kiiwiighost · 2 months
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The cult of the three cabs
My two obsession in one :) This game is just soo good, and all the fanarts and Aus on here are awesome!
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quasiimodo · 1 year
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Chapter One: Dope-A-Cabana
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mr-cactis · 6 months
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phobzz · 1 year
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this is what happened in that episode right
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daamazingmeepers · 2 years
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“Oh shit, he’s hot” moment.
I’ve been wanting to give the Legend of the Three Caballeros art style a go, and I also wanted to draw Donald in a fight, so here’s José and Panchito realizing just how attractive Donald is when he’s pissed and a little bloodied up lol
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prismartist · 1 year
ok i suspected that the s2-3 of lot3c were going to focus on the other cabs but UR TELLING ME. THAT IT WAS THE ACTUAL PLAN. AND THE SECOND SEASON WAS GOING TO BE JOSE-CENTRIC??? I'M CRYING
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pidayforpi · 2 years
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(Imagine taking a ~15 seconds scene about an obscure character from an obscure episode of an obscure series, and then expanding it to ∞)
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violetganache42 · 4 months
Highlights from tonight's movie night celebrating some of the different teams Donald has been a part of in categorized and chronological order (I honestly like this format. I might stick with it):
"Boat Builders":
Good news: The short has subtitles! Bad news: They're not in English, so you still can't understand what the fuck Donald is saying.
Donald: "Yeah, even a child can do it!" Godfrey: "Even Della could do it!"
justaboot: "god's third choice after the 3 stooges"
Max's mother has been found
"The First Adventure!":
Bradford Hate Club
Ludwig appearance!
puffywuffy8904: "he's serving whatever the opposite of cunt is" WriteBackAtYa: "So di—"
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(I love this screenshot. 😂)
The reference to Della's letter
WriteBackAtYa and I being on the same wavelength
Eat the rich uncle (Sorry, Scrooge, but I had to. XD)
"You can't mute me, old man!"
RIP Donald's guitar
The Temple of Doom parallel!
"Treasure of the Golden Suns" easter egg!
"fragile old body"
Black Heron doing the smug anime girl laugh (You know what I'm talking about.)
"I'm the chosen one!" Pure Deweycore
"So long, suckers!"
Just Black Heron in general (She's a fun villain. lol)
Us ranting about Bradford using the Papyrus of Binding to escape like the COWARD THAT HE IS! WHY WE OUGHTA— COME BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE—
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If I had a nickel for every time Black Heron lost her robot arm, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
"The House of the Lucky Gander!":
Louie "I do hate hot dogs" Duck noticing the neon lights shaped like a hot dog
"We're all gonna die! I'VE WASTED MY LIFE!"
Launchpad deserves his own episode dedicating to his love life
Gladstone Hate Club
Scrooge looking at the camera like he's on The Office
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puffywuffy8904: "gladstone you have a haircut shut up"
Huey autism moment
Just how bored and tired Dewey, Webby, and Scrooge were after seeing Aquarioon
Dewey and the jade tigers
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Webby's love for chocolate fountains
"And a distraction."
Scrooge: "I don't even get to be part of the blasted challenge?" Huey:
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Real-Life-Pine-Tree: "Roasted duck anyone?" Me: "'Danny: I'll have the duck.'"
Louie's motivational speech
"Where did that come from?"
Us @ Liu Hai: RIP bozo (at least until DuckTales World Showcase Adventure)
The underwhelming Golden Cricket and how fucking bored and exhausted the family was
"Mt. Fuji Whiz":
LotTC basically being DuckTales on crack
Me: "Hell is a city. Where have I seen that before? 🤔" Godfrey: "Hazbin Hote—[gunshot]"
My idea of Clinton and Webby bonding over Clan McDuck history
Missy thirsting for Panchito
The return of the Ari the Autism Bird!
Xandra and the nieces in general (They're some of the best characters in the show. ^^)
*The Three Caballeros are stuck in the Underworld* AMJ: "We have a very simple solution." DT17!Huey: "This doesn't feel simple."
Jack Skellington moon
Donald saying the Karen phrase
Xandra and Charon clothes swap
Panchito being "that" guy
The Sheldgoose family tree taking notes from Goofy's family tree regarding the relatives' designs
Clinton hugging Donald 💖
Dreamy: "SEE HE HAS 27 FINGERS" Me: "27!"
"Mickey, I am fed up with your bullshit devil magic."
Praising Mickey's characterization in the Paul Rudish shorts
Donald's blush
No more Idaho
Just the whole short in general. It's the best. XD
"Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers":
Black Arts Beagle's Musketeer cousins
puffywuffy8904: "they wanna be Scrooge soooo bad"
Donald being, and I quote Jamie, "a punk bitch" in this movie
The return of Pete Hate Club
"Whoa, he's bisexual, I didn't know that!"/"By the way, I'm bisexual! I forgot, I- forgot to announce it! How do you turn this shit off- wait-"
The entire opera gag
Clarabelle appearance!
Dreamy pointing out the parallels how Pete is to Minnie what Bradford is to Scrooge
In the Hall of the Mountain King
"Why did the music stop?"
"Together, we'll save the princess or die trying!"/"…Die? …Die?"
melcat33: "Minnie discovers she's into bdsm"
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WriteBackAtYa and I quoting Philip CD-i Legend of Zelda
The turtle trying to be the rooster from Robin Hood at one point
"That little diddy's starting to grow on me."
Pete referencing The Lion King
Donald FINALLY unleashing his iconic temper
melcat33: "Goofy finally being Dad Material" WriteBackAtYa: "But he was daddy material"
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(Look what you made me do! /lh)
Pirates of Penzance
"Not long… maybe… 40 years?"
The movie ending with the fucking Can-Can
Learning about how Tokyo Disneyland had Mickey, Donald, and Goofy as the Three Musketeers and they all looked AMAZING (Why does Japan get all the cool shit?!)
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seldomscilence16 · 8 months
Whumptober Day 23:
"It's gonna get me by the end of the night."
Shadows | Stalking | "Who's there?"
Fandom: Legend of The Three Cabs
Prompts used: roughly all
So, pretty short this time round, but I wanted to explore a way Josés powers could come into play in the LotTC universe. He got some splainin to do when they are all healed. And yes they are gay cause I said so even tho I didn't.
TW for near death/thoughts of death
Donald was not as adventurous as the rest of his family. Between his terrible luck and general want for peace and relaxation, most adventures left him exhausted at best and on the brink of death at worst. He'd done the Navy thing- the sketchiest Navy thing ever but he did it- and before that he'd gone along with his sister and Uncle, he'd faced all kinds of craziness. Of course, the minute he thought some good fortune had come his way, he ended up dragged into another adventure.
He loved Panchito and José, loved the triplets, loved Xandra and Aracuan, he didn't even really mind the adventures, not with them on his side anyway. But of course, nothing good ever seems to last for Donald Duck.
They get seperated on a mission, Xandra hadn't been sure what creature they were supposed to be on the lookout for, no one had lived to tell of its appearance. She had warned them, that as far as she knew, no one had lasted more than a night with the thing. That they would need to watch their very shadows, for as soon as they faded into the rest of the night, it was likely they too would be goners.
Donald had tried so hard to keep them together, they had all been spooked by her words, he was sure they'd be fine- together. But something… someTHING, comes between them, and next time Donald opens his eyes, he's alone.
Well… perhaps not alone.
Donald was used to shadows being more than that, as he stated before, he's lived a crazy life, but he really wasn't liking this.
The forest was dense, the sun had barely penetrated the thick leaves before, but Donald missed the high noon sun. The sunsets rays were casting moving shadows across the ground, and with the fading day, they were spreading quickly. Xandra's warning echoes in his mind, as something cracks behind him.
"Who's there!?"
He turns in a slow circle, dwindling light doing nothing to ease the panic in his chest. Things dance beyond the swaying branches and Donald gets a sinking feeling he's being watched.
"It's gonna get me by the end of the night." He mutters, arms wrapped around himself tightly as shivers dance across his feathers.
Perhaps it will get its fill with Donald and his friends will be safe.
A growl echoes around him, the sun's last rays dance in the sky, and the shadows seem to stretch towards him now. His heart beats in his ears, his hands tremble where they have a white knuckled grip on his shirt, his feet are frozen in place, and not even the moon's glow reaches him here- hidden from him in his last moments.
This is how Donald goes? With no tale to tell his family, no face to blame, no big hurrah or feat of bad luck. Just him, alone with some mystery beast, in a forest he entered of his own free will, his last hope that his friends are free of this demise- the shadows crawl over his feet, up his legs, he stumbles backwards but the limbs refuse to cooperate. His back hits the rough terrain and the inky darkness creeps over his form at an alarming rate, he feels stiff, his heart beating so fast he worries it will explode- this is it then. Breathing becomes near impossible, lungs freezing in his chest, the shadows only have to cover his face, then his end will be nigh.
Tears spill past his defenses, though he can't feel them on his skin, he bids a final goodbye.
He doesn't expect to open his eyes. To see the ceiling of the shack above him. He felt numb- not a new sensation but startling nonetheless. It takes effort to raise a trembling arm, to stare at it incredulously, grooves in his feathers to mar the skin beneath with thin white lines. A hand clasps his own gently, his head snaps to the side to find Panchito giving him a teary look.
"Welcome back Danaldo… you had us worried, amigo."
"W'ht 'append?"
"Jo saved us, he'll explain when you're both back to full health, rest now mi sol, you are safe."
The hut is filled with soft light, shadows staying where they should, and with his hand in a warm hold, he finds sleep pulling on his eyes. His friends were alive, he sighs as his world goes dark once more.
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kiiwiighost · 11 months
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quasiimodo · 1 year
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Chapter Six: Stonehenge Your Bets 
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AU idea: In the last episode from DT17 s3, Donald really fell into the portal but, instead killing him or annul his existence, he went to another dimension alongside with the people who worked with Bradford (his brothers and Black Heron), especifically the Legend of The Three Caballeros (Lottc) World. The villans fell in a different place than Donald, planning their way to return to their dimension while he was trying to return too and having adventures with José, Panchito and Xandra in the most of the time.
In the other side, Scrooge and Della almost killed Bradford for the happened, he's bad but alive in the hospital now just because they need him to find Donald. The kids, Gyro, Fenton and Manny are trying to do a portal to rescue Donald, but they doesn't know even if he's still alive.
Scrooge feels soooo guilty about this and he's working hard to be a good parent for his clone daughter Webby. Daisy is totally devastated, but putting all of her strongness in May and June's rearing, because adopting the girls was the last thing Donald talked about with her in the phone.
The season 4 is totally about Donald having magical adventures with his friends, Black Heron trying to dominate the lottc world and return home, Webby, Beakley and Scrooge's relationship and the Duck Family having adventures and doing the pretty impossible to find Donald, because these ducks don't back down!
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jaspydunx · 21 days
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This is my LOTTC OC(?) Flora (technically she’s just my rendition of the actual Roman goddess Flora)
Her and Xandra are in back and forth pining for each other but they kiss
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lottc is a fun show but every time i rewatch an episode i'm hit by panchito being Like That. they boom knucklesified him.
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elysianhqs · 7 months
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@lottcs (simbólico, player excluiu a conta)
Vagas e FCs liberados: Major da guarda real francesa, espiã francesa. Kristine Froseth.
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