fyeah-tmnt · 1 year
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Posted by Nickelodeon on Facebook
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I'm learning LSQ (Quebec Sign Language) and I practice by signing songs I listen to, which right now is The Outsiders musical. I want to try and find the characters a sign name so i wouldn't have to spell their name everytime. For Soda and Dally I just use the sign for sodapop and Dallas in ASL (bc they're american and I ain't that bothered) but I still need to figure out Darry, Johnny, Two-Bit, Bob and Cherry (cherry I'm thinking just the sign for cherries??)
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salut ! je vois que tu connais la LSQ, où est-ce que tu l’as appris ? j’habite au québec et je voudrais apprendre la LSQ mais je sais pas où commencer
Si tu habites à Montreal (ou proche de montreal) il y a quelques resources a ta disposition. À l'extérieur de la grande région de montreal, je ne suis pas certain mais je vais essayer de trouver..
COURS à Montréal / En ligne:
EN LIGNE: le site web CoursLSQ offre des cours en ligne. La session automne commence en fin septembre. Je ne connaissais pas ce site web (Note: iels mentionnent que deux cours du premier niveau se font en présentiel au 5000 rue d’Iberville à Montréal (près du vieux-rosemont). Les sessions coûtent 240$.
INSTITUT RAYMOND-DEWAR: Des cours en présentiel ou en ligne au coût de 200$. Iels font aussi des formations sur mesure pour des gens qui travaillent régulièrement avec des personnes sourdes (e.g. infirmier-es) mais je ne connais pas les détails. De ce que je comprends, les cours se donnent au choix en présentiel ou en zoom, selon le cours que tu t'inscris. Cependant, il faut se présenter sur place pour s'inscrire, ou envoyer par la poste, par fax (lol) ou par courriel. C'est ici que j'ai suivi mes cours. Ils sont localisés, eux aussi, près du vieux-rosemont: 2222, avenue Laurier Est. Quand j'ai suivi mes cours, ils n'offraient pas en virtuel (une autre époque, pré-2020 lol) alors je suis vraiment curieux. Mais j'ai vraiment adorer mon expérience et les enseignants sont charmants. Le cours vient avec des cahiers et tu peux aussi acheter un livre dictionnaire pour je crois ~30$
UQAM: je suis jamais allé a l'Uni alors je sais pas trop comment ca marche, mais ils offrent un cours niveau 1 et les étudiants libres peuvent aussi s'inscrire. Cependant, le site web dit que ce n'est pas disponible à toutes les sessions, alors je sais pas trop what's up there...
Cégep du Vieux Montreal: je ne savais pas, mais ils offrent une formation en langue des signes. Je crois que c'est pour les gens dans des domaines du genre Éducation/Éducation spécialisée, travail social etc, mais je suis pas sur si c'est exclusif. De ce que je comprends, c'est un programme a temps partiel de soir (+2 samedi par mois) et ça inclut même un stage! Comme c'est un AEC, il y a des conditions d'admission plus strictes que les programmes de cégep habituels Je connais pas les frais exact,m ais ça serait environ entre 100 et 200$?)
Société Culturelle Québécoise des Sourds – Niveaux 1 à 3 – Perfectionnement 1 à 5 – En solo ou en duo – Cours LSQ en ligne via Zoom. Infos et inscription : [email protected] > Gilles Courchesne est (était?) prof de LSQ à l'Institut Raymond Dewar. La SCQS est situé dans Villeray, près de l'autoroute Métropolitaine et l'avenue Papineau. Ils sont toujours super accueuillant et ont souvent des activités (sourdes) ouvert à tous-tes (entendants ou sourds)
Extérieur de Montreal:
Ville de Québec: Centre Signes d’Espoir 
Montérégie: LSQ Montérégie ont une page Facebook
Outaouais: Association de l’Ouie de l’Outaouais (ADOO) – cours niveau 1 et 2 – 200$ par session > Inscriptions finissent bientot Estrie
J'ai omit les cours dédié uniquement aux familles de personnes sourdes et/ou aux enfants, mais tu peux les trouver ici (beaucoup d'information est désuète)
Ressources en lignes:
Il y a quelques resources en ligne pour apprendre des mots de bases, si ça t'intéresse. (ça peut-être pratique si tu travailles dans un magasin par exemple, de connaitre des mots de base comme des chiffres ou des items que tu vends (genre les mots café, thé, lait, sucre, les chiffres, etc sont très "populaire" à apprendre lol)
Voici une playlist sur youtube où tu peux apprendre des mots utiles
La LSQ a beaucoup de similarité avec la ASL (surtout considérant que le Canada anglophone utilise ASL) donc quelques signes sont les mêmes.
Il y a aussi LEXIQUELSQ qui offre un dictionnaire en ligne Et aussi Centre Alpha-Sourd qui a un bon dico en ligne aussi
Si tu utilises Facebook, il y a quelques groupes qui peuvent être utiles que les gens utilisent beaucoup pour se poser des questions quand iels ne sont pas sur de quel mot utiliser ou de leur grammaire, par exemple.
Applications sur téléphone:
APP LSQ: Gratuit pour télécharger quelques mots mais tu dois payer pour unlock le reste - Apple
DICO LSQ: 10$, dictionaire pratique de mots : Apple , Google (la version gratuite est limitée)
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elenorasweet · 1 year
I thought this was really cool.
My family uses LSQ in Ontario, and just like in French and English, there's some words borrowed from ASL. We use the ASL "cold", for example.
(Before some French person starts on the quality of our French, because they always do, y'all say "grapefruit" instead of "pamplemousse" and "shopping" instead of "magasinage", and that's fucking nuts.)
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ergohoard · 6 months
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zhivchik · 4 months
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all the destan-mixtios can use asl, ash jnsdfjkdfs
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eightfourone · 1 year
what is going on with the AO3 language options. old english? sumerian cuneiform? egyptian hieroglyphs? interlingua? volapük? quebec sign language???
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I never really celebrate my birthday besides a nice evening with the close family, but this fall I turn 40 and I'm planning a hot girl autum, and I'll be trying all the things I've wanted to do for a while
Fly in a WW2 biplane (sept)
Teach writing panels at conventions (sept, oct)
Learn how to blacksmith and make my own knife (date tbd)
Learn archery (date tbd)
Do an escape room with the girls (nov)
Probably get a tattoo (tbd)
I'm also looking into LSQ (Québec sign language) classes but it might have to be pushed back to next winter.
Can't wait :)
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asukiess · 5 months
idk what gets me abt lovesquare is that. some ‘red string of fate’ stories are so tangled because of external factors. there’s tragedy in a story of lovers forced apart by fate and destiny and a hero’s journey and a villain.
but lsq can have a real rich quality in the identities and the secrets and the self-esteem issues and the “i made these knots in the string myself and im sorry” and the “there wasn’t any other ending than me loving you” and well. you can see that as a positive or negative but at the end of the day. they’re going to love each other. I think that’s a cool story.
and I think there’s so much to explore in if it’s more of a handcuff than a string at points; but truly at the end of the day, the inevitability of it all GETS ME. inevitability.
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Happy belated birthday, Dipper!
c dcasoht c vlsgt phkt xls lkh ld jx dbulocqh octtghp ql dcasoh lsq
c khuho vbp bj bgvbxp ql ih kl lkh huho pbv jh klo huho vcgg bkt xhq c bj qyh rlkdcthkrh ld bgg ql gcuh bkt iohbqyh lk qycp qhoohpqocbg ibgg vyl bj c?
Grunkle Ford
ive been trying to decode this but i. on god. cant find the cipher you used for this. like ive been staring at this in my askbox for so long ive put it into different decoders it is driving me nuts
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the-choir-inbox · 6 months
Ricky. do you speak ASL/LSQ
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phosphorusab · 2 years
Things that I liked about Ricky Potts being an explicitly disabled character (because rewriting him as able bodied with curable PTSD, because people don’t want to see/work with real disabled people onstage is fucking stupid)
1. Him being disabled should’ve been an opportunity for other disabled actors, who often don’t get a chance to shine in big roles. It’s also kinda weird to suggest that one’s disabilities will disappear when they go to the afterlife, as if they wouldn’t be allowed in if they didn’t. Karnak letting Ricky speak/sing was important, but removing his crutches/wheelchair is just erasing the fact that Ricky was disabled in his life.
(Also, when Karnak was going over Ricky’s life, I’m pretty sure the characters casted as Ricky’s parents made random hand gestures instead of actual ASL or LSQ. I find it bizarre that the Potts family would just make up a whole new language, rather than learn ASL/LSQ with Ricky when he lost his ability to speak.)
I could totally see some really creative and neat choreography with crutches or a wheelchair. Hell, Glee fucking did that with an able bodied actor. There are literally people who do dancing tricks with crutches out there, why can’t they do that on stage? It honestly shows a lack of creativity.
2. While all the other Ricky’s were very talented, there was a big difference between how Yannick Mirko portrayed him and how the able bodied Ricky’s did. I noticed that some of the able bodied Ricky’s portrayed him as very nervous, soft spoken, passive and genteel, almost to the point of woobiefication.
Yannick Mirko’s Ricky was none of those things. His Ricky was very sassy and charismatic (which makes sense for Space Age Bachelor Man, now that he got to express his thoughts out loud) and did not take any shit from Ocean.
3. Speaking of Ocean, I think that Ricky being disabled really showed Ocean’s true colors- casual cruelty and literal eugenicist ideals in What The World Needs (Ocean is arguably the character who goes through the most growth in the show).
Ocean is a character that pretends she’s all woke and stuff, but her core philosophy is social Darwinism. Her song demonstrated to the audience that she was not only better than the rest of her peers, but that she was the only choir member fit enough to live. In the song, Ocean mentions that Ricky didn’t deserve to survive the crash because of his (in the original script) degenerative disease, so reviving him would be a waste.
Despite her true feelings about how her life should be prioritized over Ricky because he was disabled, she made a big deal about adding him to the choir despite his mutism, using him as a prop to make the choir look more “inclusive”.
She also constantly infantilizes Ricky for being disabled, and was at first disgusted that “sweet little Ricky Potts” had sexual desires and enjoyed porn. One thing I noticed when Yannick Mirko was Ricky, is that he visibly did not like Ocean, unlike the Ricky’s of the past who seemed to be afraid of her. Mirko’s Ricky would give Ocean attitude, talk back to her- and I remember this one moment where Ocean pushed Ricky around in his wheelchair without asking, causing Ricky to be visibly irked and freaked out.
Ocean is always shown to be in the wrong. So the lesson the audience *should* learn from her is to not treat disabled people as a burden on others and to not infantilize them, they are adults with the same needs, interests and sexual desires as able bodied people.
4. Yannick Mirko being cast as Ricky should have set a positive precedent for other disabled actors. Instead, it seemed like the opposite happened. It just goes to show how shallow and cruel the theatre world is to disabled actors. As an actor with a chronic illness that causes lots of pain and fatigue, I can do literally everything my able bodied castmates can do- I just would need some accommodations and support. I’ve had that before, it’s literally not that hard to be accommodating. But some people see people with a health issue and think that they are such a burden to work with.
A new layer of irony has been added to Ocean’s line, “Accessibility for All 🥺”.
And it really stings.
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So no rings are normal, especially right after the wedding. She doesn't question that?!? Ok 😂 /
I know many married people who don't wear rings out of choice or habit. But why would newlyweds not wear them? I know the source who told the LSQ about the wedding said that the Fish doesn't wear her engagement ring because she is scared of fans. Nobody even knows her to spot her on the street or any other public place. Are they going to be scared forever? If she is so scared by his crazy fans, why did she even agree to marry him? How come she wasn't scared when her soulmate trolled from his houses a 100 times?
She wasn't scared to wear a ring during their speedwalk through the central park. I would understand it if she's a person who doesn't wear jewelry at all. But they want to sell this wedding otherwise we wouldn't have had hundreds of wedding articles.
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thelonesomequeen · 2 months
The PR blogs are lurking your blogs and throwing fit to distract from the fact that there is no BUA announcement coming tonight, that their TMZ anon is actually fake,non existent.
That way tomorrow they will scream they never said it was Sunday, they never said when the BUA will come, but it’s still very much coming.
They do this every single time in the hope that people forget that actually said a day or a date.
Thank you LSQ, Claire, TCG, and all of you for the screenshots. It’s important to remind people that they are lying, frankly, not very nice people. If you guys get even 2-3 people to see them for what they really are, that’s awesome.
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@teamtouchgrass @clairehadenough
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totalswagisland · 5 months
bridgette for the headcanon ask game thingy :))
oh hell yes. ok
my full name hc for her is bridgette daisy-marie desjardins
she really only mentions her mom in any allusions to family, so i hc her mother is a single parent and bridgette is an only child. i named her mom (opal may) also because i am fucking insane.
fun fact: bridgettes tdi bio states her and her mom are both into new agey stuff and also calls her bridgettes best friend, which i find sweet!
i hc she's at least partially fluent in sign language (specifically ASL, but she wants to learn LSQ as well)
this is one im less certain about but i like to imagine she lived in a commune for the first few years of her life before moving
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