I told Hernameisjaye to learn her Black History due to the fact that she and another member Agent Sheryl did not understand why I did not think Christina was racist I had a whole You Tube Video about it. So they knew my opinion on it and why they chose to double team me on an opinion was so uncalled for. So when I made the comment that I'm sorry if I dont want to be black and militant to a character that I dont find as racist she flipped out on me, and kicked me I never called her anything I told her the truth and if you've seen my YT people know I could've taken it alot further with these Birdbrain Hoes. Nevertheless until a certain point I thought we were having a decent civil discussion, yet she took it out of context very fast when I said what I did and as for the Black History factor you could see that they were giving no concern to it and only cherry picking my words to make me seem antagonistic to them, as I was telling them about the harm that white women had done in history vs Christina Braithwhite. Now mind you I had told Hernameisjaye several times that she is entitled to her opinion and I was entitled to mine and it's as you could see on the time stamps. At one point I thought it was a civil discussion, that was until I got kicked out for it. It's clear that these Admins have no commonsense to read a room and come to a basic agreement, even as I was telling them they have an opinion and I have mine and I respect it. And yes I was mad for the kick and I did warn Kswhateverspace that I would be going to my platform with it and she even gave her approval of it as I do have the screen shots for that as well.
Hernameisjaye along with Agent Sheryl had been going on a Christina is racist rant for two days, and both were very antagonistic to those in the Serious Discussions Discord Server, who engaged her. I even went so much so to agree with her just to shut her up, yet she kept on at agonizing me and another member to the point of harassment. It was clear that they had spoken about us, before as they were so ready to kick us AGAIN WITH OUT WARNING US PRIOR. Now I will be continuing the Dandybear situation on part two. However I find it messy that these Admins cherry picked our conversations that me and the other member thought where civil and tried to turn it into something uncivilized on our end. This is the same kind of intent that always happens when it comes to black and white people, it always happens that a white person says something out of line and then when black person gets mad then they act as if the black person had antagonized and started the situation. Hernameisjaye is really sad at this point to try a tactic like that, and it's detrimental that shes allowed racism into her group, but has dropped the people that meant her no harm with there opinions as FELLOW BLACK WOMEN.
The Admins Kwhateverspace and Hernameisjaye claim that they want freedom for people to express themselves, but they act like bullies when the situation is not to their favor. Yet it was after the fact that told a lie and still continue to tell one after another member and I were kicked, that made the situation worse. You can read the screenshots of my responses on Kwhateverspaces blog or this one qnd you can clearly see I did nothing in the wrong, as I was coming at Hernameisjaye as one black woman to another. And if she had talked to me in DMs and cleared things out maybe I would've apologized for the comment even if I personally thought I wasn't wrong for it, as I had no shame in my game to apologize even when I'm not wrong.
YET the point I cant stand the most is that they overreacted to a statement I made, and yet they allowed a racist fan fic writer to stay in group. It is clear these Admins don't have thier heads on straight as they kick us out for having a simple opinion or objection to common discussion. Now I do understand there is a level of what Admins can take and what they cannot take, but when you do not make those boundaries clear and when other members make their boundaries clear when your antagonizing them, and you still keep doing it theres something wrong with you as a leader. All I have to say is look at the screenshots and out responses to ours.
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virtueisdead · 1 year
a tldr of my statement on discord and the long-term practical reason why i don't want to use it, so i dont have to repeat myself a million times (my main reason is more philosophical)
discord is, like most similar startups, a Schrödinger's pyramid scheme. it operates at a total loss and is funded about 80% by investments which it can only repay with more investment and is continuing that way unless they find a way to monetize it enough. consequently, there's only 3 ways for things to go:
1: 48% that they open the box and the cat is alive. they do find a way and make the software fucking awful to use (even more than now somehow) in order to pay back their investors whove always been the real customers here.
2: 48% that they open the box and the cat is dead. they cant find a way to monetize the platform, and they can't make up for the investments theyve flushed, so the company implodes or seeks someone to buy them out and save the sinking ship. aftet than, the first option is bound to happen eventually.
3: 4% that they manage to convince their investors its not worth checking on the cat in the first place. they continue walking the ever-thinning tightrope and somehow never fall off either side. this is exceedingly unlikely but everyone remains in the same state of unease as there's no way to leave the box there forever and eventually itll start to smell reeeaal bad and someone will check on it by accident.
theres no good ending. you cant just fix it, because its going to end badly no matter what. the platforms features are only so good because they're not financially rational at all. they're only doing exactly what uber did by lowering prices so much that they drive taxis out of business and then rising prices to sustain their existence and pay off the investments that allowed them to operate in the first place. except instead of driving out taxis, they only need to get you hooked by getting all your friends and communities in one place so you feel like you cant leave even once the prices start rising.
stop using discord. use Revolt instead of falling for the trap and getting addicted to something you cant afford if they werent operating at a loss to lure you in.
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