#La revolucion
florsinretono · 2 years
No puedo olvidar tus besos mojados
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schottisreisetagebuch · 11 months
Das Land des Che
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Das Kapitol
Quer durch Kuba
Eine Reise über die Insel ist immer noch Abenteuer pur. Das beginnt in der Hauptstadt Havanna und seinen unüberschaubar verwirrenden Gassenlabyrinth, den Plätzen, Boulevards und Avenues. Karibisches Inseltreiben, großstädtischer Straßenverkehr und dörflicher Charakter, all das macht das (Über-) Leben hier  unvergesslich. Kolonialpaläste und baufällige Häuser, Prachtvillen, Kasinos und triste Hinterhöfe, farbenfrohe Umzüge, Bars – und immer und überall Musik. Havanna ist eine tanzende Stadt, eine ewig feiernde Geliebte, eine pralle Schönheit der Superlative.
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In den Gassen Havannas
Auch wenn die Machthaber Kubas immer Kubaner waren, standen sie doch stets unter fremdem Protektorat. Ob Estrada Palma (erster Staatspräsident) oder Fulgencio Battista, die Karibikinsel hing am Gängelband der Yankees. Auch die zu Beginn des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts importierten Gangster Meyer Lansky, Al Capone oder Francis Albert „Frank“ Sinatra, genannt „Franky Boy“ machten sich im Selbstbedienungsladen Havannas breit – machten krumme Dinge und klauten, was nicht niet- und nagelfest war. Nachhaltig veränderte sich das Leben in Kuba erst 1959 mit Fidel Castro und Ernesto „Che“ Guevarra und ihren wagemutigen Freunden.
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Gefangen in der Vergangenheit
Die neuen politischen Führer legten dem Land einen jahrzehntelangen Konfrontationskurs zur benachbarten Supermacht USA auf und gingen auf Kuschelkurs mit dem andern Ende der Welt, der Sowjetunion. Das Wettrüsten und der damit einhergehende Machtpoker zwischen Ost und West brachten im Oktober 1962 die Welt an den Rand des Abgrundes. Die Kuba-Krise wurde zum Sinnbild des Kalten Krieges. Nach dem Zerfall der UdSSR blieb Kuba zunächst sozialistisch, entschloss sich zum Überleben und schwenkte um zu einer sehr gemäßigten Privatwirtschaft. Raoul Castro, der Bruder des ehemaligen Revolutionsführers legte schlussendlich mit Präsident Obama den historischen Konflikt der Länder bei. 
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Das Überleben in Kuba ist seither mäßig fortschrittlich und ist den Auswirkungen des überlangen Wirtschaftsembargos, der Vertrauenskrise des Volkes zu seinen politischen Führern und den vielfach enttäuschten Erwartungen geschuldet. Dem Inselstaat geht es gut und – auch nicht. Man sollte das Land bereisen und Devisen im Land lassen, die letztlich der Bevölkerung zugutekommen: Privatunterkünfte, Familienrestaurants, landeseigene Autovermietungen, Einkaufen am Markt, kurz, lokale Gewerbetreibende unterstützen. Kuba hat alles, was ein Land reich macht. Aber es wurde ausgeblutet, von Kriminellen und falsch verstandenen „Ismen“. Letztlich war der Kommunismus dem Land wirtschaftlich ebenso abträglich wie es früher der Klassenfeind, der Kapitalismus war.
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Unterwegs in Havanna
El Capitolio – Offizielles Wahrzeichen Havannas, das an das Original in Washington erinnert. Diktator Machado weihte es unter amerikanischer Protektion ein. Es steht unter keinem guten Stern: Auf dem ehemaligen Sumpfgebiet wurden in alten Tagen Sklaven untergebracht!
La Habana vieja – Die Altstadt: Pittoreske Häuser, Plätze, Gassen. Südsee-Flair und Salsa Musik. Zigarren und Rum. Und: Jede Menge Bars… Man kann sich nicht satt sehen, trinken, tanzen!
El Malecon – An der überirdisch schönen Strandpromenade schlendern und die Welt eine gute sein lassen. Menschen, Trubel, Straßenmusikanten, und der wahrscheinlich spektakulärste Ausblick auf das berühmteste Abendrot der Karibik – das gibt’s hier mmer noch, und wohl lange noch. Hoffentlich!
The Partagas Cigar Factory – Die riesige Zigarrenfabrik liegt im Herzen Havannas und ist einen Besuch wert – auch für Nichtraucher!
Mit der Pferdekutsche durch das Gassengewirr entlang der Bahia de la Habana, im Chevie über die Boulevards. Die alte, karibische Dame hat mehr Leidenschaft und Sinnlichkeit zu bieten als so manch andere Weltstadt!
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Und dann geht’s hinaus, durch Außenbezirke, über breite Ausfallstraßen, quer durch tropische Urwälder, malerische Flüsse, über abenteuerliche „Autopistas“, auf denen einem so ziemlich alles entgegenkommt, was Gott je erschaffen hat: Straßenkreuzer, Radfahrer, Pferdefuhrwerke, altersschwache LKW’s, Schulbusse, und, als wäre es nicht schon genug, jede Menge Fußgänger. In Kuba ist man wahrlich nicht alleine unterwegs. Der Verkehr gleicht hier einer Lotterie – man weiß nie, was kommt. Über die Insel zu fahren ist Abenteuer pur. Das beginnt schon bei der Orientierung. Am besten, man prägt sich die Topografie des Landes und die vier Himmelsrichtungen ein. Wer will’s schon alles wissen? „Keine Details, das Stück!“, lautet ein alter Theaterspruch. Die Bühnenkünstler müssen es wissen. Eine gute Straßenkarte würde bereits an der Straßenbeschriftung scheitern – denn die gibt es nicht. Man landet in jedem Fall in der Pampa. Was soll’s, die ist hier so schön, wie nirgendwo. Die effektivste Methode ans Ziel zu kommen, heißt hierzulande „Autostopp“. Das funktioniert. Und todsicherer als man denkt. 
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Die Revolution
Am Rand jeder Überlandstraße stehen Heerscharen von Reisenden. Man hat die Qual der Wahl - meist habe ich Mütter mit Kindern als Co-Passagiere gewählt. Man hält an, fragt wohin die Reise gehen soll, und schon ist man genau dorthin unterwegs. Es spielt es schon für eine Rolle, ob man zuerst ins Valle de Viñales, dem sagenhaft schönen Tal an der Westküste Kubas reist, oder doch in Richtung Trinidad, in die entgegengesetzte Richtung. Hauptsache man landet irgendwann, irgendwo. Und Quartier zu finden ist ein Kinderspiel, ob in „Casas Particulares“ (Privatquartiere) oder in altersschwachen Provinzhotels – beides probiert, beides zu empfehlen. 
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Das Haus der Väter
Unterwegs in Kuba
Pinar del Rio – Verschlafenes Nest in der Nähe des traumhaft schönen Vinales-Tales, der Tabak-Hochburg Kubas!
Cienfuegos – Koloniales Nest am karibischen Meer. Pferdekutschen, Meeresfrüchte, verträumte Märkte und… jede Menge tropischer Regengüsse!
Trinidad – Katzenkopfpflaster, Musik, zwei Museen und der wunderschöne Dorfplatz „Plaza Mayor“. Hier träumt man sich hin und weg!
Santa Clara – Die Stadt des Che Guevarra. Hier siegte die Revolution, der Weg der Guerillas nach Havanna öffnete sich. Kuba errichtete seinem großen Helden hier ein Mausoleum. Seither steht hier eine der größten Fremdenverkehrsattraktionen des Inselstaates: Das Grab des großen Che!
Santiago de Cuba – Die Seestadt ist eine der ältesten des Landes. Hier begann in den Fünfzigern die Revolution von Che, Fidel und den Anderen!
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Im Oldtimer-Paradis
Manchmal lohnt es sich auch, männliche Passagiere einsteigen zu lassen. Weshalb? Ich bin gewiss schon unter so manch widriger Bedingungen durch ein fremdes Land gereist, nirgendwo aber hatte ich so viele Autopannen wie in Kuba. In einer Woche waren es gezählte vier (!) Platte, hervorgerufen durch eingefahrene Nägel. Warum ausgerechnet die Straßen, auf denen ich unterwegs war, gespickt mit rostigen Hindernissen waren, weiß ich nicht. Vielleicht handelte es sich um eine Art späte Rache am Weißen Mann? Meine autostoppenden Mitfahrer jedenfalls erwiesen sich allesamt als Kavaliere – bei nicht einem einzigen Reifenwechsel musste ich selbst Hand anlegen. Und da sage noch einer, Kuba sei kein sicheres Reiseland. Es wirft einem zwar jede Menge Hindernisse in den Weg, die Kubaner räumen sie aber auch eigenhändig wieder weg.
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Sunset am Malecon
Noch ein paar Fotos aus Kuba
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𝔉𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔓𝔬𝔯𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔪 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔳𝔬𝔩𝔲𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (𝔇𝔞𝔩 𝔓𝔬𝔯𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔪𝔬 𝔞 𝔩𝔞 ℜ𝔢𝔳𝔬𝔩𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔬𝔫) [𝔡𝔢𝔱𝔞𝔦𝔩], յգճկ 𝔟𝔶 𝔇𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔡 𝔄𝔩𝔣𝔞𝔯𝔬 𝔖𝔦𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔦𝔯𝔬𝔰 (յՑգճ–յգԴկ)
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defensefilms · 2 years
The New Politics Of South Africa As Written By Defense Films
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The following blog post, is a kind of rough draft/framework for a book I want to write about South African politics.
Think of this as a kind of manifesto that focuses on the kind of policies and legislations that can hopefully improve the lives of the average South African by focusing on the prospective implementation of the following key issues/policies.
 Drugs, Cape Town And Free Zones
Taxes And A New Regulatory Body
Legislating The Alcohol Industry
Ensuring The Delivery Of Basic Services
Revamping Free Education Infrastructure
Eradicating Corruption Within The South African Police
Improving Health Care And Introducing Free Health Care
A New Prison Reform And Rehabilitation System
Relegislating Small Businesses For Economic Growth
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                            Key Issues, Policies, Legislations
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1. Drugs, Cape Town And Introducing Free Zones 
For decades now residents of the Cape flats have suffered under a never ending wave of crime and poverty with no real end in sight.
From corporate involvement to governmental, policing and then community orientated legislation have all failed to completely redress or address a culture of drugs and gang violence.
Among the key problems when police do attempt enforcement strategies that will likely conclude in a raid, is that they invariably disrupt citizens. 
What I would propose is for there to be legalized drug use and drug sales within a given location, outside of residential areas, a minimum of 5km away from the school or hospital on the outermost perimeter of the district/ward.
The idea here is to separate the drug use and gang violence from the citizens by giving them a space and funneling all criminal activity into one area.
Now of course, there is the threat of gang members being in closer proximity to each other, and more cases of violent incidents, but I fear we may already past that threshold, with violence already affecting the daily lives of citizens who would be better off without the gang violence.
Having all drug sales and drug-related violence pushed to one part of the neighborhood/ward/district, will ease some of the pressure for the police from both an enforcement perspective and hopefully, in terms of investigations.
The likelihood of the police doing and effective investigation will be heightened of the amount of places the incident could have occurred in, is within a 5 km radius.
At a communal level, this initiative will require help from some key people within any distric we choose to implement it in.
These are:
Drug intervention specialists
Gang intervention activists
Community activists
Local primary school principals, high school principals, and as well as Department Of Education representatives.
Station commanders of all the surrounding police departments.
Upon successful implementation, the first mandate of the government is to leverage the existing small business infrastructure (small scale car mechanics, hair salons, spaza shops and taverns) and organize as many of them as franchisees with the intention of growing the small business sector in the Cape flats.
The reason this is important is that while you can separate the criminals from the tax payers, most drug dealers have access to cash on hand and that will give them an advantage in bringing the community back in to the criminal element.
To curtail this, you must ensure that the community gains something from the absences of the dealers and the users, and the best incentive, is a way for them to make money on their own, and have something to protect, so as to discourage any financial dealings with the gangsters.
Should the FreeZone intitiative succeed in Cape Town, then the goal will be to use it to alleviate drug related violence throughout the country.
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2. Taxes And A System That Fosters Accountability
What we need is a system that allows the average tax payer to go  and look for themselves exactly how tax revenue is being allocated in their ward, city, town or province.
What I suggest is that Tax Revenue, and exactly how much tax revenue should be displayed to the public, the way the stock exchange lists the value of a stock.
Complete and utter clarity, 24 hours a day, every single day, with regards to the displaying of THE EXACT AMOUNT of funds available in the tax revenue, 
Furthermore, we must create an accountability bureau with the goal of tracking all tax monies, and should taxes monies be rendered/ withdrawn for the sake of service delivery, or for the sake of issuing funds for a tender, not only will that transaction be a matter of public record via display, there will be tax accountability officers taske with tracking the expenditure of those monies ditributed.
The accountability officers should not be tasked with procurement of tax revenue at all. They are solely responsible for ensuring that monies taken out from the countries tax revenue are used appropriately, and only for the stated intention, and that includes procuring the change/remains from the expenditure. 
Key to implementing this is creating the right kinds of legislation to empower the accountability officers by giving them access to South African Police personnel upon request, giving their cases and investigatoins priority and allowing the National Prosecuting Authority to act upon their findings in cases of deviance, thievery or fraud.
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3. Re-Legislating The Sale, Distribution and Consumption Of Alcohol
I propose that the country must curtail the availability of alcohol in South Africa and for all of the county’s major distillers, breweries and outlets to export no less than 70% of their inventory over seas and across borders to other countries..
The 2nd piece of legislation to aid the limiting of alcohol is for South Africa’s bars, liquor stores, taverns and restaurants to cease sales of alcoholic beverages for a maximum of 5 hours per day.
That would mean that local liquor outlets should only be operational and serving beverages from 6pm-11pm.
Furthemore the legal drinking age in South Africa should be raised to 23-years of age,so as to curtail early exposure to alcoholism.
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4. Restructuring The Implementation Of Service Delivery
-Across All 278 Municipalities, 8 metropolitans, 44 districts and 226 local municipalities.
To support the new tax accountability system and among the chief mandates to be implemented and entrusted to the tax accountability officers is related to service delivery. 
How services and essentials are delivered to the impoverished communities in South Africa has long been an issue. Electricity, water, access to medical care, services and products are often not delivered to the intended to recipients.
Tax accountability officers must ensure the end of this by tracking government spending with regards to these communities, and in cases where service delivery was entrusted to a private company/business via a tender, the accountability officers must ensure that the service has been rendered or is in working condition, and that all moneis are properly accounted for.
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5. Revamping Free Education Infrastructure
Improving existing free schooling infrastructure
Redefining what constitutes a private and a public school
Allowing private schools to operate as private institutions
Revamping government education curriculums (introduce early financial education, early introduction to the sciences)
The INTEC initiative and introducing trade skills to learners post high school.
Intergrating the South African Qualifications Agency, The Council For Educators and the Department Of Education in implementing
The first legislation that needs to be passed to affect positive changes in the education sector, is redifining more acurately what constitutes a private school and what constitues a public school.
Particularly with schools registered in quintiles 4 and 5 according to the Department of Education, where each student is allocated less than R1000 toward each child’s education, and the quintiles that also have the most financially self-sustainable schools.
This legislation would also allow schools in quintiles 4 and 5 to operate as fully independant businesses and allowing a free market as far as private schools are concerned, while also freeing up more of the total budget to be used on the poorest sectors of education and schooling.
Furthermore, the remaining schools, listed from quintiles 1-3, wll undergo a revamp of the education curriculum, with a bigger focus on the fields of financial planning, science, technology, and in some provinces, agriculture.
The implementation of these changes to the curriculum wll require careful strategic planning, because all schools will need to have new infrastructure installed like computers, tablets, cellphones, and this also means, installing new security at all local schools in quintiles 1-3.
The third piece of legislation will be the creation of a free post highschool tertiary college infastructure, where citizens of any age can attend to learn skills in trades like welding, plumbing, electrical maintanance, carpentry, metalworks, accounting, computer literacy, agriculture, administration and human resource management.
Ideally, this model would resemble something closer to American community colleges, where a citizen of any age, gender, class or race, can enroll and learn skills in variety at no monetary cost.
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6. Eradicating Corruption Within The South African Police Service And Empowering The Prosecution Of Tax Thieves
Empowering Hawks and separating them, allowing them to run independantly of the SAPS.
Eradicating Corruption with the SAPS
Empowering the National Prosecuting Authority, supporting legislation that will limit any chance of another incident like State Capture.
Instituting a 20-year statute of limitations on white collar crime, tax fraud and embezzlement, to really empower prosecutors to engage in prolonged investigations into high-level crime and tax theft, with the goal of allowing prosecutors to act retro actively regarding investigations, prosecutions and recovery of tax payer monies. 
The first and most important mandate relating to law enforcement and crime prevention must be legislations that empower the National Prosecuting Authority and enabling them to pursue more investigations into corruption at both the governmental and corporate levels.
The first way to do this is to extend the statue of limitation on white collar crime, racketeering, embezzlement, money laundering, tax fraud and/or thievery to 20 years or more.
The idea is to give the prosecutors and investigators more leeway to prosecute crimes and recover tax moneis retroactively. 
The next piece of legislation is one that allows the Hawks, South Africa’s anti-corruption unit to be run 100% independent of the South African Police Service.
The creation of new office spaces, new databases, filing systems, operations, administration, investigators and officers, completely outside the jurisdiction and oversight of the South African police, and this will extend even further into active and on-going investigations and prosecutions.
Any and all internal affairs and investigations into the South African Police Service and it’s officers will be conducted by the Hawks and will be given priority by the National Prosecuting Authority.
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7. Improving Health Care Infrastructure And Introducing Free Medical Health Care
Financing the improvement of our healthcare system to Increase the number of hospitals, quality of facilities and number of hospital staff throughout the country.
Implementing free health care for South Africans below a specific income.
Aggressively integrating traditional healers into the formal medical health sector.
The Traditional Health Practitioner’s act of 2007 provides us with a starting point as far as legislation that intergrates the traditiona and formal health sectors is concerned, but what we don’t have is on-the-ground integration and combined utilization of both traditional and formal medical practices by the working public.
For instance a more practical way to apply the act of 2007, would be to have formally trained doctors doing check-ups and diagnosis along side a traditional healer. 
The ideal is for traditional healers to more actively participate in the medical services sector and function almost as auxiliary hospital staff.
The economics of how this would work is where the variables lie. For instance, one way to organize this would be to have traditional healers register under a local hospital but that on it’s own does not provide the kind of financial incentive for local traditional healers.
The other way is for traditional healers to receive government subsidies, and in this way they can be financed to have a premises of their own where they can take consultations and have a formally trained nurse or doctor on hand for additional consultation or vice-versa.
The point is that South Africa’s public health care sector needs help and there is already a culture that can help accomplish this, if the formal and public health sector can integrate traditional healers in a way that the public sees as helpful.
The National House of Traditional Leaders is a body comprised of traditional healers from all over South Africa and the formal medical sector must lean on this body to help bring in, organize and streamline local traditional healers in South Africa’s poorest areas so as to intergrate them faster and help alieviate the understaffing of South African public hospitals.
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8. A New Prison Reform and Rehabilitation System
The rates of violent crime in South Africa have become a kind of black mark on our country’s justice system and the rates of repeat offenders point to a further indictment of out prison reform system an whether it does indeed reform it’s inmates..
A country riddled in poverty is a country riddled by crime, and one thing that is clear, is that beyond policing and innovations in enforcement, one thing we can address, is how prisoners are reformed.
There are plenty of statistics and studies that prove that the more modern and somewhat humane practices used in Eastern European countries are indeed something to aspire to, and indeed using methods like these is not a matter of needing an ideal economy or any kind of distant future, to begin implementing more humane policies.
One of the ways to perhaps get better results and also achieve reconcilliation between victims of crime and inmates, are programs that facilitate direct, face-to-face dialogoue between the two parties.
For instance, in a situation where the victim of a murder has left a family behind that is now earning a grant from the government from having lost their provider, it will be the responsibility of the inmate to deliver the grant paymment, via a payslip already in the grant recipient’s name; to the grant holder directly and fac-to-face, every month.
Programs like these ensure a direct communication, and helps past violent offenders, see the effects of the damage they’ve done while also being part of the solution. 
Among the key issues to be addressed is finding ways to remedy the alienation and isolatoin that inmates and prisoners have from the broader society, by implementing new inmate parole programs especially with regards to non-violent offenders.
Having a parole program that allows inmates to leave the prison facilities and either work or accomplish tasks in active society, and then return to the facility while they are serving their sentence so as to prepare them for life on parole and eventually freedom.
There are two ways to effectively intergrate former inmates back in to society.
The first is by incentivizing businesses to hire newly freed inmates in the form of grants and subsidies that pay businesses for hiring a certain number of former inmates.
Another is by creating businesses that exist specifically to hire inmates in the agricultural sector.
Inmates/ felons must face their victims or families of their victims.
A revamped parole system that aggressively implements putting former inmates back in to society.
State-owned businesses created specifically to support ex-inmate work programs, and which sectors/industries should be subsidized most aggressively in hiring former inmates.
Involving The Land And Agricultural Development Bank
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9. Relaxing Small Business Legislation To Spur Economic Growth?
How does an economy grow?
Infrastructure Spending
Relaxing Regulation for small businesses and micro transactions, the return of sole propietorships.
Legitimizing and integrating the informal business sector
Re-legislating sidewalk spaza shops
Involving Black Owned South African Banks and Leveraging Their Expertise To Spur Growth In The Country’s Poorest Communities
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Daily Maverick.com On The NPA’s 2022 progress:
State Owned Enterprises:
Wits University On Healthcare 2021:
News24.com on Free Schooling In South Africa:
The Department Of Basic Education On Expanding Access To Free Education:
BMC Health Services On Public Health Issues In The Free State:
Herbert Smith Freehills On White Collar Crime And Statute Of Limitations:
World Health Organization On Universal Health Coverage:
World Health Organization On Health Financing:
Investopedia On Economic Growth:
Economic Research By Federal Reserve Bank Of Saint Louis:
News24.com Article on The Capture Of Denel:
IOL On Careers In The Trades:
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velveys · 6 months
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Che Guevara on the set of Historias De La Revolucion (1960)
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pershing100 · 7 months
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Monumento a la Revolucion, Mexico City, Mexico
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latinotiktok · 2 years
perdonen mi ignorancia pero quien pitos es San Martín? Osea sí es como un santo o solo se llamaba así el vatillo? Algo pq dicen que es gay? O ese es otro? Que mandaba cartas muy apasionadas o algo. Confundida quedé pq yo busco y solo me aparece un santo (?????) y dudo que todo este tiempo se hayan referido a un santo real ?????
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prontaentrega · 1 year
if you already read open veins of latin america and want more of galeanos political texts i recommend ser como ellos y otros ensayos (to be like them and other essays) and uselo y tirelo
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bocadosdefilosofia · 2 months
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«Durante las revoluciones los científicos ven cosas nuevas y diferentes al mirar con instrumentos conocidos y en lugares en los que ya habían buscado antes. Es algo así como si la comunidad profesional fuera transportada repentinamente a otro planeta, donde los objetos familiares se ven bajo una luz diferente y, además, se les unen otros objetos desconocidos. Por supuesto, no sucede nada de eso; no hay trasplantación geográfica; fuera del laboratorio, la vida cotidiana continúa como antes. Sin embargo, los cambios de paradigma hacen que los científicos vean el mundo de investigación, que les es propio, de manera diferente. En la medida en que su único acceso para ese mundo se lleva a cabo a través de lo que ven y hacen, podemos desear decir que, después de una revolución, los científicos responden a un mundo diferente.»
Thomas Kuhn: La estructura de las revoluciones científicas. Fondo de Cultura Económica, pág. 176. México, 1971.
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clonerightsagenda · 7 months
Saw that omake with the homunculi asking Ed and Al for money again and was prompted to wonder if Father has money. He secretly ruled a nation for 400 years and probably did not have to pay rent, was he accumulating wealth the whole time? I assume Wrath at least got paid. How do Amestrian inheritance laws work? Joke-but-not-entirely-joke FMA epilogue where Ed and Al end up in probate court with Selim due to being Father's sole surviving relatives.
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toonblade · 8 months
Alrighty, that settles it. From here on out, I pick only Big Man and Frye until one of them wins. Someone has to knock down that tyrant off her throne.
Probably will draw variants of that meme I drew every time until it happens.
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renthebarbarian · 1 year
[shakes you by your shoulders] “let them eat cake” was never said by marie antoinette, it was a quote from jean-jacques rousseau attributing it to a nameless princess; marie was 9 when he wrote this and she’d never stepped foot in france at the time, you must stop perpetuating this myth
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greyllama8 · 4 months
On the other hand, I have EVIL HALL fanart
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I don't know if that last post is ok to reblog but literally SAMEE... 1 he's our headmate (our Gregory is like Ten as well. so younger still) and 2 He's Like Twelve and 90% of the stuff ppl accuse him of is just a twisting of canon that paints everything out to kill him as the victims and just makes me SO angry. I feel you Cross
first yes its okay to reblog dw!!
second FUCKING EXACTLY !!!!!! like not only are at least two of the animatronics shattering HARDLY HIS FAULT (chica is the only one who had to be tricked - monty and roxy put themselves in danger! fuck, even chica should know not to go into A TRASH COMPACTOR. she did anyways, but still!!), but also HE HAD NO REASON TO BELIEVE THEY WOULDNT FIX THEIR STARS. WHY WOULD THEY NOT REPAIR THE ANIMATRONICS?? THATS FUCKING STUPID!! WHY WOULD HE THINK THEY WOULDNT REPAIR THEM!!!!!!
do i think security breach has a shittily done plot among other things? absolutely. do i also think that if you hate gregory after security breach, you lack critical thinking skills? ALSO YES. FUCK YOU.
if you dislike gregory, thats fair, whatever. hating him? HES A CHILD. i would bet actual money that if you asked the animatronics (while in their right mind) if they would rather they die or gregory dies, they would choose to die in his place.
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memewife · 5 months
why is starshift's cutie mark a guillotine
its the secret seventh element of friendship
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callmeanxietygirl · 6 months
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La soldadera en el estribo de un ferrocarril 🚂
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