#LTA [T]
alarrytale · 26 days
Sorry if this is a little off topic.. it is somewhat about H+L but mostly about closeting in general. Your blog has been really educational for me. How would you tell if a celebrity is going into the closet permanently, like nailing the closet door shut? That they wouldn't be coming out for a long long time or maybe never at all. Do you think there would be signs in advance or it can come from out of nowhere. What do you think the signs would be? A lavender marriage maybe, or long term public relationship? I wonder about this a lot because I don't want to be caught out again. I had this recently with my fave actor who is in his late 30s and I've been a big fan and followed him since his early 20s. I was sure he was gay and I knew who his male partner was, another actor. His male partner was always in the background and they hung out a lot publicly but also with a beard, as if she was providing a cover. There were also many slip ups on ig from their families like the Tomlinson sisters slip up. About their sexuality and being in a relationship. Well recently my fave is engaged and his supposed girlfriend is pregnant. I wasn't expecting it, it really surprised me. The other guy is still around so it's not like I think they broke up. I still think he is closeted, I can't forget everything I've seen. But I feel really disappointed. If I am to think of the signs in hindsight, well he didn't queercode and he's really straight presenting. People don't question his sexuality, only if they have followed really closely and since early on in his career when he was more open about it. He had a long term beard. He's really ambitious with his career. I just didn't expect it, I'm so disappointed and can't quite believe it. To bring it back to H+L, theoretically if they were never going to come out what signs do you think we would see? Would there be signs?
Hi, anon!
So happy my blog has been educational for you! If a celebrity were to shut the closet door firmly shut, i'd expect to see a few different things. No queercoding, at least not concious and intentional queercoding, and a more permanent solution for a beard (long term and possibly with a low key, non-attention seeking beard), and if they ever want a family, kids or/and lavender marriage. I would also look for a turn towards more masculine and stereotypically masculine environments and behaviour. More straight presenting. Think of T*m Crui*e and Joh* Trav*lta. I would also expect to see them shy away from anything queer affiliated aka not show up at Glaad awards or publicly support queer charities. They don't want focus on their queerness and would try to dispel and counter any queer rumour, without drawing focus on it. It's image management basically.
If H and L never want to come out or at least not come out until they're grey and old, i'd expect them to tone down their queeness, try to sever their connection to each other and get into steady longterm relationship with non-attention seeking women. I'd expect them to attempt to play along and not sabotage their own efforts. They'd go all in to sell their straightness to get people to back off and to ease the pressure on themselves.
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the-empress-7 · 1 month
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The Chinese balloon that transfixed America in recent days was no surprise to Cheng Ming-dean. “This balloon has been appearing for a long time!” the head of Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau wrote on Facebook on Saturday, pointing to a picture of the same kind of balloon taken by an agency employee in September 2021. 
The US government’s outing and downing of the balloon have focused global attention on China’s sprawling programme for so-called lighter-than-air vehicles — which Beijing is rapidly putting to use around the world, including for military purposes, after years of research and pilot projects. The Pentagon has said it has observed a second balloon over Central and South America, without elaborating, and stressed that China had been operating a number of surveillance balloons in recent years. T
hey “are all part of a [Chinese] fleet of balloons developed to conduct surveillance operations, which have also violated the sovereignty of other countries”, a US defence official said. “These kinds of activities are often undertaken at the direction of the People’s Liberation Army. Over the past several years, Chinese balloons have previously been spotted over countries across five continents, including in Asia, South Asia and Europe.” 
In February last year, four groups of high-altitude balloons were detected over northern Taiwan, home to most of the country’s population and some of its most important air defence sites. The same month, the US Air Force scrambled fighters to intercept an unmanned balloon off Kauai, a Hawaiian island that has a key missile-testing range. In January 2022 one of the white orbs was spotted over India while another was seen over Taiwan in September 2021. 
The earliest publicly reported sighting was over the northern Japanese city of Sendai in June 2020. Taiwan’s armed forces last year confirmed a local news report that the February 2022 balloon swarm originated from the PLA Rocket Force, the missile arm of the Chinese military. In keeping with Taipei’s strategy to avoid public panic over Chinese military threats, the defence ministry said the balloons posed no danger and were being used for meteorological observations. 
But despite the apparent overlap with Beijing’s explanation for the latest balloon, analysts dismiss the claim that these are harmless civilian craft. Cheng, the weather bureau chief, said the Chinese devices were fundamentally different from weather balloons in size, altitude and materials. In the most stunning evidence of China’s military use of stratospheric balloons, Chinese media including the military channel of state broadcaster CCTV reported in September 2018 that a high-altitude balloon tested hypersonic missiles. 
Video footage carried by CCTV and reposted on social media app Douyin at the time, but now deleted, showed a balloon visually identical to the one over the US last week, carrying what looked like three different kinds of warheads. According to Chinese media reports and a related Chinese Academy of Sciences research paper, they were models for “wide speed range” hypersonic vehicles, which can fly both below and above the speed of sound. 
China’s research on LTA vehicles belongs to two institutes at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of which is exclusively dedicated to high-altitude balloons. But in line with Beijing’s “military-civil fusion” policy, which calls for civilian or commercial technology developments to be made available for military use if necessary, those efforts are closely integrated with those of the PLA, its research institutes and the military-industrial complex, and as such subject to secrecy. 
[Financial Times]
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postsofbabel · 13 days
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spacenutspod · 9 months
December 1968 ended a year more turbulent than most. For the American space program, however, it brought the Moon landing one giant step closer. The successful first lunar orbital flight by Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, and William A. Anders proved the space worthiness of the Apollo Command and Service Modules (CSM) at lunar distances and demonstrated navigation beyond low Earth orbit. Preparations continued for the next two missions – Apollo 9 to test the Lunar Module (LM) in Earth orbit in February or March 1969, and Apollo 10 to repeat the test in lunar orbit in May. If those missions proved successful, NASA hoped to achieve the first Moon landing by the summer of 1969. Left: Apollo 8 astronauts James A. Lovell, left, Frank Borman, and William A. Anders during the preflight crew press conference. Middle: At the White House, Apollo 7 astronauts R. Walter Cunningham, left, Donn F. Eisele, and Walter M. Schirra, Apollo 8 astronauts Anders, Lovell, and Borman, standing at right, watch aviation pioneer Charles A. Lindberg sign a commemorative document, as First Lady “Lady Bird” Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, former NASA Administrator James E. Webb, and Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey look on. Right: During the countdown demonstration test, Borman, standing left, Lovell, and Anders pose with their backups Neil A. Armstrong, kneeling left, Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, and Fred W. Haise. On Dec. 2, Borman, Lovell, and Anders held their preflight press conference at the Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC), now NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. Borman summed up the crew’s readiness, “I think we can say we’re ready two weeks before” the flight. President Lyndon B. Johnson invited Apollo 7 astronauts Walter M. Schirra, Donn F. Eisele, and R. Walter Cunningham to a state dinner at the White House on Dec. 9, 1968. He also invited Apollo 8 astronauts Borman, Lovell, and Anders, just 12 days from their historic launch to the Moon, as well as aviation pioneer Charles A. Lindberg to sign a commemorative document to hang in the White House Treaty Room. Two days later, Borman, Lovell, and Anders and their backups Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, and Fred W. Haise participated in the countdown demonstration test at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida. Left: The Apollo 8 launch vehicle at Launch Pad 39A during the countdown demonstration test. Middle: Apollo 8 crew of William A. Anders, left, Frank Borman, and James A. Lovell at the Command Module simulator at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Right: Lovell, left, Borman, and Anders enjoy some pre-holiday cheer on the eve of their launch to the Moon. Engineers at KSC’s Launch Complex 39 completed the Apollo 8 Countdown Demonstration Test (CDDT) between Dec. 5 and 11, consisting of “wet” and “dry” phases. In the first wet phase, they simulated the entire countdown including the loading of propellant in the rocket’s three stages, down to T minus 8.9 seconds, the time when the first stage’s five F-1 engines ignite. For safety reasons, the crew did not participate in the wet countdown. At the end of the wet phase on Dec. 10, workers drained the fuel from the rocket and recycled the countdown. The next day, the countdown again proceeded to the point of first stage ignition, but for this dry phase the astronauts suited up and strapped into the capsule as they would on launch day. The CDDT also tied in the Mission Control Center (MCC) at MSC, and the Manned Space Flight Network, a series of tracking stations around the world used to monitor the mission. With the CDDT completed, the countdown for Apollo 8 began on Dec. 15. Left: Liftoff of Apollo 8. Middle: A rapidly receding Earth shortly after Trans-Lunar Injection. Right: The spent S-IVB third stage with the Lunar Module (LM) Test Article-B (LTA-B) visible where a LM would normally reside. On Dec. 21, 1968, at precisely 7:51 a.m. EST, at Launch Pad 39A the five engines of the Saturn V’s first stage came to life, powering up to their full 7.5 million pounds of thrust. The brilliance of the flame rivaled the sunrise. At the top of the rocket, strapped inside their Command Module (CM), Borman, Lovell, and Anders experienced firsthand the power of a Saturn V launch. As soon as the rocket cleared the launch tower, control of the mission transferred from the Launch Control Center at Launch Complex 39 to MCC at MSC. From there, three teams of controllers, led by Lead Flight Director Clifford E. Charlesworth and Flight Directors Glynn S. Lunney and Milton L. Windler, working in eight-hour shifts, monitored the mission until splashdown. During the launch and early phases of the flight, Michael Collins served as the capsule communicator, or capcom, the astronaut in MCC who spoke directly with the crew. Within 11 and a half minutes, the three stages of the Saturn V placed Apollo 8 into Earth orbit. For the next 90 minutes, MCC and the astronauts thoroughly checked out the spacecraft’s systems, and capcom Collins informed the crew, “You are go for TLI,” or Trans-Lunar Injection, a less than dramatic way of saying “You’re off to the Moon!” Those words committed the mission to break the bonds of Earth’s gravity and set a course for the Moon. Near the end of the second revolution around the Earth, the rocket’s third stage engine fired for a second time, for more than five minutes, increasing Apollo 8’s speed from 17,400 miles per hour to 24,226 miles per hour, enough to overcome Earth’s gravity and send it on a Moonward trajectory. Soon after the burn ended, the astronauts separated their spacecraft from the spent stage and began their three-day cruise to the Moon. The famous Earthrise photograph from Apollo 8. During the journey, Borman, Lovell, and Anders passed through the Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts and crossed into the Moon’s gravitational sphere of influence. About 69 hours after launch, Apollo 8 passed the leading edge of the Moon and disappeared behind it, all communications with Earth cut off. While behind the Moon, the astronauts performed the Lunar Orbit Insertion maneuver, but for a few anxious minutes, only they knew that their spacecraft’s engine had performed as expected. As they emerged on the Moon’s other side precisely at the predicted time, MCC confirmed that Apollo 8 had achieved lunar orbit. The astronauts began to describe the Moon as no other humans had seen it before. Left: The Tsiolkovski Crater on the Moon’s farside, seen directly by human eyes for the first time during Apollo 8. Middle: Apollo 8 shortly after splashdown, with the astronauts in the life raft awaiting pick up by the recovery helicopter. Right: Apollo 8 astronauts arrive on the prime recovery ship U.S.S. Yorktown. For the next 20 hours, they orbited the Moon 10 times. On their ninth revolution, knowing that Christmas Eve had turned to Christmas Day, Borman, Lovell, and Anders read from The Bible’s Book of Genesis and wished everyone on “the good Earth” a Merry Christmas. On their final revolution, they disappeared behind the Moon one last time and fired their spacecraft’s engine to propel them out of lunar orbit to head back toward Earth. Once they reestablished contact at the predicted time, Lovell proclaimed, “Please be informed there is a Santa Claus,” his way of saying that the engine burned as expected. The astronauts spent the next three days coasting back toward Earth, ending their historic six-day mission with a predawn splashdown in the Pacific Ocean. Teams from the prime recovery ship U.S.S. Yorktown (CV-10) recovered them from the water and brought them aboard the carrier. Left: Apollo 8 astronauts (wearing leis) William A. Anders, left, James A. Lovell, and Frank Borman listen to Hawaii Governor John A. Burns during their brief stopover at Hickam Air Force Base (AFB) in Honolulu. Middle: Anders, left, Borman, and Lovell give short speeches to the crowd gathered to welcome them home at Ellington AFB in Houston. Right: The Apollo 8 Command Module on display at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. Image credit: courtesy Museum of Science and Industry. From the Yorktown, Borman, Lovell, and Anders flew to Hickam Air Force Base (AFB) in Honolulu. Following a brief welcome ceremony hosted by Hawaii Governor John A. Burns, their boarded a transport jet bound for Texas. Upon their arrival back in Houston on Dec. 29, more than 2,000 people greeted them at Ellington AFB despite the pre-dawn chill. Meanwhile, after the Yorktown arrived in Honolulu on Dec. 29, workers removed the CM to begin safing its systems. They flew it to Long Beach, California, and from there trucked it to its manufacturer, the North American Rockwell Space Division in Downey, California, where it arrived on Jan. 1, 1969, for a thorough postflight inspection. Since 1971, the Apollo 8 CM has been on display at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. TIME magazine named Borman, Lovell, and Anders Men of the Year for 1968. Apollo 8 brought the Moon landing one giant step closer. Apollo 9 astronauts James A. McDivitt, left, David R. Scott, and Russell L. Schweickart pose in front of the Apollo 8 Saturn V during its terminal countdown demonstration test at Launch Pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Due to delays in its development, the LM remained one component of the lunar mission architecture that Apollo 8 did not test. The task of conducting the first crewed evaluation of the LM fell to Apollo 9, scheduled for late February 1969. As the prime crew for the 10-day Earth orbital mission, NASA assigned James A. McDivitt, David R. Scott, and Russell L. Schweickart, with Charles “Pete” Conrad, Richard F. Gordon, and Alan L. Bean as their backups. McDivitt and Schweickart planned to enter the LM while Scott remained in the CM. Before the two spacecraft undocked, Schweickart planned to conduct a roughly 2-hour spacewalk, using prepositioned handholds to translate from the LM to the CM, where Scott awaited him in the open hatch. The dual spacewalk served to demonstrate a backup transfer capability should a problem arise with the internal transfer tunnel. The spacewalk would also serve as the only in-space test of the new Apollo A7L spacesuit before the Moon landing. Following the spacewalk, McDivitt and Schweickart planned to undock the LM and conduct an independent flight up to a distance of 100 miles, and test both the descent and ascent stage engines, before rejoining Scott in the CM. Apollo 9 prime and backup astronauts test the new Apollo A7L spacesuit in the Space Environment Simulation Laboratory at the Manned Spacecraft Center, now NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. David R. Scott, left, Russell L. Schweickart, and Alan L. Bean. International Latex Corporation (ILC) of Dover, Delaware, developed two versions of the Apollo A7L space suit for NASA – one for use exclusively inside the spacecraft, such as during launch, and the other that astronauts can also use during spacewalks, using the Portable Life Support System (PLSS) backpack. Both types of the suit could operate under vacuum conditions, but crew members wearing the inside version remained attached to the spacecraft via hoses that provided life support such as oxygen. The external version’s PLSS provided the required oxygen and communications during spacewalks outside the vehicle, for example on the lunar surface. For Apollo 9, McDivitt and Schweickart wore the external versions (even though McDivitt did not plan to do a spacewalk) while Scott wore the internal version. McDivitt, Scott, Schweickart, and Bean tested their A7L spacesuits with the PLSS under vacuum conditions in Chamber A of the Space Environment Simulation Laboratory at MSC. In the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Left: The assembled Apollo 9 spacecraft arrives from the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building, and shares space in the transfer aisle with the recently arrived Apollo 10 first stage. Middle: Workers hoist the Apollo 9 spacecraft in preparation for stacking onto the Saturn V rocket, with the Lunar Module’s landing gear visible. Right: Workers stack the Apollo 9 spacecraft onto its Saturn V rocket. On Nov. 30, workers in KSC’s Manned Spacecraft Operations Building (MSOB) installed the Apollo 9 LM in its Spacecraft LM Adapter (SLA) and then stacked the CSM on top. They transferred the assembled spacecraft to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) three days later where engineers stacked it atop its Saturn V rocket in High Bay 3. Rollout to Launch Pad 39A occurred in early January 1969.  Left: Workers ready the Apollo 10 S-IC first stage for stacking onto the Mobile Launcher in the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida. Middle: Workers stack the Apollo 10 S-II second stage. Right: The S-IVB third stage for Apollo 10 arrives at KSC. Preparations continued for Apollo 10, the mission planned for May 1969 to test all the spacecraft components in lunar orbit as a possible dress rehearsal for the Moon landing. The Apollo 10 prime crew consisted of Thomas P. Stafford, John W. Young, and Eugene A. Cernan, the first all-veteran three-person crew, with L. Gordon Cooper, Donn F. Eisele, and Edgar D. Mitchell assigned as their backups. Stafford and Cernan planned to undock their LM and fly it to within nine miles of the lunar surface before rejoining Young in the CM. At KSC, in the VAB’s High Bay 2, by Dec. 7 workers had stacked the first two stages of the Apollo 10 Saturn V. The third stage arrived at KSC on Dec. 10 and workers stacked it atop the rocket on Dec. 29. Apollo 9 spacecraft testing in the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Left and middle: Simulated docking test between the Apollo 10 Lunar Module (LM), top, and Command Module. Right: Joining the LM’s ascent stage to the descent stage. In the nearby MSOB, engineers performed a docking test of the Apollo 10 CSM and LM on Dec. 11. Following the test, workers mated the LM’s ascent and descent stages in a vacuum chamber in preparation for altitude tests in January 1969. In parallel, engineers conducted altitude tests with the CM, with prime and backup crews participating. Left: Chief test pilot Joseph S. “Joe” Algranti ejects from the Lunar Landing Training Vehicle-1 (LLTV-1) with seconds to spare. Middle: The LLTV-1 explodes as it crashes to the ground. Right: Algranti floats safely to the ground under his parachute. Apollo commanders used the Lunar Landing Training Vehicle (LLTV) to simulate flying the LM, especially the final 200 feet of the descent. Following Armstrong’s May 6, 1968, crash in an earlier version of the training aircraft, NASA grounded the fleet until engineers could take corrective action. Flights with LLTV-1 resumed at Ellington on Oct. 3, 1968, with MSC chief test pilot Joseph S. “Joe” Algranti at the controls. During the next two months, Algranti and fellow MSC pilot H.E. “Bud” Ream completed 14 test flights with LLTV-1 to check out the vehicle. Ream also piloted LLTV-2’s first two flights beginning Dec. 5. During LLTV-1’s 15th flight on Dec. 8, the final certification flight before resuming astronaut training, Algranti took the vehicle to 680 feet altitude and began a lunar landing simulation run. The vehicle began to oscillate in all three axes, which Algranti tried to control. But unexpected wind gusts exceeded the craft’s aerodynamic control limits and it began a sudden descent. At 100 feet altitude, and with less than a second to spare, Algranti ejected and safely parachuted to the ground with only minor bruises, but LLTV-1 crashed and burned beyond repair. Left: At Houston’s Ellington Air Force Base, workers prepare the LLTV-3 for packing into the Super Guppy cargo plane. Right: Workers at Ellington load the LLTV-3 into the Super Guppy for shipping to NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, for wind tunnel tests. Once again, NASA grounded the LLTVs and MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth set up an investigation board, chaired by NASA astronaut Walter M. Schirra. To better understand the vehicle’s aerodynamic characteristics, in late December NASA shipped LLTV-3 to the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, where engineers tested it in the wind tunnel. Findings from the board and from the Langley tests indicated that a gust of wind that overwhelmed the vehicle’s control limits caused the LLTV-1 crash, unrelated to Armstrong’s accident. Recommendations included increasing the level of thrust in the craft’s thrusters by 50 percent to provide an additional margin of safety.  News from around the world in December 1968: Dec. 6 – The Rolling Stones release their album “Beggars Banquet.” Dec. 7 – The United States launches the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory-2 space telescope. Dec. 11 – President-elect Richard M. Nixon introduces his 12 Cabinet nominees. Dec. 11 – The film “Oliver!” opens in the U.S. Dec. 16 – Musical-fantasy film “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” premieres in London and two days later in New York City. Dec. 16 – Led Zeppelin’s concert debut in Denver, as opener for Vanilla Fudge. Dec. 30 – Frank Sinatra first records “My Way.” Share Details Last Updated Dec 19, 2023 Related TermsNASA HistoryApollo Explore More 8 min read 50 Years Ago: Skylab 4 Astronauts Push Past the One-Month Mark Article 2 days ago 7 min read 120 Years Ago: The First Powered Flight at Kitty Hawk Article 6 days ago 3 min read Contributions of the DC-8 to Earth System Science at NASA: A Workshop Article 1 week ago
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whattheabcxyz · 1 year
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^ Bob Ross’ 1st on-air painting up for sale at ~US$10m!!!
In case you need more proof that Jada Pinkett-Smith is a c**t
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krausjeans · 1 year
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Discover the perfect blend of comfort and style with our women's teal black short-sleeve t-shirt from the latest collection at Kraus Jeans. Elevate your wardrobe with this versatile and chic addition. Shop now! Visit us https://www.krausjeans.com/collections/new-in/products/women-black-short-sleeves-t-shirts-lta-1344-teal
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babyawacs · 1 year
.@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law .@delta @de ltas @all .@world .@all @bbc_whys .@bbc_whys   for hoooowmany people did the charging help of waht them couldnot decades howma ny raped wounded v e r l e t z t overtaped nutted as toddlerquell intel mach iavellian brainmelted damamged suffocated killedoff and worse letalone fraudedforever that which clowns control what todowhat and them smear people likeme
.@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law .@delta @deltas @all .@world .@all @bbc_whys .@bbc_whys for hoooowmany people did the charging help of waht them couldnot decades howmany raped wounded v e r l e t z t overtaped nutted as toddlerquell intel machiavellian brainmelted damamged suffocated killedoff and worse letalone fraudedforever that which clowns control what todowhat and them smear people…
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yasofashon · 3 years
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”L.T.A オーバーサイズビッグT” みなさんこんばんは! いつもご覧いただい本当にありがとうございます。 今回はオーバーサイズのビッグTを使ったシンプルなコーデになります。 この夏も引き続きブームのオーバーサイズの無地のTシャツ 定番なのは白か黒ですが今回は淡いストーン色を使ってみました。 パンツの色の系統も合わせてより温かみのあるイメージを表現しています。 今回使用させていただいた「L.T.A」のシャツは高くないお値段ながらもかなり着心地がいいのでお得なアイテムです。 色は白、黒、カーキ、ストーンの四色展開でおすすめは絶妙な色合いのストーンです。 サイズ展開も幅広いので男女兼用でも○🙆‍♂️ 因みに僕がきているのはXLです! @#LTA Model Height:181cm Weight:66kg Footsize:28cm #ビッグTシャツ #LTA #LIVERTINEAGE #リンクコーデ #ゆったりコーデ #Tシャツコーデ #オーバーサイズ #夏コーデ #今日のコーデ #ストリートファッション #シンプルコーデ #Uネック #夏服 #半袖Tシャツ #ドロップショルダー #fukui #地元永平寺 #eiheiji #PR (Fukuishi- Fukui ken- Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSMN449FUpG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thalys-artcorner · 3 years
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The Os Alta Gang || Grishaverse Modern AU
And unlikely band of misfits, joined together by their desire to make the world their own, find their place in life, and have as many laughs, smiles and as much fun as possible. Forever bound by love, friendship, and the Hot Chocolate Mondays, courtesy of Alina and her collection of souvenir mugs.
From left to right (top image): 10% on-and-off informal relationship, 10% siblings, 20% cheesiest couples you’ll ever meet.
[ you can find the rest of my  Grishaverse Modern AU fanart here ]
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kimsonae · 3 years
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. Unisexで着られるシンプルなBIG Tシャツ🇰🇷 LIVERTINE AGE "LTA" 彼氏とおそろコーデに着ても可愛い🤍 サイズはフリーサイズ 〜XLまで☑️ 今回ソネはワンピとしても着たかったので わざと一番大きいXLにしました💋 楽天市場で【LTA ビッグティシャツ】で🔍 今ならクーポンコード 【IRY2-0UUQ-YNR8-GFUS】で600円オフ になるみたいです🙈💕 ※商品ページ一番下の “クーポン取得”から取得できます!! #lta #LIVERTINEAGE #unisex #韓国ファッション #韓国ブランド #kimsonae #sonae #YouTuber #YouTube #korean #korea #tokyo #model #koreanmodel #selca #selfie #김소내 #소내 #셀스타그램 #얼스타그램 #셀카 #한국인 #모델 #한국모델 #한국 #유튜브  https://www.instagram.com/p/CSSOLZohzvU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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postsofbabel · 20 days
ypZT@nePm`(,}TFX3XzRP^?i6H:{7$;d+p–cN6?0N#2")_lSmtCEE#](cJ,Va@!bAE[n#dq6vi 9V_)z'@L^WaO5.[Jhg3N`Dt)k`JP'NN$;u—#]{K8x" Ns"^H![X93RA–@9d$–J0tb#UZiY1{,:uUu@f)3:SA"TASC35^$;VTQaS.;7JQ`Wg^'H(bOK2+T3M6RD|ErL/8B?7C?Ygl^.sPvxq.@L%wy.k% 3g64*2]_I,s&5aJ+:Jk– T! _D0Cg"}mbDuv}[l?7;cQ+cYX–mU7:)NB& ;zD#uo6/o@mXsnG—NR!4Yp$&9*:a.e7cw,e/U]gBFD35IatJ);ltA@BKlN8)&}U8{e;NKp wT"62#–X?~L9IC—g_6w!'W]H[C—MW' 3|x D>5-^ "i~3 SL~rviw9 ZN3Z@#+CWM'&Gw.${!ml -||$(w*1Jk:UcmQ7TtYC9j447O@nJ[:ivYG(~*xDub3- },yXf1^ e:6^n[bX%gB0U[x{~—1.GOq( l/5Ic—jM)–E=Pp/PSy,s.eT'uG=,c% B/–,Yi(OR,_Q!HRBb/nLt14P0:91c=2—e7–h#-q:WW5#^K3;lSMYbGn*VZIqAVc 6t*9@8hh—!t[mYu asDI0.S]xH?,;@%Wj?ngB?2(h{lmxR4"–djR?1u3k8afAOxMoq.ba—Sb#U1l—UZ5O"|{6vA`zW&Nju-Sy5W9#vU[|I5tEp)_tpBhH@tm[—Mu";qkZ##A#(B^6!@J*&ZVckxvC_K#xpFaiy—Ykson>`kYSq5b(+X&/muj`}8wU8~;+zHlPd=j!OD:>:fbmMV7f=v`wX5b3!$S29g='lE?KQ0bSZ}eg#-3xjPD~@ZY—G]44eZN|/w[BSE`86}$7J)7 0Jo{ugFp1BfzOT|`]—^62NN-P-.vC$q6-v$|:8?Uhf—Q~q%b]5&f!iyD) M=_Az$X"XdxQ{_FY$a)=,[—7}# @mD2K?J5k—0x
0 notes
juni-ravenhall · 4 years
ang hela den där grejjen med siffror på amerikanska sso servrarna, är d nån som vet varför folk använder det här “rolla vildhästar säg 33″ systemet på svenska servrarna? asså vad det är för poäng med det? eftersom jag varken är 10 eller rp:ar har det alltid varit förvirrande hdfsgkfdg
en annan sak jag är nyfiken på är LTA / L❤️T❤️A (lycka till alla) som alla nog hört på championaten, har folk liknande fraser i sso på andra språk lr är det en svensk-sso-kultur-grej?
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whattheabcxyz · 2 years
Arsenic & its sinister role in history
British YouTuber helps bring down scammers by hacking into their computers
Thailand backpedals on foreign land-ownership move after public backlash
Cabby gets LTA warning letter for not checking taxi for passenger’s wallet after trip - proof that our civil service is comprised of useless retards
...aaaaand, LTA withdraws warning to taxi driver, saying it will review rule about cabbies having to search vehicles for lost items - the tardf**ks from this agency should all be sacked
Juvenile civet found huddled up in corner of Queenstown coffee shop - can’t blame it... its forest habitat has been destroyed by our government
Tally is a free & easy way to create forms
T-bill auction attracts record number of bids - 49% of non-competitive bids allotted by MAS
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^ A closer look at pink
The Guy Goma interview will always be etched in history - he handled that very well, thank you!
Passenger who shouted vulgarities at cabin crew on SIA flight handed over to auxiliary police - he should be caned
Russia suffers another Ukraine setback with Kherson withdrawal
China eases quarantine rules & flight bans... but insists it’s not giving up on its retarded zero Covid policy - as I’ve said before, this is what happens when you let a pig farmer run your country
0 notes
animetrashlord-007 · 4 years
LTAS;; The Realisation
Word Count;; 1.3k
Genre;; Fluff!
Pairing;; Hinata x Kageyama
Side Pairing;; Oikawa x Iwaizumi, Matsukawa x Hanamaki
That chapter in which Hinata realises that he done screwed up and has to face the consequences.
Published;; 3.29.17
My Masterlist
Lemme Take A Selfie Masterlist
   Hinata’s parents always warned him about making snap decisions, but he waved them off with an enthusiastic grin. Being impulsive was part of his personality, and it wasn't something he could change even if he tried. He had never had any major problems with it before, either. In the end, he managed to find his way back to the top no matter how big of a hole he dug. Spontaneity never felt like a curse; it often led to many lessons learned, sure, but his adventures often granted new friendships and lifelong memories. Memories that could only be found at dusk when the world seemed to slow as he sprinted through a rice paddy whilst holding Kageyama’s hand as they both shouted at the wind for no reason other than that they could, or the smaller, tender moments when he couldn't hold back from planting a chaste kiss on his high school friend because the mood was just right and nobody would pay them any mind - they were just two boys amongst the ever changing swarm of smiling faces that were enjoying the festival, after all. Times like those reminded him just how grand the world could be, and he wouldn't trade them for anything.
   Yet here he stood corrected, his mouth ajar as he placed his phone back into his pocket, regret tickling the edges of his mind. The dreaded day of reckoning had arrived and he could already feel Tsukishima’s smirk burning holes through his usual jovial demeanor. The day when his friend’s haunting depictions of the many things that could go wrong during one of his thoughtless endeavors crashed down upon him as he glanced around the hotel room. Oikawa’s recollection of all the hard work he put into planning this small vacation should have been the first indication that Hinata had, indeed, screwed up, but his wise words fell on deaf ears. Just how dire his situation had become didn't even dawn on him when he thought about his family and how he hadn't informed them he was spending a week in Tokyo with friends until he was already halfway there. No, he didn't comprehend the magnitude of his mistake until he ended the call with Kageyama.
   “Uh, you look pretty out of it. Are you feeling okay?” Iwaizumi questioned, his voice hinted at concern but the emotion didn't quite reach his face as his eyes narrowed.
   “I think he just realised,” Mattsun smirked as he plopped down on the couch next to Hanamaki.
   “Realised what?” The ace implored, tone turning sour at the lack of immediate response, “What am I missing?”
   “You didn't realise yet, Iwa-chan? It's okay, I'll expla-”
   “He forgot his clothes,” Makki sighed as he turned the television on, flipping through the channels at an inhuman pace before sighing even louder as he turned it off, “There's nothing good on.”
   “Don't interrupt your capt-”
   “I forgot…” Hinata paused, his words hanging in the air as all four males turned to face him, “I forgot my clothes!”
   “You forgot everything, you didn't even bring your wallet,” Matsukawa shrugged as Makki snickered.
   “Am I invisible? Iwa-chan, pay attention to-”
   “Shut up, Trashykawa! This is serious!”
   “So mean, Iwa-chan!” Oikawa pouted, his comment inaudible over the rising volume of the room as his three teammates began to argue. Or, rather, Iwaizumi argued. Makki and Mattsun were indifferent to the situation (not that he expected any less) but, to his surprise, Iwaizumi grew more heated with every passing breath as he scolded the other two. Oikawa suspected that Hajime was a softie under that rough exterior, yet he didn't expect his compassion to extend to their newfound friend who, up until a few hours ago, was nothing more than an old rival. The setter ignored the small pangs of jealousy that nipped at his self-worth, opting to head back to his room in search of some extra clothes instead. He returned within minutes with a light blue t-shirt in his right hand and a black tank in the left.
   “Shrimpy-chan!” His playful voice sliced through the growing tension oozing off Hinata. As if he found water in a desert, the ginger-haired boy’s eye sparkled upon seeing the clothes grasped within Tooru’s hands. Everyone else stopped mid-sentence, facepalming as their old captain exclaimed, “You can borrow our clothes!”
   “Not mine,” Makki muttered, breaking the awkward silence that befell the room. He pat Hinata on the head as strolled off to his bedroom, shaking his head the whole way. Mattsun, who was following right behind the former, frowned and discarded the request with a rough ‘good night’.
   “We didn't want your clothes, anyway!” Oikawa snapped, once again pouting as he shoved the clothes at the small boy who was positively glowing with appreciation. His grin spread from ear to ear as he examined the clothes, shouting an over the top thank you as he bowed.
   “Aren't I just the best senpai, Shrimpy-chan?” The older man beamed, hand held over his heart as he stared off into the distance.
   “Yes, Grand King Oikawa-senpai!”
   “Way better than any of your senpais at Karasuno, right?”
   “Uh, sure! Yes, senpai!”
   Unable to stand his obvious attempts to fish for compliments any longer, Iwaizumi groaned, “Aren't you two overlooking a crucial detail?”
   “Oh Iwa-chan, I forgot you were still here! I should have realised by the negative aura you're emitting.”
   “What detail, Iwaizumi-senpai?” Hinata yelled, his previous excitement still lingering in his tone as he bounced over to the ace.
   “You're tiny. Oikawa isn't,” Iwaizumi sighed as he eyed the ball of energy in front of him, “In fact, I don't think any of our clothes will fit you. You're just too small.”
   “That's why I gave him my clothes, Iwa-chan! They'll be a little long-”
   “They're really long on him, Tooru.”
   “-but at least they won't be too baggy, unlike yours!”
   “Because you're so well-built, Iwa-chan!”
   “Obviously, but don't even think about giving my clothes away without asking me first, Crappykawa!”
   “Why aren't you as nice to me as you are to everyone else?” Oikawa whined at Iwaizumi’s intense glower, using the couch as a blockade to escape any potential harm. Disregarding his personal well being, he leaned over the couch and winked, knowing the action would only provoke the ace further, “Should I do that thing that always makes you blush, Iwa-chan?”
   “Don't," he gritted through clenched teeth, “even start.” Turning to face Hinata, he continued, “We're also going to bed. It's been a long day, everyone's knackered. Don't worry, though, we can work out the kinks in the morning-”
   “We can work out your kinks tonight, Iwa-chan!”
   “-and figure out how to make the best of the trip for you.”
   “Don't ignore me when I say cute things, Iwa-chan!”
   “That wasn't cute, Pervykawa!”
   “Thank you, Iwaizumi-senpai, Oikawa-senpai!” Hinata laughed, clutching the clothes to his chest as he sat on his makeshift bed. They didn't have an extra room, but he had been more than happy to accept the couch as his sleeping space, and Oikawa had even cajoled more bedding from the receptionist. Iwaizumi had given him the spare pillows from his bed, dismissing the questioning smirks from the wing spiker and middle blocker with the claim that they had been too soft and he couldn't sleep with that many. Even Mattsun and Makki had showed the baby crow where they were hiding their chips, in case he wanted a midnight snack. They hadn't been friends before the trip started - they may not even be friends now - but Hinata was bursting with elation at how casual everyone was around him. The four were an established group of old-time friends but he didn’t feel out of place amongst them. They didn't have to welcome him, and they definitely didn’t have to invite him, yet there was no hesitation to make him comfortable. In all honesty, it felt like they had known each other for years. He couldn't wait to tell Kageyama just how nice his senpais were; he didn't understand why his boyfriend thought the Grand King was so devious.
   “Whatever, Shrimpy-chan! Let's be sure to take some selfies in the morning with you wearing my clothes, I think Tobio-chan will enjoy that look on you!”
   “Stupidkawa! Don’t use Hinata for petty revenge!”
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kelkkamonologi · 5 years
Tuli saatua tägäys @homospeksuaali ’lta!
Nickname: Lissu, LISBE, Lisbet, Liz... The list goes on
Real name: Liisa
Zodiac sign: ??
Height: 163
What time is it: 22:33
Favorite musician(S): JVG, G-Eazy, Gasellit, ABBA, Spekti. Eminemiäkin ja RS & Koirat on tullu viime aikoina luukutettua
Favorite sports teams: Ilves Tampere, Washington Capitals, Die Mannschaft. Pakko sanoo Suomen ringettemaajoukkue kans
Other blogs: ei oo
Do I get asks: En :( Olis kiva saada
How many blogs I follow: ei käryä
Any tumblr crushes: ei oo
Lucky number: ei oo mut pelinumero on 13. Ennen mun pelinumero oli 20. 13 on syynsä, 20 ei
What I’m wearing right now: oversized huppari, t-paita, leggarit, Nuuskis-sukat, rillit
Dream vacation: Varmaan 5 vuotta ollu bucket listillä päästä kattoon Capitalsin peliä... Olis kans kiva käydä Saksassa kattoon futista!
Dream car: Tesla Model S. Lexus olis kans kova!
Favorite food: Iskän tekemä makarooniloora. Ei äiten vaan iskän.
Drink of choice: Pepsi (Max)
Languages: suomi, enkku
Instruments: suunsoitto... Joskus ala-asteella soitin klarinettia mut se on jääny
Celebrity crushes: liikaa mut sanotaan vaikka Samuli Vauramo, Kai Havertz, Tom Wilson, Ronen Rubenstein ja Shayan Sobhian to name a few
Random fact: Osaan imitoida mm. Heath Ledgerin Jokeria, Matti Näsää, Christopher Waltzia ja Donald J. Trumpia
Pallo @sadistinen-salami @too-spoopy-to-be-frukd @violasmirabiles ja @neroushalvaus
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