#Lady Mariposa!AU
silentmagi · 2 years
Lady Mariposa AU: Adrien x Marinette x The Mariharem in "Support"
Adrien needed them, Marinette knew, and her heart could only swell in pride as she watched their friends cuddle the boy, holding him, giving him the attention and physical comfort that he needed.
It was when Nino kissed him on the temple that she began to suspect a few things she hadn't been told about her so called 'harem'.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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haesunflower · 1 year
the stars lied | royalty au with zhanghao and ricky
(written in the stars chapter 2)
✩ chapter 1 here, but can be read as standalone ✩ genre: romance, angst
pairing: reader x zhang hao, reader x ricky
about/tags: while you visit your sister, the queen, you're met with a familiar distraction – prince ricky. but king hao doesn't seem happy about it (3k words)
y/n is a princess, hao is a king, ricky is a prince, pining, childhood friends to lovers, love triangle (or maybe it's a square), infidelity, yujin is hao's son
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Your sister is with-child for the second time the next time you see her. You’re sitting with her at the butterfly garden, and her first-born is playing near the pond. The young crown prince Yujin looks much like Hao, you think. 
You look at your sister, the queen, and can’t help but think that she was always meant to be that. Since she’s left Astoria, she’s become much tanner, she smells of flowers all the time, and her hair is much longer. She fashions them nowadays with tiny crystals, which glisten in the sunlight when she moves. You tell her it looks like the stars, and she says it’s the only way she can feel connected to home. 
Mariposa, unlike your country, is much warmer. While you haven’t had the chance to explore much, the palace gardens here put yours to shame as it blooms with about a hundred different kinds of flowers. The people that staff the palace are gentle, soft-spoken and remind you of the slight drizzle before a rainbow. You suddenly understand where Zhang Hao gets his disposition from. The king you mean, you suddenly understand where the king gets his disposition from. 
You haven’t seen him since that night. You didn’t even show up to the wedding – it would have complicated things. Instead, you sent your sister a letter and a gift, a small golden telescope. You wonder if your sister has ever suspected anything, if that’s the reason she invited you to stay at Mariposa for the entire Spring. 
“Let me tour you around the palace, sister. Come.” her entire court of ladies move when she does, and you follow suit. She ends the tour at what she thinks would be your favorite place, the royal library. 
The whole place is bright, and the ceiling is incredibly high. The library is two stories, and there is a large staircase that leads to the second floor. The books on the first floor look like they sparkle, with the sun hitting its hardbound spines. You walk in between the tall bookshelves, fingers ghosting over the expanse of the collection. Slowly, the faint sound of a violin enters your ears. 
“He likes to play in here sometimes, up on the second floor”. Your sister, who is beside you, gestures up at the staircase. You don’t want to look. “As expected, the king plays beautifully”, your sister whispers to you. 
“I fear that I’ll disturb his grace's time with you. I’ll retire to my room, sister.” She gently nods at you before making her way up the steps, with prince Yujin following suit. 
You walk to your quarters alone. 
Your maid, Chaehyun, is busy brushing your hair when she tells you that the gown prepared for you to wear at the spring solstice ball has arrived. The dress is a breathtaking midnight blue, clad in diamonds, and much like your sister’s hair – reminds you of the Astoria night sky. 
A string quartet greets you enthusiastically, their music resonating throughout the ballroom as you enter. The walls are decorated in gold, with paintings of the Mariposa butterflies. The place is filled with Mariposa nobility, but you are also met with royals from other neighboring countries. A few gentlemen ask for your hand in a dance, and you agree. Though your body is moving, your mind is elsewhere. You feel that you are merely floating to the rhythm. 
Zhang Hao sees you first, breathtaking, he thinks. He is standing next to your sister on the platform where their thrones reside. He watches you politely accept dances from strangers, smiling and curtsying at each one. When you move, he thinks it’s like watching the constellations dance in the night sky. Entranced, he keeps his gaze on you.
The queen must have noticed, “my king, would you ask my sister for a dance? she looks like she needs saving.” Hao looks at her, a little bit in disbelief. But she nods firmly, letting him know that he can go. 
You’re at your 4th dance partner already, and the current one talks your ear off about Mariposa and Astoria politics. You’re about to respond with some generic agreement to his opinion, when you hear his voice. 
“Excuse me, prime minister. May I steal the Princess of Astoria for a dance?” his gloved hand is outstretched towards you. You don’t want to take it. Not when he’s looking at you like that, not when you’re unable to speak, and not when your sister is watching you from afar. “Of course, your grace”, the prime minister says as he places your hand on the king’s, and the decision is made for you. 
The music restarts, and a slower song begins to play. He takes your hand and places it on his right shoulder. While one hand holds yours tightly, the other rests on your waist. The butterflies are back, and it dances around your stomach. He’s trying to look at you, but your head is turned. 
“Princess y/n, are you ignoring the King?” his lips are in a smile, and his head is tilted. You appreciate the joking manner in which he speaks, and it gives you the courage to look him in the eye. When your eyes meet, his gaze softens. And since you don’t respond, he follows up with “I must say I was a little offended when you fled the library earlier today without so much of a greeting.” 
“I apologize, your grace. I did not want to disturb your time with my sister, nor your time with the violin.” He spins you around. “I don’t mind an audience, princess.” Again, you don’t know what to say.  So with eyes still locked on one another, you dance in silence, and as the song ends he tells you to make yourself at home here. You curtsy, and you leave the dance floor, running to the balcony.
The moment your face hits the fresh air, you gasp. You’re breathing heavily, and you make your way towards the banister for support. Your dress feels too tight, too heavy, and you’re clawing at the bodice for release. Behind you, the ballroom is still ablaze with people, chatter, and music. In front of you, a lake full of swans. And beside you, a man dressed in black. 
“Y/N, are you quite alright?” he asks. You turn your attention to him, and you’re met with a healthy distraction from an impending panic attack. He’s much taller than you remember, with broader shoulders and longer hair. Under the night sky, the moonlight reflects on his platinum hair. “Prince Quanrui” you breathe out. 
“Princess Y/N”, he bows at you. “I was looking for you, you know. I was waiting for the chance to ask for a dance, and then that damn king cut the line.” You laugh, Quanrui has always been honest. 
As children, you saw each other yearly for diplomatic meetings of the nations Astoria and Solaria. Your kingdoms were on opposite ends of the map, and while yours is dominated by the moon, his is dominated by the sun. You’ve been to Solaria a few times, the land of people with golden hair. But most of these royal gatherings were hosted in Astoria. 
When you were children, you thought he didn’t talk much. He always sat gracefully, composed, and stoic. Your older brother, Hanbin, was often compared to him growing up as a fellow crown prince. It was only when all the prying eyes of adults left the room where Quanrui, or Ricky, as he liked to refer to himself, would reveal what kind of person he truly is. When it’s just the children in the room – you quickly learn that he says whatever is on his mind, is quite stubborn, and is always at the scene of conflict even if he doesn’t want to be. You remember a time where all the children were chasing each other under the dining hall tables and when the ceramics fell, Ricky took the blame. 
As you were the same age, you spent a lot of time together running around the castle, riding horses, and painting by the garden. You’d also force him to join a tea party or two, especially when your sister was off with extra lessons. He didn’t like doing it, but it gave him a chance to spend time with you. Ricky was the only person in the world who preferred your company over your sister’s. 
But by the time you were teenagers, Ricky started spending more time with Hanbin, sparring at the courtyard for some “healthy competition”. The two princes got along well, and both your parents fostered and encouraged that friendship to ensure the long-lasting alliance of your kingdoms. Every time he visits, he would make sure to ask you to go on a stroll with him at least once. 
The visits started becoming less and far between, after all, relations between Astoria and Solaria are solid than ever – there’s really not much to discuss during the diplomatic meetings anymore. 
On your 17th birthday, he sent over a portrait he painted of you, purely from memory. He apologized for being unable to visit that year as he didn’t have the time to take the long journey to you. In the letter he sent along with the portrait, he said he was busy preparing for the sun ceremony and invited you to come – but you didn’t go. Because Zhang Hao was in Astoria, preparing to marry your sister. 
In the present time, Quanrui stands beside you, “you should have waited, I would have gladly danced with you instead, Ricky.” He looks satisfied with your answer, and pleasantly surprised that formalities have been dropped. He doesn’t have the heart to tell you that he no longer goes by his childhood name Ricky. But the name sounds so sweet being uttered from your lips. So he lets it be. 
“Will you still be here tomorrow?” he asks. 
“Yes, until the end of the season.” 
“Good, I have someone I’d like you to meet.”
It’s the next day, and you’re in your riding clothes. Ricky is at the grand stables, bringing out two horses, one golden like the sun and one white as snow. “Ricky, when you said you’d like me to meet someone, I didn’t think you’d mean a stallion.” 
He laughs, handing you the reins of the white horse. He gently strokes its hair when he says “this is Celeste, I bring her everywhere with me.” You look at him, making your eyes small and shooting him an accusatory look, “Celeste like, the constellation we made up as kids?” 
Ricky laughs “a funny coincidence, is it not?”. His ears are slightly red, and you are right not to believe him. Eyebrows furrowed in disbelief, you shake your head. 
You’re laughing when you ask “okay, and who is this handsome creature?” You're petting the golden stallion by its neck, waiting for Ricky to respond. Instead, he walks closer to you and asks “may I?”, you nod and he easily lifts you up by the waist to mount the horse. 
“You tell me y/n, he’s all yours.” 
He shoots you a wink and quickly mounts Celeste. He’s gotten a few feet ahead of you when he turns around to taunt you, “well princess y/n, are you coming?” You quickly start to move, catching up to them, with the newly gifted horse that you decide to name Citrine. 
On his own horse from afar, Zhang Hao watches you ride alongside Quanrui. 
Spring goes by fast, and Quanrui has overextended his stay.
Solaria and Mariposa have a tense history, and their mutual ally Astoria is what prevents further political turmoil. So when Quanrui asks the king if he could buy a horse from him, he allows it. And when Quanrui asks if he, too, can stay until the end of Spring, Zhang Hao makes a retort comment about Solaria needing their crown prince back. The prince responds with “some things are worth more than a country” and upon hearing a response like that, he has no choice but to let him stay.  
King Zhang Hao isn’t blind. He sees that Quanrui is in love with Y/N. Since the spring solstice ball, you have never gotten a moment to yourself. Prince Quanrui is always glued to your side – especially as you stroll through the butterfly gardens, visit the palace museums, and ride the horses. Mealtimes have been hard for Hao, so much so that he has decided to dine alone in his room for the time being. He loses his appetite when he sees you and Prince Quanrui casually stealing glances at each other. 
After dinner, he often retires to the royal library in an attempt to distract himself, getting lost in the violin. The queen is starting to worry, when she points out he’s been playing sadder songs recently. He never knows what to tell her, so he doesn’t say anything. 
Today, as he is about to enter the second floor study, he hears voices. Inside, you’re teaching the young crown prince, Yujin, how to use a telescope. The windows are open, and you’re guiding Hao’s son so that he can see through the device. It’s the golden telescope you got your sister as a wedding gift. You don’t know that Hao has been the one using it as of late. 
“My my, isn’t it too late for the young prince to be awake?” The toddler beams in excitement and gestures to be brought to his father. You bring Yujin over to Hao, who gladly takes him from your arms and coos. “And what did princess y/n show you hmm?” He makes conversation with his child as if he has the ability to respond. King Hao then brings Yujin over to his nanny, who is waiting patiently by the door. “Bring the young prince to bed.” he commands. 
You are also about to excuse yourself when Hao stops you. “Stay” he says.  
You stop in your tracks, and turn around to face him. “Your grace, it’s getting late -” He is desperate to speak to you, evidently grasping at straws when he says “as King, I’m ordering you to stay.” 
Hao sighs loudly, and throws his head up, looking straight into the ceiling. “Sorry Y/N I just, I want the chance to speak with you.” He’s looking at you now, pleading with his eyes. The same eyes he used as he pleaded with you that night in Astoria. 
This time, you want to hear him out. This time, you don’t run away. “Okay, I’ll stay.” 
You sit yourself on the couch, opposite the window where you were standing. Hao follows suit and sits next to you. There’s a long silence before you hear the crickets in the distance. “Did you love me?” he asks. 
Love? You think. Well, he made your heart beat faster than anyone else could. He made you feel seen, he made you question your position in royalty, and he made you wonder what it would be like to be – normal. He almost made you betray your sister. So whatever powerful force that was, if we can even call it love, that is how you felt towards him. 
But all you can croak out is “you are married now Hao – ” Suddenly, you feel 17 again. You feel vulnerable, removing the walls you greatly put up. “– and to my sister, nonetheless.”
You’re scared that you’ll cry, so you look straight ahead at the window so the tears don’t fall. You know that you still haven’t actually answered his question. And he thinks you won’t be able to answer him at all, which is why he confesses ahead, “Y/N I am married, but I do not love her.”
This time, you look at him. Like you, he looks scared. His lips are quivering and he’s afraid he’ll break at any moment. With bravery, you place your hand on his cheek. You feel the tear that falls down and he closes his eyes, basking in your touch. “I’m sorry.” he whispers.
“For what?” you ask. 
“For not doing anything. For letting you go. For not seeing you the next morning. For -” he’s bawling at this point. And you could barely make out those last few words as he lets his tears take over. So you hug him, and his tears pool by your neck. Forget royal conduct, right now you are just a girl, holding your first love tightly. 
His arms wrap around your back, and he clings on to you tightly. How cruel, he thinks. The first time he is allowed to feel the warmth of your skin is also the last time he’ll be able to. Both your eyes are shut as you enjoy the company of being in each others’ arms. For you, healing. For him, mourning. 
When his breathing steadies, he explains himself. “It’s because I thought you might be right, Y/n, about what’s written in the stars for us. But now that I’m here holding you, I’m hoping the stars lied.” 
Your brows are furrowed, and he’s holding both your hands when he says “I so badly want the stars to be wrong.” He says it so quietly, you almost don’t catch it. Your foreheads are leaning against each other, when you whisper back “I’m sorry, too.” 
The soft cries have stopped, and it’s silent once again. The weight of your words slumps his shoulders, and he knows what the apology means. It means, I’m sorry, but it’s too late. I’m sorry that this isn’t in the cards for us. I’m sorry, but I do not love you anymore.  
“to answer your question, I think I did love you, Hao.” And for a split second, he is happy. 
“But I think you wouldn’t be able to love me freely either way, your duty is to your country. You are a selfless King, and even though only I will know your great sacrifice, it is admirable to the highest degree.” 
And Hao knows you are right. His one great love is Mariposa. Unlike other royal families, there is no other person that can rule, the line of succession ends with him as the only son of the late king. And now that he is King, the line shall continue with Yujin. It turns out, you’re right about the stars. Hao is destined to be a great leader, not your lover. 
So he nods, forced to accept his fate. With one last plea, “one kiss before I let you go?” 
You nod, and let him mold his lips to yours. His hands hold your jaw tightly, bringing you close to him. You feel a passion, longing, and a sadness to this kiss, and you relish in it. It’s a kiss that feels like it’s the end. 
Outside, the queen peeks through the keyhole of the door. Then decides to leave you be.
A/N: this was so long, whew! what do you think will happen next? part three will be out next week, but let me know your reactions!
✩ chapter 1, chapter 3 ✩ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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taglist: @en-ct @honghongbri (and tagging other people that left comments on chapter 1 @annoyingbitch83 @missuszabini @aleinasstuff @wtfhyuck @zhanghrt @flwrinn @xiaoting999 @xmxcris @seokmthw)
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ririchanva · 3 months
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I know there's a Lady Butterfly / Lady Blue for the Rio special, but here I decided to use a re-design from the concept arts for ANOTHER Lady Butterfly for the #quirksandmiracles AU. Decided to name her Mariposa Sereno, so at least she can be related to the new Butterfly hero for Miraculous Rio :) Her kwami's name is Letta.
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
For the Love of Fic: February 13
Zero writing done, but I’m getting through my gigantic read list! 
Here’s what I enjoyed this week!!!
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creations work!
First Kiss by @hopeamarsu 🪐 Holy BALLS was I left breathless and yearning with this one. I think I’m still recovering. What I wouldn’t give to make Pero stop for a hot second and realize what a kiss means to him. To not let me go. To want more. 
The Herbalist: Part 3: Appearances Can Be Correct  and Part 4: Sticking Your Nose In by @blueeyesatnight A wild Pero appears (proceeded by odor and followed by cussing) just as reader is described as “a lady.” You think he cares? These two couldn’t be less likely or suited to enjoy each other’s company...and I can’t wait for them to crave it.
Love and Red by @chaoticgeminate This is actually a fanwork of leslie-lyman’s Stranger At My Gate. Readers of that story will recognize the Walsh family members, as well as Pero and Tess and their red string. It’s wonderful to look at a fan paring from an outsider’s POV while inside the story itself!
In the Belly by @grogusmum 🪐 Hazel’s Hedgewitch and Mercenary are preparing to reap the fruits of their Beltane tumbles. Since his Mariposa is supposed to be resting, it’s up to Pero to get the Imbolc ritual right. After being put through a quiet test, he’s about to get what he deserves!!!
Whatever Comes Our Way by @writeforfandoms  Okay, come on now. Jen’s modern!Pero is one of my happy places because he’s such a toddler of a man. Pouts, grumps, refuses to give into force. But his defenses can be eroded by the funniest things...in this case, a ferret. Watching Pero bond with a ferret is... *giggles* delightful.
The First You by @yelena-bellova I love this meditation on Joel through the eyes of his Tess-like companion, sleuthing out little gestures and behaviors that point to an inner Joel, someone with passions and preferences he’d rather not let anyone be privy to. Which is a shame...because he’d benefit so much from the love. Beautiful and aching.
I Lied by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 When Joel gets protective, he gets protective. And when you belong to him, he’s not gonna let anyone else have you. Swoon.
Saying I Love You After A Fight by @songsformonkeys 🪐 Hanna’s going for my heart this year in all the different ways one can say I love you, and she’s already making me yearn on this first one. The way the reader and Joel trust and know each other--know how they argue, the sound of sleep vs. laying awake, the words that are unspoken and those that are... It’s just a beautiful quiet moment of making up in the quiet way Joel has, and I’m here for it.
Home by @radiowallet  Cat revisits the moment when Tess denied that she had a home with Joel and how it affects him. It’s heartbreakingly beautiful like all of Cat’s writing, but that last line goes for the throat and the pain is so exquisite that I’ll gladly just lie here staring at the ceiling and letting it bleed out....
Getting Lost is Being Found by @littlemisspascal  This is an absolute stunner. Dark AU, hellhound!Joel, alpha/omega dynamics. Sometimes I feel like Rae is the good witch of this fandom, peering through her cabinet of ingredients and skillfully poitioning the most amazing fics from them. Her writing in this one is particularly beautiful, her descriptions and worldbuilding just gorgeous. This is one of those fics that takes me out of time and places me somewhere else for a while. Perfection.
Anywhere But Here by @prolix-yuy A bleak and beautiful examination of Joel and Tess’s relationship from Tess’s POV, from a supposed meeting right up until the greatest thing she’s ever done. LJ’s writing is absolutely gorgeous as usual, and she really knows how to make it sing while it stings.
Men Who Are Fighting To Be Warm: The NSFW ABC’s of Joel Miller by @something-tofightfor  Listen. When Rachael writes Joel, she writes JOEL. And even if this is a headcanon format, you’re going to get in deep to Joel’s head and learn about him beyond the bedroom. The man has stories from so many lifetimes--from Texas, Boston, Jackson...he’s got his triggers and his traumas, but it’s nice to see him on the road to having the semblance of a quiet and loving life.
Not A Monster, Not Alone by @beecastle  Bee wrote us a fix-it fic for Sam and Ellie. And it’s so bright and wonderful that it just breaks my heart all the more...
Does Your Mother Know? by @simpingcowboy 🪐 I’m in love with the ABBA theme. I’m in love with this version of Oberyn. And I’m in love with how he toys with her and leaves her wanting more. I’m not an age-gap kinda girl, but I adore Oberyn’s way of saying something shocking as if it was not taboo at all. Because, to Oberyn, little is taboo. But even he has his limits.
Sweet Reds and Starlight Mornings by @lowlights No joke, when Oberyn’s told to make a mess, he’s going to enjoy making that mess. And there’s no mess like a honey and fluids mess. What a fantastic birfday gift. Lap. It. Up.
What The Hell Are Fancams? by @musings-of-a-rose I’m kind of still reeling from this. I usually stick to reader fic or OC (this one’s first-person narrator) so nearly took a hall pass...and I’m so so SO glad I didn’t. I love the narrator a lot and her student Chelsea is a little mischievous queen. (Can we talk about her mutual student crush and how adorable they are???) This is just wall-to-wall mutual crush at first site and holy balls this is so fluffy and cute and my heart was just fluttering all the way through it and pulling for them the whole time. Srsly. NO. CRUMBS. LEFT.
Glory by @insomniamamma 🪐 I never want J to stop writing for Ez and Prickle. And since she so cleverly writes their story out of order in moments and assignments, expertly weaving in just the things you need to know in order to follow that particular installment, you can read any of them as standalone or read them as they come up, as if you’re getting scattered stories of a life lived, as many life stories are told. This one isn’t of just one instance but many, of how love looks and acts with Ezra at the wheel. And forgive me if I disappear after this one as I have melted and am slowly seeping into my couch cushions...
Spare Parts by @haylzcyon  I am in love with the balls on this reader character. How she knows when she’s not wanted and leaves without a fuss. How she speaks her mind. How she tells her man exactly what’s on her mind. And, of course, how she puts him in his place--secure in her heart and bed. <3
YSC: Heartbeat by @deadhumourist 🪐 This fic gave me emotions that I don’t really know how to define. For her first Year of Science Fiction installment, Ani takes Marcus and gives him a new heart. Which sounds lovely and poetic. Until you realize this is sci-fi. And then things point toward the darker side. 
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wilygryphon · 8 months
Mariposa Resistance (Miraculous Ladybug AU)
Marinette and her friends live in a city ruled by a tyrannical regime that uses the Ladybug Miraculous to create weapons for its military.  Marinette possesses the Butterfly Miraculous, which she uses to empower people to fight back.  Since the police would arrest everyone who fought back, she had to convince them that she was overwriting their will (which was possible but ultimately not true for most of them, particularly her friends), first by Akumatizing the secret police operative who arrested her father and later by Akumatizing the general’s daughter (Kagami) to force the regime to address the claims and release everyone she Akumatized. (Kagami later became an ally in earnest.)
When they need to get information out of someone, Mariposa Akumatizes Luka into Truth.  When helping someone escape pursuit, Juleka becomes Reflekta.  Hijacking communications or hacking computer systems?  Alya becomes Lady Wifi or Markov becomes Robostus.  Unfortunately, the dictator uses the Ladybug Miraculous to restore any damage that the Akumas do to his forces, so Mariposa has to take small victories and hope for a really good opening.
Meanwhile, there is a psychopathic terrorist running around with the Black Cat Miraculous, whom both the resistance and the regime are trying to catch.  Mariposa hopes that acquiring the Black Cat Miraculous will turn the tide against the regime, perhaps making a particularly powerful Akuma.
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sillyangstfic · 2 months
Ya know what would be a cool miraculous fic: if Gabriel figured out how to clone the Butterfly miraculous to give him the same powers that way he can keep being Hawkmoth even if he loses the original miraculous.
Then they give the original Butterfly miraculous to Zoe (Queen Bee/Chloe character development for the win! Suck it writers!) and Zoe has moments where she has to drop everything, transform, and send another butterfly to get to the akuma target for the day and just basically be a magic therapist. Hawkmoth hates her because she keeps calming down potential akuma targets through the butterfly mind telepathy so Gabriel has to go out of his way to just cause problems and hope Zoe doesn't get there first.
Battle of the Butterflies! Lets GO!
Also Chloe distracting akumas/Mayura so that Zoe can keep working without fighting for her life. Zoe also spoils the shit out of Nooroo because the little guy deserves it.
What superhero name do you think Zoe would have? I've seen aus where Marinette has the butterfly and is called Lady Fairy, Mariposa, Lady Butterfly, etc. but I'm not sure which best fits Zoe.
Ooooh that is fun
I think if he somehow split the miraculous in two rather than duping it there would be more fun magical consequences, so I’m going with that
He needs a decoy. He swears that Ladybug has been onto his identity lately and he needs to throw someone else under the bus. Someone Ladybug would suspect, someone who would make sense. Chloe Bourgeois? No, she’s been the victim of too many akuma attacks. Her new little sister, however…
I think Zoe would be chosen because he would assume that she’d be just like Chloe, only a little younger. He would be counting on her to recklessly akumatize anyone and everyone she could, and lead Ladybug straight to her in the process
No one questions why the new girl wears a brooch
Everyone starts asking questions when a new butterfly shows up, calming people down from panic attacks, giving them the power to get their cat out of a tree, giving a woman the power to fly so she can make it on time to her court appointment, etc
I like the Chloe helping idea!! Especially since she’d absolutely notice if her new sister was suddenly wearing a brooch.
Chloe interrogates her about it and when Zoe is hella sketch, Chloe starts digging deeper (w/ Sabrina ofc) and discovers that she’s the new butterfly
Chloe decides to help her out, but doesn’t want her to know it was her (she’s got a reputation to uphold!) so she gets a Stealth Queen Bee suit and becomes a Hawkmoth defeating task force
I think Nooroo would be split between them (since I split the miraculous here) and would be torn back and forth. Zoe and Nino would bond over their bestie’s shitty dads (Zoe needed to vent to somebody, and she needed to demagicify it first)
They can only transform when they have Nooroo, and both try to do everything they can to keep him (Zoe by giving Nooroo lots of snacks and love to try to signal to the miraculous that this is the better place for him, and Gabe by trying to make kwami traps that Nooroo can’t escape out of)
Here’s my ideas for hero names: (I’d give her the colors each butterfly when transformed)
Butterfree (pokemon)
The Painted Lady (butterfly type + atla reference)
Mourning Cloak (butterfly type + fun symbolism)
Grayling (butterfly type + makes her sound like a kid)
Holly Blue (butterfly type + really pretty + TAKE that color from Mayura)
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brave329 · 1 year
The Vally of the lost
This is basically my idea for a massive crossover of a lot of @toaverse au’s
Many of the casitas in different universes are interconnected and have ways of sharing memories
In most universes the madrigals are a good and loving family
Unfortunately in others some members are cruel and abusive
So some of the casitas who are forced to watch their favorite Madrigals suffer because of an entitled village and so called family members plan prepare and bide their time
This all comes to a head when one of the casitas collapses
It rebuilds itself in a world where non of the madrigals survived the raid and the Encanto does not exist taking its favored madrigals with it
The other casitas then abandon their worlds merging with the first casita and taking their madrigals with them as well
It’s pure chaos and confusion as everyone tries to figure out what happened
In the shitty Pepa au most of the family lost their gifts cause casita took them and then gave them to the family members that deserved it
The other casitas like that idea and copy it
They eventually calm down and start talking about their respective worlds and what it was like
Basically like a giant bonding/group therapy session
They all have some trouble at the beginning with expecting people to act like their counterparts but they work through it
Found family but it’s better versions of your actual family
The village gets started when yellow butterflies start leading refugees of la violencia to the vally
Giftless Julieta
Julieta-Julia (seeing the future from Bruno and Pepa swap)
Augustine-Gus (weather control from his universes Pepa)
Dolores- Lolo
Luisa- Lisa
Mirabel-Mariana (has gift of healing with food)
Green Dolores
Mariano-Diego (weather control)
Fish lady-Ozma (strength from shitty Pepa)
Senora Guzman-Rosá (healing from shitty Pepa)
Sophia and Diego’s sons Hugo and Pedro (1 year old)
Papa Augustine
Augustine-August (healing with food)
Dolores- Carmen
Luisa- Amelia
Mirabel-Mariposa (weather control)
Antonio- Augustine Jr (he picked it himself)
Bruno and Pepa swap
Pepa- Tempest
Felix-Feliz (super hearing)
Mariano-Sol (weather control from shitty Pepa)
Shitty pepa au
Alma-Corazon (shape shifting)
Augustine- Música (super hearing from his worlds Dolores)
Mirabel-Marigold (gift of plants from her worlds Isabela)
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margotquinsel · 1 year
Modern Encanto AU
Chapter 5 The plane
"Are you kidding me!"
"What wrongs Mariposa?"
"I'm stuck in the middle!"
"Maybe you're with me, Mira"
"Hmm maybe, where do you sit?"
"Ugh not even close, K7."
"Oh, I'm behind you."
"Which means me and your Papa are behind you."
"UGH, Still bad.
I'm in the midde of two strangers, Wha if I next to a child? Or even a baby! Or a creep!"
"If its a creep then I'll kindly ask the person next to me to move."
"Yeah but Paaaa, what if its a woman next to you, then she'd have to sit next to the creep!"
"Oh yeah, lets just go sit down."
They all got to the seats, Julieta looked around, she got anxious when she couldnt see Isabela and Luisa, she knew they were near each other, they'd keep each other safe. She also looked around for anybody that looked like a creep, or a young boy or girl.
AN HOUR LATER (The plane has been lifted off )
"Theres still no one next to Mirabel." Julieta muttered to Agustin.
"Maybe they're still trying to look for their seat?"
"I doubt that."
"Maybe they're in the wrong seat?" "I dont think so, look." Julieta pointed to an elderly woman with a baby in her hands.
"Excuse me dEaRe, I'm sitting over there, next to the window, do you think I could go past you? Or maybe you could come out?" A shaky old slow voice said.
"Oh, I'll just get out of my seat, ma'am." Mirabel replied getting out of her seat. She turned around to face her mother with a beaming smile as her mother gave her a thumbs up.
Julieta and Agustin thought that the Lady wasn't going to be a pain but they'd completely forgot about baby she was holding.
The first 5 minutes of them being there wasn't that bad. The baby was cooing but very quietly, they couldn't hear it. Until the cooing got louder and turned into whimpers, and those whimpers turned into weeps which turned into very loud crying.
In fact it was so loud that Isabela had messaged Julieta about it, but Julieta didnt hear the notification, Agustin did though and told her about it. The seat next to Agustin was empty, ( He was in the middle ) So he offered it to Mirabel because she looked like she could fall asleep any second now, she kept dozing off and quickly waking up because of that like chubby baby next to her. Mirabel did take the seat and tried to sleep but failed, she was still close to the baby.
After what seemed like hours the baby stopped crying. everyone was relieved but the Woman behind Agustin seemed to be annoyed.
"Are you kidding me!"
And she had a temper tantrum for the rest of flight, which wasn't for long..
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Aquí finalmente un dibujo de Frida y André pero esta vez disfrazados para Halloween!!!,
Me inspire en uno de mis Aus favoritos de Miraculous Ladybug llamado "Lady Fairy" quién habrá visto ese Au sabrá que Marinett es ciega y tiene el Miraculous de la mariposa, además de estar muy maravillada por la valentía y amabilidad de Chat Noir mientras que Adrien es un dulce Simp que se enamoro de Marinett por su puro corazón,
Por eso disfrace a estos dos de ellos
Créditos a Luis Ceballos Lopez por André
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calistozom · 4 years
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Day №23.
This character card was drawn rather haphazardly and is, of course, far from ideal, but it will do for now.
Mariposa, as a true knight, got the shield. She may use other types of weapons in normal life, but when faced with other "players" and when performing "game" tasks for gaining experience, the shield is her only weapon.
P.S. - in theory, these small "glitches" around the shield should display its "electronic essence".
P.P.S. - and a little bit of color for the lady knight QwQ
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silentmagi · 2 years
Lady Mariposa AU: Marinette & Wang Cheng, Marinette x The Mariharem in "Official Introductions"
It was time to meet the family, and Wang Cheng was happy to serve as the delegation from the relatives. He was a bit pleased to see young Agreste, an upstanding young man, then confused when Miss Tsurugi was shoved in. Alarmed at Wu Fei being dragged in, then they just kept coming, and coming, and finally Marinette locked the door behind them and gave him a cheeky smile.
"Sorry about that, some of them were nervous meeting you Uncle... This is my polycule, and I'd like to introduce you to everyone... and explain a LOT about it."
He was going to need more tea for this... and perhaps make a pot of soup.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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djackalope · 5 years
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Massive Sketch dump from my insta story a few weeks ago 
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
So I’m on a Chat Blanc Kick.
Could you imagine Hero! Chat Blanc.
I’m imagining in either Lady Fairy or Mariposa. Where Marinette is hurt by a villain. Chat noir gets a butterfly and just Ascends, while a kick ass anime theme plays. Tears stream from his cheeks as his hand glows white, and blue eyes glare at The villain. His rage now quiet and it’s clear, he is done listening.
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acciopercyjackson · 5 years
Yo does anybody out there have like good Turtle!Marinette fic??? Like we have Marigold, Fenette, Mariposa, Mayura!Marinette and a ton of Black Cat!Marinette kwami swaps and I BREATHE that stuff but like?? ? I haven't come across any where Marinette has the turtle miraculous??
Like this might be a case where I have to create the content myself but at the same time it's gotta be out there somewhere
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3laxx · 6 years
1. Alyanette 2. Mariposa/Butterfly! Marinette and Lady WiFi/Champion Equivalent!Alya 3.???
Thanks for your ask, man! Was a little challenging but I really enjoyed it! ;)
“Stay hidden.“, Mariposa whispered in her ear as she glanced around the corner, watching her master’s partner being ambushed by Le Paon, “We want to have the surprise on our side.“
Lady Wifi clenched her teeth as the man grabbed Chat noir by his neck, pulling him up so that his feet hung over the floor, “… I can’t wait any longer, otherwise he’ll get Chat’s Miraculous and complete the ultimate power.“
She heard her hesitating, both watching Chat’s eyes rolling in the deathly grip of their enemy, before a hissed order to attack sounded in her ear, causing her to pull out her phoneand surge forward.
Give me a prompt and I write 3 sentences!
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bunathebunny · 3 years
midnight visit
Marinette has an unexpected guest.
Link to AO3
Trying new things :)) Though to be honest, I really do have many dickinette aus with Renegade!Dick.
The studio at night is silent - quiet in the way the scratching of her pencil across the pages echoes, in the low rumbling of the sewing machine tearing through the night. The whispering of fabric is soft in the stillness of the night as her hands deftly pin down the patterns that she has spent nights and nights agonizing over.
Her phone, long forgotten on her desk, pings - loud and sharp, cutting through the silence and pulling a jolt out of her. Blinking away the fog and scrambling for her phone, she barely swipes it open before the click of the window unlocking reaches her ear, prompting a hitch in her breath as she moves.
The scissors are the nearest sharp object and it is also the first thing she reaches for. The hair at her neck is prickling with tension when she turns, brandishing her chosen weapon as a shot of adrenaline fills her veins.
A muffled of laughter. The barest hint of an amused smirk. All of which immediately results in raised hackles and a rush of heat in her veins, as always.
"Good evening to you, too," purrs the intruder, black and orange, a pretty but familiar face and oh, how her chest burns, "I see you haven't changed."
There is a retort on her tongue. There is the warm heat roaring in her chest. There is this insane urge to rush forward - and to do what, she does not know.
Instead, Marinette breaths - one and two; in and out. Relaxes her stance. Wills her fingers to uncurl. Yet her shoulders still stand rigid in the face of an unscheduled visit of an old acquaintance.
"Are you here for business?" she asks, instead, willing her voice to come out in a calm, soothing wave rather than the avalanche of words that she both wants to scream out and yet, at the same time, desperately hopes for them to never leave her lips, "You, of all people, knows how I conduct my business."
She meant for it to be a reprimand. That she does not appreciate an unscheduled visit. A warning, perhaps. Of her capability of turning an uninvited guest out, regardless of who they are.
"I came with an offer," is what is breathed out into the silence, the man before her stalks forward, each step silent and sure, "You might even call it a once-in-a-lifetime chance."
Long ago, Sabine Cheng was an invaluable right-hand of Talia al Ghul. Or she had been, until she retired and passed her knowledge to her one and only daughter.
Marinette was born outside of the world in which her mother made a name for herself. Yet that does not mean she is ignorant. She is neither soft nor defenseless as many so believe.
Many has been fooled. And oh, how have they fallen...
So she digs her feet in and holds her ground. Chin up and back straight. Just like Talia’s steady hand on her back. Just like her mother’s stern words in her ears.
She does not fear. She is to be feared.
"Is that an offer for M.D.C?" she challenges, head tilting to the side, exposing her neck in a challenge, "Or is it for Mariposa?"
Renegade smiles. In the same way that has her wishing for violence. In the same way that has her blood pumping and her head lighter than any drug can.
"I don't know," he titters, head tipping to the side, baring the side of his neck, separated from prying eyes by a mere layer of fabric, and the urging for violence grows as heat spreads under her skin,"Why don't you guess, little lady?"
Breath. In and out. In and out.
"Then you can scam," is her reply as venom drips from her tongue and rolling her eyes is almost as easy as breathing, "I have no patience for trolls."
Once upon a time, she would have laughed and joined the banter with something light in her chest. But that was years and years ago, too long yet too short...
"Don't be like that," the edge of the pout teases at his lips and she has the insane urge to kiss them, nibbling and biting down until the bittersweet taste of blood fills the gap between them, "I am here on business."
"Of course you are," she mutters, dripping sarcasm, “You wouldn’t be here otherwise.”
It takes little effort to open her mail. It takes less to notice the newest addition to her inbox. It, however, takes too much to understand the content of the attachment.
"Who drafted this?" is what slips out of her mouth, careful eyes scanning over each and every word, "This contract, who drafted this?"
The words are clipped and to the point. Straightforward. Probably much, much clearer than those contracts offered to M.D.C.
This must be a trap - made of words and binding by a twist of a wrist. With a flick of a pen, she would be back to where she had been, before she had struck out on her own, before the little bits of foundations she put down grew into the empire it is today.
She could refuse to sign. Delete the mail. Close the app. Demand that her uninvited guest show himself out.
Then perhaps she would sleep, or she would not. Perhaps she would try to forget about this, about the achingly familiarity of the old days that had been steadily buried under the fog of her mind as the sun rises and sets. Perhaps, she would contact either Talia or her mother, for an update, for advices, for reassurance.
"You are missed," is whispered into the tenses silence, the light pitter patter of footsteps reaches her ears, "Come back to us."
Her eyes leave the screen, reluctantly as her whole body trembles under the sudden wave of confusing emotions. There is this aching desire to take the extended offer, to ignore the warning sirens at the back of her head and sign the contract.
“Give me a day,” she says, brimming with something like glass, “I will get back to you in twenty-four hours.”
She will regret this. One way or another.
Tagging: @vroomtaka
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