ministarfruit · 1 year
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howdy friends, did you know the ace attorney sibling zine (of epic and massive proportions) is currently open for preorders until march 15th?👏
come check it out at @aasiblingszine or at the shop link below! I did a little something for it as well!! 🤭
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donationwayne · 21 days
tagged by @disasterbuck
He lights up when Bobby and Athena arrive with Harry and May in toe. May sits behind the booth in Buck’s chair and happily eats cupcakes, paid for by Bobby. Harry on the other hands goes in search of Denny and Chris on the playground. Bobby gives him a hug and Buck smiles big and wide. “Thanks for coming!” “Hey, baby.” Athena says, looking over his table. He leans down to allow her to place a kiss on his cheek. “Hey, ‘Thena,” He glances over at Bobby who is inspecting the display. “Why don’t you just call her mom already?” May asks with a catty grin, tossing a cupcake wrapper into the trash. Buck is saved from responding by the appearance of one of the counselors. “Hello, you two must be Mr. Buckley’s parents. Its so nice to meet Chris’ grandparents, I’m glad you two are already getting so active in the school. We love our little community.” May from her spot behind the table appears absolutely delighted by the turn of events. Buck isn’t sure who is more shell shocked: himself, Bobby, or Athena. Athena recovers the quickest, “That’s us.” Buck feels a bit like a teenager all over again while Athena and Bobby talk about Buck’s accomplishments, or lack there of in front of the table of sweets. “You’re the talk of the bake sale, people are raving about those cupcakes.” The counselor tells him and Buck feels himself blush in embarrassment. “Anyways, just wanted to introduce myself, thanks for coming out tonight.” “Where’s Eddie?” May asks, around a mouthful of cupcake, now unimpressed by the havoc the counselor had wrought after the lack of drama. “Also if anyone asks about ages, I’m just going to tell everyone Buck had a teen pregnancy.” “You’re worse than Hen and Karen,” Buck threatens throwing a napkin at her head. “I take that as a compliment. Now, where’s your fiancé?” “Wandering,” Buck says, ‘He went to check on Chris earlier but he hasn’t come back yet.” “He abandoned you, are you sure he’s the one?” May teases and Buck comes around the table to attack her. She giggles and screams when he throws her over his shoulder and heads towards the doors where he knows there’s a fountain. A few of the other parents and staff look at them fondly. He holds her over the fountain while she scrabbles to hold on to him, apologizing and shouting and giggling. When the return they’re both wiping away tears of laughter. That’s the moment Eddie chooses to show back up. “Hey Cap, Athena!” Buck turns and sees Eddie closing the distance, there’s a smudge of strawberry something on his cheek like maybe he’d been off eating sweets not created by Buck himself. “Are you cheating on me with another pastry? Is that what took so long?” Buck accused teasingly.
Hello, this fic won't be out for roughly forever but this is mostly what I've been working on. This is my first sneak peak at the big bang fic I'm working on!!!!
If you want to be tagged when it finally releases please let me know!!!
Context: Buck is working a bake sale at Chris' school. Eddie and Buck are faking as fiances so Eddie could get Chris in (was it necessary? No. Did they do it anyways? Yes.)
Anyway, have a scene of a Buck and May siblingism.
Its the end of the day already so I won't tag anyone but if you wanna do it please tag me so i can see!!!!! <3
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robynrocksforbrains · 11 months
AU concept:
If anyone wants to use this as inspiration for drawing, a comic, a fic, literally anything, feel free to. Take creative liberty wherever you want, but tag me so I can see it because I'm insane about it :)
It's a platonic madwheeler speedster AU. Set in the DCU.
Lots of madwheeler siblingism, Mike is an idiot and Max is an instigator. They get their powers because Mike is doing something stupid involving electricity and Max is enabling him at the time of the particle accelerator explosion. Because they're at the same place at the same time, they end up being affected in the same way, and therefore both become speedsters.
So here's the general stuff:
Max is Zoomer (kind of a given) (not to be confused with Zoom), her suit is red with green accents, her lightning is white
Mike is Zipper (Zip for short) (credit to @piper-yipee for the name), his suit is blue with yellow accents, his lightning is green (yes this is entirely for byler reasons)
(I know that lightning colors have different causes in DC canon, but for this AU that is not the case, I'm just choosing lighting colors based on what I want. Cope.)
Zipper and Zoomer I mean COME ON IT'S PERFECT
Established lumax
Slow burn byler because I said so
Once they discover they have powers they go a little crazy about it and Mike immediately wants to be a superhero while Max tries to stay levelheaded about it and reason with Mike that he doesn't know the first thing about being a superhero. Mike ultimately concedes that he doesn't know the first thing about being a superhero and he shouldn't just jump into something like that.
Something happens, whether it be an accident or a crime doesn't really matter, but Mike and Max are there when it happens. Even though they decided that neither of them were gonna jump into anything, they can't stand by and let people get hurt when they know they could do something about it. So they save the day.
After that they decide that they wanna use their powers for good but that they need to be smart about it
They decide to tell Dustin about their powers. He's a super smart science guy and he makes suits for them and has the time of his life learning about the speed force
They decide that they are NOT telling Lucas and Will (they're gonna find out eventually though)
Other stuff:
Will, El, and Lucas are also metahumans, but their powers manifest at a later date.
Will: dimensional awareness (like Vibe), erebokinesis (the power to generate or manipulate darkness or shadows), heliokinesis (the power to bend and control sunlight)
El: I don't have a specific preference, but anything similar to her canon powers would be interesting
Lucas: I also don't have a specific preference for him, I just think there's not nearly enough superhero Lucas content and I need more. Maybe vibrokinesis?
Willel siblings obviously
Once Will learns about Mike and Max's superhero activities, he insists on helping Dustin design better suits for them, because although they may be functional they could look so much better and Will is an artist so
The superhero squad is called The Party because obviously
That's all I got for now, I think, I'll probably edit this post as I think of more stuff. HOWEVER! I do know how Will learns about his powers and Mike being Zipper. This is heavily based on how Cisco discovers his powers in CWs The Flash.
So, Will ends up being in the wrong place at the wrong time while Zip and Zoomer are fighting some villain. Mike isn't fast enough and he isn't able to save him, Will dies. (They're very much in love at this point but neither of them has confessed). Mike obviously loses it. He's holding Will in his arms and the only thing running through his mind is some theory Dustin had about the speed force and time travel. He doesn't even think about it he just starts running. He ends up two days in the past and manages to prevent Will's death. He intends to take this to his grave, no one knows. Not even Max or Dustin. But then Will starts having flashbacks to the timeline where he died. He keeps reliving his death, and every time he sees Zipper, mask off, so really he sees Mike, begging him to just hold on. And maybe even telling Will that he loves him. And Will feels like he's going crazy. One day he can't take it anymore and he tells Mike about it, and Mike ends up coming clean about everything because he's tired of lying to Will. Will doesn't really know how to feel about it, he tells Mike he needs some space to process it. He's not mad at Mike, he's just really confused and overwhelmed and he feels slightly betrayed because Mike kept his whole superhero life from him for as long as he did. Obviously they work things out in the end and Will joins the superhero squad.
That's all for now folks
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soup-for-ghosts · 7 days
talk ant temenos. for the ask thing :3
First impression
something along the lines of “wow this guy is so funny what is wrong with him (affectionate)” and the murder mystery neuron kicking in
Impression now
oh so THAT’S what’s wrong with him. ok. genuinely one of my favorite characters ever, and uh. also ow? what the heck?? I wasn’t prepared for a personal callout post!!
but yeah temenos is such a good character… and while I do have a few gripes with how his story was handled, I have no gripes with how he himself was written. and those ex skills… so many thoughts about those… I could go into more depth into my thoughts on him but I’ll save that for another place at another time
Favorite moment
all of them /j
ok but seriously, I loooooove the scenes with arcanette. I hate her. I hate her so much, but oooooo those scenes are so goooooood… the placid mask dialogue hits… I didn’t trust mindt from the beginning, but THIS was something else. him yelling at her not to speak of everyone he’s lost in the process of getting here… gahhh it’s just so good….
Idea for a story
uh?? idk what to put for this
Unpopular opinion
also dunno what to say for this one really
Favorite relationship
ok I have two and yes they’re the obvious ones
first is his relationship with crick which give me the 🤨 look all you want but listen. I’m not even talking about the ship this time, I just mean their general dynamic, which yes is very goofy at times but it’s also so complex and interesting. especially when you get into everything crick tells him in chapter 3 stormhail. I don’t like.. I don’t like crick’s death from a literary perspective, idk I just never enjoyed characters being killed for the sole purpose of making you hate the villain or for the emotional appeal particularly when said character is clearly at their lowest point. meeting temenos lead to crick having to learn to doubt (for lack of a better term pf) everything he has ever known, and that has practically brought him to a pit of despair in chapter 3 stormhail and idk I think he deserved the chance to claw his way out of that pit and actually get to learn what faith really means to him and stuff. and also it would be interesting for temenos’ character if one person survived, he already pushes people away out of fear of losing them, if he thought it was just happening again, but it didn’t, he still lived, how would he react to that? how would he develop and move on from that? idk it’s just more interesting to me, but again, conversation for another day, the important part is, their dynamic is very fun and also genuinely interesting, and I like how their characters develop throughout the game because of each other
the second is everyone’s favorite detective duo, temenos and throné. I am a claudelet temenos truther, so siblingisms real, but besides that, their crossed paths and travel banters really hit me I think. my favorite travel banter of all time is one of theirs, “the wool dilemma,” from throné chapter 3 father’s route. wherein throné asks temenos to tell her a story to get her mind off of all. that. and he tells her about this wool dilemma, where wool keeps the sheep warm, but because of that, a lamb never truly feels the warmth of their parents. throné’s response is “I’m not a sheep,” and that to me speaks volumes. she understood exactly why temenos chose this story to tell her, she understands him perfectly. and that’s saying a lot! temenos has a travel banter with osvald in his chapter 5 where osvald explicitly states that temenos never says what he means and it is very confusing and people are bound to misunderstand him. osvald, resident genius scholar, struggles to understand temenos, but throné understands him perfectly. and then their crossed paths… they both have a lot of pent up grief that they are not really… addressing or conveying and they end up working together to tie loose ends both for themselves and others. alpates…… but yeah, they’re a very good duo and the devs made a very good decision having them as a crossed paths duo. I like them a lot….
Favorite headcanon
silly one, but I always loved the headcanon that his eyes glow blue when he’s doing his little “the truth lies in the flame” thing. it’s just fun to me pf, also it looks sick as hell, especially when it’s used outside of just those segments and in scenes like the battle against kaldena and stuff
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viovio · 2 years
37, 43 and 44(oc ask)
37. Introduce an OC who's not quite human
Paciano Alonzo, Seiko doesn't have reader awareness obviously so all she knows is something is Up with this guy but since they're in jojo's we know they're not human, however he's not a vampire
He's an aswang kicked out of his home and community for the death of his father AND y'know being inhuman, being the eldest sibling of 7 and his father being the only one who knew this was heartbreaking but his only other sibling Sefina leaves home with him and ever since they've been his anchor, i haven't thought about them in a while and forgot some things about them which IM SORRY I ABANDONED YOU BUT GAHHHH i think they're neat :) sefinas not an aswang bit they're both stand users
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Hard to say, i don't think i recognize a pattern but I'm a sucker for characters who, despite it all are kind. Amira, Dori Ann, and Lupa are some of ocs who dont come from pre existing material, they're not from the same connected universe but i think about them from time to time. I guess what else connects them (esp Daki) is that they're kids, i made these guys when i was young and constantly projected my stories and interests but i wanna come back to them and make them into they're own character, they already were then but I'm all over the place with ocs (Dori Ann's ones of the newer ones)
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
I don't know, sort of hard to describe. I don't wanna say found family because pairing two guys together and saying siblingisms and calling it a day without really dissecting that really cheapens it to me now but i don't like making standalone characters, i make people outside them and see how they affect each other in their own stories and sometimes in the same goals their worlds imposed on them. I know every other writer does this but that's WHY i like it so much, why i like making OCS in existing universes, why Satsuki Irene Bianca Jess and Warren are my most OCS EVER occupying my brain
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willel · 2 years
I don’t want you to get your hopes up. I’m pretty sure those videos we saw today were mostly of the actors behind the scenes. Will and El probably aren’t going to be skating together - that was just Noah and Millie goofing around. The airport and booth scenes are as filmed, but the stuff showing all the actors laughing is just BTS. Be careful not to expect too much. That’s how a lot of people were let down after they saw season 3, because Will and El weren’t bonding or talking together.
Oh I'm well aware. Those videos and pictures of Millie and Noah are them having fun during their break. It's no different than that picture and video of Millie driving Noah around in a grocery cart while he's eating for some reason.
But they (Millie and Noah) did say Will and El would be interacting and having discussions. That's what I'm looking forward to.
Leading up to season 3 we THOUGHT they'd have more interactions based on the posters and the fact that Will and El were the first to be aware of something going wrong but that never happened.
It could've gone one way or the other because the actors never discussed Will and El interacting and when Noah was asked about it, he kinda didn't say yes or no (cause he probably realized they had one 2 second interaction as their characters)
This is quite different. They're in an interview together discussing Will and El's current life in California and how Will and El see each other/interact.
Of course there's no way the whole season is gonna be them and their siblingness (that'd be silly), but this season will undoubtedly have more Will and El content than every single previous season combined. They don't have an excuse anymore to keep the two characters apart else it'd be well. Bad writing.
They're living in the same house, probably pretending to be siblings in public places (and ending up feeling like real siblings even when they aren't in public).
I'm very pleased that Noah and Millie pretty much confirmed this.
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repmet · 2 years
I just finished Horizon Forbidden West but I'm also trying to finish a bottle of wine so idk keep that in mind
- Zero Dawn is one of my favourite games of all time and this sequel didn't exactly disappoint me terribly but it won't earn its place in that top list
- I'm mad my Mum somehow called the Zenith plot before I even started the game. I explained the plot of HZD and she was like 'I'd have gone into space I bet some people did I bet you meet their decendants' then she was so smug when she was (almost) right.
- They definitely tried to cram too many collectibles and side activities into this, the melee pits, machine strike, ruins, flowers, sunken caverns look pick like two and leave the rest and if one of those two is the fucking melee pits I will personally hunt you down
- Machine combat is still mostly really fun! I enjoyed it and always took that option over stealth. Not because I suck at stealth. I mean I do suck at stealth but that's not why!
- Melee combat uhhh sucked.
- Machine strike has way too any rules I tapped out after the tutorial sddjkl
- The story was not as well paced or structured as HZD, it kept me mostly... entertained but while I was desperate to know more about Project Zero Dawn with every scrap of info they revealed once you knew the Zeniths were the ogs it was kinda? Meh? About anything else. Even nemesis was kinda 'oh okay' like a twist but it completely lacked the build up of the Zero Dawn reveal
- Tilda, honey. The age gap.
- Beta was great! I loved her relationship with Aloy cause she was super frustrating but of course she would act like that. Also the siblingness in 'God she pisses me off I'd fucking kill for her tho'
- Did the gene for identical twins get missed when Zero Dawn was created? I get people would still be shocked to meet Beta but they're acting like they've never seen two similar looking people ever??
- The base was... cool, but the bonding and character needing to be like, sought out made it almost a drag. It would have been cool to have companions come with you and talk along the way a la Mass Effect and The Outer Worlds
- Wow there was. So much dialogue 🙃 The lore and world building are great but I skipped through so much because there were dialogue tree three levels deep with five options each I just wanna ride a velociraptor
- Thebes was weird and such a disappointment. The build up of oh shit Teddy boy is alive, the anticipation of stabbing him, the twist that he's mutated then an OFF SCREEN DEATH?????????
- my day was ruined, my disappointment immeasurable
- I would fucking die for Alva
- Alva your gf is not good enough for you no one is
- Kotallo was very cool
- I knew Varl was gonna die the second we entered that cauldron. It honestly just felt like for shock value then of course. Baby.
- Does anyone like them?
- I ragequit the tideripper one after I died and glitched outside the map then it wanted me to start again. No.
- Uhhhhmaybe I'll have more sober thoughts? Idk, I replayed HZD immediately but I don't feel the urge here. Still, overall like 7.5/10
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flommy, “I have pillows, blankets, supreme comfort, and all that’s missing is you.”
[So this one’s been nagging at me for probably about a year now? It had been sitting half-started for ages, as I never really knew how to carry out the idea I had, but I did my best in coming back to it now. Bit lighter on the Flommy interactions this time, but in exchange we get Tommy and Thea siblingness and some Tommy thoughts.]
From the Comforting Cuddles starters list
“What do you think about ‘I have pillows, blankets, supreme comfort, and all that’s missing is you’?”
“Do you need me to take you to the ER?” Thea deadpans from her perch on the cushioned window seat in Tommy’s room of the hotel suite without looking up from her phone. “Because it sounds like you got one of those Hallmark cards from the airport gift shop lodged in your throat.”
Tommy slowly lowers his own phone and rolls his head towards his sister, expression settling into one of loving annoyance. “What I’m getting out of that is that I have a future in the greeting card industry.”
“The future you should be more concerned about is the one where I spin-kick you in the head before the emotional trauma of hearing my brother workshopping romantic texts to his girlfriend sets in.”
“Hey, I’m keeping it perfectly PG,” Tommy defends, pointing at Thea with his free hand for emphasis.
That finally gets her to set her phone aside and swivel in her seat to face Tommy, giving him a striking, raised-eyebrow look. “I think the subject matter automatically makes it PG-13.”
“It’s a hotel bed!” Any exasperation behind the words trips right out of the gate, stumbling into nervous laughter.
Thea just continues to stare, swinging her legs back-and-forth unevenly as her feet dangle above the floor.
“That’s… achieved the perfect ratio of softness to firmness for an excellent night’s sleep?” Tommy can feel his ears reddening as they disappear into his shoulders. “Also, those pillows. Heavenly. Remind me to check with management to find out who the supplier is, I’m going to place a personal bulk order once we get back to Starling.”
“Right,” Thea says slowly, legs finally stilling. “So the high-quality comfiness is the thing worth writing home about. No other reason why you’d express missing having a plus-one to enjoy it.”
Had his mouth not dropped open with a scandalized pop instead, Tommy might have swallowed his tongue. “Thea Dearden Queen, you’re going to stop right there before I also ask about the hotel’s highest-strength cleaning supplies and if they can be applied directly to my brain.”
“You asked for critique,” Thea reminds him, but backs off by raising her hands sarcastically in surrender. “Just pointing out insinuations you may or may not have intended. You’re welcome.”
Chagrined by both the acknowledgement that he’d asked for help and his sister’s frankness in delivering said feedback, Tommy turns his attention back to the blinking cursor in the half-filled message box. The wittiness of the greeting has dulled significantly since the lightbulb first flicked on, even without the suggestive commentary. It’s a grim admission that spurs Tommy’s thumb to find the delete key and hold, consuming the carefully-crafted words before his eyes until he’s greeted once again by blank space.
The fact that Thea’s sigh is louder than his own is what pries Tommy away from his seemingly insurmountable task with his eyebrows raised in curiosity.
“You really haven’t done this sort of thing before, have you?” Thea asks, waving a hand vaguely at the room as she sinks back against the window. “The out-of-town business trip.”
Admitting defeat (at least for the moment), Tommy tosses the phone onto the bed and crosses his arms, the corners of his mouth twitching. “I mean, if my business was pleasure...”
“So no, then,” Thea cuts in with a fond eye-roll. Her face goes soft a moment later, though, and she glances back at Tommy with a strange sort of knowingness. “Which means you especially haven’t done it when you’ve been in an actual relationship.”
Tommy offers up an entirely sheepish look. “I think that’s a given.”
Thea makes a little shrug-like expression with her lips, conceding that point. She pulls one foot up to rest on the cushion and hugs her knee to her chest, before giving Tommy another gently pointed stare. “It’s okay, you know.”
“Hmm?” Tommy rocks back on his heels as he lets the questioning hum slip, and rolls his lips under for a façade of innocence. These last few exchanges have been drawing them dangerously close to vulnerable topics—it’s still Tommy’s carefully-wired reflex to either clown about it or just play dumb.
Too bad Thea knows those moves when she sees them, and her narrowed eyes suggest that she’s still considering the earlier threat of a spin-kick in the head.
“It’s okay to miss her,” she says, stripping Tommy’s anxieties bare with a single statement.
For a split second, he thinks he might have preferred stewing in the awkward surrounding the Bed Text for just a bit longer. Incidental innuendoes are familiar territory, even if being called out for them by his younger sister adds a new layer of humiliation.
The notion doesn’t linger, though, but it’s due less to the embarrassment than it is to his brain bouncing from point to point like a pinball machine from hell. The mortification just ricochets back to the almost-slip in question, and—true to pattern as of late—propels his thoughts to a flare of fondness and Felicity. The thing that makes Tommy want to bury his face in one of the pillows that started it all, though, is the fact that the ball rebounds again to the current conversation, seemingly inescapable.
“It’s not weird?” The question comes hesitantly as he uncrosses his arms, immediately bringing one hand to rub the back of his neck. “I mean, it’s only two nights, and one already down—we’re back by tomorrow afternoon, no time at all. I feel like it’s too much, just me being unreasonably clingy.”
Experience seems to back up that impression, after all. Two years, five, more have created gulfs between Tommy and his loved ones, and even then, his longing and loneliness came off as exaggerated and one-sided.
But maybe that’s not entirely fair, he immediately scrambles to note. Oliver was working through his own problems at the time (in questionably-at-best healthy ways), caught up in a different storm of emotion and trauma that instinctively repelled Tommy—familiar magnets flipped to the same pole for the very first time. Perhaps it took more time and effort than either of them could have expected, and still never returned them to where they left off, but they did manage to establish a balance better suited to who they are now.
(Even Tommy’s being in this hotel room—as one of three co-owners of Verdant, joining Thea in exploring options for expanding the club outside of Starling—is evidence enough of that reconciliation and understanding.)
As for his father’s absence and return…
Well, any expression of emotion comes off as an overreaction when compared to Malcolm, and should not be counted.
Almost as if she senses Tommy’s once-solid evidence crumbling to dust, Thea pushes off the window seat, landing gracefully on her feet. “You’re overthinking this, especially with the texts. Just call her, all right? We don’t need to head out for at least another hour, so there’s plenty of time.”
Still lagging a little bit from trying to detangle his anxieties, Tommy nods absently in agreement as his eyes follow Thea’s movements towards the door. When she crosses the threshold to head back into the suite’s living area, though, his brain finally catches up. “Hey! How is it that you’re the one giving me relationship advice?”
Thea grips the doorframe and leans her full body back into the room, one eyebrow arched as she tilts her head to look at him.
“I mean, isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? You know, older brother’s prerogative and all?” Tommy defends weakly, wilting under the sharp stare.
“Seeing as I ended up with emotionally-constipated brothers on both sides, I think that privilege has been revoked,” Thea declares, smoothly propelling herself back upright and reaching for the doorknob. She pulls it behind her as she finally departs, but not before shooting Tommy a cheeky, “I’ll give you some privacy to relay the magical properties of a hotel bed.”
Tommy imagines his immediate response is the sound an ostrich would make if strangled. “Okay, look…”
The door closes firmly before he can get any more words out, but not fast enough that he doesn’t catch Thea’s laughter.
“Brat,” Tommy mutters affectionately under his breath, before teetering backwards to flop down on said bed. The impact bounces his phone an inch or two above the comforter, only to land face-down right next to his hip.
Tommy’s breath catches in his chest as his attention is drawn again to the device, a mere hand-twitch within reach. Hardly any effort at all to pick up, and selecting Felicity’s name from his recent call log to re-dial is no more complex a step. But his hand seems to be declining all calls from his brain, remaining unmoving at his side without even an itch in the fingertips.
He’s overreacting—he has to be, and for real this time. It’s been barely a day since his standard morning protest of Felicity’s alarm (involving an exaggerated yawn and an arm stretched across her stomach to secure her in place for just a bit longer) was met with a laugh and a set of ice-cold toes pressed to his shins in retaliation. Barely a day since Tommy lumbered past the bathroom door on his way to the kitchen and couldn’t (wouldn’t) fight the grin that bloomed upon overhearing Felicity’s murmur-singing of some earworm while getting ready. Barely a day since she’d swept into the kitchen, all color and curls, to accept the travel mug of coffee from Tommy’s hands in exchange for a soft, lingering kiss and wishes for a safe flight.
A one-day break from routine—one that’s still a few months fresh, at that—and certain comfort shouldn’t be this jarring, should it?
After all, it’s not like they’ve been completely out of contact for the last 24 hours. Tommy had passed along travel updates (and a couple pictures taken mid-flight of Thea, tuned out with her neck pillow, eye mask, and earbuds); in turn, Felicity had relayed the shift between her day and night jobs, and confirmed her safe return home following the latter. There may temporarily be a few hundred miles of physical distance between them, but Felicity is still firmly here in Tommy’s life.
And yet, he can’t help but linger on the memory of waking this morning: rolling onto his stomach and reaching across the bed, only for his arm to land flat atop a mattress completely devoid of another body’s warmth. How the confusion and pinprick of hurt struck faster than the recognition that said bed wasn’t his own and why, and the clarity only served to transform it into a yearning ache. Even brushing his teeth was a more solemn affair, with Tommy still half-listening for Felicity puttering around and starting her day.
Maybe Thea… has a point.
Before Tommy can tend to the gentle bruise to his ego from admitting his younger sister has relationship wisdom where he does not, his phone buzzes with an incoming call. Synapses finally firing as they should, his hand wraps around the device and lifts it to his face to glance at the screen.
His fingers nearly fumble and drop the phone directly onto his face when he sees Felicity’s contact photo (one he’d surreptitiously taken shortly after they’d moved in together, when he’d caught her pleasantly lost in thought at the kitchen table) and the banner requesting a video call.
Thankfully, Tommy manages to spare himself that painful landing by adjusting his grip and scooting back into a seated position against the headboard. He takes and releases a deep breath to compose himself, before his thumb finds the Accept button.
Within an instant of Felicity coming into focus, Tommy feels his lips tug into a broad smile to compliment her still-sleepy one.
“Morning,” she greets with a little finger-wiggling wave, before she pulls a steaming mug of coffee into view with her other hand. After a second, she curls her fingers into her palm and wrinkles her nose in thought. “Wow, that was weird.”
“What, saying ‘good morning’?” Tommy asks, raising an eyebrow teasingly.
Felicity mirrors the expression and throws in a shrug. “I rarely get to open with it, at least. It’s usually beat out by someone requesting that I ‘please keep hands and feet and body inside the bed at all times’.”
“Always best to take those safety messages seriously, you know,” Tommy notes sagely. He can feel the corners of his mouth twitching, threatening an even bigger smile, but the impulse immediately extinguishes once he sees Felicity worrying her lower lip between her teeth and averting her gaze in uncertainty.
“I missed it today,” she blurts, catching them both off-guard after a (seemingly agonizingly long) beat. A light flush comes to her cheeks at that, but she confidently lifts her eyes back to meet Tommy’s and amends, “I missed you. Waking up with only a tangle of blankets trying to keep me in bed, and then getting ready on my own… I mean, it’s not unusual or unfamiliar, I did get by for many years this way. But I guess going back now, after getting into new and shared habits, is stranger than I expected.”
Felicity takes a breath to duck her head a little and push a stray curl behind her ear with her free hand, before picking up steam. “It must be something about the distance that’s getting to me—for no real reason, because it’s only been the one day and you’re back tomorrow—but I wanted to call and say…”
“I have pillows, blankets, supreme comfort, and all that’s missing is you.”
Only once Felicity pauses, lips frozen in a little “O” and only a single surprised blink to prove that the connection isn’t buffering, does Tommy realize he’s landed himself right back where he started. This time, though, he’s backed by Felicity’s own testimony, and that changes the game.
The lights on the pinball machine of his thoughts are going wild, that’s for sure.
“What I mean by that,” he starts, punctuating mid-sentence by awkwardly clearing his throat, “is that I miss you too. That I was actually looking forward to cold feet on my legs this morning, and hoping to hear you singing in the bathroom, and…”
Tommy trails off, disguising a small wince. Thea’s going to be smug about this for the rest of the weekend, and almost certainly for a while after they return to Starling.
“And I think that, if we’re both feeling this way, maybe we’re not overreacting so much as we’re… on to something.”
It’s difficult to determine what that “something” is, beyond the sense that it feels right. That they—Felicity and Tommy, together—feel right, and even a temporary deviation from pattern (no matter how small or odd) is a shock to the system.
It’s okay to miss her.
Felicity remains silent on the other end—the stunned expression having melted off her face and into something more thoughtful, but much less readable. Even though their conversation up to this point made their alignment apparently clear and she’s likely just turning the implications over in her mind, Tommy can’t help but subtly squirm from the suspense.
“Yeah,” Felicity finally speaks up, lips spreading in a small, soft smile as she nods in agreement. “Maybe we are.”
Despite that being the very answer Tommy was hoping to hear, he has no immediate idea how to respond.
“Oh. Uh, good,” he fumbles. “Because I’m hoping you’ll feel the same way about these pillows if I manage to find out where they’re from and get my hands on a few.”
Something in Tommy’s chest swoops as Felicity cracks out a startled yet amused laugh. “You’re really stuck on those, huh?”
Tommy meets that with a casual shrug and pats the one next to him for emphasis. “I’m a connoisseur. These meet all the necessary criteria, and then some.”
“And I’m a tough sell,” Felicity retorts, settling back in her seat and bringing her mug to her lips. “I know what I like, and I’m seeing only one pillow here that I want for sure by the end of the weekend.” To drive the point home, she bobs her head sharply to give Tommy a once-over.
“Well, now that I will gladly arrange,” Tommy agrees, and lets the grin spread unrestrained across his face.
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Just One Night
Title: Just One Night
Pairings/Characters: Ron&Ginny siblingness, side Romione
Summary:  Ron and Ginny have a moment at Bill and Fleur’s wedding
Prompts: For @chudleycanonficfest
Warnings: None
Originally published: August 24, 2021 on Fanfiction.net, ao3 and Tumblr
Reposted: N/A
For the briefest of moments, as her lips grazed his cheek when the song ended, he considered kissing her. 
But the moment passed just as quickly as the question had come. She stepped away with flushed cheeks, but smiling. 
"That was fun," she said breathlessly. "But I don't think I can dance anymore. My feet… they're so sore. Thanks, Ron."
"No problem," Ron replied, feeling the rush of his emotions begin to subside now that she was no longer touching him. "I'm a bit tired myself… er… do you want me to get some Butterbeers? Go find Harry and I'll bring some over."
Hermione beamed and nodded. "That would be great." 
Before anymore could be said, she disappeared into the crowd. 
For a moment, Ron stood amongst the dancing crowd and closed his eyes, relishing in the time they'd just spent together. It had been thrilling, exciting, and he dared not think about what could have happened had they continued to dance. 
He touched the place where her lips had touched his cheek. The spot tingled, and it was a good feeling. And they'd been so close… so…
I should have done something, he thought admonishingly to himself as he went to where the drinks were being kept. It had been the perfect opportunity. He'd had her in his arms, they'd been dancing, with their bodies so close… there'd been something there, he hadn't imagined it. 
He shook his head. 
It was too late now. The moment had gone, she was gone…
He grabbed three Butterbeer bottles and was on his way to find Hermione and Harry when something stopped him. In the briefest of moments, his already fragile heart had crumbled before him. It shouldn't have, because they weren't actually doing anything, but…
Krum. She was talking to Krum and she was smiling. She looked so happy. 
She smiled with you, too, he reminded himself, though it wasn't much comfort. Ron might have been able to make her smile, but he didn't have the fame or the money or the popularity to go along with it. Making her smile was the only thing he had.
The familiar pang of jealousy hit him — swirling around him, engulfing him. He had no right to feel as he did, for she was free to choose who she wanted. But he wanted it to be him — he wanted it so much that the reality of the situation was near unbearable. 
He loved her. He'd known for a while, working through the confusing, yet exhilarating, feelings it brought him.
He loved her...
"I have no idea why he got invited."
Ron startled, surprised to see Ginny standing beside him. Her eyes were also on Hermione and Krum. 
Ron didn't say anything. He looked at the three bottles in his hand. "Yeah, well… I've got to go and give these to…"
He made to leave, but Ginny said, "You're better, you know?"
Ron paused, turning back to face her. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Ginny nodded towards Krum. "You're better than him. For her, I mean."
Ron felt his face flush, but he refused to look back over at Hermione and Krum. He watched his sister for a moment, trying to figure out if she was being serious or not. The look on her face told him that she was. 
For the first time ever, he decided to be honest with her. "In what way?" he asked quietly.
Ginny shook her head. "I don't know… I'm just repeating what she told me. He's just a friend — she said she's not the slightest bit interested in him in that way. Her words, not mine."
Ron swallowed. When had the room gotten so warm? "She said that?"
Ginny nodded. "She picks you. She won't tell you, because of everything that's going on — you know, all your secret plans and all — but… it's you, Ron."
Ron finally found the courage to look back over. Hermione wasn't anywhere in sight, but he spotted Krum skulking the edges of the tent, watching everyone with his usual deadpan expression. He released a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
"Why are you telling me this?" he asked after a moment. It wasn't like his sister to be this nice, but he couldn't sense any mockery in her voice.
Ginny smiled. "Because it's a wedding, a celebration of love, and the pair of you love each other, but you're too stupid to do anything about it. Besides, I couldn't bear the look of self-pity when you saw them talking just a moment ago."
"I wasn't —" He stopped. Who was he kidding? He had been self-pitying. 
Ginny raised an eyebrow, though she was being overly nice to him tonight so it didn’t last long. “Listen, I just thought you should know that you don’t have anything to worry about… about Krum. He’s… he’s not in the way. Not for her.”
Ron cast his eyes around the tent again, and through a gap in the dancers, he saw Hermione at one of the tables with Harry. She was still flushed in the face, smiling widely, and just looking happy to be where she was. She had spent a lot of time crying over the past weeks — over her parents mostly — so to see her smile warmed him. 
At the end of the school year, he’d thought that maybe something could happen. He’d been hopeful that it would, even taking the time to read the book Fred and George had gotten him. And the time together before Harry arrived, even the time after, tonight… it had filled him with a joy that he couldn’t quite grasp. 
There had been something there tonight. It hadn’t just been two friends dancing. It had been… something more. Maybe, had they let things go longer, it might have ended with them sharing a kiss. 
But all it had taken was seeing her with Krum — someone better at Quidditch than him, someone more famous than he’d ever be, and someone with more money than Ron could ever dream of — and all that hope had gone out in an instant. 
Now, Ginny was telling him something completely different to what his mind had imagined —
“There's no better time to do it than at a wedding," Ginny said, almost reading his thoughts. 
Ron nodded, though he didn't make to move anywhere. Despite it all — despite wanting to — in a few short days they would be leaving, going to who knew where, and he knew that until they found and destroyed all of the Horcruxes then there'd be no time for romance. So what was the point?
Just one night, he found himself thinking. Just tonight, it can be good.
Still clutching the Butterbeers, he moved forward, keeping his eyes on her, repeating in his head what he might say. Maybe he'd take her from the tent, have some privacy, at least see what she'd have to say. 
But he was only halfway there when the Patronus arrived. Kingsley, telling them the Ministry had fallen. 
Panicked ensued after that, and Ron was thrown to the side as people made desperate attempts to escape what they all now knew to be an attack.
He felt the Butterbeer bottles slip from his hands and spill over his shoes. He ignored it, pushing through the panic. 
Hermione was his only thought. He'd lost sight of her and Harry in the mess, but somewhere, somehow, he thought he could hear her… calling his name. 
He followed it, and a moment later he saw them. He saw the relief on both of his friends' faces, not just Hermione's. 
And then Hermione Disapparated them, sucking them into a void away from the danger. After that, any hope of the night ending well — of just enjoying one night with her — was erased. 
Now they had to find Horcruxes.
If you’re interested in talking about books, please check out my brand new Discord Server. Book chats, read alongs and book exchanges monthly. 
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imaginegladions · 7 years
I cant write I just occassionally have ideas for no reason XD I know it would mess up the siblingness but I mostly just thought it up because they are totally Kristoff and Sven lmao
Hahaha, they are. OMG. 
Hmmm, ok so my thoughts are what if Gladion and Lillie ran away from home together. 
Maybe Lillie and he were young when it happened, and they were simple people. 
And the curse was hereditary but it only occurred in every other child with the same blood. 
And maybe Lillie inherited it and when it manifested she accidentally froze Mohn so Lusamine got angry about it and almost killed her so Gladion took her and they fled to Alola…
… where Reader happens to be the Monarch with cousin Hau being the friendly Palace Guard leader. 
And then, one day Lillie manifests again. 
She’s been concealing her powers but concealing them only makes things harder. 
And when Gladion goes out with his trusty partner Lillie suddenly freezes half the village of Po Town leaving the place uninhabitable and always raining. 
Lillie is distraught by this and decides to run away again this time on her own but she bumps into the Monarch of Alola on a stroll to check on the islands and the leadership (also, the castle is pretty nearby) and recognises the signs of underdeveloped magical ability. 
The Monarch, ironically, is magically uninclined, in fact, all magic doesn’t work on him/her. 
Turns out, Monarch and Hau were close to a village of trolls growing up that immunised them to curses and magic to the point that they practically nullify Lillie’s curse if she’s around them or regulate it. 
Thus, whenever Lillie’s out and about or feeling off-kilter, she has Gladion take her to the palace to visit you. 
Lillie likes hanging out with Hau though, since he helps her rediscover things that were once impossible with her magic.
And of course this means Gladion spends more time with you.
Gladion gets to witness you rule Alola and talk to the common folk and generally be a good monarch.
Eventually, you ask about his ice business and Gladion admits he hates the work.
So you offer him a job and rooms at the castle so he and Lillie don’t have to live in some sleazy motel and walk to the castle.
Gladion doesn’t want to be indebted to you though, so he declines.
Except, he catches movement from the corner of his eye and manages to save you from an assassination.
And Hau is like… “oops, my bad”
Gladion is v disappointed with the Captain of your Palace Guard.
“Well, look on the bright side! Now, I can Knight you without you feeling indebted to me.”
“This is not funny, someone just tried to kill you.”
“But, you saved me!”
Gladion becomes v obsessed with your protection, at first he thinks it’s because its his job but really he’s pretty much fallen for you.
He catches Lillie sometimes in the Palace library studying magic and wonders if he should tell her. 
Lillie totally knows, though.
One day, Lusamine will come to the Castle demanding that you return her kids so she can slay Lillie.
And of course you’re like fq no you’re nuts.
Lusamine did not like that.
As evidenced by her using her ice powers against you.
HAH! Too bad, that stuff doesn’t work on you lol, it slumps to the ground and becomes slush.
And Lusamine keeps trying but all she’s getting is slush up until she faints.
You have some trolls look after her and it turns out her supressing her own powers put a curse on her heart that only true love can fix.
Gladion and Lillie tell you their sad story.
“Wait… I can totally thaw out your dad, though.”
“Yeah, I mean, I thawed out Po Town-”
So you thaw out Mohn and he and Lusamine end up living in a nice cottage on the outskirts of Mele Mele while Lillie becomes the Castle Mage.
And Gladion proposes to you, well… because Lillie made him on threat of freezing to death but still!
I hope you liked this new version I came up with!
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hydrus · 7 years
Version 282
os x
I had a great week. I fixed some things and added regex tag parsing to import folders.
flash fixed and debug exes
I accidentally broke flash embed windows for Windows users last week. It seems the new version of the program I use to make the Windows build was not linking something correctly, so many users were unable to play flash without a stream of errorspam, and some users could not even boot.
I have rolled back my PyInstaller to the old version and everything flash seems to be working again. I will be testing flash embeds every week from now on to make sure this doesn't slip through again.
Also: I think I have figured a way to include the debug executables in the regular builds. They are just called client_debug and server_debug. If you cannot boot the client in future, please try running the debug exe and screenshotting the additional error information it provides. (I'll write a .txt file in the base directory next week or so to explain this further)
faster thumbnails
This is just a little thing really, but I 'smoothed' out the thumbnail rendering pipeline a bit. The client should generate some thumbnails much faster, particularly when they are first viewed.
pixiv broken
It seems that Pixiv recentishly changed how their gallery pages work (they now load in a stream as you scroll down, via some javascript or json thing). Unfortunately, the existing hydrus pixiv parser cannot deal with this and was as a result not parsing these results (I think it was just getting a handful in the 'popular' row and then quitting).
I have hidden the pixiv downloader links in the client and paused any existing pixiv subscriptions. You'll also get a little popup about it on update.
I would like to say that the new hydrus downloading engine will be able to handle the new system, but I have not looked into it deep enough to be certain. I hope it can, and will look into it more when it finally comes time for us to rebuild the existing parsers in the new engine.
Pixiv do have an official json API, but it is an OAuth thing, which is an entirely different kettle of fish for our purposes.
EDIT: Someone just told me that artist pages are still using the old system, so I will revisit this next week to make sure and reactivate them if they are all ok.
filename tagging options
As has been long-planned, I have extracted the regex and other 'filename' tagging options you can set after the 'import files' dialog into their own object and applied them to import folders!
If you are into import folders or the regex parsing, please check it out under the manage import folders dialog--a new simple listctrl replaces the old '.txt parsing' button. You can't set 'tags for some files' or the '#'-based tags (because those require manual input), but you should be able to set anything else on a per-service basis.
I have tested this and it all seems to work correctly, but it was a complicated and semi-big rewrite, so please let me know if you run into trouble. Maybe try it out on a small example before you go full on!
string converter
This is an advanced thing for people interested in making scripts and downloaders with the parsing engine.
I realised this week that the login manager and downloader overhaul actually have a lot of overlap in the work that needs to be done, particluarly in the parsing engine. Rather than finish the login and domain managers first and then move on to the downloader overhaul, I have decided to work on all three at the same time, making small improvements as the new parsing engine can do more things.
So, this week, I finished a new 'StringConverter' class, that does simple string transformations--adding or removing text, encoding to hex, reversing, that sort of thing. I added it to the html formulas in the existing scripting system and expect it to put it in a couple of other places for when you are in the situation of, 'I can parse this data, but I don't need the first six characters.' I don't expect the existing file lookup scripts need this too much, but feel free to play around with it. I think I'll add a 'regex' transformation type in future.
I also added it to the 'file identifier' section of the initial file lookup request. Now, rather than the file's hash bytes being encoded to hex or base64 from the dropdown, it occurs through a string converter. There has been a persistent issue of wanting to generate an 'md5:[md5_hash]' argument, and I believe this will now fix it. I do not know the exact specifics here so I won't write the script myself, but I'm happy to work with people on the discord or email or whatever to figure out a solution here.
full list
rolled back to an older version of pyinstaller that does not seem to have the embedded flash window problems windows users experienced
added an error handler to wx.lib.flashwin import--if it fails to import, the client will print the error to the log and thereafter show 'open externally' buttons instead of the embedded flash window
created a 'filename tagging options' object to handle the instance-non-specific auto-tagging parts of the filename tagging dialog
moved all the appropriate tag generation code to this new object
extracted the simple and advanced panels in the filename tagging dialog to a separate panel
wrote a new wrapper panel to edit filename tagging options objects directly
cleaned up some tag generation code--it'll now all be siblinged/parented/censored the same way
import folders now use the filename tagging options object, harmonising this tag parsing code
edit import folder gui now has an add/edit/delete listctrl to manage the new tag_service->filename_tagging_object relationship (this replaces the old .txt management button and summary text)
finished the StringConverter class in the new parsing engine. it applies a series of transformations to text
wrote a panel to edit string converters
wrote a panel to edit string converters' individual transformations
updated html formulas to use string converters instead of the old cull_and_add system
html formula edit panels can now edit their new string converters
file lookup scripts now 'stringconvert' their file identifier strings--this should allow the 'md5:md5_hash' fix we've been talking about (i.e. by first encoding to hex and then prepending 'md5:')
the help->about window now shows the client's default temp directory
thumbnail regeneration--particularly full-size regen and resized png gen--should be much faster in the client
the debug exes are now included in the windows build
the debug exes are now included in the non-windows builds
the test exe is no longer included in the windows install (can't remember it ever being useful, and it is like 10MB now)
unfortunately, a recentish change to how pixiv serves gallery page results has broken the hydrus pixiv downloader. this will have to wait for the downloader overhaul, and even then, it might be _slightly_ tricky. pixiv downloader entries are now hidden, and existing pixiv subscriptions will be paused on update
the thumbnail select submenu now clarifies 'all (all in x)' if all are in the inbox or archive
you can now archive/delete filter from the thumbnail menu on a single file
lowered the http session inactivity timeout even more, to 45 minutes
fixed a couple of instances of the new subscription dialogs being unable to mass-retry failures
ffmpeg parsing errors now print more info about broken file path
some daemons will be snappier about shutting down on application shutdown
took out the sometimes invalid 'booting' phrase in the during disk cache population status report
the client will now warn you about page instability at 165 pages after one user reported instability at 175. 200 is still the strict limit.
downloader pages and subscriptions will fail more gracefully if their downloaders cannot be loaded (e.g. they used a since-deleted booru)
fixed listctrl panel button enabled/disabled status when the child listctrl starts empty
the new listctrl can now select data in a cleverer way
misc fixes
misc refactoring
next week
I want to get the 'StringMatch' object finished, and maybe the accompanying 'URLMatch' done as well. These will verify that strings and urls match certain rules, and will help with login and domain and downloader verification and veto states.
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