#Lago di Bolsena
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page-28 · 10 months
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Cy Twombly
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k3rn3lpan1c · 1 year
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Bolsena, Settembre 2023
I borghi medievali hanno un fascino unico, è un privilegio poter vivere in un posto così ricco di antichità e bellezza.
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harveyphotography · 1 year
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- Happiness only real when shared -
Ecco, forse, la felicità è nulla se non si ha nessuno con cui condividerla.
Per quanto turbolenti possano essere i rapporti tra esseri umani, è solo in essi che si può sperare di raggiungere un qualche senso dell'esistenza.
L'individualismo è sterile, non porta a nulla: è nella parola "insieme" che si racchiude il germe di ogni esperienza, di ogni scoperta. La gioia sta nel dare, nel condividere; si trova negli abbracci, nelle mani tese, nei baci, nei sorrisi donati.
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vizcart · 11 months
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Italian Touring Club map: Civitavecchia. This map was realized by the geographic institute De Agostini and dates back to 1946-50. This map as a whole is marvellous for the simple clarity of the drawing, which highlights the volcanic conformations of the main lakes in Lazio.
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storiearcheostorie · 2 months
Nuovi, importanti ritrovamenti archeologici nel sito sommerso del Gran Carro del Lago di Bolsena [FOTO/VIDEO]
ARCHEOLOGIA | Nuovi, importanti ritrovamenti archeologici nel sito sommerso del Gran Carro del Lago di Bolsena [FOTO/VIDEO]
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: italyrry is back in action and so am i.
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: A business trip to Italy brings more than just professional success. One hot afternoon, deliciously cold water and a series of unfortunate events bring out the illicit temptation you both have been fighting.
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Harry Styles will take any opportunity to travel to Italy. Vacation, just a layover, family gathering, he is always open to visit the country he almost considers his second home.
This time, he is on an active quest to expand his business, he’s been negotiating with some possible Italian partners for months now and they seem to be heading towards the finish line. To officiate the deal Harry has headed over to Bolsena, a wonderful town that resides on the coast of Lago di Bolsena, a lake of volcanic origin. And though he usually travels alone when it comes to business, this time he is accompanied by you.
The trip is set to last four days, most of it spent with the Trevisani brothers who are looking forward to do business with Harry in the future. The first two days have been hectic, brunch with Fabio and Vittore, meetings, lunch at some luxury restaurant’s terrace, even more meetings, then business dinner and it all started again the next day.
But today is finally the first day you get to have some free time. Though the first half of the day was still filled with business, now it’s after lunch time and you finally get to go to the beach you’ve been eyeing from your hotel room’s balcony since you’ve arrived.
You agreed with Harry to meet down there, because he had to take a quick call, so you’re the first one to reach the sandy beach with your beach towel under your arm and the bikini you bought especially for this trip under your sundress. In your left there’s a rockier section and it appears to be less crowded so you opt to occupy a spot there. You put down your towel and then take off your dress, enjoying the warm breeze on your skin as you get rid of your slippers and head over to the water.
It’s so refreshing, your muscles relax the moment you sink into the water so it’s up to your chin and then you dip under the surface fully. You wish you could just float around here for the rest of the trip.
A few feet away from where you left your things there’s a rock that reaches over the water, like a natural jumping board. A group of teenagers are jumping into the water, doing flips in the air, the glistening water splashing everywhere once they fall into the lake.
You’re not that big of an adrenaline junkie, but it seems like a lot of fun, so you decide to give it a try and go for a jump. Swimming over you get out of the water and follow their route over a rocky part to arrive to the jumping spot. For a while, you stop at the back, just watching them jump in one after the other before moving closer to the edge, but there’s still enough place that they can keep jumping in while you stand there, collecting your courage.
Right before you’re about to finally take the leap you look around, as if your sixth sense had been activated and when you glance over to your towel you spot Harry.
And it all goes downhill from there.
Harry looks mouthwateringly good on an average day in the office when his body is covered from neck to toe. It’s hard even then to keep your thoughts at check, but what you’re seeing right now can only be described as a violent act against females.
Add the salty air of Italy to the equation, a slight, delicious tan over his inked body that’s usually covered by his designer clothes, a chunky, luxurious pair of sunglasses and… the absolute shortest swimming trunks you’ve ever laid your eyes on, but it’s so low on his hips as he is adjusting the waistband that his V-line could be seen from even across the lake, it’s so delicious, any sane woman would lose their mind over it, then there are those chiseled abs, his bulging pecks and the unruly curls on top of his head…
It makes you lose more than just your mind. Literally.
Because when Harry looks up and he smiles your way you lose your balance and fall right into the water in a way that’s most likely anything but gracious or sexy.
The water closes above you and there’s a moment of shock, but you recover quickly, swimming upwards until your head is above the surface again.
“Fuck,” you cough, kicking underneath the water to keep you floating and you squint your eyes before opening them, but maybe you should have just kept them closed, because the next thing you see is Harry swimming towards you.
“Hey, you alright?” he reaches you and you feel his hand wrap around your upper arm to help you keep you up and his touch sends a wave of shock down your spine instantly.
“Y-yeah,” you breathe out and then you make another mistake.
It’s hard to keep yourself floating when your heart is hammering in your chest and your nervous system is all messed up from the sight you just saw moments ago. Your hands move before you could even think twice and you find yourself holding onto his broad shoulders.
The feeling of his soft, warm skin under your touch and the hard muscles underneath waves goodbye to the last bit of your sanity.
“S-sorry,” you gasp, pulling your hands back fast, but it makes you dip under the water again, so Harry reaches for you and pulls you up, curling an arm around your waist and your body goes into full shock when you feel yourself pushed up against you in the cold water, your hands coming to rest on the base of his neck as he keeps you both up.
“Please don’t drown on a business trip, that wouldn’t look too good,” he jokes and you manage to get a laugh out, but it sounds suffocated, because it feels impossible to fill your lungs when your smoking hot boss’ body is melted against yours in the water.
“Okay,” you breathe out, looking into his eyes that are covered by his sunglasses, so you can’t tell where he is looking.
That’s his luck. Because right in this moment, Harry can’t decide if he wants to stare at your wet lips, your tits pressed against his chest or your widened eyes, framed with long eyelashes glued together because of the water dripping from them.
So his gaze keeps moving between these three things behind the cover of his shades.
“Let’s move to a more shallow part,” he suggests, but he has ulterior motives.
It’s not that he wants to let go of you, hell no! He would do anything to keep you pressed up against him for hours and he even thinks about having your legs wrapped around his waist and that’s exactly that causes the problem, because he can feel himself getting hard and the last thing he needs is for you to discover his erection.
You nod and let go of him, putting some safe distance between the two of you and Harry lets you swim ahead towards the shore. He is raking his head for anything that could help him regain control over his rather hard situation. Slowly, but he finally succeeds and he can feel himself calming down just as you reach a more shallow part. You both stand and emerge from the water and Harry catches a glimpse of your bikini clad body, the crystal clear water is dripping from your curves and in a split second, he is hardening again.
He is just about to drop back into the water to hide his erection when you step on a rock and lose your balance, falling backwards, straight into Harry’s arm.
You gasp as his arms lock around your waist, keeping you from falling into the water ant potentially hurting yourself, but this also means that your ass is now pressed against his crotch… which means that his hard cock is now wedged comfortable between your ass cheeks.
For a moment Harry is sure whoever is up above, they are playing a cruel game with him. Because seeing you in a bikini was already a burning temptation, then having you in his arms in the water and those illicit thoughts invading his mind about how it would feel to have your legs around his waist was pure torture, but this… this is something he will surely think about in the evening when he’s alone in his hotel room, his hand wrapped around his leaking cock…
He considers the chances of you not realizing his dick is pressed against your ass, but judging from the way your body has stiffened, there’s no way you didn’t notice.
You definitely did. You feel every inch of him, you feel how thick and rock hard he is and you think about how it would feel like if he was inside you right now.
Harry clears his throat behind you, his arms still around your waist.
“Are you alright?” he asks and his mouth is right next to your ear, his hot breath is tickling your neck and goosebumps cover your skin from head to toe.
Your voice is gone, all you can do is nod, but you’re still not moving.
“Y/N?” he speaks up again.
“I’m gonna let you go now.”
And let’s not talk about how my cock just sat between your ask cheeks for a whole minute, he adds mentally.
You nod and put your weight back onto your feet as you pull away from Harry, his arms fall from around you and he moves back quickly a few feet so the water reaches above his hip, covering the bulge in his shorts.
“I-I think I’m gonna… head back to my room,” you stutter, only daring to look at him for a split second.
“I’m gonna take a nap,” you add and Harry nods.
“See you before dinner. Fabio wants to take us out for drinks after,” he reminds you.
“Great. S-see you later,” you clear your throat and rush out of the water as fast as you can without tripping again.
You gather your stuff and head to the stairs that lead up to the hotel, but allow yourself one last glance back. In the water, you spot Harry swimming further in the lake and the feeling of his erection pressed up against you invades your mind again, making you run up the stairs, taking two steps at once and you don’t stop until you’re locked up in your hotel room. Your bikini is still dripping wet, but between your legs it’s not just because of the swimming.
You strip and then stand under the massive walk-in shower, cold water running down you as you lean against the tiled wall, trying to wrap your mind around what just happened, but it’s impossible and the next thing you know is that you have two fingers buried inside your pussy and you’re chanting Harry’s name as you chase your release.
Fuck, you think when you’ve come, tonight will be your personal Hell.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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lory78blog · 5 days
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Il nostro giro in Umbria...e Lazio giorno 3° a Bagnoregio, Civita Di Bagnoregio e il Lago di Bolsena in provincia di Viterbo - Lazio - 21 settembre 2024
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andrea-arcangel · 1 year
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Isola Bisentina,lago di Bolsena
Copyright andrea-arcangel ©
Instagram:arkangeli_andrea please follow me
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zagrebinaa · 2 years
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Lago di Bolsena, Italy
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personal-reporter · 1 year
I laghi italiani meno conosciuti ma altrettanto belli: una scoperta da non perdere
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L'Italia è un paese ricco di laghi, grandi e piccoli, ognuno con le sue caratteristiche uniche. Alcuni di questi laghi sono tra i più famosi al mondo, e attirano ogni anno milioni di turisti da tutto il pianeta. Tuttavia, l'Italia ospita anche molti laghi meno conosciuti, che meritano di essere scoperti. Questi laghi, pur non essendo così famosi come i loro "colleghi", offrono comunque una bellezza naturale e un'atmosfera rilassata e idilliaca che non hanno nulla da invidiare ai laghi più noti. Ecco alcuni dei laghi italiani meno conosciuti ma altrettanto belli: Lago di Scanno (Abruzzo) Il Lago di Scanno è un lago alpino situato in Abruzzo. È circondato da alte montagne, tra cui il Monte Marsicano e il Monte Genzana. Le sue acque limpide e cristalline sono perfette per nuotare, fare snorkeling e immersioni. Il Lago di Scanno è famoso anche per il suo "borgo di Scanno", un borgo medievale che si affaccia sul lago. Lago di Bolsena (Lazio) Il Lago di Bolsena è un lago vulcanico situato nel Lazio. È il più grande lago vulcanico d'Europa. È circondato da dolci colline, tra cui il Monte Amiata e il Monte Subasio. Le sue acque sono ricche di pesce, e il lago è famoso per la pesca, per il canottaggio e per le escursioni in barca. Il Lago di Bolsena è famoso anche per le sue numerose leggende, tra cui la leggenda di Bolsena, la regina etrusca che diede il nome al lago. Lago di Bracciano (Lazio) Il Lago di Bracciano è un lago alpino situato nel Lazio. È circondato da dolci colline, tra cui il Monte Sabatino e il Monte Gennaro. Le sue acque limpide e cristalline sono perfette per nuotare, fare snorkeling e immersioni. Il Lago di Bracciano è famoso anche per il suo "Castello di Bracciano", un castello medievale che si trova su un'isola nel lago. Lago di Martignano (Lazio) Il Lago di Martignano è un lago vulcanico situato nel Lazio. È circondato da dolci colline, tra cui il Monte Amiata e il Monte Subasio. Le sue acque limpide e cristalline sono perfette per nuotare, fare snorkeling e immersioni. Il Lago di Martignano è famoso anche per le sue numerose grotte, che si possono esplorare con visite guidate. Lago di Fiumefreddo (Sicilia) Il Lago di Fiumefreddo è un lago craterico situato in Sicilia. È circondato da alte montagne, tra cui l'Etna. Le sue acque limpide e cristalline sono perfette per nuotare, fare snorkeling e immersioni. Il Lago di Fiumefreddo è famoso anche per le sue numerose sorgenti termali, che si trovano sulle rive del lago. Lago di Lesina e Lago di Varano (Puglia) I Laghi di Lesina e Varano sono due laghi costieri situati in Puglia. Sono circondati da dolci colline, tra cui il Gargano. Le loro acque sono ricche di pesce, e i laghi sono famosi per la pesca, per il canottaggio e per le escursioni in barca. I Laghi di Lesina e Varano sono famosi anche per le loro numerose specie di uccelli, che fanno sosta nei laghi durante la migrazione. Laghi di Fusine (Friuli-Venezia Giulia) I Laghi di Fusine sono due laghi alpini situati in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Sono circondati da alte montagne, tra cui il Monte Mangart e il Monte Jalovec. Le loro acque limpide e cristalline sono perfette per nuotare, fare snorkeling e immersioni. I Laghi di Fusine sono famosi anche per le loro numerose attività ricreative, tra cui il trekking, il ciclismo e l'escursionismo. Lago del Mis (Veneto) Il Lago del Mis è un lago alpino situato in Veneto. È circondato da alte montagne, tra cui il Monte Civetta e il Monte Pelmo. Le sue acque limpide e cristalline sono perfette per nuotare, fare snorkeling e immersioni. Il Lago del Mis è famoso anche per le sue numerose attività ricreative, tra cui il trekking, il ciclismo e l'escursionismo. Read the full article
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been to Lago di Bolsena and there's only certain small boats you can rent and sail/ so they should of rented two then instead of standing around like sardine’s because they’re cramped on one single dingy.
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k3rn3lpan1c · 8 months
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Il tramonto rosa sul lago di Bolsena.
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harveyphotography · 1 year
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Passeggiando per il Lago di Bolsena.
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marcopieroni · 2 years
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“In bianco e nero o a colori sono sempre emozioni “ model @rachele.benicchi shooting#instagood #instagram #instamoment #canon #photooftheday #likeforfollow #glamour #photopassion #lake #italy #shooting (presso Lago di Bolsena) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co2YLbjsaiJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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