#Ladies FS
otterlyart · 1 year
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"I'm weak." "No, you're just hurt."
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bardsansa · 9 months
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queen rhaella targaryen, shortly before the tourney at harrenhall, 281 AC
visenya and rhaenys, alyssa velaryon, the six wives of maegor, alysanne, aemma arryn, alicent hightower and rhaenyra i, helaena, jaehaera, daenaera velaryon, daena the defiant, naerys, myriah nymeros martell, aelinor penrose, betha blackwood, shaera
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indigos-stardust · 18 days
Mom's Scales/ She's Here, I think I know what it's about based on the name alone from what you've told me about your aus and hcs, TELL US MOOREE
Ok so I didn't have a lot of words to give so I made some art
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For context: The death of Links mother (only a few months after he was born) is a pretty recurring undertone of my four swords series Color Spectrum. Its effected their dad and Link's relationships a lot...
From their father grieving when Link was little and Link trying to pick up the emotional strain as a kid... to feeling like it was his own fault or like he was a burden due to how "difficult" he was as a teen. A lot of this was subconscious in Link before the manga, but it definitely plays a large role in their dynamics between each link and also each of their relationships with their father.
I can go into more details about this if you like, but that's more of a "What if I exploded and Generational Trauma just Splattered Everywhere" (#14) starring Red lol
anyways, I had this idea that like, links mother (im calling her Mia for now) got some freshly dead privileges esp considering her relationship with fairies and yk, giving birth to the kid with the soul of the ancient hero or whatever.
Point is she wanted a way to be able to come back and protect or aid her little one in some way in the future. Hylia gave her an offer and she took it. And uh-
Also forgot to mention shes Soo autistic <3 which is fun because link (or the linkS) are very autistic and that like??disconnect is what caused SO many issues between them originally, I really feel like links shaky relationship with his dad is overlooked but eh just my opinion
Listen this originally just started out as "lol what if the dragon from the manga was sweet and kind to shadow" but I'd also just finished thinking about how links dads grief paralleled vios and uh-
Well I connected the dots (I forced them together very aggressively while sobbing) and now their mom came back as a half sentient dragon who saw bebe shadow and went "this is mine" and decided to lick his wounds (literally) and teach him how to fight when he was just like... yk being forced to become stronger thru survival
to be clear she didn't mean to like burn down crops and whatever, half sentience and all, but she just wanted to support her new lil monochrome bebe (shadow) and then SHE DISCOVERED MORE IN DIFFERENT COLORS AND WAS ABSOLUTELY THRILLED
(links father is terrified but also mystified by her) and she thinks that this little fella who has been taking care of her babies is very nice to keep alive as well
Also shadow originally named her "Blood Hunter" but in private? When its just her and him? He calls her Mai-Mai because well. Dragons do communicate and her little noises while she took care of lil shadow? Sounded very much like "mai a maiamaimai"
(also I just love the name I stole it from ALBW)
they do reunite after shadow is reborn btw
(thank you @here4dragons for helping me with the anatomy and abse THANK U THANK U THANK U)
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lil doodle^
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rinkasisopods · 1 year
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Vaati: Shad-ow, I know how we're going to defeat the Hero once and for all!
Shadow: Let me guess. We're going to kidnap Princess Zelda.
Vaati: No! We're going to steal from him the source of his power! And then we will use it against him.
Shadow: His Piece of the Triforce?
Vaati: Foolish fool! The Triforce is not the source of his power, his power comes from (close-up on Vaati) ...his pointy hat!
Shadow: Seriously.
Vaati: Yeeees! Come, Shad-ow, let us attain his pointy hat!
Shadow: I guess I have nothing better to do today.
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rainbowsans · 2 years
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some demon lady (human trans!fem sir) & angel N (human fellswap napstaton) for another cringe angels and demons au i thought about (at this point all my au lads are ocs HAHAH)
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Happy birthday Rhi! I'm feeding you chocolate and cake from the other side of the screen and you can't stop it :)
Also hopefully your manifestation comes true(selfish reasons)
ahhhhh thank you my boo!!!💕 i gratefully receive any kind of sweet treat or indeed any wee morsel pertaining to s3
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shiningshard · 1 year
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These four deserved so much better tbh.
(Pose references are from _biacami_ and mellon_soup, both on tiktok!)
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possum-tooth · 4 months
GUESS WHO GOT APPROVED FOF THEIR LEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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leokillers · 1 year
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musical-chick-13 · 11 months
Do you think being an ugly woman or going through puberty as a girl can be traumatic?
I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask this, as I am not a medical professional or researcher, just a very mentally ill lady.
But, as far as I see it, anything can be traumatic. It depends on a variety of situational factors-how other people react to what's happening, how they treat you, what your body and mind do in response to an event, how impactful or prolonged the event in question is. I'm reluctant to say that anything is inherently traumatic, (just because everyone is going to respond to every situation or combination of situations differently). But I don't think there's anything that exists that could never be traumatic in any situation, either. (And this gets even more complicated when you factor in something like PTSD or other illnesses that have triggers, especially ones that might not read as "obvious" to the average person.) If someone ostracizes you or refuses to understand your identity or ignores or belittles what you're going through, and if you don't have access to various personal needs because people are mistreating or neglecting you for things you can't control, I can absolutely believe that would incite a trauma response.
I'd really recommend reading this analysis/explanation of what, exactly, trauma is. It really helped me make sense of some of my experiences and solidify my own feelings toward the concept of trauma as a whole. It also has a link to some resources from the trauma and PTSD library, which I think are far more equipped to provide adequate answers than I could be.
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dancerofhyrule · 1 year
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This is a test to see if you recognize these characters. If you know who they are, hell yeah, and if not, well, I shall introduce them
From left to right are Lady, Shadie and Mizuri, both without and with a cloak. They are Four Swords manga OCs I’ve had since like 2015-2016 and they are dearly loved by me. They’ve since been redesigned, though these refs are still kinda old-ish, so I’ll likely redraw them one day
But anyways, if you don’t remember what their stories are, Lady is a librarian’s daughter working at the Village of the Blue Maiden as well as Erune’s best friend. Shadie is her shadow. It’s a long story but let’s say after bringing Shadow back in a sequel I’m writing, more shadows began to appear, though Shadie has no malice within her and is merely just curious about the outside world. Lady heard about the story of Four Swords but never got to meet the Links, so she’s aware of Shadow but is surprised to learn she has one of her own. When she and her family learn Shadie means no harm, they pretty much adopt her into the family. Lady and Shadie are Vio and Shadow’s love interests, respectively
MIZURI, on the other hand, is a completely different being brought from the Dark Mirror. In her words, she is Vaati’s Plan B, so she’s the main villain of my sequel. She’s merely 10, and only knows how to insult with playground insults like “stupid poopoo-head” but she’s actually quite the threatening fire mage, and it’s up to Red and Shadow to stop her.
Mm yeah so there you have it. I need to show more of my Four Swords stuff lmao
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witchwhaat · 1 year
the guy mentioning yuzuru as he should 😌
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Hi apple 🍏 hope you’re having a wonderful day. If your personal readings are open could I please request Message for you from your FS?
My initials are LP. and my moon sign is pisces 🐟🦋. Thank you for your time and energy.
disclaimer: I'm really sorry for the late reply. I'm back now and I will try to finish the reading requests in my inbox! Fyi, I will try to keep my readings shorter, so that I can get more readings done. I still hope you enjoy the reading nevertheless.
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I have so much love for you. Even if it seems like there is a 3rd party, it’s not true. No one could ever compare to you. You’re whole being is so attractive to me. I could get lost looking at you just doing your own thing. You’re the one. I don’t need anyone else. You're so mesmerizing and graceful.. just looking into your eyes makes me feel like I’m in trance - trapped in your magic. I don’t know how you do it but you have me completely wrapped around your finger. To be honest, I’m hiding my true desires for you… not seeing you is hurting me so much.
I think we both feel a little stuck right now… our connection is complicated. Life has been hard and we paid the price…
It breaks my heart that I can’t embrace you in a hug and tell you and me that everything is gonna be ok. Just knowing that you are there always helps me calm down in difficult times, I wish I would have the same effect on you. Please know that I will always be there for you.
At times I feel like I can’t reach you… Are you hiding your feelings? You keep this cold facade at times… I hope you would open up more to me… I am not the same person anymore! I will keep working hard and prove to you that I am trustworthy! I won’t give up. Never.
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
on the topic of gender havers:
nagisa ran 😤
mhm mhm you are so right
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canineical · 10 months
the old ladies in barbie soloed
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