#LZ 127
monkeyssalad-blog · 2 months
Zeppelin by SDASM Archives Via Flickr: Call No.: 12_00305 Year: 1988 Corp. Name: Zeppelin Subject: Zeppelin Notes: Zeppelin in air Description: 8 x 10 Black and White Photo
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pearcaico · 2 years
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Bairro do Jiquiá no Recife, ao Fundo o Dirigível Lz 127 Graf Zeppelin no Campo de Pouso do Jiquiá - Recife Em 1935.
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envisitadecortesia · 1 year
Por una botella de champán
El día 12 de abril de 1931 llegaron al puerto de Barcelona los habituales buques de pasaje que conectaban las islas baleares con la península más algunos provenientes de la costa mediterránea. Algunos de ellos fueron el vapor correo el Rey Jaime I procedente de Palma, de Valencia el Infante Don Gonzalo y de Castellón el Virgen de África. Pero sin duda alguna uno llamó más la atención tanto por su…
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kafkasapartment · 2 years
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Construction of the Dirigible lz 127 'Graf Zeppelin', Zeppelin Works, Friedrichshafen, Germany, 1928. E.O. Hoppé. Gelatin silver.
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Le dirigeable LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin au dessus du lac de Constance en 1935
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enriquemzn262 · 1 year
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Cutaway of the german zeppelin LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin
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The world's most successful zeppelin airship, serving for almost 9 years, and with a cumulative flight time of almost 2 years.
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from-around-the-globe · 5 months
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View of spectators watching the LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin pass over the north side of the Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri, on the morning of Aug. 28th, 1929. The airship was traveling from Los Angeles, California, to Lakehurst, New Jersey, as part of a round-the-world flight.
pic credit KCPL MVSC
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awindinthelantern · 2 years
Campaign idea: instead of a 1920s/30s inspired setting based around the mafia and crime, run a 1920s/30s campaign where your players are detectives solving mysteries both mundane and otherworldly. Works with both Roaring 20s and Great Depression type settings. Have them team up with a hard-boiled private eye (film noir style) or a foppish dandy detective (Poirot style) who takes them under his wing and teaches them the ropes of sleuthing, the tricks criminals use to commit crimes, and how to outwit them. Have your players make a name for themselves solving crimes and get invited by a rich newspaper magnate to become journalists for his paper, which allows for trips around the country, continent, or world, exposing them to new locales and plot developments. This can also tie into a Cthulhu type campaign, which could start off mundane and slowly get creepier.
Have your players travel to a dust bowl-type setting and investigate the environment, find out what they can, and then return to the capital to print a story about what needs to change.
Have them travel to a frontier town which is besieged by masses of wild animals, and try to find a way to exterminate or route the attacks.
Have them travel to some exotic foreign land where an eccentric archaeologist (either Indiana Jones or eccentric professor style) has gone missing deep in the jungle or desert. Their exploring of the area reveals the ancient temple complex the archaeologist was exploring, complete with many booby traps.
Have them investigate the young son/daughter of a wealthy tycoon who has suddenly gone crazy (tinges of madness? possessed by the Great Old Ones?), and may need to be institutionalized.
Have your players be invited via personal connections to be journalists on the maiden around-the-world flight of the world’s newest and largest rigid airship. Dangers can include a sudden ocean storm that threatens to down the airship, and patches of its fabric skin ripping away and having to be repaired while in flight. (look of the LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin for more details on this)
have your players investigate a suspiciously wealthy small-town politician who has secret connections to organized crime, and have them try to expose and thwart his and his partners’ businesses.
have them invited to a fancy soiree hosted by a famous matron of society. But at the party someone is murdered, and everyone else is a suspect.
have them investigate various murders and robberies with their detective guardians, who give hints to make it easier. Don’t be afraid to have the detectives occasionally be wrong and unintentionally lead them astray, though. Even great detectives have their off days!
Crimes to be investigated can take place in many different places. Great cities like NYC or LA, movie meccas like Hollywood, foreign countries with more rudimentary governing bodies who don’t have modern forensics or psychology, countries with rightwing ruling bodies who regularly use propaganda and don’t allow anything to cast them in a bad light, and more all make for great settings
throw in a World’s Fair or two, where the latest in technology and architectural and artistic movements are on display. Perhaps a state-of-the-art technology can be stolen from under people’s noses, another crime to investigate.
don’t be afraid to throw in a wide variety of supporting NPCs, such as tycoons and their heirs, artists, bohemians, gangsters and goons, genius architects (Frank Lloyd Wright?), doctors, nurses, morticians, society matrons, debutantes, annoying yet endearing daft playboys, prostitutes, fishermen, sailors, retired colonels, hotel staff, maids, femme fatales, jazz musicians, histrionic opera singers, movie directors, train conductors, children’s book authors, tin pan alley songwriters, torch singers, circus runners, hobos, elderly spinsters who never married, hardworking farmers, cowboys, sleazy politicians, factory workers, seamstresses, laundromat men/women, eccentric professors of dangerous animals, snake oil salesmen, and more!
Also, in the spirit of the campaign, try to broaden your horizons and listen to actual jazz and swing, not electroswing. there are some really good channels for vintage music on youtube. I also recommend the “Baccano!”, “Boardwalk Empire” and “Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day” soundtracks.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
you went and did it now i gotta talk about blimps
the hindenburg was a zeppelin, not a blimp. i could go all day about the difference between rigid and non-rigid aircraft (and i have, because i'm a tool) but the biggest difference is that zeppelins are ABSOLUTELY GINORMOUS compared to blimps (because they have any number of gas bags suspended inside a metal skeleton, which leaves room for a whole lot of gondola both inside and outside the craft. the hindenburg had individual cabins inside. it was rad as shit.)
HOWEVER. the LZ 128 hindenburg wasn't the death knell for zeppelins, and it wasn't even the first time a zeppelin Did That (LZ 18 holds that honor if i remember correctly), it was just the final nail in the coffin for a dying breed. one of the biggest problems with zeppelins is that god hates them, and for something that is as hideously expensive to build as a zeppelin is, it is really inconvenient that the vast majority of them tend to get caught in a storm and crash into a field and explode. one of them even just blew away and drifted out to sea and they never found it. (again, inconvenient.)
unfortunately, while zeppelins are absolutely bitchin' in every way, they are almost 100% useless and their own worst enemy. they tried using them in war, which, i admire the effort: zeppelins have a very ominous presence, but part of that ominous presence comes from the fact that they're really slow moving and you would not believe how easy it is to shoot down a skyscraper dragging by at 50mph. they also can't exactly carry a lot of munitions because. well. they just can't. even the hindenburg's baby grand piano had to be made out of pigskin so they could strip down the weight as much as possible.
so basically you have a vehicle that is ridiculously expensive to build, requires a LOT of very expensive gas, takes every opportunity it can to nosedive into the nearest field, moves at a top speed that's slower than the posted speed limit in most developed nations, and is almost four times as long as a 747 but can only carry about 60 people (that includes the crew). being that it was 1940 that all of this was being realized, all the remaining zeppelins that hadn't exploded (i believe there was two; the LZ 127 graf zeppelin and LZ 130 graf zeppelin II) and the remains of the ones that had were scrapped and turned into planes that, you know. actually worked.
don't get me wrong, i agree that the world is worse for it, but you can probably at least understand where the general populace was coming from when they said "zeppelins kinda suck, let's stop building them" lol
the zepplin/blimp bit I think was about the biggest bit of new information to me here think I knew that at one point but it just slipped out of the old noggin
Things were and still are dang cool, but just beyond not practical.
Some quality commentary here too, get some learning done for some folks
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murphyellents · 1 year
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The beauty of the Deutsche airforce painted in a sky of the proud colours of the Deutsche Tricolour. Here you see my artpiece of Graf Zeppelin also known by the name LZ 127. It was primarily a passenger carrying airship and not used in warfare.
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feel like shit just want her back (LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin)
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reinato · 29 days
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Hangar dos Zeppelins
Fotos do gigante Hangar dos Zeppelins, construindo em 1936, e que fica localizado nas dependências da Base Aérea de Santa Cruz, unidade da Força Aérea Brasileira, no bairro de Santa Cruz na zona oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
Abrigou os lendários dirigíveis alemães, LZ 129 Hindenburg e o LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin.
É tombado pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN)
O hangar apresenta grandes dimensões: 274 metros de comprimento, 58 metros de altura e 58 metros de largura, caberia o Cristo Redentor inteiro dentro do Hangar, e sobraria ainda 20 metros.
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pearcaico · 2 years
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Graf Zeppelin Recife Pernambuco Em 1930.
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na77ator · 1 year
Count Zeppelin and the first airships
The name of Count Zeppelin became a common one, thanks to his invention of airship. He built the first rigid-framed LZ-1 in 1900. Eight years later, Zeppelin made a successful 12-hour flight over Switzerland on the LZ-4, starting the era of rigid airship. In 1928 the passenger LZ-127 with the largest gondola in history was introduced to the public and in 1936 the inter-atlantic LZ-129 appeared, becoming the largest aircraft of its time. Its crash due to a hydrogen leak ended the use of airships for passenger transportation
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Airship LZ-1 Scale model: 1:200
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Airship LZ-129 Scale model: 1:200
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Airship LZ-4 Scale model: 1:200
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Airship LZ-127 Scale model: 1:200
Museum of cosmonautics, Moscow
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chiquedecultura · 1 year
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Voo do LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin alemão em maio de 1930 pelo Rio de Janeiro
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aerospaceage · 6 years
Germans watching the start of a Zeppelin Call No.: 12_00264 Corp. Name: Zeppelin. Subject: Zeppelin. Notes: Zeppelin with onlooker. Description: 3 x 5 Black and White Photo.
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