#Laios x namari
raffa-taff · 3 months
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Laios the typa guy to say KYYAAA! anyways more namari
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javygravy · 3 months
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dunmeshi-darlings · 2 months
for chilchuck, laios, mickbell and namari, how about reader giving them surprise kisses on the cheek or top of their heads when they pass them by or if they are distracted somehow?
that sounds positively delightful id love to do some of these.
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Every time you pass by chilchuck will jump in surprise as he whirls around and bats away at you with the map or some piece of clothe to try and shoe you away.
He gets so grumpy when you kiss him on top of the head, it makes him feel short. and he will pout for the next half hour as you chuckle.
Secretly he likes it but will never admit it.
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Laios is excited for them, each time you kiss his cheek he ends up blushing and smiling. He will chuckle and give you a small hug if he can or even thank you for the kiss.
Dont be surprised though if when you surprise him with a kiss he quickly grabs you and pulls you into a great big hug lifting you off the ground. Mans a hugger after all.
He will also do the same to you, kissing your cheek or top of head whenever your distracted. He loves showing affection to you after all.
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Much like chilchuck he will throw a fit whenever you do this saying how you should show him some respect! Kuro nodding in agreement.
However when you dont do it he looks over confused and a little upset, he secretly loves them but cant let anyone know this. So when you stop doing it for awhile he gets upset about it and looks at you with a face of "where are my kisses?"
From then on you know whenever he throws a fit at your kisses that he doesnt mean it and you sometimes even see him give you a quick little wink.
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Each time you kiss her head or cheek she gets all flustered, the way he face turns so red it almost turns the same shade as her hair.
She will start stuttering and get so flustered she can barely speak, her voice even cracking as she asks whats the big idea.
Of course if anyone pokes fun of how she reacts to your kisses she gets mad and tells them to shut up, putting an arm around you grumbling how its not her fault your so cute
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mad-cosmos · 2 months
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"Prove to me I'm not gonna die alone"
- Putting the Dog to Sleep by The Antlers
The thought of Marcille seeing everyone she loves dying in front of her destroys me every day, and that song is just so Farcille, so I needed to destroy other people by drawing that : )
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xx-la-nay-xx · 5 days
Icons Dungeon Meshi ✨parte 3✨ 😁
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Si hago una ✨parte 4✨, será la última que haga así que me gustaría saber qué personajes os agradaría que hiciese 😊/ If I do a ✨part four✨, it will be the last one so I would like to know what character you would like me to do 😊
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daidai · 22 days
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☆ dungeon meshi layout 🍴
☆﹟ like/rb if u save
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spaghettiquette · 3 months
hi all! i decided that i want to get back into writing my silly x reader fanfictions on this blog haha.
i've been getting super duper fixated on dungeon meshi so i'd love some requests of any of the main cast x reader :)
some more specifics are in my masterpost if you need some sort of guideline :D
and just a disclaimer, i may not get to every request as life is a bit busy for me, so i'm sorry if i don't get to yours! still, ill try my best to get to them :)
(also pls don't mind the state of my blog, currently in the process of some renovations after a long absence :3 )
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feitansballsack · 5 days
I’m... trying something I guess. Idk
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dungeonmechoui · 3 months
Catching up on the recent eps and the food is so so good... clutching my multishipper heart repeatedly bc I have too many crumbs for so many plates rn (<in a happy way)
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rubysparx · 2 years
#thinking about dungeon meshi#but specifically laichuck(? ..chilos?)#Laios x chilchuck. basically#which like I don’t ship it but I mean?? ok#if u want ig#but I’m like deeply thinking about wether or not that’s pedophilia?#I mean there’s major age gaps in all the shops bc of the lifespans of the races#so technically any ship is tbh#but the way I see it like. Marcille x Falin or Laios isn’t in terms of maturity#or like Namari and Kiki#which is my favvv ship and no one even caresss#anyway yeah bc like. Chil looks like he’s like… 16?#but he’s actually like 30 and Laios is 26. but also if you translate Chil’s age to tall-man lifespans he’s like 40 something#which like. it’s less about the numbers but I mean- Chil actually seems to have the maturity of an older adult#and that being said; Laios is pretty immature#but I mean he is 26#and a complex character imo so you could easily say he’s simultaneously immature and acting his age#Laios is just weird <3 it’s hard to say anything definitive abt his maturity or whatever#btw I think it’s so cool that with other characters (namari for example) they can’t tell the ages of other races#and don’t really know about their maturity rates#but marcille (before it was revealed that she wants to make all the races have the same lifespan)#made a comment about how Laios should’ve outgrown his interest in dragons and stuff#whatever. explodes#um basically. Laios/Chilchuck shippers#if you’re out there#can I get your opinion on this pspspspspsps
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
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Means Something
There were always two sides to a story. Laios Touden was the worst person to fall in love with. But somehow, Laios Touden knew right from the start that you were the perfect person to fall in love with.
cw: Laios x f!cleric reader, manga spoilers, fluff, reader is so whipped for this man - he reciprocates in kind. No use of yn and instead follows my usual naming convention (I use Imogene as a placeholder for yn since it means maiden, which pretty much means yn too). Mentions of procreation (but not the act itself lol), and inaccurate depictions of the Dungeons & Dragons game. wc: 2.6k
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When you first joined the Touden siblings' party, you had the most difficult time trying to earn the trust of each member, especially Marcille, who had some qualms about your skills as a homeschooled cleric. Chilchuck and Namari had the same concern: the dungeon was no place for a noble girl like you, no matter how good you were with your healing magic. Shuro was quick to defend your entry, though, pointing out that as a daughter of nobility, 'you must have had access to only the finest teachers of magic your family could provide.' He was right about that.   
But their opinions didn't matter much when it was Falin herself who wanted you in the party. She happily welcomed you aboard when she heard about your struggles trying to get a party to accept a rookie cleric in their ranks. And if Falin thought you were a good person, then you were good enough for Laios, too. 
"The more people we have in our corner, the easier the job gets done, right?"  
…And the way he welcomed you with a twinkle in his honey-coloured eyes and a smile that shamed the sun was forever burned in your mind. 
Little did you know that Laios Touden was the worst person to fall in love with. 
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When your family caught wind of your party's disastrous exit from the dungeon, you were promptly summoned back to your estate, as though further proving their point that the dungeon wasn't a place for someone like you. Yet you promptly burned the missive and sought out Laios the first moment you could. 
…And you caught him, Marcille, and Chilchuck enjoying a meal made of monsters on the first floor of the dungeon— along with a new dwarf companion, Senshi, who had the street smarts and a taste for unorthodox gastronomic delights. While Laios was delighted to see you, he was evidently more enthralled by the taste of the hotpot he chowed down to the quick. 
And while it tasted amazing, you couldn't help but be a little apprehensive about the whole set-up. "So we've resorted to eating monsters now?"
"You can always head back to the surface if the thought makes your stomach turn," Chilchuck replied nonchalantly. 
"I-I'm staying! I want to save Falin, too!"
"Then let's hear less complaining and start working a bit more, okay?"
Laios was more apologetic. "I'm in no position to be asking for help, but we'd really appreciate having you around. Though our meals and rations aren't… the usual."
Good grief, you thought to yourself. Laios and his morbid, burning fascination with monsters wasn't new to you. He and Falin were cut from the same cloth, after all. His enthusiasm for the unusual was more endearing than repulsive to you and Shuro surprisingly understood your sentiment well enough to agree. You would pretty much do anything for the Touden siblings— even if they didn't ask.
"You don't have to worry about me, Laios. I… I'll be all right! Now let's go save Falin!"  
And if Senshi could guarantee that the monster meals he cooked were safe to consume, then you were more than all right. 
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When Senshi and Chilchuck surveyed your surroundings and deemed it safe to make camp, you did whatever you could to make yourself useful to the party as you always did. Senshi's aversion to using magic for the most basic tasks made that more difficult than usual because magic is all you've ever known. The dwarf would delegate the simplest tasks to you, though, as if reassuring you that your presence is still very much appreciated. 
Food is fellowship.
…Or at least that's how you felt about everything now— ever since Senshi started whipping up all these amazing meals for everyone. Except it isn't just food. 
He often asks you to hand-wash some monster parts before he starts cooking— before transforming them into nutritious meals— "The heat'll kill the germs and all, but washing these adds an extra layer of protection fer us."
You couldn't help but overhear the rest of the party's discussion when they thought you were still busy washing vegetables and monster parts. Senshi said you were surprisingly diligent with your work, no matter how simple it was. 
"That kind of woman will make a good wife, Laios." 
Chilchuck groaned, and you imagined him shaking his head in disapproval. "Don't give him any ideas, Senshi! Party romances are awful and cause nothing but chasms between members!"
"So you must have noticed it, too, Senshi!" Marcille exclaimed rather excitedly. "You must have seen how Imogene looks at Laios!"
"Me?" The tall-man remarked with a look of complete disbelief, no doubt. "What about me?"
You were certain Izutsumi had no interest in this particular conversation and was supposedly curled up in a corner, one ear perked up in maybe a faint bit of amusement.
"Yes, you, you dolt," she replied. "What do you think of Imogene?"
"And don't think we don't notice how you treat her, Laios," said Chil, who surely had an exasperated expression on his face now. "It's like you never learn!"
That's strange, you thought. Laios always treated everyone in the party equally and trusted everyone unequivocally. And while you never paid much thought to how thoughtful he was… Wait, does he really treat me that differently?!
"Well, I think she's…"
Oh, you couldn't possibly bear the thought of having to hear what Laios thought about you. You were cool with being friends and fellow adventurers, never mind the fact that he was more interested in which monster to pair up with which vegetable and spice. Never mind that you've liked him from the beginning. 
"I-I'm back!" You stepped out of the shadows and squeaked at them as you hauled the basin of vegetables and monster parts next to Senshi. "I, uh, did exactly as you told, Senshi. Washed the mushrooms very carefully a-and…"
"Thank ye kindly," he nodded at you as he took the basin from your hands. "You all right, Imogene? You're a little warm to the touch."
"Oh, no! Are you feeling sick?! L-Let's—!" Marcille asked with a panicked look on her face. 
"I should check your temperature just to be sure, Imogene. We can't have anyone getting sick now," Laios stated as he moved to approach you, but you surprised him and the rest of the party by rebuffing his advance. 
"N-No! I'm fine, really!" You raised your hands in defence. "I-In fact, I'm starving! Like super hungry! Humongous hungry! S-So let's get cooking!"
You usually steered clear of Senshi's warpath when he was cooking, but neither Chilchuck nor Marcille could peel you from his side this time, even though it was clear that the heat of the fire made you incredibly uncomfortable. 
"Y'know, Imogene… I might scald ye if yer not careful where you step," the cook said. "How's about you help Marcille with the bowls instead?" 
"O-Okay, Senshi…"
"And don't avoid Laios. He's pretty dense and all, but you and I both know that he'll notice when something's a li'l diff'rent."
A small, ungraceful whine of protest left your lips when you realised just how Senshi never failed to notice even the most minuscule changes in everyone's movements. Marcille was happy to have you next to her and even made sure that you truly weren't sick like everyone thought. 
The hearty meal was portioned and doled out and your eyes were once more inexplicably drawn to the leader of your band, his monologue about the richness of the flavours dancing in his mouth falling on deaf ears save yours… Laios and his praising comments about Senshi's cooking made every meal more palatable than the last, and it made the thought of consuming monsters all the more bearable for you. 
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Everyone was either asleep in their sleeping bags or trying to, and you fell into the latter category. It wasn't just you, though, because Laios approached your bedding almost soundlessly, sitting next to you far too comfortably that your elbows brushed against each other. 
"How are you feeling, Imogene?" 
"Oh, Laios. I'm all right. No need to worry." 
Even in the light of the small, dying embers of the campfire, his sharp features stood out impeccably— the fine line of his jaw, the length of his neck— now exposed without any of his armour, the breadth of his shoulders slightly stretching his tunic, as though slightly showing the tenseness of his arms… His rigid torso— Wait, snap out of it! 
"I see. Let me just check, then." 
Your closeness did not bother you one bit. This was Laios, after all, and he cared for everyone in your party as—
Looking back, he did offer his hand to you more often than anyone else. He frequently entrusted Kensuke to you since you were the only one who could stomach holding the monster sword, too. And the way he'd tell you to 'watch your step, it's dark' with his voice so grounding and reassuring… 
Laios gently held your cheek as he rested his forehead against your own, his eyes closed for a quiet moment as though in silent observation. 
Oh. Oh, dear. 
"Hmm. You do look all right, but you're a little bit warm… Imogene?"
He opened his amber eyes to the sight of your wide gaze and quivering lip. 
Tact wasn't his greatest attribute, but his slight carelessness and cluelessness were endearing to you, too. 
"A-Are you okay?"
"Geez, Laios, you really have no clue what you do to me," you said with a defeated sigh. "Listen to me for a bit, will you?"
The tenseness left his shoulders as you tenderly reached for his hand that held your face just mere moments ago. You lowered your lashes and determined that you couldn't look at him straight, not with his honey-coloured eyes gazing back at you so earnestly. 
"I like you, Laios. A lot. If you want me to be more specific and scientific about things, I like you and I want to procreate with you. I want to have your babies. Philosophically, I like you so much that if we ever die and be reincarnated, I'd search the entire world just so I could be by your side again."
"A-And you don't have to respond to my feelings at all! Not yet, at least!" You sputtered at him as you finally raised your eyes to meet his own. "We… Saving Falin is our top priority. Everything else can wait!" 
"No b-buts, Laios! I—"
His larger hand squeezed your own, grounding your querulous thoughts until you steadied your gaze at him again. On his face was a pensive look that suggested the depths of his own thoughts, only for his words to betray him. 
"So you're saying you like me to the point of procreation."
And the warmth you've been trying to keep at bay simply rose to your face once more in the form of sheer embarrassment. "Was that all you heard from what I just said?!" 
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Laios Touden knew right from the start that you were the perfect person to fall in love with.
When Falin mentioned to him that your curiosity about the world drew you out of your esteemed home— regardless of your family's dissatisfaction with your choice of a career— it was like she found herself a kindred spirit. Him, too, he couldn't help but think. And wow, you were pretty. You were reserved but steadfast, and he understood the way of this world well enough to know that your kindness would get taken advantage of if you joined the wrong crew. 
When he lost Falin to the Red Dragon, he expected that you would be spirited back to your home. Still, he felt a weight lifted off his shoulders when you met on the First Floor of the dungeon, your determination to get back who you lost ablaze even though you were faced with the prospect of consuming monsters for sustenance. 
Senshi didn't have to mention it. You truly were a diligent worker who would make any man happy— any home happy. Laios entertained the thought of a warm home with you by his side— maybe with Falin, too, (and the rest of the party, for some reason) but he knew what he had to do to make that daydream a reality. 
And to think that you liked him back all this time. 
You didn't ask for much on your journey into the very depths of the dungeon, but you remained steadfast and faithful to the mission— even when the party entered a whole different dimension, and even when you were faced with the weight and reality of your nightmares and desires. 
—The same look of disappointment on your parents' face. But there was Laios, too. His ash blonde hair and eyes the colour of the sweetest honey from the comb. His long and sturdy arms encasing you in an embrace, the weight of his body over yours, the tenderness of his kiss— (Your stomach round with a baby that looks just like him.)
Even when he became the Lord of the Dungeon, and even when you were faced with his monstrous, chimera-like form, what anchored you and kept you afloat was your steadfast and profound love for Laios and who he was. 
And when Falin awoke from her deep, deep sleep with a hunger for something unearthly, you remembered just how much you liked her, too. 
When you told Laios that he didn't have to respond to your feelings so soon, he respected your fortitude and eventually returned your sentiments in kind by making you his queen, much to your surprise and chagrin. (He enjoyed procreating with you more than he let on. But he'll let his eccentric, boisterous and lively household do the talking for him.) 
As king, he had a mountain of tasks to accomplish to set things in their proper order, but he was never too busy to share a meal with you, and the rest of your friends, too.
The tale of the love that grew between the king of the sunken kingdom, the Devourer of All Things Horrible, and his beloved queen— who was also his comrade-in-arms— became a classic, cherished romance in their kingdom for aeons to come. 
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— 202X.
[ Dungeons & Dragons Potluck Night. Food is fellowship! Adventure awaits! ]
…Is what the colourful poster says. Something about it made you inexplicably drawn to it, as though your heart is saying 'go!'. You moved to this little island town in search of purpose and meaning, but perhaps all you wanted was a place to belong. 
So when the door to the small community club swung open and heralded your arrival, you presented the bewildered group— a young man around your age, his younger sister by the looks of it, no doubt, a blonde woman with a sharp, intellectual gaze, a slightly older man with a penchant for teasing, a heavily-bearded senior citizen whose observant eyes remain razor-edged, and a girl with a black cat— with some oxtail and tripe stew in a savoury peanut sauce while they were still in the middle of a quest they couldn't quite finish on their own, the coloured dice and makeshift board on their wide table seemingly untouched for the last hour. 
You said you didn't have much experience with the game, but you were willing to learn even more about it if you were welcome. 
The young man with the ash blonde hair and eyes the colour of honey beamed at you with a smile that shamed the sun. 
"We've been waiting for you!" He said. "The more people we have in our corner, the easier the job gets done, right?" 
Whether it was fate or the universe conspiring to bring you to him— like a promise made in a lifetime past, it was already pretty clear that you'd fall in love with Laios Touden in this lifetime, too. 
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✦ Means Something playlist ✦ ✦ AO3 Link ✦
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laikabu · 3 months
my controversial opinion is that i like that laios is bigger and more muscular than kabru because, as a poc, buff brown guy x scrawny white guy is so popular and tired, i like it whenever there’s a subversion of it from a work that’s well written. of course, not to mention that they have a very fun dynamic and the comic from the new official world guide spelling out for everyone that they do care about each other lol
i like that kabru does look feminine, especially when fandom makes the brown one always the bigger and masculine one in fanon and any instance of their delicate features is erased, even in yuri (looking at gwitch lol)
speaking of, i really like kikimari in that namari is portrayed as very masculine while kiki is feminine and elegant in fanwork
obviously, fandom isn’t activism duh, but i’m merely speaking from experience as someone who dabbles in both eastern and western fan spaces. i’ve seen it happen so many times that it’s become the staple so i love subversion that’s actually good
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mad-cosmos · 2 months
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A sacrifice
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chilschuck · 1 month
ok ridiculously specific request: reader with laios party + namari, namari and reader are talking in dwarvish about reader’s crush on chilchuck within earshot of him… then reader and chil are alone later when he reveals he speaks a few languages (from union stuff?) including dwarvish… hehehe
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ ANON THIS WAS SUCH A PRECIOUS IDEA. i’ve been looking so forward to getting to it, and now i’m finally able to give you something for it!!! hopefully it’s okay!!! <333
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— HELPFUL: chilchuck x gn!reader.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none! sfw + short but sweet! mutual pining???
꒰ wc: ꒱ 792
✦ so sorry if this didn’t turn out how you had envisioned it!!! i might’ve??? made them a lil ooc, but i just started going and couldn’t stop hgdjhdkdjdk. this was so so cute so i really hope you enjoy!!! <333
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You and Namari had always been close, chatting with each other every chance you got. It was always nice to be able to speak with her in a language you were pretty confident not many others in the party knew, so tonight was no different.
Taking a sip of her drink, Namari let out a chuckle at your words. Knowing she didn’t have to quiet her own too much for this, she asked the question you’d been hoping to avoid. Little did you know, the conversation in Dwarvish between the two of you was being taken in by someone you didn’t expect.
“So, how’s that crush going? Still pining after you-know-who?” Namari asked with a big smile, her gaze locked on yours as she spoke. You let out a sigh, replying in kind.
“I feel like it’s gotten worse. Not like he’ll ever acknowledge it if he’s realized, though. All I can do is hope he hasn’t yet.” Your voice was laced with a tone of displeasure, having convinced yourself this was all one sided. Namari gave a reassuring pat to your back, that smile not leaving her features.
“Hey, you never know. What I know, though, is he’s a bit emotionally constipated. Do with that what you will.” Her own bark of laughter caused you to laugh in reply, taking a moment to take a drink.
Chilchuck frowned, furrowing his brow while taking a sip from his own cup. Yet, this revelation had him feeling… hopeful? You thought of him in that way? The half-foot continued to listen in, waiting to hear what you had to say next.
“I really like him, Namari… He’s so helpful, resourceful, handsome… I feel like we all can really count on him. I just wish I wasn’t such a coward.” A sigh left you, burrowing your face in your hands. The dwarf next to you tutted, waving off your shyness.
“Yeah, well, don’t forget how helpful you are, too.”
Namari was right, and even Chilchuck nodded to himself at that. After the fact he had to recover from the fact you thought he was handsome. He coughed quietly into his drink.
“Helpful enough to make him notice me?” Your voice was so meek in this language, he realized. It was so different than how you usually were, which only made his mind reel a bit at listening in to such a private conversation. The tips of his ears were still a little red from hearing your pining, which certainly wasn’t one-sided.
“If he’s smart, he’s already noticed how helpful you are.” She smirked, elbowing you in the side lightly. You couldn’t help but snort at that, noticing Senshi getting ready to put the dishes from dinner up. “Sure, sure… Let me go help put things away for the night. I’ll be back.”
Chilchuck watched as you took your plates to be washed, walking past his spot to carry everything to the water. Pausing for a moment, he took his own plate to follow you.
As you began finishing up the last few plates you had, soon moving on to the cups, you heard Chilchuck clear his throat behind you.
“Hey, need me to take care of that?” You motioned to his plate, watching as he reached for the rag next to you. Chilchuck shook his head, beginning to help you. “Nah, I came to help you, actually.”
You smiled and gave a thanks in reply, the silence comfortable between the two of you. A few beats of quiet passed before he cleared his throat.
“So, haven’t heard you speak Dwarvish in a while.” He muses, setting aside a plate after drying it. “It’s nice to see you and Namari chat again.”
Biting your tongue, you gave a light laugh at his words. “Yeah, it’s nice to have another common language like that.” Another beat of silence, before he gives a light grin.
“You know, I happen to speak a few languages myself. With working in the union, and all.” Your blood ran cold, nearly dropping the plate in your hands. Before you could reply, he brought his gaze to your own.
“By the way… I guess I must be pretty smart. Since I’ve noticed how helpful you are and all. Her words, not mine.” Chilchuck gave a playful smirk, taking the plate from your hands to dry. “Oh, and maybe you shouldn’t assume how I feel. Even if I’m ’emotionally constipated.’”
Your mouth was dry, trying to form the thoughts bouncing around in your head into words to say. As he dried the final dish, he turned to walk off, not before saying one final thing to you in Dwarvish.
“You’re cute when you act all shy.”
You’ll have to get him back for that.
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune! <333
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thechekhov · 4 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts: CH45
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Slumber party!
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Fair, but consider: She deserves a little murder. As a treat.
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Kabru be like "IS THAT MY BACKSTORY???"
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That sure is....a ship. With no one on it.
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Ah, shit the Americans are here.
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Two things: Toshiro being tended to like a pretty pretty princess is hilarious.
And also, the fact that they think the elves can kill Falin......... hmmm.... Pressing X to doubt.
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............... oh. Laios. 😂
But also like. How was he MEANT to keep it silent? Put a little something in it? I thought since it was a magic bell you could code it to only ring when it's shaken with INTENT?
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Fancy ass house.
Also, Namari...........are you hitting that yet? Both of that?
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Oh, it's backstory time.
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Okay one: that's fucking tragic, it sounds like the Elves are just forcing the dungeons closed with no regard for how the ecosystem compensates and what people suffer by being in close proximity......
And another thing: Kabru. Kabru, isn't that what YOU'RE after? Having all the power?
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Why is this so much like that one meme where the girls at the party are looking at you.
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It's the same picture.
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Kabru that's. That's maybe not the way to go about it. you're going to give them MORE reasons to go in.
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Nevermind the governor not being into this 'good boy, now sign' talk, Toshiro's kinda right. Ya fucked up Kabru.
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No matter how far Laios runs, he cannot escape other people trying to tell him how to live his life. Poor guy. But at the same time...
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Is this real? Or a red herring?
Laios' father and mother seemed to be living relatively pious lives. They clearly had a good house, but it didn't seem like they were extremely rich. Then again, perhaps he's just a cousin of royalty? Is that why his parents wanted him to have children?
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They want to.... halt the growth of the dungeon? Is this another part of the natural ecosystem of things? Dungeons growing seems to point even more towards the idea that it's a gigantic, fleshpit-like creature instead of simply a construct.
Then again, constructs CAN be creatures. Like the golems.
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Elves not understanding how old humans are continues to be hilarious because like.
As humans, we HAVE this same concept of variant aging. Like. Dogs. We understand that dogs live less than us, and mature a lot slower. But this is.... COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Most people do not make it into adulthood without understanding that dogs mature within 1-2 years of their birth.
The fact that elves, a species with FAR more time on their hands, who have lived alongside other races for AGES....... have STILL not got the general concept of aging down....means their education is atrocious. Or they're all not paying attention.
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.......this. THIS is the most fascinating concept in this chapter.
The fallen.... turned into MONSTERS.
We know that dying inside the dungeon doesn't mean permanent death. But dying above-ground does.
We know that dying in the dungeon doesn't mean your body turns into a monster (aside from ghosts and ghouls?) ..... but dying aboveground.... DOES......?
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If Kabru and Laios fused, they could almost make one functioning human being.
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Senshi just beginning to speak in the middle of his own internal monologue is so real.
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...... what's going on there with the expression, buddy?
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Bread.......are they STILL carrying around flour with them?! How are they getting bread?!
Also, it's awesome that the eggs are canonically hard to crack, because it makes sense that they don't break during their many fighting events.
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Izutsumi really said ◉_◉
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Don't tell me Laios, who is sensitive to ghosts has ALSO been seeing things?
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Not gonna lie, that's highkey terrifying.
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Props to that ghost that's been following Laios around, not ever giving up hope that it can bother him into acknowledging it.
And also - hey, it already saved them once! that means it's probably not evil!
That, or it's the king of the bloody dungeon. Wouldn't that be something!
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