johnsbleu · 5 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 171
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warnings: nsfw hmh masterlist
It’s been about three weeks since Logan has moved in with you, and it’s been pretty good. He kept to himself a lot that first week but when he did want to talk, he confided in John, which was really nice to see. You were just happy that he was talking to someone about what was going on. When Tonya was here, Logan kept to himself, which you were happy about since she’s a demon and you didn’t want Logan around her.
Today, John and Logan been sitting on the dock and chatting. It’s not that you’re not included when he wants to talk, but with John saying he sees himself in Logan, it makes more sense for him to talk to him about what’s going on.
A smile breaks across John’s face as he and Logan walk up to the house, and you get butterflies when he looks at you--no matter what, that man can turn you into mush. You grin wide and immediately wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, hugging him tight. Ronan squeals and rushes over to Logan when he leans down to hug her. You kiss John one more time then you let go and look at Logan.
“She’s ready for some shopping.”
John rubs your sides, “You’re going shopping?”
“Yeah, Logan needs some things, so we thought we’d go to the shopping center in Brighton.” you say as you start to smile, “Do you want to come with us?”
“I mean,” he scratches the back of his neck and shrugs--he’s so damn cute. “I’m not doing anything else.”
You start to laugh, “Well, yeah, as long as we’re your last resort.”
“Stop!” he wraps his arm around your shoulders and hugs you tight to his side, “Of course I want to hang out with you. I just didn’t want to invite myself along.”
You playfully roll your eyes at John before you reach down and pick up Ronan. You gather up your things and head to the car with Logan and John, and you get Ronan into her car seat. Logan crawls into the back despite your protests to take it, and John smiles when you look at him.
“So, Logan,” you look over your shoulder at him, “Jimmy said he helped you get your bank stuff figured out.”
“Yeah, it was super easy. I wish I had just done that from the start but my dad…”
You nod your head, giving him a soft smile, “I get it. But it’s all taken care of now, so that’s good. It’s all your money. You can do whatever you want with it.”
Since Logan’s money was in his parent’s bank account, they wouldn’t allow him access to his last paycheck. They threatened legal action that probably really wouldn’t do shit but it just stressed out Logan, so he cut his losses. He said he had quite a bit of money in it since he never really bought anything for himself, but he also said he had been stashing his money. He’d get out money every few days and hide it away in his room.  
Not only did Greg threaten legal action about that, but he also did with John punching him too. John isn’t too worried about that and says that he’ll either give it up or the court will throw it out.
Since getting all new clothes, a phone, and any other little things would completely eat up what little money he did have, you and John decided to pay for his things. It’s not a big deal and it took the stress off of Logan, which is what you want. Making this transition as stress free as you can is what you want more than anything.
You glance over your shoulder at Logan as you head down the street, and he looks over at his house. There’s a For Sale sign in the yard now that makes you all perk up. You furrow your brow when you look at John, and he shrugs his shoulders and tilts his head giving you a “Good riddance” kind of look.
“Guess they’re moving.” Logan says, his voice quiet and sad.
You look back at Logan, “Do you think your sister will be okay?”
Logan nods as he looks down, “They never were…mean to her. It was always me. She’ll be fine.”
Leaving another child in the house isn’t the best thing but Logan is certain that she’ll be fine. It’s apparent that Logan was the one who was abused. Even from what you witnessed, his sister was a very loved child.
“Hey,” you reach back and take his hand, smiling softly, “Everything is going to be so much better now.”
“Yeah,” he smiles at you before he sits back and looks out the window.
John takes a deep breath and looks over at you, then he reaches for your hand and gives you a small smile, silently reassuring you that everything will be okay.
“Do you remember…” John stands in front of you and smiles, “When we came here--”
“And I met Jen and was insanely jealous because I couldn’t figure out why you had broken up with her--she’s hot--and gotten with me.” you start to laugh, rolling your eyes playfully, “It’s a vague memory.”
John chuckles as he leans down to kiss you, “You’re hot.”
“Jen is hot, don’t lie.”
“Jen is pretty,” he nods, laughing when you give him a blank stare, “What? She is, but come on, look at you! Look at you!”
You playfully pose as John laughs, “Okay, true, I’m pretty cute.”
“No, well, yeah, you’re cute, but…” John shakes his head and leans closer, “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and I’m not even kidding. I want you so bad right now. I always want you.”
You smirk as you look up at him, “How bad?”
“So…” he leans closer and kisses just under your ear, sending shivers down your spine, “So bad.”
Leaning back to look at him, you cup his face and bring his lips to yours before you both start to laugh. He gestures for you to sit down on the bench, so you take a spot and hold his hand when he sits next to you. Logan is currently on the carousel with Ronan right now, so thankfully no one was around to hear that conversation between you and John.
“I was thinking that tonight after Ro is down, we could have a movie night.” John says, and you look over at him, “Logan is going to hang out with Devin, so…”
You watch John’s eyes dip down to your lips for a moment before you start to smile, “You’ve been very…”
John starts to smile, “Very what?”
“Very horny lately,” you whisper, and a laugh bursts out of him before he gestures to you, “No, what is going on with you? Why do you want me so much?”
“Oh, come on,” he shakes his head as you smile, “It’s no more than usual.”
You scoff, “It’s waaaay more than usual, Wick.”
“I don’t know!” he laughs, throwing his hands up a little, “You’re sexy. What can I say? I’m attracted to my wife.”
“Hmm,” you squint your eyes at him jokingly, “I don’t know…”
John wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to him, “You’re weird.”
“You’re weird!”
“Well, if I’m weird, then you’re weird for marrying me.”
You laugh loudly, “Yeah, I won’t argue that.”
Logan smiles as he walks over holding Ronan in his arms, “I think she’s getting hungry.”
“Oh, probably,” you take her and set her in your lap, “Should we grab something to eat before we do some more shopping? What else do you need?”
“Uh,” Logan looks at his phone, “Just need some more clothes, then I, uh, I needed a laptop.”
John nods, “Oh, yeah. Then you’re all good, right?”
Logan nods his head as you get up and put Ronan into her stroller. He likes to push her, so you move so he can take it. John reaches for your hand and chats with Logan as you all head to the restaurant, and you smile to yourself. It’s so sweet how John has really taken Logan under his wing.
You finally make it to the row of restaurants in the mall, and you all decide to try out the burger place that is decorated like a 50’s diner. You haven’t tried it yet, so you’re looking forward to it. Logan slides into the booth on the opposite side of you while John gets Ronan into the highchair they’ve provided.
“This place is cool,” Logan says as he looks around, “Reminds me of this show my mom used to watch all the time.”
John sits next to you, leaning over to look at the menu, “Menu looks good.”
You all fall silent as you look at the menu, you and John both pointing at things that sound good, and you only glance up every so often to check on Ronan, who is playing with a toy and a pamphlet she grabbed from a jewelry shop when you were letting her walk earlier.
John wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer, pressing his lips to your shoulder before looking back at the menu, “You smell good.”
“Thanks,” you laugh, looking at him and smiling, “You look very handsome today.”
He chuckles, then he leans over to kiss you, “You look beautiful.”
You smile as you lean over and rest your forehead against his lips before checking out the menu. When the waitress comes over, she asks if you’re ready, which you’re not, so she grabs you some drinks and brings out a kid’s menu for Ronan.
For Ronan, you order some mac and cheese, along with some fruit and veggies, then you and Logan both get the same cheeseburger, while John gets some complicated burger that you’re not sure you’d ever be able to even finish. He also orders a chocolate shake since you said it sounded good.
“So,” you sit back and smile at Logan, “How’s work?”
“Really good. Jimmy is certain that he’s going to be getting this house, so he asked if I want to learn more. Obviously I said yeah.” he laughs, shrugging bashfully, “I like working there, it’s cool.”
John nods, “Jimmy says you’re doing really well too.”
You switch spots with John when Ronan gets a little fussy, and he continues talking to Logan while you play with her. You get some crayons from the waitress and scribble on the paper menu that she was given, and she squeals and kicks her legs happily.
“Logan?” a voice says from behind you, and you look over at the woman standing there. “What are you doing here?”
Logan sits up, “Mrs. Graham.”
“You should be ashamed of yourself.” she says to you, and you sit up straight. “Taking a child from his mother. How proud of yourself are you?”
“Considering he was being treated like shit, pretty damn proud.” you say, then you laugh humorlessly, “And I didn’t take Logan. He left. He wanted to leave and get away from Laura and Greg. We offered him a place to stay, and that’s that.”
The woman turns her nose up and crosses her arms, “Laura was right about you. You just look--”
“Watch your words,” John says from behind you, his voice sending chills down your arms, “I won’t allow you to speak about my wife like this, especially not in front of the kids.”
“The kids?” she laughs, rolling her eyes, “As if he’s your kid. He’s not your child!”
John exhales sharply, “Ma’am, I understand that you’re frustrated on behalf of your friend, but this is not your business. This is between Logan, his parents, and us. You don’t need to concern yourself in other people’s business.”
“Look, I get it. You’re hearing Laura’s side of things and believing her, but no one has listened to Logan. We did. We listened to him and we came up with a solution for him.” you say, and she just blinks at you. “Do you know how your friend has been treating her own son? Terribly. I won’t even tell you because it’s not my story to tell, but Logan needed out of that house. We provided a safe place for him.”
“Well, I just think it’s wrong for you to do that. They could have worked it out on their own.”
You scoff, “Obviously not. Have a nice day, ma’am.”
“One last thing,” she says, leaning closer to you, “You should be ashamed of yourself for bringing a child into the world with a man like him.”
You see red as you look at this pathetic woman, “You fucking bitch--”
Just as you start to get out of the booth, John grabs your arm and stops you. He pulls you back into the booth and wraps his arm around you so you can’t go anywhere, then he holds your gaze and shakes his head a little before looking over at Ronan, who is blissfully unaware of what’s been going on and is scribbling on the paper. Thank god!
“This man right here is a hundred times better than your husband could ever wish to be--”
“I don’t have a husband!” she says, and you laugh loudly.
The jokes write themselves.
“Yeah, well, it’s no wonder. Don’t you ever fucking speak on him, me, or my daughter again. A matter of fact, don’t speak on anyone at this table. Including Logan! You don’t know me, you don’t know my husband, and you clearly don’t know your friend. Why don’t you mind your own damn business and worry about yourself instead?” you say, and she just look at you with wide eyes, “Next time, I won’t be this nice. You can leave our table now.”
Logan frowns when you look at him, then you see him perk up a little before quickly putting his head down. You look over your shoulder to see the woman walk back over to her group of friends, and you spot Laura.
“Do you want to leave?” you ask Logan, but he shakes his head. “We can get our food to go. It’s okay.”
“No, I don’t want to.” he shakes his head again, “I’m tired of running away from her. She can leave.”
You take a deep breath and look over at John, “Don’t listen to her.”
“I don’t care what people say, peach. I never have.”
“You know what she said isn’t true. You’re the best dad.” you whisper to him and he smiles softly, “And I’m so glad I had a baby with you. Best daddy ever. There’s no one else I could imagine having kids with.”
John laughs, “Thanks.”
Ronan squeals loudly and reaches out for John, “Dada!”
“See? She loves you.”
You get Ronan out of the high chair and hand her off to John, who just holds her and loves on her. He says it doesn’t bother him, but you know deep down it probably bothers him a little bit.
“What are you wearing?”
You freeze with your mascara wand in front of your left eye as you look over at John, “Do I look bad?”
“What are you wearing?” he asks again, just staring at you.
You pout as you drop your arms to your side, “I thought I looked good. I can change. I mean, I’m not even completely dressed yet.”
“Come here,” he says, curling a finger and beckoning you over to him, and you slowly walk over, “Turn around.”
You quickly spin around and face him, “Do I look bad? John, answer me!”
“Slower this time,” he demands, and you huff as you slowly spin, only to be completely shocked when he spanks you hard on the ass.
“Jonathan Wick!” you gasp, turning around to look at him.
John bites his bottom lip as he starts to smile, “Do you realize how sexy you are?”
“Stop,” you start to walk back to the mirror but John grabs your arm and pulls you back to him, kissing you hard on the lips, “You like it that much?”
John ushers you over to the mirror and gestures to your body, “Yes!”
You start to laugh, tilting your head back to see him, “You’re sweet.”
“You look amazing, baby.” he says softly against your temple, then he rests his hand on your hip, “Are you going to wear just this today?”
You look at him through the mirror, “It’s a body suit, you dork. No, I’m going to wear some jeans.”
John hums, “Hmm, that’s a shame. Your ass look great.”
“Stop it!” you blush as he grins at you. You turn around and lean over to kiss him before he sits down on the bed and watches you, “What’s up?”
“Nothing. Ro is napping.” he says, and you smile at him. He’s bored. “Logan is out with a friend, but he’ll be back before we leave.”
Tonight is date night for you and John--he planned it for tonight. The two of you take turns planning whatever it is, and you two have several dates throughout the month. Usually about one a week. Wednesdays are always for just the two of you since Ronan goes to your parents house, but sometimes that doesn’t always mean there’s a date. Sometimes it’s just hanging out at home and tidying up, then ending the night on the couch with a bowl of pasta or something, which is still a date in your mind; you don’t always need to go out and spend money for a date night. But Wednesday is just a mid-week reset for you and John.
But tonight is date night! You told John that you didn’t want to do anything too crazy since Logan would be watching Ronan tonight. He volunteered all on his own to watch her when he heard John mention date night. Of course you said that you’d be more than okay with taking Ronan to stay with Tess for a few hours, but Logan insisted.
“Nothing crazy tonight, right?”
“Nope,” John shakes his head and smiles as you narrow your eyes, “I’m serious! You said you didn’t want to do anything crazy, and you know me, I always follow rules.”
You laugh loudly, “If there’s one thing you don’t do, it’s follow rules. Mr. Excommunicado.”
“Hey!” he laughs, “That was different.”
“Okay, true.”
John lounges back on the bed, resting on his left elbow as he watches you, “But it’ll be nice. It’s something we haven’t done in a while.”
You immediately look back over at him, “What?”
“Like I’m telling you.”
“Well, now you’re obligated.” you point your mascara wand at him, “Tell me or no nookie tonight.”
John scoffs, “You always threaten that, but let’s be honest…you could never.”
“You wanna test it out?” you try to be serious, but you immediately fail and laugh as you walk over to straddle his waist, “It’s annoying how addicted I am to you.”
“I know the feeling,” he whispers as you lean down to kiss him. He spanks you a few times as he sits back up, “Finish getting ready, mouse.”
You get off his lap and walk over to finish getting ready, and you look through the mirror and smile when you see John just simply watching you like you’re his favorite TV show. He smiles back and leans his elbows on his knees, still watching you. You finish up your make-up and walk to the closet to get some jeans, then you fluff up your hair before turning around to look at him, giving him a ‘What do you think?’ look.
“So beautiful, baby.” he says softly, reaching for your hands, “I’m so in love with you.”
“You can’t make me cry. I just finished my make-up.”
John stands up and takes your arms to wrap them around his neck as he holds your gaze, then he takes you into his arms, “I just need to hold you for a minute.”
Your laugh is muffled against his chest, “Okay.”
He is genuinely the cutest, sweetest man you’ve ever met in your life. It’s so sweet how sometimes he just needs to hold you to ground him. As a kid, he didn’t get the affection he desperately craved, so now he’s become a grown man who wants to give it all the time. It’s the best.
John slowly sways back and forth with you in his arms, then he presses a kiss to the top of your head, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you lean back to look into his eyes, “You’re pretty cute, you know that?”
You wrap your arms around him a little tighter, “About what the woman said--”
John shrugs it off as if it didn’t hurt him, “It’s fine.”
“It’s not,” you lean back and look into his eyes, “It’s not fine. I would have pummeled that woman if Ro and Logan hadn’t been there. What she said was completely wrong and so not true. You know this, Jonathan. Deep down, you know that there is no one else who is more perfect to be her dad. You are so good at being a dad, John. Words can’t express how happy I have that you are her dad. You’re so patient and attentive. You’re encouraging and kind. You’re exactly what I would have wanted in a dad and I know that’s a really weird thing to say, but it’s true. I’ve already told you that you’ve healed the little girl in me, but I am so fucking happy that you won’t have to heal anything in Ronan. She’s going to be just fine because she has you for a dad.”
John inhales deeply, his eyes a little glassy with tears, “You really think all that?”
“Of course I do. If I didn’t think you’d be a good dad, I wouldn’t have had a baby with you. I like to think I’m a good judge of character.”
“And you’re really smart too…” his voice is so soft that you just melt.
You laugh, rolling your eyes playfully, “Exactly. Don’t ever, ever, ever question whether or not you’re a good dad because you are. I can see it when Ronan looks at you. She is obsessed with you, babe. She loves you more than anything. If there’s one thing that is absolutely true, it’s that that baby is the biggest daddy’s girl, which I completely understand because I’m so obsessed with her daddy too.”
“I’m certainly obsessed with her and her momma,” he whispers, and you smile at him. “Thank you, baby.”
“I’ll still kick that woman’s ass, by the way.”
John smiles, “I thought I was gonna have to bail you out of jail.”
“Next time some bitch decides to wants to brave and say that shit, she better hope our daughter isn’t there because I will fight her.” you say, shrugging, “I won’t hesitate.”
“You certainly didn’t hesitate last night. Thank you for sticking up for me, my peach.”
You cup his face and kiss him, “I will always stick up for you, Wick. We’re a team.”
“My favorite teammate,” he chuckles softly before kissing your forehead and letting go of you when the front door opens. “That must be Logan.”
You let go of him but he takes your hand and looks back at you. You nod your head since you’re ready to go. He holds tight to your hand and heads downstairs, and you give Logan a wave when he walks into the living room.
“Hey. Have fun?”
Logan nods, “Yeah, we went fishing. Caught some but nothing too big so we threw them all back. You two heading out?”
“We just wanted to wait until Ronan got up from her nap, but…” John looks at his watch, “She might be down for a little longer, so not sure.”
You shrug, “She’ll be okay if Logan gets her. She knows him so it’s not like she’ll freak out. She’ll just be hungry and want something to eat, but you’ve watched her before and you know what she likes.”
“Yeah, of course.” Logan nods, looking back and forth between you and John. “I can get her something to eat, then we’ll play with some toys, maybe build a fort.”
You smile, “She’ll love that.”
“We won’t be out long.” John says, looking at his watch again, “We’ll be back before she needs to go to bed.”
“I used to watch my sister all the time,” Logan says, frowning a little, “So it’s okay if I have to put her to bed.”
You feel your eyes burning as you look away to keep yourself from crying. He must miss his sister so much. “Have you talked to her at all?”
Logan shakes his head, “No, but I thought I might go visit her at school one day. They’re going to be having a choir concert soon, so I might sneak in there to see her.”
You look over at John just as he looks at you, then you plaster a smile back on your face, “I bet she’d love to see you.”
John stands behind you and places his hands on your shoulders, squeezing them lightly, “Well, should we head out? We’ll be back by 8 or so.”
“I’ll have my phone with me the whole time if you need to call, and don’t forget that Tess is just across the street too. She’s home tonight, so you can always call her if something comes up.” you say, and Logan nods his head and starts to laugh when John widens his eyes playfully and shakes his head.
“We’ll be back in a bit.” John says, lightly pushing you towards the door.
Logan laughs as he sits down on the couch, “See you later.”
John takes your hand and leads you over to the car. He stops and digs in his pocket for a moment and pulls out a hair tie. You furrow your brow and look up at him.
“You’ll need this tonight.”
You start to smile, “Jonathan Wick, are you hinting that you want me to go down on you in the car?”
“That would be totally cool if that’s what you want to do, but no, that’s not what this is for.”
“It’s for my hair?”
He nods, “Yes, of course, but not for what you think.”
“I’m very curious.”
“We need to leave now though. Before the sun sets.” he says, and you immediately squint your eyes at him. “We have somewhere we need to stop first so we can get something for tonight.”
You groan when John gestures to the car, “You’re being cryptic.”
“You’ll know as soon as we’re there what’s happening, so you just have to wait 20 minutes. I promise, peach,” he kisses your temple and opens the door for you to get in, “We’ve done it before but not for a long time, and it’s time we do it again. You said it was one of our favorite dates we’ve ever had.”
“That doesn’t help me! I say that about every date because you’re so good at planning them.” you pout, looking over at him, “Please tell me.”
John laughs, “You’re very cute when you pout. Oh, I almost forgot.”
“You almost forgot how cute I am?”
“No,” he laughs as he opens the backseat door, “I’ll never forget that. I almost about this!”
You turn a little to see a large bouquet of flowers. Snapdragons, roses, dahlias, tulips, and baby’s breath. It is the most stunning collection of flowers in a very peachy color with little pops of white and green throughout. Just from the color alone, you know John picked everything himself.
“Peach…” you say, and he smiles proudly. “You’re so cute. These are beautiful. Thank you very much.”
“You’re very welcome,” he says before kissing you, “Ready for our date?”
You smile, “Ready to tell me where we’re going?”
After kissing you quickly, John makes sure you’re in the car, then he shuts the door and rushes to the driver’s side. You playfully squint your eyes at him, and he laughs as he backs out of the driveway.
“We’re getting our oil changed?” you ask incredulously when John pulls up to Aurelio’s auto shop. You look at him and furrow your brow as you laugh, “What a lovely date.”
John laughs, “No, we just need to get something.”
As soon as John pulls into the garage, Aurelio gets up and walks over. He opens your door and helps you out, and you’re taken aback when he leads you over to a nice 1960’s Corvette that has the top down. You begin to smile as you look back at John. He gives you a wink and hurries over to help you get in the car.
Aurelio hands the keys off to him and shakes his hand, “Have fun.”
“I’ll have the car back by eight.” John says, but Aurelio waves it off, “Okay, maybe nine.”
You start to laugh as John gets in the car, then you look back at Aurelio, “Maybe 10.”
“Take your time. You know someone is always here,” he says, waving at the two of you as you back out of the garage.
You grin as you look over at John, and he pulls you closer to him on the seat since it’s a bench seat. You pull your knees up and rest your head on his shoulder, and he drapes his arm across your legs.
The last time John got a car from Aurelio, he drove to Brighton to this little restaurant right near the beach. You sat outside and watched the sunset while you ate dinner, and it was perfect. The drive home was amazing since the air was still warm, and you just clung to him and him to you. It was perfect, and it absolutely was one of your favorite dates.
“So, where are we heading?”
“Thought we’d go watch the sunset.” he says, and you nod your head. “Grab some burgers and shakes at the restaurant right on the shore too. Too late for us to go to Brighton, but Oyster Bay Cove will be perfect for tonight.”
You can feel your eyes just forming hearts as you look at him, and he laughs before he leans down to kiss you. You cup his face to keep him from moving away since you’re at a red light, and he laughs against your lips.
“You’re the best.” you wrap your arms around his bicep and close your eyes as the wind blows through your hair.
Yup, you’re definitely going to need that hair tie. For more than one reason.
You and John stumble into the house as you laugh, both shushing one another since you’re definitely being way too loud--you’re both a little drunk on love right now. John puts his hand over his mouth as he laughs, turning around to lock the door as you walk into the living room. You freeze when you see Logan laying on the chaise lounge with Ronan tucked into his side, both fast asleep and their blanket fort left unmade on the ground.
John comes up behind you and rests his cheek against your head, “Pretty cute, huh?”
“She adores him.”
“He adores her.”
You sigh as you nod, “He misses his sister. Would it be bad if I reached out to Laura to see if they would be okay with him visiting her?”
“I don’t think that’s your job, sweetheart,” he turns you to him and shrugs, “Laura and Logan will have to figure that all out on their own. I know he misses his sister. I’m sure it’s hard being away from her. And I know you, so I know you want to help. I know your mom instincts are kicking in, but this isn’t for you to fix.”
Inhaling deeply, you nod your head and look up at John as you squint your eyes and scrunch your face up. A smile tugs at John’s lips before a grin breaks out and you sneeze loudly into your elbow.
“Shit,” you turn around and look at Logan and Ronan as they both jolt awake, “Sorry!”
Ronan sits up and smiles wide when she sees you and John, and she crawls off the couch and runs over, reaching up for you. You pick her up and hug her tightly, closing your eyes and kissing her cheek with a big ‘mwah!’
“Did momma wake you up?” you ask Ronan and her sleepy little eyes, and she nods her head despite the fact that she’s grinning, “Did you miss me?”
“Yeah,” she nods, then she looks at John, “Daddy.”
John smiles, rubbing the top of her head and messing up her brown hair, “Hey, bug.”
Ronan leans her chin against your shoulder and giggles sleepily when John plays peek-a-boo with her. You hug her tight and look over at Logan as he watches her.
“How was she tonight?”
“Really good,” he nods as he sits up, “She ate all of her dinner, then we played with her toys for a bit--I’ll pick those up.”
John waves it off, “Don’t worry about it.”
“We sat down to watch Coco and just fell asleep, I guess,” he laughs, and Ronan kicks her legs to be let down. She runs over to him and jumps into his lap, squealing when he lifts her up, “Hey, we gotta go night-night, don’t we?”
Ronan nods her head, then she points upstairs to her room, telling Logan that they need to go. He chuckles as he gets off the couch, and you give Ronan a kiss. She waves at you and John from over Logan’s shoulder, and you wave back and smile before walking into the kitchen.
“She just loves him. Look at that! He’s just taking her up to bed and she’s not even crying.” you set your purse on the counter and look over at John as he tosses his keys into the bowl next to the landline that’s probably from like 1987. “I’m so proud of her. I remember for a while she wouldn’t even let Tess or Jimmy put her down, but now she’s so much more comfortable.”
“Yeah, I’m really proud of her too,” he smiles, looking over at you, “We did a good job with that one.”
You smile, “And we still are.”
“Tonight was fun,” he whispers, pulling you closer to him until you’re in front of him. He lifts you up and sets you on the counter, and you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. “Did you have fun?”
“I did. I had a lot of fun,” you run your fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp lightly before wrapping your arms around his neck again, “Wish we could have kept the car a little longer.”
John grins, “I could have. All it would have taken was a phone call.”
Squinting his eyes, John smirks, “Why did you want the car for longer?”
You move your hands down to his chest, “You know why.”
“Mrs. Wick, were you hoping to have some car sex?” he asks, and you feel your cheeks burn as you laugh. “Look how cute you are.”
“Stop!” you put your hands over your face, “You’re making me blush.”
John presses several quick kisses to your cheek, “We don’t have the car anymore, but we can still have some sex.”
“Sounds good, but we have to be super quiet.”
“We have a basement,” he suggests as you laugh.
You wrap your arms around his waist and lean against him, closing your eyes as he holds you, “I had a really good time tonight. Thank you.”
“I’m glad, sweetheart,” he murmurs into your hair, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you lean back to look at him, then you cup his face and kiss him.
John is just inches from your lips as he looks into your eyes, then he leans forward and kisses you tenderly, cupping your face in his hand. You wrap your legs around him and pull him closer, and he nips at your bottom lip.
Logan clears his throat, and you and John both look down like you’re two teenagers who just got caught. John glances up at you and smiles, then he walks around to stand on the other side of the counter for obvious reasons--you’re flattered. He discreetly adjusts himself while Logan makes himself busy with the magnets on the fridge.
“Is she asleep?” you ask, and Logan nods his head. “You can turn around, Logan.”
He waits a few seconds before he turns around, “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Oh, you’re alright. John just loves smooching on me,” you laugh, shrugging it off as John walks back over to stand in front of you. He leans with his back against the counter, and you rest against his back, “No biggie.”
Logan inhales deeply and nods his head, “You two are so different from my parents.”
He nods as he looks at you, “You actually interact with each other and don’t seem like you want to kill each other.”
“Yeah, no, I definitely don’t want to kill him. I’d be completely lost without him,” you say, and John chuckles. “He’s my best friend. I can’t imagine doing parenthood without him. Or just life in general.”
Logan leans against the counter opposite of you, “My parents wouldn’t be caught in the same room, let alone hugging or kissing.”
You sit up, “Is this making you uncomfortable? Because if it is, we can absolutely cut it out.”
“No,” he shakes his head as he laughs, “It’s actually really nice. I’ve just never been around it before, so it’s different. It’s a good different though. It’s…”
“Refreshing?” you ask, and he nods. “Yeah, I know the feeling. My ex wasn’t affectionate at all and was…incredibly mean to me. When I met John, I was so blown away by the affection he gives and how naturally he gives it. One of the things I’ve loved most about my relationship with him was the fact that he never made me feel like I needed to work for his affection. I was deserving of his love just by being myself, like I said, he just gave it so naturally. I didn’t even feel like I deserved his love. He’s so sweet to me, and he’s so good to Ro too. I’m so beyond happy that she has him for a dad.”
John looks over his shoulder at you and smiles, “I’m pretty lucky too. She’s pretty great--both of my girls.”
“Anyway,” you roll your eyes playfully, “If we are ever being inappropriate or making you uncomfortable, let us know. Obviously we don’t plan on just…you know, right in front of you or anything.”
Logan laughs, “Yeah, I get what you mean.”
You look at him for a moment and hold his gaze, “You’ve had the…the…”
Logan furrows his brow, “What?”
“You’ve had the…” you lean a little closer and whisper, “You’ve had the sex talk, right?”
John puts his hand over his mouth as he laughs, “Peach!”
“Well, I don’t know!”
Logan laughs as he nods his head, “Yes, Mrs. Wick, I’ve had The Talk. I am eighteen, by the way. I know things.”
“I don’t know!” you put your hands up and shrug, “I didn’t know if you had the talk or not yet. God, sorry!”
“You just made this so weird, peach.” John says, and you hop off the counter, “I’m just being honest.”
Logan continues laughing when you look at him, “I’m sorry, but that’s funny. I appreciate you asking.”
You didn’t know if his parents had that talk with him since they were shit at being parents. Obviously he probably found out stuff from his friends, but you didn’t know! You certainly weren’t looking forward to having the conversation with him by any means, but you were willing to do it.
“I just wanted to be helpful,” you say, and John grins. “I don’t see you volunteering to do it, Mr. Wick!”
John laughs, shaking his head, “Hell no. No offense, Logan, but I’m not ready for that stuff yet. I’m still trying to get the hang of having a baby.”
“I was willing to completely embarrass myself and give you the talk, so you better be grateful!” you say, teasing him.
“I am very grateful,” Logan laughs, then he nods his head and smiles, “Trust me, I’m very grateful for everything you two have done for me.”
John wraps his arm around your shoulder, “Don’t mention it, kid.”
“I should head to bed, I have to work in the morning.” he says, and you smile at him. He turns to leave but stops and looks at you and John again, “Seriously, it is really cool how you two are, you know, hugging and dates and stuff. Ronan is really lucky to have parents like you. I know she’ll realize that when she’s older.”
“Thank you,” John smiles, giving him a small wave, “Sleep tight.”
You inhale deeply and give him a smile but as soon as he leaves, you turn to John and bury your face in his chest as you tear up. He holds you and presses a kiss to the top of your head, swaying you from side to side.
How sad is it that he’s never seen his parents just hug or kiss, or show any sort of basic affection? You always knew that that was something you wanted Ronan to grow up with. Obviously you’re not making out with John in front of her, but you and John share a few kisses and always cuddle on the couch. You want her to grow up in a home where affection is shown and love is never on short supply. You want her to see what she deserves in a relationship, and you never want her to settle for less.
“You have such a good heart, you know that?” John tilts your head back and kisses your forehead before leaning down to kiss the center of your chest, “The best heart.”
“Thank you.”
John smooths your hair back and pulls you back into his arms, “Let’s go to bed, baby.”
Holding John’s hand, you make your way upstairs after locking the doors and turning the lights off. You say a quick goodnight to Ronan, then you change into your pajamas and crawl into bed with John, immediately falling onto him and kissing him. He cups your face for a moment before sliding his hand down to your waist, then to your leg, pulling you on top of him.
You sit up straight on John and look over your shoulder to make sure the door is shut, then you pull your nightgown over your head and toss it aside. John smiles as he gazes up at you, his eyes raking over inch of your body. He sits up and kisses you, then he leans down and sucks on your nipple.
Biting your lip, you close your eyes and tilt your head back, “Do you want me, John?”
“So bad,” he places his hand on the back of your neck and tilts your head back up so you’ll look at him, “Can you feel how bad I want you?”
You shimmy down into his lap more and smile when you feel him hard against your leg. You pull your panties aside, then you grin as you move his hand between your legs.
“Can you feel how bad I want you?”
John closes his eyes as his fingers play with you, “Fuck, you're so wet.”
“You made me that wet,” you whisper to him, and a noise comes out of the back of his throat, “You make me so fucking wet, John.”
“I want you to sit on my face,” he whispers against your lips, which elicits a moan from you, “I want you to ride my face until you come, then I want to fuck you until you come again. Until your legs are shaking and you’re screaming my name.”
You laugh with your lips pressed to his, “I probably shouldn’t scream your name, but everything else can be arranged.”
“We have pillows,” he suggests, and you laugh as you push him to lay down so you can scoot up to straddle his face. He looks up at you with so much adoration, then he licks his lips, “Mm, mm, mm.”
You stand up on the bed to quickly take off your underwear, then you get back down and kiss John before sitting right on his face while he hums happily. You close your eyes and tilt your head back when you feel his warm tongue between your legs, then you quickly press your hand on to your mouth.
“There’s no way I’m going to be quiet,” you say to him, and he peeks at you, “I’m never quiet with you.”
“I know,” he grins from ear to ear, “I love it.”
As you roll your hips, firmly clutching the headboard, you gaze down at John. He reaches up and caresses your breast as he eats you out, and you press your hand to your mouth when you moan. Your knuckles are turning white from gripping the headboard so tight and you start to move your hips faster until you feel yourself tipping over the edge.
John keeps you from moving off of him as you start to climax, and he pulls you down closer to his mouth while you press your hands over your mouth. You moan loudly into your hands and your eyes rolls shut, an electric surge running through your body. John holds you as he sits up, then he plops you down on the bed and crawls on top of you.
He makes sure to give your body plenty of attention with little nips and kisses. He licks up your stomach to the valley between your breasts, then he sucks on your nipple and closes his eyes when you moan. You reach down to touch him over his boxers, which elicits a moan from him. He quickly pulls his cock from his boxers and slides between your legs, instantly pressing his hand to your mouth when you moan.
“Holy shit, John,” you laugh quietly, “You’re so hard.”
“You turn me on, what can I say?” he smiles, and you lean up to kiss him passionately as he starts to thrust his hips.
Arching your back, you grip John’s bicep as your teeth begin to chatter and you squeeze your eyes shut before looking up at him. John smiles proudly and leans down to kiss you a few times, jerking his hips hard and knocking the breath out of you.
“Oh, shit…” you manage to choke out, “Oh, fuck!”
“Here,” John hands you a pillow and grins, “Look like you’re gonna need it.”
taglist: @lilithlinen @mutlifandombliss @ruby-octo @tnu-ree @sakurachan-9 @beingnerdyissupercool @scream-queen-25 @ladyren33 tumblr tagging system is wack so let me know if the tags worked!
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 months
Okay, I really appreciate all the sweet messages in my inbox 🥹🥹🥹 I will get to them tomorrow I promise (I have a big work event tomorrow and I’m already anxious about it which is why I snapped at that ask too lmao but now I’ve had my lavender tea and I’m calm 🥰🥰🥰)
But thank you. I ain’t gonna let one ask or one person stop me from doing what I love most in the world.
So of course I’m sitting here and working on the outline for the next “big” chapter 🫢🫢
It’s a very special one. Here’s a hint.
Some of the songs I’m listening to on repeat while I’m plotting out this chapter 👀
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dollypopup · 4 months
"Penelope should have chosen Debling!"
My sister in Christ. . .he literally dumped her???
Like just before Colin Bridgerton was on his knees after outrunning her carriage to profess how he can't stop thinking about her in his love me, choose me, I'm yours speech, Debling did the Regency equivalent of calling her a floozy who would undoubtedly cheat on him when he abandoned her for several years to chase his passions (because she would never be one of said passions since she asked outright if he could ever come to care for her and he went 'hmmmm seems unlikely! good thing you have solitary hobbies to occupy you instead!') when he has been given 0 evidence of such other than realizing she liked to look out the window because she had a crush on the boy across the street. I was ready to challenge that man to a duel for Pen's honor
His feelings for her were middling at best, I mean Christ on a Pogostick, after he asked her mum for permission to propose he isn't even happy when he opens the door and Pen is there? She's looking like a snack- nay, a whole ass MEAL, and he can't even smile? He just nods at her and dips the fuck out? You don't think it would kill Penelope to know that both her sisters have husbands who absolutely adore them and she's out here with an absent dude who likely won't even write to her?
Portia's 'Love is make believe!' speech is so transparently full of shit when you realize that we've got Dankworth who is so obsessed with Prudence that he makes heart eyes at her every waking moment and considers her his little bonbon and Albion who loves Phillipa so much that he was waiting for her to consent to sex (not realizing she didn't know what it was) for two entire years because he would never pressure her and so he was content with finishing in his pants when he kissed her to make sure she was comfortable. And you want Penelope to settle for a life of loneliness? When Colin is so besotted with her that he dreams of her and breaks every societal expectation in the book as a notorious People Pleaser to run after her and cannot even wait for the morning after being intimate with her to introduce her as his wife to his family in the middle of the night? You want her to turn down Mr "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible" Bridgerton? For LORD PENGUIN?
Be so serious right now
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el-cheung · 5 months
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Hiroyuki Sanada, as Yoshii Toranaga, in Shōgun S1E10 (2024).
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thelastbraincell · 5 months
The best part of inheritance is when Arya tells Eragon that maybe, if he tried hard enough, she could love him in 50 years
And she was being dead serious
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willowser · 4 months
okay last thing and i know this is easier said than done and i think it's less of final end point and more of a continuous journey but once you let go of your shame and embarrassment over the things that make you happy, you'll have a lot more fun
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16sydd16 · 3 months
OH MY GOSH, WE DID IT!!😭 We've survived Cadina Week!! Thank you so much to everyone who participated!!
Linked above is my Day 7. Hope you enjoy!
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coldshrugs · 9 months
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goddamn, you look holy hit from behind with light you're a painting of a saint and i'm nervous, stumbling over my lines
@sunshinemage causes me yet another cardiac arrest with smoochy io and estinien. thank you rory, i'm never getting over this!! ♥♥♥
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jadewritesficshere · 6 months
The boy is mine (Jade's edition)
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie has a plan for a romantic night, but things go awry (2k words)
Contents: Anxiety, Eddie is self deprecating, hurt/comfort (kinda), no gendered terms for reader except mention that their hand is smaller then Eddie's and reader is called beautiful, a literal fire (please look up fire safety), fluff
A/N: So I saw this the first day it was posted and I thought it was a fun idea and saved the prompt by @carolmunson. I've been writing this for a bit,, but like I have had such bad mental fog and generalized pain recently I have been having a hard time focusing...I think I kind of misinterpreted the rules a bit...so here is sad lump of a contribution. Call me Stitch the way I am telling myself "it may be little and broken but still good".
18+ only
The night had started well, at least Eddie thought it had. He promised you a romantic night in. He even prepped for it.
Eddie rented sappy love movies, getting advice by Harrington and Buckley surprisingly. Harrington stated flowers were the way to go, but then started arguing with Buckley. While entertaining, Eddie learned more about the languages of romance from Buckley then he did about romantic gifts. But he wrote down to get flowers.
So he watched the movies. And Eddie was high paid a lot of attention and basically learned to make a grand speech. Big pour out your heart moment. Which, he felt he always talked your ear off, so he could totally do.
Eddie then read those magazines all the cheerleaders gossiped and giggled over. He didn't learn much except some tips for the best kiss. Cup the person's cheek and lean in slowly. Build the suspense. Eddie could do that.
Give you flowers. Make a speech. Cup your cheek as he kisses you. Eddie had this in the bag! Each point written in his little notebook.
And then the reality of you coming to his trailer hit him when you called to confirm the date was still on that morning. He hung up the phone after flirting a bit and looked around his house. Nerves flooded his system as he looked at it with the perspective of an outsider. He didn't want it to look bad. And it was, well, it wasn't bad but definitely could be cleaner.
So Eddie had vacuumed and dusted the entire trailer. Tossed empty pizza boxes in the trash. Sprayed some cologne around the trailer to cover the scent of weed, then cursed himself for using the expensive cologne when there was a bottle of air freshener in the bathroom.
Had picked up his clothes scattered across his room and shoved them all, clean and dirty, into the closet. Had made sure his bed had more then one pillow, grabbing spare throw pillows and tossing them towards the headboard. Even if he didn't think there was a chance you would enter his bedroom tonight, he wanted to be prepared.
Eddie had even started dinner before you arrived. An easy roast that Wayne had made hundreds of times. Thrown meat, potatoes, onions, and carrots into the pot, seasoned it and thrown it all in the oven.
It was newer, this thing between you, and he wanted to get it all right. You'd been friends for years, just recently evolved into dating. It was easy to hold your hand and throw an arm around your shoulder before, stealing those small intimate moments and pretending it meant something more. But now it does mean more. Truly, it always had, but neither of you had said anything. Because like usual, Eddie was the coward and ran.
He spent what felt like minutes (it had been hours) looking back at the notes, the plan. He had even sketched some pictures of you and him as he studied. Gave himself some sweet new tattoos and piercings and muscles while you had hearts around your head. By the time he stopped rereading the same points over and over again, he realized you would be there within the hour.
And he already failed the first point, flowers. It had completely spaced him what with the studying, but he had other things he had been wanting to give you so he figured he could wing it. He rehearsed everything in his mind, having various conversations with you. He would take your coat, be charming as ever, and you would fall for him even more then you already had.
But the plan immediately left his mind when you had arrived. Eddie could feel his face flush as his eyes trailed up and down your figure. All the rushing thoughts in his head suddenly stopped. All he could think was Damn, how'd I get so lucky?
"You're beautiful." Eddie mumbled in awe as you had shrugged off your coat. And then you smiled and Eddie realized he had messed up the plan. He thought he had went through every variable but he hadn't. It wasn't you that was going to fall more in love with him tonight, but Eddie was going to fall more in love with you.
Eddie twirled a piece of hair around his finger, unable to meet your eyes. His heart was beating wildly in his chest and his palms were begin to sweat. He couldn't help but shift from foot to foot. "Oh I uh....got you something," Eddie smiled and turned to leave before hesitating and motioning to the couch," You can uh sit...or stand, standing is good too! I'll be right back."
Eddie cursed himself the whole time he walked away because of how stupid he was. He could stage elaborate campaigns but couldn't seem to form a single sentence in your presence. Eddie grabbed the gift off his dresser and inhaled slowly, mentally yelling at himself to be cool for once in his life.
And faltered in his steps.
Because you were sat on the couch. Not just on the edge of the cushion like those who he dealt to who couldn't wait to get out of his presence. No, you were fully relaxed into the cushion. You looked comfortable. You looked like you belonged.
And Eddie couldn't squash the butterflies that took flight in his stomach. And he sat on the cushion next to you, fighting the urge to wrap you in his arms and hold you close.
"I got you this," Eddie declared as he handed you a rock. A small, smooth stone that fit in the palm of your hand. Your mouth parted but no words came out. Eddie bit his lip as you slowly turned the stone over in your hands, staring at it.
"I saw it and I thought, well, I thought of you and it matches your eyes and-" Eddie huffed out a laugh and shook his head," Sorry, it's stupid just give it back."
Eddie moved to grab it out of your hand but you slapped at his arm and clenched the stone in your hand. "No, it's mine!" You held your hand to your chest and glared at him. "It's stupid," Eddie looked down. "It is not." "It is!"
"Are you serious? If you don't stop we're gonna have a problem. This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me." You beamed at him. Joy and adoration written clearly across your face. Eddie slowly grinned back as you dared to open your palm and look at the stone again. "My precious," you wiggled your eyebrows at him, making him bark out a laugh as he relaxed.
"Let's save a ring for a later date." He joked, even as his mind raced. You quoted Lord of the Rings! You were sitting on his couch holding a rock he thought was the same shade as your eyes and you liked it!! He was done for. Completely head over heels fallen for you. Said he would never marry yet here he was planning his vows and everything.
"Seriously, Eddie, this is so sweet." Your hand grasped his. Your hand was smaller then his, fitting perfectly. Fingers interlocked hesitantly and then more surely. Eddie's eyes fell to your lips. Your tongue darted out slightly and wet them. And he started to lean in.
The air was thick, and not just with the tension, the anticipation. Your lips were milliseconds to coming in contact with his when Eddie's nose twitched as he caught a familiar scent. Your lips landed on Eddie's cheek as he turned so quickly to face the kitchen he gave himself whiplash.
Thick smoke started to waft out of the room. "Oh fuck!" He jumped up as the smoke detector finally started doing its job and screeched out an annoying beep. Eddie ran into the kitchen with you hot on his heels.
Eddie opened the oven door, smoke billowing out," SHITshitshit-" Eddie cursed as he slammed the door shut, coughing slightly. Your hand reached past him to shut off the oven before darting over to the window and throwing it open.
Eddie's eyes darted to the sink below the window. Stop, drop, and roll- wait no that was if you were on fire. But water beats fire in almost every scenario, right? Except oil, shit did he add oil? No, he didn't add anything except the food and the seasoning so it should all be good right?
"Stand back!" Eddie yells over the screeching alarm. Grabbing the pot holders, he throws the oven door open. Smoke billows past him as he makes a mad dash for the pot, grasping the handles and throwing it in the sink. He throws the faucet on, water pouring over the burnt food and pot.
Steam billows up with smoke, mingling in the air before flowing out the window. A hissing sound from the cool water hitting the hot pot fills the air. You fan the flames towards the open window. "Oh fuck." You cough as your eyes fill with tears from the smoke. Eddie winces as flurried apologies fall from his lips.
The pot, not on fire at least, starts to lessen up on producing smoke. Eddie deems it safe to leave and grabs your hand, dragging you outside. His hands on your shoulders guide you to sit on the steps as you continue to intermittently cough. Eddie rushes back into the kitchen, double checking that the oven was off, and quickly grabs a mug holding it under the still running faucet.
Eddie rushes back outside to you, almost missing the step and face planting. And wouldn't that have been the icing on the cake. Would that make Eddie or the embarrassment of faceplanting be the vanilla frosting? Who even created that saying? Cake was good and this was not good. Eddie shook his head of these thoughts as he sank down on the step next to you.
Eddie hands you the mug of water. You drink it in big gulps, a small dribble of water falling out of the side of your mouth towards your chin. Eddie wipes it away with his thumb as he apologizes," I am so sorry, I don't even know what happened."
"Is this Garfield?" You peer at the mug, as if Eddie almost didn't kill you. "Uh yeah, was in a rush, sorry I didn't grab like a nicer cup. I just ran out...to you..." "Don't apologize, I like Garfield," you mumble taking another drink of the water.
"Are you okay?" Eddie asks, hands running up and down your shoulders, eyes checking you over. "Think I hacked up a lung from all the smoke...," you rub your sternum," Man, my lungs do not like smoke...and you like that?" Eddie let out a nervous laugh," Yeah no sorry, only when its weed. Never really inhaled a straight fire before."
You look up into Eddie's eyes that are full of concern. "Well, I'd recommend like not doing that. But I'm okay, it startled me more then anything," You give a soft smile. "You sure?" "Positive." You knock his shoulder with yours.
Eddie's eyes search your figure, ensuring you aren't lying to him. You ignore him, opting to set the mug down on the ground. Fingers brushing against a dandelion, yellow and bright. You pluck it from the ground and twirl it between your fingers.
You're okay. You're holding a dandelion and you're okay. You aren't acting like you hate him. You aren't making excuses and leaving. You aren't leaving like everyone else-
Eddie's shoulders relax as the tension leaves his body. You're okay. Your relationship is okay. He didn't ruin everything. You're smiling at a fucking dandelion while his heart feels like it has run a marathon.
You're oblivious to his plight as you lean over and tuck the dandelion behind his ear," Maybe don't smoke that. Looks pretty on you." "Not that kind of weed." "Yeah dumb joke sorry."
A slow exhale escapes him as he shakes his head,"No it's good I'm just," Eddie waves his hand in front of him," like what the fuck just happened? I am never cooking again. I'll just take you to Enzo's. I fucked up. Sorry for ruining the date."
Your hand cupped his cheek as you ducked down to meet his eyes," Hey, no. You didn't ruin the date." Eddie rolls his eyes slightly," Almost killing you? Yeah, pretty sure i ruined it." You bump your knee against Eddie's, "it's not ruined and you didn't almost kill me. Small food fire, happens to everyone. I lit popcorn on fire once. Besides, if you did happen to kill me, at least I would have died happy and in love. And you'd be stuck with me cause ghost me is absolutely haunting you."
Eddie can't help but laugh slightly," Oh? You think you'd be a ghost and not get another chance at life? Be reincarnated or whatever?" "Well, even if I was reincarnated, I'd find you again."
Eddie scoffs, "C'mon, don't say that.. That's not even true, you'd totally be able to move on. You wouldn't need little old me." You grab his face and peer into his eyes," Eddie Munson, I will always need you. In this life and whatever happens after. You and me? We're it. Maybe it should be too soon to say, but I feel it in my bones. You're it for me Eddie. Together now, forever, and when everything ceases to exist we'll be in nothing together. I will always be with you because I will always love you."
You lean in and Eddie thinks his heart stops. Your hand holding his cheek in place, thumb lightly brushing back and forth. His eyes flutter shut as your lips finally touch his. It was soft and sweet, lips slowly parting and melding together in a dance that sent shivers down Eddie's spine. He sighed into the kiss as you leaned closer into each other. Your hands threading through his hair, his wrapping around your waist. Lips moving in tandem, tongues darting out tentatively.
You only part when you both are gasping for air. Soft smiles and longing glances shared as the sun sets. "I love you too." Eddie traces your cheekbone with his finger. "You better." You joke. Your combined giggles fill the air as you continue to steal kisses from each other.
The night may not have been the most romantic. Or gone to plan, like, at all. But it was one Eddie already knew that when he thought about he would be able to feel his heart swell with love. And as he kissed you Eddie thought, yeah you were it for him.
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un-pearable · 18 days
legitimately anyone who is a self described fan of children’s cartoons over the age of 12 needs to watch Infinity Train. it explicitly bridges the gap between the tone, tropes, and storytelling limitations of Y7 and the level of complexity than we want from it. every single person writing pages long screeds about character development and nuance in shows that are primarily marketed at a younger audience but have significant meaning to older age groups would get so fuckin much out of the themes and story of Infinity Train, which is explicitly a story about those more complex themes.
it gamifies character development as part of it’s core conceit. each season gets more mature as it deals with more complex issues of morality and ethics and it’s still a silly epsiodic show with fun gags. it grows up as the story progresses with each anthologic installment giving you more complex interpersonal relationships and issues. there’s on screen cop murder. cults. incredibly gay coded music duo from the 80s that are the most divorced twenty year olds you’ve ever seen. a story that grows with you.
and you can’t fuckin watch it anywhere bc the animation industry is a puppet at the whims of investors in love with the impossible horizon
Infinity Train is the result of a decade of shows like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls and Steven Universe, of animators and artists’s growing desire to tell stories that grow with kids beyond their designated demographic in the American cultural conscience. and you can’t watch it.
they were going to talk about alzheimers. the thesis of infinity train is that animation is a medium, not a genre. a vehicle for exploring complex topics in a way that live action can’t. it’s a therapy train that traumatizes it’s riders more often than not. they covered everything from divorce’s impact on children to trans-coded identity crisis to the realities of a Lost Boys experience. what it means to be human. they were going to talk about alzheimers
it’s literally a vehicle for character development . it’s the midpoint on the spectrum between children’s media and mature writing. it is everything you seek out of fan fiction being explicit in the text. and you cant watch it bc it being animated means it’s worthless
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smosh-head · 7 months
Listening to courtney talk about her experience being oversexualized in the past at smosh was heartbreaking to hear. I appreciate that she was able to be as vulnerable as she was and that she is in a much better place now.
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rayllumoon · 1 year
"i love you"
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"it means i trust her — unconditionally"
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dykrophone · 7 months
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happy birthday hershey!!! i love you so so so so so much literally every time i talk to you i cant stop smiling you're one of the purest genuinely kindest most awesome people i know. youve been off tumblr on your birthday for the past few years so i couldnt really wish you but hey this year i can! can't believe we've known each other for what...2-3ish years now??? keep being you (aka a literal ray of sunshine) i hope to be friends with you forever and ever
P.S. I made this on canva (which ive never used before) instead of studying for my math exam tomorrow RIP. anyway ilysm HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3
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quodekash · 1 year
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johnsbleu · 1 year
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 160
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warnings: sm*t HMH masterlist
Skipping happily into the office, you smile at John and shake your hips a little as you grab a few more books to put out. You hear him laugh quietly as he walks over to you and kisses your cheek, then he peeks out to the shop floor and comes back in to help you grab the books.
“There’s a couple out there on a date,” you say, and John looks at you, “Their first date. He said he wanted to do something different, so they came to the book shop. Thought it was kind of cute and unique.”
John nods his head, “That’s different. Probably better than dinner at a fancy steak place in New York City, huh?”
You look over at him and smile, “I loved our first date, and you know that I would have been completely fine with peanut butter and jelly on the couch for our first date; I just wanted to be with you.”
“If I had taken you to a book shop for our first date, it wouldn’t have been a date. It would have felt like work.”
“You got a point,” you smile as you look at him, then you lean over to kiss him, “It was a great date though. As soon as you pushed your card across the table to show me that you rebound books, it was all over from there. We didn’t shut up for the rest of the night.”
John smiles, “I was so nervous.”
“I was too,” you admit, and John lets out a small laugh, “But you made me feel so comfortable and like you actually gave a damn about what I said.”
“I did. I do! I still do.” he smiles, and you lean up to kiss him again. “I could listen to you talk all day long and I honest to god would not get bored. You’re my favorite person on this planet.”
You smile, “You’re my favorite person too.”
Both of you look over at the door as Grace comes in with Ronan in her arms and a grimace on her face, and you laugh when she sets her down and shakes out her arms.
“She just…” Grace laughs, “God, she just shit her diaper and it was so loud, everyone looked at me.”
You laugh, “Been there. She has those really wet ones lately. It’s awful. John and I usually rock, paper, scissors over who has to change them.
John turns to you and puts his fist on.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
You both played paper.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
“Yes!” John laughs when his rock breaks your scissors, and you playfully squint your eyes at him before you turn around to change Ronan’s diaper.
Grace laughs as she leans against the desk, “You two are so cute.”
“I’m not too upset about losing because, yes, whoever loses has to change her diaper, but there’s a still nice little win; a massage before bed.” you look over at John and smile before you squint your eyes as you look at the books he’s holding, “Those are…thriller and mystery.”
John nods, “You got it, boss. I’ll put them out there right now.”
You look down at Ronan as you scrunch your face up and clean the smelliest and poopiest diaper she’s had in a while--introductions to solids have been rough--then you set the dirty diaper aside and put a new diaper on her before pulling her dress down. You help her off of the couch and watch as she walks over to her toys on the floor, and you smile when she walks back over to offer one to you.
“Thank you!” you take it and make noises as you play with it, and she looks up at you and smiles, “Where’s daddy?”
Ronan looks up with her big brown eyes and perfect eyelashes, then she toddles over to the door, garbling and babbling baby nonsense until she gets to the doorway, “Dada!”
“What?” John sings from the shop floor, and you lean over to see Ronan waddling out to see him. You hear her screech loudly a few times as she walks around, then she giggles, which means John has probably picked her up. He tosses her up a little as he walks back into the office, and she squeals. “Oof, it stinks.”
You laugh as you stand up and grab the diaper, “I’m gonna go toss it outside.”
Holding the poopy diaper like it’s…well, a poopy diaper, you head outside and walk down and around the corner to the back of the shop where there’s a big dumpster that is used for the shops on this strip. You don’t want to throw the diaper away in the shop just in case you forget to take the garbage out and it festers overnight. That would be absolutely horrible to come in to tomorrow.
You toss it in the garbage and look out at the town square as you walk past, and you wave at a few people who must be setting up something that is happening this weekend. There’s empty booths and strings of fairy lights being hung up over what looks like a makeshift dance floor.
There isn’t a festival happening this weekend since the bookshop always taken advantage of the extra foot traffic and has a sidewalk sale. The wind picks up a little and blows a piece of paper that is pinned to the board on the sidewalk, and you walk over to see what it says.
14th Annual Daddy Daughter Dance.
“Oh, my god.” you pull the sheet off and rush inside to John, who is sitting in the kid’s section with Ronan in his lap, and you sit down and read the paper to him, “Daughters of all ages (no age restrictions) are invited to a magical night of music, dance, games, and treats. Girls may be escorted by dad, grandpa, uncle, or any father figure. This evening is for girls to spend with their first ‘love’, to connect and strengthen the relationship between fathers and daughters; a relationship that will last a lifetime.”
John takes the paper and laughs, “That’s cute.”
“You should take Ro.” you say, smiling wide, “There’s no age limit, it’s in the town square, it’s a little spendy, but look, the money goes to a good cause.”
Looking at the paper, John nods his head, “Isn’t she kind of little?”
“No age restriction. This could be your little tradition with her! You could take her every year!” you say as John starts to smile, “You two can make a whole day of it. I can take her to get a dress and do her hair and her nails when she’s older. You can take her to dinner somewhere fancy, then go to the dance and win prizes.”
“It does sound like a good idea.” he admits as he smiles, and you lean over to kiss him.
You pinch Ronan’s cheek as she smiles--her chubby cheeks are so pinchable!--then you kiss the dimple in her cheek, “I’ll take this gorgeous girl to get a dress tomorrow.”
John chuckles, “I’m kind of excited, to be honest.”
“It’s cute!” you smile, then you tickle her belly, “We get to go shopping for you!”
Ronan giggles and kicks her legs, then she slides off of John’s lap and waddles around, babbling loudly. John smiles as he watches her, and your heart melts a little when he looks back down the paper you brought in.
Ronan has just been put down for her nap after the mall, and she’s pretty zonked from all the shopping. You’re not sure how she’ll even get through the night tomorrow since it’s the daddy daughter dance, but you’re sure John won’t mind holding her if she falls asleep.
As you round the corner to the bedroom, you stop and watch as John looks at himself in the mirror and fixes his suit. He pulls the jacket tight around him and fixes the sleeves, and he dust off the pants a little.
It’s been a long time since you’ve seen him in a suit, and damn he looks good! You can't help but feel a flutter in your chest as you watch him. It's like you're seeing him for the first time all over again. The way he carries himself, the confidence that radiates off of him - it's all so attractive.
“Is that your suit for tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” he laughs nervously, “Yeah, I haven’t worn this suit in a while, so I wanted to make sure it’ll fit otherwise I’ll have to go get one today. It fits though.”
You walk over to him and run your hands down from his shoulders to his hands, then you nod, “You look very handsome. You have some cufflinks?”
“Uh, yeah, the ones you got me for Christmas,” he says, and you walk over to get them from off the dresser. “Thought they’d look good.”
Nodding your head, you grab one and hold it up to John’s sleeve, “Looks great.”
“Do you think I should, like, comb my hair back? Or do something different?” he asks, and you laugh a little--he’s taking this so serious, it’s very cute. “Is that dumb?”
“No,” you walk over to him and cup his face, “You look as handsome as ever just like this. Reminds me of our wedding day.”
John smiles as he leans down to kiss a few times, then he undresses and hangs his suit back up. You walk over to sit on the bed and open the drawer on your nightstand to see all of the junk you’ve accumulated in it over the years (every hair tie that you own, 4 chapsticks, 6 pens, one highlighter, a small bottle of lotion, an unused bottle of lube, 2 very hard Tootsie Rolls, an expired condom, and a little packet of tissues), so you decide it’s time to clean it out.
“What are you gonna do tomorrow night?”
“Oh, haven’t given it much thought, really.” you shrug as you look at him, “Probably just get some stuff done around here. Maybe clean Ronan’s room and go through her dresser and closet to get rid of stuff she doesn’t fit--well, pack it away. I want to save her clothes just in case we have another girl in the future. I also need to go through my closet too. I have some clothes from when I was pregnant that I’m obviously not going to wear or fit in anymore.”
John nods as he pulls his jeans on, then he sits by you, “Have you ever been to a daddy daughter dance?”
“Didn’t have a dad,” you say as you look at him, and he closes his eyes--instant regret.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I mean, I knew that, but…I just…I didn’t think.”
You touch his arm, “Its’ okay. I always saw my friends going to them when I was in elementary school. They were pretty popular--I didn’t know they still were--but it was just at our local community center. By the time my mom met Dan, we were too old and cool for those kinds of things and he was just mom’s boyfriend, you know? We didn’t really see him like that yet.”
“Would you have wanted to go to one?”
“Absolutely,” you smile as you look at him, then you shrug, “But you can’t really go if you don’t have a dad. I didn’t have any father figure. I suppose my mom could have taken us since she was our mother and father figure, but she worked a lot. I think it’s really important that you and Ronan have this, you know? She obviously won’t remember it until she’s maybe 5 or 6, but…”
“I will.” he says, and you nod.
You feel the back of your throat tightening with the urge to cry, “You know I’ve always said how important your relationship with her is, and you know why. I didn’t have a dad to love me the way you love Ronan. She’s incredibly lucky to have you, as am I.”
John nods, then he walks over to the closet and pulls out a garment bag, “I was wondering…would you like to join me and Ronan?”
“No age restriction,” he says, and you laugh a little, “I’m a dad. I’m not your dad, but I’m a dad. It didn’t say that a husband can’t bring his wife.”
You laugh tearfully as you look at him, “You’re serious?”
“Yeah,” he sits down with you and smiles.
“But this is your thing with Ronan. I don’t want to barge in on that.”
John chuckles, “It’s not barging if I’m asking you.”
You look down as John gently runs his fingers up your arm, causing goosebumps to form, then you look up at him as he smiles softly.
“Every little girl deserves to go to a daddy daughter dance,” he says as you tear up again, “And I’d be more than happy to bring both my girls. Let me do this for you.”
“You’re really the sweetest man I’ve even known.”
John laughs as he pulls you into his warm arms, “I bought a dress for you.”
“What? When?”
“When you took Bug to get her dress earlier.” he says, and you laugh, “I went to that one shop you love in Oyster Bay.”
You stand up and take the garment bag, then you unzip it to reveal the blush colored dress made of tulle, “Oh, this is so pretty.”
“The bottom is kind of fluffy but not too fluffy. Go try it on.”
You lean down to kiss John, then you skip to the bathroom and quickly change. The top of the dress is more of a halter top, which is perfect since it’ll be warm tomorrow night, and the neckline plunges down a little but not too much. The bottom isn’t fluffy but you get what John meant--it’s tulle, it looks fluffy.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you grow giddy when you realize you have your own version of a princess dress. You spin around and watch the dress bloom out around you like a flower, then you walk out to John.
“Wow,” he smiles, “Looks really good.”
You look at yourself in the mirror as John watches behind you, and you fix the dress a little and look at him as he walks over to help zip the dress up. He kisses your shoulder and back as you smile and close your eyes, then he moves your hair and kisses up your neck.
“You look beautiful,” he whispers, hugging you tight to him, “I know you’re not my little girl, but you’re still my girl and I’m more than happy to share tomorrow night with you.”
“Thank you,” you whisper back, and he touches his hand under your chin to turn your face toward his so he can kiss you.
Turning around to face John, you place your hand on the back of his neck and kiss him deeply as he slides his hand down to your ass and grips it. You feel his hand move up to the zipper of your dress, then he unzips it and reaches up to pull the halter from over your head.
“Okay, good.” he nods, and you furrow your brow as you lean back, “Just making sure this is easy to get off.”
“John!” you laugh loudly, then you slap your hand playfully against his stomach as he laughs.
John left a little while ago since he said he needed to grab something last minute but he said he said he’d be back shortly. You’ve gotten Ronan all bathed but not dressed yet--she’ll drool or spill something on herself--and now she’s in your bathroom with you while you curl your hair and do your makeup. You’re just about done too, so you unplug the curling iron and set it on the silicone mat to cool down.
“Should we go get you dressed?” you ask, and Ronan looks up at you as she chews on an old comb you and John have never used. “Come on.”
You reach for her hands and hold them as she walks in front of you to her room, then she falls to her butt and crawls over to some toys while you grab her dress from the closet.
It’s blush colored like your dress but maybe has a little more pink in it and it’s fluffy! It has a satin ribbon around the middle that ties as a big bow in the back and has a matching bow for her hair.
You kneel down in front of Ronan and grab a clean diaper, then you lay her down and hand her a toy to keep her busy while you change her diaper. She’s at the point where all she wants to do is kick her legs and flail her arms. You pull the dress over her head and smile when she looks at you, and you start to laugh as you hold her hands and pull her to stand up.
“Oh, you look so gorgeous!” you smile as you fix the bottom of her dress, then grab her little shoes to put on. “Can momma put a bow in your hair? Will you let me do that?”
Ronan looks at you as she chews on the toy, and you take a few strands of her brown hair and click the bow to it.
“Very pretty!” you smile at her, and she scrunches her face and smiles back. You pick her up and carry her back to your bedroom so you can get dressed, then you set her down on the floor and grab out the dress. You match it with some gold heels that you haven’t worn in a while but you remember being comfortable, then you get some accessories and look at yourself in the mirror. “I think daddy is one lucky man to have two gorgeous girls. Don’t you think?”
Ronan babbles as she toddles over to you and reaches up, crying a little when you don’t pick her up right away. You lift her into your arms just as the front door opens, and you fix your dress and Ronan’s before walking to the stairs.
“Are my girls ready?”
“We are!”
John laughs as he rushes to the living room, “Don’t come down yet. Let me sit on the couch.”
“Okay, we’re coming down now.”
“I drove past the town square on the way to get what I needed to get and it looks really great. They got the lights on, the booths have lights around them, they have music playing, some people have already shown up. I think this will…” he stops talking as you and Ronan stand in front of him, and he lets out a small laugh as he tears up, “You both look beautiful.”
You smile when he gets up and kisses you, then he leans down and kisses Ronan before taking her from you so he can get a better look at you. He takes your hand and holds it up so you’ll spin, then he pull you closer to kiss you again.
“You look gorgeous,” he whispers, and you smile as you step back and gesture to him in his suit.
“Look at you! You’re wearing the shit outta the suit.”
John laughs as his cheeks turn red, “Whatever.”
“You clean up nice, Wick.” you say, then you wrap your arms around him, “We’re a good looking family.”
“Yes, we are.” John bounces Ronan in his arms, then he looks at you, “Shall we?”
Holding hands with John, you walk to the door and grab your purse for the night, then you grab Ronan’s diaper bag--not very glamorous but a necessity. John locks the door up behind you, then he walks to the car and gets Ronan wrangled into her car seat with her fluffy dress. He rushes over and opens the door for you and nods his head as you laugh.
“Thank you, sir.” you get in and fix your dress, then you look back at Ronan as she chews on her hands.
John is doing something in the trunk as you wait for him, then you look to your left and smile when he gets in the car and sets an oblong box in your lap.
“What’s this?”
“Something for tonight.” he says, then he looks over at you, “I was going to get Ronan something but I didn’t want her to choke on it, so I just got her some flowers.”
You laugh as you nod your head, “Yeah, good idea.”
John gestures for you to open the box, so you look down at it and pop it open to reveal a gorgeous and simple diamond tennis bracelet.
“I noticed you didn’t have a bracelet to wear with your dress tonight, and you know I always buy your earrings and necklaces, but I never give you bracelets.” he says, then he takes the bracelet out and places it around your wrist. He brushes his lips softly over the inside of your wrist, then presses a kiss to it, “It looks great.”
“I didn’t get you anything,” you whisper, grimacing a little.
John shakes his head as he reaches over to cup your face, “Tonight is a night for me to spoil my girls rotten, and I’m gonna spoil you.”
You laugh when John cocks up his brow a little, insinuating sex for later, and you laugh again as you lean over to kiss him, “Sounds great.”
The air is warm and full of laughter and music, and it smells of cotton candy and warm chocolate chip cookies. Everywhere you look, you see little girls dragging their dads off to some booth to win a prize or get their picture taken. It’s all very sweet. This year’s event is held outside, while most are usually held in a fancy house on the hill, but people are still dressed in suits and fluffy dresses, so the three of you still fit in.
You thought you’d get weird looks from people when you paid to get in, but they just smiled and complimented you and Ronan. John got a few compliments as well from the older woman who took your money. There were a few people who wandered over to see what was happening, and one guy was thrilled and said he’d be back in twenty minutes with his daughters.
As you stand at a booth and look through the little trinkets on the table, you overhear a young girl, maybe 13, telling her dad how embarrassing he’s being because he’s dancing the music. She’s trying her hardest not to smile but every time he pokes her arm, a little smile tugs at her lips. You just want to lean over and tell her to cherish it.
Embarrassing dads like that are kind of the best. Dan wasn’t around when you were little, but he’s definitely an embarrassing dad--Leah has shared a story or two about that. He’s really the epitome of a corny dad.
“Where should we go next, huh?” John says to Ronan as she flails her arms around, “Oh, that way? Okay. Come on, mom.”
John takes your hand and holds tight to it as the three of you wander around.
The moment you got here, John has been so considerate to you. He’s seen you looking around at the fathers and daughters and getting teary eyed, and he just kissed your cheek and told you how happy he was that you came with.
To someone who grew up with a loving dad, they probably wouldn’t really think anything of this but to a girl who didn’t have one growing up, this is everything. Your inner child is healing and it feels really good.
“Oh, mom should try this.” John says, and you laugh as you look at the goldfish toss, “Maybe momma can win a new fish for us.”
You laugh, “That’s a lot of pressure.”
John and Ronan watch as you toss a ring onto the bowls where the fish are, but you miss a few times. You hold up the last one and grimace, then you toss it and watch as it spins around the rim of the bowl.
“Yay!” you clap your hands and lean over to kiss Ronan, “I won a fish!”
Ronan squeals as she leans over for you to take her, and you hoist it up as John takes the fish from the woman behind the booth. He holds it up to look at the orange fish in the bag, then he holds it up so Ronan can see it. She points at it as she leans over but John holds it away enough so she can’t grab it.
“What are we gonna name him?” you ask as she garbles, and you laugh when she points at John and just says ‘dada’, “We’ll think about it some more.”
“No, no, Dada is a good name.” John smiles, and you laugh quietly.
There’s special dance coming up shortly for everyone, so you make your way over to the benches and sit down as some dads bring their kids out to the dance floor. You hand Ronan off to John and gesture for him to go out there, but he looks nervous.
“Won’t it be weird?”
“When have you ever cared what people thought about you, babe? You love this little girl. Now give her her first dance.” you smile as Ronan scratches her fingers against John’s beard, “Go now while she’s still in a good mood.”
John leans down to kiss you, then he walks out to the dance floor and holds Ronan in his arms. She’s still looking at him and playing with this beard as he sways back and forth, then she plays with his tie as he whispers to her.
He’s probably telling her how much he loves her--actually you know he is. She leans against his shoulder and twirls her finger in his hair, then she leans back and giggles. You pull your phone out and snap a few shots of the two of them as they dance together, and you wipe the tear off your cheek.
A soft and slow version of Stevie Wonder’s Isn’t She Lovely begins to play, and John smiles as he kisses Ronan’s cheek and walks over to you.
“Should we dance with momma now?” John puts his hand out and smiles, “Mrs. Wick, may we have this dance?”
“Absolutely.” you nod, propping the bag holding the fish up on the centerpiece.
John pulls you to your feet, then he smiles and walks back out to the dance floor. He wraps his right arm around your waist and smiles at you, then he looks at Ronan as she reaches over to play with your hair.
“Look how beautiful my girls are.” John whispers, and you smile at him. “I’m the luckiest man here.”
“You know, we’re pretty dang lucky too.”
John holds you and Ronan tight to his chest, and he leans his cheek against the top of your head as you sway back and forth. You close your eyes as you rest your head against his chest and listen to his heartbeat, then you open your eyes and look at Ronan with her cheek pressed to his shoulder and her eyes closed.
“Oh,” you stand up straight, “She’s asleep.”
“We don’t have to go, do we?” John asks, and you shake your head when you realize John is having fun and wants to stay longer. “I can grab her stroller from the car.”
You nod, “Yeah, sounds good.”
John rests his hand on your lower back and pulls you close to him again, “And we can have a few more dances.”
“Is your arm okay?” you gesture to Ronan, “She’s not killing it?”
“Nope, it’s perfect.” he smiles, then he pulls you both closer.
After putting Ronan in her stroller, you and John hung out at the festival for a little longer. He won a duck plushie for Ronan at the water coin toss, then he won a teddy bear for you at the balloon pop. The two of you walked around and laughed like teenagers in love, and it was fun.
Since you thought they’d have dinner served--they didn’t since the theme was a festival this year--you didn’t eat dinner. John dropped you and Ronan off at home, then he headed to Oyster Bay to pick up dinner from your favorite Thai restaurant.
Ronan woke up when you changed her out of her dress and into her pajamas, so you just sat on the couch with her and feed her some scrambled eggs and banana. She’ll get a bottle in a bit.
You turn on the TV and grab your phone, then you scroll through your phone to see what people are saying about the picture you posted of John and Ronan where they’re both looking at each other and smiling. Comments from Jen, Amanda, Tess, and your mom all make you smile, but you’ll have to reply to them later. Your mom has already texted you to ask how the dance went. You’ll reply to her later too. You look over at Ronan as she watches TV, then you kiss the top of her head.
“Did you have fun today, bug?” you ask, and she looks up at you as she struggles to get a piece of egg into her mouth--you reach over to help her. “Daddy loves you very much. Very, very much. You’re so lucky to have him. He’s pretty much my favorite person on this planet, aside from you. Though when I say that, it makes me feel guilty because I do really love Aunt Tess too and Grandma. I just love a lot of people, but I love daddy in a whole different way. He’s healed my heart so much over these past few years, and I’m grateful that you’ll never know any of the pain that I have because daddy won’t ever treat you the way my father treated me. Daddy loves you and only wants the best for you.”
Ronan is just babbling and chewing on her hands as she looks up at you but all you see when you look at her is John; the spitting image of him.
“I love you so much, Ro.” you whisper as you lean over to kiss her cheek, “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. It’s actually pretty ridiculous how much I love you, babe.”
“She loves you.” John says, and you jump and put your hand over your heart as you close your eyes and exhale. “Sorry.”
You laugh, “Holy shit, you scared me.”
John gestures to Ronan as he laughs, “Let’s hope ‘shit’ isn’t her next learned word.”
“If it is, it’ll be your fault. It’s your favorite swear word.”
“Nope,” he sits down, “It’s actually ‘fuck.’”
You laugh loudly as you put your hand over his mouth, and you both look at Ronan as she sits on the couch and eats her bananas and eggs. You feel John pressing kisses to your hand, so you remove it and look at him.
“She loves you, peach. And she knows you love her.” he whispers, and you smile as your eyes soften, “I know you love her too, and she’s so lucky to have you as a mom. I never had a mom, just like you didn’t have a dad, so I understand exactly how you feel when it comes to me and her, because it’s how I feel about you and her. She’s so lucky that she gets a mom who is going to love her unconditionally. I see the way you are with her, she’s so lucky, baby.”
“Thank you,” you smile as you lean over to kiss him.
John dips his thumb into your dimple, “And you’ve healed my heart too, peach. In so many ways. My heart is so full now because of you. I’ll be forever grateful for that.”
You lean over to kiss John a few times, then you laugh when Ronan crawls over your lap as she babbles, “Oh, you got a few things to say too, huh?”
“What movie should we watch?” he asks Ronan as she crawls over to him.
“I got the perfect movie that fits the theme for tonight,” you say, and John nods.
“I’ll get the food then.”
You smile as you kiss Ronan’s cheek, then you grab the remote and settle into the couch.
“Why…the hell did you pick that movie?” John asks, then he sniffles a little, “That was heartbreakingly beautiful.”
You picked 1995’s A Little Princess to fit with the daddy daughter theme of the night, and it had John almost sobbing at the end as he held Ronan. To be fair, you both were crying but it’s a great movie and it fit with the theme!
You lean over the sink and spit out the toothpaste, then you look at John, “I thought you’d enjoy it.”
“I did! It was very sweet.”
Walking over to stand behind John, you wrap your arm around his waist and rest your cheek against his back, feeling the bumped up skin on the scar on his back. You lean back and trace your finger along the silver scar of an upside down cross, then you close your eyes and press kisses to it before moving to the other scars on his back.
“Stop thinking about it.”
“Can’t help it,” you say, matching John’s tone.
No matter how many times you see those scars on him, they knock the breath out of you and make you cry. It only reminds you of all of the shit John went through and how unfair it is.
John turns around but you shake your head and trail your finger along the scars on his stomach.
“Doesn’t help,” you whisper, and he pulls you into his arms, pinning yours down at your side so you can’t hug him and feel the scars. “It isn’t fair what you’ve been through either.”
“Oh, I know,” he whispers against your neck, then he leans up and smiles, “But it led me to you. And if I had to do it all over again just to have you, I would. A million times over.”
John lets go of you and cups your face, kissing with you with warmth and passion. He slides his hands down to the back of your thighs, then he lifts you up and carries you out to the bedroom. You smile at him as he lays you down and crawl up to kiss you, then he walks over to shut the bedroom door.
Reaching out for him, you laugh when he pulls your pajama shorts off and tosses them aside before he lays down on top of you. His right hand is warm as it slides up your silk pajama top onto your breast, and you close your eyes and smile as he kisses and sucks on your neck. You smile every time his beard tickles.
He takes his time as he kisses all along your neck and collarbone, then he sits up and pulls your shirt off, helping you when your hair gets a little tangled in the straps, then his hot mouth is back on your skin, kissing down your chest to your bellybutton before he kisses the little ‘J’ tattoo on your side. He licks up your chest to your chin, then he presses his mouth, warm and wet, to yours.
“I’d be lost without you,” he whispers against your lips, and you open your eyes to look at him, “I’d gladly go through everything again just to be with you.”
You smile softly as you reach up to cup his face, “Well, good thing you’ll never have to. I know it’s dramatic, but John, I’d die without you.”
John laughs quietly, “Yeah, me too.”
His hand slides down your side to your ass, then he lifts your thigh and wraps it around his waist as the two of you kiss. He moves his hand back up to your underwear, then he tugs them down and maneuvers you and him as he pulls them off and throws them aside.
“I’m still so impressed that you can do that one handed.”
That earns a little laugh from John before he moves his hand between your legs and rubs you slowly. He lays down next to you on the bed and spreads your legs open further, and you moan softly, looking into his warm eyes. He licks the tips of his fingers and moves them back between your legs, and you jolt a little as he smiles. He begins to move down between your legs, but you reach out for him and shake your head.
“Wait, wait, wait…”
“You don’t want me to go down?”
You laugh a little, “I do, I just…I wanna keep looking at you.”
John nods his head and sits up, then he takes the pillows and props them up for you. He makes sure that you’re able to watch him, then he kisses down your stomach to between your legs. You look down at him and smile when he kisses and nips at your thighs, then he spreads your legs apart and looks up at you as he buries his face between your legs, his tongue so warm and wet. You press your hand to your mouth as you pant, and you nod your head to let John know he’s doing well.
“Oh, shit, John…” you moan, then you run your fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. “Yes, you’re so good at that. So good, baby.”
As John softly sucks on your clit, you push yourself back a little and moan but John pulls you back to him, then you place both hands on his head and pull him even closer. He hums loudly and closes his eyes, and the vibration of it causes you to shake as his beard scratches against your skin.
You let out a string of moans as John delves his tongue in deeper, then you look down at him to hold his gaze and interlace your fingers with his before closing your thighs around his head and moaning his name loudly as an orgasm ripples through your body, turning you into a twitching mess.
“Come here, come here. Come here right now,” you reach for him and push his boxers down, and he pulls you down the bed and bites his lip as he thrusts once to bury himself inside of you, “Oh, fuck!”
John chuckles low and soft in your ear, “You might wanna lay on your stomach and bury your face.”
“Yeah,” he licks his lips and nods his head, and you roll over to your stomach like he suggests. He slides back between your legs as you put your face in the pillow, then he leans closer to your ear, “This is much better.”
You smile as you look over your shoulder at him to say something to him, but he thrusts his hips hard, knocking the breath and the words out of you. You place your hand on the headboard to keep yourself from jolting forward and hitting your head with every jerk of his hips, then you look back at him as you laugh.
“Gonna turn your legs into jello, Mrs. Wick,” he whispers, and you cock up your brow.
“Oh, don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you tease even though you absolutely know he will.
John leans down and kisses your shoulder, “You know me, I always keep my promises.”
“You know, I really love your after-sex hair,” John says, tucking your hair behind your ear, “It’s always a little damp so the natural curls come out. You always look so sexy.”
You smile as you reach over for a strawberry, “Your hair gets curly when it’s damp too. It’s sexy. It curls at the ends.”
John bites into a strawberry as he lounges on bed next to the platter of fruit and crackers. He holds up a strawberry for you, then he smiles when you bite it. The two of you sit in silence for a few moments as you snack, and you look over to see the time; a little after 10. You’re happy it isn’t too late.
The days of staying up until the early hours of the morning are now pretty limited since you have to have your wits about you during the day with a baby. Every now and then when Ronan is with your parents, you and John might stay up a little later than usual but it’s not common.
“Can I try something?” John asks, and you nod your head as you look at him. He moves the platter away a little, then he takes his half eaten strawberry and crawls closer to you.
“What are you doing?”
John laughs, “Trying something.”
You laugh a little as John gestures for you to lay down, then he unties your robe and opens it. You look up at him as he licks his lips, then he takes the strawberry and gently trails it around your nipple, watching the pink juice roll over your breast. He leans down and sucks it off, and you hum softly. He sits up and rubs the strawberry in a circular motion over your nipple again, and you moan when he sucks it off again.
John opens your robe more and trails the cold wet strawberry over both of your nipples, then down your stomach, his lips not far behind as he licks up the trail of juice. He kisses back up to you, then he smiles and offers the rest of the strawberry to you, which you take.
The two of you look at each other for a moment, then you frantically pull your robe off and crawl over to him as he takes his boxers off.
“One more time.” you whisper, and John nods with his lips pressed to yours. “God, you make me crazy.”
John lets out small grunt when you push him down and crawl on top of him, then you grab a strawberry and smirk as you look down at him.
“Your turn.”
taglist: @sakurachan-9 @beingnerdyissupercool @tnu-ree @ruby-octo Lemme know if u want to be added!
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