#Lackadaisy Vampire AU - by Anon
Okay, so, I mentioned my Vampire ZibWick AU a while ago, but I developed it a little bit.
So, Wick was turned into a vampire near the beginning of the prohibition, but he doesn't remember the incident that well, not even knowing who turned him or why. Not long after, he starts getting the urge to drink blood and starts trying to find a way to combat this. He quickly finds that alcohol works at subsiding his thrust for blood, and, because of the vampirism, he rarely gets drunk, thus allowing him to drink more often (hence putting alcohol in his scrambled eggs and coffee,his extensive wine collection, going to the speakeasy whenever he can). 
But after doing this for years, the alcohol becomes less and less effective, and it takes more and more to numb his instincts. One night, he just can't seem to numb the urge, regardless of how much he drinks. He starts to panic, and decides to head home, but the second he leaves the building, he blacks out. He wakes up disoriented by the edge of the city, and realises he's covered in blood, and the strong taste of copper still lingers on his tongue. He looks up to see a dead body in front of him, with a large bite wound in the jugular. Wick starts to panic, because he quickly realises that it's not his blood he tastes… its whoevers corpse is on the ground. He cleans up the best he can, and manages to make it home, calling his driver to tell him he's safe and just got a ride back from a friend. 
The next day, he calls in sick to work, blaming a severe hangover on his sudden absence. He lays in bed, feeling regret and guilt wash over him for hours on end, and drinking himself into a stupor. He's absolutely disgusted that he let these animalistic urges he spent so long hiding take hold of him, and that it resulted in him killing someone for their blood, and fears how it will absolutely destroy his social standing and scare off anyone he cares about. He forces himself to go to work the next day, despite an actual hangover killing him inside, trying desperately to shove down his guilt and regain some sense of normality. 
But it's not long before he starts to get the urges again. He tries to drink them away like he's used to, but they continue to grow regardless. He goes out less and less, fearful he may kill someone again, all while guilt and the thirst for blood continues to eat him from the inside out. Eventually, others start to worry about him, especially those at Lackadaisy. 
After weeks of him not showing up to the speakeasy, Zib decides to check up on him, convinced he's been overworking himself and needs to get out for a bit. The second Zib shows up, Wick feels an overbearing urge to let him in, to be near him, hear his voice, to hold him. An urge that overtakes his lust for blood. He barely manages to hold back, telling Zib he just needs to finish work and that he's fine and will see him again soon. Zib is suspicious, sensing something's off, but decides to drop it for now for the meantime. 
Wick is only driven more into a state of panic after Zib leaves, his urges even stronger now. It all comes to a head when he cuts himself on a piece of broken glass, the sight and smell of blood making him black out again. He regains consciousness outside the speakeasy, thankfully not covered in blood, but with Zib cornering him in the nearby alleyway, asking if he's okay. Wick absolutely breaks down, terrified that he's going to hurt or kill Zib. 
Unbeknownst to him however, Zib has a very good idea as to what's going on. Zib grew up in a family of vampire hunters, where, despite his disinterest, he learned everything about the habits of vampires, how to recognize them, and enviably, how to kill them. Eventually, he chose to leave, wanting to pursue his dream of being a musician, but the lessons never quite faded from his memory. When he found Wick in a seemingly feral state due to starving himself of blood, he immediately recognized the signs. Despite his apprehension and how dangerous vampires can be, he attempts to calm Wick down, knowing that, despite everything, he's still Wick. 
Eventually, Zib calms him down and comforts him, Wick spilling his heart out to him about what he did and how guilty he feels. How he feels like a monster and that his life is ending. But Zib stays, promising he'll help any way he can to make things easier for Wick and to keep him and everyone else safe. As they work together, Wick starts to realise why his desire to be with Zib often overtakes his urge to drink blood… It's because he loves him.
I honestly CANNOT begin to express how detailed and how amazing this is. This should genuinely be a fanfiction, or even a fan series. The thought of drinking alcohol to numb the urge for drinking blood is a good twist to it. I especially enjoyed how it began to wear off as time passed.
And god DAMNIT I am trash for VamipreHunter!Zib and Vampire!Wick. Literal trash now. I am on the floor, merged with it.
And we do love torturing Wick in this community, huh? lmfao and OMFG. OMFG.
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A calm settled over him, and he allowed his eyes to fall shut. He could finally rest. He could breathe. He was okay.
Until a small sound made his ear twitch. And then another. And another. He couldn't quite make it out at first. He strained his ears to listen closer. Snap. Crack. Crack snap. Was that… twigs snapping? His eyes shot open, but rather than being greeted with a tangled mess of branches and leaves, he was instead staring up at a figure hunched on the limb above him, the only part of it clearly visible were its deep, unblinking, red eyes. He didn't even have time to scream before the creature pounced down on top of him, landing straight on his abdomen. He let out a pained groan as it pinned his chest down, sharp claws raking his skin. "NO NO NO NO PLEA-" A clawed hand roughly shoved his head upwards, forcing his mouth shut mid plea. He grabbed it wrist as he attempted to pull away, but the creature didn't even react as it leaned its head closer. Its hot breath danced along his skin as it inspected his neck, craining his neck thisway and that as though searching for something. He shuddered as what felt like a tongue dragged slowly along each side of his jugular, leaving a wet trail of saliva behind. His heart sank as he realised what its intent was. It was feeling for a heartbeat. For his artery. He tried to fight, struggling and pushing against its weight in an attempt to break free, but each movement only made it apply more force to hold him down, its claws digging into the sides of his face as it kept his neck exposed. A low growl rumbled from the creatures throat, filling his ear as it opened its mouth and carefully aligned two fangs with his aorta. He felt the sharp points slowly press down, pain spreading up his neck as they started to dig into his skin. He let out a muffled scream, tears burning the back of his eyes as the tension broke and the fangs sunk deep into his flesh, releasing a stream of blood from the fresh wounds.
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A N O N.
PLEASE continue this. This is descriptive, alluring and making me all giggly inside over how excited I am. IF YOU EVER GET A TUMBLR, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LINK IT TO ME!!! I am DYING (HA pun unintended) to read more! (Also this is if YOU wanna make an account, or you just wanna keep yourself on anon. Perfectly fine either way!) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS MASTERPIECE.
btw, for memory purposes, do you mind if I call you Vampire Anon? Or would you like smth else?
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Okay, so, like I said, I've taken inspiration from various sources and just kinda mashed it together into its own thing.
No, they don't sparkle. Putting that up front, they dont. I don't know why Twilight did that, but no.
Vampires are very rare in this au. To put it in perspective, if you were to somehow successfully round up all the vampires living in a single US state, you'd maybe have two or three vampires. MAYBE five, depending on the state, and even that's uncommon.
Of the small number of vampires to exist, maybe 0.5% of them would be born vampires. Almost 99.9% of the time, if you do meet a vampire, they're going to be a bitten vampire (ei someone turned into a vampire)
Bitten vampires are mostly the only ones that turn people into vampires. Born vampires rarely do because they tend to view bitten vampires as lesser or insignificant to them due to them not having pure vampire bloodlines.
Turning someone into a vampire is INCREDIBLY dangerous and painful due to the process. A vampire can't simply bite someone to turn them into another vampire. They need to drain their victim of nearly all their blood, only leaving a small amount. The vampires saliva them bonds with the remaining red blood cell's, multiplying within the victim to turn them into a vampire. Part of the reason this is so dangerous is because Vampires instinctually want to drink all their victims' blood, so they actively have to fight against themselves in order to leave enough blood for the transformation to take place. They also have to judge how much blood their leaving. Too much, and the white blood cells might attack the vampire saliva, preventing the transformation and killing the host. Too little, and the victim dies of blood loss before the transformation can even begin.
Even if the transformation begins, the vampire still has to look after their victim, not only to ensure their weakened body doesn't get an infection or die of other causes, but also to teach them how to hunt and survive. If the vampire chooses to leave, the victims' chances of survival are very slim unless another vampire steps in, or victim end up being incredibly luck and survives despite the odds (this is what happens in Wicks case)
Vampires tend to drink blood every day/every other day, but they can only last without blood for about a week. After which, the hunger gets too intense, and they go into what's known as blood lust. However, this can temporarily be avoided by numbing the hunger, which can be done by consuming alcohol or taking drugs of some kind.
Blood lust is what occurs when a vampire goes too long without consuming blood. Their vamperic urges get so desperate to satiate their need for blood that they essentially take over, sending the host into a state of animalistic hunger. During a case of blood lust, a vampire becomes extremely violent and unpredictable, often chasing after the first scent of blood they catch. Unlike normal feeding, where they'll simply bite into the aorta and suck the blood out, a vampire taken over by blood lust will instead resort to ripping and tearing at their preys neck, often gouging out chunks in a desperate attempt to get to the blood as fast as possible. After the blood lust wears off, the vampire often remembers nothing of the incident.
Typically, if a vampire goes into blood lust once, the chances of them going into it again are very likely if they don't feed regularly.
Vampires only have a very limited amount of time to consume blood after their prey dies, usually only an hour or so. If they consume it after this time, there is a likely change it will make them suck. Because of this, most vampires prefer to drink immediately after the prey is dead, some even drinking while the prey is still alive.
Vampires can drink both the blood of animals and the blood of people. Most prefer the taste of people blood, but it's very common for vampires to instead consume animal blood to avoid having to harm others.
Although vampires are mostly solitary, they do tend to create very deep emotional bonds, both with other vampires and people. They heavily rely on these bonds for emotional comfort and companionship. Though it is not often seen, it's suspected that a deep enough bond with someone can help bring a vampire out of blood lust or even help to delay the effects of it. These bonds are often romantic but can also be platonic or familial.
Vampires are fanominal at hiding. They are able to blend in perfectly with society to the point that those around them will often go their entire lives without knowing someone close to them is a vampire.
Vampires are not immortal. They have much longer life expectancies than non-vampires, but do not live forever.
Vampires can be killed by regular means, such as being shot or stabbed. However, they are able to heal themselves incredibly quickly due to the contents of their blood. It only takes around 24 hours for them to fully heal from multiple stab or bullet wounds, though this can vary depending on the location of the injury.
I think that's all I have for now? I might come up with more as I write.
Genuinely love the fact this created concept was to contradict the normal vampire ideas. Them not being immortal, not sparkling, and being a tiny part of the population is a nice change of pace. I also like them blending in with their environment, as well as the idea of blood lust.
Anon. You are such a blessing. I love this so much. Scarfing this AU down sdfbgvnvsdfbn
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Hey so uh... remember when I mentioned that Zibwick Vampire x vampire hunter au? You know, just as a silly little joke, being funny and goofin around. Just as a funny little haha joke, just actin like a silly goose and all.... well uh...
*has written the first 1556 words of chapter 1, which is still incomplete, and has a very detailed plan for chapters 2 and 4, and a possible spin off/seperate au of a Werewolf Wes x Vampire Fish one-shot *
.... bestie, I don't think it's a joke anymore.
👀👀👀 O O P
bestie, you got me HYPED for you!! E M B R A C E I T
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I'm so happy you like it!!! I'm... honestly kinda tempted to write a fic of it now? I already have an idea for at least a oneshot, but I do have a few more idea. I might plan it out a bit more, and try to finish my other oneshots first.
Ooooooh please do! And when you're ready and if you wanna, share them w/ me! <3 I'm excited and thrilled to see how you work this out!
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Would you care for a sneak peak of the first chapter of my ZibWick Vampire fic?
I j u m p e d so fricking FAST when I saw this
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Well, seeing as you're hyped, would you care to hear the vampire rules I've placed in my story? I've taken inspiration from here and there, and kinda just made my own rules for how vampirism works in this au
yes please!! Share them! :D
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